Impact of Corporate Taxation On Dividend Policy of Quoted Firms in Nigeria
Impact of Corporate Taxation On Dividend Policy of Quoted Firms in Nigeria
Impact of Corporate Taxation On Dividend Policy of Quoted Firms in Nigeria
return on shareholder’s investment for a specific period of time, either in form of cash dividend
or stock dividend (Abdul and Muhibudeen, 2015). Relating dividend policy to corporate
performance had been given keen attention by scholars around the world such as Pandey and
Ashvini, (2016); Kouser, Luqman, Yaseen, and Azeem, (2015); Zameer, Rasool, Igbal and
Arshad, (2013); Amidu, (2007); Marfo-Yiadom, and Agyei, (2011); Murekefu, and Ouma,
(2013); Priya, and Nimalathasan, (2013). Observably, such investigation had also found its
path among scholars in Nigeria such as Abdul and Muhibudeen, 2015; Akani, and Sweneme,
2016; Adesola, and Okwong, 2009; Ajanthan, 2013; Okafor and Mgbame, 2011; Abiola, 2014;
Akani, and Sweneme, 2016; Jacob and Akinselure, 2016; Yusuf 2015 to mention but few.
Overview of the relevance of dividend policy in the discourse of corporate performance on
empirical ground reflects divergence yet to be resolved (Abdul and Muhibudeen, 2015). Over
the years, Nigerian tax system has been geared towards raising funds to meet government
expenditure at all levels (federal, state, and local), neglecting the need to sustain a system
potent enough to foster rapid industrial expansion and growth (Ezugwu and Akubo 2014). This
is evident by the poor level of infrastructural facilities in the country, resulting from poor
allocation of revenue generated by the government for development project, not to mention
the undue and unchecked perennial problem of public fund misappropriation in the country.
This malaise had hither-to dampen the prospect of companies for growth and expansion in the
country. In clear terms, firms now pay taxes without any identifiable benefit accrued to them
or the environment of operation. In Nigeria today companies could not but device means to
evade, avoid and/or objectively transfer tax burden to the society. They either increase prices
of goods and services and/or deny shareholders return on their investment in the name of
retaining earnings for reinvestment. Expanding on the issue of dividend payment, it can be
observed that most of firms quoted on the Nigeria stock exchange fill relax even when they
don’t declare any dividend at the end of the financial calendar. For instance in 2016 only 82
companies declared dividend out of all firms quoted on the Nigeria stock exchange, with
financial service sector, consumer goods sector and industrial goods sector dominating the list
(Proshare, 2017).
Without mincing words, there is dearth of empirical investigation on the nexus between
corporate taxation and dividend policy in Nigeria, majority of studies on dividend policy had
focused on either the determinants of dividend policy (Mukhtar 2015; Odeleye, 2015; Odesa,
and Ekezie, 2015; Kurawa, and Ishaku, 2014; Ajide, and Aderemi, 2014; Olowe and Soyoye
2014) or impact of dividend policy on the performance and/or stock value of firms in the
country (Abdul and Muhibudeen, 2015; Akani, and Sweneme, 2016; Adesola, and Okwong,
2009; Ajanthan, 2013; Okafor and Mgbame, 2011; Abiola, 2014; Akani, and Sweneme, 2016;
Jacob and Akinselure, 2016; Yusuf 2015). Observably, the few studies (Uwuigbe and Olowe,
2013; Odia, and Ogiedu, 2013; Nnadi, and Akpomi, 2008; Samuel, and Inyada, 2010) that
focused on the impact of corporate taxation on dividend policy in Nigeria, did not take into
consideration the uniqueness of sampled firms. Hence, this study analyzed the connection
between corporate taxation and dividend policy of incorporating the heterogeneity effect into
the analysis. Specifically, this study analyzed the impact of company income tax on dividend
per share of quoted consumer goods firms as well as impact of education tax on dividend per
share of quoted consumer goods firms.
Conceptual Issues
There are a number of conceptual issues that need clarification before going into the study.
These issues include corporate taxation, dividend policy and determinants of dividend policy,
among others. Corporate taxation stems from the fact that businesses are regarded as separate
Copyright © Society for Science and Education, United Kingdom 441
Oloyede, J. A., Olaoye, C. O., & Oluwaleye, T. O. (2018). Impact of Corporate Taxation On Dividend Policy of Quoted Firms in Nigeria. Advances in
Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(3) 440-451.
entity from their owner, thus making imposition of a compulsory levy called corporate tax
inevitable for governments around the world (Uwuigbe & Olowe, 2013). Corporate tax is a tax
imposed on the net profit (earnings) of a company after all deductions
(expenses/expenditures) has been accounted for. Corporate tax is a form of compulsory levy
placed by the government on profits accruing in, received from, brought into or received in
Nigeria from, any trade or business, rent or any premium arising from a right granted to any
other person for the use or occupation of any property, dividends interest, discounts, charges
or annuities, any other amount not falling within the above categories but qualifying as annual
profits or gains or any amount deemed to be income or profits of a business entity (Nnadi and
Akpomi, 2008). Taxes (corporate or otherwise) are compulsory contribution imposed by the
government. Though tax payers may receive nothing identifiable in return for their
contribution, they nevertheless have the benefit of living in a relatively educated, health and
safe society. Taxation is not only a means for government to acquire resources. It has an
important role in achieving equality and distributive social and economic needs (Samuel and
Inyada, 2010).
Conceptualizing dividend policy starts with establishing in clear term the meaning of dividend.
According to Davies & Pain (2002) dividend is the amount payable to shareholders from profit
or distributable reserves. This is an obligation that must be fulfilled by quoted companies
annually, bi-annually, quarterly on interim or final basis (Samuel & Inyada, 2010). In the words
of Droughty (2000) dividend is the payment made by firms to stakeholders as their fraction of
total earnings for period of time. According to Samuel & Inyada (2010) dividend policy is the
framework of decision regarding the amount of profit that will be distributed to the
shareholders as return on investment, and the fraction that will be retained by the company for
investment purpose. Oloyede and Ajayi (2005) explained that, the objective of a dividend
policy should be to maximize the shareholders’ return so that value of his investment is
maximized. Dividend policy revolves around making decision between distribution of present
return and reinvestment of the same for future return (Pandey & Ashvini, 2016; Kouser,
Luqman, Yaseen, and Azeem, 2015).
As relayed in Abiola (2014) there is empirical evidence that dividend policy of a firm is
determined by both current and past year’s profit among other things. Meaning the position of
performance of a firm in terms of profitability is vital in the design of dividend policy of a firm.
Ranti (2013) submitted from his survey that determinants of dividend policy are industry
specific, and connect without mincing words to the anticipated level of future earnings. The
corollary of this position is that what determines the dividend framework of a company in a
particular industry, might not be sufficient enough to explain the dividend policy design of a
firm in another industry. According to Pandey & Ashvini (2016) dividend policy of firms is
determined by factors including debt-equity ratio, earnings, corporate tax, earnings per share,
and firms’ size. As relay by Zameer, Rasool, Ighal and Arshad (2013) factors influencing the
dividend policy of a firm include liquidity, earnings, Kurawa & Ishaku (2014) identified
corporate governance as a determinant of dividend policy while Sakinc & Gungor (2015)
identified ownership structure as a determinant of dividend policy of a firms.
Theoretical Issues
Theoretical issues that need review as framework of analysis in this study include Dividend
Irrelevance Theory and Bird-in-the hand Dividend Theory, among others.
Dividend irrelevant theory was developed by Miller and Modigliani in the early1960’s. The
basic proposition of this theory is that under the assumption of perfect capital market,
dividend policy adopted by a firm is irrelevant (Miller & Modigliani, 1961). Their argument
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ) Vol.5, Issue 3 Mar-2018
was that given a perfect market dividend policy has no effect on either the price of a firm’s
stock or its cost of capital, shareholders wealth is not affected by the dividend decision and
therefore they would be indifferent between dividends and capital gains. The reason for their
indifference is that shareholder wealth is affected by the income generated by the investment
decisions a firm makes, not by how it distributes that income. Therefore, in M&M’s world,
dividends are irrelevant. The position of dividend irrelevance theory is that regardless of how
the firm distributes its income, its value is determined by its basic earning power and its
investment decisions (Al-Malkawi Rafferty & Pillai, 2010).
They stated that “…given a firm’s investment policy, the dividend payout policy it chooses to
follow will affect neither the current price of its shares nor the total returns to shareholders”.
In other words, investors calculate the value of companies based on the capitalised value of
their future earnings, and this is not affected by whether firms pay dividends or not and how
firms set their dividend policies. M&M go further and suggest that, to an investor, all dividend
policies are effectively the same since investors can create “homemade” dividends by adjusting
their portfolios in a way that matches their preferences. M&M based their argument upon
idealistic assumptions of a perfect capital market and rational investors (Al-Malkawi Rafferty &
Pillai, 2010).
The assumptions of a perfect capital market necessary for the dividend irrelevant hypothesis
can be summarized as follows:
(i) no differences between taxes on dividends and capital gains;
(ii) no transaction and flotation costs incurred when securities are traded;
(iii) all market participants have free and equal access to the same information
(symmetrical and costless information);
(iv) no conflicts of interests between managers and security holders (i.e. no agency
problem); and
(v) all participants in the market are price takers. Given the importance of M&M’s argument
in the dividend policy debate, the following section provides their proof of irrelevancy.
Bird-in-the-hand Dividend Theory:
Bird-in-the-hand theory is one of the leading theories of dividend policy in the 1960’s;
advocates of this theory include Gordon (1963), Lintner (1962). The basis for this theory is
that in a world of uncertainty and imperfect information, dividends are valued differently to
retained earnings (or capital gains). Investors prefer the “bird in the hand” of cash dividends
rather than the “two in the bush” of future capital gains. Increasing dividend payments, ceteris
paribus, may then be associated with increases in firm value. As a higher current dividend
reduces uncertainty about future cash flows, a high payout ratio will reduce the cost of capital,
and hence increase share value. That is, according to the so-called “bird-in-the hand”
hypothesis (henceforth BIHH) high dividend payout ratios maximize a firm’s value (Al-Malkawi
Rafferty & Pillai, 2010)
Gordon and Lintner claimed that Modigliani and Miller made a mistake assuming lack of
impact of dividend policy on firm's cost of capital. They argued that lower payouts result in
higher costs of capital. They suggested that investors prefer dividend as it is more certain than
capital gains that might or might not appear if they let the firm retain its earnings. The authors
indicated that the higher capital gains/dividend ratio is the larger total return is required by
investors due to increased risk. In other words, Gordon and Lintner claimed that one percent
drop in dividend payout has to be offset by more than one percent of additional growth
(Gordon, 1960; Lintner, 1962)
Copyright © Society for Science and Education, United Kingdom 443
Oloyede, J. A., Olaoye, C. O., & Oluwaleye, T. O. (2018). Impact of Corporate Taxation On Dividend Policy of Quoted Firms in Nigeria. Advances in
Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(3) 440-451.
Investors are risk averse and believe that incomes from dividends are certain rather than
incomes from future capital gains; therefore they predict future capital gains to be risky
propositions. They discount the future capital gains at a higher rate than the firm's earnings,
thereby evaluating a higher value of the share. Notably, bird in the hand theory is based on the
following assumptions:
1. corporation can only finance itself through equity i.e. capital structure with no debt
2. there is unavailability of external financing, therefore, corporation can only finance
expansion through retaining of its earnings
3. returns are constant and diminishing marginal efficiency of investment is not
4. there is constant cost of capital
However, this study will be hinged on the framework of relevant dividend theory advocated by
Gordon (1963), and Lintner (1962).
A number of empirical studies such as Pandey and Ashvini (2016), Sajid, Bilal, Shafiq and
Mehran (2012), Uwuigbe and Olowe (2013) Samuel and Inyada (2010) had investigated the
impact of corporate taxation on dividend policy of quoted firms in the financial and accounting
Pandey and Ashvini (2016) analysed the determinants of dividend policy of FMCG sector in
India, the study employed various factors affecting dividend policy such as dividend payout
ratio (DPR), debt equity ratio (DER), earnings (ERN), earning per share (EPS), corporate tax
(CT) and firm size (FS) taken only 12 companies out of 15 sectoral index for NSE. It used
ordinary least square for data from 2003-2012. The result revealed that DPR, DER, ERN and CT
have significant impact on EPS and also good predictors of dividend payout in FMCG sector.
In the work of Sajid, Muhammed, Bilal, Shafiq and Mehran (2012), titled taxes and dividend
policy. The study investigated the association between dividends, profit and taxes of 120
companies listed in Karachi Stock Exchange from 2000-2011. Data were sourced from Karachi
Stock Exchange, Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, State Bank of Pakistan and
the Audited Annual Reports, Panel data technique and standard multiple regression were used
to analysed the data. It was found that there is statistically insignificant but positive link
between profit and taxes while dividend has direct positive correlation with profit.
Uwuigbe and Olowe (2013) examined the effects of company income tax on dividend policy of
firms in Nigeria using judgmental sampling techniques and regression analysis method. Data
were gathered for 40 listed firms in the Nigerian stock exchange market from Central Bank of
Nigeria Statistical Bulletin and corporate annual reports for the period of 2006-2010. The
study revealed in its findings that there is a significant positive relationship between the
company income tax and the dividend payout of the sampled firms in Nigeria. Hence, it was
concluded in the study that a change in corporate income tax rate will significantly affect the
dividend policies of the sampled firms in Nigeria.
Samuel and Iyanda (2010) analyzed the effect of company income tax on dividend policy of
financial institutions in Nigeria using a survey research method and regression technique of
correlation analysis and data were gathered for 15 financial institutions. The study revealed
correlation coefficient of 0.552 which means that company income tax has perfect positive
correlation with the dividend policy, coefficient of determination of 0.305 which shows that
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ) Vol.5, Issue 3 Mar-2018
31% of variation in dividend is explained by company tax and 96.7% confidence level
indicating that the impact is significant. Thus, concluded that a change in company tax will
affect the dividend payment. Therefore, based on the empirical literature, there is no
consensus that a change in company income tax rate will affect the dividend policy. Some
findings in empirical literature revealed that a change in company income tax rate will have a
positive impact on dividend policy, some resulted that, a change in company income tax rate
will have a negative effect on dividend policy, others emphasized that dividend policy has a
direct positive correlation with firms profitability.
Model Specification
Model to be tested in this study specified a single equation model to capture the causal-effect
relationship between corporate taxation and dividend policy using disaggregated corporate tax
variable include Company Income Tax (CIT) and Education Tax (EDT), and Dividend per Share
(DPS) as proxy for dividend policy, with Firm Size (FZ) as control variable. The model is
specified in functional and linear forms below:
DPS =f (CIT, EDT, FZ) --------------------------------------------------------------3.1
In equation 3.1, Dividend per share is expressed as a function of CIT, EDT and FZ while the
linear form of equation 3.1 is presented in equation 3.2 below:
pqr60 = s2 + s/ tuv60 + s8 wpv60 + sE xy60 + $60 -----------------------------------------3.2
DPS = Dividend per share
CIT = Company income tax
ED = Education tax
FZ = Firm size
α2 = Intercept
α/ , α8 , αE = Coefficients
µzj = error term.
Apriori Expectation
The apriori expectation of the model is that all the independent variables are expected to have
a negative relationship on the dividend per share which is the proxy for dividend policy except
the firm size which is expected to be positive. That is, an increase in company income tax and
education tax will result in decrease in dividend per share.
α/ , α8 , αE < 0 connotes that an increase in the independent variables will lead to decrease in
dividend per share.
Estimation Technique
This study adopted correlation and panel data methods of analysis. Techniques of panel data
analysis used in the study covered pooled OLS estimation, Fixed effect estimation (cross
sectional and period specific) based on the framework of Least Square Dummy Variable (LSDV)
model, random effect estimation, alongside post estimation test such as restricted F-test,
Hausman test, heteroscedasticity Wald test, Wooldridge autocorrelation test, Pesaran cross-
sectional dependence test.
Copyright © Society for Science and Education, United Kingdom 445
Oloyede, J. A., Olaoye, C. O., & Oluwaleye, T. O. (2018). Impact of Corporate Taxation On Dividend Policy of Quoted Firms in Nigeria. Advances in
Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(3) 440-451.
Scope and Source of Data
The study focused on the consumer goods firms quoted on the Nigerian stock exchange.
Specifically, the study randomly sampled 10 firms from the total 23 quoted consumer goods
firms. Sampled firms include Guinness Nigeria Plc., Honeywell Flour Mills Plc., Nascon Allied
industries Plc., Nestle Nigeria Plc., Nigerian Breweries Plc., Pz Cusson Plc., Unilever Nigeria Plc.,
Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc., Dangote Sugar Refinery Plc., 7up bottling Company Plc. Data used in
the study were collected from the published annual reports of the selected firm over the period
of 5 years (2011 to 2015).
This section presents results of analysis conducted in the study which include correlation
analysis result, pooled OLS analysis result, fixed effect analysis result, random effect analysis
result, as well as post estimation test results
The Correlation Analysis result is presented in Table 4.1
Table 4.1: Correlation Matrix
DPS 1.0000
CIT 0.0686 1.0000
EDT 0.1603 0.8174 1.0000
SSFZ 0.1617 0.5981 0.8300 1.0000
Sources: Authors’ Computation, (2017)
The table revealed that there is positive correlation between dividend per share and other
variables in the model including company income tax, education tax and firm size. Notably,
correlation coefficient reported in table 4.1 is weak for dividend per share and other variables,
thus reflecting weak interrelationship between dividend per share and corporate tax variables
including company income tax, education tax, as well as firm’s size. Correlation between pair of
explanatory variables as reported in table 4.1 is positive, for pair of company income tax,
education and Firms’ size with considerably strong magnitude. As reported in table 4.1 the
correlation coefficient stood at 0.0686, 0.1603, 0.1617, 0.8174, 0.5981, 0.8300 for DPS and CIT,
DPS and EDT, DPS and FZ, CIT and EDT, CIT and FZ, EDT and FZ respectively.
The result of Pooled OLS Estimation are provided in table 4.2
Table 4.2: Pooled OLS Parameter Estimates
Variable Coefficient Standard T-Test Values Probability
C 2.669105 1.574658 1.70 0.097
CIT -.0002271 .0003328 -0.68 0.498
EDT .0047732 .0066756 0.72 0.478
FZ .0048966 .0022565 2.17 0.003
Adjusted R-square=0.6247
F-statistics= 30.61
Prob(F-stat)= 0.0040
Sources: Authors’ computation, (2017)
The table revealed specific coefficient estimates of -0.0002271, 0.0047732 and 0.0048966 for
company income tax, education tax and firm size respectively, with probability values of 0.498,
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ) Vol.5, Issue 3 Mar-2018
0.478, and 0.003. Result showed that company income tax has insignificant negative impact on
dividend per share, while education tax has positive insignificant impact on dividend per share.
In specific term the result revealed that dividend per share will decline insignificantly by
0.0002271 naira for every one million increase in company income tax paid on the average by
any of the sampled firm, while for every one million naira increase in the education tax paid,
dividend per share will increase by 0.0047732 naira. R-square statistics reported in table 4.2
revealed that about 64% of the systematic variation in dividend per share can be explained by
company income tax, education tax and firms size. F-statistics of 30.61 and probability value of
0.0040 reported in table 4.2 revealed that the explanatory variables (company income tax,
education tax, firm’s size) can explain significant percentage of the variation in dividend per
share of firm’s sampled in the study.
The result of the Fixed Effect Panel Analysis is reported in Table 4.3
Table 4.3: Fixed Effects Estimates (Cross-Sectional and Period Specific)
Variables Coefficients Prob Variables Coefficients Prob
C -3.094731 0.498 C 2.242871 0.397
CIT .0000659 0.705 CIT -.0002004 0.586
EDT .0142983 0.088 EDT .0049454 0.491
FZ .0039678 0.003 FZ .0050549 0.006
Effects Effects
HONEYWELL 1.01146 0.798 2012 -.132859 0.969
NASCON 2.344882 0.577 2013 .749797 0.829
NESTLE 17.89913 0.000 2014 1.326196 0.707
NIG BREWERIES -20.08957 0.020 2015 .8042949 0.823
Hausman Test
The result of Hausman Test is provided in table 4.6
Table 4.6: Hausman Test
Null hypothesis Chi-square stat Probability
Difference in coefficient not 52.88 0.0041
Sources: Authors’ Computation, (2017)
The table reveals a chi-square value of 52.88 alongside a probability value of 0.0041. The result
shows that there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis that differences in
coefficients of fixed effect estimation and random effect estimation is not significant. Thus
making fixed effect cross sectional specific estimation presented in table 4.3 most consistence
and efficient estimate for investigating the impact of corporate taxation on dividend policy of
quoted firms sampled in the study.
The result of other post estimation tests are presented in Table 4.7
Table 4.7. Other Post Estimation Test result
Wald test
Null hypothesis Statistics Probability
Panel homoscedasticity 40.3029 0.5821
Pesaran test
Null hypothesis Statistics Probability
No cross sectional 1.043 0.2968
Wooldridge test
Null hypothesis Statistics Probability
No AR(1) panel 60.3718 0.0963
Sources: Authors’ Computation, (2017)
The table reported results of post estimation tests conducted to confirm if the specified model
is in tune with basic assumptions underlining the panel estimation conducted in the study. The
result showed that there is no evidence to reject the null hypothesis of panel homoscedasticity,
null hypothesis of no cross sectional dependence and null hypothesis of no AR (1) panel
autocorrelation. Hence it can be established that result of post estimation test reported in table
4.7 validate assumptions of equal variance of residual terms, cross sectional independence and
absence of serial autocorrelation, which reflect that the model is fit for inferential analysis of
the observed impact of company income tax and education tax on dividend per share.
Following evaluation of estimators employed in this study, it was established that the most
consistent and efficient estimation presented in table 4.3 for cross sectional specific effect were
company income tax, and education tax which have positive insignificant impact on dividend
per share. The finding revealed that corporate taxation disaggregated into company income tax
and education tax has no significant impact on dividend policy measured in terms of dividend
per share. By implication the revealed positive impact connotes that increase in company
income tax and education tax herald increase in the dividend per share distributed to
shareholders in the same year. Though, the observed positive influence of company income tax
and education tax is not statistically significant, however increasing corporate taxation either
Copyright © Society for Science and Education, United Kingdom 449
Oloyede, J. A., Olaoye, C. O., & Oluwaleye, T. O. (2018). Impact of Corporate Taxation On Dividend Policy of Quoted Firms in Nigeria. Advances in
Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(3) 440-451.
in form of company income tax or education tax is suggestive of higher dividend per share
policy option by quoted firms. This could be traced to the fact that corporate tax paid in form of
company income tax, and education tax are fixed fraction of the profit before tax of any
company (except in situation of tax concession), as such the higher such a fraction, the higher
the expected dividend per share because it’s a reflection that the company is more profitable in
that period.
Therefore, the finding of this study is consistent with the result of Sajid, Muhammad, Bilal and
et al (2012) and proof otherwise to the apriori expectation of this study although, the dividend
policy proxy is positive as expected.
This study showed that corporate taxation has no clear cut influence on the dividend
distribution policy of quoted firms, especially firms in the consumer goods industry.
Disaggregated corporate tax variables including company income tax and education tax has
insignificant impact on dividend per share paid by firms. The direction of causal-effect
relationship between corporate taxation variables and dividend policy proxy is positive, which
is suggestive of the fact that increased corporate taxation culminate into higher dividend
policy, holding other things constant, thus reflecting that in the same period, higher corporate
taxation herald higher dividend policy. Result of the study gave evidence that corporate
taxation is not a determinant factor of dividend policy of firms operating in an economy like
Nigeria with fixed corporate tax rate. Hence quoted firms are advised to work out investment
and financing framework that will give room for adequate and consistent dividend
distribution, and also strive towards expanding their capacity and operational efficiency so as
to spur profitability, which is a sine-qua-non for higher dividend distribution.
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