Joe Lewells, Discovering The Nature of Reality

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Chapter 4 of “The God Hypothesis: Extraterrestrial Life and Its
Implications for Science and Religion”, published in 1997

Dr. Joe Lewels
FREE Advisory Board Member

… There is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it-- from
snowflakes to maple trees to falling stars and spinning electrons-- are also only
ghostly images, projections from a level of reality so beyond our own it is literally
beyond both space and time.

Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality”

Meeting the Mystical Man

Michael Talbot was a man for whom the nature of reality was very
important. This was because the reality he lived in and understood was not the
same as the one other people knew, nor was it the same as the one described in
science class at school.

By the age of three, Michael had vivid memories of past lives, refusing to
call his parents “mother” and “father”, since he remembered other parents in a
former existence. His family was amazed and amused at his habit of asking for
strong, black tea and then sitting on the floor in a lotus position, sipping it like a
wise, old man. Mysterious entities visited him in his room at night, and he
encountered glowing balls of light hovering in his room. At age five, his father
and a friend saw a UFO come down in the woods near his house in East Lansing,
MI. Soon, a woman with long white hair and a long white gown came out of the
woods and stood motionless in a nearby cornfield. Talbot described what
happened next during an interview in 1992 on the Public Television program,
Thinking Allowed. (Talbot died an untimely death at age 39 of leukemia, six
months after the interview was aired.)
© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

“The whole family got in the car and went to look. My father and his friend
became very frightened… [but] when I looked at this being, I thought, ‘Oh,
it’s her, it’s the woman in white,’ I had always called her the woman in
white.” It was the same being that had come to his room at the age of
three.” My father wanted to get out of the car and go and talk to this being,
but my mother said, ‘No no no!’ And finally, we watched her for about 10
minutes and then drove off.”

It was after this amazing event that the household began experiencing
poltergeist activity-- objects materializing out of thin air, flying across the room
and strange thumping noises seeming to go up and down the stairs. So common
were these experiences that often his family would simply ignore the mysterious
events and continue with what they were doing at the time. In addition, Michael
experienced psychic phenomena which included precognitive visions and out-of-
body experiences (OBE).

Talbot’s UFO experiences continued as he grew older. “As an adult, I had a

period when I was in college where I was driving with a friend and we saw a UFO.
We got out of our car, and we were going from East Lansing, Michigan, to
Sawgatuk, which I believe was something like a two hour drive… We watched it
for what we thought was about five minutes, and we made no other stops, but when
we arrived at our destination, our friends say, ‘Where have you been? You’re
hours late.’ This is the first time we had looked at our watches and was the first
time that we realize that we had this proverbial missing time.” Although later in
life he attempted to discover, through the use of hypnosis, what transpired during
that episode of missing time, he was not able to recover the lost memories. “But I
believe that I had an encounter with non-ordinary reality that, in this instance, we
are labeling ‘UFO.’ But which I think is just the tip of the iceberg of something

(Ultimately, Michael sought the acquaintance and counsel of famed UFO

abductee, Whitley Strieber, author of the books, Communion,2 and
Transformation,3 in order to gain a better understanding of his own abduction
experiences. Strieber devoted a chapter in his book, Breakthrough,4 to his close

Talbot, 1992
Strieber, 1987
Strieber, 1988
Strieber, 1995

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

relationship with Talbot and to their joint efforts to understand and cope with the
strange world of alien encounters.)

Today, Talbot’s symptomology would be readily recognized by UFO

researchers as that of the “abductee”, but in the mid-1970s, when he began a quest
to cope with his experience, little was known about this traumatizing phenomenon,
and there were few people to turn to for help. Many in the same situation have
turned to religion or to alcohol and drugs to help deal with such otherworldly
experiences, but Talbot turned to the world of science. A keen interest in science
since early childhood transformed itself into a compulsive search for scientific
explanations for his lifetime of paranormal experiences. Ultimately, he devoted
much of his life to studying and writing about the cutting edges of science-- those
areas that stretch science to its limits and leave scientific minds bewildered.

His search for answers began in earnest while he was working on a graphic
arts degree at Michigan State University in 1974. In his book, Mysticism and the
New Physics, he describes the unorthodox way in which he began:

… I employed a technique that I have practiced often and with great success
throughout my life. Instead of searching out the answer with the aid of my
conscious mind, I began by first relying on my deeper and more intuitive
abilities. To do this, I set off aimlessly through the labyrinth of book
shelves. As I did so, I did not look at any of the titles but instead waited for
a book to “call” me. Several minutes later and without any conscious
intervention on my part, I felt a sudden compulsion to stop. Just as
abruptly, my hand reached out and grabbed a volume off the shelf,
seemingly opening it to a page at random. Only then did I look at the book.
I discovered that I had taken down a bound set of Physics Today magazines
and had opened it to a September 1970 article titled “Quantum Mechanics
and Reality.”5

The article by physicist Bryce S. DeWitt explained that quantum physics

(the study of subatomic particles called “quanta” by physicists) discovered that
reality is dependent on the human mind and suggested that, at the subatomic level,
the universe may be split into any number of parallel universes. The epiphany of
that moment was to have profound consequences for the youthful Talbot.

… as I hungrily devoured he article, I discovered that quantum physics had

come to many of the same conclusions about reality I had arrived at, only
Talbot, 1981

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

working from a completely different direction and based on an entirely

different class of phenomena. Words cannot express the joy, even the
familiarity, I experienced at encountering the strange and wonderful ideas
offered by quantum physics… [This knowledge] made me realize that others
also had recognized that our current picture of reality was, in a sense, the
emperor who has no clothes, but launched me on a passionate study of
quantum physics…6

The Holographic Universe

Early in his research, Talbot began to realize that much of what he had been
taught about science had simply been wrong. He learned that there was a well-
established body of knowledge which proved that the true nature of reality is far
different than that described by the traditional scientific view of a “sticks and
stones” universe in which time and space are inviolable absolutes. The universe
Talbot discovered in his research was far less substantive and much more illusory
than mainstream science would have us believe. He began to understand that the
universe, instead of being like a machine, was more like a holographic image, and
much more like the reality he had known all of his life. Ultimately, he would write
three books on the holographic nature of reality as discovered by quantum physics:
Mysticism and the New Physics, 7 Beyond Quantum 8 and The Holographic

In order to understand the basis for the holographic model of the universe,
one must first understand the holographic image. Most people today have seen
three-dimensional images called holographs, but few understand how they are
created and the implications of their bizarre nature.

Holographic images that appear mysteriously in three-dimensional space,

much like an apparition, are created with the use of a laser beam which is split into
two separate light beams. (See Figure 1). One half of the beam is directed at the
object to be photographed, through a diffusing lens and then onto the photographic
film. The other half is directed to a series of mirrors, through another diffusing
lens and onto the same piece of film. The resulting image on the film, unlike a
typical photographic negative, bears no resemblance to the object photographed.
All that can be seen are a series of overlapping concentric circles, like ripples in a
Talbot, 1981, pp. 137-138
Talbot, 1981
Talbot, 1988
Talbot, 1991

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

pond caused by falling drops of rain. It is in this wave pattern that the image of the
object is stored. But where exactly? No matter how hard we look at the pattern of
circles, we cannot discern the image of the object. There is only one way to unlock
the secret of the interfering wave pattern, and that is by directing a laser beam of
the same frequency as the original one used in the recording process, onto the film.
When this is done, a perfect, three-dimensional image of the object appears in thin
air, on the other side of the film.

Figure 1. A hologram is produced when a single laser light is split into two separate beams.
The first beam is bounced off the object to be photographed, in this case an apple. Then the
second beam is allowed to collide with the reflected light of the first, and the resulting
interference pattern is recorded on film. ©1990, Michael Talbot. (Reprinted by permission of
Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.)

The incredible and mystical nature of this discovery earned a Nobel Prize in
physics to its discoverer, Hungarian-born engineer Dennis Gabor, in 1971. But the
most incredible aspect of the holographic story is yet to come. For it was found
that if you take a pair of scissors and cut the film into any number of pieces of any
shape, the entire three-dimensional image can be reproduced by directing a laser
beam at any one of the pieces. (See Figure 2)
© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 2. Unlike normal photographs, every portion of a piece of holographic film contains all
of the information of the whole. Thus if the holographic plate is broken into fragments, each
piece can still be used to reconstruct the entire image. ©1990, Michael Talbot. (Reprinted by
permission of Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.)

Thus, it was found that the image is not stored in any particular place on the
photographic film, but rather everywhere at once! Never before had scientists been
faced with a dilemma of having to explain such an occurrence, and in the late
1940s when the first rudimentary holograms were discovered, it was simply
considered one of those strange but inexplicable phenomena of nature to be filed
away. Later, this principle came to be known as the principle of “nonlocality”—
the condition in which location ceases to be relevant, and in which every portion of
a whole is encoded with all the necessary information to replicate the whole. But
ever since it was first discovered, scientists have been finding evidence that
nonlocality exists throughout the universe and indeed is the basis for understanding
the true nature of reality. Nowhere has this been more true than in the study of
quantum physics.

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Quantum Physics

In brief, here are some of the amazing findings of quantum physics that led
to the startling conclusion that the universe is holographic:

Under certain conditions, subatomic particles communicate with each other

over vast distances, instantaneously, like twins who feel each other’s pain. When
this was first verified in laboratories around the world, there was a great debate
about its meaning. Physicists were frustrated because they knew that, according to
Einstein’s theory of relativity, nothing could travel faster than the speed of light,
and “instantaneously” meant faster than the speed of light. It was physicist David
Bohm who ultimately realized that what they were observing was the holographic
principle of nonlocality. The information was not traveling through time and space
from one location to another; the subatomic particles simply existed in a dimension
that rendered time and space irrelevant and where information existed in all places
at the same time. Quantum physics had discovered the world of the paranormal
where such things as ESP and other psychic phenomena are routine!

The behavior of electrons is totally unpredictable. Unlike a bullet, a BB, or

a ball shot through the air, an electron has no predicable trajectory. An electron
shot at a pane of glass might penetrate the glass and continue on its course, or it
may simply stop in front of the glass and reverse its course, as if to aggravate the
scientists who are used to a predictable universe. Or, the electron may simply
vanish in front of the glass, reappear on the other side and then continue. Or it may
choose an infinite array of other trajectories to follow.

Quanta (subatomic particles) are shape shifters! They can appear in the
form of a solid object, a particle, or a wave. Most troublesome for physicists who
discovered this fact was the particles only appear as solid objects when they are
being observed by scientists! The mere act of looking at them causes them to
change their behavior. This led Bohm to conclude that there is a direct connection
between the minds of the scientists and the subatomic particles in their
experiments. And, he further concluded, since everything is made of sub-atomic
particles, including the brains of all living creatures, everything in the universe
must be interconnected at the quantum level. If this is true, then the entire
foundation of modern science-- the belief in objectivity and scientific
methodology-- is simply an illusion.
© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

This interconnectedness was also found among quanta in general. When

grouped together in great quantities, just like a colony of ants, they cease to behave
as individuals and begin to demonstrate a group consciousness. In fact, it soon
became apparent that all subatomic particles in the universe are interconnected,
forming one, giant, universal consciousness, an intelligence that directs the activity
of the universe. To those with a philosophical bent, such a description comes very
close to describing another, more ancient concept-- the concept of GOD!

Scientists eventually stopped trying to distinguish between one electron and

another because they are all identical. They are all encoded with the same
information. Even speaking of them as separate in pointless. It became apparent
that, at the quantum level, all points in space and time are the same. Nothing is
separate from anything else. Bohm finally concluded that every subatomic particle
may be encoded with all the information necessary to replicate the entire universe.
Thus was born the holographic universe theory of reality.

Scientific Visionaries

As delighted as Talbot was with his discoveries, he was also greatly

disturbed that mainstream science and the general public seemed so little aware of
this other way of looking at reality. With the exception of a few courageous and
prestigious scientists, most members of the scientific community were simply not
willing or able to accept the conclusions and implications of the “new” physics.
What’s more, the startling implications for the nature of reality were simply not
being conveyed for the general public. Most of the discussions about these
amazing discoveries were taking place in obscure scientific journals and in highly
technical physics textbooks. Very few people had ever heard of the leading
proponent of the mystical nature of quantum research. Indeed, even today, the
same could be said about the founding father of the holographic universe concept,
Dr. David Bohm.

Bohm detailed the fantastic findings of quantum theory in a textbook he

authored simply titled, Quantum Theory.10 Formerly of Princeton University,
Bohm spent the last years of his life as Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics
at Birkbeck College, University of London. As a young man, he had been one of
Albert Einstein’s brightest and ablest protégés. In his classic textbook, Bohm

Bohm, 1951.

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

calmly and in a scholarly fashion stated the difference between the “classical”
physics, and the quantum physics:

Classical concepts are characterized by three assumptions:

1. The world can be analyzed into distinct elements.

2. The state of each element can be described in terms of dynamical

variables that are specifiable with arbitrarily high precision.

3. The interrelationship between parts of a system can be described

with the aid of exact casual laws that define the changes of the above
dynamical variables with time in terms of their initial values. The behavior
of the systems as a whole can be regarded as the result of the interaction of
all its parts.

It is a characteristic of the classical domain that within it exist

objects, phenomena and events that are distinct and well defined and that
exhibit reliable and reproducible properties with the aid of which they can
be identified and compared.

It is this aspect of the world that is most readily described in terms of

our own customary scientific language, in which the ideal is to express every
concept in terms of well defined elements with well defined, logical relationships
between them.11

(Rough translation): The universe is an orderly, predicable place, much

like a machine. It can be broken down into its various parts and examined
objectively, using scientific methodology and objectivity. By observing and
labeling the various parts, and by understanding various physical laws, science can
ultimately understand how the universe works.

Bohm then proceeds to explain how the findings in quantum physics have
totally discredited the aforementioned understanding of the nature of reality. The
quantum properties of matter, on the other hand,

… clearly imply the indivisible unity of all interacting systems. Thus

we have contradicted assumptions 1 and 2 of the classical theory, since
Bohm, 1951, p. 264

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

there exists at the quantum level neither well defined elements nor well
defined dynamical behavior of these elements. It is not surprising then, that
assumption 3 is also not satisfied in the quantum theory, since exact causal
laws would be meaningless in a context in which there were no precisely
defined variables to which they could apply.12

Again, roughly translated, Bohm calmly states that the entire notion of
objectivity and scientific method is inoperative at the quantum level! At the
quantum level there is no such thing as separation between parts! At the quantum
level, all things in the universe are one! In other words, the nature of reality as
defined by Newton and Einstein, the reality we all know and love, is simply an

Needless to say, this paradigm-shattering conclusion, couched in scholarly

language and cautiously tucked away in the concluding chapter of a graduate-level
physics textbook, if true, changes everything regarding the validity of scientific
thought and the consensus view of reality constructed over the past several
hundred years! Yet, in the nearly half a century since it was written, scientific and
educational institutions have continued, for the most part, as if quantum physics
did not even exist. In fact, rather than accept the implications of sub-atomic laws
and incorporate them into their own fields, most scientists continue to simply
ignore these findings, preferring to believe that quantum reality applies only to
electrons, photons, protons, and the myriad of other subatomic particles so far
discovered, rather than to human reality. This belief, an effort to cling to the
existing paradigm at all costs, conveniently ignores the fact that subatomic
particles, the smallest elements known to science, are the basic building blocks of
all matter and permeate the entire universe.

In addition, since Bohm’s textbook was published in 1951, his conclusions

about the true nature of reality have been substantiated over and over again, not
only in physics laboratories around the world, but in practically every other field of
science as well. Bohm’s conclusions, as well as those of other highly esteemed
scientists in diverse fields, have become the basis for what is known today as the
holographic theory of the universe, a concept so elegant and all encompassing that
it opens up an entirely new vista for humankind of a multi-dimensional universe
which operates more like a living consciousness, rather than a machine as
previously believed.

Bohm, 1951, p. 264

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

As Michael Talbot puts it:

… There is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it--

from snowflakes to maple trees to falling stars and spinning electrons-- are
also only ghostly images, projections from a level of reality so beyond our
own it is literally beyond both space and time.13

Talbot gives equal credit for this amazing conclusion to two visionary
scientists who dared to go against the mainstream views of their particular
disciplines. The first, David Bohm, the brilliant theoretical physicist whose
acquaintance we have already made, and Dr. Karl Pribram, a neurophysiologist at
Stanford University and author of the classic textbook, Languages of the Brain.14
Amazingly, but perhaps not coincidentally, they both arrived at the same
conclusion independently while working in completely different scientific
disciplines. However, each man reached his conclusion through a similar process.
Both were dissatisfied with the fact that the standard theories in their fields were
unable to explain the phenomena they were encountering in their research. When
they applied the holographic principle of nonlocality in their separate fields, each
immediately recognized that the holographic model not only explained the
mysteries in their own fields, but also that it suddenly made sense of a wide range
of phenomena that had always been considered outside the realm of scientific
understanding. It was at this moment that modern science rediscovered the
paranormal and began to understand that the realm of the mystical and
spiritual might in fact not be the realm of the “unknowable.”

Pribram’s pioneering work in brain research challenged the conventional

view that the brain is organized like a file cabinet, with each memory stored in a
cell or a group of cells, in a specific location in the brain. Scientists believed that if
you could locate the memory, or “engram,” you could erase it and excise it forever.
But Pribram recognized that persons who suffered traumatic brain damage as a
result of an accident did not forget half of a novel or part of the alphabet or some
of their grandkids, but not others. Memory loss in such cases was more general.
To test his theory, Pribram trained rats to run through a maze, then he
systematically removed portions of the rats’ brains, in order to determine in which
area of the brain the memory was stored. What he found was that regardless of
which section was removed, all the rats continued to be able to run the maze, even
Talbot, 1991, p.1.
Pribram, 1977.

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

though their motor skills had been impaired. He concluded that the memory was
not stored in any particular location in the brain, but everywhere at once. The only
theory that applied to this finding was the holographic concept of nonlocality. In
later experiments on how the brain processes images it receives through the eyes,
he also found nonlocality at work. Pribram concludes that the brain operates
through a system of interfering wave patterns, similar to those found on a
holographic plate, thus, the brain is holographic.

Scientists in nearly every other field who have applied the knowledge
that the universe is holographic have begun to realize that such previously
elusive phenomena as telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, and even
psychokinesis (the power of the mind to move objects) are now
understandable, for the model implies that everything in the universe is
interconnected, including the human mind, to everything else.

In the years since this concept has been put forward, numerous progressive
and reputable scientists have begun to apply it to an astonishing variety of
previously unexplainable phenomena. Dr. Deepak Chopra, author of the book,
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind,15 uses it to explain the power of mind to heal the
body and retard the aging process. Psychologist, Dr. Kenneth Ring, author of The
Omega Project,16 uses it to explain the Near-Death Experience. Psychiatrist
Stanislav Gof, author of the The Holotropic Mind,17 believes it can explain
unusual phenomena experienced during altered states of consciousness. And
physicist David Peat believes that synchronicities are evidence that our minds are
intimately connected to the physical world.

Further evidence that all living things are structured on holographic

principles came in 1953 when scientist James Watson and Francis Crick
discovered the structure of DNA, the substance that transmits genetic information
from one generation to the next. Today it is commonly accepted that each cells of
every living thing contains the DNA code necessary to replicate the whole.
Scientists have already been successful in using the process called “cloning’ to
create duplicate mice in a laboratory and much attention has been paid in the media
to the ethical consequences of the probability that they may someday be able to do
the same to humans. So, it should come as no surprise to conclude at this point
that DNA is another example of the holographic nature of the universe and that
Chopra, 1993.
Ring, 1992.
Groff, 1992.

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

you and I are living, walking, breathing examples of nonlocality, from the bottoms
of our feet to the tops of our heads!

The Nature of Consciousness

Perhaps the greatest controversy surrounding the holographic model of

reality exists in the debate over the location of consciousness in the brain. Already
you will be able to see that the word “location” immediately makes a light bulb go
on in your mind, for as we know, location is a tricky business in this amazing
universe we live in. Mainstream science believes it has located consciousness
within the brain in the area called the frontal lobe, located at the front of the brain,
between the eyes. This, of course, coincidentally, is where Eastern mystics tell us
our third, all-seeing eye is located, through which we may become aware of other
dimensions. However, the nature of consciousness is now being seen by
progressive scientific minds as a holograph. In other words, there is a growing
body of scientific knowledge that is leading scientists to believe that
consciousness is also nonlocal in nature—that it is not located in any
particular part of the brain at all, but is everywhere at once.

Talbot, whose lifetime of experiences with the paranormal gave him insights
into the nature of consciousness, described how he discovered the nonlocal nature
of the mind:

At a young age, I had an out-of-body experience where I left my body

and it became quite apparent to me while I was having this experience that I
was thinking, but my brain was back in my body, which I could see in my
bed. I knew it wasn’t just a dream because I floated out over the ground
outside my family’s house and I saw a book lying on the ground and it was a
book by a French-story writer, Guillermo Passont, and the next day a
neighbor of mine said to me, “by the way, Michael, I lost a library book, by
Guillermo Passont, have you seen it?” … It was really the first time I had to
confront the difference between my spiritual beliefs that we can survive our
bodily death and this deeply held scientific belief of mine that it’s the brain
that is doing he thinking… I had a kind of epiphany where I realized that it’s
not the brain that’s doing the thinking.18

If the brain is not doing the thinking, then where is it being done? If we
don’t need the brain to think, then what happens when the brain perishes? Is there
some subtle energy field that cannot yet be measured or detected by science
Talbot, 1992.

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

that simply attaches itself to all living things, giving them intelligence and
animation, but which simply goes on its merry way when that living thing
decays and dies? Is there any scientific evidence for the existence of such energy
fields? The answer to these last two questions is a resounding yes!

Such fields are called “morphogenic fields” and were first proposed in 1981
by biologist Rupert Sheldrake in his book, A New Science of Life.19 Sheldrake
offended and enraged mainstream science by suggesting that chance alone did not
account for the development and organization of matter into the wide variety of
plants and animals in the world. He proposed that an additional causal principle
was necessary that did not rely on chance. The principle he called “formative
causation” but he might as well have called it “universal intelligence.” And he
further stated that these “morphogenic fields, which he believed did not themselves
consist of energy or matter, but instead exist in a dimension unaffected by time and
space. In layman’s terms, what Sheldrake was proposing was that
intelligences from other dimensions are responsible for the organization of
matter into plants and animals in our reality!

To illustrate how a morphogenic field works, we need only to examine

carefully the example of the highly organized societies of the social insect—the
ants, bees and termites. Biologists who have studied insect colonies have been
mystified at the ability of the creatures to maintain highly organized societies, in
which they utilize division of labor to construct intricate and architecturally-sound
structures, housing sometimes millions of individuals. Among the more
impressive structures of the insect world are the termite mounds of Africa, which
take on a variety of forms, all representing engineering marvels. Each one is
constructed in such a way that it becomes a cooling tower, using intricate venting
systems to air condition the interior so that the inside temperature remains within
one degree of 30 degrees Celsius and carbon dioxide concentration is fixed at less
than 3%. This not only keeps the insects perfectly comfortable in the blistering
African heat, but also creates a perfect environment for growing the delicate
fungus on which they exist. The architecture of the mound construction is
elaborate and is accomplished by hundreds of thousands of individuals in a society
that has no schools for architects or engineers, much less for soldiers and nursery
attendant. How do they do it?

The common answer to this question is that they do it through instinct. But
whose instinct? Is every worker conscious of the overall plan? No one believes
this. Then who is in charge? Where are the blueprints? Perhaps these questions
Sheldrake, 1981

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

were answered many years ago, when French naturalist, Eugene Marais, in his
book, The Soul of the White Ant,20 concluded that the organization of the social
insect is due to “a separate soul situated outside the individual termite.”
Marais reached this remarkable and holographic-like conclusion during years of
observing ants and termites in the wilds of Africa. In one experiment, he dug a
trench through the middle of a termite mound and then placed a large steel plate in
the center, effectively dividing the mound into two, so that the insects on one side
had no contact with the ones on the other. When he eventually removed the plate,
he found that it had made no difference to the termites at all. The termites on
either side had repaired the damage and when the plate was removed, both sides
matched perfectly. “We cannot escape the ultimate conclusion,” Marais said,
“That somewhere exists a preconceived plan which the termites merely execute.”21

In more recent times, many reputable scientists have begun to realize that the
concept of nonlocal, morphogenic fields may also account for the experiences
reported by thousands upon thousands of persons who claim to have had OBEs and
NDEs. Led by D. Raymond Mood, author of Life After Life,22 these researchers
have documented volumes of cases which seem to indicate that human
consciousness is not attached to the body at all and that it continues to think
and reason independently of the body, even after the body is declared
clinically dead.

Dr. Moody’s many years as a practicing physician put him in a position to

hear first-hand accounts of patients who had similar, mystical experiences while
being officially dead. He was impressed with the emotional impact that the
experience made on the patient and with the consistency of the details reported by
people of all ages and from all over the world. Perhaps what impressed him the
most were the cases in which the person experienced his spirit traveling to other
earthly locations, such as a waiting room where bereaved relatives were waiting
during an operation. In such cases, the person was able to remember specific
details of conversations that took placed while he or she was on the operating-room
table. Over the years, other scientist, such as Dr. Melvin Morse and Dr. Kenneth
Ring have continued researching such cases and correlating the data, so that today
there exists an impressive accumulation of evidence favoring the conclusion that
consciousness exists in a timeless dimension, separate from the body, and
continues to exist after death.

Marais, 1971.
Watson, 1987, pp. 123-127.
Moody, 1976.

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Another physician who, as a result of his professional practice, learned about

the nonlocal nature of the human spirit was Dr. Brian Weiss, author of Many
Lives, Many Masters.23 Weiss was a mainstream psychiatrist who had reached the
highest levels of respectability and credibility within his profession. He graduated
Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude from Columbia University in 1966 and
subsequently completed medical school at Yale University School of Medicine.
Then years later he was serving as Chief of Psychiatry at Mt. Sinai Hospital in
Miami and had published 37 scientific papers and book chapters in his field. His
commitment to mainstream science and to traditional psychiatric methods and
theories ran deep as did his concern for his reputation and his credibility. As he
states in the introduction to his book, “Years of disciplined study had trained my
mind to think as a scientist and physician, molding me along the narrow paths of
conservatism in my profession. I distrusted anything that could not be proved by
traditional scientific methods.”

But then, he met a woman who came to him for therapy to overcome mental
disorders. For eighteen months, he tried using conventional psychotherapy to no
avail. Finally, he resorted to hypnosis to help her recall childhood memories. But,
in a series of trance states, his patient spontaneously recalled “past-life” memories
that proved to be the cause of her symptoms. She also acted as a conduit or
“channel” for information from highly evolved “spirit entities”, who proceeded to
reveal many of the secrets of life and death to him. In short order, the woman’s
symptoms disappeared and her therapy ceased, but Weiss was left with a shattered
paradigm. “Nothing in my background had prepared me for this. I was
absolutely amazed when these events unfolded.”24

Weiss’s transformative experience caused him to reevaluate everything he

had ever been taught about the nature of science, reality and religion. Ultimately,
he decided to actively pursue past-life therapy with his patients, due to the fact that
the healing experience he had witnessed was so much more effective than anything
he had ever seen before. But his activism proved costly. Upon the publication of
his book, the hospital failed to renew his contract, proving once again that the
mainstream scientific community punishes those who stray outside the carefully
defined consensus views of reality to which it subscribes.

The Nature of Time and Space

Weiss, 1988.
Weiss, 1988, p. 10

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

As early as the late 1920s, Albert Einstein was beginning to understand that
time and space were not absolutes, but rather, were based on the concept of
relativity. Together with his colleague, Nathan Rosen, he predicted that different
points in the universe might be interconnected by timeless tunnels. These timeless
tunnels, they theorized, were places in space that ripped through the fabric of
reality known to humans and created passageways to other, unknown parts of the
universe, other dimensions or even other universes that might exist parallel to ours.
Today, it is commonly accepted by mainstream science that such timeless places
exist. We know them by the name “black holes.” Together, they constructed a
simple diagram (See Figure 3), called an Einstein-Rosen bridge to illustrate how a
space traveler might conceivably use a timeless tunnel to traverse the universe or
travel to another universe, instantaneously, by bypassing normal reality.25

Figure 3. How an Einstein-Rosen bridge might constitute a passage between our universe and a
parallel one. (Time Travel, John Macvey, Scarborough House. Reprinted by permission of the

It is important here to point out that a belief in black holes is basically a

belief in another, timeless dimension, for the center of a black hole is a place where

Macvey, 1990, p. 45.

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

time and space do not exist. This is precisely the kind of reality described by
mystics, near-death experiencers, out-of-body experiencers and UFO abductees.
Yet, few mainstream scientists are willing to connect Einstein’s proposal to other
mystical phenomena.

However, today theoretical physicists are seriously examining the possibility

that this dimension might be used for space travel. In the 1980s, scientist at the
California Institute of Technology seriously proposed that space may actually be
riddled with miniature black holes, called “wormholes” that might be used for
interstellar space travel. Using the concept first espoused by Einstein and Rosen,
they concluded that if all points in space are connected at the quantum level, it
should be possible to travel through a wormhole, instantaneously, to other
locations in the universe. Contrary to what mainstream scientists say about the
stars being too distant for humans to reach, they argue that the concept of
nonlocality neatly negates the need to travel through space and time. Instead, there
should be short cuts to anywhere in the universe, and it is just a matter of finding
out how to use them.

Theoretical physicists are seriously examining the possibilities that space

and time might simply be folded into themselves by means of localized, artificially
created energy fields that essentially manufacture wormholes that can be directed
to any location in the universe. Indeed, that seems to be exactly what one of Dr.
John Mack’s abductee patients seemed to describing when, under hypnosis, he
remembered being aboard an alien spacecraft. As reported in his book, Abduction,
Dr. Mack asks his patient, “How do they get from one place to another.” The
answer he gets from the alien beings: “Energy like folds into itself, inverts into the
folds inside itself… You can move one at a time or you can move vast numbers of
people.”26 This rather awkward explanation sounds very much how a lay person
would try to describe the complex concept of nonlocality as it applies to the
manipulation of time/space.

There is no doubt that quantum science and technology, based on the

concept of nonlocality and the knowledge that the universe is holographic, is the
science of our future. But is it possible that it is also the science of someone else’s
past? Most scientists today, even mainstream conservatives, will agree that the
universe must be full of intelligent life and that there must be many civilizations
more advanced than our own existing, even in our own galaxy. The argument
scientists use to dissuade us that ETs have ever been here is that they are too far
away from us to have ever traveled to our region of space. But in light of our
Mack, 1995, p. 224.

© Joe Lewels, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

understanding of the true nature of reality that, we can now see, is a feeble and
cowardly out. In truth, given the vastness of the universe, it is only logical to
assume that highly advanced civilizations long ago discovered the interconnected-
ness of the universe, the holographic nature of reality, the nonlocal nature of the
human soul and the secrets of time/space manipulation. Such entities have traveled
the universe (and possibly through parallel universes) using quantum/spiritual
technology for perhaps million of years. Their relationship with the human race is
an intimate one, even though few of us have the spiritual and scientific maturity to
realize that truth. In ancient times, these beings were called “gods.” In Judaeo-
Christian theology, they are called “angels” or “demons.” Today, we call them


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