Guided By: Adylbekova A.A Olgin A.O
Guided By: Adylbekova A.A Olgin A.O
Guided By: Adylbekova A.A Olgin A.O
An instrument transformer is a device used to reduce the current or voltage values into values can be
handled by other equipments.
Is a device to transform the power system current and voltage to lower magnitudes, and provide an
isolation between the power network and the relay and other instruments connected to the
transformer secondary winding.
- Reduce the voltage or current into values that other equipment can handle it
- Isolate the equipments from the power network (i.e. we need more insulation)
- To provide possibilities of a standardization of instrument and relays to a few rated currents and
A current transformer is used to transform a primary current quantity in terms of its magnitude and
phase to a secondary value such that in normal conditions the secondary value is substantially
proportional of the primary value.
Like any other transformer, a current transformer has a primary winding, a magnetic core and
asecondary winding
The primary winding of a current transformer is connected in series with the powercircuit
The impedance is negligible com pared with that of the power circuit
The alternating current flowing in the primary produces a magnetic field in the core &
induces acurrent in the secondary winding
The CT'sprimary circuit consists of a single 'turn' of conductor, with a secondary of many tens or
hundreds of turns
The primary winding may be a permanent part of the current transformer, with a heavy
copperbar to carry current through the magnetic core
A current transformer is a transformer has its primary winding is connected in series with the power
circuit with thick windings and few turns, usually one turn and the secondary with thin windings woth
many turns.
The wound type has a separate primary and secondary winding mounted on a laminated iron core. It is
used for auxiliary current transformers and for many low or moderate ratio current transformers used in
switchgear of up to 11Kv Rating.
The wound primary is used for the smaller currents, but it can only be applied on low fault level installations
due to thermal limitations as well as structural requirements due to high magnetic forces. This type of
current transformer is designed so that the primary winding consists of one or more turns of heavy wire
connected in series in the circuit. The secondary winding consists of a larger number of turns of relatively
smaller wires and is connected to instruments or control devices.
Bar primary type
Bushing type would be mounted in a transformer or circuit breaker for currents greater than 100 A, this
consists of a cylindrical ring core built up of thin iron laminations. Around the core is wound copper wire
which forms the secondary winding. The primary winding is formed by the bushing conductor.
Potential transformers
A Potential Transformer theory is just like theory of general purpose step down transformer
Primary of this transformer is connected across the phases or and ground depending upon the
In an ideal Potential Transformer when rated burden connected across the secondary the ratio of
primary and secondary voltages of transformer is equal to theturns ratio
But in actual transformer there must be an error in the voltage ratio as well as in the phase angle
between primary and secondaryvoltages
Electromechanical PTs
Main difference is that CPT has a capacitor divider on the front end
Construction of PT
The construction of a voltage transformer takes into account the following factors
b. Insulation – Designed for the system impulse voltage level. Insulation volume is often
larger than the winding volume