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GND English Issue 3

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With years of full-time ministry behind them, Uebert and
BeBe Angel are pioneering and leading voices in pro-
claiming the Good News of God’s grace (Euaggelion) and
the prophetic around the world. Between them, they are
best-selling authors of Spiritual Warfare, Intimacy, Prayer
Banks, Supernatural Power of The Believer, etc. Uebert and
BeBe Angel are internationally sought-after conference
speakers and as global leaders, they are highly regarded
for their vision, innovation and boldness. As the founders of
the Good News Church (Spirit Embassy), and holding the
office of the prophet they have impacted millions of lives
worldwide through their passion to win souls by bringing the
revelation of the Good News of God’s grace (Euaggelion).
Thursday, July 1 Guard Your Heart

Proverbs 4:23
Guard your heart with all diligence; for
out of it are the issues of life.

Your mind is the door to your heart. So if

you’re to guard your heart, where bet-
ter to start from than your mind? That
means you need to mount guard over
your mind, your thoughts, and your
thinking process. Remember, the Bible
tells us that as a man thinketh in his
heart, so is he.

Put away perversity from your mouth;

keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
That is exactly how corruption enters
your heart. Let your eyes look straight
ahead, fix your gaze directly before
you. When God has given you His Word
about your life—your work, family, mar-
riage, children, finances, or whatever it
is—don’t lose His direction.

Don’t say the wrong things or speak outside of what God has said con-
cerning you. Speak His Word and look straight ahead. Refuse to be
moved from God’s Word concerning your life, and you will come out
with a testimony. Remember your heart is your responsibility.

I am who God says I am. I have what He says I have, and today
I am moving from glory to glory. I am a success in Christ, and all
things are working together for my good, in the name of Jesus!

Romans 12:2

Friday, July 2 Prosperity Is Your Inheritance

2 Corinthians 8:9
You know how full of love and kindness
our Lord Jesus was: though he was so
very rich, yet to help you he became
so very poor, so that by being poor he
could make you rich.

After you’re born again, poverty be-

comes completely unacceptable in
your life. I know there are people who
believe Christians ought to be poor, but
that’s due to their lack of understand-
ing of the Scriptures. Poverty is not the
absence of money or other required
necessities of life. It’s actually the dis-
abling of a man’s mental prowess.

All the wealth in this world belongs to

you if you’re born again. Once you ac-
cept this truth in your spirit and allow
it to dominate your thinking, it’ll give
you a new mindset. It’ll be impossible
for you to walk in lack. The Bible says Jesus became poor so that we,
through His poverty, might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9).

He took upon Himself not only the sins of the world but also the effects of
sin, one of which is poverty. This is the reason every Christian must reject
poverty. Therefore, refuse and reject the down life; don’t live as a victim.

I am a joint heir with Christ, the world belongs to me, and noth-
ing good is withheld from me. I live in the realm of superabun-
dance; my life is proof of God’s love and grace. Hallelujah!

1 Corinthians 3:21

Saturday, July 3 All Things Are Yours

Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us
with all spiritual blessings in heavenly
places in Christ.

God already gave you Himself, His

Kingdom, and everything! When you
come into Christ, everything belongs
to you. There’s nothing more for Him
to provide you with because you’re a
joint-heir with Him. Therefore, leave the
struggle. Enjoy your life in Christ.

We read in our opening verse that we

have been blessed with all spiritual
blessings, and all means everything you
can ever need. Nothing is left out. No-
tice, He has already blessed you (note
it’s in the past tense), not after you fast
and pray for it. It is a done deal. Stop
struggling with your health, grades, or
finances. Stop struggling in your mind, and choose the life of rest (Isaiah

“Striving” in prayer for Him to fulfil His promises is an effort in futility. Live
the Word and in the Spirit. You’d discover that everything you could
ever want is in the path that He gave you to walk in. Blessed be His
Name forever!

I function in the light of God’s Word. I’m conscious of the boun-
tiful provisions the Father has made available to me, and I’m
enjoying them to the full. Hallelujah!

2 Peter 1:3

Sunday, July 4 Refuse to Worry

Matthew 6:31-32
So don’t worry at all about having
enough food and clothing...your heav-
enly Father already knows perfectly
well that you need them.

Why should anyone read these words

of Jesus and still be worried about any-
thing? He is aware of all you need for
an excellent life. So, refuse to worry
about the new clothes you need, or
the new toys you want.

If you ever catch yourself worrying

about anything, get up and say aloud,
“I refuse to worry!” Then, get into your
Bible and start reading and meditating
on the Word of God. You see, the cure
for worrying is living in God’s Word.

The Bible says, “Be anxious for nothing,

but in all things through prayer and sup-
plication make your requests known unto God.”

Notice, brothers and sisters, it says be anxious for nothing. That means
there are no special cases that you can worry about because this one is
a big one. A thous and times no! Stick to the Word and refuse to worry!

I have no worries for my heart is founded on the Word. I have
already overcome Satan, the world, and every situation, for the
greater One lives in me. Hallelujah!

Philippians 4:6-7

Monday, July 5 Speak Life

Mark 11:23
For verily I say unto you, that whosoev-
er shall say unto this mountain, be thou
removed, and be thou cast into the
sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but
shall believe that those things which he
saith shall come to pass, he shall have
whatsoever he saith.

God says that we will have whatever

we say. So whatever we want to have,
we can say it and have it. Unfortunate-
ly, people often say what they don’t
want, which keeps them exactly where
they don’t want to be.

Even in prayer, many believers are busy

telling God how big their problem is in-
stead of turning to their mountain and
telling it how big their God is. Whatever
mountain of difficulty you have, be it a
mountain of debt or a serious health condition, when you choose to
speak the good news of God’s grace over every situation, you are al-
ready positioning yourself for a miracle.

It doesn’t matter what seems to be dead and buried in your life today.
When you choose to speak the good news only, you are tapping into
the power of God, and every mountain will move.

Today I choose to speak life over my family, over my business.
The power of God is causing all things to work together for my
good, in the Name of Jesus!

Romans 10:10

Tuesday, July 6 No Regrets

Isaiah 58:8
Then shall thy light break forth as the
morning, and thy health shall spring
forth speedily: and thy righteousness
shall go before thee; the glory of the
Lord shall be thy reward.

Are you living a life of regrets thinking,

“If only…?” If only I had that college
education … If only I had married the
right girl … If only I had taken the other
job … If only I had not made that stupid
mistake …

Is your past robbing you of the joy of

today? Then forget your past! God
has forgiven you of all your sins. He
has completely forgiven you and de-
clared, “Your sins and lawless deeds, I
will remember no more.”

Our scripture for today says the glory of

the Lord shall be your rear guard. Wherever you go, His glory covers your
past. It is no longer the same past that you know of because His glory
has descended on it. Your past is past. It has been wiped out. It is gone!
So, don’t let your past rob you of today’s joy any longer!

I am a new man in Christ; all things have become new. I know
nothing against me. My life is hid in Christ, hallelujah!

2 Corinthians 5:17; Hebrews 10:17

Wednesday, July 7 Faith Our Victory

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things
hoped for the evidence of things not

Faith is a substance. It is not just an

idea; it is an evidence. When we talk
about faith, it’s real brothers and sisters,
and the Bible calls it the evidence.

If I found fossils of a dinosaur, the fos-

sils are not an actual dinosaur. They
are the evidence of the existence of
one. I now have proof that this thing is
real. That is why faith can never fail. It
is the title deed to unseen realities. As
you meditate and listen to the Word of
God, the evidence of your healing is
coming together.

Faith is the spiritual instrument for mak-

ing anything happen for you. You have
the responsibility to make your life the way you imagine it. The circum-
stances of your life which you didn’t create are immaterial to your suc-
cess and to your victory. Faith is our victory in the Name of Jesus!

My faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I am born, not
of corruptible seed, but of the incorruptible and ‘uninfectable’
seed – the Word of God which lives and abides forever. 

Romans 12:3

Thursday, July 8 Born of the Word

1 Peter 1:23
Being born again, not of corruptible
seed, but of incorruptible, by the word
of God, which liveth and abideth for

When you receive God’s Word, you re-

ceive the life of whatever it talks about.
Whatever you’re hearing from God is
the seed to produce in you, or for you,
what it talks about. For example, when
we preach and teach divine heal-
ing, the hearer receives the seed of
healing, and it produces healing and

Likewise, when we teach God’s Word

on the subject of finances, it produces
seed of financial blessings and mira-
cles. That’s the power of God’s Word!
Christianity is no religion.

Jesus Christ was the Word of God made flesh (John 1:14). We also were
born again by the same seed (Word). That’s what we read in our open-
ing verse. You have the same life as God Himself, because you’re born
of the Word—God’s indestructible seed.

I’m born of the incorruptible seed of the Word; therefore, my life
is sustained by the Word. I can never fail in this life. I am moving
from glory to glory in the Name of Jesus!

John 1:14

Friday, July 9 Grow in This grace

Ephesians 4:7
But unto every one of us is given grace
according to the measure of the gift of

We’ve all been given grace to ex-

cel in life. The Greek word translated
as grace in our scripture for today is
“charis,” which is the root of the English
word “charisma.” “Charis” refers to the
divine influence on the human spirit
that reflects on the outside of a man’s
life, producing favour, beauty, good-
will, loveliness, and ability.

It’s the glory of God in your spirit, which

reflects on the outside. This grace caus-
es favour and glory to abound in your
life. The grace of God on your life is the
divine ability in you to be successful in
every endeavour. And you’re to grow
in that grace: “… Grow in grace, and
in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ …” (2 Peter 3:18).

Grace is the power of promotion. It’s the thing that causes your life to
move from one level to another. That’s why the Scriptures admonish
that you grow in grace. Every child of God has been given grace in
abundance (Romans 5:17), but the degree to which you let it reflect is
up to you. The more you fill your heart with God’s Word and have the
Holy Spirit work in your life, the greater the grace of God that’ll be man-
ifested in your life.

The Lord has positioned me for the supernatural life by His grace.
Promotion is mine. My ability is of God, hallelujah!

Romans 5:17

Saturday, July 10 Healing

Matthew 15:26 -27

But he answered and said, it is not meet
to take the children’s bread, and cast
it to dogs. And she said, Truth, Lord; yet
the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall
from their masters’ table.

This is one scripture that many try to

avoid in their sermons. Jesus was not
worried about being politically correct
like many of us today. He blatantly
called this woman, who was begging
him to heal her daughter, a dog. But
that’s not even the point here. I want
you to see something else.

Notice the Lord’s response to the wom-

an, “I cannot take the children’s bread
and give it to dogs.” Wait a minute, Je-
sus calls healing the children’s bread.
In other words, the same way that you
and I always make sure that we pro-
vide bread for our children every day, the power of God is always pres-
ent to heal. As much as your own son has the right to ask for bread when
he is hungry, we can call on the name of the Lord and receive healing

Healing belongs to you today. Your father has already made the pro-
vision for you to be made whole. I rebuke every illness that is attacking
your body in the Name of Jesus. I command that cancer to leave in the
mighty Name of Jesus!

I receive my healing in the name of Jesus. Sickness has no
place in my body; I walk in divine health from this day forward!

1 Peter 2:24

Sunday, July 11 Authority in Christ

Ephesians 2:6
And hath raised us up together, and
made us sit together in heavenly plac-
es in Christ Jesus:

In Christianity, we’re not called to fight

the devil. Satan, the devil, is our adver-
sary, but he’s already defeated! He’s
been judged, and we’re the ones au-
thorised to execute his judgment!

So, we don’t fight him; we execute the

sentence that’s already been passed
on him. It’s part of our heritage in Christ:
“To execute on them the written judg-
ment—This honour have all His saints.
Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 149:9).

In John 16:11, Jesus said, “the ruler of

this world is judged.” That means Satan
has been sentenced. Hallelujah! You
have the responsibility to keep Satan
where he belongs—under your feet! That’s why the Bible says to cast
him out! You don’t struggle with Satan; just cast him out.

No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. No evil shall
befall me. A thousand shall fall, and ten thousand at my right
hand, but it shall not come near me, in the Name of the Lord

Psalm 149:9; John 16:11

Monday, July 12 Power of Thanksgiving

1 Thessalonians 5:18 
In everything give thanks: for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus concerning

Thanksgiving releases the power of

God to begin to work in your life. No-
tice the scripture does not say thank
God for everything, but it says “in” ev-
erything. No matter what life throws at
you, you need to remain thankful to
God, for weeping may last the night,
but joy comes in the morning. 

Is it not amazing that even when it

comes to the things we need in our
lives, God wants us to approach Him
with an attitude of thanksgiving for
what we are asking for? 

Never give the enemy the satisfaction

of thinking he has succeeded in mess-
ing up your day. It is through thanksgiving that your breakthrough lies.

Today I stand victorious in every situation I shall face. My praise
has the power to bring about my miracle. I am not worried! 

Ephesians 3:20

Tuesday, July 13 Greatest Love of All

Luke 15:20
And he arose, and came to his father. But
when he was yet a great way off, his fa-
ther saw him, and had compassion, and
ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.

In the parable of the prodigal son (Luke

15:11–24), the father did not say one
word about loss or waste, though his
son had indeed wasted his inheritance
on riotous living. The father only saw his
son’s homecoming as an opportunity
to show him how much he loved him,
and to restore to him what he had lost.

Like the father in the parable, it is your

heavenly Father’s desire to embrace
you and show you how much you are
loved. And it is His good pleasure to re-
store to you what you have lost.

It doesn’t matter what you have lost in

the past or what mistakes you have made; God wants to restore you to
your rightful position. This is why He says I will restore the years that the
cankerworm has eaten. He is able to put back together that failed re-
lationship and revive your ailing business and finances. The Good News
is God is not in it to punish you for your past, but he wants to shower you
with His blessings today. The best is yet to come!

My past can never hold me back. I am being transformed from
glory to glory. I take back everything the enemy has stolen in
the mighty Name of Jesus!

Joel 2:25

Wednesday, July 14 Abundance of Grace

Romans 5:20
Moreover the law entered, that the
offence might abound. But where sin
abounded, grace did much more

The apostle Paul was preaching the

grace of God so radically that he was
misunderstood and accused of telling
people to sin more so that grace may
abound. Of course, that was not the

Paul never said, “Let us sin more so that

grace may abound.” (And by the way,
neither have I.) Sin is evil, and it leads
to destructive consequences. But have
you noticed in today’s scripture what it
is that actually causes sin to increase?

Read today’s scripture again. Paul

states very clearly that the law en-
tered so that sin might abound. What this means is that the more you
preach the law, the more sin will abound. After all, the strength of sin is
the law (1 Cor. 15:56). Therefore, when you see sin and you preach more
of the law, you are adding wood to fire! Stick to the Good News, and
grace will abound!

I am saved by grace, and I can do all things through Christ. Sin
no longer has dominion over me. Hallelujah!

Romans 7:8

Thursday, July 15 Love Unconditional

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love for
us in this; While we were still sinners,
Christ died for us.

I’m here to tell you beyond the shad-

ow of a doubt that God loves you with
an everlasting love. His love for you is
unconditional (Titus 3:3–5 NASB). It is a
love that is so pure, pristine, and mar-
vellous. It has nothing to do with your
performance, but everything to do
with who you are in His eyes.

Choose to believe right about how

God loves you today. It makes all the
difference in the world to how quickly
you are able to get back on your feet,
and go from faith to faith and strength
to strength in your walk with Him. You
are so dearly loved by our heavenly
Father. In fact, the Bible says while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly.
How much more now that you are a new creature in Him? Let this be
your confession and your mindset. You are the son of His love!

I’m a peculiar treasure unto God, born anew with the supernat-
ural life of glory, excellence and power in my spirit! 

Titus 3:3-5

Friday, July 16 Speak Life

2 Corinthians 4:13
We having the same spirit of faith, ac-
cording as it is written, I believed, and
therefore have I spoken; we also be-
lieve, and therefore speak;

It is not enough for you to mere-

ly know the Word in your heart. You
must say it. That’s when latent power
becomes actual power. When our Lord
Jesus was tempted in the wilderness,
He did not merely think about scripture.
He spoke it out loud.

You can memorise thousands of scrip-

tures, but if you don’t learn to say, “It
is written,” and release the Word, there
will be no power. God’s power is there,
but it is all lying dormant inside you. The
moment you speak it out, it is as if God
is speaking. God’s Word in your mouth
is like God speaking. Amen!

Brothers and sisters believing the Word is good, but it is not enough. You
were given your mouth to chart the course of your life using the Word of
God. Today, use the Word to bring back into alignment anything that is
not consistent with the plan of God for your life.

All things are working together for my good. There’s uplifting in
my finances, job, business, family and everything that concerns
me, in the Name of Jesus!

Ephesians 6:17

Saturday, July 17 God Kind of Prosperity

Genesis 13:2
And Abram was very rich in cattle, in
silver, and in gold.

I am so glad that God defined Abra-

ham’s riches very specifically. God
must have foreseen a generation of
people who would argue that He is
against His people experiencing fi-
nancial success. So He said clearly in
His Word that Abraham was very rich
in livestock, silver, and gold. Abraham
wasn’t just rich spiritually.

Brothers and sisters, God is not against

you having wealth, but He is definite-
ly against wealth having you. The Lord
always gives you money with a mis-
sion and prosperity with a purpose. He
blesses you, and when you are blessed,
you can be a vessel to bless others.

Don’t love money and use people. Use money to love people. May it
be settled in your heart once and for all that it is God’s desire for you to
be a financial success and to have more than enough to bless others!

I am inundated with divine blessings. This blessing causes me
to prosper in all that I do. I am like a tree planted by the river of

Proverbs 10:22

Sunday, July 18 The Battle is the Lords’

2 Chronicles 20:15
… Do not be afraid nor dismayed be-
cause of this great multitude, for the
battle is not yours, but God’s.

When the enemy had come against

Judah, they had cried out to God in
despair. It seemed as if all had been
lost before they had even gone to bat-
tle. They were outnumbered by their
enemies, and odds were just stacked
up against them. It all seemed hope-

But then God turns around and says,

the battle is not yours but Mine. You
will not need to fight. The enemy had
done the math and brought all the
foot soldiers and horseman he needed
to defeat Judah. But what he had not
banked on was that Jehovah Himself
was fixing to go to battle.

It doesn’t matter how bad your finances look today or what the doc-
tor’s report says about your health. The Lord God Himself is coming to
fight on your behalf, it’s all set, and you are winning. This is why the Bible
says, “He always causes us to triumph in Christ.” That’s why the Bible calls
it the good fight of faith. It’s a good fight because you are winning. He
can turn around your finances, heal your body, restore your marriage.
You are connected to your miracle right now. Receive it in the Name
of Jesus.

The Lord is a very present help in time of need and causes me to
triumph in every situation.

Joshua 1:5

Monday, July 19 Transforming Power of Grace

John 1:14
And the word was made flesh, and
dwelt among us, and we beheld His
glory, the glory as of the only begotten
of the Father, full of grace and truth.

When the Lord Jesus was walking this

earth, He was the manifestation and
full expression of God’s love for His cre-
ation. Our scripture for today says that
he was full of grace and truth. Now,
even though the Lord is no longer walk-
ing among us in the flesh, I have good
news for you.

That same Word that became flesh in

the days of earthly ministry has not lost
even one ounce of power and grace.
You can still experience the person
of the Lord Jesus and relate to Him
through His word. If you feel the whole
world is against you right now, His Word
says that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Are you sick in your
body today? His Word proclaims that “by His stripes, ye were healed.”

It doesn’t matter what you need today, His grace is sufficient for you. As
you look in the Word of God today, grace is being imparted to break
every addiction, to heal every broken heart in the name of Jesus!

The grace of God is sufficient for me. I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me! Greater is He that is in me than he
that is in the world. Hallelujah!

Romans 8:3-4

Tuesday, July 20 Be Ye filled!

Ephesians 5:18-19
And be not drunk with wine, wherein
is excess, but be filled with the Spirit.
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs, singing and
making melody in your heart to the

God has made tremendous power

available to the believer. You have
power to cause changes and bring
solutions to this world. As a matter of
fact, you are a light in this dark and
corrupt world. Your light should then
shine to dispel the darkness and bring
Heaven on Earth.

But you must be filled with The Spirit

for you to achieve this. One sure way
to be filled is speaking to yourself in
psalms and hymns, making melody to
the Lord. You will be stirred in your spirit and recharged.

Are you feeling down and discouraged today? Well, you can do some-
thing about it. You don’t even need anyone else. You can speak to
yourself in psalms and hymns. You can stir yourself up in the spirit when
you pray in tongues and make melody in your heart to the Lord. As you
do this, depression will have no choice but to leave you. That headache
will have to go in the Name of Jesus!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am su-
percharged by the Holy Ghost to overcome today in the Name
of Jesus!

Acts 6:8

Wednesday, July 21 Slaves to Righteousness

Romans 6:13
Neither yield ye your members as in-
struments of unrighteousness unto sin:
but yield yourselves unto God, as those
that are alive from the dead, and your
members as instruments of righteous-
ness unto God.

When you were sinners, sinning was

easy and almost automatic. Everything
about you was subject to sin. Now that
you are saved and a child of God, you
can equally yield all your members to
righteousness. We are now slaves to
righteousness. You see, living for God is
challenging but not hard. All we need
to do is surrender to His grace and al-
low our identity in Him to naturally flow

Being yielded to the power and energy

of righteousness, we will find ourselves
doing the things that please God. Consider the Bible stories of men on
whom The Spirit came, men like Samson. They did extraordinary won-
ders because their members were under the Spirit’s influence. We will
likewise do exploits when we yield to righteousness and allow that new
nature to lead us. The end result is life.

I am now God’s child. What used to empower sin in my life is
now dead. I’m now a servant and slave to righteousness. My
mind, my tongue, and all that I am is under the influence of
grace. Without struggle, I’m manifesting the God-kind of life.
Thank You, Father!

Romans 6:12-22; Judges 14:5-6

Thursday, July 22 Hello Holy Spirit

Hebrews 13:6
So that we may boldly say, the Lord is
my helper, and I will not fear what man
shall do unto me.

When you go through the darkest pe-

riod of your life, the support, the love
and the care of your family and your
friends may be absent.

There is One that you can always be

sure that when you go to Him, He will
never deny you His help. His love is
greater and deeper than the ocean.
His heart is always ready to welcome
you, and his ear is always attentive
to all your prayers. This is none other
than the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and

Make a decision today to trust Him in

everything that concerns your life. He is
closer to you than the clothes that you are wearing right now. He will not
forsake you, and He will never leave you.

I have found in Jesus Christ the faithful Friend. I entrust myself to
him, and my life will never be the same again.

Romans 4:21

Friday, July 23 Armed and Dangerous

Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge …

Your biggest problem right now as a

believer is not that you need deliver-
ance but that you lack knowledge, not
anointing, not power but knowledge!
The devil is not your problem. He just
knows how to take advantage of your

The entrance of God’s Word brings

light. You can never be helpless when
you know the good news of His Word.
You have the Extraordinary Strategist in
your corner.

Paul said we are not ignorant of the

enemy’s devices. Today, arm yourself
with the Good News of God’s Word.
Your finances will have no choice but
to fall in line. The storm in your marriage will have to cease when you
start walking in the wisdom of God. Determine not to live ignorant of the
promises and the Good News of God in your life today.

I will not be ignorant of the promises of God for my life. As I
continue to hear the Good News of His grace, I am being trans-
formed from glory to glory.

Proverbs 4:7

Saturday, July 24 Calling Those Things Which Be Not

Romans 4:17
As it is written, I have made thee a fa-
ther of many nations, before him whom
he believed, even God, who quick-
eneth the dead, and calleth those
things which be not as though were.

When Jesus first saw Simon, whose

name in Greek means “reed,” He
changed his name to “Peter,” which
means “rock.” But did Peter instantly
become someone with the character-
istics of a rock, solid, stable and unshak-
able? No, for a long time, he continued
to act like a reed that bends every
which way the wind blows.

God did not tell us to call those things

which exist as they exist. What is the
point of stating the obvious? It is not go-
ing to change anything. No, God tells
us to call those things which do not exist
as though they did, and they will!

If you are sick in your body today, begin to call that health you need. If it
is promotion you need, open your mouth and decree the Lord’s favour.
All things are yours. Hallelujah!

My words are not ordinary; they are filled with divine energy,
producing that which I send them to accomplish. Hallelujah!

Proverbs 18:21

Sunday, July 25 First Things First

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
and his righteousness; and all these
things shall be added unto you.

Because it is so easy to lust after money

and the things it can provide, the Lord
established a system whereby prosper-
ity is a by-product of putting God first.
Our scripture for today says, “But seek
ye first the kingdom of God and his righ-
teousness; and all these things shall be
added unto you.”

The reason for not laying up treasures

on this earth is so that we will not have
our hearts drawn away from the things
of God. A key to success in the King-
dom of God is singleness of purpose.
You don’t have the capacity to do
your best in two areas at the same
time. If you will simply put God and His
Kingdom first in every area of your life, He will add to you all the wealth
that you need. What is more valuable or important than knowing Him?
Put first things first.

Prosperity is mine in the Name of Jesus. I cannot fail. I’ve got the
life of God in me. I attract favour and opportunity every day, in
the Name of Jesus!

Proverbs 10:22

Monday, July 26 Faith

Mark 5:34
And he said unto her, Daughter, thy
faith hath made thee whole; go in
peace, and be whole of thy plague.

How often have you heard it said that

faith moves God? So many believers
have become accustomed to this no-
tion that they spend their time trying to
get God to do something. This, in actu-
al fact, contradicts faith.

Notice that all the woman with the is-

sue of blood did to be healed was to
touch Jesus. The Lord never prayed for
her. So how was this miracle even pos-
sible? It is because God had already
provided her healing. All she had to do
was exercise her faith and grab what
rightly belonged to her. So what do you
need in your life right now? I have good
news for you. God has already made
it available. It is there and just waiting for you to reach out in faith and
grab it!

You see faith doesn’t move God. He is not the one stuck; we are. Faith
also doesn’t make God do anything. It simply moves us into what God
did for us at Calvary 2000 years ago. All we need to live a meaningful life
was availed by Jesus through His victory over the cross and the grave.
Now you as an individual can access your miracle by having and exer-
cising your faith. You can believe for, and receive, the incredible!

I serve a mighty God with whom nothing is impossible. There is
no hard thing or problem He hasn’t already conquered. I align
myself with His victory and declare triumph in every battle, in
the Name of Jesus!

Mark 11:24

Tuesday, July 27 The Word Works

Isaiah 55:11
So shall my word be that goeth forth out
of my mouth: it shall not return unto me
void, but it shall accomplish that which
I please, and it shall prosper in the thing
whereto I sent it.

Today’s scripture reveals an exciting

secret of how to make The Word work.
The verse says the Word shall not return
unto God void. So The Word becomes
effective on the return journey. What-
ever God speaks about you, you speak
it back.

When God says you shall be rich, you

say, “I am rich!” When He says you are
greater than your enemies, you say,
“I’m greater than my enemies.” With
His stripes you were healed. You shout,
“I am healed!”

Don’t wait for anything today. Make The Word work by speaking it.
What do you need today? Get into the Word and begin to affirm that
Word. And as you send it back, that power to cause change is released
into your situation. Hallelujah!

The Word works. I am who and what God says I am. I am roy-
alty; nothing fazes me! I have power to make wealth and grow
my ideas into profitable entities. With His stripes I was healed. I
decree that I have the edge over my enemies; nothing will stop
my expansion in Jesus’ Name!

Psalm 107:19-21

Wednesday, July 28 Angels on Assignment

Acts 12:7
And, behold, the angel of the Lord
came upon him , and a light shined in
the prison: and he smote Peter on the
side, and raised him up, saying, Arise
up quickly. And his chains fell off from
his hands.

Presidents are protected by the most

skilled and specialised security person-
nel in their respective countries. Be-
cause of the secret service, presidents
and other highly esteemed members
of society can freely walk and conduct
their business in most places without
fear. You too have a highly special-
ised, heavily equipped team of secret
agents called angels. Though out of
natural sight, angels are real and do
affect things in the natural.

And what’s great is that God has

promised to assign a barrage of them to you. As a Christian, you have
come unto Mount Zion, where there’s an innumerable company of an-
gels. In our scripture for today, when an angel arrived, physical chains
fell off Peter, and he escaped from prison. Now imagine you have more
than one angel on your side. Surely nothing can keep you bound. Surely
your things will work. As you go about your business today, there are
angels stationed strategically to help you. There’s an angel working on
your court case, so you win. An angel has been dispatched to ensure
your application succeeds. Whatever area it may be, there shall be an-
gelic intervention bringing good news to you.

I dispatch angels to push back against any demonic onslaught.
Everything and every place I will go to today is already pre-
pared for my victory. Angels are watching over me, and my life
is secure. I am entering into new and exciting stages of my life.
Thank you, Jesus!

Acts 12:1-10

Thursday, July 29 Change Location

Genesis 26:22
And he removed from thence, and
digged another well; and for that they
strove not: and he called the name of
it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the
Lord hath made room for us, and we
shall be fruitful in the land.

At times, when things are not working

for you, it’s a sign you are in the wrong
location. It’s not always the case be-
cause there are barriers that just need
more of your concerted efforts to
budge. But when you’ve been trying
and things are not working, it may be
time to change location.

Isaac avoided Philistine confrontation

when they battled him over wells that
he dug and were rightly his. When they
contested the wells’ ownership, he sim-
ply moved on to another location. You
must be careful never to waste your energy, time, and resources in spir-
itual and physical confrontations that yield no fruitful harvest for you.
Tune into the Spirit and know when it’s time to move on.

As you go about your business today, I pray the Lord will guide and
order your steps in the Name of Jesus. May He position you in the right
place at the right time for your miracle. You are winning today!

Lord, reveal to me the next place you have ordained my ad-
vancement to be. I refuse to be in a place where my growth is
stifled. I’m ready for change; I’m ready and embrace my next
level in life. I thank You in advance for guiding me to my fruitful
place at an opportune time. Amen!

Genesis 26:16-33; Ruth 1:22, 4:13

Friday, July 30 You Become What You Behold

2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with open face beholding
as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are
changed into the same image from
glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of
the Lord.

When you are learning to drive, instruc-

tors urge you to keep your eyes where
you are going, especially when there’s
oncoming traffic. They tell you that if
you keep your eyes on the oncoming
cars, you will subconsciously drive to-
wards them, causing an accident. The
same can be said of life. Your focus de-
termines your direction.

God has given us His Word to direct

and lead us in paths of pleasantness
and peace. When you focus on the
Word, you become what it talks about.
You begin to exercise authority over cir-
cumstances. You make impact in the different spheres of life.

Look again at the scripture. It says we behold the glory and are trans-
formed into that same glory! The real you is what you see in the mirror
(the Word of God). And if the Bible says you are looking at the glory in
the mirror, then you are the glory of God. You were never meant for
defeat or marginalisation. No matter where you are on this earth, you
have an undefeatable nature. Keep your eyes on His Word and watch
your life transform before your very eyes.

My eyes are on the Word. I refuse to be distracted by gossips
and other bad news. Other people’s fears will not feed my focus.
I am set on the course I must follow in the Name of Jesus!

Hebrews 12:1-2

Saturday, July 31 The Rhema of God

Matthew 4:4
But he answered and said, it is written,
man shall not live by bread alone, but
by every word that proceedeth out of
the mouth of God.

As a child of God, you are not helpless

or at the mercy of every circumstance
that comes your way in life. In fact, the
Word of God gives you mastery over
the elements of this world. The apostle
Paul said the Word of God is quick and
powerful, sharper than any two-edged
sword. This is the logos of God.

This is why, as a Christian, you need to

stay in the Word. But today, I want to
point to something that will work even
faster than the written Word of God,
and that is the rhema of God. You see,
as you meditate on the Word of God,
and that Word wells in your spirit, when
situations arise, the Spirit of God is able to use that Word that’s in your
spirit to equip you with the rhema of God.

This is why our scripture for today says that men should not live by bread
alone but by the rhema of God. It is a specific word, for a specific, situa-
tion, to a specific individual. Receive your rhema for today! You are suc-
ceeding today in the Name of Jesus! Favour is yours! No sickness shall be
able to attach itself to your body! This is your day. Go out and conquer!

I am more than a conqueror. The rhema of God is working in
me. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, for greater
is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Today is my day,

Luke 4:9-12

Sunday, August 1 Failure Is Not an Option

Philippians 3:13-14
Brethren, I count not myself to have ap-
prehended: but this one thing I do, for-
getting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things
which are before, I press toward the
mark for the prize of the high calling of
God in Christ Jesus.

It is so easy to think you are not mak-

ing progress when you are focused on
what you do not have or what you did
not achieve. Fear will cause you to fo-
cus on what you think is failure, but fear
will not get you your miracle. Fear does
not have its origin in God, but faith
does, and faith is the cure for fear. Faith
reduced to its basic component is an
argument with the devil. The devil says
this, and you say that. Whenever the
devil says something that causes you
to be fearful, say, “I doubt it.”

You have the same faith God has. Think about that. The same faith God
used to speak the world into existence is the same faith He put in your
spirit. Forget about what did not go well and understand that all things
are working together for your good. What you think is a setback is a set-
up for your success. Never focus your eyes on failure. Look with the eyes
of faith at the future you want to have and begin to speak your success
and progress into existence. You are winning no matter what!

I am led by the Spirit of God, and He always causes me to tri-
umph. My success is undeniable. My progress is inevitable. And
my life is forward and upward only!

Romans 12:3; 8:28

Monday, August 2 My Divine Inheritance

Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless,
I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:
and the life which I now live in the flesh
I live by the faith of the Son of God, who
loved me, and gave himself for me.

I have never heard a dead man com-

plaining about the bills he has to pay,
problems in his marriage, or the neg-
ative report he got from the doctor. In
other words, he is no longer subject to
the disadvantages of this life. Our scrip-
ture for today gives us Paul’s personal
revelation. He says, “I am crucified in
Christ.” That revelation is not only for
Apostle Paul. It is also your reality.

You are crucified with Christ. How can

you be subject to the same things peo-
ple who were not crucified are subject
to? The reality is you are no longer sub-
ject to disadvantage. You are crucified to poverty, sickness, untimely
death, and failure. Oh, glory be to God! When the devil tries to whisper
symptoms of sickness in your ear, or when he tries to convince you that
you’ll never make it, square your shoulders, stand flat-footed and de-
clare, “Devil, I’m dead to that!”

I am a joint-heir with Jesus Christ. His riches are my riches. His
health is my health. His victory is my victory. Everything that be-
longs to Him belongs to me. Hallelujah!

Romans 8:16-17

Tuesday, August 3 Walking in Full Knowledge

Colossians 1:9
For this cause we also, since the day
we heard it, do not cease to pray for
you, and to desire that ye might be
filled with the knowledge of his will in
all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

In the verse above, I would like you

to notice the distinctive word “knowl-
edge.” This word in the Greek rendering
is “epignosis,” and it means absolute
knowledge, far removed from specula-
tions or assumptions. This is exact, pre-
cise, definite or full knowledge.

Just like the great Apostle Paul, my de-

sire for you isn’t just for you to have an
idea or to be merely aware of God’s
will. Instead, I want you to become fully
acquainted with His will for your life, for
therein lies your victory!

Philemon 1:6 says the communication of your faith becomes effective

by the “epignosis” of every good thing, which is in you in Christ Jesus.
That means as you’re brought into this full and special knowledge of all
the good things that are in you in Christ Jesus, the demonstration of your
faith becomes more productive. Glory to God!

My Spirit has been enlightened to know and apprehend all that
God has made available to me in Christ! I’m walking in the re-
ality of my inheritance; I walk in the full knowledge of Christ. I
walk in victory, dominion, and success always, in Jesus’ Name.

Philemon 1:6

Wednesday, August 4 I Have Been Transformed

Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world but
be ye transformed by the renewing of
your mind that ye may prove what is
that good, and acceptable and per-
fect will of God.

The scripture instructs us not to be con-

formed to this world, because God
does not want us to think nor act like
the rest of the world. As Christians,
we ought to be different. The second
instruction is to be transformed. This
means to be metamorphosed, to be
changed into a new form! This transfor-
mation can only be achieved by the
renewing of one’s mind.

This means changing your way of think-

ing through the Word of God. Your val-
ues, your opinions, your ideas and your
choices must be governed by the Word
of God! We belong in a different kingdom, that’s God’s Kingdom, and
the life that He’s given us to live is different from that known by the rest
of the world. We live in divine health and prosperity! We live a victorious
life, full of purpose, and this life we live is full of light and full of glory. We
choose to make our Lord Jesus the Lord of our lives!

I am a new creature, and my mind has been renewed through
the Word of God. I live a life that is different from that of this
world. This is the Kingdom life! My life has become full of light
and full of glory, as I have made Jesus Lord over my life.

Romans 14:8-9

Thursday, August 5 Set Your Mind on the Mission

Mark 16:15
And he said unto them, Go ye into all
the world, and preach the gospel to ev-
ery creature.

We as Christians must realize that we

are on a mission, and this mission has
been defined by the very scripture
above. We are to go into all the world,
and the mandate set forth is to preach
the Good News of God’s Grace to ev-
eryone! That is why you have been sent
into the community you find yourself in
today, be it your workplace, your place
of business, your university or home.
That is the place in which you need to
make an impact.

You have to now be conscious of this

mission so that you can then be able
to see the need to live for it. Nothing on
this earth can then shake you because
your mind is on this purpose. Your mind is on your mission. Do not be dis-
connected from your purpose because your focus is on the attractions
and distractions you may find in this world. Focus on this one thing, SOUL

Today I set my mind on the mission at hand. I choose to focus
my attention not on what this world can offer, but on preaching
the Good News of God’s Grace in my community. I have been
equipped and commissioned. I have been empowered by the
Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name!

Proverbs 11:30; Acts 1:8

Friday, August 6 Unskillful

Hebrews 5:13
For every one that useth milk is unskilful
in the word of righteousness: for he is a

Righteousness is the nature of God that

was imparted into your spirit when you
got born again. It gives you the ability
to stand in the presence of God without
any sense of guilt, condemnation or in-
feriority. This is called right-standing. This
is important for you to know because
the quality of your life depends on your
understanding of your righteousness in
Christ. Your faith can never go beyond
your understanding of righteousness.

The scripture above shows us that those

who still use milk are regarded as spiritu-
al babies. To spiritual babes we can say,
“God is going to heal you.” Although
this may be true, it’s only for those that
are unskilled in the Word of righteousness. The spiritually mature know
better; they live in divine health. They are not “waiting” on God for heal-
ing. They are not begging God for healing. They know how to use the
Word and live in the Word. They use the Word to subdue circumstances,
and they prevail against all adversities. It is imperative that you grow in
the Word! Be a skilful word practitioner, rightly dividing the Word of Truth!

I decree and I declare that with each and every day, I am grow-
ing in the Word of God. The Word of God is producing excel-
lence and glory. I’m positioned for the triumphant life through
the Word. I am a Word practitioner in Jesus’ Name.

James 1:22; 1 Corinthians 13:11; Galatians 4:1

Saturday, August 7 One With God

1 Corinthians 6:17
He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit
with Him….

Something extraordinary happened

when you got born again! That very
moment, you immediately became a
new creature. You became totally dif-
ferent from the old “you” who wasn’t
born again. In other words, you be-
came a new unique being.

You were brought not only into the

knowledge of Christ, but you were
brought into a union with Christ. It’s im-
portant to know that you are now one
spirit that is completely inseparable
from the Lord’s Spirit. You are now one
with God!

You are no longer an ordinary human

being, for the scripture says you are now sharers of His divine nature.

The nature and glory of Christ are in me. Therefore, I have what
He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. No cir-
cumstance or situation is insurmountable to me, because I’m in
Christ, and my victory is assured in Him. I am one with God; I am
His glory just as He is my glory, in Jesus’ Name.

Colossians 2:10; 1 John 5:20; 2 Peter 1:4

Sunday, August 8 You Cannot Fail

Colossians 2:9
For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the
Godhead bodily.

If you catch hold of this truth today,

you will never fail in anything you set
your mind on. In the above scripture,
we discover that the fullness, the total-
ity of divinity, was resident in the body
of Jesus. Meaning, when Jesus walked
the earth, all of divinity was at home in
Him. He was God alive, walking and
talking in a man’s body. In fact, the
Apostle Paul put it this way, “it pleased
the Father that in Him [Jesus] should all
fulness dwell” (Colossians 1:19). Do you
see that?

Now, here is where it is extraordinary.

Colossians 2:10 says, “And ye [you and
I] are complete in Him [Jesus Christ].”
Now the word “complete” there means
fullness, to be made full! You have been made full of the same One with
whom Jesus is full. Glory be to God! Do you see this? This means the
Godhead has His home in you. You carry God wherever you go! How
then can you fail when the totality of God has made you His dwelling

Like Jesus, you are also the embodiment of divinity. When did this hap-
pen? This happened when the Holy Spirit came into your life when you
got born again! He brought into you the totality of the Godhead!

I’m full of God! God is in me; He walks in me; He talks in me.
Therefore, I am not an ordinary person. Greater is He that’s in me
than he that’s in the world. The world is under my feet, and I walk
in the path of victory and prosperity, in Jesus’ Name!

John 14:9; Colossians 2:10

Monday, August 9 Prophetic Timing

Zechariah 10:1
Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the
latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright
clouds, and give them showers of rain,
to every one grass in the field.

It can rain for everyone else except for

you. Your time of visitation can pass you
by whilst you are waiting for fireworks.
It’s never lights, camera, action with
God but a still small voice leading you.

Psalm 102 verse 13 says, “Thou shalt

arise, and have mercy upon Zion, for
the time to favour her, yea, the set time,
is come.” This year do something solid
that proves who you are and what you
can do. Be a shock and a wonder. Your
set time is now, and this is your time of

Spiritual timing depends on your spiritu-

al alertness. Be found in the Word and be in prayer, and you will not miss
your season. Take time to listen to that voice. Write the vision down and
put it on the wall. Put it in front of you and constantly see it before you.
Brood in constant imagination over it, speaking over it and solidifying it
in prayer. Before you know it, your time will arrive, and it is now.

My set time is now. I am spiritually alert, and everything is lining
up together for my prosperity.

Habakkuk 2:3

Tuesday, August 10 Divine Health

1 Peter 2:24
Who His own self bore our sins in His
own body on the tree, that we, being
dead to sins, should live unto righteous-
ness; by whose stripes ye were healed.

It’s wonderful to be healed from any

sickness or disease, but how about nev-
er being sick? That’s surely more sub-
lime, and that’s the life Jesus brought;
a life of divine health.
Divine health for the Christian isn’t a
promise; it came in the salvation pack-
age. It’s part of the result and impact of
eternal life in you. The Bible says, “And
this is the record, that God hath given
to us eternal life, and this life is in his
Son” (1 John 5:11).

Being born again, you have eternal life,

and eternal life does not require heal-
ing. Therefore, it does not matter what
attacks your body. If you would stir up the life of God in your spirit, your
whole body will be vitalized. The Scripture says, “if the Spirit of Him that
raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from
the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth
in you” (Romans 8:11).

I testify that I have received the Son of God, Jesus Christ. There-
fore, I have the life of God. That life that is insusceptible and
invulnerable to pain, sickness, disease or infirmity. That very life
courses through my being, giving life to my body daily. I testify
that, in Christ, I flourish in divine health.

Galatians 3:13; Colossians 2:15; John 14:12-14

Wednesday, August 11 Unveiling the Mysteries of God

John 16:13
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is
come, he will guide you into all truth….

1 Corinthians 2 verses 9 through 12 says,

“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen,
nor ear heard, neither have entered
into the heart of man, the things which
God hath prepared for them that love
him. But God hath revealed them
unto us by his Spirit…the things of God
knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
Now we have received, not the spirit of
the world, but the spirit which is of God;
that we might know the things that are
freely given to us of God.”

There are things that have been freely

given to us of God, and the Holy Spirit
unveils them to us and helps us enjoy
them. No one who has the Holy Spirit
should ever walk in darkness or uncer-
tainty. He’s the light of life. Through His light, you see all that God has
blessed you with, and you are able to walk in the light of your inheri-
tance in Christ.

The Holy Spirit is my Teacher and Guide. He has filled me with
wisdom to deal excellently in life, granting me the understand-
ing of spiritual realities. I have received greater insight into the
mysteries and secrets of my new life in Christ.

John 14:26; 2 Peter 1:20-21; 1 Corinthians 2:9-12

Thursday, August 12 You Are the Light in Your World

Matthew 5:14
Ye are the light of the world. A city that
is set on a hill cannot be hid.

In the book of John, chapter 9, verse

5, we discover that Jesus called Himself
the Light; “As long as I am in the world,
I am the light of the world.” Now, in
Matthew, He calls you what He called
himself. He said, you are the light of the

This gives us insight into our purpose

here on Earth. We have been called to
light up the darkness around our world.
You are the light of your world in much
the same way as Jesus was the Light of
the world. That’s just how you are! As a
student, you are the light in your school.
As a businessperson, you are the light
of your industry. At your workplace, You
are the light there too. So let your light
shine forth and draw men unto the full knowledge of Jesus!

I have been divinely positioned as the light, and I must shine in
this world. Through me, the unsaved in my world shall hear and
receive the light of the Gospel, and be transformed and turned
from darkness to light, in Jesus’ Name.

1 Timothy 1:11-12; 2 Corinthians 5:18-19; John 8:12

Friday, August 13 Nature of God in Us

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the
gift of God, is eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord..

The moment you got born again and

received the Holy Spirit, you received
the very life and nature of God. Salva-
tion did not just end with the forgive-
ness of sin and entry to Heaven. You
received eternal life, which is the very
nature of God.

Jesus gave His life for us so that we

could live and walk in His righteous-
ness, glory, and grace. Hallelujah! To-
day take hold of this truth: to be born
again is to have the Christ-life impart-
ed to your spirit so that you come alive
to God, and He takes up His abode in
you! Glory be to God! As a Christian,
awaken to the reality that you have the
life and nature of God in you.

I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and
nature have been imparted into my spirit. I’m awakened to the
fatherhood of God, and I express the righteousness of God in
my world. Therefore, failure is not in me, for I walk in the fullness
of His Glory, in Jesus’ Name.

1 John 5:11-13; 2 Corinthians 5:21

Saturday, August 14 Focus on the Word

Romans 8:37
Yet in all these things we are more than
conquerors through Him who loved us.

It does not matter what situation you’re

faced with. It might be a bad grade
at school, a difficult situation at work,
or pain in your body. Even if you have
received negative news, or things do
not appear to be going your way, re-
main focused on the Word and what
the Word says about you.

Remember Joseph? He stayed in the

Word in spite of the difficult times he
faced in Egypt. He was accused of
rape, thrown into prison for a crime he
did not commit, yet he remained fo-
cused. In due time, he rose from being
a prisoner to a prime minister overnight
(see Genesis 41:39-44). Be like Joseph.
Stick to what God has said about you
in His Word and refuse to give up.

In spite of hardships and difficult times I may face, I acknowl-
edge the presence of the Word in my life, and I choose to main-
tain my focus on what the Lord has said about me through the

1 Peter 2:15

Sunday, August 15 Faith Can Move a Mountain

Mark 11:22
And Jesus answering saith unto them,
Have faith in God.

In our scripture for today, we are told to

have the God kind of faith, the super-
natural faith that God applies. We see
Him apply this faith principle in Genesis
1. The earth God created had been
destroyed and was enveloped in gross
darkness. He applied faith to bring forth
into the physical that which He had
conceived in the spirit realm.

By applying the same faith-principle,

you can frame or recreate your world.
You can bring forth the good things you
want to see in your life.

The power to make this happen is the

Word of God in your mouth. In the
same way God framed the world using
His Word, frame your life today. Exercise the God kind of faith!

The Spirit of God has ushered me into a place of permanent
prosperity where everything is commanded to work together for
my good. Everywhere I go, and in everything I do, I make prog-
ress with giant strides.

Hebrews 11:1

Monday, August 16 Functioning Like God

Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness: and let them
have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over the cattle, and over all the earth,
and over every creeping thing that
creepeth upon the earth.

When God was creating Adam, the

Bible says He made him in His own im-
age and likeness, to look like and act
or function like God. He wanted Adam
to be a carbon copy of Himself to the
point of even testing Adam to see if he
acted and functioned like He did.

God formed the animals and birds and

brought them to Adam to see if he
would call them exactly what He had
already decided to call them. Adam
gave them all the right names, and it
proved to God Adam was a perfect carbon copy.

You see, God intended for all of us to be like Him. When Adam fell, God
had Jesus to take his place, and He (Jesus) became the second Adam.
He made Jesus to become an exact replica of Himself (see Hebrews
1:3). If you received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, He now lives in you and
helps you to be conformed into the image of God. That means you
have the power of God in you to function like Him and call those things
which are not as though they are. You have the power to change your
life and to create with your words, just like God created using His Word.
Today understand that you are made in God’s image and change your
life with your words as you begin to function like Him.

I release words to create my future. I am empowered to act and
function like God because of Christ in me.

Colossians 1:15

Tuesday, August 17 Katapausis

Hebrews 4:10
For he that is entered into his rest, he
also hath ceased from his own works,
as God did from his.

Many Christians seem to be in the rat

race. They work hard, even working to
the bone just so they can afford and
enjoy some of the luxuries of life. But I
have good news. You see, as the God
kind, we are never meant to work till
we drop. The Bible says that we have
entered God’s rest. We have ceased
from works. He has given us all things
we need for life and godliness. There’s
no more toiling that you and I should
be doing right now to enjoy the bene-
fits of this physical world or the spiritual.

Katapausis means rest, a state of bless-

edness in which God dwells and where
you cease from toiling. Your faith is a
state of rest. Believe in His provision and His goodness operating in your
life, and allow His Word to transform your world. You enter into His rest
when you hear His Word and apply it through faith. Today don’t just
hear the Word. Grab hold of it by faith and begin to see your world

The Word is working for me. My faith is strong, and I am enjoying
the benefits of His rest, in Jesus’ name.

Hebrews 4:2

Wednesday, August 18 Run Through the Fire

Job 23:10
But he knoweth the way that I take
when he hath tried me, I shall come
forth as gold

All metals change colour when sub-

jected to fire. Only gold will come out
shining brighter. You can never tell real
from false until they are subjected to
this test. The best of all metals is seen
when under fire.

No matter what the devil throws at

you, it’s meant to bring the best out of
you. The Bible says that if the devil had
known, he would not have crucified
our Lord because it did not turn out the
way he thought it would.

I have good news for you. It doesn’t

matter what you’re going through be-
cause God will cause all things togeth-
er for your good. I see your path shining
brighter and brighter unto the perfect day!

No matter the fire the devil throws at me, I am coming out un-
scathed to the glory of God. All things are working for my good
in the Name of Jesus!

Romans 8:28

Thursday, August 19 Heavily Defended

Psalm 91:4
He shall cover thee with his feathers,
and under his wings shalt thou trust: his
truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

According to our scripture for today,

God will cover you with His feathers,
and under His wings you shall take ref-
uge. So, don’t be fearful of accidents,
terrorist attacks, diseases or tsunamis
because your heavenly Father loves
you and watches over you.

One of the ways He does this is with His

angels. God has declared that no evil,
plague or accident will befall you or
even come near your dwelling, for He
shall give his angels charge over you,
to keep you in all your ways.

When He says nothing, He means no

thing! And if He tells His angels to keep
you in all your ways, it means round-the-clock divine protection for you!

Your heavenly Father is watching over you. That is why no evil will befall
you, nor will any plague come near your dwelling. And He has a host of
angels to keep you in all your ways today!

The Lord is my refuge and the strength of my life. I am God pro-
tected, and I will not be afraid in the Name of Jesus.

Acts 4:12

Friday, August 20 Prosperity Is Your Inheritance

3 John 1: 2
Beloved I wish above all things that
thou mayest prosper and be in health,
even as thy soul prospereth.

Many of God’s children are deceived

into believing that being poor is a sign
of humility when it is a clear sign that
you are out of the will of God for your
life. Listen, poverty is not the plan of
God for you. You were made to live the
good life and enjoy the best that this
world has to offer.

The Lord Jesus himself said that He

came that you may have life and have
it more abundantly. I can assure you,
that life did not include a life of pover-
ty. David had come to the realization
of this truth when he said, “the Lord is
my Shepherd, I shall not want” (Psalm
23:1). In other words, as long as the Lord
is with me, I will not lack. He knew that as long as God is with him, he
would never be needy.

Brothers and sisters, now that you have come to Christ, prosperity comes
with it. You cannot help but become a money magnet. It is an error for
you to live in poverty. You have been set up to succeed, and nothing
shall hinder you! You are carrying an ability to become rich beyond your
wildest imagination. Go out and prosper today!

Prosperity is my inheritance, in the Name of Jesus! I have re-
ceived the grace to acquire wealth, and no demon on Earth or
in Hell shall hinder me. I will never be broke another day in my

2 Corinthians 8:9

Saturday, August 21 All You Need

Exodus 3:14
God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”

Whatever your challenge is today,

whether physical, emotional, financial
or marital, the Great I Am declares to
you that I am to you what you need
Me to be. All things are possible with
God. Do you need healing? He says,
“I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus
15: 26). By His stripes you were healed.
Receive your healing right now in the
Name of Jesus! Are you groping in the
dark, not knowing what to do? He is the
Extraordinary Strategist, the Wonderful
Counselor. You can take advantage of
His wisdom.

Are you wondering if there is more to

life than merely existing from day to
day? He says, “I am the resurrection
and the life.” He came to give you life.
And where there is life, there cannot be death. You have life and life
more abundantly. It doesn’t matter what challenges life throws at you
today; all you need is found in Jesus. He’s a very present help in time of

The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want for any good thing. He
is able to do exceeding abundantly above all I could ever ask
or imagine.

Ephesians 3:20

Sunday, August 22 Empowered by His Love

Ephesians 3: 19
You know the love of Christ, which
passeth knowledge, that you might be
filled with all the fullness of God.

To be full of God is to be full of every-

thing God is to you and has for you. To
be full of God is to come to a place of
life, health, peace, abundance, and
total wellness. When God made you,
He designed you to run at the optimal
level when you are filled with His love,
like a car that runs at its best when it is
filled with the right kind of petrol or gas-
oline. When you realize how much God
loves you and you feed on His love for
you, you will be supernaturally filled
with the fullness of God.

The Bible tells us that God himself is

love. And when you begin to walk in
love, and you are conscious of His love
for you, you begin to walk in the divine nature of God. Brothers and
sisters, when you begin to walk in love, you will experience the tremen-
dous blessings of God exploding in your life! You will become a blessing

The love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost. I
refuse to walk in fear and condemnation. I am accepted in the
Beloved. Hallelujah! 

1 John 4:8, 16 

Monday, August 23 Not Forgotten

Isaiah 43:1
But now thus saith the Lord that creat-
ed thee, O Jacob, and he that formed
thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have re-
deemed thee, I have called thee by
thy name; thou art mine.

God is so obsessed with you to the ex-

tent that even the very hairs on your
head are numbered. He knows when
number 233 falls off. The Creator of
Heaven and Earth, the One who has
placed the stars in the sky, the One
who sustains the universe by His word,
that same God knows you very well!

He knows not only your name, but

He also knows everything about you.
There is no situation in your life that
passes unnoticed. He is not ignorant
of your problems, but He is there and
wants to change your situation.

Be assured today. The same God who created you has not forgotten
about you. He knows you by your name. He has your name engraved in
the palm of His hand. God has not forgotten you. He loves you!

The Lord is with me always; I can never be alone. And today,
I choose to cast all my burdens on Him, for He cares for me.

Luke 12:7

Tuesday, August 24 The Lord is My Shepherd

John 10:11
I am the Good Shepherd: the Good
Shepherd giveth his life for the Sheep.

God desires to lead and guide you

through the challenges of everyday
life. As a believer, you should never feel
helpless because the Good Shepherd
leads you always. He is the One that
guides you and takes good care of
you and your business. He even goes
further and orders every step you take.

The Lord is your Shepherd; you shall not

want. Therefore, whatever appears to
be lacking for today, begin to tell that
situation that the Lord is your Shepherd,
and lack has no place in your life. So in
everything you do today, have in mind
that the Lord God is there to lead you
toward your success, your promotion.

Today I know that the Lord is my very own Shepherd. He guides
me and leads me towards my success. I shall not lack any good

Psalm 23:1

Wednesday, August 25 Become What You Behold

2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with open face behold-
ing as in a glass the glory of the Lord,
I changed into the same image from
glory to glory, even as by the spirit of
the Lord.

Whenever you look at a mirror to see

yourself, and when you look into the
mirror of God’s Word, you will be be-
holding exactly what God created
you to be. That may not be your pres-
ent-day reality, but as you continue in
the Word, behold the glory of the suc-
cessful One in you.

You are being transformed from a

failure to a success. This is not accom-
plished by any effort of yours to get
ahead in life, but by the Spirit of the
Lord! You are the one who was creat-
ed to manifest the glory of God. That’s
why when you look into the mirror of God’s Word, you behold the glory
of God. As you behold the Word of God today, you are transformed
from sickness to health, from poverty to prosperity, from depression to
joy unspeakable.

I am being transformed from glory to glory in the Name of Jesus.
As I look into the Good News, I am coming out with a testimony!

Zechariah 4:6

Thursday, August 26 God of More Than Enough

Psalm 23:5
Thou preparest a table before me in
the presence of my enemies, thou
anointest my head with oil; my cup run-
neth over.

One of the names of our God is Je-

hovah Jireh, which means the all pro-
viding One. He provides more than
enough. That is why David says in our
scripture for today, my cup runneth
over. He had experienced the God of
more than enough.

I have good news for you today be-

cause our God is the same yesterday,
today, and forevermore. What he did
for David, he will do for you as well. See
God’s heart for you today. He wants to
prosper you. Don’t settle for anything
less, thinking that He only supplies your
needs and not your wants. 

If you need a job, know He wants you to pray not just for a job but also
for a position. When you have a position, you have influence, and you
are able to impact lives. Maybe what you need is a pay increase. Then
pray not just for that, but also to be in a position to give increase. 

The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not lack any good thing. I serve
a God of more than enough. Hallelujah!

Ephesians 3:20

Friday, August 27 Qualifying the Unqualified

1 Corinthians 1:27
But God has chosen the foolish things
to confound the wise, and God has
chosen the weak things of the world to
confound the things which are mighty.

Never be discouraged by people who

tell you how unqualified or inadequate
you are for what you want God spe-
cializes in qualifying the unqualified.
Our scripture for today tells us that He
uses the weak things to confound the
strong. That means whenever you find
yourself outnumbered and feeling in-
adequate, you have just become a
candidate for God to demonstrate His

God is able to use whatever you have

today to work a miracle in your life. Our
God Specializes in impossible situations,
so rejoice and be glad. He’s about to
show Himself strong on your behalf.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am more
than a conqueror. This day belongs to me, in the Name of Jesus!

Joel 3:10

Saturday, August 28 Delivered from Darkness

Colossians 1:13
Who hath delivered us from the pow-
er of darkness, and have translated us
into the kingdom of his dear son.

When I speak to many believers these

days, the first thing they tell me is how
much trouble the devil is giving them
and how they need deliverance. Ac-
cording to our scripture for today, this
ought not to be the case. Notice it
actually says who “hath delivered” us
from the power of darkness, “hath de-
livered” as in past tense. He is not go-
ing to do it; it’s already done. You have
already left that place of oppression,
and are now stationed in the Kingdom
of His dear Son, Hallelujah.

The problem arises when you begin to

wander away from the place of your
liberty. I know you are wondering how
do I do this? It’s by the words that come out of your mouth. “This back is
killing me!” “Things are hard for me.” You move back into bondage by
your words. Determine this day to only speak what God says about you.
You are unstoppable, blessed beyond measure, Hallelujah!

Sickness and disease have no place in me. I am a partaker of
the divine nature. Prosperity is mine in the Name of Jesus, and
all things are working together for my good.

2 Corinthians 8:9

Sunday, August 29 Your Thoughts Are Powerful

Isaiah 29: 16
Surely your turning of things upside
down shall be esteemed as the potter’s
clay; for shall the work say of him that
made it, He made me not? Or shall the
thing framed say of him that framed it,
He had no understanding?

Many people don’t understand the

power of the thoughts or imaginations
they allow in their minds. There is a play
of words in our scripture for today that
reveals the power of your imagination.
The Hebrew word translated as framed
is yatsar, which means imagination. We
can read that scripture as, “shall the
thing imagined (yatsar) say of Him that
imagined (yatsar) it, He had no under-

Your imaginative ability is your creative

ability. When you begin to meditate on
the Good News of His grace, see yourself in the letters of the text.

It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed before in your mar-
riage, school or business. When you allow the Good News to renew your
mind, your imagination can squeeze your future into shape. This is how
you move into your future before it moves into you. See yourself where
you want to be.

I bring every thought captive in obedience to Christ. Divine
health is my portion, and prosperity is my inheritance. I am mov-
ing into my future right now, in the Name of Jesus.

Hebrews 2:18

Monday, August 30 Money Is a Tool

Psalm 1: 3
And he shall be like a tree planted by
the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his
fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not
wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall

No one born into this world was des-

tined by God to be poor, sick, bro-
ken, depressed, downcast or afflict-
ed. Rather, God’s will is for all men to
prosper and be in health, even as their
souls prosper (3 John 1:2). God wants
you prosperous in your spirit, soul, and
body, and that’s the reason you should
not accommodate or accept sickness,
poverty, or defeat.

This prosperity, however, is beyond

money. The presence or absence of
money does not change your state
or condition spiritually, and therefore
should not change your testimony of God. Money is a tool. What is im-
portant is the purchasing power, and your purchasing power is not mon-
ey; it’s your faith! You are what God says you are, irrespective of the
currencies you have at hand or don’t have.

All things are mine. I can never be disadvantaged. I live by the
faith of Christ, and all things are possible.

Galatians 2:20

Tuesday, August 31 You Have Overcome

Psalm 91: 15
He will call upon me, and I will answer
him, I will be with him in trouble; I will
rescue him and honour him.

When Paul was told by the Holy Ghost

that bonds and afflictions awaited him,
Paul said, “But none of these things
move me, neither count I my life dear
unto myself, so that I might finish my
course with joy, and the ministry, which
I have received of the Lord Jesus, to
testify the gospel of the grace of God,”
(Acts 20:24).

When you know that God is with you,

nothing will ever move you. The enemy
may throw his best punch, but when
the dust settles, you will still be stand-
ing. Stand tall today, knowing that He
will never leave nor forsake you. You
have already overcome. Your victory in
Christ is not debatable; it’s a sure thing. No matter what challenges you
face today, the promise of God is that He will be with you in trouble. So
never give up; victory is yours.

I thank my God that I am never alone, for He is with me always.
I have the Extraordinary Strategist as my advisor in all the issues
of life. I cannot help but be a success today!

John 14:18

Wednesday, September 1 I Don’t Have a Care

Hebrews 4:1
Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise be-
ing left us of entering into his rest, any
of you should seem to come short of it.

Throughout the Bible, you will find scrip-

tures telling you, “Do not fear.” But our
scripture for today is an exception. This
is one of the rare times you are being
told to fear something. Be afraid that
you might not enter into God’s rest.
There is only one thing that will keep
you from this rest, and that is unbelief.
Failure to believe that God loves you
will cause you to be reluctant to hand
over your troubles to Him.

God’s plan for you is to live a life of rest.

Entering into His rest is a conscious deci-
sion. When you are resting, you are not
concerned about anything. You can
rest knowing that you do not have to
face your troubles alone. God is partnered with you in your problems.
But you must participate in your rest. Believe that God cares about you.
When a problem comes your way, refuse to carry it like a burden. As
quickly as it comes, by faith, throw it up to God in prayer. He is your Ca-
pable Catcher. And when it comes to problems, He will never miss, and
He never drops the ball.

I am partnered with the Problem Solver, and I refuse to be intim-
idated by the cares of this life. No detail about my life escapes
God’s attention. He is concerned about what concerns me. He
is capable, and He cares for me; therefore, I will rest.

1 Peter 5:7

Thursday, September 2 Receive and Release

Acts 3:6
Then Peter said, “Silver and gold have I
none, but such as I have, I give ...

It is impossible for you to give what you

have not received. In Acts chapter 3,
when Peter met the lame man, he was
able to release the power of God to
heal. He received that power while in
prayer. In Mark chapter 4, Jesus found
Himself in the middle of a storm. Yet He
was so relaxed, He was fast asleep on a
pillow. When He woke up, He released
rest, and the storm rested. He was able
to release what He had received in
prayer. Prayer is the place to receive
what you need.

You can never calm a storm when you

yourself are not calm. You must first re-
ceive peace before you can release
it into your own life and your environ-
ment. In the realm of the Spirit, you receive and release with words.
Jesus said, “My peace I give unto you.” He has released what He re-
ceived. Your part is to receive, by faith, the peace He has released to
you. Then, by faith, release it by declaring His peace to your surround-
ings and the circumstances of your life.

I receive the peace of God. His peace guards my mind against
worrisome thoughts. I have the mind of Christ. Therefore, my
mind is calm, well-balanced, and free of doubt, worry, or fear.
I speak peace to my body, finances, household, and all that
concerns me in Jesus’ mighty Name.

John 14:27; 2 Corinthians 4:13

Friday, September 3 Your Prophetic Weapon

1 Timothy 1:18
This charge I commit unto thee, son
Timothy, according to the prophecies
which went before on thee, that thou
by them mightest war a good warfare.

You are engaged in warfare, but this

is not a battle of force. It is a battle of
strategy. The devil has no power, only
words. Words can only be defeated
by superior words. When you receive
a prophetic word from the Lord, you
have been handed a weapon that
can slice and dice any word whispered
from the devil, the father of lies. The
only wounds that will be inflicted will be
on the enemy, not on you.

Jesus was a master at wielding the

weapon of prophecy over His life. He
followed the prophetic script and re-
fused to allow the enemy to deter Him.
God has also declared a prophetic Word over your life. He has said
that His plans are to prosper you. That is your weapon. When you are
attacked in an area that pertains to your prosperity, pull out your weap-
on. Remind yourself of the prophecy and declare the word you have
received from the Lord. Declare the prophecy, and doubt your doubts.
When you doubt your doubts, that’s faith. And faith in the prophetic
Word you have received is a weapon that always wins.

I am unkillable. As long as my assignment is not done, I am
invincible. I am prospering in my health, in my mind, and in my
finances. Prosperity is my prophetic destiny, and no weapon
formed against it will prosper.

Jeremiah 29:11; Hebrews 10:7

Saturday, September 4 Spirit Money

2 Corinthians 9:10
Now he that ministereth seed to the
sower both minister bread for your
food, and multiply your seed sown, and
increase the fruits of your righteousness

Life is spiritual. Everything has a spiritu-

al root, including money. People often
make the mistake of praying for mon-
ey. But money does not obey prayers.
It follows rules and regulations, spiritu-
al laws. The spiritual law that governs
money does not allow you to possess
what you refuse to distribute. If God
can’t get it through you, He can’t get it
to you. When you operate by the Spirit,
and line up with the laws of the Spirit,
you are supernaturally in command of
what is controlled by the Spirit.

For God to trust you with money, you

need to be a distribution channel. That makes your financial prosperity
as simple as a decision. Understand that as a spiritual person, you have
the right and authority to control spiritual things. Money is a spiritual en-
tity that can only be controlled by a spiritual person. Decide to be that
person. Instead of waiting for someone to give to you, decide to be
the giver, and the God of abundance will see to it that your financial
resources are in constant supply.

I am a territorial commander of money. I am a giver and a
distributor of money. I control money from the spiritual realm.
Therefore, I will never lack resources.

Genesis 12:2-3; Galatians 3:13-14

Sunday, September 5 Think, Then Speak

Luke 6:45
A good man out of the good treasure
of his heart bringeth forth that which is
good; and an evil man out of the evil
treasure of his heart bringeth forth that
which is evil: for of the abundance of
the heart his mouth speaketh.

Here is a story for you. A donkey fell

into a well. Realizing it was trapped, it
cried out for hours. The more it cried,
the further down it sank. A stranger
passing by looked down the well, and
he reckoned the donkey was not worth
saving. He decided to shovel dirt on
the donkey and put it out of its misery.
When the donkey realized it was being
buried alive, it cried even more. After a
while, realizing the situation was grow-
ing worse, it quieted down. Instead of
crying, it began to shake off each shov-
el of dirt and use it to boost itself higher
and higher until it stepped right out of the well.

Your life today is a result of the words you spoke yesterday. Words used
wrongly can become a trap for you. That is why it is better to be a per-
son of few words rather than speak negative words that can bury you
alive. When life’s circumstances seem to throw dirt on you, don’t cry
about it. Instead, use your words to change your environment for the
better. If negative words have landed you in a trap, it’s not too late to
turn things around. Quiet down. Choose your words carefully, and use
them to boost yourself in life.

I am the architect of my life, and my words are the blueprint that
I use to build. Right now, as I speak, I am being raised to anoth-
er level. Favour is increasing in my life. My problems are em-
ployed for my promotion. My setback is a setup for my success.
I rise above every circumstance because resurrection power is
working inside me. Hallelujah

FURTHER STUDY : John 14:9; Colossians 2:10

Monday, September 6 Be A Worship Leader

Lamentations 3:22-23
It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not
consumed, because his compassions
fail not. They are new every morning:
great is thy faithfulness.

At the beginning of this year, I released

a spiritual song for your protection and
for angels to be around you. As you
listen to that song, you create an en-
vironment that is saturated with the
presence of God. You also have been
given a mandate to release songs. The
psalmist tells us that we should sing unto
the Lord a new song. That means you
have the ability, the empowerment,
to write songs of worship to the Lord.
When you write a song, you are writing
a love letter to God. When you write
songs for God, only write about Him,
not about you, because in worship, ev-
erything is about the Master.

The Bible tells us that the mercies of the Lord are new every morning.
If you sing of the new mercies of God every day, you should have at
least 365 new songs every year. Start now. Every day, sing to the Lord of
His mercies. It does not matter if you are a good singer or if all you can
make is a joyful noise. God wants you to romance His heart. You do not
even need to make up words. Take a scripture from the Word of God
and use it to make up your verse. Set the mood for your day with a song
of worship to the Lover of your soul.

I am a worshipper. Worship is my nature, my culture, and my
lifestyle. I create an environment of intimacy where God is cel-
ebrated, honoured, and adored.

Psalm 89:1; 96:1

Tuesday, September 7 Under Renovation

Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but
be ye transformed by the renewing of
your mind, that ye may prove what is
that good, and acceptable, and per-
fect, will of God.

There is a way to elevate your mind so

that every thought is in perfect agree-
ment with the Spirit of God. It is called
renewing your mind.

When an investor takes ownership of a

new property, if what is inside the prop-
erty does not meet the standard or
quality required of the new owner, it is
renovated. In renovation, you remove
all that is outdated and of lesser quali-
ty, and you replace it with better qual-
ity material. If something is broken, you
fix it. If anything is missing, you replace
it. Everything the investor does is intend-
ed to increase the value to make it suitable for the new owner.

When you were born again, your life came under new ownership. The
Holy Spirit became the Investor of your life. The way you used to think
was no longer suitable. Your mind came under renovation, and the
quality material required to do the updates is the Word of God. As you
take in the Word, your old mindset is being replaced, and everything
about you is being upgraded.

My mind is being elevated by the Word of God. I am reasoning
at a higher level. I do not doubt, fear, or get confused, because
the Word of God takes pre-eminence in my life.

Philippians 2:5-6

Wednesday, September 8 Grace at Work

1 Corinthians 15:10
But by the grace of God I am what I am:
and his grace which was bestowed
upon me was not in vain; but I laboured
more abundantly than they all: yet not
I, but the grace of God which was with

When I read scriptures like today’s

verse, I get turned on in my spirit! This
is telling us something profound. Every-
thing you are and everything you will
accomplish is a result of grace. You too,
like Paul, can declare, “by the grace of
God, I am what I am!” Jesus is the great
I AM. Whatever He is, by the grace of
God, so are you in this world. When that
truth takes root in your spirit, your strug-
gling days are over!

Paul says, I worked harder than all of

you put together. But it’s the next thing
he says that gives us something to shout about. He says, but it was not
me working. It was the grace of God with me! Oh, hallelujah! Grace is
your employee, your co-labourer. When a task is set before you, know
that you do not have to do it on your own. Grace is with you and work-
ing for you! Declare that grace over your projects and over every en-
deavour, and watch God made a wonder out of you

I refuse to struggle! All of my efforts are backed up by the grace
of God. I am a success in all I do, because grace is working in
me, for me, and with me! Glory be to God!

Galatians 2:20

Thursday, September 9 Own Your Greatness

Song of Solomon 5:16

He is altogether lovely.

Have you ever met someone who does

not know how to take a compliment?
You tell them how nice what they’re
wearing looks, and they immediately
respond by telling you how old it is. You
compliment them about something,
and they point out something else that
they see as a flaw. Maybe you are such
a person. But if so, today is the last day
that you look down on yourself.

The Bible tells us that God’s thoughts

about us are good. You must under-
stand that His thoughts are supreme.
There are no higher thoughts than
His. And if He says that He only thinks
good thoughts about you, who would
be bold enough to override that? If
He is only thinking good about you,
you have no right to think less about yourself. Change your mind today
about who you are. Forget about where you came from or what was
done to you in the past. From this moment, begin to say only what God
says about you. And know that everything He says about you is good.

The Greater One is inside of me. Therefore, I am great. I am who
God says I am. I am full of wisdom. I am a leader in the mar-
ketplace. I am a person of influence. I am bold, fearless, and
confident. Everything He is, I am!

1 John 4:17

Friday, September 10 Perfect Grace

Romans 5:8
But God commendeth his love toward
us, in that, while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us.

That is one of the most liberating vers-

es in the Bible because it lets you know
that your relationship with God is based
on His grace. Christ died for you when
you were at your worst and did not
care anything about Him. In fact, the
Bible says you were His enemy, shut out
from fellowship and intimacy with Him.
Yet He loved you enough to give His life
for you. It stands to reason that if you
did not have to do anything for Him to
love you, you do not need to do any-
thing for Him to keep loving you. That is
what grace is all about.

You might be frustrated right now be-

cause you are trying to “please God”
based on your own good works. It is important for you to understand
that righteousness, or right-standing with God, is not based on you read-
ing the Bible enough, praying enough, going to church enough, tithing
enough, or doing whatever enough. Grace has nothing to do with what
you do, your works. It is based solely on what Jesus has already done for
you, and that’s good news.

I am perfectly righteous, perfectly loved, and perfectly holy, not
because I act perfectly, but because I am the recipient of God’s
perfect grace.

Colossians 1:20-21

Saturday, September 11 Stay On Your Level

2 Corinthians 10:4-5
(For the weapons of our warfare are not
carnal, but mighty through God to the
pulling down of strong holds;) Casting
down imaginations, and every high
thing that exalteth itself against the
knowledge of God, and bringing into
captivity every thought to the obedi-
ence of Christ.

Strongholds are worse than decep-

tion. It’s easier to talk someone out of
deception. But a stronghold becomes
a mindset, a part of who you are. It
becomes your way of life. Strongholds
can be ideas, words, expressions, or
certain negative things you say about
yourself. Understand that words are
things. When you allow your mind to
dwell on them, or speak them into the
atmosphere, they take shape. That
is why the moment a wrong thought
comes into your head, you have to destroy it immediately.

There is only one way to pull down strongholds, and that is by getting
enough of the Word in you. When you are full of the Word, the Word in
you will answer every wrong thought. The Bible calls this “casting down”
imaginations or thoughts that go against the will of God for your life.
Casting down implies you are at a higher level. Never come down to
the level of negative thoughts. Keep yourself filled with the Word. Stay
on your level, and cast every negative thought down.

I am a Word practitioner. My mind is saturated with the Word
of God. Therefore, I think the way God thinks. I am seated with
Christ in heavenly places, and I refuse to lower my level with
negative thinking.

Ephesians 2:6

Sunday, September 12 Stick to the Prescription

Proverbs 4:20-22
My son, attend to my words; incline
thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not
depart from thine eyes; keep them in
the midst of thine heart. For they are life
unto those that find them, and health to
all their flesh.

The Hebrew word for “health” in this

passage is marpé, which means ‘a
medicine’ or ‘a cure.’ God’s Word is a
medicinal agent to all your flesh, your
entire body, inside and out. In fact,
you have a Specialist who knows every
detail of your body from head to toe.
In Exodus 15, verse 26, He says, “I am
the Lord that healeth thee.” Translated
from the original Hebrew, it means “I
the Lord am thy physician.” He is Jeho-
va Rapha. Rapha is not a spiritual word.
It is a Hebrew word meaning ‘medical
doctor.’ God is your doctor, and the
medicine He prescribes is His Word.

The Bible says that the Word of God is health to ALL your flesh. It does not
matter if it is a pimple on your face or a cancerous tumour inside your
body. The Word is the prescription to heal and cure all your diseases.
Just like swallowing pills, the Word works best when it is taken internal-
ly. Read it. Meditate on it. Speak it until you know deep down in your
knower that it has reached your flesh. You can never overdose on it, so
take as much as you need. The more of His Word you take, the better
off you will be.

My body is under the administration of the Word of God. Ev-
ery cell in my body is responding to the healing agency of the
Word. Life is coming to me now! Health is coming to me now!
Death is removed from my flesh, and I receive my healing in the
Name of Jesus!

FURTHER STUDY : Romans 8:11; John 8:31-32

Monday, September 13 Change the Channel

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things
are true, whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever
things are pure, whatsoever things are
lovely, whatsoever things are of good
report; if there be any virtue, and if there
be any praise, think on these things.

If you are watching the television and

something comes on that you do not
want to see, you simply change the
channel. Likewise, when there is some-
thing that you want to watch, you
switch the channel and tune in to what
you want to see. That is what the Apos-
tle Paul is telling you to do in today’s

Much like the antenna on your televi-

sion, your mind is a sophisticated re-
ceiver. Right now, there are all kinds of
signals being broadcast that your mind is capable of tuning into. These
signals come in the form of thoughts, some good and some evil. It is
up to you to decide to tune into those thoughts that are positive. The
Word of God says, think about things that are lovely. In other words, if a
thought does not benefit you, tune it out. Your mind is made for quality
thoughts that are for your best and highest good.

My mind is my most expensive real estate. Only fully qualified,
high-quality thoughts are allowed to take residence. No neg-
ative squatters are allowed. My mind is prosperous. My life is
made. And I am reasoning at a higher level.

Colossians 1:15

Tuesday, September 14 Trust the Design

Psalm 16:6
The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant
places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.

When a house is being renovated, an

architect is brought in to design the
plans. He envisions exactly what the
house is supposed to look like and cre-
ates the blueprint. Often the home-
owner cannot see what the architect
sees. The homeowner is looking from
the perspective of how the house looks
now. The architect, however, is looking
from the perspective of the finished

God has a plan for your life, a divine

blueprint. And His design is perfectly
constructed. You may be looking at
your life and wondering how anything
good can come out of your present
circumstances. But trust His design. He
has complete knowledge of where you are and where you need to be.
The Word of God is the building material for your life. As you get into His
Word, you are being built on a sure foundation. Your life is being formed
into something magnificent. I want to pray for you.

I speak something that is so extraordinary to happen in your life,
a new wave, a new shape, a new movement, a new drive. Let
there be a moving of pieces that are not in place to put you in
alignment, so a blessing that cannot be reversed will come over
your life. Poverty is banished from your life! Increase is yours, in
the Name of Jesus!

Ephesians 4:15-16

Wednesday, September 15 Atmosphere for Prosperity

Isaiah 55:1
Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to
the waters, and he that hath no mon-
ey; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come,
buy wine and milk without money and
without price.

Our scripture for today lets us know

that there is an environment, an atmo-
sphere, where you do not need money
to buy something. You can actually get
something that attracts all the resourc-
es you need. In fact, you can be rich.
All you need to do is to deviate from
the prescribed order. Proverbs 4, verse
20 says it this way: “attend to my words;
incline thine ear unto my sayings.”

The whole Bible is for your benefit. That

is the prescribed order. But there are
certain parts of the Word that are spe-
cifically for you. When you want truth
on a certain subject, search for it. There are set apart scriptures that
take you where you want to go. Search inside the Word and go after
the thing you want to get. If you want healing, find scriptures that talk
about your healing. If you want prosperity, incline your ears to scriptures
that talk about your prosperity. Whatever you need, there is a scripture
for it.

The blessing of the Lord makes me rich without regret. I am a
grace collector, a money magnet, a magnet for resources. I de-
viate from the prescribed order of lack and generational pover-
ty, and I live in an atmosphere for prosperity.

2 Timothy 2:15

Thursday, September 16 A Prayed-Up Life

Colossians 4:2
Be earnest and unwearied and stead-
fast in your prayer [life], being [both]
alert and intent in [your praying] with

If you’ve ever owned or driven a new-

er car, most of them have keyless igni-
tions. Keyless features work differently
than traditional car keys. A keyless igni-
tion uses something called an electron-
ic key fob. You do not physically put in
the ignition to turn on the engine. If you
do not have the fob somewhere in the
car or in your purse or pocket before
you push the start button, that car is not
going anywhere.

Prayer is the key fob for your life. If you

notice, most of my books are about
prayer. You ought to live a prayed-up
life, communicating with the One you
love. When you are prayed up, you have so much confidence. Without
prayer, you might think things are moving for you, but there will come a
time when the car of your life is going to stall. It will be asking for the key,
and the key is prayer. Let prayer be a priority in your life. When you live a
prayed-up life, you will make progress, and things will be so much easier.

Prayer is my priority. I remain in constant fellowship with the Lord.
Therefore, I cannot be caught unaware. I am a proof-producing
Christian, and I live a life of consistent progress and victory.

Acts 6:4

Friday, September 17 Rhino Skin

Luke 17:1
Then said He unto the disciples, It is im-
possible but that offences will come:
but woe unto him, through whom they

All rhino species have different kinds of

skin. But they all have one thing in com-
mon: their skin is strong and thick. The
skin of an adult rhinoceros is around 5
centimetres thick. But as thick as the
skin is, a rhino must still take precautions
to ward off pesky parasites like ticks.
The biggest parasite you will deal with
in your Christian walk is the parasite of
offence. The devil will try to use offenc-
es to suck the life out of your joy and
peace. You, like the rhino, must have
“thick skin” when it comes to offences.

The word translated “offence” is the

Greek word skandalon, the word from
which we get the word scandal. It is a word that is likened to the hook
that triggers a mousetrap. You may have heard the saying, “He (or she)
knows exactly which button to press,” referring to that thing, usually
something that is said, that triggers an offence. Ecclesiastes 7, verse 21
says, “take no heed unto all words that are spoken.” When you see of-
fence coming, recognize this is an area where the devil is trying to trap
you. Don’t listen. And if you hear it, do not take it to heart. Get rid of the
buttons of offence, so the devil has nothing to press.

I am led by the Spirit. I do not speak evil of anyone, and I am not
moved by the negative words of others. I love because I am a
lover. I walk in love, far above the realms of offence.

Proverbs 18:19

You Are More Than
Saturday, September 18
You Think You Are

1 Corinthians 3:3
For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there
is among you envying, and strife, and
divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk
as men?

In grammar, there is something called

a simile. A simile is a figure of speech
involving the comparison of one thing
with another thing of a different kind.
Whenever you hear “like” or “as,” that
means the thing being described as
“like” or “as” is different from the thing
to which it is being compared. That is
why you should not be concerned
when you read that the devil goes
about “as” a roaring lion. That is telling
you that he is not a roaring lion. He only
pretends to be.

Our verse for today raises a power-

ful question: “Are ye not carnal, and walk as men?” That is telling you
something paramount. The new creation Christian was never meant to
walk “as” an ordinary person. Your walk in the faith is meant to be a
supernatural one. You are no longer in the flesh but in the spirit. Decide
right now that results are going to be different in every area of your life.
Christ in you gives you the right and access to an extraordinary life.

I am not ordinary. I am a new creation in Christ, superior to sa-
tan. I am born for greatness and destined to do exploits. I will
make a mark in this world for Jesus that will never be erased.

Psalm 82:6; Romans 8:9

Sunday, September 19 Life on Another Level

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the
truth shall make you free.

Your life will go according to knowl-

edge, the level of revelation you have.
The knowledge you have before you
became a Christian is not enough to
sustain you once you are born again.
The new you craves a different kind of
diet. It is hungry for truth. You see, there
is a difference between truth and fact.
Facts are natural and can be changed.
But truth remains constant.

As a new creation being, you live in

the spiritual realm, and that realm is
controlled by truth. You’ve spent your
whole life acquiring knowledge about
how to function in the natural realm.
Now you need knowledge of the Word
to live out your spiritual potential. The
Word of God is the manual for your new life in Christ. In it, you will find in-
formation that tells you what to expect and how things need to work for
you. You will discover the truth about who you are, and find out what’s
got your name on it so you can walk in it.

The Word is growing mightily in me and prevailing. I am not help-
less or hopeless. I can never be confused or disadvantaged,
because I have God’s Word for any situation.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Monday, September 20 Faith That Works

Romans 12:3
… God hath dealt to every man the
measure of faith.

Faith is the currency of the Kingdom

that gives you the ability to bring Heav-
en to Earth. We have all been given the
same measure of faith. Our scripture for
today lets us know that God has dealt
to every man the measure of faith. My
faith is not any more powerful than
yours. It’s all about what you do with
your faith.

Faith is based on knowledge, informa-

tion from the Word of God. If you load
your spirit with the Word of God, your
faith will become unconscious. Faith
works because the Word is in you, and
the Word in you will respond to your sit-
uation. Faith is like a muscle. You must
use it for it to grow. When a problem
comes, that is not an opportunity for you to be destroyed. It is an oppor-
tunity to exercise your faith.

I have the God-kind of faith working in me. My spirit is loaded
with the Word of God, and when trouble calls my name, faith
answers. My faith is sufficient, and it will not fail.

Hebrews 11:6

Tuesday, September 21 Rekindling Prayer

1 John 5:14-15
And this is the confidence that we have
in him, that, if we ask any thing accord-
ing to his will, he heareth us. And if we
know that he hear us, whatsoever we
ask, we know that we have the peti-
tions that we desired of him.

Prayer is not done in order to get.

Prayer is done because we already
got. The Bible says, “we know that we
have.” The first thing you have to know
is that He hears you. When you feel
you have sinned, you are 100% sure
God sees. Yet when you pray, you are
not sure He hears you. Rest assured,
God hears you. When you pray, there
should be a note of victory in your spirit
because there is no verse in the Bible
that says God answers your prayer with
“no” or “wait.” The Bible says the prom-
ises of God are yes and amen. He will
give you the desires of your heart.

Learn to communicate with God. Instead of saying you are praying, say
you want to talk to God. Prayer is something you do because you enjoy
communicating with the divine Spirit. Prayer should be so sweet. When
you pray, act like you’re talking to a lover because you are. Rekindle
your passion for prayer, and pray like you have never prayed before.

In this year of the God-kind, I am drawing closer to the Master. I
have returned to my first love, and I enjoy spending time talking
to Him. Miracles come easy for me because they are birthed
out of intimacy.

2 Corinthians 1:20

Wednesday, September 22 Given for You

1 John 1:3
That which we have seen and heard
declare we unto you, that ye also may
have fellowship with us: and truly our
fellowship is with the Father, and with
his Son Jesus Christ.

I remember when one of my pastors

was supposed to be at a specific lo-
cation, and he was running late. He
phoned me and said he could not find
his keys. Immediately, in the realm of
the Spirit, I saw exactly where his keys
were. I told him, and he went straight
to the location and recovered his keys.
After I hung up the phone with him, I
could not find my own keys.

People may find it hard to believe that

I cannot use my prophetic grace to
find my own lost keys even though I’ve
prophesied to millions of people. When
it comes to myself, I cannot prophesy on demand. I have to declare by
faith. You see, a prophet is a gift for you. A prophet can give you infor-
mation, but it will never work if you do not exercise your faith. Declare
and practice what was said to you. Go back through the messages
and pull out every prophetic word that was given to you. Put the Word
to work, and it will work.

Prophetic grace is increasing in my life. I have the capacity to
receive the mysteries of the Kingdom. When I speak, I release
the Holy Ghost. Things are moving, and no enemies shall be
able to destroy me no matter what I do, in the Name of Jesus!

Ephesians 4:11-12

Thursday, September 23 Unshakeable Character

Hebrews 10:7
Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume
of the book it is written of me,) to do thy
will, O God.

My Man of God, Pastor Chris, was stay-

ing at a certain location, and there
happened to be a fire in the building
during the night. Everyone rushed out
into the street, many still in their pyja-
mas. Some time passed, and Pastor
Chris still had not exited the building.
Suddenly, he appeared, fully dressed,
and casually walked outside unper-
turbed. Not even a building on fire
could get him to come out of charac-

Revelation gets you to stay in charac-

ter. It lets you know who you are. Jesus
said, “In the volume of the book it is
written of Me. I have come to do your
will, Oh God.” He stayed in character. Never allow anything to get you
out of character. You are everything the Word says you are. When the
Bible tells you that you are rich, regardless of what you see in your bank
account, stay in character. Refuse to speak or act poor. When the Bible
tells you that you are healed, stay in character. No matter how you feel
or what the diagnosis, declare healing over your body.

From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I decree
and declare I am healed! Increase is upon my life. My money
comes from every direction. Money comes, and money stays!

Ephesians 3:8

Friday, September 24 Talking Sessions

John 5:5-6
And a certain man was there, which
had an infirmity thirty and eight years.
When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that
he had been now a long time in that
case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be
made whole?

When Jesus met this man, the Bible said

the man had an infirmity, a weakness,
for thirty-eight years. Jesus had the
power right then and there to restore
this man to wholeness. Instead, He asks
the man a question: “Do you want to
be made whole?” Why did Jesus ask,
you might wonder? It is because life
and death are in the power of your
tongue. When you speak, you emit
sound, which causes vibration. Vibra-
tion creates energy. Energy creates
matter. Matter is defined as anything
that has mass and takes up space. So,
when you hear the question, “What’s the matter with you?” what is real-
ly being asked is, what is the sound you are making?

Everything on Earth is speaking. Your body is speaking. Your money is

speaking. God wants you to speak back. Have talking sessions every
day. If you wake in the night, start talking. Speak until you go back to
sleep. You should have a talking night (not just all-night prayer). Don’t
talk about the negative things. Talk about the way you want your life to
be. Sing hymns to yourself, creating songs for yourself about how great
you art. When you speak, you cut down things that do not belong in
your life, and propel yourself to another level

I have a possibility mentality. I use my mouth for positivity. With
my words, I control what’s the matter with me. I am being pro-
pelled to another level. My health is restored. I will be so rich, all
my enemies will be shocked.

John 6:63

Saturday, September 25 Do Business

Luke 19:13
And he called his ten servants, and de-
livered them ten pounds, and said unto
them, Occupy till I come.

Everything you need to start a business

is in the Word of God. The word “oc-
cupy” in this verse literally means “to
carry on a business.” This is not referring
to ministry. It refers to the business of a
banker or a trader. Bankers deal with
money and investments, and traders
buy and sell merchandise. That means
the Lord expects you to have money
and invest it for a return or profit. He
also expects you to be involved in the
buying and selling of products or ser-
vices. In short, you need a business.

The blueprint for your business model is

given in Genesis 1, verse 28:

1. Be fruitful. Produce a quality product. You need a product first.

2. Multiply. Replicate what you produce with the same quality.
3. Replenish. Prepare for growth and have inventory.
4. Have Dominion. Control the market.

Notice that the instruction in Genesis starts with a blessing. Move for-
ward with confidence, for God has given you the grace to start a suc-
cessful business.

Every business venture I undertake prospers and flourishes like
an evergreen tree. I am expanding on every side, taking territo-
ry, and dominating the marketplace in the Name of Jesus!

Proverbs 13:22; Deuteronomy 8:18

Sunday, September 26 Spiritual Vocabulary

1 Corinthians 2:12-13
Now we have received, not the spirit of
the world, but the spirit which is of God;
that we might know the things that are
freely given to us of God. Which things
also we speak, not in the words which
man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the
Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiri-
tual things with spiritual.

There is a spiritual vocabulary that we

use. The Bible says, “comparing spiritual
things with spiritual.” We speak spiritu-
al things using spiritual vocabulary for
spiritual things. The problem is you are
speaking normal language when you
should be speaking something which
spirits understand.
Jesus did not use normal language.
That is why he could speak to a dead
child who could not hear any lan-
guage and bring her back to life. He
was not speaking to things. He was speaking to spirits. The spirit called
death understands His spiritual language.

There is a certain level in your life when only the spiritual responds to
the spiritual. Before you are denied a loan at the bank, there is a spir-
itual bank manager. Whenever a situation becomes too hard for you,
it’s now a spiritual problem requiring a spiritual response using spiritual
vocabulary. When you want things to move, declare how you want
the situation to be changed, and go into tongues. Change gears in
the Spirit. As you speak in tongues, you are releasing the fire of the Holy
Ghost. You can speak to spirits. You can!

The fire of the Holy Ghost is released to consume every trace of
sickness from my body. It renders every barrier to ashes. Any
problem in my life or family that has troubled me, the answer
is fire!

FURTHER STUDY: Mark 5:40-42; John 6:63

Monday, September 27 Called to Prosperity

Haggai 2:8
The silver is mine, and the gold is mine,
saith the Lord of hosts.

I always say cockroaches used to

come to my house to fast. I remember
back in 2007, God said, “Tell your wife
to stop working.” At that time, we had
the church, and the bills were coming
fast and furious. But God said, “Those
are not your bills. They are Mine.” Now,
whenever I get a bill, I hold it up to God
and say, “You’ve got a bill.” You see, I
got hold of the verse that says the cat-
tle on a thousand hills belong to God.
He owns the cattle and the hills too.
Your Father is rich beyond comprehen-
sion. Compared to God’s riches, Jeff
Bezos is as broke as a joke.

If Jezz Bezos never made another pen-

ny and spent a million dollars every
day, it would take him over 500 years to spend all his money. Yet, there is
not one verse about him in the Bible to speak of. You, on the other hand,
are called to be rich. When you have a calling, there is a pull inside of
you. When you are irritated by your poverty, that means there is a pull to
prosperity. When there is a calling, you begin to do things that you never
thought you would do, things that go against your ideas. You are called
to be prosperous. Answer that calling.

My Father is rich, and I refuse to be broke!

Psalm 50:10, 12; 2 Corinthians 8:9

Tuesday, September 28 Full of Christ

Ephesians 1:22-23
And hath put all things under his feet,
and gave him to be the head over all
things to the church, which is his body,
the fullness of him that filleth all in all.

A dog and an elephant met. The dog

said, “I got pregnant and gave birth.
You are still pregnant.” The next time
they met, the dog repeated the same
thing. The elephant said, “Relax. When
I deliver what I’m carrying, the earth
will quake. And when people see him
coming, they will run.” That’s what your
miracle is like.

Do not worry about the negative things

anyone has to say about your situation.
There will always be naysayers, people
who do not have anything good to
say. Have the assurance that you are
carrying something great. You are the
fullness of Him that fills all in all. The Bible says, “You are gods.” Start op-
erating like one. Think, talk, move, and respond like one.

I am possibilities conscious. I am success-minded. I carry God,
and I am too loaded to fail!

Revelation 12:11

Wednesday, September 29 An Ear for Prophecy

2 Peter 1:19
We have also a more sure word of
prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye
take heed, as unto a light that shineth in
a dark place, until the day dawn, and
the day star arise in your hearts.

We have a more sure word of prophe-

cy, which is the Word of God. Even if a
prophet does not talk to you, God will
talk to you from His Word. The prophet
can choose not to speak to you. But no
one can prevent God from speaking to
you. That is what makes prayer so im-

Prayer is not a monologue. It’s a dia-

logue. That’s why the Bible says watch
and pray. That means, when you pray,
take time for your spirit to hear Him. You
speak with tongues, and He answers
with His Spirit. But you will never hear
that answer until you know the Word of God. He will flash one scripture
in your head. Sometimes He will give you a spontaneous thought. It is
not important for you to hear God the way I hear him as a prophet. Be
you. Pray, watch, and hear God for yourself.

Every time I pray, there is progress in my spirit. In this year of the
God-kind, my greatest previous accomplishment will look like
child’s play. I am going so far beyond anything I’ve achieved so
far that the devil himself will be shocked.

Habakkuk 2:1

Thursday, September 30 The Expectant Giver

Job 22:23-25
If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt
be built up, thou shalt put away iniqui-
ty far from thy tabernacles. Then shalt
thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold
of Ophir as the stones of the brooks.
Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defence,
and thou shalt have plenty of silver.

Money comes to measure value. And

there is a value in the way you give,
specifically, in your motive for giving.
The premise of giving is for His sake, not
your sake. That is why not every giver
will be blessed, and not every tither will
receive. God is not looking for a seed
of money. He’s looking for a seed of the

Malachi 3, verse 7 says that when you

return to God, He will return to you. Did
you catch that? He is not saying He will
return, as in coming back to you. He never went anywhere. He is saying
that when your heart towards Him is changed, you will give with the right
motive, and that kind of giving will cause a return to come to you. When
your heart is for the Kingdom, God becomes your defence, and your
money is protected. So, what should you do when you give? Change
your focus. When your focus becomes the Gospel, your giving changes,
and your reward changes. Set your heart toward Jesus. After your heart
is changed, you will lay up gold as dust.

My seed wins souls, builds cities, cares for widows and orphans,
and sends the Good News of the Gospel all around the world. I
am a Kingdom-minded giver. My money is protected, and the
return is guaranteed!

Malachi 3:7


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