DRRR Curriculum Map
DRRR Curriculum Map
DRRR Curriculum Map
WEEKS 5-6 Earthquake Potential earthquake The learners develop a Identify various potential earthquake hazards Sharing of Stories Reflection (1) Philippine Institute of Resilient
Hazards hazards: family emergency DRR11/12-If-g-17 Activity Questions Volcanology and Care for others
1. Ground shaking preparedness plan to Seismology. (2008). Responsible
2. Ground rupture guide them on what to (2) PHIVOLCS Earthquake Observant
3. Liquefaction do Recognize the natural signs of an impending tsunami; Monitoring. Retrieved from Readiness
4. Earthquake-induced before, during, and after DRR11/12-If-g-18 Quiz (TRUE OR http://
ground subsidence an earthquake. FALSE) www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph/i
5. Tsunami Analyze the effects of the different earthquake hazards ndex.php?
6. Earthquake-induced DRR11/12-If-g-19 option=com_content&view=
landslide article&id=38&Itemid=75
Interpret different earthquake hazard maps; Hazard Maps (3) Philippine Institute of
DRR11/12-If-g-20 Volcanology and
Seismology. (2013). Bohol
Photographs 2013.
(Picture Analysis) http://www.phivolcs.dost.go
Hydrometeorol Potential The learners develop a Recognize signs of impending hydrometeorological Video on Weather Essay (1) Department of Resilient
ogical hazards hydrometeorological family emergency hazards Forecasting Education. (2008). Disaster Care for others
hazards: preparedness plan to DRR11/12-IIc-d-33 (Radio/TV Map interpretation Risk Reduction Responsible
1. Typhoon guide them on what to Newscasting) Resource Manual (Safer Observant
2. Thunderstorm do School Resource Manual). Readiness
3. Flashflood before, during, and after Retreived from
4. Flood the occurrence of events Interpret different hydrometeorological hazard maps http://www.deped.gov.ph/sit
5. Stormsurge that cause DRR11/12-IIc-d-35 es/default/
6. El Nino hydrometeorological files/Disaster%20Risk
7. La Nina hazards. Use available tools for monitoring hydrometeorological %20Reduction
hazards %20Resource
DRR11/12-IIc-d-36 %20Manual.pdf
Concept of Disaster risk reduction: The learners are able to Discuss the key concepts, principles, and elements of DRR Research on Past Quiz Disaster risk reduction and Responsible
Disaster Risk 1. Concept of DRR develop a community DRR11/12-IIg-h-42 Disasters climate change adaptation Readiness
Reduction 2. Importance of DRR emergency Good Practices for multiple choice in Self awareness
(DRR) 3. Key Principles preparedness DRR the Pacific,
and Disaster plan and community Recognize the importance of DRR on one’s life essay http://www.unisdr.org/
Risk disaster preparedness DRR11/12-IIg-h-43 Introduction to disaster risk
Reduction and plan to minimize reduction, http://
Management vulnerability and disaster www.preventionweb.net/file
(DRRM) risk in the community ENUMERATION s/
and avoid or limit 26081_kp1concepdisasterri
adverse sk1.pdf
impacts of hazards.
DepEd Disaster Risk
Reduction Resource
WEEKS 5-6 Community-based The learners practice Discuss different communitybased practices for managing
disaster risk reduction and disaster risk to specific hazards
and management for develop proficiency in DRR11/12-IIg-h-44
preparedness executing emergency
1. Emergency Plan response protocols/ Develop a community preparedness plan;
2. Monitoring and procedures through DRR11/12-IIg-h-45
Evaluation safety drills.
3. Early Warning Prepare survival kits and materials for one’s family and for
Systems public information and advocacy
4. Survival Kits and DRR11/12-IIg-h-46
What to expect Policies of DRRM -The The learners are able to Explain DRR-related laws and policies Situational Reports Quiz Suggested Resources Preparedness
between the Philippine DRRM Law develop a community DRR11/12-IIi-j-47 (1) National Disaster Risk Obedient
State RA disaster preparedness situational Reduction and Responsible
and the 10121 and its plan to minimize analysis Management Council
citizens Implementing Rules vulnerability and website.
and disaster risk in the http://www.ndrrmc.gov.ph
Regulations community and avoid or (2) Philippine National
limit adverse impacts of Disaster Response Pillar.
hazards http://
(3) Policy and Procedures
Writing Guide. Boise State
(4) Republic Act No. 10121.
Official Gazette .