Assign Drug Studies
Assign Drug Studies
Assign Drug Studies
Monitor for
development of
neuroleptic malignant
syndrome (fever,
respiratory distress,
hypertension or
hypotension, pallor,
tiredness, severe muscle
stiffness, loss of bladder
control), report these
symptoms immediately.
Drug Name Dosage Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Initial: 1 mg Trihexyphenidyl Tihexyphenidyl ARTANE CNS: Assess parkinsonian
Trihexyphenidyl PO first day, belongs to a class is indicated as an (trihexyphenidyl) confusion, and extrapyramidal
then increase of medication adjunct in the is contraindicated depression, symptoms (restlessness
by 2 mg q3- called treatment of in patients with dizziness, or desire to keep
Brand Name: 5days until anticholinergics parkinsonism, an hypersensitivity to hallucinations, moving, rigidity,
ARTANE reach 6-10 that work by adjuvant in the trihexyphenidyl headache, tremors, pill rolling,
mg/days blocking a treatment of HCl or to any of sedation, mask like face,
Classification: certain natural parkinsonism weakness shuffling gait, muscle
the tablet or elixir
Therapeutic: Maintenance: substance with levodopa, spasms, twisting
Anticholinergic 5-15 mg/day (acetylcholine). and in the EENT: blurred motions, difficulty
Antiparkinson PO divided This helps control of Artane vision, dry speaking or
agents q6-8hr decrease muscle extrapyramidal (trihexyphenidyl) eyes, mydriasis swallowing, loss of
stiffness, disorders caused is also balance control) before
sweating, and the by central contraindicated in CV: and throughout therapy
production of nervous system patients with arrhythmias, Assess bowel function daily.
saliva, and helps drugs. narrow angle hypotension, Monitor for constipation,
improve walking glaucoma. palpitations, abdominal pain, distention, or
ability in people Blindness after tachycardia absence of bowel sounds
with Parkinson's long-term use due
disease. to narrow angle GI: Monitor intake and output
glaucoma has constipation, ratios and assess patient for
been reported. dry mouth, urinary retention (dysuria,
ileus, nausea distended abdomen, infrequent
voiding of small amounts,
GU: hesitancy, overflow incontinence)
retention Patients with mental illness are
at risk of developing
MISC: exaggerated symptoms of their
decreased disorder during early therapy
sweating with benztropine. Withhold
drug and notify physician or
other health care professional
if significant behavioural
changes occur.
Drug Name Dosage Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: PO (Adults): Blocks cholinergic Adjunctive Hypersensitivity; CNS: confusion, Assess parkinsonian and
1-2 mg / day activity in the CNS, treatment of all children <3 yrs, depression, extrapyramidal symptoms
Trihexyphenidyl in 1-2 divided which is partially forms of angle cross-closure dizziness, (restlessness or desire to
doses (range responsible for the Parkinson’s glaucoma; tardive hallucinations, keep moving, rigidity,
Brand Name: 0.5-6mg/day) symptoms of disease. Including dyskinesia headache, sedation, tremors, pill rolling, mask
Bhenzhexol Parkinson’s drug-induced weakness like face, shuffling gait,
disease. Restores extrapyramidal muscle spasms, twisting
Classification: the natural balance effects and acute EENT: blurred motions, difficulty
Therapeutic: or dystonic reactions vision, dry eyes, speaking or swallowing,
antiparkinson agents neurotransmitters mydriasis loss of balance control)
Pharmacologic: in the CNS. before and throughout
anticholionergics CV: arrhythmias, therapy
palpitations, Assess bowel function
tachycardia daily. Monitor for
constipation, abdominal
GI: constipation, dry pain, distention, or
mouth, ileus, nausea absence of bowel sounds