Even Semester 2020-2021 MA102: Engineering Mathematics II End Semester Examination

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Even Semester 2020-2021

MA102: Engineering Mathematics II

End Semester Examination
Max. Marks: 35 Date: July 06, 2021

Please read the following instructions carefully.

• Your submission must be neatly hand written. The front page of your solution copy must
include your roll number, email-id and discipline.

• Submit only ONE PDF file. Do sign at the top and bottom of every page of the PDF file. A
page without your signature will be discarded for evaluation.

• No query will be strictly entertained. If any question is found mathematically wrong, full marks
will be awarded if attempted.

• The marks for a question is indicated by the numbers in the parentheses against the question.

• Start answering each question on a fresh page.

• The deadline for submission of answers is July 07, 2021, 8:00AM.

• Late submission will not be considered for evaluation.

1. Let V and W be two vector spaces over the field F and T, T1 , T2 be linear transformations from
V to W . Prove the following: (2+3=5 marks)

(a) rank(αT ) = rank(T ), for all α ∈ F and α 6= 0.

(b) |rank(T1 ) − rank(T2 )| ≤ rank(T1 + T2 ) ≤ rank(T1 ) + rank(T2 ).
 
2 1 1
2. Find the characteristic equation of the matrix A =  0 1 0  and hence find the matrix
1 1 2
represented by A − 5A + 7A − 3A + A − 5A + 8A2 − 2A + I.
8 7 6 5 4 3
(2 marks)
cos θ − sin θ e −0
3. Let θ be a real number. Then check whether the matrices and
sin θ cos θ 0 e−iθ
are similar over the field of complex numbers. (3 marks)

4. Let xα y β be an integrating factor of x(4ydx + 2xdy) + y 3 (3ydx + 5xdy) = 0. Find α, β and

the solution of given differential equation. (4 marks)

5. Solve the following differential equation (3 marks)

d2 y dy
− 6 + 9y = x2 e3x
dx dx
using the method of undetermined coefficients.

6. Using the method of variation of parameters, solve (4 marks)

d2 y
+ n2 y = sec nx, n 6= 0.

7. Let u(x, y) = x2 + y 2 and v(x, y) = xy be two functions. Then; (3+2=5 marks)

(a) Check the existence, continuity and CR-equations of partial derivatives of u and v.
(b) Check the differentiability and analyticity of the function f = u + iv.

8. If u(x, y) = h(x)e2y is harmonic, h(0) = 0 and h0 (0) = 1, then find h(x). Also, find the
analytic function f = u(x, y) + iv(x, y). (4 marks)
9. Evaluate (2x + iy + 1)dz along the straight line joining 1 − i to 2 + i. (2.5 marks)

cos πz 2
10. Evaluate the integral C (z−1)(z−2)
dz around the circle | z |= 3, clockwise. (2.5 marks)

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