Deflection Analysis of High Rise Concrete For Wind and Seismic
Deflection Analysis of High Rise Concrete For Wind and Seismic
Deflection Analysis of High Rise Concrete For Wind and Seismic
Abstract--Deflection is the degree of displacement of a structural the effect of changing the position of bracing system in the
element under a load, either by an angle or distance. For a building, effect of combination bracing systems etc.,
structure, such as buildings, dams, etc., deflection plays a major
role in determining the stability of a structure. The more the II. OBJECTIVES
structure is deflected, the higher the structure is susceptible to
risk of damage. So, bracing systems are used to reduce the The main objective of this paper is to
deflections in a structure. A typical 20 and 30 storeyed buildings To analyse the deflections for different shapes of
are considered with four distinct plan shapes such as square, buildings.
rectangle, plus and a T shape within an area of 40m x 40m
having a span of 4m. Each building is analysed for Wind and To analyse the effect of different bracing objects on
Earthquake loads using the load combinations provided in IS buildings.
code book. Three bracing types, a concrete shear wall system, To analyse the effect of positioning of bracing
steel X-bracing system and a combination of both shear wall and
X-bracing for lower and upper half of the structure are used. objects.
These bracings are placed around the building with six different To predict an approximate cost estimate of materials
placement combinations, such as, bracing provided for lifts and of the buildings considered for selecting optimum
corners of the building, etc., These buildings are analysed using
price to performance ratio of the structures.
ETABS software and the deflections for all the building shapes,
floor, bracings and load combinations are recorded and plotted
in graphs to compare and determine which combination is III. METHODOLOGY
efficient against deflections for the given loads. A deflection for
rectangular building is lesser than square building along shorter The study of deflection analysis for this paper was developed
base dimension and is higher along longer base side. using a determinist methodology, with some probabilistic
elements in its conception. In order to facilitate this study, it
Keywords – Deflection analysis, Plan irregularities, Bracing was divided in four phases of analyses,
systems, Shear wall, X-Bracing, High rise buildings.
1. Analysing the effect of plan shape of the structure,
i.e., square, plus, rectangle and T plans. Page 35
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume V, Issue XI, November 2016 | ISSN 2278-2540
2. Analysing the effect of different types of bracing Effect of plan irregularities on wind load (G+20):
systems, i.e., concrete shear wall, steel X-Bracing, a
combination bracing of X-bracing and shear wall in a 0.9DL+1.5WL-X - Normal walls
50:50 floor ratio. 150
• Span: 4m
• Floor height: 3.5m Square Rec Plus T
• Concrete: M30
Fig 5 Effect of plan irregularities on seismic load (G+30)
The following results were obtained when analysing the Effect of bracings on wind load (G+20):
structures in ETABS. Page 36
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume V, Issue XI, November 2016 | ISSN 2278-2540
Table 1
Bracing comparision (Square % change in deflections for 0.9DL+1.5WL
40 0.9DL+1.5WL) Plan shape Shear X- Combination
30 (0.9DL+1.5WL) wall Bracing bracing
1 Square 56.5 40 55.3
20 2 Rectangle 72.5 58.6 71.6
3 Plus 72.8 57.7 72
10 4 T 73.5 61 72.8
Table 2
% change in deflections for 0.9DL+1.5EQ
Fig 7 Effect of bracing placement on wind load (G+20) SPEL ₹ 6,503 ₹ 6,155 ₹ 6,329
SPC ₹ 6,042 ₹ 5,932 ₹ 5,987
SPCL ₹ 6,503 ₹ 6,155 ₹ 6,329
Effect of bracing placements on seismic load (G+30)
Table 4
0.9DL+1.5EQ-Y (Plus Shear Rectangle Plan cost estimate
150 walls)
Price per (in INR)
100 Shear wall Bracing Combination
640sq.m*21floors=13440 sq.m Page 37
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume V, Issue XI, November 2016 | ISSN 2278-2540 Page 38