Entreprenuership#02 Assgnmnt
Entreprenuership#02 Assgnmnt
Entreprenuership#02 Assgnmnt
Question # 1:
What are the eentrepreneurial strategies to generating and exploiting new entries?
Entrepreneurial strategy: Set of decisions, actions, and reactions that generate, and exploit, a
new entry over time.
New Entry:
New product in an established or new market
Established product in a new market
A new organization
Generation of a New Entry Opportunity resource:
Inputs into the production process
Source of competitive advantage
Basic building blocks to a firm's functioning
Can be combined in different ways
Provide capacity to achieve superior performance when they are:
Market knowledge: Information, technology, know-how, and skills that provide insight into a
market and its customers.
Technological knowledge: Provides insight into ways to create new knowledge.
Assessing the attractiveness of a new entry opportunity:
Determining whether the entrepreneurs believe that they can make the proposed new
entry work level of the information (search and knowledge)
window of opportunity; period of time when environment is favorable for them to
exploit a new level of entry
willingness to make decision without perfect information
First Mover Advantages:
Develop a cost advantage
Face less competitive rivalry
Can secure important channels
First mover disadvantages:
Alternate technologies will emerge and leapfrog over current technologies
Persistence and determination can inhibit the ability to adapt
Difficulty in accurately assessing whether the new product or service provides value
Overcome customer uncertainty by:
Informational advertising
Highlighting product benefits over substitutes
Creating a frame of reference for potential customers
Lead time: Grace period in which the first mover operates in the industry under conditions of
limited competition.
Lead time can be extended by:
Building customer loyalties
Building switching costs
Securing access to important sources of supply and distribution
Market-scope strategies:
Scope: Choice about which customer groups to serve and how to serve them
Offers small product range to a small number of customers to satisfy a
particular need
Focuses on:
Producing customized products
Localized business operations
High level craftsmanship
High-end of the market
Opens the firm up to many different "fronts" of competition
Imitation strategies:
Copying practices of other
Help develop skills necessary to be successful in the industry
Make the new entry look legitimate from day one
liabilities of newness:
Negative implications arising from an organization's newness
Arise from:
Costs in learning new tasks
Conflict arising from overlap or gaps in responsibilities
Informal structures
Assets of Newness:
Positive implications arising from an organization's newness
Learning advantage