Financial Ratios-AgManager Format
Financial Ratios-AgManager Format
Financial Ratios-AgManager Format
Financial aspects of the farm business have rapidly increased in importance in recent years. Farm business
size has increased. Cash expenses have gone up. Larger amounts of credit are being used.
As the size of an operation increases and credit use is expanded, financial management becomes more
critical to the success of the operation. More sophisticated accounting systems are needed to furnish farm
financial management information. This calls for tools to aid in interpreting the accounting figures. This
is where financial ratios come in.
Non-agriculture businesses have used financial ratios to interpret data from financial reports for many
years. When investments in farm businesses were small, the need for this type of analysis was minimal.
With the magnitude of today’s farm businesses, financial ratios can aid in converting the mass of data that
is common in an effective farm accounting system into meaningful information.
A financial ratio is simply a comparison of two measurements of a business to each other. For example, a
measurement of income may be compared to a measurement of size. The two measurements are expressed
in terms of a ratio of one number to another number. The measurements can also be expressed in terms of
the percent that one is to another. For example, a farm business with a net farm income of $50,000 and a
gross farm revenue of $250,000 has a net farm income to gross farm revenue ratio of 1:5. Expressed in
percentage terms, this same farm business has a net farm income that is 20 percent of the gross farm
Data for financial ratios come from the balance sheet, the cash flow statement, and the income statement.
The balance sheet is a listing of the assets and liabilities of the business and the resulting equity on a given
date. Equity is the difference between the assets and the liabilities. For more detail on the balance sheet
see Farm Management Guide, Balance Sheet — A Financial Management Tool.
A cash flow statement records the dollars going in and the dollars going out of a business. It shows where
the money comes from — the inflow of cash — and where the money goes — the outflow of cash. For
more detail on the cash flow statement, see Cash Flow Projection for Operating Loan Determination.
The income statement is a listing of the receipts and the expenses of a business, including depreciation,
and the resulting net income for a specific period. Allowance is made for changes in inventories. Net farm
income is equal to receipts minus expenses plus or minus the change in inventories. For more detail on
the income statement, see Farm Management Guide, Income Statement — A Financial Management Tool.
The actual data used in this guide was obtained from the case farm in these three publications.
Financial ratios can be put to many uses. They may be used by a farm operator or business manager in
managerial analysis; they also may be used by a lending agency in credit analysis; and they may be used
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A number of useful ratios have been found to be indicators of farm financial progress and risk-bearing
ability. These ratios can be grouped into five categories:
• Liquidity
• Solvency
• Profitability
• Financial Efficiency
• Repayment Capacity
Liquidity Indicators
Liquidity measures the ability of a farm business to meet financial obligations as they come due in the
ordinary course of business, without disrupting the normal operations of the business. The current ratio
and working capital measure liquidity and can be calculated using balance sheet data.
The Current Ratio indicates the extent to which current farm assets, if liquidated, would cover current
farm liabilities. The higher the ratio, the greater the liquidity.
Working capital is a measure of the amount of funds available to purchase inputs and inventory items after
the sale of current farm assets and payment of all current farm liabilities. The amount of working capital
considered adequate is related to the size and type of farm business. In this example, the farm has negative
working capital, meaning they do not have enough funds to cover their liabilities that will come do this
year and likely will need to refinance.
Working Capital = Total Current Farm Assets – Total Current Farm Liabilities
Working Capital as a Percent of Gross Revenue adjusts for farm size and can be compared among farms
with similar enterprises but that vary in size. A higher ratio could be indicative of a farm with more
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Solvency Indicators
Solvency measures the amount of debt and other expense obligations used in the farm business relative to
the amount of owner equity invested in the business. Solvency ratios provide an indication of the
business’s ability to repay all financial obligations if all assets were sold, as well as an indication of the
ability to continue operations as a viable farm business after a financial adversity, such as a drought.
Financial ratios that measure solvency are calculated from balance sheet data, and are:
• Debt/Asset Ratio
• Equity/Asset Ratio
• Debt/Equity Ratio
The Debt/Asset Ratio compares total farm liabilities to the value of total farm assets, and therefore
measures financial position. This ratio expresses what proportion of total farm assets is owed to creditors.
The ratio is one measure of the risk exposure of the farm business; thus, is important in evaluating the
financial trend of the business. The goal of some farm business operators is to approach a debt free
operation. A continual lowering of this ratio is a trend in that direction. The higher the ratio, the greater
the risk exposure of the farm business.
The Equity/Asset Ratio measures the proportion of total farm assets financed by the owner’s equity capital,
and therefore indicates financial position. The higher the ratio value, the more total capital has been
supplied by the owner and less by creditors.
The Debt/Equity Ratio measures financial position and reflects the extent to which farm debt capital is
being combined with farm equity capital. The higher the ratio value, the more total capital has been
supplied by creditors and less by the owner.
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Profitability Indicators
Profitability measures the extent to which a farm business generates a profit from the use of land, labor,
management, and capital. Financial ratios and values that measure profitability are calculated from balance
sheet and income statement data, and include:
The Rate of Return on Farm Assets Ratio is often used as an overall index of profitability of the farm
business. The higher the ratio value, the more profitable the farm business.
Rate of Return on Farm Assets = (Net Farm Income + Interest Expense - Unpaid Family Labor)
÷ Average Total Farm Assets
The Rate of Return on Farm Equity Ratio provides a measure of the return on the owner’s equity capital
employed in the farm business. The higher the ratio value, the more profitable the farm operation.
Rate of Return on Farm Equity = (Net Farm Income– Unpaid Family Labor)
÷ Average Total Farm Equity
The Operating Profit Margin Ratio measures profitability in terms of return per dollar of value of farm
production. A farm business has two ways to increase profits — either by increasing the profit per unit
produced, or by increasing the volume of production if the farm business is profitable. A relationship
exists between the rate of return on farm assets, the asset turnover ratio, discussed below, and the operating
profit margin ratio. If the asset turnover ratio is multiplied by the operating profit margin ratio, the result
is the rate of return on farm assets.
Operating Profit Margin Ratio = (Net Farm Income + Interest Expense - Unpaid Family Labor)
÷ Value of Farm Production
NOTE: Value of farm production is defined as the sum of livestock, crop, and other income computed on
an accrual basis (adjusted for inventory changes) less accrued purchased feed.
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Net Farm Income is calculated by matching farm revenues with farm expenses incurred to create those
revenues. Net farm income is typically computed on a before-tax basis. It comes directly off of the income
statement without any additional calculations.
Example: $100,206
Financial efficiency measures the intensity with which a farm business uses its assets to generate value of
farm production and the effectiveness of production, purchasing, pricing, financing, and marketing
decisions. Financial efficiency ratios are calculated from balance sheet and income statement data, and
include the following ratios:
The Asset Turnover Ratio measures how efficiently farm assets are being used to generate revenue. The
higher the value of the ratio, the more efficiently assets are being used to generate revenue. The value of
this ratio will vary by type of farm operation and by the percentage of acres owned.
The five operational ratios reflect the relationship of expense and income categories to Gross Farm
Revenue. The sum of the first three operational ratios equals the total expense ratio. The sum of total
expense ratio and net farm income ratio is one.
NOTE: Either Value of Farm Production or Gross Farm Revenue, can be used to calculate the financial
efficiency and operating profit margin ratios.
Operating Expense Ratio = (Total Farm Business Expenses – Depreciation Expense-Interest Expense)
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Net Farm Income Ratio = Net Farm Income from Operations/Gross Farm Revenue
Repayment capacity measures are used to determine whether a farm has the ability to cover principal and
interest payments, and evaluate the farm’s ability to acquire capital and service additional debt.
Income Available for Capital Replacement and Term Debt Repayment can be used to examine a farm’s
repayment capacity. This measure should be compared to projected capital and term debt payment needs.
Income Available for Capital Replacement and Term Debt Repayment = [Net Farm Income + Total
Nonfarm Income + Depreciation Expense – Income Taxes Paid – Unpaid Family Labor]
The establishment of minimum or maximum ratio values that all farm businesses should meet for each
financial ratio is extremely difficult. One objective in the use of financial ratios is to evaluate the condition
of a farm business as a unit. A specific ratio concentrates attention upon specific details of the business.
The use of a single ratio or placing excessive emphasis on one ratio, may be misleading. For example, an
operator who has just started a farm business may have a debt/asset ratio that is much higher than an
operator who has built the farm business over a longer time span. The young operator, even though of
equal ability, compares his/her debt to a much smaller asset base. But, this same young operator may show
a more desirable rate of return to assets than his/her counterpart, again because of the smaller asset base.
The interpretation of one ratio may be altered by other ratios of the same business. Some lending
institutions, farm operators and farm advisors have selected a group of ratios that they believe give a
composite picture of the farm business. The calculated ratios of a specific farm business are then
interpreted as a group, rather than making judgements on individual ratios.
Another objective in the use of financial ratios is to detect strengths and weaknesses within a farm
business. Comparison of ratios of a farm business to ratios of other farm businesses of similar type may
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detect strengths or weaknesses. Comparing to established standards is helpful. Refer to the KSU-Farm
Financial Benchmarking Tool at for comparable farm financials in Kansas.
Comparison of ratios of a farm business to earlier years also gives indication of progress made within the
A good agricultural accounting system should result in an income statement, cash flow statement, and a
balance sheet report of the farm business. Values needed in calculating each of the above ratios are listed
on these three reports. Once the accounting system provides the data, the ratios can be calculated in a
matter of minutes.
As farm business size increases and credit usage goes up, a means of evaluating the condition of the farm
operation as a business unit becomes more critical. Financial ratios provide one method of interpreting
data in farm financial reports. The following guidelines furnish a framework for using financial ratios:
For further information on farm financial management, see the following Farm Management Guides:
Also, see the publication Financial Guidelines for Agricultural Producers, Recommendations of the Farm
Financial Standards Council, Revised, January 2016, which was used as one of the primary sources for
these guides.
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K-State Agricultural Economics | 342 Waters Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-4011 | (785) 532-1504 | fax: (785) 532-6925
Copyright 2017, K-State Department of Agricultural Economics.
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