ENQ3: Balance Table Enquiries
ENQ3: Balance Table Enquiries
ENQ3: Balance Table Enquiries
Agresso 563
Version 1.0
Updated – October 2012
A Balance Table is a summary of transaction data that has been entered onto Agresso. The
summary of transaction data is by account, cost centre, project. The details held are generally
actual amounts, budgets and commitments. Actual amounts are updated as and when
transactions are added but budget and commitment values are updated as scheduled jobs that
take place at intervals throughout the day. If an enquiry is run during an update, there is a
possibility that the results returned would not be accurate.
The following balance tables are the main balance tables available for use in the University of
Glasgow. See University Agresso webpage for list of available enquiries:
This Balance Table will show certain relations attached to a specific project. This Enquiry
provides a list of project codes, the budget holder, approver, status,activity, Year to Date or Life
to Date, for a cost centre or project.
Select the Reports Tab that can be found depending on how the user’s individual menu
is set up.
Global Reports
03-Balance Enquiries
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ENQ3 – Balance Tables Enquiries
Agresso 563
Version 1.0
Updated – October 2012
There are Enquiries available to check Balances on projects. These have been set up by the
Management accounts team within the Finance office
Using the above GLB7:Project Relations Enquiry the cost classification should be checked
before running the appropriate enquiry. E.g
Once you know your cost classification check the spreadsheet given to you along with this
handout to check the project classification and the enquiry required to check the Balance on the
project. For any queries on your results please see the spreadsheet for available contacts.
Any problems running the enquiry or access to projects contact the Agresso support desk
([email protected])
Go to your personal menu in Agresso:
NB – Reports held in the folder are updated by the management accounts sections
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ENQ3 – Balance Tables Enquiries
Agresso 563
Version 1.0
Updated – October 2012
Select the relevant enquiry and enter your project code to run the enquiry.
YTD – Year to Date Enquiries
• Report on financial years against budget provided by the College Finance Office
• Credit (-) value in variance column is an overspend against budget
• Example Cost Classification – General Funds (700) or Commercial Trading (530)
The Balance Table Results will appear as with any results though is dependent on the Enquiry
selected.. The difference being is that as it is a Balance Table the user will not see each
individual transaction but a total per account code depending on the enquiry.
The user can also double click on any row of information to zoom in and find out more
information regarding this total. When this is done it will show the transactions that made up this
total. Further double clicking on these rows will allow the user to view more information.
Please note depending on the account code you wish to double click on you may not see any
more information. i.e. Salary account codes, budget account codes.
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