03 ES Regression Correlation
03 ES Regression Correlation
03 ES Regression Correlation
Later on we will study correlation analysis to determine the degree to which the variables are
related. It tells us how well the estimating equation actually describes the relationship.
We find a CAUSAL relationship between variables.
i.e. how does the independent variable causes the dependent variable to change.
Deterministic and Probabilistic Relations or Models
A formula that relates quantities in the real world is called a model. Recall that in physics we
have studies that if a body is moving under uniform motion with an initial velocity ‘u’ and uniform
acceleration ‘a’, the velocity after time ‘t’ is given by:
v = u + at
This is a model for uniform motion. This model has the property that when a value of ‘t’ is
substituted in the above equation, the value of v is determined without any error. Such models are called
deterministic models. An important example of the deterministic model is the relationship between
Celsius and Fahrenheit scales in the form of F = 32+9/5C. Other examples of such models are Boyle’s
law, Newton’s law of gravitation, ohm’s law etc.
Consider an other example to investigate the relationship between the yield of potatoes y and the
level of fertilizer application x. An investigator divides the field into eight plots of equal size withequal
fertility and applied varying amounts of fertilizer to each. The yield of potatoes (in kg) and the fertilizer
application (in kg) was recorded for each plot. This data is given below:
Suppose the investigator believes that the relation between y and x is exactly given by:
y = 22 + 2.5 x
If this is true we must obtain the exact value of yield y for a given value of x. Thus when x = 1,
the yield must be:
Y = 22 + 2.5 (1) = 24.5
But it is 25. There is an error of 24.5 – 25.0 = - 0.5. Hence no deterministic model can be
constructed to represent this experiment. This type of error is known as probabilistic model. The
deterministic relation in such cases is then modified to include both a deterministic component and a
random error component given as
Yi = a = bXi + i , where i’s are the unknown random errors.
Regression Model
There are many statistical investigations in which the main objective is to determine whether a
relationship exists between two or more variables. If such a relationship can be expressed by a
mathematical formula, we will then be able to use it for the purpose of making predictions. The reliability
of any prediction will, of course, depend on the strength of the relationship between the variables included
in the formula.
A mathematical equation that allows us to predict values of one dependent variable from known
values of one or more independent variables is called a regression equation. Today the term regression is
applied to all types of prediction problems and does not necessarily imply a regression towards the
population mean.
Linear Regression
We consider here the problem of estimating or predicting the value of a dependent variable Y on
the basis of a known measurement of an independent and frequently controlled variable X. The variable
intended to be estimated or predicted is termed as dependent variable and the variable on the basis of
which the dependent variable is to be estimated is called the independent variable.
e.g. If we want to estimate the heights of children on the basis of their ages, the heights would
be the dependent variable and the ages would be the independent variable. In estimating the yields of a
crop, on the basis of the amount of the fertilizer used, the yield will be the dependent variable and the
amount of fertilizer would be the independent variable.
Scatter Diagram
Let us consider the distribution of chemistry grades corresponding to intelligence test scores of
50, 55, 65 and 70. The chemistry grades for a sample of 12 freshmen having these intelligence test scores
are presented in the following table
Test score (Xi) 65 50 55 65 55 70 65 70 55 70 50 55
Chemistry grade (Yi) 85 74 76 90 85 87 94 98 81 91 76 74
The data table has been plotted in figure to give a scattered
diagram. In the scattered diagram, the points follow closely a
straight line indicate that the two variables are to some extend
linearly related. Once a reasonable linear relationship is obtained,
we usually try to express this mathematically by a straight-line
equation Y = a + bX, called the linear regression line, where
the constants a and b represent the y-intercept and slope
respectively. Such a regression line has been drawn in the
following figure. This linear regression line can be used to predict
the value Y corresponding to any given value X.
Using the regression line in figure, we can predict a chemistry grade of 88 for a student whose
intelligence test score is 60. However, we would be extremely fortunate if a student with an intelligence
test score of 60 made a chemistry grade of exactly 88. In fact, the original data of table show that three
students with this intelligence test score received grades of 85, 90 and 94. we must therefore, interpret the
predicted chemistry grade of 88 as an average or expected value for all students taking the course who
have an intelligence test score of 60.
Many possible regression lines could be fitted to the sample data, but we choose that particular
line which best fits that data. The best regression line is obtained by estimating the regression parameters
by the most commonly used method of least squares.
Estimation of a Straight Line using the Method of Least Squares
The basic linear relationship between the dependent variable Yi and the value Xi is
Yi = a + b Xi + i
where a and b are called the unknown population parameters (b is also called the coefficient of
regression), Yi are the observed values and i are the error components.
The estimated regression is written as
Yi = a + b Xi
The method of least squares determines the values of the unknown parameters that minimize the
sum of squares of the errors where errors are defined as the difference between observed values and the
corresponding predicted or estimated values. It is denoted by
n n n
S(a,b) = ei2 = (Yi Yi)2 = (Yi a b Xi)2
i =1 i =1 i =1
minimizing S(a,b), we put first partial derivatives w. r. t. a and b
equal to zero. Therefore
S(ab) n
= 2 (Yi a b Xi)(1) = 0
a i =1
S(ab) n
= 2 (Yi a b Xi)(Xi) = 0
b i =1
by simplifying, we have
Yi = na + bXi
Xi Yi = aXi + bXi 2
by solving, we have
If the variable X is taken as dependent variable , then the least square line is given by
X = c + dY
and the normal equations are
X = nc + dY
XY = cY + dY2
By solving simultaneously, w have the values of c and d
(X)(Y2) (Y)(XY) nXY (X)(Y)
c= 2 2 ,d=
n(Y ) (Y) n(Y2) (Y)2
Example (1)
Fit a least square line of regression to the following data taking (i) X as independent variable (ii)
Y as independent variable.
X 1 3 5 6 7 9 10 13
Y 1 2 5 5 6 7 7 8
(i) The equation of the least square line is
Y = a + bX
and the normal equations are
y = na + bX
XY = aX + bX2
From given data we have n = 8
X Y XY X2 Y2
1 1 1 1 1
3 2 6 9 4
5 5 25 25 25
6 5 30 36 25
7 6 42 49 36
9 7 63 1 49
10 7 70 100 49
13 8 104 169 64
X = 54 Y = 41 XY= 341 X2 =470 Y2= 253
Substituting the values of n, X, Y, XY, X2, Y2 in the normal equations, we have
y = na + bX
XY = aX + bX2
41 = 8a + 54b
341 = 54a + 470b
By solving simultaneously, we get
a = 1.01, b = 0.609
We can also find the values of a and b using the formulas
(Y)(X2) (X)(XY) nXY (X)(Y)
a= ,b=
n(X2) (X)2 n(X2) (X)2
Thus the equation of the fitted least square line becomes
Y = 1.01 + 0.609X
(ii) When X is taken as dependent variable and Y as the independent variable, the equation of
the least square line of regression is
X = c + dY
With the normal equations
X = nc + dY
XY = cY + dY2
Substituting the values from the table 7.2, we have
54 = 8c + 41d
341 = 41c + 253d
By solving simultaneously we have
c = 0.93, d = 1.499
Thus the equation of the fitted least square line becomes
X = 0.93 + 1.499Y
Example (2)
Following is given the data of 10 randomly selected areas in each area number of oil stoves and
the annual consumption of oil in barrels is given. Fit a regression equation of annual oil consumption on
number of stoves.
No. of stoves: =x 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Annual Consumption of oil: =y 25 31 27 28 36 35 32 34
Necessary calculations are given below
x y xy x2
27 142 3834 729
32 170 5440 1024
38 200 7600 1444
42 194 8148 1764
48 224 10752 2304
54 256 13824 2916
60 261 15660 3600
67 270 18090 4489
73 304 22192 5329
79 349 27571 6241
Total 520 2370 133111 29840
x y xy x2 y2 y^ e
1 25 25.0 1.00 625 26.83 -1.83
1.5 31 46.5 2.25 961 28.02 2.98
2 27 54.0 4.00 729 29.21 -2.21
2.5 28 70.0 6.25 784 30.40 -2.40
3 36 108.0 9.00 1296 31.59 4.41
3.5 35 122.5 12.25 1225 32.79 2.21
4 32 128.0 16.00 1024 33.98 -1.98
4.5 34 153.0 20.25 1156 35.17 -1.17
Total 22 248 707.0 71.00 7800
(iv) If we assume the model to extend to x = 0, a = 24.452 is the estimated expected yield
when no fertilizer is used.
Plot of Residuals
A plot of residuals against the values of x often provides the idea of how good the fit is.
a) If the points in the plot are close to the x-axis and scattered in a random way, the model
appears to provide a good fit.
b) If the points are distributed in a systematic manner we should try some other model.
Example (4)
For the data in Example (3) relating to potatoes yields, remove the first pair (x = 1, y = 25) and fit
a line of regression to the remaining seven pairs. Is the line same as already determined for the eight
pairs? Do the same by removing the second pair (x=1, y = 31) instead of the first. Are the three lines
You will observe that a change in data leads to a different line. We say that a least squares line
has zero breakdown point. There are methods in which a change of as many as 50% data points does not
cause any change in equation of the fitted line.
(1) Given below the data relating to the thermal energy generated in Pakistan 1981-94. The
energy generation is in billion kwh.
Year 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
Energy Generated 4.2 5.2 5.1 5.2 6.5 7.3 8.4
Year 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
Energy Generated 10.8 11.9 14.5 16.1 19.4 19.7 23.0
Fit a straight line to the data. Find the residuals. Plot the residuals and comment on your result.
(2) Following is the annual installation of computers in labs in UET. Fit a linear regression
equation of the computers on years and give the annual rate of installation of them.
For each situation where the independent variable is a time factor, the values assigned to
2001-2003,… may be taken as 1,2,3,…
Example (6)
Fit a least squares line for 20 pairs of observations having X = 2, Y = 8, X2 = 180 and XY=404
Example (7)
For 5 pairs of observations, it is given that A.M of X is 2 and A.M of Y is 15. It is also known
that X = 30, X3 = 100, X4 =354, XY = 242, X2Y = 850. Fit a second degree parabola taking X as
an independent variable.
Coefficient of Determination
The variability among the values of the dependent variable Y, called the total variation, is given
by (Y Y)2. This composed of two parts:
(i) one is explained by (associated with) the regression line. i.e (Y Y)2
(ii) other which is not explained by (not associated with) the regression line. i.e. (Y Y)2.
^ ^
(Y Y)2 = (Y Y)2 + (Y Y)2
Total Variation = Unexplained Variation + Explained Variation
See the diagram;
The coefficient of determination which measures the proportion of variability in the values of the
dependent variable (Y) associated with its linear relation with the independent variable (X) is defined by:
^ ^
Explained Variation
(Y. Y)2 (Y Y. )2
r2 = Total Variation = =1
(Y Y) (Y Y)2
Alternate formula for Coefficient of Determination:
2 aY + bXY nY2
r =
Y2 nY
Example (12)
years R&D Annual
expenses (X) Profit (Y)
Calculate 1st 5 31
Coefficient of 2nd 11 40
Determination 3rd 4 30
using both the 4th 5 34
formulas 5th 3 25
6th 2 20
X = 30 Y=180
Two variables are said to be correlated if they tend to simultaneously vary in some direction; if
both the variables tend to increase (or decrease) together, the correlation is said to be direct or positive.
e.g. the length of an iron bar will increase as temperature increases. If one variable tend to increase as the
other variable decreases, the correlation is said to be negative or inverse. e.g. the volume of gas will
decrease as the pressure increases.
Correlation in fact is the strength of the relationship that is the interdependence between the two
variables that is there is no distinction between dependent and independent variable. In regression, by
contrast, we are interested in determining the dependence of one variable upon the other variable.
The numerical measure of strength in the linear relationship between any two variables is called
the correlation coefficient, usually denoted by r, is defined by
_ _
(XX) (YY)
_ _
(XX)2 (YY) 2
called Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.
XY(X)( Y)/n
[X (X)2/n][ Y2(Y)2/n]
It assumes values that range from +1 for perfect positive linear relationship, to – 1, for perfect
negative linear relationship and r = 0 indicates no linear relationship between X and Y.
It is important to note that r = 0 does not mean that there is no relationship at all. e.g. if all the
observed values lie exactly on a circle, there is a perfect non-linear relationship between the variables.
Analysis of Correlation and Regression
(1) The correlation answers the STRENGTH of linear association between paired variables, say X and Y. On
the other hand, the regression tells us the FORM of linear association that best predicts Y from the values
of X.
(2) Correlation is calculated whenever:
o both X and Y is measured in each subject and quantify how much they are linearly associated.
o in particular the Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient is used when the assumption of
both X and Y are sampled from normally-distributed populations are satisfied
o or the Spearman's moment order correlation coefficient is used if the assumption of normality is
not satisfied.
o correlation is not used when the variables are manipulated, for example, in experiments.
(3) Linear regression is used whenever:
at least one of the independent variables (Xi's) is to predict the dependent variable Y. Note: Some
of the Xi's are dummy variables, i.e. Xi = 0 or 1, which are used to code some nominal variables.
if one manipulates the X variable, e.g. in an experiment.
(4) Linear regression are not symmetric in terms of X and Y. That is interchanging X and Y will give a
different regression model (i.e. X in terms of Y) against the original Y in terms of X. On the other hand, if
you interchange variables X and Y in the calculation of correlation coefficient you will get the same value
of this correlation coefficient.
(5) The "best" linear regression model is obtained by selecting the variables (X's) with at least strong
correlation to Y, i.e. >= 0.80 or <= -0.80
(6) The same underlying distribution is assumed for all variables in linear regression. Thus, linear regression
will underestimate the correlation of the independent and dependent when they (X's and Y) come from
different underlying distributions.
Rank Correlation
Sometimes, the actual measurements of individuals or objects are either not available or accurate
assessment is not possible. They are then arranged in order according to some characteristic of interest..
Such an ordered arrangement is called a ranking and the order given to an individual or object is called its
rank. The correlation between two such sets of ranking is called Rank Correlation.
Let we have n pairs of two data sets ranked with respect to some characteristic. Say, (x1, y1),
(x2,y2), (x3, y3), … , (xn, yn). Since both xi and yi are the first n natural numbers, therefore we have
xi = 1 + 2 + … + n =
x2 = y2 = 12 + 22 + … + n2 =
- = (yi - y)2- = yi2 - (y i) n(n+1)(2n+1) n(n+1)2 n(n2-1)
(xi - x)2 = - =
n 6 4 12
Let di = xi - yi
di2 = (xi - yi)2 = xi2 + yi2 - 2xi yi
n(n+1)(2n+1) n(n+1)(2n+1)
= + - 2xi yi
6 6
n(n+1)(2n+1) 1
xi yi = - di2
6 2
The product moment coefficient of correlation is:
XY(X)( Y)/n
[X (X)2/n][ Y2(Y)2/n]
by substitution we have
n(n2 - 1)
This is also ranging from – 1 to + 1
If two objects or observations are tied (having same value), lets say for fourth and fifth, then they
are both given the mean rank of 4 and 5. i.e. 4.5.
This situation is given in the following example.
Example (13)
The following table shows the number of hours studied (X) by a random sample of ten students
and their grades in examination (Y):
X: 8 5 11 13 10 5 18 15 2 8
Y: 56 44 79 72 70 54 94 85 33 65
Calculate Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
We rank the X values by giving rank 1 to the highest value 18, rank 2 to 15, rank 3 to 13, rank 4
to 11, rank 5 to 10, rank 6.5 (mean of rank 6 and 7) to both 8, rank 8.5 (mean of rank 8 and 9) to both 5
and rank 10 to 2. Similarly we rank the values of Y by giving 1 to the highest value 94, rank 2 to 85, rank
3 to 79, …, and rank 10 to 33 which is the smallest.
Table given below:
X Y Rank of X Rank of Y di d2
8 56 6.5 7 - 0.5 0.25
5 44 8.5 9 - 0.5 0.25
11 79 4 3 1.0 1
13 72 3 4 - 1.0 1
10 70 5 5 0.0 0
5 54 8.5 8 0.5 0.25
18 94 1 1 0.0 0
15 85 2 2 0.0 0
2 33 10 10 0.0 0
8 65 6.5 6 0.5 0.25
d2 = 3
The value of n is 10.
n(n2 - 1)
10(102 - 1)
= 0.98
Compare this value with the correlation coefficient for the original values.
Example (14)
Ten competitors in a beauty contest are ranked by three judges in the following order
1st Judge 1 6 5 10 3 2 4 9 7 8
2nd Judge 3 5 8 4 7 10 2 1 6 9
3rd Judge 6 4 9 8 1 2 3 10 5 7
Use the rank correlation coefficient to discuss which pair of judges have the nearest approach to
common tastes in beauty.
Example (15)
The body mass index (BMI) For an individual is found as follows. Using your weight in pounds
and your height in inches, multiply your weight by 705, divide the result by your height, and divide again
by your height. The desirable body mass index varies between 19 and 25. Table gives the body mass
index and the age for 20 individuals. Find the coefficient rank correlation for data shown in the table.
Example (16)
Table gives the percent of calories from fat and the micrograms of lead per decilitter of blood for
a sample of preschoolers. Find the coefficient of rank correlation for the data shown in the table.
Assignment (1)
Given the following data:
X1: 41 31 26 43 21 33 41 31 46 31 36 32 38 27 35 40
X2: 62 52 50 56 51 52 63 50 47 40 56 54 60 57 57 58
X3: 41 33 33 38 35 36 43 33 37 33 33 31 30 37 35 31
(d) The correlation coefficients between X1 and X2 when the effect of X3.is held constant