Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator - Skills Measured
Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator - Skills Measured
Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator - Skills Measured
Audience Profile
Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise implementing, managing, and
monitoring an organization’s Microsoft Azure environment.
An Azure Administrator often serves as part of a larger team dedicated to implementing your
organization's cloud infrastructure.
A candidate for this exam should have at least six months of hands-on experience administering
Azure, along with a strong understanding of core Azure services, Azure workloads, security, and
governance. In addition, this role should have experience using PowerShell, Azure CLI, Azure
portal, and Azure Resource Manager templates.
Skills Measured
NOTE: The bullets that appear below each of the skills measured are intended to illustrate how
we are assessing that skill. This list is not definitive or exhaustive.
NOTE: In most cases, exams do NOT cover preview features, and some features will only be
added to an exam when they are GA (General Availability).
Candidates for this exam are Azure The Azure Administrator implements,
Administrators who manage cloud services manages, and monitors identity, governance,
that span storage, security, networking, and storage, computevirtual machines, and virtual
compute cloud capabilities. Candidates have a networks in a cloud environment. This role
deep understanding of each service across the focuses primarily on enabling Infrastructure as
full IT lifecycle, and take requests for a Service (IaaS). The Azure Administrator will
infrastructure services, applications, and provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources
environments. They make recommendations as appropriate.
on services to use for optimal performance
and scale, as well as provision, size, monitor, Candidates should have a minimum of six
and adjust resources as appropriate. months of hands-on experience
administering Azure. Candidates should
Candidates for this exam should have have a strong understanding of core Azure
proficiency in using PowerShell, the Command services, Azure workloads, security, and
Line Interface, Azure Portal, ARM templates, governance. Candidates for this exam
operating systems, virtualization, cloud should have experience in using
infrastructure, storage structures, and PowerShell, the Command Line Interface,
networking. Azure Portal, and ARM templates.
3.1 Create and configure a VM for 8.1 Configure VMs for high availability
Windows and Linux and scalability
4.1 Create connectivity between virtual 9.1 Implement and manage virtual
networks networking
Create and configure VNET peering; create create and configure VNET peering
and configure VNET to VNET connections; configure private and public IP
verify virtual network connectivity; create addresses, network routes, network
virtual network gateway interface, subnets, and virtual network
Add custom domains; Azure AD Join; [NO EQUIVALENT --- SEE NEW FG 5 BELOW]
configure self-service password reset;
manage multiple directories