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General Chemistry Chapter 6A Chemical Nomenclature (Formula and Equations) Week 13 Learning Objectives

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Chemical Nomenclature (Formula and Equations)

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to:

A. Recognize and differentiate ionic and molecular compound;

B. Write the chemical formula for ionic compound;
C. Write the chemical formula for molecular compound;
D. Write the chemical name for ionic compound;
E. Write the chemical name for molecular compound;

Lesson Overview:

There are millions of different chemical compounds. Different types of

compounds are often expressed as chemical formulas or equations. Ionic, Molecular and
Acids are the type of compounds. Molecular compounds consist of combinations of non-
metals; Ionic compounds consist of combinations of positively charged ions called and
negatively charged ions called anions; and Acids are hydrogen containing compounds.

Chemistry in Action/ Quotation:

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand

more, so that we may fear less.”
By Marie Curie

Enrichment Activity:

What is the chemical formula of muriatic acid and its common uses? Give at least 5
common uses. (For additional points)
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Tangaro, Catarman, Camiguin
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Tel/Fax: (088) 387- 0044


-Ionic compounds in which the cation has a fix charge. -Ionic compound in which the cation has a variable charge.
These compounds are made up of two types of elements: These compounds are made up of two types of elements:
1. Metal from groups 1,2 and 13
2. Nonmetal 1. Metal from groups 3-12 and 14 (transition metals)
2. Non-metal
Steps for naming (when naming, do not use capital letters):
1. Write the name of the metal -Metals can have more than 1 charge.
2. Write the root of the non-metal and add the “-ide” suffix
Steps for naming:
Example: 1. Write the name of the metal.
CaCl2 – calcium chloride 2. Follow the metal with a set of parenthesis showing the charge of the metal.
MgI2 – magnesium iodide 3. The charges of the metal and non-metal must be balance for the amount of ions.
Calcium is a metal element, while Chlorine is a non-metal element.
Magnesium is a metal element, while Iodine is a non-metal element. Example:

Formula CuCl - Copper (I) Chloride

In this method, the numerical value of each of the ion charges is crossed over to become FeO - Iron (II) Oxide
the subscript of the other ion
Writing a correct formula for an ionic compound using the crisscross method:

Aluminum Oxide

The red arrows indicate that the 3 from the 3+ charge will cross over to become the
subscript of the O. The 2 from the 2− charge will cross over to become the subscript of the
Al. The formula for aluminum oxide is Al2O3 .
Formula for lead (IV) oxide
The crisscross first yields Pb2O4 for the formula, but that must be reduced to the lower
ratio and PbO2 is the correct formula.


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Tangaro, Catarman, Camiguin
Founded in 1995
Tel/Fax: (088) 387- 0044

fluoride F-
Composed of: chloride Cl-
Usually two non-metal elements bromide Br-
Steps for naming: iodide I-
oxide O2-
1. Name the non-metal furthest to the left on the periodic table by its elemental sulfide S2-
nitride N3-
phosphide P3-
2. Name the other non-metal by its elemental name and an -ide ending.
3. Use the prefixes mono-, di-, tri-.... to indicate the number of that element in the
Negative Ion Acid
-ide Hydro______ic acid
Examples: Example:
N2O4 is called dinitrogen monoxide HCl (H+ and Cl-) Hydrochloric acid
CO2 is called carbon dioxide Hydro+chloride
CO is called carbon monoxide ACIDS WITH OXYGEN
N2O is called dinitrogen monoxide. (It is also called nitrous oxide but that is another Polyatomic Ions
naming scheme.)
carbonate CO32-
CCl4 is called carbon tetrachloride
chromite CrO2-
hypochlorite ClO-
Chart of those prefixes
nitrate NO3-
1 - mono 2 - di 3 - tri 4 - tetra 5 - penta nitrite NO2-
6 - hexa 7 - hepta 8 - octa 9 - nona 10 - deca permanganate MnO4-
phosphate PO43-
TYPE IV: ACIDS phosphite PO33-
- Compounds in which the "cation" is H+. (These are not really ionic compounds.) These sulfate SO42-
can be named as compounds as in the previous cases, e.g., HCl is "hydrogen chloride", but sulfite SO32-
are more frequently given special "acid names" (especially when dissolved in water, which
is most frequently the case.) The word "hydrogen" is omitted, the word "acid" is added to For polyatomic ions ending in “-ate”
the end; the suffix is changed as shown below: Negative Ion Acid
-a compound in which one or more H+ ions are bonded to a negative ion. -ate -ic acid
The name of the acid is based on the name of the negative ion that is part of the acid.
H2CO3 (2H+ and CO32-) Carbonic acid

ACIDS WITH NO OXYGEN For polyatomic ions ending in “-ite”

Negative Ions
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Tangaro, Catarman, Camiguin
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Tel/Fax: (088) 387- 0044

Negative Ion Acid 1. McMurry, J. and Fay, R.(2004). Formulas and Nomenclature of Ionic and Covalent
-ite -ous acid Compounds. Chemistry.
Example: https://www.angelo.edu/faculty/kboudrea/general/formulas_nomenclature/For
HNO2 (H+ and NO2-) Nitrous acid

IMPORTANT EXCEPTIONS 2. Ionic Bonding and Simple Ionic Compounds. (2012) Introduction to Chemistry:
General, Organic, and Biological.
acids Negative ions
H3PO4 Phosphate (PO43-) Phosphoric acid https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/introduction-to-chemistry-general-
H3PO3 Phosphite (PO33-) Phosphorous acid organic-and-biological/s06-ionic-bonding-and-simple-ionic.html
H2SO4 Sulfate (SO42-) Sulfuric acid
H2SO3 Sulfite (SO32-) Sulfurous acid 3. Ionic Compounds- Formulas and Names. (2020). Chemistry Libre Texts.
For better remembering regarding the naming the acids, you may opt to memorize this: %3A_A_Molecular_Approach_(Tro)/03%3A_Molecules_Compounds_and_Chemi
My ride has hydrolics. cal_Equations/3.05%3A_Ionic_Compounds-_Formulas_and_Names
I ate something icky.
Sprite is delicious. 4. Formulas for Binary Ionic Compounds. Chemistry Libre Texts.
For better understanding regarding the lessons, please watch the YouTube videos with https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Introductory_Chemistry/Book
the links below: %3A_Introductory_Chemistry_(CK-
 How to Name Type I Ionic Compounds : https://youtu.be/EwBGMc1Or20 pounds
 How To Name Type II Ionic Compounds: https://youtu.be/rFmJSgAFLAw
 Naming Covalent Molecular Compounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=DejkvR4pvRw&t=17s 5. Naming Binary Covalent Compounds. Florida State College at Jacksonville.
 Naming Acids Introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Jb2u9ihfm4 http://web.fscj.edu/Milczanowski/psc/lect/Ch9/slide10.htm
 How to Speak Chemistrian: Crash Course Chemistry #11:
6. Dewitt, T. (2015, April 19). Naming Acids Introduction. [Video file]. YouTube.

*Assessment will be found on the last pages of this module.


Republic of the Philippines
Tangaro, Catarman, Camiguin
Founded in 1995
Tel/Fax: (088) 387- 0044


Chemical Nomenclature (Formula and Equations)
WEEK 14 A ternary ionic compound is an ionic compound composed of three elements. In
a typical ternary ionic compound, there is still one type of cation and one type of
Learning Objectives: anion involved. The cation, the anion, or both, is a polyatomic ion.

At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to: Naming Ternary Ionic Compounds

A. Recognize polyatomic ions in chemical formulas;

B. Learn the names and charges of common polyatomic ions; Formula Name
C. Write chemical name and formula of ternary compounds;
D. Write the name and formula of a cation and polyatomic anion from the acid NaNO3 sodium nitrate

NH4Cl ammonium chloride

Lesson Overview:
Fe(OH)3 iron(III) hydroxide
There are several compounds we all use in our daily life, which have become an essential
part of our growth and survival. We encounter these compounds in our daily life; in the When more than one polyatomic ion is present in a compound, the formula of the ion is
food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. In the medical profession calcium placed in parentheses with a subscript outside of the parentheses that indicates how
sulfate and barium sulfate are often encountered, which are an example of ternary many of those ions are in the compound. In the last example above, there is one Fe3+
compound, and oxyacids such as carbonic acid can treat ringworms. cation and three OH- anions.

Chemistry in Action/ Quotation: Writing Formulas for Ternary Ionic Compounds

“Above all, don’t fear difficult moments. The best comes from them.”
Writing a formula for a ternary ionic compound also involves the same steps as for a
By: Rita Levi-Montalcini
binary ionic compound. Write the symbol and charge of the cation followed by the symbol
and charge of the anion. Use the crisscross method to ensure that the final formula is
neutral. Calcium nitrate is composed of a calcium cation and a nitrate anion.
Enrichment Activity:

Research an example of phosphoric acid. Is it good or bad for our health? (For
additional points)
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Tangaro, Catarman, Camiguin
Founded in 1995
Tel/Fax: (088) 387- 0044

The charge is balanced by the presence of two nitrate ions and one calcium ion. COMMON POLYATOMIC IONS
Parentheses are used around the nitrate ion because more than one of the polyatomic ion
is needed. If only one polyatomic ion is in a formula, parentheses are not used. As an
example, the formula for calcium carbonate is CaCO 3. The carbonate ion carries a 2−
charge and so exactly balances the 2+ charge of the calcium ion.

There are two polyatomic ions that produce unusual formulas. The Hg 22+ ion is called
either the dimercury ion or, preferably, the mercury (I) ion. When bonded with an anion
with a 1− charge, such as chloride, the formula is Hg 2Cl2. Because the cation consists of
two Hg atoms bonded together, this formula is not reduced to HgCl. Likewise, the
peroxide ion, O22- , is also a unit that must stay together in its formulas. For example, the
formula for potassium peroxide is K2O2.


Do not use prefixes to indicate how many of each element is present Photo source: http://www.fccj.us/PolyatomicIons/fg07_T03.html
Mostly end in “-ate” or ”ite”; exception for hydroxide and cyanide
Example Equations:
Steps for naming:
1. The cation is written first in the name; the anion is written second in the name.
2. When the formula unit contains two or more of the same polyatomic ion, that
ion is written in parentheses with the subscript written outside the parentheses.
Note: parentheses and a subscript are not used unless more than one of a
polyatomic ion is present in the formula unit (e.g., the formula unit for calcium
sulfate is "CaSO4" not "Ca(SO4)").
3. If the cation is a metal ion with a fixed charge, the name of the cation is the same
as the (neutral) element from which it is derived (e.g., Na+ = "sodium"). If the
cation is a metal ion with a variable charge, the charge on the cation is indicated
using a Roman numeral, in parentheses, immediately following the name of the
cation (e.g., Fe3+ = "iron(III)").


Photo source: https://images.app.goo.gl/zBcoaBzjVDDkEAso9
Republic of the Philippines
Tangaro, Catarman, Camiguin
Founded in 1995
Tel/Fax: (088) 387- 0044

OXYACIDS are compounds that contain hydrogen, oxygen, and at least one other An oxyanion is an anion containing oxygen. The general formula of an oxyanion is AxOyz-,
element, and are bonded in such a way as to impart acidic properties to the compound where A is an element symbol, O is an oxygen atom, and x, y, and z are integer values.
Most elements can form oxyanions, meeting the conditions of the octet rule.
To name oxyacids:
1. Omit “hydrogen” General rules for naming Oxyanions:
1. Write the root of the name of the non-oxygen element.
2. Start with the root name of the anion
2. Add the “-ate” or “ite” suffix to the end of the name.
3. Replace –ate with –ic, or –ite with –ous
4. Add “acid”
Oxyanion Examples:
For example, consider H2CO3 (which you might be tempted to call “hydrogen Nitrate (NO3-), Nitrite (NO2-), sulfite (SO32-) and hypochlorite (ClO-) are all
carbonate”). To name this correctly, “hydrogen” is omitted; the –ate of carbonate oxyanions
is replace with –ic; and acid is added—so its name is carbonic acid. There are
some exceptions to the general naming method (e.g., H2SO4 is called sulfuric Relationship between (root)ate polyatomic ions and (root)ic acids.
acid, not sulfic acid, and H2SO3 is sulfurous, not sulfous, acid). Formula Oxyanion Oxyacid Oxyacid
Name Formula Name
Names of Common Oxyacids NO3- nitrate HNO3 nitric acid
Formula Anion Name Acid Name
C2H3O2- acetate HC2H3O2 acetic acid
HC2H3O2 acetate acetic acid
HNO3 nitrate nitric acid SO42- sulfate H2SO4 sulfuric acid*
HNO2 nitrite nitrous acid
HClO4 perchlorate perchloric acid CO32- carbonate H2CO3 carbonic acid
H2CO3 carbonate carbonic acid PO 4 phosphate H3PO4 phosphoric acid**
H2SO4 sulfate sulfuric acid -
ClO 3 chlorate HClO3 chloric acid
H2SO3 sulfite sulfurous acid
H3PO4 phosphate phosphoric acid BrO 3 bromate HBrO3 bromic acid
IO3- iodate HIO3 iodic acid
C2O 4 oxalate H2C2O4 oxalic acid
CrO42- chromate H2CrO4 chromic acid

OXYANIONS are polyatomic ions that contain one or more oxygen atoms For better understanding regarding the lessons, please watch the YouTube videos with
the links below:
Republic of the Philippines
Tangaro, Catarman, Camiguin
Founded in 1995
Tel/Fax: (088) 387- 0044

 Naming Compounds with Polyatomic Ions: https://youtu.be/PPfLDdIfOVA http://www.chemistryland.com/CHM151W/02-

 Writing the formula for a ternary ionic compound: Atoms/Nomenclature/NomenclatureHealth/NomenclatureCommon.htm
 Nomenclature of Oxyacids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqdo0gT5yG0 *Assessment will be found on the last pages of this module.
 Naming oxyanions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9OtnjooYaM
 How to Speak Chemistrian: Crash Course Chemistry #11:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlRhLicNo8Q “Wala kay mahuman kung wala kay sugdan.”

Prepared by:

References Ms. Reygemae Q. Obsid

1. Rules for Naming Ionic Compounds Containing Polyatomic Ions. Chemistry Instructor
Purdue. https://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/nomenclature/poly_atom.htm

2. Helmenstine, A. N. (2020). Oxyanion Definition in Chemistry. ThoughtCo.


3. Shields, S. P. (2015). Oxyanion nomenclature general chemistry. Creative

Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

4. Bishop, M. (2013. Oxyacid Nomenclature. Chiral Publishing Company.


5. Chemistry. (2014). Socratic Q&A. Retrieved on January 17, 2020 from

6. Nomenclature of Common Inorganic Compounds & Drug Names.
(2009).Chemistry Land. Retreived on January 17, 2020 from

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