This document provides information about an assignment on river training works for a civil engineering course. It includes 3 sentences summarizing the key points:
The document outlines different types of river training works including high water, low water, and mean water training and describes the purposes of works like guide banks, marginal embankments, spurs, and groynes which are used to direct river flow, protect banks, and improve navigation. It also lists the main functions of river training works as protecting banks, constructing navigable channels, and controlling the river's course and sediment flow.
This document provides information about an assignment on river training works for a civil engineering course. It includes 3 sentences summarizing the key points:
The document outlines different types of river training works including high water, low water, and mean water training and describes the purposes of works like guide banks, marginal embankments, spurs, and groynes which are used to direct river flow, protect banks, and improve navigation. It also lists the main functions of river training works as protecting banks, constructing navigable channels, and controlling the river's course and sediment flow.
This document provides information about an assignment on river training works for a civil engineering course. It includes 3 sentences summarizing the key points:
The document outlines different types of river training works including high water, low water, and mean water training and describes the purposes of works like guide banks, marginal embankments, spurs, and groynes which are used to direct river flow, protect banks, and improve navigation. It also lists the main functions of river training works as protecting banks, constructing navigable channels, and controlling the river's course and sediment flow.
This document provides information about an assignment on river training works for a civil engineering course. It includes 3 sentences summarizing the key points:
The document outlines different types of river training works including high water, low water, and mean water training and describes the purposes of works like guide banks, marginal embankments, spurs, and groynes which are used to direct river flow, protect banks, and improve navigation. It also lists the main functions of river training works as protecting banks, constructing navigable channels, and controlling the river's course and sediment flow.
SHRI GETU YOKA TAPI TONY RGGP/2018/CE/13 VI SEMESTER DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING RIVER TRAINING WORK • The expression river training work implies various measures adopted on river to direct and guide the river flow, to train and regulate the river bed, or to increase the low water depth. • Purposes of river training works. ➢To protect the river bank by keeping the flow away from it. ➢To construct a wide channel for making the river navigable. ➢To train the river along the desired course by attracting, deflecting or by repelling flow in the river. ➢To create a slack flow with the objective of silting up the area in the vicinity. TYPES OF RIVER TRAINING WORKS 1. High water training ➢It is also called training for discharge. ➢The river trained to provide sufficient and efficient cross-sectional area for the expeditious passage of maximum flood. ➢It concerns mainly with alignment and height of embankment for a given flood discharge. 2. Low water training. ➢It is also known as training for depth ➢The river trained to provide sufficient depth for navigation during low stage of river. ➢It is usually achieved by contraction of the width of the channel 3. Mean water training. ➢It is also known as training for sediment ➢The river is trained to correct the configuration of river bed for the efficient transport of sediment load in order to keep the channel in good shape. ➢Out of the various kind of training, it is the most important training. FUNCTIONS SERVED BY RIVER TRAINING WORKS ARE AS FOLLOWS: ➢To protect the river bank by keeping the flow away from it. ➢To construct a wide channel for making the river navigable. ➢To train the river along the desired course by attracting, deflecting or by repelling flow in the river. ➢To create a slack flow with the objective of silting up the area in the vicinity. DRAW A SKETCH, DEFINE, PURPOSE & FUNCTION OF THE FOLLOWING CONSTITUENT:- 1. GUIDE BANK ➢The works required in the river to guide the passage of river water through weir or barrages are called guide banks. ➢Its was first designed be bell in whose honor it is also sometimes known as bell’s bund. Functions of guide bank:- ➢Economical spanning of a wide river ➢Safe and expeditions passage of floods ➢Protect adjacent lands, upstream of a weir or barrage construction. ➢Control and confine the flow axially through a restricted waterway so that the river has no possibility to swing about and outflank the structure. ➢Prevent occurrence of crossflow immediately upstream of barrage ➢Protect the approach embankments(on either side of a bridge extending from the river bank to the guide banks) from direct attack by the river. The purpose of guide banks are in the following ways:- ➢It protect the barrage from the effect of scouring and erosion. ➢It provides the straight approach towards the barrage. ➢It controls the tendency of changing the course of river. ➢It controls the velocity of flow near the structure. GUIDE BANK 2. MARGINAL EMBANKMENT • Marginal embankment are generally earthen embankment when the running parallel to the river at some distance from it. They may be constructed on both side of river or only on one side for some suitable river length where the river is passing through towns or city or any other places of importance. The embankment required the flood water and this preventing the near by town and land. • Purposes of marginal embankment ➢It protects the towns, villages and agriculture land etc. from the flood water. ➢It provide roadways on the top of it hence serves the purpose of communication. ➢In case of barrage, the marginal ➢Embankment retains the storage water with in a specified section. MARGINAL EMBANKMENT 3.SPURS These are temporary structure, permeable in nature provided on a curve of a river to protect the river bank from erosion. Function of spurs:- ➢To break velocity of flow ➢To form a water pocket on the upstream side where the sediments get deposited Purposes of spurs:- ➢Contracts a river channel to improve its depth. ➢Protects the river bank. ➢Silts up the area in vicinity by creating a slack flow ➢Trains the flow along a certain course. 4.GROYNES • Groynes are structures constructed transverse to the river flow and extend from the bank into river up to a limit. • The purposes and functions of groynes:- ➢They protect the river bank from keeping the flow away from it. ➢They create still pond along a particular bank with the aim of silting up the area in the vicinity. ➢They rain the river to floe along a desired course by attracting deflecting or repelling the flow. ➢They contract the wide river channel for improving the navigation depth.
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