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BIM For Infrastructure Sustainability in Developing Countries: The Case of Ethiopia

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BIM for Infrastructure Sustainability in Developing Countries: the case of


Conference Paper · January 2016


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2 authors:

Denamo Addissie Nuramo Theo C Haupt

Addis Ababa University Mangosuthu University of Technology


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BIM for Infrastructure Sustainability in Developing
Countries: the case of Ethiopia

Denamo Addissie Nuramo,

University of KwaZulu-Natal,
EiABC, Addis Ababa University
(email: [email protected])
Prof. Theo C. Haupt,
University of KwaZulu-Natal
(email: [email protected])


Investment in infrastructure in developing countries is essential for poverty reduction and it positively
and significantly correlates to their economic growth. As infrastructure development involves
consumption of considerable natural and capital resource and as it has long term impact on socio-
culture of societies, it should be sustainable both in terms of delivery and service. Achieving
sustainable infrastructure entails concerted considerations all the way from inception to demolition
stages. In contrary to the fact that the issue of sustainability is in vogue, its implementation in
infrastructure development in developing countries like Ethiopia is still at its infancy. In the
traditional design and delivery approach where sustainability issues are not adequately addressed,
resulting infrastructure becomes fragmented that is highly unsustainable and vulnerable. Due to
presence of huge input and complex process in sustainable infrastructure design and delivery, the need
for innovative information based interventions like Building Information Modelling (BIM) is
inevitable. While implementation of BIM in the developed world is very encouraging, its application
in the developing countries, especially in the area of infrastructure is very much limited. In this
regard, the role higher educational institutes play in the diffusion of this technology into the industry
is vital. The objective of this study is to explore the preparedness of Architecture, Engineering and
Construction Management (AEC) undergraduate students to use BIM in the construction industry
upon their graduation. Literature review and a semi-structured questionnaire were used to establish
the conceptual background and acquire empirical data respectively. 95 Architecture, Civil
Engineering and Construction Technology and Management graduating class students studying at the
prominent state owned university in Ethiopia were included in the study. The response rate was 95%
and the results of the study indicated that awareness and preparedness of the graduating students to
use BIM in the Ethiopian AEC industry is very low. This is especially true to Civil Engineering
students who are responsible to design and manage construction of majority of infrastructure projects
in the country. Respondents indicated unpreparedness of the AEC industry and absence of appropriate
software and work stations as the two major challenges to offer BIM at their university

Keywords: BIM, infrastructure, Sustainability, higher education, Developing Countries

1. Introduction

Investment in infrastructure in developing countries is essential for poverty reduction (Fay, et al.,
2011) and it positively and significantly correlates to economic growth. According to the World Bank
report there is a huge gap in infrastructure provision which is estimated at $1 trillion in low- and
middle income countries, and the demand continues to grow as countries develop (The World Bank
Group, 2008). The fact that infrastructure facilities last long signifies the need to make them
sustainable by designing and constructing them to accommodate the several requirements that would
emerge in due course of their lifetime. These requirements include social, economic, financial, and
environmental considerations.

Achieving sustainable infrastructure entails concerted considerations all the way from inception to
demolition stages. In contrary to the fact that the issue of sustainability is in vogue, its
implementation in infrastructure development in developing countries like Ethiopia is still at its
infancy. In the traditional design and delivery approach where sustainability is not adequately
considered, resulting infrastructure becomes fragmented that is highly unsustainable and vulnerable
(Sarte, 2010).

Due to presence of huge input and complex process in sustainable infrastructure design and delivery,
the need for innovative information based interventions like BIM (Building Information Modelling)
is inevitable. While implementation of BIM in the developed world is very encouraging, its
application in the developing countries, especially in the area of infrastructure is very much limited. It
is argued that lack of skilled and knowledgeable professionals is one of the bottlenecks for successful
implementation of the technology. The role higher educational institutes play in regards to breeding
the new BIM literate generation is vital. This signifies the need to assess the current trend in higher
educational institutions in regards to training and capacitating Architectural, Engineering and
Construction Management students in the developing countries like Ethiopia.

This study attempts to explain the role of BIM in sustainable infrastructure design and delivery and it
investigates the preparedness of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Construction Technology and
Management undergraduate students to implement BIM in the construction industry to attain
sustainable infrastructure in Ethiopia. The research tried to identify the possible challenges faced by
higher education institute in Ethiopia to offer BIM in these programs.

The study is limited to adoption of BIM in Ethiopia with a particular emphasis on Architecture, Civil
engineering and Construction Technology and Management final year students. The findings are
expected to be of assistance to Ethiopia and other developing countries in the design and delivery of
sustainable infrastructure through implementation of BIM. It contributes to the body of knowledge in
the area of sustainable infrastructure design and delivery in developing countries.

This article has six sections. Sections two and three discuss about sustainable infrastructure and BIM
correspondingly. Sections four and five present the research methodology and survey results.
Concluding remarks and recommendations are stipulated under section six.

2. Sustainable Infrastructure

2.1 Background

In the broader context the term infrastructure may refer to either "soft" or "hard" infrastructure. Hard
infrastructure entails provision of physical structures for basic services including energy, water
supply, sewerage, transportation, waste removal, sanitation, communication, health and education.
While hard infrastructure is about provision of physical assets, soft infrastructure is about
development of skill and knowledge and access to appropriate services (Casey, 2005).

Infrastructure can also be categorized as economic and social infrastructure where economic
infrastructure is part of an economy's capital stock used to facilitate economic production. Structures
including power utilities, piped gas, telecommunication, roads, drainage, railways, runways and
seaport are typical examples of economic infrastructure. Social infrastructure on the other hand
facilitates investment in human capital with a result of improving workforce productivity. Health,
education, safety and recreation service facilities are typical examples of social infrastructure (UN-
HABITAT, 2011). This study is limited to hard and economic infrastructure.

According to the World Bank report (Fay, et al., 2011) despite the fact that 10 percent increase in
infrastructure investment contributes to one percent growth in GDP, there is a gap in infrastructure
provision which is estimated at USD 1 trillion in low- and middle-income countries, and the demand
continues to grow as countries develop. While developing countries are engaged in massive
construction undertakings to curb their infrastructure deficiencies, only limited progress has been
made so far (Calderon & Serven, 2004).

African countries, especially, sub Saharan Africa countries trail behind other regions in terms of
infrastructure delivery and quality. This has becoming an impediment to their economic development
and a major constraint on poverty reduction. To fill the infrastructure gap, an estimated USD 93
billion, which is about 15% of GDP a year investment in infrastructure is needed in Africa (UN-
HABITAT, 2011). Infrastructure access gap looms large in the developing world where an estimated
748 million people live without access to safe water, 1.2 billion without electricity, 2.8 billion still
cook their food with solid fuel such as wood, 1 billion people live more than two kilometres away
from an all-weather road, 2.5 billion without sanitation, and more than 1 billion without access to
telephone services (Lin, 2005; Todaro & Smith, 2012; Fay, et al., 2011).

Ethiopia is a country in East Africa with one of the fastest growing economies in the world and
having an average growth rate of above 10% for the last decade where this momentum is expected to
continue at a rapid pace over the next five years (AfDB; OECD; UNDP, 2014). With a population of
more than 90 million it is the second most populous country in Africa following Nigeria.

The Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015 (World Economic Forum, 2014), positioned Ethiopia
125th out of the total 144 countries considered in the survey in terms of overall quality of
infrastructure where the report highlighted the need for significant improvement to enhance
competitiveness of the country's competitiveness in the global market.

According to the United Nations report (United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2011), only
less than 20 percent of the Ethiopian population has access to any modern infrastructure. Surveys
indicated that infrastructure constraints are responsible for an estimated 50 percent of the productivity
handicap faced by Ethiopian firms (Foster & Morella, 2011).

In the course of time, infrastructure and utilities age and will require substantial maintenance and
retrofitting if not demolished. Martland (2012) argues that social and environmental impacts of
infrastructure systems likely become more apparent over their life time suggesting the need to
consideration of sustainability aspect starting from the very early stage of the project design.
According to Kibert (2013), the built environment has direct, complex, and long-lasting impact on the
planet than any other human venture.

According to a report by CIB (1999) sustainable construction entails sectorial contribution made by
the AEC industry in the areas of environmental, social, ecological and cultural aspects in the effort to
achieve sustainable development. Sustainable construction is defined by Agenda 21 for Sustainable
Construction in Developing Countries discussion document as follows (CIB & UNEP-IETC, 2002):
"Sustainable construction means that the principles of sustainable development are applied to the
comprehensive construction cycle from the extraction and beneficiation of raw materials, through the
planning, design and construction of buildings and infrastructure, until their final deconstruction and
management of the resultant waste." (pp 6)

Williams (2007) described the sustainability design process as integration of design into the ecology
of the place which is the flow of materials and energy residing in the community. Compared to
conventional design, sustainable design needs additional criteria and items (Azapagic & Collett,
2006). To implement sustainability on real projects, it needs to understand sustainable practices and
then choose appropriate measures to facilitate sustainability realization (Chang & Tsai, 2015). As a
sustainable approach new options to substitute the services that were provided by the old
infrastructure need to be looked into (Williams, 2007). The emergence of BIM which is an important
milestone in the AEC(Architecture, Engineering and Construction) industry affects the traditional
approaches to project design and collaboration (Kibert, 2013). The next section describes the concept
and benefits of BIM.

3. Building Information Modelling (BIM)

3.1 Background

Yan and Damian (2008) described BIM as powerful software tools used in the construction industry
offering a considerable benefits throughout life cycle of a building including design, construction and
facility management. BIM is a fairly new innovation in the construction industry changing the
conventional way of designing, constructing, and operating buildings and infrastructure. The aim of
BIM approach is to be able to digitally view and access information about the construction project
from a single-source model (Krygiel & Nies, 2008). Unlike 2D drawings where drawings merely
show a representation of the final object, BIM models have simulation capabilities. High level of
accuracy and design efficiency can also be achieved by using BIM (Krygiel & Nies, 2008).

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a relatively new technology and has been in use in many
countries where several researches and surveys were made to assess level of adoption of the
technology (Jung & Lee, 2015; Hussain & Choudhry, 2013; Abubakar, et al., 2014; Langar & Pearce,
2014; Wong, et al., 2010; Mohannadi, et al., 2013; Rogers, et al., 2015). The AEC industry will be
able to utilise the full potentials of BIM only if it is widely endorsed by the stakeholders and adopted
throughout the industry.

3.2 BIM Implementation and Barriers

In contrary to the fact that BIM offers immense benefit to the construction industry, its adoption is
impeded by several barriers. Liu, et al (2010) conducted a study to identify factors influencing
adoption of building information modelling in the AEC industry and indicated that maintaining staff
with sufficient knowledge to perform facility management using BIM is one of the limitations faced
by companies to adopt BIM. Hartmann and Fischer (Hartmann & Fischer, 2008) indicated the scarcity
of BIM conversant practitioners as one of the major hindrances for its widespread adoption.

Adoption of new technologies requires identification of potential barriers and key effective
implementation strategies in order to ensure successful diffusion and implementation of the
technologies. Research in UK indicated that lack of BIM knowledge and skills raised concern and
delay in the uses of BIM in the UK (Young, et al., 2008). According to Fox and Hietanen (2007) lack
of highly skilled cross trained staff with both construction and IT skill is one of the barriers hindering
realization of BIM benefits.

3.3 BIM in Higher Education Institutes

The introduction of AutoCAD about thirty years ago paved a way to computer assisted design in the
construction industry. Currently, computer-based design courses are streamlined and given in several
undergraduate courses specially in developed countries. According to Dean (2007) BIM should be
taught in educational institutions as graduates with BIM literate graduates have more advantage over
BIM illiterate graduates. Fox and Hietanen (2007) highlighted that students and graduates with BIM
knowledge and proficiency play an important role in the use of BIM within their organizations. A
research in the UK recommends rearrangement of construction courses at universities to better equip
students to meet the growing demand of the construction industry (Bataw, et al., 2015).

Construction education should keep itself updated with new innovations and industry. According to
Deutsch (2011) BIM should be integrated into Architecture, Construction and Engineering programs.
Ahbab, et al. (2013) stated that educational institutions should produce BIM enabled professionals for
adoption of BIM in the construction industry. Cooksey and Schiff (2012) recommended that students
should be able to acquire knowledge about the capabilities of BIM and effective use of the tool before
they join the profession.

4. BIM for Sustainable Infrastructure

The AEC industry is becoming more and more complex and requiring more specialization.
Specialization in turn opens a door for fragmentation in the industry and contributes to the decline in
efficiency of the industry compared to other industries (Krygiel & Nies, 2008). In line with
complexity of building and infrastructure systems, the presence of plentiful design requirements and
the complex interrelationship between these requirements suggest the need for an integrated approach
to design, construction and operation of buildings and infrastructure.

The construction industry is currently under immense pressure globally in terms of timely delivery,
consideration of sustainable practice, value for money, etc. Several attempts were made to improve
the situation through devising alternative procurement methods, introducing better innovative
construction technologies and innovative processes including Computer Aided Design (Abubakar, et
al., 2014) .

Vallero and Braiser (2008) indicated that BIM offers a great potential for sustainable design through
increased teamwork and integration across different disciplines. BIM helps to test "what if" scenarios
at the early design stage of projects and enable designers analyse several options which is an essential
element of sustainable infrastructure design (Vallero & Braiser, 2008). Crotty (2012) stresses that
safety, soundness and sustainability concerns of the public will be accommodated in software
programs in a BIM-based industry. Malina (2013) suggests that BIM can be considered as a more
sustainable and cost effective tool to deliver sustainable buildings.

A holistic design which is an approach for sustainability of the AEC industry calls for collaboration
of different professional including architects, engineers and urban planners where these professional
share information and tools supporting this approach need to emerge (Shen, et al., 2009). BIM enables
designers to iterate and analyse sustainable design options faster than in a more traditional process
(Krygiel & Vandezande, 2014).

One of the emerging project delivery methods called Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is claimed to
have many of the attributes of construction delivery systems very much compatible with Energy and
Environment certification systems. According to Kibert (2013) BIM is instrumental in the successful
implementation of IPD by providing the possibility for good collaboration on construction projects.

A study has indicated that BIM is a very effective tool to teach students concepts of building
sustainability. It is argued that while sustainable building design and construction is being gradually
integrated into construction curricula in higher educational institutes due to the complex nature of the
subject, its instruction and learning is a challenge (Shen, et al., 2012).

5. Methodology

The research methodology employed includes literature review in relation to the role of higher
educational institutes in facilitating BIM adoption rate of the construction industry. The review also

used to identify the role of construction education institution in adoption of the technology in the AEC
industry. Following the literature review, a semi-structured questionnaire was developed and a survey
was conducted among final year Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Construction Technology and
Management undergraduate students to assess their acquaintance with BIM and their perception
about its benefits and practicability. The survey is designed to explore Architecture, Civil Engineering
and Construction Technology and Management students level of preparedness to use BIM upon their
graduation. It further aims to assess students willingness to learn BIM if they are given the

The survey was conducted at the Addis Ababa University, the largest and oldest university in
Ethiopia. The University is located in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia and it is a flagship
state owned educational institute. It was the first institute to start all the three undergraduate programs
namely Architecture, Civil Engineering and Construction Technology and Management in the
country. In 1955 a four year Civil Engineering program was introduced followed by Building
engineering program in 1958. Lately a bachelors program in Construction Management and
Technology program was opened in 2002. The university is considered as a trend setter in the country
and it is fair to assume that it is a very good indicator of the situation in educational institutes in
Ethiopia especially in terms of AEC studies. As graduates of the three field of studies involve in the
design, construction and facilities management of infrastructure project the study focused only on
these programs.

The research questionnaire has three sections: it begins with background questions followed by
structured questions asking students to give their opinion about their competence and orientation
towards BIM. The second section also includes a question asking students to prioritize the possible
challenges of offering BIM courses in their respective programs. The last section has semi-structured
questions dealing with students awareness and the types of BIM software programs they are
acquainted with.

6. Results and Discussion

This next sections presents results of the survey and discusses on the findings.

The questionnaire survey was conducted at the end of 2015. The data analysis included descriptive
analysis and comparative statistics.

A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed to a randomly selected students and 95 completed
questionnaires were returned which is a 95% response rate. Out of the total respondents 33.7% (32) of
them are female and the remaining 66.3% (63) of them are male. According to their field of studies
students studying Architecture and Civil Engineering constitute 31.6% each and the remaining 36.8 %
of the respondents are students from Construction Technology and Management. In the researchers
opinion, the field of study composition of the respondents is a fair representation of the professionals
involved in infrastructure planning, design, construction and facilities management. All respondents
are final year students and are expected to join the AEC industry within one to five months time
depending on their program structure.

Table 1 depicts that all architecture students are aware of BIM but only 33.7 % of them are aware of
its benefits. 31.8% of architecture students said they have used BIM during their studies and only
27.9% of them indicated they have taken a course on BIM on campus. 23.2% of Civil Engineering
and 18.3% of Construction Technology and Management students said they have never heard about
BIM. As to awareness of BIM and its benefits, 66.3% of the respondents responded positively out of
which half of them were Architecture students. In all cases Architecture students have shown better
awareness and level of competence about BIM. However, involvement of Architects in Infrastructure
design and construction in Ethiopia is limited when compared to the other two field of studies.

Table 1: Respondents awareness about BIM

Questions Never heard Aware of Used BIM on Taken a

about BIM BIM and its campus course on BIM
Field of Study
benefits on campus
Architecture - 33.7% 31.8% 27.9%
Civil Engineering 23.2% 13.5% 10.2% 10.1%
Construction Technology and 18.3% 19.1% 14.8% 3.8%
Total 41.5% 66.3% 56.8% 41.8%

As shown in Table 2 the respondents indicated unpreparedness of the construction industry and
absence of adequate and appropriate software and work stations as the two major challenges to offer
BIM at the institute under consideration.

Table 2: Challenges of offering BIM at higher education institute as rated by respondents

Field of study Architecture Civil Construction Cumulative

Engineering Technology &
Unpreparedness of the Ethiopian construction
industry to widely implement BIM
4.03 3.84 4.03 3.97
Absence of adequate and appropriate software 3.67 3.35 3.86 3.61
and workstations
Lack of awareness of the institute management 3.10 3.41 3.79 3.42
and academic staff
Lack of well trained staff 3.43 3.32 3.24 3.33
Note : 1 = Strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=neutral; 4=agree and 5=strongly agree
86% of the respondents showed a very high interest to learn about BIM and 93% of them indicated
that BIM would be very instrumental to improve the AEC industry in Ethiopia. Of the total students
who responded that they are aware about the benefits of BIM, 52% of them failed to provide correct
answers to the questions asking about benefits of BIM. This implies that the awareness of the students
about BIM could be even below than the figures indicated in Table 1.

7. Conclusions

Investment in infrastructure is key for economic development especially for developing countries like
Ethiopia. As infrastructure development involves consumption of a considerable natural and capital
resource and as it has long term impact on socio-culture of societies, infrastructures should be
sustainable both in terms of delivery and service. One of the innovative tools to help the AEC industry
deliver sustainable infrastructure is BIM. While developed countries are in a better level in making
use of BIM, developing countries are still struggling to benefit the great advantages of the technology.
The role higher educational institutes play in the diffusion of this technology into the industry is vital.

Results of this study indicated that awareness and preparedness of AEC graduating students to use
BIM in the Ethiopian AEC industry is very low. This is especially true with Civil Engineering
graduating students who are responsible to design and manage construction of majority of
infrastructure projects in the country. According to the study Architecture students have better
acquaintance and competence in using the program showing the prospects that Civil Engineering and
Construction Technology and Management program can also enable their students gain the
knowledge and skill their students need.

To pave a way to make use of the vast potentials of BIM, educational institutes in Ethiopia should go
extra mile to equip their students with this technology. Teaching students BIM at a university level
before they join the industry should be reasonably less costly and it plays a vital role to help the
industry move towards wide implementation of BIM for delivery of sustainable infrastructure.


Authors of this article would like to thank Leule Mebratie, Tsigereda Getachew and Yayne Zenebe for
their support during the questionnaire data collection.


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