CSE 571: Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2020) : Warning
CSE 571: Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2020) : Warning
CSE 571: Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2020) : Warning
(Spring 2020)
Warning: This class is NOT for the faint-hearted; information herein is subject to change.
1. Course Description:
This course provides a first introduction to a myriad of topics in Artificial Intelligence. The
focus of the course is the study of modern approaches to Artificial intelligence. In
particular, we will study:
o Problem solving deals with general problem solving; techniques behind DeepBlue
and AlphaGo.
o Probabilistic modeling and reasoning deals with uncertain modeling and
reasoning. Almost all real-world problems are subject to uncertainty.
o Decision making under uncertainty deals with problem solving and decision
making under uncertainty.
o Machine learning deals with learning from examples and more advanced learning
techniques that contribute to most modern AI applications.
2. Course Information:
T & Th 4:30–5:45 PM COOR L1-74
3. Textbooks:
o Note: The 2nd Edition can still be used. However, you might have to consult with
your classmates regarding the mapping of homework problems and pages between
the two editions.
o Note: International editions of the textbook have different numbering in the
exercises. If you are using the international edition, you will have to consult with
your classmates regarding the mapping of homework problems and pages between
the 2 editions.
Recommended readings:
Probabilistic Robotics
Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard & Dieter Fox
Deep Learning
Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio & Aaron Courville
Free online version: https://www.deeplearningbook.org
5. Homework:
General policy:
o If the homework is turned in late AND within 48 hours of the deadline, the
maximum grade you can expect is 50% of the total grade; if you do submit a late
homework, you need to send BOTH me and the TA(s) an email with the homework
as an attachment; no grade will be given after 48 hours. [Only under extremely
rare situations will exceptions be made. Make sure to plan ahead.]
o If you are stuck, you must FIRST consult the textbook, handouts, and notes again
to attempt your own solutions. If you are still stuck afterwards, you may post
questions on Piazza (about where you are stuck) under the most relevant topic,
consult online resources (NOT the solution manual), or visit the TA(s) or me during
office hours [however, make sure to post on Piazza BEFORE visiting us].
However, AT NO POINT OF TIME should you blatantly ask for solutions to
homework problems on Piazza, or copy others’ or online solutions.
o If you find yourself unable to start AFTER consulting the textbook, handouts, and
notes, visit the TA(s) or me during office hours.
o If you cannot come up with satisfactory solutions to homework problems, submit
your attempted solutions.
o In some cases, the instructor or the TA may send you additional questions or ask
you to clarify your solutions. If you get such a message, you must respond within
2 business days.
o If cheating/plagiarism is detected (e.g., directly copying others’ or online
solutions), then the homework score will be zero AND your final grade will be
lowered by an additional 5% AND you will be reported.
o For questions posted on Piazza, the TA(s) and me will be responding after 1
business day. If you plan to rely on our answers, make sure to PLAN AHEAD.
This will let your classmates enough time to attempt to answer your questions for
class participation credit.
o The homework with the lowest score will be discarded.
There will occasionally be in-class quizzes at RANDOM times during the semester for
the materials covered in the previous classes (focusing on the last 1-2 lectures). Quizzes
with the lowest score will be discarded.
o Final: In class, closed book and closed notes. A cheat sheet (double-sided) will be
allowed which must be hand written. Nothing else must be on your desks besides
your pen and/or pencil. Not even scrap paper. For scrap paper you can use space on
the exam booklet (e.g., backside or blank sheet provided). The final exam is
comprehensive. Study guide will be distributed.
o Makeup exams will be given only for medical reasons or other personal
emergencies. You must submit VERIFIABLE documentation with your petition
for a makeup exam.
7. Individual projects:
o Coding based project that is composed of several parts covering different topics
throughout the class.
o These are individual projects. Plagiarism will be checked; do NOT bet on your
luck. Your code will be compared among all those who have ever submitted the
programming project plus online resources. Detection of copied or isomorphic code
will be automatically performed.
o If cheating is detected, that projection assignment score will be zero AND you
will get 10% off your final grade AND you will be reported. Read also the
plagiarism section below.
8. Team project:
o An applied project that tests how you can apply the knowledge that you learn to
solve real problems. You may choose from a list of given projects or propose your
own project. This is a team project with a maximum of 4 people.
9. Participation:
o 1 extra credit for online (Piazza), 1 extra credit for in-class participation (in-
class participation is NOT about whether you show up or not but how you
participate in the class discussion), and 1 extra credit for the end-of-semester
o Contributing to both on-line and in-class discussions. This should be an activity
throughout the semester.
o Correcting your instructor and/or TA(s) in class!
o Helping others figure out fallacies in their line of thought when attempting to solve
a problem.
o Giving hints to your classmates, but not the complete answer.
9. Grading:
Homework 15%
Individual projects 30%
Quizzes 10%
Team project 25%
Final Exam 20%
Participation 3%
Total 103%
If you believe that there is a mistake in grading, you must inform the TA(s) and/or the
instructor within 2 business days when the graded work was returned to you.
11. Attendance:
I do not have an attendance policy. Come to class only if you like. Most of the material are
available (or will be available) on-line.
However, if you skip classes, you do miss the chance for in-class participation bonus
AND may miss the in-class quizzes.
If you cannot come to an exam, then I will need some back-up documentation from a third
party, e.g., a doctor, to schedule a make-up exam. Notification: If a student has to miss a
test/homework/project for reasons out of his/her control, he/she should send the instructor
& TAs an email as soon as possible, but no later than the deadline, with an official
document attached (e.g., if you are sick, a doctor’s note stating that you are unable to
attend/work for a specific period).
I take very seriously class evaluations and feedback. During the semester, I will be posting
surveys on Piazza for feedback on both the course organization and the course content. I
will appreciate it if you respond to these surveys. Ideally, the changes I implement will
help you better succeed in the course.
Finally, it is extremely important that you respond to the final anonymous survey solicited
by the university at the end of the school year. The overall feedback helps me make changes
for the next year. The survey is often released 1-2 weeks before the final at:
• Your work for this course must be the result of your own individual effort. Having said
that, you are allowed to discuss problems with your classmates, the TA(s), or me, but
you must not blatantly copy others' or online solutions.
• Copying (or slightly changing) solutions from online sources, other books or your
friends is easily detectable.
• If copying or plagiarism is detected, then a zero grade will be applied to the
respective assignment & your final grade will be penalized, and a formal report
will be filed!
• Do not forget that if you can find an answer online, so can we! Actually, the automatic
plagiarism-checking system will have many different versions of solutions to check
against your answers for copying.
14. Disability Accommodations.
Suitable accommodations will be made for students having disabilities. Students needing
accommodations must register with the ASU disabilities resource Center and provide
documentation of that registration to the instructor. Students should communicate the need
for an accommodation in sufficient time for it to be properly arranged.
15. Harassment and Sexual Discrimination
Arizona State University is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation for the entire university community, including all students,
faculty members, staff employees, and guests. ASU expressly prohibits discrimination,
harassment, and retaliation by employees, students, contractors, or agents of the university
based on any protected status: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability,
veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and genetic information.
Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from
participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any
education program or activity. Both Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual
violence and harassment based on sex is prohibited. An individual who believes they have
been subjected to sexual violence or harassed on the basis of sex can seek support,
including counseling and academic support, from the university. If you or someone you
know has been harassed on the basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find information
and resources at https://sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu/faqs.
Students in this class must adhere to ASU’s academic integrity policy, which can be found at
https://provost.asu.edu/academic-integrity/policy). Students are responsible for reviewing this
policy and understanding each of the areas in which academic dishonesty can occur. In addition,
all engineering students are expected to adhere to both the ASU Academic Integrity Honor Code
and the Fulton Schools of Engineering Honor Code. All academic integrity violations will be
reported to the Fulton Schools of Engineering Academic Integrity Office (AIO). The AIO
maintains record of all violations and has access to academic integrity violations committed in all
other ASU college/schools.
Specific academic integrity rules for this class are discussed in earlier sections.
Course content, including lectures, are copyrighted materials and students may not share outside
the class, upload to online websites not approved by the instructor, sell, or distribute course content
or notes taken during the conduct of the course (see ACD 304–06, “Commercial Note Taking
Services” and ABOR Policy 5-308 F.14 for more information).
You must refrain from uploading to any course shell, discussion board, or website used by the
course instructor or other course forum, material that is not the student's original work, unless the
students first comply with all applicable copyright laws; faculty members reserve the right to delete
materials on the grounds of suspected copyright infringement.