Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Part - A (2 Marks)

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1. Define electric current?

Electric current is defined as the rate of flow of electric charge I= dq/dt amperes, where
‘q’ is the charge in coulombs. The unit of current is the ampere which is the current that flows
when 1 coulomb of charge is transferred in one second.

2. Define electrical potential?

This is generally measured between two points and its unit is in volt. If the work done in
moving a charge of one coulomb between the two points is 1 joule, then we say that the potential
of one point with reference to the second point is 1 volt. E= dW/dQ

3. Define conductance?
The reciprocal of resistance is called conductance.
Unit: Siemens (G) G = 1/R

4. Define resistance.
Resistance is the property of the material by which it opposes the flow of current through
it. The resistance of element is denoted by the symbol ‘R’. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω).

5. Define inductance.
Inductance is the element in which energy is stored in the form of electromagnetic field.
The inductance of element is denoted by the symbol ‘L’. Inductance is measured in henry (H).

6. Define capacitance.
Capacitance is the element in which energy is stored in the form of electrostatic field. The
capacitance of element is denoted by the symbol ‘C’. Capacitance is measured in farads (F).

7. State ohm’s law? What are the limitations of ohm’s law.

When the temperature remains constant, current flowing through a circuit is directly
proportional to potential difference across the conductor. E I or E = IR, where R the constant of
proportionality, becomes the resistance when E is volt and I is in amperes.
1. It is not applicable to the nonlinear devices such as diodes, zener diodes,
voltage regulators etc.
2. It does not hold good for non-metallic conductors such as silicon carbide.

8. Write down the expression for effective resistance when two resistances are connected in
series and parallel.
For series connection:R = R1 + R2
For parallel connection R = R1R2 / (R1+R2)
9. State Kirchoff’s laws
Kirchoff’s current law: The sum of the current flowing towards a junction is equal to the
sum of the currents flowing away from it. (Draw Diagram)
Kirchoff’s voltage law: In a closed circuit, the sum of the potential drops is equal to the
sum of the potential rises. (Draw Diagram)

10. State voltage division rule.

It states voltage drop across any resistor, or combination of resistors, in a series circuit is
equal to the ratio of that resistance value to the total resistance, multiplied by the source voltage.

11. State current division rule.

It states the current in any branch in a parallel circuit is equal to the ratio of opposite
branch resistance value to the total resistance, multiplied by the total current in the circuit.

12. List out the characteristics of series circuits.

1. The same current flows through each resistance.
2. The supply voltage V is the sum of the individual voltage drops across the
V = V1+V2+V3+………+Vn
3. The equivalent resistance is equal to the sum of the individual resistances.
4. The equivalent resistance is the largest of all the individual resistances.

13.Distinguish between power and energy.

Sl.No Power Energy
1. The rate at which work is done is called The capacity to do work or the total work
electric power. done is called energy.
2. Power (P) = VI Energy = VIt
Where V—Voltage Where V—Voltage
I – Current I --- Current
t --- Time
3. Unit : Watts Unit : Watt-Hour

14.Write down the expression of equivalent resistance for ‘n’ – number of resistors in series
For ‘n’ resistors connected in series, the equivalent resistance is given by,
15. Write down the expression of equivalent resistance for ‘n’ - number of resistors in parallel
For ‘n’ resistors connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance is given by,
1 1 1 1 1
    ......... 
Re q R1 R 2 R3 Rn

16.Write the Algorithm for Nodal Analysis.

Select a node as the reference node. Assign voltages V 1,V2,…Vn-1 to the remaining n-1 nodes.
Apply KCL to each of the n-1 nodes. Solve the resulting simultaneous equations to obtain the
unknown node voltages.
17. Write the Algorithm for Mesh Analysis.
Assign mesh currents i1,i2,….in to the ‘n’ meshes. Apply KVL to each of the ‘n’ meshes. Solve the
resulting ‘n’ simultaneous equations to get the mesh currents.

18. Distinguish between a Loop & Mesh of a circuit.

The closed path of a network is called a Loop. An elementary form of a loop which cannot be
further divided is called a mesh. In other words Mesh is closed path does not contain an other
loop within it.

19. State Superposition theorem.

The superposition theorem states that in any linear network containing two or more sources, the
response in any element is equal to algebraic sum of the responses caused by individual sources acting
alone, while the other sources are non operative; that is, while considering the effect of individual
sources, other ideal voltage sources and ideal current sources in the network are replaced by short
circuit and open circuit across their terminals.

20. What is the limitation of Superposition theorem?

Superposition theorem can be applied for finding the current through or voltage across a particular
element in a linear circuit containing more than two sources. But this theorem cannot be used for the
calculation of the power.

21. State Thevenin's theorem.

Thevenin’s theorem states that any circuit having a number of voltage sources, resistances and open
output terminals can be replaced by a simple equivalent circuit consisting of a single voltage source in
series with a resistance (impedance), where the value of the voltage source is equal to the resistance
seen into the network across the output terminals.

22. State Norton's theorem.

Norton’s theorem states that any circuit with voltage sources, resistances (impedances) and open
output terminals can be replaced by a single current source in parallel with single resistance
(impedance), where the value of current source is equal to the current passing through the short
circuit output terminals and the value of the resistance (impedance) is equal to the resistance seen into
the output terminals.
1. In the circuit shown in fig. calculate (i) the current in other resistors (ii) the value of
unknown resistance ‘X’ (iii) the equivalent resistance across AB.

2. Determine the power dissipated by 5 ohm resistor in the circuit shown in figure.

3. Find the nodal voltages VA and VB by nodal analysis.

4. Determine the current through 47 Ω resistor for the circuit shown in figure using mesh

5. Determine the potential difference between node 1 and 2.

6. Find Rab in the circuit shown in figure.

7. Find the equivalent resistance between A and B.

8. Find the equivalent resistance between A and B

9. Find the Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent circuit for the network shown in the figure.

10. Find the current through various branches of the circuit shown below, by employing
superposition theorem.

11. Use Superposition theorem to find the current i for the figure given below

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