HSC CORE 1 Nishans Official Notes
HSC CORE 1 Nishans Official Notes
HSC CORE 1 Nishans Official Notes
Syllabus terms:
Good sentences to use extended responses: hardening of the arteries by fatty deposits, causing stiffness and
loss of elasticity.
Perpetuate the cycle of death/ Perpetuates a poverty cycle
Their health has been ‘impinged’
This compounds serious health issues
Allows individuals to make health conductive decisions
The correlation between all causal factors of health inequities/determinants of health
Critical Question 1- How are the priority issues for Australia’s health
It monitors the trends of health in various population groups. Through this, comparisons and
disparities can be identified. The priority groups and conditions which are experiencing
the greatest inequities are placing a massive burden on the Australian health profile, thus
must be further identified with high priority i.e. ATSI priority group and cancer as a NHPA.
Measures of epidemiology
Morbidity: The total number of incidence/prevalence of a disease/illness within a
population group at a specific period of time.
Mortality: the total standardised death rates for given group and or given disease over a
period of time
Infant mortality: the deaths within the first year of live per 1000 live births.
Two types:
Epidemiology : the
fails to extent health
recognize of theindisease
a holistic sense as it fails to show the correlation between all the determinants
of health.
Limitations of epidemiology:
It does not measure an individual’s quality of life achieved.
Fails to tell us ‘why’ health issues exist and sometimes does not accurately report on health issues i.e. mental illness.
Since it is just raw data, it does not provide solutions to reduce health inequities and priority health issues .
Advantages of epidemiology: Who uses epidemiology?
Identifies the areas of the greatest Policy makers at all levels of government i.e. WHO, AIHW, ABS
concern which can further be made Public and private health care sector i.e. Bupa, CBHS health
into priority health issues. Individuals
Effectively compares health status Communities i.e. World No Tobacco Day, Jump Rope For Heart,
across various groups i.e. ATSI and Deadly Sister Fitness and Weight loss
Non-ATSI. Manufacturers of health products i.e. Nicotine company
It can be used to empower both Health researchers
individuals and communities to take
action and not develop priority health
conditions i.e. CVD.
Current trends in health data (AIHW)
o The life expectancy at birth for males is 80.3 years compared to 84.4 years for
- Men have an unwillingness to seek medical attention through stoic attitudes and are
more likely to be involved in risk taking behaviour.
Due to:
Morbidity: (Decreasing for some diseases but also increasing for others)
- Deaths are declining due to education and greater awareness of diseases through health promotion
- Road accidents amongst the 15-24 age bracket has also fallen, due to tougher laws on speeding and
the P-plate system.
- Early detection through breast screening and prostate examinations increases an individual’s chance
Identifying priority health issues
of survival.
Equity: Providing the fair allocation of funding and resources to all Australians,
regardless of socio-economic/socio-cultural/environmental barriers.
Two Types:
Horizontal equity: the distribution of resources/funding to all Australians.
Vertical equity: the distribution of resources/funding to the groups most at
need. (priority groups)
Equity: Supporting the whole population by directing extra resources to those resonating
from the priority population groups.
1) The Close the Gap Campaign is an multi-faceted program initiated by the
Australian Government, that aims to reduce the severe health inequities
present with ATSI people by 2030 i.e. Year 12 educational attainment.
2) Medicare is Australia’s universal health insurance scheme; it provides access
to basic healthcare for all Australians, regardless of religion, socio-economic
status, location and or cultural background.
1) The Breast Screen NSW incentive offers free mammograms to all Australian’s with a
Medicare card (equity). To cater for all, their service pamphlets are written in over 30
languages and they also have translating services available. (diversity)
2) Rural Women’s GP service – providing culturally sensitive and appropriate services
by women for women.
3) Hospital translators available in a range of languages
2) ATSI Campaign- Quit Smoking ‘break the chain’ “if I can do it, I reckon we all can”.
4) Royal Flying Doctors Service providing primary medical services in R&R areas where
there is limited access to services and facilities.
5) Speeding cameras, school zones, zebra crossings, and rest stops/shoulders near
freeways as incentives for drivers to reduce their speed/revive before driving again.
Stop, revive, and survive- rest stops/shoulders reducing driver fatigue and the
chances of being involved in driving accidents.
Prevalence of condition
The conditions/illnesses that are most common and have a high rate of diagnosis and
prevalence within Australia place a great burden to the Australian health status. For
example, CVD is the leading cause of death within Australia with over 45,000 individuals
dying from this condition annually. Thus, must be regarded with high priority.
Individual costs:
Direct costs
Indirect costs
Direct costs
Indirect costs
o ATSI individuals suffer a life expectancy that is approximately 10 years less than
non-ATSI individuals.
o High levels of CVD, diabetes, cancer and obesity
o High infant mortality rates due to low sanitation/immunisation programs, health
literacy and knowledge.
o High morbidity rates in terms of mental illnesses, diabetes, kidney disease,
respiratory disease, circulatory disease and communicable diseases.
ATSI mothers suffer a low level of health literacy, therefore involve themselves in
a range of risk factors such as consumption of alcohol, tobacco smoking. As a
result, underdeveloped young’s health is already impinged. They may develop
Fetal alcohol syndrome and or suffer withdrawal symptoms later on in life and or
have abnormalities.
ATSI individuals believe in traditional approaches to healthcare, thus may not
access mainstream services.
ATSI people live in tribal humpies/small houses with many family members, this
may further exacerbate a range of health issues such as infectious diseases i.e.
tuberculosis, Otis media (middle ear infection).
Family and friends may influence involvement in risk behaviours such as tobacco
smoking, consumption of a high fat diet, illicit drug use.
Media places a range of generalisations and stereotypes on ATSI individuals
such as they are “doll bludgers, criminals” etc, therefore ATSI people may feel a
sense of social-exclusion and disempowerment, leading to severe health
deficits i.e. suicide.
Colonisation from the arrival of the early Europeans/first fleet dispossession
and assimilation which further made them consume white foods i.e. bread,
mutton and jam. As a result, they now have a transgenerational susceptibility to
ATSI individuals suffer low educational attainment rates- only 46% complete year
12 or obtain an equivalent certificate.
Due to limited education levels ATSI individuals have a low level of health
literacy and low qualifications. This leads to the involvement in a range of risk
behaviours without knowing the harmful consequences it places on their health
i.e. tobacco smoking, illicit drug use.
Low qualifications leads to limited employment prospects and opportunities,
therefore ATSI individuals have to satisfy work in high risk labour jobs such as
coal mining, where there is a constant exposure to the carcinogen asbestos.
Also, heavy machinery can also cause health risks.
Low levels of income, deems an individual unable to purchase resources to attain
a healthy lifestyle such as fruit and vegetables. Since fruit and veg is expensive
an ATSI person will have to rely on cheaper fatty foods such as junk food,
canned foods.
ATSI individuals mostly reside in the lowest economic quintiles, as they mostly live
in R/R areas/low SES areas.
Due to their location away from the metropolitan areas they suffer a limited access to
preventative and curative health services such as GP clinics, breast screen
mammograms, pap smears, and MRI machines.
Unsanitised drinking water and garbage disposal/recycling may not be available,
compounding serious health issues.
Limited availability of fresh food and vegetables. Therefore, having to consume fatty
foods/canned items.
Limited infrastructure / built roads, therefore making it hard to access hospitals and
schools in the city areas.
Many ATSI individuals live in overcrowded dwellings/humpies where there is a lack of
sanitation and garbage disposal systems.
- This leads to poor hygiene and increased risk of communicable diseases i.e. Otis
media, cholera and tuberculosis.
Individuals have the responsibility to Empower others and Government has a role to create effective
participate and access all health create a range of health policies and provide funding for a
programs made available to them. They support range of health care facilities such as state
also have the role to disseminate this services/programs hospitals. They also have a role in
information to others and advocate for available to all reducing inequities by implementing
health needs in behalf of the wider community members. universal health care schemes such as the
community. This enables Medicare/PBS.
community members to
instigate good health Additionally, they have a role in
practices. initiating/funding multi-faceted health
promotion campaigns such as the Two
i.e. Deadly sister fitness Ways Together Program.
- All sectors must work in an intersectoral approach where everyone has equal
accountability and responsibility to improve health outcomes.
Stoical attitudes such as “It will be alright” leads an individual not accessing
GP services and thus suffer severe health issues due to accessing medical
attention when it is too late.
Involvement in a range of risk behaviours due to peer pressure
A lack of support networks due to geographical location may lead to mental
illnesses and self-harm i.e. suicide.
People residing in R/R areas are often forgotten in terms of media coverage,
therefore may feel left out leading to disempowerment.
Family may be poorly educated thus involve themselves in risk behaviours,
these behaviours will be further passed down to the next generation.
Individuals have the responsibility to Empower others and Government has a role to create effective
participate and access all health programs create a range of support health policies and provide funding for a
made available to them. They also have the services/programs range of health care facilities such as state
role to disseminate this information to others available to all community hospitals. They also have a role in reducing
and advocate for health needs in behalf of members. This enables inequities by implementing universal health
the wider community. community members to care schemes such as the Medicare/PBS.
instigate good health
practices. Additionally have a role in initiating/funding
i.e. Rural Women’s GP service multi-faceted health promotion campaigns
i.e. R/R Beyond blue such as The Royal Flying Doctor service.
men’s shed.
- All sectors must work in an intersectoral approach where everyone has equal
accountability and responsibility to improve health outcomes.
General notes:
Social gradient of health (the lower level of education/income the less healthier
you are).
High morbidity rates i.e. diabetes, asthma, coronary heart disease, lung cancer,
and stroke.
High disease
1) Cardiovascular levels of preventable chronic disease, injury and mental
health problems.
Nature of the problem
- CVD is a class of several diseases affecting the heart and associated blood vessels i.e. veins, arteries and
Types of CVD: Coronary heart disease, Cerebrovascular disease (stroke), Peripheral vascular disease
(blood supply to the extremities is lost).
- Common symptoms of CVD: stroke, myocardial infarctions/coronary occlusion/thrombosis, angina.
- Atherosclerosis is the underlying cause of CVD build up of fatty deposits on the inner lining of the
arteries. (Reduces the supply of oxygenated blood).
- Atheroma is the thickened areas of fatty deposits within the arteries.
- Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries leading to loss of elasticity and artery function.
Determinants of health:
- A family who has low levels of health knowledge/who has a CVD is likely to pass it on to the next generation.
- People with a family history of CVD are at greater risk.
- Growing up in a family that binge eats, has a lack of physical inactivity and smokes likely to impart these poor health
behaviors to their young who will them develop CVD.
- Unable to participate in organised sport due to low income levels
- A low level of health literacy and knowledge leads to a likelihood of developing CVD.
- Office jobs/ ongoing sedentary behaviour increases CVD susceptibility. (Higher rates of CVD in white collar jobs)
- Low levels of income inability to consume fresh foods and join gyms/sports clubs.
- Lack of access to preventative and curative health services such as GP’s, doctors, clinics
- Lack of access to sporting/recreational facilities such as local parks, gyms i.e. people in R/R areas and or socio-
economically disadvantaged areas of Australia.
2nd largest cause of death in Australia and largest disease burden in Australia.
There is a high incidence for people aged 65-74 (this is expected to increase). It is also the leading cause
of death for people aged 65-74.
It accounted for 30% of all Australian deaths in 2010
Mortality rate is decreasing due to more people accessing preventative/curative health services such as
mammograms and increased knowledge/skills i.e. smoking cessation, being sun smart, being self-sufficient
through regular mole checks/noticing any deformities.
Incidence increasing of new cancer conditions.
Determinants of health
- Family: through second hand smoke within the family household an individual has a high risk of
developing lung cancer.
- Blue eyes/fair skin/red hair
- Family history of breast cancer
Peers: peer pressure to look cool and ‘fit in’ individuals may smoke/tan i.e. (ladies/bronze complexion)
- Media: advertisements and media campaigns that raise awareness and promote protective behaviours in
order to lower the chances of developing cancer.
I.e. Quitline campaign and ‘tanning is skin cells in trauma’
- Low levels of health literacy and understanding of how cancer develops can constitute to the development
of skin, breast and lung cancer.
- Low income levels unable to afford sunscreen and other protective measures to avoid diagnosis to
- Unsatisfactory occupations that lead to exposure of chemicals, pollution, and radiation can be carcinogens
in the development of lung cancer/skin cancer.
Environmental determinants
Lack of access to media campaigns/anti-smoking TV advertisements and preventative health services such
as free mammograms, can further lead to susceptibility.
Limited curative health services such as hospitals and primary GP’s, can exacerbate the issues even further
(once treatment is received it may be too late).
Groups at risk
Lung: tobacco smokers, blue collar workers, men and women over the age of 50
Breast: women who have never given birth, obese women, women over the age of 50, women with early
menstruation and late menopause.
Skin: people with blue eyes/fair skin, people who spend too much time in the sun without protection.
An injury is an adverse affect on the body resulting from an event. For example, falls, transport accidents, drowning and
self-harm such as suicide.
Injury has a high contribution to mortality and morbidity within Australia.
The consequences can be both short term such as loss of physical function and long term such as permanent disability or death.
Injuries are the highest cause of death for those under the age of 35 such as self-harm and road traffic
accidents. Also, the main cause of premature death (deaths under 65 years of age).
The rates for external injuries such as suicide, transport accidents and drowning are slowly declining.
Due to the growing and ageing population the hospitalisation from falls is increasing (40% of all injuries is falls).
Risk factors include: being elderly, working in high risk jobs such as trade labour. Some falls can be prevented
through harnesses and WHS safety regulations.
Socio-cultural, Socio-economic and Environmental determinants
Risk factors include: speeding, drink driving, not wearing seatbelts and driver fatigue. Protective measures
takingroad rules
is very andamongst
high speed limits, wearing
the youth, thusseatbelts
through and
peernot driving an
pressure/ whilst
act tired
to fit or
in under the influence of
alcohol.may speed and drink drive.
‘It won’t happen to me’ attitudes amongst the youth.
Risk factors
promotion depression, family
campaigns suchviolence,
as ‘Don’tdrug
turn use. Protective
a night out into factors include
a nightmare’ employment
have and having
been successful in a
supportive social
raising network.about the consequences of risk taking. This has reduced road fatalities.
People from Low SES are likely to be unaware of the consequences of speeding/drink driving and
may have a low understanding of car safety ratings.
Blue collar workers such as builders/construction site workers are at great risk of injury.
Those from R&R areas may have limited understanding about the consequences.
People from R&R areas are more at risk of suicide due to limited access to support
Groups at risk
One of the biggest health issues facing our economy it places immense
pressure and burden on many stakeholders.
The GAAP is due to a declining mortality rate and an increased life expectancy.
13% of Australia’s population is over 65 years of age.
90% of the population is 70 years or older, this is expected to increase by 13
percent by 2021 and to 20 per cent in 2051.
Healthy ageing
Healthy ageing refers to the behaviours (protective behaviours) and activities that
prevent the development of a disease/illness. It is concerned with the quality of life
not just the years lived by the individual. It is achieved through the maintenance of a
holistic lifestyle regardless of the ageing process.
The rise in chronic disease and disability is pushing a greater demand and
requirement for health services and workers in public hospitals, medical clinics,
retirement care and palliative care units. Health care workers will have to provide
care for a greater amount of people which will further reduce the quality and quantity
of time that each patient receives from a health care professional.
There is a limited amount of medical practitioners i.e. GP’s and increasing hospital
admissions from the GAAP.
The Government have increased residential facilities/ training for aged care workers
and funding for dementia care in aged care.
The Aged Care Education and Training Incentive has been successful in
attracting more people to aged services reducing workforce shortages.
As carers/volunteers are ageing with the rest of the population there is a low
Allows individuals to retain their skills/expertise and make a meaningful contribution
to society.
They also allow elderly Australians to remain in their own homes reducing the
burden on aged care services.
Due to the limited availability of volunteer organisations the federal government have
implemented a range of Home and Community Care Reform Packages such as the
Living Longer, Living Better package which features means tested pension and
volunteer/support services provided to those who need it most.
Health system and Health service workforce Carers of the elderly Volunteer organisations
Health care workers will Utilising their
The great demand will have to provide for a skills/expertise to assist The baby boomer
result in services becoming greater amount of people elderly individuals i.e. generation is ageing with
more expensive and based reducing the retired dieticians can more skill and
on socio-economic status quality/quantity of time provide advice to elderly technological ‘know how’
rather than the priority of each patient receives. whilst in the caring role. than previous generations
care needed. the baby boomer
Increased hours that health generation may remain in
Strong bonds can form
Increased treatment costs professionals may work administrative employment
between the volunteer and
due to chronic disease and reducing job satisfaction. much longer reducing the
the old aged individual,
disability increasing amount of volunteers.
positively impacting social
health expenditure for the As the retirement age has health.
GAAP. increased health workers
now have to work even
Increased waiting times, longer.
demand for hospital beds
and nursing homes.
Critical Question 3- What role do health facilities and services play in
achieving better health for all Australians?
Health care in Australia
Range and types of health care facilities and services:
Diverse range of health care facilities and services which focus on prevention, treatment, diagnosis,
rehabilitation,early intervention, health promotion and primary care for patients.
Public and private hospitals Nursing homes Community supports (creating health conducive environments).
Oversees the provision of public hospitals and other health services i.e. GP’s, dentists, optometry, mental
health, aged care, family health centres.
Funds community health services and public hospitals.
Develop health incentives/programs i.e. preventative health care programs vaccinations in schools.
Health promotion
Local governments
Implementing sanitation and garbage disposal systems
Creating health promoting environments free gym equipment in parks/sports fields.
Running services such as Meals on Wheels allowing elderly individuals to remain in their own homes.
Private sector
Privately owned and operated services i.e. private hospitals, dental, physiotherapy and chiropractic
Some received funding from both the Commonwealth and state/territory governments
Community groups
Organisations that target specific health priority issues i.e. Cancer Council, Heart Foundation.
Equity of access to health facilities and services
- The Australian health care system aims to provide a broad range of services to all Australians that is readily
available however inequities arise due to certain issues.
Socio-economic status: Affluent individuals achieve good health status however people with low SES
such as ATSI and the socioeconomically disadvantaged cannot access services due to low health literacy
and low income levels.
Strategy: Medicare is available however due to low levels of health literacy/knowledge they are unaware that
this service exists therefore the disparity remains based on SES.
Geographical location: Many services and facilities are available for those residing from the city
counterparts. However, there is a limited adequacy and access for those from Rural and Remote areas.
- Basic medical checkups/GP consultations are not available health issues worsen. I.e. Benign tumours
turn malignant.
Strategy: Royal Flying Doctor Service Allows R/R based communities to access a wide range of health
facilities and services i.e. first aid courses, health field days, GP checkups allowing R/R people to achieve good
Waiting lists and times: Individuals with higher SES have private health insurance have reduced waiting
times for GP checkups and surgeries. Those with low SES have to rely on public health insurance schemes
such as Medicare.
- Extreme shortages of health service workers in public hospitals leads people on Medicare to experience
long waiting period’s as medical attention is given based on the severity of a injury/illness conditions may
worsen overtime i.e. Arteriotherosis to Atherosclerosis.
- Priority is also given to those with private health insurance.
Strategy: Living Better, Living Longer training reform program aiming to attract more health professionals
as there is not enough workers to meet the growing demand of patients (mostly the aged).
- An individual’s health insurance decides the amount of time it takes to see medical practitioners
unequitable for those of priority population groups.
Cultural backgrounds/languages diversity can be achieved through translator services and brochures
in many different languages.
How much responsibility should the community assume for individual health problems?
- Health is not solely an individual’s responsibility therefore equal accountability must be provided by all
sectors i.e. individual, communities and governments (intersectoral approach).
- It takes many years for prevention measures to reduce incidence/prevalence of life styled related conditions.
- It is difficult to take funding away from curative services as they are already stretched to the limit i.e. hospital
usage by the elderly.
Limitations: it is a very expensive procedure (not provided by Medicare), does not provide equity and access for ATSI
and R/R (only available in city counterparts).
MRI scans: medical imaging procedure using magnetic field/radio waved to take images of the body’s
- It is a non-invasive procedure that is useful in providing information and allows for early detection for a range
of health issues/problems improving individual health outcomes.
Limitations: it is a very expensive procedure (not provided by Medicare), does not provide equity and access for ATSI
and R/R (only available in city counterparts).
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Advantages Disadvantages
Reasons for growth of complementary and alternative health products and services
- A global recognition by the WHO deeming CAM services as beneficial to one’s health.
- Greater acceptance of cultures and religions within Australia due to the growing rate of migration and
- These services promote the holistic health care approach
- Providing a range of services when mainstream medicine may be ineffective
- There are now formal qualifications in the fields of complementary and alternative health care approaches
which have enhanced the credibility of these fields such as university degrees.
- Persuasive marketing campaigns have promoted the feel good elements i.e. using natural and organic products
to connect the mind, body and spirit.
- The purpose which is what they want to achieve from a product or service
- Research the nature and type of product/service check for qualifications/credentials of the practitioners,
research the service and its effectiveness.
- Consider questions such as: What are the benefits? Is this safe? Are there any side effects or risks I should
know about?
- The qualifications and credentials must be checked by a regulatory authority. Ask questions such as:
Where did you get your training? How long have you been practising? How long was your training course?
- Gather other opinions from your GP, friends/family, and internet reviews/ratings.
- *Is the service reputable?
- Talk to the service provider!
- Evaluate by weighting the benefits/limitations and contact your medical practitioner before engaging in any
complementary or alternative health care approach.
- After these considerations the consumer is in the best position to make a health conducive decision.
Critical Question 4- What actions are needed to address Australia’s health
Health promotion based on the 5 actions areas of the Ottawa Charter
Palliative care- improving the quality of life for patients with incurable diseases/illnesses
ATSI -> Suffer language barriers as for many ATSI individuals English is their second
language. As a result, this affects their ability to be able to access preventative health care
such as general practitioner consultations.
Services include clinical care, health education, screening, immunisation and specific
Diabetes e.g.
Healthy schools canteen policy (Fresh food tastes @ school( – labelled foods with
stickers indicating their nutritional value. For example, fatty foods such as Sausage
Developing personal skills
Rolls are given red stickers. In turn, students can make informed consumer choices
by avoiding
the allocated red sticker
skills necessary to foods.
develop a sense of autonomy within.
This is achieved by improving ones
health literacy. In turn, individuals
are able to make good health
Examine how the priority health issues are identified in Australia’s health.
Outline the preventable chronic diseases and provide two ways individuals could reduce
their risk of chronic disease.
Assess the impact of a growing and aging population on the health system and services.
The developing personal skills section of the charter refers to the notion that individuals
are able to employ the skills necessary to evoke the sense of autonomy within. In turn,
individuals are more likely to be self-sufficient in improving their overall health status.
For example, attending a cooking class to learn healthy recipes involving fresh vegetables
and fruit. In turn, this will allow individuals to eat healthy and further lower the possibility of
developing an incidence of a preventable lifestyle disease such as CVD.
The reorientating health services section of the charter recognises health in a holistic sense.
Thus, this notion pushes the implementation of preventative health programs and initiatives
such as the Close the Gap campaign and Breast screen – Free mammograms to determine
whether breast cancer has formed and or intervene early on to reduce the chance of death
( before condition worsens ) etc. In turn, this notion aims to reduce the
incidence/prevalence of a range of chronic and acute illnesses/diseases.
Argue the benefits of applying the Ottawa Charter to one health promotion initiative.
The Ottawa Charter sets an effective framework in providing a direction to health promotion
campaigns. Through this, a variety of health promotion campaigns can be viewed in a holistic
sense, recognising the values of the new public health approach. In turn, programs and
interventions are more likely to be successful.
number of cigarette purchases per day. Furthermore, this has reduced the incidence of lung cancer.