Dual-Fuel Blower Burners EK3xx
Dual-Fuel Blower Burners EK3xx
Dual-Fuel Blower Burners EK3xx
Table of contents
General information
Contents Page
General information Heat generator ELCO rejects all warranty claims for
The ELCO EK3... GL-RO series of The heat generator must meet damage resulting from one of the
dual fuel blower burners is designed for the requirements stipulated in EN 676 following reasons:
the combustion of natural gas or extra- for furnace loads. – Improper use
light fuel oil. Design and performance of – Inexpert installation or
the burners comply with the standards Site of installation maintenance by the purchaser or
EN 267 and EN 676 The burner must not be operated in third persons, including the
Installation, start-up and maintenance rooms with aggressive fumes (e.g. installation of parts other than
of the burner must be performed by hairspray, tetrachloroethylene, carbon genuine parts supplied by the
a qualified expert in compliance with tetrachloride), dust-laden air or high manufacturer.
currently applicable guidelines and atmospheric humidity (e.g. laundry
regulations. rooms). Start-up
For supply of combustion air, ensure Initial start-up of the firing installation
DIN 4755 adequate ventilation of the heating must be performed by the installer,
Oil-firing installations in heating room. manufacturer, or by another expert
systems designated by them.
DIN 4756 Delivery and operating instructions
Gas-firing installations in heating At the time of delivery at the latest, the
systems company installing the burner must
supply the user with a set of Operating
TRG I and Service Instructions. These should
Technical regulations for gas fittings be kept in the room where the heating
unit is installed.
DIN EN 298 The address and telephone number of
Gas burners, flame monitoring systems the nearest service representative must
be entered in the Instructions.
EN 60335-1
Safety of electrical appliances for Note for the user
domestic use The system should be serviced by an
expert at least once a year. To ensure
maintenance at regular intervals, we
recommend you to conclude a service
2 0211 / 13 010 616A / 121 973
Technical data
Technical data
Thermal output min. 113 kW 160 kW
Thermal output max. 465 kW 700 kW
Gas type Natural gas* Natural gas*
Gas supply pressure 20-100 mbar** 20-100 mbar**
Regulation Modulating Modulating
Air regulation suction side Air cut-off valve Air cut-off valve
Air regulation pressure side in burner head in burner head
Oil regulation return nozzle with flow controller with flow controller
Control ratio Fuel oil 1:2,5 Gas 1:4 Fuel oil 1:2,5 Gas 1:4
Voltage 230/400 V, 50 Hz 230/400 V, 50 Hz
Power consumption. 1.5 kW 1.5 kW
Weight approx 50 kg 56 kg
Burner equipment
Electric motor 2800 min.–1 0.9 kW 0.9 kW
Automatic burner control unit LFL 1 / LGK 16 LFL 1 / LGK 16
Flame monitor UV QRA 2 / QRA 5 UV QRA 2 / QRA 5
Ignition transformer ZM 20/14 ZM 20/14
El. servomotor for air damper SQM 53 SQM 53
Air pressure monitor DL 50 A DL 50 A
Solenoid valve for return and supply oil 2-way 2-way
Oil pressure pump AJ6-CE RSA 125
Electromagnetic clutch 12/54 12/54
Oil pressure monitor DSA 43 F001 DSA 43 F001
Thermal output QF
Burner type G H J K L M N O P Q R DN
EK 3.50 GL-RO 192 M10 160 370 485 120–300 305 420 280 310 45 R 1½”
EK 3.70 GL-RO 192 M10 220 370 485 120–300 305 445 280 310 45 R 1½”
Oil regulation
Gas regulation
Compound controller fuel/air Setting of the quantity of oil Gas fittings group
The compound control system, which During operation with oil, the oil which The gas fittings group is determined
alters the fuel and air quantities evenly is not used for combustion is returned according to customer-specific
and continuously, ensures that to the the tank from the nozzle by the conditions.
combustion values are maintained at return oil flow controller 11.
almost identical levels across the entire This flow controller continuously adjusts Important criteria are:
control range. the amount of return oil in relation to · Burner capacity
The infinitely adjustable electrical drive the air. · Furnace backpressure
system operates the combined To achieve an optimum ratio of air and · Gas pressure drop of the burner
regulator as per the amount of heat fuel across the entire control range, the head
required. air damper must be positioned correctly · Gas pressure drop of the gas fittings
This regulates the quantities of air and via an adjustable steel segment and
fuel by means of the air flap and gas ball-bearing ratchet. The total gas pressure drop must
linear nozzle. always be smaller than the available
The sliding two-stage regulating system Linearization gas flow pressure.
allows only the end-points of the Air regulation on the suction side is
adjustment range, and the part- and effected by the linearized air damper. Important
full-load points to be approached This ensures a wide adjustment range Only gas fittings approved by official
smoothly. This prevents abrupt startup and a high combustion efficiency even burner testing may be used.
and shutdown with larger amounts of at low loads.
fuel. Non-stepped regulation allows the
system to be adjusted to any part of the
setting range. The difference between,
two-stage sliding and non-stepped
burners lies in the electrical control of
the burner. The mechanical system
remains unchanged.
Functional Diagram
A Gas connection
B Supply oil connection
C Return oil connection
D Combustion air inlet
Functional diagramm
Modulating LFL 1…/LGK 16…
A = Start command
B–B = Interval for flame formation
B = Burner in operating position
B–C = Burner operation
(heat generation)
D = Controlled shutdown
R Temperature or pressure
G Blower motor
Z Ignition transformer
BV Fuel valve (s)
LR Load controller
LK Air damper
RV Continuously variable fuel valve
(here: gas control valve)
FS Flame signal
t1 Preventing time
t2 Safety time
t3 Preignition time
t4 Release of fuel valve BV
t5 Release of load controller LR
t11 Opening time of air damper
t12 Closing time of air damper
Gas connection
Oil connection
Oil pressure regulation (supply oil)
Burner head
1 Oil connection, min. low load
1a Oil connection, max. full load
2 Gas control nozzle
3 Flame cup
4 Nozzle rod
5 Swirl plate
6 Baffle plate holder
7 Return nozzle
8 Baffle plate
9 Ignition electrodes
dinal adjustment
Electrode gap
max. longitu-
scale plate 0
Baffle plate/
Baffle plate/
gas nozzle
nozzle rod
nozzle rod
swirl plate
Gas tube/
flame cup
Gas tube/
Oil filler/
EK 3.50 GL-RO 35 0 4 22 3 0 30 10 8
EK 3.70 GL-RO 35 0 4 22 3 0 30 7 8
Return nozzle
The Bergonzo nozzle A4 is a return
nozzle which is suitable for the
continuous oil regulation of oil
atomizing burners.
It is designed for a maximum control
ratio of 1:4. Throughput is regulated by
changing the return oil pressure while
the supply oil pressure is kept at a
constant level.
Prior to start-up, compare the nozzle
size with the required performance and
change the nozzle, if necessary.
Supply oil pressure 20 bar. Control ratio max 1:4 Nozzle size lg/h
Oil flow kg/h
Gas, oil
Combustion air
Oil flow
The oil flow is adapted to the air flow
set for operation with gas. Adjustment
is made by means of the regulating
steel segment 5.
To limit the adjustment range, set the
limit switches of the electric
servomotor. Separate limit switches are
available for operation with gas and oil.
Electric servomotor
Adjusting the limit switches
The electric servomotors of the
SQM5... series are designed for
operation with gas and air dampers in
oil and gas burners of medium to high
capacity. They are intended primarily
for controlling the gas and combustion
air flow as a function of the load.
· in conjunction with controllers with
three-level or continuous
(e.g. 4...20 mA) control signals
· directly by the burner control unit
Technical documentation
SQM5...L&G 7815 D
Limit switches
The limit switches are actuated by trip
cams which are factory-set to standard
Disconnecting mechanism
The drive shaft and camshaft can be
disconnected separately.
A = drive shaft disconnecting
N = camshaft disconnecting
Do not disconnect the drive shaft and
the camshaft at the same time.
Factory settings
DSA 70F 001 40 bar Supply line with separate oil pump
Flame monitoring
Sensor current measurement
Burner control unit LFL 1... Flame monitoring with UV detector Measuring the UV current with
UV monitoring with QRA 2... This monitoring method uses the QRA 5
UV radiation of hot flame gases for For precise measurement of UV
obtaining the flame signal. currents, we recommend using the test
The radiation detector is a UV-sensitive unit KF 8832.
tube which is constantly under voltage If you use a standard measuring
and which consists of two electrodes; instrument (microammeter) to
the tube fires when it is exposed to light measure the UV current, we
of the spectral range between recommend proceeding as shown in
190...270 nm, thus transmitting a the illustration. Integrate a capacitor
current to the flame signal amplifier. C = 470 µF, 15 V (or higher electric
The UV tube does not react to strength) into the measuring
afterglowing chamotte in the furnace, to connections.
sunlight, daylight or heating room
illumination. Measuring instrument:
The tube has a service life of about 100 µA/Ri = 3 kW
10,000 hours at ambient temperatures
of up to 50°C; higher ambient Connect the measuring instrument
temperatures will considerably reduce between the burner control unit and the
Burner control unit LGK 16... the tube life.
UV monitoring with QRA 5... UV flame detector QRA 5...
The tube is tested automatically in (terminal 22 (-), terminal 5 (+).
conjunction with the burner control unit
during interruptions of operation and Ensure correct polarity!
with increased supply voltage.
If the tube misfires, a lockout will be Aligning the UV Detector QRA 5...
effected immediately at the next start. The fixing flange can be moved along
Burners designed for continuous the feeler tube and allows precise
operation or intermittent operation at alignment of the detector window with
strong heat for more than 24 hours the incident UV radiation.
(e.g. multi-boiler cascade systems) or
burners which are operated with steam Note
boilers must be equipped with the Terminal 22 must be earthed at all
burner control unit LGK 16... and the times!
corresponding self-checking flame
detector (QRA 5...). Cleaning the detector
For a detailed technical description, The UV detector window must be
specifications and planning information, cleaned at regular intervals.
see Burner Control Units Keep the window free from dust.
LFL 1... No. 7451 D If cleaning is unsuccessful, replace
LGK 16... No. 7785 D the UV tube.
Sensor currents
Burner Minimum Maximum
control unit * See also specifications of burner
control unit LFL 1.../LGK 16...
Monitoring with UV with UV ** See data on device KF 8832
type for sensor current measurement
*LFL 1… 70 µA 630 µA
*LGK 16… ** **
UV monitoring 0–1000 µA
If a malfunction occurs, check first If you find that the malfunction has not Do not press the reset key for longer
whether all requirements for proper been caused by one of the above than 10 seconds.
operation have been met. mentioned items, check the burner Closely watch the subsequent start-up
functions carefully. program.
Check whether: The possible cause can be detected
1. Fuel is available, gas is supplied, gas Situation: quickly by means of the lockout
pressure is adequate, there is enough The burner is found out of action in the indicator on the burner control unit and
oil in the tank, and the fuel selector lockout mode. Reset the burner control by watching the sequence of the start-
switch is set correctly? unit with the reset button and start the up and operating program.
2. The power supply works properly? burner.
3. All control and safety features, e.g.
temperature controller, safety limiter,
low-water cutout, electric limit switches
etc. work properly and are adjusted
Burner installations should be 1. Disassemble the nozzle and 12. Inspect the boiler components
checked once a year. According to check it. Clean the nozzle filter. and insulation and replace, if
DIN 4755, 4756, “to ensure the 2. Clean the filters and strainers. necessary. Check the boiler for
troublefree operation, performance, 3. Check the ignition electrodes and cleanness.
safety and efficiency of the the ignition spark; readjust, if 13. Clean the burner inside and
installation, the user should have the necessary. outside.
installation checked once a year by a 4. Perform pressure and vacuum 14. Check the combustion and make
representative of the manufacturer tests to check the oil pump. flue gas measurements:
or other qualified personnel. 5. Check the gas valves for · Adjust fuel throughput
The entire installation is to be tested tightness and cleanness. · Heating room temperature
for faultless performance, and 6. Check the hydraulic oil system for (suction temperature)
defects are to be repaired without tightness. · Flue gas temperature
delay. It is expedient to carry out an 7. Check all electrical connections. · Furnace pressure/pressure in
inspection in addition”. 8. Clean the UV flame detector. the flue gas tube
Inspection should include the 9. Check the pressure monitors for · CO2/O2 content
following items: proper adjustment and · CO measurement, soot test
· Measure the UV current
10. Check the control units for
15. Enter the measured values in the
performance, adjustment and
test certificate.
safety times.
11. Check the burner head setting.
Check the flat O-ring seal
between the gas and burner tube
for tightness.