DCO Sample Readme
DCO Sample Readme
DCO Sample Readme
This application demonstrates the use of DCO ocx for Contact table for repository database.
DCO refers to the general Avaya’s database interface. It is a set of libraries (or a single DLL
on Windows/NT) that provide applications with a database independent interface to a
CustomerQ databases. Perhaps its most powerful component is the SQL generation that
enables an application to perform complex searches and insert, update and delete records
without having to construct any SQL.
The DCO requires an ADL (application definition language) file that describes the data model
and relationships between tables. Externally, Avaya provides classes for DBNetwork,
DBTable and DBRecord objects.
2. Login to database
API – DCOVespLogin
Username: User name used to login into vesp as client
Passwd: user password.
This is to be used by clients which do not need Vesp access other then through DCO.
This log in the client into the vesp network. If client is logged into vesp then calls to
it will return success.
3. Database initialize
API – DCODbInitialize
AdcRecordName – adcRecordName to be used. This is retrieved from Directory
server. DCO client’s config from ICManager has this as one of the fields. In case you
want to read from file this has to have full path of that file.
AppName - application name to be used, to be used only if you want to read the adc
from file and not from Directory server.
1. Search – To search a record with or without criteria. This will retrieved records
from database and add it into Microsoft’s Flex Grid control. To search any specific
record first clear all text boxes using “Clear” button and then enter a data to be
searched and click on “Search” button.
2. New – To create a new record. After click on “New” button all text boxes are
cleared .You have to enter a data for a new record. And after this click on
“Update” button to commit the changes to database. If you want to check
changes click on “Clear” and do search again using “Search” button.
4. Delete – Select a record that is to be deleted from Flex Grid. And Click on
“Delete” button. This will ask for confirmation for deletion. If there is dependency
of current record on other tables then DCO will not allow you to delete record.
5. Update – “Update” has to be clicked for “New” and “Change” operation so that
changes can be committed to the database.
6. Clear – This is used to clear all text boxes so that before performing search
operation user can add valid data.
Interoperatabilty files (Applicable only for .Net application)
.Net Framework generates following files after compilation. These files must be
shipped with binary
- AxInterop.MSFlexGridLib.dll
- AxInterop.QwdcocxLib.dll
- Interop.MSFlexGridLib.dll
- Interop.QwdcocxLib.dll