1 - Chakra Healing - Preparation Guide
1 - Chakra Healing - Preparation Guide
1 - Chakra Healing - Preparation Guide
Preparation Guide
With Anodea Judith
Table of Contents
How to Use Your Companion Workbooks 5
Declaration to Me Contract 9
How Healing Works 20
Chakras at a Glance 21
Chakra Affirmations 29
by Anodea Judith
After billions of years of evolution, we who are alive today have the most
advanced consciousness, technology, and capability of any life on this planet.
But do we know how to use it wisely?
Our ancestors have laid down the infrastructure for us, by building the roads,
the airports, the hospitals, and schools. They built a knowledge base of science,
medicine, education, and abundance. Our food systems are in place, our
computers are connected to each other through a world wide web. We can now
download, learn from, and share the greatest wisdom of humanity.
The tools of power are in the hands of everyday people like you and me – the
tools to create, communicate, and connect. We have these tools are our disposal
—computers and cell phones, rapid transportation, and incredible media.
All systems are GO for the next stage in evolution. We just have to take it to the
next step.
But how do we get there? Where is the map? What role does each of us play in
this monumental moment in history when things seem to be falling apart as fast
as they are coming together? What will guide us through this challenging
transformation of humanity into its future form?
The chakra system provides a formula for human awakening through a map that
systematically guides you in your personal healing, your spiritual growth, and at
the same time, our collective evolution. It is a map that connects the personal
and the universal, the I and the we, the inside and the outside—so that a mutual
evolution occurs between you and I and the world we live in.
It is essential that we learn this map together. It will help you understand why
you do what you do—and how to do it better. It will help you heal your
emotional and physical challenges. It will enhance your relationships. And it will
address the necessary values and virtues needed to create a world that works
for all – a world in which we work together to create Heaven on Earth.
That’s why you’re invited to join the Rainbow Warriors tribe: a tribe of people
dedicated to their own healing and to evolving the consciousness around them.
The chakra system is both a philosophical system and an energetic system that
originated within the yoga tradition of India. You can see it as a potent
philosophy to guide you, but you can also apply it to your own mind and body
on an energetic level of healing—something you can feel inside yourself. It’s real
essence is on the level of energy or “charge”– which is what we are all made of,
what makes us who we really are.
Since ancient times, the chakra system has been seen as a ladder for liberation
as a series of stepping stones to higher consciousness. It stretches the full
spectrum of human possibility, from the earth we walk upon to the stars above,
from our physical bodies to limitless consciousness.
But the chakras also provide a map for manifestation, a means whereby we take
the ideas that come through meditation and guidance, and fully implement
them into the world, by stepping down through the chakras, from abstract
thought to manifested reality.
Once you learn this map of the chakras, you will use it for the rest of your life.
You will have tools to address imbalances and bring you back to center. You will
have a way to understand yourself and others. And you will know where you fit
into the larger picture, as a co-creator of heaven and earth.
I’ve probably thought about the chakras more than just about anybody alive
today. I’ve been teaching workshops on them for over 40 years, written nine
books on the subject and taught workshops to thousands of people around the
globe. Even if you are familiar with chakras already, you will find new insights
and new ways of looking at things.
You are invited to learn about this magnificent system on all of these levels and
more through the following Quest.
There’s so much to I want to share with you. I can’t wait to get started.
Anodea Judith
Welcome to Chakra Healing with Anodea Judith. In the next 35 days, Anodea will
take you through a journey of integrative healing through the chakras.
Every week for the next five weeks, you will receive a companion workbook to
use alongside your lessons. You may type directly in the PDF or print.
We suggest keeping an extra journal to write your ongoing reflections.
Anodea Judith, PhD., founder of Sacred Centers, has spent over 40 years
combining Eastern and Western disciplines for healing and personal growth. She
is the author of many best-selling books on the chakras, including the classic
Wheels of Life, and produced the award winning video, The Illuminated Chakras.
Who Is This Program For?
• People who are on a spiritual journey and would like a map to guide them.
• People who want a holistic healing system, that integrates body, mind, and
• People who are seeking to heal their past issues, mend their body, and
liberate their psyche.
• People who are facing instability, guilt, fear, shame, stress, aimlessness.
• Not for those who aren’t ready to change, because this entire program is
designed for transformation.
• Not for the faint of heart. The Quest will require your conscious decision
to take action to make change.
What You Can Look Forward To
• You’ll feel more in charge of your life, living from your true center.
• You’ll have a full set of tools to get you back in balance when you get off
• You’ll be fully knowledgeable about your own chakras and have a way to
understand others.
• You’ll know how to activate your will and open your heart.
• You’ll have a map to guide you for the rest of your life.
• You will have a step by step plan for manifesting whatever you want in life
• You will have a community of like-hearted folks also taking this quest.
Declaration to Me Contract
I, _________________________________, hereby commit to the full challenge of taking
this healing quest through all the chakras:
8. I understand this course does not make any medical claims, and that
healing is on a broader level than the physical body.
Signed:____________________________ Dated:__________
What to Expect: Navigating this Quest
Expect to take action daily.
Expect to move your body and practice yoga.
Expect to encounter yourself on a deeper level.
3. Spiritual Practice: learn how to take your healing journey out into the
larger context of others and the world around you.
Choose Your Engagement Level
Light Engagement
• Go through the Quest, learn about your chakras, and gather the
knowledge. Try the simpler exercises, and save others for another time.
• Recommended: You want an overview, don’t have much time, or you are
completely new to spirituality, energy bodies, or personal development.
Medium Engagement
• On top of the daily lessons and simple exercises, you will engage in either
weekly challenges and/or chakra skill sets. Do what you can for either.
Full Engagement
• You do everything: all daily lessons, weekly challenges, skill sets, and the
advanced exercise options. Recommended for an overhaul system reboot.
What If I Miss a Day?
There are always distractions in life and reasons to get pulled off track.
So consider this:
This life-changing course is ONLY for a month. You can do anything for a
month: whether it’s diet, exercise, the way you treat people (or yourself), or a
practice such as yoga or meditation. Challenge yourself to follow through no
matter what. They say it takes 21 days to change a habit or establish a new one.
Within one month you will establish new behaviors and old ones will disappear.
If you do miss a class, don’t despair. Just get back on the wheel with everyone
else as soon as you can. You can always make up later whatever you missed, as
you will have access to these materials for life.
But don’t just take my word for it that you will transform and grow through this
course. Give it some objective study.”
• Two chakras are covered each week for the first four weeks.
• Every Sunday is a day to review and integrate, a day where you’ll be able to
download the workbook for the upcoming week.
• Week 5 covers the downward manifesting current. Watch and have fun
following alongside a live demonstration with Anodea and a participant.
Week Seventh Seventh
Seventh Reflect & Introducti The Global Opening
4 Chakra Chakra
Chakra Integrate on: Heart & Setting
Manifesta- Intention
Psyche Body Spirit tion
Getting Geared Up: Come to this Quest Prepared
It is ideal to have a yoga mat, some sort of strap or belt, and/or yoga
blocks (if you later discover you may need them along the journey).
Find a sacred space to practice yoga where can follow along the lessons.
Bring a positive attitude and excitement about taking on your growth and
• Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindvalley.chakrahealing/
Set aside 30 minutes everyday for the next 35 days to dedicate to your
personal transformation. Find a time when you are well-rested and ready to
learn, to move, and to reflect.
Pre-Assessment: Overall Chakra Health
Before you start your quest, it’s important gauge your baseline chakra health.
The pre-assessment below is helpful for two reasons:
1. It will help clarify what areas you need to focus on in the quest.
2. It will help set a reference point for yourself, so you can later evaluate
which areas you’ve developed as a result of participating in this quest.
After the quest is over, rate yourself again to see how much you have
grown. Then, calculate the difference of your pre and post assessments, and
share your wins with the Tribe
Remember, all the exercise you will learn – and their resulting changes – will
continue to take place long after the course is completed, especially if you
continue using the exercises.
If there are areas where you still feel stuck, areas that didn’t change that much,
then you know where you need to do deeper work, or apply the practices longer
or more diligently. Don’t beat yourself up about it, just keep up the efforts. They
will pay off in the long run.
Use the rating scale below to rate yourself on each statement.
First Chakra: Root
Fourth Chakra: Heart
Seventh Chakra: Crown
All Chakras Total Score = ________
“Most of the time” in all columns (worst score) would be 5 x 49 = 245
“Never” in all columns (best score) would be 1 x 49 = 49
If you scored anything between about 100 and 245, it means there’s room for
What Do You Want? [Optional]
It’s always good to start with the end in mind. Make a checkmark next to any of
the goals that you resonate with and feel free to add a few of your own.
Feel fully in charge of your life, living from your true center.
Have a full set of tools to get you back in balance when you get off
• Balanced with the other chakras for an even distribution of energy and
How Healing Works
Healing works by bringing body, mind, and energy together to:
• Release limiting, unproductive patterns of the past and replace them with
new habits and behaviors.
• To mend the wounds of childhood that are lodged in the physical, emotional,
and mental programming.
• And finally, to take your inner work into your outer world.
Chakras at a Glance
Chakras and Endocrine System
How do Chakra Energy Work?
Some texts show Ida and Pingala crossing between the chakras, while other
show them crossing at the chakras. Others describe the currents ending, or
beginning, at the left and right nostril.
The 2 Energetic Currents
Introduction to the Chakras Quiz [Optional]
Take this optional short quiz to check your understanding about the Chakras.
True or false (T/F):
1. _____ More than centers of transmission life force energy, the chakra
system also provides a philosophical framework for the main areas of
human functioning.
2. _____ The chakras are a map that can help you connect parts of your life to
the organs in your energetic body and areas of your physical body.
3. _____ Each chakra contains core programs that govern everything you do,
feel, and think.
4. _____ The goal of activating and balancing the chakras is to ascend out of
the body.
5. _____ If you want to change your life, the chakra system provides a
systematic reboot.
6. _____ Chakra – “disk” – is a program that runs certain elements of our lives.
Programming starts at birth if not before, and is both conscious and
unconscious. The purpose is to make programmings conscious so we can
have a choice about it.
7. _____ According to Anodea, there is only one main current for the chakras.
We are seeking self-liberation in the chakra system.
8. _____ Qi, Prana, the force, Orgone, or Charge are all different things.
9. _____ Chakra blocks occur when: upward and downward currents have
opposing agendas; faulty programs in consciousness and the body; there’s
a place where we don’t let charge come through.
10. _____ Chakras work with energy, and energy is everywhere, so we also heal
by working with others and cosmic systems.
*Accompanies Opening Meditation and Setting Intention video.
When you are clear on what you want, you can live your life on purpose and
with purpose.
Deep change comes through repeated practice. To create motivation in your
practice, begin with the end in mind. It starts with intention.
1. Why did you start?
I made the decision to purchase and start this Quest, because:
What values are associated with this decision?
2. I AM intention setting.
Who do you want to be by the end of this Quest? Ask and immerse yourself in
the visualization of your desired identity.
Write down your intention as simply and clearly as possible, in present time, and
as a statement of the positive.
I AM: alive, vibrant, and full of joy.
I AM: ______________________________________
I AM: ______________________________________
I AM: ______________________________________
3. Share and remind yourself every day.
When a powerful Being declares an intention into the clear space of open
possibility: it manifests effortlessly.
When you share your I AM intentions and why you started with the Tribe, you
are sending out the energetic declaration for these outcomes to happen.
At the same time, others in the Tribe can support, celebrate, and collectively
work with group energy for things to materialize.
Keep yourself accountable:
• Keep it somewhere you can see everyday (by your computer, in the car, or
your wallet).
Chakra Affirmations
7th Chakra
· I am awake and aware.
· The world is my teacher.
· I am guided by higher intelligence.
· I am guided by inner wisdom.
· Divinity resides within.
· All is one.
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