Bachelor's Degree Programme (BDP) : Assignments JULY 2020/january 2021
Bachelor's Degree Programme (BDP) : Assignments JULY 2020/january 2021
Bachelor's Degree Programme (BDP) : Assignments JULY 2020/january 2021
JULY 2020/January 2021
Enrolment No ..............................................................
Name ..........................................................................
Address .......................................................................
4) Use only foolscape size paper for your responses and tie all the pages carefully.
5) Write the question number with each answer.
6) You should write in your own handwriting.
7) Submission: The completed Assignment should be sent to the Coordinator of the Study Centre allotted
to you.
A Note of Caution
It has been noticed that some students are sending answers to Check Your Progress Exercises to the University
for evaluation. Please do not send them to us. These exercises are given to help in judging your own progress.
For this purpose, we have provided the answers to these exercises at the end of each Unit. We have already
mentioned this in the Programme Guide.
Before despatching your answer script, please make sure you have taken care of the following points:
l Your roll number, name and address have been written correctly.
l The title of the course and assignment number have been written clearly.
l Each assignment has been written on separate sheets and pinned properly.
l All the questions in the assignments have been answered.
Now read the guidelines before answering questions.
Course Code: ANC-1
Assignment Code: ANC-1/AST-1/TMA-1 /21
For July 2020 session last date of Submission: 30th March, 2021
For January 2021 session last date of Submission: 30th October, 2021
1. a) Briefly explain the social, psychological and economical aspects of nutrition. (3)
b) Briefly explain the digestion, absorption and utilization of protein in our body. (3)
2. a) Briefly explain the role of iron in our body. Enlist some iron rich food sources. (3)
b) What would you suggest to a mother while planning a meal for an infant? (3)
3. Describe the steps in planning a balanced diet. What points would you keep in mind (5)
while planning a diet for an old adult?
4. a) What are the major causes of food spoilage? Enlist factors that contribute in food (3)
b) List three measures you would adopt to prevent PEM in a community. (3)
5. Briefly explain the clinical features of vitamin A deficiency and Iodine deficiency (21/2+21/2
6. a) Enlist the various methods of diet survey. Explain briefly any one method. (3)
7. List any one method you will use to preserve the following. Explain the food (1+1)
preservation principle involved in the same.
a) Milk
b) Jam or Jellies.
8. Enlist the methods used to assess the nutritional status. Explain any one in detail (4)
1. (10)
What is balanced diet? Based on the steps involved in planning balanced diet prepare a
diet for a lactating mother belonging to low socio-economic group.
2. (10)
Prepare any two nutritious snacks – one for a preschool child and second for an elderly.
Your answer must specify:
i)Name of the snack
ii) List of Ingredients
iii) Method of preparation
iv) Food sources contributing to the important nutrients required by the specific
v) Justify the selection of snack (from nutritional stand point) for the children and for
the elderly.
3. (10)
Describe in details any four cooking practices common in your region for preparing
pulses/ Rice/Wheat/Maize etc. Predict the nutrients which are likely to be lost to a
substantial degree in each.
4. (10)
Record the food intake of a college going girl for one day using the following table:
Evaluate the meal and comment whether the diet is balanced.
Evening Snacks
2. List the disorder(s) caused by the deficiency of the following nutrients/substance: (5)
a) Thiamine
b) Folic acid
c) Fluorine
d) Riboflavin
e) Vitamin D
3. List any one important point you would keep in mind while selecting: (5)
a) Cereals
b) Fruits
c) Milk and milk product
d) Fats & oils
e) Nuts