Ldm2 Course Orientation
Ldm2 Course Orientation
Ldm2 Course Orientation
Heraclitus once said, "There is nothing lasting but transition in this universe" True enough, the b
eginning of the year 2020 signals the global transition not just in climate but in wellness, economic shifts
to mention some brought on by this COVID19 pandemic, which emerged in China, one of Asia's largest n
As a matter of fact , the Philippines has once reported having the highest number of
sick people here in South East Asia, our nation was not spared from such a global pandemic.
Our department of Economy and Health State is diminishing as to
how they will deal with these protracted effects of this COVID-19 virus.
In comparison, under the leadership of Secretary Leonor M. Briones, the Department of Education creat
es a mission calling on all agency representatives to focus on how education can not be prevented. She s
aid to herself, "Learning must not cease .Therefore, she reiterated that amid the ballooning impact of co
vid incidents, she pointed out to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte that amid this health problem, DepEd ha
s its capacity to provide education across different modalities addressed here in this LDM2 course for te
Our country has been struck by this global pandemic that has impacted almost every resident of
that great nation. Not to mention our already declining economy, but also the present condition or capa
bility of the Department of Education as it offers programs to supply learners with resources that may b
e used to pursue schooling.
For this purpose, by providing learning materials of the utmost significance, the department lea
ds the way in making things happen and this gives way to the analysis and improvement of the Most Im
portant Learning Competencies from the initial Curriculum Guide (CG).
In comparison, the education department took time to study the substance of the program in order to g
et the "essentials" from it, but not to take for granted the consistency of the students' planned performa
nce and for the sake of learning. For each subject proposal, this module defines the key competencies
and has made several modifications that are included, merged and maintained in the MELCS.Teachers
have been given enough opportunities to look at MELCS production
/ for them to see stuff on how it is handled mechanically.
The department has developed different Learning Distance Modalities (LDM) with due diligence,
study and consultative processes to ensure that students from the Basic Education Program continue to
advance and not be impeded in view of the global pandemic that has hit our nation so far.
These learning strategies are based on the department's ambitious yet achievable target of cate
ring to almost 21 million students in our region. This LDM's are the result of longresearched research an
d government-stated criteria.
Here we can work out what is best suited to us in our own sense, particularly our country is still
called a developing country which means that there can be no repair so depending on the current set-up
of some region or province to which we can belong. This module aims to introduce to us, in our
own sense or area, which techniques or LDMs are appropriate.It then shows one how to correctly deter
mine the form of learning strategies we have chosen to introduce. It also offers teachers a task about ho
w we should use our topic written modules for our subjects' weekly tracking plan and also prompt reme
diation for any students who could fall behind. Because the educational mandate is "nobody will be left
The latter section of this module is about having WHLP, borrowing from Stephen Covey in his bo
ok, "7 Extremely Efficient People's Habits," which is about "having an end in mind." This is the product of
your aim for your students to learn, develop or improve as they advance through your lesson in the SLM
on the particular week.
In this basic guide, one is led to help decide how to access learning resources that may be used to create
a specific learning distance. For once, during this time of health crisis, the learning facilities must be chec
ked first in which one can not have a face-to
- face meeting with the students in order to see whether they supplement or could be appropriate for th
e students to use it.
The department requires the teaching staff to check and see if their teaching resources are mee
ting the specifications of the instruction guide issued by the department. In this module the portals that
could be looked at are given in their respective subject areas for assessment and review by the teachers.
Teachers are advised to locate extra LR's for potential use as well.
To access materials from the DepED and nonDepEed content services the authentication connec
tion is given. Therefore, in order to have routine access by the use of an internet connection, teachers m
ust be able to enrol.
Education and learning is a life-long process as they say. For the continues learning process as
teachers meet new challenges we need to be able to adapt to cope up with the ever-changing needs of
our times. For sure this global effect of this health and financial crisis brings us to a realization on how
we could cater to our young students with regards to their growth in educational status.
This course introduces to teachers as to how they could equip, enrich, enhance their skills in this
trying times by means of identifying areas of strengths, weaknesses and share it with their LAC session
for them to brainstorm some suggestion coming from their colleagues, mentors or coaches. Either to
copy skills or re-learn their skills purposively.
LAC sessions entails life-long learning as we share our views, opinions, and expertise on how we
do things effectively and efficiently inside or outside the classroom for the sake of our students
especially at this time of COVID-19 pandemic.