Mud Temp Certificate2222
Mud Temp Certificate2222
Mud Temp Certificate2222
• EMC - 2004/108/WE
• ATEX - 94/9/WE
Head-mounted temperature transmitters in Intrinsically Safe version are marked
with the following certificate marking·
II 1G Ex ia IIC T6
Certificate no. ZELM 11 A TEX 0452X
Certificates were issued by Notified Body ZELM ex, Siekgraben 56,
38-124 Braunschweig.
The following standards were applied: EN60079-0:2009, EN 60079-11 :2007,
EN 60079-26:2007, EN 1127-1 :2007.
General Manager
(7) This equipment and any acceptable variation thereto are specified In the schedule to this certificate
and the documents therein referred to.
(8) The Prof- und Zertlfiz1erungsstelle ZELM Ex, notified body No 0820 in accordance with Article 9
of the Council Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994, certifies that this equipment has been found
to comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and
construction of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres, given in Annex II to the Directive.
The examination and test results are recorded in the confidential report ZELM Ex 1691013824.
(9) Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been assured by
compliance with:
EN 60079-0:2009 EN 60079-11 :2007 EN 60079-26:2007 EN 1127-1 :2007
(10) If the sign "X" 1s placed after the certificate number, It indicates that the equipment Is subject to
special conditions for safe use specified In the schedule to this certificate.
(11) This EC-type-examination Certificate relates only to the design, examination and tests of the
specified equipment or protective system in accordance to the Directive 94/9/EC. Further
requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this equipment
or protective system These are not covered by this Certificate.
(12) The marking of the equipment shall include the following:
@ 111 G ExiallCT6
Braunschweig, 2011-02-14
stelle Zerhfmerungsstell ZBLM ex
Dipl.-lng. Harald Zelm Sheet2of 2
EC-type-examination Certificates Without signature and stamp ate not valid. The certlficates may Zl!LM ex
only be emulated without alteration l!xtracts or alterahons au.• subjcd to approval by the Pruf. Prw• und Zertifitlcrungutelle
und ZertlfiderungssteUc ZELM ex. The l!nglish version Is based on the German text. In the case Slelcgrabcn 56 •D-38,24 Braunschwelg
of dispute, he German text shall prevail