Task # 8 Simple Present - Negative

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Write the negative.

11playthe piano very well. don't play the piano very well
2 Jane plays the pano very well.
3They know niy phone number.
Jane doeso po asna.. e
4 We work very hard.
con c r k e a
5 He bas a bath every
day. ecoelat. ne
6 You dlo the saie
thing every day. m.cue coy
ocoet Ce. ne0me u ee 00s
Study the information and write sentences with like.

1Bill and Rose üke classical musc

CGaroloegn I. Ke cley51@musiC.
e classical musie
2 Bill and
RoseKan kebomg
Carol AVe NAnR
Do you
ike... Bill and You
Rose Carol You
1 classical music2 Bitanose e horco l s
yes neroc ilms
2 boxing?
3 hornor films?

yes eowa.Xik5

about yourself. Use: I never.. or I often... orI don'i... very ofie
I (watch TV) I don't watch TV very often (OR I never OR Loften
2 (0 to the theatre)
on0p me. heatre veyo leo.
3 (nde bicycle)
LOklen de bocR
4 (eat in restaurants) e eat n estaanis
5 (travel by trun) exer. Ouel.D oSO..
Complete the sentences. All of them are negalive. Use don' 1/doesn'l+one of these verbs

Coet know read see HSE weer

1 Tbuy a newspaper every day but sometimes I dont read il.

2 Paul has a car lbut he ...coesn Se t very often.
3 They like films buttheyon a t o the cnema very often
4 Amanda is marricd but she.. ee Nea a ring.
5 1 On Kmo 1uch about politics. I'm not interested in it.
6 Its not an expeusive lhotel. I t . . e s nkCOs uch to stay there.
7 Brian lives near us bu we oesy se e hti very often.

Put the verb into the correct form, posilive negative


French. CGerman and Spanish. (speak)

1 Margaret SPeaKS.. four languagesEngish,
Its very boring. (like)
2 1 dont uke my job. Con Krow1 (know)
3 Wheres Martin? T'm sorry. very much. (talk)
She oesn.
Suc 1s a very yuiet persOn.
of te.a. Its his favouurite drink. (drink)
a lot
! (believe)
1 . eseR it very much. (like)
6 It's n o t truc! e
beautiful picture. I.
11Ca. (cat)
7 Thats a very CoEA..ROs..
is a vegetarian. He 121

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