Barangay Council For The Protection of Children (BCPC) Barangay Annual Work and Financial Plan FOR 2020
Barangay Council For The Protection of Children (BCPC) Barangay Annual Work and Financial Plan FOR 2020
Barangay Council For The Protection of Children (BCPC) Barangay Annual Work and Financial Plan FOR 2020
City of Mandaue
Barangay Centro
Purchase of Educational To give suport to the Indigent Children in the To help the parents lessen their
Supplies for Indigent Baranagay by providing them school supplies expenses on the child's educational June July 17,891.00
Children in the Barangay for the School Year 2020-2021 aspects
Conduct children summit inline with the Meals & Snacks 50x200.00 10,000.00
To highlight the importance of
National Children's Month Celebration. T-shirt 50x200.00 10,000.00
child's role within the family, the
National Children's Month Mobilize participants composed of children in
community and the society in Misc Expenses 5,000.00
Celebration through the community, schools and Day Care October December
building the nation and on that day
Chilren's Congress Centers, teachers, parents & other
they can elect their own
organizations during the National Children's = 25,000.00
Assistance to Skilled Providing assitance to skilled children in the To give assistance to skilled
January December T-shirt 25x250.00x2 sets 12,500.00
Children in the Barangay Barangay by giving them T-shirt children by giving them t-shirt
Meals 20x300.00 6,000.00
Tap technical support from NGO's concerned Speaker Honoraium 2,000.00
CapDev Skills Training for To increase knowledge in handling
to strenghten the capacity of the BCPC in October December
BCPC Members BCPC cases Supplies/Materials 2,000.00
handing issues & concern affecting children
= 10,000.00
TOTAL: PhP103,891.00
Prepared by: Approved by:
BCPC Fund Center Workers/
Region:VII City:Mandaue
Programs/Projects,Activities Brief Discussion Objective Time Frame Funds Required Source of Funds Remarks
Capability Building
1.Skills Training for * Tap technical support from NGO's concerned to *To increase knowledge in Jan-Dec 2014 Php 5,000.00 Inclusive of: BCPC Fund
BCPC,National Children's Month strenghten the capacity of the BCPC in handing issues handling BCPC cases *To Streamer,Speakers
Celebration & concern affecting children * Mobilize participants highlight the importance of child's Honoraria Snacks & other
composed of children in the community, schools and role within the family, the expenses
Day Care Centers, teachers, parents & other community and the society in
organizations during the National Children's Month building the nation
2.Planning-Assessment(Monthly Conducts regular meetings to assess planned projects To alleviate the efficiency & Jan-Dec 2014 Php 5,000.00 BCPC Fund
Meeting) & activities on BCPC knowledge in order to respond
properly to different BCPC cases
3.Other Activities There are unexpected activities that requires BCPC To respond directly to activities or Jan-Dec 2014 Donations
immediate action programs sponsored by NGOs,Pos
& other establishments
Out-of-School Youth Participation Conduct of massive Information, Education and To provide free education to
in ASL Program Communication (IEC) on ALS and to enroll indigents and to reduce the number
indigents/OSY/Drop-outs of out-of-school youth/drop outs in
our barangay