Assessment Healt H Patte RN Nursing Diagnosis Desired Outcome (Edit) Intervention (Edit) Evaluation (EDIT) Rema RKS
Assessment Healt H Patte RN Nursing Diagnosis Desired Outcome (Edit) Intervention (Edit) Evaluation (EDIT) Rema RKS
Assessment Healt H Patte RN Nursing Diagnosis Desired Outcome (Edit) Intervention (Edit) Evaluation (EDIT) Rema RKS
7. Encourage a regular
period for elimination
R- Some people oftenly
defecate following the first
daily meal or coffee, as a
result of the gastrocolic
Dependent Intervention:
8. Administer medication as
prescribed by the physician.
R-Constipation related to
hypothyroidism shall be
treated with treatment for
hypothyroidism. This
typically involves taking a
daily thyroid hormone
replacement pill to help
restore thyroid hormone
levels to normal.