7 Gesmundo Checked John Erroll o Maed2b Chapters123preliminaries Panelist 01-1-1
7 Gesmundo Checked John Erroll o Maed2b Chapters123preliminaries Panelist 01-1-1
7 Gesmundo Checked John Erroll o Maed2b Chapters123preliminaries Panelist 01-1-1
A Thesis Presentation to
The Faculty of the Graduate Studies
Tanauan City, Batangas
Public Elementary School - Teachers in Bay District: Basis for an Action Plan. ” has
the requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education, Major in Educational
Administration and Supervision, is hereby recommended for acceptance and approval for
Pre-Oral Examination.
________________________ ________________________
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Arts in Education, Major in Educational Administration and Supervision.
This research work is heartedly dedicated to his loving and supportive parent,
and with his brothers and sister and together with his partner,
HIS guidance on
his way to
Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Dedication iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Abstract viii
Introduction 1
Conceptual Framework 4
Paradigm of the Study 7
Statement of the Problem 8
Research Hypotheses 9
Significance of the Study 10
Scope and Delimitation of the Study 11
Definition of Terms 12
A. Related Literature
Foreign Literature 14
Local Literature 21
B. Related Studies
Foreign Studies 21
Local Studies 31
Research Design 35
Respondents of the Study 36
Locale of the Study 39
Research Instrument
Validity of the Questionnaire 40
Reliability of the Questionnaire
Validity of Instrument 41
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment of Data 42
A. Request Letters
B. Questionnaire
Tables Title
A Distributions of Respondents…………………………………………….37
Figure Title Page
1 Research Paradigm 7
2 Map of Division of Tanauan City 38
true to say that the awareness and curiousness of some educated people about their
environment and the events happening around them have created the act of
teaching, because they have wished to share their own experiences on the objects
Education is the only instrument to bring about desirable social change. The
to maximum use. The development of a nation depends upon the number educated
citizens who have access to quality education, which in turn depends upon the
do what they need to do in order to achieve the school’s goals and objectives with
the efficiency it deserves. because of the complexity of human behavior and the
passion to the work. Passion is at the core of effective learning and teaching.
individual to attain success in his and her child of endeavor. In this social milieu
where many undesirable attitudes and behavior overtly expressed there is absolutely
excellence should develop and keep well motivated and are organization committed
employees. Applying the same principles in education, this would ultimately keep the
teachers well motivated and will apparently result in their work. To be more effective
On the other hand, teacher commitment has been identified as one of the
most critical factors for the future success of education and schools. It has been a
teachers' work performance and their ability to make innovations in the teaching
environment and as a result, they are able to integrate new ideas into their own
practice. Teacher commitment plays a vital role in eliciting positive responses among
the students to perform well and achieve more in their studies. It also affects
students’ attitudes toward school.
punctuality and loyalty. They have a good record of attendance and are willing to
adhere to school policies. Since the educational system stresses that educational
should always keep abreast with the factors that affect teaching performance and
teachers because teachers’ needs may change from time to time. Their concern
should be focused on the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, for them to know if
due to the reason that the expected results from education or schools are not
to engage in cooperative and critical practice. To sustain energy and enthusiasm for
the work, teachers need to maintain their personal commitment to the job. This
The researcher wanted also to conduct this study to find out the aspects
stimulating job commitment of the teachers while they are in school. despite their
almost total lack of experience in education.
It is then in this premise, that the researcher wanted to conduct this study to
find out the aspects in job commitment that best suit the interest of the teachers to
make them professionally committed to their work. It is believed that this study would
be an opener for the administrators most especially in Bay District to do something
for the improvement of the educational system. what the school administrators are
holding in their hands in the future of the people in the whole community.
Conceptual Framework
attachment to one’s work. Commitment, when attached to this object, results from
the satisfactions that accrue from a job (Firestone & Rosenblum, 2012). Professional
their profession. This commitment area involves two essential components: namely,
pride in one‘s being in the teaching profession; and a strong desire for professional
between the school and community. Teachers need to orient and motivate the
need to have deep concern and commitment towards the community and the
commitment among public elementary school - teachers in bay district: basis for an
action plan.
1.1 gender
1.2 age
2. How important are the aspects stimulating the work commitment of the
2.5 Achievement/Responsibility
5. Based on the findings of the study, what action plan can be proposed?
Research Hypotheses
The useful and relevant information acquired from the study may provide
school teachers. The following persons may utilize this set of information.
School Administrators. The insights that could be gained from this study
may be used as the basis for implementation of new guidelines that will motivate
teachers to work efficiently. The data gathered from this study serve as reference
materials that may be used as their base for their future decisions.
Teachers. The result of this study could serve as an eye-opener for them to
realize the importance of commitment in one's work most especially for them as
educational system.
Pupils. The result of this study may motivate and assist the pupil to gain
more knowledge since they would be the benefactor of whatever work motivation
and organizational commitment they gained from their supervisors. To the end-
beneficiary of this research, the children will become more competitive whatever
curriculum will be, as they finish their studies and apply the different skills learned to
real life.
Parents. The results of this study could serve as a guide in performing their
role towards the education of their children. They can be made more cognizant of
their responsibilities to guide and support their children's educational endeavors and
make them read the paths of success through improving their varied skills and
competencies essential in educational activities.
Curriculum Writers. The study may guide the planners in designing the
School Heads. The findings of the study will provide them tool to assess the
Future School Heads. They may use the findings of this study as a
reference material when they assume their new position and perform related
Curriculum Planners. This will serve as their bird's eye view of the true
current state of education in the country and whether teaching practices may be at
fault. If this is indeed the case, targeted interventions could be conducted to redress
it. Such remedial measures are crucial if the government is to achieve its goal of
Curriculum Planner
This research study was conducted during the school year 2020-2021. It
identified the level of work motivation in terms of security aspect, social aspect, job
Together with this study also tried to find out the level of work commitment in terms
motivation and commitment was also tackled in this endeavor as well as the
teachers in Bay District. The study was conducted in the third grading period.
Definition of Terms
person involved, source of fund, time frame, and expected outcome to the actions
that they want to stay at their organization. They typically identify with the
organizational goals, feel that they fit into the organization and are satisfied with their
work. The feeling of the teachers not to leave teaching because of their loyalty
influenced by varying tractors.
associated with leaving the school. Teachers with strong continuance commitment
remain in the school because they need to stay with their organization because their
salary and fringe benefits won’t improve if they move to another organization.
Job Description. As the term used in the study, it is a list that a person might
use for general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position. It may often
Bay District. This pertains to the district on which the study was conducted
involving initiative and ultimately receiving merits for the tasks done. It is also any
contributory circumstance which produces good results. In this study. Some factors
administrators and teachers for a task well done. Normatively committed teachers
feel that leaving their organization would have disastrous consequences and feel a
earns their living from a specified professional activity. The term also describes the
standards of education and training that prepare members of the profession with the
knowledge and skills necessary to perform their specific role within that profession.
satisfactorily perform or complete a task that one must fulfil, and which has a
the teachers finished their undergraduates and graduate studies. Security Aspect. It
Social Aspect. This hints to the relationship between the teachers with their
colleagues, administrators, and non-teaching staff. Economy and security are also to
understand social.
Teacher's Commitment. It has been identified as one of the most critical
they can and should do. Also known as length of service which expresses the total
number of years to teaching services rendered by the teachers in Bay District.
feeling of the teachers to do and exert efforts for his/her noble job.
Working Condition. It suggests the factor that influences the teachers in the
performance of their duty such as good working hours, good facilities, safe working
condition and work climate. Generally speaking, it covers a broad range of topics
and issues, from working time to remuneration, as well as the physical conditions
The review of the literature included journal articles, studies, books, and
professional literature to address the topic of study, which is the teaching strategies
A. Related Literature
Foreign Literature
Astroner – NY: Salesiano Pub. (2018) stated that human beings have their
needs arranged in a hierarchy such that they are motivated to seek satisfaction of
the lower level of need first. Individuals will be motivated to fulfill the need that is
proponent or most powerful at the given time. Once that level of need is satisfied it is
no longer a motivation, and the next level up the hierarchy motivates the person.
Basic needs such as shelter, food and warmth are at the bottom of the level of
characterizes man as perpetually 'wanting animal. Generally, though not always, the
Froud – USA: Meril Pub., Co. (2019) advanced that people do things willingly
and happily because they are motivated. Even if the person has the ability,
knowledge and skills, his achievements could still be minimal, unless he/she is
motivated in the work environment.
school mathematics. The study was conducted in western region of Kenya where
280 class 8 pupils and 74 mathematics teachers participated. The researchers made
sampling techniques were used to get the sample for the study. Data collection was
done using a self-constructed questionnaire which had been validated and subjected
According to Couger and Colter – NY: Milan Pub. (2018) a possible solution
actively seek out employees as well teachers and seek or discover their interest.
R.F. Baumeister and K. D. Vohs (2017) cited that the term motivation can be
used in different ways, but in essence it refers to any sort of general drive or
recent decades, is ultimately just a tool in service of motivation. That is, the reason
and needs, there would be little or no reason to think. Human agency or themselves
executive function, which includes active initiative, choice, and self- regulation, is
thus probably an adaptation to facilitate motivated behavior.
Webster's Dictionary defines motivation starts with the root word, motive as,
something that causes a person to act. Therefore, motivation can be defined as the
act of providing motive that causes someone to act. In other words, according to
Nancy Shanks (2015), motivation causes someone to act and someone else cannot
make someone motivated. It is the discretion of the person to decide if they are
going to be motivated or not. Motivated and unmotivated are not opposites, but
instead, there are determining factors that could cause someone to be unmotivated,
environment for employees, they would show gratitude by providing more. Work
achieve more than the ordinary requires long term commitment and human beings
Reque (2014) said that performance would be very satisfactory when efforts
are being organized. That some teachers report being extremely pleased with their
organizations often, such teachers are more involved in general school activities
usually enjoy pleasant longevity in schools and consequently are disinterested in the
commitment and workplace value orientation. The values orientation included two
underlying value systems. Schools with normative value orientation stress shared
behavior norms developed through common groups experiences and are less reliant
on format written policy and pay time schedules.
and written policies to regulate teacher load workload teaching and extra duty
The author (Shaw 2019) found out that elementary school teachers had
Pukdee (2017) found out that the academic rank; salary length of service
length of service and post baccalaureate units and found these to be positively
related but that age as a variable does not influence the performance of
More specifically, the study contributed to the literature of school culture and
the relevant literature were validated in this study. During the research design, they
Western empirical studies were relevant for the Chinese context. The results in this
specific context revealed that it is also important to view school culture in these
dimensions as 74 identified in Western contexts, including goal orientation,
new dimension, shared vision, was suggested to be typical in the Chinese context,
school culture.
Local Literature
Borromeo (2018) – in his column, an effective motivation factor does not just
classrooms and other facilities, materials, equipment, supplies and services. The
school processes and products, improving human relation and morale in decision
making. He further asserts that teachers are catalysts for improving and upgrading
the quality of Iife and that they have all the power to uplift the educational system.
individuals who constitute any group work well, when placed under a leader who
Performance appraisal has a very important role in the reward system This is
the process of evaluating the performance of workers sharing information with them
and seeking for ways to improve their performance. There are allocated resources in
about their work, maintain fair relationship with groups, coach and develop workers
and comply within regulations Appraisal systems are indeed necessary for proper
organization are getting what they pay for, cited meaning from text. Sison (2017)
rating system which shall be administered in accordance with rules. regulations and
identification of the teacher's weak and strong points and to develop standards of
plan should be simple. It should specify the position or group position covered and
the item to be rated. The supervisor will rate and present form to be used and the
frequency of rating.
According to Andres (2015) from his journal “Case Study Human Relation and
important that the reward system should involve individual merit and the criteria and
attaches to performance, pay is still something that originates outside the job and is
the only useful way. Sometimes it tends to be less immediately satisfying than
intrinsic reward. While it may be true, to a certain extent, that the personal
satisfaction of a job well done is a powerful motivation for many workers, economic
rewards, by contrast cannot provide all the necessary reward for physiologically
with their jobs and are more committed to the organization than employees in
over fulfillment.
Moreover, Levenza (2013) summoned that motivation energizes behavior
and gives direction. A motivated person will work harder and persevere longer than
an unmotivated one. The level of intensity and persistence for the motivated person
will be higher. A motivated athlete will endure long hours of practice daily than one
who Is not. Motivation also directs behavior. Motivation is the strength of the drive
toward an action. It refers to a whole class of drives needs and similar forces that
prompt a person to act in a certain way to develop a tendency for specific behavior.
According to Santa Maria’s blog and column (2015) the effort to obtain the
reward is also absolute. Yet the reward can very well compare to the effort by means
of a ratio. Then a person can calculate his own reward to effort ratio as well as that
of another and finally compare the two. Based on these comparisons, a person can
SJ Marites in her article and journal - (2012) The study revealed that teachers
with poorer attendance records found their work tiring. Teachers who felt that their
supervisors did not show appreciation and recognition for good work done tended to
basic education alone requires indomitable commitment amidst this crisis. However,
as UNESCO reiterates its stand: “Education cannot wait. If learning stops, we will
lose human capital.” Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable populations in these
Darin Jan Tindowen - Saint Louis University (2020) - In his article cited was
satisfaction. At the same time, they also have a high level of satisfaction towards
their job. In addition, their high level of organizational commitment and professional
commitment lead to their high level of satisfaction towards their work. More
to teaching efficacy. Teaching efficacy beliefs and pupils’ attitudes are related,
individual benefit.
She also stressed that the willingness to remain will result in loyalty to the
teaching jobs are directly related to the teaching efficacy, especially if teachers are
willing to devote themselves to teaching and remain in the same school, the
performance of the school will be increased, and the educational goals can be
Benkhoff and Paragsa (2014) assessed that researchers have mostly
“because the terms `commitment' and `performance' have been used in different
ways, it is important to specify how these constructs are defined in any given study”.
Keeping in view their argument, the present study is limited to examine the
Lopez, N. L., & Irene, E. A. (2017), cited in their journal motivation and
commitment among pre-service teachers to recommend plans for action along the
teacher education profession. Using descriptive mixed method design, a total of 255
pre-service teachers were employed in the study. Based on the results, it was found
out that pre-service teachers are highly motivated and committed to teaching.
career. This result sheds light on career plans and programs for teacher education.
B. Related Studies
Foreign Studies
Teachers can be retained successfully by ensuring job commitment, this
2014). Monetary and non-monetary incentives can be used to manage teachers’ job
students by motivating and inspiring them. Earlier studies suggest that low job
satisfaction adversely affects the productivity level of even highly qualified and
Positive effect towards work leads to a high level of job commitment (Tett &
Meyer, 2013; Wayne, Casper, Matthews, & Allen, 2013). It also helps individuals to
employees solve problems, make plans and strive for achievements (Abbas, Raja,
Darr, & Bouckenooghe, 2014). Positive effect has a significant relationship with job
al. (2014) determine the relationship between stress and organizational commitment
and found out that they are negatively correlated. This was supported by the study
conducted by Alipour and Monfared (2015) who also found out that job stress is
(Derbis, 2012), which was supported by the study of Ramos, Alés, and Sierra (2014)
who also found out that stressors such as role conflict and role ambiguity are
negatively correlated to work engagement.
Anand (2011). In making teacher education truly effective and functional, the role of
teacher educators is most crucial. It is universally recognized that the onus of the
quality of education of teachers rests squarely on the teacher educators. From the
nature of professional commitment of the teacher educators from the study of said
kind of literature. The need for the improvement and enhancement of professional
educational circles and forums. How to affect its improvement to the optimum
desirable degree is the formidable problem which teachers and educationists face.
Interestingly, McGrath, Nobel and Smith (2010) also added that teachers’
to, and experiences of, the teaching profession in six regions of Tanzania. The study
used focus group discussions as a research method and data collection tool.
Twenty-four groups were conducted, with group membership ranging from five to
nine participants. The results showed that the teachers’ commitment to the teaching
profession was devastatingly low, with the majority of teachers expressing that they
did not choose the teaching profession as their choice but were compelled by the
ease to get the job and lack of qualifications to join other professions of their liking
and choice. Teachers highlighted a poor working environment and poor government
and community attitudes towards the teaching profession as the main de-motivating
Case Study of Malaysia, analyzed the relationships between school climate and
More specifically, the study contributed to the literature of school culture and
the relevant literature were validated in this study. During the research design, they
Western empirical studies were relevant for the Chinese context. The results in this
specific context revealed that it is also important to view school culture in these
new dimension, shared vision, was suggested to be typical in the Chinese context,
and instructor in the terms of their desire to stay with their organization and on their
acceptance on the goals and values of the NFE Programs in Southern Thailand
Richard in (2018) noted that some teachers report being extremely pleased with
their school and school system, and appear to be quite dedicated to the overall
success of those organizations often, such teachers are more involved in general
school activities usually enjoy pleasant longevity in their position. Other teachers,
however, repost being very displeased with their schools and consequently, are
disinterested in their overall success of their schools as little as possible and many
@scholar. Lib. Educ., Internet) Cetron (2017) asserted that because of low starting
salaries, colleges are unable to recruit best teachers. Teacher Educators point out
that there are too few teachers to go abroad and predict that this shortage would
continue well into the 21 century. He further writes that by the time a teacher has
been teaching in the classroom for five years, there is fifty (50%) chance that he or
she would leave the profession, if the teachers are employed in an urban area, the
likelihood increases to seventy five (75%) Keli Burton (2012) mentioned motivation is
the act of getting someone to act on a situation. This definition will be important
throughout the rest of the paper due to the constant use of the word. When referring
to the word motivation, the above definition will be used. Now that there is an
understanding of what the word means, it is important to understand the studies that
have been conducted and the findings that have come about because of the studies.
Bittel (2017) mentioned that for some people, it is neither through long
vacation nor exotic fringe benefits that are important to turn over. The two biggest
reasons for job jumping according to him are: (1.) Lack of interesting work (2) Lack
favorable balance of job conditions in order to attract and hold the best people.
Accordingly, the company reputation and the treatment received from supervision go
with the mix.
said that the human being needs to love his work, never to have to say he is sorry
about something he produces because he has done his best. Loving, he says, is the
basis for ethical and unethical behavior, which stem from teaching of love in work as
well as in all other aspects of life. Work therefore, requires the opportunity to express
the human need to love. Motivation to achieve more than the ordinary requires long
term commitment and human beings cannot be expected to make long term
commitments to understanding jobs. Through his job, the manager makes him
Local Studies
According to Maribao (2018), if an organization is to cope with the challenges
of growth in the life cycle, then it is organizationally healthy. He further writes that as
the organization grows with new demand from the environment, systematization of
functions and documentation of normative practice come to play. At this point, trust
is built up by creating win-win policies. In this sense, trust is transferred from the
Secondary Schools of the Mountain Provinces. She found out the following (1.)
Regulatory and punctuality of pay, which was the strongest economic reason for
teacher’s retention indicates a very important aspect of the teachers financial need
although their salary for them is low., (2.) Pride is the quality of education their
school is offering, exerting the strongest cultural reason for the teachers' decision to
stay. (3.) Favorable social relation with the sub-system the students tend to make
teachers to stay in their job. The teachers' relation along the social dimension was
based on the teachers liking for their students and their job at working with them,
and (4.) The teachers perceived social dimension for having exerted the strongest
influence in their decision to stay in their work.
Abella (2017) conducted a study on the factors that cause the satisfaction and
dissatisfaction of teachers in Quezon City. She found out that the approachable and
capable supervisors and administrators and strong "spirits de corp". Among their
fellow teachers and non-teaching personal ware a strong reason for them to stay.
Philippines" Based on the findings, Valdez recommended the following (1.) Middle
Level administrators and faculty should be more courageous to express that they
think and feel regarding their meager compensation and benefits., (2.) Merit increase
motivate them to work efficiently and standard scheme of salary schedule should be
prepared and implemented., (3.) There should be continued job security and
retirement benefits., (4.) Top management should provide a friendly atmosphere and
recognize the need for employees to become part of the formal and informal work
groups., (5.) Top management should continue to appreciate and recognize their
challenging and stimulating tasks especially to those who exhibit readiness to work
on certain types of jobs and involve them in goal setting and decision-making. (7)
Personal Policies and Procedures should be upgraded., (8.) The Faculty should be
district of Punta Princess and found out that her respondents rated only security and
Abenoja (2018) in her study. found out that the most important factors to
improve the retention of the faculty were the prestige of the institution, favorable
climatic condition for healthful living, less environmental pollution, good place and
order situation in the community and an environment conducive to study and work. It
was also found out that the most important reason for faculty turnover were
inadequate provision for the recognition of and reward for satisfactory performance
of faculty members, unfair selection of staff for staff development unwholesome
relationship with superiors, especially at the department level, no class basis for
with the peers and c0-workers, attractive incentives and fringe benefits offered by
outside agencies, difficulty for other family members to get employed in the college,
Lachica (2019) investigated the reason that could cause the college faculty
members in La Union to leave the institution. She found out that basic salary working
relationships, faculty development, and personal reasons are among the reasons.
the respondents. The descriptive research design was employed in this study.
Banzon (2017) Identified the factors or conditions, which loved make teachers
leave Batran National High School Rankest in order of their importance, they were
as follows; Low salary, no chance for advancement, boring and over burden with
works, poor discipline, in the school and dissatisfaction or subject taught assigned.
groups. Such, administrator supervisors must be aware of what the teachers' needs
are. They showed they try to learn their needs rather than tell them what to do.
When teachers are motivated, there are still one of the lowest paid employees in
government service. Means must be done about it to encourage and attract teachers
rules and regulations of the school so that they will feel that they are part and parcel
of the school, thus achieving their cooperation that will result in better instruction.
certain variables and they found out that mobility was most intense among teachers
who were young. The desire for economic stability was the major reason for this
fiving. They listed five causes of teachers' mobility in Region I namely: (1)
Resignation (2) Transfer (3) Dismissal (4) Retirement (5) Promotion.
particular organization and its goal and wishes to maintain membership in the
and teaching efficiency of some teachers in locos Sur, llocos Norte and Laoag City.
organizational commitment. In this study, he found out that the teachers have
moderate commitment in all the said indicators. He also found out the socio
school and lengths service are not significantly related to any dimension of
organizational commitment.
to the organization, thus giving the best of themselves to their work resulting in
efficient utilization of the time and resources. They are likely to have a good
are not content with having taught but would like to know the kind of students they
have helped, task of the school manager then is to identify teachers’ drives
This chapter presents the research method used, the respondents of the
Research Design
The study made use of a descriptive correlational research design in order to
in the present study to be able to find the new truth about the demographic profile of
the respondents (teachers). According to Zulueta and Costales (2017) cited that
This method to gather facts about the current situations. This method served
as a way to describe the nature of the existing conditions. As it exists in the natural
The respondents of the study involved two hundred thirty eight teachers Bay
Districts, Division of Laguna. The thirteen (13) elementary schools in Bay District as
the venue of this, the Bay district included in elementary schools are located in Bay,
Laguna namely: Bitin Elementary School, Sta. Cruz Elementary School, Masaya
Maitim Elementary School, San Antonio Elementary School, San Isidro Elementary
contacting principals throughout the Bay Districts through e-mail. The e-mail asked
The map where the study was conducted is shown in Figure 2 and 3.
List of Figures
Map of District of Bay, Division of Laguna
Research Instrument
collection was conducted through a survey method and was administered to the
The first set of variables includes the personal profile of the respondents
includes: sex, training, position, educational attainment, and length in service.
The data and information needed to answer the problem in this study were
solicited using the questionnaire on work motivation, part 2 made by Carabio (2018)
practices on work motivation. All items were scored using the scales that ranged
from 1 to 5 which five (5) was the highest and one (1) was the lowest. Out of them,
five (5) will be categorized under security aspect, five (5) for working condition, five
(5) for social aspect, five (5) for job description, five (5) for
achievement/responsibility and five (5) for professional and personal upliftment. Part
(15) items, five (5) items, for affective, five (5) items for continuance and five (5)
items for normative. This part was scored using the scale that ranged from 1 to 5;
one (1) was the lowest and five (5) was the highest.
The purpose of the test must be absolutely clear. The researcher sought to
thesis and dissertation topics found relevant to the present study. Through the
help of an adviser and the three experts in the field, all items were checked. All the
comments and suggestions were given consideration until the final data of the
adviser and three experts in the field, upon completion of the survey, they will be
asked for their written and/or verbal feedback evaluating the clarity and
to provide any other comments they had which would further refine the research
instrument. The draft questionnaire will be conducted to the field to establish its
reliability status.
Mathematics Intermediate teachers which are not included in this study. They were
requested to fill up the google form questionnaire for reliability purposes only. The
result of the trial run was analyzed and interpreted by Statistical Packages in Social
Sciences (SPSS) Cronbach’s Alpha was used to get the reliability statistics of the
questionnaires. The result of the trial run was satisfactory, considering a coefficient
of reliability higher than the set standard at 0.176 to the 45 items questions shows a
high reliability.
Validity of Instrument
The questionnaire by Carabio (2018) for motivational factors and work
study. The researcher modified further the instrument to sight the locale of the study
and the intended respondents. The 5-point scale was used to determine the work
motivation of the teachers and the 5-point scale to determine their organizational
The data gathered in the study were from the teacher-respondents in San
Pedro Central Elementary School located at San Pedro, Sto. Tomas Batangas.
Whereas the respondents are not the real respondents of the study. The
google forms
after one-week same teacher-respondents were used. The gathered data was
gather and evaluate the questions posted on the statement of the problem. This is
done for efficiency and clarity of the data gathered. The formula used for gaining
For Percentage
P = ( n / N ) x 100%
Where P = percentage
n = number of respondents in the group
N = number of total respondents
For SOP 3
X2 = { Σ [ (fo – fe )]2 / fe
fo = observed frequency
fe = expected frequency
For SOP 5
NΣxy – ( Σx Σy)
r= √ [NΣx2 – (Σx) ] [NΣy
2 2
– (Σy)2]
Σx = sum of x scores
Σy = sum of y scores
A. Books
Astroner, G. (2018) - Fundamentals of statistics With Applications. New
York: Salesiana PUB.
B. Magazines / Journals
Sequi, P. (2018) – “A Primer for Adults States Island.” The Church after
The Council – NY: The Society of St. Paul.
D. Electronic Reference
I am looking forward to work with someone whom I know will contribute a lot
in my professional growth as a researcher. Thank you so much for your favorable
consideration and preferential attention.
Yours sincerely,
Validated by:
I hope that this request will merit your kind consideration and favorable
Recommending Approval:
I hope that this request will merit your kind consideration and favorable
Please fill up the information needed on the blanks or spaces provided for.
Your responses will be used as basis for the realization of the present endeavor.
All responses here will be strictly kept on confidential basis.
NAME: (Optional)
1.1 Sex
____ Male _____ Female
1.2 Age
___ 20-30 ____ 31-40 ____ 41-50 _____ 51-60 ___ 61 above
Direction: Below are some aspects commonly found to stimulate teachers to its
dedication. Using this scale below, kindly check the column that corresponds to your
A. Security Aspect 4 3 2 1
1. Fairness in dealing with teachers
2. Grievance committee is assigned to look into teachers’ problem
3. Administration is supportive regarding teachers’ needs and
4. There are training opportunities for teachers to free from anxiety
5. Teaching job is stable and trouble free
B. Working Condition 4 3 2 1
1. Working climate is democratic and stress free
2. Harmonious relationship is observed
3. Safe working environment
4. Technical assistance in all aspects is given
5. Adequate facilities are provided
C. Social Aspect 4 3 2 1
1. Seniority and tenure is highly respected among teachers
2. Meetings are conducted to enrich social contact among
3. Teachers work as a team to achieve positive result
4. Equality and fair treatment is evident among teachers
5. Social activities are geared towards teachers professional
D. Job Description 2
4 3 1
1. Job description is clear to teachers
2. Teachers are recognized as part of the group
3. Delegation of the authority is balanced
4. Administrators open channel of communications
5. Relationship of trust is built
E. Achievement / Responsibility 2
4 3 1
1. Solely responsible for our job
2. Recognition of teachers’ effort and good performance is
3. Accountability for one’s work is observed
4. Performances are made basis for determining achievement of
5. Varied opportunities are given to teachers
A. Affective 4 3 2 1
1. I am very happy to keep membership with this school
2. I enjoy discussing our school and work as a teacher with people
outside of it
3. I feel, I easily become attached to another school / organization
as I am to our school / organization
4. I really feel as if our school / organization’s problem as my own
5. I enjoy teaching my pupils
B. Continuance 4 3 2 1
1. Job much in my life would be disrupted if I decided to leave our
2. It would be easy for me to leave our school right now if I wanted
3. Right now, staying with the school is a matter of necessity much
I desired
4. I am very happy to see my pupils succeed in their study
5. I always see to it that my pupils learn something in my class 56
C. Normative 4 3 2 1
1. If I got offers to transfer to other agencies, I would not feel I am
right to leave our school; and quit for teaching
2. I believe that teachers these days want to quit teaching and
move to another agencies
3. I learned to believe in the value of remaining loyal to the school
4. I believe that I am a part in the attainment of our school’s goal
and objectives
5. I feel responsible in upholding the standards and ideas for our
Name John Erroll O. Gesmundo
Date of Birth November 10, 1992
Place of Birth San Pablo City Laguna
Civil Status Single
Father Ramon H. Gesmundo
Mother Leonila M. Olipernes
Post Graduate Tanauan Institute
Tanauan City, Batangas
Master of Arts in Education
Major in Educational Administration and
Board for Professional Teachers – November 2014
January 2016 to present Bitin Elementary School
Bitin, Bay, Laguna
District Virtual Kick-Off of Joint 2020 Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik
District Roll-Out :Online Orientation on the Preparation of IDEA Lesson
Division Online Orientation on the Preparation of IDEA Lesson Exemplar