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Ts. ChM. Dr. Nabilah Ismail

10 JUNE 2021



The aim of this study was to analytes chlorate of interest, particularly in terms
of water quality assessment. Several organisations, including the World Health
Organization and the American Public Health Association, have weighed in on the
issue. The documentation to investigate chlorate levels in water as a result of due to
its toxicity, not only for humans but also for other living organisms.

Analytical devices such as ionselective electrodes, spectrophotometers, flow

injection analyzers, and chromatography are used to test chlorate ions. These
instruments require a chlorate standard solution to quantify; however, there has never
been a chlorate ion standard solution described by a metrologically valid process.

Chlorate ions were measured using multipath gravimetric titration procedures

linked to the International System of Units in this investigation (SI). Titrimetry is one
of the most well-known and exact methods for measuring major and minor
constituents, and it outperforms other instrumental approaches in the following two

The sample preparations are three CRMs (NMIJ CRM 3002-a potassium
dichromate, NMIJ CRM 3008-a sodium chloride, and NMIJ CRM 3006-a potassium
iodate) and the coulometric titrations used to determine them were previously
described (NMIJ CRM 3002-a potassium dichromate, NMIJ CRM 3008-a sodium
chloride, and NMIJ CRM 3006-a potassium iodate). Unless otherwise noted, analytical
reagent grade compounds were utilised.characteristics and interaction type use
mechanisms of ion exchange, surface adsorption, partition, and size exclusion. There
are two main ways to interpret a chromatogram determination of the peak height of
a chromatographic peak as measured from the baseline and determination of the peak
area. Hence, HPLC used for trace analysis, preparation of pure compound and,
separation and analysis of non-volatile or thermally unstable compounds.

For back titration, a potassium dichromate solution of approximately 10 mmol

kg1 was made gravimetrically by dissolving in water.

By dissolving iron(II) sulphate heptahydrate in roughly 2 mol L1 sulfuric acid,
a 300 mmol kg1 iron(II) sulphate heptahydrate was obtained. Gravimetric titration
with the standard potassium dichromate on heating was used to quantify the
concentration of the iron(II) sulphate solution. The end point was chosen as the
inflection point determined using third order polynomial approximation. Back titration
with the standardised excess iron(II) sulphate solution and the standard potassium
dichromate solution on heating was used to quantify sodium chlorate. The final point
was chosen in the same way as the beginning point.

The sample techniques used for the end-point detection of their titrations are back
titration. Back titration is a titration in which a known excess of standard reagent is
introduced to the solution and the excess is titrated instead of the original sample.
When the endpoint of the reverse titration is easier to recognise than the endpoint of
the regular titration, such as in precipitation reactions, a back titration is
advantageous. When the interaction between the analyte and the titrant is very slow,
or when the analyte is in a non-soluble solid, back titrations are also effective.

Back titration works as follows (with an example): 1: An unknown concentration

substance or solution (4 gramme of tainted chalk, CaCO3) is made to react with an
intermediate reactant solution of known volume and concentration (200 ml, 0.5N HCl).
The reaction has progressed beyond the point of equality.

Here are the technique back titration in the journal:

Path A (back titration with dichromate ions and iron(II) ions); A type HM-30R
potentiometer (pH meter) with a Pt–Ag/AgCl combination electrode.

In line with the certificate, standard potassium dichromate (NMIJ CRM 3002-a) was
dried at 150 °C for 1 hour and stored in a desiccator with silica gel. The oxidants'
certified value represented as potassium dichromate was 99.974 percent 0.011
percent (coverage factor k = 2, which gives a level of confidence of about 95 percent).

Path B (precipitation titration between chloride ionsand silver ions); a type HM-30R
potentiometer (pH meter) with a silver working electrode and a mercury-sulfate
reference electrode.

In line with the certificate, standard sodium chloride (NMIJ CRM 3008-a) was dried at
600 °C for 2 hours and stored in a desiccator with silica gel. For argentometry, the
verified purity represented as sodium chloride was 100.001 percent 0.045 percent (k
= 2).

Path C (titration between thiosulfate ions and triiodide ions, the titration curves of
which were drawn by constant-voltage biamperometry a type 7651 DC current source
and a type 7562 digital multimeter of Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Tokyo, Japan,
equipped with a dual‑platinum electrode.

In line with the certificate, standard potassium iodate (NMIJ CRM 3006-a) was dried
at 130 °C for 2 hours and stored in a desiccator with silica gel. The oxidants have a
verified value of The results of three sodium chlorate test are summarised here.

Various titrations are displayed. Sodium chloride was used.Finally, a weighted mean
was used to characterise the data. Values for weighing,and final weighting values,
were calculated using the following formulas: 99.973 percent 0.018 percent (k = 2)
when expressed as potassium iodate.

The iodine liberation time affects sodium chlorate tests. Panel (b) is an expanded
version of panel (a) with a different background with data correction.

According to data the figure shows assays for sodium chlorate in pathways A, B, and
C. Each bar represents the enlarged level of uncertainty (k = 2).

According to data the figure shows The reaction pathways A and B were used to assess
the stability of sodium chlorate in solids.

The figure shows The reaction route A was used to test the stability of sodium
chlorate in solution. Symbol O and a solid regression line saved at 8°C; symbol▲
and a dotted regression line saved at room temperature; symbol △ and another
dotted regression line corrected by mass changes for symbols▲.

where xi is each value.

Finally, the assay (mass fraction) of sodium chlorate calculated was 99.829% ±
0.029% (k = 2).

The reaction pathways A and B in the figure above were used to test the stability of
sodium chlorate in solids. According to the residual errors from the F test, the
difference between the data deviation and the slope of the regression line with
storage time was statistically insignificant. The standard uncertainty of the stability
was derived from the standard uncertainty of the slope as a consequence of this
test. The standard uncertainty of the slope per day was 0.0000411 percent; thus,
the standard uncertainty for one year's long-term stability was 0.015 percent.

In conclusion, Multipath titrations based on different reactions eliminated

unknown biases and gave further reliable results. The results through the reaction
paths (a) and (b) were in good agreement, though these reactions were totally
different. The mass fraction of sodium chlorate by using a weighted mean calculated
from the results of three titrations was 99.829%.



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Chlorate ion standard solution established by multipath titration techniques T

Toshiaki Asakai
National Metrology Institute of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8563, Japan


Keywords: Analyses of chlorate ion are essential in evaluating water quality; however, there is no standard solution of
Chlorate ion standard solution chlorate ion characterized by a metrologically valid procedure. This paper describes the measurement proce-
Water quality dures and assays of chlorate ions with the linkage to the International System of Units (SI) by multipath
Certified reference material gravimetric titration techniques. Three different titration techniques were employed to assay chlorate ions:
Oxidation-reduction titration
oxidimetric-reductometric back titration with an iron(II) solution standardized with standard potassium di-
Precipitation titration
Ion chromatography
chromate, precipitation titration with a silver nitrate solution standardized with standard sodium chloride, and
oxidimetric-reductometric titration with a thiosulfate solution standardized with standard potassium iodate. The
results obtained through three different reactions were in good agreement with each other within their un-
certainties. A certified reference material of chlorate ions with the linkage to the SI was first established by
evaluating the storage stability of the solution and estimating measurement uncertainties. The assay (mass
fraction) of sodium chlorate was characterized by using a weighted mean of the results of three methods;
99.829% ± 0.029% (the value following ± gives a level of confidence of approximately 95%, coverage factor
k = 2). Providing with the standard solution through Japan Calibration Service System (JCSS) under Japanese
Measurement Act widely allows all analysts to obtain their reliable analytical results.

1. Introduction obtain repeatabilities below 0.5% relative.

The all assays for chlorate ions given in the present paper were
Chlorate is one of the analytes of interest, especially from the traceable to the SI (mass, time and ampere) because the roots of them
viewpoint of evaluating water quality. Several institutions such as the reached to coulometric assays which yield the amount of substances on
World Health Organization and the American Public Health Association an absolute basis based on Faraday's laws of electrolysis [22]. Gravi-
have issued documents to examine chlorate contents in water [1, 2] due metric titrations performed in the present study were based on the
to its toxicity for not only human being but also other living organisms following reactions (Fig. 1):
[3–5]. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has posed chlorate
NaClO3 + 6FeSO4 + 3H2 SO4 → NaCl + 3Fe2 (SO4 )3 + 3H2 O (A.1)
measurements in Japanese Water Supply Act [6].
Chlorate ions are measured by analytical instruments such as ion- 6FeSO4 + K2Cr2O7 + 7H2 SO4 → 3Fe2 (SO4 )3 + Cr2 (SO4 )3 + 7H2 O
selective electrodes [7], spectrophotometers [8, 9], flow injection
+ K2SO4 (A.2)
analyzers [10–13] and chromatography [14–19]. These instruments
require a standard solution of chlorate to quantify; however, no stan- Chlorate ions were assayed by oxidimetric-reductometric titration
dard solution of chlorate ion characterized by a metrologically valid based on standard potassium dichromate traceable to the SI which was
procedure has existed [20, 21]. determined by oxidimetric-reductometric coulometric titration with
In the present study, chlorate ions were assayed by multipath electrogenerated iron(II) [23, 24]. Excess iron(II) which was standar-
gravimetric titration techniques with the linkage to the International dized with potassium dichromate was added to chlorate, and then the
System of Units (SI). Titrimetry is one of the most classic and precise excess iron(II) was back-titrated with potassium dichromate.
methods for measurements of both major and minor constituents, and is NaClO3 + 3Na2SO3 + 6HNO3 → NaCl + 3H2 SO4 + 6NaNO3 (B.1)
highly superior in terms of the following two points in comparison to
other instrumental methods: measurements of major constituents and NaCl + AgNO3 → AgCl + NaNO3 (B.2)
its repeatability. Titrimetry is applicable to determine major con-
Chlorate ions were assayed by argentometric titration based on
stituents up to 100%, and has a higher repeatability below 0.01% re-
standard sodium chloride traceable to the SI which was determined by
lative. It is difficult using instrumental analyses mentioned above to

E-mail address: [email protected].
Received 4 January 2018; Received in revised form 9 June 2018; Accepted 9 June 2018
Available online 14 June 2018
0026-265X/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Asakai Microchemical Journal 142 (2018) 9–16

Fig. 1. Experimental design for the assay of chlorate ions through three different titration techniques.

argentometric coulometric titration with electrogenerated silver(I) the decomposition of them with sodium sulfite, an examination of io-
[25]. The decomposition reaction of chlorate ions by sodium sulfite dine liberation reactions by chlorate ions with iodide ions and acids,
could be proceeded according to the reaction (B.1) [26–29]. Chloride and stability data of sodium chlorate and chlorate ion solutions.
ions generated through the decomposition of chlorate ions by excess Titrimetry traceable to the SI on an absolute basis could give the sta-
sodium sulfite were titrated with a silver nitrate solution which was bility as new information because the examinations for stability need an
standardized with sodium chloride in precipitation reaction. absolute method not a relative one. Estimating related uncertainties, a
CRM of chlorate ions was first established with the linkage to the SI on
NaClO3 + 6KI + 6HCl → 3I2 + NaCl + 6KCl + 3H2 O (C.1)
an absolute basis. This CRM has provided through Japan Calibration
2Na2S2 O3 + I2 → 2NaI + Na2S4 O6 (C.2) Service System (JCSS) under Japanese Measurement Act [33], in which
it widely allows all analysts to obtain reliable CRMs in solution form
KIO3 + 5KI + 3H2 SO4 → 3I2 + 3K2SO4 + 3H2 O (C.3) and their reliable analytical results.

Chlorate ions were assayed by oxidimetric-reductometric titration

based on standard potassium iodate traceable to the SI. Iodine (triio- 2. Material and methods
dide) liberated by chlorate ions in an acidic potassium iodide solution is
titrated with a sodium thiosulfate solution [30, 31]. This sodium thio- Sodium chlorate was of analytical reagent grade, Wako first grade,
sulfate solution was standardized with potassium iodate which was obtained from Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan.
determined based on the oxidimetric-reductometric coulometric titra- Three CRMs and the coulometric titrations for their determinations
tion and was traceable to the SI [32]. were previously described (NMIJ CRM 3002-a potassium dichromate
Chlorate ions were assayed by metrologically valid multipath ti- [23, 24], NMIJ CRM 3008-a sodium chloride [25] and NMIJ CRM 3006-
tration techniques with the linkage to the SI. Multipath titrations based a potassium iodate [32]). Analytical reagent grade chemicals were used
on different reactions eliminated unknown biases and gave further su- unless otherwise stated.
perior results than those based on a conventional single titration Gravimetric titrations were performed with a plastic syringe with a
method. The reactions of oxidation of iron(II) and iodide ions are polyetheretherketone (PEEK) or PFA needle. Solid materials were
known in volumetric analysis; however, the present study has several weighed with resolution of 1 μg by a type XP26 balance. Solution-form
advantages and new information: first establishment of a certified re- samples were weighed with resolution of 10 μg by a type XP205 bal-
ference material (CRM) of chlorate ions by multipath titration techni- ance. The balances used were of Mettler Toledo, Tokyo, Japan.
ques eliminated unknown biases, a reliable back titration between Buoyancy corrections were always applied.
chlorate ions and iron(II) with examining appropriate titration condi- Chlorate ion solutions were kept in a high density, narrow-neck
tions, an application of precipitation titration for chlorate ions through polyethylene bottle with inner lid (100 mL) purchased from Sanplatec

T. Asakai Microchemical Journal 142 (2018) 9–16

Corp., Osaka, Japan. substantially zero ampere of the indicator current.

Instruments used for the end-point detection of their titrations were Sodium chlorate was determined by gravimetric titration with the
as follows: standardized sodium thiosulfate solution through the iodine liberation
reaction with potassium iodide and acids. The end point was de-
a type HM-30R potentiometer (pH meter) with a Pt–Ag/AgCl com- termined in the same manner as that mentioned above.
bination electrode of DKK-TOA Corporation, Tokyo, Japan for path
A (back titration with dichromate ions and iron(II) ions); 3. Results and discussion
a type HM-30R potentiometer (pH meter) with a silver working
electrode and a mercury-sulfate reference electrode of DKK-TOA 3.1. Back titration with dichromate ions and iron(II) ions − path A
Corporation for path B (precipitation titration between chloride ions
and silver ions); Sodium chlorate was assayed through path A: excess iron(II) sulfate
a type 7651 DC current source and a type 7562 digital multimeter of was added and then gravimetrically back-titrated with a standard so-
Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, equipped with a lution of potassium dichromate. The iron(II) sulfate solution was pre-
dual‑platinum electrode for path C (titration between thiosulfate liminarily standardized by gravimetric titration with standard po-
ions and triiodide ions, the titration curves of which were drawn by tassium dichromate.
constant-voltage biamperometry [32]).
3.1.1. Examination of back titration with dichromate ions and iron(II) ions
2.1. Back titration with dichromate ions and iron(II) ions − path A Approximately 0.14 g of the standard potassium dichromate was
placed in a 50 mL beaker, dissolved in 20 mL of 2 mol L−1 sulfuric acid,
Standard potassium dichromate (NMIJ CRM 3002-a) was dried at and then titrated with an iron(II) sulfate solution on heating around
150 °C for 1 h, and kept in a desiccator with silica gel in accordance 70 °C. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of the concentration of the
with the certificate. The certified value of the oxidants expressed as iron(II) sulfate solution obtained was 0.0126% (n = 7, n is the number
potassium dichromate was 99.974% ± 0.011% (coverage factor k = 2, of measurements under a repeating condition); the relative standard
which gives a level of confidence of approximately 95%). deviation of the mean was 0.00476% (n = 7).
An approximately 10 mmol kg−1 potassium dichromate solution Approximately 0.08 g of sodium chlorate was placed in a 50 mL
was gravimetrically prepared by dissolving in water for back titration. beaker, and was added the standardized excess iron(II) sulfate solution
An approximately 300 mmol kg−1 iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate was (ca. 0.5% excess). The solution was heated around 70 °C for 10 min, and
prepared by dissolving in ca. 2 mol L−1 sulfuric acid. The concentration then the excess iron(II) sulfate was titrated with the standard potassium
of the iron(II) sulfate solution was determined by gravimetric titration dichromate solution on heating. The dependency of the assay of sodium
with the standard potassium dichromate on heating. The inflection chlorate on heating duration is given in Fig. 2. This examination
point calculated by third order polynomial approximation was decided showed no dependency of the assays of sodium chlorate on the heating
as the end point. duration; therefore, the condition of heating for 10 min was adopted for
Sodium chlorate was determined by back titration with the stan- the back titration because no heating procedure gave larger repeat-
dardized excess iron(II) sulfate solution and the standard potassium ability. The RSD of the assay of sodium chlorate obtained was 0.0341%
dichromate solution on heating. The end point was determined in the (n = 5); the RSD of the mean was 0.0152% (n = 5).
same manner as that mentioned above.
3.1.2. Uncertainty of back titration of sodium chlorate with dichromate ions
2.2. Titration between chloride ions and silver ions after decomposition of and iron(II) ions
chlorate ions − path B Measurement uncertainties of sodium chlorate by back titration
with dichromate ions and iron(II) ions are given in Table 1. The ex-
Standard sodium chloride (NMIJ CRM 3008-a) was dried at 600 °C panded uncertainty of potassium dichromate was 0.011% (k = 2). Re-
for 2 h, and kept in a desiccator with silica gel in accordance with the peatabilities of titration between dichromate ions and iron(II) ions, and
certificate. The certified value of the purity expressed as sodium back titration of sodium chlorate were the RSDs of the mean of each
chloride for argentometry was 100.001% ± 0.045% (k = 2). titration. The uncertainties of weighing of solid materials were calcu-
An approximately 300 mmol kg−1 silver nitrate solution was pre- lated from the linearity (6 μg) and the sensitivity (0.022 mg, expanded
pared by dissolving in water. The concentration of the silver nitrate
solution was determined by gravimetric titration with the standard
sodium chloride. The inflection point calculated by third order poly-
nomial approximation was decided as the end point.
Sodium chlorate was determined by gravimetric titration with the
standardized silver nitrate solution after the decomposition of chlorate
ions with sodium sulfite. The end point was determined in the same
manner as that mentioned above.

2.3. Titration between thiosulfate ions and triiodide ions through iodine
liberation reaction − path C

Standard potassium iodate (NMIJ CRM 3006-a) was dried at 130 °C

for 2 h, and kept in a desiccator with silica gel in accordance with the
certificate. The certified value of the oxidants expressed as potassium
iodate was 99.973% ± 0.018% (k = 2).
An approximately 300 mmol kg−1 sodium thiosulfate solution was
prepared by dissolving in water. The concentration of the sodium
thiosulfate solution was determined by gravimetric titration with the
standard potassium iodate through the iodine liberation reaction by Fig. 2. Dependency of sodium chlorate assays on heating duration in the back
adding potassium iodide and acids. The end point was decided at titration of sodium chlorate with dichromate ions and iron(II) ions.

T. Asakai Microchemical Journal 142 (2018) 9–16

Table 1
Uncertainty budget for sodium chlorate assay by back titration with dichromate
ions and iron(II) ions.
Uncertainty source Relative standard uncertainty, %

Uncertainty of standard potassium 0.005 5

Repeatability of titration between 0.004 76
dichromate ions and iron(II) ions
Repeatability of back titration of sodium 0.015 2
Weighing of potassium dichromate 0.002 47
Weighing of sodium chlorate 0.004 33
Weighing of an iron(II) ion solution Negligible
Weighing of a dichromate ion solution Negligible
Preparation of a standard potassium Negligible
dichromate solution
Molar mass of potassium dichromate Included in the certified value of
standard potassium dichromate
Molar mass of sodium chlorate Negligible
Buoyancy correction Negligible
Fig. 3. Dependency of sodium chlorate assays on time with acetate buffer and
Combined standard uncertainty 0.017 6
Expanded uncertainty (coverage factor 0.035 heating (X) without buffer nor heating (O) in the titration of chloride ions
k = 2) generated through the decomposition of chlorate ions with a silver nitrate so-

uncertainty of a standard weight (20 g) used for calibration) of the titration was carried out with acetate buffer (2 mL of 410 g sodium
balance. The uncertainties of weighing of solution-form materials and acetate per 1 L) after heating at 80 °C. This titration was performed with
gravimetric preparation of a standard potassium dichromate solution the intention to accelerate the decomposition reaction by heating, and
were negligible because the related uncertainties were very small in to make a mild condition (ca. pH 4) for the precipitation titration by
comparison to the weighing operations: weighing masses of the solu- adding the buffer. There were no dependencies on the reaction time and
tions were 6 g or 12 g, the linearity of the balance (0.1 mg) and the the condition of the solution; therefore, the assay of sodium chlorate
sensitivity (0.05 mg for 100 g). The uncertainty of the molar mass of through this reaction was calculated from the all results illustrated in
potassium dichromate was included in its certified value. Other un- Fig. 3. The RSD of the assay of sodium chlorate obtained was 0.0509%
certainty sources, molar mass of sodium chlorate and buoyancy cor- (n = 24); the RSD of the mean was 0.0104% (n = 24).
rection were also small compared to other dominant sources. Conse-
quently, the assay (mass fraction) of sodium chlorate was
99.821% ± 0.035% (k = 2). 3.2.2. Uncertainty of titration of sodium chlorate with silver ions after
decomposition of chlorate ions
3.2. Titration between chloride ions and silver ions after decomposition of Measurement uncertainties of sodium chlorate by titration with
chlorate ions − path B silver ions after decomposition of chlorate ions are given in Table 2. The
expanded uncertainty of sodium chloride was 0.045% (k = 2). Re-
Sodium chlorate was assayed through path B: chloride ions gener- peatabilities of titrations between chloride ions and silver ions were the
ated through the decomposition of chlorate ions by excess sodium RSDs of the mean of each titration. The uncertainties of weighing and
sulfite were titrated with a silver nitrate solution. The silver nitrate other related sources were estimated in the same manner as those of the
solution was preliminarily standardized by gravimetric titration with oxidimetric-reductometric titration (vide supra). Consequently, the
standard sodium chloride. assay (mass fraction) of sodium chlorate was 99.837% ± 0.050%
(k = 2).
3.2.1. Examination of decomposition of chlorate ions by gravimetric
titration with silver ions
Approximately 0.17 g of the standard sodium chloride was placed in
a 100 mL beaker, dissolved in 50 mL of water, and then titrated with a Table 2
silver nitrate solution. The RSD of the concentration of the silver nitrate Uncertainty budget for sodium chlorate assay by titration with silver ions after
solution obtained was 0.00290% (n = 4); the RSD of the mean was decomposition of chlorate ions.
0.00145% (n = 4). Uncertainty source Relative standard uncertainty, %
Approximately 0.5 g of sodium chlorate was placed in a 100 mL
beaker, and was added ca. 20 mL of ca. 1.2 mol L−1 sodium sulfite (ca. Uncertainty of standard sodium chloride 0.022 5
Repeatability of titration between 0.001 45
150 g per 1 L), which was the excess amount of reductants.
chloride ions and silver ions
Approximately 7 mol L−1 nitric acid (nitric acid/water = 1/1 in vo- Repeatability of titration of sodium 0.010 4
lume) was added to accelerate the decomposition reaction. The acidity chlorate (chloride ions)
of the solution was monitored with dropping the nitric acid solution: pH Weighing of sodium chloride 0.002 04
Weighing of sodium chlorate 0.000 70
values of the solution were ca. pH 7 with 1 mL of the nitric acid solu-
Weighing of a silver ion solution Negligible
tion, ca. pH 6 with 2 mL, and less than pH 1 with 3 mL. After dropping Molar mass of sodium chloride Included in the certified value of
3 mL of the nitric acid solution, the decomposition reaction violently standard sodium chloride
proceeded with generating gas and self-heating. Fig. 3 illustrates the Molar mass of sodium chlorate Negligible
dependency of sodium chlorate assays on time under two different ti- Buoyancy correction Negligible
Combined standard uncertainty 0.024 9
tration conditions. Sodium chlorate was titrated with the standardized
Expanded uncertainty (coverage factor 0.050
silver nitrate solution after starting the decomposition followed by di- k = 2)
luting with water up to 50 mL without buffer nor heating. The other

T. Asakai Microchemical Journal 142 (2018) 9–16

3.3. Titration between thiosulfate ions and triiodide ions through iodine higher reaction rate. Smaller amounts of potassium iodide (e.g., 3 g) led
liberation reaction − path C to the deposition of solid iodine and larger vaporization of iodine from
the solution. Solutions in any conditions had an odor, which might be
Sodium chlorate was assayed through path C: iodine (triiodide) chloride compounds', at the initial stage of reaction. When using
liberated by chlorate ions in an acidic potassium iodide solution was 9 mol L−1 or 4.5 mol L−1 sulfuric acid instead of hydrochloric acid,
titrated with a sodium thiosulfate solution. The sodium thiosulfate so- there were similar problems occurred such as significant vaporization
lution was preliminarily standardized by gravimetric titration with of iodine. Use of potassium chlorate instead of sodium chlorate showed
standard potassium iodate through iodine liberation reaction. This re- the similar phenomena.
action path was challenging to apply to assay chlorate ions due to the Chlorate ions required highly acidic conditions to oxidize iodide
lower reactivity of chlorate ions with iodide ions. ions in comparison with those of iodate ions [32], periodate ions [34],
bromate ions [35], dichromate ions [36], and cerium ions [37]. Judging
3.3.1. Examination of iodine liberation by constant-voltage biamperometry from these examinations, the following condition of the iodine libera-
Constant-voltage biamperometry was utilized to roughly investigate tion was adopted: use of 50 mL of 6 mol L−1 hydrochloric acid, 5 g of
the iodine liberation profile. Constant-voltage biamperometry is a potassium iodide, and more than 10 min liberation time.
method of monitoring the current between twin electrodes, typically
twin platinum electrodes, where a constant voltage is applied. The 3.3.2. Examination of iodine liberation by gravimetric titration with
current flows in the presence of both iodide ions and triiodide ions thiosulfate ions
through the reaction [3I− ↔ I3− + 2e−] on each surface. The current Approximately 0.15 g of the standard potassium iodate was placed
was proportional to the amount of liberated iodine for up to 1 g of in a 100 mL beaker, dissolved in 40 mL of water, and then titrated with
potassium iodide in 100 mL water when using a dual Pt-chip electrode a sodium thiosulfate solution. The RSD of the concentration of the so-
which had small surfaces because this electrochemical reaction is dif- dium thiosulfate solution obtained was 0.00506% (n = 3); the RSD of
fusion-controlled [32]. The conditions of the examination were as fol- the mean was 0.00292% (n = 3).
lows: a dual Pt-chip electrode (each 0.5 mm ϕ × 0.5 mm long), a con- Approximately 0.09 g of sodium chlorate was placed in a 100 mL
stant-voltage of 500 mV, and stirring at 900 rpm (revolutions per beaker, and was dissolved in ca. 50 mL of 6 mol L−1 hydrochloric acid,
minute). and added 5 g of potassium iodide. The liberated iodine was titrated
Fig. 4 shows profiles of iodine liberation monitored by constant- with the standardized sodium thiosulfate solution. Fig. 5 illustrates the
voltage biamperometry. Approximately 0.1 g of sodium chlorate was dependency of sodium chlorate assays on the iodine liberation time. It
placed in a beaker, and was dissolved in ca. 50 mL of ca. 6 mol L−1 or was natural that shorter iodine liberation time led smaller assays of
ca. 3 mol L−1 hydrochloric acid. After adding 3 g to 7 g of potassium sodium chlorate since iodine was not completely liberated stoichio-
iodide, the currents were monitored. Approximately 0.1 g of sodium metrically corresponding to that of sodium chlorate given in Fig. 5 (a);
chlorate potentially oxidizes 0.006 mol of iodide ions (ca. 0.9 g of po- the complete iodine liberation required more than 20 min. There was
tassium iodide) and consequently liberates ca. 0.8 g iodine. Under the no dependency of the sodium chlorate assays on the iodine liberation
condition using 3 mol L−1 hydrochloric acid, the indicator currents time over 20 min from the enlarged Fig. 5 (b).
gradually increased; the iodine liberation reaction was apparently very Iodide ions are easily oxidized in an acidic medium caused by air
slow. Using 6 mol L−1 hydrochloric acid, the reaction proceeded with oxygen and light [32]. In order to evaluate the amount of the influence,
method blanks were examined under the same condition without so-
dium chlorate. The bias caused by oxidation of iodide ions was very
large and significant due to the higher acidic conditions compared with
that for other compounds such as potassium iodate, the impact of the
background increase on the sodium chlorate assays was ca. 0.01% per
minute. Corrected data were plotted in Fig. 5 (b).
There was no dependency of the sodium chlorate assays on the io-
dine liberation time over 20 min; therefore, these all data were used for
the calculation. The RSD of the assay of sodium chlorate obtained was
0.157% (n = 8); the RSD of the mean was 0.0554% (n = 8).

3.3.3. Uncertainty of titration of sodium chlorate with thiosulfate ions

through iodine liberation reaction
Measurement uncertainties of sodium chlorate by titration with
thiosulfate ions through iodine liberation reaction are given in Table 3.
The expanded uncertainty of potassium iodate was 0.018% (k = 2). The
uncertainty for the correction caused by oxidation of iodide was con-
servatively estimated by assuming a rectangular distribution with its
half range of the amount of the correction. The other uncertainties were
estimated in the same manner as those of the other titrations (vide
supra). Consequently, the assay (mass fraction) of sodium chlorate was
Fig. 4. Profiles of iodine liberation by oxidizing iodide ions with sodium 100.01% ± 0.27% (k = 2).
chlorate. The iodine liberation process was monitored by constant-voltage
biamperometry for 0.1 g of sodium chlorate using a dual Pt-chip electrode 3.4. Establishment of sodium chlorate assay with a metrological traceability
(applied constant voltage 500 mV), stirring at 900 rpm. The indicator currents to the SI by multipath titration techniques
were recorded after adding different amounts of potassium iodide (3 g, 5 g and
7 g) into a sodium chlorate solution. The currents are proportional to the
The summary of the assays of sodium chlorate measured by three
amount of liberated iodine. The samples were dissolved in: (a) 50 mL of
6 mol L−1 hydrochloric acid, (b) 50 mL of 3 mol L−1 hydrochloric acid. different titrations is shown in Fig. 6 and Table 4. Sodium chlorate was
finally characterized by using a weighted mean [38]. Weighting values,
w′i, and final weighting values, wi, were obtained using:

T. Asakai Microchemical Journal 142 (2018) 9–16

Fig. 6. Sodium chlorate assays through the paths A, B and C. Each bar indicates
the expanded uncertainty (k = 2).

Table 4
Characterization of sodium chlorate using a weighted mean.
Path Mean Combined standard Weighting (w′i) Final
(xi), % uncertainty (ui), % weighting (wi)

Path A 99.821 0.018 3238.07 0.660171

Path B 99.837 0.025 1609.92 0.328226
Path C 100.01 0.13 56.9118 0.0116031
Weighted 99.829 0.014 – –

Fig. 5. Dependency of sodium chlorate assays on the iodine liberation time.

Panel (b) is the enlarged view of panel (a) and displayed with background
correction data.

Table 3
Uncertainty budget for sodium chlorate assay by titration with thiosulfate ions
through iodine liberation reaction.
Uncertainty source Relative standard uncertainty, %

Uncertainty of standard potassium iodate 0.009 0

Repeatability of titration between 0.002 92
potassium iodate and sodium
Repeatability of titration of sodium 0.055 4 Fig. 7. Stability of sodium chlorate in solid evaluated using the reaction paths A
chlorate (iodide ions) or B.
Weighing of potassium iodate 0.002 31
Weighing of sodium chlorate 0.003 85
Correction caused by oxidation of iodide 0.120 1
w′ =
ions ui2 (D.1)
Weighing of a thiosulfate ion solution Negligible
Molar mass of potassium iodate Included in the certified value of
standard potassium iodate
Molar mass of sodium chlorate Negligible ∑ w′i (D.2)
Buoyancy correction Negligible
Combined standard uncertainty 0.133 where ui is a combined standard uncertainty for each titration. The
Expanded uncertainty (coverage factor 0.27 mean, x-bar, and the associated standard uncertainty, u(x-bar), were
k = 2)
calculated from:

x = ∑ wi xi (D.3)

u (x ) = ∑ wi2 ui2 (D.4)

T. Asakai Microchemical Journal 142 (2018) 9–16

with sodium sulfite, and (c) iodometric titration with thiosulfate ions
for chlorate ions through iodine liberation reaction. The results through
the reaction paths (a) and (b) were in good agreement, though these
reactions were totally different. Though the repeatability of the reaction
path (c) was larger in comparison, it was confirmed that this reaction
path was available in practical. Multipath titrations based on different
reactions eliminated unknown biases and gave further reliable results.
Uncertainties of sodium chlorate assays were estimated by evaluating
the storage stability and estimating measurement uncertainties. The
assay (mass fraction) of sodium chlorate by using a weighted mean
calculated from the results of three titrations was 99.829% ± 0.029%
(k = 2). Standard sodium chlorate characterized by a metrologically
valid procedure was established. Japan Calibration Service System
(JCSS) under Japanese Measurement Act is a national measurement
standards provision scheme. Chlorate standard solutions have been
provided under JCSS via calibration laboratories. The supply of chlo-
rate standard solutions in solution-form widely allows all analysts to
obtain their reliable instrument analyses.
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line stored at 8 °C; symbol ▲ and a dotted regression line stored at room
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