Food Delivery

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Journal of Applied Technology and Innovation (e-ISSN: 2600-7304) vol. 2, no.

2, (2018) 17

Development of Online Food Ordering System for University

Students to Maintain Healthy Eating Habits
Tan Sin Wei1; Debashish Das2
1,2 School of Computing and Technology, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)
Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur 57000 Malaysia
[email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract— Healthy diet is one of the key components that the Based on a study done from a sample of 1719 Malaysian
university students must maintain for keeping themselves adult, 51% of them agreed that they hardly able to eat
active and sincere to their studies. Hence, a system automates healthily due to lack of time and busy lifestyle (Sharkawi
this process will be an excellent reward for them as university
et al., 2014). A similar result is found from another study
students are always engaged to various activities. The
proposed online food ordering system developed with the aim
done from a sample of 35 university students, students
to reduce the reason for university students to pick up an want to spend as little time as possible on preparing food
unhealthy eating habit and ease the process for university during exam period (Deliens et al., 2014). When students
students to order their meals. The inspiration of this proposed studying in university, most of them will spend their
system is to enhance a similar system such as, “UI Dining” breakfast time, lunch time, or even dinner time on the
which is a mobile application that provides nutritional university campus. Therefore, the university dining
information and the complete menu of the dining services
service plays an important role in student’s eating
within the campus developed by the University of Illinois for
their students, and “Foodpanda Malaysia” which is a food behavior. This also means that during lunch hour
delivery service started with one goal in mind, which is to be especially, the dining hall will be crowded with students
the most convenient food delivery service in Malaysia. The and lecturers. An observation study shows that due to a
developed system allows the students to order meal through long queue in the dining hall, some students switch to the
online mobile application, provides ingredient and supermarket for instant noodles or other foods are
nutritional information of all menus, reduces reason for resulted in a study done in China (Tian et al., 2014). This
students to skip a meal or eat something that is not nutritious,
shows that a crowded dining hall will be a reason for
and help them to avoid consuming ingredients that they are
allergic to. university students to eat something fast and convenient,
but not nutritious enough as a main meal. A support to
Index Terms— Android application, food ordering system, this statement is a study done with the gathered answer
healthy eating habits, mobile application, university students, to 115 questionnaires. Among 32 attributes that influence
web application. the dining hall customer, time management is one of the
most influential attributes (Nadzirah et al., 2013). Which
Introduction means the students emphasized on the time taken for
In this fast-developing era, most of the people are them to order and get their food.
slowly forced into a busy lifestyle where they rarely From all the facts shown above, it proves that
willing to spend more time on eating healthily. This university students nowadays overlooked the
especially applied to university students who often have importance of healthy eating habit due to their busy
a busy schedule for assignments, presentations, exams, lifestyle. This is a problem that we should not leave it
club activities, and so on. Online food ordering system alone as it can result in serious consequences. As stated in
appeases the needs of busy individuals like students who a study of long-lasting effects on under-nutrition, under-
place their order online and receive delivery within a few nutrition can lead to the poor mental development and
minutes (Zulkarnain, 2015). The researcher discovered education performance (Vinicius et al., 2011).
this opportunity to replace the traditional offline food Based on the problems stated above, a dining system
ordering environment with an online environment as needs to be developed to reduce the reason for students
researches have shown that online environment offers to skip a meal and increase their awareness of food’s
more interactive and personalized marketing compared nutrition. This system should allow students to order
to the traditional offline environment (Burke, 2002). their meal more efficiently and time-saving while also
Busy students who did not maintain regular eating keep track of their nutrition intake. This research intends
practices will face negative effects such as weight loss, to propose a system that can aid the students to regain
weak immunity, craving for junk food, and most their healthy eating habit and stay energetic for their
importantly, impaired concentration during classes. studies.
Journal of Applied Technology and Innovation (e-ISSN: 2600-7304) vol. 2, no. 2, (2018) 18

Materials and Methods component functionality instead of the client-specific

To develop the online food ordering system, the presentation (Oracle, 2018). Other than that, JSF enhances
system needs to encompass 3 applications consisting the the design and maintainability of the application by
following components: integrating Model-View-Controller (MVC) design
Web Application for Restaurant Operator: pattern into the architecture. JSF Java can be chosen as the
 Manage restaurant menu (view / add / edit / programming language to develop all 3 applications.
delete) Minimal Java can be used to develop the android mobile
 Manage order (view / update status) application for students, while majority of the system can
 Manage promotion (view / add / edit / delete) be developed using JSF Java. The reason Java can be
 Record reports such as daily sales report. chosen due to the fact that Java is the most popular
(Additional feature) programming language when it comes to Android
Android Application for University Student: application development. Besides, Java is also the
 View promotions published by the restaurants primary official language for Android, which makes it
 View restaurant details most supported from Google and Play Store (Adam,
 View available menu with ingredient and 2017). Due to the fact that Java is popular and widely
nutritional information provided by each discussed, it makes Java easier to learn as there are tons
available restaurant of Java resources on the web, in the libraries, and classes.
 View and edit student account Therefore, JSF Java can be chosen as the programming
 Make order language so that the developer can maximize the
 Pay order cashless productivity and efficiency on developing the system.
 Search menu based on requirements Furthermore, JSF can be chosen because it allows
 View menu suggestion based on health HTTP requests mapping to the component specific event
condition. (Additional feature) handler and manage them as a stateful object on the
 Top-up credits using online banking. (Additional server (Oracle, 2017). JSF technology enables the
feature) developers to develop web applications that implement
the finest grained separation between presentation layer
 Keep track of nutrition intake for the week.
and behavior logic that is usually offered by client-side UI
(Additional feature)
architectures (Oracle, 2017). Moreover, JSF is an UI
 Remember food preference. (Additional feature)
framework for building Java-based web applications with
Web Application for System Admin:
rich user interfaces that can overcome the challenges such
 Manage admin, restaurant, and student accounts
as creating custom user interface components (Qusay,
(view / add / edit / delete).
2004). In consideration for the system users, JSF web
 Top-up university student’s account credits.
applications are built and run on a Java server and render
 Generate top-up receipt.
the UI back to client, which means that the web
 Generate reports. (Additional feature)
application is lighter on the client-side (Qusay, 2004). The
The system has to be built considering the technical issues
last reason for choosing JSF is that JSF provides web
explained below.
application lifecycle management by the help of
controller servlet, and a rich collection of component
2.1 Choice of Programming Language
model with component rendering and event handling
JSF is also known as Java Server Faces, a technology
(Qusay, 2004).
which compiles a series of APIs for representing user
interface components and managing their state, events,
2.2 Choice of Interactive Development Environment
input validation, page navigation, and accessibility
(Oracle, 2018). JSF is designed to leverage existing
When it comes to Android application development,
standard user interface and web-tier concepts flexibly Android Studio can be the first IDE choice as it is
without restricted by a protocol, specific markup
designed specifically for Android development to be
language, or client device (Oracle, 2018). Flexibility aside, faster and simpler compare to other IDEs like Eclipse.
ease-of-use is always the primary goal for JSF. JSF
Besides, Android Studio provides a more stable
architecture making it simple to communicate between
performance compared to other all-purpose IDEs as
the presentation layer and application code while clearly
Android Studio is developed specifically for Android
defines a separate line between application logic and
Java development which requires lower system needs in
presentation layer (Oracle, 2018). JSF UI components are
comparison (Mehul, 2015). Other than that, the smart
enabled to render to various client devices as well as the
auto completion implemented in Android Studio doesn’t
UI component classes included with JSF encapsulates the
Journal of Applied Technology and Innovation (e-ISSN: 2600-7304) vol. 2, no. 2, (2018) 19

just work with the first few letters of the methods, instead Engines, 2018). This means that there are more resources
it searches for any methods of fields which contains that available online for MySQL compared to MsSQL and Java
few letters. For example, when “viewby” is typed, auto DB.
completion will suggest “findViewById” as shown in
Figure 1. 2.4 Choice of Operating System
The operating system (OS) that can be chosen for this
system is Android for the mobile application and none
specific OS can be chosen for the web applications as web
application runs on web browser regardless of the type of
OS. Android can be chosen because Android is the most
Figure 1: Android Studio code snippet popular and commonly used OS in the mobile industry.
This statement is supported by the Worldwide
Furthermore, Android Studio implements an Smartphone Sales to End Users by Operating System in
Autosave feature which will automatically save all the 2016 which stated that 352 million out of 432 million
files by default after finishing typing. This secures the smartphones sold are Android operated (,
developer’s effort in case of any accident such as 2017). Besides of its’ popularity, Android development
unexpected shut down before saving the progress. mainly uses Java, which is another popular and
In the case of web application development for the commonly used programming language. Which means
proposed system, Netbeans can be used as the IDE. developing Android mobile application using Java
Netbeans can be chosen as the IDE because it comes with programming language is easy to learn as there are plenty
built-in SQL support which makes the development of resources around the net. Furthermore, Android is a lot
related to the database a lot easier compare to others like easier and cheaper to publish the project and let it go live.
Eclipse (Azharuddin, 2012). Besides, Netbeans provides All it takes is to sign up and upload the APK with a one-
numerous features that enable built-in support for JSF, time payment of 25$ and wait for several hours before it
including versatile editor enhancements for Facelets goes public (Adam, 2016).
pages, JSF managed beans, Facelets templates and Based on the technical research, the developer can gain
composite components (Netbeans, 2018). Therefore, more confidence in the choice of development tools and a
developing the proposed system in Netbeans will boost bigger picture on how to build the system architecture for
the productivity and save the unnecessary time and effort this system. This is an important research to be done as
for getting used to the IDE. In addition to that, the choosing the right development environment will
developer can save the time and effort on setting up JSF maximize the developer’s productivity and efficiency in
environment on the IDE as JSF is well supported by the process of developing the proposed system. In
Netbeans. conclusion, the developer can use Java programming
language on Android Studio to develop the mobile
2.3 Choice of Database Management System application for student-side while using JSF Java on
After investigating the features of different DBMSs, Netbeans to develop the web applications for the entire
MySQL can be chosen as the DBMS for this system. First proposed system with MySQL as the Database
of all, MySQL can be chosen because it is open source and Management System. The proposed system can be
fully supported by Netbeans IDE, which is the chosen developed operating on Android OS together with any
IDE for this system. Netbeans website even offers an internet browsers on desktop or mobile devices.
installation bundle which consists of the Netbeans IDE,
GlassFish Server and MySQL DBMS (Netbeans, 2008). 2.5 System Development Methodology
Although Java DB is fully supported by Netbeans and The research on the system development
Java is the programming language chosen for this system, methodology suggests that Kanban can be selected as the
Java DB is not chosen as it will cause inconvenience for Software Development Methodology for this system. Due
the future development since it only supports Java to the fact that Kanban is designed for a team to work
programming language. MySQL with a wide range of with. Besides, instead of “customers”, this system refers
supported programming languages provides more to the target user groups which consist of university
options for future development. Furthermore, MySQL students, restaurant operator, and system admin to
provides self-healing replication clusters which improve collect requirements and feedback.
the scalability, performance, and availability of the
database (Oracle, 2018). Based on the DBMS popularity
ranking done by DB-Engines, MySQL ranked 2nd while
MsSQL ranked 3rd and Java DB ranked 57th (DB-
Journal of Applied Technology and Innovation (e-ISSN: 2600-7304) vol. 2, no. 2, (2018) 20

Kanban is a framework that focused on visual effect to The first stage of Kanban method includes identifying
implement Agile that identify what to construct, when to Workflow where, the developer will first identify the
construct and how much to construct. A Kanban board is major processes in the system, such as requirements
a significant tool to implement the Kanban development gathering, data analysis, design, development, testing,
method for system. Figure 2 demonstrates the simplest and deployment. Then, the developer can start gathering
board used in Kanban. These Kanban cards aid the information and requirements by conducting an
communicate status at a glance. In addition, using a interview, and questionnaires to the target user groups.
different color of cards can also be used to represent After analyzing the findings and deciding the unit of
different details. For example, Green cards could work, the developer then can look at the overall flow to
represent designs, Blue cards could represent plan and describe the typical process steps according to
functionalities. Besides, the amount of work-in-progress the priority (Paul, 2017).
will match the developer’s capacity and new works can The next stage is Visualizing Workflow, where the
only be added when there is an empty space on the Kanban board is constructed along with the value stream
Kanban board. This improves the flexibility, map that arranges the tasks according to their priorities.
transparency, and output of the development process In the case of the proposed system, the Kanban board will
(, 2016). Figure 3 shows the general have several columns, which are Backlog, Coding-in-
overview of Kanban in a graphical manner. progress, Internal Testing, External Testing, and Done.
Backlog consists of tasks arranged according to their
version and their priority in the version, Coding-in-
progress column consists of tasks that the developer is
currently developing, and Internal Testing column
consists of the tasks that are pending for Unit Testing and
Integration Testing by the developer. Next, External
Testing column consists of tasks that have passed the
internal testing and are pending to deliver to the
customer for User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Once, all
the task of a version is placed in the External Testing
column, the system will be delivered to the customer for
UAT. Lastly, Done column consists of tasks that have
passed the User Acceptance Testing. After the Kanban
board and its’ columns are constructed, Kanban cards
Figure 2: Kanban board example (, 2016) will be prepared to represent tasks on the Kanban board.
Every Kanban cards will have task details such as
description, priority, deadline, and completion criteria
(Paul, 2017). Different color of Kanban cards will be
prepared as well to represent different types of task.
Figure 4 shows the example of the Kanban board that can
be used for the system.
Internal External
Coding-in- Testing
Backlog Testing Done
progress (2)

User Interface


Figure 3: General overview of Kanban methodology
(Vikash, 2015) Figure 4: Example Kanban board to be used for the
Journal of Applied Technology and Innovation (e-ISSN: 2600-7304) vol. 2, no. 2, (2018) 21

The third stage is to Set Work-In-Progress (WIP)

Limits. Setting WIP limit for each stage or column in the
Kanban board will depend on the developer’s capacity
and capability. This will allow the developer to focus on
the current tasks and avoid too much of task switching
(Paul, 2017). In this case, the WIP limit for the Coding-in-
progress column will be set as 2 to keep the developer
focused and to avoid over-multitasking, and the WIP
limit for the Testing column will be 4 due to several
functions can be tested together as integration testing.
The number of WIP limits are set this way to ensure that
the developer will be able to produce a quality product
and perform in-depth testing. The WIP limit will then be
written on the Kanban board as shown in the Figure 4 as
Figure 5: UI for System Admin Login Page
a reminder.
After all the setup, the system can finally move to the
Upon successful login to the System Admin application,
execution stage with the Kanban board well prepared. In Home Page will be displayed with a navigation bar on top
this stage, the developer can start to fill up the Backlog
for users to navigate to their desired features which
with Kanban cards based on their version and their consists ‘Manage Administrators’, ‘Manage Restaurant’,
priority in the version, then the developer can pull tasks and ‘Manage Customer’ option as indicated in Figure 6.
into the Coding-in-progress column to start developing The system can generate the receipt of the latest top-up
the system. When the Coding-in-progress or Internal transaction as indicated in Figure 7.
Testing column reached the WIP limit, the developer can
stop pulling in a new task and focus on clearing the
congested column first (Paul, 2017). The flow of work
shown on the Kanban board will be monitored and
analyzed by the developer whenever a problem occurs.
Once the problem is identified, the developer can then
measure his effectiveness by tracking the workflow, the
cycle time for each task, then brainstorm for
improvements to increase the quality of work (Paul,
Lastly, whenever the tasks of an entire version are
placed in the External Testing column after Internal
Testing column, it will be sent to the target user groups
for UAT and review purposes. If there are some changes
required for the version, it will be recorded and placed on Figure 6: UI for System Admin List Restaurant Page
top of the Backlog so that the changes can be done as soon
as possible. The cycle then keeps executing until all the
tasks are moved in to the done column after the target
user groups accepted them.

Results and Discussion

The objective of the system is achieved successfully
and the output of the system is conversed through the
following sections.

3.1 Screen for System Admin

Upon launching the System Admin application, Login
Page will be displayed as indicated in Figure 5. Users are
required to log in the system with valid credentials before
they can proceed any further.
Figure 7: UI for Top Up Receipt
Journal of Applied Technology and Innovation (e-ISSN: 2600-7304) vol. 2, no. 2, (2018) 22

3.2 Restaurant Operator Application

Upon successful login to the Restaurant Operator
application, Home Page will be displayed with a
navigation bar on top for users to navigate to their desired
features. Every Restaurant Operator account is bound to
manage one restaurant and the restaurant name,
description, and photo will be displayed on the Home
Page as indicated in Figure 8.

Figure 8: UI for Restaurant Home Page

Figure 10: UI for Customer Home Page
The ‘Menu’ on the navigation bar and select ‘Food’, the
user will be navigated to this page showing the first tab. Upon clicking on the drawer icon placed in the top left
This tab is used to add new food to the restaurant’s food corner, the navigation drawer will be displayed showing
menu as shown in Figure 9. Under this tab, a Wizard form the navigation options available as shown in Figure 11.
is used to facilitate the food adding process with
validations applied.

Figure 9: UI for Restaurant Add New Food Page Figure 11: UI for Customer Navigation Drawer

3.3 Customer Application If ‘Restaurant’ is clicked in the navigation drawer,

Upon launching the Customer mobile application, users will be navigated to the Restaurant Page which
Home Page will be displayed with the promotions shows the list of restaurants on the campus as shown in
published by all the restaurants. If there is a pending Figure 12.
order ready for pick up, “Your order is ready!” message
will be displayed as shown in Figure 10.
Journal of Applied Technology and Innovation (e-ISSN: 2600-7304) vol. 2, no. 2, (2018) 23

For testing the system, Unit Testing, User Acceptance

Testing, and Integration Testing are executed with
rewarding outcome. More than 200 test cases are tested
on this system and resulted in more than 200 ‘As expected
result’. In functionality wise, it is an excellent result.
However, there are a few concerns being pointed out by
the users during User Acceptance Testing. It is obvious
that there are a lot of space for improvement in terms of
the system UI as both System Admin and Restaurant
Operator have given negative feedback about it. Other
than that, useful suggestions are given by all three users
and those simple ones are implemented by the developer.
Whereas those suggestions that are too complicated can
be added into the system future enhancement plan by the

In conclusion, the proposed system has achieved the
Figure 12: UI for Customer Restaurant Page objectives, which are allowing the students to order their
meal via online mobile application, and provide
By clicking any restaurant in the Restaurant Page, the ingredient and nutritional information of all the menus
user will be navigated to the Restaurant Details Page for the students. This helps to reduce the reason for
showing the restaurant details and menu options. students to skip a meal or eat something that is not
However, if the restaurant is closed, the menu options nutritious enough as a main meal and help them to avoid
will not be rendered and a “Restaurant is CLOSED” consuming ingredients that they are allergic to.
message will be displayed instead. If ‘Menu Suggestion’ Throughout the entire development process of this
is clicked in the navigation drawer, users will be system, the developer needs to enhance the programming
navigated to the Menu Suggestion Page in Figure 13 skills on Java JSF and the MVC framework which will
which shows the menu suggestion options based on benefit the developer. Although this system has achieved
health condition. Upon clicking on the blue exclamation a commendable satisfactory level from the user, the
mark icon, a dialog will be displayed showing the kind of developer and users have discovered a few limitations in
menu will the system suggest based on the selected health this system that should be addressed in the near future.
condition. From the aspect of System Admins, they can only
generate the receipt for the latest top up transaction
made. This limits the System Admin from keeping track
on the top-up transactions and generate a receipt for the
past top-up transactions. From the aspect of Customers,
the “Your order is ready!” notification can be seen in the
application’s Home Page. Besides, in the case where the
order consists of foods from multiple restaurants, the
notification will be triggered if all the restaurant has done
processing the foods in that order.
Based on the user’s feedbacks, one of the greatest
future enhancement for the system will be the reporting
feature. The system does facilitate their major operations;
however, the reporting and accounting operations are
still to be performed in the old way. By implemented
reporting features, the System Admins and Restaurant
Operators are able to generate reports automatically and
effortless. Report such as Top Up Transaction History will
be one of the reports the developer intended to develop
Figure 13: UI for Customer Menu Suggestion Page in the future as it helps the System Admins to keep track
on the past top-up transactions and generate a receipt for
Journal of Applied Technology and Innovation (e-ISSN: 2600-7304) vol. 2, no. 2, (2018) 24

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