BSBSUS501 Assessment 1 Feedback

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BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures

for Sustainability

Assessment: 1

Three Policy option Summaries

Tiny Opera Company operates in a rural NSW Town. The Company vision is to create a theatre
accessible to the community. Company has provided a safe and clean environment in its theatre.
Company has also installed dishwater in its room which is a major step of Company to the
sustainability business.

As per the legislative requirements there are various acts such as environment protection act, 1999
and other legislation protecting ozone and synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act, 1989. As
per the case Company can include atmosphere protection, prevention of degradation of land and
sustainable development in all the activities of business.

Companies can have other sustainable development options such as providing friendly musicals,
drama, comedy and pantomime which can promote society and can contribute to the environment.
Company can also include in its policy for the adjustment of light and sound level to decrease the
sound pollution and promote sustainable development. A relaxed performance medium should be
adopted in theatres by the Company to promote public awareness. This will also promote the greater
understanding of autism. This can be implemented by engaging with the local network. Company
can also include collaboration techniques in its policy to implement the relaxed performance in its
strategies. This responsibility should be given to the entire department. Companies should promote
light and healthy music in theatres for preventing any harm to the public. The adjustment and
changes in the light level should be as per the requirement of the audience.

Practice models for review informing sustainability policy

The review on the Company’s performance will be made by evaluating the ratio of audience and
overall development of theatre. The models will be used by scholars, stenographers’ and architects
and exhibitions.

Strategies promoting awareness of the sustainability report

Company will promote more of its policy by including the acts in theatre. The policy of the Company
will be promoted by staff of the Company. These mediums of promotion of the policy will aware the
audience and enhance the possibility of the implementation. As written below:-

awareness of the company’s sustainability activities and plans.

● Print up posters that summarize the company’s sustainability priorities and goals.
● Have your CEO talk about sustainability progress at the annual employee
● Set up a “Sustainability Corner” on the company intranet.
● Send employees an email with a link to the company’s latest sustainability report.
● Create a bulletin board in the cafeteria where sustainability info is rotated

Strategies for maximising the impact of policy

Company will focus more on promoting its policies rather than forcing the staff to implement the
same. Company will inform the audience by discussing the enormous benefits of protecting the
environment and sustainable development. As mentioned below:-

➔ Improved Air Quality

Trees are called the earth's lungs. Not only do they provide oxygen for us to breathe, but
they clean the air of many pollutants harmful to humans.

➔ Climate Change

There is a rising interest in limiting our greenhouse gas emissions and becoming more
energy efficient, both regionally and globally, in order to deal with climate change.
Natural lands like forests, grasslands, and parks are key assets in this effort, whether
they are large preserves serving as carbon "sinks," or small local neighborhood parks
helping cool their environs.

➔ Improved Water Quality

Preserving open lands and creating parkland preserves natural processes of infiltration
and limits imperviousness, both of which are intimately linked to stormwater
management and water quality.

➔ Biodiversity and Habitat Protection

As land is preserved throughout the region, a key environmental benefit is the protection
of unique habitat and regional biodiversity. Wildlife and vegetation depend on
undisturbed natural areas for food, shelter, and reproduction, often in ways that humans
have not always recognized.

Training will be provided to the staff of theatres. This training will aim to provide the ways of including
more social causes which are taking place in the recently. This will attract the audience and will
increase the more probability of retaining the audience.


Marketing will be done via using the emails and inclusion of the dramas and acts in the theatres. The
promotion of policy will also be made by increasing the connectivity on the social sites such as
twitter, facebook and instagram.

Stakeholder engagement

Companies will engage shareholders by distributing the policy to them physically or through emails
by telling them about the policies and how these policies are important and beneficial for protecting
the environment and sustainable development.

Final Version of the sustainability policy

The sustainability policy of the Company will be more focusing on the improvement of the
environment condition to ensure sustainable development. it acknowledged the concept of
nature having certain rights, that people have stewardship of the world, and the importance of
putting people at the forefront of solving these global issues. Thus, sustainable development
recognizes that growth must be both inclusive and environmentally sound to reduce poverty and
build shared prosperity for today’s population and to continue to meet the needs of future
generations. It is efficient with resources and carefully planned to deliver both immediate and
long-term benefits for people, the planet, and prosperity. The three pillars of sustainable
development–economic growth, environmental stewardship, and social inclusion carry across all
sectors of development, from cities facing rapid urbanization to agriculture, infrastructure,
energy development and use, water availability, and transportation.

Developing a sustainability policy for Tiny Opera

Company’s commitment to sustainability
Sustainability Policy

Tiny Opera Company is Company involved in developing theatre and wonder in entertainment.
Company has implemented various plans including painting internal walls, installing wall mounted
radiators and dressing rooms. The Company policy will include friendly music instruments, drama,
and training to 100 theatre staff. Training to the staff will be provided on the cast, box office, bar and
ushers. This will provide a way to engage with the potential audience. The policy of the Company will
also include an increase in connectivity with the audience by improving the theatre performance and
including more talents. Company will create chill out areas for the audience to make them more
comfortable in enjoying the theatres.

Company will promote environmental responsibility by including greenery in its musical instruments,
water and food facility, dressing rooms, kitchen, break room and food counter. It will also follow the
electronic system of providing tickets in the theatre. Company will also arrange for waste
management and tobacco smoke control facilities in its theatre. Company will also include a control
on resources used in the theatre.

As a part of society and a good corporate citizen, the Company will also include an open dialogue
with the audience on each theatre performance evaluating the changes and improvement required in
each theatre.

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