Chapterwise Microlevel Action Plan - 29th Jun '21
Chapterwise Microlevel Action Plan - 29th Jun '21
Chapterwise Microlevel Action Plan - 29th Jun '21
Chapter Items Open Closed Gaps for less closure percentage W3
14 15 16 17
H 5 Ramp up Activity 1 0 0.00% 1. ready for review with jay san
P 1. ASES requirement like practical evaluation for new
T operator to be reviewed by Jay san as not evident during first
6 Operator Training 7 4 36.36% review
Total 91 47 34.06%
Ankit , Gaurav,
Reviewed by 6/14/2021
# 000000Confidential C
Doc. No. IQMS-C060-F-0003
W4=5 closed
W5& W1=6 closed
W4=3 closed
W4=6 closed
W5& W1=6 closed
W2=6 closed
W4=4 closed
W5& W1=4 closed
W2=4 closed
W3=1 closed
W3=4 closed
W5&W1=4 closed
W3=13 closed
W5&W1=13 closed
W2=14 closed
W4=5 closed
W5 & W1=5 closed
W2=4 closed
W3=3 closed
W2=3 closed
# 000000Confidential C
# Chapter 1: Quality policy and quality assurance system Supplier Name Function Date
Renault Nissan
Question Date Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Technico Status
Next Audit Cycle (Dec'-20) complete store department process shall be covered
1.1 Store department has single process but only BOP store audit is being performed. Gaurav 6/23/2021 Close Open
and schedule to be revised.
1.1 30.04.21 Internal audit NC classification (Major / Minor) & closure timeline Internal audit NC clasification and closure timline to be update Gaurav 6/23/2021 Open Open
1.1 30.04.21 Internal audit NC tracking sheet not updated the current NC status Internal audit NC tracking sheet to be updated Gaurav 6/23/2021 Open Open
1.1 30.04.21 Internal audit NC report not evidenced. Internal audit NC report to be prepared Gaurav 6/23/2021 Open Open
1.1 30.04.21 Process audit NC closure timeline not defined in the procedure Process audit NC clouser timeline to be defined Gaurav 6/23/2021 Open Open
1.1 30.04.21 Process parameter verification not evidenced in internal audit Porcess paramter to be verified in internal audit Gaurav 6/29/2021 Open Open
1.1 ASES report IATF Auditors list is available but contingency for auditor not define in it. IATF Auditor list to be update. Gaurav 6/29/2021 Close Open
1.2 ASES report Process Audit Plan available but not updated for the Aug-20 month. Process Audit to be update Gaurav 6/29/2021 Close Open
1.2 ASES report Process Parameter observation for the SDH not evident in the report. Process Audit Report to be cross-verify after audit. Ashwani, Rishu, Vinod 6/29/2021 Open Open
Process Audit performed for the pedal wrt customer complaint, but its
1.2 ASES report Customer Complaint details wrt corrective actions to be considered. Ashwani, Rishu, Vinod 6/29/2021 Close Open
observation define as "OK"
Open 7 11
Close 4 0
Total 11 11
# 000000Confidential C
Warranty - gaurav Pankaj-
Mayank Chaudry- Internal 8D
Gupta QMS analysis
# Chapter 2: Analysis of the quality concerns for current products Supplier Name Function Date
Open Prepared by Gaurav 21.09.2020
Question Date Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Technico Status Renault Nissan Status
Warranty register not covered some of the key activities like Customer, Within
2.2 30.04.21 warranty or not, NTF, 8D report, etc Warranty register to be updated Mayank 25.05.21 Close Close
Warranty performance results from customer to be shown for FY21.
2. Defect selection criteria is not clear for Inhouse cause analysis. No cause analysis / actions available for top inhouse 2.(a,b,&f) Procedure for CAPA to
defect in Mar2020. Ex. Gauge NG - Part: Door hinge YP8 RUL, Qty 70 nos. be be revised considered the
selection criteria for the inhouse
a. Internal rejection Target : not shared cause analysis, the phenomenon
b. Top 3 defect & Top 1 model to be mentioned in procedure analysis and effectiveness
c. Angle NG - Sep'20 - YE3 MC HH LH - Spec 86.5 Deg - 1.5 Deg found 89 Deg monitoring.
2.3 ASES · Valid cause : Shut height variation not analysed. Restrike tool not available Gaurav 25.05.21 Close Close
2.(c &d) External Training to be
d. Internal analysis done only for Assy process. Stamping not found. provided to the concern person for
e. Summary sheet for all process need to be aligned. the why-why, root cause analysis.
f. 3 months monitoring not followed for YRA dent issue - followed for 3 lots – Need to update in procedure 2e. Common Pareto and Summary
Sheet Formato to develop and same
to be shared.
000000Confidential C
Warranty - gaurav Pankaj-
Mayank Chaudry- Internal 8D
Gupta QMS analysis
# Chapter 2: Analysis of the quality concerns for current products Supplier Name Function Date
Open Prepared by Gaurav 21.09.2020
Question Date Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Technico Status Renault Nissan Status
* Internal rejection analysis not taken for the top 3 defects in each sections. Ex:
Thread wash out Aswani, Vinod &
11.05.21 25.05.21 Close Close
* Internal rejection analysis not in depth for Gauge not answering. Rishu
ASES/ Phenomenon wise analysis not available based on the customer effect.
2.3 Mayank 6/21/2021 Open Open
11.05.21 Ex: Screw jack
Terminology to be define in the the
CAPA procedure and in the CAPA
Summary for the mandatory
documents (such as PFD, PFMEA,
Control Plan, SOP, WI) shall be
updated during the closure any
4. Affected documents are not identified and updated for Customer / Inhouse CAPA. Ex. PFMEA, Control plan etc.,
customer concern.
Customer Defect Handling:-
a. No training record available for the Maintenance operator, no re-calibration record not available
Customer defect Handling:-
List of affected documents not updated for the customer concern on Feb'21 Nut b. No change in calibration frequency. Calibration date not in-line with analysis report Aswani, Vinod &
2.4 11.05.21 4a. All the record to be attached 25.05.21 Close Close
shift in Hood Hinge- PM check sheet not updated. c. Concern effectiveness monitoring not clear - Oct'20 - closed - not to be followed for complaint date/ corrective action. Rishu
with Customer complaints and other
issue closure.
Inhouse handling:-
4b. Re-analysis to be done the
a. Document Update : Restrike process added but Control plan, FMEA, Work instruction not updated
calibration frequency.
4c. Procedure to be revised.
Inhouse Handling:-
4a. Training to be provide for the
5. Horizonal deployment opportunities are not identified through study and not implemented where it is applicable. Ex. document updation wrt CAPA.
Side Door Hinge - YE3, Defect: Flatness NG, Similar parts: 13.
Horizontal Deployment
Customer Defect Handling:-
effectiveness sheet to be developed
a.Horizontal deployment not evident for other riveting machines Aswani, Vinod
2.4 ASES report and linkage to be done with the 25.05.21 Close Close
,Rishu & mayank
procedure and same to be verify for
the effectively implementation.
Inhouse Handling:-
a. Horizontal deployment not clear – BDH – K10 identified, but already restrike process exists with that part
6. Past trouble database is not prepared based on past customer / inhouse concerns CAPA.
Past trouble data sheet and lesson
Customer Defect Handling:-
learnt sheet to be develop and
a. PTDB only Tier 1 actions added – PTDB covers only generic data not based on customer or internal analysis - Excess
linkage to be done with the
play not captured. Aswani, Vinod
2.4 ASES report procedure accordingly. 25.05.21 Close Close
b. PTDB contents not matching with cause analysis and technical lessons learnt not available ,Rishu & mayank
PDTB for the other program/project
c. No responsible person and last update date available
to be develop and save it in the
Inhouse Handling :-
a. No PTDB followed for Internal cause analysis and no Technical lessons learnt followed for Internal analysis
Repeated concerns monitoring is not defined and special attention is not defined Repeated Issue handling criteria to
2.4 11.05.21 8. Repeated concerns monitoring is not defined and special attention is not defined for repeated concerns. Gaurav 25.05.21 Close Close
for repeated concerns. be define in the CAPA procedure.
No list of affected documents not updated for the internal 8D actions. Ex: Apr'21 Aswani, Vinod &
2.4 25.05.21 To be prepared 25.05.21 Close Close
Nut Spatter - CP/ PFMEA not updated Rishu
No horizontal deployment of internal 8D actions. Ex: Apr'21 Gauge not Aswani, Vinod &
2.4 11.05.21 To be update 25.05.21 Close Close
answering / Gap issue, etc.Boss Gauge Out Rishu
No tracking sheet available for the internal 8D report which includes past years Aswani, Vinod &
2.5 11.05.21 To be prepared 25.05.21 Close Close
also Rishu
Customer complaint Tracking sheet not covered the timeline with Plan / Actual
2.5 11.05.21 To be update Mayank 25.05.21 Close Close
date to track the activities
000000Confidential C
Warranty - gaurav Pankaj-
Mayank Chaudry- Internal 8D
Gupta QMS analysis
# Chapter 2: Analysis of the quality concerns for current products Supplier Name Function Date
Open Prepared by Gaurav 21.09.2020
Question Date Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Technico Status Renault Nissan Status
Open 1 3
Close 18 17
Total 19 20
% Action
95% 85%
000000Confidential C
# Chapter 3: Project Management Supplier Name Function Date
Open Prepared by Gaurav 21.09.2020 Irshad
Question Date Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
Phase review meeting timing is not addressed in the Capture the Phase review meeting timeline in the APQP Phase review meetinng timeline to be
3-4 ASES Report Irshad 6/22/2021 Close
APQP time plan time plan. Ex Screw jack updated
Phase review checksheet, control items with quantified Define checksheet, control items with quantified target
3-4 ASES Report Phase review checksheet to be prepared Irshad 6/22/2021 Open
target is not defined. to phase review process.
Past troubles and lesson learning incorporation / Add Past troubles & lesson learnt incorporation as Past trouble and lesson learnt to be
3-4 ASES Report Irshad 6/22/2021 Open
implementation is not considered for phase approval. criteria for phase approval. incorporated for phase approval
000000Confidential C
# Chapter 3: Project Management Supplier Name Function Date
Open Prepared by Gaurav 21.09.2020 Irshad
Question Date Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
SMS - Training plan not made for the VC lot/ PT1/ PT2
milestones. Training plan to be made for each milestones
3-3 25.05.21 SMS- Control plan not planned before VC lot & not Control plan activity to be planned Irshad 6/29/2021 Open
prepared yet. Capability study to be planned
SMS- Capability study not planned for the VC lot.
No project risk assessment carried out for the Nissan Project risk assessment to be shown for the Nissan
3-3 25.05.21 Project risk assessment to be prepared Anil (Design) 29.06.21 Close
Project - Screw Jack. Project - Screw Jack.
No evidenced for the design review meeting & minutes Evidenced to be shown for the design review meeting
3-3 25.05.21 Design review minutes to be prepared Anil (Design) 6/29/2021 Open
before end of the design milestone. & minutes before end of the design milestone.
Progress review frequency is not defined in the Capture the progress review meeting frequency in the
Process review meeting frequency to be
procedure. Progress review meeting plan vs actual procedure and timeline in the APQP timing plan. Gaurav &
3-3 ASES Report defined in procedure and review meeting 7/6/2021 Open
status is not captured in the Conduct the review Irshad
plan vs actual to be captured in timing plan
APQP timing plan. as per plan and update the status accordingly.
No evidenced for the past troubles & lessons learnt PTDB & Lesson learn for screw jack design
3-3 25.05.21 Anil (Design) 7/6/2021 Open
feedback to Screw jack Design. to be prepared
3-3 25.05.21 No SPPMP evidenced for the Nissan Screw jack parts. SPPMP to be prepared Irshad 7/6/2021 Open
000000Confidential C
# Chapter 3: Project Management Supplier Name Function Date
Open Prepared by Gaurav 21.09.2020 Irshad
Question Date Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
Open 15
Close 5
Total 20
% Action
Implemente 25%
000000Confidential C
# Chapter 4: Process Design and Pre production Supplier Name Function Date
Question ASES Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
No past rejection data is collected and used to Define the period to past rejection data. Collect and formalise the data
ASES report Past rejection data to be collected
4.1 assign Occurrence rating. Ex: Nissan Screw jack according to AIAG guideline to assign occurrence Naveen 6/30/2021 Open
29.06.21 for assign occurrence rating
PFMEA & FMEA rating.
000000Confidential C
# Chapter 4: Process Design and Pre production Supplier Name Function Date
Question ASES Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
Consolidate the past troubles with root causes / actions and lesson learnt
Review of PTDB and lesson learn
Past troubles / lesson learnt applicability and as data base. Conduct the review during PFMEA
4.1 ASES report for applicability during FMEA Naveen 6/30/2021 Open
deployment status is reviewed preparation to identify the applicability. Follow action plan to deploy the
preparation to be done
applicable past troubles.
Revision level and revision history details are Revison level and history to be
4.1 ASES report Revision level and revision history details to be captured in the PFMEA Naveen 6/30/2021 Open
not captured in the PFMEA captured in FMEA work sheet
Open 13
000000Confidential C
# Chapter 4: Process Design and Pre production Supplier Name Function Date
Question ASES Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
Close 3
Total 16
000000Confidential C
# Chapter 5: Ramp up Activity Supplier Name Function Date
Question Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
5.1 Ramp up activity plan not available for Nissan model Screw Jack Ramp up activity plan to be prepared for Nissan model Screw Jack Ramp up activity plan to be prepared for Nissan model Screw Jack Irshad 6/19/2021 Open
Open 1
Close 0
Total 1
% Action Implemented 0%
# 000000Confidential C
# Chapter 6: Operator Training 6 Supplier Name Function Date
Question Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
1. New operator training and skill evaluation records are not available for assessed case.
Ex. Mr. Satrugan, Employee code: 600209, Process: Tandum , Mr. Sonu yadav, New Operator Training and skill records to be maintained within the
6.1 Chandra Pal & Indu Yadav Open
Employee code: 11873, Process: ASSY, Mr. Ratnesh yadav, Employee code: 46039, HRD.
Process: Tandam - DOJ: 03-01-2020.
2. Training & skill evaluation records are not available for existing operators. Ex. Mr. Training and skill evaluation activity going on and their record to be
6.1 Aditya, Surjeet, Amit Open
Shivashankar, Process: Manual projection welding, Skill level as per Skill matrix - L2. verify by the HOD before hand overing it to the HR.
3. Reinforced inspection for new operator produced parts is not defined and followed. Ex.
Rule for the Reinforced inspection for new operator produced to be
6.1 Mr. Satrugan, Employee code: 600209, Process: Tandum , Mr. Sonu yadav, Employee Aditya, Surjeet, Amit 6/16/2021 23.06.21 Close
define and training for the same to be given.
code: 11873, DOJ: 03-01-2020.
4. Operator observation plan and records are not available for all operators.
Operator observation plan for the individual section to be develop
6.1 Ex. Mr. Satrugan, Process: Tandam, Mr. Shivashankar, Process: Manual projection Aditya, Surjeet, Amit Open
and followed .
New Project Training plan not covered for the PT1 / PT2 New Project Training plan which should covered for the PT1 / PT2 additional operators,
6.1 11.06.21 New project training plan to be updated Irshad 6/16/2021 Open
additional operators, etc. etc.
New project training manual not included in the difference b/w New project training manual which includes the difference b/w existing project & new
11.06.21 existing project & new project Process flow, Defect includes project Process flow, Defect includes appearance, Rework matrix, Appearance defects, Training module to be updated Irshad 6/16/2021 Open
appearance, Rework matrix, Appearance defects, etc. etc.
No refreshment training defined for the operators long No refreshment training check sheet to be defined for the operators long absenteeism. Ex:
11.06.21 Refreshment training check sheet to be prepared and implemented Gaurav 6/16/2021 23.06.21 Close
absenteeism. Ex: More than 1 month Absent More than 1 month Absent
3 operaotrs
New Operator Skill level not decided based on Theoretical +
11.06.21 New Operator Skill level to be decided based on Theoretical + practical test System to be made for preactical evaluation for new operator Gaurav 6/16/2021 23.06.21 Close F.I / MIG
practical test Welding/
# 000000Confidential C
# Chapter 6: Operator Training 6 Supplier Name Function Date
Question Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
11.06.21 Operator feedback not given based on the operation observation. Operator feedback to be given based on the operation observation. Provison to give feedback to operator after observation to be defined Gaurav 6/16/2021 Open
Open 7
Close 4
Total 11
# 000000Confidential C
# Chapter 7: Shop Floor 18 Supplier Name Function Date
Question Date Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
Some key checkpoints are not defined and confirmed during daily start up check.
Add missing checkpoints in the start up checksheet and educate the concerned
7.2 ASES report Ex. Checkpoint: Brake / clutch pressure 4~6 All key characteristics to be added in startup check sheet Surjeet, Aditya and Vinod 6/22/2021 23.06.21 Close
Conduct start up check according to the checksheet at 2nd shift start and
7.2 ASES report Start up check is not performed during 2nd shift. (Followed at 1st shift only). Start up check to be ennsured in 2nd shift Surjeet, Aditya and Vinod 6/22/2021 Open
record the results.
Quantity measurement items are not recorded with measured values, OK tick
7.2 ASES report mark only available. Ex. Checkpoint: Counter balance Record the actual measurement values for quantified measurement items. Actual observation to be recorded for all process paramters Surjeet, Aditya and Vinod 6/22/2021 Open
pressure 4~6 KG/CM2.
Product dimensions & process parameter not write the exact value. Product dimensions & process parameter to be verified & record
7.2 11.06.21 Actual value to be written against the product dimensions Surjeet, Aditya and Vinod 6/22/2021 Open
Ex: Rivet Diameter the actual value.
No specific place defined in the start up checksheet / production log to keep track
of corrective actions / deviations done for start up Create a provision in the start up checksheet / production log book to keep
Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.2 ASES report non conformity. track of corrective actions / deviation done for Provision to be made for tracking correcitve action for start up non conformity 6/22/2021 Open
No records available after corrective action taken for the defects during start up non conformity
Add the checkpoint in startup check sheet as "Confirm the removal of previous
During change over, removal of previous model input / output part, tooling, Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.2 ASES report model input / output parts, tooling, packing Check point to be added in startup check sheet 6/22/2021 23.06.21 Close
packing etc., is not checked and recorded. Vinod
from workstation and put them at specified area".
Some process parameters are not captured in work instruction or set up table and
not checked during model change over. Ex. Add missing process parameters in the work instruction and set up table.
Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.3 ASES report Process: Progressive Stamping, Process parameter: Shut height 798+/-1 mm, Verify the same during model change over and Missing process parameters to be added in work instruction and setup table 6/22/2021 Open
Part: Side door hinge Male, Machine: Press 600 ton record the results.
Check point to be added in start up check sheet to ensure the red bin is in empty Check point to be added in start up check sheet to ensure the red bin is in Check point to be added in start up check sheet to ensure the red bin is in empty Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.3 11.06.21 6/22/2021 23.06.21 Close
condition before start of the shift. empty condition before start of the shift. condition before start of the shift. Vinod
Adjustment instruction not available in shop floor. Ex: Air pressure, Hydraulic Define the process adjustment instruction including skill level requirement.
pressure, Welding parameter, etc. Educate and evaluate the members for process Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.3 ASES report Adjustment instructions to be prepared for process paramters 6/22/2021 23.06.21 Close
Process adjustment instruction is not defined. Ex. Projection welding process, adjustment condition. Display the qualified members list at respective work Vinod
Defect: Thread shrinkage, Nut separation, Assy, etc., station
Restart up rule and evidence for restart up activity is not available. Ex. Restart up
condition: after trial production, after breakdown or Define the criteria for restart up along with reaction plan. Educate the Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.3 ASES report Criteria for restartup with reaction plan to be defined 6/22/2021 23.06.21 Close
major disruption, Reaction plan: Start up, Set up, Poka yoke check and First part concerned members and follow the same Vinod
Set up matrix to be prepared with respect to different models which Set up matrix to be prepared with respect to different models which
Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.3 11.06.21 includes Die / tool/ Child parts details/ Process Parameter/ program includes Die / tool/ Child parts details/ Process Parameter/ program Set up matrix to be prepared Vinod
6/22/2021 23.06.21 Close
selection, etc. in Stamping & Welding process selection, etc. in Stamping & Welding process
No rule displayed for tea / Lunch break- before leaving finish the Tea/Lunch break rule to to prepare and to be displayed In Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.6 11.06.21 Rule to be displayed 6/22/2021 23.06.21 Close
part respective departments Vinod
Final inspection standard is not inline to control plan (some checkpoints are Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.7 ASES report Revisit the final inspection standard according to control plan. Final inspection standard to revised 6/22/2021 Open
missing). Ex. Checkpoint: Forming crack, Bush crack, etc., Vinod
Final inspection standard is not in detail with inspection steps, photo, part Modify the final inspection standard to make in detail with clear inspection Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.7 ASES report Detailed final inspection standard to be prepared 6/22/2021 Open
positioning etc., steps, photos, part positioning etc., Vinod
Some of the checkpoints are not checked during final inspection according to Educate the inspectors to follow the final inspection standard strictly. Ensure
Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.7 ASES report control plan. Ex. Checkpoint: Forming crack, Bush their conformance to the standard through Final inspection to be inline with control plan 7/1/2021 Open
crack etc., Inspector observation
Photo / sample with validity is not available for some defects. Ex. Defect - Add missing photos / samples with validity or defects and display at respective Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.7 ASES report Photo/ limit sample to be developed for each defect 7/1/2021 Open
Forming crack. location Vinod
Some reaction rule like root cause analysis and actions incase of Inspection Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.7 ASES report Reaction Rule to be defined incase of Inspection equipment is NOK. Reaction rules to be defined for not ok equipments 7/1/2021 Open
equipment is NOK is not defined Vinod
# 000000Confidential C
# Chapter 7: Shop Floor 18 Supplier Name Function Date
Question Date Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
Feedback to cause process is not defined & followed incase of continuous Add feedback to cause process in the NC handling procedure with criteria. Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.10 ASES report Feedback to cause process to be defined 7/1/2021 Open
rejection or major rejection Define and follow the feedback record. Vinod
Defect parts are not marked and not recorded immediately by category of defects.
Educate the Operators / Inspectors to mark the defective parts according to the
7.10 ASES report Ex. Process: Riveting, Part: Side Door Hinge Defect parts to be marked and recorded Surjeet, Aditya and Vinod 7/1/2021 Open
Female, Defect: Plating dull, Quantity: 1 no
Disposal of defective parts from red box is not followed periodically. Cross Define the rejection parts disposal frequency and follow the same. Perform the
7.10 ASES report checking is not performed at end of the shift against cross checking at shift end for actual Disposal to defective part at the end of the shidt to be ensured Surjeet, Aditya and Vinod 7/1/2021 Open
actual quantity in red box and recorded quantity. quantity in red box against recorded quantity.
Rework decision matrix is not defined for process wise defects. Ex. Part: Door
hinge rear upper YP8, Process: Bush fitment Male + Modify the rework decision matrix for process wise defects according to Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.11 ASES report Rework decision matrix ti be defined as per control plan 7/1/2021 Open
Bush, Defect: Bush improper fitment, Gap between male & bush, loose after control plan Vinod
fitment etc.,
Rework instruction is not defined for some reworkable defects. Ex. Ex. Part:
Door hinge rear upper YP8, Process: Bush fitment Male Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.11 ASES report Prepare the rework instruction for missing reworkable defects Rework instruction to be defined for all reworkable defects 7/1/2021 Open
+ Bush, Defect: Bush improper fitment, Gap between male & bush, loose after Vinod
fitment etc.,
Rework record is not followed always for all kind of rework. Ex. Process: Bush Educate the concerned members to record the rework details when rework Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.11 ASES report Rework record to be prepared for all kind of reowrk 7/1/2021 23.06.21 Close
fitment line, Rework: Bush improper fitment. performed Vinod
Some key informations are not captured in the rework record. Ex. Rework Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.11 ASES report Modify the rework record to capture missing key information. Rework record to be updated 7/1/2021 23.06.21 Close
operator name, rework OK quantity etc., Vinod
Rule and record for reinspection of reworked parts is not available. Ex. Process: Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.11 ASES report Define the rule for reinspection of reworked stamping parts Define the rule for reinspection of reworked stamping parts 7/1/2021 23.06.21 Close
Stamping, Reworkable Defect: Burr. Vinod
Skill matrix for rework operation is not exist. Ex. Process: Stamping, Rework: Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.11 ASES report Prepare and display the skill matrix for rework operators. Skill matrix to be prepared for rework process 7/1/2021 Open
Burr. Vinod
Some unusual situations related to Equipment and Part is not defined. Ex.
Add missing unusual situation into the procedure with appropriate reaction Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.12 ASES report Unknown defect, Defect in new location, Abnormality handling rules to be updated 7/1/2021 Open
rule Vinod
Spike rejections, etc.,
Unusual situation handling procedure is not known to concerned members at Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.12 ASES report Educate the concerned members on unusual situation handling procedure Training to be provided 7/8/2021 Open
shopfloor. Vinod
Fallen parts check details and disposal status are not recorded. Ex. Part: Arm Gaurav, Surjeet, Aditya and
7.12 ASES report Record the fallen part quality check details and disposal status Check details and disposal status to be recorded for fallen parts 7/8/2021 Open
R00, Date: 15-07-2020, Qty 3 nos. Vinod
Unusual situations other than Fallen part is not recorded with retroactive, cause Follow the unusual situation handling procedure and record retroactive
7.12 ASES report Abnormal situation handling rules to be followed Surjeet, Aditya and Vinod 7/8/2021 Open
and action details confirmation details, analysis, actions and restart
PM is not done as per plan for some machines. No deviation approval from QA Conduct the PM according to the plan. Incase of any delay, make reschedule
PM to be done as per plan, where schedule is delayed deviation approval is
7.17 ASES report and reschedule plan is available for delayed PM. Ex. and follow additional check to avoid quality Ramesh Yadav 7/8/2021 Open
Press PWM 26: Frequency is 6 months once, Due on: 06/20 - 2nd Week issues.
Define target for maintenance KPI's like MTBF, MTTR etc., based on past
7.17 ASES report No target for maintenance KPI is defined. Ex. MTBF, MTTR etc., data. Monitor the monthly results and initiate the KPI targets to be defined Ramesh Yadav 7/8/2021 Open
correction actions incase of non achievement of target.
Prepare general spare list with minimum stock level, reorder qty and lead time.
7.17 ASES report General spare list and its stock level monitoring is not available for Machines Monitor the spares IN and OUT to manage General spare list stock monitoring to be done Ramesh Yadav 7/8/2021 Open
the availability.
Life for consuming tools / spares is not defined and monitored. Ex. Die coating Prepare general spare list with minimum stock level, reorder qty and lead time.
7.17 ASES report life, Piercing punch life, Projection welding electrode Monitor the spares IN and OUT to manage Consumable tool life to be defined and monitored Surjeet, Aditya and Vinod 7/8/2021 Open
life etc.., the availability.
4M change display not available in shop floor. Ex: Assy, Stamping, Welding, 4M change display board to be displayed in shop floor. Ex: Assy, Stamping,
8.1 ASES report 4M change display to be made Surjeet, Aditya and Vinod 7/8/2021 Open
etc. Welding, etc.
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# Chapter 7: Shop Floor 18 Supplier Name Function Date
Question Date Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
Open 27
Close 12
Total 39
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# Chapter 8: Change Management 5 Supplier Name Function Date
Question ASES report Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
There is no special identification for 4M change affected lot to provide special Gaurav, Aditya, Surjeet &
8.1 ASES report Define and follow the identification method for 4M change affected lot. Special identification for 4M change effected lot to be done 6/23/2021 Open
attention till part delivery. Vinod
Some process changes are not captured in the change definition. Ex. Packaging,
8.2 ASES report Add missing process changes into process change definition. (Refer ANPQP guideline). Missing changes to be added in process change defination Gaurav 6/23/2021 Open
logistics changes, machine deletion etc.,
Change request, Feasibility study, Risk analysis and Activity timing plan is not Educate the concerned members to follow change request, feasibility study, risk analysis and activity timing plan according to
8.2 ASES report Documented to be prepared as per process for process change Sanjeev / Irshad 6/29/2021 Open
available for assessed change. procedure.
Trial report, Before / after comparison interms of quality and productivity is not Perform trial part inspection, before / after comparison for process capability, rejection ratio, change intend, cycle time etc.,
8.2 ASES report Backup data of trail report and before / after comparision to be prepared Sanjeev / Irshad 6/29/2021 Open
available for assessed change. according to the procedure and keep the record
Internal PSW approval or similar and change implementation cut off is not Obtain the internal approval according to 4M change approval criteria and keep the record of change implementation cut off
8.2 ASES report Internal approval to be taken and implementation cutooff to be defined Sanjeev / Irshad 6/29/2021 Open
available for assessed change. details.
Progress of change status is not monitored through change tracking sheet. Case
2: Timer/buzzer controller to be added in pre-treatment process to avoid the
8.2 ASES report Add each 4M change into change tracking sheet to monitor the status of each steps. Process change tracking sheet to be prepared Sanjeev / Irshad 7/5/2021 Open
manual control., Complete Auto control line to be
install for PT line, Pedal Set Brake, YCA, action date: 20-02-2020.
Change request, Feasibility study, Risk analysis and Activity timing plan is not Educate the concerned members to follow change request, feasibility study, risk analysis and activity timing plan according to
8.3 ASES report Documented to be prepared as per process for design change Anil (design) 7/5/2021 Open
evidenced for any design change. procedure. Implemebt the same for latest changes.
Trial report, Before / after comparison interms of quality and productivity is not Perform trial part inspection, before / after comparison for process capability, rejection ratio, change intend, cycle time
8.3 ASES report Backup data of trail report and before / after comparision to be prepared Anil (design) 7/5/2021 Open
presented for any design change. etc., according to the procedure and keep the record.
8.3 ASES report Change approval (Customer PSW) is not presented for any design change Change approval (Customer PSW) evidenced to be recollected & stored. customer approval to be taken Anil (design) 7/5/2021 Open
8.3 ASES report Design change progress tracking sheet is not presented for any design change. Obtain the internal / Customer approval and keep the record of change implementation cut off details. Design change tracking sheet to be prepared Anil (design) 7/5/2021 Open
Add each 4M change into change tracking sheet to monitor the status of each
8.3 ASES report Add each product change into change tracking sheet to monitor the status of each steps. 4M change tracking sheet Aditya, Surjeet & Vinod 7/5/2021 Open
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# Chapter 8: Change Management 5 Supplier Name Function Date
Question ASES report Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
Open 12
Close 2
Total 14
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# Chapter 9: Sub-suppliers management 3 Supplier Name Function Date
Question Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date Status
Timeline for some key activities is not addressed in the sub supplier quality
9.4 ASES report concerns handling procedure. Ex. Sub supplier Define timeline for each activities involved for sub supplier quality concerns handling. Timelines to be defined in procedure Gaurav 6/17/2021 Open
communication for quality issues, Containment actions etc.,
8D report or similar (root cause analysis / action plan) is not available for some
sub supplier concerns reported from Assembly shop.
9.4 ASES report Receive and validate the 8D or similar for all sub supplier concerns to ensure robust actions implementation 8D report to be taken for all sub supplier issues Dalbir 6/17/2021 23.06.21 Close
Ex. Part: ARM hood hinge, Defect: Dimension NG 9.2 +/-0.5mm, actual:
10.5mm, Qty: 200 nos. Month: Mar20.
Root cause analysis is not done using Quality tools like Ishikawa, Cause
verification / validation, Why why analysis etc., Ex.Part: Educate the sub supplier to conduct depth root case analysis using Brainstorming, Ishikawa, Cause validation /
9.4 ASES report Proper analysis to be for done by suppliers Dalbir 7/6/2021 23.06.21 Close
Tube 12x0.75x675mm, Concern: Crack, Supplier: Technico strips & tubes, verification or similar method to find out root causes and initiate concrete countermeasure.
Defect date: 07-07-2020, Qty: 50 nos.
QPIS Monitoring sheet not in detail Main 8D steps status are like containment
QPIS monitoring sheet to be revised considering input as Tartget Vs actual for containment, action plan
9.4 ASES report actions, action plan receipt, action implementation etc Add missing key 8D steps into QPIS Monitoring sheet with timeline to track the status. Dalbir 7/6/2021 23.06.21 Close
receiot, action implementation etc.
is not captured.
8D progress is not monitored through tracking sheet for some sub supplier
9.4 ASES report concerns. Ex. Part: ARM hood hinge, Defect: Dimension Add all sub supplier concerns into QPIS monitoring sheet and monitor the status of 8D steps closure as per time line All the concerns to be adedd in tracking sheet Dalbir 7/6/2021 23.06.21 Close
NG 9.2 +/-0.5mm, actual: 10.5mm, Qty: 200 nos. Month: Mar20.
Open 2
Close 4
Total 6
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