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Prefix Process in Lexical Morphology: Abstrak

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(Proses Prefix dalam Morfologi Leksikal)

Abd. Muin
Alauddin State Islamic University
[email protected]

Pelajaran kosakata adalah hal yang sulit untuk diingat; oleh karena itu, tulisan ini
mencoba memberikan solusi bahwa pelajar harus mempelajari proses afiksasi dalam
bahasa Inggris. Ada dua jenis afiksasi; pertama, morfem terikat terdapat setelah root
disebut suffix, dan kedua, morfem terikat berada terdapat root disebut prefix. Tetapi
jika kita menjelaskan keduanya tampak terlalu luas, karena itu, penulis hanya berfokus
pada proses awalan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan prefiks negatif dan
positif. Contoh-contoh dari prefiks negatif adalah un, di, im, dis, mis, ill, ir dan anti,
sementara yang positif seperti re, out, super, under, multi dan over.

Kata Kunci: kata, morfologi, morfem terikat, prefiks

Learning vocabulary is difficult thing to remember, therefore, this writing tries to give
solution that the learner should study the affixation process in English. There are two
kinds of affixation, first, the bound morpheme comes after root is called suffix, and
secod one, the bound morpheme comes before root is called prefix. But if we expalion
both of them look too broad, Therefore, the writer just focuses on prefix process in
English relating with negative and positive prefixes. The examples of negative prefixes
are un, in, im, dis, mis, ill, ir and anti, while positive ones such as re, out, super, under,
multi and over.

Key words: word, morphology, bound morpheme, prefix.

A. Introduction of two morphemes, that is ‘cat’ and ‘s’. the
Morphology is a branch of linguistics ‘s’ is not spoken alone in ordinary speech,
which deals with the internal structure of and is therefore not a word. Yet it is a
words (Bauer, 1983:33 in Ba’dulu, 2003:28). meaningful part of the word cats, books,
Morphology is the study of word cups, etc. and therefore is a morpheme.
formation and internal structure of words, The procedure is a process of
and of the rules by which words are formed substitution and comparing recurring partials.
(Fromkin and Rodman, 1978:158). Two or more utterances partly like, but partly
Morphological typology is a way of different are compared. The like parts, if they
classifying the languages of the world (see have the same meaning, are recurring
linguistic typology) that groups languages partials. Te recurring partials along with the
according to their common morphological slot where the unlike parts may substitute for
structures. First developed by brothers each other is a frame.
Friedrich von Schlegel and August von Compare, for example, the words untrue,
Schlegel, the field organizes languages on the unlike, unhappy, and unholy. We recognize
basis of how those languages form words by a recurring partial ‘un’ meaning something
combining morphemes. Two primary like ‘not’
categories exist to distinguish all languages: We find that there is concomitant
analytic languages and synthetic languages, change in total meaning of each utterance
where each term refers to the opposite end of with each substitution. When such a situation
a continuous scale including all the world's obtains, the mutually substitutable items are
languages. said to be in contrast (Elson and Pickett,
Lexical morphology is the branch of 1962:8).
morphology that deals with the lexicon, We have identified units-smaller than
which, morphologically conceived, is the word, which have meanings. These are called
collection of lexemes in a language. As such, morphemes. Now consider the words: study,
it concerns itself primarily with word studies, and studied. What about the ’es’ in
formation: derivation and compounding. studies and the ’ed’ in studied. These
Morphemes are the minimum units of segments can be separated from the
the lexicon (Bloomfield, 1933:162). Lexicon meaningful unit ‘study’, and although they do
is as the total stock of morphemes in a not really have an identifiable meaning
language. themselves, each does have a particular
According to Hockett (1958:123) function. The ‘s’ is required for agreement
morphemes are the smallest individually with certain subjects (He studies, but not he
meaningful elements in the utterances of a study), and the ‘ed’ signifies that the action
language. of the verb study has already taken place.
Morphemes must not be confused Segment such as these are also considered
with words. Therefore, Bloomfield morphemes (Crabtree, et al, 1991:127).
(1933:178 defined a word as a ‘minimal free The distinction the two hierarchies
form, i.e. the smallest unit which may be become more apparent when we go below the
spoken alone. level of word. Words can be divided into
A morpheme may be a whole word or syllable in phonology, but in grammar words
a part of a word. In English, for example, the are divided into morphemes.
word cat is a single morpheme. It cannot be Words then are analyzed in grammar
broken down any further into meaningful into smaller units called morphemes. We are
parts. The word cats, however is composed justified in dividing a word into morpheme if

the unit we identify as morphemes can be A word is minimal free form. A free
recognized as parts of other words and have form is an element that can occur in isolation
same meaning and function (Jackson, and/or whose position with respect to
1982:109). neighboring element is not fixed. A word
may consist of one or more morphemes. For
B. Discussion example, the word book consists of one
morpheme, the word books consist of two
1. The distinction between word and morphemes. Another example, like the word
morpheme ‘lazy’ consists of one morpheme, the word
A word is a linguistic sign. It has the lazily consists of two morphemes, the word
arbitrary union between the sounds (form) laziness consists of three morphemes, etc.
and meaning (concept) of the linguistic sign. (Ba’dulu, 2003:30).
Since each word is a sound meaning unit, A word can be divided into two broad
each word which is stored in our mental categories, content words and function
dictionaries must be stored with its unique words. Including content words are noun,
phonological representation which verb, adjective, and adverb these terms
determines its pronunciation (when the commonly called open classes in English.
phonological rules are applied) and with its And the function words such as preposition,
meaning g. a word can be classified determinatives, coordinator, and
according to grammatical category or subordinator are sometimes closed classes in
syntactic class (Rasyid, 1988:1). English. The open classes mean that they
Unlike Rasyid. Jackson, 1982:119) have very large membership, while closed
states that words have a particularly ones have relatively few members
important role to play. Sentences can be (Huddleston, 1988:23-24).
regarded ultimately as constructions out of Bauer (1983:13-16 in Ba’dulu,
words. And morphology is about the 2003:31) defines morpheme as the minimal
decomposition of words. Words are unit of grammatical analysis. Unlike Ba’dulu.
important from a further point of view; it is Fromkin and Rodman, 1978:142) defines that
with words that we associate individual a morpheme is the minimal linguistic sign, a
meanings. Words refer to objects, actions, grammatical unit which there is an arbitrary
evens, ideas, and qualities in the world of union of a sound and a meaning and which
experience outside of language. We can talk cannot be further analyzed. It can be said that
about the meaning of a word in a way that we every word in every language is composed of
cannot talk about the meaning of a phrase, or one or more morphemes.
of a clause, or even sentence-although For examples:
sentence meaning especially is important in One word one morpheme: boy, pen, house,
its own right. etc.
Each word must include other One word two morphemes: boys, pens,
information as well. Part of the dictionary houses, etc.
representation of a word must include One word three morphemes: boyishness,
whether it is a noun, a verb, an adjective, an (boy-ish-ness) desirability (desire +able +
adverb, a preposition, a conjunction. That is, ity) etc.
it must specify what grammatical category, or One word four morphemes: gentlemanliness
syntactic class (Fromkin, Rodman, (gentle -man-li-ness) undesirability (un-
1978:139). desire-able-ity).
2. Free and Bound Morpheme

Some of the morphemes may stand Derivational affixes, which may be
alone as words in their own right, as well as prefixes or suffixes In English, have a lexical
enter into the structure of other words. For function; they create new word out of
examples: introduce, interest, kind, etc are existing words or morphemes but their
called free morphemes. Other morphemes addition. Derivational affixes may be of two
may occur only if they combine with another kinds; class-changing or class-maintaining.
morpheme. Such as, re, dis, d, tion, ment, etc. Class-changing derivational affixes change
they are called bound morphemes. the word class of the word or morpheme to
It will be apparent that morphemes which they are attached. For example, al
stand in a particular relationship to each added to classical makes adjective out of a
other. In any word there appears to be one noun, ify added to class makes a verb out of
morpheme that is central (perhaps it could be a noun.
termed the ‘head’) and one or more others Class-maintaining affixes do not change the
that are peripheral (perhaps termed modifier) word class of the word or morpheme to which
and attached to the central morpheme or to they are attached. For examples: re +make, re
each other. For examples, in revitalized, vital +read, un +refill, un +happy. Etc.
is clearly central and re, ize and d peripheral. Inflectional affixes, which are
The central morphemes also often always affixes in English, perform
happen to be the free morpheme, which may grammatical function; they are representing
be a word in its own right once the other grammatical categories. Suffixes in English
morphemes have been stripped away. This that are inflectional include:
central morpheme is called the root, and 1. Plural form: pen becomes pens, man-
peripheral morphemes are affixes. men, etc.
Affixes coming before the root are 2. Third person singular, he goes, she
called prefixes, coming after the root are writes, etc.
suffixes. Affixes are always bound 3. Past tense; I write becomes I wrote.
morphemes, and in English roots are nearly Learn-learned.
always free. A bound root occurs in, for 4. Present participle: go +ing, example;
example, unhappy, where ‘un’ can be he is going, sing +ing, he is sinhging,
identified in (undo, unwell, etc.). etc.
An affix is a morpheme that is 5. Past participle; create +d, show +n,
attached to a stem to form a word. Affixes etc.
may be derivational, like English -ness and 6. Comparative and superlative; small
pre-, or inflectional, like English plural -s and +er, est. safe+r or st. etc.
past tense -ed. They are bound morphemes by
definition; prefixes and suffixes may be
separable affixes. Affixation is, thus, the
linguistic process speakers use to form new 4. English Prefix
words (neologisms) by adding sounds Root Prefix Un-
(affixes) at the beginning (prefixation), the 1. Able Unable Tak sanggup
middle (infixation) or the end (suffixation) of 2. Accented Unaccented Tanpa
words. tekanan
3. Acceptable Unacceptable Tak dapat
3. Derivational and Inflectional process 4. Accompanied Unaccompanied Tanpa disertai

5. Accountable Unaccountable Tak dapat 27. Aspirated Unaspirated Tidak disertai
diketahui hembusan
sebabnya nafas
6. Accredited Unaccredited Belum 28. Assailable Unassailable Tidak dapat
diterima disangkal
dengan resmi
29. Assisted Unassisted Tanpa
7. Accustomed Unaccustomed Tidak bantuan
30. Attached Unattached Tidak terikat
8. Acquainted Unacquainted Tak dikenal
31. Attainable Unattainable Tak dapat
9. Adaptable Unadaptable Tak dapat dipercaya
uaikan 32. Attended Unattended Tanpa
10. Adorned Unadorned Tanpa pa diawasi
33. Attractive Unattractive Kurang
11. Afraid Unafraid Tidak takut menarik
12. Aided Unaided Tanpa 34. Authorized Unauthorized Tidak diberi
bantuan kuasa
13. Alienable Unalienable Tak dapat 35. Available Unavailable Tidak
diambil bersedia
14. Ambiguous Unambiguous Tidak samar- 36. Availing Unavailing Tak berhasil
37. Avoidable Unavoidable Tak bersedia
15. Announced Unannounced Tanpa
pemberitahua 38. Aware Unaware Tak sadar
n 39. Awares Unawares Tak disangka-
16. Answerable Unanswerable Tak dapat sangka
disangkal 40. Balanced Unbalanced Tak sehat
17. Answered Unanswered Tak dijawab pikiran
41. Bearable Unbearable Tak dapat
18. Appeased Unappeased Tidak habis-
habisnya 42. Beatable Unbeatable Tak dapat
19. Appetizing Unappetizing Tidak
menimbulkan 43. Beaten Unbeaten Yang tak
selera pernah kalah

20. Appreciated Unappreciated Tak dihargai 44. Becoming Unbecoming Tak pantas

21. Appreciative Unappreciative Tak 45. Beknown Unbeknown Tanpa

menghargai diketahui

22. Approachable Unapproachable Tak dapat 46. Believable Unbelievable Luar biasa,
didekati bukan main

23. Appropriated Unappropriated Tak 47. Believer Unbeliever Tak beriman,

dilokasikan kafir

24. Armed Unarmed Tak 48. Believing Unbelieving Seakan-akan

bersenjata tak bercahaya

25. Ascertainable Unascertainable Tak dapat 49. Born Unborn Belum lahir
diketahui 50. Bound Unbound Tidak dijilid
51. Bounded Unbounded Tak terbatas
26. Ashamedly Unashamedly Tidak merasa
malu 52. Breakable Unbreakable Tak dapat

53. Bridled Unbridled Tak 79. Complaining Uncomplaining Tidak suka
terkendalikan mengeluh
54. Broken Unbroken Tak putus- 80. Compromisin Uncompromising Tidak suka
putus g berkompromi
55. Called-for Uncalled-for Tidak 81. Concealed Unconcealed Tak
beralasan disembunyika
56. Catalogued Uncatalogued Belum
dimasukkan 82. Concerned Unconcerned Tidak peduli
dalam catalog
83. Onditional Unconditional Tak bersyarat
57. Ceasing Unceasing Tak henti-
hentinya 84. Confirmed Unconfirmed Belum pasti
58. Certain Uncertain Ragu-ragu,
bimbang 85. Connected Unconnected Tak bertalian

59. Certainly Uncertainly Ketidaktahua 86. Conquerable Unconquerable Tak

n tertundukkan

60. Challenged Unchallenged Tak berubah 87. Conscious Unconscious Tak sadar

61. Changed Unchanged Tak berubah 88. Contested Uncontested Tak ditentang

62. Changing Unchanging Tak berubah- 89. Controllable Uncontrollable Tak dapat
ubah dikendalikan

63. Chaperoned Unchaperoned Tanpa 90. Conventional Unconventional Tak

pengantar konvensionil

64. Charitable Uncharitable Tak mengenal 91. Convinced Unconvinced Tidak yakin
belas kasihan 92. Cooked Uncooked Tidak masak,
65. Charted Uncharted Belum mentah
dipetakan 93. Cooperative Uncooperative Tak mau
66. Checked Unchecked Tidak dicegah kerjasama

67. Civilized Uncivilized Tidak 94. Coordinated Uncoordinated Tidak teratur

beradab 95. Corrected Uncorrected Belum
68. Clad Unclad Tak dikoreksi
berpakaian 96. Corroborated Uncorroborated Belum pasti
69. Claimed Unclaimed Tak diminta kebenarannya

70. Classified Unclassified Tak bersifat 97. Counted Uncounted Tidak

rahasia terhitung
71. Clean Unclean Kotor, tidak
bersih 98. Cover Uncover Menemukan

72. Clear Unclear Tidak terang, 99. Critical Uncritical Tanpa kritik
tidak jelas 100.Crowned Uncrowned Tanpa
73. Clothed Unclothed Tak mahkota
berpakaian 101.Cultivated Uncultivated Tak terdidik
74. Combed Uncombed Tidak disisir 102.Cultured Uncultured Tak
75. Collected Uncollected Belum berkebudayaa
ditarik/ditagih n

76. Comfortable Uncomfortable Tidak enak 103.Curbed Uncurbed Tak

77. Committed Uncommitted Tidak terikat
104.Cut Uncut Belum
78. Communicati Uncommunicativ Tidak suka dipotong
ve e berbicara
105.Damaged Undamaged Tidak rusak

106.Dated Undated Tidak 130.Equaled Unequaled Tiada
bertanggal bandingnya
107.Decided Undecided Ragu-ragu 131.Eventful Uneventful Tak banyak
108.Defiled Undefiled Tak kotor
132.Excelled Unexcelled Tak pernah
109.Defined Undefined Tak dikalahkan
artinya 133.Exciting Unexciting Tanpa
110.Deliverable Undeliverable Tidak dapat
disampaikan 134.Expected Unexpected Tidak
111.Demanding Undemanding Tak berat
135.Expired Unexpired Belum habis
112.Democratic Undemocratic Tak waktunya
136.Explained Unexplained Tidak
113.Deniable Undeniable Tak dapat diterangkan
137.Exploded Unexploded Belum
114.Deserved Undeserved Tidak meledak
diberikan 138.Failing Unfailing Tidak habis-
115.Detected Undetected Tanpa
diketahui 139.Fair Unfair Secara tidak
116.Developed Undeveloped Belum
maju/berkem 140.Familiar Unfamiliar Tidak
bang biasa/lazim
117.Dignified Undignified Kurang sopan 141.Faithful Unfaithful Tidak setia
118.Diplomatic Undiplomatic Tidak 142.Fashionable Unfashionable Tidak
diplomatik menurut
119.Disciplined Undisciplined Tak
berdisiplin 143.Favorable Unfavorable Tidak baik
120.Disturbed Undisturbed Tak 144.Finished Unfinished Belum selesai
145.Fitted Unfitted Tidak
121.Eaten Uneaten Belum pantas/cocok
146.Foreseen Unforeseen Tak terduga
122.Economical Uneconomical Tidak
ekonomis 147.Forgettable Unforgettable Tak dapat
123.Edited Unedited Belum
diperiksa 148.Forgivable Unforgivable Tidak dapat
124.Educated Uneducated Tidak
berpendidika 149.Forgiving Unforgiving Tidak
n bersedia

125.Emotional Unemotional Tidak 150.Fortunate Unfortunate Tidak

berperasaan beruntung

126.Employable Unemployable Tidak dapat 151.Founded Unfounded Tak berdasar

dipekerjakan 152.Friendly Unfriendly Tidak
127.Ending Unending Tidak ada peramah
hentinya 153.Godly Ungodly Tak beriman
128.Enterprising Unenterprising Tidak suka 154.Governable Ungovernable Tak
berusaha terkendalikan
129.Equal Unequal Tak sama 155.Graceful Ungraceful Tak lincah

156.Grammatical Ungrammatical Tidak 17. Mixture Immixture Tidak
menurut ilmu dicampur
tata bahasa
18. Patient Impatient Tidak sabar
157.Grateful Ungrateful Tidak
beriman Root Prefix Re-

158.Guarded Unguarded Tidak dijaga 1. Surgence Resurgence Munculnya/ti

mbulnya lagi
159.Hampered Unhampered Tak dirintangi
2. Surgent Resurgent Bangkit
160.Happiness Unhappiness Ketidak- kembali
3. Surrect Resurrect Menghidupka
161.Happy Unhappy Tidak bahagia n kembali
162.Harmed Unharmed Tanpa luka 4. Take Retake Merebut
163.Healthy Unhealthy Tak sehat 5. Think Rethink Memikirkan
164.Hurried Unhurried Tidak
tergesa-gesa 6. Tool Retool Memperleng-
kapi kembali
165.Hurt Unhurt Tanpa cedera
7. Trace Retrace Menyelidiki
Root Prefix Im- 8. Marry Remarry Kawin lagi
1. Balance Imbalance Ketidak- 9. Mode Remode Membentuk
seimbangan lagi
2. Material Immaterial Tidak penting 10. Morseful Remorseful Menyesal
3. Mature Immature Belum sekali
matang/belu 11. Naissance Renaissance Kebangunan
m dewasa kembali
4. Partial Impartial Tidak berat 12. Nascent Renascent Bangkit
sebelah/seimb kembali
13. Newal Renewal Permulaan
5. Maculate Immaculate Tidak lagi
14. Open Reopen Membuka
6. Perfect Imperfect Tidak kembali
15. Order Reorder Memesan lagi
7. Personal Impersonal Tidak
mengenal 16. Patriation Repatriation Pemulangan,
seseorang pengiriman
8. Moral Immoral Tidak sopan
17. Pay Repay Membayar
9. Proper Improper Tidak pantas kembali
10. Prudent Imprudent Tidak hati- 18. Payment Repayment Pembayaran
hati kembali
11. Puissant Impuissant Tak berdaya 19. Place Replace Menaruh
12. Pure Impure Tidak suci kembali

13. Polite Impolite Tidak sopan 20. Plant Replant Menanamkan

14. Possible Impossible Tidak
mungkin 21. Play Replay Memainkan
15. Probable Improbable Tidak
mungkin 22. Plenish Replenish Mengisi/mele
ngkapi lagi
16. Pratical Impratical Tidak praktik
23. Present Represent Mewakili

24. Print Reprint Mencetak 49. Assume Reassume Menerima
kembali kembali
25. Publish Republish Menerbitkan 50. Assurance Reassurance Penenteraman
lagi hati lagi
26. Set Reset Memasang 51. Bind Rebind Menjilid
lagi kembali
27. Shuffle Reshuffle Mengocok 52. Birth Rebirth Lahir/bangkit
kembali kembali
28. Sole Resole Mensol lagi 53. Born Reborn Dilahirkan
29. Sume Resume Mulai lagi
54. Bound Rebound Giat kembali
30. Sumption Resumption Pembukaan
lagi 55. Broadcast Rebroadcast Menyiarkan
31. Activate Reactivate Menggiatkan
kembali 56. Build Rebuild Membangun
32. Activation Reactivation Pengaktipan
kembali 57. Call Recall Penarikan
33. Affirm Reaffirm Menetapkan/
menegaskan 58. Cant Recant Menarik
lagi kembali
34. Align Realign Menyetel 59. Capture Recapture Menangkap
kembali kembali
35. Animate Reanimate Menghidupka 60. Cast Recast Menuang
n kembali kembali
36. Appear Reappear Muncul lagi 61. Charge Recharge Menyeterum/
37. Apply Reapply Melamar lagi kembali
38. Appoint Reappoint Menyangkal 62. Check Recheck Mengecek
lagi kembali
39. Appraisal Reappraisal Penilaian 63. Collect Recollect Mengingat
kembali kembali
40. Appraise Reappraise Menaksir lagi 64. Commence Recommence Mulai lagi
41. Arm Rearm Mempersen- 65. Commit Recommit Memasukkan
jatai lagi kembali
42. Armament Rearmament Persenjataan 66. Conciliation Reconciliation Perukunan/pe
kembali rdamaian
43. Arrange Rearrange Menyusun kembali
kembali 67. Consider Reconsider Mempertim-
44. Arrangement Rearrangement Penyusunan bangkan
kembali kembali

45. Assert Reassert Menekankan 68. Consideration Reconsideration Pertimbangan

lagi kembali

46. Assess Reassess Menetapkan 69. Constitute Reconstitute Menyusun

harga lagi kembali

47. Assign Reassign Menugaskan 70. Construction Reconstruction Pembangunan

kembali kembali

48. Assignment Reassignment Penugasan 71. Convert Reconvert Mengubah

kembali kembali

72. Count Re-count Menghitung 94. Instate Reinstate Mendudukan/
kembali menerima
73. Cover Recover Mengejar
kembali 95. Join Rejoin Menggabung-
kan lagi
74. Create Re-create Melukiskan
kembali 96. Juvenate Rejuvenate Menjadikan
muda kembali
75. Decorate Redecorate Menghiasi
lagi 97. Juvenation Rejuvenation Peremajaan
76. Distribute Redistribute Membagikan
lagi 98. Lapse Relapse Sakit/jatuh
sakit lagi
77. Distribution Redistribution Pembagian
kembali 99. Live Relive Mengenangka
78. Do Redo Mengulangi lagi
79. Dress Redress Mengganti 100.Load Reload Memuat
pakaian kembali
80. Election Re-election Pemilihan 101.Locate Relocate Menetap lagi
102.Make Remake Membuat
81. Enact Reenact Melakukan kembali/lagi
103.Mand Remand Mengirim/me
82. Enter Reenter Masuk nyerahkan
kembali kembali
83. Entry Reentry Masuk 104.Tract Retract Menarik
kembali kembali
84. Examination Reexamination Pemeriksaan 105.Traction Retraction Penarikan
kembali kembali
85. Examine Reexamine Memerikas 106.Trieve Retrieve Mendapat
kembali/men kembali
guji kembali
107.Trospect Retrospect Tinjauan
86. Fashion Refashion Mengubah kembali
108.Trospection Retrospection Kenangan
87. Fill Refill Pengisian kembali
109.Unite Reunite Menyatukan
88. Efit Refit Melengkapi kembali
110.Vise Revise Meninjau
89. Forestation Reforestation Penghutanan kembali
111.Vocation Revocation Penarikan
90. Form Reform Membentuk kembali
112.Voke Revoke Menarik
91. Formation Reformation Penyatuan/pe kembali
kembali 113.Wark Rewark Mengerjakan
92. Generate Regenerate Memperbahar
ui, 114.Write Rewrite Menulis
menumbuhka kembali
n lagi
Root Prefix ill-
93. Incarnation Reincarnation Penjelmaan
kembali 1. Starred Ill-starred Membawa
2. Suited Ill-suited Tidak sesuai

3. Tempered Ill-tempered Bersifat 8. Continuance Discontinuance Penghentian,
pemarah pemutusan
4. Timed Ill-timed Kurang baik 9. Cord Discord Perselisihan
10. Count Discount Potongan,
5. Treat Ill-treat Menganiaya korting
6. Will Ill-will Sakit hati 11. Courage Discourage Mengecilkan
7. Legal Illegal Tidak resmi
12. Courtesy Discourtesy Kekasaran,
8. Legality Illegality Ketidaksahan ketidaksopan
9. Legitimacy Illegitimacy Sifat an
melanggar 13. Cover Discover Menemukan,
hukum mengetemuka
10. Legible Illegible Tidak terbaca n

11. Legitimate Illegitimate Haram 14. Credit Discredit Kehilangan,

12. Literate Illiterate Orang yang
buta huruf 15. Creet Discreet Bijaksana,
13. Logical Illogical Tidak logis
16. Criminate Discriminate Membedakan,
14. Advised Ill-advised Keliru mengadakan
15. Sorted Ill-sorted Tidak diskriminasi
sebanding 17. Dain Disdain Penghinaan,
16. Breeding Ill-breeding Kekasaran meremehkan

17. Bred Ill-bred Kurang ajar 18. Eased Diseased Yang sakit

18. Defired Ill-defired Tidak jelas 19. Embark Disembark Turun dari
19. Disposed Ill-disposed Bersikap mendarat
tidak ramah
20. Engage Disengage Melepaskan
20. Fated Ill-fated Malang
21. Figure Disfigure Menodai,
21. Fitted Ill-fitted Tidak menjelekkan
22. Grace Disgrace Aib, malu,
Root Prefix Dis- orang dimuka
1. Claim Disclaim Menyangkal, 23. Guise Disguise Penyamaran,
melepaskan samaran
2. Close Disclose Menyingkap, 24. Hearten Dishearten Mengecilkan
memperlihat- hati
25. Heveled Disheveled Terurai, tak
3. Color Discolor Mengotorkan, rapi, kusut
n 26. Honor Dishonor Kecemaran,
aib, menolak
4. Comfort Discomfort Kegelisahan,
keadaaan 27. Illusion Disillusion Kekecewaan,
tidak tenang mengecewaka
5. Concert Disconcert Membingung
kan, 28. Inclined Disinclined Segan, tak
memalukan sudi

6. Connect Disconnect Melepaskan, 29. Integrate Disintegrate Menghacurka

memutuskan n, hancur

7. Consolate Disconsolate Putus asa, 30. Interested Disinterested Yang tidak

sedih berkepentinga

31. Like Dislike Benci, tak 57. Play Display Pemeran,
suka pertontonan
32. Locate Dislocate Melepaskan 58. Please Displease Tak
33. Loyal Disloyal Tidak setia n
34. Ability Disability Cacat, 59. Pleasure Displeasure Perasaan
ketidak- tidak senang
60. Position Disposition Watak,
35. Able Disable Melumpuhka pembagian,
n penempatan
36. Abuse Disabuse Membebaska 61. Sident Dissident Orang yang
n dari tak setuju
62. Similar Dissimilar Tidak sama
37. Advantage Disadvantage Keadaan
merugikan 63. Simulate Dissimulate Berpura-pura
38. Affect Disaffect Tidak senang, Root Prefix Non-
tidak setia
1. Aggression Nonaggression Tidak
39. Affection Disaffection Ketidak- menyerang
2. Alcoholic Nonalcoholic Tanpa alcohol
40. Agree Disagree Membantah/ti
dak setuju 3. Aligned Nonaligned Tak berpihak,
41. Allow Disallow Menolak
4. Alignment Nonalignment Hal tak
42. Appear Disappear Hilang, berpihak,
menghilang non- blok
43. Appearance Disappearance Hilangnya, 5. Arrival Nonarrival Ketidakdata-
kehilangan ngan
44. Appoint Disappoint Mengecewak 6. Conformist Nonconformist Tak patuh
an pada norma-
45. Approve Disapprove Mencela
7. Nessential Nonessential Yang tidak
46. Arm Disarm Melucuti penting
8. Existent Nonexistent Hampa,
47. Armament Disarmament Pelucutan kosong,
senjata khayal
48. Arrange Disarrange Mengusutkan, 9. Fiction Nonfiction Nyata, cerita
mengacaukan nyata
49. Array Disarray Kekacauan 10. Flammable Nonflammable Yang tak
50. Assemble Disassemble Membongkar dapat
51. Aster Disaster Bencana
11. Intervention Nonintervention Tak campur
52. Belief Disbelief Ketidakperca tangan
12. Negotiable Nonnegotiable Tak dapat
53. Charge Discharge Pemberhentia diperbincang-
n kan
54. Order Disorder Kekacauan 13. Partisan Nonpartisan Tak
55. Organization Disorganization Kekacauan memihak, tak
masyarakat berpartai

56. Place Displace Menggantika 14. Payment Nonpayment Tidak

n membayar
15. Productive Nonproductive Tak produktif

16. Profit Nonprofit Yang tak 18. Conduct Misconduct Kelakuan
mencari tidak senonoh
19. Count Miscount Salah hitung
17. Scheduled Nonscheduled Diluar acara
20. Cue Miscue Pukulan yang
18. Smoker Nonsmoker Orang yang salah,
tidak kekeliruan
21. Deed Misdeed Kelakuan
19. Stop Nonstop Tanpa yang senonoh
22. Serable Miserable Tidak senang
20. Support Nonsupport Tak memberi
jaminan 23. Comprehensi Miscomprehensio Kesalahpaha
penghidupan on n man

21. Toxic Nontoxic Yang tak Root Prefix Super-

beracun 1. Abundance Superabundance Keadaan
22. Violence Nonviolence Tanpa berlimpah-
kekerasan limpah
2. Abundant Superabundant Berlimpah-
Root Prefix Mis-
1. Adventure Misadventure Kesialan
3. Cilious Supercilious Congkak
2. Advise Misadvise Memberi
petunjuk yang 4. Ciliousness Superciliousness Keangkuhan
salah 5. Ficial Superficial Dangkal
3. Apply Misapply Menyalah- 6. Ficiality Superficiality Kedangkalan
7. Fluity Superfluity Jumlah yang
4. Apprehension Misapprehension Salah berlebih-
pengertian lebihan
5. Appropriate Misappropriate Menyeleweng 8. Fluous Superfluous Berlebih-
-kan lebihan
6. Appropriation Misappropriation Penyeleweng 9. Intend Superintend Mengatasi
10. Intendant Superintendant Pengawas
7. Behave Misbehave Berbuat jahat
11. Lative Superlative Terbaik
8. Behavior Misbehavior Kelakuan
yang 12. Man Superman Manusia
buruk/jahat unggul

9. Calculate Miscalculate Salah hitung 13. Market Supermarket Toko pangan

yang serba
10. Calculation Miscalculation Kesalahan ada
14. Natural Supernatural Hal-hal yang
11. Carriage Miscarriage Keguguran/ke gaib
15. Secret Supersecret Sangat/amat
12. Carry Miscarry Gagal
Root Prefix Out-
13. Cast Miscast Salah pilih
1. Argue Outargue Mengalahkan
14. Cegenation Miscegenation Perkawinan (seseorang)
antar suku
bangsa 2. Board Outboard Sebelah luar

15. Cellaneous Miscellaneous Bermacam- 3. Building Outbuilding Bangunan

macam tambahan

16. Cellany Miscellany Pusparagam 4. Burst Outburst Riuh-rendah,

17. Chance Mischance Nasib buruk,

5. Class Outclass Jauh lebih 25. Post Outpost Pengawal luar
26. Rank Outrank Lebih tinggi
6. Crop Outcrop Muncul ke pangkatnya
permukaan daripada
27. Right Outright Yang sama
7. Cry Outcry Ingar-bingar, sekali palsu
28. Rival Outrival Melebihi
8. Distance Outdistance Mendahului dalam
9. Do Outdo Mengalahkan,
menang atas 29. Run Outrun Berlari lebih
10. Door Outdoor Diluar daripada
11. Draw Outdraw Menarik lebih 30. Sell Outsell Menjual lebih
banyak orang banyak
12. Flow Outflow Mengalirnya, daripada
keluar 31. Shine Outshine Lebih
13. Go Outgo Pengeluaran cemerlang
14. Utgoing Outgoing Meninggalka
n dinas 32. Side Outside Sebelah luar

15. Grow Outgrow Menjadi lebih 33. Sider Outsider Orang luar
besar/tinggi 34. Spoken Outspoken Terang-
16. Guess Outguess Lebih pintar terangan,
dari blak-blakan

17. House Outhouse Kakus (diluar 35. Talk Outtalk Berbicara

rumah) lebih baik,
18. Last Outlast Hidup lebih dalam
lama dari
36. Vote Outvote Mengalahkan
19. Maneuver Outmaneuver Mengakali dalam
(dalam pemilihan
bola dsb) 37. Ward Outward Disebelah
20. Match Outmatch Melebihi,
menang 38. Wear Outwear Lebih tahan
jumlah daripada

21. Moded Outmoded Melebihi/men 39. Weigh Outweigh Lebih berat

ang dalam daripada
Root Prefix Extra-
22. Pace Outpace Berlari lebih 1. Vaganza Extravaganza Pertunjukan
cepat yang hebat
tidak tinggal 2. Sensory Extrasensory Diluar
di rumah jangkauan
3. Ordinary Extraordinary Luar biasa
23. Play Outplay Bermain lebih
bagus 4. Curricular Extracurricular Diluar
daripada, rencana
unggul pelajaran
24. Point Outpoint Lebih banyak 5. Vagance Extravagance Keroyalan,
mendapat yang
angka berlebih-
daripada lebihan

Root Prefix Mis- 12. Level Multilevel Bersusun,
1. Understand Misunderstand Salah tingkat
Root Prefix Ex-
2. Use Misuse Penyalahguna
an 1. Member Ex-member Bekas
3. Treatment Mistreatment Penganiayaan
2. Change Exchange Penukaran
Root Prefix In-
3. Postulate Expostulate Bertukar
1. Alienable Inalienable Tidak dapat pikiran
dicabut dengan
haknya sungguh-
2. Flammable Inflammable Mudah/dapat sungguh
terbakar 4. Terminate Exterminate Membasmi,
3. Violable Inviolable Tidak boleh memusnahka
diganggu n
Root Prefix Under-
4. Credible Incredible Tidak dapat 1. Done Underdone Kurang
dipercaya/mu matang
2. Employed Underemployed Penganggura
Root Prefix Ir- n
1. Replaceable Irreplaceable Tidak dapat 3. Estimate Underestimate Meremehkan
4. Feed Underfeed Kurang
2. Revocable Irrevocable Tidak boleh memberi
tidak makan
3. Resistible Irresistible Tidak dapat 5. Foot Underfoot Penghalang
godaan 6. Graduate Undergraduate Belum
Root Prefix Multi- gelar
1. Colored Multicolored Beraneka 7. Ground Underground Bawah tanah
8. Handed Underhanded Curang, licik
2. Faceted Multifaceted Beraneka segi
9. Nourished Undernourished Kurang
3. Lingual Multilingual Berbagai makan
10. Paid Underpaid Dibayar
4. Plies Multiplies Melipatganda kurang
11. Populated Underpopulated Kurang
5. Racial Multiracial Bersuku penduduknya
12. Privileged Underprivileged Kurang
6. Tude Multitude Banyak mampu
7. Purpose Multipurpose Serbaguna 13. Rate Underrate Memecahkan
8. National Multinational Berbagai 14. Sell Undersell Menjual
bangsa murah
9. Millionaire Multimillionaire Jutawan besar 15. Shoot Undershoot Menembak
10. Farious Multifarious Bermacam- terlalu rendah
ragam 16. Side Underside Permukaan
11. Lateral Multilateral Lebih pihak, bawah
multilateral 17. Size Undersize Terlalu kecil,

18. Staffed Understaffed Kekurangan 2. Bole Hyperbole Ucapan yang
tenaga bersifat
19. State Understate Mengecilkan
3. Critical Hypercritical Amat suka
20. Tone Undertone Suara rendah/ mengkritik
4. Sensitive Hypersensitive Terlalu halus
21. Weight Underweight Terlalu ringan perasaannya
22. Age Underage Dibawah 5. Market Hypermarket Pasar yang
umur sangat besar
23. Rbid Underbid Menawar 6. Tension Hypertension Hipertensi
lebih murah
Root Prefix in-
24. Charge Undercharge Meminta
membayar 1. Ability Inability Ketidakmamp
kurang dari uan
2. Acceptable Inacceptable Tak diterima
Root Prefix Anti-
3. Accessibility Inaccessibility Keadaan
1. Bacterial Antibacterial Pencegahan sukar
pertumbuhan memperolehn
jamur ya
2. Body Antibody Antibodi 4. Accessible Inaccessible Tak dapat
3. Climax Anticlimax Titik balik
5. Accuracy Inaccuracy Ketidaktelitia
4. Communist Anticommunist Anti komunis n
5. Dote Antidote Penangkal 6. Accurate Inaccurate Tidak teliti
7. Activate Inactivate Menonaktifka
6. Freeze Antifreeze Pelawan beku n
7. Histamine Antihistamine Obat penawar 8. Active Inactive Non aktif
9. Activity Inactivity Ketidakaktifa
8. Phony Antiphony Suara n
10. Adaptiblility Inadaptiblility Ketidak
9. Rust Antirust Anti karat sanggupan
10. Slavery Antislavery Melawan menyesuaika
perbudakan n diri

11. Thesis Antithesis Pertentangan 11. Adequacy Inadequacy Ketidak

12. Toxin Antitoxin Obat penawar
12. Adequate Inadequate Tidak cukup
13. Type Antitype Tipe
berlawanan 13. Admissible Inadmissible Tak dapat
14. Venin Antivenin Obat penawar
bisa ular 14. Applicable Inapplicable Tak dapat
15. War Antiwar Anti
peperangan 15. Appreciative Inappreciative Tak
16. Trust Antitrust Yang
menentang 16. Appropriate Inappropriate Tidak pantas
penggabunga 17. Apt Inapt Tidak cocok
n industri-2
18. Aptitude Inaptitude Ketidak
Root Prefix Hyper- mampuan
1. Active Hyperactive Amat giat 19. Articulate Inarticulate Tidak jelas

20. Attention Inattention Kurang 45. Eligible Ineligible Tak dapat
perhatian dipilih
21. Atentive Inatentive Kurang 46. Equitable Inequitable Tak adil
an 47. Equity Inequity Ketidak
22. Audible Inaudible Tidak
terdengar 48. Eradicable Ineradicable Tak dapat
23. Auspicious Inauspicious Tak
menguntungk 49. Estimable Inestimable Tidak ternilai
an 50. Evitability Inevitability Tak dapat
24. Calculable Incalculable Tidak dihindarkan
terhitung 51. Evitable Inevitable Tak dapat
25. Capable Incapable Tidak cakap dilakukan

26. Commensura Incommensurable Tak dapat 52. Exact Inexact Tidak tepat
ble dibandingkan 53. Excusable Inexcusable Tak dapat
27. Comparable Incomparable Tak ada dibenarkan
bandingannya 54. Exhaustible Inexhaustible Tidak kenal
28. Compatibility Incompatibility Ketidaksesuai lelah
an 55. Exorable Inexorable Tak dapat
29. Compatible Incompatible Tak rukun ditawar-tawar

30. Direct Indirect Tak langsung 56. Expedient Inexpedient Tidak

31. Discernible Indiscernible Tak dapat
dibedakan 57. Expensive Inexpensive Tak mahal

32. Discreet Indiscreet Tidak 58. Experienced Inexperienced Kurang

bijaksana pengalaman

33. Discretion Indiscretion Ketidakbijaks 59. Expert Inexpert Tidak ahli

anaan 60. Explicable Inexplicable Tak dapat
34. Discriminate Indiscriminate Tak pandang dipahami
bulu 61. Expressible Inexpressible Tak
35. Disputable Indisputable Tak dapat terkatakan
disangka 62. Extinguishabl Inextinguishable Tak
36. Dissoluble Indissoluble Tak dapat e terpadamkan
dipecahkan 63. Extricable Inextricable Tak mungkin
37. Distinguishab Indistinguishable Tak dapat melepaskan
le dibedakan diri

38. Divisible Indivisible Tak dapat 64. Competence Incompetence Ketidak

dibagi cakapan

39. Educable Ineducable Tidak dapat 65. Competent Incompetent Tidak mampu
dididik 66. Complete Incomplete Tak lengkap
40. Effable Ineffable Tak 67. Comprehensi Incomprehensible Tak
terlukiskan ble terpahami
41. Effective Ineffective Tak cakap 68. Conceivable Inconceivable Tidak
42. Effectual Ineffectual Tak memberi dibayangkan
kesan 69. Conclusive Inconclusive Tidak
43. Efficient Ineffecient Tak efisient meyakinkan

44. Efficiency Inefficiency Tak terpakai 70. Congruous Incongruous Tak pantas

71. Consequentia Inconsequential Tak bertalian 96. Hospitable Inhospitable Tidak ramah
97. Humane Inhumane Tak
72. Considerable Inconsiderable Tidak berarti berprekeman
73. Cosiderate Incosiderate Tak
memperhatik 98. Imitable Inimitable Tak dapat
an ditiru
74. Consistency Inconsistency Ketidak 99. Judicious Injudicious Tak bijaksana
n 100.Nocent Innocent Tidak
75. Conspicuous Inconspicuous Tak menarik
perhatian 101.Nocious Innocious Tidak
76. Contestable Incontestable Tak
diragukan 102.Numerable Innumerable Tak terkira
77. Controvertibl Incontrovertible Tak dapat
e dibantah 103.Operative Inoperative Tak berlaku

78. Convenient Inconvenient Tak 104.Opportune Inopportune Tak

menyenangka menguntungk
n an

79. Correct Incorrect Tidak benar 105.Satiable Insatiable Tak pernah

80. Corrigible Incorrigible Tak dapat
diperbaiki 106.Scrutable Inscrutable Tak dapat
81. Corruptible Incorruptible Tak dapat
disuapi 107.Secure Insecure Gelisah

82. Curable Incurable Tak dapat 108.Security Insecurity Ketidak

disembuhkan amanan

83. Decency Indecency Ketidaksenon 109.Sensitive Insensitive Tak dapat

ohan merasakan

84. Decipherable Indecipherable Tak terbaca 110.Sincere Insincere Bermuka dua

85. Defatigable Indefatigable Tak kenal 111.Sincerity Insincerity Ketidak

lelah tulusan hati

86. Defensible Indefensible Tak dapat 112.Soluble Insoluble Tak dapat

dipertahankan dipecahkan

87. Definable Indefinable Tak dapat 113.Sufferable Insufferable Tak

ditentukan tertahankan

88. Delible Indelible Tak 114.Sufficiency Insufficiency Ketidak

terhapuskan cukupan

89. Delicate Indelicate Tak sopan 115.Superable Insuperable Tak dapat

90. Describable Indescribable Tak
terlukiskan 116.Susceptible Insusceptible Tak dapat
91. Destructible Indestructible Tak dapat
dihancurkan 117.Tangible Intangible Yg tak dapat
92. Determinable Indeterminable Yg tak
terhitung 118.Terminable Interminable Tak berakhir

93. Determinate Indeterminate Yg tak 119.Tolerance Intolerance Ketidak

menentukan toleran

94. Defferent Indefferent Tak tertarik 120.Validate Invalidate Tak berlaku

95. Digestible Indigestible Tak dapat 121.Vincible Invincible Tak

dicerna terkalahkan

122.Visible Invisible Tak kelihatan 13. Removable Irremovable Tidak dapat
123.Voluntary Involuntary Tanpa
sengaja 14. Reparable Irreparable Tidak dapat
124.Vulnerable Invulnerable Tak dapat
dikalahkan 15. Repressible Irrepressible Tidak
125.Door Indoor Didalam han
16. Resolution Irresolution Keragu-
126.Land Inland Pedalaman raguan,
127.Most Inmost Batin ketidaktegasa
128.Road Inroad Penjebolan
17. Respective Irrespective Terlepas dari,
129.Quire Inquire Menanyakan, dengan
meminta mengabaikan
130.Rush Inrush Aliran masuk 18. Responsibilit Irresponsibility Ketidakbertan
131.Grown Ingrown Tumbuh y ggungjawaba
kedalam n

132.Habit Inhabit Mendiami 19. Responsible Irresponsible Yang tidak

133.Harmonius Inharmonius Tak seimbang rasa tangung
134.Hibit Inhibit Menghalangi
20. Responsive Irresponsive Bersikap acuh
135.Valuable Invaluable Tak terhingga
tak acuh
21. Reverence Irreverence Sikap kurang
136.Variably Invariably Tanpa kecuali
Root Prefix Ir-
22. Reversible Irreversible Tidak dapat
1. Radiate Irradiate Menyinari, diubah
Root Prefix Over-
2. Radiation Irradiation Penyinaran,
1. Active Overactive Terlalu aktif
2. Anxious Overanxious Terlalu cemas
3. Rational Irrational Tidak logis
3. Awe Overawe Sangat
4. Recoverable Irrecoverable Tidak dapat
diperoleh lagi
5. Redeemable Irredeemable Tidak dapat
4. Bundance Overbundance Meluap-luap
lagi 5. Burden Overburden Terlalu
6. Regardless Irregardless Kurang baik
6. Charge Overcharge Menjual
7. Regular Irregular Yang tidak
terlalu mahal
7. Confidence Overconfidence Kepercayaan
8. Regularity Irregularity Ketidakbérés
9. Relevance Irrelevance Penyimpanga lebihan
8. Dose Overdose Lebih dari
10. Relevant Irrelevant Menyimpang
9. Dress Overdress Berpakaian
11. Religious Irreligious Tidak secara
beriman berlebih-
12. Remediable Irremediable Tidak dapat

10. Eat Overeat Makan terlalu 20. See Oversee Mengawasi,
banyak mengatur,
11. Lord Overlord Tuan besar,
maharaja 21. Sleep Oversleep Tidur terlalu
12. Night Overnight Bermalam
22. Stock Overstock Terlalu
13. Pay Overpay Membayar banyak
lebih banyak menimbun
semestinya 23. Time Overtime Lembur
14. Estimate Overestimate Menaksir 24. View Overview Peninjauan
terlalu tinggi luas,
15. Load Overload Beban yang
terlalu banyak 25. Weight Overweight Kelebihan
16. Play Overplay Bermain
berlebih- 26. Whelm Overwhelm Meliputi,
lebihan membanjiri
17. Production Overproduction Produksi 27. Work Overwork Terlalu
yang banyak
berlebih- bekerja,
lebihan bekerja
18. Ripe Overripe Terlalu masak batas
19. Sell Oversell Terlalu

All prefixes process above is taken from should understand the root of words and its
dictionary by observing word per word. prefix.
Therefore, the students should pay attention
about the certain prefix is attacked to the
certain root of word. References
Anonim, 1971.The Key to English
C. Conclusion Vocabulary. USA: The Macmillan
After analyzing the process of prefix Company.
in morphology, it can be concluded that there Ba’dulu, Abdul Muis, 2008. English Syntax.
are some negative prefixes that carry the Makassar: UNM Makassar
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independent, im-impossible, dis-dislike, ir- -------------------------, 2009.Introduction to
irregular, il-illogical, anti-antiracial, etc. On Linguistics. Makassar: UNM
the other hand, there are also positive prefixes Makassar
such as re-rewrite, over-overreaction, .
Brown and Camborne, 1987.Morphology
hyper-hyper mark, out-outdoor, super- and Syntaxes. Portsmouth: Heinmann.
supermarket, over, overcook, multi-
multilingual, etc. In vocabulary building, it is Barbara, Dykes,. 2007. Grammar for
very important to know how to use prefix in Everyone. Victoria: Acer Press.
English, because itcan help the learners

David Crystal. 1985. A Dictionary of
Linguistics and Phonetics. Oxford:
Blackwell Ltd.
Emmit, M & Pollock, J. 2001.Language and
Learning.First Edition. New York:
Oxford University Press
Fromkin, Victoria & Rodman, Robert,
1978.An Introduction to Language.
Second Edition.USA:Holt, Rinehart
and Wiston
Gairn, Ruth and Redman, Stuart, 1986.
Working with Words ( a guide to
teaching and learning vocabulary.
Gereat Britain: Cambridge University
Huddleston, Rodney, 1988. English
Grammar an Outline. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Jill, Hadfield, 2003. Intermediate Grammar
Games. England: Longman, Ltd.

Madjid Palaloi, Abdul, Drs. 2006.English

Morphology.Makassar. UNISMUH

Rasyid Amin, et al. 1988. Morphology to

Syntax. Ujung Pandang. FPBS IKIP.

Richards, J. & Rodgers, 2001, English

Morphology. Cambridge: Cambridge
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Sidney, Grenbaum,1996. The Oxford English

Grammar. New York: Oxford
University Press
Scalise,Sergio, 1984. Generative
Morphology. Dordrech-Holland Foris

Suzee Vlk, 2003.SAT Vocabulary for

Dummies. Canada: Wiley Publishing,

Thornbury, Scott , 2002. How to Teach

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