Unicuaq y NRTL
Unicuaq y NRTL
Unicuaq y NRTL
Marco Andrés Guevara Luna1,2,3*, Fredy Alejandro Guevara Luna1, Luis Carlos Belalcázar Cerón1
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
Smart and Simple Engineering SAS, Bogotá, Colombia
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Bogotá, Colombia
Received: 3 Aug 2017 Accepted: 28 Jan 2018 Available Online: 14 Feb 2018
Ethanol is currently one of the most important and attractive sources of energy with a heating value of 12800 kJ/kg. Ethanol
is commonly obtained from many sources worldwide, mainly renewable sources, and its separation is achieved typically by
atmospheric distillation. Even so, there is new technologies looking for cheaper and more efficient ethanol separation and
purification: pressure-swing distillation, extractive distillation, adsorption with molecular sieves and vacuum membrane
distillation. The design, rating and optimization of these process technologies requires a reliable and universal thermodynamic
modeling approach capable of represents the ethanol-water system properties, and in particular the vapor-liquid equilibrium
(VLE) near the azeotropic point. This study summarize VLE experimental data for ethanol-water system at 3 vacuum
pressures (13.15, 19.71 and 101.32 kPa), and 17 azeotropic point data. Thermodynamic consistency test of the data was
performed using the Redlich-Kister method. The parameters and constants for the detailed thermodynamic modeling of the
ethanol-water system using polar fluid Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state (polar-SRK) are summarized as part of this
study, as well as the standard binary interaction parameters for NRTL and UNIQUAC excess Gibbs energy models. Both
models are used simultaneously for the simulations involved in the chemical process engineering activities in science,
academy and industry. The main target of this study consist in the regression of new binary interaction parameters in a
temperature dependent form compatible with the most process simulation software, for NRTL and UNIQUAC, and its
validation using experimental data for azeotropic points at 3 different low pressures with errors of less than 1%, for
temperature and ethanol molar fraction in the vapor phase. The regressed new parameters were tested using isobaric
experimental data for VLE at the 3 under-atmospheric pressures mentioned, obtaining correlation coefficient (R 2) values of
about 1. The calculations were performed using Python 3.4® codes developed and supplied by S&S and Aspen properties®
V8.6 provided by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Keywords: Ethanol-Water, Experimental Data, Vapor-liquid Equilibrium, Azeotropic Point, NRTL, UNIQUAC, Binary
El etanol es actualmente una de las fuentes de energía más importantes y atractivas, posee un poder calorífico de 12800 kJ /
kg. El etanol se obtiene comúnmente de diversas fuentes en todo el mundo, principalmente fuentes renovables, y su separación
se logra comúnmente mediante destilación atmosférica. Aun así, existen nuevas tecnologías que buscan una separación y
purificación de etanol más económica y eficiente, tales como: destilación de presión y destilación, destilación extractiva,
adsorción con tamices moleculares y destilación por membrana de vacío. El diseño, evaluación y optimización de estas
tecnologías de proceso requiere de un enfoque de modelado termodinámico confiable y universal capaz de representar las
propiedades del sistema etanol-agua, y en particular el equilibrio vapor-líquido (ELV) cerca del punto azeotrópico.
*Corresponding Author. How to cite: Guevara, M. A., Guevara, F. A., Belalcázar, L. C.,
E-mail: [email protected] Experimental Data and New Binary Interaction Parameters for
Ethanol-Water VLE at Low Pressures Using NRTL and UNIQUAC,
TECCIENCIA, Vol. 13 No. 24, 17-26, 2018
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18180/tecciencia.2017.23.11
Este estudio resume los datos experimentales de ELV para el sistema etanol-agua a 3 presiones de vacío (13.15, 19.71 y
101.32 kPa), y 17 datos de puntos azeotrópicos. La prueba de consistencia termodinámica de los datos se realizó utilizando
el método de Redlich-Kister. Los parámetros y constantes para el modelado termodinámico detallado del sistema etanol-agua
usando la ecuación de estado para fluidos polares Soave-Redlich-Kwong (polar-SRK) se resumen como parte de este estudio,
así como los parámetros de interacción binarios estándar para NRTL y UNIQUAC exceso de modelos de energía Gibbs.
Ambos modelos se utilizan simultáneamente para las simulaciones involucradas en las actividades de ingeniería de procesos
químicos en la ciencia, la academia y la industria. El objetivo principal de este estudio consiste en la regresión de nuevos
parámetros de interacción binaria en una forma dependiente de la temperatura que es compatible con la mayoría del software
de simulación de procesos en la industria y el mercado, para NRTL y UNIQUAC, y su validación utilizando datos
experimentales para puntos azeotrópicos a 3 diferentes bajas presiones, esta validación permitió verificar que el modelo
empleado tiene errores de menos del 1%, para la temperatura y la fracción molar de etanol en la fase de vapor. Los nuevos
parámetros regresados se probaron usando datos experimentales isobáricos para VLE a las 3 presiones atmosféricas
mencionadas, obteniendo valores de coeficiente de correlación (R2) de aproximadamente 1. Los cálculos se realizaron usando
códigos Python 3.4® desarrollados y suministrados por S&SE S.A.Sy Aspen properties® V8.6 proporcionado por la
Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Palabras clave: Etanol-Agua, Datos Experimentales, Equilibrio Vapor-líquido, Punto Azeotrópico, NRTL, UNIQUAC,
Parámetros Binarios.
The experimental data used for this study is of two types: This work presents an accurate model to simulate the water-
isobaric data at 3 different under-atmospheric pressures ethanol non-ideal system at under-atmospheric pressures.
(13.15, 19.71 and 32.86 kPa). Table 1 and azeotropic points The Equations of state and activity models are summarize,
at 17 different under-atmospheric pressures (Table 9). as well as the constants and parameters involved.
Table 1. Isobaric experimental data for 3 under-atmospheric pressures (13.15, 19.71 and 32.86 kPa) [6]
Φ z θ r τ τ
1 x 2 1 Φ 2 1 r 2 1
ln(γ )= ln 1 + q ln 1 +Φ l - 1 l - q' ln θ' +θ' τ
1 2 21
+θ' q'
2 1
θ' +θ' τ
- 12
θ' +θ' τ
1 1 2 1 2 21 2 1 12 (5)
Φ z θ r τ τ
2 x 2 2 Φ 1 2 r 1 2
ln(γ )= ln 2 + q ln 2 +Φ l - 2 l - q' ln θ' +θ' τ
2 1 12
+θ' q'
1 2
θ' +θ' τ
- 21
θ' +θ' τ
2 2 1 2 1 12 1 2 21
Here r, q and q’ are parameters related to each pure θi = (8)
xiqi + x jq j
component involved in the system. li, θi, θi' and are
calculated using the equations (7), (8), (9) and (10). xiq'i
θ'i = (9)
xiq'i + x jq'j
Φi = (7)
xiri + x jrj li =
r - q - ri - 1
2 i i
2.2.2 Equations of state, constants and parameters This is because the condition is isobaric for the
thermodynamic modeling and the main effect over the
The detailed modeling of all the properties involved in the density of the liquids is due to the equilibrium temperature,
VLE requires of EOS (equations of state) to consider in this EOS take in to account the change of the liquid density
detail the non-ideal behavior of the ethanol water-system. In as a function of the temperature, in terms of reduced
order to quantitative describe the vapor phase the Polar Fluid temperature (Tr) in a simple way.
Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation of State (polar-SRK) [10]
EOS is used. (1-T )(2/7)
v cm3mol-1 = vc Zc r
(14) Polar Fluid Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation of
State (polar-SRK)
The implementation of the Rackett equation implies the use
The four parameters extension of the SRK EOS to reproduce of the fluid properties at critical conditions, for the system
the properties of polar fluids is presents in equation (11), in under study the critical constants are presents in the Table 2.
an explicit form for pressure. This equation of state requires
two additional empirical parameters to be implemented (m Antoine equation
and n), these parameters for the two substances involved in
the study are presents in the Table 2. In the VLE calculations the prediction of the saturation
pressures (Psat) has great effects on the results, in order to
RT a(T) estimate properly this properties the Antoine equation (15)
P= - was used [11]
(v - b) (v(v + b))
n B
a(T)=1+(1- Tr ) m+
ln Psat (kPa) = A -T(°C)+C
b=0.08664 c
The Antoine equation requires for its use at least 3 empirical
constants, for the ethanol water system these constants are
c (13) presented in the Table 3. Rackett equation 2.3. Regression approach
The implementation of the Rackett equation for the accurate The data regression was developed with the Maximum
estimation of the molar volume of the components in liquid likelihood method. The O.F. (objective function) minimized
as function of the temperature allows to improve the for the adjustment of the parameters was the equation (16):
accuracy of the results obtained.
Table 2 Critical properties and SRK-polar parameters for ethanol and water [10], [11].
Tr range
Substance Tc (K) Pc (kPa) Vc (cm3mol-1) Zc ω m n
Ethanol/Water 12 -0.81 246 0.3 3.1 Thermodynamic consistency
Parameters* Water/Ethanol
21 3.46 -586 0.3 The consistency of the experimental data used for the
Low Ethanol/Water 12 -27.39 67 0.3
regression of the new binary interaction parameters was
tested using the Redlich-Kister area-test method. This is the
suitable way to assess the consistency of the thermodynamic
Parameters* Water/Ethanol 21 1.92 -71 0.3
data for systems with interactions that cause non-ideal
*The range of temperature recommended to use these behavior in the VLE [12]. The results of the consistency test
parameters is from 298.14 to 373.15 K. performed using this method are summarized in the Table 4.
Table 2 UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters, standard The experimental data is thermodynamically consistent,
parameters [13], [14] and low pressure parameters. using the area test we realize that the data for the pressure of
19.71 kPa presents the lowest consistency, and the pressure
set Interaction Subindex a b of 13.15 kPa presents the highest consistency. Taking as a
criteria of successful consistency 10% of tolerance the three
Standard Ethanol/Water 12 2.01 -729 datasets passed the test, being the lowest pressure the more
Parameters* Water/Ethanol 21 -2.49 757 consistent dataset. The consistency test allows to establish
Low Ethanol/Water 12 -0.25 22 that the experimental data can be used for interaction
pressure parameters regression.
Parameters* Water/Ethanol 21 -0.04 -54
*The range of temperature recommended to use these 3.2 Binary interaction parameters for low pressures
parameters is from 298.14 to 373.15 K.
Using the regression approach mentioned and the
experimental data presented in Table 1, the binary
Table 3 UNIQUAC pure substances parameters for ethanol interaction parameters was regressed for the two activity
and water [15]. models, NRTL and UNIQUAC. The binary interaction
parameters for the ethanol-water system are adjusted to be
Substance r q q' used in the form of the equation (4), such form of the
Ethanol 2.10547 1.9720 0.9200 temperature dependency is compatible with most of the
Water 0.9200 1.4 1 commercial simulators used by process engineers in the
*The range of temperature recommended to use these design and rating of separation units for ethanol.
parameters is from 298.14 to 373.15 K.
Figure 1 Thermodynamic modeling results (this study) and mathematical-thermodynamic modeling of the ethanol-
experimental data [6] for: a) NRTL and b) UNIQUAC at 3 water system were developed.
low pressures (13.15, 19.71 and 32.86 kPa).
The Figure 1 shows the results for 3 low pressures (13.15,
19.71 and 32.86 kPa) and the points corresponding to the
experimental data at those pressures using the two activity
models with the new binary interaction parameters. Here it
can also be seen that the experimental data is accurately
represented with both models, NRTL and UNIQUAC. This
behavior at low pressures is of importance for the
development of chemical processes involving the VLE for
the ethanol-water system.
Figure 2 Thermodynamic modeling dispersion analysis for 13.15 kPa, 19.71 kPa and 32.85 kPa using python 3.4® codes: a)
Temperature calculated using NRTL, b) Temperature calculated using UNIQUAC, c) Ethanol vapor phase molar fraction
calculated using NRTL and d) Ethanol vapor phase molar fraction calculated using UNIQUAC.
Table 8 Correlation parameters (R2 and P-Value) for the thermodynamic modeling of the ethanol-water VLE using NRTL
and UNIQUAC new binary interaction parameters for low pressure at 13.15 kPa, 19.71 kPa and 32.85 kPa.
Correlation Activity
Dew T y1 Dew T. y1 Dew T. y1
Parameter Model
NRTL 0.9996 0.9996 0.9959 0.9998 0.9986 0.9992
UNIQUAC 0.9995 0.9996 0.9957 0.9998 0.9986 0.9992
P-Value NRTL 9.593e-27 1.554e-26 1.46e-20 4.772e-31 1.954e-21 5.089e-23
UNIQUAC 5.900e-26 1.246e-26 2.096e-20 1.922e-30 2.103e-21 3.931e-23
Table 9 Azeotropic point prediction error with NRTL and UNIQUAC new low pressure binary interaction parameters.
Isobaric Data NRTL UNIQUAC
Azeotrope [6]
Pressure (kPa) x1 T(k) x1 T(k) ΔT(%)* Δx(%)* x1 T(k) ΔT(%)* Δx(%)*
17.52 0.9410 312.910 0.9495 312.596 0.100% 0.903% 0.9394 312.593 0.101% 0.171%
17.84 0.9540 313.150 0.9495 312.945 0.065% 0.472% 0.9596 312.946 0.065% 0.587%
29.53 0.9320 323.150 0.9293 323.044 0.033% 0.290% 0.9293 323.039 0.035% 0.290%
29.58 0.9260 323.150 0.9293 323.079 0.022% 0.356% 0.9293 323.074 0.024% 0.356%
36.78 0.9150 327.960 0.9192 327.686 0.084% 0.458% 0.9192 327.680 0.085% 0.458%
37.62 0.9200 328.150 0.9192 328.172 0.007% 0.088% 0.9263 328.166 0.005% 0.684%
50.66 0.9060 334.750 0.9097 334.742 0.002% 0.405% 0.8987 334.734 0.005% 0.807%
60.34 0.9080 338.730 0.8999 338.749 0.006% 0.891% 0.9091 338.739 0.003% 0.120%
72.18 0.9030 343.020 0.9091 342.972 0.014% 0.675% 0.9091 342.961 0.017% 0.675%
72.54 0.9020 343.150 0.9077 343.091 0.017% 0.633% 0.9067 343.080 0.020% 0.522%
72.62 0.9000 343.150 0.8999 343.117 0.010% 0.010% 0.8991 343.107 0.013% 0.101%
72.67 0.8950 343.150 0.8991 343.134 0.005% 0.457% 0.8990 343.124 0.008% 0.446%
80.30 0.9010 345.580 0.9039 345.544 0.010% 0.322% 0.9091 345.533 0.014% 0.898% 25
87.19 0.8980 347.940 0.8901 347.561 0.109% 0.881% 0.8990 347.549 0.112% 0.110%
88.45 0.8970 347.990 0.8889 347.916 0.021% 0.902% 0.8990 347.904 0.025% 0.222%
92.14 0.8960 349.090 0.8990 348.930 0.046% 0.334% 0.8990 348.917 0.049% 0.334%
101.32 0.8940 351.320 0.8971 351.314 0.002% 0.345% 0.8989 351.300 0.006% 0.546%
The UNIQUAC model is more accurate than NRTL, the liquid phase composition in molar fraction the error is
highest error for the liquid composition of ethanol in molar slower using the UNIQUAC model.
fraction using NRTL is 0.903%, using UNIQUAC the 4. Conclusions
highest error for the same variable is 0.898% in terms of
temperature the highest error is 0.112% obtained with This study examined the mathematical-thermodynamic
UNIQUAC and the highest error with NRTL is 0.109%. modeling of the ethanol-water system using experimental
data at 3 different under-atmospheric pressures for VLE, and
The mean error for NRTL for the variable temperature is 17 azeotropic point data, to regress new and more accurate
0.033% and for the liquid composition of ethanol in molar binary interaction parameters.
fraction the mean error is 0.495%.
For the UNIQUAC model the mean error for temperature is The parameters were adjusted for two excess Gibbs energy
0.034% meanwhile for composition of ethanol in liquid models (NRTL and UNIQUAC), and are presented in a
phase in molar fraction the mean is 0.431%. simple temperature dependency form compatible with most
of the process simulators available, and commonly used for
Considering this results for the azeotropic point prediction chemical processes design and rating.
the NRTL model is more accurate than the UNIQUAC
model for the bubble point representation. In the case of
The use of these parameters will help the engineers and financing this project and offers the computation equipment,
scientists in the development of new technologies for python 3.4® codes for the thermodynamic modeling and
ethanol-water separation, and in the improvement of technical support required for the development. Also to the
conventional technologies actually implemented. Universidad Nacional de Colombia providing the licensed
software used during this research.
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