WS 1 DHL Group - S. Bechhofer
WS 1 DHL Group - S. Bechhofer
WS 1 DHL Group - S. Bechhofer
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Brussels, March 22, 2017
Steven Bechhofer, Vice President,
Global Business Services, Insurance & Risk Management, DPDHL Group
Safety and health at work is everyone’s concern. It’s good for you. It’s good for business.
1. Introduction to DPDHL
2. DPDHL’s Leadership Model
3. DPDHL’s Strategic Approach towards Leadership in Safety
4. An Example of Leadership in Safety @ DPDHL
The Post for Germany The logistics company for the world
Responsibility: Environment
7) Energy efficiency
8) Air pollution and noise
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Implementation of
preventive measures,
taking different target
groups as well as new and
changing requirements into