SSSIT Computer Education: Kphb-Hyderabad: 9866144861. Online Python Training Python

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SSSIT Computer Education

Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training

What is python?
As per the Python software Foundation, Python is a high level interactive,
interpreted and object oriented scripting language.

What is the difference between scripting languages and

programming languages?

Programming languages
1. Programming languages are meant for developing both system
software as well as application software.
2. The programs which are supported to run the system is known as
system software various application software is nothing but the programs
which are used to achieve the specific requirements of the customer or
the client.

3. in order to work with any programming language it is mandatory to

require to install special software‟s called compiler for an example if you
want to write and execute the C program then we have to install C
compiler call the turbo c 2 similarly if you want to work with Java language
then it is recommended to install a special software called JDK

4. After writing any program using programming languages it is

mandatory to compile before execution.

5. Programming languages are heavyweight that is that taking more

resources and more processing time

6. In programming languages there is a separation between source code

and application program

Scripting languages:
1. Mostly scripting languages are meant for developing application
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Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training

2. the most of the scripting languages does not have the capability to
execute independently that means the scripting languages required the
support of system software.
Example for the scripting languages are JavaScript, Shell Script, python

3. In order to work with the scripting languages does not required to install
special software‟s, but few scripting languages required to install
software‟s if you want to work with JavaScript that is not required to install
Special software whether your system should be loaded with the Notepad
and the basic browser is enough similarly if you want execute Shell Script
then your system should be loaded with any Unix based operating system

4. If we develop any program using scripting languages does not required

to compile before execution rather that executed directly without any
preliminary compilation

5. Scripting languages are lightweight visa taking less resources endless


6. In the scripting languages there is no separate exe file rather the

source file itself it is acting as an executable file

Python be inherited by taking the best powerful features of
programming languages and scripting languages

a. object oriented programming capability from C + + and Java

b. procedure oriented capability from C language
c. scripting capability from JavaScript and Shell Script.
d. modularity from modular 3 and some other language support

Applications of Python:
1. Web application development
2. Automation applications
3. Testing tools
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Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training

4. Gaming applications
5. Internet of things - IOT
6. Data Analytics and data science
7. Artificial intelligence ...etc

Advantages of python
1. High level language
a. if any language which enable you to develop any application by
using regular English instructions such as capital alphabets, small
alphabets, 0 to 9 digits and special characters

2. Portability:
Portability always depends upon the source code.
i.e no matters what operating system we are using the syntax and
semantics of the language remains same.

3. easy to learn, write and maintain

Python script statements resembles as like a regular English instructions.
Thus compared to other languages writing the python script statements
or easy

4. Open source
Python is available to the world under GPL general public licence. Python
software can be used by anyone without paying a paisa. And it is giving
the facility we can also see the internals of the python if required we can
also make the amendments in the language and we can also release the
new flavours of python

5. Independent
Python script statement can be executed in irrespective of the operating
system, by taking the support of python virtual machine

6. Interpreted
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Online Python Training

Python script statements or executed director without any preliminary


7. Procedure oriented
In the procedure oriented programming the logic can be maintained
and manipulate in the form of functions

8. Object oriented
In the object-oriented programming the logic can be maintained and
manipulate in the form of class and object

9. Huge library support

In other languages we have the support of libraries
Library contains collection of variables, functions, macros ...
In Python we have the support of module. The module provides list of
variables, functions, classes and object …

With the help of the models we can develop any type of application
simple and easier

10. Dynamically typed

Other languages like c,c++, java are statically typed
Python is dynamically type that is, Python scripting by the time of
declaring the variable, does not required to specify the data type and the
type of the variable will be decided by the Python interpreter based on the
value we are assigned to it.

11. Database connectivity

Python is giving the convenience developers to interact with any data
bases to store the data permanently with an effect to security.

 Batteries included
 argpars For Command line arguments
 boto is Amzon web services library
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Online Python Training

 CherryPy Is Object Oriented for HTTP Frame Works

 Fiona read and write data from large files
 jellyFish For phonetic matching Strings
 mysql_connector_python is a driver written to connect to My SQL
 numpy is Multi-dimensional arrays
 pandas for data analytics and statistics
 Pillow for Image Processing
 scipy for scientific and engineering calculations

Flavours of Python
Flavours of Python is referred to different types of the Python Compilers

 Cpython
 It is Standard Python compiler implemented in c
 Compiled Code by python is byte code. It can run on
interpreter existed on PVM created on C-Language
 By Using CPython we can also execute c and c++ functions
and Programs
 Jython
 Initially it is called Jpython
 It is implementation of python programming language which is
designed to run on jvm
 Jython contains libraries which are useful for both python and
Java programs

 IronPython
 It is another implementation of Python For .Net Frame work . It
is written in C#
 When Python Programs are Compiled an Intermediate
Language Instructions are Created But These Instructions Can
Be Understand by CLR
 It is Providing Various Libraries for Both python and .NET
 PyPy
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Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training

 Python Implementation Using Python, Actually Written in

Rpython which is created by using python.
 Rpython is good for creating language interpreters .
 PyPy Programs Run Very fast. Because JIT Compiler is Add to
Python Interpreter

 Pythonxy
 It is Also Python Implementation
 we get after adding scientific and engineering related

 Anaconda
 Handling Large scale of Data processing
 Data Analytics and Scientific computing called Anaconda

Cptyhon --
Jython –
IronPython –
Pypy : --
Pythonxy : --
Anaconda : --

Who is using Python :

Youtube, google, NASA , Dropbox, facebook and yahoo …..

 Youtube : The popular YouTube videos Sharing services

are mostly Written in Python

 Google Makes extensive use of python in its web search

SSSIT Computer Education
Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training

 NASA , LOS Alamos, Fermi lab, JPL, and other are Using
Python For Scientific Programming

History of Python:
 Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in the late eighties and
early nineties at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and
Computer Science in the Netherlands.

 Python is derived from many other languages, including ABC,

Modula-3, C, C++, Algol-68, Smalltalk, and Unix shell and other
scripting languages.

 Python is copyrighted. Like Perl, Python source code is now

available under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

 Python Name Was Taken From TV Show, Monty Python’s Flying



3.Ways For Executing Python Script Statements

1.Using Python Shell
2.Using Python IDLE
3.Using Script Mode
4.Using Os Prompt or Windows Prompt

Python Shell :
1.It is CUI [Character User Interface] Based
[Where can perform operations using keyboard]
2. Doesn‟t have any look and feel
3. Doesn‟t provide any onscreen tip [syntax help]
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Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training

cls,date,time commands from OS.

inorder to execute any os commands then we have to use, system( )
from OS Module
exit() used for to quit from python shell

Python IDLE
1. Python IDLE Provides Look and Feel
2. GUI [Graphical user interface] Based
3. It is Providing Menu Support
4. In Python IDLE we can't clear the screen Using
5. In Python IDLE, It doesn't execute any OS Commands
Rather internally it will open OS Shell and execute OS
Command there only.

3. Using Python Script Mode

* In Python Shell and IDLE where we can execute only operation
at a time, but if you want execute some group of operations at a
time then we have to go script mode

Steps :
1. Open IDLE
2. Select New File from the File Menu
3. Define required Script Statements
4. Select Save From the file menu and the file with
any [Eg:]
5.Select Run module [f5] From Run Menu

4. Executing Python Script Statements Using OS Prompt

1.Open command prompt
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Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training

[Window+R --> cmd --> Ok ]


E:\>cd Python_Online9

<class 'int'>

Fundamentals of the Python:

Token is nothing but smallest individual component in the program

Python Tokens Are :

1.Character SET
Set of characters which are supported by Python
Language interpreter
* Python will support Unicode char SET
* Unicode = ASCII and Non ASCII
* Non Ascii = Other Language Characters
[National | International]
* Range : 0 to 65535
* We can develop Language Friendly Application

* It is a space to store the data or
* It is named container which enable you to store the data
temporally during the program execution

Java :
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Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training


Actually here b is nothing a space




Are nothing but all the names which are declared by us for our
programming requirements, Such as : Variable names, Function names,
Class names.....

Rules :
1. It must starts with an alphabet or _
2. It may be in Lower | Upper | Mixed cases
3. No Limit in the length of identifiers
4. It May Have digits
Eg: e00no; ena98me; [valid]
5. It may have a Special character [i.e. : _ ]
6. It should not be Python Keyword

* These are nothing but reserved words
* Every keyword is having its importance in the program
* The meaning of the keyword can‟t be changed
* To know the keywords existed in the python then we have to use
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Online Python Training

kwlist [predefined Variable of type <class 'list'>]

Existed in keyword module

import keyword
keyword.kwlist [shell and idle]
In script Mode --> print(keyword.kwlist)

>>> import keyword

>>> keyword.kwlist
['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'async', 'await', 'break',
'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from',
'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise',
'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']

>>> type(keyword.kwlist)
<class 'list'>
>>> len(keyword.kwlist) #35

iskeyword() :
It returns True if the given String is a keyword else it will return False
Eg: >>> keyword.iskeyword('Roja') #False
>>>keyword.iskeyword('as') #True

Print( ) :
- It an output functions from builtins module
- It used to display the result on the console

print(x) #10
print("welcome") #welcome
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Online Python Training


print(x) #10
print(y) #3.14
print(z) #welcome

print(x,y,z) #10 3.14 welcome

Note : While printing multiple values using print function, then each value
is separated by a space, if you want provide any literal then we have to
use sep attribute in print( )

Eg3: Using sep attribute


print(x,y,z) #if u want any literal as sep

#sep attribute in print( )
#default value for sep attribute is space [ sep=' ' ]

print(x,y,z,sep=' ') # 10 3.14 welcome

print(x,y,z,sep='-') # 10-3.14-welcome
print(x,y,z,sep=',') # 10,3.14,welcome
print(x,y,z,sep='') #103.14welcome
Note: While printing the values using print (), it will print the result on the
screen and throws the cursor to the newline. Just because the default
SSSIT Computer Education
Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training

value of “end” attribute is „\n‟. if you want print in result in same line then
we have to use “end” attribute with end=‟‟.

Eg 4: Using end attribute in print( )


print(x) # print( ) -> printf( ) + "\n" [In C]

print(y) # end attribute in print( )
print(z) # the default value for end attribute is \n

print(z,end='') # print(x,y,z,sep='')
We can use the Esc Sequence Char in both end or sep attribute of
print( ) if required

\n New Line
\a Bell sound
\t Horizontal .Tab(4)
\b Backspace

\\ It will print \ symbol

\' It will print ' symbol
\" It will print " Symbol ...

SSSIT Computer Education
Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training

print(x,y,z,sep=' ')


Printing the value of variables using format specifier’s

Format Specifies : These are used to specify what type values to be
formatted during output.

int --> %d
float --> %f
string -> %s

Syn: print("formatspecifier" %variable)

print("formatspecifiers" %(list of variables) )

x=10 #int
y=3.14 #float
z="welcome" #str

print("%d" %x)
print("%f" %y)

print("x val is : %d " %x)

print("y val is : %f " %y)

print("%d %f %s" %(x,y,z))

print("x:%d y:%f z:%s " %(x,y,z))
#x:10 y:3.14000 z:welcome
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Kphb-hyderabad : 9866144861.
Online Python Training

print( ) using replacement fields { }

 while working with replacement field then we have to use format( )
from the class : <class 'str'>.

Syn: print("msg | values ".format(variables))

Replacement Fields Can Be

- Index based
- Non Index Based
- Name based


#Non Index Based

print("name :{}".format(name)) # name: sudha
print("name is :{} and age is :{}".format(name,age))

#IndexBased 0 1 –index values

print("name is :{1} and age is:{0} ".format(age,name))

print("Name is :{} and age is :{}".format(name,age))
print("Name is :Mr|Mrs.{n} and age is :{a},{n} is from Hyd".

#Name is :Mr|Mrs.sudha and age is :27,sudha is from Hyd

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