At 802
At 802
At 802
L3 Technologies announced June 14, 2017 that it would exhibit two next-generation tactical aircraft from its expanding
stable of multi-mission platforms at the International Paris Air Show as part of its outdoor static display. L3’s Aerospace
Systems business segment l debuted the AT-802L Longsword™, an FAA- and military-certified ISR and light-attack
aircraft, and the SPYDR II, the next generation of flexible ISR capability.
The AT-802L is a collaboration between L3 Platform Integration and Air Tractor, Inc. Longsword is a low-cost aircraft with
FAA and Military Type airworthiness certifications that can be configured for ISR or light-attack missions. The AT-802L
Longsword is a fully certified light-attack aircraft that provides more loiter time and greater weapons payload than other
aircraft in its class,” said Mark Von Schwarz, President of L3 Aerospace Systems, which includes both the Mission
Integration and Platform Integration divisions. “Regardless of the mission, Longsword delivers a variety of sensors and
weapons at the lowest risk and price in the market."
L3’s Platform Integration division, located in Waco, Texas, provides complex aircraft integration, sustainment and
modification services for military, commercial and OEM customers. Spanning 30 years, the company’s experience
includes aircraft systems integration for maritime surveillance, advanced communications and avionics modernization on
platforms ranging from small turboprop and business class aircraft to wide-body jets.
On 15 June 2017 L3 Technologies announced that it had received a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) from the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the updated digital avionics and cockpit for its AT-802L Longsword™
missionized aircraft. The STC provides a proven, certified cockpit for the AT-802, which includes the Garmin G600
system, and features dual-screen Primary/Multi-Function displays, an air data computer and attitude/heading reference
system, a digital intercommunication system, and an L3 next-generation Electronic Standby Instrument System.
The fight is out there, in the mountains and desert, far away from
pavement and policemen. That’s why the 802U is built to live and
work out there with forward operators, flying off dirt strips with
minimal support. The AT-802/802A is the world's largest single
engine aircraft, and its popularity reflects the industry's trend to larger,
high-production turbine equipment. Operating from unimproved
airstrips and dirt roads, the 802U can carry out forward arming and
refueling point missions to provide unparalleled direct support and
overwatch for ground troops. It can deliver fuel and supplies to
remote forces.
As of 2013 the UAE was the only air force to operate the AT-802U weaponised variant of the aircraft, although Burkina
Faso, Croatia, Gambia, and Israel operated the AT-802 in a utility role. By 2002 four Air Tractor Model 802 (AT-802)
aircraft were being used by the US government to spray coca, and another four were delivered that year. DynCorp
provided pilots, mechanics, and other operations and maintenance personnel. These aircraft are manufactured in the
United States for agricultural crop spraying and utilize the identical nozzles (same brand and diameter) in the identical
configuration (nozzle angle, droplet size, calibration methods) as the OV-10 and T-65 spray aircraft. AT-802 flight speed
during eradication operations is 165 mph. By 2009 that the spray program only used AT-802s for aerial spray operations.
Opium poppy is ordinarily cultivated at a higher altitude than coca, and thus opium poppy often is cultivated and sprayed
in hilly to mountainous terrain. For these reasons, the T-65 is the only aircraft used to spray opium poppy because it has
a smaller wingspan (and spray swath) than the OV-10 or AT-802 and because it is a more agile aircraft capable of
staying close to the ground in more steeply graded, rugged terrain.
To enhance the spray airplanes' ability to withstand ground fire, the US State Department Office of Aviation ensured that
the aircraft were protected to the extent possible. All the spray aircraft always had protective armor around the cockpit
and covering vulnerable fuel and oil lines. The AT-802 spray planes underwent additional modifications in 2004 to further
protect the pilot.
The Aerial Eradication Program consists of US-owned spray aircraft and helicopters, as well as contractor support to
help fly, maintain, and operate these assets at forward operating locations throughout Colombia. As of August 2008,
these aircraft included 13 armored AT-802 spray aircraft; 13 UH-1N helicopters used as gunships or search and rescue
aircraft; four C-27 transport aircraft used to ferry supplies and personnel to and from the various spray bases; and two
reconnaissance aircraft. US funded counternarcotics efforts, which focused on aerial spraying, did not achieve Plan
Colombia’s overarching goal of reducing the cultivation, production, and distribution of cocaine by 50 percent, in part
because coca farmers responded with a series of effective countermeasures.
The AT-802U designation requires a bit of unpacking. If this were a military designator, AT would indicate an attack
variant of a trainer aircraft, and the 802 would be the latest in a numerical sequence. But in this case, the AT is the
company name - Air Tractor - and the 802 reflects the 800 gallon tank that can be filled with water for fire fighting or
pesticide for agricultural bug spraying.
Many aircraft can launch Hellfire missiles and drop laser guided bombs. But most jets and UAVs require large paved
runways, and attack helicopters require hordes of maintainers. Like a truck, the aircraft is utilitarian in nature: tough,
powerful, and configurable to simply get the job done. It can maintain very long endurance over target and can employ a
wide range of weapons simultaneously, with a high degree of accuracy to minimize collateral damage. The AT-802 is
combat-proven in counter-drug operations in the USSOUTHCOM AOR by the US Department of State. The reliable and
field-repairable defensive armor has successfully defeated multiple bullet strikes and has been upgraded to defeat
increasing threat levels.
When the very first production model AT-802 was delivered in 1993, the company thought he might sell six or eight the
first year and would be satisfied if he could sell 10-15 per year. The aircraft was originally designed as an 800-gallon
capacity air tanker for aerial firefighting. The AT-802 was by far the largest capacity ag plane in the industry then, and
remains so now, with a 16,000-pound FAA certificated gross weight. It wasn't long before the 802 was equipped with
spray booms and working as an ag plane. More and more ag operators saw how the 802 really boosted production and
efficiency. Sales steadily grew, and by March 2005, Air Tractor had produced 200 of the AT-802s.
The company's popular single-seat 800-gallon capacity 802 series aircraft reached another milestone 04 April 2013. On
this cool, windy and cloud-covered Thursday, S/N 802A-0500 was delivered to its new owner. The proud owner of the
500th AT-802A is Drew Spidahl, owner of Ag-Tech Air, LLC in Lena, Illinois. Air Tractor dealer Harley Curless of Farm Air,
Inc. placed the order and completed the sale in mid February 2013.
The AT-802U brings firepower in close where it is needed and at the best speed for maximum effect. Capable of
employing a large arsenal of weaponry, the aircraft has been built to employ dual .50 cal. GAU-19/A three-barrel Gatling
guns, dual M260 7-tube rocket launchers, and 500 lb. Mk-82 bombs on nine wing and fuselage hard points (expandable
to 15 hard points). The AT-802U is also configurable for more advanced systems depending on customer requirements.
Laser guided ordnance, helmet mounted displays, fire control systems, survivability systems, and sensor payloads could
all be incorporated into this robust aircraft.
With ground-to-air communication so vital in close air support missions, the AT-802U has been equipped with the
Wulfsberg Flexcomm tactical modular multi-band airborne FM/AM/UHF radio communications system. This enables the
aircrew to maintain radio communication with practically any radio system utilized by ground units. Flying where others
would not dare, the AT-802U protects aircrews with specially designed cockpit and engine armor, ballistic glass, and self-
sealing fuel tanks. It also has mounting provisions for an optional AAR-47/ALE-47 survivability system.
The 802U can loiter quietly more than 10 hours while carrying more than a ton of weapons. It commands a level of
situational awareness that unmanned aircraft, with “soda straw” sensor views, simply cannot match. Air Tractor builds
aircraft that help pilots walk away from high-energy ground impacts. The aircraft’s legendary survivability is backed up by
more than 50 years of aerial spraying and forest firefighting and almost a decade of South American counterdrug
Air Tractor has created a surveillance platform that delivers more capability for less money than anything else in the
world. The AT-802U combines an 8,000-pound (3,629 kg) payload and 10-hour ISR mission capability with the flexibility
and responsiveness of a manned weapon system – for a fraction of the cost of unmanned aerial vehicle systems.
The AT-802U performs exceptionally well in an intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance role at low altitudes. Its
retractable L3 Wescam MX-15Di sensor turret system and optional Compact Multi-Channel Data Link (CMDL) system
allows commanders to see the battle space in real time. CMDL is ROVER compatible and allows transmission of live
video feed to other aircraft, air operations centers, or joint terminal attack controllers on the ground.
The 2-man AT-802U crew commands a level of situational awareness that unmanned aircraft, with “soda straw” sensor
views, simply cannot match. NVG compatible lighting permits unconstrained AT-802U night ops. Ample fuselage and
wing space for integration of sensors, datalinks and weapon systems make the AT-802U an ideal communications
gateway platform for instant command and control with ground forces or other air assets.
Massive fuel tanks and the very efficient Pratt & Whitney PT6A-67F turbine engine allow for mission durations of 10
hours. The cockpit-forward payload area is configurable for a mission-extending fuselage fuel tank. Additionally, drop
tanks can be added to wing/fuselage hard points to further extend loiter time.
The cavernous internal space of the 802U permits adding virtually any missionized E0/IR, SIGINT or SAR payload. An
optional retractable L3 Wescam MX-15Di sensor targeting pod and ROVER video downlink lets ground commanders,
other aircraft and forward air controllers see the battle space in real time. When equipped with state-of-the-art sensors,
real time encrypted video downlink, SatCom, and encrypted software defined voice and data radios, the 802U is a cost-
effective communications gateway for instant command and control.
The 802U can deliver an impressive payload to the fight. With 11 hard points on the wings and fuselage, the 802U has
the flexibility to employ a large arsenal of weaponry. The aircraft’s speed and maneuverability exceeds that of most
helicopters, UAVs and cargo aircraft. There’s no need to fly supersonic to hot zones when the 802U can be overhead
providing quiet surveillance and the deterrent of over 2,900 rounds of .50 cal, four Hellfire missiles, sixteen DAGR laser
guided rockets, and two 250 lb. laser-guided bombs.
The aircrew safety emphasis is evident from the sturdy steel tube airframe and cockpit structure, AmSafe Inflatable
Restraint System airbags, and spring steel landing gear. In combat, the 802U protects aircrews with robust cockpit and
engine armor. Fuel tanks and lines are self-sealing. Ballistic glass windshields and side windows have defeated bullets
during counterdrug operations.
With more than 500 successful deliveries of AT-802 agricultural and firefighting aircraft
worldwide, AT-802 production costs and timelines are well established. A simple rugged design, reliable flight systems,
robust electrical system, minimal ground support equipment, and the proven Pratt & Whitney PT6A-67F turbine engine
give the AT-802U impressive performance with a very low operation cost. In fact, in counter-drug operations U.S.
Department of State maintenance statistics show the AT-802 has an average of 1.7 maintenance man hours per flight
With its tandem seat cockpit and dual controls, the AT-802U also makes an ideal training aircraft for flight and weapons
training to develop weapons tactics, techniques and procedures. Whether providing air support for a remote border
outpost, or surveillance for a convoy, the 802U delivers impressive performance – at a very low operation cost. With an
average of 450 flight hours per year, the operations cost for the AT-802 is under $400 per flight hour.
Sky Warden™ is purpose-built for the Intelligence, Surveillance and THE FACTS
Reconnaissance (ISR) Strike mission and is specifically designed to > Rugged and Reliable - The Air
perform in austere, disaggregated combat environments with limited Tractor 802U is purpose-built for
infrastructure. Sky Warden is backed by a global support and logistics austere operations
network and by L3Harris’ special operations forces (SOF)-proven, > Effective and Flexible - Combat-
turnkey ISR operational experience. proven, multi-mission open
systems architecture to “collapse
Built on the rugged, reliable Air Tractor AT- while offering the operator the agility the stack,” replacing multiple
802U platform, Sky Warden’s short takeoff and flexibility to identify, track and aircraft with a single aircraft
and landing capability and small support immediately react to counter threats. > Persistence and Payload - 6-hour
footprint allow aircrews to co-locate with loiter at 200 nm combat radius;
The Sky Warden has communications and
the disaggregated ground units they 6,000 lb flexible combat load-out
sensor suites on par with larger aircraft
like the King Air and the AC-130. The > Connected - Robust suite of radios
SOF is in the Sky Warden’s DNA. L3Harris’ Sky Warden features the largest payload and datalinks providing multiple
mission systems, operators, and field capacity of any single turbine engine means for line-of-sight (LOS)
teams have supported SOF with more than aircraft, which hosts L3Harris’ world-class and beyond line-of-sight (BLOS)
1.3 million combat hours over the past family of communications, sensors and communications
10 years. The system offers unparalleled airborne ISR solutions.
> Situational Awareness - Ability
flexibility, the essential ingredient for
No other platform in its class has the size, to host multiple EO/IR, ISR and
special mission success.
weight, and power (SWaP) and modularity targeting sensors
Sky Warden is built for the ISR Strike to accommodate a broad range of ISR > Affordable and Sustainable - Low
mission and is precisely designed to payloads, weapons, and communications production and operating costs,
counter threats in austere, challenged, needed for simultaneous and persistent backed by an established global
combat environments with limited ISR Strike support. Sky Warden has sustainment network
infrastructure. The system is backed by a the power, connectivity, lethality and
worldwide support and logistics network modularity to affordably replace “the > SOF Heritage - Mature system built
and by the company’s extensive turnkey stack” to execute the ISR Strike mission. on 1.3 million hours of ISR and
ISR operations experience. Strike support and upgrades driven
Sky Warden allows operators to remain by mission operators
SOF missions often require a “stack” of decisively engaged in the counter-violent
> Production-Ready - Delivery in less
aircraft to provide a host of capabilities extremist fight with an integrated weapon
than 12 months
needed by ground teams. The multi- system to find, fix and finish the mission
mission Sky Warden effectively “collapses with a substantially reduced footprint,
the stack” by merging the capabilities of manpower, and cost than the current
larger ISR and armed aircraft capabilities “stack.”
into one cost-effective, resilient package