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Biology Laboratory Manual Lab Manual (PDFDrive)

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Laboratory Manual

eleventh edition

Darrell S. Vodopich
Baylor University

Randy Moore
University of Minnesota

Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2017 by
McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions
© 2014, 2011, and 2008. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any
means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education,
including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for
distance learning.

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United States.

This book is printed on acid-free paper.

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ISBN 978-1-259-54487-3
MHID 1-259-54487-7

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Some of the laboratory experiments included in this text may be hazardous if materials are handled improperly
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Preface ​ ​v Exercise 15
Teaching and Learning Tools ​  vii Meiosis: Reduction Division and Gametogenesis ​159
Welcome to the Biology Laboratory ​viii
Exercise 16
Exercise 1 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: DNA Isolation and Genetic
Scientific Method: The Process of Science ​ ​1 Transformation ​ 171

Exercise 2 Exercise 17
Measurements in Biology: The Metric System and Data Analysis ​11 Genetics: The Principles of Mendel ​179

Exercise 3 Exercise 18
The Microscope: Basic Skills of Light Microscopy ​21 Evolution: Natural Selection and Morphological Change in Green
Algae 195
Exercise 4
The Cell: Structure and Function ​33 Exercise 19
Human Evolution: Skull Examination ​207
Exercise 5
Solutions, Acids, and Bases: The pH Scale ​49 Exercise 20
Ecology: Diversity and Interaction in Plant Communities ​217
Exercise 6
Biologically Important Molecules: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Exercise 21
and Nucleic Acids ​57 Community Succession ​227

Exercise 7 Exercise 22
Separating Organic Compounds: Column Chromatography, Population Growth: Limitations of the Environment ​235
Paper Chromatography, and Gel Electrophoresis ​71
Exercise 23
Exercise 8 Pollution: The Effects of Chemical, Thermal, and Acidic Pollution ​
Spectrophotometry: Identifying Solutes and Determining Their 243
Concentration ​ 81
Exercise 24
Exercise 9 Survey of Prokaryotes: Kingdoms Archaebacteria and
Diffusion and Osmosis: Passive Movement of Molecules in Bacteria ​ 253
Biological Systems ​93
Exercise 25
Exercise 10 Survey of Protists: The Algae ​269
Cellular Membranes: Effects of Physical and Chemical Stress ​105
Exercise 26
Exercise 11 Survey of Protists: Protozoa and Slime Molds ​283
Enzymes: Factors Affecting the Rate of Activity ​113
Exercise 27
Exercise 12 Survey of the Kingdom Fungi: Molds, Sac Fungi, Mushrooms,
Respiration: Aerobic and Anaerobic Oxidation of Organic and Lichens ​293
Molecules ​ 125
Exercise 28
Exercise 13 Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Liverworts, Mosses, and Hornworts
Photosynthesis: Pigment Separation, Starch Production, and CO2 of Phyla Hepaticophyta, Bryophyta, and Anthocerophyta ​307
Uptake 137
Exercise 29
Exercise 14 Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Seedless Vascular Plants of Phyla
Mitosis: Replication of Eukaryotic Cells ​149 Pterophyta and Lycophyta ​317

Indicates a LearnSmart Lab® activity is available for all or part of this exercise. For more information,
visit www.learnsmartadvantage.com.

Exercise 30 Exercise 42
Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Gymnosperms of Phyla Cycadophyta, Human Biology: The Human Skeletal System ​489
Ginkgophyta, Coniferophyta, and Gnetophyta ​329
Exercise 43
Exercise 31 Human Biology: Muscles and Muscle Contraction ​497
Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Angiosperms ​339
Exercise 44
Exercise 32 Human Biology: Breathing ​505
Plant Anatomy: Vegetative Structure of Vascular Plants ​355
Exercise 45
Exercise 33 Human Biology: Circulation and Blood Pressure ​515
Plant Physiology: Transpiration ​369
Exercise 46
Exercise 34 Human Biology: Sensory Perception ​531
Plant Physiology: Tropisms, Nutrition, and Growth Regulators ​377
Exercise 47
Exercise 35 Vertebrate Anatomy: External Features and Skeletal System
Bioassay: Measuring Physiologically Active Substances ​389 of the Rat ​541

Exercise 36 Exercise 48
Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Porifera and Cnidaria ​395 Vertebrate Anatomy: Muscles and Internal Organs of the Rat ​549

Exercise 37 Exercise 49
Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Platyhelminthes Vertebrate Anatomy: Urogenital and Circulatory Systems of the Rat ​557
and Nematoda ​411
Exercise 50
Exercise 38 Embryology: Comparative Morphologies and Strategies
Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Mollusca and Annelida ​425 of Development ​569

Exercise 39 Exercise 51
Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phylum Arthropoda ​439 Animal Behavior: Taxis, Kinesis, and Agonistic Behavior ​579

Exercise 40 Appendix I
Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Echinodermata and Chordata ​453 Dissection of a Fetal Pig ​585

Exercise 41 Appendix II
Vertebrate Animal Tissues: Epithelial, Connective, Muscular, Conversion of Metric Units to English Units ​592
and Nervous Tissues ​473

W e have designed this laboratory manual for an intro-
ductory biology course with a broad survey of basic
laboratory techniques. The experiments and procedures are
Study” in each exercise. We hope they will help you expand
students’ perceptions that each exercise has broad applica-
tion to their world.
simple, safe, easy to perform, and especially appropriate for
large classes. Few experiments require more than one class KEY UPDATES TO THE 11TH EDITION
meeting to complete the procedure. Each exercise includes
many photographs, traditional topics, and experiments that DIGITAL INTEGRATION
help students learn about life. Procedures within each exer- As educators, we recognize that today’s students
cise are numerous and discrete so that an exercise can be are digital learners. Therefore, a significant fea-
tailored to the needs of the students, the style of the instruc- ture of this edition is the integration of various
tor, and the facilities available. digital resources into the content of the exercises.
Virtually every exercise of this manual is now accompa-
TO THE STUDENT nied by tailor-made digital resources. Rather than generic
images from Internet sources, we have produced a variety
We hope this manual is an interesting guide to many areas of high-definition videos, PowerPoint images, and other
of biology. As you read about these areas, you’ll probably resources that demonstrate basic techniques, emphasize
spend equal amounts of time observing and experimenting. biological principles, test for understanding, and engage
Don’t hesitate to go beyond the observations that we’ve students as they learn biology in the laboratory. For this
outlined – your future success as a scientist and an informed edition, we have included numerous new videos.
citizen depends on your ability to seek and notice things that All digital resources can be found at connect
others may overlook. Now is the time to develop this ability .mheducation.com. Students will enjoy viewing these
with a mixture of hard work and relaxed observation. Have presentations, and instructors will want to assign these
fun, and learning will come easily. Also, remember that this resources to help students know what they’ll be doing, what
manual is designed with your instructors in mind as well. Go principles they’ll be investigating, and what concepts they’ll
to them often with questions – their experience is a valuable need to understand before coming to lab.
tool that you should use as you work.
TO THE INSTRUCTOR Updates and changes include:
This manual’s straightforward approach emphasizes experi- ∙ Yellow highlighting is placed throughout the manual to
ments and activities that optimize students’ investment of indicate, at a glance, all laboratory actions expected of
time and your investment of supplies, equipment, and prepa- the students.
ration. Simple, safe, and straightforward experiments are ∙ Many procedures are revised to help clarify steps and
most effective if you interpret the work in depth. Most exper- outline what needs to be done.
iments can be done easily by a student in 2 to 3 hours. Ter- ∙ An extensive number of photographs are added or
minology, structures, photographs, and concepts are limited changed to improve your understanding and provide a
to those that the student can readily observe and understand. visual of what you will see.
In each exercise we have included a few activities requiring ∙ Additional art is added to help illustrate concepts, pro-
a greater investment of effort if resources are available, but cedures, and results.
omitting them will not detract from the objectives. ∙ New boxed inserts highlight the relationships of biologi-
This manual functions best with an instructor’s guid- cal processes with health care.
ance and is not an autotutorial system. We’ve tried to guide
students from observations to conclusions, to help students As you examine this manual, you’ll see that we’ve improved
make their own discoveries, and to make the transition from several of the most popular and effective features of
observation to understanding biological principles. But dis- previous editions:
cussions and interactions between student and instructor are ∙ Safety First and Caution icons remind you to read the
major components of a successful laboratory experience. manual to ensure that you are aware of safety issues
Be sure to examine the “Questions for Further Thought and associated with the exercises.

P–1 V
Rev.Confirming Pages

∙ Learning Objectives will give you an overview of ∙ Questions for Further Thought and Study at the
what you will do and learn in the exercise. end of each exercise will help you apply what you’ve
∙ Writing to Learn Biology will encourage you to learned to other topics.
expand on what you have done and learned. As noted previously, we have also tailored a variety of
∙ Investigations, Procedures, and Doing Biology videos and other visual materials to help you succeed in
Yourself will require you to do biology and apply skills the laboratory. You’ll learn from a growing library of high-
you’ve learned to develop and answer your own ques- quality videos that demonstrate basic laboratory techniques.
tions about biology. You’ll observe these techniques in action before you polish
your own skills in the laboratory.
∙ Questions throughout each exercise will encourage
you to integrate and reflect on what you’ve done and


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Teaching and Learning Tools
McGraw-Hill Connect® Biology A virtual coach provides subtle hints when needed, asks
questions about the student’s choices, and allows the student
McGraw-Hill Connect Biology provides online presenta- to reflect upon and correct those mistakes. Whether your
tion, assignment, and assessment solutions. It connects your need is to overcome the logistical challenges of a traditional
students with the tools and resources they’ll need to suc- lab, provide better lab prep, improve student performance, or
ceed. connect.mheducation.com. make your online experience one that rivals the real world,
LearnSmart Labs accomplishes it all. To learn more, visit
With Connect Biology, you can deliver assignments, quizzes, www.learnsmartadvantage.com.
and tests online. A robust set of questions and activities are
presented and aligned with the textbook’s learning outcomes.
Pre-lab worksheets and Investigation worksheets are also McGraw-Hill CreateTM
included within Connect. As an instructor, you can edit exist-
With McGraw-Hill Create, you can easily rearrange exer-
ing questions and write entirely new problems. Track stu-
cises, combine material from other content sources, and
dents’ performance—by question, assignment, or in relation
quickly upload content you have written, such as your course
to the class overall—with detailed grade reports. Integrate
syllabus or teaching notes. Find the content you need in Cre-
grade reports easily with Learning Management Systems
ate by searching through thousands of leading McGraw-Hill
(LMS), such as Blackboard—and much more.
textbooks. Arrange your book to fit your teaching style. Cre-
ate even allows you to personalize your book’s appearance
LearnSmart Labs® by selecting the cover and adding your name, school, and
course information. Order a Create book and you’ll receive
Based on the same adaptive technology as LearnSmart, Learn- a complimentary print review copy in 3–5 business days or a
Smart Labs is an outcomes-based lab simulation that assesses complimentary electronic review copy (eComp) via e-mail in
a student’s knowledge and adaptively corrects deficiencies, minutes. Go to create.mheducation.com today and register
allowing the student to learn faster and retain more knowledge to experience how McGraw-Hill Create empowers you to
with greater success. teach your students your way.
First, a student’s knowledge is focused on core learning
outcomes: Questioning reveals knowledge deficiencies that
are corrected by the delivery of content that is conditional Laboratory Resource Guide
on a student’s response. Then, a simulated lab experience
The Laboratory Resource Guide is essential for instructors
requires the student to think and act like a scientist: Record-
and laboratory assistants and is available free to adopters of
ing, interpreting, and analyzing data using simulated equip-
the Laboratory Manual within Connect under the Instructor
ment found in labs and clinics. The student is allowed to
Resources tab.
make mistakes—a powerful part of the learning experience!

Welcome to the Biology Laboratory

W elcome to the biology laboratory! Although reading

your textbook and attending lectures are important
ways of learning about biology, nothing can replace the
own experiments to answer questions that you’ve posed. To
make these exercises most useful and enjoyable, follow these
importance of the laboratory. In lab you’ll get hands-on
experience with what you’ve heard and read about biology—
for example, you’ll observe organisms, do experiments, test THE IMPORTANCE OF COMING TO CLASS
ideas, collect data, and make conclusions about what you’ve
learned. You’ll do biology. Biology labs are designed to help you experience biology
You’ll enjoy the exercises in this manual—they’re first-hand. To do that, you must attend class. If you want to
interesting, informative, and can be completed within the do well in your biology course, you’ll need to attend class
time limits of your laboratory period. We’ve provided ques- and pay attention. To appreciate the importance of class
tions to test your understanding of what you’ve done; in attendance for making a good grade in your biology course,
some of the exercises, we’ve also asked you to devise your examine figure 1, which is a graph showing how students’



Grade (%)



0 20 40 60 80 100
Attendance (% of classes attended)

Figure 1  How students’ grades in an introductory biology course relate to their rates of
class attendance.

grades in an introductory biology course relate to their rates busy. You’ll not be able to finish the exercise if you
of class attendance. Data are from a general biology class at spend your time talking about this weekend’s party or
the University of Minnesota. On page xii, write an analysis last week’s big game.
of the data shown in figure 1. What do these data mean? 4. Discuss your observations, results, and conclusions
with your instructor and lab partners. Perhaps their
comments and ideas will help you better understand
BEFORE COMING TO LAB what you’ve observed.
5. Always follow instructions and follow safety guide-
Watch the lab video. Videos are provided for several of the lines presented by your instructor.
labs in this manual. Be sure to watch any video associated 6. If you have questions, ask your instructor.
with the lab you will be completing.  These videos will help
you know more about what you will be doing, what prin-
ciples you will be investigating, and what concepts you need SAFETY IN THE LABORATORY
to understand before coming to lab.
Read the exercise before coming to lab.  This will Laboratory accidents can affect individuals, classes, or the
give you a general idea about what you’re going to do, as well entire campus. To avoid such accidents, the exercises in this
as why you’re going to do it.  Knowing this will not only save manual were designed with safety as a top priority. You’ll
time, it will also help you finish the experiments and make be warned about any potentially hazardous situations or
you aware of any safety-related issues associated with the lab.  chemicals with this image:
Review any of the lab safety concerns. Before doing
any procedures, you’ll encounter a section of each exercise
titled “SAFETY FIRST” that is marked with its icon:

When you see this image, pay special attention to the

The laboratory safety rules listed in table 1 will help
make lab a safe place for everyone to learn biology. Remem-
This icon will warn you of safety concerns (e.g., solvents,
ber, it is much easier to prevent an accident than to deal with
acids, bases, hotplates) associated with the work.  If you have
its consequences.
questions about these safety issues, contact your lab instructor
Read the laboratory safety rules listed in table 1. If
before starting the lab work.
you do not understand them, or if you have questions, ask
Notify your instructor if you are pregnant, color-blind,
your instructor for an explanation. Then complete table 1
taking immunosuppressive drugs, have allergies, or have
and sign the statement that is at the bottom of page xii.
any other conditions that may require precautionary mea-
sures. Also, before coming to lab, cover any cuts or scrapes
with a sterile, waterproof bandage. BEFORE YOU LEAVE LAB

Put away all equipment and glassware, and wipe clean your
WHEN IN LAB work area.

1. Know what you are going to do. Read and understand AFTER EACH LABORATORY
the lab before coming to lab.
2. Don’t start the exercise until you’ve discussed the Soon after each lab, review what you did. What questions
exercise with your laboratory instructor. She or he will did you answer? What data did you gather? What conclu-
give you specific instructions about the lab and tell sions did you make?
you how the exercise may have been modified. Also note any questions that remain. Try to answer
3. Work carefully and thoughtfully, and stay focused as these questions by using your textbook or visiting the
you work. You’ll be able to finish each exercise within library. If you can’t answer the questions, discuss them with
the allotted time if you are well prepared and stay your instructor. Welcome to the biology laboratory!

W–2 IX

Why is this rule important?

Rule What could happen if this rule is not followed?

Behave responsibly. No horseplay or fooling around

while in lab.

Do not bring any food or beverages into lab, and do

not eat, drink, smoke, chew gum, chew tobacco, or
apply cosmetics when in lab. Never taste anything
in lab. Do not put anything in lab into your mouth.
Avoid touching your face, chewing on pens, and
other similar behaviors while in lab. Always wear
shoes in lab.

Unless you are told otherwise by your instructor,

assume that all chemicals and solutions in lab are
poisonous, and act accordingly. Never pipette by
mouth. Always use a mechanical pipetting device
(e.g., a suction bulb) to pipette solutions. Clean up
all spills immediately, and report all spills to your

Wear safety goggles when working with chemicals.

Carefully read the labels on bottles and know the
chemical you are dealing with. Do not use chemi-
cals from an unlabeled container, and do not return
excess chemicals back to their container. Report all
spills to your instructor immediately.

Unless your instructor tells you to do otherwise, do

not pour any solutions down the drain. Dispose of all
materials as per instructions from your instructor.

If you have long hair, tie it back. Don’t wear dan-

gling jewelry. If you are using open flames, roll up
loose sleeves. Wear contact lenses at your own risk;
contacts hold substances against the eye and make it
difficult to wash your eyes thoroughly.

Treat living organisms with care and respect.

Your instructor will tell you the locations of lab

safety equipment, including fire extinguishers, fire
blanket, eyewash stations, and emergency showers.
Familiarize yourself with the location and operation
of this equipment.

If anything is splashed into your eyes, wash your

eyes thoroughly and immediately. Tell your lab
instructor what happened.

Notify your instructor of any allergies to latex,

chemicals, stings, or other substances.


Why is this rule important?

Rule What could happen if this rule is not followed?

If you break any glassware, do not pick up the pieces

of broken glass with your hands. Instead, use a
broom and dustpan to gather the broken glass. Ask
your instructor how to dispose of the glass.

Unless told by your instructor to do otherwise,

work only during regular, assigned hours when the
instructor is present. Do not conduct any unauthor-
ized experiments; for example, do not mix any
chemicals without your instructor’s approval.

Do not leave any experiments unattended unless you

are authorized by your instructor to do so. If you
leave your work area, slide your chair under the lab
table. Keep walkways and desktops clean and clear
by putting books, backpacks, and so on along the
edge of the room, in the hall, in a locker, or in an
adjacent room. Keep your work area as clean and
uncluttered as possible.

Don’t touch or put anything on the surface of hot-

plates unless told to do so. Many types of hotplates
have no visible sign that they are hot. Assume they
are hot.

Know how to use the equipment in lab. Most of the

equipment is expensive; you may be required to
pay all or part of its replacement cost. Keep water
and solutions away from equipment and electrical
outlets. Report malfunctioning equipment to your
instructor. Leave equipment in the same place and
condition that you found it. If you have any ques-
tions about or problems with equipment, contact
your instructor.

Know what to do and whom to contact if there is an

emergency. Know the fastest way to get out of the
lab. Immediately report all injuries—no matter how
minor—to your instructor. Seek medical attention
immediately if needed. If any injury appears to be
life-threatening, call 911 immediately.

At the end of each lab, clean your work area, wash

your hands thoroughly with soap, slide your chair
under the lab table, and return all equipment and
supplies to their original locations. Do not remove
any chemicals or equipment from the lab.

W–4 XI
Name _________________________________________

Lab Section _________________________________________

Your lab instructor may require that you submit this page at the end of today’s lab.

1. In the space below, write an analysis of the data shown in figure 1.

After completing table 1, read and sign this statement:

2. I have read and I understand and agree to abide by the laboratory safety rules described in this exercise and discussed
by my instructor. I know the locations of the safety equipment and materials. If I violate any of the laboratory safety
rules, my instructor will lower my grade and/or remove me from the lab.


Name (printed)


Scientific Method
BIOLOGY Exercise 1
The Process of Science

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Define science and understand the logic and
sequence of the scientific method.
2. Develop productive observations, questions, and
hypotheses about the natural world.
3. Calculate the range, mean, and standard deviation
for a set of replicate measurements.
4. Design and conduct a controlled experiment to test
a null hypothesis.
5. Understand the difference between a hypothesis and
a scientific theory.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab. © Digital Stock/Corbis

Figure 1.1  Science is a process of learning about the natural

T he word science brings to mind different things to dif- world. Doing experiments that involve gathering repeated and
unbiased measurements (data) is at the heart of testing hypotheses and
ferent students. To some students, science is a textbook. answering questions.
To others, it’s a microscope, a dissected frog, or a course that
you take. In fact, science is none of those things. Some defini-
tions are more useful than others, but for biological research Question 1 ​ ​
a good definition of science is the orderly process of posing What practices besides science are used among world cul-
and answering questions about the natural world through tures to learn about the natural world?
repeated and unbiased experiments and observations. This
definition emphasizes that science is a process rather than a
book, course, or list of facts. Science is not a “thing.” It’s a
way of thinking about and doing things—a way of learning
and knowing about the natural world (fig. 1.1).
Our definition also emphasizes that people do science
by asking questions and then doing experiments to answer
those questions. Questions and curiosity are part of human The questioning and testing inherent in science sys-
nature, and science is a human activity. Like any human tematically sift through natural variation to find underly-
task, it takes practice to do science effectively. ing patterns. The natural world includes much variation,
Finally, our definition emphasizes that science is a and learning biology would be relatively easy if simple
tool for learning about the natural world. It is ineffective observations accurately revealed patterns of the natural
for moral choices, ethical dilemmas, and untestable ideas. world. But they usually don’t—nature is too complicated
For example, the scientific method cannot tell us if pollution to rely solely on simple observation. We can certainly learn
is good or bad. It can tell us the environmental consequences much about our environment just by looking around us,
of pollution, but whether these consequences are “good” or but casual observations are often biased and misleading
“bad” is a judgment that we make based on our values or because nature varies from time to time and from organism
goals, not on science. Although this is an important limi- to organism. Biologists need a structured and repeatable
tation of the scientific method, science remains one of the process for testing their ideas about the variation in nature.
most powerful ways of understanding our world. Science is that process.

1–1 Scientific Method 1

Question 2 ​ ​ Which of the above observations is the most useful for
What factors might be responsible for variation in measure- further investigation? Why?
ments of traits such as the heights of 10-year-old pine trees,
or the kidney filtration rates of 10 replicate lab-mice?

SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were

asked to read this exercise so you would know what
to do and be aware of safety issues. Briefly list the
safety issues associated with today’s procedures. If
The process of science deals with variation primar- you have questions about these issues, contact your
ily through an organized sequence of steps that maintains laboratory assistant before starting work.
as much objectivity and repeatability as possible. Although
these loosely organized steps, sometimes called the scientific
method, vary from situation to situation, they are remark- Record the most insightful of the two observations on
ably effective for research and problem solving. The typical Worksheet 1 on page 9.
steps in the process of science are:
∙ Make insightful observations 2. Consider this observation: Pillbugs (sometimes called
roly-poly bugs) often find food and shelter where fungi
∙ Pose and clarify testable questions
are decomposing leaf litter (fig. 1.2).
∙ Formulate hypotheses
For this example we are interested in whether pillbugs
∙ Do experiments to gather data
are attracted to leaves or to fungi (including yeasts)
∙ Quantify the data growing on the leaves’ surfaces.
∙ Test the hypotheses Observation 1: Pillbugs often hide under things.
∙ Refine hypotheses and re-test Propose a more productive observation.
∙ Answer the questions and make conclusions Observation 2:

Record Observation 2 on Worksheet 2 on page 10. You
DEVELOPMENT OF OBSERVATIONS, may revise this later.
Pose and Clarify Testable Questions
Make Insightful Observations
Productive observations inspire questions. Humans think
Good scientists make insightful observations. But that’s not in terms of questions rather than abstract hypotheses or
as easy as it seems. Consider these two observations: numbers. But phrasing a good question takes practice and
Observation 1: There are fewer elk in Yellowstone experience, and the first questions that capture our atten-
National Park than there used to be. tion are usually general. For example, “Which nutrients can
yeast most readily metabolize?” is a general question that
Observation 2: The density of elk in Yellowstone
expands the observation posed in procedure 1.1. This ques-
National Park has declined during the
tion is broadly applicable and is the type of question that
consecutive dry years since the reintro-
we ultimately want to understand. Enter this as the General
duction of the native wolf population.
Question in Worksheet 1.
Which of these two observations is the strongest and most
useful? Both of them may be true, but the second one is
much more insightful because it provides a context to the
observation that the elk population is declining. It also sug-
gests a relevant factor—that is, the introduction of the wolf
population—as a productive topic for investigation. It also
suggests a relationship between density of the elk popula-
tion and the variation in the local environment.

Procedure 1.1  Make insightful observations

© BiologyImaging.com
1. Consider the following two observations.
Observation 1: Fungi often grow on leftover food. Figure 1.2  Pillbugs are excellent experimental organisms to test
hypotheses about microenvironments, such as those under logs and
Observation 2: Fungi such as mold and yeast grow more within leaf litter. Pillbugs are readily available and easily cultured in
on leftover bread than on leftover meat. the lab (10×).

2 EXERCISE 1 1–2
Broad questions are important, but their generality Figure 1.3  These tubes of
often makes them somewhat vague. The best questions for yeast are fermenting nutrients
the process of science are specific enough to answer clearly. provided in solution. The
CO2 produced by the yeast
Therefore, scientists usually refine and subdivide broad accumulates at the top of the test
questions into more specific ones. For example, a more spe- tubes and indicates that yeast’s
cific question is “What classes of biological molecules are rate of metabolism. From left to
most readily absorbed and metabolized by yeast?” Enter this right, the tubes include a control
as Specific Question 1 in Worksheet 1. with no added nutrients, a
tube with low nutrients, and a
A further clarification might be “Does yeast absorb tube with high nutrients.
and metabolize carbohydrates better than it absorbs and © BiologyImaging.com
metabolizes proteins?” This is a good, specific question
because it clearly refers to organisms, processes, and vari- Formulate Hypotheses
ables that are likely involved. It also suggests a path for Well-organized experiments to answer questions require that
investigation—that is, it suggests an experiment. Enter this questions be restated as testable hypotheses. A hypothesis is a
as Specific Question 2 in Worksheet 1. statement that clearly states the relationship between biological
variables. A good hypothesis identifies the organism or pro-
Question 3 ​ ​ cess being investigated, identifies the variables being recorded,
Consider the questions “What color is your roommate’s and implies how the variables will be compared. A hypoth-
car?” and “How many legs do cats have?” To answer these esis is a statement rather than a question, and an analysis of
questions, would you use the scientific method, or would your experimental data will ultimately determine whether you
you rely on observation? Why? accept or reject your hypothesis. Remember that even though a
hypothesis can be falsified, it can never be proved true.
Accepting or rejecting a hypothesis, with no middle
ground, may seem like a rather coarse way to deal with ques-
tions about subtle and varying natural processes. But using
controlled experiments to either accept or reject a hypothesis
is effective. The heart of science is gathering and analyzing
experimental data that leads to rejecting or accepting hypoth-
Procedure 1.2  Posing and refining questions eses relevant to the questions we want to answer.
1. Examine the following two questions. In this exercise, you are going to do science as you
Question 1: Do songbird populations respond to the investigate yeast nutrition and then experiment with food
weather? choice by pillbugs. As yeast ferments its food, CO2 is pro-
Question 2: Do songbirds sing more often in warm duced as a by-product. Therefore, we can measure the growth
weather than in cold weather? of yeast by measuring the production of CO2 (fig. 1.3).
A hypothesis related to our question about the growth
Which of those questions is the most useful for further
of yeast might be:
investigation? Why?
H0: CO2 production by yeast fed sugar is not signifi-

cantly different from the CO2 production by yeast
fed protein.

A related alternative hypothesis can be similarly stated:
2. Examine the following general question, and record it Ha: Yeast produces more CO2 when fed sugar than
in Worksheet 2. when fed protein.
General Question: What influences the distribution of The first hypothesis (H0) is a null hypothesis because it states
pillbugs? that there is no difference. This is the most common way to
Propose a specific question that refers to the food of state a clear and testable hypothesis. (Your instructor may
pillbugs as a variable, and record it here and in elaborate on why researchers state and test null hypotheses
Worksheet 2. Know that you may revise this later. more effectively than alternative hypotheses.) Researchers
Specific Question 1 usually find it more useful to associate statistical probabili-
ties with null hypotheses rather than with alternative hypoth-
eses. Enter the null hypothesis into Worksheet 1.
Propose a more specific question that refers to pillbugs
A well-written null hypothesis is useful because it is
eating leaves, as opposed to pillbugs eating fungi
testable. In our experiment, the null hypothesis (1) specifies
growing on leaves. Record this question here and in
yeast as the organism, population, or group that we want to
Worksheet 2. Know that you may revise this later.
learn about; (2) identifies CO2 production as the variable being
Specific Question 2 measured; and (3) leads directly to an experiment to evaluate
variables and compare means of replicated measurements.

1–3 Scientific Method 3

Procedure 1.3  Formulating hypotheses Replications are repeated measures of each treatment under
the same conditions. Replications effectively deal with nat-
1. Examine the following two hypotheses:
urally occurring variation. Usually the more replications,
Hypothesis 1: Songbirds sing more when the weather the better. Your first experiment today will include repli-
is warm. cate test-tubes of yeast, each being treated the same. Good
Hypothesis 2: The number of bird songs heard per hour design tests only one treatment variable at a time.
during daylight temperatures above Good experimental design also requires controls to
80°F (27°C) is not significantly different verify that the biological response we measure is a function
from the number heard per hour at tem- of the variable being investigated and nothing else. Controls
peratures below 80°F (27°C). are standards for comparison. They are replicates with all of
Which of these hypotheses is the most useful for fur- the conditions of an experimental treatment except the treat-
ther investigation? Why? ment variable. For example, if the treatment is glucose dis-
solved in water, then a control has only water (i.e., it lacks
only glucose, the treatment variable). This verifies that the
Which of these hypotheses is a null hypothesis? Why?
response is to glucose and not to the solvent. Controls vali-
date that our results are due only to the treatment variable.
2. Examine the following hypothesis.
Hypothesis 1: Pillbugs prefer leaves coated with a thin Procedure 1.4  An experiment to determine the
layer of yeast. effects of food type on yeast growth
Propose a more effective null hypothesis. Be sure that it 1. Label 12 test tubes as C1–C4, G1–G4, and P1–P4.
is a null hypothesis, that it is testable, and that it includes See Worksheet 1.
the parameter you will control in an experiment. 2. To test tubes C1–C4 add 5 mL of water. These are
Hypothesis 2 (H0): control replicates.
3. To test tubes G1–G4 add 5 mL of 5% glucose solution.
Enter your null hypothesis in Worksheet 2. These are replicates of the glucose treatment.
4. To test tubes P1–P4 add 5 mL of 5% protein solution.
EXPERIMENTATION AND DATA ANALYSIS: These are replicates of the protein treatment.
YEAST NUTRITION 5. Swirl the suspension of yeast until the yeast is distrib-
uted uniformly in the liquid. Then completely fill the
Gather Experimental Data remaining volume in each tube with the yeast suspen-
sion that is provided.
To test our hypothesis about yeast growth, we must design
a controlled and repeatable experiment. The experiment 6. For each tube, slide an inverted, flat-bottomed test
suggested by our specific question and hypothesis involves tube down over the yeast-filled tube. Hold the yeast-
offering sugar such as glucose to one population of yeast, filled tube firmly against the inside bottom of the
offering protein to another population of yeast, and then cover tube and invert the assembly. Your instructor
measuring their respective growth rates. Fortunately, yeast will demonstrate how to slip this slightly larger empty
grows readily in test tubes. As yeast grows in a closed, tube over the top of each yeast tube and invert the
anaerobic container it produces CO2 in proportion to how assembly. If done properly, no bubble of air will be
readily it uses the available food. CO2 production is easily trapped at the top of the tube of yeast after inversion.
measured by determining the volume of CO2 that accumu- 7. Place the tubes in a rack and incubate them at 50°C.
lates at the top of an inverted test tube. 8. Measure the height (mm) of the bubble of accumulated
Experiments provide data that determine if a hypoth- CO2 after 10, 20, 40, and 60 minutes. Record your
esis should be accepted or rejected. A well-designed experi- results in Worksheet 1 and graph them here:
ment links a biological response to different levels of the
variable being investigated. In this case, the biological
response is CO2 production indicating growth. The levels of
Height of CO2
Bubble (mm)

the variable are sugar and protein. These levels are called
treatments, and in our experiment they include glucose,
protein, and a control. For this experiment the treatment (i.e.,
independent) variable being tested is the type of food mol-
ecule (i.e., protein, sugar), and the response (i.e., dependent)
variable is the CO2 production that indicates yeast growth.
An experiment that compensates for natural variation
must be well designed. It should (1) include replications, 10 20 40 60
(2) test only one treatment variable, and (3) include controls. Time (min)

4 EXERCISE 1 1–4
9. When you are finished, clean your work area and dis- Procedure 1.5  Quantify and summarize the data
pose of the contents of each tube as instructed by your 1. Examine your raw data in Worksheet 1.
lab instructor.
2. Calculate the mean of the response variable (CO2
production) for the four control replicates. To calculate
Test Your Predictions by Analyzing the means for the four replicates, sum the four values
the Experimental Data and divide by four. Record the mean for the control
Analysis begins with summarizing the raw data for bio- replicates in Worksheet 1.
logical responses to each treatment. The first calculation 3. The CO2 production for each glucose and protein
is the mean (x–) of the response variable for replicates of replicate must be adjusted with the control mean. This
each treatment, and for the control replicates. The mean is ensures that the final data reflect the effects of only
a single number that represents the central tendency of the the treatment variable and not the solvent. Subtract the
response variable. Later the mean of each treatment will be control mean from the CO2 production of each glucose
compared to determine if the treatments had different effects. replicate and each protein replicate, and record the
The second step in data analysis is to calculate varia- results in Worksheet 1.
tion within each set of replicates. The simplest measure 4. Record in Worksheet 1 the range of adjusted CO2 pro-
of variation is the range, which is the highest and lowest duction for the four replicates of the glucose treatment
values in a set of replicates. A wide range indicates much and of the protein treatment.
variation in the data. The standard deviation (SD), another 5. Calculate the mean CO2 production for the four
informative measure of variation, summarizes variation just adjusted glucose treatment replicates. Record the mean
as the range does, but the standard deviation is less affected in Worksheet 1.
by extreme values. Refer to the box “Variation in Replicate
6. Calculate the mean CO2 production for the four
Measures” to learn how to calculate the standard deviation.
adjusted protein treatment replicates. Record the mean
Question 4 in Worksheet 1.
Even the seemingly simple question “How tall are mature 7. Refer to “Variation in Replicate Measures,” and cal-
males of the human species?” can be difficult to answer. culate the standard deviation for the four adjusted glu-
How would you best express the answer? cose treatment values and for the four adjusted protein
treatment values. Record the two standard deviations
in Worksheet 1.

Variation in Replicate Measures

Natural variation occurs in all processes of biology. This where

variation will inevitably produce different results in repli- N = total number of samples
cated treatments. One of the most useful measures of varia-
– = the sample mean
tion of values about the mean is standard deviation. It’s xi = measurement of an individual sample
easy to calculate: calculate the mean, calculate the devia- N

tion of each sample from the mean, square each deviation, The summation sign ( Σ ) means to add up all the squared
and then sum the deviations. This summation is the sum of deviations from the first one (i = 1) to the last one (i = N).
squared deviations. For example, data for CO2 production The sum of squared deviations (10) divided by the
by yeast in four replicate test tubes might be 22, 19, 18, and number of samples minus one (4 − 1 = 3) produces a value
21 mm. The mean is 20 mm. of 10/3 = 3.3 mm2 (the units are millimeters squared). This
is the variance:
CO2 Production (mm) Mean Deviation Deviation2 sum of squared deviations
Variance =
22 20 2 4
The square root of the variance, 1.8 cm, equals the standard
19 20 −1 1
18 20 −2 4
SD = √Variance = √ 3.3 = 1.8
21 20 1 1
Sum of squared deviations = 10 The standard deviation is often reported with the mean in
statements such as, “The mean CO2 production was 20 ±
The summary equation for the sum of squared deviations is 1.8 mm.” The standard deviation helps us understand the
Sum of squared deviations = Σ (x i
– 2
− x) spread or variation among replicated treatments.

1–5 Scientific Method 5

Test the Hypotheses answering them based on the results of your experiment and
hypothesis testing should be straightforward.
Our hypothesis about yeast growth is tested by comparing the
mean CO2 production by yeast fed glucose to the mean CO2
Procedure 1.7  Answering the questions:
production by yeast fed protein. However, only determining
yeast nutrition
if one mean is higher than the other is not an adequate test
because natural variation will always make the two means 1. Examine the results of hypothesis testing presented in
at least slightly different, even if the two treatments have the Worksheet 1.
same effect on yeast growth. Therefore, the means and the 2. Specific Question 2 was “Does yeast absorb and
variation about the means must be compared to determine if metabolize carbohydrates better than it absorbs and
the means are not just different but significantly different. metabolizes proteins?” Enter your answer in Work-
To be significantly different, the differences between means sheet 1.
must be due to the treatment and not just due to natural varia- 3. Does your experiment adequately answer this ques-
tion. If the difference is significant, then the null hypothesis tion? Why or why not?
is rejected. If the difference is not significant, then the null
hypothesis is accepted. Testing for significant differences is
usually done with statistical methods.
Statistical methods calculate the probability that the
means are significantly different. But these complex calcu- 4. Specific Question 1 was “What classes of biological
lations are beyond the scope of this exercise. We will use a molecules are most readily absorbed and metabolized
simpler method to test for a significant difference between by yeast?” Enter your best response in Worksheet 1.
the means of our two treatments. We will declare that two 5. Does your experiment adequately answer Specific
means are significantly different if the means plus or minus Question 1? Why or why not?
1/2 of the standard deviation do not overlap.
For example, consider these two means and their stan-
dard deviations (SD):
Meana = 10 SD = 5 Meanb = 20 SD = 10 6. The General Question was “Which nutrients can yeast
Meana − (½)SD = 7.5 Meanb − (½)SD = 15 most readily metabolize?” After testing the hypotheses,
Meana + (½)SD = 12.5 Meanb + (½)SD = 25 are you now prepared to answer this general question?
Why or why not?
Are Meana and Meanb significantly different according to our
test for significance? Yes they are, because 7.5 ↔ 12.5 does
not overlap 15 ↔ 25.

Procedure 1.6  Testing hypotheses EXPERIMENTATION AND DATA ANALYSIS:

1. Consider your null hypothesis and the data presented FOOD PREFERENCE BY ​PILLBUGS
in Worksheet 1.
In the previous procedures you developed and recorded
2. Calculate the glucose mean − (½)SD and the glucose observations, questions, and hypotheses concerning food
mean + (½)SD. Record them in Worksheet 1. preference by pillbugs. Pillbugs may be attracted to dead
3. Calculate the protein mean − (½)SD and the protein leaves as food, or they may be attracted to fungi growing on
mean + (½)SD. Record them in Worksheet 1. the leaves as food. Leaves dipped in a yeast suspension can
4. Do the half standard-deviations surrounding the means simulate fungi growing on leaves. Use the following proce-
of the two treatments overlap? Record your answer in dures as a guide to the science of experimentation and data
Worksheet 1. analysis to test the hypothesis you recorded in Worksheet 2.
5. Are the means for the two treatments significantly dif-
ferent? Record your answer in Worksheet 1. Procedure 1.8  Design an experiment to test food
6. Is your null hypothesis accepted? Or rejected? Record preference by pillbugs
your answer in Worksheet 1. Design an experiment to test your hypothesis in
Worksheet 2 about food preference by pillbugs. To do
Answer the Questions this, specify:
Experimental setup
The results of testing the hypotheses are informative, but
it still takes a biologist with good logic to translate these
results into the answers of our specific and general ques- Treatment 1 to be tested
tions. If your specific questions were well stated, then

6 EXERCISE 1 1–6
Treatment 2 to be tested 3. Enter your best response to Specific Question 1 in
Worksheet 2. Does your experiment adequately answer
Control treatment this question? Why or why not?

Response variable

Treatment variable 4. After testing the hypotheses, are you now prepared to
answer your General Question “What influences the
Number of replicates distribution of pillbugs?” Why or why not?

Means to be compared

Question 5
2. Conduct your experiment and record the data in
What are some examples of biological theories?
Worksheet 2.
3. Analyze your data. Record the control means and
adjusted treatment-means in Worksheet 2.
4. Calculate the range and standard deviation for your
treatments, and record them in Worksheet 2.
5. Test your hypothesis. Determine if the null hypothesis
should be accepted or rejected. Record the results in Scientific Theories
Worksheet 2.
6. Answer the Specific Question 2, Specific Question 1, Throughout this course you will make many predictions and
and the General Question posed in Worksheet 2. observations about biology. When you account for a group
of these observations with a generalized explanation, you
have proposed a scientific theory.
Procedure 1.9  Answering the questions: food In science, as opposed to common usage, a theory is a
preference by pillbugs
well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural
1. Examine the results of your hypothesis testing pre- world that usually incorporates many confirmed observa-
sented in Worksheet 2. tional and experimental facts. A scientific theory makes pre-
2. Enter your answer to Specific Question 2 in dictions consistent with what we see. It is not a guess; on the
Worksheet 2. Does your experiment adequately answer contrary, a scientific theory is widely accepted within the
this question? Why or why not? scientific community—for example, the germ theory claims
that certain infectious diseases are caused by microorgan-
isms. Scientific theories do not become facts; scientific the-
ories explain facts.

How Temperature Affects the Production of CO2 by Yeast
Observation: Fermentation of nutrients by yeast produces CO2, b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant to
and the production rate of this CO2 can be used to measure the preceding observation and question. Choose and record
growth of the yeast. In this lab you’ve already investigated your group’s best question for investigation.
how the production of CO2 is affected by different nutrients c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis. Record
(i.e., sugar, protein). Here you’ll investigate another variable: this hypothesis.
temperature. d. Outline on Worksheet 1 your experimental design and sup-
plies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to
Question: How is the production of CO2 by yeast affected by
review your proposed investigation.
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation question, and make relevant comments.
Worksheet 1 from your instructor. f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your questions,
hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.

1–7 Scientific Method 7

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. Newspaper articles often refer to a discovery as “scientific” or claim that something has been proved “scientifically.”
What is meant by this description?

2. Experimental results in science are usually reviewed by other scientists before they are published. Why is this done?

3. Have all of our discoveries and understandings about the natural world been the result of applying the scientific method?
How so?

4. Suppose that you hear that two means are significantly different. What does this mean?

5. Can means be different but not significantly different? Explain your answer.

6. How can science be used to address “big” issues such as climate change?

7. Some people dismiss evolution by natural selection as being “only a theory.” Biologists often respond that yes,
evolution is a scientific theory. What does this mean?

8. A hallmark of a scientific theory is that it is falsifiable. What does this mean, and why is it important?

8 EXERCISE 1 1–8
Worksheet 1 The Process of Science: Nutrient Use in Yeast


General Question:
Specific Question 1:
Specific Question 2:

EXPERIMENTAL DATA: Nutrient Use in Yeast

Treatments Treatments Minus Control x–

Control Glucose Protein Glucose CO2 Protein CO2

CO2 CO2 CO2 Production Production
Production Production Production Adjusted for Adjusted for
Replicate (mm) Replicate (mm) Replicate (mm) the Control x– the Control x–

C1 G1 P1
C2 G2 P2
C3 G3 P3
C4 G4 P4

Control x– =   Protein x– =  

Glucose x =   Protein range =   −  
Glucose range =   −   Protein SD =  
Glucose SD =  

Glucose x– − (½)SD =   Protein x– − (½)SD =  

Glucose x– + (½)SD =   Protein x– + (½)SD =  

Do the half standard deviations surrounding the means of the two treatments overlap? Yes   No  

Are the means for the two treatments significantly different? Yes   No  

Is the null hypothesis accepted?   or rejected?  

Answer to Specific Question 2

Answer to Specific Question 1

Answer to General Question

1–9 Scientific Method 9

Worksheet 2 The Process of Science: Food Preference by Pillbugs


General Question:
Specific Question 1:
Specific Question 2:

EXPERIMENTAL DATA: Food Preference by Pillbugs

Treatments Treatments Minus Control x–

Treatment 1 Treatment 2
Adjusted for Adjusted for
Replicate Control Replicate Treatment 1 Replicate Treatment 2 the Control –x the Control –x

1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4

Control x– =   Treatment 2 x– =  
Treatment 1 x– =   Treatment 2 range =   −  
Treatment 1 range =   −   Treatment 2 SD =  
Treatment 1 SD =  

Treatment 1 x– − (½)SD =   Treatment 2 x– − (½)SD =  

Treatment 1 x– + (½)SD =   Treatment 2 x– + (½)SD =  

Do the half standard deviations surrounding the means of the two treatments overlap? Yes   No  

Are the means for the two treatments significantly different? Yes   No  

Is the null hypothesis accepted?   or rejected?  

Answer to Specific Question 2

Answer to Specific Question 1

Answer to General Question

10 EXERCISE 1 1–10
Measurements in Biology
BIOLOGY Exercise 2
The Metric System and Data Analysis

the same results, regardless of their accuracy. Measurements

Learning Objectives that are both accurate and precise are valid measurements.
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: Scientists strive to make valid measurements.
1. Understand the difference between accuracy and Question 1
precision in measurements. a. Can measurements be accurate but not precise? Explain.
2. Identify the metric units used to measure length,
volume, mass, and temperature.
3. Measure length, volume, mass, and temperature in
metric units. b. Can measurements be precise but not accurate?
4. Convert one metric unit to another (e.g., grams to Explain.
5. Use measures of volume and mass to calculate
6. Practice the use of simple statistical calculations such
as mean, median, range, and standard ­deviation. To help you check your answers, consider an analogy involv-
7. Analyze sample data using statistical tools. ing shooting arrows at a bull’s-eye target (fig. 2.1). In this

High accuracy, High precision,

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online low precision low accuracy
resources tailored to this lab.

E very day we’re bombarded with numbers and measure-

ments. They come at us from all directions, including
while we’re at the supermarket, gas station, golf course, and
pharmacy, as well as while we’re in our classrooms and kitch-
ens. Virtually every package that we touch is described by a
Scientists use a standard method to collect data as well
as use mathematics to analyze measurements. We must mea- (a) (b)
sure things before we can objectively describe what we are Low precision, High accuracy,
low accuracy high precision
observing, before we can experiment with biological pro-
cesses, and before we can predict how organisms respond,
adjust to, and modify their world. Once we have made our
measurements, we can analyze our data and look for variation
and the sources of that variation. Then we can infer the causes
and effects of the biological processes that interest us.


Scientists strive to make accurate, precise measurements. The
accuracy of a group of measurements refers to how closely (c) (d)
the measured values agree with the true or correct value. In
Figure 2.1  Precision and accuracy. Measurements can be
contrast, the precision of a group of measurements refers to (a) accurate but not precise, (b) precise but not accurate, (c) neither
how closely the measurements agree with each other. That is, precise nor accurate, or (d) both precise and accurate. Measurements
precision is the degree to which the measurements produce that are precise and accurate are termed valid.

2–1 Measurements in Biology  11

analogy, each arrow would represent a measurement. Accu- Metric units commonly used in biology include:
racy would be the closeness of the arrows to the center of the meter (m)—the basic unit of length
target; arrows closest to the bull’s-eye would be most accurate.
Precision would be the size of the cluster of arrows, regardless liter (L)—the basic unit of volume
of how close they are to the center of the target. kilogram (kg)—the basic unit of mass
degrees Celsius (°C)—the basic unit of temperature
THE METRIC SYSTEM Unlike the English system with which you are already familiar,
Scientists throughout the world use the metric system to the metric system is based on units of ten. This simplifies con-
make measurements. The metric system is also used in versions from one metric unit to another (e.g., from kilometers
everyday life virtually everywhere except the United States. to meters). This base-ten system is similar to our monetary sys-
With few exceptions (e.g., liter bottles of soda), most mea- tem, in which 10 cents equals a dime, 10 dimes equals a dollar,
surements in the United States use the antiquated ­English and so forth. Units of ten in the metric system are indicated by
system of pounds, inches, feet, and so on. Check with your Latin and Greek prefixes placed before the base units:
instructor about bringing to class common grocery store Prefix
items with volumes and weights in metric units, or examin- (Latin) Division of Metric Unit
ing those items on display. deci (d) 0.1 10−1
Metric measurement is used worldwide in science to
centi (c) 0.01 10−2
improve communication in the scientific community. Sci-
entists make all of their measurements in the metric system; milli (m) 0.001 10−3
they do not routinely convert from one system to another. micro (µ) 0.000001 10−6
When scientists have mixed metric units with English units, nano (n) 0.000000001 10−9
the results have often been confusing, and have sometimes
pico (p) 0.000000000001 10−12
been disastrous. For example, in 1999, the $125-million
Mars Climate Orbiter was approaching Mars to study the
planet’s climate. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, which built
(Greek) Multiple of Metric Unit
the spacecraft, gave NASA critical flight information in
English units, but software aboard the orbiter expected the deka (da) 10 101
data in metric units. As a result, the orbiter was sent into, hecto (h) 100 102
rather than safely above, the Mars atmosphere, where it kilo (k) 1000 103
mega (M) 1000000 106
The following conversions will help give you a sense
of how some common English units are related to their met- giga (G) 1000000000 109
ric equivalents:
Thus, multiply by
1 inch = 2.5 centimeters
0.01 to convert centimeters to meters
1 foot = 30 centimeters
0.001 to convert millimeters to meters
1 yard = 0.9 meter
1000 to convert kilometers to meters
1 mile = 1.6 kilometers
0.1 to convert millimeters to centimeters
1 ounce = 28 grams
For example, there are 10 millimeters per centimeter. There-
1 pound = 0.45 kilogram
fore, to convert 62 centimeters to millimeters,
1 fluid ounce = 30 milliliters 10 mm
62 cm × = 620 mm
1 pint = 0.47 liter cm
1 quart = 0.95 liter In these conversion equations, the units being converted
1 gallon = 3.8 liters from (in this case, centimeters) cancel out, leaving you with
1 cup = 0.24 liter the desired units (in this case, millimeters). Also note that
when units are converted to smaller units, the number asso-
If you want to know more about these conversions, see ciated with the new units will increase, and vice versa. For
Appendix II. example, 620 meters = 0.620 kilometers = 620,000 milli-
This exercise will introduce you to making metric meters = 62,000 centimeters.
measurements of length, mass, volume, and temperature.
During this lab, you should spend your time making mea- Question 2
surements, not reading background information. Therefore, Make the following metric conversions:
before lab, read this exercise carefully to familiarize your- 1 meter = centimeters = millimeters
self with the basic units of the metric system. 92.4 millimeters = meters = centimeters

12 EXERCISE 2 2–2
10 kilometers = meters = decimeters Question 3
82 centimeters = meters = millimeters What are some potential sources of error in your
3.1 kilograms = grams = milligrams measurements?
281 milliliters = liters = deciliters
35 millimeters = centimeters = meters

Length and Area Volume

The meter (m) is the basic unit of length. Units of area are Volume is the space occupied by an object. Units of volume
squared units (i.e., two-dimensional) of length. are cubed (i.e., three-dimensional) units of length. The liter
1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm = 0.001 km =1 × 10−3 km (L) is the basic unit of volume.
1 km = 1000 m = 103 m 1 L = 1000 cm3 = 1000 mL
1 cm = 0.01 m = 10−2 m = 10 mm 1 L = 0.1 m × 0.1 m × 0.1 m
470 m = 0.470 km 1 cm3 = 0.000001 m3
1 cm2 = 100 mm2 (i.e., 10 mm × 10 mm = 100 mm2)
To help you appreciate the magnitudes of these units, here
To help you appreciate the magnitudes of these units, here are the volumes of some familiar objects:
are the lengths and areas of some familiar objects:
Chicken egg 60 mL
Length Coke can 355 mL
Housefly 0.5 cm One breath of air 500 cm3
Diameter of penny 1.9 cm Scientists often measure volumes with pipets and graduated
Diameter of baseball 7.4 cm cylinders. Pipets are used to measure small volumes, typi-
Soda can 12.2 cm cally 25 mL or less. Liquid is drawn into a pipet using a bulb
Toyota Camry 4.7 m or pipet pump (fig. 2.2). Never pipet by mouth.
Mt. Everest 8848 m
Credit card 46 cm2
Total skin area of adult human male 1.8 m2
Ping-pong table 4.18 m2
Surface area of human lungs 80 m2
Football field (goal line to goal line) 4459 m2
Central Park (New York City) 3.4 km2

Procedure 2.1  Make metric measurements of

length and area
Most biologists measure lengths with metric rulers or
1. Examine intervals marked on the metric rulers and
metersticks available in the lab.
2. Make the following measurements. Be sure to include
units for each measurement.
Length of this page
Width of this page
Area of this page
(Area = Length × Width)
Your height
Thickness of this manual
Height of a 200-mL beaker © BiologyImaging.com

Height of ceiling Figure 2.2  A pipet is used to extract and dispense volumes of
Height of your chair liquid. A suction device (shown in green on the left) draws fluid into the
pipet, and graduated markings on the pipet allow precise measurement
Length of your cell phone of a fluid’s volume. Never use your mouth to suck fluid into a pipet.

2–3 Measurements in Biology  13

2. Fill the graduated cylinder with 70 mL of water.
3. Gently submerge the rock in the graduated cylinder.
Notice that the volume of the contents rises.
4. Carefully observe the meniscus of the fluid and record
its volume.
5. Calculate and record the volume of the rock by subtract-
ing the original volume (70 mL) from the new volume.
Rock volume
6. Repeat steps 2–5 to measure and record the volume of
the marble.
Marble volume
Biologists use pipets to measure and transfer small volumes
of liquid from one container to another. The following pro-
cedure will help you appreciate the usefulness of pipets.

Procedure 2.4  Learn to use a pipet

1. Add approximately 100 mL of water to a 100-mL
2. Use a 5-mL pipet with a bulb or another filling ­device
provided by your instructor to remove some water
© BiologyImaging.com
from the beaker.
Figure 2.3  When measuring the volume of liquid in a graduated 3. Fill the pipet to the zero mark.
cylinder, always measure at the bottom of the meniscus. The bottom of
the meniscus in this photograph is indicated by the arrow. The correct 4. To read the liquid level correctly, your eye must be
volume is 25 mL. directly in line with the bottom of the meniscus.
5. Release the liquid into another container.

Question 4
Graduated cylinders are used to measure larger vol-
What volume of liquid did you measure?
umes. To appreciate how to make a measurement accu-
rately, pour 40–50 mL of water into a 100-mL graduated
cylinder, and observe the interface between the water and
air. This interface, called the meniscus, is curved because of
surface tension and the adhesion of water to the sides of the
cylinder. When measuring the liquid in a cylinder such as a Mass
graduated cylinder, always position your eyes level with the
meniscus and read the volume at the lowest level (fig. 2.3). The kilogram (kg) is the basic unit of mass.1 A kilogram
equals the mass of 1000 cubic centimeters (cm3) of water at
Procedure 2.2  Make metric measurements 4°C. Similarly,
of volume 1 kg = 1000 g = 103 g 1 mg = 0.001 g = 10−3 g
1. Biologists often use graduated cylinders to measure
Here are the masses of some familiar objects:
volumes. Locate the graduated cylinders available in
the lab to make the following measurements. Deter- Housefly 12 mg 9V battery 40 g
mine what measurements the markings on the gradu- Hummingbird 1.6 g Human heart 300 g
ated cylinder represent. Be sure to include units for Ping-pong ball 2.45 g Basketball 0.62 kg
each measurement. Quarter 6.25 g
2. Measure the milliliters needed to fill a cup (provided in Biologists usually measure mass with a top-loading bal-
the lab). ance or a triple-beam balance (fig. 2.4). Locate the triple-
3. Measure the liters in a gallon. beam balances or top-loading electronic balances in the lab.
Triple-beam balances get their names from their three
Procedure 2.3  Measure the volume of a solid
object by water displacement 1 Remember that mass is not necessarily synonymous with weight. Mass mea-
sures an object’s potential to interact with gravity, whereas weight is the force
1. Obtain a 100-mL graduated cylinder, a thumb-sized exerted by gravity on an object. Thus, a weightless object in outer space has
rock, and a glass marble. the same mass as it has on earth.

14 EXERCISE 2 2–4
a c d

© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com
(A) (B)

Figure 2.4  Biologists use balances to measure mass. (A) The parts of a triple-beam balance include the (a) zero-adjustment knob, (b) measuring pan,
(c) movable masses on horizontal beams, and (d) balance marks. (B) A top-loading balance has a measuring pan, a power switch, and a zero calibration
(“Tare”) button.

horizontal beams. Suspended from each of the three beams 4. Measure the masses of the following items. Be sure to
are movable masses. Each of the three beams of the bal- include units for each measurement.
ance is marked with graduations: the closest beam has 0.1-g Penny
graduations, the middle beam has 100-g graduations, and
Paper clip
the ­farthest beam has 10-g graduations.
Procedure 2.5  Make metric measurements Rock (used in procedure 2.3)
of mass 100-mL beaker (empty)
1. Before making any ­measurements, clean the weigh- 100-mL beaker containing 50 mL of water  
ing pan and move all of the suspended weights to the
far left. The balance marks should line up to indicate Question 5
zero grams; if they do not, turn the adjustment knob a. Density is mass per unit volume. Use data that you’ve
until they do. Measure the mass of an object by plac- gathered to determine the density of water at room
ing it in the center of the weighing pan and moving the temperature.
suspended masses until the beams balance. The mass Density of water = (mass/volume) =
of the object is the sum of the masses indicated by the
weights on the three beams.
2. If you’re using an electronic balance, turn on the bal- b. What is the density of the wooden pencil? Does it
ance and let it warm up for 5 minutes. Wait until the float? Why?
display reads 0.0 g; if the display does not read 0.0 g,
press the “Tare” button to reset the display to 0.0 g. If
you are weighing an object such as a coin or pencil,
place the object on the measuring pan. After the dis-
play has stabilized, read and record the object’s mass.
3. If you are weighing a liquid, powder, or similar speci- c. What is the density of the rock? Does it sink? Why?
men, place an empty beaker (in which you will place the
liquid) or a piece of weighing paper (on which you will
place the powder) on the balance’s measuring pan. After
the display has stabilized, press the “Tare” button to
reset the display to 0.0 g. Place the liquid in the beaker
(or the powder on the weighing paper). After the display
has stabilized, read and record the mass.

2–5 Measurements in Biology  15

Temperature 2. Determine the range of the temperatures that
can be measured with your thermometer by exam-
Temperature is the measure of the kinetic energy of
ining the scale imprinted along the barrel of the
­molecules—that is, the amount of heat in a system. Biolo-
gists measure temperature with a thermometer calibrated in
degrees Celsius (°C). The Celsius scale is based on water 3. Measure the following temperatures:
freezing at 0°C and boiling at 100°C. You can interconvert Room temperature     °C
°C and degrees Fahrenheit (°F) by using the formula 5(°F) = Cold tap water     °C
9(°C) + 160. Here are some typical temperatures: Hot tap water     °C
−20°C temperature in a freezer Inside refrigerator     °C
−18°C mixture of ice and salt
0°C water freezes
4°C temperature in a refrigerator
22°C room temperature Statistics offer a way to organize, summarize, and describe
30.6°C butter melts data—the data are usually samples of information from a
37°C human body temperature much larger population of values. Statistics and statistical
40°C a hot summer day tests allow us to analyze the sample and draw inferences
50°C hottest day on record in Phoenix, AZ about the entire population. Consequently, the use of sta-
71°C flash pasteurization of milk tistics enables us to make decisions even though we have
75°C hot coffee incomplete data about a population. Although this may
100°C water boils seem unscientific, we do it all the time; for example, we
260°C broiler temperature diagnose diseases with a drop of blood. Decisions are based
on statistics when it is impossible or unrealistic to analyze
Procedure 2.6  Make metric measurements an entire population.
of temperature Let’s say that you want to know the mass of a typi-
1. Obtain a thermometer in the lab. Handle the ther- cal apple in your orchard. To obtain this information, you
mometer with care. If it breaks, notify your instructor could analyze one apple, but how would you know that
immediately. you’d picked a “typical” sample? After all, the batch from

Significant Figures

Let’s suppose that you’re measuring the length of a bone, as example, suppose the air temperature in an incubator
shown in figure 2.5. How would you record this length—as drops from 8.663°C to 8.2°C. This is a difference of
8 cm? 8.3 cm? 8.33 cm? 8.33333 cm? To answer this ques- 8.663°C – 8.2°C = 0.5°C, not 0.463°C. If the second
tion, you need to know something about significant figures. temperature reading had been 8.200°C, then the correct
Significant figures are the number of figures required to answer would have been 0.463°C.
record a measurement so that only the last digit in the num- When converting measurements from one set of units
ber is in doubt. For example, if the ruler you’re using is cali- to another, do not introduce precision that is not present
brated only in centimeters and you find that the object you’re in the first number. For example, 8.3 cm = 83 mm, not
measuring is between 8 and 9 cm long (fig. 2.5), then you 83.0 mm.
should estimate your measurement only to a tenth of a cen-
When manipulating two measurements simultane-
timeter. That is, a measurement of 8.3 cm is acceptable, but
ously, the precision of the final measurement should
8.33 is not because it implies a precision that did not exist in
not exceed that of the least number of significant fig-
the equipment you used to make the measurement. If, how-
ures. For example, the calculation for the mass of
ever, your ruler was calibrated in millimeters, then 8.33 cm
17.2 mL of water is 17.2 mL × 0.997821 g mL–1 = 17.2 g,
would be acceptable. Remember this: When recording mea-
not 17.162521 g.
surements, include all of the digits you are sure of plus an
estimate to the nearest one-tenth of the next smaller digit.
Here are some other guidelines for using the correct
number of significant figures in your measurements:
6 7 8 9
When adding or subtracting measurements, the answer cm

should have no more precision than the measurement Figure 2.5  How long is this
having the least number of significant figures. For bone? 8 cm? 8.3 cm? 8.33 cm?

16 EXERCISE 2 2–6
which you chose the apple may contain many others, each Question 7
a little different. You’d get a better estimate of “typical” if a. What is responsible for this difference between the
you increased your sample size to a few hundred apples, or mean and median?
even to 10,000. Or, better yet, to 1,000,000.
The only way to be certain of your conclusions would
be to accurately measure all the apples in your orchard. This
is impossible, so you must choose apples that represent all
b. How would the median change if the 9-mm-long leaf
of the other apples—that is, you must be working with a
was not in the sample?
representative sample. A statistical analysis of those sam-
ple ­apples reduces the sample values to a few characteristic
­measurements (e.g., mean mass). As you increase the size
of the sample, these characteristic measurements provide an
ever-improving estimation of what is “typical.” c. How would the mean change if the 9-mm-long leaf
There are a variety of software programs that per- was not in the sample?
form statistical analyses of data; all you have to do is enter
your data into a spreadsheet, select the data that you want to
analyze, and perform the analysis. Although these software
packages save time and can increase accuracy, you still need
d. Consider these samples:
to understand a few of the basic variables that you’ll use to
understand your numerical data. We’ll start with the mean Sample 1: 25 35 32 28
and median: Sample 2: 15 75 10 20
The mean is the arithmetic average of a group of measure- What is the mean for Sample 1?
ments. Chance errors in measurements tend to cancel
themselves when means are calculated for relatively What is the mean for Sample 2?
large samples; a value that is too high because of ran- In most of the exercises in this manual, you’ll have time to
dom error is often balanced by a value that is too low make only one or two measurements of a biological struc-
for the same reason. ture or phenomenon. In these instances, a mean may be the
The median is the middle value of a group of measurements. only descriptor of the sample. However, if your class com-
bines its data so that there are many measurements, you’ll
The median is less sensitive to extreme values than is
the mean. To appreciate this, consider a sample consisting
of 14 leaves having the following lengths (all in mm):
Hints for Using the Metric System
80 69 62 74 69 51 45 40 9 64 65 64 61 67

The mean length is 58.6 mm. However, none of the leaves 1. Use decimals, not fractions (e.g., 2.5 m, not 21/2 m).
are that length, and most of the leaves are longer than 60 mm. 2. Express measurements in units requiring only a few
In biology, the mean is usually preferred to the median when decimal places. For example, 0.3 m is more easily
reporting descriptive statistics. manipulated and understood than 300000000 nm.
3. When measuring pure water, the metric system offers
Question 6 an easy and common conversion from volume mea-
a. Does the mean always describe the “typical” mea- sured in liters to volume measured in cubic meters to
surement? Why or why not? mass measured in grams: 1 mL = 1 cm3 = 1 g.
4. The metric system uses symbols rather than abbrevia-
tions. Therefore, do not place a period after metric
symbols (e.g., 1 g, not 1 g.). Use a period after a
b. What information about a sample does a mean not ­symbol only at the end of a sentence.
provide? 5. Do not mix units or symbols (e.g., 9.2 m, not 9 m
200 mm).
6. Metric symbols are always singular (e.g., 10 km, not
10 kms).
Determine the median by arranging the measurements in 7. Except for degrees Celsius, always leave a space
numerical order: ­between a number and a metric symbol (e.g., 20 mm,
not 20mm; 10°C, not 10° C).
9 40 45 51 61 63 64 64 65 67 69 69 73 80
8. Use a zero before a decimal point when the number is
The median is between the seventh and eighth measurement: less than one (e.g., 0.42 m, not .42 m).
64 mm. In this sample, the mean differs from the median.

2–7 Measurements in Biology  17

need to know how to do a couple of other calculations so b. Could two samples have the same range but different
that you understand the variation within your sample. means? Explain.

As you can see, the samples in Question 7d are different, but
their means are the same. Thus, the mean does not reveal all
there is to know about these samples. To understand how
these samples are different, you need other statistics: the
range and standard deviation.
The range is the difference between the extreme The standard deviation indicates how measurements
­mea­surements (i.e., smallest and largest) of the sample. In vary about the mean. The standard deviation is easy to cal-
Sample 1, the range is 35 − 25 = 10; in Sample 2 the range culate. Begin by calculating the mean, measuring the devia-
is 75 − 10 = 65. The range provides a sense of the variation tion of each sample from the mean, squaring each deviation,
of the sample, but the range can be artificially inflated by and then summing the deviations. This summation results
one or two extreme values. Notice the extreme values in the in the sum of squared deviations. For example, consider
sample of leaf measurements previously discussed. More- a group of shrimp that are 22, 19, 18, and 21 cm long. The
over, ranges do not tell us anything about the measurements mean length of these shrimp is 20 cm.
between the extremes.
Question 8 Value Mean Deviation (Deviation)2
a. Could two samples have the same mean but different 22 20 2 4
ranges? Explain. 19 20 −1 1
21 20 1 1
18 20 −2 4

Sum of Squared Deviations = 10

The summary equation for the sum of squared deviations is:

Sum of squared deviations = Σ (x
− x )2

N = total number of samples
Rounding Numbers
x = the sample mean

Do not change the value of the last significant digit if that xi = measurement of an individual sample
digit is followed by a number that is less than 5. For exam-
ple, if two significant figures are required, 6.449 rounds to N

6.4, 66.449 rounds to 66, 66.641 rounds to 67, and 6.591 This formula is simple. The summation sign ( Σ ) means to
rounds to 6.6. Here is how an original measurement of add up all the squared deviations from the first one (i = 1)
49.5149 rounds to various numbers of significant figures: to the last one (i = N). The sum of squared deviations (10)
divided by the number of samples minus one (4 − 1 = 3) pro-
Five significant figures: 49.515
duces a value of 10/3 = 3.3 cm2 (note that the units are cen-
Four significant figures: 49.51 timeters squared). This is the variance:
Three significant figures: 49.5
sum of squared deviations
Two significant figures: 50 Variance =
One significant figure: 50
The square root of the variance, 1.8 cm, equals the standard
Statisticians disagree on what to do when the number follow-
deviation (SD):
ing the last significant figure is exactly 5, as in 89.5 (and, in
this case, the precision is limited to two significant figures). SD = √Variance = √3.3 = 1.8
Some round the measurement to the higher number, while
others claim that doing so introduces bias into the data. You The standard deviation is usually reported with the mean
can decide which approach to take, but be consistent. in statements such as, “The mean length of the shrimp was
20 ± 1.8 cm.”

18 EXERCISE 2 2–8
The standard deviation helps us understand the Range
spread or variation of a sample. For many distributions of All classmates __________ to __________
measurements, the mean ± 1 SD includes 68% of the mea-
surements, whereas the mean ± 2 SD includes 95% of the Male classmates___________ to __________
measurements. Female classmates___________ to __________
Standard deviation
Procedure 2.7  Gather and analyze data
statistically All classmates ± __________
1. Use a meterstick or tape measure to measure your Male classmates ± __________
height in centimeters. Record your height here: Female classmates ± __________
2. Record your height and gender (male or female) on the If there is sufficient time, obtain a newspaper that adver-
board in the lab. tises cars, groceries, or other common commodities. Choose
3. After all of your classmates have reported their one example (e.g., new cars) and determine its average price
heights, calculate the following: (e.g., determine the average price of a new car).
Size of sample
Question 9
All classmates a. What does your calculation tell you?
Male classmates
Female classmates
Mean height
b. What are the limitations of your sample?
All classmates
Male classmates
Female classmates
Median height Your instructor may ask you to do other statistical tests,
All classmates ____________________ such as Student’s t, chi-square, and analysis of variance
(ANOVA). The type of test you’ll do will depend on the
Male classmates ___________________ amount and type of data you analyze, as well as the hypoth-
Female classmates _________________ eses you are trying to test.

Variation in the Areas and Shapes of Leaves
Observation: Leaves, which are the primary photosynthetic were grown indoors. Choose and record your group’s
organ of most plants, are adapted for absorbing light. This best question for investigation.
involves exposing large surface areas to the environment. c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
record it.
Question: How does the surface area and shape of leaves vary d. Outline on Worksheet 2 your experimental design
on different parts of plants? and supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation instructor to review your proposed investigation.
Worksheet 2 from your instructor. e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions rele- question, and make relevant comments.
vant to the preceding observation and question. If leaves f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
are not available from outdoor plants (e.g., during win- tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
ter), use the plants provided by your instructor that needed.

2–9 Measurements in Biology  19

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the metric system of measurements?

​2. Why is it important for all scientists to use a standard system of measures rather than the system that may be most popu-
lar in their home country or region?

​3. Do you lose or gain information when you use statistics to reduce a population to a few characteristic numbers? Explain
your answer.

​4. Suppose that you made repeated measurements of your height. If you used good technique, would you expect the range
to be large or small? Explain your answer.

​5. Suppose that a biologist states that the average height of undergraduate students at your university is 205 cm plus or
minus a standard deviation of 17 cm. What does this mean?

​6. What does a small standard deviation signify? What does a large standard deviation signify?

​7. It is possible to make a perfectly precise measurement? Explain.

​8. When in our everyday lives do we not want precise measurements?

20 EXERCISE 2 2–10
The Microscope
BIOLOGY Exercise 3
Basic Skills of Light Microscopy


Learning Objectives
Study and learn the parts of the typical compound light
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: microscope shown in figure 3.3. A light microscope has two,
1. Identify and explain the functions of the primary sometimes three, systems: an illuminating system, an imag-
parts of a compound microscope and dissecting ing system, and possibly a viewing and recording system.
(stereoscopic) microscope.
2. Carry and focus a microscope ­properly.
Illuminating System
3. Use a compound microscope and dissecting micro-
scope to examine biological specimens. The illuminating system, which concentrates light on the
4. Prepare a wet mount, determine the magnification specimen, usually consists of a light source, condenser lens,
and size of the field of view, and determine the and iris diaphragm. The light source is a lightbulb located
depth of field. at the base of the microscope. The light source illuminates
the specimen by passing light through a thin, almost trans-
parent part of the specimen. The condenser lens, located
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online
resources tailored to this lab. imme­diately below the specimen, focuses light from the

M any organisms and biological structures are too small Caring for Your Microscope
to be seen with the unaided eye (fig. 3.1). Biolo-
gists often use a light microscope to observe such speci- Microscopes are powerful tools for understanding biology.
mens. A light microscope is a coordinated system of However, they’re also expensive and fragile and require
lenses arranged to produce an enlarged, focusable image special care. When you use your microscope, always do
of a specimen. A light microscope magnifies a specimen, the following to ensure optimal performance and care:
meaning that it increases its apparent size. Magnifica- ∙ Always carry your microscope upright with both
tion with a light microscope is usually accompanied by hands—one hand under the base and the other around
improved resolution, which is the ability to distinguish the microscope’s arm (fig. 3.3).
two points as separate points. Thus, the better the resolu-
∙ Always begin by cleaning the ocular and objective lenses
tion, the sharper or crisper the image appears. The resolv-
with lens paper.
ing power of the unaided eye is approximately 0.1 mm
(1 in = 25.4 mm), meaning that our eyes can distinguish ∙ Always start your examinations with the low-power
two points that are 0.1 mm apart. A light microscope, used objective in place.
properly, can improve resolution as much as 1000-fold ∙ If you shift to the high-power objective, rotate the
(i.e., to 0.1 µm). objective into place carefully. Never force the objective
The ability to discern detail also depends on contrast, lens into place. If the objective lens contacts the slide,
which is the difference between the lightest and darkest stop and restart your examination with the low-power
parts of an image. Therefore, many specimens examined objective lens.
with a light microscope are stained with artificial dyes that
increase contrast and make the specimen more visible. ∙ After shifting to the high-power objective, always use
The invention of the light microscope was profoundly only the fine adjustment to focus the image.
important to biology, because it was used to formulate the ∙ When you’ve completed your work with the microscope,
cell theory and study biological structure at the cellular clean the lenses with lens paper, wrap the electrical cord
level. Light microscopy has revealed a vast new world to the securely around the microscope’s arm, and return your
human eye and mind (fig. 3.2). Today, the light microscope microscope to its storage area.
is the most fundamental tool of many biologists.

3–1 The Microscope  21

20 mm 2 mm 0.2 mm

20 m 2 m 0.2 m

20 2 0.2

Figure 3.1  The size of cells and their contents. This diagram shows the size of human skin cells, organelles, and molecules. In general,
the diameter of a human skin cell is about 20 micrometers (µm), of a mitochondrion is 2 µm, of a ribosome is 20 nanometers (nm), of a protein
molecule is 2 nm, and of an atom is 0.2 nm.

light source onto the specimen. Just below the condenser is to study bacteria. To avoid damaging your microscope, do
the condenser iris diaphragm, a knurled ring or lever that not use the oil immersion objective during this exercise.
can be opened and closed to regulate the amount of light The magnifying power of each objective is etched
reaching the specimen. When the condenser iris diaphragm on the side of the lens (e.g., 4×). The ocular is the lens
is open, the image will be bright; when closed, the image that you look through. Microscopes with one ocular are
will be dim. monocular microscopes, and those with two are binocular
microscopes. Oculars usually magnify the image 10 times.
Imaging System The body tube is a metal casing through which light passes
to the oculars. In microscopes with bent body-tubes and
The imaging system improves resolution and magnifies
inclined oculars, the body tube contains mirrors and a prism
the image. It consists of the objective and ocular (eye-
that redirects light to the oculars. The stage secures the glass
piece) lenses and a body tube. The objectives are three or
slide on which the specimen is mounted.
four lenses mounted on a revolving nosepiece. Each objec-
tive is a series of several lenses that magnify the image,
Viewing and Recording System
improve resolution, and correct aberrations in the image.
The most common configuration for student microscopes The viewing and recording system, if present, converts radi-
includes four objectives: low magnification (4×), medium ation to a viewable and/or permanent image. The viewing
magnification (10×), high magnification (40×), and oil and recording system usually consists of a camera or video
immersion (100×). Using the oil immersion objective screen. Most student microscopes do not have viewing and
requires special instructions, as explained in Exercise 24 recording systems.

22 EXERCISE 3 3–2
© Heritage Image Partnership Ltd/Alamy

Figure 3.2  “Egad, I thought it was tea, but I see I’ve been drinking a blooming micro-zoo!” says this horrified, proper nineteenth-century
London woman when she used a microscope to examine her tea. People were shocked to learn that there is an active, living world too small
for us to see.


Body tube



Slide holder
to adjust Stage
position Stage clip


Condenser iris diaphragm

Coarse focus
adjustment Condenser adjustment

Fine focus
Light source


© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 3.3  Major parts of a compound light microscope.

3–3 The Microscope  23

4. Locate the coarse adjustment knob on the side of the
A Summary of How to Use
microscope. Depending on the type of microscope that
a Compound Light Microscope
you’re using, the coarse adjustment knob moves either
1. Place the specimen on the microscope’s stage. the nosepiece (with its objectives) or the stage to focus
the lenses on the specimen. Only a partial turn of the
2. Rotate the low-power objective into place. Center the
coarse adjustment knob moves the stage or nosepiece a
specimen below the objective.
relatively large distance. The coarse adjustment should
3. Look through the oculars while using the coarse adjust- only be used when you’re viewing a specimen with the
ment to focus on the specimen. Center the area of the 4× or 10× objective lens.
specimen that you want to examine. 5. If your microscope is binocular, adjust the distance
4. Slowly rotate the high-power objective into place. Look between the oculars to match the distance between
through the oculars while you use the fine adjustment your pupils. If your microscope is monocular, keep
to focus on the specimen. both eyes open when using the microscope. After a
little practice you will ignore the image received by the
5. If you “lose” your specimen when you switch from low eye not looking through the ocular.
power to high power, retrace the previous steps, paying 6. Focus a specimen by using the following steps:
special attention to placing the specimen in the center
a. Place a microscope slide of newsprint of the letter
of the field of view.
e on the horizontal stage so that the e is directly
below the scanning objective lens and is right side
up. It should be centered over the hole in the stage.
USING A COMPOUND MICROSCOPE b. Rotate the coarse adjustment knob to move the
objective within 1 cm of the stage (1 cm = 0.4 in).
Although the maximum magnification of light microscopes
has not increased significantly during the last century, the con- c. Look through the oculars with both eyes open.
struction and design of light microscopes have improved the d. Rotate the coarse adjustment knob (i.e., raising
resolution of newer models. For example, built-in light sources the objective lens or lowering the stage) until the
have replaced adjustable mirrors in the illuminating system, e comes into focus. If you don’t see an image, the e
and lenses are made of better glass than they were in the past. is probably off center. Be sure that the e is directly
Your lab instructor will review with you the parts of below the objective lens and that you can see a spot
the microscopes (and their functions) you will use in the of light surrounding the e.
lab (fig. 3.3). After familiarizing yourself with the parts of e. Focus up and down to achieve the crispest image.
a microscope, you’re now ready for some hands-on experi- f. Adjust the condenser iris diaphragm so that the
ence with the instrument. The videos at the website asso- brightness of the transmitted light provides the best
ciated with this manual (connect.mheducation.com) will be view.
especially useful for helping you understand how to prop- g. Observe the letter, then rotate the nosepiece to align
erly use your microscope. the 10× objective to finish your observation. Do not
use the oil immersion objective.
Procedure 3.1  Use a compound microscope
1. Remove the microscope from its cabinet and carry it Question 1
upright with one hand grasping the arm and your other a. As you view the letter e, how is it oriented? Upside
hand supporting the microscope below its base. Place down or right side up?
your microscope on the table in front of you.

Do not use paper towels or Kimwipes to clean the

lenses of your microscope; they can scratch the
lenses. Clean the lenses only with lens paper.

b. How does the image move when the slide is moved to

2. Plug in the microscope and turn on the light source. the right or left? Toward you or away from you?
3. If it isn’t already in position, rotate the nosepiece
until the scanning (4×) objective is in line with the
light source. (The 4× objective is called the “scan-
ning objective” because it enables users to scan large
areas of a specimen.) You’ll feel the objective click
into place when it is positioned properly. Always begin
examining slides with the scanning objective.

24 EXERCISE 3 3–4
c. What happens to the brightness of the view when you 6. To fine-focus the image, locate the fine adjustment
go from 4× to 10×? knob on the side of the microscope. Turning this knob
changes the specimen-to-objective distance slightly and
therefore makes it easy to fine-focus the image. Use
only the fine adjustment when using the 40× (or
higher) objective.

Magnification Never use the coarse adjustment knob to focus

an image on high power.
Procedure 3.2  Determine magnification
1. Estimate the magnification of the e by looking at the
magnified image on lowest magnification (4×), and 7. Compare the size of the image under high magnifica-
then at the e without using the microscope. tion with the image under low magnification.
2. Examine each objective and record the magnifications
of the objectives and oculars of your microscope in Question 2
table 3.1. a. How many times is the image of the e magnified when
3. Calculate and record in table 3.1 the total magnifica- viewed through the high-power objective?
tion for each objective following this formula:
MagTot = MagObj × MagOcu
MagTot = total magnification of the image
b. If you didn’t already know what you were looking at,
MagObj = magnification of the objective lens
could you determine at this magnification that you
MagOcu = magnification of the ocular lens were looking at a letter e? How?
For example, if you’re viewing the specimen with a
4× objective lens and a 10× ocular, the total mag-
nification of the image is 4 × 10 = 40×. That is, the
specimen appears 40 times larger than it is.
4. Slowly rotate the high-power (i.e., 40×) objective into
place. Be sure that the objective does not touch the Determine the Size of the Field of View
slide! If the objective does not rotate into place without The field of view is the area that you can see through the
touching the slide, do not force it; ask your lab instruc- ocular and objective (fig. 3.4). Knowing the size of the
tor to help you. After the 40× objective is in place, you field of view is important because you can use it to esti-
should notice that the image remains near focus. Most mate the size of an object you are examining. The field of
light microscopes are parfocal, meaning that the image view can be measured with ruled micrometers (fig. 3.5).
will remain nearly focused after the 40× objective lens An ocular micrometer is a small glass disk with thin lines
is moved into place. Most light microscopes are also numbered and etched in a row. It was put into an ocular on
parcentered, meaning that the image will remain cen- your microscope so that the lines superimpose on the image
tered in the field of view after the 40× objective lens is and allow you to measure the specimen. Before you can use
in place. the micrometer you must determine for each magnifica-
5. You may need to readjust the iris diaphragm because tion the apparent distance between the lines on the ocular
the high-magnification objective allows less light to micro­­meter. This means that you must calibrate the ocu-
pass through to the ocular. lar ­micrometer by comparing its  lines to those lines on a


4× × =

10× × =

40× × =

3–5 The Microscope  25

standard ruler called a stage ­micrometer. A stage microm-
eter is a glass slide having p­ recisely spaced lines etched at
known intervals.

Procedure 3.3  Use a stage micrometer to cali-

brate the ocular micrometer, and determine the size of
the field of view
1. Rotate the ocular until the lines of the ocular microm-
eter parallel those of the stage micrometer (fig. 3.5).
2. Align lines at the left edges (0 lines) of the two
micrometers by moving the stage micrometer (fig. 3.5).
3. Count how many spaces on the stage micrometer fit
precisely in a given number of spaces on the ocular
micrometer. Record the values here.
y ocular spaces = x stage spaces

y =
© BiologyImaging.com x =
Figure 3.4  The circular, illuminated field of view of a compound
light microscope. Shown here is the letter e from newsprint that is
magnified 40 times (i.e., 40×).

View of

View of

View of both micrometers

aligned at their 0 lines

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 3.5  Stage and ocular micrometers. Micrometers are used to calibrate microscopes and measure the size of specimens.

26 EXERCISE 3 3–6
The smallest space on a stage micrometer = 0.01 mm, these diameters must be calculated using the following
so formula:
y ocular spaces (mm) = x stage spaces × 0.01 FOVlow × Maglow = FOVhigh × Maghigh

1 ocular space (mm) = (x/y) × 0.01 where

FOVlow = diameter of the field of view of the low-
4. Calculate the distance in millimeters between lines of
power objective
the ocular micrometer. For example, if the length of
10 spaces on the ocular micrometer equals the length Maglow = magnification of the low-power objective
of seven spaces on the stage micrometer, then (Be consistent and use the magnification
y = 10 of the objective, not total magnification.)

x = 7 FOVhigh = diameter of the field of view of the high-

power objective
10 ocular spaces (mm) = 7 stage spaces × 0.01 mm
Maghigh = magnification of the high-power objective
1 ocular space (mm) = (7 × 0.01 mm)/10
1 ocular space (mm) = 0.007 mm For example, if 3.0 mm is the diameter of the field of
1 ocular space = 7 µm view for a 4× low-power objective, then what is the
diameter of the field of view of the 40× high-power
Therefore, if a specimen spans eight spaces on your objective?
ocular micrometer with that objective in place, that 3.0 mm × 4 = FOVhigh × 40
specimen is 56 µm long. 0.30 mm = FOVhigh
5. Calibrate the ocular micrometer for each objective on
7. Calculate and record in table 3.1 the diameters of the
your microscope. Record in table 3.1 the diameter of
field of view for the 10× and 40× magnifications.
the field of view (FOV) for each objective. Also record
for each objective lens in table 3.1 the measurement 8. Calculate and record in table 3.1 the circular area of
(mm) for 1 ocular space. You can use this information the field of view for the three magnifications by using
in future labs as you measure the sizes of organisms the following formula.
and their parts. Area of circle = π × radius2
6. Calculate the radius, which is half the diameter. (π = 3.14)
7. Use this information to determine the area of the circu-
lar field of view with the following formula: Question 3
Area of circle = π × radius2 a. Which provides the largest field of view, the 10× or
(π = 3.14) 40× objective?
8. Record your calculated FOV areas in table 3.1.

Alternate Procedure 3.3  Use a transparent

ruler to determine the size of the field of view
b. How much more area can you see with the 4× objec-
1. Obtain a clear plastic ruler with a metric scale. tive than with the 40× objective?
2. Place the ruler on the stage and under the stage clips of
your microscope. If your microscope has a mechani-
cal stage, ask your instructor how to place the ruler to
avoid damage. Carefully rotate the nosepiece to the
objective of lowest magnification. c. Why is it more difficult to locate an object starting
3. Slowly focus with the coarse adjustment, and then with with the high-power objective than with the low-power
the fine adjustment, until the metric markings on the objective?
ruler are clear.
4. Align the ruler to measure the diameter of the circular
field of view. The space between each line on the ruler
should represent a 1-mm interval.
5. Record in table 3.1 the diameter of this low- d. Which objective should you use to initially locate the
magnification field of view. Also calculate the radius, specimen? Why?
which is half the diameter.
6. The ruler cannot be used to measure the diameters of
the field of view at medium and high magnifications
because the markings are too far apart. Therefore,

3–7 The Microscope  27

2. Focus up and down and try to determine the order
of the threads from top to bottom. The order of the
threads will not be the same on all slides.
3. Re-examine the threads using the high-power objective

Question 4
1. a. Are all three colored threads in focus at low power?

2. 2.

3. b. Can all three threads be in focus at the same time

using the high-power objective?
Specimen Microscope image
on slide at different levels
of focus
c. Which objective, high or low power, provides the
greatest depth of field?

Preparing a Wet Mount

of a Biological Specimen
Procedure 3.5  Prepare a wet mount of a bio-
logical specimen
1. Place a drop of water containing algal cells from a cul-
ture labeled “Algae” on a clean microscope slide.
2. Place the edge of a clean coverslip at an edge of the
drop at a 45° angle; then slowly lower the coverslip
onto the drop so that no air bubbles are trapped
(fig. 3.7). (Your instructor will demonstrate this tech-
© BiologyImaging.com
(b) nique.) This fresh preparation is called a wet mount
Figure 3.6  How focusing at different planes of a specimen would and can be viewed with your microscope.
produce three different images. (a) Focusing up and down when you 3. Experiment with various intensities of illumination. To
view a specimen can help you to understand its three-dimensional do this, rotate the 4× objective into place and adjust
structure. (b) A thin depth of field is apparent in this 100× image of
the condenser iris diaphragm to produce the least illu-
cells of Closterium, a green alga. The upper and lower layers of cells
are out of focus, while the midlayer of cells is within the thin depth of mination. Observe the image; note its clarity, contrast,
field and is clearly focused. and color. Repeat these observations with at least four
different levels of illumination. The fourth level should
have the diaphragm completely open.
4. Repeat step 3 for the 10× and 40× objectives.
Determine the Depth of Field
Depth of field is the thickness of the object in sharp focus Question 5
(fig. 3.6). Depth of field varies with different objectives and a. Is the image always best with highest illumination?

Procedure 3.4  Determine the depth of the field

of view
1. Using the low-power objective, examine a prepared
slide of three colored threads mounted on top of
each other.

28 EXERCISE 3 3–8
Add a drop of algal culture
to a clean microscope slide.

Add a clean coverslip.

(b) © BiologyImaging.com

Gently lower the coverslip into

place with a dissecting needle.
Figure 3.7  (a) Preparing a wet mount of a biological specimen.
(b) A wet mount of pond water will often include the common
cyanobacterium Oscillatoria (200×). See also figures 3.6 and 25.1–25.4.

Observe with low-power

objective lens.
field of view what you see. Use your calculations for
the diameter of the field of view to estimate the length
of the shrimp.

b. Is the same level of illumination best for all


c. Which magnifications require the most illumination for

best clarity and contrast?

Approximate length of the shrimp:

5. Examine your preparation of algae, and sketch in the fol-

Question 6
lowing field of view the organisms that you see. Don’t
a. Why is it important to put a coverslip over the drop of
mis­take air bubbles for organisms! Air bubbles appear
water when you prepare a wet mount?
as uniformly round structures with dark, thick borders.

b. Approximately how long and wide is a brine shrimp?

For practice using your microscope, prepare some wet
mounts of pond water or a hay infusion to view the diversity
6. Prepare a wet mount of some newly hatched brine of protozoa and algae (fig. 3.8). If the protozoa are moving
shrimp (Artemia, which are popularly referred to as too fast for you to examine carefully, add a drop of meth-
“sea monkeys”) and their eggs. Sketch in the following ylcellulose (often sold commercially as Proto-Slo) to your

3–9 The Microscope  29

stereoscopic microscope are often offset by lower resolution
and magnification than a compound microscope. Most dis-
secting microscopes have magnifications of 4× to 50×.

Procedure 3.6  Use a dissecting microscope

1. Carry the dissecting microscope to your desk.
2. Use figure 3.9 to familiarize yourself with the parts of
your microscope.
3. Use your dissecting microscope to examine the organ-
isms available in the lab. Sketch some of these organisms.
4. Use a ruler to measure the diameter of the field of view
with your dissecting microscope at several levels of
© M. I. Walker/Science Source

Figure 3.8  The diversity of organisms in pond water (200×). Question 7

a. What is the area of the field of view when you use the
lowest magnification of your dissecting microscope?
sample. (The methylcellulose will slow the movement of the
protozoa.) Also examine the prepared slides available in the
lab. You’ll examine these slides in more detail in the coming
weeks, so don’t worry about their contents. Rather, use this b. What is the area when you use the highest
exercise to familiarize yourself with the microscope. Also magnification?
prepare wet mounts of the cultures available in the lab and
sketch the organisms that you see. When you’ve ­finished,
turn off the light source, cover your microscope, and store
c. Place a microscope slide of the letter e on the stage. As
the microscope in its cabinet.
you view the letter e, how is it oriented?


MICROSCOPE d. How does the image through a dissecting microscope
move when the specimen is moved to the right or left?
A dissecting (stereoscopic) microscope offers some advan- Toward you or away from you?
tages over a compound microscope. Although a compound
microscope can produce high magnifications and excellent
resolution, it has a small working distance, which is the
distance between the objective lens and specimen. There- e. How does the direction of illumination differ in dis-
fore, it is difficult to manipulate a specimen while observ- secting as opposed to compound microscopes?
ing it with a compound microscope. Specimens that can be
observed with a compound microscope are limited to those
thin enough for light to pass through them. In contrast, a dis-
secting microscope is used to view objects that are opaque
or too large to see with a compound microscope.
A dissecting microscope provides a much larger work- A COMPARISON OF COMPOUND
ing distance than does a compound microscope. This distance AND DISSECTING MICROSCOPES
is usually several centimeters (compared to a centimeter or
less for a compound microscope), making it possible to dis- Complete table 3.2 comparing magnification, resolution,
sect and manipulate most specimens. Also, most specimens size of the field of view, and depth of field of a dissecting
for dissection are too thick to observe with transmitted light microscope and a compound microscope. Use the terms
from a light source below the specimen. Therefore, many dis- high, low, or same to describe your comparisons.
secting microscopes use a light source above the specimen;
the image you see is formed from reflected light. Question 8
Dissecting microscopes are always binocular (fig. 3.9). What other differences are there between compound and
Each ocular views the specimen at different angles through dissecting microscopes?
one or more objective lenses. This arrangement provides a
three-dimensional image with a large depth of field. This is
in contrast to the image in a compound microscope, which
is basically two-dimensional. However, the advantages of a

30 EXERCISE 3 3–10
lenses Zoom magnification

Reflected light source

Focus adjustment


Transmitted light
Courtesy of Leica, Inc., Deerfield, Illinois
Figure 3.9  Major parts of a dissecting (stereoscopic) microscope.






The Shapes, Surface Areas, and Volumes of Red Blood Cells
Observation: Red blood cells, which are the most common c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
type of blood cell, are used by vertebrates to deliver oxygen record it.
to body tissues. Red blood cells are filled with hemoglobin, d. Outline on Worksheet 3 your experimental design and sup-
which gives them their characteristic color. plies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to
Question: What are the shapes, surface areas, and volumes of review your proposed investigation.
red blood cells? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 3 from your instructor. tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant needed.
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

3–11 The Microscope  31

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. What are the advantages of knowing the diameter of the field of view at a given magnification?

​2. Why must specimens viewed with a compound microscope be thin? Why are they sometimes stained with dyes?

​3. Why is depth of field important in studying biological structures? How can it affect your ability to find and examine
a specimen?

​4. What is the importance of adjusting the light intensity when viewing specimens with a compound microscope?

​5. What is the function of each of the following parts of a compound and dissecting microscope?
Iris diaphragm
Coarse adjustment
Fine adjustment

​6. Examine the micrograph of the letter e shown in figure 3.4. This letter is magnified 40×. What is the actual height
of the letter?


The smallest structures of cells are best seen with
a transmission electron microscope. Refer to your textbook or
other book and describe how an electron microscope can resolve
such small structures. Write a short essay about the advantages
and limitations of a transmission ­electron microscope.

32 EXERCISE 3 3–12
The Cell
BIOLOGY Exercise 4
Structure and Function

Learning Objectives C ells are the basic unit of living organisms because they
perform all of the processes we collectively call “life.”
All organisms are made of cells. Although most individual
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
cells are visible only with the aid of a microscope, some
1. Understand the differences between prokaryotes
may be a meter long (e.g., nerve cells) or as large as a small
and eukaryotes and identify structures characteristic
orange (e.g., the yolk of an ostrich egg). Despite these dif-
of each.
ferences, all cells are designed similarly and share funda-
2. Prepare a wet mount to view cells with a compound
mental features.
Cytology is the study of cellular structure and func-
3. Explain the function of organelles within eukaryotic
tion. The major tools of cytologists are light microscopy,
cells visible with a light microscope.
electron microscopy, and cell chemistry. By studying the
4. Examine a cell’s structure and determine whether it
anatomy of a cell, we can find clues to how the cell works.
is from a plant or animal.
In today’s lab you will study some of the features
5. Observe representatives of the protists, a large
and variations among living cells. Prior to this exercise,
group of eukaryotic organisms that are heterotro-
review in your textbook the general features of cellular
phic or autotrophic.
structure and function.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online PROKARYOTIC CELLS

resources tailored to this lab.
Bacteria and cyanobacteria are prokaryotes (fig. 4.1), and
their diversity is considerable (>5000 species). Prokaryotes



Cell wall

© Steve Gschmeissner/Science Photo Library RF/Getty Images

Figure 4.1  The structure of a bacterial cell. Bacteria lack a nuclear membrane. All prokaryotic (bacterial) cells have a nucleoid region,
ribosomes, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and cell wall, but not all have flagella (1500×) Many bacterial cells are surrounded by a gelatinous
capsule and have pili as well as flagella.

4–1 The Cell 33

do not contain a membrane-bound nucleus or any other SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were
membrane-bound organelles. Organelles are organized asked to read this exercise so you would know what
structures of macromolecules having specialized functions to do and be aware of safety issues. In the space
and are suspended in the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm of pro- below, briefly list the safety issues associated with
karyotes is enclosed in a plasma membrane (cellular mem- today’s procedures. If you have questions about these
brane) and is surrounded by a supporting cell wall covered issues, contact your laboratory assistant before start-
by a gelatinous capsule. Flagella and hairlike outgrowths ing work.
called pili are common in prokaryotes; flagella are used for
movement, and pili are used to attach some types of bacteria
to surfaces or to exchange genetic material with other bac-
teria. Within the cytoplasm are ribosomes (small particles
involved in protein synthesis) and nucleoid regions (con-
centrations of DNA). Prokaryotes do not reproduce sexu-
ally, but they have mechanisms for genetic recombination
(see Exercise 16). Procedure 4.1  Examine cyanobacteria
1. Examine a prepared slide of Oscillatoria, a filament
of cells, and one of Gloeocapsa, a loosely arranged
The largest prokaryotes are cyanobacteria, formerly called colony (fig 4.3). Review Exercise 3 and the associated
blue-green algae. They contain chlorophyll a and acces- videos for the proper way to use the microscope.
sory pigments for photosynthesis, but these pigments are 2. Focus with the low-power objective.
not contained in membrane-bound chloroplasts. Instead,
3. Rotate the high-power objective into place to see fila-
the pigments are held in photosynthetic membranes called
ments and masses of cells.
thylakoids (fig. 4.2). Cyanobacteria are often surrounded
by a mucilaginous sheath. Their ability to photosynthesize
made them the primary contributors to the early oxygen-
ation of the ancient earth’s atmosphere.

Filaments of cells

© BiologyImaging.com


Vegetative cells

Photosynthetic membranes
© Dr. Euichi (Luigi) Hirose, Dept. Chem. Biol. & Marine Science,
University Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan
© BiologyImaging.com
Figure 4.2  Electron micrograph of a photosynthetic bacterial (b)
cell, Prochloron, showing extensively folded photosynthetic
membranes. The DNA is in the clear area in the central region of the Figure 4.3  Common cyanobacteria. (a) Oscillatoria (100×).
cell; it is not membrane-bound (5200×). (b) Gloeocapsa (400×).

34 EXERCISE 4 4–2
4. Prepare a wet mount of Oscillatoria and one of Gloeo- 5. Observe the simple, external structure of the bacteria
capsa. Review procedure 3.5 in Exercise 3 for prepar- and draw their cellular shapes in the following space:
ing a wet mount.
5. Observe the cellular structures and draw the cellular
shapes and relative sizes of Oscillatoria and Gloeo-
capsa in the following space. Use an ocular micro­
meter to measure their dimensions.
Oscillatoria Gloeocapsa

Question 2
Question 1 How does the size of Lactobacillus compare with that of
a. Where are the pigments located in these cyanobacteria? ­Oscillatoria and Gloeocapsa?

b. Are nuclei visible in cyanobacterial cells?

Eukaryotic cells are structurally more complex than pro-
karyotic cells. Although some features of prokaryotic cells
c. Which of these two genera has the most prominent are in eukaryotic cells (e.g., ribosomes, cell membrane),
mucilaginous sheath? eukaryotic cells also contain several organelles not found in
prokaryotic cells (table 4.1).
Eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound nuclei
and other organelles (figs. 4.4, 4.5). Nuclei contain genetic
material of a cell and control metabolism. Cytoplasm forms
d. How many cells are held within one sheath of the matrix of the cell and is contained by the plasma mem-
Gloeocapsa? brane. Within the cytoplasm are a variety of organelles.
Chloroplasts are elliptical green organelles in plant cells.
Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis in plant cells and
are green because they contain chlorophyll, a photosynthetic
pigment capable of capturing light energy. Mitochondria
Bacteria are organelles found in plant and animal cells. These organ-
elles are where aerobic respiration occurs. When viewed
Most bacteria are much smaller than cyanobacteria and
with a conventional light microscope, mitochondria are
do not contain chlorophyll. Yogurt is a nutrient-rich cul-
small, dark, and often difficult to see. All of the material
ture of bacteria. The bacterial cells composing most of the
and organelles contained by the plasma membrane are col-
yogurt are Lactobacillus, a bacterium adapted to live on
lectively called the protoplast.
milk sugar (lactose). Lactobacillus converts milk to yogurt.
Yogurt is acidic and keeps longer than milk. Historically,
Lactobacillus has been used in many parts of the world by PLANT CELLS
peoples deficient in lactase, an enzyme that breaks down
lactose. Many Middle Eastern and African cultures use the Procedure 4.3  Examine living Elodea cells and
more digestible yogurt in their diets instead of milk. chloroplasts

Procedure 4.2  Examine bacteria 1. Remove a young leaf from the tip of a sprig of Elodea.
Elodea is a common pond-weed used frequently in
1. Place a tiny dab of yogurt on a microscope slide. studies of photosynthesis, cellular structure, and
2. Mix this small amount of yogurt in a drop of water, cytoplasmic streaming.
add a coverslip, and examine the yogurt with a com- 2. Place this leaf, with the top surface facing up, in a drop
pound microscope. Review Exercise 3. of water on a microscope slide. The cells on the upper
3. Focus with the low-power objective. surface are larger and more easily examined. Add a
4. Rotate the high-power objective (40×) into place to see coverslip, but do not let the leaf dry. Add another drop
masses of rod-shaped cells. of water if necessary.

4–3 The Cell 35



Cell wall Present (protein-polysaccharide) Absent Present (cellulose)
Cell membrane Present Present Present
Flagella May be present (single strand) May be present Absent except in sperm of a few species

ER Absent Usually present Usually present
Ribosomes Present Present Present
Microtubules Absent Present Present
Centrioles Absent Present Absent
Golgi complex Absent Present Present

Nucleus Absent Present Present
Mitochondria Absent Present Present
Chloroplasts Absent Absent Present
Chromosomes A single circle of naked DNA Multiple; DNA-protein complex Multiple; DNA-protein complex
Vacuoles Absent Absent or small Usually a large single vacuole

3. Examine the leaf with your microscope. Review b. Examine various layers of cells by focusing up and
Exercise 3 and the associated videos. First use low, down through the layers. About how many cells thick
then high, magnification to bring the upper layer of is the leaf that you are observing?
cells into focus (fig. 4.6). Each of the small, regularly
shaped units you see are cells surrounded by cell walls
made primarily of cellulose (fig. 4.7). Cellulose is
a complex carbohydrate made of glucose molecules
attached end-to-end. The plasma membrane lies just
inside the cell wall. Sketch what you see. c. What are the functions of the cell wall?

d. Use an ocular micrometer or refer to the dimensions of

the field of view calculated in Exercise 3 to measure
the dimensions of an Elodea cell. What are the cell’s
approximate dimensions?

Question 3
a. What three-dimensional shape are Elodea cells? 4. Chloroplasts appear as moderately sized green spheres
within the cells (figs. 4.6, 4.8). Locate and sketch
cells having many chloroplasts; estimate the number
of chloroplasts in a healthy cell. Remember that a
cell is three-dimensional, and some chloroplasts may
obscure others.

36 EXERCISE 4 4–4
Area where most of
Nuclear pore: the genetic material
Passageway for is organized and
Centrosome: molecules into and expressed.
Site where out of the nucleus. Nuclear envelope:
microtubules grow Double membrane
and centrioles are that encloses the
found. nucleus.

Rough ER: Nucleolus: Lysosome:

Site of protein Site for ribosome Site where
sorting and subunit assembly. macromolecules
secretion. are degraded.

Smooth ER:
Site of Ribosome:
A complex of
detoxification and Site of polypeptide
protein and DNA.
lipid synthesis. synthesis.

Mitochondrion: Plasma membrane:

Site of ATP synthesis. Membrane that controls
movement of
substances into and out
of the cell; site of cell
Protein filaments that
provide shape and Cytosol:
aid in movement. Site of many
Peroxisome: metabolic pathways.
Site where hydrogen Golgi apparatus:
peroxide and other harmful Site of modification,
molecules are broken sorting, and
down. secretion of lipids
and proteins.

Figure 4.4  Structure of animal cells. Cells are surrounded by a bilayered plasma membrane containing phospholipids and proteins. The
nucleus houses chromosomal DNA and is surrounded by a double-membraned nuclear envelope. Centrioles organize spindle fibers during cell
division. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a system of membranes inside the cell. Rough ER has many ribosomes, and smooth ER has fewer
ribosomes. Mitochrondria are sites of oxidative respiration and ATP synthesis. Microvilli are cytoplasmic projections that increase the surface area
of some specialized animal cells. Golgi complexes are flat sacs and vesicles that collect and package substances made in the cell. Ribosomes are
aggregations of proteins that conduct protein synthesis. Lysosomes contain enzymes important in recycling cellular debris.

Question 4 5. Determine the spatial distribution of chloroplasts

a. What shape are the chloroplasts? What is their within a cell. They may be pushed against the margins
function? of the cell by the large central vacuole containing
mostly water and bounded by a vacuolar membrane.
The vacuole occupies about 90% of the volume of
a mature cell. Its many functions include storage of
organic and inorganic molecules, ions, water, enzymes,
and waste products.
b. Where are the chloroplasts located within the Elodea 6. Search for a nucleus; it may or may not be readily vis-
cell—toward the perimeter or center of the cell? ible. Nuclei usually are appressed to the cell wall as
a faint gray sphere the size of a chloroplast or larger.
Staining the cells with a drop of iodine may enhance
the nucleus. If your preparation is particularly good, a
nucleolus may be visible as a dense spot in the nucleus.
7. Search for some cells that may appear pink due to
water-soluble pigments called anthocyanins. These

4–5 The Cell 37

Area where most of
the genetic material Nuclear pore:
is organized and Passageway for
Nuclear envelope: expressed. molecules into and
Double membrane out of the nucleus.
that encloses the
Site of polypeptide
Central vacuole:
Site that provides
storage; regulation
of cell volume. Rough ER:
Site of protein
sorting and
Site for ribosome
subunit assembly.

Smooth ER:
Chromatin: Site of detoxification
A complex of and lipid synthesis.
protein and DNA.
Site of many
metabolic pathways.
Plasma membrane:
Membrane that controls
movement of substances
into and out of the cell;
site of cell signaling.
Site of ATP synthesis.
Cell wall:
Structure that
provides cell
Site of photosynthesis.
Site where hydrogen
Cytoskeleton: peroxide and other
Protein filaments that Golgi apparatus: harmful molecules
provide shape and aid Site of modification, are broken down.
in movement. sorting, and secretion
of lipids and proteins.

Figure 4.5  Structure of plant cells. Most mature plant cells contain large central vacuoles, which occupy most of the volume of the cell.
Cytoplasm is often a thin layer between the vacuole and the plasma membrane. Cytoplasm contains the cell’s organelles.

pigments give many flowers and fruits their bright red- 10. When you are finished examining Elodea, dispose of
dish color. the Elodea as specified by your instructor.
8. Warm the slide with intense light for about 10 min and
Question 5
search for movement of the chloroplasts. You may
a. Can you see nuclei in Elodea cells?
need to search many cells or make a new preparation.
This movement is called cytoplasmic streaming, or
cyclosis. Chloroplasts are not motile; instead, they are
being moved by the activity of the cytoplasm. Add
water if the cells appear to be drying out.
9. In the following space sketch a few cells of Elodea;
b. What are the functions of nuclei?
compare the cells with those shown in figure 4.6.

38 EXERCISE 4 4–6
Figure 4.6  (a) Elodea cells
containing abundant chloroplasts (150×).
(b) The cellular structure of
Elodea (400×).

(a) © Dwight Kuhn

Nucleus vacuole Cell



Cellulose fibers

Cellulose chain

Figure 4.7  Cellulose is the most abundant organic compound on earth and is a polymer of glucose molecules. Free hydroxyl (OH−) groups of
the glucose molecules form hydrogen bonds between adjacent cellulose molecules to form cohesive microfibrils. Microfibrils align to form strong
cellulose fibers that resist metabolic breakdown. Because humans cannot hydrolyze the bonds between glucose molecules of cellulose, cellulose is
indigestible and its energy is unavailable. Cellulose passes through the human digestive tract as bulk fiber.

4–7 The Cell 39

Plant Cell

Inner membrane

Outer membrane
Ribosome Granum
DNA 1.5 m

© Dr. Jeremy Burgess/Science Source

Figure 4.8  Chloroplast structure. The inner membrane of

a chloroplast is fused to form stacks of closed vesicles called
Thylakoid Granum Stroma thylakoids. Photosynthesis occurs within these thylakoids.
disk Thylakoids are typically stacked one on top of the other in
Thylakoid membrane columns called grana.

c. Which are larger, chloroplasts or nuclei? Cell Walls

Cell walls include an outer primary cell wall deposited dur-
ing growth of the cell and a middle lamella, the substance
holding walls of two adjacent cells together. The protoplasm
d. What is the approximate size of a nucleus? of adjacent cells is connected by cytoplasmic strands called
plasmodesmata that penetrate the cell walls (fig. 4.9).

Procedure 4.4  Examine cell walls and

e. Why is the granular-appearing cytoplasm more appar-
1. Prepare a wet mount of Elodea and examine the cell
ent at the sides of a cell rather than in the middle? walls. Always begin your examination at the lowest
magnification and cautiously move to higher magnifi-
cations. The middle lamella may be visible as a faint
line between cells.
2. Obtain a prepared slide of tissue showing plasmo-
Question 6
desmata. This tissue may be persimmon (Diospyros)
a. Are all cellular components moving in the same direc-
endosperm, which has highly thickened primary walls.
tion and rate during cytoplasmic streaming?
Sketch what you see.

b. What do you conclude about the uniformity of cyto-

plasmic streaming?

40 EXERCISE 4 4–8
b. Why do you suspect that there are so many plasmodes-
mata connecting the cells in this fruit?
Cell wall

Onion Cells
Staining often reveals the structure of cells and cell organ-
elles more clearly. A specimen is stained by adding a dye
that preferentially colors some parts of the specimen but
not others. Neutral red is a common stain that accumulates
in  the cytoplasm of the cell, leaving the cell walls clear.
­Nuclei appear as dense bodies in the translucent cytoplasm
of the cells.

Procedure 4.5  Examine stained onion cells

1. Cut a red onion into eighths and remove a fleshy leaf.
© Biophoto Associates/Science Source 2. Snap the leaf backward and remove the thin piece of
the inner epidermis formed at the break point
Figure 4.9  This electron micrograph of the thickened primary
cell walls of persimmon endosperm shows plasmodesmata connecting (fig. 4.10), as demonstrated by your lab instructor.
adjacent cells (130,000×). 3. Place this epidermal tissue in a drop of water on a
microscope slide, add a coverslip, and examine the tis-
sue. This preparation should be one cell thick. Always
3. Locate the middle lamella as a faint line between cell
begin your examination with the lowest magnification.
4. Stain the onion cells by placing a small drop of 0.1%
4. Locate the plasmodesmata appearing as darkened lines
neutral red at the edge of the coverslip. Draw the neu-
perpendicular to the middle lamella and connecting the
tral red across the specimen by wicking. To wick the
protoplasts of adjacent cells (fig. 4.9).
solution, hold the edge of a small piece of paper towel
Question 7 at the opposite edge of the coverslip and it will with-
a. What are the functions of plasmodesmata? draw some fluid. This will cause the neutral red to flow
over the onion and will not disturb the tissue under the
5. Stain the tissue for 5–10 min.
6. Carefully focus to distinguish the vacuole surrounded
by the stained cytoplasm.
7. Search for the nucleus of a cell (fig. 4.11). The nucleus
may appear circular in the central part of the cell. In
other cells it may appear flattened.

Figure 4.10  Preparing a wet

mount of an onion epidermis.

4–9 The Cell 41

Interior of nucleus
Inner membrane


Nuclear pore

Outer membrane


© Dr. Jeremy Burgess/Science Source

Figure 4.11  The nucleus. The nucleus consists of a double membrane, called a nuclear envelope, enclosing a fluid-filled interior containing the
DNA. In the cross section, the individual nuclear pores extend through the two membrane layers of the nuclear envelope; the material within the
pore is protein, which controls access through the pore (1765×).

Question 8 c. Do onion cells have chloroplasts? Explain.

How do you explain the differences in the apparent shapes
and positions of the nuclei in different cells?

d. Use an ocular micrometer or the dimensions of the field

of view (FOV) calculated in Exercise 3 to measure the
8. Repeat steps 1–7 and stain a new preparation of
dimensions of an onion epidermal cell. Are these cells
onion cells with other available stains, such as methy-
larger or smaller than the Elodea cells you examined in
lene blue.
procedure 4.3?
9. In the following space sketch a few of the stained
onion cells.

Question 9 Mitochondria are surrounded by two membranes (fig 4.12).
a. What cellular structures of onion are more easily seen The inner membrane folds inward to form cristae, which
in stained as compared to unstained preparations? hold respiratory enzymes and other large respiratory mol-
ecules in place. Some DNA also occurs in mitochondria.
Chloroplasts also are double-membraned and contain DNA.

Procedure 4.6  Examine mitochondria

b. Which of the available stains enhanced your observa- in onion cells
tions the most? 1. On a clean glass slide mix two or three drops of the
stain Janus Green B with one drop of 7% sucrose.
2. Prepare a thin piece of onion epidermis (as instructed
in procedure 4.5) and mount it in the staining solu-
tion. The preparation should be one cell thick. For

42 EXERCISE 4 4–10
mitochondria to stain well, the onion cells must be Question 10
healthy and metabolically active. Add a coverslip. a. Are any cellular structures other than amyloplasts
3. Search the periphery of cells to locate stained mitochon- stained intensely by iodine?
dria. They are small blue spheres about 1 μm in diam-
eter. The color will fade in 5–10 min, so examine your
sample quickly and make a new preparation if needed.

b. What can you conclude about the location of starch in

Plastids storage cells of potato?
Plastids are organelles where food, especially sugars and
starch, is made and stored. You have already examined chlo-
roplasts, a type of plastid in which photosynthesis occurs.
Other plastids have different functions. We will examine
amyloplasts, plastids that store starch and therefore will c. What are the functions of amyloplasts in potatoes?
stain darkly with iodine.

Procedure 4.7  Examine amyloplasts

1. Use a razor blade to make a thin section of a potato d. Why are potatoes a good source of carbohydrates?
tuber. Make the section as thin as you can.
2. Place the section in a drop of water on a microscope
slide and add a coverslip. Add another drop of water to
the edge if needed.
3. Locate the small, clam-shaped amyloplasts within the
cells. High magnification may reveal the eccentric lines ANIMAL CELLS
distinguishing layers of deposited starch on the grains.
4. Stain the section by adding a drop of iodine to the edge Animals, like plants, are eukaryotes. They share many simi-
of the coverslip. Iodine is a stain specific for starch larities, and also have several differences (see table 4.1).
(see Exercise 6, “Biologically Important
Mol­ecules”). If necessary, pull the stain under the Human Epithelial Cells
coverslip by touching a paper towel to the water at the Human epithelial cells are sloughed from the inner surface of
opposite edge of the coverslip. your mouth. They are flat cells with a readily visible ­nucleus.

Procedure 4.8  Examine human epithelial cells

1. Gently scrape the inside of your cheek with the broad
end of a clean toothpick.


Intermembrane space
Inner membrane
Outer membrane

Figure 4.12  Mitochondrion in cross section. Mitochondria evolved from

bacteria that long ago took up residence within the ancestors of present-day
eukaryotes (80,000×). © CNRI/Getty Images

4–11 The Cell 43

2. Stir the scrapings into a drop of water on a microscope e. Why do Elodea and onion cells have more consistent
slide, add a coverslip, and examine with your com- shapes than human epithelial cells?
pound microscope. Dispose of used toothpicks in a
container designated by your instructor.
3. Stain the cells by placing a small drop of methylene
blue at one edge of the coverslip and drawing it under
the coverslip with a piece of absorbent paper towel 6. After viewing the preparation, put the slides and cover-
placed at the opposite side of the coverslip. slips in a container of 10% bleach.
4. Prepare another slide and stain the cells with Janus
Green B. Observe the mitochondria.
5. Use an ocular micrometer or the dimensions of the
FOV calculated in Exercise 3 to measure the dimen- Amoeba, Paramecium, and Spirogyra are members of a large
sions of a human epithelial cell. group of eukaryotic organisms called protists. You will learn
more about protists in Exercises 25 and 26. In today’s exer-
Question 11 cise, you’ll examine Amoeba, Paramecium, and Spirogyra.
a. What structures visible in the stained preparation were
invisible in the unstained preparation?
Amoeba is an irregularly shaped protist with many inter-
nal organelles (fig. 4.13). Amoeba move via amoeboid
b. Were mitochondria as abundant in human epithelial movement. Amoeboid movement occurs by means of
cells as in onion epidermal cells (procedure 4.6)? pseudo­podia, which are temporary protrusions of the cell.
Explain. Pseudopodia also surround food particles and create food
vacuoles, where food is digested. Another important struc-
ture in Amoeba is the contractile vacuole that accumu-
lates and expels water and waste products.

c. What similarities and differences are there between Procedure 4.9  Examine Amoeba
plant and animal cells? 1. Use an eyedropper to obtain a few drops from the bot-
tom of an Amoeba culture. Examining the culture with
a dissecting microscope may help you locate some
d. How do the size and shape of a human epithelial cell 2. Place the organisms on a microscope slide.
differ from those of the Elodea and onion cells that 3. Add a coverslip and use a compound microscope to
you examined earlier? locate a living Amoeba. Your instructor may allow


Phagocytic Contractile ©micro_photo/Getty Images

(a) vacuole

Figure 4.13  (a) Diagram of Amoeba. (b) Light micrograph of a living Amoeba (160×).

44 EXERCISE 4 4–12
you to view the Amoeba without using a coverslip, but Paramecium
view them only on 4× or 10× magnification.
Like Amoeba, Paramecium is also a single-celled organism
4. Decrease the light intensity and observe an Amoeba for
(fig. 4.14).
a few minutes.
5. Locate the structures shown in figure 4.13.
Procedure 4.10  Examine Paramecium
6. Examine a prepared slide of stained Amoeba; then
observe a demonstration of Amoeba on a dark-field 1. Place a small ring of methylcellulose on a microscope
microscope if one is available. slide to slow the Paramecium.
7. Sketch an Amoeba in the following space. 2. Place a drop from a culture containing Paramecium
inside the methylcellulose ring.
3. Use a toothpick to mix the methylcellulose with the
drop of water from the culture of Paramecium.
4. Add a coverslip and examine Paramecium with your
Question 12 compound microscope. On the surface of Paramecium
a. List the organelles found in plant cells, in Amoeba, and are cilia, which are short hairlike structures used for
common to both. locomotion.
5. Examine a prepared slide of stained Paramecium.
6. In the following space, sketch a Paramecium.

b. Does Amoeba have a cell wall? How can you tell?

c. How do the appearances of Amoeba differ in live cells Question 13

and preserved cells? a. How does movement of Paramecium compare to that
of Amoeba?

Anterior contractile vacuole

Food vacuole



vacuole Cytoproct

(b) ©micro_photo/Getty Images


Figure 4.14  (a) Diagram of Paramecium (150×). (b) Light micrograph of a living Paramecium. Note the abundant cilia (150×).

4–13 The Cell 45

b. How do shape and body consistency differ between
Amoeba and Paramecium?

c. What structures in Amoeba and Paramecium also

occur in plant cells? What structures in Amoeba and
Paramecium do not occur in plant cells?

(a) (b) © BiologyImaging.com

Spirogyra Figure 4.15  (a) Diagram of a Spirogyra cell (250×). (b) Light
Spirogyra (fig. 4.15) is a filamentous green alga that is micrograph of a living Spirogyra. Note the spiral-shaped chloroplast
named for the spiral arrangement of its chloroplasts. Spiro- for which the alga is named (200×).
gyra is common in freshwater ponds and streams, where it
b. In what shapes are the cells?
is a major part of “pond scum.”

Procedure 4.11  Examine Spirogyra

1. Place a drop from a culture containing Spirogyra on a
microscope slide. c. Do the cells have a cell wall? If so, how can you tell?
2. Add a coverslip and examine Spirogyra with your
compound microscope.
3. Sketch Spirogyra in the space below.

d. What organelles visible in Spirogyra are not visible in

Amoeba and Paramecium?

Question 14
a. Is Spirogyra branched or unbranched?
Procedure 4.12 
You will be given a slide of an unknown organism. Use what
you’ve learned in today’s lab to identify the cells as prokary-
otic or eukaryotic; if eukaryotic, identify the cells as plant,
animal, or protist. Complete table 4.2 before leaving the lab. If
instructed to do so, turn in table 4.2 before leaving the lab.

The Responses of Single-Celled Organisms to Environmental Stimuli
Observation: Single-celled protists such as Paramecium and c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
Amoeba live in water and are sensitive to environmental stimuli. record it.
Question: How are the movements of single-celled protists d. Outline on Worksheet 4 your experimental design and sup-
affected by temperature? plies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to
review your proposed investigation.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
Worksheet 4 from your instructor. question, and make relevant comments.
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
record your group’s best question for investigation. needed.

46 EXERCISE 4 4–14




(Circle One)


(Circle One)

4–15 The Cell 47

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. What is a cell?

​2. Describe the structure and function of each cellular part that you observed in this lab.

​3. Would you expect a cell of a multicellular organism to be more complex than the cell of a unicellular organism? Less
complex? Why?

​4. What is the purpose of using a biological stain when microscopically examining cellular components?

​5. How are eukaryotic cells different from prokaryotic cells? How are they similar?

6. Amoeba, Paramecuim, and Spirogyra are diverse. Why, then, are they all classified as protists?


Determine the total surface areas and volumes of the What criteria might you use to distinguish colonial
chloroplasts in a typical Elodea cell. Assume that organisms, such as many cyanobacteria, from truly
each chloroplast is a sphere of 5 µm diameter. (The surface area multicellular organisms?
of a sphere = πd2; the volume of a sphere = (  3  )πr3.) What is the
significance of these ­surface areas and volumes? Would it be
advantageous for a cell to be filled with chloroplasts? Why or
why not?

48 EXERCISE 4 4–16
Solutions, Acids, and Bases
BIOLOGY Exercise 5
The pH Scale

c. How many grams of calcium chloride would you add

Learning Objectives to water for a total volume of 100 mL to make a 5%
(weight/volume) solution?
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Apply the concepts of mole and molarity to ­prepare
2. Measure the pH of various liquids.
3. Demonstrate that buffers stabilize the pH of
Molarity is the most common measure of concentra-
a liquid.
tion. To understand how to prepare a molar solution you
4. Measure the ability of commercial antacids to buf-
must first understand what is meant by a mole of a chemical.
fer the pH of a liquid.
A mole is a standard measure of the amount of a chemical—
one mole of any substance has 6.02 × 1023 molecules (Avo-
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online gadro’s number). One mole of NaCl and one mole of sucrose
resources tailored to this lab.
contain the same number of molecules. However, a mole of
NaCl and a mole of sucrose weigh different amounts. This
is because each chemical has a different molecular weight.
C hemicals in living systems are in solution. Biologists
­experiment with solutions because dissolved chemi-
cals react more readily than solid, crystalline chemicals. A
The weight of 1 mole of a chemical equals that chemical’s
molecular weight in grams. For example, the molecular
weight of water (H2O) is 18 g (2H = 2 × 1 = 2; O = 16; 16 +
solution consists of a solute(s) dissolved in a solvent. For
2 = 18). A mole of water weighs 18 g. A mole of NaCl
example, salt water is a solution in which salt (i.e., the sol-
weighs 58.5 g (fig. 5.1). A chemical’s molecular weight is
ute) is dissolved in water (i.e., the solvent).
the sum of the atomic weights of its component elements.
The concentration of a solute is often expressed as
a percentage of the total solution (e.g., weight/volume or H2O Molecular weight 5 2(1.0) 1 16 5 18 g mole21
grams solute/100 mL solution). For example, a 3% (weight/
volume) solution of sucrose is prepared by dissolving 30 g
of sucrose in water for a total solution volume of 1 L (or 3 g IA VIIIA
of sucrose in water for a total volume of 100 mL). 1
Question 1 1.0079 4.0026
a. How many grams of sucrose would you dissolve in 3
2 Li Be N O F Ne
water for a total volume of 500 mL to make a 5% 6.941 9.0122 14.0067 15.9994 18.9984 20.179
(weight/volume) solution? 11 12 15 16 17 18
Sodium Magnesium Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
3 Na Mg IIIB P S Cl Ar
22.989 24.305 30.9738 32.064 35.453 39.948
19 20 21 33 34 35 36
Potassium Calcium Scandium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
4 K Ca Sc As Se Br Kr
39.098 40.08 44.956 74.992 78.96 79.904 83.80
b. How many grams of calcium chloride would you add
to water for a total volume of 500 mL to make a 5%
(weight/volume) solution?
NaCl molecular weight 5 23 1 35.5
5 58.5 g mole21

Figure 5.1  The atomic weights of elements are listed in the periodic
table. Shown here are the portions of the periodic table that would be
used to calculate the molecular weights of water (H2O) and table salt
(sodium chloride, NaCl). Note that g mole−1 = grams per mole.

5–1 Solutions, Acids, and Bases  49

To further understand why biologists usually prepare c. How many grams of sucrose (molecular weight = 342
solutions in molar concentrations rather than as percentages g mole−1) would you dissolve in water to make a 0.22
you must remember that chemicals react on a molecule by M sucrose solution with 1 L final volume?
molecule basis—that is, the number of molecules is more
critical than the weight. It follows that expressing a solu-
tion’s concentration in moles is a better measure of how d. How many grams of sucrose (molecular weight = 342
much chemical is available to react. A solution that contains g mole−1) would you dissolve in water to make a 0.22
one mole of a chemical in 1 liter of solution has 6.02 × 1023 mM sucrose solution with 100 mL final volume?
molecules available and is a 1-molar (1 M) solution. For
example, a liter of solution containing 58.5 g of NaCl is a
1 M solution of NaCl (fig. 5.2). e. How many grams of calcium chloride (CaCl2;
To ensure that you have some practice with mak- molecular weight = 111 g mole−1) would you dissolve
ing basic chemical calculations, answer Questions 2 and 3 in water to make a 0.111 M CaCl2 solution with 1 L
before coming to lab. Your instructor may want to check final volume?
your answers during the lab period.
Question 2 f. How many grams of calcium chloride (CaCl2;
a. How many grams of NaCl (molecular weight = 58.5 g molecular weight = 111 g mole−1) would you dissolve
mole−1) would you dissolve in water to make a 0.5 M in water to make a 0.2 M CaCl2 solution with 200 mL
NaCl solution with 500 mL final volume? final volume?
g g
b. How many grams of NaCl (molecular weight = 58.5 g g. If you were presented with 2 L of a 2 M sucrose stock
mole−1) would you dissolve in water to make a 50 mM solution, how many grams of sugar would be in a
NaCl solution with 500 mL final volume? 100 mL aliquot?
g g

Add water 1 M NaCl
to total 1 L
58.5 g NaCl

,750 mL water Total volume 5 1.0 L

Add water 1 M KMnO4
to total 1 L
158 g KMnO4

,750 mL water Total volume 5 1.0 L

Add water 1 M sucrose
to total 1 L
342 g sucrose
,750 mL water Total volume 5 1.0 L

Figure 5.2  Preparing 1.0 M solutions of sodium chloride (NaCl; molecular weight = 58.5 g mole−1), potassium permanganate (KMnO4;
molecular weight = 158 g mole−1), and sucrose (C12H22O11; molecular weight = 342 g mole−1). Each of these solutions contains the same number of
units of solutes (i.e., 6.02 × 1023 molecules).

50 EXERCISE 5 5–2
h. To prepare the 5% sucrose solution called for in Ques- The initial volume (Vi) was 25 mL, so we must subtract
tion 1a, how many moles of sugar did you add? What 25 mL from 35.7 mL to get our answer: 35.7 mL − 25 mL =
was the molarity of that solution? 10.7 mL of water to produce a KOH solution having a con-
centration of 0.35 M.

Question 3
a. How many milliliters of concentrated (18 M) sulfuric
i. To prepare the 5% calcium chloride solution called for acid (H2SO4) are required to prepare 750 mL of 3 M
in Question 1b, how many moles of calcium chloride sulfuric acid?
did you add? What was the molarity of that solution?

b. How would you prepare 100 mL of 0.4 M MgSO4 from

j. How many milliliters of a 2 M sucrose solution would a stock solution of 2 M MgSO4?
contain 1 mole of sucrose?

c. How many milliliters of water would you add to

100 mL of 1.0 M HCl to prepare a final solution of
0.25 M HCl?
To save time and space, biologists often prepare commonly
used solutions in concentrated forms called stock solutions.
These stock solutions are then diluted with water to make
new solutions having a desired molarity. This process is
called dilution.
Dilution involves spreading a given amount of solute ACIDS AND BASES
throughout a larger solution. The number of moles of solute
doesn’t change when a solution is diluted but the volume One of the most important applications of molarity involves
of solution containing those moles increases. This means the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. Pure
that the product of the initial volume (Vi) and initial molarity water is the standard by which all other solutions are com-
(Mi) must equal the product of the final volume (Vf) and final pared, because pure water is an ionically neutral solution.
molarity (Mf): This neutrality is not due to the absence of ions, but rather
to the equal concentrations of positive and negative ions.
Vi Mi = Vf  Mf When the oxygen of water pulls hard enough on an electron
from one of its hydrogens, two ions form:
Vi = initial volume H2O ↔ H+ + OH−
Mi = initial molarity
Vf = final volume This dissociation of water is rare and reversible, but it hap-
Mf = final molarity pens often enough for the concentration of H+ in pure w ­ ater
to be 10−7 M. The solution is neutral because the concentra-
Let’s now use this simple equation to solve a dilution prob-
tion of OH− is also 10−7 M. The sum of H+ and OH− ions
lem. Suppose we want to know how much water to add to
will always equal 10−14.
25 mL of a 0.50 M KOH solution to produce a solution hav-
Acids are molecules that release hydrogen ions (H+)
ing a KOH concentration of 0.35 M. In this case,
when dissolved in water. Acids increase the concentration
Mi = 0.5 M of H+ in a solution. Bases are molecules that remove H+
Vi = 25 mL from solution. Bases decrease the concentration of H+ in a
Mf = 0.35 M solution. When the concentration of H+ increases, the con-
Vf = ? centration of OH− becomes proportionately less. For exam-
ple, hydrochloric acid (HCl) quickly ionizes in water and
We can now solve the problem:
increases the concentration of H+; therefore, HCl is an acid.
Vi Mi = Vf  Mf In contrast, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is a base because
(25 mL)(0.5 M) = (Vf)(0.35 M)

it ionizes and increases the concentration of OH−, thereby
V = 35.7 mL
lowering the relative proportion of H+. Thus, if enough acid

5–3 Solutions, Acids, and Bases  51

is added to water to raise the H+ concentration to 10−6 M, Question 4
the OH− concentration would decrease to 10−8 M. a. Vinegar has a pH of 3, and household ammonia has a
By general agreement, the scale we use to measure pH ​of 11. Is the concentration of H+ greatest in the vin-
acidity is the pH scale (pH stands for the potential of hydro- egar or ammonia?
gen ions). The pH is the negative logarithm of the concen-
tration of H+; that is,

pH = −log [H+]

As pH goes up, the concentration of H+ goes down. (The

brackets indicate concentration of hydrogen ions.) The pH b. How many times different is the concentration?
scale ranges from 0 (−log 10∞; most acidic) to 14 (−log
10−14; most basic). On this scale, pure water has a pH of 7
(−log 10−7); pH values less than 7 are acidic, whereas those
above 7 are basic (fig. 5.3).
Figure 5.3 shows the pHs of some common (and a few
not-so-common) substances. The pH scale is a logarithmic
scale; each unit represents a change of tenfold. Thus, a lime
with a pH of 2 is ten times more acidic than an apple with a Measuring pH
pH of 3, and 100 times more acidic than a tomato having a
pH of 4. Each decrease of 1.0 pH unit represents a tenfold A convenient way of measuring the pH of a solution is with
increase in acidity. Each increase of 1.0 pH unit represents a pH paper. pH paper is treated with a chemical indicator
tenfold decrease in acidity. that changes colors depending on the concentration of H+ in

H+ Ion Examples of
Concentration Solutions

pH Value

Very Acidic 10 –1 1 Hydrochloric acid

Stomach acid
10 –2 2 Lemon juice

10 –3 3 Vinegar, cola, beer

10 –4 4 Tomatoes
Weakly Acidic
10 –5 5 Black coffee
Normal rainwater
10 –6 6 Urine, root beer
Neutral 10 –7 7 Pure water, tears
10 –8 8 Seawater, egg white

10 –9 9 Baking soda,
Weakly Basic phosphate detergents
10 –10 10 Great Salt Lake

10 –11 11 Household ammonia

10 –12 12 Hair remover

Household bleach
10 –13 13
Oven cleaner
Very Basic 10 –14 14 Sodium hydroxide

Figure 5.3  The pH scale. The pH value of a solution indicates its concentration of hydrogen ions. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are acidic,
whereas those with a pH greater than 7 are basic. The pH scale is logarithmic: a pH change of 1 means a tenfold change in the concentration of
hydrogen ions. Thus, lemon juice is 100 times more acidic than tomato juice, and seawater is 10 times more basic than pure water, which has pH of 7.

52 EXERCISE 5 5–4
Procedure 5.1  Measure the pH of liquids
Use pH papers to measure the pH of the following liquids.
Be as accurate as possible and use a fresh piece of pH paper
or pH dipstick for each test.
Skim milk
Apple juice
Grapefruit juice
Black coffee
© BiologyImaging.com Household bleach
Figure 5.4  Indicator pH paper is embedded with chemicals that Mixture of Sprite and baking soda
change color according to the pH of a solution. According to the color 10 mM hydrochloric acid
chart provided on the container of pH paper, the lemon juice sampled
with the paper strip on the left has a pH of 2. The pH test strip on the 1.0 mM hydrochloric acid
right indicates that the sodium hydroxide solution has a pH of 12. 0.01 mM hydrochloric acid
Distilled water
the solution that it has contacted (fig. 5.4). The color chart Tap water
on the container of pH paper relates the color of the pH
Dissolved aspirin
paper to the pH of the solution. Here are some examples of
pH indicators: Soap solution
Indicator Range Color Change
Methyl violet 0.2–3.0 yellow to blue-violet
Bromophenol blue 3.0–4.6 yellow to blue
Methyl red 4.4–6.2 red to yellow
Litmus 4.5–8.3 red to blue Check your measurements of the hydrochloric acid solu-
Bromcresol purple 5.2–6.8 yellow to purple tions by comparing them with calculations using the follow-
Phenol red 6.8–8.0 yellow to red ing formula. For example,
Thymol blue 8.0–9.6 yellow to blue
pH = −log[H+]
Phenolphthalein 8.3–10.0 colorless to red
10 mM HCl = 10−2 M HCl
pH = −log[10−2]
SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab you were asked
pH = 2
to read this exercise so you would know what to do
and be aware of safety issues. In the space below, Question 5
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s Are your measured pH values similar to the calculated pH
procedures. If you have questions about these issues, values? What are possible sources of error?
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.

In most organisms, the pH is kept relatively constant by
buffers, which are mixtures of a weak acid and a weak base
Handle all of the solutions carefully. Although some that can combine with a strong acid or base to limit changes
are harmless (e.g., water, milk), others are caustic in pH. That is, buffers absorb excess H+ as the pH decreases
and can stain clothes and burn your skin. or release H+ as the pH increases. Buffers minimize changes
in pH (fig. 5.5). The addition of a small amount of acid to
a buffered solution produces a small change in pH, whereas
adding the same amount of acid to an unbuffered solu-
tion changes the pH drastically. Most biological fluids

5–5 Solutions, Acids, and Bases  53

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each of the remaining tubes.
9 Record your results in table 5.1.
6 Question 6
5 Buffering range a. Compare the initial pH and the pH after adding acid
to each sample. Which is the most effective buffer?

3 Which is least effective?
0 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x
Amount of base added b. What accounts for the different buffering capacities of
these fluids?
Figure 5.5  Buffers minimize changes in pH. Adding a base to a
solution will raise the pH (neutralize some of the acid present). Thus,
as more and more base is added, the pH continues to rise. However,
a buffer makes the curve rise or fall very slowly over a portion of the
pH scale, called the “buffering range” of that buffer. c. What is the biological importance of what you observed?

(e.g., milk, blood) contain buffers, the most important of which is

CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3−
Procedure 5.3  Test the effectiveness of
For example, human blood contains buffers that maintain a commercial antacids and other products
pH of 7.3–7.5; blood pH above 7.5 produces alkalosis, and
Commercial antacids such as Alka-Seltzer, Rolaids, and
blood pH below 7.3 produces acidosis. Both of these condi-
Tums claim to “neutralize stomach acid” by absorbing
tions can cause illness and even death.
excess H+ (produced as hydrochloric acid by the stomach;
fig 5.6). To test the abilities of these products to absorb
Procedure 5.2  Test the ability of buffers acids, do the following:
to stabilize pH
1. Use a mortar and pestle to pulverize the amount of
1. Obtain and label four test tubes to receive the four antacid that is listed as one dose. Dissolve the crushed
solutions listed in table 5.1. antacid in 100 mL of distilled water. Some of the prod-
2. Place 5 mL of each solution into its appropriately ucts may require extensive stirring to get most or all of
labeled tube. the powder to dissolve.
3. Measure the pH of each of the solutions in the tubes 2. Use a pipet or 10-mL graduated cylinder to add 5 mL of
and record these initial values in table 5.1. the antacid solution into a test tube. Add 4 drops of the
4. Add 5 drops of acid (0.1 M HCl) to the first tube. indicator bromcresol purple to the tube. Cover the tube
Cover the tube with Parafilm and swirl the tube gently with Parafilm and invert the tube to mix the contents.
to mix the contents. 3. Add 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl) dropwise to the
5. Measure the pH of the acidified solution and record it tube; mix after each drop. Continue this process until
in table 5.1. the solution turns yellow, indicating an acidic solution.


Water Alka-Seltzer
0.1 M NaCl Rolaids
Skim milk Tums
0.1 M phosphate buffer

54 EXERCISE 5 5–6
© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com

Figure 5.6  These commercially available products soothe or Figure 5.7  Several over-the-counter products claim to reduce
prevent acid indigestion, upset stomach, and related problems. How heartburn and acid indigestion. How do the products shown here
do the products shown here do this? do this?

4. Record in table 5.1 the number of drops of acid needed Many people also use products such as Zantac, Pep-
to generate the change of color. This number of drops cid AC, Gaviscon, Prilosec, Tagamet, Pepcid AC Complete,
is an index to the amount of acid (H+) that the solution Maalox, and Zantac 75 to soothe upset stomachs (fig. 5.7).
neutralizes before the pH drops below the yellow end- Examine these products in lab, noting their claims and active
point of bromcresol purple (pH 5.2). ingredients. Based on your observations, write a hypothesis
predicting each product’s ability to absorb acid.
Question 7
a. Which antacid neutralizes the most acid? Which neu-
tralizes the least acid?

Now use procedure 5.3 to test each product’s ability to

absorb acid. List your results here.

b. What is the effect of dose (for example, the size of tab-

lets or the amount of antacid per tablet) on your results
and conclusions?

Question 8
a. How accurate were your hypotheses?
c. Examine the packages of the products you tested. What
are the active ingredients of each product? What does
this tell you about how these products work?

b. How does each product work?

5–7 Solutions, Acids, and Bases  55

The Properties of Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia, a Popular Antacid
Observation: Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia is a milky-white liq- c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
uid that is a popular over-the-counter laxative and antacid. record it.
Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia is often taken by people suffering d. Outline on Worksheet 5 your experimental design and sup-
from “acid indigestion.” plies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to
Question: How effective is Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia at neu- review your proposed investigation.
tralizing acid? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your question,
Worksheet 5 from your instructor. hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. What do buffers do and why are they important in biological systems?

​2. Our stomachs secrete hydrochloric acid. Knowing the function of antacids, what do you think causes most “upset

​3. The soft drink Mr. Pibb contains (among other things) 39 g of sucrose in 355 mL of solution. What is the molarity
of this sucrose solution? What is the percentage (weight/volume) of sucrose in the solution?

​4. Our stomachs secrete hydrochloric acid. What functions does this hydrochloric acid serve?

​5. Suppose that the concentration of H+ ​in Solution #1 is 10,000 times greater than Solution #2. What can you conclude
about the difference in pH of these two solutions?

​6. What is the active ingredient in Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia? How is this different from that of products such as Tums?

56 EXERCISE 5 5–8
Biologically Important Molecules
BIOLOGY Exercise 6
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids,
and Nucleic Acids
c­arboxyl (—COOH) groups. These characteristic sub-
Learning Objectives units  and groups impart different chemical properties to
macromolecules—for example, monosaccharides such as
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
glucose are polar and soluble in water, whereas lipids are
1. Perform tests to detect the presence of biologi-
nonpolar and insoluble in water.
cally important carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and
nucleic acids.
2. Explain the importance of a positive and a negative
control in biochemical tests.
3. Use biochemical tests to identify an unknown TO IDENTIFY ORGANIC COMPOUNDS
compound. Scientists have devised several biochemical tests to iden-
tify the major types of organic compounds in living organ-
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online isms. Each of these tests involves two or more treatments:
resources tailored to this lab. (1) an unknown solution to be identified, and (2) controls
to provide standards for comparison. As its name implies,
an unknown solution may or may not contain the substance

M ost organic compounds in living organisms are

carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, or nucleic acids.
Each of these macromolecules is made of smaller subunits.
that the investigator is trying to detect. Only a carefully
conducted experiment will reveal its contents. In contrast,
controls are known solutions. We use controls to validate
These subunits are linked by dehydration synthesis, which that our procedure is detecting what we expect it to detect
is an energy-­requiring process in which a molecule of water and nothing more. During the experiment we compare the
is removed and the two subunits are bonded covalently unknown solution’s response to the experimental procedure
(fig. 6.1). Similarly, breaking the bond between the sub- with the control’s response to that same procedure.
units requires the addition of a water molecule and releases A positive control contains the variable for which you
energy. This energy-releasing process is called hydrolysis. are testing; it reacts positively and demonstrates the test’s
The subunits of macromolecules are held together ability to detect what you expect. For example, if you are
by covalent bonds and have different structures and proper- testing for protein in unknown solutions, then an appropriate
ties. For example, lipids (made of fatty acids) have many positive control is a solution known to contain protein. A
C—H bonds and relatively little oxygen, while proteins positive reaction shows that your test reacts as expected; it
(made of  amino acids) have amino groups (—NH2) and also shows you what a positive test looks like.
A negative control does not contain the variable for
H2O H2O which you are searching. It contains only the solvent (often
HO H HO H HO H distilled water with no solute) and does not react in the
test. A negative control shows you what a negative result
looks like.

(a) Dehydration synthesis (b) Hydrolysis

Figure 6.1  Making and breaking macromolecules.
(a) Dehydration synthesis. Biological macromolecules are polymers Benedict’s Test for Reducing Sugars
formed by linking subunits together. The covalent bond between the Carbohydrates are molecules made of C, H, and O in a
subunits is formed by dehydration synthesis, an energy-requiring ratio of 1:2:1 (e.g., the chemical formula for glucose is
process that creates a water molecule for every bond formed.
(b) Hydrolysis. Breaking the bond between subunits requires the C6H12O6). Carbohydrates are made of monosaccharides,
returning of a water molecule with a subsequent release of energy, a or simple sugars (fig. 6.2). Paired monosaccharides form
process called hydrolysis. disaccharides—for example, sucrose (table sugar) is a

6–1 Biologically Important Molecules 57

Glucose, a monosaccharide

Polysaccharides are polymers of monosaccharides

Sucrose, a disaccharide made of glucose (left) and fructose (right)

Figure 6.2  Carbohydrates consist of subunits of mono- or disaccharides. These subunits can be combined by dehydration synthesis
(see fig. 6.4) to form polysaccharides.

disaccharide of glucose linked to fructose. Similarly, link- depicts how dehydration synthesis is used to make maltose
ing three or more monosaccharides forms a polysaccharide and sucrose, two common disaccharides.
such as starch, glycogen, or cellulose (fig. 6.3). Many monosaccharides such as glucose and fruc-
tose are reducing sugars, meaning that they possess free
Question 1 aldehyde (−CHO) or ketone (−C=O) groups that reduce
Examine figure 6.2. Which groups of a glucose molecule weak  oxidizing agents such as the copper in Benedict’s
are involved in forming a polysaccharide? Shade the groups reagent. Benedict’s reagent contains cupric (copper) ion
with a pencil. complexed with citrate in alkaline solution. Benedict’s test
identifies reducing sugars based on their ability to reduce
the cupric (Cu2+) ions to cuprous (Cu+) oxide at basic (high)
pH. Cuprous oxide is green to reddish orange.
Oxidized Benedict’s reagent (Cu2+) + Reducing sugar (R-COH)


As already mentioned, the linkage of subunits in High pH

carbohydrates, as well as other macromolecules, involves Reduced Benedict’s reagent (Cu ) + Oxidized sugar (R-COOH)

the removal of a water molecule (dehydration). Figure 6.4 (green to reddish orange)

Cell wall


Plant cell © Biophoto Associates/ Microfibril

Science Source


Figure 6.3  Plant cell walls made of cellulose arranged in fibrils and microfibrils. The scanning electron micrograph shows the fibrils in a cell
wall of the green alga Chaetomorpha (30,000×).

58 EXERCISE 6 6–2
Monosaccharides Disaccharides


Glucose Fructose


Glucose Glucose

Figure 6.4  Dehydration synthesis is used to link monosaccharides (such as glucose and fructose) into disaccharides. The disaccharides shown
here are maltose (malt sugar) and sucrose (table sugar).

A green solution indicates a small amount of reducing sug- Question 2

ars, and reddish orange indicates an abundance of reducing a. Which of the solutions is a positive control? Negative
sugars. Nonreducing sugars such as sucrose produce no control?
change in color (i.e., the solution remains blue).

SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were

asked to read this exercise so you would know what
to do and be aware of safety issues. In the space b. Which is a reducing sugar, sucrose or glucose? How
below, briefly list the safety issues associated with do you know?
today’s procedures. If you have questions about
these issues, contact your laboratory assistant before
starting work.

c. Which contains more reducing sugars, potato juice or

Procedure 6.1  Perform the Benedict’s test for onion juice? How do you know?
reducing sugars
1. Obtain seven test tubes and number them 1–7.
2. Add to each tube the materials to be tested (the quan-
tities of these materials are listed in table 6.1). Your
instructor may ask you to test some additional materi- d. What does this tell you about how sugars are stored in
als. If so, include additional numbered test tubes. Add onions and potatoes?
2 mL of Benedict’s solution to each tube.
3. Place all of the tubes in a gently boiling water-bath for
3 min and observe color changes during this time.
4. After 3 min, use a test-tube holder to remove the tubes
from the water-bath. After giving the tubes ample time
to cool to room temperature, record the color of their Iodine Test for Starch
contents in table 6.1. Staining by iodine (iodine-potassium iodide, I2KI) distin-
5. When you are finished, dispose of the contents of each guishes starch from monosaccharides, disaccharides, and
tube as instructed by your instructor. other polysaccharides. The basis for this test is that starch is a
coiled polymer of glucose; iodine interacts with these coiled
molecules and becomes bluish black. Iodine does not react
with carbohydrates that are not coiled and remains yellowish

6–3 Biologically Important Molecules  59



1 10 drops onion juice

2 10 drops potato juice

3 10 drops sucrose solution

4 10 drops glucose solution

5 10 drops distilled water

6 10 drops reducing-sugar solution

7 10 drops starch solution

brown. Therefore, a bluish-black color is a positive test for d. What are the functions of carbohydrates in living
starch, and a yellowish-brown color (i.e., no color change) organisms?
is a negative test for starch. Glycogen, a common polysac-
charide in animals, has a slightly different structure than does
starch and produces only an intermediate color reaction.

Procedure 6.2  Perform the iodine test for starch

1. Obtain seven test tubes and number them 1–7. PROTEINS
2. Add to each tube the materials to be tested (table 6.1).
Proteins are remarkably versatile structural molecules found
Your instructor may ask you to test some additional
in all life forms (fig. 6.5). Proteins are made of amino acids
materials. If so, include additional numbered test tubes.
(fig. 6.6), each of which has an amino group (—NH2), a
3. Add three to six drops of iodine to each tube. carboxyl (acid) group (—COOH), and a variable side chain
4. Record the color of the tubes’ contents in table 6.1. (—R). A peptide bond (fig. 6.7) forms between the amino
group of one amino acid and the carboxyl group of an adja-
Question 3
cent amino acid and is identified by a Biuret test. Specifi-
a. Which of the solutions is a positive control? Which is a
cally, peptide bonds (C—N bonds) in proteins complex with
negative control?
Cu2+ in Biuret reagent and produce a violet color. A Cu2+
must complex with four to six peptide bonds to produce a
color; therefore, individual amino acids do not react posi-
tively. Long-chain polypeptides (proteins) have many pep-
tide bonds and produce a positive reaction.
Biuret reagent is a 1% solution of CuSO4 (copper sul-
b. Which colors more intensely, onion juice or potato
fate). A violet color is a positive test for the presence of pro-
juice? Why?
tein; the intensity of color relates to the number of peptide
bonds that react.

Question 4
c. In what parts of a plant is the most starch typically Examine figure 6.6. Shade with a pencil the reactive amino
stored? and carboxyl groups on the three common amino acids

60 EXERCISE 6 6–4
© Steve Gsvhmeissner/Science Photo Library/Getty Images © Craig Veltri/Getty Images
(a) Fibrin (b) Collagen

© Jim Wehtje/Brand X © Index Stock/Alamy © Armina-Udovenko/Getty Images

(c) Keratin (d) Spider silk (e) Hair

Figure 6.5  Common structural proteins. (a) Fibrin. This electron micrograph shows a red blood cell caught in threads of fibrin (800×). Fibrin
is important in the formation of blood clots. (b) Collagen. The so-called “cat-gut” strings of a tennis racket are made of collagen. (c) Keratin. This
type of protein makes up bird feathers, such as this peacock feather. (d) Spider silk. The web spun by this agile spider is made of protein. (e) Hair.
Hair is also a protein.

CH3 CH3 CH Figure 6.6  Structures of three amino acids common in
CH3 CH3 proteins. Each amino acid has one carbon bonded to both an
amine group (—NH2) and a carboxyl group (—COOH). The
Alanine Valine Leucine side chains that make each amino acid unique are shown in red.

Procedure 6.3  Perform the Biuret test for 2. Add the materials listed in table 6.2.
protein 3. Add 2 mL of 2.5% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to
1. Obtain five test tubes and number them 1–5. Your each tube.
instructor may ask you to test some additional materi-
als. If so, include additional numbered test tubes.

6–5 Biologically Important Molecules  61


1 2 mL egg albumen

2 2 mL honey

3 2 mL amino acid solution

4 2 mL distilled water

5 2 mL protein solution

b. Which contains more protein (C—N bonds), egg albu-

R R men or honey? How can you tell?


Amino acid Amino acid
c. Do free amino acids have peptide bonds?


d. What are the functions of proteins in living organisms?
Polypeptide chain

Figure 6.7  A peptide bond joins two amino acids, and peptide
bonds link many amino acids to form polypeptides, or proteins. The LIPIDS
formation of a peptide bond (i.e., between the carbon of one amino
acid’s carboxyl group and the nitrogen of another amino acid’s amino Lipids include a variety of molecules that dissolve in non-
group) liberates a water molecule. The R in these amino acids represents
a variable side chain that characterizes each type of amino acid. polar solvents such as ether, acetone, methanol, or ethanol,
but not as well in polar solvents such as water. Triglycer-
ides (fats) are abundant lipids made of glycerol and three
Do not spill the NaOH—it is extremely caustic. Rinse fatty acids (fig. 6.8). Tests for lipids are based on a lipid’s
your skin if it comes in contact with NaOH. ability to selectively absorb pigments in fat-soluble dyes
such as Sudan IV.

4. Add three drops of Biuret reagent to each tube Question 6

and mix. Examine figure 6.8. What are the reactive groups of the fatty
5. Record the color of the tubes’ contents in table 6.2.

Question 5
a. Which of the solutions is a positive control? Which is a
negative control?

62 EXERCISE 6 6–6
H C OH Fatty acid
H 2O

Ester linkage



H H H H H H H H C H Oleic
H C acid

Figure 6.8  The structure of a fat includes glycerol and fatty acids. (a) An ester linkage forms when the carboxyl group of a fatty acid links to
the hydroxyl group of glycerol, with the removal of a water molecule. (b) Triacylglycerides are fats whose fatty acids vary in length and vary in the
presence and location of carbon–carbon double bonds.

Handle acetone carefully; it is toxic. Procedure 6.5  Perform the Sudan IV test
for lipid
1. Obtain five test tubes and number them 1–5. Your
Procedure 6.4  Solubility of lipids in polar instructor may ask you to test some additional materi-
and nonpolar solvents als. If so, include additional numbered test tubes.
1.  Obtain two test tubes. To one of the tubes, add 5 mL of 2. Add the materials listed in table 6.3.
water. To the other tube, add 5 mL of acetone. 3. Add five drops of water to tube 1 and five drops of
2. Add a few drops of vegetable oil to each tube. Sudan IV to each of the remaining tubes. Mix the con-
tents of each tube. Record the color of the tubes’ con-
Question 7 tents in table 6.3.
What do you conclude about the solubility of lipids in
­polar solvents such as water? In nonpolar solvents such as Question 8
acetone? a. Is salad oil soluble in water?

6–7 Biologically Important Molecules  63


1 1 mL salad oil + water

2 1 mL salad oil + Sudan IV

3 1 mL honey + Sudan IV

4 1 mL distilled water + Sudan IV

5 1 mL known lipid solution + Sudan IV

b. Compare tubes 1 and 2. What is the distribution of the Grease-Spot Test for Lipids
dye with respect to the separated water and oil?
A simpler test for lipids is based on their ability to produce
translucent grease marks on unglazed paper.

Procedure 6.6  Perform the grease-spot test

for lipids
c. What observation indicates a positive test for lipid?
1. Obtain a piece of brown wrapping paper or brown
paper bag from your lab instructor.
2. Use an eyedropper to add a drop of salad oil near a
corner of the piece of paper.
d. Does honey contain much lipid? 3. Add a drop of water near the opposite corner of the
4. Let the fluids evaporate.
5. Look at the paper as you hold it up to a light.
6. Test other food products and solutions available in
e. Lipids supply more than twice as many calories per the lab in a similar way and record your results in
gram as do carbohydrates. Based on your results, table 6.4.
which contains more calories, oil or honey?


64 EXERCISE 6 6–8

1 2 mL DNA solution

2 1 mL DNA solution, 1 mL water

3 2 mL RNA solution

4 2 mL distilled water

Question 9 4. Place the tubes in a gently boiling water-bath to speed

a. Which of the food products that you tested contain the reaction.
large amounts of lipid?
5. After 10 min, transfer the tubes to an ice bath. Gently
mix and observe the color of their contents as the tubes
cool. Record your observations in table 6.5.

Question 10
a. How does the color compare between tubes 1 and 2?
b. What are the functions of lipids in living organisms? Why?

NUCLEIC ACIDS b. Do DNA and RNA react alike? Why or why not?
DNA and RNA are nucleic acids made of nucleotide sub-
units (fig. 6.9). DNA can be identified chemically with
the Dische diphenylamine test. Acidic conditions convert
deoxyribose to a molecule that binds with diphenyl­amine to
form a blue complex. The intensity of the blue color is pro-
portional to the concentration of DNA.
c. What are the functions of nucleic acids in living
Procedure 6.7  Perform the Dische diphenyl- organisms?
amine test for DNA
1. Obtain four test tubes and number them 1–4. Your
instructor may ask you to test some additional materi-
als. If so, include additional numbered test tubes.
2. Add the materials listed in table 6.5.
3. Add 2 mL of the Dische diphenylamine reagent to each
tube and mix thoroughly.

Handle the Dische diphenylamine reagent

carefully; it is toxic. Wash your hands after the

6–9 Biologically Important Molecules  65

Pyrimidines Purines

NH 2 O O NH 2 O
CH 3 N N
O O O N H 2N N
Cytosine Thymine Uracil (in RNA) Adenine Guanine




5 5
O 4 1 4 1
3 2 3 2
Deoxyribose (in DNA) Ribose (in RNA)

Figure 6.9  The structure of DNA and RNA. (a) Each nucleotide consists of three smaller building blocks: a nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar,
and a phosphate group. (b) Nucleotides are bonded to each other by covalent bonds between the phosphate of one nucleotide and the sugar of the
next nucleotide. (c) DNA is usually a double strand held together by hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases; A bonds only with T, and C bonds
only with G. The double strand is twisted into a double helix.

66 EXERCISE 6 6–10











(b) (c)

Figure 6.9  continued

6–11 Biologically Important Molecules  67

Identify Unknowns
Each of the previously described tests is relatively specific; d. Place 2 mL of your unknown solution into each of tubes
that is, iodine produces a bluish-black color with starch but not S1–S5.
with other carbohydrates, protein, lipid, or nucleic acids. This e. Place 2 mL of distilled water into each of tubes C1–C5.
specificity can be used to identify the contents of an unknown f. Use procedures 6.1–6.5 to detect reducing sugars, starch,
solution. protein, DNA, and lipids in your unknown. Your unknown
a. Obtain an unknown solution from your laboratory instruc- may contain one, none, or several of these macromolecules.
tor. Record its number in table 6.6. Record your results in table 6.6. Show table 6.6 and the fol-
b. Obtain 10 clean test tubes. lowing report (page 69) to your instructor before you leave
c. Number five tubes for the sample as S1–S5. Number the the lab.
other five tubes as controls C1–C5.

Variation in Starch Storage by Roots versus Leaves
Observation: Starch is the major storage product of photosyn- c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
thesis in higher plants, and some plant organs more than others record it.
are specialized for storing starch. Iodine reacts with starch to d. Outline on Worksheet 6 your experimental design and sup-
produce a dark blue-black color. plies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to
Question: What are the relative amounts of starch stored in review your proposed investigation.
leaves versus roots of a flowering plant? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 6 from your instructor. tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant needed.
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

68 EXERCISE 6 6–12
Name ____________________________________ Lab Section__________________
Unknown No.________________




Benedict’s test (reducing sugars)

Iodine (starch)

Biuret test (protein)

Dische diphenylamine test (DNA)

Sudan IV (lipid)

Report: Identity of Unknown

Indicate which of the following are in your unknown:
Reducing sugars






6–13 Biologically Important Molecules  69

Questions for Further Thought and Study
​1. What is the importance of a positive control? What is the importance of a negative control?

​2. What controls were used in each procedure that you performed in today’s lab?

​3. Why did you include controls in all of your tests?

​4. Are controls always necessary? Why or why not?

​5. What is a phospholipid? What functions do phospholipids have in cells?

​6. What does a “dehydration synthesis” do?

​7. Food labels list the amounts of (and calories from) carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, but not nucleic acids. Why not?


Design a procedure to indicate the amount What are the limitations of these common
of starch present in various plant tissue samples. techniques in detecting the presence of a class of
How would you weigh your samples? How would you treat your macromolecules? Do biologists who study plant cells commonly
samples? How would you quantify the iodine test? use the iodine test for starch? Why or why not?

70 EXERCISE 6 6–14
Separating Organic Compounds
Exercise 7
Column Chromatography, Paper Chromatography,
and Gel Electrophoresis
∙ The chromatography column is a tube having a frit and
Learning Objectives a spout at its bottom. The frit is a membrane or porous
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: disk that supports and keeps the matrix in the column but
1. Describe the basis for column chromatography, allows water and solutes to pass.
paper chromatography, and gel electrophoresis. ∙ The matrix is the material in the column that fraction-
2. Use column chromatography, paper chromatog­ ates, or separates, the chemicals mixed in the sample.
raphy, and gel electrophoresis to separate organic The matrix consists of beads having tiny pores and inter-
compounds from mixtures. nal channels. The size of the beads’ pores determines
the matrix’s fractionation range, which is the range of
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online molecular weights the matrix can separate. These molecu-
resources tailored to this lab. lar weights are measured in units called daltons; 1 dalton
≈ 1 g mole−1. Different kinds of matrices have different
fractionation ranges. In today’s exercise you’ll use a

C ells are a mixture of the types of organic compounds

that you studied in Exercise 6 (“Biologically Important
Molecules”), including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and
matrix having a fractionation range of 1000 to 5000 dal-
tons. As they move through the matrix, small molecules
spend much time in the maze of channels and pores in the
nucleic acids. Biologists characterize and study these com- matrix. Large molecules do not.
pounds to understand how organisms function. This requires
that biologists separate the compounds, such as amino acids ∙ The buffer helps control the pH of the sample (see
and nucleotides, from mixtures. Three separation techniques Exercise 5). A buffer is a solution with a known pH
that biologists use are column chromatography, paper chro- that resists changes in pH if other chemicals are added.
matography, and gel electrophoresis. The pH of a buffer remains relatively constant. This
In today’s exercise you will use these common tech- is important because the shapes of molecules such as
niques to separate compounds from mixtures. The proce- proteins often vary according to their pH. The buffer
dures are simple and model how these techniques are used carries the sample through the matrix, which separates the
by biologists in their research. chemicals mixed in the sample.

Column chromatography can also separate com-

COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY pounds having the same molecular weight but different
shapes. Compact, spherical molecules penetrate the pores
Column chromatography separates molecules according to and channels of the matrix more readily than do rod-shaped
their size and shape. The procedure is simple and involves molecules. Thus, spherical molecules move through a col-
placing a sample onto a column of beads having tiny pores. umn more slowly than do rod-shaped molecules.
Molecules can move through the column of beads in two ways: During column chromatography, the buffer containing
a fast route between the beads or a slower route through the the sample mixture of chemicals moves through the column
tiny pores of the beads. Molecules too big to fit into the beads’ and is collected sequentially in test tubes from the bottom of
pores move through the column quickly, whereas smaller mol- the column. Biologists then assay the content of the tubes to
ecules enter the beads’ pores and move through the column determine which tubes contain the compounds in which they
more slowly (fig. 7.1). Movement of the molecules is analo- are interested.
gous to going through or walking around a maze: It takes more
time to walk through a maze than to walk around it.
The apparatus used for column chromatography is
shown in figure 7.2 and consists of a chromatography col-
umn, a matrix, and a buffer.

7–1 Separating Organic Compounds  71

mixture is
added to

Beads exclude
large molecules.


Organic molecules
separate by size;
larger molecules move
fastest and therefore
appear in the earlier
1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 7.1  Separation of organic molecules by column chromatography. As the solution flows through the column, the smaller molecules
are slowed down as they pass through the pores of the beads. Medium-sized molecules will pass through a bead with pores less frequently, and
the largest molecules will quickly flow around all the beads. The exiting fluid is collected in fractions. The first fractions collected will contain the
largest molecules.

SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked Procedure 7.1  Separate compounds by column
to read this exercise so you would know what to do chromatography
and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
1. Label nine microtubes 1–9.
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
procedures. If you have questions about these issues, 2. Obtain an apparatus for column chromatography and
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work. carefully remove all of the buffer from above the beads
with a transfer pipet. Do not remove any of the matrix.
Question 1 3. Obtain a sample to be separated. The sample is a mix-
In today’s exercise you’ll isolate colored compounds from ture of Orange G (molecular weight = 452 g mole−1) and
mixtures. However, most biological samples are colorless. a rodlike polymer of glucose stained blue and having a
How would you determine the contents of the test tubes if molecular weight of about 2,000,000 g mole−1.
all of the samples were transparent? 4. Use a transfer pipet to slowly load 0.2 mL of the sam-
ple onto the top of the beads. Drip the sample down the
inside walls of the column.
5. Place a beaker under the column.
6. Slowly open the valve. This will cause the sample to
enter the beads. Close the valve after the sample has

72 EXERCISE 7 7–2
b. Suppose your sample had consisted of a mixture of
compounds having molecular weights of 50,000,
100,000, and 1,000,000 g mole−1. What type of results
would you predict? Explain your answer.

Biologists often analyze the amino acid content of samples
to determine protein sequences and enzyme structures.
Amino acids can be separated by partitioning them between
the stationary and mobile phases of paper chromatography.
The stationary phase is the paper fibers, and the mobile
phase is an organic solvent that moves along the paper.
Separation by paper chromatography begins by apply-
ing a liquid sample to a small spot on an origin line at one
end of a piece of chromatography paper. The edge of the
­paper is then placed in a solvent. As the solvent moves up
the paper, any sample molecules that are soluble in the sol-
vent will move with the solvent. However, some molecules
move faster than others based on their solubility in the­mobile
phase and their attraction to the stationary phase. These com-
peting factors are different for different molecular structures,
so each type of molecule moves at a different speed and
occurs at a different position on the finished chromatogram.
Amino acids in solution have no color but react read-
© Edvotek, Inc. ily with molecules of ninhydrin to form a colored product.
A completed chromatogram is sprayed with a ninhydrin
Figure 7.2  Apparatus for column chromatography. A fraction is solution and heated to detect the amino acids. The distance
being collected, drop by drop, in the beaker.
of these spots from the origin is measured and used to
completely entered the beads (i.e., when the top of the quantify the movement of a sample. The resulting Rf value
beads is exposed to air). (retardation factor) characterizes a known molecule in a
known solvent under known conditions, and is calculated
7. Use a transfer pipet to slowly cover the beads with
as follows:
buffer. Add buffer until the reservoir is almost full.
8. Hold microtube 1 under the column and open the valve
Rf = Distance moved by sample
until you’ve collected about 1.0 mL of liquid.
Distance from origin to solvent front
9. Repeat step 8 for tubes 2–9. The sample will separate
in the column.
10. Identify the tubes containing (1) the most orange dye, Procedure 7.2  Separate amino acids and
and (2) the most blue dye that eluted from the column. identify unknowns by paper chromatography
1 1. Refill the reservoir with buffer and cover the reservoir 1. Obtain a piece of chromatography paper 15 cm square.
with Parafilm. Avoid touching the paper with your fingers. Use
Question 2 gloves, tissue, or some other means to handle the paper
a. Was the color separation distinctive? Would you because oils from your skin will alter the migration of
expect a longer column to more clearly separate the the molecules on the paper.
compounds? Why or why not? 2. Lay the paper on a clean paper towel. Then use a pen-
cil to draw a light line 2 cm from the bottom edge of
the paper.
3. Draw five tick marks at 2.5 cm intervals from the
left end of the line. Lightly label the marks 1–5 below
the line.

7–3 Separating Organic Compounds  73


4. Locate the five solutions available for the chromatog- 13. Circle with a pencil each of the spots. Measure the dis-
raphy procedure. Three of the solutions are known tance each of the spots has traveled and calculate the Rf
amino acids. One solution is an unknown. The last for each spot. Record the values in table 7.1.
solution is a plant extract or another unknown. 14. Determine the contents of the unknown solutions by
5. Use a wooden or glass applicator stick to “spot” one comparing Rf values. Record the results in table 7.1.
of the solutions on mark #1. To do this, dip the stick
in the solution and touch it to the paper to apply a
small drop (2–3 mm in diameter). Let the spot dry; GEL ELECTROPHORESIS
then make three to five more applications on the same
spot. Dry between each application. Record in Gel electrophoresis separates molecules according to their
table 7.1 the name of the solution next to the appropri- charge, shape, and size (fig. 7.4). Buffered samples (mix-
ate mark number. tures of organic chemicals) are loaded into a Jello-like gel,
6. Repeat step 5 for each of the other solutions. after which an electrical current is placed across the gel.
7. Staple or paper clip the edges of the paper to form a This current moves the charged molecules toward either
cylinder with the spots on the outside and at the bottom. the cathode or anode of the electrophoresis apparatus. The
speed, direction, and distance that each molecule moves are
8. Obtain a quart jar containing the chromatography related to its charge, shape, and size.
solvent. The solvent should be 1 cm or less deep. The The apparatus for gel electrophoresis is shown in
solvent consists of butanol, acetic acid, and figure 7.5 and consists of an electrophoresis chamber, gel,
water (2:1:1). buffer, samples, and a power supply.
9. Place the cylinder upright in the jar (fig. 7.3). The sol-
vent must be below the pencil line and marks. Close ∙ The gel is made by dissolving agarose powder (a deriv-
the lid to seal the jar. ative of agar) in hot buffer. When the solution cools,
it solidifies into a gel having many pores that function
10. Keep the jar out of direct light and heat. Allow the
as a molecular sieve. The gel is submerged in a buffer-
solvent to move up the paper for 2 hours (h) but not all
filled chamber containing electrodes.
the way to the top.
11. Open the jar and remove the chromatogram. Unclip ∙ The buffer conducts electricity and helps control the
and flatten the paper. Dry it with a fan or hair dryer. pH. The pH affects the stability and charge of the
Work under a fume hood if possible to avoid breathing samples.
the solvent vapors. ∙ The samples are mixtures of chemicals loaded into
12. Spray the chromatogram with ninhydrin. Carefully dry wells in the gel. These samples move in the gel during
the chromatogram with warm air. electrophoresis. Samples are often mixed with glycerol

74 EXERCISE 7 7–4
or sucrose to make them denser than the buffer so that
they will not mix with the buffer.
∙ The power supply provides a direct current across
the gel. Charged molecules respond to the current by
Jar with lid moving from the sample wells into the gel. Negatively
charged molecules move through the gel toward the
positive electrode (anode), whereas positively charged
molecules move through the gel toward the negative
electrode (cathode). The greater the voltage, the faster
the molecules move.
The sieve properties of the gel affect the rate of
movement of a sample through the gel. Small molecules
Origin line move more easily through the pores than do larger mol-
3 4 5 ecules. Consequently, small, compact (e.g., spherical)
molecules move faster than do large, rodlike molecules.
If molecules have  similar shapes and molecular weights,
Solvent the particles having the greatest charge move fastest and,
therefore, the farthest.

Figure 7.3  Apparatus for paper chromatography. Numbers on

Procedure 7.3  Separate organic molecules by
the chromatogram indicate the positions of multiple samples applied gel electrophoresis
to the chromato­gram. The samples will move up the chromatogram 1. Obtain an electrophoresis chamber. Cover the ends of
along with the solvent. the bed as shown in figure 7.6 and demonstrated by
your instructor.
2. Place a six-tooth comb in or near the middle set of
notches of the gel-cast bed. There should be a small
space between the bottom of the teeth and the bed.

Fragments of organic
molecules are loaded
into wells of a gel

Large fragments


Small fragments

Electric Fragments that have

(+) current migrated through
turned on the gel

Figure 7.4  Gel electrophoresis. This process separates DNA fragments, protein fragments, and other organic compounds by causing them to move
through an electrically charged gel. The fragments move according to their size, shape, and electrical charge; some fragments move slowly and some
move quickly. When their migration is complete, the fragments can be stained and visualized easily. In the example shown here, the DNA fragments
were separated by size.

7–5 Separating Organic Compounds  75

Reaction Reaction Reaction Mixture of DNA
Power 1 2 3 fragments of
source different sizes in
solution placed at
Figure 7.5  Apparatus for gel the top of “lanes” in
electrophoresis. The power supply the gel
produces an electrical gradient
between the + and − poles and across
the gel.




© Edvotek, Inc. © Edvotek, Inc.

Figure 7.6  Cover the ends of the removable gel bed with rubber Figure 7.7  Place comb near the center set of notches of the gel
end-caps or tape. bed. Prepare the agarose solution and pour the gel.

3. Mix a 0.8% (weight by volume) mixture of agarose

powder in a sufficient volume of buffer to fill the gel
chamber. Heat the mixture until the agarose dissolves.
4. When the hot agarose solution has cooled to 50°C,
pour the agarose solution into the gel-cast bed (fig. 7.7).
5. After the gel has solidified, gently remove the comb
by pulling it straight up (fig. 7.8). Use of a plastic spat-
ula may help prevent tearing the gel. Use the sketch
in figure 7.9 to label the wells formed in the gel by
the comb.
6. Submerge the gel under the buffer in the electrophore-
sis chamber.
7. You will study six samples: © Edvotek, Inc.

Sample 1: Bromophenol blue (molecular weight = Figure 7.8  After the gel solidifies, gently remove the rubber
670 g mole−1) end-caps (or tape) and pull the combs straight up from the gel.

76 EXERCISE 7 7–6
1 2 3 4 5 6

© Edvotek, Inc.

Figure 7.10  Submerge the gel in the buffer-filled electrophoresis

chamber and load the samples into the wells of the gel.

release the pressure on the bulb. Remove the pipet from

the well.
11. Thoroughly rinse the pipet with distilled water.
12. Load the remaining five samples into the gel by repeat-
ing steps 6–10 (fig. 7.10). Load Sample 2 into the sec-
ond well, Sample 3 into the third well, etc.
13. Carefully snap on the cover of the electrophoresis
1 2 3 4 5 6 chamber (fig. 7.11). The red plug in the cover should
(+) be placed on the terminal indicated by the red dot. The
black plug in the cover should be placed on the termi-
Figure 7.9  Sketch of the wells formed in the gel by the comb as nal indicated by the black dot.
viewed from above.
14. Insert the plug of the black wire into the black (nega-
tive) input of the power supply. Insert the plug of the
Sample 2: Methylene blue (molecular weight = red wire into the red (positive) input of the power
320 g mole−1) supply.
Sample 3: Orange G (molecular weight = 15. Turn on the power and set the voltage at 90 V. You’ll
452 g mole−1) soon see bubbles forming on the electrodes. Examine
Sample 4: Xylene cyanol (molecular weight = the gel every 10 min.
555 g mole−1) 16. After 30 min, turn off the power and disconnect
Samples 5 and 6: Unknowns the leads from the power source. Gently remove the
cover from the chamber and sketch your results in
Use a micropipettor or a simple pipet and bulb to figure 7.9.
load the samples into the wells of the gel. If you use
a micropipettor, your instructor will demonstrate its
use. If you use a simple pipet and bulb, gently squeeze
the pipet bulb to draw Sample 1 into the pipet. Be sure
that the sample is in the lower part of the pipet. If the
sample becomes lodged in the bulb, tap the pipet until
the sample moves into the lower part.
8. To eliminate excess air, hold the pipet above the sam-
ple tube and slowly squeeze the bulb until the sample
is near the pipet’s opening.
9. Place the pipet tip into the electrophoresis buffer so it
is barely inside sample well 1 (fig. 7.10). Do not touch
the bottom of the sample well. Maintain pressure on the
pipet bulb to avoid pulling buffer into the pipet. © Edvotek, Inc.

1 0. Slowly inject the sample into the sample well. Stop Figure 7.11  Attach the safety cover, connect the power source,
squeezing the pipet when the well is full. Do not and run the electrophoresis.

7–7 Separating Organic Compounds  77

Question 3 c. What compounds do you suspect are in Samples 5 and
a. Bromophenol blue, Orange G, and xylene cyanol each 6? Explain your answer.
have a negative charge at neutral pH, whereas methylene
blue has a positive charge at neutral pH. How does this
information relate to your results?


b. Did Orange G, bromophenol blue, and xylene cyanol
move the same distance in the gel? Why or why not? Examine figure 7.12, which includes a photograph of a gel
used to determine the order, or sequence, of nucleotides in
a strand of DNA. To prepare the sample for electrophoresis,


Single-stranded DNA fragment to be sequenced



Reaction mixtures
contain DNA polymerase


+ddATP +ddCTP +ddGTP +ddTTP

ddA ddC ddG ddT

5 T fragments
(c) G
Reaction products from G
mixture containing G
dideoxyATP (ddATP) Smaller

(d) (e)
Courtesy George Kantor

Figure 7.12  Determining the sequence of nucleotides in DNA. (a) Treating DNA with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) denatures double-stranded
DNA into single-stranded DNA. One of the single strands of DNA to be sequenced is placed in each of four tubes. (b) The enzyme DNA
polymerase is added to each tube along with a specific nucleotide-terminator. As polymerase replicates the DNA, the terminators are incorporated
and will terminate various lengths of fragments of DNA. For example, the terminator ddATP will halt the reaction wherever adenosine occurs. The
terminator ddATP (dideoxy adenosine triphosphate) will terminate a growing strand because it lacks a 3′ hydroxyl group and therefore cannot bond
with the next deoxynucleotide. (c) Each tube will contain a sample of all possible replicated fragment lengths corresponding to the positions of that
specific nucleotide. The sequences in red are the complement strands. (d) During electrophoresis, the fragments migrate at different rates according
to their length. (e) The lanes of the resulting gel are labeled according to their base: A, adenine; T, thymine; G, guanine; and C, cytosine. This
technique is usually referred to as “Sanger” sequencing in honor of Fred Sanger, a Nobel laureate who, in 1977, first sequenced a piece of DNA.

78 EXERCISE 7 7–8
samples of the DNA being investigated were put into each Question 4
of four tubes and induced to replicate. Also, into the first a. How did the sequence of nucleotides revealed on the
tube, an adenine-terminator was added in addition to all the gel differ from the sequence of the original strand of
other nucleotides. As the complementary strand was being DNA?
constructed, the terminators were occasionally incorpo-
rated wherever an adenine nucleotide was used. This ran-
dom incorporation resulted in all possible lengths of DNA
pieces that had an adenine on the end. The same process
was ­conducted in the other tubes with thymine-, guanine-,
and cytosine-terminators; one treatment for each of the four b. Assume that the gel shown in Figure 7.12d is from
lanes in the gel. Electrophoresis separated the replicated blood collected at a murder scene. This blood does
pieces of DNA by size. Staining the gel revealed which not match that of the victim. You have collected DNA
lengths of the complementary DNA were terminated by from five people suspected of murder. Gels compa-
which nucleotide-terminators. Examine figure 7.12d. rable to the one shown in Figure 7.12d read as follows
The gel consists of four “lanes,” labeled A, T, G, and C, for each of the suspects:
indicating either adenine-, thymine-, guanine-, or cytosine-
Suspect #1: T-A-C-G-A-T-A-C-G-A-C
terminated pieces of DNA. By “reading” down the gel, you
Suspect #2: T-A-C-G-A-T-A-C-G-A-C
can determine the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA. For
Suspect #3: T-A-C-G-A-C-A-C-G-C-G
example, the uppermost band of the gel is in the T (thymine)
Suspect #4: T-A-C-G-A-T-G-C-G-A-C
lane. Therefore, the first base of the piece of DNA is thymine.
Suspect #5: T-A-C-G-A-T-C-C-G-T-C
Similarly, the next bands are in the A, C, G, and A lanes.
Thus, the first five bases of the complementary strand DNA What do you conclude from this evidence?
are T-A-C-G-A. List the next seven nucleotides of the DNA
as indicated by the gel. Also list the sequence of the first 12
nucleotides in the original DNA being investigated.

Refining the Paper Chromatography Procedure
Carefully planned and refined procedures are critical for b. Choose one or two parameters that you can test for their
laboratory techniques such as paper chromatography. The impact on the chromatography results. Why did you
sensitivity of these techniques depends on a variety of fac- choose these?
tors, including the many parameters associated with timing,
chemicals, measurements, and temperatures. In procedure
7.2 you were given a rather standardized protocol, but it can
always be improved for specific experiments. For example, c. Choose two amino acids for experimentation. Why did you
how would you modify the paper chromatography proce- choose these two?
dure to better r­ esolve two amino acids having approximately
the same Rf values? What parameter(s) of the experimental
design might be tweaked to increase the technique’s resolv-
ing power? We suggest that you begin your investigation in
the following way: d. Choose your treatment levels for each parameter, and then
do your experiment.
a. List the parameters involved in paper chromatography.
Think carefully; many factors are involved.

e. What did you conclude?

7–9 Separating Organic Compounds  79

The Importance of the Length of the Column in Column Chromatography
Observation: Column chromatography is a common means c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
of separating molecules according to their size and shape. The record it.
movement of molecules through a column is affected by several d. Outline on Worksheet 7 your experimental design and sup-
factors, including the column’s matrix and the column’s length. plies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to
Question: How does the length of a column affect the separa- review your proposed investigation.
tion of molecules via column chromatography? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your questions,
Worksheet 7 from your instructor. hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. How are column chromatography, paper chromatography, and gel electrophoresis different? How are they similar?

​2. How would the results of electrophoresis vary if the voltage was increased? ​If the agarose was made more dense? ​Or if
the migration was allowed to run twice as long?

​3. How could knowing the nucleotide base sequence of a piece of DNA be important to a biologist?

​4. How could knowing the nucleotide base sequence of a piece of DNA be important to someone trying to solve a crime?

​5. How could knowing the nucleotide base sequence of a piece of DNA be important for someone studying a hereditary

​6. How could knowing the nucleotide base sequence of a piece of DNA be important for someone wanting to improve the
yield of a crop such as corn?


Which of the methods discussed in this exercise
would best quantify the relative amounts of the mol-
ecules being separated? Why?

80 EXERCISE 7 7–10
Exercise 8
Identifying Solutes and Determining Their Concentration

Learning Objectives spectrum. The entire electromagnetic spectrum includes

radiation with wavelengths from less than 1 to more than
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: 1 million nanometers. Visible light represents wavelengths
1. Operate a spectrophotometer. between 380 and 700 nm (fig. 8.1). In this exercise you
2. Describe the parts of a spectrophotometer and the will work within the visible portion of the electromagnetic
function of each. spectrum.
3. Construct absorption spectra for cobalt chloride and
chlorophyll. Question 1
4. Construct and use a standard curve to determine the a. Chlorophyll reflects green light (540–560 nm)
unknown concentration of a dissolved ­chemical. and absorbs other wavelengths. What biologically
important molecules other than chlorophyll absorb and
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online reflect certain colors?
resources tailored to this lab.

A bsorption and reflection of different wavelengths of light

are part of your everyday experience. Different materi-
als absorb and reflect different wavelengths of light; there-
b. Is the absorbance of light critical to these molecules’
functions or just a consequence of their molecular
fore they have different colors. When you recognize things structure? Explain your answer.
with color you are observing that they absorb and reflect dif-
ferent wavelengths of light. A red object reflects red wave-
lengths to your eyes and absorbs the other wavelengths.
Light includes the visible wavelengths of the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum and is only a small part of the total

Increasing energy

Increasing wavelength
0.001 nm 1 nm 10 nm 1000 nm 0.01 cm 1 cm 1m 100 m

Gamma rays X rays Infrared Radio waves

Visible light

400 nm 430 nm 500 nm 560 nm 600 nm 650 nm 740 nm

Figure 8.1  The electromagnetic spectrum. Light is a form of electromagnetic energy and is conveniently thought of as a wave. The shorter the
wavelength of light, the greater the energy. Visible light, which represents a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum, occurs between 380 and
700 nanometers (nm). (UV stands for ultraviolet light.) Also see figure 8.5.

8–1 Spectrophotometry 81
Spectrophotometry is one of our most versatile and exits the sample tube. The spectrophotometer compares
precise techniques for assays ranging from blood chemistry the amount of light exiting the tube (that is, the transmitted
to pollutants in lake water. Spectrophotometry is based on light) with the amount entering the tube  and calculates
the principle that every different atom, molecule, or chemi- transmittance—the more solute, the lower the transmittance.
cal bond absorbs unique wavelengths of light. For example, The spectrophotometer also calculates the amount of light
the nitrogenous base cytosine absorbs a different pattern of absorbed—the more solute, the higher the absorbance. The
light than does adenine, uracil, or any other molecule with a basic parts of a spectrophotometer are shown in figure 8.2.
different structure. As part of this pattern, some wavelengths The light source of a spectrophotometer produces
are absorbed and some are not absorbed. Conversely, a white light, a combination of all visible wavelengths. A
unique pattern of light is reflected as well as absorbed mixture of all colors of light is white. Spectrophotometry
by each chemical. Each chemical has a unique pattern or may involve wavelengths outside the visible range, such
“fingerprint” of various wavelengths that it absorbs and/or as ultraviolet and infrared, but the spectrophotometer must
reflects. In this exercise you will (a) determine the unique have special light sources to produce these wavelengths. In
pattern of absorption for two common molecules, and then this exercise you will work only with visible light.
(b) use spectrophotometry to measure the concentrations of The filter is adjusted to select the wavelength that
one of these molecules. you wish to pass through the sample. The filter may be a
prism that separates white light into a rainbow of colors and
focuses the desired wavelength (color) on the sample. Or,
SPECTROPHOTOMETER the filter may be a series of colored glass plates that absorbs
all but the selected wavelength focused on the sample.
An instrument called a spectrophotometer measures the The sample is a solution contained in a clear test tube
amount of light absorbed and transmitted by a dissolved or cuvette made of glass or quartz. Light of the specific wave-
chemical. For solutions we usually refer to the nonabsorbed length determined by the filter passes into the sample, where
light as transmitted light rather than reflected light. By mea- it may be completely or partially absorbed or transmitted. The
suring the pattern of absorbance or transmittance we can amount of light absorbed depends on the amount and type of
identify a chemical and its concentration. chemicals in the solution and the dimensions of the tube.
A spectrophotometer separates white light into a A blank is a test tube or cuvette containing only the
spectrum of colors (wavelengths). It then directs a specific solvent used to dissolve the chemical you are analyzing. A
wavelength of light at a tube containing a solution that we blank is used to calibrate the spectrophotometer for the solu-
are trying to measure. The light is either absorbed by the tion used in your experiment. For most of your experiments,
dissolved substance or transmitted through the solution and the solvent, and therefore the blank, is distilled water.

Sample Transmittance/
holder Absorbance

Digital meter


coarse filter
Zero control

© BiologyImaging.com
Figure 8.2  A spectrophotometer and its parts.

82 EXERCISE 8 8–2
Any light transmitted through the sample exits the SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked
sample on the opposite side and is focused on a photo­ to read this exercise so you would know what to do
detector that converts light energy into electrical energy. and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
The amount of electricity produced by the photodetector is briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
proportional to the amount of transmitted light: The more procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
light that is transmitted through the sample, the more elec- contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.
tricity produced. The meter on the front of the spectropho-
tometer measures the electrical current produced by the
photodetector and displays the ­results on a scale of absor-
bance or transmittance values. If a chemical is in solution
Procedure 8.1  Determine the absorption
spectrum of CoCl2
we usually refer to its transmittance rather than its reflec-
tance, although both terms refer to nonabsorbed light. 1. When you get to the lab, turn on the spectropho­
The double scale on the spectrophotometer indicates tometer at your work-station. Let it warm up for
that you can measure either absorbance or transmittance of 10–15 min before you begin work.
radiation. Absorbance is the amount of radiation retained 2. Check with your instructor or manufacturer’s direc-
by the sample, and transmittance is the amount of radiation tions for any special instructions for using the spectro-
passing through the sample. In mathematical terms, trans- photometer in your lab.
mittance is the intensity of light exiting the ­sample divided 3. Prepare seven solutions in spectrophotometer tubes
by the amount entering the sample. Transmittance is usually (test tubes or cuvettes) with the mixtures of distilled
expressed as a percentage: water and stock solution of CoCl2 (100 mg/mL) listed
Percentage Transmittance = (It /Io) × 100 in table 8.1. Only tubes 0 and 6 are needed to deter-
mine the absorption spectrum. You will use the others
where later in the lab period.
It = transmitted (exiting) light intensity 4. After you have prepared the dilutions, clean the outside
Io = original (entering) light intensity of all the tubes with a cloth or paper towel.
5. Verify that the solutions in each of your tubes are free
Absorbance is the logarithm of the reciprocal of transmit-
of particles (dust, chalk, etc.) that might scatter the
tance and is expressed as a ratio with no units:
light from the spectrophotometer and produce false
Absorbance = log10 (Io /It) absorbance values. If necessary, centrifuge the tubes at
2000 rpm for 5–10 min.
Absorbance is not a percentage and is not simply the oppo-
site (reciprocal) of transmittance. Instead, it is a logarithmic Question 2
function and has no units. This calculation makes absor- Why is it important to clean the sample tubes?
bance values directly proportional to the concentration of
the substance in solution. Thus, a twofold increase in absor-
bance indicates a twofold increase in concentration. This
convenient and direct relationship between concentration
and absorbance helps scientists measure an unknown con-
centration of a chemical. 6. Cap the tubes and label the caps 0–6. If you label the
To measure unknown concentrations of dissolved tube rather than the caps, be sure that the labels don’t
chemicals, two procedures must be done—determine a interfere with light entering the tube while it is in the
chemical’s absorption spectrum and build a standard curve. spectrophotometer.
As you proceed with this exercise be sure that you under-
7. Place the blank (tube 0) in the sample holder of the
stand the differences between these procedures.
8. Adjust the filter to the lowest wavelength (350 nm)
and read the absorbance value indicated on the meter.
ABSORPTION SPECTRUM The distilled water blank has no color and should not
OF COBALT CHLORIDE absorb any visible light.
Your first task is to learn to operate a spectrophotometer 9. If the absorbance is not zero, use the zero adjust knob
while deriving the absorption spectrum of a common to calibrate the meter to zero on the absorbance scale.
chemical, cobalt chloride (CoCl2). The pattern of wave- 10. Remove the blank and replace it with tube 6
lengths absorbed by CoCl2 is its “fingerprint” because it is (50 mg/mL). This is the sample you will use to deter-
unique to that chemical. This fingerprint is the absorption mine the absorption spectrum of cobalt chloride.
spectrum of the chemical and is represented as a graph 11. After the meter has stabilized (5–10 sec) read the
relating absorbance to wavelength (fig. 8.3). Your instructor absorbance value and record the wavelength and absor-
may choose to use red dye to simulate CoCl2. bance value in table 8.2.

8–3 Spectrophotometry 83
Absorption spectrum of cobalt chloride


350 420 460 490 530 570 610 660

Wavelength (nm)

Figure 8.3  Absorption spectrum of cobalt chloride (CoCl2).



0 0 0 10.0
1 1 0.1 9.9
2 10 1.0 9.0
3 20 2.0 8.0
4 30 3.0 7.0
5 40 4.0 6.0
6 50 5.0 5.0

1 2. Remove tube 6 and adjust the filter to 420 nm. 15. Complete table 8.2 for the other wavelengths by
13. Put the blank back into the spectrophotometer and repeating steps 5–12 and measuring the absorbance of
readjust for zero absorbance at the new wavelength. the contents of tube 6.
The spectrophotometer should be recalibrated with
the blank often, especially when you change the The absorbance values in table 8.2 represent the absorption
wavelength. spectrum for CoCl2 and are expressed best with a graph. Plot
14. Insert tube 6 and measure its absorbance at the new on figure 8.3 the Absorbance versus Wavelength values
wavelength. Record the absorbance in table 8.2. recorded in table 8.2. Connect the points with straight lines.

84 EXERCISE 8 8–4


350 nm 530 nm

420 nm 570 nm

460 nm 610 nm

490 nm 660 nm








Question 3 prepared previously to construct your standard curve for

a. What wavelength is the peak absorbance of CoCl2? CoCl2. These solutions are standards because their concen-
trations are known, and they are used to determine the con-
centration of an unknown solution. The absorbance of each
standard is measured at the peak wavelength of the absorp-
tion spectrum for CoCl2.
b. Why is it important to recalibrate with your blank Procedure 8.2  Construct a standard curve
sample often? for cobalt chloride
1. Refer to your data in table 8.2. Determine the wave-
length of peak absorbance for CoCl2 and set the filter
of your spectrophotometer to this wavelength.
2. Insert the solvent blank (tube 0) and adjust the
c. Would you expect a curve of the same shape for another spectrophotometer for zero absorbance.
molecule such as chlorophyll? Why or why not? 3. Replace the blank with tube 1 (1 mg CoCl2/mL), mea-
sure its absorbance, and then record the absorbance
value in table 8.3.
4. Repeat steps 2–3 for the other five tubes (standards).
Be sure and check the zero-absorbance calibration with
the blank before each standard measurement.
THE STANDARD CURVE 5. To construct your standard curve for CoCl2, plot the
A graph showing a chemical’s concentration versus its data in table 8.3 with Concentration (mg/mL) on the
absorbance of a wavelength of light is called a standard horizontal axis and Absorbance on the vertical axis on
curve, and the relationship is a straight line. In this exercise the graph paper at the end of this exercise.
you will construct a standard curve and then use it to deter- 6. Because the relationship between concentration and
mine some unknown concentrations of solutions of CoCl2 absorbance is linear (directly proportional), you should
prepared by your instructor. Use the six dilutions that you draw a straight line that lies as close as possible to each

8–5 Spectrophotometry 85





data point. Do not merely connect the dots. Extremely 7. Obtain three more tubes with unknown solutions,
high concentrations of a solute can produce a nonlinear determine their absorbance and concentration, and
segment of the standard curve. However, the concen- record the values in table 8.4. Ask your instructor to
trations used in this lab exercise are not high enough to check your results.
produce such “saturation” effects.
7. If a computer and software are available, calculate and ABSORPTION SPECTRUM
plot the line of best fit. OF CHLOROPHYLL
Question 4
To give you more experience with absorption spectra, your
Do the plotted data points of your standard curve lie on a
instructor has prepared a plant extract containing chloro-
straight line?
phyll, a photosynthetic pigment (fig. 8.5). The extract was
made by grinding leaves in acetone.

Acetone is flammable. Keep all solvents away from

hotplates and flames at all times.

Using the Standard Curve to Measure Procedure 8.4  Determine the absorption
the Unknown Concentration of a Solution spectrum of chlorophyll
After you have created a standard curve, measuring the 1. Obtain a tube of the extract and prepare a blank. Your
­unknown concentration of a CoCl2 solution is easy. Your instructor will provide the solvent used for the blank.
­instructor has prepared a series of numbered tubes contain-
2. Using procedure 8.3 for determining an absorption
ing unknown concentrations of CoCl2.
spectrum, measure the absorbance of chlorophyll for at
least eight wavelengths available on your spectropho-
Procedure 8.3  Determine unknown tometer as listed in table 8.5.
3. Record your results in table 8.5.
1. Obtain a tube with an unknown solution and record the
4. Graph your results (in fig. 8.6) as you did for the
tube number in table 8.4.
absorption spectrum of CoCl2.
2. Use the blank tube (tube 0) to zero the spectrophotom-
eter at the wavelength of peak absorbance for CoCl2. Question 5
3. Measure the absorbance of the unknown solution and a. What is the proper blank for determining the absorp-
record this value in table 8.4. tion of chlorophyll in a plant extract?
4. Find this absorbance value on the vertical axis of your
standard curve and draw a line from this point parallel
to the horizontal axis until the line intersects the stan-
b. Which wavelengths are least absorbed by chlorophyll?
dard curve (see the example in fig. 8.4).
5. Draw a line from the intersection straight down until
it intersects the horizontal axis. This point on the hori-
zontal axis marks the concentration of the unknown c. Which wavelengths are most absorbed by chlorophyll?
6. Record the concentration of the unknown solution in
table 8.4.

86 EXERCISE 8 8–6

Absorbance @ peak wavelength of absorption spectrum

absorbance value
of unknown solution

Concentration of
unknown solution

0 10 20 30 40 50

Concentration (mg/mL)

Figure 8.4  A standard curve showing the graphical determination of the concentration of an unknown solution of CoCl2.

Chlorophyll a
Chlorophyll b

Relative absorption of light
at the wavelengths shown
on the x-axis

350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

Violet Blue Green Yellow Red

Wavelength (nm)

Figure 8.5  The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll and carotenoids. The peaks represent wavelengths of sunlight absorbed by the two
common forms of photosynthetic pigment, chlorophylls a and b, and by the carotenoids. Chlorophylls absorb predominantly violet-blue and red
light in two narrow bands of the spectrum and reflect green light in the middle of the spectrum; this is why chlorophyll appears green. Carotenoids
absorb mostly blue and green light and reflect orange and yellow light; this is why carotenoids appear orange and yellow.

8–7 Spectrophotometry 87

350 nm 530 nm

420 nm 570 nm

460 nm 610 nm

490 nm 660 nm

Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll


350 420 460 490 530 570 610 660

Wavelength (nm)

Figure 8.6  Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll.

88 EXERCISE 8 8–8
The Impact of Contaminants on Spectrophotometry
Observation: Spectrophotometry uses the differential absorp­ c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
tion of light to identify and measure the concentrations of record it.
various molecules. The molecules of interest are not the only d. Outline on Worksheet 8 your experimental design and sup-
molecules that absorb light; contaminants do also and, therefore, plies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to
affect measurements. review your proposed investigation.
Question: How does a contaminant such as salt affect the e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
absorption of light by a spectrophotometric sample? question, and make relevant comments.
f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your questions,
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.
Worksheet 8 from your instructor.
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. What is the difference between an absorption spectrum and a standard curve?

​2. Can spectrophotometry be used to determine the concentration of “colorless” solutes such as salt or sugar? ​Explain your

​3. Why is it important to use standards or to develop a standard curve in spectrophotometry?

​4. Why do leaves of plants appear green? Would plants grow well in greenish-yellow light? Explain your answer.

​5. How might the basic techniques that you learned about today be used to solve crimes?

8–9 Spectrophotometry 89
90 EXERCISE 8 8–10
8–11 Spectrophotometry 91
92 EXERCISE 8 8–12
Diffusion and Osmosis
BIOLOGY Exercise 9
Passive Movement of Molecules
in Biological Systems
he prepared dead pollen grains in water and viewed them
Learning Objectives with a microscope. The dead pollen grains were moving.
They were being jostled by collisions from water mol-
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
ecules. Brownian movement is visible using your micro-
1. Understand Brownian movement and its relation-
scope’s high magnification. Carmine red dye mixed with
ship to molecular movement.
soap is a good suspension of small particles. The red dye
2. Explain the factors controlling a substance’s direc-
particles are small enough to vibrate when water molecules
tion and rate of diffusion.
bump into them.
3. Determine the direction and relative rates of diffu-
sion of molecules of different sizes.
SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked
4. Predict the direction and rate of osmosis into and
to read this exercise so you would know what to do
out of cells surrounded by hypotonic, hypertonic,
and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
and isotonic environments.
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
5. Describe how hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic
procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
solutions affect the volume and integrity of blood
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.
cells and plant cells.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab. Procedure 9.1  Observe Brownian movement
1. Place a small drop of a carmine red suspension on a
microscope slide and cover the drop with a coverslip.

A ll molecules display random thermal motion, or kinetic

energy; this is why a dissolved molecule tends to move
around in a solution. Kinetic energy causes molecules to
2. Focus first at low magnification; then rotate to
higher power (40×). Be careful not to get dye on
the objective lens.
diffuse outward from high concentrations to lower concen-
trations. This random movement is constant, but the net
movement of molecules from areas of high concentration
to areas of low concentration continues until the distribu-
tion of molecules is homogenous throughout the solution.
For example, when a dye dissolves in a container of water,
the dye disperses. The rate of dispersal depends on the tem-
perature and concentration of the dye, the size of the dye
molecules, and the temperature and the density of the sol-
vent. Regardless of this rate, the dye will eventually dis-
perse itself uniformly throughout the solution. This is easily
illustrated by placing a drop or crystal of dye into a glass of
water (fig. 9.1).

© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Charles Winters, photographer,
Heat causes random motion of molecules that passively TimeFrame Photography, Inc.
moves molecules in biological systems. Although we can-
Figure 9.1  Beakers of water before and after diffusion of a dye.
not directly see molecules move, we can see small particles Random movements of water and dye molecules drive diffusion,
move after they collide with moving molecules. This motion eventually resulting in a uniform distribution of the dye. Convection
was originally described in 1827 by Robert Browning after currents may also help distribute the dye in these solutions.

9–1 Diffusion and Osmosis 93

3. Fine focus the image. At first the field of view will pressure. The rate of diffusion is determined by the steep-
appear uniformly reddish gray. But with sharp focus, ness of the gradient and other characteristics of the specific
you will see thousands of small particles vibrating molecule in question, such as its size, polarity, or solubility.
rapidly. Temperature, pressure, and concentration all affect
4. Check with your instructor to determine if your micro- diffusion, but temperature and pressure are relatively con-
scope has oil immersion magnification and if you need stant in most biological systems. Therefore, concentration is
this to easily view the particles. If needed, follow their usually the best predictor of a substance’s direction of diffu-
instructions for using this objective. sion. But remember that temperature and pressure gradients
5. Leave the microscope light on. Observe any may also affect diffusion.
changes in motion caused by increased heat.
Diffusion and Molecular Weight
Question 1
Before your class meeting, your instructor inoculated some
a. Briefly describe your observation of the moving pig-
petri plates containing agar with either potassium perman-
ment particles.
ganate (molecular weight = 158 g mole−1), malachite green
(molecular weight = 929 g mole−1), or methylene blue
(molecular weight = 374 g mole−1).

Question 2
Which would you predict would diffuse faster: a substance
b. Does the movement of particles change visibly with having a high molecular weight or a substance having a low
heat? If so, how? molecular weight? Why?

Procedure 9.2  Observe diffusion as affected by
In biological systems, substances often move through
molecular weight
solutions and across membranes in a predictable direc-
tion. This passive, directional movement of molecules is 1. Examine one of the prepared agar plates and note
diffusion (fig. 9.2). The direction of diffusion depends the three halos of color. These halos indicate that the
on the concentration gradient, heat, and pressure. Specifi- chemicals have diffused away from the two original
cally, molecules diffuse from an area of high concentration, spots and moved through the agar.
heat, and pressure to an area of low concentration, heat, and 2. Measure the halos with a ruler.



a. Crystal of b. Diffusion of c. Equal distribution

dye is placed water and dye of molecules
in water molecules results

Figure 9.2  Process of diffusion. Diffusion is spontaneous, and no chemical energy is required to bring it about. (a) When a dye crystal is
placed in water, it is concentrated in one area. (b) The dye dissolves in the water, and there is a net movement of dye molecules from higher to
lower concentration. There is also a net movement of water molecules from a higher to a lower concentration. (c) Eventually the water and dye
molecules are equally distributed throughout the container.

94 EXERCISE 9 9–2
3. Record within the outline of a petri dish your observa- DIFFUSION AND DIFFERENTIALLY
tions of the size of each halo. PERMEABLE MEMBRANES
Membranes surround cells and organelles and organize an
immense number of simultaneous reactions. However, the
barrier imposed by a cellular membrane does not isolate a cell.
Instead, it allows a cell to selectively communicate with its
environment. Membranes are “alive” in the sense that they
respond to their environment and allow some molecules to
pass while retarding others. Thus, membranes are selective
and differentially permeable (fig. 9.3). This selective per-
meability results from the basic structure of membranes.
They have a two-layered core of nonpolar lipid molecules
that selects against molecules not readily soluble in lipids.
Question 3
You’ll learn more about membrane structure in Exercise 10.
a. Considering the different molecular weights of potas-
Membrane permeability to a solute depends on the
sium permanganate, malachite green, and methylene
solute’s size, charge (ions), polarity, and lipid solubility.
blue, which should have the larger halo after the same
Polar molecules have positively charged areas and nega-
amount of time? Why?
tively charged areas. Nonpolar molecules have no local
areas of charge. Small, uncharged, nonpolar, lipid-soluble
molecules pass most easily through the lipid core of a mem-
brane (see fig. 10.4).
In general, small molecules pass through a mem­
brane more easily than do large molecules. We can dem-
b. Do molecules stop moving when diffusion stops?
onstrate membrane selection for molecular size by using
Explain your answer.
a bag made from dialysis tubing to model a differentially
permeable membrane. Dialysis is the separation of dis-
solved substances by means of their unequal diffusion
through a differentially permeable membrane. Dialysis

Large organic Differentially permeable Water

molecule membrane molecules

Figure 9.3  A differentially permeable membrane prevents the movements of some molecules but not others. Arrows indicate the movement
of small molecules, such as water, from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. The large molecules cannot pass through
the membrane.

9–3 Diffusion and Osmosis 95

membranes (or tubing) are good models of differentially 6. Gently rinse the outside of each bag in tap water.
permeable membranes because they have small pores that 7. Fill a beaker with 200 mL of tap water and add
allow small molecules such as water to pass, but block 10 drops of 1 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Submerge
large molecules such as glucose. However, remember that the dialysis bag containing phenolphthalein in the
living cell membranes also discriminate among molecules beaker.
based on charge and solubility, whereas dialysis tubing
used in these procedures does not. Dialysis tubing is only
a physical model of a cell, and its selectivity is based only Do not spill the NaOH. It is extremely caustic.
on molecular size.
Examine some dialysis tubing. Although the dried
material looks like a narrow sheet of cellophane, it is a flat- 8. Fill a beaker with 200 mL of tap water and add
tened, open-ended tube. 20–40 drops of iodine. Submerge the dialysis bag con-
In procedure 9.3 you will use two indicators: phenol­ taining starch in the beaker.
phthalein and iodine. Phenolphthalein is a pH indicator 9. Observe color changes in the two bags’ contents and
that turns red in basic solutions (see Exercise 5). Iodine is a the surrounding solutions.
starch indicator that changes from yellow to dark blue in the 10. In this experiment some of the solutes can move
presence of starch (see Exercise 6). through the membrane and some cannot. Water can
freely move through the membrane, but the movement
Procedure 9.3  Observe diffusion across a dif­ of water is not of interest in this experiment.
ferentially permeable membrane 1 1. Record in figure 9.5 the color inside and outside the
1. Obtain four pieces of string or dialysis clips and two bags. Label the contents inside and outside the bags.
pieces of water-soaked dialysis tubing approximately
15 cm long. Question 4
a. Describe color changes in the two bags and their sur-
2. Seal one end of each bag by folding over 1–2 cm of the
rounding solutions.
end. Then accordion-fold this end and tie it tightly with
monofilament line or string (fig. 9.4). The ends of the
tube must be sealed tightly to prevent leaks.
3. Roll the untied end of each tube between your b. For which molecules and ions (phenolphthalein,
thumb and finger to open it and form a bag. iodine, starch, Na+, OH−) does your experiment give
4. Use either a graduated cylinder or pipet to fill one tube evidence for passage through the semipermeable
with 10 mL of water and add three drops of phenol- membrane?
phthalein. Seal the open end of the bag by folding the
end and tying it securely.
5. Fill the other bag with 10 mL of starch suspension.
Seal the open end of the bag by folding the end and
tying it securely.

Obtain a soaked Fold one end; Add appropriate Press slightly to Rinse bag; place
dialysis tube tie securely contents remove most bubbles; in beaker containing
tie securely appropriate solution

Figure 9.4  Preparation of dialysis tubing as a model of a cell surrounded by a differentially permeable membrane.

96 EXERCISE 9 9–4
(a) (b)

Figure 9.5  (a) Movements and reaction of sodium hydroxide and phenolphthalein through a differentially permeable membrane. (b)
Movements and reaction of iodine and starch through a differentially permeable membrane. Record the results of your experiment on this diagram.

c. What characteristic distinguishes those molecules and Bag B represents a cell whose solute concentration
ions passing through the membrane from those that do equals the concentration in the environment; this cell
not pass through the membrane? (bag B) is isotonic to its environment. Isotonic refers to two
solutions that have equal concentrations of solutes. Bags C
and D are both hypertonic to their environment and have
higher solute concentrations than the surrounding envi-
ronment. Remember that the solute (sugar) does not pass
through the membrane—only the water does.


Start this experiment at the beginning of the lab period so
The speed at which a substance diffuses from one area to that you’ll have enough time to see results.
another depends primarily on the concentration gradient
between those areas. For example, if concentrations of a
diffusing substance at the two areas differ greatly, then dif- Procedure 9.4  Observe osmosis across a con­
fusion is rapid. Conversely, when the concentration of a sub- centration gradient
stance at the two areas is equal, the diffusion rate is zero and 1. Obtain eight pieces of string and four pieces of water-
there is no net movement of the substance. soaked dialysis tubing each 15 cm long. Seal one end
Osmosis is diffusion of water across a differentially of each tube by folding and tying it tightly.
permeable membrane. Osmosis follows the same laws as 2. Open the other end of the tube by rolling it between
diffusion but always refers to water, the principal solvent your thumb and finger.
in cells. A solution is a homogenous, liquid mixture of two 3. Fill the bags with the contents shown in figure 9.6. To
or more kinds of molecules. A solvent is a fluid that dissolves label each bag, insert a small piece of paper with the
substances, and a solute is a substance dissolved in a solution. appropriate letter (A, B, C, or D written on it in pencil).
We can simulate osmosis by using dialysis bags to
4. For each bag, loosely fold the open end and press on
model cells under different conditions and measuring the
the sides to push the fluid up slightly and remove most
direction and rate of osmosis. Each of the four dialysis
of the air bubbles. Tie the folded ends securely, rinse
bags in the following experiment is a model of a cell. Bag
the bags, and check for leaks.
A simulates a cell containing a solute concentration that is
hypotonic relative to its environment. Hypotonic describes 5. Gently blot excess water from the outside of the bags
a solution with a lower concentration of solutes, especially and weigh each bag to the nearest 0.1 g.
those solutes that do not pass across the surrounding mem- 6. Record these initial weights in table 9.1 in the first
brane. Water moves across semipermeable membranes out column.
of hypotonic solutions. Conversely, the solution surround- 7. Place bags B, C, and D in three individual beakers
ing bag A is hypertonic relative to the cell. Hypertonic or one large bowl filled with 1% sucrose (fig. 9.6).
refers to a solution with a high concentration of solutes. Record the time.

9–5 Diffusion and Osmosis 97

10% sucrose
sucrose Bag A
10 mL Bag B Bag C Bag D
1% sucrose 10 mL 10 mL 10 mL
1% sucrose 10% sucrose 20% sucrose

Figure 9.6  Experimental setup for four cellular models used to measure the rate of osmosis.

8. Place bag A in a 250-mL beaker and fill the beaker independent variable, so Total Weight is the dependent
with 150 mL of 10% sucrose. Record the time. variable. The depen­dent variable is always graphed on
9. Remove the bags from the beakers at 15-min intervals the vertical axis. Time is the variable that you estab-
for the next hour (or at intervals indicated by your lished and actively controlled and, therefore, is the
instructor), gently blot them dry, and weigh them to independent variable. The independent variable is
the nearest 0.1 g. Handle the bags delicately to avoid always graphed on the horizontal axis.
leaks, and quickly return the bags to their respective 2. Graphs must have a title (e.g., Relationship between
containers. Time and Weight Gain), correctly labeled axes (e.g.,
10. During the 15-min intervals, use your knowledge of Total Weight, Time), a label showing measurement
osmosis to make hypotheses about the direction of units (e.g., g and min), and values along each axis
water flow in each system (i.e., into or out of bag), and (e.g., 0, 15, 30, 45, 60). Include these in your graph.
the extent of water flow in each system (i.e., in which 3. Plot the data for total weight at each time interval from
system will osmosis be most rapid?). table 9.1.
1 1. For each 15-min interval record the total weight of 4. Include the data for all four bags as four separate
each bag and its contents in table 9.1. Then calculate curves on the same graph.
and record in table 9.1 the change in weight since the
previous weighing. Question 5
a. Did water move across the membrane in all bags con-
Procedure 9.5  Graph osmosis taining solutions of sugar?

1. Use the graph paper at the end of this exercise to con-

struct a graph with Total Weight (g) versus Time (min).
Total Weight changed in response to differences in the


0 MIN 15 MIN 30 MIN 45 MIN 60 MIN

Bag A
Bag B
Bag C
Bag D

*Each change in weight is only for the previous 15-min interval.

98 EXERCISE 9 9–6
b. In which bags did osmosis occur? WATER POTENTIAL
Plants must balance the uptake and loss of water as it moves
from one part of a plant to another and in and out of cells
by osmosis. However, the concentration gradient of water
and solutes doesn’t solely determine the direction and rate of
c. A concentration gradient for water must be present in water movement. Physical pressure influenced by cell walls
cells for osmosis to occur. Which bag represented the and evaporation is also important. Plant physiologists refer
steepest concentration gradient relative to its surround- to the combined effects of these factors as water potential;
ing environment? water flows from an area of high water potential to an area
of low potential. Both high water concentration (low solute
concentration) and high pressure increase water potential.
Similarly, high solutes and low pressure decrease water
potential. In simple terms, water flows through a plant from
d. The steepest gradient should result in the highest rate higher water potentials of roots toward lower water poten-
of diffusion. Examine the data in table 9.1 for Change tials of leaves. These lower potentials in leaves are created
in Weight during the 15- and 30-min intervals. Did by their loss of water to the atmosphere (see Exercise 33).
the greatest changes in weight occur in cells with the In the following procedure you will measure the concentra-
steepest concentration gradients? Why or why not? tion of solutes in potato cells and relate this concentration to
water potential.

Procedure 9.6  Determine the concentration of

solutes in living plant cells
1. Locate the five beakers prepared by your instructor
Question 6 with five concentrations of salt (NaCl) solution.
a. Refer to your graph. How does the slope of a segment 2. The cylinders of potato that you see in the solutions
of a curve relate to the rate of diffusion? were all originally the same size (i.e., the same length
or weight). Check the beaker labels to determine which
measure of size (length or weight) you will be using as
your data.
3. Record the initial values in table 9.2.
b. What influence on diffusion (i.e., temperature, pressure, 4. Carefully remove three of the potato cylinders from
concentration) causes the curves for bags C and D even- each solution and measure their size.
tually to become horizontal (i.e., have a slope = 0)? 5. Record your data in table 9.2.
6. Calculate the mean change in size and record the data
in table 9.2.
7. Your instructor may ask you to graph your data (see
Question 7f). Follow his or her instructions.







9–7 Diffusion and Osmosis 99

a. Which potato cylinders increased in size or
weight? Why? Living red blood cells (erythrocytes) are good models for
studying osmosis and diffusion in hypotonic, hypertonic,
and isotonic solutions. Osmosis occurs when living cells are
placed in a hypotonic or hypertonic environment and water
diffuses into or out of the cell (fig. 9.7). For example, in the
b. Which solution(s) contained a higher concentration of previous experiment, water moved into cells toward the low
solutes and therefore a lower water potential than in concentration of water. However, osmosis into animal cells
the potato cells? Explain your answer. increases the hydrostatic (i.e., water) pressure and may burst
the cells because they lack cell walls. This destruction of a
cell by the influx of water (causing the cell to burst) is called
lysis. Such destruction of a red blood cell is called hemolysis.
c. Which salt solution best approximated the water poten- If water flows out of a cell into a hypertonic solution, the cell
tial in the potato cells? How do you know this? will shrivel and become crenate.

Procedure 9.7  Observe hemolysis

1. Obtain and label three test tubes and fill them with the
d. For a growing potato plant what would you predict as solutions listed in table 9.3.
the water potential of the potato relative to the soil?
2. Add four drops of fresh sheep’s blood to each tube.
Relative to the leaves?

Wash your hands thoroughly after working with

blood products. Always handle sheep blood with
caution and avoid skin contact.
e. What might be some sources of error in this experiment?

3. Cover each tube with Parafilm and invert the tubes to

mix the contents.
4. Hold each tube in front of a printed page and determine
f. How could a graph of your data help you estimate the if you can read the print through the solution (fig. 9.8).
solute concentration of potato cells? Record your results in table 9.3.
5. Obtain a microscope, slide, and coverslip.

Red blood cell

Hypotonic solution Isotonic solution Hypertonic solution

Figure 9.7  Osmosis of water surrounding animal cells. When the outer solution is hypotonic with respect to the cell, water will move into the
cells and the cells will lyse; when it is hypertonic, water will move out of the cells and the cells will shrink (i.e., become crenate).

100 EXERCISE 9 9–8


 ​1 5 mL 10% NaCl

 ​2 5 mL 0.9% NaCl
 ​3 5 mL distilled water

6. Use an eyedropper or pipet to obtain one drop from Question 8

each tube. Make a wet mount and examine the blood a. Through which test tubes could you read the printed
cells. Use low magnification first and then higher page? Why?
7. Record in table 9.3 the cell’s condition as crenate, nor-
mal, or lysed.

b. Which concentration of NaCl lysed the cells?

c. Which of the three solutions most closely approxi-

mates the solute concentration in a red blood cell?
How do you know?


Plasmolysis is the shrinking of the cytoplasm of a plant cell
in response to diffusion of water out of the cell and into a
Figure 9.8  Experimental setup for determining hemolysis. hypertonic solution (high salt concentration) surrounding
Hypotonic solutions will hemolyze cells. the cell (fig. 9.9). During plasmolysis the cellular membrane
pulls away from the cell wall (fig. 9.10).

Cell wall

Hypotonic solution Isotonic solution Hypertonic solution

causing plasmolysis

Figure 9.9  Osmosis of water into and out of plant cells. In most plant cells the large central vacuole contains a high concentration of solutes
(i.e., the environment surrounding the cell is hypotonic to the cell), so water tends to diffuse into the cells, causing the cells to swell outward against
their rigid cell walls. However, if a plant cell is immersed in a high-solute (hypertonic) solution, water will leave the cell, causing the cytoplasm to
shrink and pull away from the cell wall.

9–9 Diffusion and Osmosis 101

© M. I. Walker/Science Source © Ed Reschke/Getty Images
(a) (b)

Figure 9.10  (a) Turgid Elodea cells (100×). (b) Plasmolyzed Elodea cells (200×) showing the effects of exposure to a hypertonic solution.

Procedure 9.8  Observe plasmolysis b. What can you conclude about the permeability of the
cell membrane (i.e., the membrane surrounding the
1. Prepare a wet mount of a thin layer of onion epidermis
cytoplasm) and vacuolar membrane (the membrane
or Elodea leaf. Examine the cells.
surrounding the vacuole) to water?
2. Add two or three drops of 30% NaCl to one edge of the
3. Wick this salt solution under the coverslip by touch-
ing a piece of absorbent paper towel to the fluid at the
opposite edge of the coverslip.
4. Examine the cells. The cytoplasm is no longer pressed To observe the effects of cellular plasmolysis on a larger
against the cell wall. This shrinkage is plasmolysis. scale, compare petioles of celery that have been immersed
overnight in distilled water or in a salt solution.
Question 9
a. Why did the plant cells plasmolyze when immersed in
a hypertonic solution? Question 10
What causes crispness (i.e., firmness, crunchiness) in celery?

102 EXERCISE 9 9–10

Determining the Concentrations of Solutes in Plant Tissue
Observation: Water moves into and out of cells along a con- c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
centration gradient. The more solutes present in cells, the record it.
greater the tendency for water to move into the cells. d. Outline on Worksheet 9 your experimental design and sup-
Question: What is the approximate concentration of solutes in plies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to
a piece of apple? review your proposed investigation.
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation question, and make relevant comments.
Worksheet 9 from your instructor. f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and needed.
record your group’s best question for investigation.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. Why must particles be extremely small to demonstrate Brownian movement?

​2. What is the difference between molecular motion and diffusion?

​3. If you immerse your hand in distilled water for 15 min, will your cells lyse? Why or why not?

​4. Your data for diffusion of water across a differentially permeable membrane in response to a sucrose gradient could be
graphed with Change in Weight on the vertical axis rather than Total Weight. How would you interpret the slope of the
curves produced when you do this?

​5. How do cells such as algae and protists avoid lysis in fresh water?


Where in an animal might pressure affect
diffusion of a substance?

9–11 Diffusion and Osmosis 103

104 EXERCISE 9 9–12
Cellular Membranes
BIOLOGY Exercise 10
Effects of Physical and Chemical Stress

Charged CH3
Learning Objectives nitrogen- CH3 N1 CH3
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: region CH2
1. Relate membrane structure to its function. CH2
2. Describe the aspects of membrane structure most O
vulnerable to physical and chemical stress. O P O2 Polar head
3. Predict the effect of common organic solvents Phosphate
and extreme temperatures on membrane integrity. Glycerol H
4. Relate the results of experiments with beet backbone
membranes to the general structure and function of
Ends of
membranes. fatty acids
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online H2C
resources tailored to this lab. H2C

M embranes separate and organize the myriad of reac- CH2 CH2 Nonpolar tail
tions within cells and allow communication with the H2C (hydrophobic)
surrounding environment. Although they are only a few mol- H2C H2C
ecules thick (6–10 nm), membranes (1) retard diffusion of CH2 CH2
selected molecules; (2) house receptor molecules that detect H2C
other cells, organelles, and hormones; (3) provide sites for H3C H3C
active and passive transport of selected molecules; (4) orga-
Chemical Space-filling
nize life processes by providing surfaces to accommodate structure model
chemical reactions; and (5) help maintain the integrity of cells.
As with all biological entities, the structure of a mem- Figure 10.1  The structure of a phospholipid. The backbone of a
brane reflects its function. Membranes consist of a phospho- phospholipid is glycerol, a three-carbon alcohol. Glycerol is bonded
to two fatty acids, both hydrophobic, and to one phosphate group,
lipid bilayer; attached to or embedded within this bilayer which is hydrophilic. Phospholipids vary by their fatty acids and by
are thousands of proteins. A phospholipid molecule con- the side chains attached to the phosphate. The polar head may include
sists of a phosphate group and two fatty acids bonded to a glycerol, sugars, and nitrogen-containing groups as shown here.
three-carbon, glycerol chain (fig. 10.1). Phospholipids have
an unevenly distributed charge; that is, they have charged densely packed in some membranes and sparse in others.
(polar) and uncharged (nonpolar) areas. In phospholipids Carbohydrate chains (strings of sugar molecules) are often
the phosphate group and glycerol are polar and hydrophilic bound to these proteins and to lipids. These chains serve as
(“water-loving”), whereas the fatty-acid chains are nonpolar distinctive tags that identify particular types of cells. These
and hydrophobic (“water-fearing”). Such molecules with elaborate molecular elements form the fluid mosaic model
two different affinities are amphipathic, and amphipathic of membrane structure.
phospholipids have a natural tendency to self-assemble into Membranes are selectively permeable. The proteins
a double-layered sheet (fig. 10.2). In this double layer, the embedded in the phospholipid bilayer can selectively take
hydrophobic tails of lipids form the core of the membrane, up or expel molecules that otherwise could not penetrate
and the hydrophilic phosphate groups line both surfaces. the membrane. In doing so, these proteins function as pores,
This elegant assembly is stable, self-repairing, and resists permitting and often facilitating the passage of specific ions
penetration by most hydrophilic molecules. and polar molecules. In addition to forming pores and sites
Membranes also include proteins dispersed through- for active transport, membrane-bound proteins also function
out the fluid bilayer of lipids (fig. 10.3). These proteins are as enzymes and receptors that detect signals from the envi-
not fixed in position; they move about freely and may be ronment or from other cells.

10–1 Cellular Membranes 105

The physical and chemical integrity of a membrane is
crucial for the proper functioning of the cell or organelle that
it surrounds. As a stable sheet of interlocking molecules, the
membrane functions as a barrier to simple diffusion. In gen-
eral, the permeability of a membrane to a solute depends on a
combination of the solute’s size, charge (ions), polarity, and
Schematic Polar lipid solubility. Small, uncharged, nonpolar, lipid-soluble
drawing of a heads molecules pass most easily through the lipid core of a mem-
phospholipid brane (fig. 10.4).

Question 1
a. What ions must routinely move across cell membranes?


fatty acid
tails b. How could membranes promote the movement of ions
Membrane out of or into cells? How could membranes restrict the
bilayer Polar
heads movement of ions out of or into cells?

Figure 10.2  Arrangement of phospholipids in a biological

membrane, such as the plasma membrane that encloses cells. The
hydrophilic regions of the phospholipid face the watery environments
on either side of the membrane, while the hydrophobic regions
associate with each other in the interior of the membrane, thereby
forming a bilayer.

Extracellular environment
Glycolipid Phospholipid
Integral Glycoprotein

Cytosolic Nonpolar

Peripheral membrane
proteins Cholesterol Polar
Cytosol (found only in
animal cells)

Figure 10.3  Fluid-mosaic model of membrane structure. The basic framework of a plasma membrane is a phospholipid bilayer. Proteins may
span the membrane and may be bound on the surface to other proteins or lipids. Proteins and lipids, which have covalently-bound carbohydrates,
are called glycoproteins and glycolipids, respectively.

106 EXERCISE 10 10–2

Artificial bilayer In two procedures you will subject beet cells to a
range of temperatures and organic solvents and determine
Gases CO2 which treatments stress and damage the membranes the
N2 most. If stress damages the membranes, betacyanin will leak
through the tonoplast and plasma membrane. This leakage
High Very Ethanol from the stressed beet will color the surrounding water red.
permeability small, Thus, you can measure membrane damage by measuring the
molecules intensity of color resulting from a treatment.

SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab you were asked

Water H2O to read this exercise so you would know what to do,
Moderate and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
permeability Urea H2NCONH2 briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.
Polar Sugars
Low organic
permeability molecules

Ions Na1, K1, Mg21, Ca21,

Charged Amino acids
Very low polar ATP
permeability molecules Proteins Membranes are sensitive to extreme temperatures. High
and Polysaccharides temperatures cause violent molecular collisions that degrade
macro- Nucleic acids a membrane as a physical barrier to diffusion. Conversely,
molecules (DNA and RNA)
freezing temperatures cause water to crystallize as ice and
expand because of hydrogen bond alignment. This expan-
Figure 10.4  Relative permeability of an artificial phospholipid sion and formation of ice often rupture membranes.
bilayer to a variety of solutes. Solutes that easily penetrate the
membrane are shown with a straight arrow that passes through Procedure 10.1  Observe the effect of tempera-
the bilayer. The dotted line indicates solutes that have moderate
permeability. The remaining solutes shown at the bottom are ture stress on cellular membranes
relatively impermeable. 1. Examine the treatments listed in table 10.1. Hypoth-
esize which treatments will cause the most and least
damage. Record your rankings alongside the tube num-
c. Could a cell survive without an intact cell membrane?
bers in the column marked Tube Number.
2. Cut six uniform cylinders of beet using a cork borer
with a 5-mm inside diameter. Trim each cylinder to
exactly 15 mm in length. All of the cylinders must be
the same size.
3. Place these cylinders of beet tissue in a beaker and
rinse them with tap water for 2 min to wash betacyanin
from the injured cells on the surface. Be sure that all of
the cylinders are washed in the same way. Discard the
colored rinse-water.
BEET CELLS AS AN EXPERIMENTAL 4. Gently place one of the six beet sections into each of six
SYSTEM dry test tubes. Do not crush, stab, or otherwise damage
the cylinders when moving them to the test tubes.
Beet tissue will be your model to investigate membrane 5. Label the tubes 1–6 and write the temperature treat-
integrity. Roots of beet (Beta vulgaris) contain large ment on each tube as listed in table 10.1.
amounts of a reddish pigment called betacyanin localized
­almost entirely in the large central vacuoles of cells. In 6. FOR COLD TREATMENTS:
healthy cells, betacyanin remains inside the vacuoles, sur- a. Place tube 5 in a refrigerator (5°C) and tube 6 in a
rounded by a vacuolar membrane called the tonoplast. The freezer (−5°C). If a refrigerator and freezer are not
entire cell (including the vacuole, tonoplast, and cytoplasm) available in your lab, give your labeled tubes to an
is surrounded by a cell membrane and cell wall. assistant who will take them to another facility.

10–3 Cellular Membranes 107

TABLE 10.1


NUMBER (°C) (0–10) (460 NM)
1 70

2 55

3 40

4 20

5 5

6 −5

b. Leave tubes 5 and 6 in the cold for 30 min. While Then remove and discard the beets and measure
waiting, proceed with hot treatments (step 7). the extent of membrane injury according to the
However, watch your time and return to steps 6c amount of betacyanin that diffused into the water.
and 6d after 30 min.
c. After 30 min, remove the beets from the freezer
Quantify the relative color of each solution between
and refrigerator and add 10.0 mL of distilled water
0 (colorless) and 10 (darkest red). If color standards are
at room temperature to each of the tubes.
available in the lab, use them to determine relative val-
d. Let the cold-treated beets soak in distilled water ues for the colors of your samples. Record the results
for 20 min. Then remove and discard the beets for your work group in table 10.1. Also provide your
from tubes 5 and 6. results to the instructor to calculate the class averages.
a. Take the beet section out of tube 1 and immerse Use the graph paper at the end of this exercise to
it in a beaker of hot water at 70°C for 1 min. If graph Temperatures versus Relative Color for the class
a 70°C water-bath is not available, hot tap water averages according to a demonstration graph provided by
should be adequate, but carefully adjust the tem- your instructor. Your instructor may also ask you to quan-
perature to 70°C. Handle the beet gently with for- tify your results further using a spectrophotometer. If so, see
ceps, and don’t squeeze it tightly because you may Exercise 8 for instructions for using a spectrophotometer.
rupture the beet’s cells. Read the absorbance of the solutions at 460 nm and record
your results and the class average results in table 10.1. Then
b. After 1 min at 70°C, return the beet to tube 1 and add
graph Temperature versus Absorbance for the class averages.
10.0 mL of distilled water at room temperature.
c. If a 55°C water-bath is not available, slowly add Question 2
ice chips or cold water to cool the beaker of hot a. Which temperature damaged membranes the most?
water to 55°C. Then immerse the beet from tube 2 Which the least? How do you know?
for 1 min. Return the beet to tube 2 and add
10.0 mL of distilled water at room temperature.
d. If a 40°C water-bath is not available, cool the
beaker of hot water to 40°C. Then immerse the
beet from tube 3 for 1 min. Return the beet to
tube 3 and add 10.0 mL of distilled water at room b. In general, which is more damaging to membranes,
temperature. extreme heat or extreme cold? Why?
e. If a 20°C water-bath is not available, cool the bea-
ker of hot water to 20°C. Then immerse the beet
from tube 4 for 1 min. Return the beet to tube 4 and
add 10.0 mL of distilled water at room temperature.
f. Allow the treated beets in tubes 1–4 to soak in
distilled water at room temperature for 20 min.

108 EXERCISE 10 10–4

TABLE 10.2


NUMBER (0–10) (460 NM)
1 1% acetone

2 25% acetone

3 50% acetone

4 1% methanol

5 25% methanol

6 50% methanol

7 Isotonic saline

c. If the results of this experiment are easily observed Question 3

with the unaided eye, why use a spectrophotometer? Which of the organic liquids (acetone or methanol) do you
predict will damage membranes the most?

d. The beets were subjected to cold temperatures longer

than to hot temperatures to make sure that the beet sec-
tions were thoroughly treated. Why does the freezing
Procedure 10.2  Observe the effect of organic
solvents on cellular membranes
treatment require more time?
1. Examine the treatments listed in table 10.2.
Hypothesize which treatments will cause the most and
least damage. Note your rankings alongside the tube
numbers in the column marked Tube Number.
2. Cut seven uniform cylinders of beet using a cork borer
e. How accurate were your hypothesized rankings for the with a 5-mm inside diameter. Trim each cylinder to
organic solvent treatments? exactly 15 mm in length. All the cylinders must be the
same size.
3. Place these cylinders of beet tissue in a beaker and
rinse them with tap water for 2 min to wash betacyanin
from the injured cells on the surface. Be sure that all
of the cylinders are the same size. Discard the colored
STRESS ON MEMBRANES 4. Place one of the seven beet sections into each of seven
dry test tubes. Do not crush, stab, or otherwise damage
Organic solvents dissolve a membrane’s lipids. Acetone and the cylinders when moving them to the test tubes.
methanol are common solvents for various organic mol­ 5. Label the tubes 1–7 and write the organic-solvent treat-
ecules, but acetone has the greater ability to dissolve lipids. ment on each tube as listed in table 10.2.
Organic solvents are flammable. Extinguish all open 6. Add 10.0 mL of the appropriate solvent (see table 10.2)
flames and heating elements before doing the follow- to each of the seven tubes.
ing procedure. Do not pour organic solvents down the 7. Keep all beets at room temperature for 20 min and
drain. Dispose of them properly. Use a fume hood as shake them occasionally. Then remove and discard
directed by your instructor. the beet sections and measure the extent of membrane

10–5 Cellular Membranes 109

damage according to the amount of betacyanin that dif- c. In which solvent are lipids most soluble?
fused into the water.
8. Quantify the relative color of each solution between 0
(colorless) and 10 (darkest red). If color standards are
available in the lab, use them to determine relative val-
ues for the colors of your samples. Record the results
for your work group in table 10.2. Also provide your
results to the instructor to calculate the class averages. d. The concentration of solvent affects its ability to dis-
solve lipids. Based on your results, did the highest con-
Be sure to dispose of the organic solvents as centration of both solvents cause the most damage?
directed by your ­instructor.

Graph Concentration of Organic Solvent versus

Relative Color for the class averages according to a dem­
onstration graph provided by your instructor. Your instructor
may also ask you to further quantify your results using a e. What other solvents might be interesting to test in this
spectrophotometer. If so, see Exercise 8 for instructions experiment?
for using a spectrophotometer. Read the absorbance of the
solutions at 460 nm and record your results and the class
average results in table 10.2. Then graph Concentration of
Organic Solvent versus Absorbance for the class averages.

Question 4
a. Based on your results, are lipids soluble in both
f. What was the purpose of tube 7?
acetone and methanol?

b. Based on your results, which damages membranes

g. How accurate were your hypothesized rankings for the
more: 50% methanol or 25% acetone?
temperature treatments?

Effects of Environmental Stimuli on Cellular Membranes
Observation: Cellular membranes are the interface between c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
cells and their environment. The integrity of cellular mem- record it.
branes, which is critical for the proper functioning of the d. Outline on Worksheet 10 your experimental design and
membranes and cells, is affected by environmental stimuli. supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor
Question: How do solvents or temperature affect membrane to review your proposed investigation.
permeability? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your questions,
Worksheet 10 from your instructor. hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

110 EXERCISE 10 10–6

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​ 1. Are your conclusions about membrane structure and stress valid only for beet cells? Why or why not?

​2. What characteristics of beets make them useful as experimental models for studying cellular membranes?

​3. Explain why phospholipids have a natural tendency to self-assemble into a bilayer. Why is this biologically important?

​4. Freezing temperatures are often used to preserve food. Considering the results of this experiment, which qualities of food
are preserved and which are not?

​5. Movement of water through membranes has long puzzled scientists. Why would you not expect water to move easily
through a membrane?


How would you design an experiment to What role did the stability and tendency for
determine the relative lipid solubilities of various self-assembly play in the early evolution of life?
organic solvents?

10–7 Cellular Membranes 111

112 EXERCISE 10 10–8
BIOLOGY Exercise 11
Factors Affecting the Rate of Activity

Learning Objectives F ortunately, not all chemical reactions within our cells
occur spontaneously. If they did, our metabolism would
be chaotic. Instead, most reactions in cells are controlled by
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
proteins called enzymes. Enzymes are biocatalysts, mean-
1. Describe the relationship between structure and
ing that they accelerate metabolic reactions to biologically
function of enzymes.
useful rates. Specifically, enzymes catalyze (accelerate)
2. Relate structure and function to active sites, modes
reactions by lowering the activation energy needed for the
of inhibition, and optimal ­conditions for enzymatic
reaction to occur (fig. 11.1).
Enzymes bind to reacting molecules called the
3. Hypothesize and test how inhibitors and changes
substrate, to form an enzyme-substrate complex. This
in temperature and pH affect enzymatic reaction
complex stresses or distorts chemical bonds and forms a
transition state in which the substrate becomes more reac­
4. Describe how some enzymatic reaction rates can
tive. The energy needed to form the transition state is called
be measured by color changes and gas liberation as
energy of activation and is lowered by the enzyme. The site
products are formed.
of attachment and the surrounding parts of the enzyme that
stress the substrate’s bonds constitute the enzyme’s active
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online site (fig. 11.2).
resources tailored to this lab.
The reaction is complete when the product forms and
the enzyme is released in its original condition. The enzyme

Energy supplied

without Catalyzed
Activation energy
with enzyme

Reactant Reactant
Energy released

Product Product

(a) (b)

Figure 11.1  Activation energy and catalysis. (a) Exergonic reactions (those that release energy) do not necessarily proceed rapidly because
energy must be supplied to destabilize existing chemical bonds. This extra energy is the activation energy for the reaction. (b) Catalysts such as
enzymes accelerate particular reactions by lowering the amount of activation energy required to initiate the reaction.

11–1 Enzymes 113
Enzymes are proteins made of long chains of amino
Active site
acids that form complex shapes. Although cells contain
many enzymes, each enzyme has a precise structure and
function, and catalyzes a specific reaction. This specificity
results from an enzyme’s unique structure and shape. The
complex shape of the active site on the enzyme’s surface
usually couples with only one type of substrate.
Any structural change in an enzyme may denature
or destroy its effectiveness by altering the active site and
slowing the reaction. Denatured enzymes may result from
extreme temperature, extreme pH, or any environmental
condition that fundamentally alters a protein’s structure.
Enzyme Enzyme–substrate complex Therefore, the rate of an enzymatic reaction depends on
conditions in the immediate environment. These conditions
(a) (b)
affect the shape of the enzyme and modify the active site
Figure 11.2  Enzyme binding its substrate. (a) The active site and precise fit of an enzyme and its substrate.
of an enzyme fits the shape of its substrate. (b) When the substrate, The range of values for environmental factors such as
indicated in yellow, slides into the active site, the protein binds the temperature and pH within which an enzyme functions best
substrate tightly and slightly alters the substrate’s shape. represents that enzyme’s optimal conditions. The optimal
conditions for the enzymes of an organism are usually adap-
tive for the environment of the organism. Other factors such
then repeats the process with other molecules of substrate
as the amount of substrate or concentration of enzyme also
(fig. 11.3). Enzymes are reusable.
affect the reaction rate.
In this exercise you will learn that environmental fac-
Enzyme + substrate → enzyme-substrate → enzyme + product tors such as temperature and pH affect enzymatic reactions
omplex (fig. 11.4). You will also investigate how inhibitors affect
enzymatic activity.

1. The substrate, sucrose, 3. The binding of the substrate and

consists of glucose and enzyme places stress on the glucose–
fructose bonded together. fructose bond, and the bond breaks.

2. The substrate binds to the active site

Bond of the enzyme, forming an enzyme–
substrate complex. Fructose

4. Products are
released, and
the enzyme is
free to bind other

Active site


Figure 11.3  The catalytic cycle of an enzyme. Enzymes increase the speed of chemical reactions but are not themselves permanently altered
by the process. Here, the enzyme sucrase splits the disaccharide sucrose (steps 1, 2, 3, and 4) into its two parts, the monosaccharides glucose and
fructose. After the enzyme releases the glucose and fructose, it can bind another molecule of sucrose and begin the catalytic cycle again.

114 EXERCISE 11 11–2

SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked
Optimum temperature Optimum temperature for enzyme to read this exercise so you would know what to do
Rate of Reaction
for human enzyme from hotsprings prokaryote and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.

30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature of Reaction (°C)

Procedure 11.1  Determine the effect of

Rate of Reaction

Optimum pH for pepsin Optimum pH for trypsin

temperature on catechol oxidase activity
1. Read all steps in this procedure and state the null
hypothesis that your experiments will test.
2. Prepare water-baths at 40°C and 80°C. Locate a refrig-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 erator or ice bath at or below 4°C. Place a test-tube
pH of Reaction rack in each bath and in the refrigerator.
(b) 3. Obtain seven test tubes and number them at the top 1–7.
4. Obtain a tube of potato extract and a tube of 1% cat-
Figure 11.4  Enzymes are sensitive to their environment. The echol from your instructor.
activity of an enzyme is influenced by both (a) temperature and
(b) pH. Most enzymes in humans, such as the protein-degrading 5. Add distilled water, pH buffer, and potato extract
enzyme trypsin, work best at temperatures about 40°C and within a to the tubes as listed in table 11.1. Shake or swirl to
pH range of 6 to 8. As you can see, however, pepsin works best at resuspend the potato extract.
a much lower pH than does trypsin.
6. Place the tubes in the appropriate bath or refrigerator.
Allow each tube to stand undisturbed for 5 min at its
respective temperature. Put tubes 1–4 in a test-tube
TEMPERATURE AFFECTS THE ACTIVITY rack at room temperature (approximately 22°C).
OF ENZYMES 7. Add 1% catechol solution to tubes 2 and 4–7 as listed
Heat increases the rate of most chemical reactions. During in table 11.1. For each tube immediately record in table
enzymatic reactions, faster molecular motion caused by 11.2 any color changes for 0 min. Record qualitative
heat increases the probability that enzyme molecules will color changes on a scale between 0 (no change) ​and
contact substrate molecules. The rate of chemical reactions 5 (drastic change).
generally doubles with a 10°C rise in temperature. 8. Every 5 min observe and note color changes in the
However, higher temperatures do not always accelerate seven tubes over the next 20 min. Always return the
enzymatic reactions; enzymatic reactions have an optimal tubes to their original temperature locations (e.g.,
range of temperatures. Temperatures above or below this refrigerator, water-bath).
range decrease the reaction rate. Extreme temperatures 9. If your instructor asks you to further quantify your
often denature ­enzymes. data, then measure the absorbance of the solution in
The effects of temperature on enzyme activity can be each tube using a spectrophotometer set to 470 nm
investigated with catechol oxidase, a plant enzyme that with tube 3 as a blank. Refer to Exercise 8 and the vid-
converts catechol to benzoquinone. When fruit is bruised, eos tailored to that exercise for instructions on how to
injured cells release catechol and catechol oxidase, which use the spectrophotometer.
react to form a brownish product, benzoquinone. Toxic to 1 0. Clean your work area and materials. Catechol must be
bacteria, benzoquinone prevents decay in damaged cells. disposed into waste containers, not down the sink
Your source of catechol oxidase will be potato extract. drain.
catechol Question 1
Catechol benzoquinone a. Do your data support or refute your hypotheses?
(substrate) (enzyme) (product)

Catechol is toxic. Wash well with soap and water

after skin ­contact.

11–3 Enzymes 115
TABLE 11.1


1 2 mL 1 mL 22°C

2 1 mL 1 mL 1 mL 22°C

3 1 mL 1 mL 1 mL 22°C

4 1 mL 1 mL 1 mL 22°C

5 1 mL 1 mL 1 mL 4°C

6 1 mL 1 mL 1 mL 40°C

7 1 mL 1 mL 1 mL 80°C

TABLE 11.2


TUBE 0 min 5 min 10 min 15 min 20 min 0 min 5 min 10 min 15 min 20 min

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b. Write a hypothesis and a null hypothesis for the d. Why was each tube left undisturbed for 5 min in
effect of temperature on catechol oxidase activity. step 6 of procedure 11.1?

c. What were the enzyme, substrate, and product of the

enzymatic reaction? e. Explain the results observed for tubes 1–3. What was
the purpose of these tubes?

116 EXERCISE 11 11–4

f. Use your results for tubes 4–7 to construct a line
graph of Enzyme Activity versus Time on graph paper
provided at the end of the exercise. Your graph will
include four curves.

g. Use your results to argue for or against the statement,

“Catechol oxidase functions equally and efficiently at
various temperatures.”

h. Over what range of temperatures tested was catechol

oxidase active? Should other temperatures be tested to
more accurately determine the range of activity?

i. At which temperature was catechol oxidase activity

greatest? Should more temperatures be tested to
determine its optimum?

© The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc./

j. At what temperature was catechol oxidase denatured? Evelyn Jo Johnson, photographer
How do you know?
Figure 11.5  Ointments with high concentrations of hydrogen
peroxide can be effective antibiotics. Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally
produced toxin in cells and is degraded by the enzyme catalase.

enzymes function optimally in the neutral pH range, while

k. What is the effect of denaturing an enzyme? others (such as pepsin, an enzyme in your digestive tract)
function best at pH as low as 1.6 (fig. 11.4b).
The effects of pH can be investigated with catalase,
an enzyme in plants and animals that speeds the b­ reakdown
of hydrogen peroxide, toxic to cells. It may surprise you that
l. If an enzyme has a single optimal temperature, then an cells can produce a toxin naturally. Could that ability be use-
organism might have difficulty dealing with an envi- ful to cells? Occasionally we take advantage of hydrogen
ronment with wide temperature variation. What adap- peroxide as a powerful oxidizer that denatures macromol-
tive advantage is there in having repetitive enzyme ecules and kills “germs” (fig. 11.5). Hydrogen peroxide is
systems (i.e., more than one enzyme to catalyze the broken down by catalase to water and oxygen.
same reaction) that we know many organisms have?
2 H2O2 2 H2O + O2

Procedure 11.2  Observe the effects of pH on

catalase activity
pH AFFECTS THE ACTIVITY OF ENZYMES 1. Read all steps in this procedure and state the null
hypothesis that your experiments will test.
Enzymatic activity is sensitive to pH. Acidic and basic solu-
2. Prepare catalase solution.
tions are rich in H+ and OH− ions (see Exercise 5), respec-
tively, and they readily react with the charged side groups of a. Use a mortar and pestle to macerate a marble-size
the enzyme molecules. As the pH is lowered, side groups gain portion of fresh, raw ground meat in 10 mL of dis-
H+ ions; as the pH is raised, side groups lose H+ ions. In this tilled water.
way, solutions having an extreme pH can change an enzyme’s b. Filter the solution through cheesecloth into a test
shape enough to alter its active site. Extreme pH can denature tube and add an equal volume of distilled water.
an enzyme just as drastically as can high temperatures. Many 3. Obtain 10 test tubes and number them at the top 1–10.

11–5 Enzymes 117
TABLE 11.3

 ​1 5 mL 1 mL, pH 7

 ​2 4 mL 1 mL, pH 7 1 mL

 ​3 2 mL 1 mL, pH 7 3 mL

 ​4 1 mL 3 mL 1 mL 1 mL

 ​5 1 mL 1 mL, pH 5 3 mL 1 mL

 ​6 1 mL 1 mL, pH 7 3 mL 1 mL

 ​7 1 mL 1 mL, pH 9 3 mL 1 mL

 ​8 1 mL 3 mL 1 mL 1 mL

 ​9 1 mL 1 mL, pH 7 3 mL 1 mL

10 1 mL 1 mL, pH 7 3 mL 1 mL

4. Obtain stock solutions of distilled water, hydrogen per- Inverted graduated Glass tubing
oxide, buffer pH 5, buffer pH 7, buffer pH 9, cylinder filled with water
0.1 M HCl, and 0.1 M NaOH.

Collected gas
HCl is a strong caustic acid, and NaOH is a strong
caustic base. Follow your instructor’s directions for Rubber tubing
handling, dispensing, and disposing of these chemi-
cals. Rinse immediately with water if you spill any
acid or base on your skin.

5. Add distilled water and hydrogen peroxide to each tube

as listed in table 11.3. If you are measuring by drops,
Water level
then 1 mL equals about 20 medium-sized drops. Wait
2 min before proceeding to step 6.
6. Add 1 mL of HCl to tubes 4 and 9. Verify that the pH
is approximately 3 or lower. Test tube
7. Add 1 mL of NaOH to tubes 8 and 10. Verify that the containing the
pH is approximately 11 or higher. enzymatic reaction

8. Add 1 mL of the buffer solutions as indicated in

Figure 11.6  A method to capture oxygen released by catalase
table 11.3. activity.
9. Your instructor may ask you to verify that the buffers
produce the indicated pH. If so, use pH paper to mea-
sure the values for each solution and record them in water-filled graduated cylinder inverted in a beaker of
table 11.3. water (fig. 11.6). Be sure that the graduated cylinder
10. No catalase is added to tubes 1, 3, 9, or 10. does not pinch off the rubber tubing. Also be sure the
1 1. Add catalase to tube 2 according to table 11.3. After cylinder is vertical when you measure volume. Record
adding catalase, swirl the solution gently and imme- these results in table 11.4.
diately record in table 11.4 qualitative changes in the 13. Repeat step 11 for each remaining solution.
bubbling intensity of oxygen production on a scale of 0 1 4. After you have gathered your data for all 10 tubes,
(no bubbling) to 5 (vigorous bubbling). record in table 11.4 your explanation for the results of
1 2. If your instructor asks you to more rigorously quan- the catalase activity in each of the tubes.
tify your results, then immediately after adding the 1 5. Clean your work area and materials. Follow your
catalase place a stopper with tubing over each tube to instructor’s directions concerning the disposal of waste
collect and measure the volume of gases produced in a solutions containing HCl and NaOH.

118 EXERCISE 11 11–6

TABLE 11.4


Question 2 f. Over what pH range was catalase active?

a. Do your data support or refute your hypothesis?

g. What pH levels denatured catalase? Specifically how

b. What were the enzyme, substrate, and product of the
do solutions of high or low pH change an enzyme’s
enzymatic reaction?

c. What was the purpose of completing steps 2–9 for all

tubes before adding the catalase in step 11? h. At which of the tested pH values did catalase react
most rapidly? Should more values be tested to accu-
rately determine its optimum?

d. What was the purpose of tubes 1, 2, 3, 9, and 10?

i. After experimenting with the effects of pH on

enzymes, would you suspect that human blood has
a constant pH? Why? What would be the adaptive
e. Use your data for tubes 4–8 to construct a line graph of advantage of this?
Enzyme Activity versus pH.

11–7 Enzymes 119
INHIBITORS AFFECT THE ACTIVITY should be between 0.1 and 0.2 at 470 nm to give a
OF ENZYMES reasonable concentration of enzyme.
d. Dilute or concentrate the suspension as necessary.
Peroxidase is an enzyme in plants (such as turnips) and Your instructor may provide directions for stan-
some bacteria that converts toxic hydrogen peroxide to H2O dardizing this enzyme solution more precisely.
and O2 in a reaction similar to that of catalase. Peroxidase 3. Obtain nine test tubes and number them at the top 1–9.
is a large protein with a reactive iron atom at its active site. 4. Add distilled water to each tube as listed in table 11.5.
2 H2O2 2 H2O + O2 5. To tube 1, add 0.1 mL (2 drops) of guaiacol as listed in
table 11.5 and swirl the contents.
Enzymes such as peroxidase can be inhibited by 6. Immediately determine the solution’s absorbance at
chemicals in various ways. One mechanism is competitive 470 nm using a spectrophotometer. Record the absor-
in­hibition. Competitive inhibitors are molecules structur- bance value in table 11.6. Measure the absorbance
ally similar to the substrate and therefore competitive for every 30 sec for 5 min and record the value each time.
positions at the active sites of enzymes. This ties up the
7. To tube 2, add 0.2 mL (4 drops) of hydrogen peroxide
enzyme and makes it unable to bind with the substrate. For
as listed in table 11.5. Swirl the contents. Repeat step 6
example, hydroxylamine (HONH2) is structurally similar to
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and binds to the iron atom at the
8. To tube 3, add 0.1 mL (2 drops) of guaiacol and
active site of peroxidase. Thus, hydroxylamine competes
0.2 mL of hydrogen peroxide as listed in table 11.5.
with hydrogen peroxide for the active sites on peroxidase
Swirl the contents. Repeat step 6 quickly.
molecules and reduces the frequency of hydrogen perox-
ide binding with peroxidase molecules. However, a high 9. To tube 4, add 0.1 mL (2 drops) of guaiacol and 1.0 mL
enough concentration of enzyme with a constant concentra- of turnip extract as listed in table 11.5. Swirl the con-
tion of inhibitor can reduce the inhibition. tents. Repeat step 6 quickly.
The production of oxygen by peroxidase provides a 10. Complete all of the measurements for steps 5–9 before
method to measure the ongoing reaction rate. One method proceeding to step 11.
would be to capture liberated bubbles of oxygen and ­measure 11. For each of tubes 5–9, add 0.1 mL (2 drops) of guaia-
their total volume. But in the following procedure you will col and 0.2 mL (4 drops) of hydrogen peroxide as
measure oxygen by combining it with a dye that changes listed in table 11.5.
color when it is oxidized. Guaiacol is a convenient dye that 12. For tube 5, add 1.0 mL of turnip extract and swirl the
turns from colorless to brown as it is oxidized by oxygen. The contents. Repeat step 6 quickly.
amount of brown color in the final product is proportional 13. For tube 6, add 1.0 mL of turnip extract and 0.5 mL
to the amount of oxygen formed by the reaction. You can (10 drops) of hydroxylamine and swirl the contents.
measure the color change qualitatively by rating the color of Repeat step 6 quickly.
a reacting solution on an arbitrary scale from 0 to 5, or quan- 14. For tube 7, add 1.5 mL of turnip extract and 0.5 mL
titatively with a spectrophotometer measuring the solution’s (10 drops) of hydroxylamine and swirl the contents.
absorbance of 470 nm light. Review Exercise 8 and the asso- Repeat step 6 quickly.
ciated video for instructions on using a spectrophotometer.
15. For tube 8, add 2.0 mL of turnip extract and 0.5 mL
O2 + guaiacol oxidized guaiacol (10 drops) of hydroxylamine and swirl the contents.
(colorless) (brown) Repeat step 6 quickly.
16. For tube 9, add 3.0 mL of turnip extract and 0.5 mL
Procedure 11.3  Observe the effects of an (10 drops) of hydroxylamine and swirl the contents.
inhibitor on enzymatic activity Repeat step 6 quickly.
1. Read all steps in this procedure and state the null 17. Clean your work area and materials.
hypothesis that your experiments will test.
2. Prepare turnip extract. Question 3
a. Do your data support or refute your hypothesis?
a. Thoroughly blend 6 g of the inner portion of a
peeled turnip in a blender with 200 mL of cold
b. Filter the turnip slurry through cheesecloth into a
beaker. b. What were the enzyme, substrate, and product of this
c. Pour about 7 mL of the extract into a test tube and enzymatic reaction?
determine its absorbance in a spectrophotometer.
Refer to Exercise 8 for instructions on spectro-
photometry. The absorbance for the turnip extract

120 EXERCISE 11 11–8

TABLE 11.5

TUBE WATER (25 MM) (3%) EXTRACT (10%)

1 5.9 mL 0.1 mL

2 5.8 mL 0.2 mL

3 5.7 mL 0.1 mL 0.2 mL

4 4.9 mL 0.1 mL 1.0 mL

5 4.7 mL 0.1 mL 0.2 mL 1.0 mL

6 4.2 mL 0.1 mL 0.2 mL 1.0 mL 0.5 mL

7 3.7 mL 0.1 mL 0.2 mL 1.5 mL 0.5 mL

8 3.2 mL 0.1 mL 0.2 mL 2.0 mL 0.5 mL

9 2.2 mL 0.1 mL 0.2 mL 3.0 mL 0.5 mL

TABLE 11.6

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
min min min min min min min min min min min

c. Explain the results you observed for tubes 1, 2, 3, and f. How does hydroxylamine affect peroxidase activity?
4. What was the purpose of these tubes?

g. Was it possible to detect peroxidase activity in the

d. Use your data for tubes 5–9 to construct a line graph of presence of the inhibitor by increasing enzyme concen-
Enzyme Activity (Absorbance) versus Time. There will tration? Why or why not?
be five curves on the graph. You will not graph the
values for tubes 1–4.

e. In which tubes was peroxidase still active after 5 min? h. Inhibitors are common in biological systems. Why
might some organisms release enzyme inhibitors into
their surrounding environment?

11–9 Enzymes 121
Factors Affecting the Rate of Enzymatic Activity
Observation: Numerous factors affect enzyme reaction rates. c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
Some products inhibit activity, whereas others can stimulate record it.
activity. You learned in an earlier lab that acids, bases, and d. Outline on Worksheet 11 your experimental design and
buffers affect pH, and you learned in this lab that pH affects supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor
enzymatic activity. to review your proposed investigation.
Question: How do common antacids affect enzymatic activity? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 11 from your instructor. tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant needed.
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. More substrate increases the probability that an enzyme will contact substrate and should increase the enzymatic reaction
rate. How do you explain the increase in time to complete hydrolysis when more substrate was present?

​2. What term describes the alteration of an enzyme’s structure? What factors in addition to temperature influence a pro-
tein’s structure?

​3. What happens when an enzyme is denatured?

​4. Can a denatured enzyme be “re-natured”? Explain your answer.

​5. Commercial meat tenderizers contain papain (extracted from papaya) and/or bromelain (extracted from pineapple), both
of which are enzymes. Because these enzymes “tenderize” meat, what group of organic compounds that you studied in
Exercise 6 do you suspect that these enzymes react with? How could you test your answer?

6. Enzymes are proteins, and therefore are structurally linked to DNA sequences. How could natural selection alter the
metabolism of an organism?

122 EXERCISE 11 11–10

Review the structure of starch and the action of Propose a mechanism involving enzyme produc-
the enzyme amylase. Design an experiment that tion by which a cell could counteract a sudden
uses a spectrophotometer to detect the progress and comple- increase in the amount of substrate.
tion of hydrolysis of starch by amylase.

11–11 Enzymes 123
124 EXERCISE 11 11–12
BIOLOGY Exercise 12
Aerobic and Anaerobic Oxidation of Organic Molecules

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Demonstrate carbon dioxide production during
anaerobic respiration.
2. Understand the effects of inhibitors, intermediate
compounds, and cofactors in anaerobic respiration.
3. Determine oxygen consumption during aerobic
4. Use a pH-indicator to measure the relative produc-
tion of carbon dioxide by plants and animals.
5. Use a respirometer to determine the metabolic rate
of an animal.
6. Demonstrate practical applications of anaerobic res-
piration, such as making wine and kimchee.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

A ll living organisms respire, meaning that they have met-

abolic pathways that release energy from organic (rarely
inorganic) molecules and capture it in ATP. Some need
© BiologyImaging.com

oxygen to do it, some don’t, but they all respire because all Figure 12.1  Bread dough rises because respiring yeasts break
down sugars to obtain their energy for growth and liberate CO2,
organisms need usable chemical energy to fuel their life pro- thereby forming small bubbles that cause the dough to rise. The lower
cesses. Respiration is the chemistry that provides that energy. loaf has been rising 4 hours longer than the upper loaf.
Usually, organic carbon molecules are the energy source,
and CO2 and H2O are released as waste. Humans release the In most cells, respiration begins with the oxidation of
waste as they exhale. Respiring yeast don’t exhale, but they glucose to pyruvate via a set of chemical reactions called
can “pump up” rising bread by liberating CO2 as the yeast glycolysis (fig. 12.2a). During glycolysis, some of the
breaks down sugar during respiration (fig. 12.1). energy released from each glucose molecule is stored in
Cellular respiration involves oxidation of organic ATP. Glycolysis occurs with or without oxygen. If oxygen
molecules and a concomitant release of energy. Some of this is present, most organisms continue respiration by oxidizing
energy is stored in chemical bonds of adenosine triphos- pyruvate to CO2 via chemical reactions of the Krebs cycle.
phate (ATP), which is used later as a direct source of energy Organisms that use oxygen for respiration beyond glycoly-
for cellular metabolism. Organisms use the energy stored in sis are called aerobes.
ATP to do work such as transport materials, synthesize new As aerobes oxidize the acetyl group from the pyruvate
compounds, reproduce, contract muscles, and remove wastes. in the Krebs cycle, they store energy in electron carriers such
Photosynthesis, the topic of Exercise 13, uses light as NAD+ (nicotin­amide adenine dinucleotide). Specifically,
energy to split H2O and harvest high-energy electrons. These aerobes store ­energy by reducing (adding high-energy elec-
energetic electrons (and accompanying H+) are passed to trons to) NAD+ and FAD+. These compounds later transfer
CO2, thereby reducing CO2 to energy-storing sugars. Respi- their high-energy electrons to a series of compounds col-
ration removes electrons from (i.e., oxidizes) glucose, cap- lectively called the electron transport chain. The electron
tures some of the energy in ATP, and ultimately passes the transport chain generates proton gradients from energy
electrons to oxygen to form H2O. stored in reduced NAD and related compounds that lead to

12–1 Respiration 125
Glycolysis mitochondrial
NADH ATP space


Pyruvate Mitochondrial Glycolysis

Oxidation matrix

NADH Acetyl-CoA CO2

Animals, Plants,
some microbes some microbes
e2 membrane

e2 Electron e2 Chemiosmosis
Transport Chain ATP Synthase

Lactate Ethanol

(a) (b)

Figure 12.2  (a) An overview of aerobic respiration. Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm, and the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain occur
in mitochondria. (b) During anaerobic fermentation, pyruvate is reduced with electrons extracted during glycolysis and carried by NADH. In
organisms that reduce pyruvate directly, as in muscle cells, the product is lactate. In organisms that first remove carbon dioxide, as in yeast cells,
the product is ethanol.

formation of approximately 18-times more ATP than that Other organisms called anaerobes live without oxy-
formed in glycolysis. Oxygen, the final electron-acceptor in gen and may even be killed by oxygen in the atmosphere.
the electron transport chain, is reduced to form H2O Some of these anaerobes are primitive bacteria that gather
(fig. 12.2a). Without oxygen to accept electrons passed their energy with a pathway of anaerobic respiration that
through the electron transport chain, the chain is not func- uses inorganic electron acceptors other than oxygen. For
tional and an aerobic organism will quickly die. We can example, many bacteria use nitrate, sulfate, or other inor-
summarize aerobic respiration as follows: ganic compounds as the electron acceptor instead of oxygen.
Other anaerobes use glycolysis, but the pyruvate from gly-
Summary Equation for Aerobic Respiration colysis is reduced via anaerobic fermentation to either CO2
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP + Heat and ethanol (in plants and some microbes such as yeast) or
Glucose Oxygen Carbon Water lactic acid (in other microbes and oxygen-stressed muscles
Dioxide of animals; fig. 12.2b). We can summarize anaerobic fer-
mentation in figure 12.2b in the following equations:
Question 1
Why must aerobic organisms such as yourself inhale oxygen Anaerobic Fermentation in Plants and Some Microbes
and exhale CO2?
C6H12O6→ 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2 + ATP + Heat
Glucose Ethanol Carbon

D ioxide

126 EXERCISE 12 12–2

Confirming Pages

Anaerobic Fermentation in Animals and Some Microbes Procedure 12.1  Demonstrate CO2 production
C6H12O6→ 2 CH3CHOHCOOH + ATP + Heat during anaerobic fermentation

Glucose Lactic Acid 1. Label seven test-tubes and add the solutions listed in
Notice from these equations that plants (as well as table 12.1.
prokaryotes and other eukaryotes such as yeasts) can tem- 2. Completely fill the remaining volume in tubes 1–6 with
porarily conduct anaerobic fermentation that reduces pyru- the yeast suspension that is provided. Fill the remaining
vate from glycolysis to ethanol and carbon dioxide. This volume in tube 7 completely with distilled water.
occurs, for example, in roots that penetrate anaerobic soils
and sediments.
Anaerobic fermentation does not involve or benefit NaF is a poison. Handle it carefully.
from the additional ATP produced by the citric acid cycle
or electron transport chain. Thus, the ability of an organism
to live in the absence of oxygen comes at a price: Anaerobic 3. For each tube, slide an inverted, flat-bottomed test tube
fermentation produces 18-fold less ATP per glucose mol- down over the yeast-filled tube (see fig. 1.3). Hold the
ecule than does aerobic respiration. yeast-filled tube firmly against the inside bottom of
the cover tube and invert the assembly. Your instructor
Question 2 will demonstrate how to slide this slightly larger empty
What are the advantages and disadvantages of anaerobic tube over the top of each yeast tube and invert the
fermentation? assembly. If done properly, air will not be trapped at
the top of the tube of yeast after inversion.
4. Incubate the tubes at 37°C for 40 min. While you are
waiting, write your predictions for each tube:

Tube Predicted Results and Brief Explanation

In today’s exercise, you will study the major features of cel- 1.

lular respiration. Let’s begin with a type of anaerobic fer-
mentation with which you are already familiar: alcoholic 2.
fermentation by yeast.
SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked
to read this exercise so you would know what to do
and be aware of safety issues. In the space below, 4.
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
procedures. If you have questions about these issues, 5.
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.


5. After 40 min, measure the height (in millimeters) of
Yeast are fungi used in baking and producing alcoholic bev-
the bubble of accumulated CO2. Record your results in
erages. They can respire in the absence of O2 and can oxidize
table 12.1.
glucose to ethanol and CO2. To demonstrate CO2 production
during anaerobic fermentation by yeast (fermentation), fol- 6. The effects of pyruvate, MgSO4, NaF, and glucose
low procedure 12.1. In this procedure you will observe the on CO2 production are best determined by comparing
effects of these compounds on respiration: each tube to the control rather than by ranking all of the
treatment tubes. For each variable in table 12.2, record
Pyruvate—a product of glycolysis; pyruvate is reduced to the number of the tube containing the compound being
ethanol or lactic acid during anaerobic fermentation tested and the number of the tube serving as the control
Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4)—provides Mg2+, a cofactor for that compound.
that activates some enzymes of glycolysis
Question 3
Sodium fluoride (NaF)—an inhibitor of some enzymes of a. What was the purpose of tube 7?
Glucose—a common organic molecule used as an energy
source for respiration

12–3 Respiration 127

vod44877_ch12_125-136.indd 127 06/12/17 07:53 AM

b. How was the effect of concentration of inhibitor tested f. Did magnesium (a cofactor that activates many
in this experiment? How did the concentration of NaF enzymes) promote respiration? If not, what are some
affect anaerobic fermentation in your experiment? Why? possible reasons?

c. Which compounds listed in step 6 are intermediates in

the respiratory pathway? g. Smell the contents of the tube containing the most
CO2. What compound do you smell?

d. Why did tube 6 produce CO2 even though an inhibitor

of glycolysis was present?
h. What is the economic importance of fermentation by

e. Compare tubes 4 and 5. How was CO2 production

affected by the 10-fold increase in the amount of NaF?
For example, was it also changed 10-fold? i. What gas is responsible for the holes in baked bread?

TABLE 12.1
3 M 0.1 M 0.1 M 5.0% CO2 PRODUCED

1 — — — — 7.5 mL Yeast suspension

2 — — — 2.5 mL 5.0 mL Yeast suspension

3 — 5.0 mL — 2.5 mL — Yeast suspension

4 — — 0.5 mL 2.5 mL 4.5 mL Yeast suspension

5 — — 5.0 mL 2.5 mL — Yeast suspension

6 2.5 mL — 2.5 mL 2.5 mL — Yeast suspension

7 — — — 2.5 mL 2.5 mL Water

TABLE 12.2




Na Pyruvate


128 EXERCISE 12 12–4


Rubber tubing

KOH pellets


Germinating peas

Figure 12.3  Test tube containing germinating peas, cotton, and

KOH pellets.

If time and facilities are available, repeat procedure 12.1 and Room-temperature
incubate the tubes at 4°C (refrigerator), 20°C (incubator), water-bath
and/or 55°C (incubator). Use your data to explain the effect
of temperature on fermentation by yeast.


AEROBIC RESPIRATION Figure 12.4  Test tube with stopper having capillary tubes
attached. The tube will be covered in foil.
Aerobic respiration uses oxygen as the terminal electron
­acceptor in the electron transport chain. Because this ­oxygen
is reduced to water, you can measure aerobic respiration by 4. Place a stopper containing a capillary tube or graduated
measuring the consumption of oxygen. During respiration, pipet with an attached outlet tube into both tubes con-
CO2 is produced, while O2 is consumed. Review the sum- taining peas (fig. 12.4). The capillary tube or graduated
mary equation for aerobic respiration in the introduction of pipet should be oriented horizontally.
this exercise. In the following experiment, KOH is used to 5. Cover the tube with foil to prevent light and
absorb the CO2. Therefore, the net change in gas volume is a photosynthesis.
measure of oxygen consumption. 6. Vertically clamp the tubes to a ring stand so that
the bottom of each tube is submerged in a room-
Procedure 12.2  Determine oxygen consump- temperature water-bath. The water-bath will minimize
tion during aerobic respiration (may be done as a temperature fluctuations in the tube.
7. Use a Pasteur pipet to inject enough dye into each cap-
1. Fill a test tube or flask half-full with germinating peas illary tube so that approximately 1 cm of dye is drawn
and another half-full with heat-killed peas. The germi- into each capillary tube. The capillary tube or gradu-
nating peas have been soaked in water in the dark for ated pipet should be oriented horizontally.
three to four days. 8. After waiting 1 min for equilibration, attach a pinch
2. Cover the contents of each tube with a loose-fitting clamp to the outlet tube and mark the position of the
plug of cotton. dye with a wax pencil. Write your predicted results and
3. Cover the cotton with approximately 1 cm of a brief explanation here:
loosely packed pellets of potassium hydroxide (KOH)
(fig. 12.3).

Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is a strong, caustic base.

Handle it carefully. If you get any KOH on your skin,
rinse immediately with water.

12–5 Respiration 129
TABLE 12.3

10 MIN 20 MIN 30 MIN

Room temperature 0

Ice bath 0

Warm water-bath 0

9. Use a wax pencil to mark the position of the dye every PRODUCTION OF CO2 DURING AEROBIC
10 min for the next 30 min. RESPIRATION
10. After each time interval, measure the distance the
dye moved from its starting point; record your data in CO2 produced during cellular respiration can combine with
table 12.3. water to form carbonic acid:
1 1. Remove the pinch clamp from the outlet valve and CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3
return the dye to the end of the capillary tube by tilting Carbon dioxide Water Carbonic acid
the capillary tube.
In this procedure (fig. 12.5), you will use phenolphthalein to
1 2. Repeat steps 1–11 using tubes incubated in an ice bath detect changes in pH resulting from the production of CO2
and warm (35°C) water-bath. You can save time by (and, therefore, carbonic acid) during cellular respiration.
running all of these treatments simultaneously. Record Phenolphthalein is red in basic solutions and colorless in
your results in table 12.3. acidic solutions. Thus, you can monitor cellular respiration
by measuring acid production as change in pH. pH is a mea-
Question 4 sure of the acidic or basic properties of a solution; pH 7 is
a. What was the purpose of adding heat-killed peas to neutral. Solutions having a pH < 7 are acidic, and solutions
a tube? having a pH > 7 are basic (see Exercise 5).
In procedure 12.3, you will not directly measure the
volume of CO2 produced by a respiring organism. Instead,
you will measure the volume of NaOH used to neutralize the
carbonic acid produced by the CO2, and thereby calculate a
relative measure of respiration.

Question 5
b. In which direction did the dye move? Why? The organisms you will study include an animal (snail) and
a plant (Elodea). Which do you think will respire more?
Write your hypothesis here:

c. What does this experiment tell you about the influence

of temperature on oxygen consumption during cellular Procedure 12.3  Measure relative CO2 produc-
respiration? tion by aerobic organisms

Experimental Setup
1. Obtain 225 mL of culture solution provided by your
instructor. This solution has been dechlorinated and
adjusted to be slightly acidic.
2. Place 75 mL of this solution in each of three labeled
beakers (fig. 12.5).

130 EXERCISE 12 12–6

3. Obtain the organisms listed in table 12.4 from your
instructor and determine the volume of each organism
by following steps 4–6. Your instructor may substitute
a small fish for the snail.
CO2 H2CO3 CO2 H2CO3 Determine Volume by Water Displacement
4. Place exactly 25 mL of water in a 50-mL graduated
(a) cylinder.
5. Place the organism in the cylinder and note the
pH indicator pH indicator pH indicator
increase in volume above the original 25 mL. This
increase equals the volume of the organism.
6. Record the volumes in table 12.4. Gently place simi-
lar masses of each plant or animal in the appropriate

Incubate Experimental Treatments

7. Cover each beaker with a plastic film or petri dish top
and set them aside on your lab bench. Place the beaker
containing the Elodea in the dark by covering it with a
coffee can or aluminum foil.
8. Allow the organisms to respire for 15 min.
9. Gently remove the organisms from the beakers and
return them to their original culture bowls.

Titrate to Gather Your Raw Data

10. Add four drops of phenolphthalein to the contents of
pH $ 7 each beaker. The solutions should remain clear because
the solutions are acidic.
11. Obtain a burette or dropper bottle to dispense NaOH
(c) Control (d) Snail treatment Elodea treatment (2.5 mM). Add NaOH drop by drop to the contents of
the control beaker. Thoroughly mix the contents
Figure 12.5  The procedure to determine the relative respiration of the beaker after adding each drop. Record in
rates of a plant and animal. (a) During respiration, organisms release table 12.4 the milliliters of NaOH required to reach the
CO2, which combines with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). end point of phenolphthalein. The end-point is when
(b) The acidic solutions remain colorless after addition of
phenolphthalein, a pH indicator. (c) Titration of the control with you first notice that the solution is pink.
NaOH (a base) will make the solution basic and pink when the pH 12. Repeat step 11 for beaker 1; be sure to add NaOH only
reaches the end-point of phenolphthalein. (d) The treatment solutions until the solution is the same shade of pink as the con-
are then titrated to the pink end-point matching the control. The trol beaker. Record the number of milliliters of NaOH
volume of NaOH needed to reach the end-point indicates the relative
amounts of dissolved CO2 produced during respiration. added to beaker 1 in table 12.4.
13. Repeat step 11 for beaker 2.

TABLE 12.4

Beaker 1: 4 snails

Beaker 2: Elodea

Control beaker 0 0 0

12–7 Respiration 131
14. For beaker 1, determine the relative respiration rate for METABOLIC RATE OF A MOUSE
organisms by subtracting the milliliters NaOH added to
the control beaker from the milliliters NaOH added to The rate of O2 uptake during cellular respiration indicates
beaker 1. Record this value in table 12.4. the metabolic rate of an organism. In procedure 12.4 you
will measure O2 uptake by measuring changes in air pressure
15. Repeat step 14 for beaker 2.
as O2 is removed from the air by a respiring mouse. Changes
16. For beakers 1 and 2, determine the respiration rate in air pressure can be attributed primarily to O2 consumption
per milliliter of organism by dividing the relative (rather than CO2 production or exhalation of water vapor)
respiration rate for organisms by the volume of the only if exhaled CO2 and H2O are removed from the air. This
organism(s). Record these values in table 12.4. is accomplished by adding ascarite (which adsorbs CO2)
Question 6 and drierite (which adsorbs H2O) to the experimental setup
a. In this exercise you measured the relative respiration (fig. 12.6). Use procedure 12.4 to estimate the metabolic
rates of an animal and a plant. Why were you cau- rate of a mouse.
tioned about having no algae in the control beaker?

Procedure 12.4  Estimate the metabolic rate of

a mouse
b. Before you gathered your raw data, you formulated a 1. Weigh a mouse to the nearest 0.1 g. Record this weight
hypothesis about the expected results. After consider- in table 12.5 and place the mouse in the jar of a respi-
ing your data, do you accept or reject your hypothesis? rometer (fig. 12.6). Use a fan to circulate air in the jar
Why? and allow the mouse to get accustomed to the jar.
2. Attach a 10-mL syringe filled with air to the
3. Seal the respirometer jar with a lid. Then close the air
c. What is your major conclusion from the results of this escape line with a clamp and record the position of the
procedure? dye solution in the right column of the curved capillary
tube. This tube is called a manometer.
4. Inject 10 mL of air into the respirometer. The level of
dye in the right side of the manometer will rise because
of the increased presence of air. After injecting the 10
d. What features of the biology of the organisms that you
mL of air into the respirometer, record the position of
used most likely contributed to the observed differ-
the dye solution in table 12.5.
ences in respiration rate?
5. Allow the mouse to respire. The air pressure in the res-
pirometer should decrease as O2 is consumed, and the
dye level in the right column of the manometer should
e. Do you feel justified in drawing conclusions from
6. Record in table 12.5 the elapsed time for the dye level
your work about all plants and animals? Or only about
to return to its original position. This is the time for the
snails and Elodea? Why?
mouse to consume 10 mL of O2. Record this time as
“A” in the Calculations section of table 12.5.
7. Gently return the mouse to its cage.
8. Calculate the number of liters consumed by the mouse
f. How would you expand this experiment to further test
per day by using the following formula:
your conclusions about other plants and other animals?
Liters of O2 consumed per day =
1440 minutes per day ÷ minutes
to consume 1 liter of O2
g. What other organisms might you include in an Record this as “B” in the Calculations section of
expanded experiment? Why did you choose these table 12.5.
organisms? 9. Calculate and record in table 12.5 the mouse’s meta-
bolic rate in kcal/day, assuming that 4.8 kcal of energy
are used for each liter of O2 consumed. Record this as
“C” in the Calculations section of table 12.5.

132 EXERCISE 12 12–8

Air escape
of dye




CO2 and H2O


Figure 12.6  Respirometer with mouse.

TABLE 12.5

Weight of mouse: grams

Initial position of dye solution:

Position of dye solution after injection of 10 mL of air:

Minutes for dye level to return to initial position: (minutes per 10 mL oxygen): min


A Minutes to consume 1 liter of O2 = (minutes per 10 mL oxygen) × 100 = min

B Liters of O2 consumed per day = 1440 minutes per day ÷ A = liters per day

C Experimental metabolic rate as kcal per day = B × 4.8 kcal per liter O2 = kcal per day

D Predicted metabolic rate = 70 × (weight of mouse)3/4 = kcal per day

10. Calculate and record the predicted metabolic rate Question 7

obtained from the following general equation for meta- a. Is the predicted metabolic rate similar to that which
bolic rate of small mammals: you determined experimentally?
Predicted metabolic rate = 70 × (body weight in kg)3/4

Record this rate as “D” in the Calculations section of

table 12.5.
11. Compare your experimental value with the predicted
value for metabolic rate.

12–9 Respiration 133
The Effect of Environmental Stimuli on Cellular Respiration
Observations: Respiration, like all biochemical processes, c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
responds to environmental stimuli (e.g., temperature, salin- record it.
ity, acidity, light). However, some organisms tolerate a wider d. Review procedures 12.1 and 12.3, which use yeast, snails,
range of conditions than others. and Elodea as model organisms to investigate respiration.
Question: How is the rate of cellular respiration affected by Outline on Worksheet 12 your experimental design and
environmental stimuli? supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor
to review your proposed investigation.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
Worksheet 12 from your instructor. question, and make relevant comments.
b. The preceding question will give you a general direction f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
for your work, but you’ll need to refine it before proceed- tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
ing. Discuss with your group well-defined questions rel- needed.
evant to the preceding observation and question. Choose
and record your group’s best question for investigation.

b. What could cause any differences in these values?

c. Determine the metabolic rate of other organisms avail-

able in the lab. How do their metabolic rates compare
with that of a mouse?

and juice Water

Figure 12.7  Experimental setup for making wine.
Making Wine
5. For each flask, set up the fermentation apparatus as
In this exercise, you’ve seen how easy it is to demonstrate
shown in figure 12.7.
alcoholic fermentation by yeast. Many biologists as well as
nonbiologists use this reaction to make their own wine. If 6. Be sure to keep the procedure anaerobic by keeping the
you’re game for an introduction to home wine-making, try end of the exit tube under water in the adjacent flasks.
the following procedure. This will prevent contamination by airborne bacteria
and yeast.
Procedure 12.5  Making wine 7. Incubate the flasks at temperatures between 15°C and
22°C. Although fermentation will continue for a month
1. Thoroughly clean and sterilize all glassware.
or so, most fermentation will occur within the first
2. Combine a cake of yeast with either bottled grape juice 14 days. Fermentation is complete when bubbling stops.
or cranberry juice. Mix the yeast and juice in a ratio of
8. To test your wine, remove the stopper and use a piece
approximately 5 liters of juice to 1 gram of yeast.
of tubing to siphon off the wine solution without dis-
3. Add approximately 650 mL of the juice-yeast mix to turbing the sediment in the bottom of the flasks. You
each of four 1-liter Erlenmeyer flasks (or use 1- to may then want to filter the solution to remove any
2-liter recycled plastic pop bottles). remaining yeast cells from the wine.
4. Dissolve the following amounts of sucrose in each flask: 9. Taste your wine. If your wine has been contaminated
Flask 1: 75 g Flask 3: 300 g by bacteria that produce acetic acid, vinegar may have
Flask 2: 150 g Flask 4: no sucrose been formed, so take your first sip cautiously.

134 EXERCISE 12 12–10

Question 8
a. What differences are there in wines produced with dif-
ferent amounts of sugar?

below the
b. What would happen if oxygen were present (i.e., if
conditions were not anaerobic)? If you have time, test Petri
your hypothesis.
1. How would you modify the experimental setup to
introduce oxygen?

2. What results would you predict?

(a) (b)

3. Based on your results, was your hypothesis

accurate? ​Explain.

If you’re interested in the finer points of wine making, Kimche


visit your local bookstore or library. There may also be a

local society of amateur wine-makers in your area who will plate
be glad to give you some pointers on creating “a simply Date

delightful bouquet.” pH


Making Kimchee
Pickling is an ancient way of preserving food. Pickling
involves the anaerobic fermentation of sugars to lactic acid;
this acid lowers the pH of the medium, thereby creating an
(c) (d)
environment in which other food-spoiling organisms cannot
grow. Common foods preserved with pickling include sau- Figure 12.8  Experimental setup for making kimchee. See the
erkraut, yogurt, and dill pickles. The ancient Chinese cab- text for the recipe and procedure.
bage product kimchee, still a major part of the Korean diet,
is also made with pickling. Here’s how to make kimchee.
4. Place the lid, rim side up, atop the ingredients. Press
down (fig. 12.8b). Within a few minutes, the salt will
Procedure 12.6  Making kimchee draw liquid from the cabbage; that liquid will begin to
1. Coarsely shred a head of cabbage. Place it in a mixing accumulate in the bottle.
bowl with salt and allow it to wilt. This will draw some 5. For the next hour or so, continue to press the cabbage.
of the liquid out and prevent the finished kimchee from You should then be able to fit the bottle top inside the
being watery. bottle bottom, forming a sliding seal (fig. 12.8c). When
2. Cut a 2-liter bottle just below the shoulder, as shown in you press with the sliding seal, cabbage juice will rise
figure 12.8a. above the petri plate and air will bubble out around the
3. Add alternating layers of cabbage, garlic, pepper, and edge of the plate.
a sprinkling of salt in the bottle, pressing each layer 6. The cabbage will pack half to two-thirds of the bottle’s
down until the bottle is full. If you’re using chilies or volume (fig. 12.8d). Every day, press on the sliding
pepper, do not touch your eyes or mouth. seal to keep the cabbage covered by a layer of juice.

12–11 Respiration 135
Question 9 7. Use pH-indicator paper to measure and record the pH
What happens when you press on the cabbage? How do you of the juice each day (see Exercise 5).
explain this? ​ 8. After 4 to 7 days (depending on the temperature), the
pH will have dropped from about 6.5 to about 3.5.
Enjoy your kimchee!

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. What is the difference between respiration and breathing?

​2. Does cellular respiration occur simultaneously with photosynthesis in plants? How could you determine the relative rates
of each?

3. What role does cellular respiration play in the metabolism of an organism?

​4. What modifications of cellular respiration might you expect to find in dormant seeds?

​5. In procedure 12.3, why did you subtract the control value from the titrant in beaker 1 and beaker 2?

6. Why is the volume of CO2 production rather than O2 uptake an adequate measure of respiration for the study of
respiration rate?


Repeat the procedure to measure relative CO2 Repeat procedure 12.1 to measure CO2 production in
production by aerobic organisms and include in your yeast and incubate the tubes at 4°C (refrigerator), 20°C
design an animal such as a fish. Would you expect greater CO2 (incubator), and/or 50°C (incubator). How does temperature
production from a fish or a snail? Why? affect the rate of fermentation by yeast?

136 EXERCISE 12 12–12

BIOLOGY Exercise 13
Pigment Separation, Starch Production,
and CO2 Uptake
Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Relate each part of the summary equation for photo-
synthesis to the synthesis of sugar.
2. Describe the differences between the light-­
dependent and light-independent reactions ­involved
in photosynthesis.
3. Separate the photosynthetic pigments using paper
chromatography and calculate their Rf numbers.
4. Use a spectroscope to describe the absorption of
visible light by chlorophyll.
5. Describe fluorescence.
6. Describe the process of electron transport in chloro-
plasts and its role in photosynthesis.
7. Describe the change of pH that occurs as plants
take up CO2 from their environment during © BiologyImaging.com
8. Describe the distribution of starch in leaves result- Figure 13.1  The energy that drives photosynthesis comes from
the sun. Less than 1% of all the energy that reaches the earth from
ing from photosynthesis relative to the amount of
the sun is captured by photosynthesis. This 1% fuels virtually all life
light they receive and the distribution of pigments. on earth.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online of the equation) are split to release electrons during the pho-
resources tailored to this lab. tochemical (i.e., light-dependent) reactions. The “product”
­water molecules (i.e., those on the right side of the equation)
are assembled from hydrogen and oxygen released during

P hotosynthesis is the most important series of chemical

reactions that occurs on earth (fig. 13.1). Indeed, virtu-
ally all life depends on photosynthesis for food and oxygen.
the photochemical and biochemical (i.e., light-­independent)
­reactions. The photochemical reactions of photosynthesis
are often referred to as the “light reactions.” The biochemi-
Photosynthesis is a complex chemical process that converts cal ­reactions are often referred to as the “dark reactions” or
radiant energy (light) to chemical energy (sugar). The fol- the Calvin cycle, in honor of Melvin Calvin, the botanist
lowing equation summarizes photosynthesis: who described the reactions.
As mentioned, photosynthesis can be divided into two
6 CO2 + 12 H2O C6H12O6 + 6 H2O + 6 O2 sets of reactions (fig. 13.2). Some characteristics of these

Carbon Water
Sugar Water Oxygen reactions are compared here:
Photochemical Biochemical
“Light” Reactions “Dark” Reactions
Thus, photosynthesis is the light-dependent and chlorophyll-­
dependent conversion of carbon dioxide and water to sugar, Fast (practically Slower, but still
water, and oxygen. Oxygen is released to the environment,  ​ ​instantaneous)  ​ ​extremely fast
and sugar is used to fuel growth or is stored as starch, a poly- Light-dependent Light-independent
saccharide. Although water is present on both sides of the Splits water to Converts (fixes)
summary equation, these are not the same water molecules.  ​ ​release oxygen,  ​ ​carbon dioxide to
The “reactant” water molecules (i.e., those on the left side  ​ ​electrons, and protons  ​ ​sugar

13–1 Photosynthesis 137
CO 2
CO 2

Light reactions

reactions NADP
Thylakoid ADP
Pi Sugar


Figure 13.2  Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts and consists of photochemical (the light-dependent “light reactions”) and biochemical (the
light-independent “dark reactions” including the Calvin cycle) reactions. The photochemical (i.e., light) reactions convert light-energy to chemical
energy captured in ATP and NADPH. The biochemical (i.e., dark) reactions use the ATP and NADPH produced by the photochemical reactions to
reduce CO2 to sugars. The photochemical reactions occur on thylakoid membranes, whereas the biochemical reactions occur in the stroma.

In today’s exercise, you’ll investigate some of the major paper. A pigment’s molecular size, polarity, and solubility
aspects of photosynthesis, beginning with the isolation and determine the strength of this tendency; pigments adsorbed
identification of photosynthetic pigments. strongly move slowly, whereas those adsorbed weakly
Before you begin studying photosynthesis, we should move fastest. Thus, each pigment has a characteristic rate
remind you that all organisms (including plants) carry of movement, and the pigments can be separated from each
out  respiration in one form or another, but chlorophyll-­ other. In procedure 13.1, four bands of color will appear on
containing organisms can also photosynthesize. the strip—a yellow band of xanthophylls, a yellow-orange
band of carotenes, a blue-green band of chlorophyll a, and a
PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY yellow-green band of chlorophyll b.
The relationship of the distance moved by a pigment
OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS to the distance moved by the solvent front is specific for a
Light must be absorbed before its energy can be used. A given set of conditions. We call this relationship the Rf num-
substance that absorbs light is a pigment. The primary pho- ber and define it as follows:
tosynthetic pigments that absorb light for photosynthesis are Distance moved by pigment
chlorophylls a and b. However, chlorophylls are not the Rf =
Distance from pigment origin to solvent
only photosynthetic pigment; accessory pigments such as front
carotenoids and xanthophylls also absorb light and transfer
energy to chlorophyll a. Paper chromatography can be used to identify each pigment
Paper chromatography is a technique for separat- by its characteristic Rf . This Rf is constant for a given pig-
ing dissolved compounds such as chlorophyll, carotene, and ment in a particular solvent-matrix system.
xanthophyll. When a solution of these pigments is applied
to strips of paper, the pigments adsorb onto the fibers of the SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked
paper. When the tip of the paper is immersed in a solvent, to read this exercise so you would know what to do
the solvent is absorbed and moves up through the paper. As and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
the solvent moves through the spot of applied pigments, the briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
pigments dissolve in the moving solvent. However, the pig- procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
ments do not always keep up with the moving solvent—some contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.
pigments move almost as fast as the solvent, whereas others
move more slowly. This differential movement of pigments
results from each pigment’s solubility and characteristic ten-
dency to stick (i.e., be adsorbed) to the cellulose fibers of the

138 EXERCISE 13 13–2

Procedure 13.1  Separate plant pigments by 4. An alternate procedure is to place a fresh leaf directly
paper chromatography on the paper, then press and roll the edge of a coin
(quarter) ​over the leaf to crush the cells and form a
1. Observe the contents of the container labeled “Plant stripe of pigment.
Extract.” You’ll use paper chromatography to separate
its pigments. 5. Place the chromatography strip in a test tube
containing 2 mL of chromatography solvent (9 parts
Extinguish all hotplates and flames before you do petroleum ether : 1 part acetone). Position the
this ­experiment. Keep all solvents away from hot- chromatography strip so that the tip of the strip (but not
plates and flames at all times. the stripe of plant extract) is submerged in the solvent.
You can do this by hooking the strip of paper with a
pin inserted in the tube’s stopper (fig. 13.4).
Question 1
What color is the plant extract, and why is it this color? 6. Place the tube in a test-tube rack and watch as the sol-
vent moves up the paper. Keep the tubes capped and
undisturbed during solvent movement.

7. Remove the chromatography strip when the solvent

front is within 1 cm of the top of the strip (i.e., after
2–3 min). Mark the position of the solvent front with
a pencil and set the strip aside to dry. Observe the
bands of color, then draw your results on figure 13.5.
2. Obtain a strip of chromatography paper from your lab Use your textbook or other materials in lab to identify
instructor. Handle the paper by its edges so that oil on the different bands of pigments according to their
your fingers does not contaminate the paper. position and color. For example, xanthophylls
3. Use a Pasteur pipet or a fine-tipped brush to apply a appear yellow.
stripe of plant extract approximately 2 cm from the tip
of the paper (fig. 13.3). Blow the stripe dry and repeat 8. Use a ruler to measure the distance from the
this application at least 15 times. For this separation to pigment origin to the solvent front and from the origin
work well, you must start with an extremely concen- to each pigment band. Calculate the Rf number for each
trated application of extract on the paper. pigment; record your data in table 13.1.


Pigment extract

Figure 13.3  Application of pigment extract to a
chromatography strip. Figure 13.4  Chromatography setup.

13–3 Photosynthesis 139
c. Would you expect the Rf number of a pigment to
Solvent front change if you altered the composition of the solvent?
Why or why not?

d. If yellow xanthophylls were present in the extract,

why did the extract appear green?

e. Is it possible to have an Rf number greater than 1?

Why or why not?
Pigment origin

Figure 13.5  Completed chromatogram. On the chromatogram, ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY

indicate the color of the band of pigment to the left of the arrows.
To the right of the arrows, write the name of the pigment. CHLOROPHYLL
A spectroscope is an instrument that separates white light
TABLE 13.1 into its component colors. These colors range from red to
RF NUMBERS FOR FOUR PLANT PIGMENTS violet and appear as a spectrum when separated (fig. 13.6).
PIGMENT Rf Observe this spectrum by looking through the spectro-
scope provided in the lab. Now insert a chlorophyll sample
Carotene between the light and spectroscope, and observe the result-
ing spectrum. Light not visible through the extract has
been ­absorbed.
Chlorophyll a

Chlorophyll b
Chlorophyll a Sunlight
Chlorophyll b
80 Carotenoids Reflected
Relative absorption (percent)

Question 2
a. What does a small Rf number tell you about the charac- 60
teristics of the moving molecules?


b. Which are more soluble in the chromatography sol- 0

vent, xanthophylls or chlorophyll a? How do you con- 400 500 600 700
clude this? Wavelength of light (nanometers)

Figure 13.6  The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll and

carotenoids. The peaks represent wavelengths of sunlight absorbed by
the two common forms of photosynthetic pigment, chlorophylls a and
b, and by the carotenoids. Chlorophylls absorb predominantly violet-
blue and red light in two narrow bands of the spectrum, and reflect
green light in the middle of the spectrum. Carotenoids absorb mostly
blue and green light and reflect orange and yellow light.

140 EXERCISE 13 13–4

Question 3 by boosting electrons to a higher-energy orbital. During
What colors are diminished or absent? photosynthesis, the energy of these excited electrons from
chlorophyll and chlorophyll’s central magnesium atom is
passed efficiently to another pigment molecule and photo-
synthesis proceeds. However, to easily observe these ener-
gized electrons, we can disrupt the photosynthetic system
by blending the cells during the preparation of the plant
extract. The chlorophyll electrons in the extract are still
Based on this observation, complete the following absorp-
energized if you shine light on them, but they are left with
tion spectrum for chlorophyll. For each color, estimate the
nowhere to go. They quickly release their energy by fall-
relative absorbance of that color by placing an X above
ing back to their original orbitals rather than continuing
the color name at the appropriate position along the y-axis.
photosynthesis. As they fall back, they emit a photon of
Connect the X’s for all colors to complete the absorption
red light. This release of light energy is fluorescence. The
wavelength of reemitted light is determined by the struc-
ture of the molecule reemitting the light.

Procedure 13.2  Observe fluorescence by


Place a glass test tube containing chlorophyll extract in front

of a bright light. View the extract from the side. (If a UV
light is available, you can use the thin-layer chromatography
strip from procedure 13.1 to observe fluorescence.)

Question 5
What color light does the extract fluoresce?
Violet Blue Green Yellow Red
Color of Light

Question 4
a. What color of light would be least effective for plant
photosynthesis? Why?


The photochemical reactions of photosynthesis transfer
electrons among various compounds within chloroplasts
b. If available, use an extract from red or orange peppers (fig. 13.7). In 1937, Robin Hill demonstrated that isolated
to plot an absorption spectrum for carotenoids. What
colors of light are absorbed by carotenoids? What is
the significance of this?

Light produces reactions only if it is absorbed by a mol-
ecule. When sunlight strikes a plant, the chlorophyll
absorbs some of the light and reflects some of the light. The © BiologyImaging.com

green light is reflected and is responsible for the plant’s Figure 13.7  These photosynthetic cells of a moss are packed
green color. The absorbed light “excites” the chlorophyll with bright-green chloroplasts (1000×).

13–5 Photosynthesis 141
chloroplasts could transfer electrons in the absence of CO2 b. What happens when you illuminate the tube containing
if provided with an alternate or artificial electron-acceptor. herbicide?
This observation indicated that electron transport does not
require CO2-fixation to occur. That is, electron transfer and
CO2-fixation involve separate sets of reactions.
You can detect electron transfer using a dye called
2,6-dichlorophenol-indolephenol (DCPIP). In its oxidized
state, DCPIP is blue. After accepting electrons, DCPIP
becomes reduced and colorless. DCPIP can accept electrons c. Based on this result, what do you think is the mode of
released in chloroplasts during photosynthesis. The rate of action of these herbicides?
DCPIP decoloration depends on its concentration and the rate
of electron flow. By measuring decoloration of DCPIP we
can indirectly measure the rate of some reactions of photo-
synthesis. Because the rates of many chemical reactions are
pH-dependent, a constant pH of approximately 6.5 is neces-
sary for this experiment. The phosphate buffer used in this
experiment maintains a constant pH of the incubation mixture. UPTAKE OF CARBON DIOXIDE DURING
Procedure 13.3  Observe electron transport in
chloroplasts Phenol red (phenol-sulfonphthalein) is a pH-indicator that
1. Prepare test tubes according to table 13.2. Metabolically turns yellow in an acidic solution (pH < 7) and becomes red in
active chloroplasts will be provided by your instructor. a neutral to basic solution (pH > 7). (For more about pH and
pH indicators, see Exercise 5.) In this experiment you will
2. Mix the contents of each tube well and place tubes 1–3
use the pH-indicator phenol red to detect the uptake of CO2
approximately 15 cm in front of a high-intensity light-
by a photosynthesizing aquatic plant, Elodea (see fig. 4.6).
bulb. Wrap tube 4 in aluminum foil and place it with
Recall that plants use CO2 during the light-­ independent
the other three tubes. Do not position tubes behind each
reactions of photosynthesis.
other. Keep all tubes directly in the path of the light.
To detect CO2 uptake you will put a plant into an
3. Observe the contents of the tubes intermittently; environment that you have made slightly acidic with your
describe the changes in color that you see. breath. Carbon dioxide in your breath will dissolve in water
4. If you have time, prepare a replicate of tube 2 in which to form carbonic acid, which lowers the pH of the solution:
water is replaced by 1 mL of 0.1 mM simizane or
monuron, both herbicides. Handle all herbicides and 2
pesticides carefully.
1 1
Question 6
a. What was the purpose of each of the tubes used in this
experiment? Which tubes were controls? Water Carbon Carbonic Bicarbonate Hydrogen
(H2O) 1 dioxide acid ion 1 ion
(CO2) (H2CO3) (HCO3 )
(H )

As the plant fixes CO2 the pH rises. When the pH rises

above 7, the solution turns red.

TABLE 13.2

1 0.5 mL 3 mL 1.5 mL 0

2 0.5 mL 3 mL 0.5 mL 1 mL

3 0 3 mL 1.0 mL 1 mL

4 0.5 mL 3 mL 0.5 mL 1 mL

142 EXERCISE 13 13–6

Procedure 13.4  Observe the uptake of CO2 Control Experimental
during photosynthesis
1. Fill two test tubes half full with a dilute solution of
phenol red provided by your laboratory instructor Fill two tubes half full with a
dilute solution of phenol red.
(fig. 13.8). (Your instructor may have prepared this
solution with carbonated water, which is acidic
because it has been enriched with CO2. If this has
occurred, the solution will already be yellow, and you
should skip to step 3 of this procedure.)
2. Use a straw to gently blow your breath into the phe-
nol red solution. Because excess carbonic acid will
lengthen this experiment, stop blowing in the tubes as
soon as the color changes to yellow.
3. Add pieces of healthy Elodea totaling about 10 cm to
one of the tubes. Pour off excess solution above the
Elodea. The other tube, which is the control, will not
Use a straw to gently blow into
include Elodea. each tube until the solution
4. Cover the tops of the tubes with plastic film or foil to turns yellow.
prevent gases from the atmosphere from diffusing into
the tubes. Then place both tubes approximately 0.5 m
in front of a 100-watt bulb for 30–60 min. What do
you think will happen? ​Write your prediction and a
brief explanation here:

Add Elodea, cover with foil or

5. Observe the tubes about every 10 min.
plastic film, and place in front
of a light.
Question 7
a. What happens to the color of the indicator?

b. What is the reason for the color change?

Figure 13.8  Preparation of treatment and control test tubes to

determine how photosynthesis affects the pH of a solution.
c. Did the solution in the control tube change color?
Why or why not?
d. Considering the summary equation for photosynthesis,
what is the basis for this change in color?

13–7 Photosynthesis 143
USE OF LIGHT AND CHLOROPHYLL a chloroplast (fig. 13.9; also see fig. 4.8). Thylakoids are
TO PRODUCE STARCH DURING stacked to form columns called grana, held in place by
lamellae. A semiliquid stroma bathes the interior of the
chloroplast and contains the enzymes that catalyze the light-
The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur on independent reactions of photosynthesis.
photosynthetic membranes. In photosynthetic bacteria, Sugars produced by photosynthesis are often stored as
these membranes are the cell membrane itself (see fig. 4.2). starch. Thus, starch production is another indirect measure
In plants and algae, photosynthetic membranes are called of photosynthesis. To produce this starch, photosynthesis
thylakoids, and are located within a special organelle called requires light as an energy source. In the absence of light,
sugars and starch are not produced. Photosynthesis also
requires chlorophyll to capture light energy. In the absence
of chlorophyll, sugars and starch are not produced.
In the following procedures you will detect the
­presence of starch by staining it with a solution of iodine
and observe the requirement of light and chlorophyll for




Vascular bundle Stoma

Cell wall Inner membrane
Outer membrane

1.5 mm

Membrane Thylakoid Stroma


Figure 13.9  The structure of a leaf and chloroplast. Chloroplasts are bounded by a double
membrane and contain photosynthetic membranes called thylakoids. Stacked one on top of the
other, a column of thylakoids is a granum. The interior of the entire chloroplast is bathed by
a semiliquid called the stroma. The openings that enable CO2 to enter the leaf are stomata
(singular, stoma). Courtesy Dr. Kenneth Miller, Brown University

144 EXERCISE 13 13–8

Procedure 13.5  Stain starch with iodine 2. Repeat the bleaching and staining steps described in
procedure 13.6.
1. Place separate drops of water, glucose, and starch solu-
tions on a glass slide. 3. Describe and explain any color change in the leaf.
2. Add a drop of iodine to each and describe your results.

4. Record in figure 13.10b the color of the leaves after

each successive treatment.

Question 9
Procedure 13.6  Observe starch production Does a leaf produce starch if it has been deprived of light?
during photosynthesis
1. Remove a leaf from a Geranium plant that has been
illuminated for several hours.
2. After immersing the leaf in boiling water for 1 min,
bleach the pigments from the leaf by boiling the leaf in
methanol for 3–5 min. This part of the procedure (i.e.,
the boiling methanol) must be done in a fume hood.
Boiling the leaf will remove pigments so that you can Procedure 13.8  Observe the requirement of
see the color changes of the iodine starch test. chlorophyll for photosynthesis
1. Obtain leaves of a variegated Coleus plant (fig. 13.11a)
and a purple-leafed Coleus plant (fig. 13.11b). Make
Exercise extreme caution when you heat methanol. sketches of their original pigmentation patterns in
figure 13.10c, d. Indicate which areas are green, red,
green/red, and white.
3. Place the leaf in a petri dish containing a small amount 2. Extract the pigments and stain for starch according to
of water, and then add five to eight drops of iodine. procedure 13.6. Boiling the leaf in water will remove
4. Observe any color change in the leaf. the water-soluble pigments such as the red cyanins,
5. Record in figure 13.10a the color of the leaves after and boiling the leaf in alcohol will remove chlorophyll.
each successive treatment. These pigments must be removed for you to see the
color changes of the iodine starch test.
Question 8 3. Record in figure 13.10c, d the color of the leaves after
a. Was starch stored in the leaf? How can you tell? each successive treatment.

Question 10
a. How does the pattern of starch storage relate to the dis-
tribution of chlorophyll?

b. Would you expect leaves to be the primary organ for

starch storage in plants? Why or why not?
b. Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll (green), but some
of the Coleus leaves that you tested were purple. How
do you explain your results?

Procedure 13.7  Observe the requirement

of light for photosynthesis
1. Obtain a Geranium leaf that has been half or com-
pletely covered with metal foil or thick paper for three
or four days.

13–9 Photosynthesis 145

Fresh Geranium leaf Then boiled in Then boiled in Then stained

kept in light water methanol with iodine


Fresh Geranium leaf Then boiled in Then boiled in Then stained

kept in dark water methanol with iodine


Variegated Coleus leaf Then boiled in Then boiled in Then stained

kept in light water methanol with iodine


Purple Coleus leaf Then boiled in Then boiled in Then stained

kept in light water methanol with iodine

Figure 13.10  The requirement of light and chlorophyll and the production of starch during photosynthesis. Within each diagram, record
the color of the leaf following the treatments to indicate (a) the production of starch, (b) the need for light, and (c, d) the need for chlorophyll for
photosynthesis. Record your results from the appropriate procedure by writing the resulting color of each treated leaf directly onto the outline
of the leaf.

146 EXERCISE 13 13–10

Courtesy Dr. Kenneth Miller, Brown University © BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b)

Figure 13.11  Coleus plants. (a) Leaves of this variegated plant have green, white, purple, and pink areas resulting from combinations of
chlorophylls and anthocyanin (red) pigments. (b) Leaves of this purple Coleus have the same pigment combination throughout the leaf.

Relative Uptake and Production of CO2 during Photosynthesis
Observations: Recall from Exercise 12 that aerobic cellular c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
respiration releases CO2, which can combine with water to record it.
form carbonic acid and lower the pH (see procedure 12.3). d. Review procedure 12.3 that provides a method to quantify
Elodea growing in light respires and photosynthesizes. Elodea CO2 production. Outline on Worksheet 13 your experimen-
in darkness only respires. Design an experiment to measure tal design and supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask
Elodea’s relative uptake and production of CO2. your instructor to review your proposed investigation.
Question: What is the relative uptake versus production of CO2 e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
during photosynthesis and respiration? question, and make relevant comments.
f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
Worksheet 13 from your instructor. needed.
b. Discuss with your group a well-defined question relevant
to the preceding observation and question. Record it on
Worksheet 13.


Recall that respiration produces CO2, which Use a reference to determine the relative pene-
combines with water to form carbonic acid that low- tration of different wavelengths of light through
ers the pH of a surrounding solution. Design an experiment to water. Describe how this could affect the existence and distribu-
measure the relative dynamics (mass balance) of photosynthesis tion of submerged plants.
versus respiration for Elodea.

13–11 Photosynthesis 147
Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Why does chlorophyll appear green?

2. Is starch produced when a leaf is kept in the dark? ​Why or why not?

3. What causes leaves to turn from green to yellow and red in autumn?

4. Of what value to plants is starch? Of what value to animals is starch?

5. What is the significance of electron transport in the photochemical (i.e., light-dependent) reactions of photosynthesis?

6. Design an experiment to determine if plants respire. Be sure to explain how you would measure respiration and the con-
trols you would include in the experimental design.

148 EXERCISE 13 13–12

BIOLOGY Exercise 14
Replication of Eukaryotic Cells

Question 1
Learning Objectives Consider the surface-to-volume ratios of large versus small
cells. Is it adaptive for cells of a growing organism to remain
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
small? Explain your answer.
1. Describe events associated with the cell cycle.
2. Describe events associated with mitosis.
3. Distinguish the stages of mitosis on prepared slides
of mitotic cells.
4. Stain and examine chromosomes in mitotic cells.
5. Estimate the duration of various stages of mitosis
from experimental observations.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online THE CELL CYCLE

resources tailored to this lab.
This exercise emphasizes events associated with mitosis, but
mitosis is only part of the cell cycle (fig. 14.1). The remain-

C ells grow, have specialized functions, and usually rep- der of the cycle is called the interphase and is subdivided
licate during their life. Although cell enlargement is further into cytokinesis (C), gap 1 (G1), synthesis (S), and
part of organismal growth, cell replication is also required; gap 2 (G2) phases.
this replication allows each cell to grow without becoming The cell cycle begins with the formation of a new cell
too large. All of these activities are part of a repeating set and ends with replication of that cell. The G1 phase of the
of events called the cell cycle. A major feature of the cell
cycle is cellular replication, and a major feature of cellular
replication is mitosis. Mitosis is the replication and division Metaphase
of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell in preparation for cyto- Prometaphase Anaphase
kinesis. During mitosis, chromosomes within the cell are Prophase Telophase
replicated by enzymes and then separated into two identical
sets—each set is then surrounded by a nuclear membrane.
Each of the two new nuclei has a full set of chromosomes G2
containing a copy of all of the genetic information for the
organism. Prokaryotic cells lack nuclei and do not undergo G1
mitosis. Instead, they replicate their chromosome and S Interphase
then divide in half during a process called binary fission G2
M Mitosis
(described in Exercise 24). C Cytokinesis
Mitosis is usually associated with cytokinesis, the S G1
division of the cell and cytoplasm into halves that each con-
tain a nucleus. In some tissues, cytokinesis is delayed or
does not occur at all, and the cells are multinucleate. Mitosis
and cytokinesis are important because they provide a mech-
anism for orderly growth of living organisms.
Figure 14.1  The cell cycle is depicted as a circle. The first gap
phase, G1, involves growth and preparation for DNA ​synthesis.
During the S ​phase, a copy of the genome is synthesized. The second
gap phase, G2, prepares the cell for mitosis. During mitosis, replicated
chromosomes are partitioned. Cytokinesis divides the cell into two
cells with identical genomes.

14–1 Mitosis 149

region of

(a) chromosome (b) 10.5 µm
© Biophoto Associates/Science Source

Figure 14.2  Chromosomes. (a) In a metaphase chromosome, kinetochore microtubules are anchored to proteins at the centromere. (b) This
electron micrograph shows how human chromosomes appear during the early stages of nuclear division. Each strand of DNA has already been
replicated and condensed to form discrete sister chromatids identical to each other and held together by a centromere.

cell cycle occurs after mitosis and cytokinesis, and is when of an identical pair of chromosomal DNA strands, called
the majority of cellular activity for the functions of the cell sister chromatids, attached at a centromere (fig. 14.2).
occurs. Many cell-specific proteins and other molecules are During the G2 phase, molecules and structures necessary for
produced for the metabolism of the cell during G1. During mitosis are synthesized.
the S phase, the DNA composing the chromosomes is dupli- Mitosis (M phase) usually lasts for less than 10% of
cated. At the end of the S phase each chromosome consists the time of the cell cycle, which usually lasts 10 to 30 h.

(a) Interphase (b) Prophase (c) Prometaphase

Sister chromatids spindle
Nuclear Spindle
membrane pole

Two centrosomes, Kinetochore

each with centriole pairs microtubule

1 Chromosomes have already 2 Sister chromatids condense and 3 Nuclear membrane has completely
replicated during interphase. spindle starts to form. Nuclear dissociated into vesicles and the spindle
membrane begins to dissociate is fully formed. Sister chromatids attach
into vesicles. to spindle via kinetochore microtubules.

Figure 14.3  Interphase and the stages of mitosis in an animal cell. The cleavage furrow signifying cytokinesis may first appear during
anaphase or more typically during telophase.

150 EXERCISE 14 14–2

Actively dividing cells such as those in rapidly growing STAGES AND EVENTS OF MITOSIS
tissues may spend more than 10% of their time in mitosis,
whereas static cells such as bone cells or neurons may rarely Mitosis (1) separates the genetic material duplicated dur-
enter M phase. Cytokinesis may begin during mitosis but is ing interphase into two identical sets of chromosomes, and
highly variable in length and timing. Tissues such as striated (2) reconstitutes a nucleus to house each set. As a result,
muscle fibers, and some algal filaments, may undergo mito- mitosis produces two identical nuclei from one. In animals,
sis without cytokinesis and produce multinucleate cells. mitosis occurs in body (i.e., non-sex) ​cells.
Mitosis is traditionally divided into five stages: pro-
Question 2 phase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase
a. Mitosis and cytokinesis are often referred to collec- (fig. 14.3). The actual events of mitosis are not discrete but
tively as “cellular division.” Why are they more accu- occur in a continuous sequence; separation of mitosis into
rately called cellular replication? five stages is merely convenient for our discussion and
organization. During these stages, important cellular struc-
tures are synthesized and perform the mechanics of mitosis
(fig. 14.3). For example, in animal cells, two microtubule-
organizing centers called centrosomes contain cylinders of
microtubules called centrioles, which replicate at the onset
of mitosis. The pairs of centrioles move apart and form an
axis of proteinaceous microtubules between them called
b. Does the cell cycle have a beginning and an end? polar microtubules. The centrioles continue to move apart
Explain. until they reach opposite poles of the cell and have a bridge
of microtubules called the mitotic spindle (or spindle appa-
ratus) extending between them (fig. 14.4). Kinetochore
microtubules (fig. 14.2) attach to each chromosome’s
kinetochore, which is a complex of proteins that binds to
the centromere. At the poles of the cell, the centrioles radiate
an array of microtubules outward in addition to the spindle
apparatus. These microtubules brace the centrioles against

(d) Metaphase (e) Anaphase (f) Telophase and cytokinesis

Metaphase Individual
plate chromosomes Cleavage furrow


4 Sister chromatids align along the 5 Sister chromatids separate and 6 Chromosomes decondense and nuclear
metaphase plate. individual chromosomes move toward membranes re-form. Cleavage furrow
poles as kinetochore microtubules separates the 2 cells.
shorten. Polar microtubules lengthen
and push poles apart.

14–3 Mitosis 151
Cancer — A Corrupt Cell Cycle

Cancer is unrestrained cell proliferation caused by dam- the integrity of DNA, checking that it is undamaged. If the
age to genes that regulate the cell division cycle. Cancer p53 protein detects damaged DNA, it halts cell division
produces a cluster of cells called a tumor that constantly and stimulates enzymes to repair the damage. After repair,
expands. Tumors from cells in connective tissue, bone, or p53 allows cell division to continue. If the DNA damage is
muscle are known as sarcomas, while those from epithelial irreparable, then the p53 directs the cell to kill itself.
tissue, such as skin, are called carcinomas (fig.14.A). In the The p53 gene prevents the development of many
United States, the four deadliest human cancers (about 55% mutated cells and is therefore a tumor-suppressor gene.
of all cancer deaths) are lung cancer, colon cancer, breast Researchers have found that p53 is absent or damaged in
cancer, and leukemia/lymphomas. Recent work has identi- the majority of cancerous cells they have examined. It is
fied one of the culprits in cancer. Officially dubbed p53, this precisely because p53 is nonfunctional that cancer cells
gene plays a key role in the G1 check-point of cell division are able to repeatedly undergo cell division without being
(fig. 14.B). The gene’s product—the p53 protein—monitors halted at the G1 phase of the cell cycle.

Figure 14.A  Portrait of a cancer. This carcinoma is developing from epithelial cells that line the interior of a human lung. As the mass
of cells grows, it invades the surrounding tissues, eventually penetrating lymphatic and blood vessels, both of which are plentiful in the lung.
These vessels carry metastatic cancer cells throughout the body, where they lodge and grow, forming new masses of cancerous tissue.

p53 allows cells with

protein repaired DNA to divide.
Normal p53

DNA repair enzyme

1. DNA damage is caused by 2. Cell division stops, and p53 triggers 3. p53 triggers the destruction of
heat, radiation, or chemicals. enzymes to repair damaged region. cells damaged beyond repair.

p53 protein Cancer cell
Abnormal p53

2. The p53 protein fails to stop cell 3. Damaged cells continue to divide.
1. DNA damage is caused by division and repair DNA. Cell divides If other damage accumulates, the
heat, radiation, or chemicals. without repair to damaged DNA. cell can turn cancerous.

Figure 14.B  Cell division, cancer, and p53 protein. Normal p53 protein monitors DNA, destroying cells that have irreparable damage to
their DNA. Abnormal p53 protein fails to stop cell division or repair DNA. As damaged cells proliferate, cancer develops.

152 EXERCISE 14 14–4

Pole Interestingly, animal cells deprived of centrioles will
Centrosome Astral microtubules still form a spindle apparatus. Chromosomes will eventu-
with centriole
pair ally distribute themselves on the spindle apparatus and are
moved and separated to opposite poles. The distri­bution of
chromosomes will also occur if the cell is haploid (i.e., has
a single set of chromosomes). The vegetative cells of many
organisms such as fungi are haploid rather than diploid
(have a double set of chromosomes). However, the steps of
Sister mitosis are the same as for diploid cells.
Kinetochore chromatids
SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were
asked to read this exercise so you would know what
to do and be aware of safety issues. In the space
Polar Kinetochore below, briefly list the safety issues associated with
microtubules microtubules
today’s procedures. If you have questions about these
issues, contact your laboratory assistant before start-
Figure 14.4  The structure of the mitotic spindle. The mitotic ing work.
spindle is formed by the centrosomes from three types of microtubules.
The astral microtubules emanate away from the region between the
poles. The polar microtubules project into the region between the two
poles. The kinetochore microtubules are attached to the kinetochores of Procedure 14.1  Describe the specific events
sister chromatids. of mitosis
Before your lab meeting, review in your textbook the events
the cell membrane. This arrangement of microtubules radi- associated with each stage of mitosis in addition to the pre-
ating from a centriole is called an aster with astral micro- paratory stage, interphase. List these events in table 14.1.
tubules. Plant cells lack centrioles and asters, but spindle Some events and structures occur only in plant cells and
fibers still form between opposite poles of the cell. some occur only in animal cells. Mark these events in your

TABLE 14.1
Interphase ​ ​Although interphase is not part of nuclear replication, understanding its events is essential to understanding mitosis.






14–5 Mitosis 153
list with an asterisk. This list can serve as an excellent study 10. Move the chromosome models appropriately to depict
guide, so be as complete as possible. One event for each telophase.
stage is provided in figure 14.3. 11. Draw the results of cytokinesis and the re-formation of
nuclear membranes.
Question 3
a. If a nucleus has eight chromosomes during inter- 12. Chromosomal events occur as a continuous process
phase, how many chromosomes does it have during of movements rather than in distinct steps. Therefore,
metaphase? repeat steps 4–11 as a continuous process and ask your
instructor to verify your simulation.


The most distinctive features of cellular replication in animal
cells are the formation of asters with centrioles at their cen-
b. How many does it have after mitosis is complete? ter (discussed earlier) and cytokinesis. Cytokinesis includes
formation of a cleavage furrow that begins on the periphery
of the cell, pinches inward, and eventually divides the cyto-
plasm into two cells (fig. 14.5). Cells of a whitefish blastula
provide good examples of the stages of mitosis and cyto-
kinesis. Whitefish are commonly cultured fish whose eggs
and early developmental stages undergo rapid cell divisions
Understanding the movements of chromosomes is (as do all embryonic cells). A blastula is an early embryonic
crucial to understanding mitosis. You can simulate these stage of a vertebrate and consists of a sphere of 25–100 cells
movements easily with chromosome models made of pipe with a high frequency of different mitotic stages. Exercise
cleaners or popsicle sticks. This is a simple procedure but 50 (Embryology) details the formation of a blastula during
a valuable one. It will be especially helpful when you are embryonic development.
comparing the events of mitosis to the events of meiosis,
which you will simulate in the next exercise. Procedure 14.3  Observe and describe mitosis
in animal cells
Procedure 14.2  Simulate chromosomal replica-
1. Obtain a prepared slide of a cross section through the
tion and movement during mitosis
blastula of a whitefish.
1. Examine the materials to be used as chromosome mod- 2. Examine the cells first on low (10×) then high (40× or
els provided by your instructor. 100×) magnification. Some of the cells contain con-
2. Identify the differences in chromosomes represented densed and stained chromosomes.
by various colors, lengths, or shapes of materials. Also 3. Refer to figure 14.3 for a summary of the stages of
identify materials representing centromeres. mitosis. Identify examples of each stage on your
3. Place a sheet of notebook paper on your lab table to
use in representing the boundaries of the mitotic cell. Cleavage
4. Assemble the chromosomes needed to represent nuclear furrow
material in a cell of a diploid organism with a total of
six chromosomes. Place the chromosomes in the cell.
5. Arrange the chromosomes to depict the position and
status of chromosomes during interphase G1. (During
G1 the chromosomes are usually not condensed, as
the chromosome models imply, but the models are an
adequate representation.)
6. Depict the status of chromosomes after completing
interphase S. Use additional “nuclear material” if
7. Move the chromosome models appropriately to depict
prophase. © MedicalRF.com/Alamy
8. Move the chromosome models appropriately to depict
metaphase. Figure 14.5  Cytokinesis in an animal cell. Cytokinesis, the
physical division of the cell’s cytoplasm, usually occurs after nuclear
9. Move the chromosome models appropriately to depict replication is complete. A cleavage furrow is forming around this
anaphase. dividing sea urchin egg.

154 EXERCISE 14 14–6

Chromosomes Spindle

© Ed Reschke © Ed Reschke
(a) Prophase (b) Prometaphase / Metaphase


© Ed Reschke
© Ed Reschke
(c) Anaphase (d) Telophase

Figure 14.6  Stages of mitosis in cells of a whitefish embryonic blastula (400×). Prometaphase and metaphase may not always be distinguishable
by light microscopy.

prepared slide (fig. 14.6). Verify these stages with your b. Which stage of mitosis most often is associated with
lab partner or teaching assistant. the beginning of cytokinesis?
4. Also identify cells that you believe are between stages.
5. Examine the whitefish cells for signs of cytokinesis.
6. Prepared cross-sections of cells show only two dimen-
sions, but mitosis is a three-dimensional process. In
the following space, draw two cells in metaphase: one
in which the cross section is parallel to the axis of the
spindle apparatus and one in which the cross section is
perpendicular to the spindle apparatus.
Our model to study cellular replication in plants is the root
tip of Allium (onion). Root tips of plants contain meristems,
which are localized areas of rapid cell division due to active
growth at the root tips. In plant cells, cytokinesis includes
formation of a partition called a cell plate perpendicular to
the axis of the spindle apparatus. The cell plate forms in the
Question 4
middle of the cell and grows out to the periphery. It will
a. Why would we choose an embryonic mass of cells for
separate the two new cells.
procedure 14.3 in which to study the stages of mitosis?
Interestingly, the formation of the spindle apparatus
and other microtubule systems in plant and fungal cells
is organized by centrosomes, as in animal cells. But plant
and fungal cells have no centrioles within the centrosomes.
Thus, the function and necessity of centrioles remain some-
what of a mystery.

14–7 Mitosis 155
© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com
(a) Prophase (b) Prometaphase / Metaphase

© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com
(c) Anaphase (d) Telophase

Figure 14.7  Stages of mitosis in a plant cell (1000×). The dark structures are chromosomes.

Procedure 14.4  Observe and diagram mitosis 4. In figure 14.8, diagram a plant cell with a diploid num-
in plant cells ber of three pairs of chromosomes in each of the stages
of mitosis. Diploid refers to a nucleus with two of each
1. Examine a prepared slide of a longitudinal section
type of chromosome. Be sure to label the cell wall and
through an onion root tip.
cell plate.
2. Search for examples of all stages of mitosis (fig. 14.7).
5. Prepared cross sections of cells show only two dimen-
Notice that most cells are in some part of interphase.
sions, but mitosis is a three-dimensional process. In the
Prometaphase may be difficult to distinguish from
following space draw two cells in metaphase: one in
which the plane of section is parallel to the axis of the
3. Search for signs of cell plate formation.

Prophase Prometaphase / Metaphase

Figure 14.8  Diagram the stages

of mitosis in a plant cell with six
chromosomes. The outlines represent the
Anaphase Telophase cell walls of each of four cells.

156 EXERCISE 14 14–8

The Time Elapsed during the Various Stages of Mitosis
Observations: The cell cycle of actively dividing cells of root d. Each prepared slide of a root tip of Allium reveals a snap-
tips of Allium is approximately 24 h long. The phases of mito- shot in time of all stages of mitosis.
sis usually occupy only a small portion of that time. e. The relative abundance of cells in a phase of mitosis is
Question: How long does mitosis take? directly proportional to the length of time for that phase.
f. Outline on Worksheet 14 your experimental design and
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation supplies needed to test your hypothesis. The table below
Worksheet 14 from your instructor. offers insight to a reasonable design. Ask your instructor to
b. Discuss with your group a well-defined question relevant review your proposed investigation.
to the preceding observation and question. Record it on g. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
Worksheet 14. question, and make relevant comments.
c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and h. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your questions,
record it. hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.









spindle apparatus and one in which the cross section is c. Why is pinching of the cytoplasm inadequate for cyto-
perpendicular to the spindle apparatus. kinesis in plant cells?

d. What is a cell plate, and in what stage of mitosis does

Question 5 it form?
a. What region of a root has the most mitotic activity?

e. Locate a plant cell in late telophase. What is the vol-

b. How does cytokinesis differ in plant versus animal cells? ume of the two new cells relative to a mature cell?

14–9 Mitosis 157
CHROMOSOMES Acetic acid is corrosive. Do not spill it.

Your instructor has prepared some living onion root tips

for you to process further and use to observe the stages of 3. Crush the root tip with a blunt probe and cover the tis-
­mitosis. sue with a coverslip.
4. Smash the tissue by pressing on the coverslip with the
Procedure 14.5  Stain chromosomes
eraser of your pencil. Your instructor will demonstrate
1. Obtain an onion root tip and place it in a small vial this procedure.
with Schiff’s reagent for 30 min. Handle Schiff’s 5. Scan your preparation at low magnification to locate
reagent carefully because it is a colorless liquid that stained chromosomes. Then switch to high magnifica-
becomes bright red after reaction. tion and locate formations of chromosomes that indi-
Keep the vial in the dark and at room temperature cate each of the stages of mitosis.
until the root tip becomes purple. Your instructor may
6. Add a drop of acetic acid to the edge of the coverslip
have already stained some root tips for you.
to avoid desiccation.
2. Place the root tip in a drop of 45% acetic acid on a 7. Locate as many stages of mitosis as you can. Be sure
slide and cut away and remove all of the root tissue to look at preparations done by other students.
except the terminal 1 mm of the tip.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Interphase has sometimes been called a “resting stage.” Why is this inaccurate?

2. Most general functions of a cell occur during G1 of interphase. What events that occur during other phases of the cell
cycle might inhibit general metabolism?

3. Read in your textbook about prokaryotic cellular replication; list the fundamental cellular/structural differences
between it and eukaryotic cellular replication. What is the basis for these differences?

4. Some specialized cells such as neurons and red blood cells lose their ability to replicate when they mature. Which phase
of the cell cycle do you suspect is terminal for these cells? Why?

5. Find a concise definition of “cancer.” How might methods to treat cancer relate to what you learned in this lab exercise?


Refer to your textbook to review the properties of a Write a summary of the mechanism and
chemical called colchicine. Describe how colchicine consequences of using the drug Vincristine that
affects dividing cells. What is the mechanism of this effect? How might blocks mitotic spindle formation by cancer (and other) ​cells. Ref-
colchicine be used as a tool in scientific research or medicine? erence the scientific literature.

158 EXERCISE 14 14–10

BIOLOGY Exercise 15
Reduction Division and Gametogenesis

Learning Objectives Haploid egg

By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Describe the events of meiosis. Haploid sperm
2. Compare and contrast meiosis and mitosis. (n)
3. List the most significant events of meiosis. Fertilization
4. Explain the relevance of meiosis to sexual
­reproduction and evolutionary change. (2n)
5. Explain the relationship of meiosis and
­gametogenesis. Maternal
6. Describe the events of spermatogenesis and homologue
­oogenesis. Paternal
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online
resources tailored to this lab. Diploid zygote

Figure 15.1  In animals, meiosis produces eggs and sperm,

S ex is one of the most experienced and scrutinized pro-

cesses of life. Biologists know that the significance of
sex, and meiosis in particular, is the recombination of a par-
both of which are haploid (n). Fusion of an egg and sperm during
fertilization produces a zygote, which is diploid (2n).

ent’s genes and the packaging of these genes as a gamete.

Question 1
During sexual reproduction a gamete and its genes are com-
a. Why would shuffling genetic material to produce new
bined with another parent’s gamete and genes to endow the
combinations of characteristics be advantageous to a
new offspring with new genetic combinations.
Chromosomes in typical, eukaryotic nuclei occur in
pairs; that is, the nuclei are diploid (2n). The two chromo-
somes of a pair are called homologous chromosomes, and
each homologue of a pair has the same sites, or loci, for the
same genes, although the homologues may carry different
alleles at homologous loci. A nucleus, such as that in a gam-
ete, with only one chromosome of each homologous pair is b. When would it be deleterious?
haploid (n).
Meiosis produces haploid daughter nuclei and is
sometimes called “reduction division.” Reducing the num-
ber of chromosomes in the nucleus of a gamete to only one
of each pair is important because such a haploid nucleus can
fuse with another haploid nucleus during sexual reproduc- Meiosis, like mitosis, is preceded by the replication
tion and restore the original, diploid number of chromo- of each chromosome to form two sister chromatids attached
somes to the new individual (fig. 15.1). at a centromere (fig. 15.2). However, two events that do not
occur in mitosis include final reduction of the chromosome
number by half and production of new genetic combina-
tions. Meiosis reduces the chromosome number during two
rounds of chromosome separation called meiosis I and II.
Thus, the genetic material is replicated once just before mei-
osis but divided twice during meiosis. This allocates half the

15–1 Meiosis 159
Homologous chromosomes Homologous chromosomes



Centromere proteins


Sister chromatids
Sister chromatids

Figure 15.2  The difference between homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids. Homologous chromosomes are the maternal and paternal
copies of the same chromosome—say, chromosome number 16. Sister chromatids are the two replicas of a single chromosome held together at their
centromeres by cohesin proteins after DNA replication. The kinetochore is composed of proteins found at the centromere that attach to microtubules
during mitosis.

original number of chromosomes (one of each original pair) allele, or Type O allele, which together determine a person’s
to each daughter cell; that is, the nuclei are haploid. blood type. This exchange of genetic material among chro-
To produce new genetic combinations each chromo- matids is called crossing-over and produces new genetic
some (composed of two sister chromatids) initially pairs combi­nations. During crossing-over there is no gain or loss
along its length with its homologue to form a bivalent of ­genetic material. But afterward, each chromatid of the
(fig. 15.3). This pairing of homologous chromosomes is chromosomes contains different segments (alleles) that it
called synapsis, and the four chromatids exchange homolo- exchanged with other chromatids. The temporary joints of
gous segments of genetic material called alleles. Alleles are two chromatids at a point of genetic exchange are called
alternate states of a gene, such as a Type A allele, Type B chiasmata (fig. 15.3).


Synaptonemal Bivalent
complex forming

1 Homologous 2 Synapsis begins. 3 Bivalents form. 4 Crossing over 5 The chiasma becomes
chromosomes occurs. visible as chromosome
condense. arms separate during
late prophase.

Figure 15.3  Formation of a bivalent and crossing-over during meiosis I. At the beginning of meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair with
each other to form a bivalent, usually with a synaptonemal complex between them. Crossing-over then occurs between homologous chromatids
within the bivalent. During this process, homologues exchange segments of chromosomes.

160 EXERCISE 15 15–2

Question 2 b. What are the major differences between the events of
a. Synapsis occurs after chromosomal DNA has repli- meiosis and mitosis?
cated. How many chromatids are involved in crossing-
over of a homologous pair of chromosomes?

c. What are some minor differences, and why do you

b. Suppose synapsis occurred between two homologous consider them minor?
chromosomes, and one had alleles for blue eyes and
brown hair where the other had alleles for green eyes
and blonde hair. How many different combinations of
these alleles would be possible?

Understanding the movements of chromosomes is cru-

cial to understanding meiosis. You can simulate these move-
ments easily with chromosome models made of pipe cleaners
or popsicle sticks. This simple but valuable exercise is espe-
STAGES AND EVENTS OF MEIOSIS cially instructive if you compare your simulation of meiosis
with your simulation of mitosis from the previous exercise.
Although meiosis is a continuous process, we can study it There are important differences between them.
more easily by dividing it into stages just as we did for mito-
sis. Meiosis and mitosis are similar, and their corresponding Procedure 15.1  Simulate chromosomal
stages of prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and replication and movement during meiosis
telophase have much in common. However, meiosis takes
longer than mitosis because meiosis involves two divisions 1. Examine the materials for chromosome models pro-
instead of one. These two reductions are called meiosis I and vided by your instructor.
meiosis II. Homologous chromosomes are separated at the 2. Identify the differences in chromosomes represented
end of meiosis I, and chromatids composing each chromo- by various colors, lengths, or shapes of the materials.
some are separated during meiosis II. Each ­reduction involves Also identify materials representing centromeres.
the events of prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, 3. Place a sheet of notebook paper on your lab table. Use
and telophase (fig. 15.4). it to represent the boundaries of the meiotic cell.
Before your lab meeting, review in your textbook the 4. Assemble the chromosomes needed to represent the
events associated with each stage of meiosis, including the nuclear material in a cell of a diploid organism with
preparatory stage, interphase. List these events in table 15.1. a total of six chromosomes (three homologous pairs).
This list can serve as an excellent study guide, so be as com- Place the chromosomes in the cell.
plete as possible. Ask your instructor to check for errors. 5. Arrange the chromosomes to depict the position and
One or two events for each stage are provided in figure 15.4. status of chromosomes during interphase G1. (During
G1 the chromosomes are usually not condensed as the
Premeiotic Interphase chromosome models imply; nevertheless, the models
are an adequate representation.)
Meiosis I is preceded by an interphase similar to the G1, S,
6. Depict the chromosomes after completing interphase S.
and G2 of mitotic interphase, including replication of the
Use additional “nuclear material” if needed.
chromosomes. Each chromosome is replicated.
Compare the outline in table 15.1 with your outline in 7. Depict the chromosomes during prophase I, metaphase
table 14.1 on mitosis. I, anaphase I, and telophase I.
8. The interval between meiosis I and meiosis II is called
Question 3 interkinesis. Draw the results of cytokinesis, which
a. If a nucleus has eight chromosomes when it begins occurs at this stage in some organisms.
meiosis, how many chromosomes does it have after 9. Depict the status of chromosomes during prophase II
telophase I? Telophase II? for both daughter nuclei. Repeat this for metaphase II,
anaphase II, and telophase II.
1 0. Draw the results of cytokinesis and the re-formation of
nuclear membranes.

15–3 Meiosis 161
Meiosis I

(a) Prophase I (b) Prometaphase I (c) Metaphase I

Bivalent Fragments of Metaphase

nuclear membrane plate

chromatids Spindle forming Centrosome Bivalent

1 Homologous chromosomes synapse to form 2 Nuclear membrane completely 3 Bivalents align along the metaphase
bivalents, and crossing-over occurs. fragments, and bivalents plate.
Chromosomes condense and the nuclear become attached to kinetochore
membrane begins to fragment. microtubules.

Meiosis II

(f) Prophase II (g) Prometaphase II (h) Metaphase II

6 Sister chromatids condense and the 7 Nuclear membrane completely fragments. 8 Sister chromatids align along the
spindle starts to form. Nuclear Sister chromatids attach to spindle via metaphase plate.
membrane begins to fragment. kinetochore microtubules.

Figure 15.4  Stages of meiosis.

11. Chromosomal events are a continuous process rather timing and structures associated with producing functional
than distinct steps. Therefore, repeat steps 4–10 as a gametes. Gametes are reproductive cells with haploid
continuous process and ask your instructor to verify nuclei resulting from meiosis, and the formation of gametes
your simulation. is called gametogenesis. Meiosis is the primary element of
gametogenesis in animals, but after meiosis the cells must
GAMETOGENESIS mature and usually change their morphology before becom-
ing a functional gamete.
Meiosis occurs in all sexually reproducing eukaryotes and In this exercise, you will examine mammalian game-
produces haploid nuclei. However, organisms vary in the togenesis. Gametogenesis includes spermatogenesis, the

162 EXERCISE 15 15–4

(d) Anaphase I (e) Telophase I and cytokinesis

Cleavage furrow

4 Homologous chromosomes separate 5 Nuclear membranes re-form and

and move toward opposite poles. the chromosomes decondense.
The 2 cells are separated by a
cleavage furrow.

(i) Anaphase II (j) Telophase II and cytokinesis


9 Sister chromatids separate and 10 Chromosomes decondense and nuclear

individual chromosomes move toward membranes re-form. Cleavage furrow
poles as kinetochore microtubules separates the 2 cells into 4 cells.
shorten. Polar microtubules lengthen
and push poles apart.

formation of sperm cells, and oogenesis, the formation of These cells constantly replicate mitotically during the life of
egg cells (fig. 15.5). males. They are assisted by nongerminal cells called sertoli
cells. Some of the daughter cells move inward toward the
lumen of the tubule and begin meiosis. These cells are called
Mammalian Spermatogenesis primary spermatocytes. Meiosis I of a  primary spermato-
Spermatogenesis occurs in male testes made of tightly coiled cyte produces two secondary sper­matocytes, each with a
tubes called seminiferous tubules (fig. 15.6). Examine a pre- haploid set of double-stranded ­chromosomes.
pared slide of a cross-section through the seminiferous tubules Meiosis II separates the strands of each chromosome
of a monkey, rat, or grasshopper. Packed against the inner and produces two haploid cells called spermatids. Sperma-
walls of the tubules are diploid cells called spermatogonia. tids mature and differentiate into sperm cells as they move

15–5 Meiosis 163
TABLE 15.1
Prophase I

Prometaphase/Metaphase I

Anaphase I

Telophase I

Prophase II

Prometaphase/Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II

Sperm cells by the numbers

∙ Healthy males produce 100–200 million sperm cells ∙ There are about 20 million sperm/mL of semen.
per day. ∙ About 20% of all sperm are deformed.
∙ There are an estimated 250 million sperm cells per ∙ Sperm can live inside a female reproductive system for
ejaculation. up to 6 or 7 days.
∙ There are 200–300 million sperm cells for every ∙ Conception can occur several days after sexual
one egg. intercourse.

along the length of the tubule. Review these basic stages of b. What is the advantage of producing sperm in a system
spermatogenesis in figure 15.5. Then examine some pre- of tubes rather than in solid tissue?
pared slides of sperm cells from vertebrates such as guinea
pig, rat, and human.

Question 4
a. During gametogenesis a sperm cell undergoes consid-
erable structural change. What are the basics of sperm c. What is each strand of a double-stranded chromosome
structure and how do these features relate to function? called?

164 EXERCISE 15 15–6

Spermatogonium (2n) Oogonium (2n)

DNA replication DNA replication

Primary Primary oocyte (2n)

spermatocyte (2n)

Meiosis I Meiosis I

Secondary Secondary First polar body (n)

spermatocyte (n) oocyte (n)

Meiosis II Meiosis II

Second polar body (n)

Spermatids (n)

Mature ovum (n) Degenerates

Mature sperm
cells (n)

(a) Spermatogenesis (males) (b) Oogenesis (females)

Figure 15.5  Gametogenesis in (a) males and (b) females. Both male and female germ cells are diploid (2n) cells that undergo two meiotic
divisions to produce mature haploid (n) gametes.

Germ cell

MEIOSIS I (diploid)
Sertoli cell


deferens Spermatids




Figure 15.6  The interior of the testis, the site of spermatogenesis. Within the seminiferous tubules of the testis, germinal cells called
spermatogonia pass through the spermatocyte and spermatid stages to develop into sperm. Each sperm possesses a long tail coupled to a head,
which contains a haploid nucleus.

15–7 Meiosis 165
Mammalian Oogenesis which produces a secondary oocyte and a polar body. This
mature follicle is called a Graafian follicle and contains a
Oogenesis occurs in ovaries of females (fig. 15.7). Cells of secondary oocyte (fig. 15.8). Each secondary oocyte con-
the ovary that produce female gametes are called oocytes. tains a haploid set of double-stranded chromosomes (two
However, oocytes are not produced continually by the chromatids), but cytoplasmic cleavage is unequal. The sec-
ovary, as spermatocytes are produced by the testes. During ondary oocyte retains most of the cytoplasm and the first
early fetal development, oogonia (germinal cell) are pro- polar body usually disintegrates.
duced in the ovaries. These oogonia replicate mitotically Examine a prepared slide of a mammalian ovary
to produce as many as two million primary follicles, each cross-section. In the following space sketch a Graafian fol-
containing a primary oocyte. In humans, ovaries of a new- licle and two or three less mature stages.
born female contain all of the primary oocytes that she will
ever have (i.e., oogonia produce no more primary oocytes).
At birth the primary oocytes in a female have begun mei-
osis I but are arrested in prophase I. They are surrounded
by supportive follicular cells, and together they are called
follicles. At puberty, circulating hormones stimulate growth
of one or two of these dormant follicles (and their primary
oocytes) each month. The oocyte enlarges and the number
of follicular cells increases. Just before ovulation (release of
the oocyte from the ovary) the oocyte completes meiosis I,


Germinal cell Fertilization and

(diploid) meiosis II

Fallopian tube

Arrest at Primary oocyte

prophase I (diploid)
Ruptured follicle
MEIOSIS I (secondary oocyte)
Mature Graafian follicle
with secondary oocyte

Corpus luteum

Developing follicle
First polar
body Secondary oocyte Primary follicle (oocyte)
Arrest at
metaphase II (haploid)

polar body

Ovum (haploid)

Figure 15.7  Oogenesis. A primary oocyte is diploid (2n). After its first meiotic division, one product is eliminated as a polar body. The other
product, the secondary oocyte, is released during ovulation. Sperm penetration stimulates the second meiotic division, and a second polar body
and a haploid ovum are produced. Fusion of the haploid (n) ovum nucleus with a haploid (n) sperm nucleus produces a diploid (2n) zygote that
subsequently forms an embryo.

166 EXERCISE 15 15–8

b. Are polar bodies visible in your prepared slide of a cat
ovary? Why or why not?


After ovulation the remaining follicle cells form the

Follicle corpus luteum on the surface of the ovary. The corpus
luteum produces hormones that prepare the uterus for the
potential arrival of a fertilized egg.

Plant Gametogenesis
The formation of gametes in plants is somewhat different
because their sexual life cycle includes an alternation of
generations between haploid and diploid forms. However,
© Ed Reschke
meiosis is still the critical process by which plants reduce
the number of chromosomes by half to prepare for gamete
Figure 15.8  A mature secondary oocyte in an ovarian follicle of production.
a cat (400×). This secondary oocyte awaits ovulation.
In flowering plants, meiosis occurs in the anthers and
ovary of the flowers. In the anther, the spores resulting from
Question 5 meiosis produce a stage of the life cycle (pollen) that will
How would retaining extra cytoplasm enhance survival of a eventually produce male gametes. In the ovary, the spores
developing oocyte? resulting from meiosis produce a stage of the life cycle
(ovule) that will eventually produce female gametes. You’ll
learn more about these events in Exercise 31. In this proce-
dure, you will observe prepared slides showing stages of the
beginning, middle, and end of meiosis I and II in a represen-
tative plant.

Meiosis II proceeds but is not completed until after

a sperm cell penetrates the egg. Completion of meiosis II Procedure 15.2  Diagram and observe stages
produces another polar body and a haploid egg cell ready for of meiosis
fertilization (fusion of nuclei). Review these basic stages of 1. In figure 15.9, diagram a plant cell with three pairs of
oogenesis in figure 15.5. Then examine a cross-section of a chromosomes in each of the stages of meiosis. Be sure
cat ovary. to label the cell wall and cell plate.
2. Examine the following prepared slides of stages of
Question 6 meiosis in a Lilium anther (see figs. 31.10, 31.11).
a. What are the relative sizes of oocytes in a dormant fol- a. Lilium anther—early prophase I
licle, a growing follicle, and a Graafian follicle? b. Lilium anther—late prophase I
c. Lilium anther—first meiotic division
d. Lilium anther—second meiotic division
e. Lilium anther—pollen tetrads. Each of these cells
will produce a pollen grain.
3. Examine the following prepared slides of stages of
meiosis in a Lilium ovary.
a. Lilium ovary—“mother cell,” prophase I
b. Lilium ovary—binucleate stage, end of meiosis I
c. Lilium ovary—four nucleate stage, end of
meiosis II

15–9 Meiosis 167
Interphase Prophase I Prometaphase I Metaphase I

Anaphase I Telophase I Prophase II Prometaphase II

(label cell plate)

Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II

(label cell plates)

Figure 15.9  Stages of meiosis in plants.

MITOSIS VERSUS MEIOSIS o­ ccurs in diploid cells. Its role is to produce cells with a
­reduced number of chromosomes and shuffle the genetic
Mitosis and meiosis are both forms of cellular replication material so an organism can reproduce sexually. To com-
but they play different roles in the life cycle of animals and pare mitosis and meiosis, review table 15.2 and complete
plants. Mitosis may occur in either haploid or diploid cells the column with the contrasting features of meiosis.
and is necessary for cell production and growth. Meiosis

168 EXERCISE 15 15–10

Variation in the Morphology of Vertebrate Sperm Cells
Observation: The morphology of sperm cells directly relates to c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
their function. Sperm of vertebrates such as guinea pigs, rats, record it.
and humans vary in size and shape. d. Outline on Worksheet 15 the procedures and supplies
Question: How does sperm cell morphology vary among spe- needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to
cies of vertebrates? review your proposed investigation.
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation question, and make relevant comments.
Worksheet 15 from your instructor. f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
b. Discuss with your group the measurements and observa- tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
tions you might make to reveal variation in sperm morphol- needed.
ogy. Pose a well-defined question relevant to the preceding
observation and question. Record it on Worksheet 15.

TABLE 15.2

Purpose of process

Number of cells produced

Number of nuclear divisions

Haploidy or diploidy of resulting cells

Genetically identical cells (yes or no)

Pairing of homologues (yes or no)

Occurrence of crossing over (yes or no)

15–11 Meiosis 169
Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. How would you diagram the chromosomal arrangement for transitional stages such as late prophase/early metaphase I?
Or late anaphase/early telophase I?

2. Would evolution occur without the events of meiosis and sexual reproduction? Why or why not?

​3. What are the general characteristics of sexual reproduction in humans and other vertebrates that are associated with con-
tinuous production of many sperm cells but intermittent, finite production of egg cells?

4. Which process is most accurately referred to as nuclear division: meiosis or mitosis?

5. What special event does interkinesis lack compared to premeiotic interphase?

6. How are mammalian sperm cells produced and incubated at a lower temperature than body temperature?

7. How old is an ovulated oocyte of a 35-year-old woman? What consequences does this have?


Wouldn’t it be easier for a cell simply to divide the
chromosomes once rather than duplicating them and
then dividing them twice during meiosis? Why do you suppose
this isn’t done?

170 EXERCISE 15 15–12

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
BIOLOGY Exercise 16
DNA Isolation and Genetic Transformation

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Isolate DNA from a bacterium.
2. Understand how temperature and pH affect DNA.
3. Insert a gene for resistance to ampicillin into a

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

B iotechnology is the manipulation of organisms to do

practical things and to provide useful products. Bio­
technology has been around for centuries: humans have
selectively bred livestock for meat products, controlled
­pollination to produce more food, and used bacteria and fungi
to make wine and cheese. But recent progress in molecular
biology has revolutionized biotechnology, and its products
include vaccines, detergents, drugs, biodegradable plastics,
alcoholic beverages, industrial chemicals (e.g., ethanol,
acetone), antibiotics, hybrid crops, livestock food, cooking
oils, improved textiles and fabrics, lower-cholesterol meats
© MyLoupe/Getty Images
and eggs, and many common foods (e.g., corn, watermelon,
chicken, cheese) and beverages (e.g., milk, beer, wine). The Figure 16.1  The United States is the world’s top per-capita
revolution stems from new molecular techniques that have consumer of genetically modified crops, and the production of these
made genetic engineering possible. crops demonstrates the importance of genetic engineering in our lives.
For example, in 1996, only 8% of the cropland devoted to corn was
Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of used to grow genetically engineered corn; by 2014, this percentage
genes for practical purposes (fig. 16.1). Genetic engineers had increased to 93%. Yields also increased, from 127 bushels per
can intervene directly in the genetic fate of organisms. We acre in 1996 to 160 bushels per barrel in 2014. The 14 billion bushels
can isolate genes, move them from one organism to the of corn harvested in 2014 were eaten and used to make ethanol,
next, and even move genes from one species to the next. beverages, dyes, adhesives, tires, drugs, and countless other products.
The most common goals of this engineering are to harvest
the valuable proteins made by engineered genes and to miniature drug factory. As a result of this engineering, biolo­
benefit from the new characteristics the genes provide to gists could cheaply harvest a drug that was previously expen­
the target organisms, including humans. Indeed, the impact sive and generally unavailable. Genetic ­engineering has since
on society of the current revolution in genetic engineer­ been applied to medicine (gene therapy, drug production)
ing may soon surpass that of such historical changes as the and the production of new foods and environmentally benign
industrial revolution of the past two centuries. pesticides. Today, millions of diabetics worldwide use syn­
Genetic engineering got its start in 1973 when Stan thetic human-insulin to regulate their blood-sugar levels.
Cohen and Herb Boyer transplanted a gene for antibiotic Insulin is made by genetically engineered bacteria and yeast.
resistance from a frog into a bacterium, and thus “engi­ At the heart of genetic engineering is the science of
neered” an antibiotic-resistant organism. In 1980, molecular molecular biology (i.e., the study of molecules critical to
biologists successfully inserted a human gene for interferon, life). Molecular biologists recently have concentrated their
an antiviral drug, into a bacterium. When the “transformed” efforts on manipulating “information molecules” such as
bacterium reproduced, it generated billions of progeny, each a DNA and proteins because all outward characteristics of

16–1 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 171

organisms have their basis in proteins from genes made of
DNA. In addition to providing techniques for genetic engi­
neering, molecular biology has also impacted fields such as
forensics (e.g., linking suspects to crimes, settling paternity
disputes), hiring practices (pinpointing employees at high
risk for cancer), and agriculture (e.g., in 2014, more than
17 million farmers in 27 countries planted biotech crops
on more than 430 million acres of farmland). In the United
States, genetically modified crops constituted 95% of the
nation’s sugar beets, 93% of the feed corn, 96% of the cot­
ton, and 94% of the soybeans in 2014. To introduce yourself
to the core information of molecular biology, you should
review DNA structure in your textbook and in Exercise 6,
“Biologically Important Molecules.”
In this exercise you’ll learn two techniques used
­routinely by molecular biologists: (1) isolation of DNA, and
(2) genetic transformation.

Isolation of DNA is a routine and important procedure Courtesy Ulrich K. Laemmli
for molecular biologists. Once isolated, the DNA and the
Figure 16.2  A human chromosome contains an enormous
sequence of its subunits can be determined, manipulated, or amount of DNA (35,000×). The dark element at the bottom of the
altered. Bacteria each contain only about 10−14 g of DNA, photograph is part of the protein matrix of a single chromosome. All
which accounts for approximately 5% of the organism’s dry of the surrounding material is the DNA of the chromosome.
weight. However, molecules of this DNA can be very long;
for example, the DNA in an E. coli, if strung out, would Procedure 16.1  Isolate DNA from
be approximately 1 mm long. (By analogy, if the bacterium Halobacterium salinarum
were the size of a grapefruit, then its DNA would be more
1. Several days ago your laboratory instructor inoculated
than 80 km long.) The ability to pack this much DNA into
petri dishes of culture media with Halobacterium salina-
a tiny cell is impressive, especially because DNA is a rather
rum. Obtain one of these cultures from your instructor.
stiff molecule (fig. 16.2).
When DNA or other large molecules are isolated from 2. Use a flexible plastic ruler to scrape the bacterial
cells, the surrounding solution becomes viscous (i.e., thick, growth from the surface of the agar and collect it in a
syrupy, and resistant to flow). This is because DNA mole­ test tube.
cules are long and tend to stick to each other due to cohesion 3. Add 1 mL of distilled water to the tube. One milliliter
among molecules and hydrogen bonding (recall that hydrogen equals about 20 drops.
bonding also holds the two strands of DNA’s double helix 4. Place a small piece of plastic film over the top of the
together; see fig. 6.9). Harsh chemicals will nonspecifically test tube and hold it securely in place with your thumb.
disrupt hydrogen bonds, including those between correspond­ Invert the tube several times to mix the contents. This
ing nitrogenous bases of DNA. Molecular collisions produced mixing with water lyses the cells, and the liquid will
by high heat can tear molecules apart, and any breakdown in become viscous.
molecular structure will reduce viscosity. 5. Use an eyedropper to slowly and gently pour 1 mL of
In this exercise, you will isolate DNA from Halobac- ice-cold 95% ethanol down the side of the tube. Do not
terium salinarum, a halophilic (“salt-loving”) bacterium that shake or disturb the tube. DNA will precipitate at the
grows only in salty environments (4–5 M NaCl). It’s espe­ interface between the layers of water and ethanol.
cially easy to isolate DNA from this organism because its 6. Insert a glass rod into the liquid. Rotate the rod. DNA
cell walls disintegrate when placed in low-salt environments will adhere to the rod as it is twirled.
(0–2 M NaCl).
Question 1
SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked What is the texture of the DNA you’ve isolated?
to read this exercise so you would know what to do
and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.

172 EXERCISE 16 16–2

The DNA that you’ve isolated is not pure; rather, it is con­ into a tiny cell, the DNA is wrapped tightly around
taminated with small amounts of protein and RNA. proteins. Meat tenderizer is a protease, which is an
enzyme that digests protein and, in doing so, releases
DNA from the protein.
6. Cap or cork the test tube and gently rock the tube from
If time permits, your instructor may also ask you to extract side to side for 3 min. Also gently invert the tube
DNA from your cheek cells. These procedures will work 4–5 times. Do not vigorously shake or tilt the tube;
best if you have not eaten or chewed gum lately. doing so will shear the DNA into smaller pieces that
Examine the cells from which you will extract your will be hard to see later. If caps or corks are not avail­
DNA. able, you can also cover the end of the test tube with
your gloved thumb or a piece of Parafilm.
1. Place a drop of methylene blue on a clean microscope
7. Let the tube stand for 1 min.
slide. Be careful; methylene blue will stain your skin
and clothes. 8. After uncapping the tube, gently tilt the tube to a
2. Gently scrape the inside of your cheek with the flat side 45° angle and use a pipette to gently add 10 mL of
of a toothpick. Swirl this end of the toothpick in the ice-cold ethanol down the side of the tube. (The colder
drop of methylene blue. Then throw the toothpick away. the alcohol, the more DNA will precipitate.) Alcohol
is less dense than the detergent solution, so the alcohol
3. Place a coverslip on the drop of methylene blue and
will form a layer atop the detergent.
examine the slide with your light microscope.
9. Let the tube stand for 10 min. Do not shake, tip, mix,
At low power, cells will appear as small, purplish objects. or agitate the tube. Watch what happens at the interface
After finding some of these cells, examine the cells with a between the alcohol and detergent.
higher-power objective. These are the cells from which you
10. Use a glass rod to slowly move some of the alcohol
will extract your DNA.
into the detergent. When you do this, your DNA—
which is insoluble in alcohol—will precipitate as
Extracting your DNA white, cottony strands at the alcohol-detergent inter­
face. The lipids and proteins will remain dissolved.
You’ll extract your DNA by (1) collecting your cells,
Bubbles displaced from the sports drink may get
(2) releasing the DNA by using detergent to lyse the cell and
trapped in the DNA and make it easier to see.
nuclear membranes of your cells, and (3) precipitating your
DNA by adding alcohol. 1 1. Spool your DNA on the glass rod by slowly twirling
the rod in one direction.
1. Pour 10 mL of a lightly colored sports-drink (or a
0.9% solution of sodium chloride) into a small, dispos­
able cup. The Influence of Heat and pH on DNA
2. Collect your cheek cells by vigorously swirling the Heat and pH strongly affect the properties of DNA. For
sports drink or salt solution in your mouth for 1 min. example, DNA typically denatures at alkaline pH and at
While swirling the solution in your mouth, rub your 80–97°C. Test these effects with the following procedures.
cheek with your tongue and teeth. Cells lining your
mouth are easily loosened, and this swirling will Procedure 16.2  Test the influence of heat
dislodge cells, which will be the source of your DNA. on DNA
The longer and more vigorously you swirl the solution 1. Precipitate DNA in a test tube following steps 1–5 in
in your mouth, the more cells and DNA you will col­ procedure 16.1 for isolating DNA.
lect. (This solution will also contain bacteria from your
2. Place the tube into a boiling water-bath for 10 min.
mouth, from which you will also isolate the DNA.)
3. Place the tube in an ice bath.
3. Spit the sports-drink solution back into the disposable
cup. 4. Insert and twirl a glass rod in the tube.
5. Compare the viscosity of the heat-treated DNA with
4. Pour the sports-drink solution from the cup into a test
untreated DNA.
tube containing 5 mL of a 25% solution of dishwashing
detergent. The detergent will break the lipid-based cell Question 2
and nuclear membranes, thereby releasing the cells’ a. What effect does heat have on the viscosity of DNA?
DNA into solution. (This is why we use detergents to
remove fats—that is, lipids—from dirty dishes.)
5. Add a pinch of meat tenderizer to the test tube. Each
of our cells contains enough DNA which, if stretched
end-to-end, would span 2–3 m. To fit this much DNA

16–3 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 173

b. What do you think is the mechanism for this change in requires three conditions: (1) a host into which DNA can
viscosity? be inserted, (2) a means of carrying the DNA into the host,
and (3) a method for selecting and isolating the successfully
transformed organisms.

The Host: Escherichia coli

Procedure 16.3  Test the influence of pH
on DNA The host organism you’ll use is the bacterium Escherichia
1. Precipitate DNA in a test tube following steps 1–5 in coli, one of the most intensively studied organisms in the
procedure 16.1 for isolating DNA. world. E. coli has the following properties that make it ide­
ally suited for ­transformation:
2. Add 2 mL of 1.0 N NaOH to the tube.
∙ It contains only one chromosome made of five million
base-pairs. This is less than 0.2% of that of the human
NaOH is caustic. Don’t spill it on yourself or your
E. coli grows rapidly. Transformations in bacteria are rare
and occur in only about 0.1% of cells. Therefore, transfor­
3. Insert and twirl a glass rod in the tube. mations are observed most easily in large, rapidly grow­
4. Compare the viscosity of the alkali-treated DNA with ing populations. E. coli is ideal for transformation studies
untreated DNA and with heat-treated DNA. because, in ideal conditions, it divides every 20 min. As a
result, in 10 h a bacterium can produce a billion progeny
Question 3
(30 generations) in only 1 mL of nutrient broth.
a. What effect does alkaline pH have on the viscosity of
DNA? Only a small percentage of bacterial cells in a culture
can be transformed. Also, small lengths of DNA are taken up
more readily than long lengths. However, competence of the
bacteria (i.e., the chances for successful transformation)
increases during the early and middle stages of its growth.
b. What do you think is the mechanism for this
Competence also increases when cells suspended in a cold
pH-induced change in viscosity?
solution of CaCl2 are heat-shocked. Yield is usually about 106
transformants per milligram of DNA available for insertion.

A Vector to Move DNA into the Host

A biological vector is a DNA molecule that carries DNA
Much of biotechnology is based on genetic transforma- sequences into a host. The simplest bacterial vectors are
tion, which is the uptake and expression of DNA by a living plasmids, circular pieces of DNA made of 1000 to 200,000
cell. A successful transformation, summarized in figure 16.3, base-pairs (fig. 16.4). Plasmids exist separately from the

DNA plasmids with

genetic code for
resistance to Proteins added to
ampicillin Site of cell wall to confer
plasmid uptake resistance to ampicillin

of mRNA Translation
from of mRNA

plasmid into
DNA proteins

E. coli cell

Figure 16.3  Transformation of an E. coli cell with plasmid DNA. In this example, the DNA plasmid contains the genetic code for resistance
to the antibiotic ampicillin. After uptake of the plasmid, the code is transcribed to messenger RNA, which is translated during protein synthesis.
Addition of these proteins to the cell wall will retard attack by ampicillin.

174 EXERCISE 16 16–4

other (−)P, meaning without plasmid. Place them in
the beaker of ice.
6. Obtain a packaged, sterile, plastic pipet, and locate the
graduation indicating a volume of 0.25 mL.
7. Open the packaged pipet without touching and con­
taminating the pipet’s open end. Use this pipet to add
0.25 mL of a sterile, ice-cold solution of 50 mM CaCl2
to each of the two transformation tubes. Use sterile
technique. This is shown in step 1 of figure 16.5.
8. Several days ago your lab instructor streaked starter
plates of nutrient agar with E. coli. Scrape a colony
Courtesy Dr. Stanley N. Cohen of E. coli (3-mm diameter) from one of these plates
with a sterile, plastic inoculating loop. The bacteria are
Figure 16.4  A famous plasmid. The circular molecule in this
electron micrograph (70,000×) was the first plasmid used successfully growing as a thin film on the surface of the agar; when
to clone a vertebrate gene, pSC101. Its name refers to it being the you scrape a colony off the surface, be sure not to take
101st plasmid isolated by Stanley Cohen. up any of the agar. Use sterile technique. This is shown
in step 2 of figure 16.5.
9. Place the loopful of bacteria into the transformation
bacterial chromosome, and they must contain a gene that con­
tube labeled (−)P. Rinse the bacteria from the loop by
fers some selective advantage (e.g., resistance to an antibiotic)
gently twirling the loop handle between your fingers.
to remain in the host. We don’t completely understand how
plasmids enter host cells, but they seem to enter consistently. 10. To mix the bacterial suspension, open a sterile, pack­
aged pipet. Insert the pipet into the suspension in the
bottom of the tube and gently use a rubber bulb to suck
Selecting Transformed Organisms the fluid in and out of the tip three or four times. Be
You’ll insert into E. coli a plasmid (pAMP) containing a sure the tip is empty before withdrawing the pipet.
gene for resistance to ampicillin, an antibiotic lethal to many 1 1. For tube (+)P, repeat steps 8–10. Use a fresh loop and
bacteria (fig. 16.5). (Refer to Exercise 24 for information on pipet to inoculate and mix the bacteria. Try to get the
bacterial cell wall structure and how ampicillin might kill same amount of bacteria into each tube. Replace the two
bacteria.) Then you’ll select transformed bacteria based on tubes in the ice bath and chill the tubes for at least 5 min.
their resistance to ampicillin by spreading the transformed
organisms onto nutrient medium containing ampicillin. Incubation
Organisms that grow on this medium have been transformed.
Because E. coli grows so fast, you can check for transformed 12. Use a sterile loop to obtain one loopful (10 μL) of an
organisms only 12–24 h after completing the experiment. ice-cold solution of DNA plasmids from a vial kept by
your instructor. Add this loopful of plasmids to tube
Procedure 16.4  Transform E. coli (+)P and gently rotate the loop to rinse the plasmids
from the loop. These plasmids contain the gene for
resistance to ampicillin. Do not add plasmids to tube
1. Carefully read this procedure and review figure 16.5 (−)P. This is shown in step 3 of figure 16.5.
before beginning. Wash your hands. Your instructor 13. Place both tubes in ice for 15 min.
will demonstrate and discuss sterile technique, which
14. While the tubes are cooling, obtain two agar plates
will eliminate contamination of your cultures by other
labeled (−)AM, meaning nutrient agar without ampi­
organisms (e.g., bacteria, fungi). Use sterile technique
cillin, and two plates labeled (+)AM, meaning nutrient
when doing this procedure.
agar with ampicillin. Label one of each pair of plates
2. Fill a 250-mL beaker with about 50 mL of ethanol and as (−)P and the other two plates as (+)P.
place a glass-rod bacterial spreader in the ethanol to soak.

Preincubation to Increase Competency Heat Shock

3. Obtain a test tube with 1 mL of sterile, yellow nutrient 15. Heat-shock the transformation tubes (−)P and (+)P by
broth, and a tube with 1 mL of clear, colorless 50 mM placing them in a 42°C water-bath for 2 min. Shake
CaCl2. Label these tubes NB and CaCl2, respectively. the tubes while they are in the water-bath. Heat shock
4. Fill a 250-mL beaker half full with crushed ice. Place increases the uptake of the plasmid by the bacterial cells.
the tube of CaCl2 in the beaker of ice. 16. Chill the tubes in ice for 5 min.
5. Obtain two sterile, plastic transformation tubes and 17. Remove the tubes from the ice bath; place them in a
label one of them (+)P, meaning with plasmid, and the test-tube rack or empty beaker.

16–5 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 175

Figure 16.5  Summary of the procedure to transform bacteria by
exposing E. coli to a plasmid.

surface in the middle of the plate labeled (+)AM/(−)P.

Transfer another 0.10 mL onto the plate labeled
(−)AM/(−)P. Close the plates. This is shown in step 5
of figure 16.5.
Recovery and Plating the Samples
20. Using another sterile pipet, transfer 0.10 mL of the
18. Using a sterile pipet, add 0.25 mL nutrient broth to (+)P cell suspension onto the middle of the plate
each tube and tap gently to mix the contents. This is labeled (+)AM/(+)P. Transfer another 0.10 mL onto
shown in step 4 of figure 16.5. the plate labeled (−)AM/(+)P. Close the plates.
19. Using sterile technique and a sterile pipet, transfer 2 1. Light an alcohol lamp. Dip the bacteria spreader into
0.10 mL of the (−)P cell suspension onto the agar’s the ethanol and then into the flame of an alcohol lamp.

176 EXERCISE 16 16–6

Let the ethanol burn away; then count to 10 to let the 25.
In the space below indicate with a (+) which plates had
spreader cool. Before spreading the bacteria in the first bacterial growth after 24 h. Draw the appearance and
of your four plates, further cool the spreader by touch­ coverage of bacterial colonies and explain possible rea­
ing it to the agar at the edge of the plate. Then touch sons for growth and possible reasons for no growth.
the spreader to the cell suspension in the middle of
the plate and gently drag it back and forth three times. (−)AM/(+)P (−)AM/(−)P
Rotate the plate 90° and repeat. This is shown in step
6 of figure 16.5. Remember to sterilize the bacteria
spreader between each plate. Repeat this procedure to
spread the bacteria on the other three plates.

Selecting the Transformed Organisms

22. Put your name and date on each of the four plates, and
tape the plates together. Incubate the plates upside
down at 37°C.
Reason for growth: Reason for growth:
23. Place all the tubes, loops, and other such materials, in a
central location for disposal. Wipe your work area with
a weak bleach solution and wash your hands before
leaving the laboratory.
24. In the space below indicate your predictions for growth
(+) or no growth (−). Explain your reasoning for each Reason for no growth: Reason for no growth:
prediction in the provided space.

(−)AM/(+)P (−)AM/(−)P
(+)AM/(+)P (+)AM/(−)P

Explain your prediction: Explain your prediction:

Reason for growth: Reason for growth:

(+)AM/(+)P (+)AM/(−)P
Reason for no growth: Reason for no growth:

Question 4
a. Which treatment produced transformed bacteria?

Explain your prediction:

b. How many transformed colonies grew on each plate?
Explain your prediction:

c. What was the purpose of tube 2 without plasmid?

16–7 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 177

Antibiotic Resistance by Transformed Bacteria
Observation: In this lab you inserted a plasmid into the bacte­ c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
rium Escherichia coli. That plasmid conferred resistance to the record it.
antibiotic ampicillin. d. Outline on Worksheet 16 your experimental design and
Question: Are transformed bacteria that are resistant to ampi­ supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor
cillin also resistant to other antibiotics? to review your proposed investigation.
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation question, and make relevant comments.
Worksheet 16 from your instructor. f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques­
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and needed.
record your group’s best question for investigation.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Consider the ubiquitous occurrence of bacteria in nature, along with the constant fragmentation and release of DNA as
cells decompose. How frequently do genetic transformations occur in nature? Explain your answer.

2. How could genetic transformations improve our quality of life? How could they decrease our quality of life?

3. Why is molecular biology often referred to as genetic engineering or biotechnology?

4. How could the uptake of plasmids in natural systems be important?

5. The development of antibiotic resistance is a major threat to our health. Why? How extensive is this problem?

6. In 1997, only 10% of the U.S. cotton crop was genetically engineered, but that percentage rose to 94% in 2014.
Similarly, only 17% of the U.S. soybean crop was genetically engineered in 1997, but that percentage rose to 94% in
2014. Why are genetically engineered crops becoming so popular in the United States?

7. As of 2014, only one crop—a type of corn engineered to fight off pests such as the European corn borer—was approved
for cultivation in the European Union. What concerns have limited the impact of genetically engineered crops in Europe?
Do you consider these concerns to be valid? Why or why not?


Design and conduct an experiment to test the effects Many people resist the use of genetic engineering
of acid pH on the integrity of isolated DNA. How do the to alter organisms. What are their arguments?
results compare to the effects of basic solutions on DNA? Do you agree?

178 EXERCISE 16 16–8

BIOLOGY Exercise 17
The Principles of Mendel

for genetics and inheritance, it went largely unnoticed until it

Learning Objectives was rediscovered independently by several European scien-
tists in 1900. The experiments and conclusions in Mendel’s
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
paper now form the foundation of Mendelian ­genetics, the
1. Describe simple genetic dominance, incomplete
topic of today’s exercise.
dominance, and lethal inheritance.
Mendel’s greatest contribution was to replace the
2. Describe possible genotypes for some of your
blending theory of inheritance, which stated that all traits
­personal traits inherited as dominant and recessive
blend with each other, with the particulate theory. Mendel’s
particulate theory states that (1) inherited characters are
3. Explain the importance of Mendel’s Law of Segre-
determined by particular factors (now called genes), (2) these
gation and Law of Independent Assortment.
factors occur in pairs (i.e., genes occur on maternal and pater-
4. Distinguish between an organism’s phenotype and
nal homologous chromosomes), and (3) when gametes form,
these genes segregate so that only one of the homologous pair
is contained in a particular gamete. Recall from Exercise 15
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online
(Meiosis) that each gamete has an equal chance of possess-
resources tailored to this lab.
ing either member of a pair of homologous chromosomes.
This part of the particulate theory is collectively known as
Mendel’s First Law, or the Law of Segregation. Mendel’s
P ublished papers are the primary means of communicat-
ing scientific discoveries. One of the most famous of
these papers, titled “Experiments in Plant Hybridization,”
Second Law, or the Law of Independent Assortment, states
that genes on nonhomologous or different chromosomes will
be distributed randomly into gametes (figs. 17.2, 17.3).
was written in 1866 by Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk
Mendel’s laws describe the inheritance of traits linked
(fig. 17.1). Although Mendel's paper later became the basis
to single genes on chromosomes in the nucleus of cells. In
today’s lab, you’ll learn about some of these traits and their
inheritance. Remember, however, that not all traits are inher-
ited according to Mendel’s laws. For example, several dis-
eases that affect eyes and muscles are inherited from DNA in
mitochondria (i.e., not the nucleus). Your textbook discusses
this and other types of non-Mendelian inheritance.
Before you start this exercise, briefly review in your
textbook some principles and terms pertinent to today’s
­exercise. A gene is a unit of heredity on a chromosome.
A gene has alternate states called alleles, contributed to an
organism by its parents. Alleles for a particular gene occur
in pairs. Alleles that mask expression of other alleles but are
themselves expressed are dominant; these alleles are usually
designated by a capital letter (for example, P). Alleles whose
expression is masked by dominant alleles are recessive
and designated by a lowercase letter (for example, p). The
© Steven P. Lynch/Getty Images RF
genotype of an organism includes all the alleles present in
Figure 17.1  Gregor Mendel (1822–1884) grew and tended the cell, whether they are dominant or recessive. The physi-
pea plants (Pisum sativum) like these for his experiments. For each cal appearance of the trait is the phenotype. Thus, if purple
experiment, he observed and counted as many offspring as possible.
Pea plants are easy to grow and have many distinct traits; this made it flowers (P) are dominant to white flowers (p), a plant with
easy for Mendel to analyze many crosses involving lots of offspring. In purple flowers can have a genotype PP or Pp. A plant with
one set of crosses, he observed and counted a total of 7,324 peas! white flowers can only have a genotype pp (fig. 17.3). When

17–1 Genetics 179
Paternal gamete Maternal gamete

Homologous pairs

Diploid offspring

Potential gametes

Figure 17.2  Independent assortment increases genetic variability. Independent assortment contributes new gene combinations to the next
generation because the orientation of chromosomes on the metaphase plate is random. For example, in cells with three pairs of chromosomes, eight
different gametes can result, each with different combinations of parental chromosomes.

P p P p White parent pp

P P Pp p p

p pp p pp parent P
Pp Pp
1. p1p 5pp. 2. P1 p5 Pp.

P p P p P
Pp Pp
P Pp P PP Pp
F1 generation

p pP pp p pP pp

3. p 1 P5 pP. 4. P1 P5 PP.
heterozygote Pp

P p

Figure 17.3  In Mendel’s crosses of pea plants having purple Pp
flowers with plants having white flowers, the original parents PP Pp
each make only one type of gamete. Offspring in the resulting F1
generation are all Pp heterozygotes with purple flowers. These F1
offspring then each make two types of gametes that can be combined
to produce three kinds of F2 offspring: PP ​homozygotes (purple pP pp
flowers); Pp heterozygotes (also purple flowers); and pp homozygotes
(white flowers). The ratio of dominant to recessive phenotypes is 3:1. F2 generation 3 Purple:1 White
The ratio of genotypes is 1:2:1 (1PP:2Pp:1pp). (1PP:2Pp:1pp)

180 EXERCISE 17 17–2

TABLE 17.1

Heads-heads = PP = purple flowers

Heads-tails = Pp = purple flowers

Tails-tails = pp = white flowers

Question 1
What is the ratio of purple-flowered (PP or Pp) to white-
1 mm
flowered (pp) offspring?
© Jackie Lewin/Royal Free Hospital/Science Source

Figure 17.4  Sickle cell anemia. Individuals homozygous for the

sickle cell allele have many red blood cells with irregular and sickle
shapes, such as the cell on the far left.

the paired alleles are identical (PP or pp), the genotype is Keep these results in mind and return to the original prob-
homozygous (fig. 17.4). When the paired alleles are differ- lem: What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring
ent (Pp), the genotype is heterozygous. With this minimal of the F1 generation?
review, you’re prepared to apply this information to solve Parents: Pp × Pp
some genetics problems. Gametes: (P or p) × (P or p)
Offspring genotypes: PP Pp pP pp
SIMPLE DOMINANCE Offspring phenotypes: 3 purple 1 white
Assume that purple flowers are dominant to white flowers. Thus, the theoretical genotypic ratio for the offspring
If a homozygous purple-flowered plant is crossed (mated) of the F1 generation is 1 PP : 2 Pp : 1 pp, and the phenotypic
with a homozygous white-flowered plant, what will be ratio is 3 purple : 1 white.
the phenotype (physical appearance) and genotype of the
Question 2
a. How do these ratios compare with your data derived
Parents:  PP (hom­ozygous dominant = purple from coin flipping?
flowers) × pp (hom­ozygous
recessive = white flowers)
Gametes:  P from the purple-flowered parent
p from the white-flowered parent
Offspring: genotype = Pp
b. Would you have expected a closer similarity if you had
phenotype = purple flowers
flipped the coins 64,000 times instead of 64 times?
This first generation of offspring is called the first Why or why not?
filial or F1 generation (fig. 17.3).
Each of the F1 offspring can produce two possible
gametes, P and p. Mendel noted that the gametes from each
of the parents combine with each other randomly. Thus,
you can simulate the random mating of gametes from the
F1 ­generation by flipping two coins simultaneously. Assume
that heads designates the purple-flower allele (P), and tails SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were
designates the white-flower allele (p). Flipping one coin will asked to read this exercise so you would know what
determine the type of gamete from one parent and flipping to do and be aware of safety issues. In the space
the other will determine the gamete from the other parent. below, briefly list the safety issues associated with
To demonstrate this technique, flip two coins simultane- today’s procedures. If you have questions about these
ously 64 times and record the occurrence of each of the three issues, contact your laboratory assistant before start-
possible combinations in table 17.1. ing work.

17–3 Genetics 181
Procedure 17.1  Determine genotypic and phe- Question 3
notypic ratios for albinism a. What is the expected genotype for the F1 generation?
Albinos are homozygous recessive for the pair of alleles that
produce pigments of skin, hair, and eyes. Suppose a woman
having normal colored skin and an albino mother marries an
albino man. Record the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of
their children. b. Will all F1 offspring have the same genotype?
Genotype of children’s mother
Genotype of children’s father
Possible gametes of mother
Possible gametes of father c. Will all F1 offspring have the same phenotype?
Possible offspring
Genotypic ratio of children
Phenotypic ratio of children
Question 4
Procedure 17.2  Determine color and height a. What are the predicted phenotypes for the F2 (i.e.,
ratios for corn plants second) generation that is produced by the cross RrSs
× RrSs?
An ear of corn provides a large family of siblings in which
we can study how traits are passed from one generation to
the next. The color of grains (karyopses) and the height of
Zea mays (corn) plants are often determined by a single gene.
1. Examine (a) the ears of corn having red and yellow
b. In what ratio will they occur?
grains, and (b) the tray of tall and dwarf plants on
2. Record your observations here and determine the prob-
able genotypes of the parents of each cross.
Probable genotypes of parents:
4. To test your prediction in Question 4, count the num-
Color of Corn Grains ber of kernels having each of the following phenotypes
Number of red grains in five rows of kernels on the cobs of corn available in
lab. These kernels are the F1 generation produced by
Number of white grains the cross RrSs × RrSs.
Ratio of red : white grains Red, smooth
Probable genotypes of parents ​× Red, wrinkled
Height of Plants White, smooth
Number of tall plants White, wrinkled
Number of dwarf plants
Question 5
Ratio of tall : dwarf plants a. How do your data compare with those that you
Probable genotypes of parents ​× predicted?

3. The preceding crosses involved only one trait and thus

are termed monohybrid crosses. Let’s now examine
a cross involving two traits; that is, a dihybrid cross.
Your instructor will review with you the basis for
working genetics problems involving dihybrid crosses. b. What are the genotypes of the F2 generation that is pro-
duced by the cross RrSs × RrSs?
In corn, red (R) seed color is dominant to white (r)
seed color, and smoothness (S) is dominant to wrinkled (s)
seed. Observe the cobs of corn derived from a cross between
parents having genotypes RRSS and rrss.

182 EXERCISE 17 17–4

c. In what ratio will they occur? Question 7
a. What is the ratio of green to albino seedlings?

b. Based on this ratio, what might you expect were the

INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE genotypes of the parents?
Some traits such as flower color are controlled by incom-
plete dominance. In this type of inheritance, the heterozy-
gous genotype results in an intermediate characteristic. For
example, if a plant with red flowers (RR) is crossed with a
plant having white flowers (rr), all of the offspring in the Question 8
first filial (F1) generation will have pink flowers (Rr). Why is it impossible to cross a green and an albino plant?

Parents: RR (red) × rr (white)

Gametes: R×r
Offspring: Rr (pink)
Question 6
What are the expected ratios of red, pink, and white flowers Genetic diversity can also result from multiple alleles, gene
in a cross involving two pink-flowered parents? interactions (epistasis), continuous variation, pleiotropy,
environmental effects, linkage, and sex linkage. Although
time limitations prohibit exercises about these topics, be
sure to review them in your textbook.


Lethal inheritance involves inheriting a gene that kills the Blood type of humans provides an excellent example of
offspring. Observe the tray of green and albino seedlings codominance, another type of Mendelian inheritance. In
of corn. (Your instructor may substitute tobacco seedlings codominance, both alleles contribute to the phenotype of
for the corn seedlings.) The albino plants cannot photosyn- a heterozygote. For example, all individuals have one of
thesize and therefore die as soon as their food reserves are four blood types: A, B, AB, and O (fig. 17.5). These blood
exhausted. groups are determined by the p­ resence of compounds called
antigens on the surfaces of their red blood cells. If antigen
A or B is present, no antibodies against this antigen are pro-
Possible alleles from female
duced. Thus, if a person has antigen-A on his or her blood
cells, then the person has type A blood and possesses blood
IA or IB or i
Blood types and
Possible alleles from male


Recipient (serum type)
or A B AB O


(blood cell type)
Blood donor

or B
i IAi IBi ii

Blood types A AB B O
+ = Agglutination
© Ed Reschke/Getty Images
(a) (b) (c) – = No reaction

Figure 17.5  ABO blood groups. (a) Multiple alleles control the ABO blood groups. Different combinations of the three I gene alleles result in
four different blood type phenotypes: type A (either IAIA homozygotes or IAi heterozygotes), type B (either IBIB homozygotes or IBi heterozygotes),
type AB (IAIB heterozygotes), and type O (ii homozygotes). (b) The blood agglutination reaction. Agglutination occurs when blood cells stick and
clump together. (c) Agglutination will occur when donor blood cells are incompatible with recipient serum, as designated by a +.

17–5 Genetics 183
TABLE 17.2

A A anti-B IAIA or IAi 42

B B anti-A IBIB or IBi 10
AB A and B none IAIB 4
O O (none) anti-A and anti-B ii 44

antibodies (proteins) that agglutinate type B blood cells. Blood typing is also important for determining the
Similarly, a person having antigen-B on his or her blood cells safety of blood transfusions. Your body automatically pro-
has type B blood and has antibodies that agglutinate type A duces antibodies for antigens you do not carry (fig. 17.5).
blood cells. If a person has antigen-A and antigen-B on his or For example, people with type A blood have antibodies
her blood cells, then the person has type AB blood and lacks against B antigens, and people with type B blood produce
A and B antibodies. If a person has no A or B antigens on his antibodies against A antigens. If someone having type B
or her blood cells, the blood type is O and the person pos- blood received blood from someone having type A blood,
sesses antibodies against both A and B antigens (table 17.2). the recipient’s antibodies would react with and agglutinate
This system is rather unusual in that individuals have anti- the red blood cells received from the donor (fig. 17.5b). As a
bodies against the blood antigens that they do not possess. result, the recipient would die.
Blood typing is often important for establishing the
possible identity of an individual in forensic work and pater- Question 10
nity suits. For example, assume that a woman with type O a. Can a person with type O blood safely donate blood to
blood has a child having type O blood. The suspected father a person having type A blood? Why or why not?
has type AB blood.
Could the suspected father with type AB blood be the
child’s father? The answer is no, because the cross would
have the following results:
b. Which blood type would be a universal donor?
Parents: ii (type O) × IAIB (type AB)
Gametes: i and i, IA and IB
Offspring: IAi or IBi
Half of the offspring from the mother and the sus-
pected father would have type A blood (genotype = IAi), and c. Which blood type would be a universal recipient?
the other half would have type B blood (genotype = IBi).
Thus, the suspected father could not have fathered a child
with blood type AB or with type O blood with this mother.
ABO blood typing can be used to eliminate a person
as a potential parent, but not to prove paternity. To appreci-
ate this, suppose there is a mix-up of children in the mater- Procedure 17.3  Determine blood type for ABO
nity ward of a hospital after the genotypes of the children
are determined from the parents’ blood types. The following 1. You will be provided with various samples of synthetic
unidentified children have these blood types: blood. This material simulates the blood type charac-
teristics of human blood, and it is safe. Also obtain two
Child 1: type A (genotype IAIA or IAi) bottles of antisera.
Child 2: type B (genotype IBIB or IBi) 2. Obtain a clean slide and label the ends A and B. Near
one end of the slide place a drop of antiserum A (con-
Child 3: type AB (genotype IAIB)
taining antibodies against antigen-A), and near the other
Child 4: type O (genotype ii) end of the slide place a drop of antiserum B (contain-
ing antibodies against ­antigen-B).
Question 9
Which child or children could belong to a couple having AB 3. Place drops of blood near (but not touching) the two
and O blood types? drops of antisera.
4. Mix one of the drops of blood with antiserum A and
one with antiserum B. Use a different toothpick to mix
each antiserum.

184 EXERCISE 17 17–6

5. Dispose of all used materials properly. 4. The blood sample will agglutinate within a few min-
6. Observe any agglutination of blood cells in either of utes if it is Rh-positive. The absence of agglutination
the two antisera. indicates the blood is Rh-negative.
5. Dispose of all materials properly.
Agglutination of blood mixed with an antiserum is
indicated by a grainy appearance. Agglutination indicates
the presence of the respective antigen on red blood cells OTHER HUMAN TRAITS
(fig. 17.5). Determine and record the blood type from your
The following traits are determined by a single gene. List
sample based on the presence of antigens.
your phenotype for each trait in table 17.3 and, if possible,
Question 11 list your genotype. If you have the recessive trait for gene G,
a. What antigens are present on the artificial red blood for example, your genotype is homozygous recessive (gg).
cells that you tested? If you have the dominant trait, your genotype could be GG
or Gg, in which case you should enter G in table 17.3. If you
have the dominant trait and one of your parents shows the
recessive trait, you must be heterozygous (Gg) for that trait.
Give your results to your instructor so that she or he can pro-
vide you with the phenotypic results for your class.

Widow’s peak—The W allele for widow’s peak (i.e.,

Rh Incompatibility a pointed hairline) is dominant to the w allele for a
straight hairline (fig. 17.6).
You’ve probably heard of the incompatibility (agglutina- Bent little finger—Lay your hands flat on the table
tion) problems that Rh-negative women may have with their and relax them. If the last joint of your little finger
Rh-positive babies (the Rh-positive trait is inherited from bends toward the fourth finger, you have the domi-
the child’s father). This problem usually occurs with the sec- nant allele B (fig. 17.7).
ond and subsequent children, because women with the Rh Albinism—The A allele is dominant and leads to pro-
blood system must be sensitized to the antigen before anti- duction of melanin, a pigment. Individuals with an
body production begins. This sensitization usually occurs aa genotype lack pigment in their skin, hair, and iris.
during birth of the first child. Pigmented iris—If you are homozygous for the reces-
If you are a woman having Rh-negative blood, you sive allele p, you do not produce pigment in the
should be concerned but not alarmed. Rh incompatibility is front layer of your iris, and your eyes are either blue
handled routinely by injections of anti-Rh antibodies. These or gray (i.e., your eyes are the color of the back
antibodies destroy Rh-­positive red cells and thus eliminate layer of the iris). The P allele produces pigment in
the Rh-associated risk of subsequent childbirth. the front layer of the iris (green, hazel, brown, or
black), which masks the blue or gray color of the
back layer of the iris.
b. What is the blood type of your sample? Free earlobes—If part of your earlobe is unattached
(i.e., free) below where it attaches to your head, you
have the dominant E allele for a free earlobe
(fig. 17.8).
Hitchhiker’s thumb—Bend your thumb backward
as far as possible. If you can bend the last joint of
You are probably familiar with another characteristic of the thumb back at an angle of 60° or more, you are
blood called Rh factor. Although more than two alleles showing the recessive allele h (fig. 17.9).
determine Rh, we’ll use “positive” and “negative” for sim- Interlacing fingers—Casually fold your hands
plicity and convenience. together so that your fingers interlace. The
C allele for crossing the left thumb over the
Procedure 17.4  Determine Rh right thumb when you interlace your fingers is dom-
1. Place a drop of anti-Rh serum on a clean slide. inant over the c allele for crossing your right thumb
2. Using the procedure just described, mix a drop of over your left.
blood from the synthetic blood sample provided with PTC tasting—Obtain a piece of paper impregnated
the antiserum. with phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). Taste the paper
3. Label the slide with your initials and place it on the by chewing on it for a few seconds. If you detect a
warming plate in the lab. bitter taste, you have the dominant allele T.

17–7 Genetics 185
TABLE 17.3

Widow’s peak

Bent little finger


Pigmented iris

Attached earlobes

Hitchhiker’s thumb

Interlacing fingers

PTC tasting

Middigital hair

Dimpled chin

Six fingers

*Homozygous dominant, heterozygous, or homozygous recessive

Bent little Straight little

finger finger

© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./J. Womack Photography Figure 17.7  Bent little finger.

© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Bob Coyle, photographer

Figure 17.6  Widow’s peak hairline (top). People lacking a

widow’s peak have a relatively straight hairline (bottom).
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, © The McGraw-Hill Companies,
(a) (b)
Inc./Bob Coyle, photographer Inc./Bob Coyle, photographer

Figure 17.8  (a) Free earlobe. (b) Attached earlobe.

186 EXERCISE 17 17–8

inherited as a recessive trait; people who are het-
erozygous or homozygous dominant do not have
this disease.
Huntington’s disease, a mental disorder involving
uncontrollable, involuntary muscle movements.
The disease occurs relatively late in life, so many
affected individuals bear children before they real-
ize that they are carriers. Approximately 100 cases
occur per million births. Unlike most other genetic
Figure 17.9  Hitchhiker’s thumb. diseases, Huntington’s disease is inherited as a
dominant trait; people who are homozygous reces-
sive (hh) do not have the disease, and people who
Middigital hair—The allele M for hair on the middle are heterozygous (Hh) or homozygous dominant
segment of your fingers is dominant to the m allele (HH) have the disease. Medications can help man-
for no middigital hair. If hair is present on the mid- age the symptoms of Huntington’s disease, but
digit of any finger you have the dominant allele. treatment cannot prevent the behavioral, mental,
Dimpled chin—A dimpled chin is caused by a domi- and physical decline associated with the condition.
nant allele M. People who have a dimpled chin are
Question 12
either homozygous dominant (MM) or heterozygous
What conclusion about your genotype is evident if one of
(Mm) for this trait. Homozygous recessive (mm)
your siblings, but neither parent, shows the recessive trait?
individuals do not have a dimpled chin.
Six fingers—In humans, the occurrence of six fingers
results from a dominant allele S. People who have
six fingers are either homozygous dominant (SS) or
heterozygous (Ss). People who have only five fin- All of the traits listed above are produced by alleles
gers are homozygous recessive (ss) for this trait. on autosomes, which are chromosomes that are not sex
Several diseases are inherited as single-gene traits. These chromosomes. As a result, these traits are not linked to gen-
diseases ­include der and occur in equal frequencies in males and females.
This is why autosomal traits such as galactosemia, Tay
Cystic fibrosis, a disease characterized by chronic
Sachs, and Huntington’s disease are equally frequent in
bronchial obstruction and growth reduction. This
males and females. Several other traits, however, are pro-
disease is inherited as a recessive trait; people who
duced by alleles on sex chromosomes, and are referred to as
are heterozygous or homozygous dominant do not
sex-linked traits.
have this disease. Medications can help manage the
symptoms of cystic fibrosis, but there is no cure.
Galactosemia, an inability to metabolize galactose, SEX-LINKED INHERITANCE
a sugar in human milk. Galactosemia is inherited
Humans have two kinds of sex chromosomes: X and Y. Sex-
as an autosomal recessive trait. Approximately
linked traits are produced by alleles on these chromosomes,
five cases occur per million births. Prenatal diag-
and include hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and
nosis can be per­formed on cells obtained through
red-green colorblindness.
amniocen­tesis or chorionic villi sampling. Galacto-
Females have two X chromosomes (i.e., they are XX),
semia is inherited as a recessive trait; people who
and males have one X and one Y chromosome (i.e., they are
are heterozygous or homozygous dominant do not
XY). Because females and males each inherit an X chromo-
have this disease. The treatment for galactosemia is
some, both can have X-linked traits. If the X chromosome
a galactose-free diet.
in a male carries the recessive allele, that allele is expressed
Phenylketonuria (PKU), an inability to metabolize because there is no chance for the allele to be masked by
the amino acid phenylalanine. Approximately its counterpart on another X chromosome.1 For example,
100 cases occur per million births. The treatment consider a cross between a male who is not colorblind
for PKU is a phenylalanine-free diet. If untreated,
this disease produces mental impairment. This dis-
1 The X chromosome carries more than 1000 alleles, but the much smaller Y
ease is inherited as a recessive trait; people who are chromosome carries fewer than 30 alleles. Because only males inherit Y chro-
heterozygous or homozygous dominant do not have mosomes, they are the only ones to inherit Y-linked traits. Nine of the alleles
on the Y chromosome are involved with sperm production. If any of these
this disease. alleles are missing, the result is low sperm count and infertility (almost one-
third of infertile couples in the United States are infertile because of Y-linked
Juvenile retinoblastoma, a cancer of the retina. The alleles). Only one gene on the Y chromosome (the SRY gene) produces male
allele is located on chromosome 13. This disease is anatomical traits.

17–9 Genetics 187
(i.e., XAY) and a female who is not colorblind but is a carrier Question 13
of the recessive allele (i.e., XAXa): a. Suppose that Donna is colorblind, but Darrell is not. If
XA Y Donna and Darrell have a family, what percentage of
XA XAXA XAY their boys will be colorblind?

In this cross, half of the boys (and none of the girls) would
be colorblind.
If a male has an X-linked recessive disorder (XaY) and
his female partner does not carry the allele (XAXA), all of b. What percentage of their girls will be colorblind?
their girls will be carriers of the allele, and none of their
boys will inherit the disorder.
Xa Y

The Human X-Chromosome Gene Map

Inheritance patterns among affected and unaffected individ- black bands represent staining patterns that are specific to
uals have revealed 59 common diseases specific to segments alleles involved in the indicated disease. The constriction
of the X chromosome, indicated here by brackets. Only a represents the position of the centromere. The X chromo-
partial map for the human X chromosome is shown here; a some sequence has 1098 gene loci, many of which may
more detailed map would require a much larger figure. The have mutant alleles that produce diseases.

Ichthyosis, X-linked
Placental steroid sulfatase deficiency
Kallmann syndrome
Chondrodysplasia punctata, X-linked recessive
Aicardi syndrome
Hypomagnesemia, X-linked
Duchenne muscular dystrophy Ocular albinism
Becker muscular dystrophy
Adrenal hypoplasia
Chronic granulomatous disease Glycerol kinase deficiency
Retinitis pigmentosa-3 Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
Norrie disease Incontinentia pigmenti
Retinitis pigmentosa-2 Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome
Menkes syndrome
Androgen insensitivity

Charcot–Marie–Tooth neuropathy
Cleft palate, X-linked
Spastic paraplegia, X-linked, uncomplicated
Sideroblastic anemia Deafness with stapes fixation
Aarskog–Scott syndrome
PGK deficiency hemolytic anemia
PRPS-related gout
Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
Lowe syndrome
Kennedy disease Lesch–Nyhan syndrome
HPRT-related gout
Pelizaeus–Merzbacher disease
Alport syndrome Hunter syndrome
Fabry disease Hemophilia B

Immunodeficiency, X-linked, with hyper IgM Hemophilia A

G6PD deficiency: favism
Lymphoproliferative syndrome Drug-sensitive anemia
Chronic hemolytic anemia
Manic–depressive illness, X-linked
Colorblindness, (several forms)
Albinism–deafness syndrome Dyskeratosis congenita
TKCR syndrome
Fragile-X syndrome Adrenoleukodystrophy
Emery–Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
Diabetes insipidus, renal
Myotubular myopathy, X-linked

188 EXERCISE 17 17–10

TABLE 17.4
Albinism Lack of melanin pigmentation Middigital hair Presence of hair on middle
segment of fingers
Alkaptonuria Inability to metabolize homogentisic acid Brachydactyly Short fingers
Red-green color Inability to distinguish red or green Huntington's disease Degeneration of nervous
blindness wavelengths of light system, starting in middle age
Cystic fibrosis Abnormal gland secretion, leading to Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) sensitivity Ability to taste PTC as bitter
liver degeneration and lung failure
Duchenne muscular Wasting away of muscles during childhood Camptodactyly Inability to straighten the
dystrophy little finger
Hemophilia Inability of blood to clot properly, some Hypercholesterolemia (the most common Elevated levels of blood
clots form but the process is delayed human Mendelian disorder) cholesterol and risk of
heart attack
Sickle cell anemia Defective hemoglobin that causes red blood Polydactyly Extra fingers and toes
cells to curve and stick together

ANALYZING PEDIGREES Biologists use the following symbols in pedigrees:

Male Mating
Many human traits display both dominant and recessive
inheritance (table 17.4). Researchers cannot control crosses
in humans the way Mendel did with pea plants, so to ana- Female
lyze human inheritance, geneticists study crosses that have Parents
been performed already—in other words, family histories.
Affected male
This involves a pedigree, which is a consistent graphical
presentation of matings and offspring over multiple genera- Siblings
tions for a particular trait. Information in a pedigree allows Affected female
geneticists to deduce how the trait is inherited.
If you understand the simple patterns of inheritance
presented in this lab, you can trace a trait in a pedigree (i.e., Procedure 17.5  Analyze a pedigree of inheri-
family tree) to determine if it is inherited in a dominant or tance of cystic fibrosis
recessive pattern of inheritance. 1. Among Caucasians, about 1 of every 2500 newborn
infants is born with cystic fibrosis. In these individuals,
Question 14
a defective membrane protein results in the produc-
a. What features would characterize pedigrees of
tion of unusually thick and dry mucus that lines organs
dominant traits?
such as the tubes in the respiratory system. People
having cystic fibrosis often have recurrent and serious
infections, and most die in their 20s or 30s.
2. Use the following pedigree to determine whether the
allele for cystic fibrosis is inherited as a dominant or
recessive allele.
b. What features would characterize pedigrees of
recessive traits?

17–11 Genetics 189
Question 15 2. Use the following pedigree to determine whether the
a. What is the inheritance pattern for the cystic fibrosis allele for phenylketonuria is inherited as a dominant or
allele? What is your reasoning for this conclusion? recessive allele.

b. Can you determine the genotypes of any individu-

als in the pedigree? If so, which ones? Explain your

Procedure 17.6  Analyze a pedigree of inheri-

tance of Huntington’s disease
1. Huntington’s disease is a severe disorder of the ner-
vous system that usually causes death.
2. Use the following pedigree to determine whether the Question 17
allele for Huntington’s disease is inherited as a domi- a. What is the inheritance pattern for the phenylketonuria
nant or recessive allele. allele? What is your reasoning for this conclusion?

b. Can you determine the genotypes of any individu-

als in the pedigree? If so, which ones? Explain your
Question 16 reasoning.
a. What is the inheritance pattern for the Huntington’s
disease allele? What is your reasoning for this

For many decades, geneticists thought that genes do not
b. Can you determine the genotypes of any individu- move in cells. However, in 1947 Barbara McClintock pro-
als in the pedigree? If so, which ones? Explain your posed that genes could move within and between chromo-
reasoning. somes. McClintock based her conclusion on a series of
experiments involving genetic crosses in corn. Specifically,
McClintock showed that there is a fragment of DNA that
can move to and be inserted at the locus for the production
of pigments in corn kernels. Because this insertion renders
c. Examine figure 17.10. Shana’s mother has Hunting- the cell unable to make the purple pigment, the resulting
ton’s disease, and Shana has a 50-50 chance of devel- kernel is yellow or white. However, subsequent removal of
oping Huntington’s disease. Explain the genetic basis the DNA fragment results in the cell resuming production of
for Shana’s chances of inheriting Huntington’s disease. the purple pigment; therefore, the resulting kernel is purple.
Thus, Indian corn often has kernels with varying pigmenta-
tion, depending on when the DNA fragment was inserted or
removed. This colorful pigmentation makes Indian corn a
favorite decoration at Halloween and Thanksgiving.
Procedure 17.7  Analyze a pedigree of inheri- A similar phenomenon occurs with the production
tance of phenylketonuria of other pigments in corn kernels. The translocation to and
1. Phenylketonuria, or PKU, results from an inability to from the locus for production of these pigments several
metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine. If untreated, times during kernel development produces the red-orange
PKU leads to mental retardation. swirls characteristic of many kernels of Indian corn.

190 EXERCISE 17 17–12

Figure 17.10  Huntington’s
disease is a degenerative disease
inherited as a dominant trait.
What is the genetic basis for
Shana’s statement that she has a
50–50 chance of getting
Courtesy Huntington’s Disease Society of America Huntington’s disease?

The fragments of DNA that McClintock studied are 2. Look for examples of kernels with (a) purple or
now called transposons. Transposons are a useful tool for white spots, (b) red-orange swirls, and (c) other
genetic engineering because they provide a way of inserting unusual color patterns. Sketch the pigmentation pat-
foreign DNA into a host cell’s chromosome. For her work, terns in 2–3 kernels.
McClintock received a Nobel Prize in 1983; she was the
first American woman to win an unshared Nobel Prize.

Procedure 17.8  Observe corn kernels to under-

stand the effects of transposons
1. Work in a group of two to four people. Obtain an ear 3. Use the information presented in this exercise and in
of Indian corn for your group. your textbook to determine how transposons could pro-
duce such unusual patterns of pigmentation.

17–13 Genetics 191
The Frequency of Homozygous Recessive Traits in Humans
Observation: In humans, traits such as widow’s peak, attached c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
earlobes, and a dimpled chin are homozygous recessive traits. record it.
In many people, these traits are easily observed. d. Outline on Worksheet 17 your experimental design and
Question: How common are homozygous recessive traits such supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor
as widow’s peak, attached earlobes, and a dimpled chin among to review your proposed investigation.
your classmates? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 17 from your instructor. tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant to needed.
the preceding observation and question. Choose and record
your group’s best question for investigation.

Testing for Understanding: Solving Genetics Problems

 ​1. When reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes died in a.  Flower color in carnations is inherited by incom-
1976, a variety of people claimed that they were enti- plete dominance, and the red-flowered carnation is
tled to Hughes’ estate because they were his children. homozygous dominant for the trait.
Hughes had type AB blood. One man who claimed that b. At least one of the parents is heterozygous for
Hughes was his father had type O blood, and the man’s flower color.
mother had type A blood. If you were the judge in the c.  Flower color is inherited by simple dominance.
case, what would you rule? Explain your answer. d. Half of the offspring are heterozygous and half are
 ​2. Suppose that flower color is inherited by simple domi- homozygous for flower color.
nance and that purple flowers are dominant to white e.  None of the above statements are true.
flowers. If a homozygous recessive individual is crossed  ​8. Suppose that a trait is inherited by simple dominance.
with a homozygous dominant individual, what is the If two heterozygotes are mated, what is the probability
probability of obtaining a purple-flowered offspring? of having a homozygous recessive offspring?
a. ​100% b. ​75% c. ​50% d. ​25% e. ​0% a. ​100% b. ​75% c. ​50% d. ​25% e. ​0%
 ​3. Bob is heterozygous for phenylketonuria, and Loretta ​9. Tay-Sachs disease is characterized by the inability
is homozygous recessive for phenylketonuria. What to produce an enzyme needed to metabolize lipids in
is the probability that their first child will have brain cells. If this enzyme is not present, lipids accu-
phenylketonuria? mulate in the brain and gradually destroy its ability to
a. ​100% b.  ​75% c. ​50% d. ​25% e. ​0% function (homozygous recessive children usually die
 ​ 4. Suppose that (1) Randy is heterozygous for the allele by the age of four or five). Suppose that you are a car-
that causes Huntington’s disease, (2) Susan is homozy- rier for Tay-Sachs disease and that your partner is not.
gous recessive for the allele that causes Huntington’s What is the probability that you and your partner will
disease, and (3) Randy and Susan decide to have a have a child with Tay-Sachs disease?
child. What is the probability that their child will get a. ​100% b. ​75% c. ​50% d. ​25% e. ​0%
Huntington’s disease? 10. A normally pigmented man marries a normally pig-
a. ​100% b. ​75% c. ​50% d. ​25% e. ​0% mented woman. Their second child is an albino.
 ​5. In question 4, what is the probability that their first a.  What is the genotype of the man? ________
daughter will get Huntington’s disease? b.  What is the genotype of the woman? ________
a. ​100% b. ​75% c. ​50% d. ​25% e. ​0% c. What is the genotype of the albino child?
 ​ 6. Suppose that someone having type AB blood has a ________
child with someone having type O blood. What is the d. What is the probability that their next child will be
probability that their child will have type A blood? an albino? ________
a. ​ 100% b. ​75% c. ​50% d. ​ 25% e. ​0% 11. Darrell and Matilda each have type O blood. If they
 ​7. Suppose that you cross a red-flowered carnation with start a family, the probability that they will have a
a white-flowered carnation. All of the offspring have child having type A blood is ________.
pink flowers. What can you conclude? a. ​100% b. ​75% c. ​50% d. ​25% e. ​0%

192 EXERCISE 17 17–14

12. Is it possible for someone having type B blood and b. What percentage of their children will be albino?
someone having type A blood to have a child having c.  What percentage of their children will be able to
type O blood? Explain your answer. taste PTC?
13. Wanda, who has type O blood, gives birth to a baby 19. In certain species of flies, eye color is controlled by
having type O blood. The woman then claims that the simple dominance by a single pair of alleles. A red-
child’s father is Randy, who has type A blood. eyed fly was crossed with a white-eyed fly, both of
a. Could Randy be the father? whose parents had white eyes. All of their offspring
b. Can this information alone prove that Randy is the (both female and male) had red eyes.
father? Explain your answer. a.  Which is dominant, the allele for red eyes or the
14. Suppose that two people having free earlobes start a allele for white eyes?
family. Their first child has free earlobes and their sec- b. What is the genotype of the white-eyed parents?
ond has attached earlobes. c.  If the white-eyed parent was mated with one of the
a. ​What are the genotypes of the parents? ________ red-eyed offspring, what phenotypic ratio would
b. ​What is the genotype of their first child? ________ you expect regarding eye color?
c. ​What is the genotype of their second child? 20. In cattle, hair color is controlled by incomplete domi-
________ nance. Red results from homozygous dominant alleles
15. Suppose that a trait is inherited by simple dominance. (RR), roan from heterozygous alleles (Rr), and white
If two heterozygotes are mated, what is the probability results from homozygous recessive alleles (rr). What
of having an offspring that has the same phenotype as are the predicted phenotypes and their frequencies of
the parents? the following crosses:
a. ​100% b. ​75% c.  ​50% d. ​25% e. ​0% a. a white cow and a red bull
16. Suppose that Donna is a carrier for hemophilia and that b. a roan cow and a red bull
Darrell does not have hemophilia. If Donna and Darrell c. a roan cow and a roan bull
have a family, what percentage of their girls will have 21. In each of the following cases of disputed paternity,
hemophilia? What percentage of their boys will have identify the probably father:
hemophilia? Blood type Blood type Blood type Blood type
17. Darrell has type B blood. To people having what blood of mother of child of father #1 of father #2
types can he safely donate blood?
18. Albinism, which is inherited as an autosomal reces-
sive allele, is a genetic condition characterized by the
22. A man with type B blood starts a family with a woman
absence of the pigment melanin in skin, hair, and eyes.
having type A blood. The woman’s parents both have
The lack of melanin results from being homozygous
type AB blood. What is the probability that the cou-
recessive (aa). Approximately one in 17,000 people
ple’s first child will be a boy having type O blood?
worldwide are albinos. The ability to taste the chemi-
23. Suppose that a woman having normal vision and a
cal phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) is also inherited as
man having normal vision have a son who is color-
an autosomal recessive allele; not being able to taste
blind. What is the probability that their second child
PTC results from being homozygous recessive (pp).
will be a colorblind girl?
Approximately, 70% of Americans can taste PTC.
24. Albinism results from an autosomal recessive gene.
Randy is a normally pigmented man who cannot
Two parents with normal pigmentation have an albino
taste PTC, and Randy’s father is an albino who can
taste PTC. Matilda is a homozygous, normally pig-
a.  What is the probability that their next child will be
mented woman who can taste PTC, but her mother
an albino?
cannot taste PTC.
b. What is the probability that their next two children
a.  If Randy and Matilda have a family, what are the
will both be albino?
possible genotypes of their children?

Answers to Genetics Problems

1. The man could not be Hughes’ son. Hughes had type 3. c

AB blood. Regardless of the blood type of the mother, a 4. c
child of Hughes could not have type O blood. 5. c
2 . a 6. c

17–15 Genetics 193
7. a 16. None of their girls will have hemophilia, and 50% of
8. d their boys will have hemophilia.
9. e 1 7. B and AB
10a. Aa 18a. AApp, AAPp, Aapp, AaPp
10b. Aa 18b. 0%
10c. aa 18c. 50%
10d. 25% 19a. red
11. e 19b. homozygous recessive
12. Yes, but only if the person having type B blood has a 19c. 50% white-eyed, 50% red-eyed (i.e., a 1:1 ratio)
BO genotype, and if the person having type A blood 20a. all roan
has an AO genotype. 20b. 1 red : 1 roan
13a. Yes, if he has an AO genotype. 20c. 1 red : 2 road : 1 white
13b.  No, information about blood type cannot prove that 21. In both cases, the probable father is father #1
anyone is the parent of a child; it can only eliminate (type A blood).
people who are not parents of the child. 22. 0%
14a. Ee 23. 0%
14b. EE or Ee 24a. 25%
14c. ee 24b. 6.25%
15. b

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. What determines how often a phenotype occurs in a population?

2. Are dominant characteristics always more frequent in a population than recessive characteristics? Why or why not?

3. Is it possible to determine the genotype of an individual having a dominant phenotype? How?

4. Why is hybrid seed so expensive to produce?

5. What blood types are not expected for children to have if their parents have AB blood? O blood?


Organisms heterozygous for a recessive trait are often
called carriers of that trait. What does this mean?

194 EXERCISE 17 17–16

BIOLOGY Exercise 18
Natural Selection and Morphological Change in Green Algae

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Give a working definition of evolution, fitness,
­selection pressure, and natural selection.
2. Determine the genotypic and phenotypic frequency
of a population while properly using the terms
allele, dominant, recessive, homozygous, and
3. Explain the Hardy-Weinberg Principle and use it
to demonstrate negative selection pressures on a
4. Describe the significance of the Volvocine line, par-
ticularly in the areas of cellular specialization and
colonial complexity.
5. Describe examples of how a mutation affecting the
plane of cellular division could result in the evolu-
tion of morphologically different body plans.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

© Otero/gtphoto
resources tailored to this lab.
Figure 18.1  Mutations produce new alleles and genetic
combinations. This child has a streak of white hair, caused by a

T he theory of evolution broadly describes genetic change somatic mutation in a single cell during embryonic development. This
cell continued to divide to produce a streak of white hair.
in populations. The existence of genetic change (and
therefore evolution) is universally accepted by biologists.
We know that many mechanisms can change the genetic more fit individuals are transmitted to the next generation
makeup of populations, but the relative importance of each more often, then more of these traits will be found in the
mechanism remains to be fully described. Events such next generation. After many generations, the frequency of
as mutations (changes in the genetic message of a cell, these traits will increase in the population, and the nature
fig. 18.1) and ­catastrophes (e.g., meteor showers, ice ages) can of the population will gradually change. Darwin called this
produce genetic change. However, Charles Darwin (fig. 18.2) process natural selection and proposed it as a major force
formulated a theory that explains a major force behind that guides genetic change while producing adaptations and
genetic change that produces adaptation: natural selection. forming new species. Review in your textbook the theories
Darwin postulated that organisms that survive and of evolution and the mechanism of natural ­selection.
reproduce successfully have genetic traits aiding survival Showing the effects of natural selection in living
and reproduction. These traits enhance an organism’s populations is usually time-consuming and tedious. Therefore,
fitness, which is its tendency to produce more offspring in this exercise you will simulate reproducing populations
than competing individuals, and therefore contribute with nonliving, colored beads representing organisms and
more genes to the next generation. Darwin noticed that their gametes. With this artificial population you can quickly
fit individuals (that is, ones that reproduce the most) follow genetic change over many generations. Before
produce more offspring because their traits are better you begin work, review the previous exercise on genetics,
adapted for survival and reproduction than the traits of their especially the terms gene, allele, dominant alleles, recessive
competitors. He further reasoned that if the traits of the alleles, homozygous, and heterozygous.

18–1 Evolution 195
bead is a gamete with a dominant allele (complete domi-
nance) for black fur (B), and a white bead is a gamete with
a recessive allele for white fur (b). An individual is repre-
sented by two gametes (beads). Individuals with genotypes
BB and Bb have black fur, and those with bb have white fur.

Procedure 18.1  Establish a parental population

1. Obtain a “stock population” of organisms consisting of
a container of colored and white beads.
2. Obtain an empty container marked “Parental
3. From the stock population, select 25 homozygous
dominant individuals (BB) and place them in the con-
tainer marked “Parental Population.” Each individual
is represented by two colored beads.
4. From the stock population, select 50 heterozygous
individuals (Bb) and place them in the container
© Mary Evans Picture Library/Science source marked “Parental Population.” Each individual is rep-
resented by a colored and a white bead.
Figure 18.2  Darwin greets his “monkey ancestor.” In his time,
Darwin was often portrayed unsympathetically, as in this drawing 5. From the stock population, select 25 homozygous
from an 1874 publication. recessive individuals (bb) and place them in the con-
tainer marked “Parental Population.” Each individual
You will begin your experiments using a “stock popu- is represented by two white beads.
lation” of organisms consisting of a container of beads. Each 6. Calculate the total number of individuals and the total
bead represents a haploid (having one set of chromosomes) number of alleles in your newly established paren-
gamete, and the color of the “gamete” (colored or white) rep- tal population. Use this information to calculate and
resents an allele it is carrying. Individual organisms from this record in table 18.1 the correct genotypic frequencies
population are diploid (having two sets of chromosomes) and for your parental population.
therefore are represented by two beads. 7. Complete table 18.1 with the number and frequency of
each of the two alleles.
AND GENOTYPIC FREQUENCIES a. How many alleles are present for this particular trait?

Frequency is the proportion of individuals in a certain cat-

egory relative to the total number of individuals considered.
The frequency of an allele or genotype is expressed as a deci-
mal proportion of the total alleles or genotypes in a popula-
tion. For example, if 1/4 of the individuals of a population are b. How many of the total beads are colored and how
genotype Bb, then the frequency of Bb is 0.25. If 3/4 of all many are white?
alleles in a population are B, then the frequency of B is 0.75.
In this exercise you will simulate evolutionary changes
in allelic and genotypic frequencies in an artificial popula-
tion. The trait you will work with is fur color. A colored

TABLE 18.1


Bb b

bb 0.25

196 EXERCISE 18 18–2

c. What color fur do Bb individuals have? ∙ Choice of mates is random.
∙ Mutation does not occur.
∙ Individuals do not migrate into or out of the population.
∙ There is no selection pressure.
d. How many beads represent the population? Question 2
a. Consider the Hardy-Weinberg equations. If the
frequency of a recessive allele is 0.3, what is the
frequency of the dominant allele?


The Hardy-Weinberg Principle enables us to calculate and
predict allelic and genotypic frequencies. We can compare b. If the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype
these predictions with actual changes that we observe in nat- is 0.49, what is the frequency of the dominant allele?
ural populations and learn about factors that influence gene
frequencies. Deviations of observed frequencies from fre-
quencies predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg Principle indi-
cate evolution.
This predictive model includes two simple equations c. If the frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype
first described for stable populations by Godfrey Hardy and is 0.36, what is the frequency of the dominant allele?
Wilhelm Weinberg. Hardy-Weinberg equations (1) predict
allelic and genotypic frequencies based on data for only one
or two frequencies, and (2) provide a set of theoretical fre-
quencies that we can compare to frequencies from natural
populations. For example, if we know the frequency of B or d. If the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype
BB, we can calculate the frequency of b, Bb, and bb. Then is 0.49, what is the frequency of the homozygous
we can compare these frequencies with those of a natural recessive genotype?
population that we might be studying. If our observed data
vary from our predictions, we can study the reasons for
this genetic change. This comparison is important because
biological characteristics of natural populations rarely cor-
respond exactly to theoretical calculations. Furthermore, e. Which Hardy-Weinberg equation relates the
deviations are important because they often reveal unknown frequencies of the alleles at a particular gene locus?
factors influencing the population being studied.
According to the Hardy-Weinberg Principle, the fre-
quency of the dominant allele of a pair is represented by the
letter p, and that of the recessive allele by the letter q. Also,
the genotypic frequencies of BB (homozygous dominant), Bb
f. Which Hardy-Weinberg equation relates the frequencies
(heterozygous), and bb (homozygous recessive) are repre-
of the genotypes for a particular gene locus?
sented by p2, 2 pq, and q2, respectively. Examine the frequen-
cies in table 18.1 and verify the Hardy-Weinberg equations:
p = frequency of dominant allele
q = frequency of recessive allele
g. Which Hardy-Weinberg equation relates the
p2 + 2 pq + q2 = 1
frequencies of the phenotypes for a gene?
The Hardy-Weinberg Principle and its equations predict that
frequencies of alleles and genotypes will remain constant
from generation to generation in stable populations. There-
fore, these equations can be used to predict genetic frequen-
cies through time. However, the Hardy-Weinberg prediction Additional problems to test your understanding of the
assumes that Hardy-Weinberg Principle are at the end of this exercise.
∙ The population is large enough to overcome random To verify the predictions of the Hardy-Weinberg Prin-
events. ciple, use the following procedure to produce a generation

18–3 Evolution 197
bb 25 50 25
(a) Genotypes (b) Establish population (c) Random mating
parental and allele
population recombination

Genotypic Allelic
Genotype Number Frequency Allele Frequency

Bb b
Next bb
(d) Retrieve 75–100 (e) Record the genotype of
offspring each selected individual.

Figure 18.3  Verification of the Hardy-Weinberg Principle. See procedure 18.2 for an explanation of each step.

of offspring from the parental population you created in the Question 3

previous procedure. a. The Hardy-Weinberg Principle predicts that genotypic
frequencies of offspring will be the same as those of
Procedure 18.2  Verify the Hardy-Weinberg the parental generation. Were they the same in your
Principle simulation?
1. Examine figure 18.3 for an overview of the steps of
this procedure.
2. Establish the parental population from procedure 18.1
(fig. 18.3a, 18.3b).
3. Simulate the random mating of individuals by mixing b. If the frequencies were different, then one of the
the population (fig. 18.3c). assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg Principle was
probably violated. Which one?
4. Reach into the parental container (without looking)
and randomly select two gametes. Determine their
genotype (fig. 18.3d). This pair of gametes with
colored or white alleles represents an individual
5. Record the occurrence of the genotype in figure 18.3e
as a mark under the heading “Number” or temporarily EFFECT OF A SELECTION PRESSURE
on a second sheet of paper and return the beads to the Selection is the differential reproduction of phenotypes
container. (fig. 18.4); that is, some phenotypes (and their associated
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 (100 times) to simulate the pro- genotypes) are passed to the next generation more often than
duction of 100 offspring. others. In positive selection, genotypes representing adaptive
7. Calculate the frequency of each genotype and allele, traits in an environment increase in frequency because their
and record the frequencies in figure 18.3e. Beside each bearers are more likely to survive and reproduce. In negative
of these new-generation frequencies write (in parenthe- selection, genotypes representing nonadaptive traits in an
ses) the original frequency of that specific genotype or environment decrease in frequency because their bearers are
allele from table 18.1. less likely to survive and reproduce.

198 EXERCISE 18 18–4

characteristic. For example, mice with white fur may be easy
prey for a fox if they live on a black lava field. This dark
environment is a negative selection pressure against white
fur. If survival and reproduction of mice with white fur were
eliminated (i.e., if there is 100% negative selection), would
the frequency of white mice in the population decrease with
subsequent generations? To test this, use the following pro-
cedure to randomly mate members of the original parental
population to produce 100 offspring (fig. 18.5).

Procedure 18.3  Simulate 100% negative

selection pressure
1. Establish the same parental population that you used to
test the Hardy-Weinberg prediction.
2. Simulate the production of an offspring from this
© BiologyImaging.com
population by randomly withdrawing two gametes to
represent an individual offspring.
Figure 18.4  Reproduction. These birds hatching from eggs may
or may not survive to reproduce. On average, birds with characteristics
3. If the offspring is BB or Bb, place it in a container
best adapted to their environment will survive and reproduce more than for the accumulation of the “Next Generation.” Record
those with less adaptive characteristics. As a result, the frequencies of the occurrence of this genotype on a separate sheet
adaptive traits (and their alleles) in the population will increase from of paper.
generation to generation. This change in frequencies of alleles over
time is evolution.
4. If the offspring is bb, place this individual in a con-
tainer for those that “Cannot Reproduce.” Individuals
Selection pressures are factors such as temperature in this container should not be used to produce subse-
and predation that affect organisms and result in selective quent generations. Record the occurrence of this geno-
reproduction of phenotypes. Some pressures may elicit type on a sheet of paper.
100% negative selection against a characteristic and elimi- 5. Repeat steps 2–4 until the parental population is
nate any successful reproduction of individuals having that depleted, thus completing the first generation.





generation Figure 18.5  Demonstrating the effect of 100%
selection pressure on genotypic and phenotypic
reproduce frequencies across three generations. In this example,
selection is against the homozygous recessive genotype.
Random mating within the parental population is
simulated by mixing the gametes (beads), and the
generation parental population is sampled by removing two alleles
(i.e., one individual) and placing them in the next
generation. Homozygous recessive individuals are
removed (selected against) from the population. The
genotypic and phenotypic frequencies are recorded
after the production of each generation. The production
Third of each generation depletes the beads in the previous
generation generation in this simulation.

18–5 Evolution 199
TABLE 18.2





Total* 1.0 1.0

1.0 1.0

*Note: The total of frequencies for each generation must equal 1.0.

6. Calculate the frequencies of each of the three geno- Most naturally occurring selective pressures do not elimi-
types recorded on the separate sheet and record these nate reproduction by the affected individuals. Instead, their
frequencies for the first generation in table 18.2. Indi- reproductive capacity is reduced by a small proportion. To
viduals in the next generation will serve as the parental show this, use procedure 18.4 to eliminate only 20% of the
population for each subsequent generation. bb offspring from the reproducing population.
7. Repeat steps 2–5 to produce a second, third, fourth,
and fifth generation. After the production of each gen- Procedure 18.4  Simulate 20% negative selection
eration, record your results in table 18.2. pressure
8. Graph your data from table 18.2 using the graph paper 1. Establish the same parental population that you used to
at the end of this exercise. Generation is the indepen- test the Hardy-Weinberg prediction.
dent variable on the x-axis and Genotype is the depen- 2. Simulate the production of an offspring from this
dent variable on the y-axis. Graph three curves, one for population by randomly withdrawing two gametes to
each genotype. represent an individual offspring.
Because some members (i.e., the bb individuals that you 3. If the offspring is BB or Bb, place it in a container for
removed) of each generation cannot reproduce, the number production of the “Next Generation.” Record the occur-
of offspring from each successive generation of your popula- rence of this genotype on a separate sheet of paper.
tion will decrease. However, the frequency of each genotype, 4. If the offspring is bb, place every fifth individual (20%)
not the number of offspring, is the most important value. in a separate container for those that “Cannot Repro­
duce.” Individuals in this container should not be used
Question 4 to produce subsequent generations. Place the other
a. Did the frequency of white individuals decrease with 80% of the homozygous recessives in the container
successive generations? Explain your answer. for production of the “Next Generation.” Record the
occurrence of this genotype on a sheet of paper.
5. Repeat steps 2–4 until the parental population is
depleted, thus completing the first generation.
6. Calculate the frequencies of each of the three geno-
b. Was the decrease of white individuals from the first to types recorded on the separate sheet and record these
second generation the same as the decrease from the frequencies for the first generation in table 18.3.
second to the third generation? From the third to the 7. Repeat steps 2–5 to produce a second, third, fourth,
fourth generation? Why or why not? and fifth generation. Individuals in the “Next Genera-
tion” will serve as the parental population for each
subsequent generation. After the production of each
generation, record your results in table 18.3.
8. Graph your data from table 18.3 using the graph paper
c. How many generations would be necessary to elimi- at the end of this exercise. Generation is the indepen-
nate the allele for white fur? dent variable on the x-axis and Genotype is the depen-
dent variable on the y-axis. Graph three curves, one for
each genotype.
Because some members of each generation cannot repro-
duce, the number of offspring from each generation of your

200 EXERCISE 18 18–6

TABLE 18.3





Total* 1.0 1.0

1.0 1.0

*Note: The total of frequencies for each generation must equal 1.0.

population will decrease. However, the frequency of each c. How many generations would be necessary to elimi-
genotype, not the number of offspring, is the most impor- nate the allele for white fur?
tant value.

Question 5
a. Did the frequency of white individuals decrease with
successive generations?

The evolution of most species is too slow to witness in
b. Consult your graphs and compare the rate of selection the lab, but we can examine modern species to learn
for procedures in 18.3 and 18.4. Was the rate of decrease about changes that likely occurred over evolutionary time.
for 20% negative selection similar to the rate for 100% Researchers might ask which characteristics are conserved
negative selection? If not, how did the rates differ? throughout an evolutionary lineage of species and which
ones evolve rapidly and consistently. Are more complex
species always more successful?
The Volvocine line of algae is a group of modern spe-
cies that reflects an easily recognized sequence of changes

The Effect of Selection against Heterozygotes
Observations: Natural selection can change allelic frequen- c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
cies in populations. Negative selection pressure (i.e., an envi- record it.
ronment that reduces reproduction by a particular phenotype) d. Review procedures 18.3 and 18.4. Outline on Worksheet 18
against a homozygous genotype can reduce allelic frequencies your experimental design and supplies needed to test your
in only a few generations. The results of selection against het- hypothesis. Ask your instructor to review your proposed
erozygotes may differ. investigation.
Question: How would selection against heterozygous indi- e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
viduals over many generations affect allelic frequencies in a question, and make relevant comments.
population? f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your questions,
hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation
Worksheet 18 from your instructor.
b. Discuss with your group a well-defined question relevant
to the preceding observation and question. Record it on
Worksheet 18.

18–7 Evolution 201
as their common ancestors evolved. In this example, the
changes were in colony complexity.
Studies of morphology and molecular genetics indicate
that an ancient species similar to today’s flagellated Chlam-
ydomonas (fig. 18.6) was probably the original and most
ancient common ancestor to the Volvocine line. The prob-
able sequence of events was that an ancestor of unicellular
Chlamydomonas evolved a novel colonial morphology that
was successful and gave rise to Gonium (figs. 18.7 and 18.8).
In turn that ancestor evolved greater colonial complexity to
give rise to today’s Pandorina (fig. 18.9) and then Eudorina
(fig. 18.10). That colonial ancestor later gave rise to Volvox
(fig. 18.11), the most complex alga of the Volvocine line.
© Steve Durr
These five genera are modern representatives of a l­ineage of
species that evolved along a path of colonial ­complexity. Figure 18.8  Gonium, a colonial green alga composed of
16 cells (400×).

© Aaron J. Bell/Science Source

© Michael Abbey/Science Source
Figure 18.6  Chlamydomonas, a unicellular green alga (1700×).
Chlamydomonas has two flagella. Figure 18.9  Pandorina, a colony of 16 or 32 flagellated green
algal cells (890×).

Chlamydomonas Gonium Pandorina Eudorina Volvox


Colony complexity
Courtesy EPA
Figure 18.7  A cladogram representing the simplified phylogeny
(family tree) of the Volvocine line. Proposed common ancestors are Figure 18.10  Eudorina, a colony of 32 flagellated green algal
represented by the branching points called nodes. cells (420×).

202 EXERCISE 18 18–8

a ball. After attaining its maximum size, each cell of
the colony divides to form a new colony. The parent
matrix then breaks open like Pandora’s box (hence the
name Pandorina) and releases the newly formed colo-
nies. Pandorina is isogamous.

Question 7
What is the significance of a specialization at one end of the

© Steve Durr

Figure 18.11  Volvox, a common green alga (200×). Colonies 5. Eudorina is a spherical colony composed of 32, 64, or
of Volvox often consist of hundreds of cells. Daughter colonies are 128 cells (fig. 18.10). Cells in a colony of Eudorina
visible within the larger parent colony. differ in size; smaller cells are located at the anterior
part of the colony. The anterior surface is determined
Procedure 18.5  Examine members of the by the direction of movement.
Volvocine line of algae
Question 8
1. Follow steps 2–6 to sequentially examine each of the
What is the significance of these structural and functional
organisms with your microscope. When preparing each
specializations of Eudorina?
of the colonial specimens, try both a standard micro-
scope slide and a deep-well or depression slide. Deter-
mine which works best for colonies of cells.
2. Chlamydomonas is among the most primitive and
widespread of the green algae. It is a unicellular bifla-
gellate alga (fig. 18.6). All species of the Volvocine
6. Volvox is the largest and most spectacular organism
line consist of cells similar to Chlamydomonas, but the
of the Volvocine line. Volvox is a spherical colony made
cells are in different configurations.
of thousands of vegetative cells and a few reproductive
3. Gonium is the simplest colonial member of the Volvo- cells (fig. 18.11). Flagella spin the colony on its axis.
cine line (fig. 18.8). A Gonium colony consists of 4, In some species of Volvox and Gonium, cytoplasmic
8, 16, or 32 Chlamydomonas-like cells held together strands form a conspicuous network among the cells.
in the shape of a disk by a gelatinous matrix. Each cell
in the Gonium colony can divide to produce cells that Question 9
produce new colonies. Like Chlamydomonas, Gonium a. Does the Volvox colony spin clockwise or
is isogamous. counterclockwise?

Question 6
Why do colonies of Gonium consist of only 4, 8, 16, or
32 cells? Why are there no 23-cell colonies?
b. What is the significance of the cytoplasmic network in

4. Pandorina consists of 16 or 32 Chlamydomonas-like

cells held together by a gelatinous matrix (fig. 18.9).
Examine how Pandorina moves. Flagella on Pando- To organize your information and observations complete
rina move the ellipsoidal alga through the water like table 18.4.

18–9 Evolution 203
TABLE 18.4

Number of cells

Colony size

Structural and functional

 ​ ​specializations ​of cells

Reproductive specialization
 ​ ​(isogamy versus oogamy)

Testing for Understanding: Solving Hardy-Weinberg Problems

1. Galactosemia is inherited as a homozygous reces- a. What is the frequency of the dominant allele for
sive trait (i.e., gg). You have sampled a population in albinism?
which 36% of people have galactosemia. b. What is the frequency of albinos?
a. What is the frequency of the g allele? c. What is the frequency of heterozygotes?
b. What is the frequency of the G allele?
c. What is the frequency of the GG and Gg genotypes? 5. People who are heterozygous recessive for the sickle-
cell trait have some sickling of their blood cells, but
2. Suppose that in wasps, brown wings are dominant to not enough to cause death. Malarial parasites cannot
white wings, and 40% of all wasps in a population infect these individuals’ blood cells. People who are
you’ve sampled have white wings. homozygous dominant for the sickle-cell trait have
a. What percentage of the wasps is heterozygous? normal blood cells, but these cells are easily infected
with malarial parasites. As result, many of these indi-
b. What percentage of the wasps is homozygous
viduals are killed by sickle-cell anemia. People who
are homozygous recessive for the sickle-cell trait resist
infections by malarial parasites, but their sickled blood
3. Suppose that you and 19 of your classmates (giving a cells collapse when oxygen levels drop, thereby killing
final population of 10 males and 10 females) are on a the individuals. As a result, homozygous individuals—
cruise, and your ship sinks near a deserted island. You be they homozygous dominant or homozygous
and all of your friends make it to shore and start a new recessive—are less likely to survive than are heterozy-
population isolated from the rest of the world. Two of gous individuals. Suppose that 9% of a population in
your friends carry the recessive allele (i.e., are hetero- Africa is homozygous recessive for sickle-cell anemia.
zygous) for phenylketonuria. If the frequency of this What percentage of the population will be heterozy-
allele does not change as the population on your island gous (i.e., more resistant to the disease)?
increases, what will be the incidence of phenylketon-
uria on your island? 6. What would be the frequency of the recessive allele in
a population that produces twice as many homozygous
4. Albinos produce very little of the pigment melanin in recessive individuals than heterozygotes?
their skin and hair. Albinism is inherited as a homo-
zygous recessive trait. In North America, about 1 in
20,000 people are albinos.

204 EXERCISE 18 18–10

Answers to Hardy-Weinberg Problems

1a. 60% 4a. 99.3%

1b. 40% 4b. 0.005%
1c. GG = 16%; Gg = 48% 4c. 1.4%
2a. 47% 5. 42%
2b. 14% 6. q = 0.8
3. 0.25%

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. How would selection against heterozygous individuals over many generations affect the frequencies of homozygous
individuals? Would the results of such selection depend on the initial frequencies of p and q? Could you test this experi-
mentally? How?

2. How are genetic characteristics associated with nonreproductive activities such as feeding affected by natural selection?

​3. Although Charles Darwin wasn’t the first person to suggest that populations evolve, he was the first to describe a credible
mechanism for the process. That mechanism is natural selection. What is natural selection, and how can it drive evolution?

4. Does evolutionary change always leads to greater complexity? Why or why not?

5. Is natural selection the only means of evolution? Explain.

6. Is natural selection the only means of evolution that produces adaptations? Explain.

​7. What change in a population would you expect to see if a selection pressure was against the trait of the dominant allele?

​8. The application of evolution to understanding disease is widespread and productive. What is the benefit of applying
Darwinian principles to medical practice?

18–11 Evolution 205
Design an experiment to determine the phylogenetic Summarize the most recent books and publications
relationships among members of the Volvocine line that review the benefits of applying Darwinian
of algae. What information about their DNA sequences would principles to medical practice.
be useful?


The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium assumes that
pollination and subsequent fertilization must be ran-
dom. Is that true for most wildflower populations? What charac-
teristics of these plants influence pollination patterns?

206 EXERCISE 18 18–12

Human Evolution
BIOLOGY Exercise 19
Skull Examination

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Describe the parts of a modern human skull.
2. Distinguish between skulls of males and females.
3. Distinguish between skulls of apes and modern

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

T hroughout time, no issue has interested humans more

than learning about our origins. Where did we come
from? What did our ancestors look like? Where did they
live? Today, we are beginning to understand those ques-
tions, thanks to evidence provided by biologists and anthro-
pologists. Nevertheless, the topic remains controversial and
often elicits strong responses from people.
In this exercise, you will examine some of the infor- Figure 19.1  Australopithecus africanus was the first
mation underlying recent ideas about human evolution by australopithecine to be discovered. It was unearthed in southern Africa
by Raymond Dart in the 1920s.
examining the skulls of human and humanlike organisms.
Specifically, you will examine skulls of
a larger braincase (1400 cm3) than earlier humanlike
organisms. H. sapiens appeared 200,000 years ago.
Gorilla gorilla, the modern gorilla. Gorillas and humans
share a common ancestor.
As you examine these skulls, think of how their traits link
Australopithecus (fig. 19.1), a relatively small, humanlike modern humans with other primates. Also know that anthro-
organism that had small, pointed canine teeth, an pologists are constantly making new discoveries of early
elongated face, and was adapted for bipedalism human fossils and that the specimens you will analyze rep-
and an upright stance. The most famous australo- resent a small subset of these species (fig.19.2).
pithecine is “Lucy,” discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia.
Australo­pithecus, the best known of the early human-
like organisms, lived 3.5–2.5 million years ago. THE MODERN HUMAN SKULL

Homo erectus, a human ancestor characterized by an The human skull (fig. 19.3), including the lower jaw, con-
upright posture, a sloping forehead, a large brow sists of 22 bones, 8 of which are paired. All of the bones fit
ridge, a thick skull, and a larger braincase (900 cm3) together at joints called sutures, which appear as wavy lines.
than earlier humanlike organisms. H. erectus lived Projections and raised lines are sites of muscle attachment.
1,800,000–27,000 years ago. Although skulls from males and females share many
features, they usually can be distinguished. However, such a
Homo sapiens, or modern humans, are characterized by a diagnosis—even when done by experts—is only about 90%
vertical forehead, small brow ridge, thin skulls, and reliable (80% if the lower jaw is missing).

19–1 Human Evolution 207

Millions of years ago (mya)
5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0

H. heidelbergensis H. neanderthalensis

Paranthropus boisei

Australopithecus afarensis Paranthropus

(“Lucy”) robustus
Ardipithecine sapiens
H. ergaster
A. africanus
habilis H. erectus

A. garhi

Figure 19.2  A possible scenario for human evolution. In this human family tree, several species lived contemporaneously with one another, but
only one lineage gave rise to modern humans (Homo sapiens).

0 inches 7 0 inches 7

Male Skull Feature Female Skull

Large A. Braincase Smaller than male
Marked B. Muscle lines Slight
Retreating C. Forehead Bulging
Developed D. Brow ridges Absent
Rounded E. Upper rim of eye socket Sharp
Square F. Chin Rounded
Nearly a right angle G. Angle of jaw Angle more obtuse (over 120°)
Large H. Mastoid process Small
Present I. External occipital protuberance Absent

Figure 19.3  A comparison of male and female skulls of modern Homo sapiens.

208 EXERCISE 19 19–2

Procedure 19.1  Examine skulls of modern (and, indirectly, the pattern of movement) of hominoids.
humans Humans stand erect and walk with the head directly over
the vertical spinal column. Conversely, the knuckle-walking
1. Examine the skulls of modern humans available in the
apes hold their heads forward, with the foramen magnum
lab to familiarize yourself with their structure
toward the rear. Thus, the foramen magnum is located in a
and geometry. Be sure to examine skulls of males
more rear position in apes than in humans.
and females.
2. Compare these skulls with those shown in figure 19.3.
The letters beside each feature in the table correspond to
Teeth and Jaws
those shown in the diagrams. Adult apes and humans have the same number and types
of teeth: 4 canines, 8 premolars, 12 molars, and 8 incisors.
Identify these bones on the skulls and diagrams. In apes the
Question 1 canine teeth are longer and more pointed than others. In
a. How do skulls of females differ from those of males? humans, the canine teeth seldom project above the others.
In humans, the four front teeth (incisors) are smaller,
more vertical, and flatter than in apes. In nonhuman pri-
mates, the canine diastema is the gap in the teeth corre-
sponding to the canines of the opposite jaw.

Question 2
a. Between which teeth does the gap occur? Why are
b. What is the biological significance of these these gaps essential in nonhuman primates?

b. Why are they usually absent in humans?

Procedure 19.2  Examine the skulls of apes
Use figure 19.4 and the specimens in the lab to study the fol-
lowing features of ape and human skulls.

Prognathism is the extent to which the face and jaws pro-
trude forward when viewed from the side. Their larger teeth Humans have an outward projection on the lower part of
and jaws cause apes to exhibit more prognathism than do their lower jaw (i.e., chin). Apes lack this feature; instead,
humans. they have a smooth, even slant to the front part of their jaw.
In humans, teeth are arranged in a relatively continuous
Braincase curve from the third molar around to the other third molar.
The brow ridge, the mass of bone over the eye sockets, sup- The arrangement of teeth in apes is straighter, with a slight
ports the upper facial skeleton against forces produced by curve in front. This is primarily because of the larger size of
chewing. The brow ridge in apes is prominent. In humans, the incisors and canines.
the brow ridge of modern humans is largely internalized To summarize the differences between skulls of mod-
because our frontal bone has expanded outward to a more ern humans and apes, complete table 19.1.
vertical angle.
The sagittal crest is a thin ridge of bone atop and Procedure 19.3  Study the skulls of fossil
down the middle of the braincase. The sagittal crest is asso- primates
ciated with having a small braincase and powerful jaws. In Use the information and diagrams in figures 19.5–19.8 to
apes, the sagittal crest is an attachment site for the large tem- learn about skulls of humans and ancient primates.
poralis muscle used for chewing. At first glance, full skeletons of humans and mod-
The foramen magnum is the large opening in the base ern apes look quite similar. But closer examination reveals
of the skull through which the spinal cord passes. The posi- distinctive differences and adaptations, many of which are
tion of the foramen magnum reflects the posture of the body related to bipedalism, jaw shape, and brain size.

19–3 Human Evolution 209


inches inches inches

0 7 0 7 0 5
of skull

Side view

Figure 19.4  Comparison of skull features of modern Homo sapiens, gorilla, and Australopithecus skull and jaws:
A. Incisors D. Molars G. Vertical ramus for muscle attachment
B. Canines E. Zygomatic arch H. Skull surface for muscle attachment
C. Premolars F. Foramen magnum I. Jaw surface for muscle attachment

210 EXERCISE 19 19–4

TABLE 19.1

Sagittal crest

Brow ridge

Foramen magnum



Canine diastema



Arrangement of teeth

Procedure 19.4  Compare human and chimpan- Then speculate on the adaptive significance of those
zee skeletal adaptations for standing features related to posture, bipedalism, and/or food
1. Compare the skeletons illustrated in figure 19.9. habits. Summarize your work by completing table 19.2.
2. For each of the following skeletal features record the
difference between human and chimpanzee anatomy.

TABLE 19.2

Tooth number and size

Spine shape

Braincase size

Insertion point of head on the spinal column

Thumb and big toe size and angle

Arm length

Size of heel bone (calcaneus)

Thickness of knee joints (ends of tibia and femur)

Length of the angled head of the femur

19–5 Human Evolution 211

© John Reader/SPL/Science source

© The Natural History Museum/Alamy

Figure 19.5  Views of the skull and teeth of Australopithecus boisei. Age: 1.8 million years. This skull includes massive molar and premolar
teeth (similar in size to those of gorillas), and is nearly complete except for the lower jaw. It is commonly known as “Zinj,” an abbreviation of the
original genus name Zinjanthropus. Zinj and the remains of many smaller hominids (humanlike organisms) were discovered in the Olduvai Gorge
in Tanzania by Mary and Louis Leakey in 1959.

212 EXERCISE 19 19–6

© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Bob Coyle, photographer

Figure 19.6  Views of the skull and teeth of Homo erectus. Age: Less than 1 million years. This diagram shows a reconstruction that includes
parts of skulls discovered in 1937 and 1939 in Java (Sangiran). The skull of Homo erectus differs from modern human skulls in that it is low
vaulted and has a relatively small volume; H. erectus skulls have volumes of 900–1100 cm3, whereas skulls of modern humans have volumes of
approximately 1400 cm3. Skulls of H. erectus also have small mastoid processes behind the ear openings, large jaws, and small chins, and large
molar teeth.

19–7 Human Evolution 213

Homo sapiens (“Neanderthal”)

0 5

Figure 19.7  Views of the skull and teeth of Homo sapiens. Age: About 32,000 years. Also known as Neanderthal Man, this type was recovered
in 1932 from Mugharet-es-Skhull, Wadi el-Mughara, Israel. The skull is nearly complete.

Homo sapiens (modern)

Figure 19.8  Skull of modern Homo sapiens. Age: About 10,000

years. This skull is from one of at least 50 skeletons recovered at
Oued Agrious, Algeria, during the late 1920s.

214 EXERCISE 19 19–8

Human spine exits from the skull’s center;
ape spine exits from rear of skull.

Human spine is S-shaped; ape spine has a

slight curve.

Human pelvis is bowl-shaped; ape pelvis is

longer and more narrow.

Human femurs angle inward to the knees;

ape femurs angle out a bit.

Human knee can support more weight than

ape knee.

Human foot has an arch; ape foot has

no arch.

(a) (b)

Figure 19.9  Adaptations for standing. (a) Human skeleton compared to (b) chimpanzee skeleton.

Migration of Common Ancestors during the Evolution of Humans
Observations: Some of the oldest fossils of our human ances- b. Research the current literature and outline the patterns of
tors have been found in Africa. Current theories of human migration by ancestral primates and early hominids away
evolution involve the migration of ancestral primates and early from and back to Africa.
hominids from Africa to Europe and back to Africa. c. Record your findings on Worksheet 19.
Question: What migration pattern of human ancestors is sup- d. Discuss your findings with your instructor and with other
ported by fossil evidence? students.

a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation

Worksheet 19 from your instructor.

19–9 Human Evolution 215

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. What could changes in our ancestors’ teeth tell us about the evolutionary history of humans?

2. Is the skull shown in figure 19.7 that of a man or a woman? Explain your answer.

​3. Neanderthals were once considered to be a separate species (Homo neanderthalensis). However, some anthropologists
consider modern humans and Neanderthal Man to be the same species, Homo sapiens. Do you think that they should
be the same species? Why or why not? What species-related criteria are you using as a basis for your claim? What does
this judgment imply about the ability of these two groups of people to interbreed when they lived together in Europe
34,000 years ago?


Describe what other evidence you would use to Read an article on a more recent fossil discovery
study the evolution of humans. Where would you get and describe how this new early human fossil is simi-
that evidence? lar to and different from the species they measured in this lab.
Describe distinctive features of the skeleton and describe what it
may be adapted to.

216 EXERCISE 19 19–10

BIOLOGY Exercise 20
Diversity and Interaction in Plant Communities

It is beyond the scope of this exercise to explain all of

Learning Objectives the processes occurring in a plant community, but we can
assemble some basic observations that characterize and dis-
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
tinguish communities.
1. Observe the physical factors, plant dominance, and
interactions among organisms in a terrestrial com-
SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked
munity and characterize the community according
to read this exercise so you would know what to do
to these features.
and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
2. Quantify the distribution and abundance of plants in
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
a community.
procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
3. Detect the experimental effects of competition and
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.
allelopathy among plants.
4. Explain four different ways to quantify the
­importance of different plant species in a plant com-
munity, using transect data. QUALITATIVE COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

Procedure 20.1  Observe and assess the
resources tailored to this lab.
ecological characteristics of a terrestrial community
1. Locate and visit a terrestrial community designated by
your instructor.

E cological communities are extraordinarily complex. The

assemblage of plants that you observe at any time results
from interactions among plants and their physical surround-
2. Characterize the community according to the criteria
and questions that follow. After you’ve answered
the questions, discuss your observations with your
ings, among different species of plants, and among plants instructor and other groups. Be prepared to use your
and animals. All of these interactions are driven by a flow observations as a basis for describing your assessment
of energy captured by green plants and passed to herbivores of energy flow through the community, diversity of
(plant eaters), predators, and decomposers. the community, and interactions among organisms.

Physical Factors

1. What levels of light intensity occur throughout the community?

2. Does the community include shade-tolerant as well as shade-intolerant plants?

20–1 Ecology 217
3. How does light differ among different vertical levels of vegetation? Why could this be important?

4. What is the temperature 2 m above ground?

5. What is the temperature at the soil surface?

6. How does the ground slope? Why is this important?

7. How would you characterize the soil? Loam? Clay? Sand?

8. What is the nature of the ground cover? Grasses? Bare soil?

9. Is there a layer of leaf litter on the ground?

10. Is the community generally a moist, moderate, or dry environment?

1. How might shade affect the temperature of the community?

2. How might different amounts of light at different vertical levels within the community be important?

3. What parts of the community might be cooler than others? Why is this important?

4. Why would ground slope be important?

5. Based on your observations of slope and soil type, would you expect the soil to retain moisture?

6. How long has this community been left to develop naturally? That is, what is the age of the community?

218 EXERCISE 20 20–2

Plant Dominance

1. Which plant species are most abundant in numbers?

2. Which plant species are most abundant in biomass?

3. What general categories of plant types (shrubs, trees, etc.) are apparent?

4. What is the vertical distribution of vegetation?

1. Would you describe this community as diverse? Why or why not?

2. What comparison community in your local area would you consider to be more diverse? Less diverse?

3. What observations led you to your conclusion for the previous question?

4. What specific factors make your comparison community more or less diverse? Human impact? Stressful environmental
factors? Geology?

Interactions among Organisms

1. What evidence do you see of resident vertebrates?

2. What evidence do you see of resident invertebrates?

20–3 Ecology 219
3. What evidence do you see of plant–animal interactions?

4. What evidence do you see of plant–plant interactions?

5. What adaptations do the plants have to discourage herbivores?

6. Do you see any obvious or subtle evidence of competition by plants for available resources?

1. If you don’t see any vertebrates, does that mean they are not around? Explain your answer.

2. Reexamine the observations that you just listed. How would each observation affect the type and growth of plants in the
community that you studied?

3. What types of competitive interactions are apparent in the community?

4. What types of mutually beneficial interactions are apparent in the community?

QUANTITATIVE COMMUNITY Procedure 20.2  Assessing a community with

ASSESSMENT the line-intercept method
1. With the help of your instructor, locate a suitable field
Many techniques have been developed to measure the site with a plant community to be examined.
numbers, densities, and distributions of organisms in ter-
2. Obtain a measuring tape 10–13 m long, a meterstick,
restrial plant communities. One widely used technique is
and a notepad. If a measuring tape is unavailable, use a
to count organisms within randomly distributed quadrats
measured piece of string or rope.
(sometimes called plots) of uniform size. Other techniques
involve measuring distances between plants or the dis- 3. Assess the general layout of the community to be
tance from randomly chosen points to nearest plants. In the sampled. With the aid of your instructor decide on a
line-intercept method, a transect, or line, is established reasonable set of criteria to govern the placement of a
and laid out within the community. Organisms that touch transect for each group of students.
this line are counted and measured. Calculations based on
these measurements of quadrats and transects reveal the rel-
ative abundances, frequencies, and distributions of the plant
species that compose the community.

220 EXERCISE 20 20–4

TABLE 20.1

fi = Number of ni = Number of
Intervals in Which Individuals ci = Length of Transect
Species i Species i Occurs Encountered Intercepted

F = Total of all N = Total of all C = Total length of transect

Frequencies = Individuals = Intercepted =

Question 1 8. Sum the values in each of the three data columns of

What concepts or ideas should govern the placement of your table 20.1 to calculate F, N, and C. Record the calcula-
transect to obtain a representative sample of the commu- tions at the bottom of each column.
nity? Are there any “wrong” places to put a transect? Why 9. Use the data in table 20.1 to calculate the following
or why not? four parameters for each species within the commu-
nity. Record your results in table 20.2.
Relative frequency = fi / F
Relative density = ni / N
Relative coverage = ci /C
Importance value of species i = Relative frequency +
Relative density +
4. You and your lab partners will work on a single tran-
Relative coverage
sect. Stretch the measuring tape on the ground to estab-
lish a transect.
Question 2
5. Divide the transect into 1- or 5-m intervals. Each inter- What is the meaning of an importance value? Why would we
val represents a separate unit of the transect. calculate this in addition to density, coverage, and ­frequency?
6. At one end of the transect begin counting plants that
touch, overlie, or underlie the transect line. For each
plant encountered record the type of plant (species)
and the length of the line that the plant intercepts.
For plants that overhang the line, record the length of
the imaginary vertical plane of the line that the plant
would intercept. Record this raw data for each interval
in your field notepad. Also record any uncovered
(bare) lengths within the transects.
7. When all plants from all intervals have been recorded,
summarize your data in table 20.1.

20–5 Ecology 221
TABLE 20.2


Competition is the interaction among individuals seek-
ing a scarce common resource (fig. 20.1). The interaction
is usually negative (disadvantageous) for both competitors.
The intensity of competition for a resource such as light,
food, water, space, and nutrients depends on the amount
of resource, the number of individuals competing, and the
needs of each individual for that resource. Competition by
members of the same species is intraspecific competition,
whereas competition by members of different species is
interspecific competition.

Procedure 20.3  Examine competition by

sunflower seedlings
1. Obtain five pots containing enough potting soil to
plant seeds. Measure the area at the surface of the pot-
ting soil.
2. Follow your lab instructor’s directions to plant 2, 4, 8, © Design Pics/PunchStock
16, and 32 sunflower seeds in each of the five pots,
Figure 20.1  Competition in a forest. Each plant in this forest
respectively. In each of the pots plant at least 20% competes with all the individuals around it for light, soil nutrients, and
more seeds so you can later reduce the number of seed- moisture.
lings to the numbers previously listed. Label each pot
with the number of seeds, the date, and your name. 5. Examine the pots at regular intervals as directed
3. Water each of the pots gently with a consistent amount by your instructor. Record measurements of the
of water. parameters called for in table 20.3.
4. Place the pots in the greenhouse or growth area so
Question 3
that each pot has the same environmental conditions
a. Was competition greater in the more crowded pots?
of light, temperature, and so on. After the seedlings
are established remove excess seedlings so the
treatments will have the correct number of seedlings
listed in step 2.

222 EXERCISE 20 20–6

TABLE 20.3


2 4 8 16 32

General observations:





Mean height of individuals:





Range of height of individuals:





Mean width of 10 widest leaves:





Mean fresh weight of aboveground

biomass (measured at the end of
the experiment):


b. Which parameters best showed the effects of c. What other characteristics of the competitors might
competition? you have measured?

20–7 Ecology 223
d. Did competition more noticeably affect the number of Procedure 20.4  Demonstrate allelopathy
individuals or the biomass of each individual?
1. Determine from your instructor the overall experimen-
tal design for the class—how many plants your group
will test and how many replicates you will set up for
each plant.
2. Obtain tissue (stems and leaves) from the variety of
e. In what environments would you expect that competi- plants provided by your instructor. Some of these plants
tion among sunflowers would be most intense? are suspected to produce allelopathic compounds.
3. For each plant: Mix 10 g of tissue with 100 mL of
water in a blender and homogenize. Let the slurry soak
for 5–10 min to leach chemicals from the disrupted
f. Would you expect different results if a different type of 4. Filter or strain the slurry to remove large particulates.
potting soil was used? Why? Drain the filtrate into a beaker.
5. Obtain a petri dish and line its bottom with a circular
piece of filter paper.
6. Label the petri dish appropriately for the plant extract
and replicate being tested in that dish.
g. Would you expect intra- or interspecific competition to 7. Saturate the filter paper with a measured amount
be the most intense? Why? (5–8 mL) of the extract.
8. Repeat steps 3–7 for each replicate and each plant
being tested.
9. Obtain seeds of radish, lettuce, or oat. Distribute
50 seeds uniformly on the filter paper in each dish.
h. Would plants and animals compete for the same 10. Your instructor may enhance the experimental design
resources? What might be some differences? by asking you to set up replicate dishes for each extract
and to test the effects on different kinds of seeds.
Follow the directions given by your instructor.
11. Incubate the covered dishes at room temperature in the
laboratory or in the greenhouse. After 24 and
48 h, count the number of seeds that have germinated
and calculate the percent germinated.
Allelopathy 12. After 72 h (or the length of time specified by your
Allelopathy is a form of competition involving the inhibition instructor) measure the length of the radicle and make
of a plant’s germination or growth by exposure to compounds relevant observations about the apparent rate of growth
produced by another plant. These compounds may be of the emerged embryos. Extend your observations for
airborne or leach from various plant parts. Rainfall, runoff, as many days as specified by your instructor.
and diffusion typically distribute inhibitory compounds in 13. Record your results in table 20.4.
the immediate area surrounding the producing plant.
Question 5
Question 4 a. Did your observations reveal any differences in alle-
a. What are the benefits of producing allelopathic lopathy among tested plants?

b. Which plant species demonstrated the most intense

b. What are the possible disadvantages of producing alle- allelopathy?
lopathic compounds?

224 EXERCISE 20 20–8

TABLE 20.4

Plant Extract Seed Species Total No. of Seeds

Time % Germinated Length of Radicle Observations

Rep 1

Rep 2

Rep 3

Plant Extract Seed Species Total No. of Seeds

Time % Germinated Length of Radicle Observations

Rep 1

Rep 2

Rep 3

Plant Extract Seed Species Total No. of Seeds

Time % Germinated Length of Radicle Observations

Rep 1

Rep 2

Rep 3

Plant Extract Seed Species Total No. of Seeds

Time % Germinated Length of Radicle Observations

Rep 1

Rep 2

Rep 3

Production of Allelopathic Chemicals by Different Plant Organs
Observation: Many plants produce chemicals that inhibit the c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
growth of other plants and/or the germination of other seeds. record it.
These allelopathic chemicals are adaptive because they reduce d. Outline on Worksheet 20 your experimental design and
competition. supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
Question: Do all organs (e.g., roots, stems, leaves) of alle- tor to review your proposed investigation.
lopathic plants produce the same amounts of allelopathic e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
chemicals? question, and make relevant comments.
f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation tions, hypothesis, or procedures. Repeat your work as
Worksheet 20 from your instructor. needed.
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

20–9 Ecology 225
Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Diverse plant communities have many species representing a variety of plant types such as grasses, shrubs, succulents,
hardwood trees, softwood trees, vines, and ferns. What factors increase a community’s diversity? Age of the community?
Energy input? Moisture? Nutrients? Disturbance? Human activity? How do they do so?

​2. What characteristics of a community make it more resilient than other communities to a particular disturbance?
Describe both the type of disturbance and the type of community.

​3. What characteristics would indicate that a community has not been disturbed for a few years?

​4. How does competition influence natural selection? Is the presence of competitors a selective force?

226 EXERCISE 20 20–10

Community Succession
BIOLOGY Exercise 21
Virtually everyone is familiar with the consequences
Learning Objectives of community succession in a container of milk. Milk con-
tains carbohydrates (lactose, or milk sugar), protein (casein,
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
or curd), and lipids (butterfat); all of these nutrients can
1. Define community succession.
support the growth of a variety of microbes. Pasteuriza-
2. Describe how succession occurs.
tion retards this growth and involves heating milk to about
3. Describe how the environment and resources
170°C to kill pathogenic bacteria. Then the milk is rapidly
­influence succession.
cooled. However, pasteurization does not kill all nonpatho-
genic bacteria such as Bacillus, which produce endospores.
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online Although these nonpathogenic bacteria divide slowly when
resources tailored to this lab.
they are refrigerated, they will ultimately “spoil” the milk,
even if the milk is refrigerated. Leaving the milk at room
temperature greatly speeds the spoilage.

A s time passes, most environments are inhabited by a

  succession of different communities. A community
includes all the organisms that live and interact in the same
Question 1
What are some examples of community succession occurring
area at the same time. The growth of the bacterial community on your campus or in nearby areas?
in a carton of milk produces a succession of changes in milk
that, in turn, create conditions for other organisms to grow.
This phenomenon—that is, the changes in community com-
position over time—is called community succession. During
community succession, each community of ­organisms (i.e.,
each stage in succession) changes the ­environment. Ironically,
during succession a community can change the environment In large-scale, so-called “old-field succession” that
and subsequently inhibit its own long-term growth. When this occurs in places such as forests and fields, most of the
happens, a different community (a new successional stage) organisms are multicellular, sexually reproducing, relatively
takes its place. Thus, communities change over time. long-lived species that colonize the site at various times.
Primary succession occurs in areas where there is little During this type of succession, the composition of the
or no soil and no living organisms have become established. community changes and is dominated by autotrophs.
Examples of primary succession include the colonization of In contrast, small-scale communities such as carcasses or
lava flows, volcanic islands, and river deltas after a flood. cartons of milk are dominated by unicellular, asexually repro-
Secondary succession occurs when a disturbance ducing, relatively short-lived individuals largely descended
restarts succession at a different point than that which occurs from individuals present at the start. This type of succession is
with primary succession. Examples of secondary succession “degradative” because the availability of energy and nutrients
include the changes caused to ecosystems by disease, forest is highest at the early stages and declines over time.
fires, weather (e.g., hurricanes, drought), and human activi-
ties (e.g., cutting down a forest, plowing a field, mowing a
lawn). Secondary succession proceeds faster than primary SUCCESSIONAL CHANGES IN MILK
succession because soil is already present and conditioned
In this exercise, you will study community succession in
for use by plants.
milk. This process of succession is often more complex than
As you might guess, community succession occurs at
you might suspect. For example,
multiple scales and levels, ranging from large-scale ecosys-
tems (e.g., the forests surrounding Mt. St. Helens volcano, 1. Pseudomonas and Achromobacter (both Gram-negative
or the wildfires of the western states) to local areas affected rods; see fig. 24.3 in Exercise 24) are common bacteria
by timber harvest, crop harvest, and development. that digest butterfat and give milk a putrid smell.

21–1 Community Succession 227

2. Lactobacillus (a Gram-positive rod) and Treatment 4: Whole milk, boiled, then cooled to room
Streptococcus (a Gram-positive coccus; see temperature (25°C) and sealed; 2, 5, and 8 days old.
Exercise 24) survive pasteurization. These bacteria Treatment 5: Chocolate milk, kept at room temperature
ferment lactose to lactic acid and acetic acid. (25°C); 2, 5, and 8 days old.
3. Acidity sours the milk and converts the casein to curd. Treatment 6: Skim milk, kept at room temperature
4. Under acidic conditions, fungi such as yeast (which (25°C); 2, 5, and 8 days old.
are much larger than bacteria) grow extremely well. Treatment 7: Buttermilk, kept at room temperature
These organisms often metabolize the acids into non- (25°C); 2, 5, and 8 days old.
acidic compounds. Treatment 8: Optional treatment, determined by the
5. Finally, Bacillus (a Gram-positive rod) metabolize instructor.
proteins into ammonia products and raise the milk’s 3. Use pH paper to measure the pH of each sample of
pH. The characteristic odor of spoiled milk becomes each treatment. Record your data in table 21.1.
apparent when this occurs.
4. Note each sample’s odor, color, and consistency.
Succession in milk, under the right conditions and with the Pay particular attention to physical changes in the
proper bacteria, can lead to the formation of cheese. Simi- milk’s composition and record any odors, particles,
larly, bacteria added to milk and the subsequent succession “growths,” or new liquids forming in the flask.
can produce buttermilk, yogurt, and sour cream. However, 5. Use the Gram stain procedure (see Exercise 24) to
the most common instance of community succession in milk identify the shapes and staining properties of the bacte-
usually occurs in dairy cases at supermarkets and in our ria in the milk.
kitchen refrigerators. There, bacteria ferment lactose into 6. Record your observations in table 21.1.
acid, thereby spoiling the milk.
7. Plot your pH data for Treatments 1–3 in figure 21.1,
Treatments 1 and 4 in figure 21.2, and Treatments 1, 5,
Procedure 21.1  Compare community 6, and 7 in figure 21.3.
succession in different types of milk
1. Work in small groups as instructed by your lab Question 2
instructor. Which milk changed the slowest? Why? Which milk changed
2. Each group will be given one of the following sets of the quickest? Why?
Treatment 1: Whole milk, kept at room temperature
(25°C); 2, 5, and 8 days old.
Treatment 2: Whole milk, kept in a refrigerator (4°C);
2, 5, and 8 days old.
Treatment 3: Whole milk, incubated at 37°C; 2, 5, and
8 days old.

Treatments Treatments

7.0 7.0

6.0 6.0


5.0 5.0

4.0 4.0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (days) Time (days)

Figure 21.1  The effect of temperature on succession (as measured Figure 21.2  The effect of boiling and sealing on succession (as
by changes in pH) in a biological community in whole milk. measured by changes in pH) in a biological community in whole milk.

228 EXERCISE 21 21–2

Treatments Figure 21.3  Community succession
(as measured by changes in pH) in chocolate milk,
skim milk, buttermilk, and whole milk.




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (days)

TABLE 21.1


Day 0

Day 2

Day 5

Day 8



Day 0

Day 2

Day 5

Day 8

21–3 Community Succession 229



Day 0

Day 2

Day 5

Day 8



Day 0

Day 2

Day 5

Day 8



Day 0

Day 2

Day 5

Day 8

230 EXERCISE 21 21–4



Day 0

Day 2

Day 5

Day 8



Day 0

Day 2

Day 5

Day 8



Day 0

Day 2

Day 5

Day 8

21–5 Community Succession 231

How did the pH of milk change over time in your different
samples? Why do you think this happened? If time permits, your instructor will take you to a disturbed
site on campus, an abandoned agricultural field, or a nature
preserve. While you are there, examine the site closely.
Describe the site in the following space.

Question 4
Of what value is pasteurization?

Question 8
a. What caused the disturbance at the site?

Question 5
How did the abundance and type of organisms in the milk
change over time? Why is this important?
b. How does modern agriculture affect succession?

Question 6
Acidity sours the milk and converts the casein to curd. How
long does it take for this change to occur at room tempera- c. How does the area you are examining differ from areas
ture? When the milk is refrigerated? that surround it? What accounts for these differences?

Question 7
Why did you plot the pH data from Treatment 1 on all three
of the graphs (figs. 21.1, 21.2, and 21.3)?

232 EXERCISE 21 21–6

Community Succession and the “Spoilage” of Beverages
Observation: In this lab you measured how dairy products c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
“spoil” and how the changes associated with spoilage are asso- record it.
ciated with community succession. Many other kinds of bever- d. Outline on Worksheet 21 your experimental design
ages also “spoil.” and supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your
Question: Is the “spoilage” of a beverage or product always instructor to review your proposed investigation.
associated with similar types of community succession? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your
Worksheet 21 from your instructor. questions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant needed.
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Question 1 in this exercise asked you to describe local examples of community succession. How are these examples
similar to the “milk community” model that you studied in this lab? How are they different?

2. What is biological succession, and why is it important?

3. How does succession occur? What factors influence the rate of succession?

21–7 Community Succession 233

4. What human activities try to prevent (or slow) biological succession?

​5. In this exercise you studied how microbes affect a rather small ecosystem (i.e., a container of milk). In what ways do
microbes affect larger ecosystems?

234 EXERCISE 21 21–8

Population Growth
BIOLOGY Exercise 22
Limitations of the Environment

which growth is extremely rapid (fig. 22.1). This rapid, log-

Learning Objectives arithmic (i.e., “log”) phase of growth represents the organ-
ism’s biotic potential, which is its maximal reproductive
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
capacity if given unlimited resources. The number of indi-
1. Describe how to quantify the growth of populations.
viduals at a given generation during logarithmic growth can
2. Show the effects of resources and environmental
be determined from the following formula:
conditions on population growth.
N = (a)(2n)
3. Graphically analyze how the human population is

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

T o ecologists, the term population refers to a group of

organisms of the same species living and reproducing
together. Notice that all members of a population are of the
same species and live in the same general area. A species is
a group of organisms that can reproduce with each other but
are reproductively incompatible with other organisms. Typi-
cally a species is distributed in multiple populations across
its entire range. There may be little or no gene flow between
populations. For example, the population of ground squirrels
on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon might not reproduce
© blickwinkel/Vockel/Alamy
with the population on the South Rim. They are the same spe-
cies but constitute two populations.
In optimal conditions (e.g., plenty of food, water,
space, etc.), populations grow in a predictable pattern. Early
growth is slow (the so-called “lag” phase of growth), after

Carrying capacity
Number of individuals

One dot = 7500 people

Log phase
phase (b) U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and
Statistics Administration U.S. Census Bureau

Figure 22.1  Populations. (a, left) The theoretical sigmoid curve

Time of population growth. The dotted line represents the ecosystem’s
carrying capacity. (b, above) The world’s population already exceeds
(a) 7.3 billion, and growth continues.

22–1 Population Growth 235


N = the number of individuals in a given generation

a = the number of individuals present initially
n = the number of generations

This equation shows how fast populations can grow. For

example, consider Escherichia coli, a common bacterium
that can divide by way of binary fission every 20 min in ideal
conditions. In only one day (1440 min), these bacteria can
go through 72 (1440/20) generations. Therefore, if we start
our experiment with one bacterium, and if we assume that
no bacteria die, the number of bacteria present after one day
would be:
= (1)(272) bacteria
= 40,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bacteria
= 4 × 1022 bacteria

This many bacteria would weigh about 3.2 million kg.

© Chip Clark/National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
­Bacteria aren’t the only organisms having such an incredible
biotic potential. For example, Figure 22.2  The consequences of exponential growth. All
organisms have the potential to produce populations larger than
∙ Oysters each produce about 50 million eggs per year. those that actually occur in nature. The German cockroach (Blatella
germanica), a major household pest, produces 80 young every
∙ In 6 years a single pair of Atlantic cod and their 6 months. If every cockroach that hatched survived for three
descendants reproducing without hindrance would generations, kitchens might look like this culinary nightmare
completely fill the Atlantic Ocean. concocted by the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.

∙ The 80 offspring produced every 6 months by a pair because environmental resistance includes factors such as
of cockroaches would produce 130,000 roaches in disease, accumulation of waste products, and lack of food.
only 18 months—enough to overrun any apartment Ultimately the size and growth of a population is balanced by
(fig. 22.2). the environment: environmental resistance prevents a popu-
lation from continuing to reproduce at its biotic potential.
­ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE To understand the effects of environmental resistance,
AND CARRYING CAPACITY complete table 22.1. This table provides actual data for a
growing but limited population of bacteria. For comparison,
Organisms in the “real world” do not always reproduce at max- you must calculate the size of a theoretical population of
imum rates, and populations do not grow at ever-­increasing E.  coli if given unlimited resources and if no bacteria die.
rates. Maximum logarithmic growth cannot be sustained Every 20 min the population could potentially double. After

TABLE 22.1



1 0  ​0  ​8  ​ ​8

2 0 20 16  ​15

3 0 40 32  ​28

4 1  ​0  ​48

5 1 20 120

6 1 40 220

7 2  ​0 221

236 EXERCISE 22 22–2

Y bacteria reproduce in a clear nutrient broth, the broth becomes
turbid (cloudy). You can’t accurately count individual bacte-
ria in this broth, but you can measure the increase in turbid-
ity of a growing culture. More turbidity means more bacteria
Population size

(living as well as dead). In most natural populations (exclud-

ing bacteria), immigration and emigration would also occur,
but these factors are ignored for simplicity in the models of
population growth that you will examine in this exercise.
There’s a lag time before the limiting factors are real-
ized. In these cases, the birth rate may not decline imme-
diately as the carrying capacity is reached; this means that
0 1 2 the population may overshoot the carrying capacity before
Time (hours) settling down to reach the carrying capacity.
Your instructor has previously inoculated some test
Figure 22.3  Theoretical and actual population growth of E. coli. tubes of culture media with E. coli, a common bacterium. At
regular time intervals some of the tubes were put into a
doing these calcu­lations, plot the growth of the theoretical refrigerator to stop growth. Examine the cultures by using
and actual populations on ­figure 22.3. procedure 22.1. Remember that the turbidity is due to living
and dead bacteria.
Question 1
a. How did growth of the actual population compare with SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked
that of the theoretical population during early stages of to read this exercise so you would know what to do
the experiment? At later stages? and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.

b. How long did it take the real populations to double

during early stages of the experiment? Middle stages? Procedure 22.1  Measure population growth
Later stages? of bacteria
1. Examine cultures of E. coli grown for 0, 4, 8, 12, 24,
and 48 h.
2. Quantify the relative turbidity of each culture between
0 (clear) and 10 (most turbid).
c. When was growth of the actual population most rapid? 3. Record your results in table 22.2.
4. If turbidometers are available, measure the turbidity of
the solutions according to procedures demonstrated by
your instructor. Spectrophotometers may also be used
at 600 nm. Record your results in table 22.2.
d. At what stage was growth slowest? Why?
Procedure 22.2  Measure how resources and
environmental conditions affect the size of a population
1. Examine cultures of E. coli that have grown for
10 days in the following environments:
The growth of most populations levels off after a loga- Distilled water, pH 7
rithmic phase because of limiting factors such as disease, Nutrient broth, pH 3
the presence of predators, competition for resources, and Nutrient broth, pH 5
lack of food. This stability occurs when the birth rate equals Nutrient broth, pH 7
the death rate and is referred to as the carrying capacity of
Nutrient broth, pH 9
the ecosystem (fig. 22.1). In most populations, population
size remains near the carrying capacity as long as limiting Nutrient broth, pH 11
factors are constant. 2. Quantify the relative turbidity of each culture between
In the laboratory, you can measure the growth of real 0 (clear) and 10 (most turbid).
populations such as bacteria that reproduce quickly. As 3. Record your results in table 22.3.

22–3 Population Growth 237

TABLE 22.2







TABLE 22.3

Distilled water, pH 7

Nutrient broth, pH 3

Nutrient broth, pH 5

Nutrient broth, pH 7

Nutrient broth, pH 9

Nutrient broth, pH 11

4. If turbidometers are available, measure the turbidity of 1. During the first week of this term your instructor
the solutions according to procedures demonstrated by placed 10 duckweed (Lemna) plants in an illuminated
your instructor. If spectrophotometers are available, aquarium. Each week since then, he or she has counted
measure the absorbance of the solution. Record your the number of plants in the aquarium. Those data are
results in table 22.3. posted by the aquarium.
2. From now until the end of the term, count the number
Question 2
of duckweed plants in the aquarium each week. Plot
a. Compare your data for populations grown in nutrient
your data in figure 22.4b.
broth and in distilled water. Does the presence of
nutrients ensure rapid growth of bacteria? Why or Question 3
why not? a. What do you conclude about population growth of

b. What role does pH play in the growth of bacterial


b. What will eventually happen to the size of the

Procedure 22.3  Measure population growth of
population? Why?
duckweed (Lemna)
Duckweed (Lemna; fig. 22.4a) is a tiny (diameter = 1–4 mm)
plant that forms mats on stagnant ponds. Lemna can repro-
duce sexually, but it usually reproduces asexually.

238 EXERCISE 22 22–4

1960 2998
1970 3659
1980 4551
1990 5300
2000 6200
2007 6600
2010 6900
2015 7300
2040 15,000 (projected)

Plot these data in figure 22.5.

Question 4
a. How does the shape of this graph compare with those
Courtesy Robert H. Mohlenbrock @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database,
(a) you made for the bacteria?
USDA NRCS, 1995. Northeast wetland flora: Field Office Guide
to Plant Species. Northeast National Technical Center, Chester, PA

Number of plants

b. What do you conclude from this?

X Another important feature of a population is its

Time (days) doubling time. In 1850, the doubling time for our population
was 135 years. Today, the doubling time is about 60 years.
Figure 22.4  (a) Duckweed (Lemna) is a small flowering plant This means that during the next 60 years we must double
that grows in mats on the surface of stagnant ponds. (b) Population our resources if we are to maintain our current standard of
growth of duckweed (Lemna).


Growth of Human Populations

The population of humans is growing fast. Consider
these data:
Population in millions

Year Human Population (millions)
8000 B.C. 5
4000 B.C. 86 4000

A.D. 1 133
1650 545 2000
1750 728
1800 906
1850 1130 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000
B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. A.D. A.D.
1900 1610 Time
1950 2400 Figure 22.5  Growth of the human population.

22–5 Population Growth 239

8 b. The doubling time for populations in developed
countries far exceeds that of developing countries.
What is the significance of this?

Billions of People

The human population has increased explosively

during the past three centuries (fig. 22.6). Although
the birth rate is now at about 19 births per 1000 people,
the death rate has fallen to about 9 per 1000 people per
year. The difference between birth and death rates (10 per
Significant advances
in public health
1000) means that the human population is growing at a rate
of about 1.2% per year. Here’s what that means:
∙ Each hour the world’s population grows by 8700.
2 Industrial ∙ Each year there are about 76 million more people on
Revolution Earth. That annual increase in our population equals
the combined population of Great Britain, Ireland, Ice-
1 Bubonic plague land, Belgium, The Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and
“Black Death” Finland.
∙ In the 6 seconds it takes to read this sentence, 14 more
people will be added to our population. Each of these
4000 B.C. 3000 B.C. 2000 B.C. 1000 B.C. 0 1000 2000 people eats food; generates wastes; and, in his or her
Year own way, affects our Earth.
∙ During the 20th century alone, the population of the
Figure 22.6  History of human population size. Temporary world increased from 1.65 billion to 6 billion.
increases in death rate, even severe ones like the Black Death of the
1400s, have little lasting impact. Explosive growth began with the
∙ In 1970, there were roughly half as many people as
Industrial Revolution in the 1700s, which lengthened human lifespans there are now.
and thereby increased reproductive opportunities. The current
population exceeds 7.3 billion, and at the current rate will double in Question 6
61 years.
a. What is the significance of this?

living. Improving our standard of living will require that we

more than double our resources.

Question 5
a. What is the importance of population growth to you?

b. Can this continue? Why or why not?

240 EXERCISE 22 22–6

The Response of Population Growth to Environmental Conditions
Observations: The environment is always changing. The c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
growth and size of a population are strongly influenced by record it.
the environment. Population growth of microorganisms with d. Review procedures 22.1 and 22.3, which use bacteria
short life cycles and fast growth rates is particularly sensitive and duckweed to investigate population growth. Outline
to changes in abiotic factors. on Worksheet 22 your experimental design and supplies
Question: How does population growth respond to environ- needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to
mental stimuli? review your proposed investigation.
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation question, and make relevant comments.
Worksheet 22 from your instructor. f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and needed.
record your group’s best question for investigation.

c. Do you think the worldwide population has already f. How does the growth of the human population affect
reached its carrying capacity? Explain the basis for ecosystems?
your answer.

d. What will happen when the worldwide population

exceeds the earth’s carrying capacity?
g. In some countries, the human population has shrunk in
recent years. Is this good or bad? Why?

e. How has the growth of the human population affected

the growth of other populations?

22–7 Population Growth 241

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. How can the growth of a population be slowed by its own numbers?

2. Some people are now realizing the significance of population growth. Although this exercise treated the problem only in
biological terms, the reality of population growth is much more complex because it involves many political, social, and
economic problems. What are some of these problems? How do they affect you now? How will they affect you later in
life (e.g., when you want to retire)?

3. Should we do anything to slow the “population explosion”? If so, what? If not, why?

4. From a purely ecological standpoint, can the problem of world hunger ever be overcome by improved agriculture alone?
What other components must a hunger-control policy include?

5. How are problems such as deforestation, pollution, and world hunger linked with population growth?

6. The late Garrett Hardin, a famous biologist, wrote that “Freedom to breed will bring ruin to us all.” Do you agree with
him? Explain your answer.


Design a simple spreadsheet to facilitate calcula- Charles Darwin’s ideas about natural selection as
tion of population size for each generation based on a driving force for evolution were strongly influenced
different generation times or different numbers of offspring per by ideas in an essay entitled “Essay on Population” by Thomas
individual. Malthus. Go to the library and read about Malthus’s ideas.
How did they influence Darwin? How are they relevant to this

242 EXERCISE 22 22–8

BIOLOGY Exercise 23
The Effects of Chemical, Thermal,
and Acidic Pollution
Learning Objectives In this exercise, you will study several types of pollution.
Specifically, you will
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Describe how chemical pollution, thermal ∙ Simulate the effects of acid precipitation by examining
pollution, and acid rain affect the growth and seed germination and survival of organisms at acidic pH.
reproduction of selected organisms. ∙ Study chemical pollution by examining the effects of
2. Determine what factors can lead to excessive differing concentrations of nutrients and pesticides
growth of algae. on growth of algae and shrimp.
∙ Study thermal pollution by examining how organisms
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online survive at unnaturally high temperatures.
resources tailored to this lab.
∙ Examine water polluted with an overabundance of algae.
∙ Use the Allium Test to assay the effects of a variety of
S eldom a day passes in which we don’t hear a pollution-
related story in the news. Oil spills, leaks of toxic chem-
icals, and noise pollution are a few of the ­pollution-related
pollutants on plant growth.

problems that affect our lives. The effects of pollution can SIMULATING THE EFFECTS OF ACID RAIN
be disastrous, as exemplified by the nuclear leakage from
power plants of Fukushima, Japan; oil spills along the coasts Acid rain is a worldwide problem caused by atmospheric pol-
of Alaska and Spain; the leakage of 40 tons of toxic gas in lution (fig. 23.1a). Compounds such as nitrates and sulfates
1984 in India (which killed thousands and injured hundreds released into the atmosphere by automobiles and industries
of thousands of people); and the dumping of toxic wastes into combine with water to form nitric and sulfuric acids that are
our rivers, lakes, and oceans. deposited across the countryside in precipitation. There, the
A pollutant is any physical or chemical agent that acid decreases the pH of the soil, affects the availability of
decreases the aesthetic value, economic productivity, or nutrients, and usually diminishes plant growth. The effects
health of the biosphere. There are many types of pollutants, of acid rain are often subtle but significant; for example,
including noise, chemicals, radiation, and heat. Whether or the cumulative pollution of decades of acid rain can destroy
not it makes headlines, pollution of any type affects funda- landmarks and reduce forests and crop yields (fig. 23.1b).
mental aspects of life, namely our health and how organisms In this exercise, you will study the influence of acid
grow and behave. Because populations of organisms inter- rain on (1) seed germination, and (2) growth and reproduc-
act among themselves and with their environment, pollution tion of brine shrimp. You will simulate acid rain with solu-
always affects more than one organism. For example, con- tions of sulfuric acid.
sider the following food chain:
Be careful while you handle the cultures and do not
algae → zooplankton → small fish → large fish → humans get the sulfuric acid solutions on yourself. If you do,
wash yourself immediately and thoroughly.
A pollutant that reduces a population at any step of
this food chain will affect all other levels of the food chain, SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked
because all steps of the chain are linked. Thus, water pol- to read this exercise so you would know what to do
luted with chemicals, such as herbicides that kill algae, will and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
decrease populations of zooplankton that eat the algae; this briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
ultimately affects populations of fish and other organisms procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
that are part of the food chain. contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.

23–1 Pollution 243
Precipitation pH

,4.3 .5.3
© Rainer Hackenberg/Nomad/Corbis
(a) (b)

Figure 23.1  Acid rain and its effects. (a) The pH of snow and rain throughout the United States. (b) Acid rain often kills trees and damages
landmarks such as sculptures and buildings.

Procedure 23.1  Observe seed germination Question 2

a. How did acidity affect seed germination? How accurate
1. Examine the three petri dishes labeled “Acid Rain and
were your predictions in Question 1?
Seed Germination.” All of the dishes were inoculated
several days ago with 50 seeds of corn (Zea mays).
Dish 1 contains seeds soaked in a solution having a
pH of 4, and dish 2 contains seeds soaked in a solution
having a pH of 2.

Question 1 b. What does this tell you about the effect of acid rain on
a. How do you think that lowering the pH will affect seed seed germination in natural environments?

c. How would the decreased growth of plants in response

to acid rain affect animals in the same environment?

2. Compare these seeds with those grown in dish 3 at

neutral pH (pH = 7), which is near the pH at which
corn seeds germinate in their typical environments.

Procedure 23.2  Observe growth of brine

3. A germinated seed is one in which the root or shoot has
punctured the seed coat. Use the following formula to Brine shrimp (Artemia salina) is a small crustacean that
calculate the percentage germination for each treatment. lives in salty aquatic environments such as the Great Salt
Lake. Brine shrimp are often used as live food in aquariums.
number of germinated seeds
% Germination = × 100 1. Examine the three cultures labeled “Acid Rain and
total number of seeds
Brine Shrimp.” Several days ago all of the cultures
4. Record your results in table 23.1. were inoculated with the same number of brine shrimp

244 EXERCISE 23 23–2

TABLE 23.1

pH = 7

pH = 4

pH = 2

TABLE 23.2



pH = 7

pH = 4

pH = 2

eggs. Culture 1 contains shrimp growing in a solution NUTRIENT ENRICHMENT:

having a pH of 4, and culture 2 contains shrimp grow- EUTROPHICATION
ing in a solution having a pH of 2. The pH of typical
environments for brine shrimp ranges from 7 to 8.5. As naturally occurring nutrients are washed from the soil
2. Compare these cultures with that in dish 3 at neutral by rain, bodies of water such as lakes and ponds undergo a
pH (pH = 7). Use your dissecting microscope to count nutrient-enrichment process called eutrophication (fig. 23.2).
the number of living shrimp in five randomly selected Some instances of eutrophication occur naturally, whereas
fields of view of each culture. others are produced by human activities such as pollution.
3. Record your results in table 23.2. Most nutrients can be absorbed by an ecosystem without
damaging the ecosystem’s integrity. However, if the critical
Question 3 load of nutrients is exceeded, eutrophication occurs. Nitro-
a. How does acidity affect hatching and growth of brine gen (from fertilizers) and phosphorus (from detergents) are
shrimp in your experiment? What does this tell you the major minerals that cause eutrophication.
about the effect of acid rain on survival of brine shrimp? In extreme situations, eutrophication often stimulates
so much growth that a lake or pond may eventually fill in with
algae and detritus and disappear. Human-generated pollutants

b. Consider the food chain described in the introduction

of this exercise. How would acid rain affect fish and
humans in this food chain?

c. Comment on the validity of extrapolating the results

of your experiments with seed germination and brine
shrimp survival to the natural world.

© Jerome Wexler/Science Source

Figure 23.2  A eutrophic pond. The surface bloom of green algae

indicates the abundance of nutrients in the water.

23–3 Pollution 245
TABLE 23.3

1 (nutrient-enriched)

2 (nutrient-enriched, anaerobic)

3 (control)

such as raw sewage and fertilizers dramatically speed eutro-

phication. In this exercise, you’ll study eutro­phication by
studying the growth of organisms in nutrient-enriched media.
Several days ago algal cultures were started with simi-
lar amounts of algae. Culture 1 contains an excess of nitro-
gen, a condition similar to that of lakes enriched with raw
sewage. Culture 2 contains large amounts of nitrogen and
minimal oxygen to simulate anaerobic conditions that occur
naturally when bacterial populations in water increase rapidly
in response to added sewage. As the bacteria grow and repro-
duce, they rapidly deplete the oxygen supply in the water,
thus producing anaerobic conditions. Culture 3 is an aerobi-
cally grown control containing normal amounts of nitrogen.
This experiment relates the well-publicized and frequent © 2006 Fred Ward
occurrences of fish-kills in overly eutrophic lakes and ponds
to nutrient stimulation of rapid bacterial growth that depletes Figure 23.3  Huge amounts of pesticides and herbicides, such as
those being applied by this crop duster, are used in agriculture each
the dissolved oxygen. year. One of the most important tasks facing agriculturists and other
biologists is the development of integrated pest management and sys-
Procedure 23.3  Examine the effects of simu- tems involving genetically engineered organisms that will avoid the
lated eutrophication need for such chemical excesses.

1. Examine the two algal cultures labeled “Eutrophica-

tion” and the culture labeled “Control.” e. Can eutrophication ever be beneficial? If so, when?
2. Record your observations in table 23.3.

Question 4
a. Which culture has the most algal growth?
Pesticides are common pollutants, and the increasing
demands for food by our expanding population have caused
b. Which has the least? farmers to increase their reliance on pesticides to increase
crop yields (fig. 23.3). These pesticides are often effective,
but residues washed from the soil by rain contaminate lakes,
ponds, and the underground water supply. These pollutants
can harm organisms that drink and live in these waters.
c. What does this tell you about the influence of eutrophi-
cation on algal growth? Procedure 23.4  Examine the effect of a pesti-
cide on the survival of brine shrimp

Do not open the pesticide cultures or spill the

liquids on ­yourself; the pesticides are toxic.
d. How could you reverse the effects of eutrophication?
1. Examine the four cultures labeled “Pesticides.” Several
days ago these cultures were started with the same
number of brine shrimp.

246 EXERCISE 23 23–4

TABLE 23.4

Pesticide culture 1

Pesticide culture 2

Pesticide culture 3

Control culture 4

TABLE 23.5

Culture 1 (room temperature)

Culture 2 (35°C)

2. Culture 1 contains the recommended dosage of the pes- ∙ Speeds the evaporation of water, thereby concentrating
ticide, culture 2 contains 1/10 the recommended dos- other pollutants in the water.
age, and culture 3 contains 10-times the recommended ∙ Decreases the oxygen supply in the water, because
dosage. Culture 4 is a control that lacks pesticide. warm water holds less oxygen than does cool water.
3. Examine samples from each culture with your dissecting
microscope. Record your observations of each culture in Procedure 23.5  Examine the effect of tempera-
table 23.4. ture on the survival of brine shrimp
1. Examine the two cultures labeled “Thermal Pollution.”
Question 5
Both cultures were started several days ago with the
a. Which culture contains the most living shrimp?
same number of brine shrimp.
2. Culture 1 was grown at room temperature (20–25°C),
and culture 2 was grown at 35°C in oxygen-depleted
water. Record your observations of each culture in
b. Which culture contains the least? table 23.5.

Question 6
a. Which culture contains the most living shrimp?
c. What does this tell you about how pesticides affect the
growth of aquatic organisms?

b. Which culture contains the least?

d. How might this pollution affect terrestrial organisms

that depend on the water for drinking water?
c. What does this tell you about the influence of thermal
pollution on growth of aquatic organisms?

Excessive heat is a common pollutant. Many factories use d. How might thermal pollution of a lake or pond affect
water from lakes, reservoirs, or rivers to cool heat-generating nearby terrestrial organisms?
equipment and release the hot water to reservoirs or ponds,
where it raises the water temperature. Thermal pollution:
∙ Speeds biochemical reactions, thereby altering the
growth of organisms and composition of communities.

23–5 Pollution 247
Do not open the pesticide cultures or spill the
Many pollutants directly affect the growth and development liquids on yourself. Pesticides are toxic.
of organisms. Thus, the most informative assay for these
pollutants involves measuring growth of living organisms
exposed to controlled treatments of suspected pollutants. Procedure 23.6  Use the Allium Test to assay a
The Allium Test provides this kind of assay. In the Allium variety of pollutants
Test, bulbs of the common onion, Allium, are subjected to 1. Examine the solutions provided by your instructor for
solutions of water being investigated for pollutant toxicity. your class to assay with the Allium Test. Record the
Roots develop quickly, and their number and length after solutions in table 23.6.
5 days estimates the effect of the potential pollutant on a 2. You may need to work in small groups to assay all
common ­aspect of plant growth. of the solutions. Determine which solutions or treat-
ments are your group’s responsibility. Some of the
treatments may involve different temperatures and

TABLE 23.6



TABLE 23.7


 ​ ​ ​Mean =  ​ ​ ​ Mean =  ​ ​ ​Mean =  ​ ​ ​Mean =

248 EXERCISE 23 23–6

some may involve solutions with unknown contents.
Record in table 23.7 the treatment and control solu-
tions tested by your group.
3. Obtain onion bulbs. You will need 5 to 10 bulbs for
each treatment and 5 to 10 bulbs for controls for each
4. Trim the outer, loose layers of each bulb. Use a razor Allium bulb
blade to trim exposed tissue from the root crown. Your
instructor will demonstrate how to do this.
5. Obtain a beaker (or test tube) wide enough to support Root
crown Solution being
the onion but that will allow the root crown to protrude assayed
into the solution.
Beaker or
6. Fill 5 to 10 replicate beakers with the solution being test tube
7. Fill 5 to 10 beakers with the appropriate control
Figure 23.4  Allium Test setup. The number and length of the
solutions. growing roots estimate the toxicity of the solution being assayed.
Question 7
What is the appropriate control solution for your treatment? 13. In table 23.6 record the results for the solutions tested
by the other groups.
14. Compare the number and length of roots on treated
bulbs with those of controls.

Question 8
a. Why did each group need to run controls, rather than
8. Put a trimmed onion bulb on your beaker so the root one set of controls for everyone?
crown is completely submerged (fig. 23.4).
9. Incubate the treatments and controls in the dark at
room temperature for 3 to 5 days.
10. Check and supplement the solution levels in the bea-
kers periodically if needed.
b. The Allium Test is a common test in environmental
1 1. After 4 to 7 days, determine the mean root-length and
science. What are some disadvantages to this test?
number of roots for each bulb. Record the values in
table 23.7. These are the results for the treatment solu-
tion that your group tested.
12. Record your mean values from table 23.7 in table 23.6.

Using the Allium Test to Detect Variation in Water Quality
Observations: The presence and concentration of biologically c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
active compounds can be measured directly or by their indi- record it.
rect effect on a quantifiable biological process, such as a bio- d. Review the Allium Test procedure 23.6. Then outline
assay. Root production by Allium is sensitive to a variety of on Worksheet 23 your experimental design and supplies
compounds. The number of biologically active compounds that needed to test your hypothesis. You may choose to use a
humans introduce each year into our environment is immense. bioassay other than the Allium Test. Ask your instructor
Question: How does root growth by Allium respond to envi- to review your proposed investigation.
ronmental contaminants? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 23 from your instructor. tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group and instructor a specific contam- needed.
inant and question relevant to the preceding observation
and question. Record it on Worksheet 23.

23–7 Pollution 249
Procedure 23.7  Determine algal pollution of
water samples
Funnel 1. Dip a filter base and funnel (fig. 23.5) in 70% ethanol
for 1 min. Shake off the excess alcohol and let the
apparatus air dry.
2. Use sterilized forceps to place a filter having pores
0.45 μm in diameter on the filter base. Screw the fun-
nel onto the support (fig. 23.5) so that the filter is held
securely in place.
Filter 3. Add 200 mL of the water sample to the funnel. If the
water sample is heavily polluted, decrease the sample
to 100, 50, or 25 mL.
Filter support 4. Use a hand vacuum pump or water aspirator (fig. 23.6)
to evacuate the receiving flask. Algae will be trapped on
Filter base
the filter.
5. Remove and dry the filter in an oven at 45°C for
8 min (or overnight at room temperature).
6. Float the dried filter on approximately 5 mL of immer-
sion oil in a small petri dish. The dry filter will become
transparent in the oil. If the filter remains opaque after
Vacuum a few minutes, place the petri dish on a warm surface
until the filter clears.
7. Remove the filter from the petri dish by dragging it
Receiving flask across the side of the dish.
8. Cut the filter into fourths and place all of these pieces
of filter on one clean microscope slide.
9. Use a dissecting microscope to examine the filter with
reflected light at low total magnification (10–14×).
Figure 23.5  Diagram of filtration apparatus used to collect You will see much algae and cyanobacteria on the
organisms from a water sample. filter.
10. Count the algae in each of 10 randomly selected fields
of view and record the number in the following table:
c. The Allium Test for thermal pollution may show that
higher temperatures accelerate growth. Is this bad?  ​No. of Algae in Each Field of View
Why or why not? Field 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  ​ Total
of Algae  ​ ​ ​ ​
 ​ ​
 ​ ​ ​
 ​ ​ ​
 ​ ​ ​
 ​ ​ ​
 ​ ​ ​
 ​ ​ ​
 ​ ​ ​
 ​ ​ ​  

11. Use the following formula to calculate the total number

of algae on your filter:
total no.
 ​Total no. of 1380 mm2 of algae counted
Growing human populations have created great demands on algae on filter
area of one
no. of fields
groundwater supplies. To circumvent these demands, many field (mm2) counted
areas have started using surface waters such as ponds and
lakes to meet their water needs. Unlike groundwater, which Total no. of algae on filter =
is usually free of algae, surface water usually contains large
amounts of algae that produce tastes and odors (Anabaena, Calculate the area of the field of view with a stage
Nitella, Pandorina, Hydrodictyon), clog  pipes (Synedra, micrometer or ruler (see Exercise 3). The value
Anacystis), produce toxins (Anabaena), and form mats cov- 1380 mm2 is the area of the 47-mm filter that you used
ering a lake or reservoir (Oscillatoria, ­Spirogyra). to collect the algae.
Work in small groups to assess algal pollution in the
water samples available in the lab. Area of field of view =

250 EXERCISE 23 23–8

(a) (b)

Figure 23.6  Vacuum filtration using (a) a hand vacuum pump or (b) a water aspirator. Applying a vacuum speeds the filtration of samples.

12. Use the following formula to calculate the number of d. In what ways might they harm other organisms?
algae per milliliter of sample:
no. of algae on filter
No. of algae mL−1 =
volume of sample (mL)

No. of algae mL−1 =

e. Suppose you are responsible for “cleaning up” a lake
Algal populations exceeding 1000 organisms mL−1 polluted with algae. What would you do, and why?
indicate that the water is over-enriched by sewage or
other nutrients.

Question 9
a. How many algae per milliliter are in your water sample?
Bioremediation is the use of living organisms (usually
microbes) to remove pollutants from an environment. For
example, bacteria that metabolize hydrocarbons are often
b. Is your sample polluted? used to minimize the impact of oil spills. Similarly, several
bacteria have been genetically engineered (Exercise 16) to
metabolize ionic mercury and other dangerous chemicals
from nuclear waste.

c. In what ways might these algae benefit other organisms Question 10

in the water? a. Bacteria that remove dangerous chemicals have an
obvious value for remedying pollution. Are there any
drawbacks or limitations of bioremediation? If so, what
are they?

23–9 Pollution 251
Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. What causes pollution?

2. Is all pollution bad? Why or why not?

3. What are some ways that you could “purify” water polluted with pesticide?

4. What are the consequences of using water from ponds and rivers to cool industrial processes? What are the consequences
of stopping the thermal pollution (forcing an industry to stop releasing the heated water)?

5. Polluting lakes with laundry water and sewage often produces an algal “bloom.” Why don’t populations of predators
(i.e., zooplankton and fish) increase to offset this bloom and keep the algal population in check?

6. Diseases such as typhoid fever (caused by Salmonella typhosa) and dysentery are often associated with lakes polluted by
sewage. Suppose that you live near a large lake in which sewage is dumped, and that as a local health official you are in
charge of reducing the incidence of typhoid in your area. How would you do this, assuming that you had the complete
cooperation of city and other local officials? How would you do this if you couldn’t prevent sewage from being dumped
in the lake? What would be the consequences of your actions?

7. Define pollution. Can something be a pollutant in some situations but not in others?

8. Does pollution always result from the demands of expanding populations? Why or why not?


Design your own assay similar in concept to the Rachel Carson devoted much of her life to studying
Allium Test. Use a living plant and test potential pol- how organisms are affected by pollution. Her mas-
lutants of your choice. terpiece, Silent Spring, raised public awareness of pollution and
made the word ecology a household word. Go to the library and
read an article about this remarkable woman. What was her mes-
sage, and why is it still important?

252 EXERCISE 23 23–10

Survey of Prokaryotes
BIOLOGY Exercise 24
Kingdoms Archaebacteria and Bacteria

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: Plantae
1. Describe distinguishing features of members of
kingdoms Archaebacteria and Bacteria.
2. Describe the major differences between bacteria and
cyanobacteria. Kingdom
3. Identify representative examples of archaebacteria, Fungi
bacteria, and cyanobacteria. Domain
4. Perform a Gram stain. Eukarya

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online Kingdom

resources tailored to this lab.

C ellular organisms have evolved along two lines. Spe-

cies with cells lacking membrane-bound organelles
are prokaryotes (table 24.1). Those with membrane-bound

­organelles are eukaryotes and include plants, animals,

fungi, and protists. About 5000 species of prokaryotes have
been described, and many more await identification and
­description. Domain
Prokaryotes were long thought to be a unified group
commonly called bacteria. However, genetic analysis as Kingdom
recently as 1996 of the DNA of prokaryotes revealed two Archae-
groups with surprisingly different DNA sequences. Both
were strikingly different from the DNA sequences of
eukaryotes. This new information has led to recognition of
three domains of organisms (fig. 24.1).
Domain Archaea includes kingdom Archaebacteria, Bacteria
which are all prokaryotes. Archaebacteria often inhabit but
are not restricted to extreme and stressful environments Kingdom
on Earth. Domain Bacteria includes kingdom Bacteria, Bacteria
which are all prokaryotes and the most abundant organ-
isms on Earth (fig. 24.2). Domain ­Eukarya includes
kingdoms Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, and the polyphy- (a) © Emma Grigor/EyeEm/Getty Images; (b) © Don Farrall/Getty Images
letic (multiple origins) protists (see Exercise 25 for the (c) © Vol. 46/Corbis RF; (d) © Corbis; (e) © Mediscan/Encyclopedia/Corbis;
current status of protistan classification). All of the king- (f) © Vol. 15/PhotoDisc RF; (g) © Corbis RF; (h) © Flirt/Alamy; (i) © Vol. 44/
PhotoDisc RF; (j) © Vol. 64/Corbis RF; (k) © Gerd Guenther/Science Source;
doms in domain Eukarya are eukaryotes and are ­described (l) © Eric V. Grave/Science Source; (m) © Power and Syred/Science Source;
in Exercises 25–31 and 36–40. This classifica­tion  of liv- (n) © Kari Lounatmaa/Science source; (o) © Dwight Kuhn; (p) © Alfred Pasieka/
ing organisms into three domains and five kingdoms is Science Source

now widely accepted, but much phylogenetic information Figure 24.1  The diversity of life. Biologists categorize all living
remains to be revealed. Classification is an ­exciting and things into three overarching groups called domains: Bacteria,
ongoing process. Archaea, and Eukarya. Domain Eukarya is composed of protists and
three kingdoms: Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia.

24–1 Survey of Prokaryotes 253

Archaebacteria of domain Archaea may be the oldest forms
FEATURE EXAMPLE of life on earth, and domains Bacteria and Eukarya probably
diverged from Archaebacteria independently. Archaebacteria
Unicellularity. All pro- are diverse prokaryotes that share ribosomal RNA sequences
karyotes are basically
single-celled. Even though
as well as several important biochemical characteristics quite
some bacteria may adhere distinctive from those of all other types of organisms. Archae-
together or form filaments, bacteria are significantly different from the prokaryotes of
their cytoplasm is not ©BSIP SA/Alamy kingdom Bacteria. Archaebacteria have distinctive mem-
directly interconnected, Prokaryotic cell
branes, unusual cell walls, and unique metabolic cofactors.
and their activities are not
integrated and coordinated
Today’s Archaebacteria are probably survivors of
as is the case in multicel- ancient lines that have persisted in habitats similar to those
lular eukaryotes. present when bacteria first evolved. These habitats are often
Cell Size. Most bacte- extremely acidic, hot, or salty. Thus, many Archaebacte-
rial cells are only about ria are called extremophiles. Many Archaebacteria can
1 micrometer in diameter, live in an anaerobic atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide and
while most eukaryotic Bacterial cell Eukaryotic cell
hydrogen as well as the more b­ enign environments typical
cells are over 10 times
that size.
of bacteria and eukaryotes. See Exercise 16 for a procedure
describing Halobacterium salinarum, a common archaebac-
Prokaryotic DNA exists
terium that inhabits salty environments.
as a single circle in the
cytoplasm, while in
eukaryotes, proteins
Bacterial Eukaryotic KINGDOM BACTERIA
genome chromosomes
are complexed with
the DNA into multiple Bacteria of kingdom Bacteria are distributed more widely
chromosomes. than any other group of organisms. Individual bacterial cells
Cell Division. Prokaryotic are microscopic (1 μm or less in diameter, figs. 24.2 and
cells divide by binary fis- 24.3); a single gram of soil may contain over a billion bacte-
sion. The cells pinch ria. Bacteria have cell walls, which give them three charac-
in two. In eukaryotes, teristic shapes (fig. 24.4).
microtubules pull chromo- Binary fission Mitosis in
somes to opposite poles in bacteria eukaryotes ∙ Bacillus (rod-shaped)
during the cell division
process, called mitosis.
∙ Coccus (spherical)
Internal Compart- ∙ Spirillum (spiral)
mentalization. Unlike
cell Most bacteria are heterotrophic, meaning that they derive
eukaryotic cells, bacterial
cells contain no internal their energy from organic molecules made by other organ-
compartments, no internal isms. Heterotrophic bacteria are decomposers because they
membrane system, and no feed on dead organic matter and release nutrients locked in
cell nucleus. dead tissue.
Flagella. Prokaryotic fla-
gella are simple, composed Question 1
of a single fiber of protein a. Why is it important that decomposers such as bacteria
that spins like a propeller. Simple bacterial release nutrients?
Flagella in eukaryotes are flagellum
complex structures that
whip back and forth, rather
than rotating.
Metabolic Diversity.
Prokaryotes possess many
metabolic abilities not
found among eukaryotes; b. What term best describes heterotrophic bacteria that
some prokaryotes can feed on living tissue?
perform several different
kinds of anaerobic and © BiologyImaging.com
aerobic photosynthesis, Some prokaryotes, such as
obtain their energy from Rivularia, can fix nitrogen
oxidizing inorganic com- from the atmosphere.
pounds, or fix atmospheric

254 EXERCISE 24 24–2



Nucleoid (DNA)

Plasma membrane
Cell wall

© PTP/Phototake
Flagellum 0.3 mm

Figure 24.2  The structure of a bacterial cell.

© Dr. Tony Brain and David Parker/

(a) (b) (c) (d) © Dr. Tony Brain/David Parker/ © Dr. Tony Brain/David Parker/ © Dr. Tony Brain/David
Science Photo Library/Science Source SPL/Science source SPL/Science source Parker/SPL/Science source

Figure 24.3  Four views of a contaminated pin, which would seem an unlikely site for bacteria to grow. (a) The tip of the pin, magnified 7×.
When scanning electron micrographs are shown at increasing magnifications—(b) 35×, (c) 178×, and (d) 4375×—you see rod-shaped bacteria
growing there.

24–3 Survey of Prokaryotes 255

© BSIP SA/Alamy © BSIP/UIG/Getty Images © Michael Abbey/Science source
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 24.4  The three basic shapes of bacteria: (a) bacillus (Pseudomonas); (b) coccus (Streptococcus); and (c) spirillum (Spirilla), 400×.

1. Attachment of chromosome to
cell wall
a special plasma membrane
site indicates that this plasma
bacterium is about to divide. membrane

2. The cell is preparing for binary

fission by enlarging its cell wall,
plasma membrane, and overall

3. DNA replication produces

two identical chromosomes.
Cell wall and plasma mem-
brane begin to grow inward.

200 nm
4. As the cell elongates, the
chromosomes are pulled apart. © Barry Dowsett & Jeremy Burgess/
Cytoplasm is being distributed Science Photo Library/Corbis

5. New cell wall and plasma

membrane divide the daughter

Figure 24.5 Binary Fission  First, DNA replicates, and as the cell lengthens, the two chromosomes separate, and the cells divide. The two
resulting bacteria are identical.

256 EXERCISE 24 24–4

TABLE 24.2

Anthrax Bacillus anthracis Animals, including Bacterial infection that can be transmitted through
processed skins contact or ingested. Rare except in sporadic
outbreaks. May be fatal.
Botulism Clostridium botulinum Improperly prepared food Contracted through ingestion or contact with wound.
Produces acute toxic poison; can be fatal.
Chlamydia Chlamydia trachomatis Humans, STD Urogenital infections with possible spread to
eyes and respiratory tract. Occurs worldwide;
increasingly common over past 30 years.
Cholera Vibrio cholerae Human feces, plankton Causes severe diarrhea that can lead to death
by dehydration; 50% peak mortality if the disease
goes untreated. A major killer in times of crowding
and poor sanitation; over 100,000 died in Rwanda in
1994 during a cholera outbreak.
Dental cavities Streptococcus Humans A dense collection of this bacteria on the surface of
teeth leads to secretion of acids that destroy minerals
in tooth enamel—sugar alone will not cause cavities.
Gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhoeae Humans only STD on the increase worldwide. Usually not fatal.
Hansen’s disease Mycobacterium leprae Humans, feral armadillos Chronic infection of the skin; worldwide incidence
(leprosy) about 10–12 million, especially in Southeast Asia.
Spread through contact with infected individuals.
Lyme disease Borrelia bergdorferi Ticks, deer, small rodents Spread through bite of infected tick. Lesion followed
by malaise, fever, fatigue, pain, stiff neck, and headache.
Peptic ulcers Helicobacter pylori Humans Infects the stomach, where it causes ulcers. About
40% of the world’s population harbors H. pylori.
Barry Marshall, who isolated the bacterium in 1982,
drank a culture of H. pylori; he got an ulcer.
Plague Yersinia pestis Fleas of wild rodents: rats Killed 1⁄4 of the population of Europe in the
and squirrels 14th century; endemic in wild rodent populations
of the western United States today.
Pneumonia Streptococcus, Humans Acute infection of the lungs, often fatal without
Mycoplasma, Chlamydia treatment.
Tuberculosis Mycobacterium Humans An acute bacterial infection of the lungs, lymph, and
tuberculosis meninges. Its incidence is on the rise, complicated by
the development of new strains of the bacteria that
are resistant to antibiotics.
Typhus Rickettsia typhi Lice, rat fleas, humans Historically a major killer in times of crowding and
poor sanitation; transmitted from human to human
through the bite of infected lice and fleas. Typhus has
a peak untreated mortality rate of 70%.

Bacteria that derive their energy from photosynthesis or the species of bacteria are not culturable in vitro. We just don’t
oxidation of inorganic molecules are autotrophic. How- know enough about the nutrient and environmental require-
ever, photosynthesis in bacteria is often different from that ments of these bacteria to grow them in the lab.
in eukaryotes, because molecular sulfur rather than oxygen Bacteria reproduce asexually via binary fission, in
is sometimes produced as a by-product. which a cell’s DNA replicates and the cell pinches in half
A laboratory culture of bacteria usually consists of a without the nuclear and chromosomal events associated
tube of liquid nutrients (broth) containing growing bacteria with mitosis (see Exercise 14) (fig. 24.5). Some bacteria
or a tube or plate of solidified agar with bacteria growing on have genetic recombination via conjugation, in which all or
the surface.1 The jellylike agar is melted, mixed with nutri- part of the genetic material of one bacterium is transferred to
ents, and poured into tubes or plates to solidify. Many spe- another bacterium and a new set of genes is assembled.
cies of bacteria can be cultured in nutrient broth or on a layer Some bacteria are pathogenic (table 24.2); that is, they
of nutrient-rich agar. It may surprise you to know that most cause diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis. How-
ever, most bacteria are harmless to humans. Indeed, many
1 Agar is a gelatinous polysaccharide used in culture media for microbiology labs. beneficial bacteria live in and on your body. Nevertheless,
You’ll learn more about agar and the red algae it comes from in Exercise 25. you should handle all bacterial cultures with care. The

24–5 Survey of Prokaryotes 257

rich outer envelope
Acidic polysaccharides

Thick peptidoglycan
Thin peptidoglycan

Plasma membrane Plasma membrane

(a) Gram-positive: thick peptidoglycan cell wall layer, (b) Gram-negative: thinner peptidoglycan cell wall layer,
no outer envelope with outer envelope

Figure 24.6  Cell walls of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. (a) Cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria have a thick peptidoglycan
layer and no outer envelope. Gram stains stick readily to this peptidoglycan layer. (b) Cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria have an outer envelope
of lipopolysaccharides. Gram stains don’t stick to this outer envelope.

preparation of wet mounts of bacterial cultures requires Question 2

proper use of a transfer loop and sterilizing flame. Your What is the shape and size of each bacterial colony?
instructor will demonstrate this aseptic technique.

SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were

asked to read this exercise so you would know what
to do and be aware of safety issues. In the space
below, briefly list the safety issues associated with
today’s procedures. If you have questions about these
issues, contact your laboratory assistant before start- Gram Stain
ing work.
One of the most important techniques to classify bacteria is
the Gram stain, based on the different structural and chemi-
cal compositions of bacterial cell walls (fig. 24.6). Gram
Procedure 24.1  Culture common bacteria staining is important because it often correlates with the sen-
1. Obtain a sterile cotton swab and a closed petri dish sitivity of a bacterium to antibiotics. Gram-positive bacte-
containing sterile nutrient agar. ria (e.g., Streptococcus, Micrococcus) have a thick cell wall
2. Open the packaged swab and drag the tip over a sur- that retains a purple dye, whereas Gram-negative (e.g.,
face such as your teeth, face, or tabletop. Escherichia coli, Serratia) bacteria have a much thinner cell
wall that does not retain the dye.
3. Open the petri dish and drag the exposed swab over the
During the Gram stain technique, crystal violet and
surface of the agar in the manner demonstrated by your
iodine are applied to stain all of the bacteria purple. Then
alcohol is used to remove the stain from the surface of the
4. Close the lid and tape it shut. Label the dish with a wax Gram-negative cell walls that do not bind the stain. Finally,
pencil. safranin is used to counterstain the Gram-negative cells
5. Turn the dish upside down and place it in the incubator with a red color contrasting with purple Gram-positive cells
or in a warm area. (fig. 24.7). In the following procedure, you will Gram-stain
6. After 24–48 h examine the agar for bacterial growth. some of your bacteria to see the difference between Gram-
Record your observations. negative and Gram-positive organisms.

258 EXERCISE 24 24–6

1. Crystal violet 2. Gram’s iodine 3. Alcohol wash 4. Safranin (red dye)
is applied. is applied. is applied. is applied.

Gram-positive Gram-negative Gram-positive Gram-negative Gram-positive Gram-negative Gram-positive Gram-negative

Alcohol Alcohol
Crystal violet–iodine complex dehydrates thick washes dye Dark purple Red dye
formed inside cells. PG layer trapping from thin masks the stains the
Both cell walls affix the dye. All one color. dye complex. PG layer. red dye. colorless cell.


10 mm
© De Agostini Picture Library/Getty Images
Figure 24.7  The Gram stain procedure. (a) The thick peptidoglycan layer encasing Gram-positive bacteria traps crystal violet dye, so the
bacteria appear purple in a Gram-stained smear (named after Hans Christian Gram, Danish bacteriologist, 1853–1938 who developed the
technique). Because Gram-negative bacteria have an outer envelope covering their thin peptidoglycan layer, they do not retain the crystal violet
dye. A red counter stain (usually a safranin dye) is applied to emphasize contrast with the purple Gram-positive cells. (b) A micrograph showing the
results of a Gram stain with both Gram-positive and Gram-negative cells.

Procedure 24.2  Observe stained bacteria with 5. Place a slide on the stage with the specimen centered
oil-immersion magnification over the light path through the hole in the stage.
1. Obtain a microscope and a small bottle of immersion 6. While watching from the side, slowly rotate the
oil. Recall from Exercise 3 that the resolving power low-power objective as close as possible to the slide
of a lens depends, among other things, on the amount without the objective touching the slide. Adjust the
of light that it gathers. More light improves resolution, diaphragm for medium light-intensity.
and light is scattered when it passes through air. If a 7. Look through the oculars and slowly adjust the coarse
drop of immersion oil, a fluid with the same refractive adjustment to increase the working distance. Stop
index (ability to bend light) as glass, is placed between when you see the color of the stained bacteria and are
the objective lens and the specimen, then the lens can roughly focused on the smear of bacteria.
gather more light. 8. Improve the illumination and sharpen the image as
2. Examine the microscope, and verify with your much as possible with the fine-adjustment knob. At
instructor that the microscope is equipped with an this low magnification you will only see small dots,
oil-immersion objective. This objective can resolve at best.
micrometer-sized particles such as bacteria. 9. Rotate a higher-power objective into position and
3. Rotate the low-power objective into observation refocus.
position. 10. Rotate the nosepiece so that the alignment is halfway
4. Obtain some prepared slides of stained bacteria from between the oil-immersion objective and the next
your instructor. These may be commercially prepared lowest-power objective. There should not be an objective
slides or slides with bacteria that your instructor has in correct position for observation. This position will
stained to help you practice with your microscope. allow you to place a drop of oil on the slide.

24–7 Survey of Prokaryotes 259

11. Put one drop of immersion oil on the coverslip directly
Be careful not to inhale or spill on your skin crystal
over the spot of the light path. Do not touch the drop- violet or any other biological stain used in the
per to the slide or it will contaminate the oil when the following steps.
dropper is returned to the bottle.
12. Rotate the oil-immersion lens directly into observation
position and directly into the drop of oil. 5. Examine figure 24.7 and become familiar with the
13. While looking from the side, use the fine-adjustment staining procedure. When the slide has cooled, gently
knob to lower the objective until it gently touches the drench the bacterial smear with drops of crystal violet
coverslip. for 20 sec.
14. Look through the oculars and slowly rotate the fine- 6. Rinse the slide for 2 sec with a gentle but steady
adjustment knob to increase the working distance. This stream of water from a squirt bottle.
rotation should be counterclockwise. Stop when the 7. Gently drench the bacterial smear with drops of iodine
stained bacterial color appears. Slowly rotate the fine- for 1 min.
adjustment knob back and forth until the bacteria are in 8. Drop 95% alcohol (decolorizer) on the smear with an
focus. eyedropper until no purple shows in the alcohol com-
15. Improve your resolution by adjusting the diaphragm. ing off the slide. Quickly rinse the slide with water to
16. Examine the sizes, shapes, and stains of the bacteria on remove the alcohol.
the slide. 9. Gently drench the bacterial smear with drops of safra-
nin for 20 sec.
17. Repeat this entire procedure for each of the slides
offered by your instructor. 10. Gently rinse the slide with water. Air dry the slide, or
blot gently if necessary. Add a coverslip.
18. When you finish your work, clean the oil from the
slides and objectives with the lens paper provided. 11. Observe the smear with your microscope using low
power and then high power and/or the oil-immersion
objective. You will not need a coverslip for heat-fixed
Procedure 24.3  Use known bacterial cultures to slides with oil immersion.
prepare and observe a Gram stain
12. Determine if the bacteria are Gram positive or Gram
1. Obtain a slide, coverslip, transfer loop, alcohol burner, negative.
and a culture of living bacteria. 13. Repeat the Gram-stain procedure using other known
2. Available cultures should include the following bacteria that you obtain from culture tubes.
bacteria, among others: 14. Record your observations in table 24.3.
Bacillus megaterium—a large bacterium resistant to
radiation, desiccation, and heat. Procedure 24.4  Use a Gram stain to observe
Rhodospirillum rubrum—a photosynthetic purple living bacteria from your teeth
bacterium. 1. Obtain a slide, coverslip, transfer loop, alcohol burner,
Escherichia coli—found in the human intestine; the and a culture of living bacteria.
most intensively studied of all bacteria. 2. Use the wide end of a toothpick to scrape your teeth
Staphylococcus epidermidis—a cocci found among the near the gum line.
normal flora of skin. 3. Thoroughly mix what’s on the tip of the toothpick in a
3. Apply a loop of bacteria to a drop of water on a slide. small drop of water on a microscope slide.
If your cultures are in liquid broth, then add one drop 4. Allow this bacterial smear to dry.
of culture medium to your slide. Your instructor will 5. Repeat steps 4–13 of procedure 24.3.
demonstrate how to use sterile technique to open,
sample, and close the culture of bacteria. Do not add a Question 3
coverslip to the slide. a. Which type of bacteria is most prevalent in the sample
4. Heat the slide gently by holding it with a clothespin from your teeth?
and passing it over the top of a flame three to four
times. Drying time is critical to success. Check with
your instructor to avoid heating the slide too little or
too much. Be careful not to break the slide. If hot
plates are available, hold the slide to the hot surface for
10 sec. This heat will adhere the bacteria to
the slide.

260 EXERCISE 24 24–8

Deadly Food! Beware!
The bacterium Clostridium botulinum can the formation of thick-
grow in food products and produces a walled endospores that
toxin called botulinum, the most toxic sub- surround their chromo-
stance known. Microbiologists estimate some and a small por-
that 1 gram of this toxin can kill 14 million tion of the surrounding
adults! The good news is that C. botulinum cytoplasm. These highly
requires anaerobic conditions for growth, resistant endospores
which limits its prevalence. The bad news (fig. 24.A) may later
is that C. botulinum is extremely tolerant to germinate and grow
stress; it can withstand boiling water (100˚C) after decades or even
for short periods, but is killed at 120˚C in centuries of inactiv-
5 min. This tolerance makes C. botulinum a ity. The endospores of
© PTP/Phototake
serious concern when people can vegeta- Clostridium botulinum
bles. If home canning is not done properly, can germinate in poorly Figure 24.A  Endospores. The round orange circle in the
upper cell is an endospore forming within a cell of Clostridium
this bacterium will grow in the anaerobic prepared canned goods,
botulinum, the bacterium that causes the disease botulism.
conditions of the sealed container and be so never eat food from a These resistant endospores enable the bacterium to survive in
extremely poisonous. Several adults and
­ swollen (gas-filled) can of improperly sterilized canned and bottled foods.
infants die every year from botulism in the food; you risk contract-
United States. ing botulism leading to
Tolerance to stress is enhanced in nerve paralysis, severe
C.  botulinum and many other bacteria by vomiting, and death.

TABLE 24.3

b. Is Bacillus megaterium Gram positive or Gram nega- colony growing on the surface of nutrient agar often has
tive? How do you know? distinctive  characteristics depending on the species. Care-
ful ­observation of the shape, color, size, texture, and mar-
gins of a colony is important for any bacterial identification.
Figure 24.8 illustrates the most common features of bacte-
rial colony morphology.

Bacterial Colony Morphology Procedure 24.5  Evaluate the colony morphol-

A bacterial colony is a visible speck or patch of millions ogy of bacterial species
of bacterial cells that are typically the progeny of a ­single 1. Obtain 48-h growth plates of 4–6 bacterial species pro-
cell that reproduced on the agar’s surface. A bacterial vided by your instructor for your evaluation.

24–9 Survey of Prokaryotes 261

Circular Pinpoint Irregular and Spreading Filamentous Wrinkled


Smooth (Entire) Wavy (Undulate) Lobate Flat Raised Convex

Irregular (Erose) Filamentous Umbonate


Figure 24.8  Colony characteristics. Colonies are classified by form, margin, and elevation as well as color and diameter.

2. Familiarize yourself with the colony morphologies 4. When you have completed your analysis, your instruc-
shown in figure 24.8. tor will provide the species names associated with each
3. Use a stereomicroscope or hand lens to evaluate a rep- of the plates and the accepted colony descriptions for
resentative colony on each of the plates. Record your that species. Use this information to evaluate the accu-
observations in table 24.4. racy of your observations.

TABLE 24.4

262 EXERCISE 24 24–10

Nitrogen Fixation by Bacteria Procedure 24.6  Observe root nodules
Certain bacteria and cyanobacteria transform atmospheric 1. Observe the root systems on display and note the
nitrogen (N2) into other nitrogenous compounds that nodules.
can be used as nutrients by plants. This process is called 2. Examine a prepared slide of a cross section of a nodule.
nitrogen fixation. All organisms need nitrogen as a compo-
nent of their nucleic acids, proteins, and amino acids. However, Question 4
chemical reactions capable of breaking the strong triple bond a. Where are the bacteria? Are they between cells or
between atoms of atmospheric nitrogen are limited to certain inside cells?
bacteria and cyanobacteria. This process uses an enzyme
called nitrogenase along with ATP, energized electrons,
and water to convert N2 to ammonia (NH3). Ammonia can
be absorbed by plants and used to make proteins and other
Rhizobium is a bacterium that can fix nitrogen b. Why is this relationship between a plant and bacterium
and can grow intimately with roots of some plants called called a mutualism?
legumes (e.g., clover, alfalfa, and soybeans). Such associa-
tions between Rhizobium and host roots form nodules on
the roots (fig. 24.9). These resident nitrogen fixers provide
ammonia to the plant while the plant provides sugars and
other nutrients to the bacteria.
c. How does Rhizobium benefit from this association?

d. How does the host plant benefit from the association?

Bacterial Sensitivity to Inhibitors

Growth of some bacterial species is more sensitive to inhibi-
tors such as antibiotics than is growth of other species.
For example, an antibiotic may be more effective against
Staphylococcus than against Streptococcus. This is impor-
tant information to a physician who must select one of many
available antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection.
To determine the most effective antibiotic, a medical
laboratory may set up a sensitivity plate. A sensitivity plate
is a petri dish of solid medium that has been uniformly inoc-
ulated on its entire surface with a known bacterium or an
unknown sample from an infected patient. After inoculation,
four to eight small paper disks—each soaked in a different
antibiotic—are placed equidistant from each other on the
culture surface. After 24 h, an effective antibiotic will pro-
duce a visible halo of clear surface around the disks where it
inhibited growth of the bacteria (fig. 24.10). If the antibiotic
© Nigel Cattlin/Science Source was ineffective, the bacteria will grow to the edge of the
Figure 24.9  Root nodules containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria. paper disk.

24–11 Survey of Prokaryotes 263

Disk with ineffective
antibacterial agent

Zone of inhibition

Bacterial growth

Disk with effective

antibacterial agent

©Lisa Burgess/McGraw-Hill Education

Figure 24.10  A sensitivity plate is used to determine the effectiveness of one or more antibiotics, each of which is on the surface of a paper
disk. Any disk containing an effective antibacterial agent inhibits nearby bacterial growth on the agar. If the agent is ineffective, then bacteria will
grow up to the disk.

You’ve probably seen television commercials for 2. Examine each plate, note the bacteria used to inoculate
products such as mouthwash or disinfectant that “kills the plate, and note the types of disks distributed on the
germs on contact.” Many of these products are developed plate.
and tested using sensitivity plates. The mouthwash is effec- 3. Determine which disks inhibited bacterial growth
tive if no bacteria grows around a paper disk soaked in the strongly, weakly, or not at all.
mouthwash. 4. Record the bacterial species and your observations in
table 24.5.
Procedure 24.7  Examine sensitivity plates
1. Obtain from your instructor one of each type of pre-
pared sensitivity plate.

TABLE 24.5


264 EXERCISE 24 24–12

Confirming Pages

Question 5
Based on their appearance, which drugs or chemicals inhibit
the growth of bacteria?

Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae)

Cyanobacteria are a major group of photosynthetic bacteria
that grow in many environments. Most cyanobacteria are
free-living, whereas others live symbiotically with plants
© Sinclair Stamers/Science source
and other organisms. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic, (a)
and their pigments include chlorophyll a and the accessory
pigments phycocyanin (blue) and phycoerythrin (red).
Because of various proportions of these pigments, only
about half of the cyanobacteria are blue-green in color; other
cyanobacteria range in color from brown to olive green.
Cyanobacteria reproduce by fission and are often
surrounded by a jellylike sheath. Because cyanobacte-
­ Vegetative cells
ria are  prokaryotes, they are not related to other algae, all
eukaryotic. Cyanobacteria such as Oscillatoria often cause
many of the disagreeable tastes, colors, and odors in water.
Procedure 24.8  Examine cyanobacteria
1. With your microscope, examine living material and
prepared slides of Oscillatoria (fig. 24.11a). Oscillato-
ria grows as long chains of cells called trichomes.

Question 6
Do all cells of a trichome of Oscillatoria appear similar?

(b) © BiologyImaging.com

Gelatinous matrix
2. Examine living material and a prepared slide of Ana-
baena or Nostoc (commonly called witch’s butter or
starjelly) (fig. 24.11b). Filaments of these cyanobacteria Vegetative cells
consist of small grapelike colonies. Trichomes of ­Nostoc
consist of small vegetative cells and larger, thick-walled
heterocysts, in which nitrogen fixation occurs.
3. Examine a wet mount of living Gloeocapsa, character-
ized by a thick, gelatinous sheath (fig. 24.11c).
4. Add a drop of dilute India ink to the slide of Gloeo-
capsa so that the sheath will stand out against the dark © Michael Abbey/Science Source
background. Often Gloeocapsa forms clusters of cells (c)
and therefore has a colonial body form. Locate one of
Figure 24.11  Cyanobacteria. (a) Oscillatoria (200×);
these colonies. (b) Nostoc (400×); and (c) Gloeocapsa (400×).
5. Add a drop of methylene blue to a fresh slide of Gloeo-
capsa and determine if it enhances your observation
more than does India ink.

24–13 Survey of Prokaryotes 265

vod44877_ch24_253-268.indd 265 06/12/17 12:23 PM

Question 7 6. Examine some living Merismopedia which also form
a. Do adjacent cells share a common sheath? colonies. Sketch these cyanobacteria in the following

b. What do you suppose is the function of the sheath?

Question 8
a. How is the shape of Merismopedia different from other
cyanobacteria you studied in this exercise?

c. Do clusters of Gloeocapsa represent multicellular

organisms? Why or why not?

b. How would a colony attain this shape?

d. What is the best stain for Gloeocapsa, India ink or

methylene blue?

Bacterial Sensitivity to Inhibitors
Observations: Bacteria grow virtually everywhere. Some com- c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
mon household products effectively inhibit bacterial growth record it.
on floors and tabletops but may leave behind resistant species. d. Review the discussion of sensitivity plates and procedure
Some microenvironments, however, are not exposed to the 24.7. Outline on Worksheet 24 your experimental design
selection pressure of disinfectants. and supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your
Question: Do some places in our surroundings harbor bacteria instructor to review your proposed investigation.
that resist household disinfectants especially well? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 24 from your instructor. tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group a well-defined question relevant needed.
to the preceding observation and question. Record your
question on Worksheet 24.

266 EXERCISE 24 24–14

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. What is meant by Gram positive? Explain the mechanism of Gram-positive staining.

2. What happens when milk is pasteurized?

​3. What causes milk to sour?

​4. What ecological roles are performed by cyanobacteria?

5. How do antibiotics kill bacteria? Why do they not affect viruses?

6. How could bacteria become resistant to an antibiotic?

7. Antibiotic resistance is promoted by overprescription of antibiotics. How do we stop this trend? What problems are
involved? Is antibiotic resistance inevitable?

24–15 Survey of Prokaryotes 267

Obtain two nutrient agar plates. Touch and drag Doorknobs, sinks, tables, and so on are often
the tip of your finger on the agar surface of one laden with bacteria. Devise a protocol to swab
plate. Wash your hand and repeat the procedure on the other areas of your workplace to determine which microenvironments
plate. Incubate the plates for 24–48 h. Then compare colony harbor the most bacteria.
appearances and number. What can you conclude about the
presence and diversity of bacteria on your plates? Is the appear-
ance of a colony a good way to distinguish species of bacteria?
There is a great diversity of roles in a typical
ecosystem, some shared by a variety of organisms.
What ecological roles are performed by cyanobacteria?

268 EXERCISE 24 24–16

Survey of Protists
BIOLOGY Exercise 25
The Algae

fungi, plants, and animals. The diversity of protists clearly

Learning Objectives makes understanding their phylogeny and taxonomy a chal-
lenge. Currently, we classify protists into several eukary-
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
otic supergroups that each display distinctive features
1. Discuss the distinguishing features of different
(table 25.1). Review information in your textbook for a
groups of algae.
more thorough examination of the phylogenetic relation-
2. Appreciate the economic importance of algae.
ships among protists.
3. Outline the events of “alternation of generations” in
Protists may be conveniently grouped according
green algae.
to ecological roles as algae, protozoa, and funguslike
protists. You will study algae in this exercise and
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online protozoa and slime molds in the next exercise. The term
resources tailored to this lab.
algae (Latin for “seaweeds”) applies to about 10 groups
of protists that are predominantly photosynthetic species.
Despite the common feature of photosynthesis, algae do
T his exercise begins your study of domain Eukarya.
Eukaryotes are organisms composed of cells hav-
ing membrane-bound nuclei. This domain is commonly
not form a monophyletic group descended from a single
common ancestor. They are polyphyletic (i.e., they have
more than one common ancestor), and the details of their
divided into three well-defined kingdoms—Fungi, Animalia,
phylogenies are still being discovered.
Plantae—along with a group of organisms with diverse ori-
gins called protists. In a sense, protists include all eukaryotes
that lack the distinguishing characteristics of fungi, animals,
or plants. Protists live in moist habitats and include simple INTRODUCTION TO ALGAE
eukaryotes such as amoebas, as well as multicellular organ-
isms such as the brown alga, kelp. One way to determine the importance of something is to
Fungi have cell walls and are heterotrophic. remove it and see what happens. If we did that with algae
Heterotrophic organisms feed on organic matter produced most people would be shocked by the result. Global oxy-
by other organisms because they cannot make their required gen production would immediately decline. A major food
organic compounds from inorganic substances; that is, source, perhaps the major food source for the world’s
heterotrophs require organic nutrients produced by other ecosystems, would be gone. Tens of thousands of irre-
organisms. placeable algal species would be lost, along with their
Animals are ingestive-feeding heterotrophs that lack unique diversity of potentially useful chemicals, many
cell walls and can respond rapidly to external stimuli. Ani- with pharmaceutical value. The absence of algae would
mals are multicellular. lead to rapid extinction of many hundreds of thousands of
Plants are multicellular, autotrophic organisms, invertebrate animal species. Ecosystems would collapse.
meaning that they can synthesize all required organic com- Fortunately we won’t lose algae anytime soon; they have
pounds from inorganic substances using external energy, thrived for 1.5 billion years.
usually sunlight. Algae are photosynthetic, eukaryotic organisms typi-
Protists share two common characteristics: They are cally lacking multicellular sex organs. The major groups of
most abundant in moist habitats, and most of them are micro- algae are distinguished in part by their energy storage prod-
scopic in size. But diversity of protists is immense (fig. 25.1). ucts, cell walls, and color, resulting from the type and abun-
Despite shared features, modern phylogenetic analyses based dance of colored pigments (substances that absorb light)
on comparative analysis of DNA sequences and cellular fea- in their plastids (table 25.2). Biologists often group algae
tures reveal that protists are not a well-defined, monophy- by the colors of these pigments—for example, green algae,
letic group. Protists probably share common ancestry with brown algae, and red algae.

25–1 Survey of Protists 269

DOMAIN: Eukarya

Usually a complex single cell;
photosynthesize, ingest, or absorb food;
haploid life cycle

Supergroup Members Distinguishing Features

Archaeplastida Green algae, red algae, Plastids; unicellular, colonial, Assorted fossilized diatoms
land plants, charophytes and multicellular

Chromalveolata Stramenopiles: brown algae, Most with plastids;

diatoms, golden brown algae, unicellular and multicellular
water molds
Alveolates: ciliates, Alveoli support plasma
apicomplexans, dinoflagellates membrane; unicellular

Onychodromus, a giant ciliate ingesting one of its own kind

Excavata Euglenoids, kinetoplastids, Feeding groove; unique
parabasalids, diplomonads flagella; unicellular

Amoebozoa Amoeboids, plasmodial and Pseudopods; unicellular

cellular slime molds

Rhizaria Foraminiferans, radiolarians Thin pseudopods; some with

tests; unicellular

Opisthokonta Choanoflagellates, animals, Some with flagella;

nucleariids, fungi unicellular and colonial
Plasmodium, a slime mold

Blepharisma, a ciliate with visible vacuoles Licmorpha, a stalked diatom

Acetabularia, a single-celled green alga (chlorophyte)

Nonionina, a foraminiferan

Synura, a colony-forming
Ceratium, an armored dinoflagellate Bossiella, a coralline red alga golden brown alga Amoeba proteus, a protozoan
(a) © Eric Graves/Science source; (b) © Astrid & Hanns-Frieder Michler/Science Source; (c) © D.P. Wilson/Science source; (d) © Biophoto Associates/Science Source;
(e) © Jeff Rotman/Alamy; (f) © Borut Furlan/Getty Images; (g) © Dr. Ronald W. Hoham; (h) © Roland Birke/Getty Images; (i) © M. I. Walker/Science Source;
(j) © Greg Antipa/Science Source; (k) © Patrick W. Grace/Science Source
Figure 25.1  Diversity of algal protists.

270 EXERCISE 25 25–2

TABLE 25.1

EXCAVATA euglenoids Unicellular flagellates, often with feeding groove; mitochondria highly
flagellates modified in specialized parasites; secondary plastids (when present) derived
from endosymbiotic green algae
ARCHAEPLASTIDA red algae Primary plastids having only two envelope membranes
green algae
CHROMALVEOLATA dinoflagellates Peripheral membrane sacs (alveoli); some dinoflagellates have secondary
ciliates plastids derived from red algae, some have secondary plastids derived from
apicomplexans green apicomplexans algae, and some have tertiary plastids derived from
diatoms diatoms; some apicomplexans have secondary plastids derived from red or
brown algae green algae.
Strawlike flagellar hairs; fucoxanthin accessory pigment common in
autotrophic forms
RHIZARIA radiolarians Thin, cytoplasmic projections; secondary plastids (when present) derived
foraminiferans from endosymbiotic green algae
AMOEBOZOA slime molds Amoeboid movement by pseudopodia
OPISTHOKONTA choanoflagellates Swimming cells possess a single posterior flagellum.

TABLE 25.2

Green algae Unicellular, Chlorophyll b Starch Mainly cellulose

 ​ ​filamentous,
 ​ ​colonial
Brown algae Filamentous, Chlorophyll c, Laminarin, Cellulose,
 ​ ​multicellular  ​ ​fucoxanthin  ​ ​mannitol, lipids  ​ ​alginates
Red algae Multicellular Chlorophyll a, Modified starch Cellulose, agar,
 ​ ​phycobilins  ​ ​carrageenan
Diatoms Unicellular Chlorophyll c, Chrysolaminarin, Silica
 ​ ​fucoxanthin  ​ ​lipids  ​ ​
Dinoflagellates Unicellular Chlorophyll c Starch, lipids Pectin,
 ​ ​ cellulose plates
Euglenoids Unicellular Chlorophyll b Paramylon, lipids None

Algae are also distinguished by their cellular orga- GREEN ALGAE

nization (fig. 25.2). Unicellular algal species occur as (SUPERGROUP ARCHAEPLASTIDA)
single, unattached cells that may or may not be motile.
Filamentous algal species occur as chains of cells attached Green algae, collectively referred to as chlorophytes, are the
end to end. These filaments may be few to many cells long most diverse and familiar algae in fresh water (fig. 25.3).
and may be unbranched or branched in various patterns. However, a few genera live in salt water. Although the com-
Colonial algae occur as groups of cells attached to each mon name chlorophyte means “green chlorophyll plants”
other in a nonfilamentous manner. For example, a colony (chloro + phyta), algae are not classified  as plants. Green
may include several to many cells adhering to each other algae may be ancestral to land plants and share many char-
as a sphere, flat sheet, or other three-dimensional shape. acteristics with land plants, such as
Multicellular organization is not typical of protists but
describes algae of more complex design than simple colo- ∙ Chlorophyll a, which occurs in algae and green plants
nies. Multicellular species have cells of different types and ∙ Chlorophyll b, which occurs in land plants and in
functions and show significant interdependence. the green and euglenoid algae

25–3 Survey of Protists 271

Planktonic protists Attached protists

One cell

0.2 mm 32 mm 25 mm 15 mm

(a) Single-celled (b) The colonial genus (c) The filamentous (d) The branched (e) The seaweed genus
Chlamydomonas Pediastrum genus Desmidium filamentous genus Acetabularia
with flagella Cladophora

(a) © Brian P. Piasecki; (b) © Roland Birke/Phototake; (c) © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Linda Graham photographer; (d) © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./
Linda Graham photographer; (e) © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./claudia Lipke, Linda Graham photographer

Figure 25.2  The diversity of algal body-types reflects their habitats. (a) The single-celled flagellate genus Chlamydomonas occurs in the
phytoplankton of lakes. (b) The colonial genus Pediastrum consists of several cells arranged in a lacy star shape that helps to keep this alga afloat
in water. (c) The filamentous genus Desmidium occurs as a twisted row of cells. (d) The branched filamentous genus Cladophora that grows
attached to nearshore surfaces is large enough to see with the unaided eye. (e) The relatively large seaweed genus Acetabularia lives on rocks and
coral rubble in shallow tropical oceans.

∙ Starch as the carbohydrate storage material

∙ Cell walls made of cellulose

Let’s examine a few representatives of green algae.

Unicellular Green Alga: Chlamydomonas

Chlamydomonas is a motile, unicellular alga found in soil,
lakes, and ditches (fig. 25.3). It probably has the simplest
structure and type of reproduction among green algae. The
egg-shaped cells of Chlamydomonas contain a large chloro-
plast and a pyrenoid involved in the production and storage
of starch.

Procedure 25.1  Observe Chlamydomonas © M.I. Walker/Science source

1. Observe a drop of water containing living Chlamy­ Figure 25.3  Chlamydomonas is a common alga that is rich in
domonas and note the movement of the cells. If chlorophylls a and b. It is a single-celled green alga less than
100 μm long.
necessary, review in Exercise 3 the proper use of a
compound microscope and the associated videos at the
lab manual’s website.
2. If the movement is too fast, make a new prepara- Question 1
tion by placing one or two drops of methylcellulose a. Is the movement of Chlamydomonas smooth or does it
on a slide and adding a drop of water containing appear jerky?
3. Mix gently and add a coverslip.
4. Note the stigma, which appears as a reddish, light-
absorbing spot at the anterior end of the cell.
5. Examine prepared slides of Chlamydomonas.

272 EXERCISE 25 25–4

b. Can you see both flagella? (You may need to reduce
the light intensity to see flagella.)

– Gamete

c. How does methylcellulose affect the movement of + Gamete
Chlamydomonas? Pairing of positive
– Strain MITOSIS
and negative
mating strains
+ Strain 2n
d. How does the stigma help Chlamydomonas survive?


Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

in Chlamydomonas Figure 25.4  Chlamydomonas life cycle. Individual cells of
Chlamydomonas (a microscopic, biflagellated alga) are haploid and
Chlamydomonas usually reproduces asexually via mitosis. divide asexually, producing copies of themselves. At times, such
Sexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas is a response to haploid cells act as gametes, fusing to produce a zygote. The zygote
unfavorable environmental conditions. For sexual reproduc- develops a thick, resistant wall, becoming a zygospore (as shown in
tion, vegetative cells of Chlamydomonas undergo mitosis the lower right-hand side of the diagram). Meiosis then produces four
haploid individuals. Only + and − strains can mate with one another,
to produce gametes. The gametes fuse to form a diploid
although both may also divide asexually and reproduce themselves.
zygote, the resting stage of the life cycle. In most species of
Chlamydomonas, the gametes of two strains are isogamous,
meaning they have an identical shape and appearance. For Question 2
convenience, isogametes of Chlamydomonas are referred to a. Under what environmental conditions would a zygote
as + or −. Gametes unite to form a diploid zygote. ­Syngamy not undergo meiosis immediately?
is the pairing and fusion of morphologically similar hap-
loid gametes to form a diploid zygote. Syngamy is similar
to fertilization, but fertilization typically refers to fusion of
unequal gametes such as egg and sperm cells. The zygote
surrounds itself with a resistant surface and is called a
zygospore. Under favorable conditions the zygote under- b. Are spores of Chlamydomonas haploid or diploid?
goes meiosis to produce haploid individuals called spores.
Spores are reproductive cells capable of developing into an
adult without fusing with another cell. Study the life cycle of
Chlamydomonas shown in figure 25.4.
c. Which portions of the life cycle of Chlamydomonas are
Procedure 25.2  Observe syngamy haploid?
1. Place drops of + and − gametes of Chlamydomonas
provided by your instructor next to each other on a
microscope slide, being careful not to mix the two
drops. Do not add a coverslip.
2. While you observe the drops through low power of the d. Which are diploid?
microscope, mix the two drops of isogametes.
3. Switch to high magnification and note the clumping
gametes. Try to locate cells that have paired.

25–5 Survey of Protists 273

Filamentous Green Algae:
Spirogyra and Cladophora
Two of the most common genera of filamentous green algae
are Spirogyra and Cladophora. Spirogyra grows in running Cell wall
streams of cool fresh water and secretes mucilage that makes
it feel slippery. Cladophora is also common in streams and Chloroplast
has a much coarser appearance and texture. Vacuole
Spirogyra reproduces sexually by a process called
conjugation. During conjugation, filaments of opposite
mating types lie side by side and form projections that Zygote
grow toward each other. These projections touch and the Cytoplasm
separating wall dissolves, thus forming a conjugation tube
(fig. 25.5, also see fig. 4.15). The cellular contents of the
− strain then migrate through the conjugation tube and fuse
with that of the nonmotile − strain. The cellular contents Conjugation
of these two strains function as nonflagellated isogametes.
The zygote resulting from the fusion of gametes develops
a thick, resistant cell wall and is termed a zygospore. The
20 mm
zygospore is released when the filament disintegrates, at (a) Cell anatomy (b) Conjugation
which time the zygospore undergoes meiosis to form hap- © M.I. Walker/Science Source/Science source
loid cells that become new filaments. Figure 25.5  Spirogyra (watersilk). (a) Spiral, ribbonlike
chloroplasts occur in each cell. (b) During conjugation, the cell
contents of one filament (+strain) enter the cells of another filament
Procedure 25.3  Examine Spirogyra and (−strain) through a conjugation tube (200×).
1. Obtain and examine a living culture of Spirogyra.
2. Prepare a wet mount with a small amount of living
Spirogyra. Examine it with low and then high magnifi-
cation. Notice the arrangement of the chloroplasts and
whether filaments are branched.
3. Examine a prepared slide of Spirogyra.
4. In the following space, sketch a filament of Spirogyra
and note the arrangement of its chloroplasts.

5. Examine a prepared slide of filaments of Spirogyra

undergoing conjugation. Locate the conjugation tubes,
gametes, and zygotes.
6. Prepare and examine a wet mount of living
Cladophora (fig 25.6). Then examine a prepared slide
of Cladophora.
7. In the following space, draw a few cells of Cladophora
showing their general shape and the filament’s branch-
ing pattern. © Philip Sze

Figure 25.6  The green alga Cladophora forms branched

filaments consisting of multinucleate cells (100×).

274 EXERCISE 25 25–6

Question 3 Gametes form by
mitosis and
a. Are filaments of Spirogyra branched? differentiation
Spores germinate released by
to form mature thallus gametophyte

b. What is the arrangement of chloroplasts of Spirogyra?

Haploid (n) Gametophyte

Diploid (2n) Sporophyte

Gametes fuse
c. Can you see any conjugation tubes? If you can’t, exam- (Syngamy)
ine the prepared slides that show these structures.
Zygote (2n)

Meiosis and spore Zygote germinates

formation by to form mature thallus

Figure 25.7  Alternation of generations in Cladophora. During

d. How do you think Spirogyra reproduces asexually? alternation of generations, the haploid (n) gametophytes alternate
with diploid (2n) sporophytes. Gametophytes produce haploid
gametes that fuse to form a diploid zygote, the first cell of the
sporophyte generation. The zygote germinates and undergoes meiosis
to form haploid spores, the first cells of the gametophyte generation.
The gametophyte then uses mitosis to produce gametes, thereby
completing the life cycle.

Question 4
You should become familiar with the concept of alter-
a. How is Cladophora morphologically similar to
nation of generations because it occurs frequently in the
Spirogyra? How is it different?
plant kingdom and we will refer to it repeatedly in this and
future exercises. Refer to your textbook or instructor for
more information.

Colonial Green Alga: Volvox

b. What is the shape of its chloroplasts? Volvox consists of many Chlamydomonas-like cells bound in
a common spherical matrix (fig. 25.8). Each cell in the sphere
has two flagella extending outward from the surface of the
colony. Synchronized beating of the flagella spins the colony
through the water like a globe on its axis. Volvox is one of the
most structurally advanced colonial forms of algae, so much
Mature Cladophora exists in diploid and haploid so that some biologists consider Volvox to be multicellular.
forms. The diploid stage of the life cycle produces spores Some of the cells of a Volvox colony are functionally differen-
and is called the sporophyte. The haploid stage of the life tiated; a few specialized cells can produce new colonies, and
cycle produces gametes and is called the gametophyte. This eggs and sperm are formed by different cells in the colony.
phenomenon of alternating haploid and diploid stages of a Volvox reproduces by oogamy. Motile sperm swim
life cycle is called alternation of generations. Alternation to and fuse with the large nonmotile eggs to form a diploid
of generations is a reproductive ­cycle in which the haploid zygote. The zygote enlarges and develops into a thick-walled
gametophyte produces gametes that fuse to form a zygote zygospore released when the parent colony disintegrates. The
that germinates to produce a diploid sporophyte. Within the zygospore then undergoes meiosis to produce haploid cells
sporophyte, meiosis produces spores that germinate into that subsequently undergo mitosis and become a new colony.
gametophytes, thus completing the cycle (fig. 25.7). Alter- During asexual reproduction, some cells of Volvox divide,
nation of generations occurs in many green algae, including bulge inward, and produce new colonies called daughter
Cladophora, and in all land plants. colonies that initially are held within the parent colony.

25–7 Survey of Protists 275

Brown algae are primarily marine and structurally complex;
there are no unicellular or colonial brown algae. Brown
algae usually grow in cool water and obtain their name
from the presence of a brown pigment called fuco­xanthin.
Brown algae range in size from microscopic forms to kelps
over 50 m long. Thalli of some brown algae are similar to
those of land plants. Review table 25.2 for the characteris-
tics of brown algae.
Among the larger brown algae is Macrocystis, a
kelp reaching 100 m in length (fig. 25.9). The flat blades
© BiologyImaging.com of this kelp float on the surface of the water, while the
Figure 25.8  Colonies of Volvox. Many parent colonies contain base is anchored far below the surface. Another ecologi-
asexually produced daughter colonies (400×). cally important brown alga is sargasso weed (Sargassum;
fig. 25.10), which forms huge floating masses that dominate
Procedure 25.4  Observe Volvox the vast Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean northeast of the
1. Examine a prepared slide of Volvox. Caribbean. These mats are microhabitats for a variety of
highly adapted and cryptically colored animals.
2. Obtain a living culture of Volvox. Place a drop of liv-
ing Volvox on a depression slide.
3. Under low magnification, observe the large, hollow, Fucus
spherical colonies for a few minutes to appreciate their Fucus is another common genus of brown algae (fig. 25.11).
elegance and beauty. Fucus (rockweed) typically attaches to rocks in the intertidal
4. Search for flagella on the surface. zone via a specialized structure called a holdfast. The outer
5. Complement your observations of this alga by ­ surface of Fucus is covered by a gelatinous sheath. Tips of
re-examining prepared slides of Volvox. Fucus branches, called conceptacles, may be swollen and
contain reproductive structures called oogonia (female) and
Question 5 antheridia (male), as shown in figure 25.11. Oogonia are
a. What is oogamy? multicellular sex organs that produce eggs. Antheridia are
multicellular sex organs that produce sperm. Most protists
do not have multicellular reproductive organs.
The life cycle of Fucus is similar to the common life
cycle of animals. The mature thallus is diploid, and cells
within reproductive structures undergo meiosis to produce
b. What are the tiny spheres inside the larger sphere gametes, thereby skipping the multicellular haploid stage
of Volvox? common to many protists, plants, and fungi.

Procedure 25.5  Examine Fucus

1. Refer to figure 25.11 as you examine Fucus in the lab.
Use your dissecting microscope to examine a cross
section of the flattened, dichotomously branched thal-
c. How do you suppose they get out?
lus of Fucus.
2. Notice the presence of swollen areas on the thallus
of Fucus.
3. Work in a group to dissect one of these structures.
4. Examine prepared slides of antheridia and oogonia
d. How do you think the number of cells in a young of Fucus. Sketch what you see.
Volvox colony compares to the number in a mature

276 EXERCISE 25 25–8

© Karen Gowlett-Holmes/Getty Images © Kingsley Stern

Figure 25.9  Brown alga. The giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, Figure 25.10  Sargassum, a floating brown alga from which the
grows in relatively shallow water along coasts throughout the world Sargasso Sea got its name. Sargassum also lives in other oceans.
and provides food and shelter for many different kinds of organisms.

Zygote (2n) Mitosis and

egg formation
Gametes fuse
(Syngamy) (n)

and sperm
formation (n)

Immature oogonium

Diploid parent
Meiosis (2n)
Conceptacle (2n)

Figure 25.11  Sexual reproduction in a monoecious species of Fucus. Some species of Fucus have separate male thalli and female thalli
containing conceptacles with only antheridia, and only oogonia, respectively.

25–9 Survey of Protists 277

a. How does the structure of Fucus differ from the green ARCHAEPLASTIDA)
algae that you examined earlier in this exercise?
Red algae obtain their color from the presence of red
phy­cobilins in their plastids. Red algae typically live
in warm marine waters. The thallus of a red alga can be
attached or free-floating, filamentous, or fleshy (fig. 25.12).
b. Are all portions of the thallus photosynthetic? How can
you tell? Procedure 25.7  Examine Polysiphonia,
Porphyra, and commercial products of red algae
1. Obtain prepared slides of Polysiphonia and Porphyra
and any living cultures that are available in lab.
2. Examine a prepared slide of Polysiphonia. Notice the
c. Considering where Fucus lives, what do you think is thickness of the filaments compared with that of fila-
the function of its gelatinous sheath? mentous green algae.
3. Examine living Polysiphonia. This genus is highly
branched and filamentous. As with other red algae,
their life cycles can be quite complex. Gametophytes
of these organisms are dioecious (i.e., they are either
d. Are the swollen structures solid masses or are male or female).
they hollow? 4. Examine some prepared slides and living Porphyra if
available. Compare the structure of Polysiphonia with
that of Porphyra. “Blades” of Porphyra consist of two
layers of cells separated by colloidal material.
5. Study the display of carrageenan, agar, and other prod-
Question 7 ucts derived from red algae.
a. Are the gametes of Fucus isogamous or oogamous? 6. Pick up and feel a piece of agar, noting its texture.
Agar is a gelatinous polysaccharide from red algae
used as a solidifying agent in culture media for
microbiology labs (fig. 25.13b). A 1% suspension of
hot agar remains liquid until it cools to about body
b. How does the structure of tissue surrounding the repro-
ductive structures compare with that of green algae?

Economic Importance of Brown Algae

In the Orient, some brown algae are used as food. One of
these algae is Laminaria, a kelp marketed as “kombu.”
Brown algae are also important sources of alginic acid, a
hydro­philic substance (i.e., it absorbs large quantities of
water). Alginic acid is used as an emulsifier (an additive
used to stabilize processed food and other products) in drip-
less paint, ice cream, pudding mixes, and cosmetics.

Procedure 25.6  Examine some commercial

products of brown algae
1. Taste a small piece of kelp packaged as a food product. © Dr. D. P. Wilson/Science Source © Premaphotos/Alamy
How would you describe its taste and texture? Figure 25.12  Red algae come in many forms and sizes.

2. Observe the products on display and, in the case of

foods, read their contents labels.

278 EXERCISE 25 25–10

DIATOMS (SUPERGROUP Diatoms have a hard cell wall made of silicon diox-
CHROMALVEOLATA) ide (glass) (fig. 25.14). These walls are arranged in over-
lapping halves, much like the halves of a petri dish. The
Diatoms are unicellular algae containing chlorophylls a glass walls of diatoms persist long after the remainder
and c and xanthophyll pigments that give them their golden- of the cell disintegrates (fig. 25.15) and may accumulate
brown color. Although diatoms are tiny, their great numbers, in layers of diatomaceous earth several hundred meters
rapid rates of reproduction, and photosynthetic capacity deep. This depth indicates how many diatoms have existed
make them vitally important as a primary link in the food through the ages.
chain of the oceans.

© Heather Angel/Natural Visions

(a) (b) © Dennis Strete

Figure 25.13  A red alga and a common extract, agar. (a) Irish moss (Chondrus crispus) is a red alga that is commercially important as a
source of carrageenan. Carrageenan is used as a stabilizer in paints and cosmetics, as well as in foods such as salad dressings and dairy products.
(b) Microbiologists grow a variety of organisms on media solidified with agar (shown here) extracted from seaweeds such as Gracilaria. The bacteria
shown here and the fungus shown in figure 27.10 are growing on agar. Agar is also used to make drug capsules, cosmetics, and gelatin desserts.

© Eric Grave/Science source

(a) (b) © Mike Clayton/University of Wisconsin, Department of Botany

Figure 25.14  Diatoms. (a) A pennate (bilaterally symmetrical) diatom. (b) Several different kinds of diatoms, including some centrate (round)
species (600×).

25–11 Survey of Protists 279

d. How would diatomaceous earth compare to sand as a
material for swimming pool filters? Which would be
better and why?

Dinoflagellates are all unicellular and characterized by
the bizarre appearance of their cellulose plates and by the
presence of two flagella located in perpendicular grooves
(fig. 25.16). Blooms of a red-pigmented dinoflagellate
called Ptychodiscus brevis produce a “red tide.” Toxin pro-
duction and oxygen depletion by these blooms of algae can
Courtesy J.D. Pickett Heaps kill massive numbers of fish. Dinoflagellates are important
primary producers in oceans (second only to diatoms) and
­Figure 25.15  A diatom showing its ornate, silicon cell include many auto­trophic and heterotrophic forms. Some
wall (1000×).
dinoflagellates are bioluminescent, others live symbioti-
cally with corals, and some are heterotrophic.
Procedure 25.8  Examine prepared slides of
diatoms, living diatoms, and diatomaceous earth Procedure 25.9  Examine dinoflagellates
1. Examine a prepared slide of diatoms. Sketch some of 1. Examine a prepared slide of Peridinium or Ceratium.
the cells here. Some cells are long and thin, whereas Look for longitudinal and transverse flagella and fla-
others are disklike. gellar grooves.
2. Prepare a wet-mount slide from a living culture of
2. Prepare a wet-mount slide from a culture of living dinoflagellates. Dinoflagellates are quite small, so be
diatoms. Compare the shapes of the cells with those on patient while searching for organisms.
the prepared slide.
3. Mount a small amount of diatomaceous earth in water Question 9
on a microscope slide. Examine the diatomaceous How do the shapes of dinoflagellates compare with other
earth with your microscope. Note the variety of shells, unicellular algae that you have observed in this exercise?
some broken and others intact. A mass of these shells
is clean, insoluble, and porous.
Question 8
a. Can you see any pores in the walls of diatoms?

cellulose plate

b. Are any of the diatoms moving?

2 mm
c. If diatoms lack flagella, how do you explain their
motility? The dinoflagellate, Gonyaulax

­Figure 25.16  Dinoflagellate Gonyaulax. Most dinoflagellates

have rigid cellulose plates and pair of flagella in perpendicular

280 EXERCISE 25 25–12

Euglenoids include mostly freshwater unicellular forms.
Although plastids of euglenoids contain chlorophylls a and
b (like the green algae), euglenoids are distinctive because
they lack a cell wall, and instead have a pellicle made largely
of protein. The protein makes the cell more flexible. Eugle-
noids are motile and have two flagella (fig. 25.17).

Procedure 25.10  Observe Euglena

1. Observe living and prepared slides of Euglena avail-
able in the lab while referring to figure 25.17.
2. You may want to add a drop of methylcellulose in your
preparation to slow the Euglena.
(a) 6.5 mm
3. Note the colored eyespot near the base of the flagella. © BiologyImaging.com
4. Observe the movement and changing shapes of the
organisms. Stigma Second flagellum
Chloroplasts of Euglena may contain a single pyre- vacuole Basal bodies
noid, which appears as a clear, circular area within the plas- Paramylon Mitochondrion
tid. Euglena is best known for its ability to be auto­trophic, granule
heterotrophic, and saprophytic. Its specific mode of nutri- Pellicle
tion is determined by current environmental conditions. Nucleus
This phenomenon illustrates why it is often impossible to Flagellum
distinguish plant from animal at the cellular level and why
classification of protists seems so unwieldy. Our classifica- Chloroplast
tion schemes for these and other organisms will improve as
we learn more about them.

Question 10 Figure 25.17  Euglenoids. (a) Micrograph of individuals of the

What is the function of the eyespot of Euglena? genus Euglena (400×). (b) Diagram of Euglena. Paramylon granules
store food reserves.

The Responses of Algae to Changing Environmental Stimuli
Observation: You learned in Exercise 23 how algae are c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
affected by environmental changes involving nutrients, pollut- record it.
ants, and temperature changes. As a result, algal growth can be d. Outline on Worksheet 25 your experimental design and
used to monitor environmental changes (e.g., eutrophication). supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
Question: How can algae be used to monitor environmental tor to review your proposed investigation.
conditions? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 25 from your instructor. tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant needed.
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

25–13 Survey of Protists 281

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. What are examples of unicellular, filamentous, and colonial green algae?

​2. How are green algae different from cyanobacteria?

3. What is meant by “alternation of generations”?

​4. What is meant by the term “kelp”?

5. Are the stem, holdfast, and blade of brown algae the same as stems, roots, and leaves of land plants? Why or why not?

6. Brown algae contain chlorophyll. Why, then, do they appear brown and not green?

​7. What are the main differences and similarities among the major groups of algae? How are these groups related to each
other evolutionarily?

8. Describe three ways that algae affect your life.

9. Why are green algae considered to be ancestral to plants?


Would you expect environmental conditions to Describe the plant-like and animal-like character-
influence syngamy? Design two experiments istics of Euglena. Which characteristics conclusively
to investigate the effects of two environmental conditions on the define a plant? Which ones define an animal?
frequency of syngamy. How would you measure
syngamy? Its frequency?

282 EXERCISE 25 25–14

Survey of Protists
BIOLOGY Exercise 26
Protozoa and Slime Molds

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Describe the features characterizing protozoa and
slime molds.
2. List examples, habitats, reproductive methods, and
unique features of the protozoans.
3. Become familiar with representative protozoans and
slime molds.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

P rotozoans (proto = first, zoan = animal) are among the

most versatile of all organisms on earth. Protozoa, how-
ever, like algae, is a descriptive term rather than a taxonomic
© M I (Spike) Walker/Alamy

group. Protozoans are eukaryotes with an animal-like, het-

erotrophic ecology, which means they are active consum-
ers and not photosynthetic. (Remember that heterotrophs
plasma membrane
get their nutritional energy from organic molecules made by
other organisms.) Typically, protozoans have food vacuoles contractile vacuole
to enclose food particles for digestion, and contractile vacu-
oles to expel excess water. Their single cells employ a vari-
ety of features for motility, and they live everywhere from food vacuole
a drop of pond water to the intestines of termites. Review
table 25.1 and the supergroups of protists that include com-
mon protozoans.


Amoebas occur throughout the world in marine, freshwater,
and terrestrial environments. Their unifying characteristic pseudopod
is the presence of pseudopods, which are movable exten-
sions of cytoplasm used for locomotion and gathering food.
Amoebas are likely polyphyletic, lack flagella, and most Figure 26.1  Amoebas. (a) Light micrograph of Amoeba proteus
reproduce asexually. showing blunt pseudopodia (160×). (b) Anatomy of Amoeba.

Amoeba meaning they engulf food particles and form a food vacuole
Amoeba is a genus among many organisms commonly surrounded by a membrane. They then secrete enzymes into
called amoebas that has a structure and physiology typical of the food vacuole for intracellular digestion. A contractile
most amoeboid genera (fig. 26.1). Amoeba are phagocytic, vacuole maintains the cell’s water balance by accumulating

26–1 Survey of Protists 283

and expelling excess water. Other common amoebas include Question 1
­Difflugia, which makes a protective case of sand grains a. Can you detect moving cytoplasm in the extending
called a test. Test is a general term referring to a secreted pseudopods of Amoeba?
or ­partially secreted covering, much like a shell (fig. 26.2).
­Examine a prepared slide of Difflugia. Also examine the
amoeba Entamoeba histolytica, a parasite that causes dysen-
tery in humans.
b. What do you suppose the living Amoeba is moving
Procedure 26.1  Observe Amoeba movement toward or away from?
and structure
1. Review microscope use and procedures in
Exercise 3, as well as the associated videos at the
lab manual’s website. Use a dissecting microscope
(see Exercise 3) to examine a culture of living c. How does the Amoeba respond to nutrient broth?
Amoeba. Locate individuals on the bottom of the
2. Prepare a wet mount of living Amoeba by using an
eyedropper to remove a few drops from the bottom of
the culture of organisms.
d. About how long would it take an Amoeba to move
3. Put the drops in a depression slide if one is available or
across the field of view on low power?
use a standard slide.
4. Cover the preparation with a coverslip and examine
it under low power (10×) (see Exercise 3). Soon the
Amoeba should move by extending their pseudopods.
5. If nutrient broth is available, add a drop to the prepara-
tion and observe the Amoeba’s response. e. Why is a contractile vacuole of a protozoan often more
6. Examine a prepared slide of stained Amoeba, and difficult to see than a food vacuole?
locate the structures shown in figure 26.1.
7. Examine any other live amoebas and prepared slides
that are available. Draw the basic structure of these
f. Why would excess water tend to accumulate in


These marine organisms are called “shelled amoebas”
because they surround themselves with a secreted test and
have long, thin, rather stiff pseudopods protruding from
Test their tests (fig. 26.3). The test is made of calcium carbon-
ate and is perforated with pores. The marine fossil record
is replete with old and well-preserved tests of forams and is
often used by oil companies to locate oil-bearing strata.

Procedure 26.2  Examine foram tests

1. Obtain a prepared slide of foram tests.
Figure 26.2  Difflugia oblongata, a common freshwater amoeba 2. Search with low magnification the edges of the cover
with a sand-grain case. The case consists of cemented mineral slips for the foraminiferan tests. They are relatively
particles collected by the amoeba. heavy and shift to the side easily.

284 EXERCISE 26 26–2

Flagellates have at least one flagellum and are likely the
most primitive protozoans. Flagellates are parasitic as well
as free-living heterotrophs.

Among flagellates, trypanosomes are pathogenic and cause
African sleeping sickness and Chagas’ disease. Charles
­Darwin may have died from Chagas’ disease, for during his
later years he suffered from general fatigue, irregular fever,
and heart damage. All of these are symptoms of Chagas’
disease transmitted by the bite of an assassin bug, which
(a) © Alfred Pasieka/Getty Images resembles a common stinkbug. Trypanosomes are common
in the tropics and spread by infection from biting insects
such as mosquitoes, sand flies, and tsetse flies (fig. 26.4b).

Procedure 26.3  Examine a prepared slide

of Trypanosoma and compare its size to that of Amoeba
1. Obtain a prepared slide of Trypanosoma among
blood cells.
2. Locate the organisms intermingled with the blood cells
(fig. 26.4). The organisms are not inside the blood
cells; they are in the surrounding plasma.
3. Try to distinguish the flagellum and undulating mem-
brane of an individual. The undulating membrane is
8.3 mm
© Claude Carre / Science Source
a thin, flat surface that can be undulated (i.e., waved)
for locomotion. A rippling wave travels along the
Figure 26.3  Formaminifera. (a) The calcereous tests, or shells,
of some representative foraminiferans (40×). (b) Podia, which are thin
membrane and pushes the organism forward.
cytoplasmic projections, extend through pores in the calcareous test of 4. Trypanosomes are quite small. To estimate its size, first
this living foram (40×). note the magnification of the objective you are using.
5. Refer to your notes from Exercise 3 (The Microscope)
Question 2 concerning the diameter of the field of view associated
How could fossilized forams in different geological layers with the current magnification.
of rock or sediment indicate the probability of finding oil? 6. Estimate the portion of the diameter of the field of
view occupied by a Trypanosoma. Calculate the size of
a trypanosome.
7. Make a similar estimation of the size of Amoeba with a
prepared slide at the same magnification.

Blood cells


(a) 20 mm (b) © Edward S. Ross

© Centers for Disease Control/Dr. Myron G. Schultz/
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Figure 26.4  A parasite and its vector. (a) Trypanosoma among red blood cells. The nuclei (dark-staining bodies), anterior flagella, and
undulating, changeable shape of the trypanosomes are visible in this photomicrograph (400×). (b) The tsetse fly, shown here sucking blood from a
human arm, can carry and transmit trypanosomes.

26–3 Survey of Protists 285

Question 3 in your textbook the difference between cilia and flagella.
a. How large is a trypanosome relative to Amoeba? Many ciliates also have two types of nuclei: micronuclei
and macronuclei (fig. 26.5). Macronuclei, which develop
from micronuclei, control cellular function, and they divide
when ciliates reproduce asexually by mitosis.

b. What alga does a trypanosome superficially resemble? Paramecium

This free-living, freshwater genus is widely studied and eas-
ily observed. Paramecium, like most ciliates, undergoes a
sexual process called conjugation (fig. 26.6). During con-
jugation, individuals from two different strains align longi-
tudinally and exchange nuclear material (fig. 26.6b). This
CILIATES (SUPERGROUP exchange seems to stimulate metabolism of the individuals
CHROMALVEOLATA) and is usually followed by frequent mitosis. Asexual repro-
duction is more common than conjugation and includes mito-
More than 8000 species of ciliates have been described, all sis of the micronucleus and transverse fission (fig. 26.6a) of
having characteristically large numbers of cilia. Review the macronucleus and cell body.

African Sleeping Sickness

Human African trypanosomiasis, also known on agriculture, fishing, animal husbandry, or 36 sub-Saharan affected countries have
as sleeping sickness, is a vector-borne para- hunting. Trypanosoma brucei gambiense tsetse flies, but no sleeping sickness. A
sitic disease. Parasites of genus Trypano- (T.b.g) accounts for 95% of reported cases person can be infected for months or even
soma are transmitted to humans by the bite of sleeping sickness (fig. 26.A). After con- years without developing the major signs
of tsetse flies (Glossina spp.; fig. 26.4b), which tinued control efforts, the number of cases and symptoms of the disease, which include
acquire their infection from humans or other reported in 2009 dropped below 10,000 for fever, headaches, joint pains, and itching.
infected animals (World Health Organization the first time in 50 years. This trend contin- Advanced stages disrupt the sleep cycle and
Fact Sheet No. 259). The most vulnerable ued in 2010 with 7139 new cases reported. disrupt coordination.
people are in rural populations dependent For unknown reasons, many regions of

Figure 26.A
Trypanosoma brucei. (a) Micrograph of
Trypanosoma brucei, a causal agent of African
sleeping sickness, among red blood cells.
(b) This drawing shows the general structure
red blood cell of Trypanosoma brucei.
© Eye of Science/Science Source



(b) undulating membrane

286 EXERCISE 26 26–4

Anterior contractile vacuole Figure 26.5  Paramecium. The main features of this
familiar ciliate include cilia, two nuclei, and numerous
Macronucleus specialized organelles.

Food vacuole



(a) © Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images © Ed Reschke/Getty Images

Figure 26.6  Reproduction among paramecia. (a) A mature Paramecium divides asexually by transverse fission (100×). (b) During
conjugation, individuals exchange genetic material. Conjugation is a sexual process.

Procedure 26.4  Examine conjugating and Question 4

dividing Paramecium a. Are cilia visible on living or prepared Paramecium?
1. Obtain a prepared slide of conjugating Paramecium
and one of transversely dividing (binary fission)
2. Notice the alignment of the conjugating cells. Their b. Does Paramecium rotate as it moves?
nuclei are in close proximity.
3. Notice the plane of division of the transversely divid-
ing cells.

Procedure 26.5  Observe living Paramecium c. How does movement of Paramecium compare with
1. Prepare a wet mount from a culture of living that of Amoeba? With a flagellated alga?
2. Add a drop of methylcellulose to your wet mount
to slow the Paramecium and make it easier to
3. Describe aspects of their movement in comparison to Question 5
Amoeba. a. Why is the division of Paramecium cells called “trans-
verse” fission?

4. Identify as many structures as possible in figure 26.5.

26–5 Survey of Protists 287

b. Why is transverse fission not a sexual process?

c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of conjuga-

tion in Paramecium?

Vorticella and Other Ciliates

This freshwater ciliate is sessile (i.e., attached to a substrate)
and has two notable features: (1) a contractile stalk that
© Blickwinkel/Alamy
attaches the organism to the substrate, and (2) a cell body
with a corona of cilia. To feed, Vorticella extends its con- Figure 26.7  Vorticella are heterotrophic, feed largely on
tractile stalk to push the cell body as far as possible from the bacteria, and have retractable stalks (80×).
substrate and from other individuals. Then it rapidly beats
its cilia to capture food particles. This is a type of filter feed-
ing (fig. 26.7). Question 6
a. What is the value or function of rapid contraction of
Procedure 26.6  Examine Vorticella and other the stalk of Vorticella?
1. Use a dissecting microscope to examine a living col-
ony of Vorticella, which often grows on the glass and
other hard substrates in stagnant aquaria.
2. Tap the sides of the dish and observe the contraction of
each stalk. b. What is the probable function of the moving cilia of
3. When the stalks are extended, notice the whirling action Vorticella?
of the cilia at the open end of each bell-shaped individual.
4. Examine a prepared and stained slide of Vorticella and
draw its general shape.

Apicomplexans are typically nonmotile parasites of ani-
mals. Frequently, these parasites have complex life histories
and life stages with various morphologies occurring in mul-
5. Examine other cultures or prepared slides of cili- tiple hosts.
ates available in the lab. Draw the general shape of
these organisms and describe the movement of living
specimens. Plasmodium
This pathogen is the best-known apicomplexan and has been
the most common killer of humans in history. Plasmodium
cause malaria, and mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles trans-
mit Plasmodium from human to human (fig. 26.8). These
malarial parasites infect and rupture red blood cells, causing
cycles of fever and chills.

288 EXERCISE 26 26–6

6 In mosquitoes, gametocytes produce gametes that fuse to form a diploid
zygote. In the gut, zygotes divide by meiosis to produce haploid sporozoites,
which move to the salivary glands of the mosquito.

5 Some merozoites produce Gametes

sexual structures called
gametocytes, which can be Fertilization
taken up by a biting

Gametocytes (n) Meiosis

Insid ito
e hu Sporozoites (n)
in salivary glands
1 Plasmodium sporozoites
4 Merozoites continue to enter human blood by a
infect more red blood mosquito bite.
cells, causing cycles of Liver cell Sporozoite
chills and fever in the
infected person. Red blood cell

Merozoites (n)

2 Sporozoites enter liver cells, where the

merozoite stages of Plasmodium form.

Haploid 3 Merozoites are released from liver cells, enter red blood
Diploid cells, and reproduce, causing red blood cells to burst.

Figure 26.8  Diagram of the life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum, the agent of malaria. This life cycle requires two alternate hosts, humans
and Anopheles mosquitoes.

Procedure 26.7  Examine a blood smear from a SLIME

victim of malaria (SUPERGROUP AMOEBOZOA)
1. Obtain a prepared slide with Plasmodium. Slime molds have o­ ften been classified in kingdom Fungi,
2. Locate the infected blood cells. The organisms but they have amoeboid characteristics such as phagocytic
are inside the infected blood cells, not in the surround- nutrition and unique unicellular forms and assemblages.
ing plasma as are trypanosomes. They also lack the prominent hyphae of fungi. Slime molds
3. Locate and compare infected and uninfected blood also do not contain chitin in their cell walls as do fungi.
cells. The infected cells will exhibit only faint signs of Hence, we will classify slime molds as protists. In this
the circular ring stage of the parasite. Sketch what you exercise, you will exam­ine  Physarum as a representative
see (fig. 26.9). slime mold.
Bizarre plasmodial slime molds such as Physarum
stream along the damp forest floor in a mass of brightly
colored protoplasm called a plasmodium in which indi-
4. Review in your textbook the life cycle of Plasmodium vidual cells are indistinguishable. Plasmodia are coenocytic
(fig. 26.8). (multinucleate) because their nuclei are not separated by cell

26–7 Survey of Protists 289

c. What is a possible function of cytoplasmic movement
in Physarum?

Red blood cell

with malarial
The Physarum on demonstration is in the vegetative plasmo-
dial stage and feeds on the oatmeal (fig. 26.10). However, if
environmental conditions become less than optimal (e.g., if
food or moisture decreases), the plasmodium may dry into
a hard resistant structure called a ­sclerotium and remain
dormant until conditions improve. Or, if light is available,
© Ed Reschke the diploid plasmodium will move to the illuminated area
and coalesce. The condensed structure will grow sporangia,
Figure 26.9  Malarial parasite, Plasmodium, within a red blood
cell (500×). and meiosis will produce spores for dispersal (fig. 26.11).
Light is associated with an open environment that allows
successful reproductive dispersal; dispersal under or within
walls, and the entire plasmodium resembles a moving mass a tree trunk would be ineffective. Haploid spores produced
of slime. The plasmodium of a slime mold should not be by meiosis in the sporangia germinate as amoeboid or flag-
confused with the sporozoan genus with the same name. ellated organisms. These haploid stages may later fuse as
Often plasmodia of slime molds live beneath detached gametes and grow into a new plasmodium.
bark on decomposing tree trunks. Slime mold plasmodia
occasionally occur on lawns or on mulch beneath shrubs.
The moving protoplasm of a plasmodium conspicuously
pulsates back and forth as it engulfs and digests bacteria,
yeasts, and other organic particles.

Procedure 26.8  Examine a culture of Physarum

1. Obtain a dissecting microscope and a petri plate
containing a culture of Physarum growing on oatmeal Plasmodium
2. Examine the yellowish trails of the colony under the Oat flake
highest magnification of the microscope. Look for
cytoplasmic movement.
3. Look for signs of the organism beginning to condense
into darkly tipped sporangia. Sporangia are easily vis-
ible without a microscope.

Question 7
a. Is cytoplasmic movement of Physarum apparent?
© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 26.10  Slime mold (Physarum). Slime molds share

characteristics with fungi but also with protistans. Their life cycle
includes a plasmodial stage, which is a thin, multinucleate mass of
streaming protoplasm with amoeboid or flagellated cells.

b. Is the movement in a particular direction?

290 EXERCISE 26 26–8

Figure 26.11  Life cycle of a plasmodial slime

(a) © Science Photo Library/Alamy

mold. When food or moisture is scarce, a diploid, mature
plasmodium stops moving and forms sporangia. Haploid

(b) © DP Wildlife Fungi/Alamy

spores form by meiosis. The spores wait until conditions are
favorable to germinate. Spores can give rise to flagellated
or amoeboid gametes; the two forms convert from one to
the other readily. Fusion of the gametes (syngamy) forms
the diploid zygote, which gives rise to the mobile, feeding
plasmodium by mitosis.

Plasmodium, Physarum Sporangia, Hemitrichia 1 mm


young sporangia
plasmodium formation begins

zygote young

diploid (2n)
haploid (n)



amoeboid cells


flagellated cells

26–9 Survey of Protists 291

The Sensitivity of Protozoa to Nutrients
Observations: Protozoa are particularly sensitive to changes in relevant to the preceding observation and question. Record
their aquatic world, including changes in the amount and type your question on Worksheet 26.
of nutrients in the water. Nutrient broth elicits a response from c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
protozoans seeking food. Nutrients include a variety of organic record it.
compounds, including fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. d. Outline on Worksheet 26 your experimental design and
Question: What kinds of nutrients elicit the strongest response supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
from protozoa? tor to review your proposed investigation.
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation question, and make relevant comments.
Worksheet 26 from your instructor. f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your questions,
b. Discuss with your group ways to measure protozoan hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.
response to introduced solutes. Pose a well-defined question

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. What requirements might make culturing parasitic zoomastigotes difficult in the lab?

2. Why do some scientists call conjugation “sexual reproduction” and others do not?

3. Is the cell the fundamental unit of life in plasmodial slime molds? Or is the “whole organism,” regardless of cellular
composition, the fundamental unit? Explain your answer.

​4. What functions do cilia, flagella, and pseudopods have in common?

​5. What factors may account for the ubiquitous occurrence and great structural diversity of unicellular organisms?

​6. In what sense are protists “primitive” and in what sense are they “advanced”?

​7. Why are unicellular organisms that reproduce by mitosis considered immortal?

292 EXERCISE 26 26–10

Survey of the Kingdom Fungi
BIOLOGY Exercise 27
Molds, Sac Fungi, Mushrooms, and Lichens

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
Spore Hypha
1. Describe the characteristic features of the ­kingdom
2. Discuss variation in structures and sequence of
events of sexual and asexual reproduction for the
major phyla of the kingdom Fungi.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

F ungi are as cute as a colorful mushroom and as ugly

as the fuzzy slime on a spoiled pork chop. We slice
some species to put on our salads, while others would kill
Mycelium Haustorium

us within minutes of eating them. Some species produce

antibiotics vital to medicine, while others cause fatal dis-
ease. Fungi decompose dead organisms and recycle vital
nutrients, while just as quickly they can attack our crops
Coenocytic hypha Septate hypha
and our refrigerated foods. They do all this, yet they are
among the organisms least understood by introductory biol- (a)
ogy students.
Fungi are basically filamentous strands of cells that
secrete enzymes and feed on the organic material on which
they are growing. That organic material may be humus in the
soil where mushrooms grow or a stale loaf of bread where
mold thrives. It may be the skin between your toes inhabited
by athlete’s foot fungus or a decaying animal on the forest
floor being decomposed by fungi digesting the animal’s dead
tissue. Fungi not only cause disease; they are also important
decomposers that recycle nutrients from dead organisms.
The basic structure of a fungus is the hypha (pl.,
­hyphae)—a slender filament of cytoplasm and nuclei enclosed 13.3 mm
by a cell wall (fig. 27.1). A mass of these hyphae makes up
an individual organism and is collectively called a mycelium.
A mycelium can permeate soil, water, or living tissue; fungi
certainly seem to grow everywhere. In all cases, the hyphae
of a fungus secrete enzymes for extracellular digestion of (b)(1) © Micro Discovery/Corbis; (b)(2) © Hecker/Sauer/AGE Fotostock
the organic substrate. Then the mycelium and its hyphae
absorb the digested nutrients. For this reason, fungi are called Figure 27.1  Fungal mycelium. (a) Fundamental elements of
absorptive heterotrophs. Heterotrophs obtain their energy fungal structure. (b) This mycelium, composed of hyphae, is growing
from organic molecules made by other organisms. through leaves on a forest floor in Maryland.

27–1 Survey of the Kingdom Fungi 293

Mitosis Mitosis

Gamete (n)

Gamete (n)

Spores (n) Asexual cycle Sexual cycle Zygote (2n)


Mitosis Mitosis
Spores (n)
Mycelium (n)

Figure 27.2  Generalized life cycle of a fungus.

Fungi feed on many types of substrates. Most fungi Sexual Reproduction

obtain food from dead organic matter and are called The sexual life history of fungi includes the familiar events
saprophytes. Other fungi feed on living organisms of vegetative growth, genetic recombination, meiosis, and
and are parasites. Many of the parasitic fungi have modi- nuclear fusion (karyogamy). However, the timing of these
fied hyphae called haustoria, which are thin extensions of events is unique in fungi. Fungi reproduce sexually when
the hyphae that penetrate living cells and absorb nutrients. hyphae of two genetically different individuals of the same
Hyphae of some species of fungi have crosswalls called species encounter each other. In many fungal life cycles,
septa that separate cytoplasm and nuclei into cells. Hyphae haploid cells (n) from two mating strains will fuse their cyto-
of other species have incomplete or no septa (i.e., are asep- plasms, plasmogamy, and become dikaryotic (n + n) with two
tate) and therefore are coenocytic (multinucleate). Notably, nuclei per cell. Later the nuclei will fuse, via a process called
the cell walls of fungi are usually not cellulose, but instead karyogamy, to become diploid (2n) zygotes. Karyogamy is
are made of chitin, the same polysaccharides that comprise equivalent to fertilization.
the ­exoskeleton of insects and crustaceans. A generalized life cycle of fungi (fig. 27.2) illus-
trates four important features of fungi:

∙ Nuclei of a fungal mycelium are haploid during most

Reproduction in fungi can be sexual or asexual. Subtle vari- ∙ Gametes are produced by mitosis and differentiation
ation in the patterns and morphology of sexual reproduction of haploid cells rather than directly from meiosis of
distinguish one phylum from another. diploid cells.
∙ Meiosis quickly follows formation of the zygote, the
Asexual Reproduction only diploid stage.
Fungi commonly reproduce asexually by mitotic produc- ∙ Haploid cells produced by meiosis are not gametes;
tion  of haploid vegetative cells called spores produced in rather, they are spores that grow into a mature haploid
sporangia, conidiophores, and other related structures. organism. Recall that asexual reproduction produces
Spores are ­microscopic and surrounded by a covering well spores by mitosis. In both cases, haploid spores grow into
suited for the rigors of distribution into the environment. mature mycelia.
Pilobolus, an ­interesting fungus, points its sporangia toward
the sun. This orientation of an organism to light is called None of these features of the sexual cycle are unique to
phototaxis. ­Pilobolus ejects its entire sporangium as far as fungi, but together they describe the typical fungal life cycle.
two meters to distribute its spores.
Budding and fragmentation are two other methods
of asexual reproduction. Budding, which is mitosis fol- Classification of Fungi
lowed by an uneven distribution of cytoplasm, is common The great diversity of fungi results from modifications of
in yeasts. After budding, an outgrowth of the original cell hyphae into varied and specialized reproductive structures
detaches and matures into a new organism. Fragmentation is often unique to a phylum, genus, or species. The four major
the breaking of an organism into one or more pieces, each of phyla of fungi are Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota,
which can develop into a new individual. Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota.

294 EXERCISE 27 27–2

Algal cell


Figure 27.3  Chytrids growing on a freshwater alga. The

colorless chytrids produce hyphae that penetrate the cellulose
cell walls of the dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella, absorbing
organic materials from the alga. Chytrids use these materials to
20 mm produce spherical flagellate spores that swim away to attack other
algal cells.
© Photographs by H. Cantor-Lund reproduced with permission of
Freshwater Biological Association

As you examine members of these phyla, c­arefully

note variations on the fundamental structure of veg­etative
mycelia and specialized structures associated with sex­ ual
and asexual reproduction. The names of phyla of fungi are
derived from sexual reproductive structures rather than asex- TABLE 27.1
ual structures (table 27.1). However, each phylum has vari- REPRODUCTIVE FEATURE OF PHYLA OF FUNGI
ous modifications for both sexual and asexual reproduction.

Chytridiomycota (chytrids) Motile spores with flagella

Molecular genetic evidence indicates that chytrids may be
the most ancient fungi. They are typically aquatic saprobes
or parasites on plants, animals, and protists (fig. 27.3).
Although they have flagella, considered a nonfungal charac-
teristic, they also have absorptive nutrition and chitinous cell Zygomycota (zygote fungi) Resistant zygosporangium as
walls and share proteins and nucleic acids common to other sexual stage
fungi. Their distinctive reproductive feature is motile spores
with flagella. In some areas, infections by chytrids have sig-
nificantly reduced the population of many amphibians.

SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked

to read this exercise so you would know what to do
and be aware of safety issues. In the space below, Ascomycota (sac fungi) Sexual spores borne internally in
sacs called asci
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.

Procedure 27.1  Examine a representative of

phylum Chytridiomycota Basidiomycota (club fungi) Sexual spores borne externally on
club-shaped structures called basidia
1. Obtain a culture of Allomyces or Chytridium, two com-
mon genera of chytrids.
2. Prepare a wet mount and use your microscope to exam-
ine chytrid morphology. If necessary, review in
Exercise 3 the proper use of a compound microscope.

27–3 Survey of the Kingdom Fungi 295

3. Be prepared to compare chytrid morphology with the Sporangium
morphology common to the other major fungal groups.
Question 1
a. Are hyphae apparent?

b. Are the cells motile?


Figure 27.4  Vegetative and asexual reproductive structures of

Rhizopus, a bread mold.

Zygomycetes (750 species), which include common bread
molds, derive their name from resting sexual structures
called zygosporangia that characterize the group. Most
zygomycetes are saprophytic and their vegetative hyphae
lack septa (i.e., they are aseptate).

Procedure 27.2  Examine common bread mold

1. Obtain from your instructor a petri dish containing a
piece of moldy bread moistened and exposed to air for
a few days.
2. Note the velvet texture and various colors of the molds.
3. Use a dissecting microscope to examine the mycelia
and notice that they grow as a tangled mass of hyphae.

Question 2
a. How many species of mold are on the bread?

© Dr. Jeremy Burgess/SPL/science source

b. Is pigment distributed uniformly in each mycelium? If Figure 27.5  A sporangium of Rhizopus stolonifer (500×)
not, where is the pigment concentrated in each mold? releases thousands of spores when it matures and breaks open.

upright hyphal filaments supporting asexually reproducing

sporangia (fig. 27.5). Within a sporangium, haploid ­nuclei
become spores and are separated by cell walls. These spores
c. What is the adaptive significance of spores forming on
are released to the environment when the mature sporangium
ends of upright filaments rather than closer to the pro-
breaks open. Rhizopus appears dark from the thousands of
tective substrate?
black sporangia of a growing mycelium; hence, a common
name of Rhizopus is black bread mold.
Because Rhizopus is isogamous (meaning that gam-
etes from both strains look alike), the strains are not called
male and female, but instead are called + and −. On one side
A common genus of bread mold is Rhizopus. Its ­hyphae of the plate a + strain of Rhizopus was introduced, and on
are modified into rhizoids (holdfasts), stolons (connect- the other side a − strain was introduced. These strains grew
ing hyphae), and sporangiophores (asexual reproductive toward each other and formed reproductive structures called
structures), as shown in figure 27.4. Sporangiophores are gametangia where they came into contact.

296 EXERCISE 27 27–4

Figure 27.6  Rhizopus (a) and its life cycle (b). Hyphae grow and feed
on the surface of the bread or other material and produce clumps of erect,
sporangium-bearing stalks. If both + and − strains are present in a colony,
they may grow together, and their nuclei may fuse to form diploid (2n)
zygotes. These zygotes, which are the only diploid cells of the life cycle,
form within a thick, dark structure called a zygosporangium. Meiosis occurs
in the zygosporangium, and vegetative, haploid hyphae grow from the
resulting haploid (n) cells.

(a) 667 mm
© Carolina Biological Supply Company/Phototake


2Mating strain
Germinating Rhizoid

1 2
1 Mating strain




KA Zygosporangium


Sexual Reproduction in Rhizopus

4. A typically massive and elaborate zygosporangium
1. Sexual reproduction begins when hyphae of each strain differentiates around the zygotes. Except for the
touch each other (fig. 27.6). zygotes, all other nuclei are haploid.
2. Where the hyphae touch, gametangia form and appear 5. Soon after the zygosporangium forms, the zygotes
as swellings. Within the gametangia many nuclei dif- undergo meiosis. One or more of the resulting haploid
ferentiate to serve as gametes from each strain. spores soon germinates.
3. The wall between the gametangia breaks down, and 6. The hyphae of the germinating cells break out of the
cells fuse (plasmogamy). Fusion of nuclei (karyogamy) zygosporangium, produce a sporangiophore via mito-
follows and occurs in the zygosporangium. sis, and form spores asexually.

27–5 Survey of the Kingdom Fungi 297

7. The spores are released and produce a new generation b. Is Rhizopus reproducing sexually as well as asexually
of mycelia. in the same petri dish? How can you tell?

Procedure 27.3  Examine Rhizopus

1. Obtain a pure culture of Rhizopus from your instructor.
This culture is growing in a sealed petri plate contain-
ing nutrient-fortified agar. Do not remove the top of
the dish because you may contaminate the culture and PHYLUM ASCOMYCOTA (SAC FUNGI)
unnecessarily release spores into the room.
2. Your instructor has prepared a demonstration slide of Phylum Ascomycota (30,000 species) includes yeasts, some
Rhizopus stained with lactophenol cotton blue for you to molds, morels, and truffles (fig. 27.8). Its name is derived
examine. Examine this slide and sketch what you see. from a microscopic, sac-shaped reproductive structure
called an ascus.
Ascomycetes reproduce asexually by forming spores
called conidia. Modified hyphae called conidiophores
partition nuclei in longitudinal chains of beadlike conidia
(fig. 27.9). Each conidium contains one or more nuclei.
3. Your instructor has also prepared some cultures of Conidia form on the surface of conidiophores (in contrast
Rhizopus (or Mucor, or Phycomyces) for observing the to spores that form within sporangia in Rhizopus). When
structures formed during sexual reproduction. Obtain mature, conidia are released in large numbers and germinate
one of these plates. Locate the area of the plate in to produce new organisms. Aspergillus and Pencillium are
which the different strains have come in contact. common examples of fungi that form conidia. A number of
4. Locate gametangia and zygosporangia in the living fungal species produce only asexual conidia; these fungi have
culture. no known sexual phase and therefore defy classification in
5. Examine a prepared slide of Rhizopus with developed the major fungal phyla. They were traditionally classified as
zygosporangia (figs. 27.6 and 27.7). Then observe
the zygosporangia where the strains have touched. Be
careful not to confuse zygosporangia with dark sporan-
gia on top of sporangiophores.
Question 3
a. In what structure is the dark pigment of Rhizopus

(a) © BiologyImaging.com


(b) © BiologyImaging.com

Figure 27.8  Representatives of Ascomycota. All visible

structures of fleshy fungi, such as the ones shown here, arise from an
extensive network of filaments (hyphae) that penetrate and interweave
with the substrate on which they grow. (a) Helvella esculenta is a
© Richard H. Gross/Biological Photography poisonous ascomycete known as “false morel.” Many people have
died after mistaking this mushroom for an edible species. (b) A cup
Figure 27.7  Sexual conjugation in Rhizopus (200×). fungus in the rain forest of the Amazon Basin.

298 EXERCISE 27 27–6





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Figure 27.10  Penicillium, an ascomycete, growing on agar.

Yeasts are common unicellular ascomycetes and

include about 40 genera. Most of their reproduction is asex-
ual by cell fission or budding (i.e., the formation of a smaller
© BiologyImaging.com cell from a larger one). Occasionally, two sexually repro-
Figure 27.9  Thin section through a sporangium of Aspergillis sp. ducing yeast cells will fuse to form one cell with two nuclei.
This cell functions as an ascus in which syngamy is followed
fungi imperfecti or deuteromycota. However, most are likely immediately by meiosis. The resulting ascospores function
ascomycetes that have lost their ability to sexually reproduce. directly as new yeast cells. Yeasts do not form conidia.
Many ascomycetes are economically important. For The yeast used to produce wine and beer is usually
example, species of Penicillium are used to produce anti- a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The yeasts and other
biotics. Penicillium roquefortii, which is abundant in caves fungi growing naturally on grapes used for making wine
near Roquefort-sur-Soulzon, France, gives a unique flavor may impart a unique flavor to a wine more than does the
to Roquefort cheese. Aspergillus oryzae is used to brew specific variety of grapes.
Japanese saki and to enrich food for livestock.
Procedure 27.6  Examine Saccharomyces, a
Procedure 27.4  Examine fungi with conidia yeast, and Peziza, a cup fungus

1. Obtain a culture plate of living Aspergillus, Penicil- 1. Obtain and examine a stock culture of Saccharomyces
lium, or Neurospora. Notice the soft texture of the (fig. 27.11).
colonies. 2. Prepare a wet mount of the yeast from a culture dis-
2. Use a dissecting microscope to examine the colo- pensed by your instructor. Only a small amount of
nies’ hyphae and their reproductive conidia. Note the yeast is needed to make a good slide.
rounded tufts of these reproductive cells. 3. Review the description of sexual reproduction in
3. Conidia are quite small. You will examine them more cup fungi.
closely in procedure 27.5. 4. Examine a prepared slide of a cross section through the
ascocarp of Peziza (fig. 27.12). Locate the asci.
Procedure 27.5  Examine Penicillium Question 5
1. Examine a prepared slide of Penicillium and a pure, a. Do you see chains of yeast cells produced by budding?
living culture provided by your instructor (fig. 27.10).
2. Notice the formation of conidia.

Question 4
What is the relative size of Penicillium hyphae compared
with Rhizopus hyphae?

27–7 Survey of the Kingdom Fungi 299

Daughter cell (bud)

Mother cell

© SCIMAT/Science Source

Figure 27.11  Budding in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (500×).

Sexual Reproduction in Ascomycota

1. Sexual reproduction begins with contact of monokary-
otic hyphae from two mating strains (fig. 27.13).
2. Where the hyphae touch, large multinucleate swellings
appear (antheridia and ascogonia) and eventually fuse.
Haploid nuclei of the two strains intermingle in the
swelling (ascogonium).
3. A dikaryotic mycelium grows from this swelling.
Each dikaryotic cell has one nucleus from each parent;
the nuclei do not fuse immediately.
4. Tightly bundled dikaryotic hyphae grow and mingle
with monokaryotic hyphae from each parent to form a
cup-shaped ascocarp.
5. Dikaryotic cells lining the inside of the ascocarp form
sac-shaped asci (sing., ascus).
6. The nuclei fuse (karyogamy) in each ascus to form a
© BiologyImaging.com
Figure 27.12  Asci from the lining of a cup of Peziza, a cup 7. After fusion, meiosis produces four haploid a­ scospores.
fungus. The diploid (2n) zygote in each ascus divides meiotically to
produce four haploid (n) nuclei. Each of these nuclei then divides 8. Subsequent mitosis produces eight ascospores within
mitotically. These meiotic and mitotic divisions produce a column of each mature ascus.
eight ascospores in each ascus (400×). 9. The asci on the surface of the ascocarp rupture and
release ascospores into the environment.
b. How is the structure of yeast hyphae different from that 1 0. Each ascospore can produce a new mycelium.
of molds? Question 6
What is the difference between dikaryotic and diploid cells?

300 EXERCISE 27 27–8

Figure 27.13  The sexual life cycle of an ascomycete.
Representative ascomycetes include (a) morels and (b) cup
fungi, both of which undergo (c) a sexual life cycle including
formation of characteristic asci.

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© Corbis RF



Each haploid Conidia

nucleus divides
once by mitosis

2Mating strain

1Mating strain

2n AMY



Dikaryotic hyphae grow


from ascogonium

(formation of Fully developed ascocarp composed

young ascus) of dikaryotic hyphae and sterile hyphae


27–9 Survey of the Kingdom Fungi 301

© BiologyImaging.com © Hans Reinhard/Bruce Coleman/ © BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 27.14  Representative basidiomycetes. (a) Fly amanita (Amanita muscaria). Many species of Amanita are poisonous. (b) A common
stinkhorn fungus (Phallus impudicus). (c) Earthstar (Geaster).

PHYLUM BASIDIOMYCOTA 8. The two nuclei in each basidium fuse (karyogamy) to

(CLUB FUNGI) form a diploid zygote.
9. The zygote soon undergoes meiosis and produces hap-
Basidiomycetes (25,000 species) are probably the most famil- loid basidiospores.
iar fungi (fig. 27.14). They include mushrooms, puffballs, 10. The basidiospores are released from the basidia lining
shelf fungi, and economically important plant pathogens such the gills and are dispersed by wind.
as rusts and smuts. Agaricus campestris is a common field
1 1. A basidiospore germinates into a new mycelium.
mushroom, and its close relative A. bisporus is cultivated for
more than 60,000 tons of food per year in the United States.
Procedure 27.7  Examine some common mush-
However, just one bite of Amanita phaloides, the “destroying
rooms and their relatives
angel” mushroom, may be fatal.
1. Examine a specimen of an earthstar (Geaster). Earthstars
are oddly structured basidiomycetes with an array of
Sexual Reproduction in Basidiomycota support structures shaped much like a star (fig. 27.14c).
1. Haploid hyphae from different mating strains permeate 2. Examine some mushrooms. Mushrooms are familiar
the substrate (fig. 27.15). examples of the aboveground portions of extensive
mycelia permeating the soil. Note the mushroom’s
2. Septa form between the nuclei in the hyphae and form
stalk and umbrellalike cap (also called the pileus).
monokaryotic primary mycelia. A monokaryotic
mycelium has one nucleus in each cell. 3. Find the gills on the undersurface of the cap. Gills
are lined with microscopic, club-shaped cells called
3. Cells of the primary mycelia of different mating strains
basidia where sexual reproduction occurs. Phylum
touch, fuse (plasmogamy), and produce a dikaryotic
Basidiomycota is sometimes called the “club fungi” and
secondary mycelium.
derives its name from these characteristic basidia.
4. The secondary mycelium grows in the substrate.
5. The dikaryotic hyphae of the secondary mycelium Procedure 27.8  Examine Coprinus, a common
eventually coalesce and protrude above the substrate mushroom
as a tight bundle of hyphae called a basidiocarp 1. Examine a prepared slide of gills from the cap of
(mushroom). Coprinus, a common mushroom (fig. 27.16).
6. The basidiocarp forms a cap and gills. 2. Note the dark basidiospores in rows along the surface
7. Dikaryotic, club-shaped basidia form on the surface of of the gills. Interestingly, the gills form perpendicular
the gills. Basidia are the sites of sexual reproduction, to the ground and allow spores to free-fall and dis-
especially meiosis. perse. Research suggests that gravity influences the
orientation of gills.

302 EXERCISE 27 27–10

Figure 27.15  Mushrooms (a) and their life cycle (b). Coalescing mycelia from
compatible strains produce dikaryotic hyphae, which coalesce and form the familiar
fruiting bodies of mushrooms. On the gills of the mushroom cap the nuclei in dikaryotic
cells fuse, undergo meiosis, and produce basidiospores that germinate into new mycelia.
The basidium is the site of karyogamy, which is the fusion of nuclei to form a zygote.

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Gills lined
with basidia


Secondary n
mycelium Zygote
SM Basidium MEIO
2Mating strain SIS

1Mating strain

Primary mycelium
(monokaryotic) Basidiospores Sterigma


Question 7
How many spores would you estimate are present on the
gills of a single cap of Coprinus? Remember that a prepared
slide shows only a cross section.



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Figure 27.16  Gills of the mushroom Coprinus, a

basidiomycete (400×).

27–11 Survey of the Kingdom Fungi 303

LICHENS Lichens are extremely sensitive to air pollution. This
is probably because they are adapted to efficiently absorb
Lichens (25,000 species) are common, brightly colored nutrients and minerals from the air. This makes lichens par-
organisms found on most hard substrates from the tropics ticularly susceptible to airborne toxins.
to the artic. Trees, rocks, and firm soil provide all the sup-
port these slow-growing organisms need. A lichen includes Procedure 27.9  Examine lichens
an ascomycete (rarely other fungi) living symbiotically
1. Examine a prepared slide of a cross section of a lichen
with a photosynthetic alga (a protist) or cyanobacterium.
thallus and note the intimate contact between the sym-
Symbiosis means living in a close and sometimes depen-
bionts (fig. 27.17).
dent association. About 26 genera of algae occur in differ-
ent species of lichens. However, the green algae Trebouxia 2. Examine the dried lichens on display and note the three
and Trentepohlia and the cyanobacterium Nostoc are in basic growth forms: crustose, fruticose, and foliose
90% of lichen species. (fig. 27.17).
Lichens reproduce asexually by releasing fragments Question 8
of tissue or specialized, stress-resistant packets of fungal a. What are the advantages of having an alga and a fun-
and algal cells. Each of the two components (fungus and gus in a lichen? ​What could each organism contribute
alga) may reproduce sexually by mechanisms characteristic to the partnership?
of their phylum, and the new organisms may continue the
lichen ­association.
The durable construction of fungi, linked with photo-
synthetic algae, enables lichens to proliferate in the harshest
terrestrial habitats. Lichens have three basic growth forms:
crustose, foliose, and fruticose. The thallus of crustose
lichens grows close to the surface of a hard substrate such
as rock or bark. The lichen is flat and two-dimensional. Foli- b. Would you expect lichens to grow best in rural or
ose lichens adhere to their substrate, but some of the thallus urban environments? Why?
peels and folds away from the s­ ubstrate in small sheets. Fru-
ticose lichens are three-­dimensional and often grow away
from the substrate with erect stalks. The tips of the stalks are
often sites of ascus formation by the sexually reproducing
ascomycete symbiont.

The Antimicrobial Properties of Common Fungi
Observation: Many fungi produce antibiotics that hinder or c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
stop the growth of microbes. These antibiotics are adaptive record it.
because they reduce competition and protect the fungus from d. Outline on Worksheet 27 your experimental design and
predators. supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
Question: Do common fungi such as bread mold produce anti- tor to review your proposed investigation.
microbial compounds? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 27 from your instructor. tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant needed.
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

304 EXERCISE 27 27–12

algal cell
(a) reproductive unit fungal hyphae

fungal hyphae

sac fungi

© BiologyImaging.com
(b) Crustose lichen (c) Fruticose lichen, Devil's matchstick, Pilophorus acicularis 1 mm

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 27.17  Lichen morphology. (a) A section of a compact crustose

lichen shows the placement of the algal cells and the fungal hyphae, which
encircle and penetrate the alga. (b) Thin sheets of crustose lichens adhere
tightly to hard surfaces. (c) Fruticose lichens are shrublike. (d ) Foliose lichens
© BiologyImaging.com
(d) Foliose lichen are leaflike.

27–13 Survey of the Kingdom Fungi 305

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Mushrooms often sprout from soil in rows or circles commonly called “fairy rings.” How would you explain the shapes
of these formations?

2. What advantages does asexual reproduction have over sexual reproduction?

​3. Does dominance of the haploid condition in a fungal life cycle offer an adaptive advantage? Why or why not?

4. Compare and contrast the structure of a fungal mycelium with the structure of a filamentous alga.

​5. What is the advantage of maintaining a dikaryotic condition rather than immediate nuclear fusion?

6. In fungi, the only distinction between a spore and a gamete is function. Explain.

7. Describe three ways that fungi affect your life.

8. What are the major differences in the four phyla of fungi?

9. Draw and label a lifecycle for one fungal phylum.


Wine-making is a multimillion dollar industry, but Compare and contrast the fundamental life cycle of a
the biology of wine-making is simple. Make your own fungus with that of plants and animals. When does
special brand of wine by following the instructions in Exercise 12. meiosis occur in the sequence of events? Which stages are hap-
Good luck! loid and which are diploid?

306 EXERCISE 27 27–14

Survey of the Plant Kingdom
Exercise 28
Liverworts, Mosses, and Hornworts of Phyla
Hepaticophyta, Bryophyta, and Anthocerophyta
Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: (n)
1. Describe the life histories and related reproductive
structures of bryophytes. Sperm
2. Describe the distinguishing features of liverworts, n
mosses, and hornworts. n Egg
n Spores
3. Describe some of the key adaptations that allow n
liverworts, mosses, and hornworts to live on land. MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION
4. Describe the role of bryophytes in the environment. 2n
2n Spore mother
cell 2n Zygote
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online
resources tailored to this lab.
Sporangia 2n Embryo

P lants evolved from a freshwater green algal species Sporophyte

more than 550 million years ago and today comprise
a remarkably diverse group of multicellular organisms.
With few exceptions, plants are ­ autotrophic, contain Figure 28.1  Alternation of generations. In a generalized
chlorophyll a, and have cell walls c­ ontaining cellulose. plant life cycle, gametophytes, which are haploid (n), alternate
Life cycles of all members of the plant kingdom are vari- with sporophytes, which are diploid (2n). Antheridia (male) and
ations on alternation of generations. Be sure to review in archegonia (female) are the sex organs produced by the gametophyte;
your textbook this generalized life ­cycle  and be familiar they produce sperm and eggs, respectively. The sperm and egg fuse
during fertilization to produce the first diploid cell of the sporophyte
with the major stages presented in ­figure 28.1. In this and generation, the zygote. Meiosis occurs within sporangia, which are the
upcoming exercises, you’ll learn how various modifica- spore-producing organs of the sporophyte. The resulting spores are
tions of this generalized life cycle characterize all of the haploid and are the first cells of the gametophyte generation.
phyla that comprise the plant kingdom.
You will study the following major groups of plants:
(fig. 28.2). Pay special attention to variations in each of
Phylum Example these characteristics as you survey the plant kingdom in
Hepaticophyta liverworts upcoming weeks.
Bryophyta mosses Bryophytes include liverworts, mosses, and horn­­­worts
Anthocerophyta hornworts and are the most primitive group of terrestrial plants. Bryo-
phytes are green, have rootlike structures called rhizoids, and
Pterophyta ferns may have stem and leaflike parts. Bryophytes do not gen-
Lycophyta club mosses erally possess specialized vascular tissues, which transport
Cycadophyta cycads materials between roots and shoots. This lack of developed
Ginkgophyta Ginkgo vascular tissues in bryophytes typically limits their dis-
tribution to moist habitats, because their rhizoids neither
Coniferophyta conifers penetrate the soil very far nor absorb many nutrients. Also,
Gnetophyta gnetophytes the lack of vascular tissues necessitates that their photo-
Anthophyta flowering plants synthetic and nonphotosynthetic tissues be close together.
Because vascular tissues, along with supporting tissues, are
These groups of plants are distinguished by morphology, often absent, bryophytes are relatively small and inconspic-
life cycle, and the presence or absence of vascular tissues uous. Despite their diminutive size, however, bryophytes

28–1 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 307


Land plants (kingdom Plantae) (embryophytes)

Vascular plants (tracheophytes)

Seed plants (spermatophytes)

Bryophytes Seedless
Green algae (nonvascular plants) vascular plants Gymnosperms

Chlorophyte green algae

Simple streptophyte algae

Complex streptophyte algae








Conifers and


in seeds
Permian Euphylls
(megaphylls) Ovules, pollen,
290 seeds, euphylls,
Millions of years ago (mya)


417 Lignin in walls of water-conducting

Silurian cells; cutin common on epidermis;
stomata common on plant surfaces;
443 dominant sporophyte generation;
true roots, stems, leaves

Sporic life cycle, embryo, sporopollenin-walled spores, tissue-producing
apical meristem, gametangia, sporangia

Plasmodesmata, plant-specific features of cell division, sexual reproduction

Cellulose-rich cell wall

Chlorophyll a and b, starch produced in plastids KEY

Critical innovations
Common protist ancestor
(a) © Roland Birke/Phototake; (b) © Pavel Skaloud; (c) © Lee W. Wilcox; (d) © Lee W. Wilcox; (e) © Lee W. Wilcox; (f) © Lee W. Wilcox;
(g) © Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images; (h) © Patrick Johns/Documentary Value/Corbis; (i) © Philippe Psaila/Science Source;
(j) © Peter Frank/Fancy Photography/Veer; (k) © William Manning/Corbis; (l) © WILDLIFE GmbH/Alamy;
Figure 28.2  The evolutionary history of plants. The evolution of plants has produced several important adaptations, including protected
multicellular embryos that enabled plants to successfully invade a variety of terrestrial habitats. Land plants gradually evolved several adaptations
that enabled them to thrive in terrestrial habitats. Streptophyte algae refers to those algal species with specific features in common with land plants.

occur throughout the world in habitats ranging from the soil, and reduce erosion. Humans have used bryophytes in
tropics to Antarctica. a number of ways, including as a fuel, in the production of
There are approximately 24,000 species of bryophytes, Scotch whiskey, and as packing materials. In many terres-
more than any other group of plants except the flowering trial ecosystems, bryophytes reduce the leaching of nitrogen
plants. Bryophytes fix CO2, degrade rocks to soil, stabilize and other nutrients from the soil.

308 EXERCISE 28 28–2

The plant body of bryophytes is called a thallus sex organs in which gamete-producing cells are enclosed in
(pl., thalli). Liverwort thalli are flattened dorsoventrally (from a jacket of sterile cells. A
­ ntheridia are male sex organs that
back and front plane, rather than from side to side plane) and produce swimming, ­biflagellate sperm. Bryophytes require
are bilaterally symmetrical (i.e., have two equal halves). For free water—usually provided as rain or dew—for sexual
comparison, moss thalli are erect and radially symmetrical reproduction because their sperm must swim to eggs. These
(circular). Hornwort thalli are similar to those of liverworts. sperm fertilize eggs produced in archegonia, the female sex
The life cycle of bryophytes is characterized by a organs. The fertilized egg is called a zygote. This zygote
­distinct alternation of generations that includes both game- ­divides and matures in the archegonium to produce the
tophyte and sporophyte phases, but the gametophyte is the sporophyte, which remains attached to and nutritionally
dominant phase (fig. 28.3). Bryophytes have multicellular dependent on the gametophyte. The mature sporophyte
produces haploid spores (via meiosis), each of which can
­develop into a gametophyte.
Foot Some bryophytes have a sperm-delivery system that
Seta improves their rate of sexual reproduction. For example,
Calyptra fertile moss plants produce scented compounds that attract
tiny insects such as mites and springtails; sperm can attach
(sporangium) to these insects as they wade through dew on these plants.
(2n) When the insects are lured to another moss plant by its
scent, the insects deliver the hitchhiking sperm and, in the
process, increase the rate of fertilization.
Spore mother cells
Before continuing this exercise, review figure 28.1;
Young sporophyte
Spore mother cells be sure you understand the ploidy (i.e., haploid versus dip-
undergo meiosis loid) of the gametophyte and sporophyte generations of the
(from fertilized egg) (2n)
life cycle.
Fertilization Archegonium Spores
containing Liverworts are the earliest land plants. Although many liv-
egg (n) erworts are “leafy,” we will restrict our observations to a
thallus-type liverwort, Marchantia. The gametophytic thal-
lus of this liverwort grows as a large, flat, photosynthetic
structure on the surface of the ground (fig. 28.4).
gametophyte (n)
Liverwort Gametophyte
Procedure 28.1  Examine the thallus of
1. Observe some living Marchantia and note the Y-shaped
(dichotomous) growth. Rhizoids extend downward
sperm washed from the lower (ventral) surface of the thallus.
out by a
raindrop Gemmae cup
Male gametophyte Question 1
(n) What are the functions of rhizoids?


2. View the upper (dorsal) surface of the thallus with a

Figure 28.3  Life cycle of Marchantia, a liverwort. During dissecting microscope and note the pores in the center
sexual reproduction, spores produced in the capsule germinate
to form independent male and female gametophytes. The of the diamond-shaped areas. Obtain a prepared slide of
archegoniophore produces archegonia, each of which contains an a thallus of Marchantia and locate a pore in cross sec-
egg; the antheridiophore produces antheridia, each of which produces tion. These pores in the dorsal surface of the thallus
many sperm. After fertilization, the sporophyte develops within overlie air chambers containing chlorenchyma
the archegonium and produces a capsule with spores. Marchantia (chloroplast-containing) cells.
reproduces asexually by fragmentation and gemmae.

28–3 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 309

© Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images © Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images
(a) (b)

Figure 28.4  Marchantia. The flat, leafy thallus of this liverwort grows close to the ground. (a) A thallus bearing upright male reproductive
structures called antheridiophores (3×). (b) A thallus bearing upright female reproductive structures called archegoniophores (4×).

Question 2 female plants that bear archegonia. Each flask-shaped arche-

What is the function of these pores? gonium consists of a neck and a venter, which contains the
egg (fig. 28.6a). Antheridiophores are specialized stalks
on male plants that bear antheridia (fig. 28.4). Sperm form
in antheridia (fig. 28.6b). Flagellated sperm are released and
3. Gently return the living materials to their containers. washed from the antheridia during wet conditions and eventu-
ally fertilize the egg located in the venter. The zygote remains
in the venter and grows into a sporophyte plant.
Asexual Reproduction in Liverworts
Liverworts can reproduce asexually via fragmentation. In Procedure 28.2  Examine archegonia and
this process, the older, central portions of the thallus die, antheridia of liverworts
leaving the growing tips isolated to form individual plants. 1. Examine living or prepared liverworts having mature arche-
Structures called gemmae cups occur on the dorsal goniophores that bear archegonia. Archegonia at various
(upper) surface of some thalli near the midrib (fig. 28.5). stages of development are located on the ventral surface.
Gemmae cups represent another means of asexual reproduc- 2. Locate an egg in an archegonium. Notice a pattern of
tion by liverworts. Inside the gemmae cups are lens-shaped evolution in plants as well as in animals—eggs are
outgrowths called gemmae (sing., gemma), which are larger and fewer in number, while sperm cells are
splashed out of the cup by falling drops of rain. If a gemma smaller but greater in number.
lands in an adequate environment, it can produce a new 3. Examine living or preserved liverworts with mature
gametophyte plant. antheridiophores bearing antheridia.
Examine a prepared slide of gemmae cups. Also
4. Examine a prepared slide of cross sections of an
­examine available live or preserved material. In the follow-
antheridiophore. Antheridia are located just below the
ing space, diagram and label what you see, and compare it to
upper surface of the disk in a chamber that leads to the
figure 28.5.
surface of the disk through a pore.

Question 3
How do the positions of the archegonium and antheridium
Sexual Reproduction in Liverworts
relate to their reproductive function?
Many species of Marchantia are dioecious, meaning that they
have separate male and female plants. Gametes from each
plant are produced in specialized sex organs borne on upright
stalks (fig. 28.4). Archegoniophores are specialized stalks on

310 EXERCISE 28 28–4


© M. I. Walker/Science Source
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Figure 28.5 (a) Gemmae cups (“splash cups”) containing gemmae on the gametophytes of a liverwort. Gemmae are splashed out of the cups
by raindrops and can then grow into new gametophytes, each identical to the parent plant that produced it by mitosis (5×). (b) Longitudinal section
of a gemmae cup (10×).



© Ed Reschke

© Ed Reschke
(a) (b)

Figure 28.6  (a) Section through an archegonium of Marchantia. A single egg differentiates within the archegonium (320×). (b) Section
through an antheridiophore, showing individual antheridia (90×).

5. Return materials and slides to their containers. are produced by meiosis in a capsule located on a seta
(stalk) that extends downward from the foot (fig. 28.3).
2. Locate elongate cells called elaters among the spores.
Liverwort Sporophyte Elaters help disperse spores by twisting. In humid
conditions the elaters coil, but when it is dry the elaters
expand, pushing the spores apart and rupturing the
Procedure 28.3  Examine sporophytes of spore case to release the spores.
liverworts 3. Gamete release, fertilization, spore release, and germi-
1. Examine a prepared slide of a sporophyte of Marchan- nation are most efficient in individually specific envi-
tia. The nonphotosynthetic sporophyte is connected to ronmental conditions.
the gametophyte by a structure called the foot. Spores

28–5 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 311

Question 4
a. What is the function of the foot?
Male Gametophytes Sperm


b. Are the spores haploid or diploid? Antheridia

Archegonia I LI
Germinating Female
c. What is the functional significance of the response of Zygote
elaters to moisture? n

Spores Mature



sporophyte in
Mosses are often more visible than liverworts because of archegonium
their greater numbers, more widespread distribution, and Sporangium
­because gametophyte plants of mosses are leafy and usu- Parent
ally stand upright. Mosses also withstand desiccation better gametophyte
than  do liverworts. Consequently, mosses often grow in a n
greater diversity of habitats than do liverworts. The moss
­gametophyte is radially symmetrical and is the most con-
spicuous phase of the moss life cycle (fig. 28.7). Figure 28.7  Moss life cycle. Haploid (n) sperm are released
from antheridia on the male gametophytes. The sperm then swim
through water to the archegonia and down their necks to fertilize
Moss Gametophyte the eggs. The resulting diploid (2n) zygote develops into a diploid
sporophyte. The sporophyte grows out of the archegonium and
differentiates into a slender seta with a swollen capsule at its apex.
Procedure 28.4  Examine mosses The capsule is covered with a cap, or calyptra, formed from the
1. Observe the living moss on display called Polytrichum archegonium. The sporophyte grows on the gametophyte and
eventually produces spores by meiosis. The spores germinate, giving
(fig. 28.8). The “leafy” green portions of the moss are rise to gametophytes. The gametophytes intially grow along the
the gametophytes and are often only one cell thick ground. Ultimately, buds produce leafy gametophytes.
(except at the midrib).
2. Make a wet mount of a single leaflet and examine it c. Are pores visible on the leaf surface?
with low magnification.

Question 5
a. How many cells thick is the leaflet? d. How does the symmetry of a moss gametophyte
compare with that of a liverwort gametophyte?

b. Is there a midrib vein?

e. In what ways are mosses morphologically similar
to liverworts? In what ways are they different?

312 EXERCISE 28 28–6

Operculum Sporangium

Sporophyte Sporogenous
(2n) tissue
(2n) Capsule Sporophyte



© Lee W. Wilcox

Figure 28.8  The structure of a moss. (a) Diagram of the parts of a mature mass sporophyte. (b) A hair cap moss, Mnium. The leaves belong
to the gametophyte. Each of the stalks, with the capsule at its summit, is a sporophyte. Although moss sporophytes may be green and perform a
limited amount of photosynthesis when they are immature, they are soon completely dependent, in a nutritional sense, on the gametophyte.

Moss gametophytes have specialized cells that aid in the c. Why is Sphagnum often used to ship items that must
absorption and retention of water. Mats of moss act, in be kept moist?
effect, like sponges. The following procedure demonstrates
the ­water-absorbing potential of mosses.

Procedure 28.5
6. Return all materials to their containers and clean your
Water absorption by moss
work area.
1. Weigh 3 g of Sphagnum, a peat moss, and 3 g of
paper towel.
2. Add the moss and towel to separate beakers each con-
taining 100 mL of water. Asexual Reproduction in Mosses
3. After several minutes, remove the materials from
the beaker. Unlike liverworts, mosses lack structures such as gemmae
for  asexual reproduction. Mosses reproduce asexually by
4. Measure the amount of water left in each beaker by
pouring the water into a 100-mL graduated cylinder.
Remember that 1 mL of water weighs 1 g.
5. Record your data. Sexual Reproduction in Mosses
Most mosses, like liverworts, are dioecious (i.e., male and
female reproductive structures are on separate individuals).
Archegonia or antheridia are borne either on tips of the erect
gametophyte stalks or as lateral branches on the stalks. The
Question 6 apex of stalks of the female plant (the plant that bears arche-
a. How many times its own weight did the moss absorb? gonia) appears as a cluster of leaves, with the archegonia
buried ­inside.

Procedure 28.6  Examine archegonia and

b. How does this compare with the paper towel? antheridia of mosses
1. Examine living or preserved mosses having mature

28–7 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 313



Neck canal
Venter Antheridium


Courtesy G.S. Ellmore

Figure 28.9  A longitudinal section through the tip of a female Courtesy G.S. Ellmore
gametophyte of a moss (45×).
Figure 28.10  A longitudinal section through the tip of a male
gametophyte of a moss (45×).

2. Examine a prepared slide of moss archegonia Moss Sporophyte

(fig. 28.9). Note the canal that leads through the neck Moss sporophytes consist of capsules located atop stalks,
and terminates in the venter of the archegonium. called setae, that extend upward from the moss gametophyte
When the archegonium matures, cells lining the neck (fig. 28.8a). A sporophyte is attached to the gametophyte by
disintegrate and form a canal leading to the egg. a structure called a foot.
Sperm, following a chemical attractant released by
the archegonium, swim through this canal to reach Question 9
the egg. Is the sporophyte more prominent in mosses or liverworts?

Question 7
Where is the egg located in the archegonium?

The capsule atop the seta is covered by the hoodlike

calyptra, which is the upper portion of archegonium that
covers the apex of the capsule. The calyptra falls off when
the capsule matures. Inside the capsule are numerous hap-
3. Examine living or preserved mosses having mature
loid spores formed by meiosis.
antheridia. The male plant (i.e., the plant that bears
antheridia) has a platelike structure on the tip with the Question 10
“leaves” expanding outward to form a rosette. This What is the adaptive significance of the seta of the sporo-
structure is sometimes called a “moss flower” because phyte growing well above the mat of the gametophytes?
of its appearance or a “splash cup” because of its func-
tion (i.e., the dispersal of sperm by falling raindrops).
4. Examine a prepared slide of moss antheridia, which
appear as elongate, saclike structures (fig. 28.10).
5. Locate the outer sterile jacket and the inner mass of If enough living moss is available in the lab, remove the
cells destined to become sperm. calyptra from a sporophyte capsule. On the tip of the cap-
sule is a lidlike structure called the operculum. Remove
Question 8 the operculum and notice the hairlike teeth lining the open-
Are sperm haploid or diploid? ing of the lidlike. These teeth help control the release of
spores from the capsule. In wet weather these teeth bend
inward and prevent release of the spores. In dry weather
they bend outward, facilitating distribution of spores by
the wind.

314 EXERCISE 28 28–8

Crush the capsule in water on a microscope slide and
note the large number of spores released.

Question 11
a. What process produces spores?

b. Is the capsule haploid or diploid?

Moss spores germinate and form a photosynthetic

protonema, which resembles a branching, filamentous
© Daniel Vega/Getty Images
alga. Leafy moss plants arise from “buds” located along the
Figure 28.11  Anthoceros, a hornwort. Sporophytes of hornworts
­protonema. grow up into the air, whereas the gametophytes grow flat along the
ground. At maturity, the tips of hornwort sporophytes open and
Question 12 release spores.
Can you think of any evolutionary implications of the
similarity between a moss protonema and a filamentous The most familiar hornwort is Anthoceros, a temper-
green alga? ate genus (fig. 28.11). Examine some living and preserved
Anthoceros. Locate the gametophyte thallus and the rhizoids
extending from its lower surface. Also locate the hornlike
PHYLUM ANTHOCEROPHYTA: sporophytes extending from the upper surface. Spores are
HORNWORTS produced in the horn of the sporophyte. If prepared slides
are available, locate spores in various stages of development
The hornworts are the smallest group of bryophytes; there within the sporophyte.
are only about 100 species in six genera. Hornworts have
several features that distinguish them from most other
bryophytes. The sporophyte is shaped like a long, tapered ORGANIZING WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED
horn that protrudes from a flattened thallus. Also, arche­
gonia are not discrete organs. Rather, they are embedded Go to page 354, which follows Exercise 31. Complete the
in the thallus and are in contact with surrounding vegeta- portions of the table that refer to the phyla you studied in
tive cells. today’s lab.

The Roles of Bryophytes in the Environment
Observation: Although they are usually overlooked, bryo- c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
phytes often grow in places that other plants cannot grow and record it.
are important parts of many ecosystems. Find a place where d. Outline on Worksheet 28 your experimental design and
bryophytes are growing on campus. Consider what these plants supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
are doing in that ecosystem and why they are not in other eco- tor to review your proposed investigation.
systems on campus. e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
Question: What conditions are best suited for the growth of question, and make relevant comments.
bryophytes? f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation needed.
Worksheet 28 from your instructor.
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

28–9 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 315

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Compare and contrast the complexity of bryophytes and algae regarding their morphology, habitat, asexual
reproduction, and sexual reproduction.

2. What event begins the sporophyte phase of the life cycle? Where does this event occur in liverworts and mosses?

3. What event begins the gametophyte phase of the life cycle? Where does this event occur in liverworts and mosses?

4. What features distinguish a moss from a liverwort?

5. Diagram the life cycle of a liverwort, indicating which stages are sporophytic and which are gametophytic.

6. Diagram the life cycle of a moss, indicating which stages are sporophytic and which are gametophytic. Also indicate
where meiosis and syngamy occur.

7. How did liverworts get their name?

8. What ecological roles do liverworts, mosses, and hornworts play in the environment?

9. Is the sporophyte of mosses ever independent of the gametophyte? Explain.

10. Why do you think that bryophytes are sometimes referred to as the amphibians of the plant kingdom?

11. What limits the height of mosses?


Liverworts and mosses are surprisingly diverse. Because water is required for the swimming sperm
Make a simple collection of living liverworts and to reach the archegonium, would you say that this
mosses from two or three sites. Bring the collection to class and means that bryophytes are not truly land plants? Why or why not?
compare yours with those of other students. Use reference books
in your lab or library to identify the plants that you’ve collected.

316 EXERCISE 28 28–10

Survey of the Plant Kingdom
BIOLOGY Exercise 29
Seedless Vascular Plants of Phyla Pterophyta and Lycophyta

Learning Objectives S eedless vascular plants include two phyla of nonflower-

ing plants having a vascular system of fluid-conducting
xylem and phloem: phylum Pterophyta (true ferns, whisk
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
ferns, and horsetails) and phylum Lycophyta (club mosses)
1. Discuss similarities and differences between ferns
(table 29.1). The life cycle of seedless vascular plants includes
and other plants you have studied in the lab.
both gametophyte and sporophyte phases, but in contrast to
2. Describe the life cycles of ferns and their allies.
bryophytes (Exercise 28), in this group the sporophyte is the
3. Describe the distinguishing features of true ferns,
dominant phase (fig. 29.1). The sporophyte is the conspicu-
club mosses, whisk ferns, and horsetails.
ous adult stage in the life cycle of seedless vascular plants.
4. Name some roles of ferns and fern allies.
All ferns and fern allies possess sporophylls (sporo =
spore forming, -phyll = leaf). Sporophylls are leaflike struc-
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online tures of the sporophyte generation that bear spores. They
resources tailored to this lab.

TABLE 29.1

Pterophyta Ferns Primarily homosporous (a few heterosporous) vascular 12,000

plants. Sperm motile. External water necessary for
fertilization. Leaves are megaphylls that uncoil as they
mature. Sporophytes and virtually all gametophytes
photosynthetic. About 365 genera.

Horsetails Homosporous vascular plants. Sperm motile. External 15

water necessary for fertilization. Stems ribbed, jointed,
either photosynthetic or nonphotosynthetic. Leaves
scalelike, in whorls, nonphotosynthetic at maturity.
One genus (Equisetum).

Whisk ferns Homosporous vascular plants. Sperm motile. External 6

water necessary for fertilization. No differentiation
between root and shoot. No leaves; one of the two genera
has scalelike enations and the other leaflike appendages.

Lycophyta Club mosses Homosporous or heterosporous vascular plants. Sperm 1150

motile. External water necessary for fertilization. Leaves
are microphylls. About 12–13 genera.

29–1 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 317

Antheridium Archegonium



Gametophyte Sperm

Antheridium N
Spores FE


Zygote 2n


Underside Mature
of leaf frond frond Leaf of young
Adult Embryo 2n
Mature sporophyte

Sorus (cluster
of sporangia) Gametophyte



Figure 29.1  Fern life cycle. The haploid gametophyte (i.e., the prothallium) grows in moist places. Rhizoids are anchoring structures that project
from the lower surface of a prothallium. Eggs and sperm develop in archegonia and antheridia, respectively, on gametophytes’ lower surface.
Sperm released from antheridia swim to archegonia and fertilize the single egg. The zygote—the first cell of the diploid sporophyte g­ eneration—
starts to grow within the archegonium and eventually becomes much larger than the gametophyte. Most ferns have horizontal stems, called
rhizomes, that grow below the ground. On the sporophyte’s leaves (fronds) are clusters of sporangia within which meiosis occurs and spores are
formed. When released, the spores germinate and become new gametophytes called prothallia.

may be large megaphylls (mega = large, -phyll = leaf) with where spores are produced by meiosis (review fig. 28.1 and
several to many veins (as in the megaphylls of true ferns), or compare to fig. 29.1). Sporangia occur somewhere on all
they may be smaller microphylls (micro = small, -phyll = plants. In ferns, the ­sporangia are on the backs of leaves;
leaf) with one vein (as in whisk ferns, scouring rush, and this is why the leaves are called sporophylls (fig. 29.2). Like
club mosses). Sporangia, which form on sporophylls, are bryophytes, ferns require water for fertilization.

318 EXERCISE 29 29–2

b. What are the primary functions (e.g., support, trans-
port, photosynthesis, reproduction) of the major organs
shown in fig. 29.1?

(a) © BiologyImaging.com


True ferns (phylum Pterophyta) inhabit almost all types
of environments and possess characteristics of the more
advanced seed plants as well as the less advanced bryo-
(b) © BiologyImaging.com phytes. Ferns have well-developed vascular tissue. Unlike
bryophytes, ferns have an independent sporophyte (fig. 29.1)
and stomata, which are pores that open and close on leaves
and, in doing so, regulate gas exchange.
The diversity of ferns is striking; they range from
majestic tree ferns to bizarre staghorn ferns. Tree ferns reach
heights of up to 16 m. Along with other plants, these ferns
once formed forests that were transformed into coal depos-
its. Today, humans use ferns as decorations and to grow
rice. Review the fern life cycle shown in figure 29.1.

Question 2
© BiologyImaging.com
(c) a. Which parts of the life cycle are haploid?
Figure 29.2  Fern sporangia. Most ferns have sporangia
aggregated into clusters, called sori, on the undersides of their leaves.
(a) In some ferns, such as the Japanese holly fern (Crytomium
falcatum), each sorus is covered by a flap of leaf tissue called an
indusium (also see fig. 29.3). (b) Other ferns bear uncovered sori, as
b. Which are diploid?
shown here in the autumn fern (Dryopteris erythrosora). (c) In still
other ferns, as in the maidenhair fern (Adiantum tenerum), sori are
enfolded by the edge of the frond itself.

Question 1 c. What is the role of the gametophyte in ferns?

a. Like bryophytes, ferns require water for fertilization.
Why? Explain your answer.

d. How is this different from that of the gametophyte in


29–3 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 319

e. In ferns, how does the size of the gametophyte com-
pare with that of the sporophyte?


f. How does this compare with bryophytes, and why is

this important? Sporangia

© BiologyImaging.com

Fern sporophytes grow indefinitely via underground stems Figure 29.3  Fern sorus (20×). In most ferns, sori are on the
called rhizomes (fig. 29.1). Examine the fern rhizomes on undersides of leaves.
display. Also examine the different ferns available in the lab
and note the different shapes of the leaflike fronds. Identify Question 4
the stalk, blade, and pinnae. Are any spores in the sporangium?

Question 3
a. How many veins are present in each frond?

Be careful when handling acetone; it is a strong

solvent. Wear safety glasses.

b. What tissues comprise a vein of vascular tissue?

2. Place a few drops of acetone on the sporangium while
you observe it with a dissecting microscope.
3. Watch the sporangium for a few minutes, adding ace-
tone as needed.
4. Describe what you see.
c. What is the function of the stalk? The blade? The

Question 5
a. Did the application of acetone cause the spores of the
fern to disperse?
d. Rhizomes are involved in the asexual reproduction of
ferns. How could this happen?

b. How is the mechanism for spore dispersal in ferns

similar to that of bryophytes?
Groups of sporangia called sori (singular = sorus) form on
the underside of fern fronds (fig. 29.2). Sporangia may be
protected by a shield-shaped indusium (fig. 29.3), a spe-
cialized outgrowth of a frond. Meiosis in the sporangium
produces haploid spores, the first stage of the gametophyte. 5. Examine prepared slides of fern sori, referring to
­figure 29.3. Diagram and label each structure that you
Procedure 29.1  Examine sori see, listing its function.
1. Scrape a sorus into a drop of water on a microscope
slide and use the low power on your microscope to
observe the sorus.

320 EXERCISE 29 29–4

Fern Reproduction Leaf of young
When conditions are favorable, fern spores germinate and
form a threadlike protonema. Subsequent cellular divisions
produce an independent, heart-shaped prothallium (“valen-
tine plant”).

Question 6
a. Is the prothallium haploid or diploid?

b. Is the prothallium sporophyte or gametophyte?


Rhizoids and male and female reproductive structures occur

on the underside of the prothallium. However, a prothallium
rarely fertilizes itself because the antheridia and archego- Figure 29.4  Young fern sporophyte growing out of its
nia mature at different times. Globe-shaped antheridia form gametophyte parent. Shortly after this stage, the gametophyte dies and
first, followed by archegonia. Archegonia are vase-shaped begins to decompose.
and are located near the cleft of the heart-shaped prothal-
lium. After producing sperm, antheridia drop off, leaving
sperm to swim to the archegonia of other prothallia. Fronds of the growing sporophyte break through the
soil in a coiled position called a fiddlehead (fig. 29.5). The
Procedure 29.2  Observe archegonia and fiddlehead then unrolls to display the frond, a single leaf.
antheridia Fiddleheads are considered a culinary delicacy in some parts
of the world.
1. Observe archegonia and antheridia (see fig. 29.1) on
Most terrestrial ferns are homosporous; this means
prepared slides.
that they produce one kind of spore that develops into a sin-
2. Observe archegonia and antheridia on a living gle kind of gametophyte that produces both antheridia and
prothallium. archegonia (see fig. 29.1). Conversely, aquatic ferns such as

Question 7
a. What is the adaptive significance of having these struc-
tures on the lower surface of the prothallium rather
than on the upper surface?

b. What is the adaptive significance of having sperm and

egg produced at different times?

The zygote develops in the archegonium and is nutri-

tionally dependent on the gametophyte for a short time
© BiologyImaging.com
(fig. 29.4). Soon thereafter, the sporophyte becomes leaflike
and crushes the prothallium. Figure 29.5  A fiddlehead of a tropical tree fern.

29–5 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 321

Salvinia and Azolla are heterosporous, meaning that they
produce two types of spores: megaspores and microspores.
(You will learn more about heterospory in Exercise 30.) A
megaspore forms a gametophyte with only archegonia, and
a  ­microspore forms a gametophyte with only antheridia.
­Examine the living Salvinia and Azolla in the lab (fig. 29.6).

Question 8
How do Salvinia and Azolla differ from other ferns you
examined earlier?

(a) © Larry Allain/National Wetlands Research Center USGS

Whisk ferns are close relatives of ferns and include only two
extant representatives: Psilotum (fig. 29.7) and Tmesipteris.
Psilotum has a widespread distribution, whereas Tmesipteris
is restricted to the South Pacific. Psilotum lacks leaves and
roots and is homosporous.

Procedure 29.3  Examine Psilotum

1. Examine a prepared slide of a Psilotum sporangium
(fig. 29.8).
2. If available, examine living Psilotum plants in the lab.

Question 9
a. How would you describe the branching pattern of
(b) © BiologyImaging.com

Figure 29.6  (a) Salvinia and (b) Azolla are ferns that grow in
aquatic habitats.

b. Are any roots present?

c. Are any leaves present?

d. Where are the sporangia?

e. Where does photosynthesis occur in Psilotum? © William Ormerod/Encyclopedia/Corbis

Figure 29.7  Whisk ferns (Psilotum sp.) are so called because

their branching pattern gives the impression of a whisk broom. The
stems bear lobed sporangia (fig. 29.8).

322 EXERCISE 29 29–6

Question 10
a. Where are the leaves?

b. What part of the plant is photosynthetic?

c. Which part of the life cycle of Equisetum is dominant,
the sporophyte or gametophyte?

Feel the ribbed stem of an Equisetum plant. Its rough

texture results from siliceous deposits in its epidermal cells.
During frontier times, Equisetum was used to clean pots
© BiologyImaging.com
and pans, sand wooden floors, and scour plowshares, thus
Figure 29.8  Psilotum sporangium (18×). accounting for its common name of “scouring rush.”
Strobili of Equisetum occur at the tips of reproduc-
HORSETAILS tive stems. Within a strobilus, sporangia form atop umbrel-
lalike modified branches called sporangiophores. Elaters
Equisetum (also called scouring rush) is the only extant in sporangia of Equisetum help disperse spores. Examine
genus of horsetails, another small but distinctive group of prepared slides of Equisetum strobili (fig. 29.10). Diagram,
ferns (fig. 29.9). Equisetum is an example of a plant whose label, and state the function of each major structure compos-
vegetative structure identifies the plant better than does ing the strobilus.
its reproductive structure: Equisetum is distinguished by
its jointed and ribbed stem. Examine the living Equisetum
plants available in lab.

Question 11
How do elaters aid in the dispersal of spores?


During the Devonian and Carboniferous periods (300–400
million years ago), club mosses, whisk ferns, and scouring
rush were among the dominant plants on earth. Indeed, most
of our coal deposits consist largely of these plants. How-
ever, the “giant” species of these phyla are now extinct, and
modern representatives are relatively small compared to
their giant ancestors.
Club mosses (phylum Lycophyta) possess true roots,
stems, and leaves. Most asexual reproduction by club moss­es
© Edward S. Ross occurs via rhizomes. If one is available, locate the rhizome
Figure 29.9  Scouring rush, Equisetum telmateia, of the phylum on a Lycopodium, a club moss. Study the aboveground por-
Pterophyta. This species forms two types of erect stems, a green, tion of the Lycopodium plant (fig. 29.11). Lycopodium is
photosynthetic type and a brownish type terminating in spore- evergreen, as are some ferns, most gymnosperms, and some
producing cones. The spores produced by meiosis in the cones give rise
to a single kind of tiny, green, nutritionally independent gametophyte.

29–7 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 323




© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b)

Figure 29.10  Equisetum. (a) Strobili occur at the tips of reproductive stems. (b) Cross-section of a strobilus showing spores within sporangia
at the tips of sporangiophores (20×).

b. How is a rhizome different from a rhizoid?

c. Does the rhizome have leaves?

d. What is the shape and size of the leaves?

e. What is the significance of the form of the leaves?

© Ed Reschke

Figure 29.11  Strobili, or cones, are aggregations of closely

packed sporangium-bearing branches or leaves. Shown here are
strobili of Lycopodium obscurum, a club moss. f. Is a midvein visible?

Question 12
a. How could a rhizome be involved in asexual
g. What does the term “evergreen” mean?

324 EXERCISE 29 29–8

3. Examine prepared slides of spores of Lycopodium as
well as those available on plants growing in the lab.
Sketch what you see.


Question 13
a. How many sporangia occur on each sporophyll?


b. Can you see why spores of Lycopodium are sometimes

called “vegetable sulfur”?

© BiologyImaging.com
c. Why are the spores a good dry lubricant?
Figure 29.12  Sporophyll and sporangia of Lycopodium, a club
moss (15×).

h. Is being evergreen a good characteristic for classifying

plants? Why or why not? d. Which is the dominant part of the Lycopodium life
cycle, the sporophyte or gametophyte?

Sporangia of Lycopodium occur on small modified leaves 4. Examine living Selaginella plants (fig. 29.13). Many
called sporophylls clustered in strobili (cones) that form species of Selaginella produce two types of strobili,
at the tips of branches. Species with these cones probably
shared common ancestry with the familiar cone-­ bearing
gymnosperms such as pine (Pinus) (see Exercise 30).

Procedure 29.4  Examine club mosses

1. Examine strobili on a living Lycopodium plant. Also
examine prepared slides of strobili of Lycopodium
(fig. 29.12).
2. Diagram, label, and state the function of each major
feature of the strobilus.

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 29.13  Selaginella, a club moss.

29–9 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 325

typically red and yellow. If strobili are present, exam-
ine spores derived from these cones.
5. Examine hydrated and dehydrated resurrection plants
(Selaginella lepidophylla).

Question 14
a. Are spores of Selaginella similar in size?

b. What is this condition called?

© Blickwinkel/Alamy

Figure 29.14  Quillworts (Isoetes) are so-named because of their

c. What is the functional significance of the differ- narrow, quill-like leaves. Most quillworts live in aquatic environments.
ence in the appearance of dehydrated and rehydrated
Procedure 29.5  Examine Isoetes
1. If available, examine living Isoetes (quillwort) plants
(fig. 29.14).
2. Compare and contrast the following features of
d. Can you see why these plants are sometimes referred to Isoetes with Lycopodium and Selaginella:
as “resurrection plants”? ∙  Shape of aerial portion of plant
∙  Branching patterns
∙  Shape, size, and arrangement of leaves

At the branching points along the stem of Isoetes, you’ll see

e. How does the formation of strobili in Equisetum com- an unusual runnerlike organ. These proplike axes are called
pare with that in Lycopodium and Selaginella? rhizophores and have structural features that are intermedi-
ate between stems and roots.


Go to page 354, which follows Exercise 31. Complete the
portions of the table that refer to the phyla you studied in
today’s lab. Also, to review the structures and character-
istics of seedless vascular plants, complete table 29.2 on
the next page.

326 EXERCISE 29 29–10

TABLE 29.2













The “Resurrection” of a “Resurrection Plant”
Observation: The “resurrection” of a “resurrection plant” c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
(Selaginella) involves the rapid absorption of water. This, in record it.
turn, triggers other changes in the plant that “revive” the plant. d. Outline on Worksheet 29 your experimental design and
Question: What changes accompany the “resurrection” of a supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
“resurrection plant”? tor to review your proposed investigation.
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation question, and make relevant comments.
Worksheet 29 from your instructor. f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and needed.
record your group’s best question for investigation.

29–11 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 327

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. How are ferns and fern allies similar to and different from bryophytes? What are the implications of these similarities
and differences?

2. What structures and features do ferns possess that bryophytes do not that may have contributed to their success in a
broader range of environments?

3. What are the advantages of vascular tissues in land plants?

​4. What are the distinguishing features of club mosses, whisk ferns, and horsetails? How are these plants different from


What problems did plants face as they moved
onto land? What adaptations of mosses, liverworts,
ferns, and other seedless plants are relevant to the transition?

328 EXERCISE 29 29–12

Survey of the Plant Kingdom
BIOLOGY Exercise 30
Gymnosperms of Phyla Cycadophyta,
Ginkgophyta, Coniferophyta, and Gnetophyta
Learning Objectives G ymnosperms were the first group of plants to (1) pro-
tect their developing embryos in nutrient-containing
seeds, and (2) make the evolutionary transition from swim-
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
ming sperm to pollen-enclosed sperm. These adaptations
1. Describe the distinguishing features of the
helped make the gymnosperms a remarkably successful
group of plants.
2. Understand the life cycle of pine, a representative
Gymnosperms produce exposed seeds borne on
scalelike structures called cones (strobili). Like ferns,
3. Understand the evolutionary significance of pollen
gymnosperms have a well-developed alternation of gen-
and seeds.
erations. Unlike most ferns, however, gymnosperms are
4. Identify the parts and understand the function
heterosporous; that is, they produce two types of spores
of a cone.
(fig. 30.1). Microspores occur in male cones and form male
5. Identify the parts and understand the function
gametophytes. Megaspores occur in female cones and form
of a seed.
female gametophytes. Gametophytes of gymnosperms are
microscopic and completely dependent on the large, free-
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online living sporophyte.
resources tailored to this lab.


n Sperm
n n n n n Megaspores
n n
Meiosis Syngamy

Spore 2n
2n mother





Figure 30.1  Diagram of the life cycle of a heterosporous vascular plant.

30–1 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 329

TABLE 30.1

Cycadophyta Cycads Heterosporous vascular seed plants. Sperm flagellated and 306
 ​ ​motile but confined within a pollen tube that grows to the
 ​ ​vicinity of the egg. Palmlike plants with pinnate leaves.
 ​ ​Secondary growth slow compared with that of the conifers.
 ​ ​Ten genera.

Ginkgophyta Ginkgo Heterosporous vascular seed plants. Sperm flagellated and 1

 ​ ​motile but conducted to the vicinity of the egg by a pollen
 ​ ​tube. Deciduous tree with fan-shaped leaves that have
 ​ ​evenly forking veins. Seeds resemble a small plum with
 ​ ​fleshy, ill-scented outer covering. One species: Ginkgo biloba

Coniferophyta Conifers Heterosporous seed plants. Sperm not motile; conducted 601
 ​ ​(including  ​ ​to egg by a pollen tube. Leaves mostly needlelike or
 ​ ​pines,  ​ ​scalelike. Vascular. Trees, shrubs. About 50 genera.
 ​ ​spruces,
 ​ ​firs, yews,
 ​ ​redwoods,
 ​ ​and others)

Gnetophyta Gnetophytes Heterosporous vascular seed plants. Sperm not motile; 71

 ​ ​conducted to egg by a pollen tube. The only gymnosperms
 ​ ​with vessels. Trees, shrubs, vines. Three very diverse genera
 ​ ​(Ephedra, Gnetum, Welwitschia).

In gymnosperms, pollen grains are the male gameto- a branch of a cycad such as Zamia bearing developing seeds.
phyte. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from male cones The seeds are fleshy and exposed to the ­environment.
(where the pollen is produced) to female cones, which house
the eggs. In gymnosperms, pollen is carried from male Question 1
cones to female cones by wind. Gymnosperms were the first a. Based on your knowledge of reproduction in bryo-
plants to evolve that did not need free water to transform phytes (Exercise 28) and ferns (Exercise 29), is the
sperm to egg, and were therefore able to colonize terrestrial presence of flagellated sperm in cycads surprising?
habitats. Gymnosperms were the dominant land plants dur- Why or why not?
ing the Age of Dinosaurs (i.e., during the Mesozoic Era,
225–65 million years ago). Today, we use gymnosperms for
products ranging from lumber (e.g., pine, fir, spruce, cedar)
to soaps, varnish, nail polish, gum, food, and perfume.
Gymnosperms include four phyla: Cycadophyta,
Ginkgophyta, Coniferophyta, and Gnetophyta (table 30.1). b. Is the possession of flagellated sperm a primitive or
The last of these, the Gnetophyta, is discussed only briefly advanced characteristic in the plant kingdom? Why?
here because the phylum consists of a few rare genera.

The Cycadophyta (cycads) once flourished, but today the PHYLUM GINKGOPHYTA
phylum consists of only about 10 genera and 306 species.
Cycads resemble palms because they have unbranched The Ginkgophyta consists of one species, Ginkgo biloba
trunks and large, closely packed leaves that are evergreen and (maidenhair tree), a large dioecious tree that does not bear
tough (fig. 30.2). Sperm of cycads are flagellated. Examine cones. Ginkgo are hardy plants in urban environments and

330 EXERCISE 30 30–2

© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b)

Figure 30.2  Cycads. (a) A male cycad (Cycas revoluta) with a strobilus. (b) A female cycad with strobili. Zamia sp. is the only genus of
cycad native to the United States. The starchy roots and stems (mostly underground) of cycads were used by Native Americans for food.

in the wild and would probably be extinct but for its cultiva-
tion in ancient Chinese gardens.

Question 2
What does dioecious mean?

The Coniferophyta are a large group of cone-bearing plants
that includes the 5000-year-old bristlecone pines, the earth’s
oldest living individual organisms. The cones they bear are
reproductive structures of the sporophyte generation that
consist of several scalelike sporophylls arranged about a
© Lexington Herald-Leader/Tribune News Service/Getty Images central axis (fig. 30.4). Sporophylls, also present in ferns
Figure 30.3  Maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba, is the only living and their allies, are modified leaves specialized for repro-
representative of the phylum Ginkgophyta, a group of plants abundant duction. Sporophylls bear spores. In conifers, sporophylls
200 million years ago. Among living seed plants, only the cycads and of male cones are called microsporophylls (see fig. 30.8).
Ginkgo have swimming sperm. This photograph shows Ginkgo leaves On the surface of each microsporophyll is a layer of cells
and fleshy seeds. called a microsporangium that produces spores. Male
cones live only a few weeks; after these cones release their
tolerate insects, fungi, and pollutants. Males are usually pollen, they fall off the tree. Sporophylls of female cones are
planted because females produce fleshy, smelly, and messy megas­porophylls; each of these “scales” of the female cone
fruit that superficially resemble cherries. Leaves of Ginkgo bears two spore-producing megas­porangia on its upper
have a unique shape (fig. 30.3). Ginkgo has not been found surface. Microsporangia and megasporangia are patches of

30–3 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 331

(a) © BiologyImaging.com (b) © BiologyImaging.com

Figure 30.4  Pine cones. (a) First-year ovulate (seed) cones open for pollination. (b) Second-year ovulate pine cones at time of fertilization.

cells near the central axis of the sporophylls composing the

cones on the respective sporophylls. Male cones are small
and similar in all conifers (fig. 30.5). However, female
cones are variable; they may be small (1–3 cm in Podocar-
pus) and fleshy (a Juniperus “berry”) or large and woody
(6–40 cm in Pinus).
In this exercise you’ll study pine (Pinus), a represen-
tative and widely distributed conifer. Pine has considerable
economic value because it is used to produce lumber, wood
pulp, pine tar, resin, and turpentine. Other examples of coni-
fers include spruce, cedar, and fir.

The Pine Sporophyte

The life cycle of Pinus is typical of conifers (fig. 30.6).
You are already familiar with the sporophyte of pine—it is
the tree.

Procedure 30.1  Examine pine twigs and leaves

1. Examine pine twigs having leaves (needles) and a
terminal bud. Notice that the leaves are borne on short
branches only a few millimeters long. The length and
number of leaves distinguish many of the species of
2. Examine a prepared slide of a cross section of a pine
leaf; locate the structures labeled in figure 30.7.

Question 3
a. How are needles (i.e., leaves) arranged? © BiologyImaging.com

Figure 30.5  Pollen-bearing cones of Pinus. These cones are

usually found on the lower branches of pine trees. The sporophylls of
the cones have opened to release pollen.

332 EXERCISE 30 30–4

Microspores Pollen

Air bladder

Microspore Pollination

mother cell

Scale with
mother cells Pollen tube


Megaspores Pollen grains

mother cell

cone FE
(15 months RT
after pollination) TIO



Section of seed (second year),

Seedling showing embryo embedded
Pine in megagametophyte

Figure 30.6  Pine life cycle. In seed plants, the gametophyte generation is greatly reduced. A germinating pollen grain is the mature
microgametophyte of a pine. Pine microsporangia are borne in pairs on the scales of the delicate pollen-bearing cones. Megagametophytes, in
contrast, develop within the ovule. The familiar seed-bearing cones of pines are much heavier than the pollen-bearing cones. Two ovules, and
ultimately two seeds, are borne on the upper surface of each scale of a cone. In the spring, when the seed-bearing cones are small and young, their
scales are slightly separated. Drops of sticky fluid, to which the airborne pollen grains adhere, form between these scales. Pollination occurs more
than a year before the ovule produces a mature female gametophyte. These pollen grains germinate, and slender pollen tubes grow slowly toward
the egg. When a pollen tube grows to the vicinity of the megagametophyte, sperm are released, fertilizing the egg and producing a zygote there.
The development of the zygote into an embryo occurs within the ovule, which matures into a seed. Seeds mature up to 6 months after fertilization.
Eventually, the seed falls from the cone and germinates, the embryo resuming growth and becoming a new pine tree.

b . How many leaves are in a bundle? c. How are pine leaves different from those of broad-
leaved trees such as maples and oaks?

30–5 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 333


Photosynthetic tissue

Resin duct

Vascular tissue

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 30.7  Cross section of a pine leaf (needle) (40×).

d. Why are pines called evergreens? Microsporophyll


e. What other plants have you studied in the lab that are
from microspores

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 30.8  A single microsporophyll (with microsporangium)

f. What is the function of each of the structures labeled in from a male cone. Within the microsporangium, microspore mother
figure 30.7? cells form microspores via meiosis (10×).

Tube cell Generative cell


g. How do the structural features of pine leaves adapt the

tree for life in dry environments?

Male cones usually form on the lower branches of pine

trees, and female cones usually form on the upper branches. © Dr. Keith Wheeler/Science Source

Examine pine branches with staminate (male) and ovulate Figure 30.9  Pollen grains of Pinus, each with enclosed male
(female) cones. Examine a prepared slide of a young stami- gametophyte. Each gametophyte includes a small generative cell and
nate cone and note the pine pollen in various stages of devel- a larger tube cell. When the pollen grain germinates, the pollen tube
opment. Each scale (microsporophyll) of the male cone will emerge between the two bladder-shaped wings (20×).
bears a microsporangium, which in turn produces diploid
microspore mother cells (fig. 30.8). Microspore mother
cells undergo meiosis to produce microspores that develop Procedure 30.2  Examine staminate pine cones
via mitotic divisions into microgametophytes called pollen and pollen
grains (fig. 30.9). Each pollen grain consists of four nuclei 1. If male cones are available, prepare a wet mount of
and a pair of bladderlike wings. The gametophytes of gym- some pine pollen; notice their characteristic shape.
nosperms are reduced to only a few cells.

334 EXERCISE 30 30–6

c. What is the probable function of the wings of a pine
2. Remove a scale from a mature staminate cone and
pollen grain?
tease open the microsporangium.
3. Prepare a wet mount of the microsporangium and
its contents, and examine the contents with your
4. In the space below, draw the shape of a pine pollen
grain. If male cones are not available, examine a pre-
pared slide of pine pollen grains; sketch the shape of Each ovuliferous scale of the female cone bears two
the pollen. megasporangia, each of which produces a diploid
megaspore mother cell. Each megaspore mother cell
undergoes meiosis to produce a megaspore that develops
via mitotic divisions into a megagametophyte. The tissue
of the megasporangium immediately surrounding the mega-
gametophyte is the nucellus (nutritive tissue) surrounded by
integuments (which will form the seed coat). A megagame-
tophyte and its surrounding tissues constitute an ovule and
Question 4
contain at least one archegonium with an egg cell.
a. Are all of the cones the same size?
Procedure 30.3  Examine ovulate pine cones
and ovules
1. Examine young living or preserved ovulate cones.
These cones will develop and enlarge considerably
b. Recall that in ferns the antheridia and archegonia on before they are mature.
a prothallium mature at different times to avoid self- 2. Examine a prepared slide of a young ovulate cone
fertilization. How might the different locations of male ready for pollination.
and female cones on a pine tree help to do the same? 3. Examine a prepared slide of an ovulate cone that has
been sectioned through an ovule (fig. 30.10). An ovule
develops into a seed.
4. Examine a mature ovulate cone and notice its spirally
arranged ovuliferous scales. These scales are analo-
gous to microsporophylls of staminate cones. At the
base of each scale you’ll find two naked seeds. Notice
that the seeds are exposed to the environment.





Egg cell

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Figure 30.10  Pine ovule section before fertilization. The egg will be fertilized later to form a new sporophyte inside the seed. The nucellus is
a nutritive tissue, and integuments form the seed coat (15×).

30–7 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 335

Question 5 Question 6
a. On which surface of the scale are the seeds located? a. Where are spores located?

b. What is the male gametophyte?

b. How large is a staminate cone compared to a newly

pollinated ovulate cone? Compared to a mature ovulate c. What is the female gametophyte?

d. What is an ovule?

Pollination and Seed Formation in Pine

e. What is an integument?
Pollination is the transfer of pollen to a receptive surface.
Pollen grains released in late spring are carried by wind to
ovulate cones, in which the grains sift through the ovulifer-
ous scales and stick in a drop of resin at the micropylar end
f. How are other gymnosperms similar to pine?
of an ovule. Pollination occurs more than a year before the
ovule produces a mature female gametophyte. The pollen
grain then germinates and grows a tube into the archego-
nium, where it releases its two nonmotile sperm nuclei. One
of these sperms disintegrates; the other fuses with the egg to g. How are they different?
form a zygote. The zygote, while in the ovule, develops into
the embryo of a new sporophyte. The ovule is now a seed
and consists of an embryo, a seed coat (integuments of the
megasporangia), and a food supply (tissue of the megagame- h. What evolutionary advantages might arise from not
tophyte). Seeds mature up to six months after fertilization. needing free water for fertilization?

Procedure 30.4  Examine a pine seed

1. Examine a prepared slide of a pine seed. Locate the
embryo, seed coat, and food supply. Seeds are released
when the cone dries and the scales separate. This usu- PHYLUM GNETOPHYTA
ally occurs 13–15 months after pollination.
2. Examine some mature pine seeds, noting the winglike The gnetophytes (71 species in three genera) include some
extensions of the seed coat. of the most distinctive (if not bizarre) of all seed plants
(fig. 30.11). They have many similarities with angiosperms,
such as flowerlike compound strobili, vessels in the sec-
ondary xylem, loss of archegonia, and double fertilization.
Seed The slow-growing Welwitschia plants are extraordinary
in appearance and live only in the deserts of southwestern
The evolution of seeds is one of the most significant events Africa. Most of their moisture is derived from fog that rolls
in the history of the plant kingdom. Indeed, the evolution of in from the ocean at night. Welwitschia stems are short and
seeds is one of the factors responsible for the dominance of broad (1 m). Mature, 100-year-old plants have only two
seed plants in today’s environment, because a seed permits wide, straplike leaves.
a small but multicellular sporophyte to remain dormant until
conditions are favorable for continued growth. While dor-
mant, the young sporophyte is protected by a seed coat and ORGANIZING WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED
is surrounded by a food supply.
Refer to the pine life cycle shown in figure 30.6 to Go to page 354, which follows Exercise 31. Complete the
answer Question 6. If plant material and time are available, portions of the table that refer to the phyla you studied in
examine other gymnosperms in the lab. today’s lab.

336 EXERCISE 30 30–8

(a) © Robert & Linda Mitchell © LOETSCHER CHLAUS/Alamy

Figure 30.11  Gnetophytes. (a) Leaves and immature seeds

of Gnetum. Gnetum grows as a shrub or woody vine in tropical or
subtropical forests. (b) Welwitschia plants in the Namib Desert of
southwest Africa. (c) Ephedra, the only living genus of Gnetophyta
(c) © BiologyImaging.com
found in the United States, is a common dietary supplement.

Release of Pollen from Pinecones
Observation: Male pinecones produce and release large c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
amounts of pollen. In some people this pollen contributes to record it.
hay fever and other sinus-related problems. d. Outline on Worksheet 30 your experimental design and
Question: How much pollen is released by a male pinecone? supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
tor to review your proposed investigation.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
Worksheet 30 from your instructor. question, and make relevant comments.
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your questions,
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.
record your group’s best question for investigation.

30–9 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 337

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. What is the difference between pollination and fertilization?

2. What does the term gymnosperm mean? Is this term an appropriate description? Explain your answer.

3. How is alternation of generations different in ferns and pines?

4. How are the environmental agents for uniting sperm and egg different in pines and bryophytes?

​5. Compare and contrast alternation of generations in mosses, ferns, and pines.

6. What is the evolutionary significance of pollen and seeds?


Describe the ecological advantages that the
production of seeds has over the reproductive pro-
cess in ferns.

338 EXERCISE 30 30–10

Survey of the Plant Kingdom
BIOLOGY Exercise 31

Learning Objectives
Angiosperms range in size from 1 mm (Wolffia) to over 100 m
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
tall (Eucalyptus). As in gymnosperms, the sporophyte of
1. Relate the life cycle of angiosperms to the other
­angiosperms is large and heterosporous. The microgame-
phyla of the plant kingdom.
tophyte (pollen) and megagametophyte (embryo sac) are
2. Discuss the events associated with development of
completely dependent on the sporophyte. Angiosperms are
microspores, megaspores, gametophytes, gametes,
important to humans because our world economy is over-
seeds, and fruit.
whelmingly based on them. ­ We eat and use vegetative
3. List and discuss the reasons why angiosperms are
structures (roots, stems, leaves) as well as reproductive
considered to be the most advanced land plants.
structures (flowers, fruits, seeds) of angiosperms.
There are more than 250,000 living species of angio-
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online sperms. Until the late 1990s, most botanists grouped
resources tailored to this lab. angiosperms into two groups, depending on the number
of cotyledons (seed leaves) in the embryo: species having
one cotyledon were called monocots, and those with two
F lowering plants (phylum Anthophyta—also referred to
as angiosperms)—are the most abundant, diverse, and
widespread of all land plants. They owe their success to
cotyledons were called dicots. However, genetic analyses
revealed that species traditionally called dicots evolved
from more than one common ancestor. As a result, the vast
several factors, including their structural diversity, efficient
majority of species once classified as dicots are now known
vascular systems, and mutualisms with fungi and insects
as eudicots. (The other former dicots comprise several small
(fig. 31.1). Angiosperms’ flowers attract insects and other
lineages that will not be considered in this exercise.) These
pollinators, and thereby make reproduction more efficient.
studies also showed that all monocots evolved from a com-
Fruits, which contain seeds and nutritive tissue, help dis-
mon ancestor; as a result, their classification as monocots
perse angiosperms to new environments.
remains unchanged (fig. 31.2). The “typical” features of
these groups of plants are described in table 31.1.
Having studied gymnosperms, you probably con-
cluded  that vegetative adaptations of angiosperms and
gymnosperms are similar. This is true. However, in today’s
exercise you will study two unique adaptations of angio­
sperm reproduction: flowers and fruit.


Luckily for florists, angiosperms include a seemingly infi-
nite variety of flowers, ranging from the microscopic flow-
ers of Lemna (duckweed) to the rare, monstrous blossoms
of R­ afflesia, which can be up to 1 m across. In today’s exer-
cise, we’ll consider only the “typical” flower depicted in
­figure 31.3.
© BiologyImaging.com
Examine the flower model(s) available in the lab and
Figure 31.1  This bee is pollinating a rock rose in central Texas. the living flowers on display. Identify the following parts:
The evolution of flowers and the success of flowering plants correlate
with the development of mutualisms with insects and other pollinators.
∙ Peduncle—flower stalk.

31–1 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 339

Filament Carpel
Petal Ovary


all stamens = androecium
all carpels = gynoecium
all petals = corolla
all sepals = calyx
© BiologyImaging.com Figure 31.3  The parts of a flower. This is a generalized flower
with four primary parts: sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. The car-
Figure 31.2  In monocots such as this lily (Lilium sp.), flower pels and stamens are the fertile parts of a flower. The roles of carpels
parts usually occur in multiples of three. A lily has six stamens, three and stamens in the life cycle of angiosperms are shown in figure 31.4.
petals, three petal-like sepals, and a three-chambered ovary.

∙ Receptacle—the part of the flower stalk that bears the

floral organs; located at the base of the flower; usually ∙ Sepals—the lowermost or outermost whorls of struc-
not large or noticeable. tures, which are usually leaflike and protect the devel-
oping flower; the sepals collectively constitute the
TABLE 31.1 calyx.
CHARACTERISTICS AND EXAMPLES OF THE TWO ∙ Petals—whorls of structures located inside and usu-
MAJOR CLASSES OF ANGIOSPERMS ally above the sepals; may be large and pigmented (in
Monocots (~70,000 species) insect-pollinated flowers) or inconspicuous (in wind-
1. One cotyledon per embryo pollinated plants); the petals collectively constitute the
2. Flower parts in sets of three corolla.
3. Parallel venation in leaves ∙ Androecium—the male portion of the plant that rises
4. Multiple rings of vascular bundles in stem above and inside the petals; consists of stamens, each
5. Lack a true vascular cambium (lateral meristem) of which consists of a filament atop which is located
6. Fibrous root system an anther; inside the anthers are pollen grains, which
7. Pollen grains have one pore.
are the microgametophytes and contain the male
Examples: Orchids, barley, corn, lily, wheat, daffodils, onion,  ∙ Gynoecium—the female portion of the plant that rises
bamboo, banana
above and inside the androecium; consists of one or
more carpels, each made up of an ovary, style, and
Eudicots (~170,000 species) stigma; the ovary contains ovules that contain the
1. Two cotyledons per embryo megagametophyte; the megagametophyte is called the
2. Flower parts in sets of four or five embryo sac and contains female gametes.
3. Reticulate (i.e., netted) venation in leaves The sepals and petals are usually the most conspicu-
4. One ring of vascular bundles or cylinder of vascular tissue in stem ous parts of a flower, and a variety of flower types are distin-
5. Have a true vascular cambium (lateral meristem) guished by their sepal and petal characteristics. In radially
6. Tap root system symmetrical flowers such as tulips, the different whorls of
7. Pollen grains have three pores. the flower consist of similarly shaped parts that ­radiate from
the center of the flower and are equidistant from each other.
Examples: Zucchini, roses, oaks poppy, peas, beans, mint, In other flowers such as snapdragons, one or more parts of
daisies, tomato at least one whorl are different from other parts of the same
whorl. These flowers are usually bilaterally symmetrical.

340 EXERCISE 31 31–2

Procedure 31.1  Examine flowers and their and cellular differentiation. In angio­sperms the sporophyte
parts is the large, mature organism with flowers that you easily
recognize. The gametophyte within the flower is reduced to
1. Obtain a flower provided in the laboratory.
a pollen grain (that contains a sperm nucleus) or an embryo
2. Remove the parts of the flower, beginning at the lower, sac (that produces an egg) within an ovule. Be sure to review
outside rosettes of sepals and petals. your textbook’s description of alternation of generations.
3. Locate the petals and sepals and determine their Production of spores in the sporophyte by meiosis
arrangement and point of attachment. is part of a larger process called sporogenesis. Flower­
ing plants produce two types of spores: microspores and
Question 1
megaspores. Production of gametes by the gametophytes is
How would you describe this flower?
called gametogenesis.

Microsporogenesis, Production
of Pollen, and Microgametogenesis
Microsporogenesis is the production of microspores within
4. Remove the petals and sepals.
microsporangia of a flower’s anthers via meiosis of micro-
5. Locate and remove a stamen and place it on a slide. spore mother cells (microsporocytes) (fig. 31.5). These
Examine the stamen with low magnification. microspores grow and mature into microgametophytes, which
6. Examine a prepared slide of pollen grains. Use high are also known as pollen grains (fig. 31.6). The haploid nuclei
magnification to locate the generative and tube nucleus in a mature pollen grain include a tube nucleus (or vegeta-
of a pollen grain. The generative nucleus is usually tive nucleus) and a generative nucleus. During pollination,
small, spindle-shaped, and off center (you cannot see it pollen grains are transferred to the stigma, where they ger-
easily). The tube nucleus is larger and centered. You’ll minate and grow a tube through the style to the ovary. The
learn more about pollen nuclei later in this exercise. tube nucleus controls the growth of the pollen tube, and the
7. Locate the gynoecium of the flower, and make longitu- generative nucleus replicates to produce two sperm nuclei.
dinal and transverse sections. The gynoecium consists Pollen of some plants cause allergies in many people.
of one or more fused carpels, each with an interior cav- However, studies of pollen are important to science beyond
ity called a locule containing ovules. the treatment of allergies. For example, geologists examine
pollen brought up in sediment cores during oil drilling. Dark
Question 2 brown to black pollen often indicate temperatures too high
a. How many carpels (locules) are apparent? for oil deposits and suggest that a well will likely produce
natural gas. Orange pollen suggest the less intense heat asso-
ciated with high-quality oil production. In addition, exami-
nation of fossil pollen tells us about the diversity of ancient
flora and climatic change through the ages, and helps us
b. How many ovules are developing in each locule? locate ancient seas and their shorelines where pollen is
known to accumulate.

Procedure 31.2  Examine stages of microsporo-

genesis and microgametogenesis in Lilium
8. Examine the other types of flowers available in the 1. Examine fresh or preserved specimens of dehiscent
lab. Repeat procedure 31.1 to guide your examination. (split-open) and predehiscent anthers (fig. 31.7).
Preserved specimens of Lilium (lily) and Ranunculus
Question 3
(buttercup) may also be provided for you to study
a. What differences can you detect between the structures
and dissect.
of dehiscent and predehiscent anthers?

Alternation of Generations
in Flowering Plants
b. Which stage is the most mature?
The life cycle of flowering plants involves the alternation of a
multicellular haploid stage with a multicellular diploid stage,
as is typical for all plants (see fig. 30.1, fig. 31.4). The dip-
loid sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis. Each
haploid spore develops into the gametophyte by mitosis

31–3 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 341

Megaspore (n)
Pollen Grain
Polar Generative
nuclei cell
Egg Tube


Megaspore Pollen tube
mother cell (2n)
Pollen (n) Sperm
Anther Formation of nucleus
pollen tube (n)
Anther (2n) Germinating
Style pollen grain
mother cells (2n) n
Adult sporophyte
with flower (2n)




Seed (2n)

Endosperm Pollen tube


Embryo (2n)

Endosperm (3n) Sperm





Figure 31.4  Angiosperm life cycle. Eggs form within the embryo sac inside the ovules, which, in turn, are enclosed in the carpels. The pollen
grains, meanwhile, form within the sporangia of the anthers and are shed. Fertilization is a double process. A sperm and an egg fuse to produce a
zygote; at the same time, another sperm fuses with the polar nuclei to produce the endosperm. The endosperm is the tissue, unique to angiosperms,
that nourishes the embryo and young plant.

2. Examine a prepared cross-section of a young anther. Procedure 31.3  Examine germinated pollen
Note the immature sporangia tissue that will form grains
microsporocytes. Examine a prepared slide of germinated pollen grains.
3. Examine a prepared cross-section of a lily anther show-
ing microsporocytes in early prophase I (fig. 31.8a).
4. Examine a prepared slide showing stages of meiosis II Question 4
(fig. 31.8b). a. How many pollen grains germinated?
5. Examine a prepared slide showing pollen tetrads of
microspores produced by meiosis (fig. 31.8c).
6. Examine a prepared slide showing mature pollen with
two or more nuclei (fig. 31.8d).
b. Can you see vegetative and generative nuclei in the
7. Examine living or prepared pollen from various plants pollen tubes?
if available. Note any differences among pollen grains
and differences between pollen of monocots and

342 EXERCISE 31 31–4

In Anthers Tube cell

Microsporangia cells Pollen coat Tube cell

and wall

Microsporocytes (2n)


Microspores (n)

Generative Tube
nucleus nucleus

Mature Pollen Grain on Anther Microgametogenesis

189 mm


© Louisa Howard/Science Source

Figure 31.6  Pollen grains. (a) A cut pollen grain with two nuclei.
(b) Scanning electron micrograph of pollen grains of different species
Sperm Sperm Tube (1200×).
nucleus nucleus nucleus
(1n) (1n) (1n)
Megasporogenesis, Production of Ovules,
Germinating Pollen Grain on Stigma and Megagametogenesis
Megasporogenesis is the production of megaspores
Figure 31.5  Microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis (fig. 31.9); it occurs in the sporangia of the flower ovary
occur in the anthers of flowers. Mature pollen grains (see fig. 31.6)
are microgametophytes. Micrographs of microsporogenesis and
by ­meiosis of megaspore mother cells (megasporocytes).
microgametogenesis are shown in figure 31.8. These megaspores undergo megagametogenesis; that is,
they develop into megagametophytes. The megagameto-
phyte and its surrounding tissues are called an ovule. Ovules

Pollen grains
Open, mature

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 31.7  Lilium anther (40×). Mature pollen grains are the product of microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis within the
microsporangia of flower anthers. A higher-magnification view of developing pollen grains is shown in figure 31.8.

31–5 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 343

© M. I. Walker/Science Source © Biophoto Associates/Science Source
(a) (b)

© Ed Reschke/Getty Images © Noble Proctor/Science Source

(c) (d)

Figure 31.8  Stages of microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis in Lilium. (a) Cells in early prophase I (350×). (b) Cells in second meiotic
division (500×). (c) Tetrads of microspores from meiosis (680×). (d) Mature pollen (230×). For an overview of these stages, see figure 31.5.

344 EXERCISE 31 31–6

In Ovary Procedure 31.4  Examine stages of megasporo-
Megasporangia cells genesis and megagametogenesis in Lilium
1. Examine a cross section of a Lilium ovary and locate

the six megasporangia. Within each of these mega-
Megasporocyte (2n) sporangia a megasporocyte will form and develop. The
stages for development of a megasporocyte are shown
in figures 31.9, 31.10, and 31.11.

2. Examine a prepared slide of a cross-section of a Lilium
ovary showing a diploid megasporocyte within the
(4) Megaspores (n) sporangium before meiosis (fig. 31.11a).
3. Examine a prepared slide showing the four-nucleate

embryo sac after meiosis (fig. 31.11b). Meiosis pro-

3 nuclei

duced four haploid megaspores in the embryo sac. In

most angiosperms, three of the four nuclei degenerate
and the single remaining nucleus passes through two

(1) Megaspore (n) mitotic divisions before the next stage. Lilium is atypi-
cal because all four products of meiosis contribute

nuclei to the embryo sac, but only one develops into


the egg cell.

4. Examine a prepared slide showing the eight-nucleate
3 antipodal nuclei
embryo sac (fig. 31.11c). Because of the large size of
2 polar nuclei the embryo sac, it is seldom possible to observe all
2 synergid nuclei eight nuclei in the same section.
1 egg nucleus 5. At the end of the megagametophyte toward the micro-
pyle (the small opening where the pollen tube enters
Embryo sac the ovule), locate the eight nuclei including the egg
(megagametophyte) and two synergid nuclei associated with fertilization
(figures 31.11c and 31.12). At the opposite end locate
three antipodal cells that usually do not participate in
Figure 31.9  Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis occur in reproduction. In the center are two polar nuclei that
the ovaries of flowers. The embryo sac is the mature megagametophyte. migrated from each pole of the megagametophyte.
The locations of these processes are shown in figures 31.10 and 31.11.


usually have two coverings called integuments. The entire Biologists have long been interested in plant pollination,
haploid structure is called the ­embryo sac and consists of for  obvious economic reasons. Angiosperm reproduction
only six to ten nuclei, one of which is an egg. A seven- or ­depends on pollination. However, you may have a more per-
eight-celled embryo sac is most common (fig. 31.10). sonal interest in pollen if you suffer from hay fever (fig. 31.6).

Megaspore mother cell (2n)

megaspores Polar
resulting nuclei
from meiosis

(a) (b) megagametophyte (c)

Figure 31.10  Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis in Lilium. (a) The megaspore mother cell (megasporocyte) is diploid and undergoes
meiosis. (b) Four haploid megaspores result from meiosis. (c) The mature megagametophyte contains eight nuclei, one of which is the egg.

31–7 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 345

(a) © Biophoto Associates/Science Source (b) © Biophoto Associates/Science Source (c) © Ed Reschke/Getty Images

Figure 31.11  Stages of megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis in Lilium (200×). (a) Diploid megasporocyte in lily ovary. (b) Embryo sac
with four nuclei produced by meiosis. (c) Embryo sac (mature megagametophyte) with eight nuclei (only six are visible in this image). For an overview
of these stages, see figure 31.9.

5. The integuments of the ovule form the seed coat, and

Two nuclei the fruit develops from the ovary and other parts of the
of central cell flower.
Synergids (polar nuclei)

Egg cell A seed is a mature ovule that includes a seed coat, a food
(within supply, and an embryo. Seeds range in size from tiny (e.g.,
Sporangium megaspore a broomrape seed weighs only a few micrograms) to mas-
sive (e.g., an avocado seed can weigh more than 50 g).
Embryology of the mature zygote occurs within the seed
Micropyle and before germination. This embryology and its control-
opening Attachment ling factors are complex, but various stages of development
to ovary
are easily observed.
Figure 31.12  Mature female gametophyte within an ovule. The stages of embryo development in the seed of
Capsella (a eudicot) are shown in figure 31.14. The devel-
oping embryo grows, absorbs endosperm, and stores those
nutrients in “seed leaves” called cotyledons. Development
After the development of a microgametophyte (pol­len includes the following stages:
grain) with sperm and a megagametophyte (ovule) with an ∙ Proembryo stage. During development, the zygote
egg, sexual reproduction in angiosperms occurs as ­follows: divides to form a mass of cells called the embryo.
1. Pollination occurs when pollen is transported to the Initially the embryo consists of a basal cell, suspensor,
surface of the flower’s stigma (fig. 31.13). and a two-celled proembryo. The suspensor is the
2. The pollen grain germinates, and a pollen tube grows column of cells that pushes the embryo into the
through the stigma and style to the ovary. Its growth is endosperm. The endosperm is extensive but is being
governed by the style and the tube nucleus of the pol- digested.
len grain. ∙ Globular stage. Cell division of the proembryo soon
3. One sperm nucleus fuses with the egg to form the dip- leads to the globular stage that is radially symmetrical
loid (2n) zygote, and the other sperm fuses with the and has little internal cellular organization.
two polar nuclei to form a triploid (3n) nucleus. This ∙ Heart-shaped stage. Differential division of the
process is called double fertilization and is character- globular stage produces bilateral symmetry and two
istic of angiosperms. cotyledons forming the heart-shaped embryo. The
4. The zygote develops into the embryo. The triple ­fusion enlarging cotyledons store digested food from the
of the sperm nucleus and two polar nuclei forms the endosperm. Tissue differentiation begins, and root and
triploid endosperm that provides food for the embryo. shoot meristems soon appear.

346 EXERCISE 31 31–8

Antipodal cells
Pollen grain

Pollen tube


nucleus (3n)

Zygote (2n)

Pollen tube

Polar 3 One sperm nucleus

nuclei fuses with egg nucleus to
form diploid zygote. The
Egg other sperm nucleus
fuses with two polar
2 sperm nuclei to form triploid
cells endosperm.

1 Pollen grain lands on

stigma and germinates;
2 Two sperm nuclei travel
pollen tube grows into style
through pollen tube to

Figure 31.13  Pollen germination and double fertilization. Pollen sticks to a stigma on a flower of the same species. A pollen tube grows
toward the ovule and transports two sperm nuclei. One sperm nucleus fertilizes the egg to form a zygote, and the other fertilizes that polar nuclei to
yield the endosperm.

∙ Torpedo stage. The cotyledons and root axis soon may not be obvious. Nevertheless, each slide should
elongate to produce an elongate torpedo-stage embryo. include an example of at least one stage.
Procambial tissue appears and will later develop into 3. Locate as many of the following stages of seed devel-
vascular tissue. opment as possible on your slide: globular, heart,
∙ Mature embryo. The mature embryo has large, bent cot- torpedo, and mature embryos. These stages are con-
yledons on each side of the stem apical meristem. The tinuous, so each slide may have multiple stages and
radicle, later to form the root, is differentiated toward the intermediates between stages.
suspensor. The radicle has a root apical meristem and 4. You may need to examine several slides. Find exam-
root cap. The hypocotyl is the region between the apical ples of as many stages as you can.
meristem and the radicle. The endosperm is depleted, and 5. Compare your observations with figure 31.14.
food is stored in the cotyledons. The epicotyl is the region
between attachment of the cotyledons and the stem apical Question 5
meristem; it has not elongated in the mature embryo. a. Why is the endosperm being digested?

Procedure 31.5  Examine development of a

Capsella embryo
1. Obtain and examine prepared slides showing the various b. Is Capsella a monocot or a eudicot? How can you tell?
stages of embryo development.
2. The cross-section most likely passes through an entire
fruit of Capsella and shows a number of sectioned,
developing seeds each in a slightly different stage.
Some seeds were sectioned off-center and the stage

31–9 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 347

Triploid Cotyledons
Polar mother cell Zygote Root Shoot
nuclei apex apex

Proembryo coat
Sperm Fertilization
Cotyledons Ovary
Endosperm wall
Suspensor Shoot
Heart-shaped Globular Basal cell apex
stage stage
Shoot apex Root
Scutellum Coleorhiza


Figure 31.15  Seed structure of a garden bean (eudicot) and

corn (monocot). (a) The two cotyledons in each seed of garden bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris) absorb the endosperm before germination.
(b) Corn (Zea mays) has seeds in kernels (grains); the single cotyledon
Root apex Root apex is an endosperm-absorbing structure called a scutellum.

Torpedo stage Mature

Cotyledons 4. Add a drop of iodine to the cut surface and observe the
embryo staining pattern. (Recall from Exercise 6 that iodine
stains starch black.) Show this pattern on figure 31.15.
Figure 31.14  Stages of development in a Capsella embryo. This 5. Repeat steps 2–4 with soaked peas.
development transforms a zygote into a mature embryo.
Question 6
How are seeds of peas and beans similar? How are they

Do not eat any seeds or fruits used in this


Procedure 31.6  Observe parts of a bean seed

Procedure 31.7  Examine a corn grain with
1. Obtain some beans that have been soaked in water for embryo
24 h.
1. Examine a prepared slide of a corn grain (fig. 31.16).
2. Peel off the seed coat and separate the two cotyledons. Identify the following features:
Between the cotyledons you’ll see the young root and
∙ Endosperm
∙ Scutellum (cotyledon; this structure helps absorb
3. Examine the opened seed and compare its structure with
the endosperm)
that shown in figure 31.15. Look for these features:
∙ Coleoptile (sheath enclosing shoot apical ­meristem
∙ Micropyle—a small opening on the surface of the
and leaf primordia of grass embryos)
seed through which the pollen tube grew.
∙ Root
∙ Hilum—an adjacent, elliptical area at which the
ovule was attached to the ovary. ∙ Root cap
∙ Cotyledon—food for the embryo. ∙ Coleorhiza (sheath enclosing embryonic root of
grass embryo)
∙ Embryo with young root and shoot—develops
into the new sporophyte. ∙ Shoot apical meristem

348 EXERCISE 31 31–10

Most fruits are either dry or fleshy. Dry fruits crack or
split at maturity and release their seeds. Sometimes the dry
wall surrounds the seed until it germinates. The fruit wall
is usually tough and hard and is sometimes referred to as
stony. The seeds of fleshy fruits remain in the tissue until
Endosperm germination.
A typical fruit has an outer wall called a pericarp
composed of an exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp. Within
Coleoptile the pericarp are seeds, various partitions, and placental
Scutellum ­tissues. The fruit often includes the receptacle of the flower.
(cotyledon) The structure of a fruit depends on the number of carpels in
Shoot apex each flower and whether or not the carpels are fused.

Procedure 31.8  Observe the diversity of fruits

1. Use the following descriptions to study and classify
fruits available in the lab. This list is not complete but
Root describes a few common types of fruit.

Root cap Procedure 31.9  Observe the structure of a

bean, sunflower, corn grain, apple, and tomato
1. Examine the pod of a string bean. This single carpel
has two seams that can open to release seeds. Remove
the seeds; then locate and remove the seed coat. Split
© Dr. Keith Wheeler/Science Source the seed and locate the embryo.
Figure 31.16  The structure of a corn grain, longitudinal section. Question 8
The embryo is nourished by the starchy endosperm (7×). a. Does the pod appear to be a single carpel with one cavity
containing seeds?
2. Use a razor blade to longitudinally split a water-soaked
corn grain.
3. Add a drop of iodine to the cut surface and observe the
staining pattern. Indicate this pattern on figure 31.16.
b. Is the micropyle near the attachment of the seed to
Question 7
the pod?
a. What does this staining pattern tell you about the con-
tent of the endosperm and embryo?

2. Crack the outer coat of a sunflower fruit and remove

the seed. Locate the embryo and determine whether
b. Do mature seeds of monocots or eudicots store most of sunflower is a monocot or eudicot.
their food in cotyledons? How can you tell?
Question 9
a. Before today would you have referred to the uncracked
sunflower achene as a fruit? Why or why not?

A fruit is a mature, ripened ovary plus any associated tis-
sues. Therefore, a fruit contains seeds. Are you surprised b. Is sunflower a monocot or eudicot?
that tomatoes, beans, and okra are fruit? A mature fruit is
often larger than the ovary at the time of pollination and fer-
tilization, which indicates that a great deal of development
occurs while the seeds are maturing.

31–11 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 349

b. Does a corn grain have a cotyledon as well as an
Dichotomous Key to Major Types of Fruit endosperm?

I. Fleshy fruits
A. Simple fruits develop from a single ovary.
1. Flesh mostly of ovary tissue
a. Endocarp hard and stony; ovary superior and 4. Examine an apple, which is an example of a pome.
single-seeded (cherry, olive, coconut): drupe Section the apple transversely and count the number of
carpels. Then section an apple longitudinally and com-
b. Endocarp fleshy or slimy; ovary usually
pare its structure with figure 31.17. Most of the outer
many-seeded (tomato, grape, green pepper):
flesh of the apple is derived from tissue other than the
ovary. Locate the outer limit of the pericarp and the
2. Flesh mostly of receptacle tissue (apple, pear, limit of the endocarp.
quince): pome
Question 11
B. Complex fruits develop from more than one ovary.
a. How many carpels are fused to form an apple?
1. Fruit from many carpels on a single flower (straw-
berry, raspberry, blackberry): aggregate fruit
2. Fruit from carpels of many flowers fused together
(pineapple, mulberry): multiple fruit
II. Dry fruits b. How might the fleshy pericarp aid in seed dispersal?
A. Fruits that split open at maturity (usually more than
one seed)
1. Split occurs along two seams in the ovary. Seeds
borne on one of the halves of the split ovary (pea
and bean pods, peanuts): legume 5. Examine a tomato and section it transversely. Compare
2. Seeds released through pores or multiple seams its structure with that shown in figure 31.16. The jelly-
(poppies, irises, lilies): capsule like material is the placenta giving rise to the ovules.
B. Fruits that do not split open at maturity (usually
Question 12
one seed)
How many carpels are fused to form a tomato?
1. Pericarp hard and thick, with a cup at its base
(acorn, chestnut, hickory): nut
2. Pericarp thin and winged (maple, ash, elm):
3. Pericarp thin and not winged
(sunflower, buttercup): achene Our Uses of Angiosperms
(cereal grains): caryopsis
We have countless uses for angiosperms, including wood
(e.g., oak, maple), food (e.g., wheat, rice, corn, apples, toma-
toes), textiles (e.g., jute), shade, decorations, insect repel-
3. Examine an ear of corn from which the husks have lants, spices, and landscaping. Modern agriculture is based
been removed without disturbing the “silk.” The almost entirely on angiosperms.
strands of silk are styles of the gynoecium. We also used angiosperms as sources of numerous
drugs. For example, Taxol (a drug used to treat cancer) and
Question 10
morphine (a painkiller) are derived from flowering plants,
a. If a corn grain is actually a fruit, where is the pericarp?
as are illicit drugs such as cocaine, opium, and heroin. So,
too, is caffeine, a drug ingested by more than 100 million
Americans every day.


Go to page 354, which follows this exercise. Complete the
portions of the table that refer to the phyla you studied in
today’s lab.

350 EXERCISE 31 31–12

That Morning Cup of Coffee

Coffee, which is grown in more than 50 countries world- The average coffee-drinker spends $165 per year on coffee.
wide, is the world’s second-most traded commodity (petro- Coffee drinkers who get their coffee from a coffeehouse
leum is first). Coffee is a $60 billion industry. Brazil is the stand in line there about 45 hours per year.
world’s leading producer of coffee; it produces 30% of the
world’s crop. Worldwide, nearly 7 million tons of green cof-
fee beans are produced per year. About 80% of this coffee
comes from Coffea arabica, and the remaining 20% from O
Coffea canephora. It takes 3–5 years for a coffee plant to H3C N
reach maturity and produce its scented white flowers. The
red/purple coffee fruits are called “cherries.” Except for pea-
berry coffee, whose fruits each contain one smaller, rounder N
seed, coffee fruits each contain two seeds which are referred CH3
to as “beans” (despite the fact that they are not true beans). Caffeine
In the United States, coffee is the second-most popu-
lar drink (water is first). Coffee drinkers drink an average
of 3.1 9-ounce cups of coffee per day. Fifty-four percent of
Americans at least 18 years old drink coffee every morn-
© Science Photo Library/Alamy
ing, and another 30% drink coffee occasionally. About
Figure 31A  Coffee seeds (i.e., “beans”) contain caffeine,
30% of people in the United States who drink coffee every which, in nature, is a natural pesticide that paralyzes and kills certain
day drink specialty drinks such as lattes and cappuccinos; insects that attack coffee plants. In humans, caffeine is a stimulant
only about 35% of coffee drinkers like their coffee black. that temporarily wards off drowsiness and restores alertness.

Grocery Store Botany
Observation: The produce sections of grocery stores and mar- b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant
kets contain a vast array of plant organs, each having a char- to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
acteristic shape, taste, and texture. These plants have been the record your group’s best question for investigation.
subject of intensive artificial selection over many generations, c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
and today we enjoy the many varied products of that selection. record it.
Question: What plant organ (e.g., modified root, stem, leaf, d. Outline on Worksheet 31 your experimental design and
flower) are you purchasing when you buy items for a salad? supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
Assume that your salad includes beets, radishes, sweet pota- tor to review your proposed investigation.
toes, celery, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, eggplant, lettuce, and e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
onion. question, and make relevant comments.
f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
Worksheet 31 from your instructor. needed.

31–13 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 351





Pea — legume fruit



Mesocarp and

Tomato — berry fruit


Receptacle Sepal

Strawberry — aggregate fruit


Exocarp and


Apple — pome fruit

Figure 31.17  Diagrams of fruit and their originating flowers.

352 EXERCISE 31 31–14

Questions for Further Thought and Study
1. What is meant by “double fertilization”?

2. What features of seeds and fruits have enabled angiosperms to become so widespread?

​3. What are the similarities and differences between cones and flowers?

4. What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?

5. In what ways does human welfare depend on seed plants?

​6. How can you distinguish a monocot from a eudicot?

7. How are insects such as bees important for the reproduction of angiosperms?

8. What advantages do flowers give angiosperms over gymnosperms?

9. Draw three fruits (including one dry fruit) that you observed in lab. Describe a probable method for dispersal of each.


What are the functions of a flower? Describe how
a flower of your choice is adapted to each function.

31–15 Survey of the Plant Kingdom 353

After each of your studies of plants (Exercises 28–31), complete the relevant parts of this table to help you summarize what you’ve learned.



28 Hepaticophyta

28 Bryophyta

28 Anthocerophyta

29 Pterophyta

29 Lycophyta

30 Cycadophyta

30 Ginkgophyta

30 Coniferophyta

30 Gnetophyta

31 Anthophyta

354 EXERCISE 31 31–16

Plant Anatomy
BIOLOGY Exercise 32
Vegetative Structure of Vascular Plants

refers to growth in girth resulting from nonapical meristems,

Learning Objectives some of which are discussed later in this exercise.
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: Question 1
1. Describe the functions of roots, stems, and leaves. a. How do taproot systems and fibrous root systems help
2. Distinguish between primary and secondary growth. plants survive and reproduce?
3. Describe the functional significance of the ­internal
and external structure of roots, stems, and leaves.
4. Explain what causes growth rings in wood.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab. b. Would one type of root system provide more adaptive
advantages in a particular environment such as a rain
forest? A ​desert? Explain your answer.

T he structure of plants varies greatly among species;

compare, for example, an oak tree with a cactus. How-
ever, these structural differences are typically quantitative
rather than qualitative; that is, the differences among roots,
stems, and leaves result not from tissues unique to one spe-
cies or another, but rather from different arrangements and
proportions of the same tissues. These differences among
plants represent a variety of adaptations to achieve the uni- The Root Apex
versal evolutionary goals of survival and reproduction. This Examine the root tips of two-day-old seedlings of radish
exercise will concentrate on the structure of roots, stems, (Raphanus) and corn (Zea) with your dissecting microscope.
and leaves of vascular plants. Refer to figure 32.2 and identify the root cap, root apical
meristem, zone of elongation, and zone of maturation.
The cone of loosely arranged cells at the root cap per-
ROOTS ceives gravity and protects the root apical meristem. The
root cap protects the root by secreting mucilage and slough-
During seed germination, a radicle or young primary
ing cells as the root grows through the soil (fig. 32.3). The
root emerges from the seed and grows down. The primary
root apical meristem is behind the root cap and produces all
root soon produces numerous secondary roots and forms
of the new cells for primary growth. These cells elongate in
a root system that absorbs water and minerals, anchors the
the zone of elongation, which is 1–4 mm behind the root tip.
plant, and stores food. Root systems have different morphol-
This elongation produces primary growth.
ogies. For example, a taproot system has a large main root
and smaller secondary roots branching from it (e.g., carrot). Question 2
In a fibrous root system, the primary and secondary roots a. In the following space, sketch the root tips that you
are similar in size (e.g., roots of many grasses) (fig. 32.1). examined. In which area of a root tip are cells largest?
Examine the displays of taproot and fibrous root systems In which area are they smallest?
available in the lab.
Primary growth of roots and all primary tissues is
formed by apical meristems. A meristem is a localized area
of cellular division. Apical meristems occur at the tips of
roots and stems. Primary growth (i.e., growth in length) pro-
duces herbaceous (nonwoody) tissue. Secondary growth

32–1 Plant Anatomy 355

© Peter Anderson/Getty Images (b) Evelyn Jo Johnson/The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

Figure 32.1  Two common types of root systems of vascular plants. (a) The taproot system of carrot (Daucus) consists of a prominent taproot.
(b) The fibrous root system of a grass consists of many similarly sized roots. Fibrous root systems form extensive networks in the soil and minimize
soil erosion.

b. Aside from their size, do all cells in the root tip appear Primary Tissues of the Root
similar? Why is this significant?
The root apical meristem produces cells that differenti-
ate into primary tissues of the root. The outer layer of cells
is the epidermis. Just inside the epidermis is the cortex,
whose cells contain numerous amyloplasts, which are
starch-­containing plastids. The inner layer of the cortex is
the e­ ndodermis, which regulates water flow to the vascu-
Re-examine the two-day-old radish seedling with your dis- lar ­tissue in the center of the root. Immediately inside the
secting microscope. Note the root hairs in the zone of matu- ­endodermis is the pericycle, which can become meriste-
ration. Root hairs are outgrowths of epidermal cells and are matic and produce secondary roots (figs. 32.4 and 32.5).
short-lived. Root hairs increase the surface area of the root.

Question 3
Procedure 32.1  Examine primary tissues of
a root
a. Why do you think root hairs occur only in the zone of
maturation? Why aren’t they in the zone of elongation? 1. Examine a prepared slide of a cross-section of a butter-
cup (Ranunculus, a eudicot) root (figs. 32.4 and 32.5).
Sketch what you see. Label and state the function of
each tissue that is present. (Note: Your instructor may
have you examine a slide comparing cross-sections of
roots of monocots and eudicots.)
b. What is the function of root hairs?

356 EXERCISE 32 32–2

Root hair Zone of
tissue Root apical meristem
tissue Zone of
Protoderm Zone of Mucilage
cell division
meristem Root cap
Columella Root cap

200 m

© BioPhot

cells of the
root cap


© BioPhot © BioPhot

Figure 32.2  (a) Root tip showing root cap, root apical meristem, zones of structure and function. (b) The root apical meristem is covered by
a thimble-shaped root cap that protects the meristem as the root grows through the soil (60×). (c) Mucilage produced by the root cap lubricates the
root as it grows through the soil (see fig. 32.3) (420×). (d) In plants such as corn, the root cap can easily be removed from the rest of the root (6×).

32–3 Plant Anatomy 357

2. Examine a prepared slide labeled “lateral root origin.” 3. If time permits, also examine a prepared slide of a
Locate the epidermis, cortex, pericycle, and newly cross section of a corn (Zea, a monocot) root.
formed secondary root. Sketch the lateral root and
label its parts. Question 4
a. Based on the presence of amyloplasts, what do you
suppose is the primary function of the cortex?

b. Do secondary roots arise inside the primary root or on

its surface?

c. How does the structure of a monocot root differ from

that of a eudicot?

In the center of the buttercup root is the vascular (fluid-

conducting) cylinder composed of xylem and phloem
(fig.  32.5). Xylem transports water and minerals; phloem
transports water and most organic compounds in the plant,
including carbohydrates. Water-conducting cells in the xylem
© BioPhot of angiosperms are called ­tracheids and vessel elements and
are dead and hollow at maturity. Tracheids are long, spindle-
Figure 32.3  Tips of roots secrete large amounts of mucilage, shaped cells with thin areas called pits where the cell walls of
a lubricant that helps the root force its way through the soil. The
mucilage is secreted primarily by the root cap. Movement of the root adjacent cells overlap (fig. 32.6). Water moves through these
through soil is also aided by the sloughing of root-cap cells. These pits from one cell to the next. Vessels are stacks of cylindrical
sloughed cells are visible in the drop of mucilage on the tip of this root. cells with thin or completely open end-walls. Water moves



Vascular cylinder

© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b)

Figure 32.4  Transverse sections of a root of a buttercup (Ranunculus), a eudicot. (a) Overall view of mature root. The vascular cylinder
includes tissues specialized for long-distance transport of water and solutes, whereas the epidermis forms a protective outer layer of the root (16×).
(b) Detail of cortex (250×). Each parenchyma cell in the cortex contains many amyloplasts, which store starch.

358 EXERCISE 32 32–4

through vessel elements in straight, open tubes. These tubes Procedure 32.2  Examine carrot root
are usually stained red in slide preparations of buttercup roots.
1. Prepare two thin cross-sections of a carrot root.
Conducting cells in phloem are called sieve cells and
sieve tube members and are alive at maturity. Phloem cells 2. Stain one slice with iodine (a stain for starch) and
are small, thin-walled, and arranged in bundles that alternate examine it with your microscope.
with the poles of xylem (fig. 32.5). Sieve tube members are 3. Stain the other section of carrot root with phloroglu-
usually stained green. cinol. Phloroglucinol stains lignin, a molecule that
strengthens xylary cell walls.

Phloroglucinol contains hydrochloric acid. Do not

spill any on yourself or your belongings!


Pericycle Question 5
a. Where is starch located in a carrot root?


b. What can you conclude from this observation?

© BiologyImaging.com
Figure 32.5  A cross section through the center of a root of a STEMS
buttercup (Ranunculus), a eudicot (125×). The phloem and xylem are
vascular tissues of the vascular cylinder shown in figure 32.4a. Stems are often conspicuous organs whose functions include
support and the transport of water and solutes. Some stems
(e.g., cacti) also photosynthesize and store food.





element Vessel

© NC Brown Center for Ultrastructure Studies, SUNY College

(a) (b) (c) (d)
of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY

Figure 32.6  Comparison of vessel elements and tracheids. (a) In tracheids, water passes from cell to cell through pits, which are thin areas
where cell walls overlap. (b, c) In vessel elements, water moves through pores, which may be simple or interrupted by bars. (d) The large openings
shown in this scanning electron micrograph of the wood of a red maple (Acer rubrum, a eudicot) are vessel elements (350×).

32–5 Plant Anatomy 359

Older leaf
Young leaf

Leaf base (node)

Axillary bud

© BiologyImaging.com
Figure 32.7  Shoot tip of Coleus, a eudicot. The apical meristem is the site of rapid cell division and primary growth. Young leaves are produced
at the tip of the shoot. Shoot tips, unlike root tips, are not covered by a cap (20×).

The Shoot Apex External Features of a Mature Woody Stem

Examine a living Coleus plant and note the arrangement of Examine the features of a dormant twig (fig. 32.8). A
leaves on the stem. Keeping this observation in mind, exam- ­terminal bud containing the apical meristem is at the stem
ine a prepared slide of a longitudinal section of a shoot tip tip and is surrounded by bud scales. Leaf scars from shed
of Coleus (fig. 32.7). The dome-shaped shoot apical meri- leaves occur at regularly spaced nodes along the length of
stem is not covered by a cap as was the root. The shoot api- the stem. The portions of stem between the nodes are called
cal meristem produces young leaves (leaf primordia) that internodes. Vascular bundle scars may be visible within
attach to the stem at a node. An axillary bud between the the leaf scars. Axillary buds protrude from the stem just
young leaf and the stem forms a branch or flower. ­distal to each leaf scar.
Search for clusters of bud scale scars. The distance
Question 6 between clusters or from a cluster to the terminal bud indi-
a. How does the absence of a cap at a shoot apex differ cates the length of yearly growth.
from the apical meristem of a root?

Primary Tissues of Stems

An epidermis covers the stem. The epidermis is coated with
a waxy, waterproof substance called cutin. Below the epider-
mis is the cortex, which stores food. The pith in the center
of the stem also stores food (fig. 32.9). In sunflower stems, the
cortex is not uniform. Rather, the three to four cell-layers of the
b. How would you explain this difference? cortex just below the epidermis are smaller, rectangular cells
with unevenly thickened cell walls. These are collenchyma
cells; they support elongating regions of the plant (fig. 32.10). In
stems, xylem and phloem are arranged in bundles (fig. 32.10).

Procedure 32.3  Examine the primary tissues

of stems
1. Examine a prepared slide of a cross section of a
c. Are all cells in the shoot apex the same size? Why is sunflower (Helianthus) or alfalfa (Medicago) stem
this significant? (fig. 32.9).
2. On the slide you are examining, locate a vascular bun-
dle. Sketch what you see.

360 EXERCISE 32 32–6

Vascular bundle

Terminal bud Phloem Fibers Xylem

Bundle scar Epidermis

Axillary bud

Node Leaf scar

Internode Pith

Petiole bud scale
(a) (b)
© BiologyImaging.com
Figure 32.8  A woody twig. (a) In summer. (b) The twig in its
dormant winter condition. Figure 32.9  Cross-sectional view of a stem of alfalfa
(Medicago sp.), a eudicot (10×). Note the ring of vascular bundles
surrounding the pith. A high-magnification view of a vascular bundle
from this stem is shown in figure 32.10.



Sclerenchyma fibers


© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 32.10  Cross section of a vascular bundle of a sunflower stem (485×). The sclerenchyma fibers support the stem and protect the
vascular tissue. The walls of fibers are much thicker than those of adjacent cells.

32–7 Plant Anatomy 361

Question 7 Question 8
a. What is the significance of a coating of cutin on the How does the arrangement of vascular bundles differ in
epidermis? stems of monocots as compared to eudicots?

Secondary Growth of Stems

b. How does the arrangement of xylem and phloem in
stems differ from that in roots? Between the xylem and phloem and each vascular bundle
in eudicot stems is a meristematic tissue called vascular
cambium. The vascular cambium is a secondary meristem
that produces secondary growth (i.e., growth in girth). The
vascular cambium is cylindrical and produces secondary
xylem to its inside and secondary phloem to its outside.

Question 9
How is secondary growth different from primary growth?
The darkly stained, thick-walled cells just outside the
phloem in figure 32.10 are sclerenchyma fibers, which
function in support. Sclerenchyma fibers, which can be
more than a meter long in hemp and jute, are used to make
linen, rope, and burlap.
The ring of vascular bundles in sunflower stems is
typical of eudicots, which are flowering plants with two
cotyledons (seed leaves; see Exercise 31). Examine a pre- Procedure 32.4  Examine secondary growth in
pared slide of a cross section of a corn stem (fig. 32.11). woody stems
Corn is a monocot (a flowering plant with only one coty- 1. Examine cross sections of 1-, 2-, and 3-year-old bass-
ledon). In the following space, sketch a cross section of a wood (Tilia) stems. The vascular cambium is a nar-
sunflower stem and a corn stem. Note the distribution of the row band of cells between the xylem and phloem
vascular bundles. (fig. 32.12).
2. Compare the structures of the three stems. The second-
ary xylem of older stems consists of concentric annual
rings made of alternating layers of large and small
cells. The large cells are formed in the spring, and the
smaller cells are produced in summer.
3. In the following space draw cross-sections of 1-, 2-,
and 3-year-old stems.
Ground tissue


Vascular bundles

© Ed Reschke
Figure 32.11  Cross section of a stem of corn (Zea mays), a
monocot (5×). Unlike in eudicots such as alfalfa (fig. 32.9), bundles
of vascular tissue in monocots occur throughout the ground tissue.
The stem is surrounded by an epidermis.

362 EXERCISE 32 32–8

Cork cells sloughing off



Primary phloem

Secondary phloem

Vascular cambium

Annual ring of
secondary xylem

Secondary xylem

© BiologyImaging.com
Figure 32.12  A cross section of a portion of a young linden (Tilia) stem showing secondary growth (330×). The vascular cambium produces
secondary xylem (wood) to the inside and secondary phloem to the outside. Note the annual rings in the secondary xylem. A close-up of a growth
ring from pine is shown in figure 32.13.

Question 10 d. Aside from conducting water and minerals, what is

a. How do you account for this seasonal production of another important function of secondary xylem?
different-sized cells?

4. Examine a prepared slide of a cross section of second-

b. What is the common name for secondary xylem? ary xylem of pine (Pinus) (fig. 32.13). In cone-bearing
plants such as pine, the conducting cells of xylem are
all tracheids. The absence of vessel elements gives
wood of these plants a relatively uniform appearance.
5. Now examine a prepared slide of a cross section of
secondary xylem of oak (Quercus), a flowering plant
c. What is “grain” in wood?
(fig. 32.14). Sketch what you see.

32–9 Plant Anatomy 363

© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com

Figure 32.13  The wood of gymnosperms (such as this pine) Figure 32.14  Unlike the xylem of gymnosperms, which contains
consists almost exclusively of tracheids. These water-conducting only tracheids, the xylem of angiosperms also contains vessel elements.
cells are relatively small and help to support the plant. Although These vessel elements are much wider than tracheids and appear in
water moves slower through tracheids than through vessel elements, this micrograph as large circles. Vessel elements are an adaptation for
tracheids are less likely to be disabled by air bubbles that form in increased rates of water flow in angiosperms (see fig. 32.6c) (40×).
response to freezing and wind-induced bending of branches. The
larger cells on the right side of this photo form during the wet days band of thin-walled cells located beneath the epidermis. The
of spring and are called spring wood; the smaller cells at the left cork cambium produces cork cells to the outside and cork
form during the drier days of summer and are called summer wood.
parenchyma to the inside. Cork cells stain red because of the
The change in density between spring and summer wood produces a
growth ring, which appears as “grain” in wood (280×). presence of suberin, a water-impermeable lipid.
Question 12
Question 11
Is the amount of cork similar in 1-, 2-, and 3-year-old stems?
a. What are the large cells in oak wood?
If not, how does it differ? Why is this important?

b. What is their function?

As the stem diameter continues to increase, the origi-

nal periderm ruptures and new periderms form in the under-
lying tissues. Tissues outside the new periderm die and form
c. Which type of wood do you think transports more
encrusting layers of bark.
water per unit area, pine or oak? Why?
Gas exchange through peridermal tissues occurs
through structures called lenticels (fig. 32.15). Examine a
prepared slide of a lenticel and locate lenticels on a mature
woody stem.

Bark Question 13
How does a lenticel differ from the remainder of the
Bark includes all tissues outside of the vascular cambium, ­periderm?
including the secondary phloem (fig. 32.12). When viewed
in cross section, secondary phloem consists of pyramidal
masses of thick- and thin-walled cells. The thin-walled cells
are the conducting cells.
The increase in stem circumference resulting from
activity of the vascular cambium eventually ruptures the epi-
dermis. The ruptured epidermis is replaced by a tissue called
the periderm that, like the epidermis, functions to mini- With few exceptions, most photosynthesis occurs in leaves,
mize water loss. Periderm consists of cork cells produced by although some may occur in green stems. Leaves typically
another secondary meristem called the cork cambium. consist of a blade and a petiole. The petiole attaches the leaf
Locate the cork cambium in cross sections of 1-, 2-, blade to the stem. Simple leaves have one blade connected
and 3-year-old basswood stems. The cork cambium is a to the petiole, whereas compound leaves have several

364 EXERCISE 32 32–10

Simple leaf



Compound pinnate leaf

Cork cambium
Figure 32.16  Simple and compound leaves.

The arrangement of leaves on a stem is called

phyllotaxis and characterizes individual plant species
(fig. 32.18). Opposite phyllotaxis refers to two leaves
per node located on opposite sides of the stem. Alternate
© BiologyImaging.com phyllotaxis refers to one leaf per node, with leaves appearing
first on one side of the stem and then on another. Whorled
Figure 32.15  A lenticel in a cross-section of part of a young phyllotaxis refers to more than two leaves per node. Examine
stem of elderberry (Sambucus). Gas exchange across the cork layer of
the stem occurs through lenticels (80×). the plants on display in the lab to determine their phyllotaxis.

leaflets sharing one petiole (fig. 32.16). Palmate leaflets of

a compound leaf arise from a central area, as your fingers
arise from your palm. Pinnate leaflets arise in rows along a What Good Is Bark?
central midline. Examine the simple and compound leaves
on display, and sketch a representative of each type of leaf. You’ve doubtless seen chips of bark used as garden mulch
that is spread around plants. Because bark cells (secondary
phloem and periderm) were once alive, they contain many
nutrients that are released into the soil as the bark decays.
However, sawdust (wood) has few nutrients in it and may
result in nitrogen deficiency due to rapid decomposition.
Consequently, sawdust is a poor mulch for plants.

Leaves are also classified according to their vena-

tion (i.e., arrangement of veins) (fig. 32.17). Parallel veins
­extend the entire length of the leaf with little or no cross- Tree Girdling
linking. Pinnately veined leaves have one major vein (i.e.,
a midrib) from which other veins branch. Palmately veined You’ve probably heard of “tree girdling,” which is the strip-
leaves have several veins each having branches. Veins of ping of a ring of bark from a branch. (In the wild, porcu-
vascular tissue in leaves are continuous with vascular bun- pines also girdle trees.) Girdling removes secondary phloem
dles in stems. from a tree, thereby leaving no pathway for photosynthate
Examine the leaves on display in the lab and deter- to move from the leaves to the roots. As a result, the shoot
mine their venation. Sketch a few of these leaves to show accumulates sugars and grows rapidly. The following spring
their venation. List the names of common leaves on dem- it is impossible to send sugars from the roots to the girdled
onstration and indicate whether each is simple, pinnately branch to renew growth. Thus, the branch or tree dies the
compound, or palmately compound. Also indicate whether year after it is girdled.
venation in each leaf is parallel, pinnate, or palmate.

32–11 Plant Anatomy 365

are spongy mesophyll cells with numerous intercellular
spaces. Examine and sketch a cross section of a corn leaf.


Palmate Question 14
a. What is the function of stomata?

Figure 32.17  Palmate, pinnate, and parallel venation of leaves.

b. Do epidermal cells of leaves have a cuticle? Why is

this important?

c. What is the significance of chloroplasts being concen-

trated near the upper surface of the Ligustrum leaf?

d. What are the functions of air spaces near the lower sur-
face of the leaf?

Alternate Whorled

Figure 32.18  Patterns of leaf arrangement (phyllotaxis).

e. How is the internal anatomy of a corn leaf different
from that of Ligustrum?

Internal Anatomy of a Leaf

Examine a cross section of a leaf of Ligustrum (privet)
(figs. 32.19 and 13.9). The leaf is only 10–15 cells thick—
pretty thin for a solar collector! The epidermis contains
pores called stomata, each surrounded by two guard f. How is it similar?
cells (you will study stomata again in the next exercise).
Just below the upper epidermis are closely packed cells
called palisade mesophyll cells; these cells contain
about 50 chloroplasts per cell. Below the palisade layers

366 EXERCISE 32 32–12


Air space

sheath cell
Guard cell


Figure 32.19  Ligustrum leaf, cross section. Most photosynthesis occurs in the densely packed palisade mesophyll cells, just beneath the upper
epidermis of the leaf. Gas exchange occurs through stomata, which are usually most abundant on the lower side of the leaf. Water loss is minimized
by the waxy cuticle that covers the leaf.

g. Based on the arrangement of vascular tissue, how h. If time permits, also examine prepared slides of leaves
could you distinguish the upper versus lower surfaces of corn (Zea mays, a monocot) and pine (Pinus, a gym-
of a leaf? nosperm). What differences are there in the structures
of these leaves? How do these structural differences
correlate with functional differences?

How Plants Sense and Respond to Light and Gravity
Observation: The ability of plant roots to grow downward and c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
shoots to grow upward is adaptive because it increases the record it.
plants’ chances of encountering water (by the roots) and light d. Outline on Worksheet 32 your experimental design and
(by the shoot). supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
Question: When the roots of a corn (Zea mays) seedling grow tor to review your proposed investigation.
downward, is this a negative response to light or a positive e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
response to gravity? question, and make relevant comments.
f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
Worksheet 32 from your instructor. needed.
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

32–13 Plant Anatomy 367

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. What is the function of xylem? Phloem? Vascular cambium? Epidermis?

2. What are the functions of stomata and lenticels? In what ways do these structures differ?

3. How is the internal anatomy of a stem different from that of a root?

4. How is primary growth different from secondary growth?

5. How is a leaf structurally adapted for its function?

6. Why does a stem typically contain more sclerenchyma and collenchyma than does a leaf?

7. An old friend tells you that 30 years ago she nailed a sign into a tree trunk at a height of 1 meter. She now says the sign
is 25 meters up in the tree. Should you believe her? ​Why or why not?

​8. Compare and contrast (a) ​monocot and dicot roots, and (b) monocot and dicot stems.


Choose a couple of defined environments nearby,
Would you expect to find annual rings in wood of a
such as a vacant field or riverside. Survey the variety
tropical dicot tree? Why or why not?
of leaf morphologies of the dominant plants. What can you
conclude about the predominance of monocots versus eudicots
in each environment?


Why is leaf abscission especially important for
temperate plants?

368 EXERCISE 32 32–14

Plant Physiology
BIOLOGY Exercise 33

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Describe the structure and function of stomata.
2. Describe how environmental conditions such as
wind and light influence stomatal opening.
3. Measure the transpiration rate of a plant.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

T o survive and reproduce, land plants must cope with

many environmental challenges. Among the biggest of
these problems are obtaining water and avoiding desiccation
(water loss). Solutions to these and other challenges require
expenditure of energy and an efficient structure and physi-
ology. Structural and functional solutions to problems such
as maintaining water balance are called adaptations, and
the study of these adaptations is among the most interesting Courtesy Noah Elhardt
aspects of biology (fig. 33.1). Figure 33.1  The droplets of water at the edges of these leaves
In this exercise, you will study the “water physiology” of a strawberry plant are formed by guttation. Guttation results from
of plants—how plants are adapted to control their water root pressure (i.e., a positive pressure in the xylem) common in small
content and evaporative loss. Before starting today’s exer- plants growing in moist soil on cool, damp mornings. Although most
water movement in plants results from evaporation of water from
cise, review in your textbook the structure and function of
leaves, guttation may be an important way of moving water in short,
xylem and stomata, and review how water moves through herbaceous plants.
plants (fig. 33.2).
The loss of water from plants is called transpiration. 4. Float the flower in the food color so that the partial cut
Most transpiration occurs through stomata of leaves. How- is submerged.
ever, transpiration also occurs in flowers. Demonstrate this 5. Set the beaker containing the flower and dye in an illu-
with the following procedure. minated area, and examine the flower after 2–3 h.
Procedure 33.1  Visualize transpiration in Question 1
flowers a. In which part of the flower is the dye located?
1. Obtain a small beaker containing a solution of food
color from your lab instructor at the beginning of your
laboratory period.
2. Working in groups of three or four, cut the stem of a
white flower such as periwinkle (Catharanthus) or car-
b. What do you conclude from this observation?
nation (Dianthus) so that the cut is about 0.5 cm from
the base of the flower. Do not cut all the way through
the stem.
3. Remove the remainder of the stem about 2.0 cm below
the partial cut.

33–1 Plant Physiology 369

• Water exits
CO2 and light through stomata

• Photosynthesis
H2 O which travel in


H2O Carbohydrates • Water goes up


• Carbohydrates
and water go
up and down

H2O • Water and
minerals enter
through roots

H2O and H2O and

minerals minerals


Xylem Phloem

Figure 33.2  Flow of materials in a plant. Water with dissolved minerals enters the plant through root hairs and moves upward through the
xylem of the vascular system. Most of this water is eventually lost through the leaves during transpiration. Dissolved minerals are used by plant
cells for metabolic reactions. Carbohydrates made during photosynthesis move throughout the plant in the phloem. These carbohydrates are either
stored or used as an energy source for metabolism and growth.

370 EXERCISE 33 33–2

PLANT–WATER RELATIONS guard cells touch each other and the stomatal pore closes
(fig. 33.4). Thus, the water status of a plant determines
Leaves of most plants have epidermal pores called stomata whether stomata are open or closed and indirectly deter-
(sing., stoma), formed by the separation of a pair of guard mines whether gases move in and out of the leaf.
cells (fig. 33.3). Together, the guard cells and the pore
between them form a stoma (plural, stomata).
In Exercise 13, you learned that CO2 is essential for STOMATAL STRUCTURE
photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide in the air reaches the pho-
tosynthetic cells of the leaf via stomata surrounded by Guard cells in dicots are bean-shaped and attached to each
guard cells. If enough water is available, guard cells absorb other at their ends. Microfibrils form transverse bands
water and become turgid. When guard cells are turgid they around the cell so that when water enters the cells they can-
expand and bend to form a stomatal pore through which CO2 not expand around the middle. Instead, they lengthen and
­enters  and water vapor exits a leaf. When water is scarce, bow apart, thereby opening the stomatal pore. Use procedure
guard cells lose their turgidity and shrink. As a result, 33.2 to examine living guard cells and how they respond to
changing environmental conditions.
Guard cells
Procedure 33.2  Stomatal structure
1. Remove part of a leaf from a well-watered Kalanchöe
or Zebrina plant that has been illuminated for 4–5 hours.
Bend the leaf until it snaps; then pull the surface portion
of the leaf away from the rest of the leaf in a slow
downward motion (your instructor will demonstrate
this technique). A thin sheet of transparent epidermis
Stoma will tear away from the leaf.
2. Quickly place the piece of epidermis in a few drops of
distilled water on a microscope slide (do not let the
tissue desiccate) and place a coverslip on the tissue.
Be careful not to trap any air bubbles beneath the
tissue or coverslip.
3. Examine the tissue with your microscope. Diagram the
epidermis and its stomata.
© Dr. Jeremy Burgess/Science source

Figure 33.3  A stoma in a leaf of a tobacco plant. Guard cells

change shape and, in doing so, open and close a pore. In dry conditions,
stomata close and minimize water loss (100×). Water passes out
through the stomata, and carbon dioxide enters by the same portals. The
mechanism of stomatal opening and closing is described in figure 33.4.

Open stoma: Closed stoma:

turgid guard cells flaccid guard cells

H 2O H2O H2O H2O

(a) Vacuole filled with water (b)

Figure 33.4  The opening and closing of stomata. (a) Two guard cells form each stoma on the surface of a leaf. When H+ ions are pumped
from guard cells, K+ and Cl− move into the guard cells. This increases the concentration of the solutes in the guard cells and causes water to diffuse
into the cells by osmosis. This influx of water causes the cells to swell and bow apart, thereby forming a pore and opening the stoma. Water
evaporates through these stomatal pores during transpiration. (b) When the solute pressure is low in the guard cells, water diffuses out, the guard
cells become limp, and the stomatal pore closes. A variety of environmental factors cause stomata to open and close.

33–3 Plant Physiology 371

4. Make a wet mount of epidermis from both sides of c. The guard cells of Kalanchöe and Zebrina are turgid
the leaf. and form a stomatal pore. How?
5. Place a few drops of 10% NaCl at one edge of the
coverslip covering the tissue.
6. Wick this solution under the coverslip by touching the
solution at the opposite edge of the coverslip with a
piece of paper towel.
7. Reexamine the stomata. Sketch what you see.

d. Are stomatal densities similar in Zea mays and

Kalanchöe and Zebrina?

8. Observe the demonstration of an epidermal peel of Zea

mays (corn), a monocot. Diagram cells of the epider-
mis of corn.
e. Are stomata of the two plants arranged in a pattern, or
do they occur randomly?

Question 2 f. How is the structure of individual stomata different in

a. Approximately how many stomata are in a mm2 of the Zea mays than in Kalanchöe and Zebrina?
lower surface area of Kalanchöe and Zebrina?

b. Are the densities of stomata similar on the upper and Question 3

lower surfaces of Kalanchöe and Zebrina? a. Did the NaCl solution cause stomata to close? Why or
why not?

372 EXERCISE 33 33–4

b. What is the advantage of closed stomata when water is 5. Lay the leaves flat on the table and use your thumb to
in short supply? gently press the hardened polish onto the leaf.
6. Peel the nail polish from the leaf by gently pulling
on a corner of the tape. The patch of nail polish is the
impression of the leaf surface that you will examine.
7. Tape your mold of the leaf surface to a clean micro-
scope slide (with the sticky side of the tape down). If
the mold doesn’t come off the leaf cleanly, use forceps
to remove the polish.
8. Examine the nail-polish mold with the high-power
c. What are the disadvantages?
objective of your light microscope. Search for areas
that are clean, intact, and in which you can see sto-
mata. Write the name of the plant and the leaf surface
(i.e., upper or lower) you are examining on the slide.
9. Count the number of stomata in at least three different
fields-of-view; then convert those numbers into sto-
matal densities (i.e., stomata mm−2; see Exercise 3).
Record your results here:
Name of plant
Procedure 33.3  Stomatal density in other Upper surface
Number of stomata
Unlike Kalanchöe and Zebrina, not all plants have an epidermis
per field of view
that can be removed easily from their leaves. We can exam-
ine the stomata of these plants by creating a mold of the Density (stomata mm−2)
epidermis made with nail polish.
Lower surface
Before starting this procedure, examine leaves on the
plants available in lab. For each plant, which surface of the Number of stomata
leaf—that is, the upper or lower surface—do you think will per field of view
have the most stomata? Which do you think will have the Density (stomata mm−2)
fewest? Why? Write your hypotheses here:
Question 4
What is the average density of stomata on the upper versus
lower surfaces of the leaf? Why is this significant?

Test your hypotheses by making molds of the surfaces

of the leaves, and then calculating the stomatal density of
each surface. Here’s how:
1. Obtain two leaves from a plant available in lab.
10. If other plants are available in lab (e.g., monocots
2. Paint a coating of clear nail polish onto the upper and versus eudicots, aquatic plants versus desert plants),
lower sides of the leaves. The polish should cover 1–2 cm2. formulate hypotheses about the abundance of stomata
on the upper and lower surfaces of their leaves. Write
Handle the nail polish carefully; it can be toxic if your hypotheses here:
ingested or inhaled.

3. Wait for the polish to dry completely. This will take

15–20 min. The dried polish is now a mold of the leaf
surface. 11. Test your hypotheses by making molds of the leaves’
4. When the polish has completely dried (i.e., it is no surfaces and calculating the density of stomata. Record
longer sticky), apply a piece of clear cellophane tape to your results here:
the patch of nail polish. (Do not use opaque tapes such
as Scotch matte-finish “Magic” tape; instead, use clear
carton-sealing tape.)

33–5 Plant Physiology 373


Figure 33.5  Method of cutting submerged stems. Cutting the stem underwater avoids introducing air into the vascular tissue.

H2O movement
during transpiration

Pipet with graduations

Figure 33.6  Experimental setup for measuring transpiration. As water is transpired from the leaves, the water moves through the pipet.

TABLE 33.1 Question 5

What do you conclude about the density of stomata in the
TRANSPIRATION different types of plants you examined? For example, how
Transpiration Rate
did the density of stomata vary on the upper versus lower
Condition (mL H2O h−1) epidermis of the plants you examined?

Control (standard illumination)

Darkness or reduced light

Light; mild breeze (created by a small fan)

Dark; mild breeze
Transpiration is the loss of water from plants; it is strongly
Light; leaves coated with petroleum jelly
influenced by environmental conditions such as the levels of
Light; all leaves removed CO2, light, wind, and humidity. Use procedure 33.4 to quan-
tify the effects of light and wind on transpiration.

374 EXERCISE 33 33–6

Procedure 33.4  Quantify transpiration Question 6
State your conclusion about the influence of light, dark,
1. Obtain a sunflower (Helianthus) plant from your
breeze, clogged stomata, and removed leaves on water
lab instructor. If sunflower plants are not available,
movement in plants.
use the pine branches or other stems available in
the lab. Light:
2. Submerge the stem in water and obliquely cut the stem
with a sharp scalpel (fig. 33.5).
3. While it is still submerged in water, attach the severed
stem to a water-filled tube connected to a 1.0-mL pipet
as shown in figure 33.6. Keep the pipet in a horizontal
position. Be sure that no air bubbles are in the system Dark:
and that no water is on the leaves.
4. Place the stem in an illuminated area. Transpira-
tion will move water through the pipet regardless of
whether the stem is vertical or horizontal.
5. Allow about 10 min for the rate of water movement in Breeze:
the pipet to stabilize. Note the position of the meniscus
in the pipet.
6. Allow transpiration to occur for 15 min.
7. Determine and record the volume of water (mL)
transpired by observing the distance that the meniscus
moved. Clogged stomata:
8. Multiply this value by 4 to convert to mL per hour.
Record this rate of transpiration in table 33.1 as the
control value.
9. Continue to determine the transpiration rate under the
conditions in the order listed in table 33.1.
10. If data from other groups are available, determine the Removed leaves:
mean transpiration rates for each condition and record
them next to your group’s values.

Rates of Transpiration in Different Species of Plants
Observation: In this lab you measured the rates of transpira- c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
tion through individual parts of plants. All plants transpire, and record it.
their rates of transpiration are influenced by the environments d. Outline on Worksheet 33 your experimental design and
in which they grow. supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
Question: Do transpiration rates vary among different species tor to review your proposed investigation.
of plants? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 33 from your instructor. tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant needed.
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

33–7 Plant Physiology 375

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. What structural features of plants minimize water loss?

2. Why was it important in today’s exercise to sever the stems while they were submerged in water?

​3. What adaptations help plants conserve water?


Assume that a maple tree in your front yard has WRITING TO LEARN BIOLOGY
100,000 leaves, each having an average area of 35 cm2. Describe any adaptations that would improve
If the transpiration rate of each leaf is 0.05 mL H2O h−1 cm−2 leaf water economy in plants. In which environments
area, how many liters of water move through the plant in a day? might you expect to find the adaptations you described?

376 EXERCISE 33 33–8

Plant Physiology
Exercise 34
Tropisms, Nutrition, and Growth Regulators

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Define the terms phototropism and gravitropism.
2. Describe symptoms of mineral deficiency in plants.
3. Explain how the quality and quantity of light ­affect
seed germination.
4. Explain the modes of action of auxin and
­gibberellic acid.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

P lants respond to a variety of environmental stimuli such

as light and gravity, and require several nutrients such
as calcium and potassium. Plant growth and development
are controlled by internal chemical signals called growth
regulators. Auxin and gibberellic acid are examples of
growth regulators in plants.
In this exercise, you will study a variety of common
physiological responses of plants. Throughout this exer-
cise, remember that each of these responses are adapta-
tions for the survival and reproduction of plants in varied

© Gaertner/Alamy
A tropism is a movement in response to an external stimulus.
The direction of movement is determined by the direction of Figure 34.1  Sunflowers (Helianthus annus) get their common
name because the flowers of some varieties track the sun across the
the most intense stimulus. Two tropisms you will study in sky, much like radiotelescopes track satellites. This “solar tracking”
today’s exercise are phototropism, which is directed growth by sunflowers and other plants (e.g., cotton, alfalfa, beans) helps the
in response to light (fig. 34.1), and gravitropism, which is plants regulate the amount of light that they absorb. Desert plants such
directed growth in response to gravity (fig. 34.2). as the “compass plant” use phototropism to orient their leaves parallel
to the sun’s rays and minimize the amount of light that they absorb;
this prevents overheating and desiccation. Other plants orient their
Phototropism leaves perpendicular to the sun’s rays to maximize the amount of light
absorbed for photosynthesis.
Procedure 34.1  Observe phototropism
1. Obtain from your instructor six 10- to 14-day-old 2. At the beginning of the lab period, place your seedlings
radish (Raphanus) seedlings. These seeds have been approximately 25 cm from a 100-watt light so that
grown in diffuse, overhead light. light strikes the shoots at a right angle.

34–1 Plant Physiology 377

TABLE 34.1





© Kingsley Stern
Figure 34.2  Negative gravitropism by a stem of Coleus. This
plant was placed on its side 24 hours before this picture was taken.
The stems have curved away from the pull of gravity.

3. Use a protractor to measure curvature of the seedlings

every 30 min for 2 h.
4. Record your results in table 34.1.

Question 1
a. In which direction did the seedlings curve?

(a) © BioPhot

b. Is this curvature positive or negative phototropism?

c. What is the adaptive significance of phototropism?

d. Would you expect roots to react similarly to light? Why

or why not? 25 mm
© BioPhot
Figure 34.3  Perception of gravity in root caps. (a) Cells in
the center of a root cap contain numerous starch-laden amyloplasts
located in the lower part of the cells (5×). (b) Amyloplasts (arrows)
sediment to the bottom of the cell when roots are oriented horizontally
(280×). This sedimentation of amyloplasts has long been thought to
be the basis for how roots perceive gravity (upper photo) (see fig. 34.4).
Gravitropism To see a higher-magnification view of the root tip and root cap,
see figures 32.2b and 32.3.
Plants may perceive gravity by the movement of ­­starch-laden
amyloplasts within cells (fig. 34.3). Growing corn roots
show their response to gravity by curving down (fig. 34.4). horizontally, whereas those labeled “D” had their root point-
Yesterday, your instructor placed Zea mays (corn) ing down. The terminal 3–4 mm was removed from the
seedlings having roots a­ pproximately 1 cm long in a glass roots of seedlings labeled with an asterisk (*), whereas the
beaker. Seedlings labeled “H” had their root oriented other seedlings were not cut.

378 EXERCISE 34 34–2

TABLE 34.2

Intact roots oriented vertically (V)

Intact roots oriented horizontally (H)

Detipped roots oriented vertically (V*)

(a) © Professor Malcolm B. Wilkins, Detipped roots oriented horizontally (H*)

Botany Dept., Glasgow University

e. Are roots positively or negatively gravitropic?

f. What is the adaptive significance of gravitropism?

(b) © Professor Malcolm B. Wilkins,

Botany Dept., Glasgow University

Figure 34.4  Gravitropism by horizontally oriented roots of corn.

Downward curvature (a) begins within 30 min and (b) is completed
within a few hours. Curvature results from faster elongation of the
upper side of the root than of the lower side.
Procedure 34.3  Examine stem gravitropism
1. Obtain three containers of tomato plants (Lycopersi-
con) or sunflower (Helianthus) plants.
Procedure 34.2  Observe root gravitropism 2. Turn the potted plants horizontally.
1. Obtain the containers of corn seedlings oriented hori- 3. Measure the distance from the stem tip to the table’s
zontally and vertically. surface. Record your measurements in table 34.3.
2. Examine the experimental setup and the direction of 4. Every 30 min remeasure the distance between the stem
root growth. tips and table, and record your results.
3. Record your observations in table 34.2. 5. Some of the plants available in the lab were turned
Question 2 horizontally and inverted yesterday; others were left
a. Which roots grew down? upright.
6. Examine stem curvature after 24 h and record your
observation in table 34.3.
7. Make a simple sketch of the seedling stem curvatures
after 24 h.
b. Which one(s) didn’t?
Question 3
a. How are the stems oriented after 24 h?

c. What do you conclude from these observations?

b. What is the adaptive advantage of a gravitropic

d. Where in roots does the differential growth occur that
produces gravitropism?

34–3 Plant Physiology 379

TABLE 34.3 Pd
Biological response:

Horizontal—Time 0 min
Horizontal—Time 30 min Pfr

Horizontal—Time 60 min
Far-red light Red light Long period
Horizontal—Time 90 min (730 nm) (660 nm) of darkness
Horizontal—Time 120 min

Inverted—Time 24 hours Observation:



Figure 34.5  How phytochrome works. Phytochrome is

SEED GERMINATION synthesized in the Pr form from amino acids, designated Pp for
phytochrome precursor. When exposed to red light, Pr changes to
Several environmental factors affect seed germination. For Pfr, which is the active form that elicits a response in plants. Pfr is
converted to Pr when exposed to far-red light, and it also converts to Pr
example, seeds of many plants germinate only in response
or is destroyed in darkness. The destruction product is designated Pd.
to certain types of light. The pigment that absorbs light
affecting seed germination (and several other developmen-
tal responses) is phytochrome. Phytochrome alternates 3. Cover the petri dishes with lids and expose the seeds to
between two forms, depending on the light it has absorbed. the following treatments:
Phytochrome is activated by red light (660 nm) and inacti- Treatment 1: Continuous darkness (wrap the dish in
vated by far-red light (730 nm) and/or darkness (fig. 34.5). metal foil)
The activation and deactivation reactions are reversible,
Treatment 2: Continuous light
and the ultimate physiological effect induced by the phyto-
chrome depends on which wavelengths were absorbed last. Treatment 3: Red light for 10 min, then darkness
More than 50 different developmental processes are affected Treatment 4: Far-red light for 10 min, then darkness
by phytochrome absorption of red and far-red light. Treatment 5: Red light for 10 min, followed by far-red
Grand Rapids lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa) are light for 10 min, then darkness
excellent models for examining the effects of light on ger- Treatment 6: Red light for 10 min, far-red light for
mination because they are sensitive to light and germinate 10 min, red light for 10 min, then darkness
quickly. The seeds are dormant when they are first shed, and 4. During your next laboratory period determine the per-
germination is poor even with adequate oxygen and heat. centage of germination resulting from each treatment.
Dormancy is broken by light absorption by phytochrome.
5. Record your results in table 34.4.
The phytochrome usually exists in the red-absorbing form.
Activation (absorption of red light) causes increased water Question 4
absorption by the radicle cells, and the radicle grows and What do you conclude about the influence of light on germi-
elongates. Germination begins. nation of lettuce seeds?
Procedure 34.4  Observe germination of
lettuce seeds
1. Obtain about 300 Grand Rapids lettuce seeds from
your laboratory instructor.
2. Working in small groups, place 50 seeds in each of six
petri dishes containing water-soaked filter paper.

380 EXERCISE 34 34–4

TABLE 34.4 c. How could seed germination be influenced by depth of
planting? How might phytochrome be involved in such

1. Dark

2. Constant room light

3. Red light, then dark

4. Far-red light, then dark PLANT GROWTH IS AFFECTED BY LIGHT

5. Red light, followed by far-red Many seeds germinate in the dark and push their stems
light, then dark
above the soil to receive light. If the seedlings do not
6. Red light, far-red light, red receive light they grow abnormally; the leaves grow lon-
light, then dark ger and the plant appears pale and spindly. Such a plant is
etiolated. Chlorophyll does not develop until the plant is
exposed to light. Activation of phytochrome helps promote
TABLE 34.5 normal growth. Use procedure 34.6 to observe etiolation.
AND DARK Procedure 34.6  Examine etiolation
TREATMENT PERCENTAGE GERMINATION 1. Obtain two groups of bean (Phaseolus) seedlings. They
were planted 10–14 days ago, with one group being
Room light grown in the dark and one group in light.
Dark 2. Complete the first two lines of table 34.6 with your
3. After completing and recording your observations,
reverse the two treatments and examine the plants dur-
Germinating seeds of different plants often respond differ-
ing your next lab period.
ently to light. Germination of onion seeds, for example, is
affected by light versus dark. Determine their sensitivity 4. Complete the last two lines of table 34.6 with your
with procedure 34.5. final observations.

Question 6
Procedure 34.5  Observe germination of a. How did the seedlings manage to grow at all while in
onion seeds the dark?
1. Divide 50 onion seeds, placing 25 in each of two petri
dishes containing water-soaked filter paper.
2. Put lids on the petri dishes and label the lids “light”
and “dark.” Place one petri dish in room light and the
other dish in darkness. b. Did etiolation include stem elongation?
3. Examine the seeds during your next lab period and
record the percentage germination in table 34.5.

Question 5
a. Does light promote or inhibit germination of
c. What is the advantage of rapid stem elongation in a
onion seeds?
seed germinating in the dark?

b. Is this response different from that of lettuce?

Growth of green plants requires suitable temperature and
adequate amounts of carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, light,
and a group of essential elements. Carbon, hydrogen, and

34–5 Plant Physiology 381

TABLE 34.6



Light then dark

Dark then light

TABLE 34.7

Ca(NO3)2 ⋅ 4H2O 1.18 H3BO3 0.60

KNO3 0.51 MnCl2 ⋅ 4H2O 0.40
MgSO4 ⋅ 7H2O 0.49 ZnSO4 0.05
KH2PO4 0.14 CuSO4 ⋅ 5H2O 0.05
H2Mo4 ⋅ 4H2O 0.02
Ferric tartrate 0.50

oxygen compose 98% of the fresh weight of plants. The were transferred to a variety of growth media. Control plants
remaining 2% is composed of 13 other elements classified were watered with a solution containing all essential nutri-
either as macronutrients or micronutrients: ents. Hoagland’s Solution is a common mixture of nutrients
used to provide for healthy growth (table 34.7). Your control
∙ Macronutrients are nutrients needed in relatively large
plants were watered with a solution similar to Hoagland’s.
amounts (100–2000 ppm).1 Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P),
Other groups of seedlings were watered with solutions
calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur
deficient in an essential element. Follow procedure 34.7 to
(S) are macronutrients.
observe the effects of nutrient deficiency.
∙ Micronutrients are nutrients needed in relatively small
amounts (<100 ppm). Iron (Fe), chlorine (Cl), copper Procedure 34.7  Examine plants with symptoms
(Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), molybdenum (Mo), and of nutrient deficiency
boron (B) are examples of micronutrients. 1. Examine the plants on demonstration that have been
Although plants need more macronutrients than micronutri- grown for their first month in nutrient solutions lacking
ents, all are essential for plant growth. The absence of any Ca, N, P, Mg, K, S, and Fe.
essential micronutrient or macronutrient will ultimately kill 2. Record the symptoms for deficiency of each nutrient
a plant. Before your lab period, seeds were germinated in in table 34.8. Do not refer to table 34.9 until you have
distilled water and washed sand. Then the young seedlings completed your observations.
3. After examining all the seedlings, refer to table 34.9
One part per million (ppm) equals one second in 277 hours (11.5 days) and
and determine which deficiencies are most obvious and
one drop in 50 liters (13.2 gallons). easily diagnosed.

382 EXERCISE 34 34–6

TABLE 34.8

Complete (containing all required minerals)

Complete solution minus Ca

Complete solution minus N

Complete solution minus P

Complete solution minus Mg

Complete solution minus K

Complete solution minus S

Complete solution minus Fe

TABLE 34.9

Calcium (Ca) Component in pectin compounds of middle Deficiency may cause ion uptake imbalance, particularly
lamella. Present in organic acids bound to with magnesium. Young leaves are affected first. Tips and
proteins. Plays a role in nitrogen metabolism margins of leaves become light green and later necrotic.
and membrane integrity. Tips of leaves become limp. Terminal bud often dies.

Iron (Fe) Electrons transported in cytochromes. Effects localized on new leaves. Leaves chlorotic.
Veins remain green.

Magnesium (Mg) Constituent of chlorophyll. Important cofactor Older leaves become chlorotic between the veins at
for enzymes in respiration and in phosphate the tips and margins. Usually not characterized by
metabolism. necrotic spots. Root system frequently overdeveloped.
Leaf margins may cup upward.

Nitrogen (N) Major component of amides, amino acids, and Leaves often more erect. Stem and leaves stunted with
proteins. Present in membranes, organelles, excess root development. Foliage, especially older
and the cell wall. Balance of carbohydrates and leaves, chlorotic. Unable to flower.
nitrogenous substances necessary.

Phosphorus (P) Constituent of phospholipids, nucleic acids, and Small plants, narrow leaves, root system larger but
nucleoproteins. Important in respiration and fewer laterals. Accumulation of sugars in older leaves
energy transfer. promotes the synthesis of purple anthocyanin pigments.
Stiff but weak stems and leaves. Older leaves yellowed.
Other leaves dark green.

Potassium (K) Not known to be structurally part of organic Internodes short; stems weak. Localized chlorotic or
compounds. Role is likely catalytic and molting of older leaves, particularly at the tips and
regulatory. Needed to activate several margins. Later stages may have necrotic mottling.
enzyme systems. Leaf margins frequently curled under.

Sulfur (S) Component of proteins. Component of iron-sulfur Younger leaves light green. Veins lighter than
proteins of the electron transport system. intervein area.

34–7 Plant Physiology 383

How would you “cure” a plant suffering from these defi-
ciency symptoms? Plant growth and development are controlled by internal
chemical signals called growth regulators. In this exer-
cise you will study some common physiological responses
of plants to growth regulators such as auxin and gibberellic
acid (fig. 34.6). Remember that each of the plant responses
is part of an overall design for survival and reproduction in
varied environments.
Commercial Fertilizers
Indoleacetic Acid (IAA)
Commercial fertilizer contains three primary nutrients:
Indoleacetic acid (IAA), also known as auxin, is the best-
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It may also contain
known growth regulator in plants. It is produced by shoot
other macronutrients and/or micronutrients. Examine the
tips and dramatically affects cell growth (fig. 34.7). Auxin
bag of fertilizer in the lab—its contents are described by
also inhibits development of axillary buds. That is, IAA pro-
three numbers on the bag’s label. For example, a bag labeled
motes apical dominance.
“10–12–8” is 10% nitrogen (as ammonium or nitrate), 12%
phosphorus (as phosphoric acid), and 8% potassium (as min-
eral potash).


Where Produced
Hormone Major Functions or Found in Plant

Auxin (IAA) CH2 COOH Promotion of stem elongation Apical meristems; other
and growth; formation of immature parts of plants
adventitious roots; inhibition of
N leaf abscission; promotion of cell
division (with cytokinins);
H inducement of ethylene production;
promotion of lateral bud dormancy

Cytokinins O CH2 NH Stimulation of cell division, Root apical meristems;

N but only in the presence of immature fruits
 N auxin; promotion of chloroplast
development; delay of leaf aging;
promotion of bud formation

Gibberellins O Promotion of stem elongation; Roots and shoot tips; young

stimulation of enzyme production leaves; seeds
C O in germinating seeds

Ethylene H H Control of leaf, flower, and Roots, shoot apical meristems;

C C fruit abscission; promotion leaf nodes; aging flowers;
of fruit ripening ripening fruits

Abscisic acid CH3 CH3 Inhibition of bud growth; Leaves, fruits, root caps, seeds
control of stomatal closure;
OH some control of seed dormancy;
inhibition of effects of other
COOH hormones

Figure 34.6  Functions of the major plant hormones.

384 EXERCISE 34 34–8

Auxin in tip
of seedling



Auxin diffuses
Light-grown seedling into agar block Dark-grown seedlings
1. Went removed the tips of 2. Blocks of agar were then placed 3. The seedlings bent
oat seedlings and put off-center on the ends of other away from the side
them on agar, an inert, oat seedlings from which the on which the agar
gelatinous substance. tips had been removed. block was placed.

Figure 34.7  Went’s demonstration of how auxin affects plant growth. Frits Went, a Dutch plant physiologist, discovered how auxin controls
plant growth. Went concluded that auxin promoted cell elongation and that it accumulated on the side of a grass seedling bent away from the light.

TABLE 34.10

Control (no treatment)

Shoot tip removed

Shoot tip removed and the cut surface

coated with 1% IAA in lanolin

Shoot tip removed and the cut surface

coated with lanolin alone

Procedure 34.8  Examine the effects of auxin b. Why was it necessary to apply only lanolin to one plant?
1. Examine the Zea or Coleus plants subjected to the
treatments described in table 34.10.
2. Record your observations in table 34.10.

Question 8
a. What is the effect of replacing the shoot tip with IAA?
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is a synthetic auxin
used frequently in agriculture as a herbicide. 2,4-D is one of
the most widely used herbicides in the world; it kills weeds in
grass lawns by selectively eliminating broad-leaved dicots.

34–9 Plant Physiology 385

TABLE 34.11



Procedure 34.9  Examine the effects of 2,4-D Question 9

Which plants were affected most by the herbicide?

Be careful when handling 2,4-D; it can be especially

irritating to your eyes.

1. Examine plants treated 2 weeks ago with 2,4-D. The

pots originally contained a mixture of monocots (e.g., Gibberellic Acid (GA)
corn, oats) and dicots (e.g., peas, beans).
Dwarfism often results from a plant’s inability to synthesize
2. Record your observations in table 34.11. active forms of gibberellic acid (GA), another plant growth
regulator. Gibberellic acid mobilizes enzymes during seed
germination, promotes stem elongation, and is used com-
mercially to increase the production of grapes (fig. 34.8).


© Amnon Lichter, The Volcani Center

Figure 34.8  Gibberellins affect several aspects of plant growth and development. (a) Gibberellic
acid stimulates cell elongation in cabbage. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea), a biennial native to the
seacoast of Europe, will “bolt” when the heads are treated with gibberellin. (b) Applying gibberellic
acid increases the space between grapes. As a result, larger grapes (right) develop because more
(a) © Science Source
space between grapes allows them to grow larger.

386 EXERCISE 34 34–10

TABLE 34.12

Normal, untreated

Dwarf, untreated

Normal, treated with GA

Dwarf, treated with GA

Procedure 34.10  Examine effects of Question 10

gibberellic acid a. What is the effect of GA on dwarfism?
1. Examine four trays of bean or corn plants treated in the
following ways:
Tray 1: Normal plants—untreated
Tray 2: Dwarf plants—untreated
Tray 3: Normal plants—treated with two or three b. Did applying GA to normal plants have any effect? If
drops of GA on alternate days for two weeks so, what?
Tray 4: Dwarf plants—treated with two or three drops
of GA on alternate days for two weeks
2. Record your observations in table 34.12.

Influence of Environmental Stimuli on Seed Germination
Observation: Seed germination is cued to a variety of environ- c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
mental stimuli. Some of these stimuli are seasonal. record it.
Question: Is seed germination of tropical species of plants d. Outline on Worksheet 34 your experimental design and
more sensitive to light than seed germination of temperate supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
species? tor to review your proposed investigation.
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation question, and make relevant comments.
Worksheet 34 from your instructor. f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and needed.
record your group’s best question for investigation.

34–11 Plant Physiology 387

Questions for Further Thought and Study
1. How are phototropism and gravitropism similar? How are they different?

2. What is the adaptive significance of seed germination being influenced by environmental conditions such as light
and water?

3. What comprises commercial “plant food”?

4. What are some commercial uses for plant growth-regulating substances?

​5. Some seeds must pass through the digestive tract of an animal before they can germinate. What is the adaptive signifi-
cance of this feature?


Design an experiment to determine whether seed Describe the characteristics of plants you would
germination by tropical species of plants is more choose to culture were you to travel in space. Base
sensitive to light than that by temperate species. your choices on nutrient requirements, phototropic s­ ensitivity,
and gravitropic sensitivity.

388 EXERCISE 34 34–12

Exercise 35
Measuring Physiologically Active Substances

cuttings, ­inhibit the preharvest dropping of fruit, produce

Learning Objectives seedless ­ cucumbers, and inhibit the sprouting of lateral
buds (“eyes”) on Irish potatoes. Similarly, gibberellic acid
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
is used by Hawaiian sugarcane growers to improve yields,
1. Explain the concept of a bioassay.
by California growers of “Thompson seedless” grapes to
2. Construct a dose-response curve.
produce larger grapes, and by brewers to stimulate the ger-
3. Use a bioassay to estimate the concentration of a
mination of barley seeds for the production of alcoholic
physiologically active substance.
beverages. These germinated barley seedlings are called
malt; their germination involves the conversion of starch to
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online sugars, which are later converted to ethanol during anaero-
resources tailored to this lab. bic fermentation.
In this lab, you will assay (i.e., measure) the effect
of auxin on the curvature of split stems, the effect of 2,4-D

B ioassay is a method used by biologists to determine

the  concentration (or the relative concentration) of
a  physiologically active substance. This technique typi-
on root elongation, and the effect of gibberellic acid on
­enlargement of radish cotyledons. All of these bioassays
will be done at a constant pH. This will stabilize the reactivi-
cally measures a ­sub­stance’s biological activity rather than ties and potency of the chemicals.
its concentration—the substance’s concentration is later
­determined by comparing the magnitude of this biological
activity to the activities elicited by a series of known con-
centrations of the substance. The unknown substance can be
any type of chemical, such as a nutrient, herbicide, pesticide, You will measure how much a stem curves in response to
vitamin, or pollutant. known concentrations of auxin (see fig. 34.6). Using these
Sometimes a bioassay is used to estimate the concen- raw data you will construct a standard curve (graph) show-
tration of a substance; other times a bioassay is used to mea- ing the relationship between known concentrations of auxin
sure the effect of an unknown substance or mixture relative and the degree of curvature of a stem. You will then bioas-
to that of a particular concentration of a known substance. say a solution of auxin of unknown concentration by mea-
For example, if a leaf extract inhibits seed germination, then suring its effect on stem curvature. Using the standard curve
the “full-strength” extract could be described in terms of you can graphically determine the unknown concentration
its having an effect equivalent to that of a specific concen- of auxin based on the amount of curvature induced by the
tration of a known germination-inhibitor. Finally, a bioas- unknown solution.
say could also be useful in cases where an effect cannot be
quantified, but only described qualitatively. For example, SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked
a bioassay could be used to determine whether soil is con- to read this exercise so you would know what to do and
taminated with certain substances by planting certain types be aware of safety issues. In the space below, briefly list
of seeds and checking the seedlings for certain symptoms. the safety issues associated with today’s procedures.
In the following procedures you will bioassay for If you have questions about these issues, contact your
the level of activity of three plant growth regulators: auxin, laboratory assistant before starting work.
2,4-D, and gibberellic acid. Each of these growth regula-
tors has important uses. For example, synthetic auxins such
as 2,4-D are used extensively as herbicides because they
are ­inexpensive, relatively nontoxic to humans, and selec- Procedure 35.1  Bioassay auxin
tively kill (by causing excessive growth) many broadleaf 1. Working in a group of three to five students, obtain
weeds. These compounds are also used to produce roots on a tray of dark-grown pea seedlings 8 to 10 days old.

35–1 Bioassay 389
2. Locate the third internode. Cut 35 uniform sections Question 1
from the seedlings (one per seedling) each 3 cm long. a. What are your conclusions?
The cuts should be made just below the internode.
3. Use a razor blade to split 3/4 of the length of each stem
4. Soak the split stems in distilled water for 20–30 min
to remove some of the endogenous, or naturally occur-
ring, auxin. b. According to your data, what is the approximate con-
centration of auxin in the unknown solution?
5. Label each of seven petri plates to receive auxin at one
of the concentrations listed in table 35.1. Add to each
petri dish 20 mL of the appropriate solution listed in
table 35.1. Each solution has been adjusted to pH 5.9
with 10 mM phosphate buffer.
6. Place five split stems in each of the seven petri dishes. c. How does auxin affect curvature of stems?
7. Incubate the soaking sections at room temperature in
the dark.
8. Examine the stems after 24 h.
9. Use a protractor to measure the curvature for each
stem for each treatment and record your data in
table 35.1. Calculate and record the mean curvature d. What is the relationship between auxin concentration
for each treatment. and stem curvature?
10. Plot the mean curvature (degrees) versus the log10 of
the known concentrations of auxin on one of the sheets
of graph paper at the end of this exercise. The resulting
graph is known as a dose-response curve.
1 1. Determine the unknown concentration of auxin by
first locating the mean curvature value of the unknown
treatment on the y-axis of your standard curve. Draw a BIOASSAY FOR 2,4-D
straight line from this point parallel to the x-axis until
the line intersects the standard curve. Draw a line from You will measure the effect of 2,4-D on elongation of
this intersection straight down until it intersects the cucumber roots. You’ll then bioassay a solution of 2,4-D of
x-axis. This point on the x-axis marks the concentration ­unknown concentration by comparing its effect on root elon-
of the unknown solution. gation with that induced by known concentrations of 2,4-D.
1 2. Record the concentration of the unknown solution in
table 35.1. Be careful when handling 2,4-D; it can be especially
irritating to your eyes.

TABLE 35.1

Buffer alone —  ​   ​   ​
 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
0.0001 mM auxin −4  ​   ​   ​

0.001 mM auxin −3  ​   ​   ​ ​

0.01 mM auxin −2  ​   ​   ​

0.1 mM auxin −1 ​  ​   ​   ​

10 mM auxin 1 ​  ​   ​   ​

Unknown  ​   ​   ​

390 EXERCISE 35 35–2

TABLE 35.2 TABLE 35.3
Buffer alone —

0.001 mg/L −3 Buffer alone —

0.01 mg/L −2 0.001 mg/L −3

0.1 mg/L −1 0.01 mg/L −2

1 mg/L 0 0.1 mg/L −1

10 mg/L 1 1 mg/L 0

Unknown 10 mg/L 1


Procedure 35.2  Bioassay 2,4-D

1. Working in a group of three to five students, label each BIOASSAY FOR GIBBERELLIC ACID
of seven petri plates to receive 2,4-D at one of the con-
You will measure the effect of gibberellic acid on enlarge-
centrations listed in table 35.2.
ment of radish cotyledons (see figs. 34.6 and 34.8). You’ll
2. Place several pieces of sterile filter paper into each then bioassay a solution of gibberellic acid of unknown
petri dish. concentration by comparing its effect on cotyledon enlarge-
3. Add to each petri dish 10 mL of the appropriate ment with that induced by known concentrations of gibber-
solution listed in table 35.2. Each solution has been ellic acid.
adjusted to pH 5.9 with 10 mM phosphate buffer.
4. Place 20 cucumber seeds in each petri dish and store Procedure 35.3  Bioassay gibberellic acid
each dish in the dark. 1. Working in a group of three to five students, obtain a
5. After 5 days, measure the length of the primary root flat of dark-grown radish seedlings that are approxi-
of each seedling. Calculate and record the mean length mately 1.5 days old.
for roots in each treatment in table 35.2. 2. Label each of seven petri plates to receive gibberellic
6. Plot the mean root length versus the log10 of the known acid at one of the concentrations listed in table 35.3.
concentrations of 2,4-D on one of the sheets of graph 3. Add to each petri dish 5 mL of the appropriate solution
paper at the end of this exercise. listed in table 35.3. Each solution has been adjusted to
7. Determine the unknown concentration of 2,4-D in pH 5.9 with 10 mM phosphate buffer.
a manner similar to that described in step 11 of proce- 4. Excise the smaller cotyledon and all of the hypocotyl
dure 35.1 for auxin bioassay. Record the concentration (the portion of seedling between the cotyledon and
of the unknown solution in table 35.2. root) from 105 seedlings.
Question 2 5. Place pads of sterile filter paper in each of seven petri
a. What are your conclusions? dishes. Moisten the filter paper with distilled water.
6. Place 15 excised cotyledons on the moistened filter
paper in each petri dish. Use cotyledons having similar
sizes in all treatments.
7. Place the dishes in a humid environment (e.g., inside a
plastic bag) under a constant fluorescent light.
b. According to your data, what is the approximate con- 8. After 3 days, weigh the cotyledons to the nearest mil-
centration of 2,4-D in the unknown solution? ligram and calculate the mean weight of a cotyledon in
each of the treatments. Record these mean weights in
table 35.3.
9. Plot the mean weight of the cotyledons versus the log10
of the known concentrations of gibberellic acid on one of
the sheets of graph paper at the end of this exercise.

35–3 Bioassay 391
10. Determine the unknown concentration of gibberellic b. According to your data, what is the approximate con-
acid in a manner similar to that described in step 11 of centration of gibberellic acid in the unknown solution?
procedure 35.1 for auxin bioassay. Record the concen-
tration of the unknown solution in table 35.3.

Question 3
a. What are your conclusions?

Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Plant Tissues and Organs
Observation: Plant growth regulators such as gibberellic acid c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
and auxin have a wide variety of effects on plant growth and record it.
development. In some instances, these effects are not the same d. Outline on Worksheet 35 your experimental design and
on roots and shoots of plants. supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
Question: How do plant growth regulators affect the growth of tor to review your proposed investigation.
growing plants? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 35 from your instructor. tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant needed.
to the preceding observation and question. Choose and
record your group’s best question for investigation.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. How could you use a bioassay to study a suspected pollutant in soil? In water? In air?

​2. Bioassays are often the first step involved in studying the effects of a potential drug. Why?

3. What are the strengths of a bioassay? What are the limitations?


Establishing a dose-response curve for an unknown Briefly describe the value of bioassays as opposed
or unfamiliar substance, or for an ­extract that may to direct chemical measurement. What ­assumptions
contain more than one substance, is often a goal of a bioassay. must be made to validate that a bioassay for a chemical is
Design an experiment to bioassay an ­extract of leaf litter for the accurate?
inhibition or promotion of seed ­germination.

392 EXERCISE 35 35–4

35–5 Bioassay 393
394 EXERCISE 35 35–6
Survey of the Animal Kingdom
BIOLOGY Exercise 36
Phyla Porifera and Cnidaria

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Describe how structures specific to poriferans and
cnidarians help them survive and reproduce in their
2. List the fundamental characteristics of members of
phylum Porifera and phylum Cnidaria.
3. Recognize members of the three major classes of
4. Describe the body forms of cnidarians and ­describe
reproduction of those species alternating between
polyps and medusae. (a) © Nancy Sefton/Science source
5. Compare the feeding methods of sponges and
6. Examine the morphology of representative
sponges and the major classes of cnidarians.
7. Discuss characteristics likely to promote long-term
evolutionary success of sponges and cnidarians and
relate the discussion to objective 1.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

T o most people, ancient animals such as sponges and

jellyfish appear primitive and unsophisticated. As we
discuss animal phyla in this and upcoming exercises, keep
(b) © Stuart Wilson/Science Source

Figure 36.1  Sponges (phylum Porifera) such as (a) the yellow tube
in mind that “primitive” refers to characteristics derived sponge, Verongia, and (b) the red encrusting sponge, Ophlitaspongia,
early in the phylogenetic history of an organism’s evolution. have a variety of colors. A seemingly inactive sponge may filter
Primitive does not imply simple, less important, or poorly 1000-times its own volume of water per day through walls filled with
functioning charactersitics. Instead, it refers to characteris- small canals and chambers. There are up to 18,000 chambers per square
tics that have stood the test of time. The bodies and body millimeter of sponge. Flagellated cells line the chambers to circulate
water and filter extremely small particles of food. Eighty percent of
cavities of sponges and jellyfish are structurally uncompli- the organic matter captured by sponges is too small to be seen with a
cated and lack the complex behavior and sensory capabili- microscope. Use of this small-size fraction of dissolved matter has made
ties of most higher animals. But don’t let that simplicity fool sponges successful for hundreds of millions of years.
you. What sponges and sea jellies (sometimes called jelly-
fish) lack in complexity is more than compensated for by as does the more-complex morphology of other more famil-
their extraordinarily elegant design. After all, their overall iar animals. Like all animals, sponges of phylum Porifera
body-plans (table 36.1) have persisted in changing environ- and cnidarians of phylum Cnidaria are eukaryotic,
ments for many millions of years; their “simple” morphol- multicellular, and ingestive-­feeding heterotrophs. Het-
ogy accomplishes the primary functions of food getting, erotrophs derive their energy from organic molecules made
reproduction, and adaptive responses to their environment by other organisms.

36–1 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 395

TABLE 36.1

Porifera Barrel sponges, boring Asymmetrical bodies without distinct tissues 5,150
(sponges) sponges, basket sponges, or organs; saclike body consists of two layers
vase sponges breached by many pores; internal cavity lines
with food-filtering cells called choanocytes;
most marine (150 species live in freshwater)

Cnidaria Jellyfish, sea jellies, Soft, gelatinous, radially symmetrical bodies 10,000
(cnidarians) hydra, corals, sea whose digestive cavity has a single opening;
anemones possess tentacles armed with stinging cells
called cnidocytes that shoot sharp harpoons
called nematocysts; almost entirely marine

Sponges are the simplest of the major animal phyla and
comprise 5150 species (fig. 36.1). Most sponges live
in the  ocean, but a few encrust rocks and wood in fresh­
water.  Sponges lack tissues and organs and are typically
asymmetrical assemblages of cells. Bodies of asymmetri-
cal organisms have no symmetry or pattern such as left and
right halves or anterior and posterior regions. Sponge cells
are so loosely assembled and self-sufficient that if a sponge
is forced through a mesh, the disassociated cells will sur-
vive. Even more remarkably, the disassociated cells of some
species can reassemble as a functioning organism.

© Carolina Biological Supply Company/Phototake

Figure 36.2  Grantia is a common tubular sponge with a folded
Examine a preserved specimen of Grantia, one of the body-wall filled with pores for filtering water.
simplest sponges (fig. 36.2). At first glance, sponges
such as Grantia appear plantlike because they are sessile However, sponges are filter-feeding heterotrophs and have
(i.e., attached to a substrate). Some sponges even appear no photosynthetic pigments. Notice that Grantia is a tubular,
green because symbiotic algae live in their bodies. ­open­-ended chamber surrounded by a thin, porous, folded

396 EXERCISE 36 36–2

wall of cells. Phylum Porifera gets its name from the many Structure of Sponges
pores in the chamber walls.
Sponge walls filter seawater and remove food particles. In
Question 1 the simplest sponges this wall is lined on the outside by an
Do any features of Grantia clearly distinguish this organism epithelial layer of flat cells (fig. 36.3). Inside the sponge is
as an animal? If so, which ones? the spongocoel, a central cavity lined by flagellated cells
called choanocytes (sometimes called collar cells). Their
moving flagella draw water through pores within ostium
cells into the spongocoel and across the collars of the cho-
anocytes to trap food particles (fig. 36.3). The flagella of
choanocytes produce a constant flow of water into a sponge.
Eventually the filtered water exits through a large hole in the
end of the sponge called the osculum.


(a) Stovepipe sponge (b) Typical vase

shape of sponges


Flagellum Osculum Epithelial cell






(c) Cross section of sponge morphology
(a) © James R.D. Scott/Moment/Getty Images

Figure 36.3  Sponge morphology. (a) The stovepipe sponge (Aplysinaarcheri) is a common sponge found on Caribbean reefs. (b) Many sponges
have a vaselike shape. (c) A cross section reveals that sponges are multicellular animals, having various cell types but no distinct organs.

36–3 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 397

Question 2
Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this exer-
cise. Are choanocytes significant to a fundamental process
for sponges? What is the process and how are choanocytes

Grantia has a folded wall. Examine a prepared slide

of a cross section through Grantia (fig. 36.4). These folds
form incurrent canals opening to the outside and flagel-
lated canals opening to the central spongocoel. The canals
are lined with choanocytes that move their flagella to draw
water into the incurrent canals, through porocytes, through © BiologyImaging.com
the canals, and on to the spongocoel. A specialized col- Figure 36.5  This micrograph shows a variety of sponge spicules
lar of microvilli surrounding the flagellum of a choano- (150×).
cyte traps food particles that are engulfed by the cell body.
Digestion is intracellular, meaning that it occurs inside The wall of a sponge also contains amoebocytes,
cells. Some sponges are more complicated than Grantia crystalline skeletal structures called spicules (fig. 36.5),
and have highly folded walls or a complicated series of and a gelatinous matrix called mesenchyme. As their
small chambers lined with choanocytes. A spongocoel may name implies, amoebocytes are creeping, mobile cells
be difficult to distinguish in these complicated sponges with many functions, including digestion and a rather
(see fig. 36.1b). amazing ability to differentiate into other cell types as
needed. They also secrete the skeleton of calcareous spic-
ules (containing calcium), siliceous spicules (containing
silicon), or proteinaceous spongin fibers.

Flagellated SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were asked

to read this exercise so you would know what to do
and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.

Procedure 36.1  Examine spicules

1. Examine a prepared slide of cleaned and isolated
spicules of sponges.
2. Also locate spicules in a cross section of Grantia.
3. If enough preserved sponge is available, make a wet
mount of spicules in a depression slide by gently crushing
© Robert and Linda Mitchell
a small piece of sponge on a slide with a coverslip.
External Incurrent 4. If bleach is available, add one or two drops to dissolve
environment canal the protein and expose the spicules.
5. Examine the preparation under low, then high,
Figure 36.4  Cross section through the folded body-wall of magnification. Sketch what you see.
Grantia (150×). Arrows show the path of water flow. The beating
flagella of choanocytes move the water containing food particles
from the external environment into an incurrent canal, through the
folded wall lined with choanocytes, into the flagellated canal, into the
spongocoel, and out the osculum.

398 EXERCISE 36 36–4

Question 3 Examine a prepared slide of spongin fibers. Fibers of
How do spicules help sponges survive in their environment spongin (made of protein) compose the skeleton of com-
(see objective 1)? mon bath sponges such as Spongia. Spongin fibers are flex-
ible and are not like crystalline spicules. In the past, natural
sponges were gathered, dried, and sold easily in the Carib-
bean and Mediterranean. Today, natural sponges are rare
and have been replaced by synthetic products.

Question 4
Examine the fused lattice of spicules of Euplectella a. Do sponges appear to have any organs or organ systems?
(fig. 36.6). Spicules of different sponges have many shapes
and may be fused in an ornate lattice. The beautiful lattice
of the sponge Euplectella is unusual because it often houses
several species of shrimp. Interestingly, when a male and
female shrimp enter the spongocoel they may grow too b. What is the advantage of a folded or convoluted wall in
large to escape. A dried specimen of Euplectella contain- sponges?
ing remnants of its permanent residents was formerly used
in Japan as a wedding present to symbolize the permanent
bond of marriage.

Spongia c. What function other than support might spicules serve?

Examine some large, dried sponges on display. Spongia has
a more complex arrangement of chambers than does Grantia.

d. How many prongs do spicules of Grantia have?

e. What characteristics of Spongia make them useful as a

household sponge?

f. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this

exercise. Are spicules significant to a fundamental pro-
cess for sponges? In what way?

Sponge Reproduction
Sponges reproduce asexually and sexually. Asexual repro-
duction includes budding and the release of stress-resistant
© BiologyImaging.com aggregates of amoebocytes called gemmules. In favorable
Figure 36.6  The fused glass (silicon) spicules of Euplectella conditions, amoebocytes in a gemmule can grow into a
form a beautiful, intricate lattice. The living tissue has been removed mature organism. During sexual reproduction, choanocytes
from this dried specimen. and amoebocytes differentiate into gametes. Eggs remain

36–5 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 399

in the mesenchyme, but sperm are released into the water point like the pieces of a pie. Sensory organs are exposed to
and are captured by choanocytes or amoebocytes of other the environment in all directions around the perimeter. This
sponges. The captured sperm are transported to eggs and fer- is evolutionarily adaptive for a slow or nonmotile organism.
tilization occurs. After a brief development, the embryo is The body wall of cnidarians has two cellular layers,
expelled from the sponge. Most species of sponges are her- an ectoderm on the outside and an ­endoderm (sometimes
maphroditic (i.e., produce both male and female gametes) called the gastroderm) lining the interior gastrovascular cavity
but they usually produce eggs and sperm at different times. (fig. 36.8). A gelatinous mesoglea separates the two body
layers. Cells of cnidarians are organized into true tissues
(nervous, muscular, and reproductive) but organs are orga-
PHYLUM CNIDARIA (COELENTERATA) nized loosely, at best.
Cnidarians have two basic body-plans: polyps and
Phylum Cnidaria (also called coelenterates) includes class medusae (fig. 36.8). Polyps are cylindrical animals with a
Hydrozoa (hydras), class Scyphozoa (sea jellies), class mouth surrounded by tentacles atop the cylinder (i.e., the end
Cubozoa, and class Anthozoa (anemones and corals). facing away from the substrate). Polyps are usually ­attached
Almost all cnidarians are marine carnivores. Their bodies to the substrate and may be solitary or colonial. In contrast
are radially symmetrical and more complex than sponges to polyps, medusae are usually free-floating and umbrella-
(fig. 36.7). Radial symmetry describes a body plan with shaped. Their mouths point downward and are surrounded
repetitive body areas arranged in a circle around a central by hanging tentacles. The classes of cnidarians are distin-
guished primarily by the relative dominance of the  polyp
stage or the medusa stage in the life cycle. Many cnidarians
Radial Symmetry occur only as polyps, others only as medusae, and still oth-
ers alternate between these two forms. This alternation is a
form of polymorphism, which means “many forms.”
The life cycle of many cnidarians is characterized
by alternation between polyp and medusa (i.e., polymor-
phism; fig. 36.8). During the life cycle, medusae produce
and release eggs and sperm into water for fertilization,
although some species retain their eggs. After fertilization
the zygote develops into a swimming mass of ciliated cells
called a planula larva. A planula eventually settles to the
substrate and develops into a polyp. The polyp may repro-
duce asexually by budding other polyps or may continue the
sexual cycle by budding immature medusae called ephyrae.
An ephyra develops into a mature medusa.
All cnidarians are carnivores that capture their prey
(small fishes and crustaceans) with tentacles that ring their
(a) mouth. Captured prey are pushed through the mouth into
the gastrovascular cavity (GVC), where extracellular
Bilateral Symmetry
digestion occurs followed by phagocytosis of small food
Sagittal plane
particles and intracellular digestion (fig. 36.9). These ten-
tacles are armed with stinging cells called cnidocytes
Posterior containing small, barbed harpoonlike structures called
nematocysts (fig. 36.10).

Question 5
a. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this
plane exercise. Are cnidocytes significant to fundamental
Transverse plane processes for cnidarians? In what ways?



Figure 36.7  A comparison of radial and bilateral symmetry.

(a) Radially symmetrical animals, such as this sea anemone, can be
bisected into equal halves in any two-dimensional plane. (b) Bilaterally
symmetrical animals, such as this turtle, can only be bisected into
equal halves in one plane (the sagittal plane).

400 EXERCISE 36 36–6

Budding Polyps or Immature Medusae


cavity Tentacle

Polyp Medusa

Settles Sperm


Blastula Zygote
Figure 36.8  A generalized life cycle for Cnidaria. Cnidarians alternate between medusa and polyp forms. Male and female medusae use meiosis
to produce gametes that, in water, are fertilized. These gametes are the only haploid (n) stage; all other stages are diploid (2n). After a short period
of free swimming, the planula larva settles to the substrate and forms a polyp. When the polyp buds (an asexual process), additional polyps and
medusa buds form. Medusae separate from the polyp and swim away. The polyp or medusa stage has been lost or reduced in many cnidarians, such as
anemones and corals.

b. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this exer-

Tentacle cise. How could polymorphism contribute to the evolu-
tionary success of cnidarians in their environment?

waste products


Enzymes are Class Hydrozoa

secreted by
the inner layer. The polyp stage dominates the hydrozoan life cycle,
although both polyps and medusae occur in most species.
The outer layer of cells, the ectoderm, and the inner layer,
the endoderm, surround the gastrovascular cavity; these
layers are separated by the gelatinous, acellular mesoglea.
Amoeboid cells circulate in the mesoglea. Ectodermal cells
Gastrovascular include cnidocytes and muscular contractile cells. Endoder-
mal and glandular cells secrete enzymes into the gastrovas-
cular cavity for extracellular digestion. The gastrodermis
lacks cnidocytes.
Food absorption
by phagocytosis
Figure 36.9  Extracellular digestion. In animals with gastrovascular Hydra are small, common hydrozoans that live in shallow,
cavities, such as the cnidarian Hydra, most digestion occurs freshwater ponds (figs. 36.9 and 36.10). They are usually
extracellularly. Food sources are trapped by tentacles and delivered to
the mouth. Digestion occurs within the gastrovascular cavity. Digested less than 1 cm tall and prey on smaller invertebrates among
food products are phagocytosed directly into the cells that line the cavity, the filaments and leaves of freshwater algae and plants.
and wastes are excreted out the same opening in which food entered. Hydra have no medusa stage.

36–7 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 401



Gastrodermis Epidermis


Discharged Filament
Sensory Mesoglea Stinging cell
cell (cnidocyte)
© Roland Birke/Phototake Hydra with nematocyst
3333 mm

Figure 36.10  Phylum Cnidaria: cnidarians. The cells of a cnidarian such as this Hydra are organized into specialized tissues. The interior gut
cavity is specialized for extracellular digestion—that is, digestion within a gut cavity rather than within individual cells. Cnidarians are radially
symmetrical, with parts arranged around a central axis like the petals of a daisy. The epidermis includes stinging cells called cnidocytes, and each
cnidocyte can discharge a harpoonlike nematocyst. Cnidocytes are scattered on the body wall and dense on the tentacles.

Procedure 36.2  Observe Hydra

1. Obtain a living Hydra; observe it in a small petri dish
with a dissecting microscope. Polyps of Hydra are
Gastrovascular cavity
solitary and occasionally hang from the water’s surface
with their basal disks adhering to the surface of the Endoderm (gastrodermis)
water. More often, they attach to a hard substrate with
their basal disk. However, Hydra can detach them- Ectoderm (epidermis)
selves and move, not by swimming but by somersault-
ing along their substrate. Mesoglea

2. Allow a few minutes for the animal to relax in the

petri dish; then tap the edge and observe the animal’s
3. If small, living crustaceans such as Daphnia or Arte-
© Ed Reschke
mia (brine shrimp) are available, place some of these
organisms near the tentacles of a Hydra. When a prey Figure 36.11  Micrograph of a cross section of a Hydra, a
item touches a tentacle it sticks tightly. The nemato- hydrozoan (100×).
cysts help entrap the Daphnia.
4. Observe the cellular structure of Hydra by studying Question 6
a prepared slide of a cross section of the organism a. How do Hydra respond to a tap on their substrate?
(figs. 36.10, 36.11).

402 EXERCISE 36 36–8





Sexual TILI
reproduction FER
budding Medusa n
2n Zygote

A medusa of Obelia, a MITOSIS

marine hydrozoan.


Young colony and

asexual budding
Free swimming
planula larva
Settles down to
© BiologyImaging.com
start new colony

Figure 36.12  The life cycle of Obelia, a marine colonial hydroid. Polyps reproduce by asexual budding, forming colonies. Reproductive
polyps may also give rise to medusae, which reproduce sexually via gametes. These gametes fuse, producing zygotes that develop into planulae,
which in turn settle down to produce polyps. The inset photo shows a young recently-budded medusa.

b. What tissues must exist for this response? Obelia

Examine a prepared slide of another hydrozoan, Obelia
(fig. 36.12). Examine a prepared slide of the small medu-
sae of Obelia in addition to the polyp colony. Obelia typi-
fies most ­hydrozoans because it has colonial polyps and
free-­swimming medusae. These colonial polyps a­ppear
plantlike and branch from a tube. Polyps of Obelia are
c. Hydra are predators. How actively do Hydra stalk polymorphic because some are specialized feeding polyps
their food? called gastrozooids; others are reproductive polyps called

Question 7
a. What structures determine whether a polyp of Obelia is
a gastrozooid (feeding polyp) rather than a gonozoid?

d. What specialized cells of tentacles aid in capturing prey?

36–9 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 403

b. How do gonozoids obtain their food in this colonial

c. Gonozoids continue the reproductive cycle by budding

medusae. About how many maturing medusae are vis-
ible in a typical gonozoid?

© A. Bannister/NHPA/Photoshot

Figure 36.13  Portuguese man-of-war, Physalia utriculus. The

Portuguese man-of-war is a colonial hydrozoan that has adopted the
way of life characteristic of sea jellies. This highly integrated colonial
organism can ensnare fish by using its painful stings and tentacles,
Physalia sometimes over 15 m long.

Examine a preserved specimen of Physalia, a common

hydrozoan better known as the Portuguese man-of-war
(fig. 36.13). Physalia is a floating colony of polymorphic
polyps. Some of the polyps form a gas-filled sac that floats preserved hydrozoans on display. Gonionemus is a hydro-
and suspends the long tentacles of nutritive polyps. Touch- zoan with an atypically large medusae. Medusae are more
ing the nematocysts on the dangling tentacles is lethal for gelatinous than polyps because the mesoglea is more
small fish and painful (but rarely lethal) for swimmers. extensive. Locate the velum on the inner periphery of
the medusae and the mouth at the end of the manubrium.
The gastrovascular cavity radiates from the center as ring
Gonionemus canals connected by a circular canal around the perim-
eter. The gonads (tissue that produces gametes) attach to
Examine a preserved specimen of Gonionemus with your the radial canals and ­appear similar in males and females.
dissecting microscope (fig. 36.14). Examine any other The tentacles have a rough surface.

Prey Detection by Hydra
Observations: Hydra are predators capable of relatively com- d. Devise a procedure to determine if Hydra are more respon-
plex behavior. They readily detect vibration as well as changes sive to prey movement, to dissolved molecules from their
in water chemistry produced by their potential prey. prey, or both.
Question: How do Hydra sense their prey? e. Outline on Worksheet 36 your experimental design and
supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation tor to review your proposed investigation.
Worksheet 36 from your instructor. f. Conduct your procedures.
b. Patiently observe Hydra movement and their responsive- g. Record your data, answer your question, and make rel-
ness. Discuss with your group a well-defined question rel- evant comments.
evant to Hydra response to prey movement, to dissolved h. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
molecules from their prey, or both. Record the question on tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
Worksheet 36. needed.
c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
record it.

404 EXERCISE 36 36–10

Mouth Radial canal

Ring canal Gonad

bulbs Velum


© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 36.15  Aurelia, the moon sea jelly (1×). The gelatinous
medusa is the dominant body form in the life cycle of these cnidarians.
Batteries of

pad Examine prepared slides of (1) planula larvae pro-
duced by sexual reproduction of medusae, (2) the polyp stage
called a scyphistoma, and (3) ephyra (immature medusae)
budded from the polyp. Review the life cycle of Aurelia
Figure 36.14  Diagram showing the structure of the medusa of (fig. 36.16).
Gonionemus, a hydrozoan.
Question 9
How do medusae of Aurelia and Gonionemus differ in size,
Question 8 arrangement of tentacles, and shape of manubrium?
a. Which cells give tentacles of Gonionemus their rough

b. What functions might radial and ring canals serve? Class Anthozoa
Anthozoans (anemones and corals) form the largest class of
cnidarians with more than 6000 species (fig. 36.17). Antho-
zoan polyps are solitary or colonial, and there is no medusa.
The mouth leads to a tubular pharynx and to a gastrovascular
cavity with septate compartments. Gonads are gastrodermal.

Class Scyphozoa
Observe preserved medusae of Aurelia and Cassiopeia.
Scyphozoans are commonly called sea jellies (jellyfish) Obtain a specimen of the common anemone (pronounced
because the gelatinous medusa dominates their life cycle. ah-NEH-moh-nee), Metridium, and find its mouth and ten-
The polyp is reduced to a small larval stage. The mesoglea tacles. Make a cross section through the body of Metridium
has amoeboid cells. The GVC is divided into four radiating and expose the gastrovascular cavity (this dissection may
pouches, and the gastrodermis has cnidocytes. This group be on demonstration). Locate the structures shown in
also includes one of the largest invertebrates in the world, figure 36.18. Anemones are sessile and attach themselves
Cyanea capillota. Cyanea lives in the North Sea and can to a substrate with their flat and sticky basal disk. However,
exceed 2 m in diameter. Aurelia (2–6 cm) is a more typical this attachment is not permanent, and anemones can slowly
sea jelly for you to examine (fig. 36.15). slide on a film of mucus. When pieces of the basal disk tear

36–11 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 405

Adult medusa


Oral lobes




Budding polyp


Scyphistoma Planula

Figure 36.16  Aurelia life history. For the dioecious Aurelia, like all scyphozoans, the medusa stage dominates the life cycle. Male and female
medusae produce gametes for fertilization in the water. These gametes are the only haploid (n) stage of the life cycle; all other stages are diploid
(2n). The zygote develops into a planula larva that settles to the substrate and forms a scyphistoma (polyp) that produces ephyrae (immature
medusae) by budding. Medusae separate from the polyp and swim away.

Oral tentacles

Oral disk





© BiologyImaging.com Gastrovascular
Figure 36.17  Sea anemone, a common anthozoan.

away from a moving anemone the pieces form a new indi- Acontia
vidual. This type of asexual reproduction is fragmentation.
The gastrovascular cavity of an anthozoan polyp is Pedal disk
partitioned by thin septa. These septa distinguish anthozoan
from scyphozoan and hydrozoan polyps. Along the edges Figure 36.18  Class Anthozoa. The structure of the anemone,
of the septa are gonadal tissue and threads of tissue called Metridium. Anthozoans have no medusa stage.

406 EXERCISE 36 36–12

formed by

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© BiologyImaging.com
Figure 36.20  Tubipora, organ pipe coral.
Figure 36.19  Calcium carbonate skeleton of a stony coral.

acontia. Acontia threads bear dense batteries of cnidocytes b. What is the advantage of a partitioned gastrovascular
that can protrude through the mouth or through pores in the cavity?
body wall to overcome prey or provide defense.

Examine a piece of dry, calcareous coral and look for small
depressions (fig. 36.19). Coral polyps are structurally simi-
lar to anemones, but corals are usually colonial and much
smaller. Most corals secrete a hard skeleton of calcium car-
c. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this exer-
bonate with many small cups surrounding the polyps. The
cise. How does fragmentation contribute to the evolu-
small, fragile polyps are probably absent from the specimen
tionary success of anthozoans in their environment?
you are examining, but the depressions in which they lived
are numerous.
Examine a piece of Tubipora (fig. 36.20) and any
other anthozoans on display. The tropical organ pipe coral,
Tubipora, is organized differently. Long parallel polyps are
encased in calcareous tubes connected at intervals by trans-
verse plates. The calcareous tubes are impregnated with iron
salts that give the colony an attractive color.

Question 10 Question 11
a. Locate the radial ridges within each depression on a a. In your notes draw and describe the life cycle of a cni-
piece of coral. What structures within the polyp did darian. What is the difference between a polymorphic
they support? life cycle and the typical life cycle of other animals?

36–13 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 407

b. How does the feeding method of a sponge compare
with that of a coral?

Class Cubozoa
As their name implies, cnidarians of class Cubozoa are box-
shaped medusae; the polyp stage is inconspicuous and in
many cases not known. Most medusae are only a few centime-
ters in height, although some are 25 cm tall. A tentacle or group
© Kare Gowlett-Holmes/Oxford Scientific/Getty Image
of tentacles is found at each corner of the box (fig. 36.21).
Box jellies are strong swimmers and voracious predators of Figure 36.21  Class Cubozoa. Chironex fleckeri, a box jelly (1×).
fish in tropical and subtropical waters. The stings of some
species can be fatal to humans. Examine a preserved speci-
men of a box jelly. How does its shape compare to that of

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Which group within kingdom Protista probably gave rise to sponges? On what evidence do you base your answer?

2. Why are spicules used as a primary characteristic to classify sponges?

408 EXERCISE 36 36–14

3. Sponges and cnidarians have no lungs or gills. How do they exchange gases with the environment? Are humans better
off having lungs? If so, how?

4. Why are sponges considered to be an evolutionary dead end?

5. Explain how cnidocytes with their nematocysts function in food capture and defense.

6. Discuss how polymorphism in the cnidarians might have influenced adaptive radiation of the group.

36–15 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 409

​7. How does digestion in cnidarians differ from digestion in sponges?

​8. Prepare a simple table of all of the taxonomic groups, their common names, their distinguishing characteristics, and all
representative genera covered in this exercise. Keep this table with your study notes.


What are the advantages and disadvantages to a
solitary versus colonial existence?

410 EXERCISE 36 36–16

Survey of the Animal Kingdom
BIOLOGY Exercise 37
Phyla Platyhelminthes and Nematoda

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Describe how the prominent characteristics of platy-
helminths and nematodes promote their survival and
2. Describe the general morphology of flatworms
in phylum Platyhelminthes and roundworms in
­phylum Nematoda.
3. List characteristics that phyla Platyhelminthes and
Nematoda have in common with phyla Porifera and
4. List characteristics of flatworms and roundworms
more advanced than those of more ­primitive phyla.
5. List examples of roundworms and examples of each
major class of flatworms.
6. Understand the differences between acoelomate, (a) (b)
(a) © Educational Images LTD /Custom Medical Stock Photo “CMSP Biology”/
pseudocoelomate, and coelomate and know which Newscom (b) © R. Aaron Raymond/Radius Images/Getty Images
phyla are associated with each.
Figure 37.1  Flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes). (a) A common
7. Discuss characteristics that have most likely freshwater flatworm (Dugesia dorotocephala) (20×). (b) A free-living
contributed to flatworm and roundworm success marine flatworm (Thysanozoon nigropapillosum) (5×).
over millions of years and relate the discussion to
objective 1. animals are discussed in the next three exercises and have
major organs suspended in a coelomic cavity completely
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online surrounded by mesoderm. Having a spacious body cavity is
resources tailored to this lab. highly conserved through the evolutionary history of most
advanced phyla. The open cavity likely enhances the ability
of internal organs to move, contract, and otherwise function
F latworms of phylum Platyhelminthes and round-
worms of phylum Nematoda are successful—remark-
ably successful if we measure evolutionary success by high
Flatworms and roundworms have three embryological
germ layers, and are therefore described as triploblastic.
diversity, radiation to wide-ranging habitats, and persistence They also have organs made of interdependent tissues and
in the environment for 400 million years. Both phyla occur are the simplest animals having bilateral symmetry with
in marine, freshwater, terrestrial, and parasitic environments. distinct anterior and posterior ends (see fig. 36.7).
Their morphology is more complex than that of sponges and
sea jellies (table 37.1). For ­example, flatworms and round- PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES
worms have a cellular m ­ esoderm in addition to ectoderm
and endoderm. Flatworms are acoelomate, meaning that Flatworms are dorsoventrally compressed, and free-living
their mesoderm is a solid mass of tissue with no internal cav- species have primitive sense organs (fig. 37.1). They also
ity (figs. 37.1 and 37.2). Flatworms have no spacious cavity have a gastrovascular cavity with one opening that is both
for internal organs. Nematodes are pseudocoelomates. They mouth and anus. Their nervous system is more advanced
have a body cavity, called a pseudocoelom, consisting of a than that of cnidarians (see Exercise 36) and consists of a
fluid-filled space between the body wall and digestive tract. ladderlike arrangement of nerve cords extending the length
Internal organs are suspended in this cavity. Coelomate of the body.

37–1 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 411

Acoelomate digestion in the gastrovascular cavity is extracellular, but
phagocytic cells line the cavity and complete digestion of
small particles intracellularly.
The mesodermal tissue of planaria is the loose mass of
cells between the ectoderm on the surface and the endoderm
Endoderm lining the gastrovascular cavity and pharynx (fig. 37.3).
Mesoderm This body plan allows for remarkable powers of regenera-
tion. A chopped planarian can regenerate a complete new
Flatworm head or regrow the entire right side of its body if cut in half
lengthwise. Wouldn’t it be remarkable if humans could
rekindle the ability to regenerate lost appendages, an ability
Pseudocoelomate lost in more advanced phlya?
SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were
Ectoderm asked to read this exercise so you would know what to
do and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
Mesoderm procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.


Procedure 37.1  Observe planaria
Ectoderm 1. Obtain a living Dugesia and examine its morphology
with a dissecting microscope.
Endoderm 2. Place the animal in the center of a petri dish and follow
Mesoderm its movements for a few minutes.
Annelid 3. Gently touch the animal with a probe and watch how it
4. If a spotlight is available, determine how Dugesia may
Figure 37.2  Three body plans for bilaterally symmetrical
animals. (a) Acoelomates (including flatworms) have no body cavity. respond to strong light.
(b) Pseudocoelomates (including nematodes) develop a body cavity 5. Offer Dugesia a small piece of liver, boiled egg, or cat
between the mesoderm and endoderm. (c) Coelmates (including food; watch it eat.
annelids, mollusks, and more advanced phyla) have a body cavity
bounded by mesoderm. 6. After a few minutes, gently roll the animal from the
food and find its protruded pharynx.
7. Examine a whole mount of a stained planaria and a
Class Turbellaria prepared slide of a cross section through a planaria.
Turbellarians (3000 species) are free-living flatworms Specimens vary. Be sure to examine more than one
inhabiting freshwater, saltwater, and moist terrestrial envi- slide, and do not rely on photographs.
ronments. Turbellarians scavenge and prey on small ani- 8. Locate the structures shown in figure 37.3.
mals, and are hermaphroditic, meaning that individuals 9. Examine cross sections taken through the region of the
have both male and female sex organs. pharynx and away from the pharynx. Draw and label
these cross sections, and have your instructor check
Dugesia them for accuracy.
Dugesia, often called planaria, is a common freshwa-
ter turbellarian with typical characteristics of flatworms Question 1
(fig. 37.3). The head has lateral lobes and sensory organs a. What features of Dugesia distinguish its head from
called eyespots. Dugesia feed by sucking food through its its tail?
mouth and into a tubular pharynx leading to the gastro-
vascular cavity. The muscular pharynx is usually retracted
in the body but can be everted through an opening in the
midventral epidermis (middle of the lower surface). Most

412 EXERCISE 37 37–2

TABLE 37.1

Platyhelminthes Planaria, Solid, unsegmented, bilaterally symmetrical 20,000

(flatworms) tapeworms, worms; no body cavity; digestive cavity, if
liver flukes present, has only one opening

Nematoda Ascaris, pinworms, Pseudocoelomate, unsegmented, bilaterally 12,000+

(roundworms) hookworms, Filaria symmetrical worms; tubular digestive tract
passing from mouth to anus; tiny; without
cilia; live in great numbers in soil and aquatic
sediments; some are important animal parasites

Intestinal diverticulum

Gastrovascular cavity

Branches of
Mesoderm gastrovascular


Protruding pharynx
Opening to pharynx Muscular
(epidermis) pharynx
(a) (b)
© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 37.3  Anatomy of a free-living flatworm, Dugesia. (a) External structure. (b) Cross section of a planarian taken through the pharynx
region (40×).

b. What is the difference between the eyes of most animals d. Does Dugesia move randomly or in an apparent
you are familiar with and the eyespots of Dugesia? direction?

c. How does the head of Dugesia move differently from

e. How is Dugesia adapted for directional movement?
the tail?

37–3 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 413

f. How does a flatworm respond when touched with a

g. Do the planaria move toward or away from light?

h. Where is the feeding tube located? Why is this unusual

© BiologyImaging.com
for bilaterally symmetrical organisms?
Figure 37.4  Fasciola sp. is a parasitic fluke that infects the small
intestine of vertebrates (10×). Humans acquire this parasite by eating
water chestnuts and other aquatic plants with larvae attached. The
larvae develop in intermediate hosts such as snails and fish. A major
adaptation of flukes and other parasites is the prolific production of
i. Is the gastrovascular cavity of Dugesia a simple sac? eggs—as many as 3000 eggs per day for a lifetime of many years. The
How is it divided and what advantage do these divi- dark, coiled uterus shown here contains hundreds of eggs, but most of
sions offer? these eggs will never be engulfed by an intermediate host and hatch. To
complete a complicated life cycle through multiple hosts, a fluke must
produce immense numbers of eggs to ensure that a few are successful.
To appreciate the structure of the entire organism, see figure 37.7.

j. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this Mouth

exercise. How could being monoecious contribute to Oral
evolutionary success of flatworms in their environment?

k. Planarians have a head. In biological terms, what con-
stitutes a “head”? How does it relate to objectives 1, 4, Gastrovascular
and 7? cavity
l. Planaria lack specialized gas-exchange organs. How do
you think planaria accomplish this task?
© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 37.5  Internal structure of Opisthorchis, the oriental liver

fluke (30×).

Class Trematoda
Trematodes, commonly called flukes, are parasites, and The ventral surface of a fluke usually has two adhesive
their oval bodies are usually a few millimeters long. Flukes organs (suckers). The oral sucker surrounds the mouth.
infect vertebrates and include both endoparasites (parasites
inside their host) (fig. 37.4) and ectoparasites (parasites on Opisthorchis
the surface of their host). Trematodes lack an epidermis Use a dissecting microscope to examine a prepared slide of
and are covered by an acellular but metabolically active Opisthorchis and locate the structures shown in figure 37.5.
epicuticle. This epicuticle is made of protein and lipids Opisthorchis (Clonorchis) sinensis, the oriental liver fluke,
secreted by mesodermal cells and resists digestive enzymes. often parasitizes humans in Japan and China. This hermaph-
The epicuticle helps in respiration and absorbing nutrients. roditic, adult fluke attaches to the bile duct and releases eggs

414 EXERCISE 37 37–4

Metacercariae are
consumed by humans
Metacercarial or other mammals
cysts in fish



Adult fluke
Egg containing
miracidium in feces
(into water)

Miracidium hatches after

© BiologyImaging.com being eaten by snail
1 mm

Figure 37.6  Life cycle of the oriental liver fluke, Opisthorchis sinensis.

Oral sucker
that move through the digestive system of the host and exit surrounding mouth
with the feces. Larvae of flukes typically develop in snails
Ventral sucker
and fish. Humans are infected when they eat raw or poorly
cooked fish (fig. 37.6). Uterus

Question 2
a. How does the shape of the digestive sac of Opisthor-
chis compare with that of Dugesia? Ootype

b. How does the position of the mouth of Dugesia and

flukes compare?

Yolk gland

Examine figure 37.4 and read its caption carefully. Use a
dissecting microscope to examine a prepared slide or plas-
tic mount of Fasciola and locate the features shown in
figure 37.7. Fasciola hepatica, the sheep liver fluke, infects
sheep, other vertebrates, and (rarely) humans. It is much
larger than Opisthorchis (fig. 37.5) but similar in structure.
Fasciola sucks food (blood, mucus, and cells) through a
© BiologyImaging.com
muscular pharynx located at the mouth.
Figure 37.7  Internal structure of Fasciola, the sheep liver
fluke (2×).

37–5 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 415

Question 3 Snails are intermediate hosts for Schistosoma. An
Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this exer- intermediate host is an organism harboring immature stages
cise. How could the production of large numbers of eggs of a parasite, whereas a definitive host contains sexually
contribute to the evolutionary success of flatworms in their mature, egg-laying stages of the life cycle. Irrigation ditches
­environment? with snail populations enhance the spread of schistosomia-
sis in underdeveloped agricultural areas. Immature larvae of
blood flukes released from the snails burrow through skin
and infect people wading in these ditches.
Unlike most trematodes, Schistosoma is dioecious
(fig. 37.8a). The male has a ventral groove along the length
of his body into which the slender female cradles for copula-
Schistosoma tion. Often the female remains in this groove for the remain-
Examine a demonstration slide of Schistosoma, and draw der of her lifetime and extends slightly to lay eggs. Your
its body shape. Schistosoma, a blood fluke, inhabits the prepared slide may include schistosomes in this position for
intestinal veins and other organs of many vertebrates copulation.
(including humans) and causes the disease schistosomiasis Question 4
(fig. 37.8). Schistosoma is socioeconomically important How does the shape of Schistosoma differ from that of other
because it infects more than 200 million people in coun- flukes you have studied?
tries having tropical and temperate climates. Symptoms of
infection include an enlarged liver, spleen, and bladder, as
well as nutritional deficiency. Some of these symptoms,
such as bleeding ulcers in the intestine and other organs, are
inflamed by large deposits of eggs (up to 3500 per day from
one female).

2. Adult worms live and

copulate in blood vessels of
human gut.
1. Larvae penetrate skin of a
human, the primary host, and
mature in the liver. 3. Eggs migrate into digestive
tract and are passed in feces.

5. In the snail, a mother

sporocyst encloses many
developing daughter
6. Larvae (cercariae) break out sporocysts; daughter
of daughter sporocysts, sporocysts enclose many 4. Ciliated larvae (miracidia)
escape snail, and enter water. developing larvae (cercariae). hatch in water and enter a
snail, the secondary host.
© SPL/Science Source
(a) (b)

Figure 37.8  Life cycle of a blood fluke, Schistosoma.

(a) Micrograph of Schistosoma (30×). (b) Schistosomiasis, an infection of humans caused by the blood fluke Schistosoma, is an extremely prevalent disease
in Egypt—especially since the building of the Aswan High Dam. Standing water in irrigation ditches, combined with unsanitary practices, has created the
conditions for widespread infection.

416 EXERCISE 37 37–6

Class Cestoda eventually break from the end of the worm and pass out of
the host with its feces.
Cestodes, commonly called tapeworms, are the most spe- Examine a prepared slide or whole specimen of a pork
cialized platyhelminths. They are endoparasites of the gut tapeworm, Taenia solium. Then examine a prepared slide of
of vertebrates and are covered by a cuticle similar to that a scolex. Draw the basic shape of the scolex and note any
of trematodes. However, tapeworms lack a mouth or diges- hooks or suckers. Also examine and sketch from prepared
tive tract and have a unique body plan (fig. 37.9). Their slides young, mature, and gravid proglottids.
cuticle efficiently absorbs nutrients from their host. The An adult Taenia solium may be up to 10 m long.
anterior end, or scolex, adheres to the host’s intestinal wall Humans infect themselves with Taenia by eating uncooked
with hooks or suckers. Behind the scolex is the neck fol- meat from pigs, often intermediate hosts (fig. 37.11).
lowed by a series of segments called proglottids. The sco- Compare a mature proglottid with that shown in
lex and neck are small, but the chain of proglottids may be figure 37.10. Although each proglottid has a complete
10–15 m long. reproductive system, the excretory ducts and longitudinal
A tapeworm grows as the scolex and neck continu- nerves are continuous between proglottids.
ally produce a chain of proglottids as self-contained pack- Examine a demonstration specimen of Dibothrioc-
ets of male and female reproductive organs (fig. 37.10). ephalus latus if it is available. Dibothriocephalus latus is
Self-fertilization occasionally occurs in a proglottid, but the largest tapeworm to infect humans and can be up to
cross-fertilization by copulating proglottids of adjacent 20 m long. Its intermediate hosts are small crustaceans
worms is more common. Gravid (egg-carrying) proglottids and fish.

Scolex attached
to intestinal wall Uterus



500 mm Scolex Mature proglottid

© Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc./Phototake

Figure 37.9  Body plan of a tapeworm (class Cestoda). A mature proglottid has mature reproductive organs; a gravid proglottid contains
many eggs.

Detection of Macromolecules by Planaria
Observations: Detecting food is crucial to success of planaria. c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
They must “taste” the water for compounds released from record it.
nearby food. Some classes of macromolecules (fats, carbohy- d. Devise a procedure to determine if Dugesia respond to
drates, proteins, etc.) dissolve and disperse more readily than some classes of dissolved nutrients more than other classes.
others. e. Outline on Worksheet 37 your experimental design and
Question: What types of organic molecules does Dugesia supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
respond to most readily? tor to review your proposed investigation.
f. Conduct your procedures.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation g. Record your data, answer your question, and make rel-
Worksheet 37 from your instructor. evant comments.
b. Patiently observe Dugesia movement and its responsive- h. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
ness. Discuss with your group a well-defined question rel- tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
evant to planarian response to dissolved molecules from needed.
their prey. Record the question on Worksheet 37.

37–7 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 417

Question 5
a. How does a scolex compare in size to a proglottid near
the scolex? Near the posterior end?

Excretory canal


Genital pore

b. Tapeworms have no digestive system or mouth. How,

then, do they obtain food?

Yolk gland

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 37.10  Mature proglottid of Taenia pisiformis, the dog

tapeworm. Portions of two other proglottids are also visible (30×).

Each larva becomes a bladder Meat contains many

worm encysted in muscle. bladder worms.

Primary Host

Bladder worm
attaches to
Secondary Host human intestine.
Feces contain
many larvae-
containing eggs.

Gravid proglottid hooks

has many larvae-
containing eggs.

Tapeworm has
proglottids that
become more

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 37.11  Life cycle of a tapeworm, Taenia. The life cycle includes a human (primary host) and a pig (secondary host). The adult worm is
modified for its parasitic way of life. It consists of a scolex and many proglottids, which become bags of eggs.

418 EXERCISE 37 37–8

c. Examine figure 37.9 and its caption carefully. Which f. Tapeworms are specialized. Would you expect spe-
proglottids, mature or gravid, occur closest to the cialists to have a unique morphology? Why?

d. What is the difference between a mature and gravid
proglottid? Nematodes (fig. 37.12), commonly called roundworms,
are everywhere and often occur in great numbers—a single
decomposing apple may contain 100,000 nematodes of dif-
ferent species. If we removed everything but nematodes
from the environment, we would still see a ghostly outline
of our entire biosphere. Estimates of the global number of
species living in all aquatic, terrestrial, and parasitic envi-
ronments often exceed one million. Most have not yet been
formally described and named. Almost all feeding types
e. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this (parasitic, predatory, etc.) are represented. Reproductive
exercise. Is having a scolex significant to a fundamen- morphologies include dimorphic species, hermaphroditic
tal process for tapeworms? For which process, and how species, and even species with males as well as hermaphro-
is it significant? dites. Nematode diversity is extraordinary.
Many nematodes cause diseases in humans, other ani-
mals, and plants. One of the most serious of these diseases is
elephantiasis, the grotesque swelling of an arm or leg result-
ing from nematodes (commonly Filaria) clogging the lym-
phatic system that drains the host’s appendage (fig. 37.13).

© E.L. Schiller/Armed Forces Institute of Pathology

© BiologyImaging.com Figure 37.13  Elephantiasis of a leg caused by adult filarial

worms that live in lymph passages and block the flow of lymph.
Figure 37.12  Ascaris lumbricoides, a common roundworm, Tiny juveniles, called microfilariae, are picked up in a blood meal
inhabits the intestines of pigs and humans (0.5×). Male ascarid worms of a mosquito where they develop to the infective stage and are
are smaller than females and have a curved posterior end. transmitted to a new host.

37–9 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 419

Fluid accumulates, and the appendage swells. Another para- b. What are the advantages of a digestive tract having a
sitic nematode is the eye worm, Loa loa, which lives under separate entrance and exit?
the skin of humans and occasionally crawls across the sur-
face of an eye (fig. 37.14).
Nematodes are slender and long with a rather fea-
tureless exterior. They lack flagella and cilia and are cov-
ered with a flexible and chemically complex cuticle. The
cuticle resists digestive enzymes and is permeable only to
water, dissolved gases, and some ions. Roundworms have
two morphological advances absent in flatworms. First,
in addition to their digestive cavity, roundworms have a
body cavity called a pseudocoelom consisting of a fluid- c. Female Ascaris are more numerous than males. Why
filled space between the body wall and digestive tract (see might this be adaptive?
fig. 37.2). Internal organs are suspended in this cavity. Sec-
ond, nematodes have a complete digestive tract with a
mouth and anus.

Question 6
a. How does the number of body cavities of nematodes
compare with that of flatworms?

Rhabditus and Turbatrix

Procedure 37.2  Examine living nematodes
1. Examine a culture of living Rhabditus, Turbatrix
(the vinegar eel), or Cephalobus.
2. Using a toothpick, put a small piece of the culture
medium on a slide with a drop of water and coverslip,
and focus with low magnification of your microscope.
3. Watch the nematodes move.
The flexible cuticle and hydrostatic pressure of fluid in a
nematode’s pseudocoel aid locomotion by resisting antago-
nistic muscle contraction. Nematodes have only longitu-
dinal muscles and lack circular or diagonal muscles. This
combination of features produces a characteristic motion.

Question 7
a. How would you describe the motion of a nematode?

b. How is this movement related to the movement of its

© Sue Ford/Science Source muscle layers?

Figure 37.14  The nematode Loa loa appears in the eye of its
host. This one is being surgically removed from someone’s eye.

420 EXERCISE 37 37–10

Ascaris 6. Examine a prepared slide of a cross section of both
a male and female Ascaris.
Ascaris is a large nematode that infects the intestinal tract of
humans and other vertebrates (fig. 37.12). Males are smaller 7. Locate the features shown in figure 37.16 and deter-
than females and have a hooked posterior end. The opening mine from where along the length of your dissected
in the posterior end is the anus. specimen this section was taken.
8. Examine cross sections from different areas of the
body if appropriate slides are available. Gametes
Procedure 37.3  Dissect Ascaris mature as they move along the length of the tubular
reproductive organs.
1. Obtain a preserved Ascaris lumbricoides and examine
its external features using a dissecting microscope. 9. Dispose of waste in labeled containers.
Compare the external features of males and females. Question 8
2. At the anterior end, locate the mouth surrounded a. The cuticle of Ascaris is flaky and tough. Consider
by three lobes of tissue. objective 1 listed at the beginning of this exercise.
3. Prick the cuticle with a dissecting probe (teasing nee- What might be an adaptive advantage of a thick and
dle) and determine its consistency. tough cuticle?
4. Pin the ends of a female specimen near the edge of
a dissecting pan to permit viewing with a dissecting
microscope. Slit the body wall longitudinally with a
dissecting needle or sharp-pointed scissors.
5. Pin the body wall open and locate the internal organs
shown in figure 37.15. The excretory pore may be
small and difficult to find. A dissection of a male may
be on demonstration.


© BiologyImaging.com

Excretory pore Pharynx

Dorsal nerve cord

Intestine Anus Pseudocoelom

Excretory duct
Genital pore Epidermis
Ventral nerve cord

Figure 37.15  Internal anatomy of nematodes, which are commonly called roundworms.

37–11 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 421


2 3



© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com
1. Dorsal nerve cord 1. Cuticle 6. Lateral nerve cord
2. Testis 2. Dorsal nerve cord 7. Loops of ovary
3. Lumen of intestine 3. Intestinal lumen 8. Pseudocoel
4. Ventral nerve cord 4. Uterus 9. Muscle
5. Oviduct 10. Ventral nerve cord

Figure 37.16  Cross sections of male (left) and female (right) Ascaris, a large nematode that infects the intestinal tract of a variety of
vertebrates (30×).

b. Where do the internal organs of Ascaris attach to the Trichinella

body wall?
Trichinella spiralis causes the disease trichinosis. Adult females
of Trichinella live in the intestine of their host and release lar-
vae. These larvae migrate through the body to striated muscles,
especially in the diaphragm and tongue, where they form pain-
ful calcified cysts (fig. 37.17). The larvae remain encysted until
the muscle tissue is eaten by another host, where the larvae
mature. Humans infect themselves by eating poorly cooked
pork containing encysted larvae. However, the occurrence
of trichinosis is decreasing. In the United States fewer than
c. How does the diameter of the female reproductive tract
50 cases of human trichinosis are reported annually to the Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Prevention, compared with 500
cases a year in the 1940s.

Procedure 37.4  Examine Trichinella, Necator,

Enterobius, and Dirofilaria
1. Examine a slide of muscle tissue containing encysted
larvae of Trichinella.
2. If slides are available, examine specimens of Necator
d. Are any sensory organs evident in Ascaris? Why (hookworm), Enterobius (pinworm), and Dirofilaria
would this be adaptive? (heartworm).
3. Note variation in the morphology of the anterior and
posterior ends of the organisms.
4. Sketch and note the body sizes of Trichinella, Necator,
Enterobius, and larval Dirofilaria.

422 EXERCISE 37 37–12

Striated muscle Cyst
of host

Fibrous sheath

Larval Larva

Degenerated Muscle
muscle cell

© BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b)

Figure 37.17  Trichinella spiralis. (a) Anatomy of larvae encrusted in muscle. (b) Larvae in muscle section (400×). The disease trichinosis is
acquired by eating poorly cooked meat that contains encysted larvae.

Penetrates and
develops in

Egg hatches Human
Mouth into larva in Gravid
intestine migrates to
perianal region

Embryonated egg Egg on

(Infective stage) perianal

Eggs skin

External environment

© BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b)

Figure 37.18  (a) Enterobius, a pinworm (60×). Pinworms are the most common parasite in the United States—30% of children and 16% of
adults are infected. (b) The life cycle of the pinworm, Enterobius vermicularis. The adult crawls from the intestine and lays eggs on the skin just
outside the anus. The host, usually a human child, is irritated by the pinworms and scratches. Eggs are then unknowingly eaten and the larvae hatch
in the intestine to complete the life cycle.

Hookworms cause anemia in infected livestock, about 30% of children and 16% of adults in the United
which causes great economic losses. Pinworms, although States. Heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) ​ are among the
less dangerous, irritate many children because the pin- most significant parasites of dogs and cats. The larvae are
worms infect the intestine and inflame the anus (fig. 37.18). transmitted by mosquitoes and large, mature stages (9 to
Children often scratch themselves, put their fingers in their 16 inches long) reside in the heart and lungs where they
mouths, and thereby reinfect themselves. Pinworms infect disrupt blood flow.

37–13 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 423

Questions for Further Thought and Study
1. Flatworms are the first organisms we have discussed with an anterior-posterior orientation. How does this affect their
movement compared to the movement of more primitive organisms?

2. What are the disadvantages of a flatworm’s digestive system having only one opening?

3. The complete digestive tract of nematodes and other phyla allows functional specialization. What specializations are
common in the digestive tract of higher organisms such as humans?

4. Prepare a simple table of all of the taxonomic groups, their common names, their distinguishing characteristics, and all
representative genera covered in this exercise. Keep this table with your study notes.

5. What is the advantage of radial symmetry for sessile animals such as hydras and bilateral symmetry for mobile animals
such as planaria? What major evolutionary trends accompany bilateral symmetry?

424 EXERCISE 37 37–14

Survey of the Animal Kingdom
BIOLOGY Exercise 38
Phyla Mollusca and Annelida

Learning Objectives P hylum Mollusca and phylum Annelida are the first
coelomate organisms that we have discussed (table 38.1,
see fig. 37.2). They have a coelomic body cavity sur-
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
rounded by mesoderm and containing complex systems of
1. Describe how structures specific to mollusks
organs and compartments. Coelomates are further divided
and annelids help them survive in their environment
into protostomes and deuterostomes. Protostomes include
and promote their evolutionary persistence.
phyla Mollusca, Annelida, and Arthropoda (see Exercise 39)
2. Describe the general morphology of organisms of
and have well-developed nervous, circulatory, excretory,
phylum Mollusca and phylum Annelida.
reproductive, and digestive systems. Deuterostome phyla
3. List the characteristics that phyla Mollusca and
include Echinodermata, Hemichordata, and Chordata (see
Annelida have in common with phyla Platyhelmin-
Exercise 40). A detailed comparison of protostomes and
thes and Nematoda.
deuterostomes is presented in Exercise 40.
4. Discuss those characteristics of mollusks
and ­annelids that are newly derived from the
ancestors of these two phyla.
5. List examples of each of the major classes of
­mollusks and annelids. Mollusks such as snails, clams, octopuses, and squids are
soft-bodied animals with a specialized layer of epidermal
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online cells called a mantle that secretes a shell (fig. 38.1). They
resources tailored to this lab. have evolved a remarkable diversity of forms built on a con-
sistent ancestral body plan (fig. 38.1). Molluskan forms are
so diverse that a clam and a squid belong to the same phylum!

Gonad Intestine
Mantle Mantle Stomach Shell




Radula Gill Foot Nephridium

Digestive gland

Figure 38.1  Generalized molluskan body plan.

38–1 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 425

TABLE 38.1

Mollusca Snails, oysters, Soft-bodied coelomates whose bodies are 110,000

(mollusks) octopuses, divided into three parts: head-foot, visceral
nudibranchs mass, and mantle; many have shells; almost
all possess a unique rasping tongue, called a
radula; 35,000 species are terrestrial.

Annelida Earthworms, Coelomate, serially segmented, bilaterally 12,000

(segmented polychaetes, symmetrical worms; complete digestive
worms) beach tube tract; most have bristles called setae on
worms, each segment that anchor them during
leeches crawling.

(a) (b) (c)

Shell Gut
Mantle Shell Gill
Mantle Gill
Gill Mantle Gut
Gut cavity
Mantle Shell


Radula Foot Radula

(a) © BiologyImaging.com (b) © Kjell Sandved/Butterfly Alphabet Inc. (c) © Marty Snyderman

Figure 38.2  The body plans of the three major classes of mollusks: (a) Gastropoda, (b) Bivalvia, and (c) Cephalopoda. A mollusk’s shell
has an outer layer overlying layers of densely packed crystals of calcium carbonate. A visceral mass includes organs of digestion, excretion,
and reproduction and extends as a muscular foot adapted for locomotion, attachment, or food capture (in squids and octopuses). The radula is a
scraping and feeding organ characteristic of mollusks (except bivalves, which obtain their food by filter feeding). Folds of tissue called the mantle
arise from the dorsal body wall, line the shell, and enclose a cavity adjacent to the visceral mass. Within the mantle cavity are gills or lungs.

Mollusks produce many kinds of external shells (fig. (except in cephalopods), meaning that blood pools in sinuses
38a,b)—some mollusks have only a remnant internal shell, and bathes the organs directly. Open circulatory systems
(fig. 38.2c) whereas others have no shell at all. This phy- have a few large vessels and a heart but no smaller vessels
lum’s diversity of 110,000 species is surpassed only by and capillaries.
arthropods and probably nematodes. Although mollusks are The basic body-plan of a mollusk shows little seg-
coelomate, their coelom is often reduced to a small cham- mentation, but consistently includes (1) a visceral mass of
ber surrounding the heart. The circulatory system is open organ systems (digestion, excretion, and reproduction) and

426 EXERCISE 38 38–2

sensory structures; (2) a ventral, muscular, and often highly
modified foot used for locomotion; (3) a calcium-based
shell, though occasionally absent; and (4) a mantle that
secretes the shell and may aid in respiration and locomotion
in some species (fig. 38.2). Some mollusks also have a dif-
ferentiated head.

Class Polyplacophora
Obtain a preserved chiton and examine its external features.
Polyplacophorans (poly = many, placo = plate, phora =
move), commonly called chitons, are exclusively marine
and have a primitive molluskan structure (fig. 38.3). The © Walter E. Harvey/Science Source
dorsal shell is divided into eight plates embedded in the
Figure 38.4  Colorful nudibranchs, such as Flaballina iodinae,
mantle. The ventral foot is a broad oval muscle used to are gastropod mollusks without a shell. They have a rather mysterious
propel chitons slowly over the surface of rocks. The radula, defensive strategy—nudibranchs use the weapons of their prey. They
a horny-toothed organ in the mouth, scrapes food (algae) eat sea jellies, hydrozoans, and corals, all of which have stinging
from rocks. structures called nematocysts. When a nudibranch attacks and eats
sea jellies, it can swallow and digest these nematocysts without
discharging them. The stingers pass through the digestive tract and are
stored in feathery projections on the dorsal surface of the nudibranch.
Class Gastropoda A predator taking a mouthful of nudibranch gets a nasty taste.

Most gastropods (gastro = stomach, poda = foot) (snails)

have a single shell that is often coiled and elaborate. Some gastropod species are marine, but freshwater snails and land
gastropods, such as marine nudibranchs and the com- snails are common. Gastropods commonly feed with a rasp-
mon garden slug, do not produce a shell (fig. 38.4). Most ing band of teeth called a radula (fig. 38.5)
Examine preserved gastropods and aquarium snails
and compare the relative spiraling of the shells of differ-
ent species. This spiral growth is common in mollusks and
results from unequal growth of the two halves of the larva
and mantle.

Shell plate




Muscle Radula Mouth

© BiologyImaging.com Figure 38.5  A radula is a unique rasping tongue of mollusks with

rows of chitinous teeth covering its surface. The membranous radula is
Figure 38.3  Chiton, Chiton (class Polyplacophora). Dorsal view stretched over a rigid cartilaginous rod pressed against a surface to be
(above), and ventral view (below) (1×). The shell of chitons has eight scraped. Snails use their radula to scrape algae from rocks or tear pieces
plates atop a mantle; visceral mass; and large, oval foot. from plant leaves.

38–3 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 427

Class Bivalvia a wooden peg. Rinse the specimen thoroughly before
Clams, oysters, scallops, and mussels are bivalves (bi = two,
2. Locate the two valves and the anterior, posterior, dor-
valve = door or shell) having a dorsally hinged shell in two
sal, and ventral regions of the clam. The hinge and the
parts (figs. 38.2b, 38.6). The mantles of the left and right
umbo are on the dorsal surface (fig. 38.7b). The umbo
valves join posteriorly to form a ventral incurrent siphon
is toward the anterior end.
and a dorsal excurrent siphon that direct water through
the clam (fig. 38.7a). When a clam burrows in sediment the 3. Place the organism vertically and dorsal side (umbo)
siphons extend to the water. The space between the mantle down on a dissecting pan. To further separate and
and visceral mass is the mantle cavity. Water flows into the loosen the valves, slip the flat end of a dull kitchen
mantle cavity through the incurrent siphon, over the gills, knife between the valves and rotate the knife. Be care-
and then dorsally into a space between the visceral mass ful. Notice that a layer of mantle lies against the inside
where gills attach to the mantle. Water exits this chamber of each of the two valves.
posteriorly through the excurrent siphon. As water flows 4. Review figure 38.7 to find the general position of the
over gills, suspended food particles are filtered by cilia and adductor muscles.
swept along grooves on the gills to the ventral edge. Cilia at 5. When the valves are loose enough to be held slightly
the ventral edge move food to the labial palps that surround open (about 1.0 cm), slip a scalpel blade between the
and direct food to the mouth (fig. 38.7b). mantle tissue and shell of one side. When you have
felt resistance of an adductor muscle against the tip
of the blade, draw the blade snugly along the shell to
SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were cut the posterior and anterior adductor muscles. Try to
asked to read this exercise so you would know what cut them as close to the inner shell surface as possible.
to do and be aware of safety issues. In the space Always cut down toward the dissecting pan.
below, briefly list the safety issues associated with
​6. Pull the valves apart so that the organism lies on
today’s procedures. If you have questions about these
one side and the other valve lifts away. The mantle that
issues, contact your laboratory assistant before start-
once lined the removed shell now covers the visceral
ing work.
mass. Cut the mantle away to expose the visceral mass.
​7. On the separated and empty valve notice the muscle’s
scars, hinge teeth, mantle line, and the inner, iridescent
Procedure 38.1  Examine bivalve anatomy surface of the shell called mother of pearl.
8. Locate the gills, labial palps, tough muscular foot, and
1. Obtain a preserved freshwater bivalve, such as
the softer, more dorsal visceral mass. The labial palps
Anodonta. The valves should be slightly separated by
channel food to the open mouth.
9. To expose the internal organs of the visceral mass,
slice the foot and visceral mass longitudinally
(anterior-posterior plane) from the ventral surface
toward the dorsal surface. This will produce left and
right halves. Make the cut slightly off center to avoid
cutting through all of the tough foot tissue.
10. Locate evidence of the coiled intestine, the green
digestive gland, brown gonad tissue, and the dorsal
heart. This sac is thought to be a remnant of the
ancestral coelomic cavity. The intestine runs through
it, and the sac contains the heart tissue.
11. When you finish your observations, dispose of the
preserved tissue and shells in appropriate containers.

Question 1
© BiologyImaging.com a. What is the texture of the mantle of Anodonta?
Figure 38.6  A giant clam (class Bivalvia, Tridacna sp.) of the
Indopacific may weigh up to 900 lb (400 kg). Its mantle is often
intensely colored by blue, green, and brown pigments, and it harbors
rich and colorful colonies of symbiotic algae in the blood sinuses of
the tissue. Photosynthesis by these algae provides extra food for the
clam. Some clams have lenslike structures that focus light deep within
their tissues and promote photosynthesis by the algae.

428 EXERCISE 38 38–4

Digestive gland Mantle


Mouth siphon


Labial palp

Foot Gonad


Hinge tooth
Hinge adductor


Figure 38.7  (a) Clam (Anodonta) anatomy. The left valve and mantle are removed. (b) During filter feeding, water enters the mantle cavity
posteriorly and is drawn forward by ciliary action to the gills and palps. As water enters the tiny openings of the gills, food particles are filtered out
and caught in strings of mucus carried by cilia to the palps and directed to the mouth. Arrows show the path of food particles being moved toward
the mouth by cilia on the gills. Sand and debris drop into the mantle cavity and are removed by cilia.

b. Are siphons in Anodonta as obvious as they are in c. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this
figure 38.8? exercise. In what ways would having a shell contribute
to the survival and reproductive success of mollusks in
their environment?

38–5 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 429

Examine a cluster of oyster shells and note how they are Most cephalopods (cephalo = head, poda = foot) (e.g.,
stuck together. A mature oyster is attached permanently squid, octopuses, nautilus, and cuttlefish) do not resemble
to a substrate. Most bivalves produce pearls, but the fin- their molluskan relatives because cephalopod shells may
est pearls are made by Pinctada in the warm waters of the be absent or reduced to an internal remnant (fig. 38.3).
Pacific. Natural pearls form in oysters when an irritant such For example, a cuttlebone is actually the internal shell of
as a grain of sand lodges between the mantle and the shell. a mollusk called a cuttlefish. (You may have offered your
The mantle responds by surrounding the irritant with layers pet parakeet a cuttlebone to sharpen its beak.) The foot of a
of the same crystalline material used for the shell. Cultured cephalopod is modified into tentacles. Squid and other ceph-
pearls are produced by oysters about 3 years after aquacul- alopods are predatory, and their external features are appro-
turists introduce an irritant to their mantle. priately adapted. Unusual among mollusks is the relatively
closed circulatory system of cephalopod arteries and veins.
Question 2 Examine the eyes of Loligo closely. Also examine
a. How does the foot of a bivalve differ from that of snails other displayed cephalopods such as the chambered nauti-
or chitons? lus; its external shell is beautiful and unusual for a cephalo-
pod (fig. 38.8). Review mollusks by completing table 38.2
with brief descriptions of basic molluskan features. The
eyes are probably the most surprising feature of a squid.
The largest eyes in kingdom Animalia belong to the giant
b. How could predators attack an animal closed “tight as squid; they re­semble mammalian eyes and use a lens to
a clam”? form clear images.

Question 3
a. What features of squid and octopuses are adaptations
for predation?
c. Is immobility a problem for filter feeders such as
oysters? Why or why not?

b. Do all of the tentacles of a squid have suckers?

Class Cephalopoda
Examine a preserved specimen of the common squid,
Loligo. Note the number and arrangement of the tentacles
and the pointed, hardened beak surrounding the mouth.

© oceanbounddb/Getty Images
(a) atese/Getty Images
(b) (c) © Edward S. Ross

Figure 38.8  Cephalopod diversity. (a) An octopus. Octopuses generally move slowly along the bottom of the sea. (b) A squid. Squids are
active predators, competing effectively with fish for prey. (c) Pearly nautilus, Nautilus pompilius.

430 EXERCISE 38 38–6

TABLE 38.2






Sensory structures

c. What are some functions of suckers? closed, with blood always retained in vessels. Annelids also
have setae, small, bristlelike appendages often occurring in
pairs on lateral and ventral surfaces. The degree of setal
development is distinctive for each of the three classes of
d. Find the mouth at the base of the tentacles. What is the Class Polychaeta
shape and consistency of the jaws? You may need to
make an incision to expose the mouth and jaws. Most polychaetes, such as the clam worm Nereis, are
marine worms living in sediment (fig. 38.9). Nereis is dis-
tinctly segmented and each segment bears a pair of fleshy
appendages called parapodia. These appendages have a
large surface area, are highly vascularized with blood ves-
sels, and help the polychaete move and respire. Protruding
e. Why are sensory organs more prominent in cephalo- from the fleshy parapodia are many setae from which the
pods than in other classes of mollusks? class derives its name (poly = many, chaeta = setae). In
some species the brittle, tubular setae are filled with poison
and used for defense; in others the setae help filter food
from the water.

f. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this Procedure 38.2  Examine polychaetes
exercise. In what ways are image-forming eyes signifi- 1. Examine a preserved Nereis and a prepared slide of a
cant to fundamental processes for cephalopods? parapodium. Sketch the parapodium. Note the tufts of
bristles and lobes of tissue.

2. Examine the well-developed head of Nereis and locate

PHYLUM ANNELIDA the features shown in figure 38.9b. The mouth and
jaws of polychaetes are retractile, so you may have to
Annelids include earthworms, leeches, and many less famil-
pull out the jaws with a pair of forceps.
iar marine and freshwater species. The most distinctive
characteristic of this phylum is segmentation. The body 3. Examine other displayed polychaetes such as Aphro-
of an annelid is divided into repetitive segments arranged dita, the sea mouse, and Chaetopterus, the parchment
on a longitudinal axis and divided by septa. Each segment worm. These worms have many setae and highly modi-
contains parts of the circulatory, digestive, nervous, and fied parapodia. The parchment worm gets its common
excretory systems. The circulatory system of annelids is name from the paperlike tube it builds.

38–7 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 431







Everted pharynx

(a) © BiologyImaging.com Prostomial tentacles


Figure 38.9  Nereis virens, a common polychaete (phylum Annelida). (a) External structure. (b) Anatomy of the anterior end.

Question 4 e. What features of Nereis indicate that it is an annelid?

a. The common name of the sea mouse refers to what
external feature characteristic of polychaetes?

Class Oligochaeta
A common oligochaete is Lumbricus terrestris, the familiar
b. List several functions of parapodia and setae.

Earthworm Locomotion
Movement of oligochaetes in their natural soil environment
is not undulatory—instead, movement involves extension,
anchoring, and contraction. These motions occur by alter-
c. What is the probable function of the tentacles shown
nating contractions of circular and longitudinal muscles.
in figure 38.9b?
These contractions pull against a hydrostatic (water pres-
sure) support system rather than against a rigid skeleton
(fig. 38.10).

Procedure 38.3  Examine locomotion in

d. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this 1. Watch a living earthworm move on the hard surface of
exercise. Are parapodia significant to fundamental a pan, then compare and contrast this motion with that
processes for polychaetes? In what ways? of a snake and a vinegar eel.
2. Place the worm on some loose soil, and describe its
burrowing motion.

Question 5
a. Does the earthworm move randomly?

432 EXERCISE 38 38–8

The anterior end is pushed Bristles help the anterior end of the
Longitudinal forward when circular worm to grip the surface.
muscles muscles contract and
contract. longitudinal muscles relax.

relax. Bristles


The posterior end is pulled forward

Circular when the circular muscles relax and the
muscles longitudinal muscles contract.

Figure 38.10  Hydrostatic skeleton in a worm. By alternately contracting and relaxing circular and longitudinal muscles, earthworms use
hydrostatic pressure to achieve locomotion. Clinging bristles along the body surface help prevent backsliding.

b. What do you suppose the worm is seeking or avoiding? e. What features of Lumbricus indicate that it is an

c. What muscles allow the worm to change its length

and thickness? External Anatomy of Earthworms
Oligochaetes (oligo = few or small, chaeta = setae),
include many freshwater species besides the common earth-
worm. They lack parapodia and have few setae. The anus
is on the terminal segment, but the mouth is preceded by a
fleshy lobe called the prostomium (pro = before, stoma =
mouth). Posterior to the mouth is the first body segment, the
d. How does an earthworm’s motion differ from that of a peristomium (peri = around, stoma = mouth) (fig. 38.11).
snake and nematode?

Prostomium Setae receptacles Male gonopore Clitellum



Segment 5 Segment 10 Female gonopore

Figure 38.11  External features of an earthworm’s ventral surface.

38–9 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 433

The most obvious external feature of an earthworm is 5. Use a dissecting microscope to locate the male gono-
the clitellum, a series of swollen segments at the anterior pores and seminal receptacle openings on your speci-
third of the body. Copulating worms attach at their clitella men (fig. 38.11).
and exchange sperm (fig. 38.12). Earthworms are hermaph- 6. Locate the female gonopores on your specimen.
roditic, and each of the copulating worms produces egg and
sperm cells. Sperm mature in seminal vesicles and exit the Question 6
worm through male gonopores on segment 15 (fig. 38.11). a. How many setae are on each segment of the earthworm?
Sperm then pass to the adjacent worm and move along its
body surface to openings of the seminal receptacles (each
side of segment 10), where they are stored temporarily. ­After
copulation, the worms separate. A few days later the c­ litellum
secretes a mucous band that slides anteriorly and picks up b. Are they paired?
eggs from the female gonopores (segment 14) and stored
sperm from seminal receptacles. After the eggs are fertilized
in the mucous band, the worm releases it as a c­ ocoon.

Procedure 38.4  Examine the external features

of an earthworm Internal Anatomy of Earthworms
1. Examine the external features of a preserved Lumbri-
Segmentation is best appreciated by looking at internal
cus, and notice its segmentation.
anatomy (fig. 38.13). Some of the repeating segments are
2. Although the body lacks parapodia, if you touch the not identical. Segments of the digestive tract are fused and
smooth epidermis and cuticle you can feel short setae specialized to form a muscular pharynx (for suction and
on the ventral surface. ingestion of food), esophagus (for transport of food), crop
3. Use a dissecting microscope to determine the number (for food storage and some digestion), gizzard (for macera-
and arrangement of these setae. tion or crushing of food), and intestine (for a­ bsorption of
4. Locate the mouth and anus of the earthworm. nutrients). Recall that nematodes also have a linear digestive




Figure 38.12  Position for copulation and transfer of sperm in earthworms (class Oligochaeta).

Esophagus Dorsal
blood Intestine
Hearts Crop vessel Longitudinal
Pharynx Gizzard Septa muscle


Seminal Female Nerve
receptacles gonads cord Ventral
vessel Circular Nephridium

Figure 38.13  Internal anatomy of an earthworm.

434 EXERCISE 38 38–10

tract, but it lacks the specialization of that of annelids. may have to cut each septum so the body wall lies flat
Reproductive organs cluster around the anterior segments. when pinned.
Locating small structures such as the female gonads and 4. When you have completed the dissection, pour a small
seminal receptacles will require careful work. A rudimen- amount of water into the pan to cover the exposed
tary brain is just anterior and dorsal to the pharynx and is worm.
continuous with the ventral nerve cord. 5. Locate the structures shown in figure 38.13. You
Some structures such as lateral branches of the ven- may need to use a dissecting microscope for close
tral nerve cord and paired nephridia occur in each segment examination.
(fig. 38.14). Nephridia, which are small, white, convoluted
6. Locate the hearts, dorsal blood vessel, and ventral
tubes, are found on the inner surface of each segment.
blood vessel.
Nephridia function like kidneys—they collect and release
excretory wastes. Ciliated, funnel-shaped nephrostomes 7. Locate the organs of the digestive system. Slit open the
on the ends of the nephridia gather waste products from digestive tract and observe its contents.
the coelom. The waste is released through external pores 8. Locate a nephridium in each segment of your dissected
called nephridiopores. specimen.
The dorsal blood vessel and ventral blood vessel 9. When you have completed your observations, dispose
(above and below the intestine) are the main vessels of the of your specimen in an appropriate container.
closed circulatory system. They are connected by five lateral 10. Examine a prepared slide of a cross section of an
“hearts.” However, these hearts promote blood circulation earthworm; locate the structures in figure 38.14.
no more than the dorsal and ventral vessels.
The digestive tract has an internal fold of tissue called Question 7
the  typhlosole arising from the dorsal wall. This creates a­ a. How many segments of an earthworm have a heart?
U-shaped intestinal lumen and doubles the surface area for

Procedure 38.5  Examine the internal features

of an earthworm b. Does the ventral nerve cord traverse the entire length
1. Pin the terminal segments of a preserved Lumbricus, of the body?
dorsal side up, near the edge of a dissecting pan.
2. Open the body with a shallow, longitudinal incision.
Use sharp-pointed scissors, and be careful not to cut
too deeply. Hold the skin up with forceps to prevent
damage to internal organs. c. Is the inside of the digestive tract the same from the
3. Pin the skin back on both sides of the incision, and pharynx to the end of the intestine? Explain.
expose the organs lying in the coelomic cavity. You

d. How could absorption in the intestine be increased

Dorsal blood vessel without increasing the intestine’s length?
Coelomic Longitudinal
lining muscles
Muscular wall
Circular muscles of intestine
Nephridium e. How do the layers of musculature in an earthworm
Typhlosole differ from those of a nematode?
blood vessel
Ventral nerve cord pore
f. List two or three features of an earthworm cross
section that distinguish the dorsal and ventral surfaces.
Subneural blood vessel

Figure 38.14  Cross section and internal anatomy of an


38–11 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 435

Class Hirudinea spermatophore into the female gonopore. Other species
have no copulatory organ; these leeches copulate by inject-
Hirudineans include leeches, which are primarily freshwa- ing a spermatophore directly through the epidermis of their
ter ectoparasites (fig. 38.15). Leeches are not segmented as partner (the spermatophore may have tissue-dissolving
distinctly as are other annelids. Leeches lack setae, are dor- enzymes to aid penetration). The introduced spermatophore
soventrally flattened, and have anterior and posterior suck- releases sperm into the coelomic cavity, and the cells move
ers that hold prey. Blood sucking leeches eat infrequently, to the ovaries to fertilize the eggs. In 2 days to many months
but species such as Hirudo medicinal can quickly consume after copulation, the leech secretes a nutrient-rich cocoon
five to ten times their body weight in blood. Many years to protect the eggs, and extrudes eggs into the cocoon. The
ago physicians used these leeches for bloodletting from cocoon is brooded by the leech or attached to submerged
sick patients thought to have “too much bad blood.” Today, objects or vegetation.
laboratory-grown leeches are occasionally used to extract
fluid that has accumulated around injuries and surgical inci-
sions to enhance healing. Leeches extract fluid more effi- Procedure 38.6  Observe leeches
ciently and with less damage than does hypodermic suction 1. Observe living leeches; compare their movement with
(fig. 38.16). that of earthworms.
Leeches reproduce sexually and individuals are
2. Examine the external anatomy of a preserved leech and
hermaphroditic. Two leeches intertwine, and species
locate the two suckers.
with ­copulatory organs inject a packet of sperm called a



© Dwight Kuhn

Figure 38.15  External view of a leech (20×). Leeches are primarily freshwater ectoparasites. The mouth is within the anterior sucker.

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 38.16  Leech. These advanced annelids have external signs of segmentation but have little repetition of internal parts or internal

436 EXERCISE 38 38–12

3. Open the body with a pair of scissors and look for e. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this
signs of segmentation. A dissected leech may be on exercise. How could production of a packetlike sper-
demonstration. matophore contribute to the evolutionary success of
leeches in their environment?
Question 8
a. What is the difference in general body shape of leeches
compared to oligochaetes or polychaetes?

Question 9
b. What function other than feeding do suckers serve? a. Now that you have examined the unifying character-
istics of mollusks and annelids, can you list three or
four characteristics that they share with flatworms and
nematodes as their close ­ancestors?

c. Are setae visible on a leech?

b. Draw and label three coelomic body plans and list

which of the phyla in Exercises 37 and 38 are associ-
d. Is internal segmentation of a leech as distinct as that of ated with each plan.
an oligochaete?

The Use of Leeches in Medicine
Observations: Many years ago, physicians used leeches for b. Discuss among your group and record on Worksheet 38
“bloodletting” from sick patients thought to have “too much the requirements of effective use of leeches in medicine.
bad blood.” Today, laboratory-grown leeches are occasionally Include necessary characteristics of the organism and the
used to enhance healing by extracting fluid that accumulates logistics of delivering treatment.
around incisions following microsurgery and injuries. Leeches c. Determine with your group the specific questions that
extract fluid more efficiently and with less damage than hypo- doctors must answer concerning leeches and their effec-
dermic suction (fig. 38.16). Medicine is a business as well as tive, safe use. Record these questions on Worksheet 38.
a science that must be effective and delivered safely to large d. Research the current literature and outline information
populations. about the use of leeches in medicine.
Question: Are leeches appropriate as a viable medical e. Record your findings on Worksheet 38.
treatment? f. Discuss your findings with your instructor and with other
a. Establish a literature search group according to your
instructor’s guidelines, and obtain Investigation Work-
sheet 38 from your instructor.

38–13 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 437

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Mollusks exhibit a variety of feeding methods. List at least four and discuss adaptations and examples for each type.

2. A snail shell is quite different from the familiar bony skeleton of a mammal. In what ways does a shell function as a

3. Some land snails have formed a lunglike structure from a major layer of tissue. What is that layer?

4. You have examined at least three phyla commonly referred to as “worms.” How would you define this term?

5. Of what economic importance are earthworms?

​6. Earthworms have no lungs or gills. Do they “breathe”? If not, how do they obtain oxygen to survive?

7. Do you suppose bloodletting by leeches was a good technique to cure psychosomatic illnesses? Why or why not?

8. Prepare a simple table of all of the taxonomic groups, their common names, their distinguishing characteristics, and all
representative genera covered in this exercise. Keep this table with your study notes.

9. Cephalopods are considered by many to be the most distinctive class of mollusks. What makes them seem almost out
of place?


Are leeches predators or parasites? What reasons
would you give for both possibilities?

438 EXERCISE 38 38–14

Survey of the Animal Kingdom
BIOLOGY Exercise 39
Phylum Arthropoda

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Describe the structures that contribute significantly
to the survival of arthropods in their environments.
2. Describe the general morphology of organisms of
phylum Arthropoda.
3. List characteristics that arthropods share with the
phyla discussed previously.
4. Discuss those characteristics of arthropods that were
newly derived from those of their ancestral phyla.
5. List examples of the major classes of arthropods.
6. Describe modifications of the exoskeleton and
paired appendages of arthropods.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online © BiologyImaging.com

resources tailored to this lab. Figure 39.1  Scorpions are the oldest known terrestrial arthropods.
Typical of all arthropods, scorpion bodies are segmented, have jointed
appendages, and are covered with a hard, chitinous exoskeleton. Shown

T he success and predominance of the arthropod body

plan in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments
is extraordinary. Phylum Arthropoda is the most diverse
here is the world’s largest scorpion (18 cm), the Emperor scorpion
(Pandinus emperator) from west Africa. Some extinct species were five-
times larger than the Emperor. The sting and neurotoxic venom of most
species are equivalent to those of a hornet sting. The most notorious
as well as most abundant phylum of animals—estimates stingers are Androctonus of North Africa and species of Centruroides
range from 2–10 million species. Their tremendous suc- in Mexico, Arizona, and New Mexico. Children and weak adults may
cess in all major habitats is due mainly to the adaptive value die from the neurotoxin of a scorpion in 6–7 hours by paralysis of
of their rigid external skeleton with jointed appendages respiratory muscles or cardiac failure. Scorpions locate their prey by
detecting vibrations, often through sand rather than air. Desert species
(arthro = jointed, poda = foot or appendage) (table 39.1, can locate and dig out a burrowing cockroach in just a few seconds.
fig. 39.1). Their appendages are extensions of the main Desert species can also withstand temperatures of 46°C (115°F) and
body and highly adapted for locomotion, feeding, repro- tolerate water loss equivalent to 40% of their body weight.
duction, defense, and sensing the environment. Bodies
of arthropods are segmented, as were ancestral annelids arthropods. Arthropods are coelomate, their circulatory sys-
(fig. 39.2), although segments of arthropods often fuse tems are open, and all organ systems are well developed.
during development. The arrangement of these segments The exoskeleton of arthropods is made of chitin, a
and the structure of appendages are often used to classify long chain of nitrogen-­containing sugar molecules arranged

Annelida Arthropoda Chordata

Figure 39.2  Annelids, arthropods, and chordates all exhibit segmentation.

39–1 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 439

TABLE 39.1

Crustaceans Mouthparts are mandibles Lobsters, crabs, shrimp, 67,000

(biting jaws); appendages isopods, barnacles
are biramous (“two-

Chelicerates Mouthparts are chelicerae Spiders, mites, ticks

(pincers or fangs). scorpions, daddy longlegs, 78,300
horseshoe crabs

Centipedes Mouthparts are mandibles: Centipedes, millipedes 20,000

and millipedes bodies consist of a head and
numerous body segments
bearing paired uniramous

Insects Mouthparts are mandibles; Beetles, bees, flies, fleas, 900,000

appendages are uniramous. true bugs, grasshoppers,
butterflies, termites

in strong fibers. Chitin may be as soft as the body of a but- tremendous strength and flexibility. The variation in struc-
terfly or, if impregnated with calcium carbonate, as hard ture and function of appendages is enormous.
as the shell of a lobster. This exoskeleton p­ rovides protec- During the evolution of arthropods, their prominent
tion, a moisture barrier, and a place for muscle attachment. characteristics (e.g., an exoskeleton and jointed append-
Although this tough covering limits growth, arthropods peri- ages) were highly adaptive and probably allowed them to
odically shed their exoskeleton and quickly enlarge before replace other species that weren’t equipped to deal as well
the new exoskeleton hardens. with their environment. These adaptations allowed primitive
Each body segment of ancestral arthropods had a sin- arthropods to exploit new environments, microhabitats, and
gle pair of appendages. Recall that this condition of paired niches. Review the introductory information in this exercise
appendages also occurs in annelids. Appendages of mod- (as well as in your textbook) and complete table 39.2 for six
ern arthropods are covered by the rigid exoskeleton and or more arthropod characteristics.
usually have flexible joints. This provides arthropods with

TABLE 39.2

440 EXERCISE 39 39–2

Chelicera Mouth
Median (simple) eye

Lateral Walking legs

eye Cephalothorax


Book gills


Figure 39.3  Dorsal and ventral views of a horseshoe crab, Limulus (class Merostomata). Horseshoe crabs are ancient chelicerates abundant on
the Atlantic Coast and Gulf of Mexico.

Who Cares about Horseshoe Crabs? SUBPHYLUM CHELICERATA

Blood from the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, is more Chelicerates such as spiders, scorpions, and horseshoe crabs
valuable than you might think! It annually is used for tests are arthropods with the appendages of their most anterior
worth $50–60 million to the medical industry. Amoebocytes segment modified into feeding structures called chelicerae.
circulating in the blood of horseshoe crabs have an The second pair of appendages are pedipalps and are modi-
ancient immune response that releases coagulogen from fied for capturing prey, sensing the environment, or copulat-
granules in the cells in response to bacterial toxins. The reac- ing. Body segments of chelicerates are fused into two body
tion forms a “clot” around a site of invading bacteria. The regions: a cephalothorax consisting of a fused head and
medical industry catches the crabs, bleeds about one-third of thoracic segments and an abdomen as the most posterior
their blood, then releases them. Mortality is about 7.5% to body region. Chelicerates lack antennae.
10%. Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) is extracted from
the blood, marketed, and used to detect any trace of Gram- Class Merostomata (Horseshoe Crabs)
negative bacterial endotoxin present on newly manufactured Horseshoe crabs, commonly Limulus, are ancient marine
equipment, needles, vaccines, prosthetic limbs, or even chelicerates existing since the Cambrian period (500 mil-
blood samples from patients. As required by the Food and lion years ago). They are abundant on the Atlantic Coast and
Drug Administration (FDA), inject- Gulf of Mexico.
able drugs and vaccines must pass a Examine a preserved Limulus and find the structures
Limulus Test with LAL before they illustrated in figure 39.3. A horseshoe-shaped carapace cov-
are approved. There is no synthetic ers the cephalothorax and a flexible joint seen easily from a
substitute for LAL, so conservation dorsal view separates the cephalothorax from the abdomen.
and management of horseshoe crab The ventral surface includes five pairs of appendages modi-
populations is critical—and may Courtesy U.S. Fish and fied as walking legs. The most anterior pair of legs are mod-
save your life. Wildlife Service
ified pedipalps. Anterior to the pedipalps are the chelicerae.
Posterior to the walking legs are a pair of degenerated legs

39–3 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 441


Walking legs


(a) (b) Chelicerae

Figure 39.4  Anatomy of a jumping spider. (a) External view. (b) Anterior view of head.

called chilaria. The appendages of the abdominal segments New Mexico, have killed many humans, mostly children. Its
are modified as book gills and promote gas exchange. venom is neurotoxic and causes convulsions, paralysis of
respiratory muscles, and heart failure. However, most scor-
pion stings are not fatal.
Question 1 ­ Examine the external features of a preserved spider
a. Why do we call the external chitinous covering of an and compare them with the features shown in figure 39.4.
arthropod a skeleton even though it is not made of bone? Spiders are the most familiar arachnids and comprise 30,000
species. They are terrestrial and prey mostly on insects and
other small invertebrates (figs. 39.5, 39.6). Spiders are often
confused with insects, but spiders have two body regions
and eight legs. Insects have three body regions and six legs.
b. What external features of a horseshoe crab are used for The spinnerets of spiders are independently moving nozzles
burrowing and scavenging in sand? that release silk from internal silk glands. Web silk is made
primarily of polypeptides of the amino acids glycine, ala-
nine, and serine. When this fluid is emitted it hardens, not
from exposure to air but from polypeptide cross-linkages
that form during release. The fluid is not forced out under
pressure; rather, it is drawn out by the hind legs or by the
c. Why are appendages of abdominal segments called weight of the body falling through the air. Spiders can pro-
“book” gills? duce silk as strong as nylon, highly elastic and dry or sticky
depending on the construction of the web.

Class Arachnida (Scorpions, Ticks, Mites,

Daddy Longlegs, Spiders)
Arachnids (57,000 species) are the most diverse class of
chelicerates and are mostly terrestrial. The cephalothorax
has chelicerae modified as fangs to pierce prey, has pedi-
palps to manipulate food and sense the environment, and has
four pairs of walking legs.
Examine a preserved scorpion, noting the many dis-
tinct segments of its thorax and abdomen. Compare the
segmentation of scorpions with that of other available pre-
served chelicerates such as mites, ticks, and daddy long­legs.
© BiologyImaging.com
Scorpions were the first terrestrial arthropods and have
been around since the Silurian period (425 million years Figure 39.5  Tarantulas, sometimes called bird spiders, may
ago). Their lack of fused segments is unusual for chelicer- have a 25-cm leg span. They live on the ground, dwell in trees,
and sometimes burrow. The hairy body of this brown tarantula is
ates and indicates the scorpion’s ancient origins (fig. 39.1). extremely sensitive to vibration. Many hairs contain chemoreceptors
These secretive carnivores are 1–8 cm long. Stings of as well as mechanoreceptors, and hairs on the tips of the feet are often
Centruroides, a common scorpion in Mexico, Arizona, and iridescent. Captive tarantulas can live 20 years or more.

442 EXERCISE 39 39–4

Crustaceans (35,000 species) live in marine and freshwater.
Only a few species are terrestrial. Crustaceans differ from the
other subphyla because they have fundamentally biramous
or double-branched appendages (fig. 39.7). Crustaceans
have two pairs of antennae and usually have compound
eyes with multiple lenses. Crustaceans along with insects are
commonly called mandibulates because they have opposing
mandibles derived from an anterior pair of appendages.

Crustacean Anatomy
The body of a crustacean such as a crayfish usually has
© BiologyImaging.com two regions: a cephalothorax covered by a carapace and
an ­abdomen (fig. 39.8). The five anterior pairs of crusta-
Figure 39.6  Black widow spiders (Latrodectus mactans) are shiny cean appendages are modified into first antennae, second
black with a red hourglass on the abdomen’s ventral surface. As with
other spiders, their chelicerae have poison glands opening at the tip of the antennae, mandibles, maxillae, and maxillipeds.
fangs. Toxins and enzymes are injected into prey, liquefying the prey’s Obtain and examine a preserved crayfish. Append-
tissue. The nutritious broth is then eaten. Black widows live in most ages 3 (mandible) through 9 (cheliped) are used for feeding.
parts of the world, and their venom causes nausea, muscular spasms, These appendages have different shapes. The shape of
respiratory paralysis, and pain in the abdomen and legs. Human death
some appendages such as the cheliped indicate an obvious
from their bite is rare. Black widows, like other spiders, can withstand
months of starvation by reducing their metabolic rate up to 40%. A male function.
is only half the size of the female and is killed soon after mating.
Question 3
Question 2 How might mouthparts of various shapes be adaptive for
a. What external features make scorpions appear so crayfish?

The four pairs of walking legs attach to the thorax at

b. Which are larger, a scorpion’s chelicerae or pedipalps? the ventral edge of the carapace. Abdominal appendages are
much smaller than walking legs and are called swimmerets
or pleopods. If you study a male crayfish you’ll notice that
each of the first pair of swimmerets has an odd spatulate
c. What is the shape of a spider’s chelicerae? shape, modified to transfer packets of sperm to a female dur-
ing reproduction. The most posterior pair of appendages are
broad, flat uropods. They surround the terminal abdominal
segment called the telson. All crustacean appendages are
d. Do you see any evidence that a spider’s body is fundamentally biramous (i.e., double-branched).

e. How many eyes do most spiders have? Are they paired

and similar in size?

f. Many spiders are hairy. How might this feature be branches

Crayfish maxilliped Insect appendage

(biramous) (uniramous)

Figure 39.7  Branched and single appendages. A biramous leg in

a crustacean (crayfish) and a uniramous leg in an insect.

39–5 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 443

By now you’ve probably guessed correctly that study- 6. Examine other available crustaceans such as a crab.
ing arthropods consists mostly of examining body segments The cephalothorax of a crab is obvious, but the abdo-
and their paired appendages. Appendages of two different men is highly modified.
species may have similar functions but different embryo-
logical origin. Such structures are analogous. For example, Question 4
chelicerae of a spider are analogous to mandibles of a cray- a. Which body region of a crayfish is most obviously
fish because they have similar functions even though they segmented?
are  not derived from the same body segment. In contrast,
homologous structures of two different species have similar
developmental origin but may or may not serve the same b. What structures are located just under the carapace and
function. Chelicerae of a spider are homologous to the most attached to each leg of a crayfish? What is the adaptive
anterior pair of antennae of a crayfish. advantage of these structures being attached to legs?
Procedure 39.1  Study the external anatomy
of a crayfish
1. Obtain a preserved Cambarus (the common crayfish) c. How many legs are chelate (pincerlike with opposing
and locate the external features shown in figure 39.8. claws)?
2. To appreciate the variation in appendages in
Cambarus, use forceps to remove one of the first
antennae, a cheliped, a walking leg, an anterior swim- d. What is the function of the uropods and telson, and what
meret, a posterior swimmeret, and a uropod. feature indicates this function?
3. Arrange them in order in a dissecting pan or on a piece of
paper and relate each one’s structure to its function.
4. Examine the appendages you’ve removed and note e. Are the anterior swimmerets different from the posterior
which ones are biramous. pair? Is your crayfish a male or female?
5. Observe a live crayfish (if one is available) and deter-
mine its two major methods of locomotion.

Antenna Antenna

Cheliped Antennules Cheliped Antennules

(first walking leg)
First maxilliped

Second maxilliped
Second walking leg
Third walking leg
Third maxilliped
Cervical groove
Third walking leg

Fourth walking leg First (copulatory)

swimmeret of male
Fifth walking leg

Swimmerets 3 to 5

Telson Anus

(a) (b) Telson

Figure 39.8  External structure of the crayfish. (a) Dorsal view. (b) Ventral view.

444 EXERCISE 39 39–6

f. Which set of legs (swimmerets or walking legs) appears Beneath the internal organs lies the anterior part of the
best adapted to carry an incubating egg mass delicately ventral nerve cord. A pair of nerves from the ventral nerve
and in a protected place on the body? cord pass around the esophagus and come together anteri-
orly as a brain between and beneath the eyestalks. Posterior
to the esophagus the nerve cord extends the length of the
body as a series of swellings or ganglia, each of which con-
g. Crayfish can walk. Can they also “swim”? How would trols organs in the immediate segment.
the uropods and telson help them do this?
Procedure 39.2  Study the internal anatomy
of a crayfish
h. How does the shape of a crab’s abdomen differ from that 1. Obtain a preserved crayfish.
of a crayfish? 2. Make an incision on each side of the cephalothorax.
To make this incision, cut with scissors beginning at the
posterior edge of the carapace halfway up the side (i.e.,
midlateral). Cut along the side toward the eye. Finish
The internal anatomy of a crayfish features a diamond- each lateral incision on each side of the rostrum.
shaped heart surrounded by a thin pericardial sac. The 3. Cut across the base of the rostrum and carefully
heart lies on the dorsal midline just anterior to the abdomi- remove the dorsal portion of the carapace.
nal segments (fig. 39.9). In the open circulatory system of a
4. Locate three pairs of ostia on the heart. Remove the
crayfish, blood flows from the heart through large arteries to
the gills and to sinuses surrounding and bathing the internal
organs. Blood returns to the pericardial sac and enters the 5. Locate the stomach and digestive gland.
heart through small openings called ostia. 6. Carefully remove the internal organs (stomach, diges-
The gonads (testes or ovaries) are lateral and just tive gland, gonads). This exposes the end of the torn
anterior to the heart. Testes are usually white, and ovaries esophagus and the anterior part of the ventral nerve
are orange. Sperm from testes exit the body through a pore cord.
at the base of the fifth pair of walking legs, and eggs are 7. Remove a considerable amount of musculature on the
­released at the base of the third pair of walking legs. During floor of the abdomen (tail) to see the nerve cord more
reproduction, males and females copulate and sperm cells clearly.
are passed to the genital openings of the female. Fertiliza- 8. Locate the antennal glands. They are excretory organs
tion is internal, and fertilized eggs are extruded and retained opening at the base of each antennae.
for maturation on swimmerets of the female. 9. When you have finished examining your specimen,
The stomach is a continuous, membranous structure dispose of the material as directed by your instructor.
along the dorsal midline of the cephalothorax. It is sur-
rounded by muscle, reinforced with ridges of tissue, and
receives food from the esophagus and mouth. Food moves SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA
from the stomach, through the intestine, and out through the
anus at the base of the telson. A large digestive gland that Myriapods have one pair of antennae on the head and three
secretes enzymes and stores food lies just posterior and lat- pairs of appendages that are modified as mouth parts, includ-
erally to the stomach. ing mandibles that act like jaws.

Cephalothorax Abdomen

Eye Brain Stomach Heart

Pericardial sac
Antenna Rostrum Ostium
Antennule Testis


Antennal gland
Vas Swimmeret
deferens Copulatory Anus
Ganglion swimmeret
Digestive Telson
Figure 39.9  Internal structure of a male crayfish.

39–7 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 445

Examine a preserved centipede. Each body segment
INVESTIGATION bears a pair of legs. The large fangs (sometimes called
poison claws) on the head are not mandibles but are max-
Variation in Crustacean Appendages illipeds, which are appendages modified for feeding. The
Observations: Crustaceans are highly diverse but share funda- mandibles are smaller and lie between the maxillipeds.
mental similarities retained throughout their evolution. Much
diversity among crustaceans stems from variation in their Question 5
appendages. Yet, there are consistent patterns in appendage a. Do centipedes have 100 legs as their name suggests?
morphology and body plan.
Question: What variations and similarities are apparent among
b. What structures of chelicerates are analogous to the anten-
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation nae of chilopods (centipedes) and other mandibulates?
Worksheet 39 from your instructor.
b. Discuss with your group and instructor specific observa-
tions to be made during dissection of two closely related
arthropods relevant to the preceding observations and Class Diplopoda (Millipedes)
question. Record them on Worksheet 39.
Examine a preserved millipede. Millipedes (8000 species)
c. Translate your proposed observations into a testable
live in the same environment as centipedes but feed mainly
hypothesis and record them on Worksheet 39.
on decaying plant material (fig. 39.11). Millipedes move
d. Obtain a large, whole shrimp and crayfish for dissection.
slowly and are round in cross section. A disturbed millipede
e. Carefully remove appendages from one side of the speci-
will frequently roll up to protect its soft underside. The num-
mens and tape the appendages side by side for comparison.
ber of legs on each segment distinguishes millipedes from
f. Complete Worksheet 39.

Question 6
a. How many pairs of legs does a millipede have?
Class Chilopoda (Centipedes)
Centipedes (3000 species) live in soil under logs and stones
where they prey on small arthropods. Centipedes move rap- b. Each apparent segment is actually two fused segments.
idly and are dorsoventrally flattened. Some of the larger How many legs are on each apparent segment?
centipedes such as Scolopendra can inflict a painful bite but
are not lethal to humans (fig. 39.10).


Second maxilla

First maxilla

Maxilliped with
Second poison fang
First leg

© BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b)

Figure 39.10  Centipede, Scolopendra (class Chilopoda). (a) Most segments have one pair of appendages each. The first segment bears a pair
of poison claws (maxillipeds), which in some species can inflict serious wounds. Centipedes are carnivorous. (b) The head of a centipede.

446 EXERCISE 39 39–8

The success of insects on land is further enhanced by
an efficient system of respiratory tubes called tracheae that
conduct air throughout the body.

External Anatomy of a Grasshopper

The grasshopper, Romalea, has characteristics typical of
insects (fig. 39.12). Insects have three body regions: head,
thorax, and abdomen, one pair of antennae, and six legs.
The thorax is divided into the pro-, meso-, and metathorax,
each having a pair of legs. Mouthparts are covered by the
labrum, an extension of the head. Beneath the labrum are the
© Michael P. Gadomski/Science Source
mandibles, followed by a pair of maxillae with segmented
Figure 39.11  Millipede, Sigmoria. Apparent body segments are extensions called palps, and then the labium with palps
actually fused pairs of body segments. Each apparent segment has two (fig. 39.13).
pairs of legs.
Romalea has 10 abdominal segments, each with a
spi­racle or breathing pore opening to the respiratory system
SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA of tracheal tubes (fig. 39.14). The terminal abdominal seg-
ment bears the reproductive genitalia. The terminal segment
Hexapods are six-legged arthropods. Most are insects, of males is blunt, whereas that of females is modified to lay
but there are a few earlier-diverging noninsect hexapods, eggs and is called an ovipositor.
including soil-dwelling groups representing a separate but
related lineage. Procedure 39.3  Examine the external features
of a grasshopper
Class Insecta (Flies, Grasshoppers, 1. Obtain a preserved specimen and locate the external
Butterflies, Beetles, and Others) features shown in figure 39.12.
2. Examine the head and find simple eyes called ocelli as
Insects are by far the largest group of organisms on Earth
well as compound eyes (fig. 39.13).
and probably include 1 to 10 million species. At least 70% of
all known species of animals are insects, and they dominate 3. Remove the labrum and locate the remaining
virtually all terrestrial habitats. Three separate body r­egions mouthparts.
and six thoracic legs are the major diagnostic features of 4. Use your probe to locate the stout mandibles. Press the
insects. Insects possess all the major characteristics of arthro- mandibles with your probe to test their rigidity.
pods, but their ability to fly is probably the key to their great
Question 7
success. Although other groups of organisms can fly, insects
a. How many ocelli does a grasshopper have?
were the first fliers. There are many advantages to flying,
such as avoiding predators. Can you name some others?
Most insects have two pairs of wings. However, insect
wings are not modified appendages. Rather, they are evagi-
nations (outgrowths) of the thoracic exoskeleton.

Abdo Malpighian Heart
ax Gastric tubules
Head Crop Stomach

Compound eye Aorta


Antennae Spiracles Brain


organ Nerve ganglia
(a) (b)

Figure 39.12  Grasshopper, Romalea, a member of class Insecta. (a) External anatomy. (b) Internal anatomy.

39–9 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 447

Ocelli d. Do you suspect that the fore- and hindwings have dif-
Right Left ferent functions? Why or why not?
mandible mandible

e. Consider objective 1 stated at the beginning of this

exercise. Are wings significant to fundamental pro-
cesses for arthropods? In what ways?

Right maxilla Left maxilla

with maxillary palp with maxillary palp
Procedure 39.4  Examine the internal anatomy
Labrum of a grasshopper
Labium with
labial palps
1. Use scissors to clip the wings away from the
grasshopper’s body.
Figure 39.13  Head and mouthparts of a grasshopper. 2. Make two lateral incisions (one on each side) from the
posterior end. Cut the length of the abdomen and tho-
rax along an incision line just dorsal to the spiracles.
3. Connect the two lateral incisions by cutting across the
dorsal surface just behind the head. Then remove the
dorsal strip of exoskeleton.
Tracheole 4. Pin the insect to the dissecting pan. Remove the legs if
© Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images

Spiracle necessary.
© Microfield
Scientific Ltd/
Body Air out 5. Locate the heart and aorta just below the strip of exo-
Air in skeleton that you removed (fig. 39.12b).
Science Source surface
6. Notice the body cavity between the body wall and
digestive tract. It is the hemocoel and is filled with
hemolymph, a colorless blood.
7. The internal organs may be covered with a yellow fat
body. Remove it and the heart to expose the digestive
0.4 mm
8. Search for tubules of the respiratory tracheal system.
Tracheoles These tubules conduct air from the spiracles to the
9. Locate reproductive organs (ovaries and testes) that lie
on either side of the digestive tract.
10. Examine the digestive tract and locate the major struc-
Figure 39.14  The tracheal system of an insect. Tracheae and tures labeled in figure 39.12b.
tracheoles are connected to the exterior by specialized openings called 1 1. Remove the digestive tract to examine the ventral
spiracles and carry oxygen to all parts of a terrestrial insect’s body.
nerve cord and its series of swollen nerve ganglia.

Question 8
b. What is the probable function of the maxillary and a. How many abdominal segments does a grasshopper
labial palps? have? Is there a nerve ganglion for each segment?

c. Wing morphology varies among species and orders

of insects. Spread the wings of the grasshopper that b. Gastric ceca produce digestive enzymes and secrete
you are examining. Do all of the wings have the same them into the stomach. How many ceca are there?
shape and consistency?

448 EXERCISE 39 39–10

c. The spiracles can be opened or closed. Why might this
be adaptive?

d. The brain is in the dorsal part of the head. Where does

the ventral nerve cord encircle the digestive tract and
join with the brain?

The success of insects is also enhanced by a diver-

sity of highly modified mouthparts (fig. 39.15). For exam- (a) Chewing (grasshopper)
ple, mouthparts of grasshoppers grind coarse plant tissue,
whereas mosquito mouthparts puncture and suck fluid from
animals. Vision by insects is also remarkable. The structure
of the arthropod compound eye allows extraordinarily sensi-
tivity and rapid detection of motion (fig. 39.16).
Examine all the insects available in the laboratory and
note any differences from the basic anatomy of a grasshop-
per. If you find differences, ask your instructor to explain
the variation among these insects. If you look carefully, you
should keep your instructor busy for a long time discussing
the most diverse animals in the world.
To review phylum Arthropoda, outline in table 39.3
(b) Piercing and blood sucking (mosquito)
the differences among the classes you have examined.

Question 9
a. Are the chelicerae of horseshoe crabs homologous or
analogous to (1) scorpion pedipalps? (2) grasshopper
mandibles? Explain.

b. Describe four specialized appendages of insects and

their function.

(c) Nectar sucking (butterfly)

c. Now that you have examined the unifying characteris-
tics of arthropods, list three or four characteristics that
they share with annelids, their most likely ancestors.

A common tool for identifying organisms is a dichotomous
key, such as the one presented in Exercise 31. Dichotomous
keys list and describe pairs of opposing traits, each of which
(d) Sponging liquid (housefly)
leads to another pair of traits until a level of classification
of the specimen being identified is reached. By using a key Figure 39.15  Insect mouthparts have become modified in
you’ll learn the characteristics that distinguish each of the ways that allow insects to feed by a variety of methods, including
groups identified by the key. (a) chewing (Orthoptera, Coleoptera, and others), (b) piercing and
The diversity of insects is immense. They are classi- blood sucking (Diptera), (c) nectar sucking (Lepidoptera), and
fied into 26 orders distinguished mainly by the structure of (d) sponging liquid (Diptera).
wings, mouthparts, and antennae. You will be provided with

39–11 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 449

Ommatidia Figure 39.16  Compound eye.
Each visual unit of a compound
eye has a cornea and a lens that
focus light onto photoreceptors.
The photoreceptors generate nerve
Axons impulses that are transmitted to the
© BiologyImaging.com

brain, where interpretation produces

a mosaic image.

(a) Compound eyes of (b) Multiple ommatidia

a dragonfly in a compound eye

Rhabdom Pigment cell Photoreceptor Crystalline cone Cornea

(retinula) cells

(c) Structure of a single ommatidium (d) A single photo-

Lens receptor cell

five to eight preserved insects. Use this key to identify the 1. Select a specimen and read the first pair of
order of each specimen. characteristics.
2. Choose the one that best describes your specimen.
Procedure 39.5  Use a dichotomous key to iden- 3. Proceed according to the number at the end of your
tify the order of an insect choice to the next pair of characteristics.
The key will eventually lead you to the order of the specimen.

TABLE 39.3

Names of body regions

Number of legs

Arrangement of legs


Number of antennae

Names of major sensory organs

Names of major mouthparts

450 EXERCISE 39 39–12

DICHOTOMOUS KEY TO SOME MAJOR Forewings hard, without
ORDERS OF INSECTS veins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (beetles) Coleoptera
5. Wings of same length, antennae usually shorter
1. Insects with two wings . . . . . . . . . . . (flies) Diptera than head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Insects with four wings, a pair of forewings, and a Wings not of same length, antennae long or
pair of hindwings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 enlarged toward end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Fore- and hindwings are not alike in texture and 6. Large insects (usually > 3 cm), wings long,
color. One pair may be hard and dense while the transparent, and with many strong veins;
other may be light and transparent . . . . . . . . . . . 3 abdomen long and
Fore- and hindwings similar, usually clear, thin, slender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (dragonflies) Odonata
and transparent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Smaller insects, wing venation faint, wings
3. Forewings thick and leatherlike at base, tips extending posterior to the
much thinner and may be transparent; abdomen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (termites) Isoptera
mouthparts pointed and beaklike to 7. Wings covered with fine, opaque scales;
puncture prey and suck tubular, coiled, sucking mouthparts
body fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (bugs) Hemiptera . . . . . . . . . . . . (butterflies, moths) Lepidoptera
Forewings same texture throughout, biting Wings thin, transparent, and not covered
mouthparts with opposing mandibles . . . . . . . . . 4 with scales; mandibles well developed
4. Forewings leathery and with . . . . . . . . . . . (ants, bees, wasps) Hymenoptera
veins . . . . (grasshoppers, crickets) Orthoptera

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Arthropods usually have a distinct head. How would you define a “head”? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
having such a body region?

2. Does an insect’s exoskeleton limit growth? Why or why not?

3. Diagram the arrangement of muscles necessary to bend a joint with an exoskeleton versus a joint supported by an

4. Arthropod body segments are sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct, and sometimes fused as groups to form body
regions. Which groups of arthropods appear the most distinctly segmented? Which appear the least segmented?

5. What effect would 2.5 million spiders per acre have on the insect community?

39–13 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 451

6. Do you suspect that each eye of a spider provides the same sensory input to the brain? Why or why not?

7. What activities and body functions of arthropods require the most specialized appendages?

8. Do beetles have wings? If so, where are they?

9. What other group of organisms you have studied thus far has chitin as part of its outer covering?

10. What group of arthropods dominates the sea?

11. Prepare a simple table of all of the taxonomic groups, their common names, their distinguishing characteristics, and all
representative genera covered in this exercise. Keep this table with your study notes.

12. Does a crayfish have an open or closed circulatory system? Review detailed references and summarize how the circula-
tory systems vary among animal phyla.

13. A ​major feature of annelids and arthropods is segmentation. Speculate on the adaptive advantages of segmentation.


Do you think that arthropods constitute a single
phylum, or should they be divided into multiple
phyla? Describe what divisions you would make and your rea-
sons for them.

452 EXERCISE 39 39–14

Survey of the Animal Kingdom
BIOLOGY Exercise 40
Phyla Echinodermata and Chordata

Protostomes Deuterostomes
Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:

1. List echinoderm and chordate characteristics closely
associated with successful food gathering and
survival. top view side view top view side view

2. Describe the morphology of organisms of phyla Cleavage is spiral and Cleavage is radial and
Echinodermata, Hemichordata, and Chordata. determinate. indeterminate.

3. List characteristics that echinoderms and ­chordates

share with phyla discussed previously. Protostomes Deuterostomes
4. Discuss characteristics of echinoderms and
blastopore mouth
­chordates that are unique or advanced compared to blastopore anus

Fate of blastopore
more primitive phyla.
5. Describe the water vascular system of ­echinoderms.
6. Discuss embryological characteristics that
­distinguish deuterostomes from protostomes.
7. Understand which phyla are protostomes and which primitive gut anus primitive gut mouth

are deuterostomes. Blastopore becomes mouth. Blastopore becomes the anus.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

Protostomes Deuterostomes
resources tailored to this lab.

M embers of the two phyla remaining in our survey of

animals—that is, Echinodermata and Chordata—are
deuterostomes. Deuterostomes are a major departure from
Coelom formation

the phylogenetic line of protostomes such as annelids,

mollusks, and arthropods. The fundamental basis for the mesoderm mesoderm

separation of deuterostomes from protostomes involves

different morphological patterns of embryonic develop-
ment (fig. 40.1); most notably, the blastopore of deutero-
stomes gives rise to an anus rather than the mouth. The
blastopore is the opening to the first cavity formed in a
developing embryo and is discussed more in Exercise 50. gut gut

Examine figure 40.1 carefully. Refer to your text- Coelom forms by a Coelom forms by an
splitting of the mesoderm. outpocketing of primitive gut.
book for a more detailed comparison of protostomes and
Figure 40.1  Patterns of embryonic development of protostomes
Question 1 compared to deuterostomes. Left: In the embryo of protostomes,
cleavage is spiral and determinate—new cells form at an angle to old
Describe three major differences between deuterostome and
cells—and each cell has limited potential and cannot develop into a
protostome development. complete embryo. The blastospore is associated with the mouth, and
the coelom, if present, develops by a splitting of the mesoderm. Right:
In deuterostomes, cleavage is radial and indeterminate—new cells sit
on top of old cells—and each one can develop into a complete embryo.
The blastopore is associated with the anus, and the coelom, if present,
develops by an outpocketing of the primitive gut.

40–1 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 453

© BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b) © BiologyImaging.com

(c) © BiologyImaging.com (d) © Bill Ober

Figure 40.2  Diversity in echinoderms (phylum Echinodermata).

(a) Sea star, Dermasterius imbricata (class Asteroidea), in the
Gulf of California. (b) California sea cucumber, Parastichopus
californicus (class Holothuroidea). (c) Feather star, Florometra
serrastissima (class Crinoidea), uses its highly branched arms in filter
feeding. Although filter feeding probably reflects the original use of
echinoderm appendages, most modern echinoderms use their arms
for locomotion, capturing prey, and scavenging the substrate for food.
(d) Brittle star, Ophiothrix (class Ophiuroidea). (e) Sea urchin, class
Echinoidea. Urchins, such as this red sea urchin, Strongylocentodus
franciscanus, defend themselves with long and sometimes barbed
spines, often filled with toxins.
(e) © BiologyImaging.com

454 EXERCISE 40 40–2

TABLE 40.1

Echinodermata Sea stars, sea Deuterostomes with radially symmetrical 6,000

(echinoderms) urchins, sand adult bodies; endoskeleton of calcium plates;
dollars, sea five-part body plan and unique water vascular
cucumbers system with tube feet; able to regenerate lost
body parts; marine

Chordata Mammals, fish, Segmented coelomates with a notochord; 42,500

(chordates) reptiles, birds, possess a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits,
amphibians and a tail at some stage of life; in vertebrates,
the notochord is replaced during
development by the spinal column;
20,000 species are terrestrial; deuterostomes

echinoderms are bilaterally symmetrical (fig. 40.3). This

indicates that radial symmetry is secondarily derived and
not directly r­elated to the symmetry of more ancient phyla
such as Cnidaria.
Echinoderms have a unique water vascular system
Mouth consisting of a series of coelomic water-filled canals ending
in hollow projections called tube feet. Muscle contractions
Gut and hydrostatic pressure in the water vascular system extend
and move the tube feet and other parts of the system and
thereby move the animal (fig. 40.4).

Class Asteroidea (Sea Stars)

Ossicles of class Asteroidea, including the common sea star
© BiologyImaging.com Asterias, are arranged loosely under the skin, and spines are
small and blunt. Arms of sea stars are continuous with the
Figure 40.3  The free-swimming larva of the common sea star, central disk. The mouth is at the center of the lower, oral
Asterias rubens. Such bilaterally symmetrical larvae suggest that the
ancestors of the echinoderms may not have been radially symmerical. surface, and the anus is on the upper, aboral surface. Sur-
Bilateral larva is shown in side view (100×). rounding the blunt spines of sea stars are dermal gills for
respiration by diffusion and pincerlike pedicellariae used
to remove debris from the surface (fig. 40.5). Also on the
PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA aboral surface is the madreporite, a sieve connecting the
water vascular system with the environment.
Echinoderms (6000 species) are marine bottom-dwellers Sea stars often prey on oysters and clams by using
and include sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, their arms and tube feet to grip the shell and persistently
sea cucumbers, and sea lilies (table 40.1, fig. 40.2). These apply pressure to pry it open. Sea stars then evert their stom-
organisms are called echinoderms (echino = spiny, derm = ach inside the clam to digest and engulf the tissue.
skin) because their internal skeleton of calcareous plates,
called ossicles, usually has spines protruding through a thin SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were
layer of skin. The five classes of echinoderms are distin- asked to read this exercise so you would know what to
guished primarily by the arrangement of their ossicles. do and be aware of safety issues. In the space below,
Adult echinoderms are radially symmetrical, and briefly list the safety issues associated with today’s
their  bodies typically consist of a ring of five repetitive procedures. If you have questions about these issues,
parts  (that is, they are pentaradial). In contrast, larvae of contact your laboratory assistant before starting work.

40–3 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 455

Radial canal

Ring canal


Tube feet Tube feet

© Kjell Sandved/Butterfly Alphabet, Inc.

(a) (b)

Figure 40.4  Echinoderms. (a) The echinoderm body plan of a sea star, emphasizing the water vascular system. (b) The extended tube feet of a
sea star, Ludia magnifica (10×). Tube feet are used for locomotion and to grip and pull apart prey such as clams.


Figure 40.5  Pedicellariae of sea stars. (a) Forceps-type

pedicellaria of Asterias. (b) Spine surrounded by (c) scissors-type
(a) (b) (c) pedicellaria of Asterias.

Procedure 40.1  Examine the external anatomy b. Are sea star spines movable?
of a sea star
1. Examine a prepared slide of the bipinnaria larval stage
of starfish development. Note the bilateral symmetry.
c. What is the consistency of the madreporite?
2. Examine a preserved Asterias and locate the external
and internal features shown in figure 40.6.
3. Examine the oral surface of the sea star, and locate the
central mouth. Locate the tube feet protruding from the d. How fast does a living sea star move?
ambulacral grooves.
4. Use a dissecting microscope to examine the spines on
the aboral surface (fig. 40.5).
5. Touch the madreporite with a probe, and note its e. Do tube feet of a living sea star move in unison?
6. Examine figure 40.4 and trace the path of water from
the madreporite to the tube feet.
7. If living sea stars are available, observe their locomotion. Procedure 40.2  Examine the internal anatomy
of a sea star
Question 2
a. How many tube feet would you estimate are on the oral 1. Obtain a preserved sea star, and cut off at least 2 cm of
surface of a sea star? one arm.
2. Examine the severed end and compare the structures
with those shown in figure 40.7.

456 EXERCISE 40 40–4

Oral View Aboral View

Tube foot
Arm Spines

Central disk



Figure 40.6  External features of sea stars.

3. Cut along both sides of the arm up to the central disk. Question 3
Then cut across the aboral (upper) surface to join the a. How many tube feet would you estimate are in one arm?
two lateral incisions.
4. Remove the upper body wall and expose the coelomic
cavity of the arm. Locate the internal organs shown in
b. What part of the water vascular system extends into
figure 40.8.
each arm?
5. Remove one of the digestive glands so you can exam-
ine the gonad lying underneath.
6. Cut around the perimeter of the central disk. Then cut
from the perimeter up to and around the madreporite. c. What other phyla that you have examined rely on
This incision will allow you to remove the upper body “hydraulics” as part of their locomotion system?
wall without tearing away the madreporite.
7. Remove the upper body wall. As you lift it, try to see
the delicate connection between the anus on the surface d. Does the stomach wall appear highly folded and exten-
of the thick-walled pyloric stomach below. sible? How does that relate to the feeding method of
8. Locate the structures shown in figure 40.8. most sea stars?

Digestive gland

Gonad Class Ophiuroidea (Brittle Stars)

Radial canal Examine a preserved brittle star such as Ophioderma. Brittle
stars have slender, sometimes branched arms clearly demar-
cated from the central disk (fig. 40.2d). Ossicles of brittle
Tube foot stars are typically thick and have attached musculature.
They may form “shields” ​on the surface. As the name “brit-
tle” star implies, their arms detach easily, allowing escape
from predators.
© BiologyImaging.com
The ambulacral grooves are closed in brittle stars, and
Figure 40.7  Cross section of an arm of a sea-star showing internal the reduced tube feet are not used for locomotion. The thin
anatomy (5×). flexible arms of brittle stars allow them to crawl rapidly like

40–5 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 457

feet Water vascular system

Pyloric duct Ambulacral ridge

ridge Gonad

Digestive gland

Anus Madreporite
Gonad Ampulla
Eyespot Stomach

Intestinal cecum
Digestive gland

(a) (b) © BiologyImaging.com

Figure 40.8  Sea star internal anatomy. (a) Schematic with aboral surface removed. (b) Partially dissected sea star.
an octopus rather than creep slowly like sea stars. Brittle Question 5
stars eat suspended food particles captured with their tube How does the position of the mouth and anus of a crinoid
feet and passed to their mouth. relate to a primitive sessile existence?

Question 4
a. Between brittle stars and sea stars, which have the most
apparent ossicles? Do they overlap?
Class Echinoidea (Sea Urchins
and Sand Dollars)
Examine an urchin such as Arbacia and locate the features
shown in figure 40.10. Also examine a dissected Aristotle’s
b. Are tube feet visible in Ophioderma? lantern if one is available. In addition, examine a sand dol-
lar and compare its test of fused ossicles to an urchin’s test.
Urchins lack distinct arms, and their ossicles are fused into
a solid shell called a test (fig. 40.2e). Holes in the test allow
long tube feet to protrude. Spines of sea urchins are jointed,
movable, and longer than those of other classes of echino-
derms. These spines and long tube feet control locomotion
Class Crinoidea (Sea Lilies and Feather Stars) of urchins. The mouth contains five ossified plates, or teeth,
used to scavenge and scrape surfaces of rocks and gather
Examine a preserved crinoid. Crinoids are the most ancient algae for food. This small internal structure of five teeth is
echinoderms; only a few genera live today (figs. 40.2c, called Aristotle’s lantern.
40.9). They differ from other living echinoderms because
their oral surface (mouth and anus) usually faces up. Their Question 6
ossicles are well developed and give the animal a coarse, a. Is an urchin’s test pentaradially symmetrical?
jointed appearance. Highly branched and feathery arms
surround the mouth and anus. Most ancient crinoids were
attached to the substrate by a stalk and appeared to be plants.
However, most modern species are not stalked or perma- b. Urchins and sand dollars lack arms. How do they move?
nently attached. Crinoids filter feed by capturing food par-
ticles on the mucus of their tube feet.

458 EXERCISE 40 40–6

Sea Urchins and RAGs

The vertebrate immune system is astoundingly complex, to recognize sites where a DNA fragment is to be cut and
even though fewer than 1% of human genes encode anti- spliced. The origin of our vertebrate immune system may
bodies that recognize invaders. Underlying this versatile have begun taking shape in ancestors of our distant deutero-
immune system is the ability to shuffle and reshuffle DNA stome cousins, the echinoderms!
fragments that encode antibodies that recognize a virtually
limitless variety of invading antigens. Surprisingly, scien-
tists have learned much about the vertebrate immune sys-
tem and its encoding system for antibodies by studying sea
By studying the genome of the purple sea urchin,
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, scientists have revised our
understanding of the vertebrate immune system. In 2006,
the purple sea urchin became the first echinoderm to have
its DNA sequenced. When immunologist Jonathan Rast and
his colleagues searched the echinoderm’s DNA for evidence
of genes required for vertebrate-style adaptive immunity,
they found genes encoding a pair of enzymes that shuffle
the echinoderm’s DNA! The enzymes are called RAG pro-
teins, for recombination activating gene. In vertebrates, two
RAG proteins (called Rag1 and Rag2) must be present for
lymphocytes to mature properly; these two proteins interact © gcammino/Getty Images








(a) (b)

Figure 40.9  Class Crinoidea. (a) A sea lily (Ptilocrinus). (b) A feather star (Neometra).

40–7 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 459

Aboral surface
Spine Ring canal
Tube foot



Oral surface Rectum

Figure 40.10  External anatomy of a sea urchin. Spines and tube
feet are removed on the right half of the diagram to show the test. Figure 40.11  Internal structure of a sea cucumber,
Thyone. The mouth leads to a stomach supported
by a calcareous ring. The calcareous ring is also the
Class Holothuroidea (Sea Cucumbers) attachment site for longitudinal retractor muscles of the
body. Contractions of these muscles pull the tentacles
Examine a sea cucumber Cucumaria and determine the ori- into the anterior end of the body. The stomach leads to a
entation of its radial symmetry. Find the mouth at one end; looped intestine.
it is surrounded by modified tube feet called tentacles. Sea
cucumbers look different from other echinoderms because rapidly expelling their pharynx, digestive tract, and other
they have soft bodies with reduced ossicles and few if any organs. This process is called evisceration; because of it, the
spines (figs. 40.2b, 40.11). Radial symmetry is less evident animal must regenerate the lost parts of  the organs. Some
in sea cucumbers and their body axis is oriented horizon-
gourmets consider sea cucumbers a ­delicacy.
tally. This orientation gives sea cucumbers a semblance of
Examine other preserved echinoderms and review in
cephalization. The tentacles secrete a mucus that captures
your textbook the major characteristics of each class. Then
small floating organisms, which they eat. Interestingly, some
sea cucumbers respond to stress by rupturing anteriorly and
complete table 40.2.

TABLE 40.2


Shape of arms

Development of tube feet

Development of ossicles

Feeding method

Spine structure

460 EXERCISE 40 40–8

Question 7
a. Are tube feet visible on the sea cucumber?
Hollow dorsal nerve cord

Pharyngeal slits
b. Hydras, octopuses, and sea cucumbers have tentacles.
Do tentacles have a single universal function, or varied
functions? What functions are common?

c. Describe the functions of: ​pedicellariae, madreporite,

Postanal tail
dermal gills, Aristotle’s lantern, tube feet, water vascu-
lar system.

Figure 40.12  The four principal features of the chordates,

shown in a generalized embryo.

whose larvae possess the general chordate form—that is,
Chordates include 42,500 species of fish, amphibians, rep- they are elongated with a notochord and dorsal nerve cord
tiles, birds, and mammals. They all are characterized by (1) a (fig. 40.13). In contrast to larvae, the structure of an adult
dorsal hollow nerve cord; (2) a notochord, a cartilaginous is highly modified to include a sievelike basket perforated
rod that forms on the dorsal side of the gut in the embryo; with pharyngeal gill slits and surrounded by a cellulose sac
(3) pharyngeal slits, openings in the throat that filter water called a tunic. Water enters through an incurrent siphon, is
that has entered through the mouth, and (4) a postanal tail filtered by the pharyngeal basket, and exits through an excur-
(fig. 40.12). An internal, bony skeleton is also common and rent siphon. Water is actively filtered; some tunicates only a
provides sites for muscle attachment for efficient movement. few centimeters long can filter 170 liters of water per day.
Food collected by mucus on the pharyngeal basket is moved
Subphylum Urochordata (Tunicates by cilia to the stomach and intestine. The intestine empties
or Sea Squirts) into the body cavity near the excurrent siphon.
Examine a preserved adult tunicate. Urochordates, sometimes Examine a prepared slide of larval tunicates. A lar-
called tunicates, are sessile or planktonic marine ­organisms val tunicate has bilateral symmetry, a dorsal nerve cord, a

Excurrent Nerve ganglion

Incurrent Mouth (incurrent siphon)
Atriopore (excurrent siphon)

Dorsal nerve cord

Genital duct Gill slit
Tunic Stomach Notochord
Stomach Gonad Heart

Heart Pharynx with gill slits

© Joao Pedro Silva/Getty Images

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 40.13  Tunicates (phylum Chordata, subphylum Urochordata). (a) Living adult. (b) Structure of adult tunicate. (c) Larval structure.

40–9 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 461

notochord, and a postanal tail but loses these features when Subphylum Cephalochordata (Lancelets)
it settles for adult life (fig. 40.13c).
Examine either a preserved lancelet or a slide of a whole
Question 8 mount and compare the specimen with that shown in fig-
What other group of organisms has cellulose in its support- ure 40.14. Also examine a cross section through the pharynx
ing structures? Does this shared feature surprise you? and try to visualize the paths of food and water (fig. 40.15).
Lancelets are small, fishlike, marine chordates that burrow
in sand or mud. They are commonly called amphioxus, but
the most common genus is Branchiostoma.
The dorsal nerve cord and notochord extend the
length of the animal. The buccal cavity surrounds the
mouth followed by a long pharynx with many gill slits
(openings) separated by gill arches of reinforced tissue.
As seawater enters the mouth and exits through the slits
it must pass over the surfaces of the arches that form the
sides of the slits. As this occurs, food particles are caught
on the arches, and are eventually swept to the intestine. The
anus is not terminal. Lancelets and vertebrates have a post-
anal tail, another diagnostic trait of chordates. A
­ fter water
passes by the gill arches it moves into a surrounding cham-
ber called an atrium and then leaves the body through
the atriopore.

Subphylum Vertebrata (Fish, Birds,

Amphibians, Reptiles, and Mammals)
© Peter Scoones/Woodfin Camp & Associates Vertebrates have a distinct head and a vertebral column that
replaces the notochord in adults and surrounds the dorsal
nerve cord (fig. 40.16). Three classes of vertebrates dis-
Oral hood with tentacles
cussed here are fishes and four are terrestrial tetrapods.

Dorsal nerve cord

Dorsal fin

Pharynx Muscle
Muscle blocks
Pharyngeal slits Dorsal
nerve cord

Gill arches
Postanal tail Atrium

(b) Pharynx

Figure 40.14  (a) Two lancelets, Branchiostoma lanceolatum Gonad

(phylum Chordata, subphylum Cephalochordata), partly buried in
shell gravel, with their anterior ends protruding. The muscle segments
are visible; the square, pale yellow objects along the side of the
body are gonads, indicating that these are male lancelets. (b) Internal
structure of amphioxus. This bottom-dwelling cephalochordate has © BiologyImaging.com
the four distinctive features of chordates: notochord, dorsal nerve
cord, pharyngeal gill slits, and a postanal tail. The vertebrate ancestor Figure 40.15  Cross section through the pharynx of a
probably had a similar body plan.­ lancelet (20×).

462 EXERCISE 40 40–10

Neural Forming
Ectoderm neural arch
Neural arch
body Nerve Cord
developing Centrum
Notochord around
notochord Blood vessels

Figure 40.16  Embryonic development of a vertebra. During the course of evolution, or of development, the flexible notochord is surrounded
and eventually replaced by a cartilaginous or bony covering, the centrum. The neural tube is protected by an arch above the centrum. The vertebral
column is a strong, flexible rod that the muscles pull against when the animal swims or moves.

Class Agnatha (Lampreys and Hagfishes) Question 9

Which closely related subphylum of chordates does an
Examine a preserved lamprey, Petromyzon (fig. 40.17). ammocoete resemble?
Also examine a prepared slide of an ammocoete, the larva
of a lamprey. Living agnathans descended from representa-
tives of the earliest stages in the evolution of vertebrates.
They lack jaws typical of other vertebrates but have a car-
tilaginous endoskeleton and a notochord. Seven pharyngeal
gill slits are evident near the head. The gill arches separat- Class Chondrichthyes (Sharks,
ing the gill slits are reinforced with cartilage. The mouth is Skates, and Rays)
at the center of the round buccal funnel and is armed with
Sharks and their relatives are abundant in oceans as preda-
horny teeth and a rasping tongue. They attach their buccal
tors and scavengers. Their endoskeleton is cartilaginous
funnel to the side of a fish, rasp a hole in the body with their
and the anterior gill arches are modified into jaws. Jaws
tongue, and feed on the body fluids of the fish.
are a significant adaptation and modification of strong,

Young lamprey
downstream Lamprey feeding
to ocean on fish in open ocean

Ammocoete larva
partially buried Mouth with
in sand teeth

Freshwater stream

© Heather Angel/Natural Visions


Lamprey returning to
river for mating

Figure 40.17  Lamprey (class Agnatha, Petromyzon marinus). (a) Note the sucking mouth attached to aquarium glass and teeth used to feed on
other fish. (b) External structure and life history of a sea lamprey. Sea lampreys feed in the open sea; toward the end of their lives lampreys migrate
into freshwater streams, where they mate. Females deposit eggs in nests on the stream bottom, and the young larvae hatch 3 weeks later.

40–11 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 463

anterior gill arches to process food (fig. 40.18). Like agna- Question 10
thans, their cartilaginous skeleton is not necessarily primi- a. Which fins of sharks provide power and speed?
tive but is probably derived secondarily from an ancestral
bony skeleton.
Examine a preserved specimen of Squalus, the dog-
fish shark (fig. 40.19). Its external anatomy illustrates some
b. Why is the number of pharyngeal gill slits in sharks
­advanced features appropriate for a predator. Fin structure
fewer than that in lampreys?
includes paired pelvic fins (on the ventral surface near
the anus) and pectoral fins (behind the gill slits) for sta-
bilization and maneuvering. Jaws are large and powerful,
and receptors in the nostrils and epidermis are sensitive
to smells and electrical currents. A lateral line runs along c. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this
each side of the body and contains sensory cells to detect exercise. Is a lateral line system significant to funda-
slight vibrations. mental processes for sharks and bony fish? How so?

elements Cranium Gill slits

Early jawless fish Early jawed fish Modern jawed fish

© Jeff Rotman Photography

(a) (b)

Figure 40.18  (a) Jaws are believed to have evolved from the first few pairs of gill arches of agnathans. The second pair of gill arches became
support structures for the jaws. (b) Head of sand tiger shark, Carcharias sp., showing a series of successional teeth on strong jaws.

Spiracle fin
Nostril Second
Spine First
dorsal fin
dorsal fin

gill openings Pelvic fin
Pectoral fin
Lateral line


Figure 40.19  Sharks (class Chondrichthyes). Dogfish shark, Squalus acanthias. Section of lower jaw (inset) shows new teeth developing
inside the jaw. These teeth move forward to replace lost teeth. The rate of replacement varies in different species.

464 EXERCISE 40 40–12

Class Osteichthyes (Bony Fish) d. Does most of the power for movement by a fish come
from the tail or from other fins?
Procedure 40.3  Examine the anatomy of a
bony fish
1. Examine the external anatomy of a preserved fish
(fig. 40.20).
2. Although sharks are built for speed, the maneuver- e. Can fish move water over their gills without moving
ability of bony fishes is much greater. If living fish are through the water? What role does the operculum play
available, observe their swimming and “breathing.” in this movement?
3. Examine a dissected perch and locate the structures
shown in figure 40.20.
Bony fish are the most diverse class of vertebrates (20,000
species). Advanced features of bony fish include a bony endo- f. How does the buoyancy of an air bladder affect the
skeleton, modified gill arches, and internal air bladders for motion of a fish compared to that of a shark?
balance and buoyancy. Gills are protected by a movable gill
cover called an operculum. Along each side and branching
over the head of most fishes is a lateral‑line system consist-
ing of sensory pits in the skin. These pits detect water currents
and predators or prey that may be moving near the fish. Recent fossil evidence strongly supports our understanding
of the evolutionary transition of ancestral bony fish to a tet-
Question 11
rapod body plan of amphibians (fig. 40.21)
a. How do the number and shape of fins of a bony fish
differ from those of a shark?

b. Fins of a bony fish are flexible and diverse in shape. amphibian
Describe the location of a fin present in bony fish but
not in sharks. 360

Millions of years ago (mya)

c. How does the symmetry of the tail of a fish compare


with that of a shark? Neck

Flat head,
eyes on top

370 roseae

Swim bladder Spinal cord
Dorsal fin Kidney
Caudal fin Stomach Brain
Lateral Eye

Partially cut
Urinary bladder operculum Figure 40.21  A transitional form in the tetrapod lineage. This
Liver figure shows two early tetrapod ancestors, a Devonian fish and the
Anal fin Gonad Gills transitional form Tiktaalik roseae, as well as a descendant, an early
Anus Pelvic fin
Intestine Heart amphibian. Analysis of the fossils shows that T. roseae, also known
as a fishapod, had both fish and amphibian characteristics, so it was
Figure 40.20  Anatomy of a bony fish, class Osteichthyes. likely able to survive brief periods out of the water.

40–13 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 465

Class Amphibia (Frogs, Toads,
and Salamanders)
Examine preserved amphibians on display. Amphibians
were the first land vertebrates, arising from fish with stout,
fleshy fins. Most amphibian adults are terrestrial, but they
lay eggs in water (fig. 40.22). The eggs are fertilized exter-
nally and each hatches into an aquatic larval stage called a
tadpole. Tadpoles undergo a dramatic metamorphosis of
body shape as they become adults.
Development of legs and the development of lungs
in amphibians were major evolutionary events. However,
primitive lungs had already developed in some fish. In addi-
tion to lungs, the soft moist skin of some amphibians is
© BiologyImaging.com
highly vascularized and accounts for as much oxygen diffu-
sion as the lungs. Figure 40.23  Pit vipers are venomous reptiles; they have a
pair of heat-detecting pit organs on each side of the head. Pit organs
Question 12 are visible between the eye and the nostril of this copperhead snake.
How are the legs of a frog different from the fins of a fish to These vipers can locate and strike a motionless warm animal in total
enable movement on land? darkness by sensing heat from its body. Pit organs are highly sensitive
to infrared wavelengths and are especially sensitive to sudden changes
of temperature. Pit organs can detect temperature differences of 0.2°C
or less, allowing effective hunting of small animals at night.

Class Reptilia (Turtles, Snakes, and Lizards)

Examine preserved reptiles and note their morphological
diversity (fig. 40.23). Reptiles, unlike their ancestors, are
independent of aquatic environments and have developed
structures for internal fertilization (fig. 40.24). Most reptiles
also lay watertight eggs that contain a food source (the yolk)
and a series of four membranes—the chorion, the amnion, the
yolk sac, and the allantois (fig. 40.25). Each membrane plays
a role in making the egg an independent life-support system.

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 40.24  Internal fertilization. The male injects sperm-

containing semen into the female’s body during copulation. Ancestors
of reptiles such as these lizards were the first terrestrial vertebrates
to develop this form of reproduction, which is particularly suited to
terrestrial existence.

The outermost membrane of the egg, the chorion, allows

oxygen to enter the porous shell but retains water within the
© BiologyImaging.com egg. The amnion encases the developing embryo within a
fluid-filled cavity. The yolk sac provides food from the yolk
Figure 40.22  A frog (class Amphibia). This poison arrow
tree frog (Dendrobates sp.) exhibits strong coloration. These colors for the embryo via blood vessels connecting to the embryo’s
advertise its powerfully toxic secretions to predators, which quickly gut. The allantois surrounds a cavity into which waste prod-
learn the frog’s noxious taste. Natives of South America use the ucts from the embryo are excreted.
frog’s toxins as a weapon; they kill the frog by piercing it with a sharp Reptiles have a dry skin covered with scales that retard
stick and holding it over a fire. The heat causes the cutaneous glands water loss. This dry skin does not aid respiration, but the
to secrete drops of venom, which are scraped into a container and
allowed to ferment. Arrows dipped into the poison can paralyze birds lungs are well developed. Reptiles, fish, and amphibians are
and small monkeys. One poison arrow tree frog contains enough toxin poikilothermic, meaning that their body temperature depends
to kill about 20,000 mice. on the environment.

466 EXERCISE 40 40–14

Embryo cord
Yolk sac Uterus


Allantois cavity

© Creatas/PunchStock
Air space

Figure 40.25  The watertight amniotic egg enables reptiles to live in a wide variety of habitats. This sea turtle is hatching from a typical
reptilian egg. The amnion of vertebrate eggs is a sac that encloses the developing embryo of a reptile, bird, or mammal. In an amniotic egg, the
embryo is encased in a hard, protective shell, and is supported internally by three membranes—the amnion, allantois, and chorion. Placental
mammals also enclose their embryos in an amnion.

Question 13 vision is one of their most highly developed senses. Birds

a. What is the adaptive significance of internal fertiliza- are homeothermic, meaning that they maintain a constant
tion and a watertight egg? body temperature. Other adaptations to flight include a high
body temperature for high metabolism, a lightweight skel-
eton, an efficient respiratory system, and heavy musculature
at the breast to move the wings. The evolutionary origin of
feathers is hotly debated, but biologists agree that their lin-
b. How do the legs of different reptiles vary in number, eage likely traces back to dinosaur ancestry (fig. 40.28).
size, and function?
Question 14
a. What are wings of flying animals other than birds
made of?

c. Would you expect the legs of a terrestrial tetrapod to be

more robust than those of an aquatic organism? Why
or why not? Is this true for the reptiles and amphibians
that you examined? b. Why might birds use keen vision more than reptiles or
amphibians do?

d. Consider objective 1 listed at the beginning of this

exercise. How could poikilothermy contribute to the
evolutionary success of reptiles in their environment? c. Consider what you have learned about enzymes in
Exercise 11. What might be the adaptive advantage of

Class Aves (Birds)

d. Describe six adaptations of birds to flight.
Examine a prepared slide and whole mount of a feather
(fig. 40.26). Notice the interlocking structures. Also exam-
ine specimens of birds (fig. 40.27). Birds are the only ani-
mals with feathers, and they share the ability to fly with
only a few groups. Eyes of birds are always prominent, and

40–15 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 467

Leading Forelimb Wrist Finger 1 Palm


Finger 3
Finger 2


(a) Wing (b) Feather structure (c) Pelican bone

(c) © Gilbert S. Grant/Science Source

Figure 40.26  Features of the bird wing and feather. (a) The wing is supported by an elongated and modified forelimb with extended fingers.
(b) Each feather has a hollow shaft that supports many barbs, which in turn support barbules that interlock with hooks to give the feather its form.
(c) The bones of a pelican (Pelicanus occidentalis) are hollow but crisscrossed with a honeycomb structure that provides added strength (8×).

© BiologyImaging.com © Tom McHugh/Science source

(a) (b)

Figure 40.27  Birds (class Aves). (a) The flightless cormorant, Phalacrocorax harrisi, lives only on the Galápagos islands and is the only
cormorant in the world (out of 30 species) that cannot fly. Ancestors arriving at the islands had no predators and little competition for their feeding
niche of bottom-fish, eels, and octopuses. Flight was no longer adaptive. Over time, natural selection favored a streamlined body and strong legs for
swimming. Flight muscles atrophied through the generations, and their sparsely feathered wings have become vestigial. (b) The California condor
(Gymnogyps californianus) is the largest land bird in North America. Young condors acquire full adult plumage after 6 years and may live 50 years.
They are efficiently adapted to soaring effortlessly in search of carrion. Their bald heads are adapted for reaching deep within the carcass and tearing
pieces of meat. Unfortunately, they are in danger of becoming extinct. The remaining three or four wild individuals were captured in 1987. Offspring
have been raised in captivity and have been periodically reintroduced into their dwindling habitat. Even efficient survival adaptations of the condor
have not prevented a dramatic population decline. Condors are extremely sensitive to human disturbances, and we have steadily encroached on
their habitat.

468 EXERCISE 40 40–16




(a) Archaeopteryx

reptile characteristics
bird characteristics



tail with vertebrae


(a) © Jean-Claude Carton/Bruce Coleman/Photoshot; (b) © Joe Tucciarone, Interstellar Illustrations

Figure 40.28  Transitional fossils. (a) Archaeopteryx was a transitional link between dinosaurs and birds. Fossils indicate that it had feathers
and wings with claws, and teeth. Most likely, it was a poor flier. (b) Archaeopteryx also had a feather-covered, bony reptilian-type tail that shows
up well in this artist’s representation.

Class Mammalia 49. As you examine preserved and living mammals, search
for common features such as hair distribution, body orienta-
Examine some preserved mammals. Mammals are covered
tion, and structures for locomotion.
with insulating body fat and hair and maintain a constant
body temperature as birds do (fig. 40.29). Mammals are Question 15
active and have a well-developed circulatory system with a. What factors govern the distribution of hair on
a four-chambered heart. The circulatory system distributes species such as the human or rat?
oxygen, nutrients, and heat. Mammals nourish their young
with milk produced by the mother’s mammary glands
(fig. 40.30).
Although you are already familiar with the external
anatomy of Homo sapiens, you will study the anatomy of a
rat, another representative mammal, in Exercises 47, 48, and

40–17 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 469

b. How do the mammals that you are examining vary in c. What characteristics of mammals help explain how
body orientation (resting stance and position during they can occupy a variety of habitats?

Circular muscle

Milk ducts


(a) Active
Connective mammary
tissue capsule gland

© G. Ronald Austing/Science Source

Figure 40.29  This tarsier (Tarsius syrichia) is a primitive

primate (class Mammalia) found in the Philippines. It is the size of a
rat, lives in a tree, and eats insects. The position of its eyes in the front
of its head allows full stereoscopic vision. It has nails instead of claws,
which indicates a common ancestry with higher primates. Its large eyes
are efficient adaptations for nocturnal activity. The retinas lack cones
for detecting color but are extra rich in rods for black/white sensitivity.

Figure 40.30  Mammary glands are specialized to secrete milk

following the birth of young. (a) Many ducts lead from the glands to
a nipple. Parts of the duct system are enlarged to store milk. Suckling
by an infant initiates a hormonal response that causes the mammary
glands to release milk. (b) Some mammals (e.g., cattle) have teats
formed by the extension of a collar of skin around the opening of
mammary ducts. Milk collects in a large cistern prior to its release.

470 EXERCISE 40 40–18

Adaptations of Vertebrate Skeletons
Observations: Natural selection shapes available genetic varia- a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation
tion into adaptations that boost fitness. Over many genera- Worksheet 40 from your instructor.
tions, characteristics with no adaptive advantage for survival b. Obtain and examine the external features of a preserved
and reproduction may decrease in frequency, while those that fish, amphibian, bird, reptile, and mammal.
confer reproductive advantages become increasingly frequent. c. Discuss with your group and instructor specific compari-
External features interface an organism with its environment sons to make among these vertebrates. Record them on
and are subject to strong selective pressures. External features Worksheet 40.
serving multiple functions also vary a great deal among the d. The table on Worksheet 40 lists four broad functions of an
various classes of vertebrates. adaptation. Can you think of others? List at least two other
Question: To what extent are vertebrate external morphologies functions in the worksheet table.
adapted for various functions? e. Complete the investigation directed by Worksheet 40.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Does it surprise you that echinoderms are more closely related to our own phylum (Chordata) than are other phyla? Why
would you have thought otherwise?

2. Why are embryological features important for distinguishing the major groups of phyla?

3. Echinoderms lack cephalization. What characteristics of this group deemphasize the need for a head?

4. What problems were associated with colonizing land during the evolution of vertebrates?

5. Why do you suppose four rather than five or six appendages is the rule for vertebrates?

6. A cuticle occurs on the surface of organisms of many phyla and appears to be an advantageous feature. Why have higher
organisms not retained this structure?

40–19 Survey of the Animal Kingdom 471

7. What is the difference in the developmental derivation of mandibles among insects, jaws of vertebrates, and the beak of
an octopus?

8. Although other groups of vertebrates are more numerous and have existed longer than mammals, mammals are often
called the most advanced form of life. Why?

9. Locomotion in mammals is varied. Do you believe that their powers of locomotion are superior to those of birds? Why
or why not?

10. Compare the origin and function of reptile scales, bird feathers, and mammal hair. How are they similar? How do they

11. Prepare a simple table of all of the taxonomic groups, their common names, their distinguishing characteristics, and all
representative genera covered in this exercise. Keep this table with your study notes.

12. Vertebrates have a closed circulatory system, meaning that the blood is always enclosed within vessels and does not fill
body cavities. Mollusks (Exercise 38) and arthropods (Exercise 39) have open circulatory systems, meaning that blood is
pumped by a heart into body cavities, where tissues are surrounded by the blood. What are the advantages and disadvan-
tages of each type of circulatory system?

13. Two classes of vertebrates (Aves and Mammalia) are endothermic. What is meant by this term? Hypothesize some evo-
lutionary advantages of being endothermic. What are some of the costs?


What external anatomical features of amphibians are
associated with their dual life on land and in water?

472 EXERCISE 40 40–20

Vertebrate Animal Tissues
BIOLOGY Exercise 41
Epithelial, Connective, Muscular,
and Nervous Tissues
Cell Tissue Organ Organ System
Learning Objectives Cardiac Cardiac Circulatory
Muscle Cell Muscle System
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Understand the general classification scheme for
vertebrate tissues.
2. List examples, functions, and distinguishing
­features of each type of tissue.
3. Associate structure with function for each type of
tissue that you examine.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

Figure 41.1  Levels of organization within the body. Similar cell

C ells with similar structure and function constitute a
­tissue, such as muscle tissue or nervous tissue. Tissues
and their functions integrate to form organs. Organs are
types operate together and form tissues. Tissues functioning together
form organs. Several organs working together to carry out a function
for the body are called an organ system. The circulatory system is an
structures such as the stomach, lungs, and liver composed example of an organ system.
of several different tissues grouped together and having an
­integrated function. Organs work together as systems, such
as the respiratory system or digestive system (fig. 41.1). because the nuclei appear in different positions within the
Thus, we can define an organism at various levels of bio- columnar cells (see fig. 41.6). Squamous cells are flat like
logical organization. At the cellular level, vertebrates con- fried eggs, cuboidal cells are shaped roughly like cubes,
tain between 50 and several hundred different kinds of cells, and columnar cells are tall and narrow. You will examine
­depending on how finely you differentiate cell types. These three classes of epithelial tissue in lab: simple epithelium,
diverse cells are traditionally grouped into four tissue types, stratified epithelium, and glandular epithelium. As you
based on structure and function: epithelial, connective, view each of the slides, summarize what you’ve learned in
muscular, and nervous tissues (fig. 41.2). The study of the table 41.1 at the end of this exercise.
microscopic anatomy of tissues is called histology.

Simple Epithelium
Simple epithelial tissues are a single cell layer thick and are
Epithelial cells protect the body. They cover the exterior classified according to the shapes of their cells (fig. 41.3).
of an organism, line the gut and other cavities, and line the
∙ Squamous epithelial cells are irregular and flattened.
coelomic cavity. Specifically, epithelial cells (1) protect
Thus, one cell layer of simple squamous epithelium is
underlying tissues from dehydration and mechanical dam-
a minimal barrier to diffusion. Squamous cells line the
age, (2) provide a s­ electively permeable barrier that facili-
alveoli of the lungs, the filtration system of the kidneys, and
tates or impedes ­passage of materials, (3) provide sensory
the major cavities of the body. These cells are relatively
surfaces, and (4) secrete fluids.
inactive and are associated with sites of passive movement
Epithelial cells are often classified by their layers
of water, electrolytes, and other substances.
and shape. Simple refers to a tissue that occurs in one
layer. Stratified refers to multiple layers. Pseudostrati­ ∙ Cuboidal and columnar epithelial cells appear fuller than
fied refers to a single layer of cells that appear stratified do squamous cells and are shaped as their names imply.

41–1 Vertebrate Animal Tissues 473

Epithelial tissue Nervous tissue Connective tissue

Columnar epithelium
lining the crop

Squamous epithelium Bone

in epidermis

Cuboidal epithelium
in kidney tubules

Muscle tissue Blood

Smooth muscle in Skeletal muscle in Cardiac muscle in

Loose connective tissue
intestinal wall voluntary muscles heart

Figure 41.2  The types of tissues in vertebrates.

(a) Simple squamous (b) Simple cuboidal (c) Simple columnar

(a) © Ed Reschke; (b) © Ed Reschke; (c) © Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images

Figure 41.3  Types of epithelial tissue, based on shape. (a) Squamous epithelium lines the artery shown here (200×). The nuclei are flat.
The round cells above the epithelium are blood cells in the interior of the artery (also see fig. 41.4). (b) Cuboidal epithelium forms the walls of
these kidney tubules, seen in cross section (200×) (also see fig. 41.4). (c) Columnar epithelium forms the outer cell layer of this human intestine.
Interspersed among the epithelial cells are goblet cells, which secrete mucus (200×) (also see fig. 41.5).

474 EXERCISE 41 41–2

They line the respiratory and intestinal tracts and ducts Nuclei of simple squamous
such as kidney tubules. Cuboidal and columnar epithelial epithelial cells
cells often have cilia and secrete fluids.
Let’s examine some of your living epithelial cells.

Procedure 41.1  Examine squamous and cuboi­

dal epithelial cells Nuclei of
1. Gently scrape the inside of your cheek with the tip cells
of a clean toothpick and stir the tip in a small drop
of water on a microscope slide.
2. Lay a coverslip over the preparation and place a small
drop of methylene blue at the edge of the coverslip.
This stain will add color and contrast to the cells.

Be careful not to spill methylene blue—it will stain

your skin and clothes! Do not scrape your cheek
forcefully. Be gentle.
© BiologyImaging.com

3. If the stain does not readily diffuse under the coverslip, Figure 41.4  Kidney tissue showing simple squamous and cuboidal
pull the fluid under by touching a dry paper towel to epithelia (200×). These cuboidal cells form the walls of kidney
tubules (see fig. 41.3b). The squamous cells are seen on edge because
the opposite edge of the coverslip. they line a narrow cavity.
4. Examine your cells under low, then high, magnification.
5. The cells may be clumped, so scan the slide to find Question 2
cells that have floated free. a. How thin are the cells, and how does this relate to
6. Sketch a few cells. function?

b. What term describes the shape of cheek cells?

Question 1
Can you identify any cell structures? If so, which ones?
c. What is the approximate diameter (in micrometers) of
these epithelial cells? If necessary, refer to the exercise
on microscopy (Exercise 3) for instructions on measur-
ing cells.

d. How does a tissue differ from a cell? ​From an organ?

7. Examine a prepared slide of a kidney cross-section.
Simple squamous and cuboidal cells are both common
in vertebrate kidneys.
8. Refer to figure 41.4. Simple squamous epithelium
surrounds Bowman’s capsules, and simple cuboidal
cells compose kidney tubules. The wall of a tubule cut
in cross section will appear as a ring or rough circle
of cells.

41–3 Vertebrate Animal Tissues 475

Procedure 41.2  Examine columnar epithelium b. Are epithelial cells of the trachea similar in size and
structure to those lining the intestine?
1. Columnar epithelium lines the inner surface of the
intestinal tract and trachea. Examine under low mag-
nification a prepared slide of a cross section of small
intestine and locate the relatively large, fingerlike
villi of the inner intestinal wall.
2. Increase the magnification to medium, then high c. What is the approximate ratio of length to width for
power, focusing on the single layer of columnar epithe- epithelial cells of the trachea?
lium covering the villi (fig. 41.5).
3. Also examine a prepared slide of a cross section
through a trachea (fig. 41.6).

Question 3 d. Tracheal cells have many small, hairlike projections

a. Are cuboidal cells, such as those in a kidney, shaped that move and sweep debris from the surface of the
like cubes? trachea. What are these projections called?

Stratified Epithelium
Examine a slide of a cross section of skin and locate the
­stratified epithelium (fig. 41.7). Stratified tissues are sev-
eral layers thick. Typically, the upper layer is squamous, the

© BiologyImaging.com

Figure 41.5  Simple columnar epithelium of frog intestine

consists of a single layer of elongated cells. The arrow points to a
specialized goblet cell that secretes mucus (400×).

© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Al Telser, photographer

© Ed Reschke
Figure 41.7  Stratified squamous epithelium, such as this cross
Figure 41.6  Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium taken section of skin, consists of many layers of cells (120×). The surface of
from the trachea. Notice the tuft of cilia at the top of each cell (500×). the skin is toward the top.

476 EXERCISE 41 41–4

­ iddle one cuboidal, and the basal (bottom) layer col­umnar.
m Question 5
The skin is the most obvious example of stratified epithe- a. What fluid do hepatocytes secrete and store in the
lium, although “skin” includes tissues other than ­epithelium. gallbladder?
Question 4
a. Are layers of skin cells distinct, or is there a gradual
change in cellular shape from the basal to the surface
layers? b. What is the dark spot in the nucleus of a hepatocyte?

b. Skin cells produce keratin, a strong fibrous protein found

in hair and fingernails. What is the function of keratin?

Connective tissues support and defend the body and store
c. List several functions of skin that relate to the shape food. These cells are not tightly packed (as are epithelial
and toughness of these epithelial cells. cells) and are typically suspended in an extracellular matrix
of fibers. Some connective tissues are dispersed and flow
in the circulatory system. Classification of connective tis-
sue cells is based as much on function and the nature of the
­extracellular matrix as on cellular morphology. There are
Glandular Epithelium two major classes of connective tissue: connective tissue
proper, further divided into loose and dense connective
Some glands of the body consist of highly modified epithelial
tissues with an abundance of fibers, and special connec­
cells that do not function as a protective covering. These cells
tive tissues, which include blood, cartilage, and bone, each
are more active metabolically than is simple epithelium. For
having a characteristic extracellular matrix.
example, exocrine glands are derived from tubular invagi-
nations of epithelial layers and include the liver, mammary
glands, and pancreas. Cellular secretions of exocrine glands Connective Tissue Proper
move to the surface and away from the organ via ducts.
Loose connective tissue consists of cells scattered within an
Examine a prepared slide of liver. Liver contains many
amorphous mass of proteins that form a ground substance.
sinuses that carry blood. Note the large nucleus in each
Examine a slide of subcutaneous tissue, sometimes called
hepatocyte (liver cell).
areolar tissue, and note the irregular arrangement of fibro­
blasts and fibers (fig. 41.8). Fibroblasts, which are widely

Stem cell: divides to

Adipose cell: produce other types
Elastic fiber stores fat of cells

Collagen fiber:
unbranched, strong
but flexible
Collagen Ground
fiber substance: fills Fibroblast: divides to
spaces between produce other types
cells and fibers of cells

Reticular fiber:
Fibroblast Elastic fiber: branched, thin, and
branched and forms network
White blood cell:
engulfs pathogens
or produces antibodies
Blood vessel
(a) © Ed Reschke (b)

Figure 41.8  Loose connective tissue. (a) Subcutaneous, fibrous connective tissue (400X). (b) Cellular and fibrous components of loose
connective tissue.

41–5 Vertebrate Animal Tissues 477

dispersed in vertebrate bodies, are irregular branching cells
that secrete an extracellular matrix of strong fibrous pro-
teins. The most commonly secreted protein is collagen,
which represents 25% of all vertebrate protein (fig. 41.9). If Reticular
all components of the body except collagen were removed, fibers
a ghostly mesh of fibers would remain as the framework
of the body and its organ systems. Collagen is not the only
fiber produced by fibroblasts. Elastin fibers have protein
molecules arranged so that the fibers can stretch.
Examine a slide of tissue having reticulin fibers taken
from a lymph gland (fig. 41.10). Reticulin is a thin, branch-
ing fiber that supports glands such as the spleen and lymph © Dennis Strete
nodes. Reticulin also composes junctions between several
Figure 41.10  Reticular connective tissue in a lymph node (300×).
other kinds of tissues.
Loose connective tissue also includes macro­phages,
the immune system’s first defense against i­nvading organ-
isms. Macrophage connective tissue consists of many rela-
tively small, round cells. Macrophages are defensive cells
that engulf and digest cellular debris, invading bacteria, and
foreign particles (fig. 41.11). Macrophages may move indi-
vidually in the circulating fluids of the body or remain fixed
in an organ such as the liver or spleen. Examine a prepared
slide of liver tissue. Macrophages of this tissue may contain

© Eye of Science/Science Source

Figure 41.11  A scanning electron micrograph of a macrophage

ingesting cells (1800×).

small black particles of India ink that they engulfed before

the tissue was fixed and preserved.
Adipose cells are found in loose connective tissue and
comprise adipose tissue (fig. 41.12). Examine a prepared
slide of adipose tissue. For best contrast, keep the light

© J. Gross/Biozentrum/University of Basel/Science Source © Al Telser, photographer/McGraw-Hill Companies

Figure 41.9  Scanning electron micrograph of collagen fibers. Figure 41.12  Adipose tissue cells contain large droplets of fat
Each fiber of this structural connective tissue consists of many that push the nuclei close to the plasma membranes. The arrow points
individual collagen strands and is very strong (5000×). to a nucleus (200×).

478 EXERCISE 41 41–6

intensity of the microscope low. Each adipose cell contains Question 7
a droplet of fat (triglycerides). To generate energy, the adi- a. How can a fibroblast produce a fiber many times its
pose cell hydrolyzes its stored triglyceride and secretes fatty own length?
acids into the blood for oxidation by cells of the muscles,
liver, and other organs. The number of adipose cells in an
adult is generally fixed. When a person gains weight, the
cells become larger, and when weight is lost, the cells shrink.

Question 6
a. Why do adipose cells appear empty? b. In what areas of the body would the elasticity of elastin
fibers be advantageous?

c. Which tissues in the body require the greatest strength?

b. Of what use is the reserve of oil in adipose cells? Explain your answer.

d. Are all the fibers in a tendon oriented in the same

direction? Of what importance is this?
Dense connective tissue contains tightly packed
­collagen fibers; these fibers make dense connective tissue
stronger than loose connective tissue. Examine a prepared
slide of longitudinal section through a tendon (fig. 41.13).
Examine a prepared slide of a ligament if one is available.
Tendons connect muscle to bone and derive their strength
from this regular, longitudinal arrangement of bundles of Special Connective Tissues
collagen fibers. Ligaments bind bone to bone and are similar Blood cells and their intercellular fluid matrix called
in structure to tendons. plasma perform a variety of tasks in the vertebrate body,


Collagenous fiber

© Ed Reschke
Figure 41.13  Tendon. Dense fibrous connective tissue is a strong tissue that forms tendons, which attach muscle to bone. Bundles of collagen fibers
are oriented in the same direction to increase strength (400×).

41–7 Vertebrate Animal Tissues 479

Red blood

fluid (plasma)


White blood
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Al Telser, photographer
Figure 41.14  Blood tissue consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets suspended in an intercellular fluid called plasma (800×).

including maintaining proper pH and transporting oxygen

and carbon dioxide. Practically every type of substance used Hemoglobin protein
by cells is dissolved in plasma. Blood cells are classified as with 4 subunits
erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood Blood
cells), or platelets (enucleated fragments of large bone- vessel
marrow cells). Plasma

Procedure 41.3  Examine blood components

1. Examine a prepared slide of a human blood smear
(fig. 41.14).
2. The most numerous blood cells are erythrocytes, or
red blood cells. They sequester hemoglobin (fig. 41.15), blood
which binds and transports oxygen. Notice the uniform cell
shape of erythrocytes; these cells have lost their nuclei CH2CH2COOH
and become packets of hemoglobin.
Each subunit
3. Locate some leukocytes (white blood cells), which CH3 CH3
contains an
are much larger than red blood cells and function in N N iron core to
Fe which an O2
defense. Some biologists classify leukocytes as defen- O2 molecule binds.
sive connective tissue. CH2 CH CH3
4. Platelets, which appear as small dark fragments,
sequester (collect and store) chemicals and enzymes
essential for clotting blood. Locate platelets in your Figure 41.15  Hemoglobin. Erythrocytes contain large amounts
blood smear. of the protein hemoglobin. Oxygen binds reversibly to iron atoms at
5. If one is available, examine a smear of frog blood cells the core of each subunit of hemoglobin.
and contrast their structure with human blood cells. In
the following space, draw some of these frog cells.
Question 8
a. Is a nucleus visible in each blood cell? Are nuclei
apparent in white blood cells?

480 EXERCISE 41 41–8

b. The shape of the nucleus is often used to subclassify
a leukocyte. What variation do you see in the shape of
Chondrocytes in
nuclei in leukocytes? lacunae

Chondrin matrix

c. What is the ratio of leukocytes to erythrocytes?

© BiologyImaging.com
d. Do frog blood cells have nuclei?
Figure 41.16  Hyaline cartilage cells called chondrocytes are
located in lacunae surrounded by a chondrin martrix of intercellular
material and fine collagenous fibers (250×).

Cartilage is found in skeletal joints and derives its resil-

ience and support from an extracellular gelatinous matrix
of chondrin. Chondrin of cartilage may be impregnated
with fibers of collagen. This matrix is secreted by cells
called chondrocytes. As in most connective tissue, cells of
cartilage are rather isolated within the extracellular matrix.
Chondrocytes in cartilage reside in cavities called lacunae.
Examine a slide of hyaline cartilage, which cushions
bone surfaces between joints (fig. 41.16). Also examine a
slide of elastic cartilage, which commonly occurs in the exter-
nal ear and voice box (larynx) (fig. 41.17). Elastic cartilage is
more flexible than is hyaline cartilage and is rich in fibers.

Question 9
What are some general characteristics of chondrin that make © BiologyImaging.com
it adaptive to the function of cartilage? Figure 41.17  Elastic cartilage contains fine collagenous fibers
and many dark elastic fibers in its intercellular material (100×).

Question 10
Why is an elaborate system of canals needed in bone more
Bone and its properties are also derived from a strong extra-
than in cartilage?
cellular matrix with fibers (fig. 41.18). Collagen fibers of
bone are also surrounded by hard crystals of calcium salts
rather than the flexible matrix of chondrin in cartilage. This
fibrous and crystalline matrix is maintained by bone cells
called osteocytes.
Examine a prepared slide of bone. Bone forms in
thin concentric layers called lamellae forming Haversien MUSCLE TISSUE
systems, or osteons. Lamellae form a series of tubes
around narrow channels called Haversian canals, which The distinctive feature of muscle is its ability to contract,
align parallel to the long axis of the bone. Haversian which results from the interaction of actin and myosin fila-
canals surround blood vessels and nerve cells throughout ments. These proteins occur in other eukaryotic cells but
bone and communicate with bone cells in lacunae through not in such abundance and uniform orientation. Bundles of
canaliculi. these contractile filaments, called myofibrils, occur within

41–9 Vertebrate Animal Tissues 481

Hyaline cartilage

Hyaline cartilage
(articular cartilage)
in lacunae
Growth plate

Spongy bone
(contains red © Ed Reschke
bone marrow)
Compact bone Osteocyte Canaliculus
Compact bone Osteocyte
in lacuna

Medullary Concentric
yellow bone
Central canal

© Ed Reschke Lacuna Osteocyte Nucleus

© Biophoto Associates/
Osteon Science Source

Osteocytes in lacunae

Blood vessel

Spongy bone Blood vessels

Figure 41.18  Anatomy of a long bone. Bone shown at three levels of detail. Some parts of bones are dense and compact, providing great
strength. Other parts, such as marrow, are spongy and have a more open lattice. Most red blood cells are formed in marrow. New bone is formed by
cells called osteocytes, which secrete collagen fibers as sites for deposition of hard calcium-phosphate crystals. Bone is deposited in thin, concentric
layers called lamellae. Lamellae form a series of tubes around narrow channels called Haversian canals, which run parallel to the length of the bone.
Haversian canals are interconnected and contain nerves and blood vessels.

482 EXERCISE 41 41–10

a single muscle cell, and their uniform contraction produces Skeletal Muscle
considerable force and movement (fig. 41.19). Vertebrates
have three kinds of muscle: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac Review in your textbook how skeletal muscle con-
(fig. 41.20). tracts. Then examine a prepared slide of skeletal muscle
(fig. 41.20a). Skeletal (striated) muscles are attached
to the skeleton and are controlled voluntarily (i.e., they





filament Z line



Figure 41.19  Striated muscle. Regular bands of actin and myosin are microfilaments called sarcomeres that slide along their lengths and
contract the muscle. Units of these microfilaments form myofibrils, which are bundled into muscle fibers. These fibers are surrounded by a
membranous sarcolemma having many nuclei scattered along the length of the fiber. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a membranous network that
distributes the stimulus for contraction along the surface of the muscle fiber.

41–11 Vertebrate Animal Tissues 483

(a) Skeletal muscle (b) Smooth muscle (c) Cardiac muscle
(a) © McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Al Telser, Photographer; (b) © Dennis Strete, Photographer/McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc; (c) © Biology Pics/Science Source

Figure 41.20  Three types of muscle. (a) Skeletal (400×). (b) Smooth (400×). (c) Cardiac (400×). In cardiac muscle, the larger wave lines of
the illustration (and the dark horizontal stripes of the photograph) indicate the intercalated disks.

contract only when an organism consciously activates them). involuntarily. Smooth muscle is organized into sheets of
A skeletal muscle “cell” is a long fiber of regularly arranged cells that contract slowly and rhythmically. The uterus and
contractile units with many nuclei scattered at the periph- intestine are examples of organs with smooth muscle.
ery (outer boundaries) of the fiber. The strength and speed
of contraction is enhanced by having the contents of many
cells coalesced (merged) into a fiber rather than functioning
Cardiac Muscle
as individual cells. The stacked array of actin and myosin
filaments within the fibers gives striated muscle its banded Examine a prepared slide of cardiac muscle (fig. 41.20c).
(i.e., striated) appearance (fig. 41.20a). Cardiac (heart) muscle is striated, as is skeletal muscle, but
its contraction is involuntary. Unlike skeletal muscle, car-
diac muscle fibers are composed of chains of single, uninu-
cleate cells. However, these cells have specialized junctions
Smooth Muscle called intercalated disks between cells that organize them
Examine a prepared slide of smooth muscle (fig. 41.20b). into rather continuous functional fibers similar to those of
Smooth-muscle cells are long and spindle-shaped and have skeletal muscle. Thus, cardiac cells depolarize and contract
a single nucleus. Smooth muscles line the walls of the more as a unit than do sheets of loosely associated cells of
gut and blood vessels, and their contraction is controlled smooth muscle.

484 EXERCISE 41 41–12

Figure 41.21  Anatomy of a neuron. Neurons are
specialized to transmit nerve impulses. A neuron axon
Axon receives nerve impulses from other neurons, whereas
a dendrite transmits the nerve impulse to subsequent
neurons (600×).

b. Of the three types of muscle, which con-

tracts most swiftly?

c. Of the three types of muscle, which con-
tracts without voluntary thought?

© Lennart Nilsson, behold Man, Little Brown

and Company, Albert Bonnierforlagen AB

Question 11
a. Can you distinguish the small striations perpendicular
to the axis of a muscle cell?
The fourth major class of vertebrate tissue is nervous tissue.
Nervous tissue consists of (1) neurons, cells specialized for
transmitting nerve impulses, and (2) supporting cells called
glia, including Schwann cells, which help propagate the
nerve impulse and provide nutrients to ­neurons.

TABLE 41.1

41–13 Vertebrate Animal Tissues 485

Examine a prepared slide of a smear of nervous tissue
Cell body Dendrite (figs. 41.21, 41.22). Neurons consist of (1) a cell body
containing a nucleus and (2) cytoplasmic extensions that
conduct nerve impulses. Dendrites are short extensions of
Myelin a neuron that usually carry impulses toward the cell body
sheath from other cells or sensory systems. Axons are long exten-
of conduction sions that usually carry impulses away from the cell body.
An axon may carry an impulse to a muscle to make it con-
Axon tract or to the dendrites of another neuron. Because cell
terminal bodies occur only in the brain and spinal cord, some axons
Node of Ranvier and dendrites must be a meter long to reach distant parts of
Axon the body. Axons and dendrites extending from neurons are
(a) Motor neuron (multipolar) often bundled as nerves that look like thin spaghetti among
the muscles and organs of the vertebrate body (fig. 41.23).
To review all of the available examples of animal tis-
sues, briefly re-examine each prepared slide. As you view
Muscle each type of tissue, record in table 41.1 the tissue’s location
and function.

Cell body
Question 12
What is the difference between a nerve, such as that found in
Direction of
conduction an arm or leg, and a neuron?
Axon receptor
(b) Sensory neuron (unipolar)

Myelin sheath


Cell body


(c) Interneuron (multipolar)

© Scott Camazine/Alamy; (c) © Don W. Fawcett/Science Source
© Ed Reschke/Getty Images
Figure 41.22  Neuron anatomy. (a) Motor neuron. Note the
branched dendrites and the single, long axon, which branches only Figure 41.23  Cross section of a nerve. A nerve is a bundle of
near its tip. (b) Sensory neuron with dendritelike structures projecting axons bound together by connective tissue. In this micrograph of a
from the peripheral end of the axon. (c) Interneuron (from the cortex nerve cross section, many myelinated neuron axons are visible, each
of the cerebellum) with very highly branched dendrites. looking somewhat like a severed hose (400×).

486 EXERCISE 41 41–14

Where do stem cells come from?

With the right stimulation, stem cells can produce a variety will soon begin to specialize, stem cells of therapeutic value
of tissues with great therapeutic value. Even a whole organ- must be harvested from early embryos.  These embryonic
ism can be produced from properly treated stem cells! The stem cells are totipotent (i.e., can form all embryonic and
fate of stem cells is undetermined until their genetic program adult tissues), but harvesting them from human embryos is
and an appropriate microenvironment stimulate their differ- controversial. Alternatively, adult stem cells found in areas
entiation into specialized tissue.  But not all stem cells are of rapid cell division (such as bone marrow and reproduc-
the same. Human embryonic stem cells are derived from the tive organs) in mature organisms also have great utility, but
inner cells of the blastocyst, a developmental stage occur- they do not have the potential to develop into as many dif-
ring several days after fertilization. Since these blastomeres ferent cell types as do embryonic stem cells.

Inner cell mass
yields stem
Blastocyst cells that have
5-6 days the ability to
form any cell
type in the body

Develops into
skin, neurons,
eyes, ears
14-16 days

Develops into
bone marrow,
Bone marrow
muscle, blood

Develops into
pancreas, liver,
lung, bladder
stem cell (produces Stromal stem cell
blood and immune (produces bone
system cells) and fat cells)

(a) Embryonic stem cells (b) Adult stem cells

41–15 Vertebrate Animal Tissues 487

Use of Stains to Enhance Visibility of Cellular Structures
Observations: Cells are so small and transparent that their c. Ask your instructor which common cellular stains are
structures are difficult to see, even at high magnifications. available in the lab.
Stains with dissolved pigments will adhere to some organelles d. Outline on Worksheet 41 your experimental design
more than others and thereby increase contrast and visibility. and supplies needed to answer your question. Ask your
Question: What stains best enhance the visibility of cellular instructor to review your proposed investigation.
structures? e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Worksheet 41 from your instructor. tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
b. Discuss with your group a well-defined question relevant needed.
to the preceding observations and question. Record your
question on Worksheet 41.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. Why are vertebrate animal tissues difficult to classify into a single consistent system?

2. If a compound microscope produces an image in only two dimensions (length and width), how could you determine the
three-dimensional shape of a cell?

3. How many animal tissues and cell types might be in a typical hamburger?

4. All living cells maintain a polarized membrane, meaning that positive and negative ions are separated on either side of
the membrane. What role does this polarization play in the function of neurons?

5. How does the structure of bone tissue resemble woody dicots in form and function?


Does the presence of nuclei in frog blood cells
indicate that the lack of nuclei in mammalian blood
cells is an “advanced” characteristic? Why or why not?

488 EXERCISE 41 41–16

Human Biology
BIOLOGY Exercise 42
The Human Skeletal System

The Skeletal System by the Numbers

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: At birth, our bodies have more than 270 bones. During
1. Identify the major bones of the human skeleton. development, however, several of these bones fuse; that’s
2. Understand how bones are held together. why adults have only 206 bones.
3. Understand what bones form structures such as the In adults, the skeleton accounts for 14% of our body
elbow and knuckles. weight.
The smallest bone in humans is the stapes, which is a
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online stirrup-shaped bone in our ears that is critical for hearing.
resources tailored to this lab. The stapes is approximately 3 mm × 2.5 mm. Unlike other
bones, the stapes is full size at birth.
We have 12 pairs of ribs. Approximately 4% of people

T he human body consists of 206 bones that make up

about 15% of our body-weight. Most bones are parts of
larger structures and systems; for example, the skull consists
have an extra pair.
Bones in our bodies are approximately 48% water. For
comparison, our heart and liver are both 72% water, our lungs
of 25 bones, the spine 34 bones, and the ribcage 25 bones. are 84% water, and our adipose (i.e., fat) tissue is 14% water.
The skeletal system, along with the muscular system
(see Exercise 43), determines the shape of an organism, sup-
ports other organs, and allows for movement. Bones are the
main structural element of the skeletal system. Bones are
held together by ligaments, made of dense connective tis-
sue that is slightly elastic. Bones are attached to muscles by
In this exercise, you will study bones of the human Shoulder
body. Before you begin this exercise, review the structure of
bone tissue in Exercise 41. Clavicle—collarbone
Scapula—shoulder blade
Procedure 42.1  What bones compose the
human body? Arm
1. Examine the articulated skeleton in the lab. The
Humerus—upper arm; is the longest and largest bone
human skeleton consists of the axial skeleton (skull,
of the upper limb
vertebrae, sternum, and ribs) and appendicular skeleton
(shoulder, arm, hip, and legs). Ulna—longer of the two bones in the forearm; is on
2. Use your textbook or other books in lab to identify the the side of the little finger
bones of these parts of the skeleton. Note the geom- Radius—shorter of the two bones of the forearm; is on
etry of the skeleton, paying particular attention to the the side of the thumb
shapes of the bones, the textures of the bones, and the Carpals—eight bones in the wrist bound by strong
planes in which the joints can move (figs. 42.1, 42.2). connective tissue
3. Identify and label the bones in figure 42.3. Also iden- Metacarpals—five bones in the hand
tify these bones in your body.
Phalanges—bones of the fingers

42–1 Human Biology 489

Immovable Joint Slightly Movable Joints

Fibrous Joints



Fibrous joints


Freely Movable Joint Cartilaginous Joints

Body of

Fibrous capsule Intervertebral

Synovial membrane disk
Synovial fluid
Articular cartilage

(b) (c)
Figure 42.1  Three types of joints. (a) The sutures of the skull are an immovable joint. (b) Freely movable joints are synovial joints, such as a
finger joint. (c) Slightly movable joints include the sacroiliac joint of the mammalian pelvis, which is fibrous (top), and the cartilaginous joints
between the vertebrae (bottom).

Procedure 42.2  Identifying bones in your body Question 2

a. What bones form the elbow?
1. Clench your fist.

Question 1
What bones form the raised knobs of your knuckles?

b. What is your “funny bone”? How did it get this name?

2. Flex your arm.

3. Use your left hand to hold your right forearm near the
elbow. Now rotate your right wrist from palm up to
palm down.

490 EXERCISE 42 42–2

Ball-and-Socket Hinge Joint

(a) (b)

Gliding Joint Combination Joint


Figure 42.2  Patterns of joint movement. (a) Ball-and-socket joints,

such as the hip joint, permit movement and twisting of the leg within
the hip socket. (b) A hinge joint, as the term implies, allows movement
in only one plane. Examples include the fibrous joint through the top
of a lizard skull (shown here) or a knee joint. (c) Gliding joints are well
represented by the lateral vertebral joints (not the central ones) that
permit sliding of one surface on another. (d) Combination joints can be
represented by several sorts of joints; the one here is the mammalian jaw
joint that allows rotation but also side-to-side sliding.

Question 3 Leg
What bone is stationary, and which bone rotates?
Femur—thigh bone; above the knee
Fibula—smaller, more slender of the two leg bones
below the knee
Tibia—shin bone; larger of the two leg bones below
the knee

42–3 Human Biology 491

Figure 42.3  Ventral view of the human skeleton.

Tarsals—seven bones of the ankle and heel Question 6
Metatarsals—five long bones of the feet How many joints are in the skull?
Phalanges—bones of the toes; two in the big toe and
three in each of the other toes

4. Bend your leg at the knee and feel your patella. Then
feel the lump just below your patella.

Question 4
What bone forms that lump? What might be an adaptive Procedure 42.3  Vocabulary of skeletal
function for that lump? movement
1. Examine the following terms describing skeletal
Flexion—bending parts at a joint so that the angle
between them decreases and the parts come closer
together (bending the lower limb at the knee)
Extension—straightening parts at a joint so that the
angle between them increases and the parts move far-
ther apart (straightening the lower limb at the knee)
Hyperextension—excess extension of parts at a joint,
Question 5 beyond the anatomical position (bending the head
What major tissue type is bone? back beyond the upright position)
Abduction—moving a part away from the midline
(lifting the upper limb horizontally to form a right
angle with the side of the body)
Adduction—moving a part toward the midline (return-
ing the upper limb from the horizontal position to the
side of the body)
Rotation—moving a part around an axis (twisting
the head from side to side). Medial rotation involves
movement toward the midline, whereas lateral rota-
tion involves movement in the opposite direction.
Circumduction—moving a part so that its end follows
AXIAL SKELETON a circular path (moving the finger in a circular motion
without moving the hand)
Supination—turning the hand so the palm is upward
Ribs—normally 24 bones; increase in length from the
or facing anteriorly (in anatomical position)
first through seventh ribs, then decrease in length to
the twelfth rib. Pronation—turning the hand so the palm is downward
or facing posteriorly (in anatomical position)
Vertebrae—26 bones, including the sacrum (forms
part of the hip) and the coccyx (tailbone) (sacrum and Eversion—turning the foot so the sole faces laterally
coccyx are made of fused vertebrae) Inversion—turning the foot so the sole faces medially
Skull—28 bones, including the middle-ear bones; most Protraction—moving a part forward (thrusting the
are fused with immovable joints called sutures that chin forward)
appear as wavy lines Retraction—moving a part backward (pulling the chin
Hyoid—a single, small, U-shaped bone suspended backward)
at the front of the throat above the pharynx. The Elevation—raising a part (shrugging the shoulders)
hyoid bone does not articulate with (i.e., touch) any
Depression—lowering a part (drooping the shoulders)
other bone.
2. Demonstrate one or two examples of each movement.

42–5 Human Biology 493

Procedure 42.4  Assemble a human skeleton called bone spurs that can interfere with movement of joints.
If too much bone is resorbed, the bones become weak and
1. Examine the disarticulated human skeleton in the lab.
overly susceptible to fracture.
Note the relative sizes and shapes of the major bones.
2. Work with your lab partner(s) to assemble the skeleton. Question 7
a. What causes osteoporosis?


Re-examine the basic structure of bone (fig. 41.18). Parts
of bones are dense and strong, whereas other parts, such as
marrow, are spongy. Most red blood cells are formed by
bone marrow. Bones are built by cells called osteoblasts,
which secrete collagen fibers as sites for the deposition
of hard calcium-salt crystals. These salts are deposited b. What factors increase a person’s chances of getting
in thin, concentric layers called lamellae (fig. 41.18). osteoporosis?
When muscles are developed by exercise, the bones they
pull against also become thicker and stronger. This is why
exercises such as weight lifting increase the mass of bone as well
as muscle.
Strong, healthy bone is continually maintained by bone
remodeling, the ongoing replacement of old bone tissue by
new bone tissue. As osteoblasts produce collagen and other
organic components they become trapped in these secretions. c. What can help prevent the development of
Soon they mature and are called osteocytes. Bone is broken osteoporosis?
down by large cells called osteoclasts in a process called
bone resorption. In humans, bone remodeling replaces
bones as many as 10 times during an average lifetime.
Bone remodeling is a balance between bone deposi-
tion and bone resorption. If too much mineral is deposited
in the bone, the surplus bone tissue often forms thick bumps

Osteoporosis Affects the Bones of Millions of People

Osteoporosis is a progressive bone-disease that reduces both replacement therapy for postmenopausal women. Osteopo-
the mineral and organic portions of bone, thereby increas- rosis is the most prevalent bone disease in the United States,
ing the risk of fracture (fig. 42.4). This disease affects four affecting 55% of Americans older than 50 years of age, and
times as many women as men and occurs when the normal costing our nation approximately $15–$20 billion in hospi-
balance between bone formation and bone breakdown is dis- tal and other expenses.
rupted. A common cause of osteoporosis is prolonged disuse
of muscles. The force produced by active skeletal muscle
contractions helps maintain bone mass. When muscles are
not used due to paralysis or illness, bone mass declines.
Osteoporosis can also result from hormonal imbal-
ances. Hormones such as estrogen stimulate bone formation.
When a woman’s reproductive cycles cease (menopause),
estrogen levels decline and bone density may decrease
and heighten the risk of bone fractures. In contrast, some
hormones demineralize bone to maintain normal mineral
homeostasis in the blood. An excess of these hormones can
demineralize enough bone to cause osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis itself has no symptoms; its main conse- (a) Normal bone (b) Osteoporotic bone
quence is the increased risk of bone fractures. Osteoporosis (a) © Science Photo Library/Alamy; (b) © Professor Pietro M. Motta/Science Source

is slowed by adequate calcium and vitamin D intake along Figure 42.4  Normal bone compared to bone from a person with
with weight-bearing exercise and, in some cases, hormone osteoporosis (50×).

494 EXERCISE 42 42–6

Chronic pain can result from misalignment and curvature MAMMALS?
of the spine. Lordosis (hollow back) is an exaggeration of
the convex curve of the lumbar region, resulting in a sway- Examine the skeletons of other mammals available in lab.
back condition. Kyphosis (hump back) is an exaggeration Give special attention to the relative sizes, locations, and
of the concave curve of the thoracic region, resulting in a functions of each bone. Many bones—for example, those
hunchback condition. Scoliosis (see figures below) is an in our arms and in birds’ wings—are homologous, meaning
abnormal lateral and rotational curvature of the vertebral that they have the same basic structure and origin (because
column, which is often accompanied by secondary abnor- they were inherited from a common ancestor).
mal curvatures, such as kyphosis.
Question 8
Do homologous bones always have the same function? ​
Explain your answer.

© Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic © Lester V Bergman/Encyclopedia/

Hospital/Science Source Corbis

Assess Skeletal Morphology for Functions of Protection and Strength
Observations: No organ system is more versatile in function b. Discuss with your group and instructor specific skeletal/
than the skeleton and its adaptive features. Strength and pro- bone characteristics that would indicate adaptation for
tection are critical for highly mobile vertebrates. strength, protection, or both. Record them on Worksheet 42.
Question: To what extent are vertebrate skeletons adapted for c. Obtain and examine the features of a human skeleton.
strength versus protection? Record your observations and assessments of skeletal
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation d. Complete the investigation directed by Worksheet 42.
Worksheet 42 from your instructor.

42–7 Human Biology 495

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. How many bones are in your body?

2. What is the difference between a ligament and a tendon?

3. What is the longest bone in your body?

4. What bones form your ankle? Your neck? Your chest?

​5. Many people believe that bones are dead. Are they? What are the functions of bones?

6. Osteoporosis affects 35 million elderly and middle-aged people in the United States. About 80% of these people are
women. Why do older women suffer more from osteoporosis than men?

​7. What are some examples of bone disease?


What health problems affect joints? Describe how
these ailments are treated.

496 EXERCISE 42 42–8

Human Biology
BIOLOGY Exercise 43
Muscles and Muscle Contraction

Question 1
Learning Objectives a. What common activities involve isotonic contractions?
Isometric contractions?
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Identify the major muscles of your body.
2. Describe how muscles can flex or extend a joint.
3. Describe how the use of a muscle causes fatigue.
b. Which type of contraction develops more muscle
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online tension: isotonic or isometric?
resources tailored to this lab.

M uscles are structures specialized for contraction.

Contrary to what many people think, muscles cannot
­actively lengthen; they can only contract (shorten). Some
In both types of contractions, the amount of tension gener-
ated by the muscle is proportional to the number of muscle
other force (e.g., gravity or the contraction of another fibers that contract; the more fibers that contract, the greater
muscle) is necessary to return the muscle to its original the tension. Muscle tone is the sustained contraction of
(uncontracted) length. Muscles are ineffective without skeletal muscles that produces posture.
something rigid or antagonistic to pull against. Sometimes
the antagonistic structure is another muscle, but usually Question 2
bone is the rigid surface against which a muscle can pull. Why is muscle tone important?
Imagine how you might move if your muscles had no
bones to pull against.
The force exerted on a muscle by an object is muscle
load, and the force a contracting muscle exerts on an object
Most joints are movable; they will move in one, two,
is muscle tension. Muscle load and muscle tension are
or three planes, depending on the joint. Movement results
opposing forces. To move an object, the tension produced
from contraction of a skeletal muscle that connects a non-
by a muscle must exceed the force exerted on the muscle by
moving bone (i.e., the origin) to a moving bone (i.e., the
the object (i.e., the muscle’s load). If this does not occur, the
insertion) across a joint.
muscle cannot move the object. To lift a load, muscle ten-
In this exercise, you will study how muscles flex or
sion must exceed muscle load.
extend joints. The extension of a joint, such as when you
There are two primary types of muscle contractions:
straighten your arm, increases the angle between two bones.
isotonic and isometric. Isotonic contractions are contrac-
Flexing a joint, such as when you bend your arm, decreases
tions in which the muscle shortens while the load is con-
the angle between two bones. More specifically, the con-
stant. For example, if you use your arm’s biceps muscle to
traction of your biceps muscle flexes your arm, whereas the
bend your arm and lift a 10-lb weight, then (fig. 43.1) your
contraction of your triceps muscle extends your arm. In this
biceps muscle shortens as you lift, but the weight (load) is
example, as is true throughout most of your body, skeletal
10 lb at all times. This is an isotonic contraction. Isomet-
muscles are arranged in antagonistic pairs: when one con-
ric contractions occur when muscles develop tension but
tracts, the other relaxes.
do not shorten. For example, close your fist in a relaxed
In this lab, you will also study the major groups of
manner. Now clench the fist. The muscles develop ten-
skeletal muscles. You’ll also study the mechanics of skeletal
sion, but do not shorten significantly. This is an isometric
muscle contraction. Before doing this lab, review the intro-
duction to muscle cell biology in Exercise 41.

43–1 Human Biology 497

Skeletal muscle
Muscle fascicle
(with many
muscle fibers)

Nuclei Striations

Muscle fiber
© Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images



Figure 43.1  Arrangement of myofilaments in a muscle fiber. This diagram shows a large-to-small view of the muscle fiber.


Muscles by the Numbers
The following terms help biologists describe the structure
Our body has 639 skeletal muscles accounting for 42% of a and function of muscles (fig. 43.2):
male’s body mass, and 36% of a female’s mass. Muscle tissue Extensor—muscle that straightens a joint
is 15% denser than fat.
Flexor—muscle that bends a joint
Thirty of our muscles are facial muscles that provide us
with remarkable subtlety of expression. Insertion—where a muscle attaches at its more
Eye muscles are the busiest of our muscles; we blink ­movable end
as much as 100,000 times a day! They are also notably Origin—where a muscle attaches to a relatively fixed
large and strong considering how small our eyeballs are. position
Research shows them to be 100-times stronger than needed.
Use your textbook and other materials available in the lab
Our strongest muscle is the masseter or jaw muscle. It
to identify the following groups of muscles. After locating
can bite with a force of 4,300 Newtons. In comparison, a
these muscles on yourself or your partner, label figures 43.3
uterus during childbirth rhythmically contracts with a force
and 43.4.
of about 300 Newtons. A Newton is the force that gravity
exerts on 102 g (equal to a small apple).

498 EXERCISE 43 43–2

Origins, fixed ends, or Biceps brachii—inserts on the radius; originates on
heads of biceps (two heads) the scapula. The biceps flexes the arm at the elbow
brachii on scapula
and is the primary muscle for doing a pullup.
Biceps brachii Scapula
Procedure 43.1  What muscles flex and extend
Flexion the forearm?
1. Find a partner.
2. Feel the muscles of your or your partner’s upper arm
Origins, fixed as it is extended and flexed.
ends, or heads
of triceps 3. Repeat this exercise as you or your partner holds a
Extension (three heads) weight and then with his or her elbow pointed at the
brachii on ceiling.
Ulna scapula
and humerus
Question 3
Radius Humerus a. What muscle flexes the forearm?
Insertion, or mobile Insertion, or mobile end,
end, of biceps brachii of triceps brachii on
on radial tuberosity olecranon process

Figure 43.2  Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The

biceps brachii has two heads, which originate on the scapula. The b. What is its origin? Its insertion?
triceps brachii has three heads, which originate on the scapula and
humerus. The biceps brachii inserts onto the radial tuberosity and onto
nearby connective tissue. The triceps brachii inserts onto the
olecranon process of the ulna.

Shoulder and Trunk c. Which muscle extends the forearm?

Deltoid—inserts on humerus; originates on clavicle.

When arm is at rest, the deltoid is the outer muscle
along the upper third of the humerus. When the arm
is raised, the deltoid is the hard mass of muscle above
the shoulder joint. The short, thick deltoid raises the d. What is its origin? Its insertion?
arm to horizontal or slightly higher.
Pectorals—large, triangular muscle covering the ­upper
part of the chest. Inserts on the humerus; originates
from the clavicle, upper ribs, and ­sternum. If your
arm is fixed, such as during ­climbing, the pectoral Wrist extensors—muscles on the upper side of the
helps pull the chest upward. The pectorals are the lower arm that raise the wrist upward.
“breast” of poultry and are the main flight muscles of
Wrist flexors—set of muscles on the lower side of the
lower arm that bends the hand at the wrist. With your
Trapezius—inserts on the clavicle and along the scap- palm up, you can see the tendons of the wrist flexors,
ula; originates along the upper dorsal midline. Aids in especially if you are lifting something heavy.
lifting with the arms or carrying loads on shoulders;
Finger flexors and extensors—similar to those of the
braces and shrugs the shoulders.
wrist. Identify these muscles and the long ­tendons
Latissimus—large sheet of muscle in back. Inserts on that attach to them by clenching and ­extending your
the upper part of the humerus, and originates along fingers. The tendons are crossed from extensor mus-
the middorsal line. Moves the arm downward. The cles to the middle and ring fingers.
latissimus is a primary muscle used in a swimming
stroke or in bringing the arm forcibly downward.
Procedure 43.2  How does the structure of your
Arm hand affect its movement?
1. With your fingertips resting on the table, raise only
Triceps brachii—inserts on ulna and originates from
your ring finger as high as it will go.
scapula and humerus. The triceps extends the arm at the
elbow and is the primary muscle for doing a pushup. 2. Now raise your middle finger also.

43–3 Human Biology 499

Figure 43.3  Ventral view of superficial muscles of the human body.

500 EXERCISE 43 43–4

Figure 43.4  Dorsal view of superficial muscles of the human body.

43–5 Human Biology 501

Question 4 2. Repeat the previous observation for your or your part-
Did your ring finger also go higher? Why or why not? ner’s lower leg.

Question 6
a. What muscle group extends the foot?

Masseter—the main muscle that clenches the jaw. You b. What are its origins? Its insertions?
can feel this muscle at your temples and on ­either
side of your cheekbone.

c. What muscle flexes the foot?
Hamstring—a set of three muscles on the back of the
thigh that bend the leg at the knee. Originate on the
coxal bone and femur; insert on the fibula. You can
feel the hamstring’s tendons at the back of your knee
joint when you bend your knee while standing on the d. What are its origins? Its insertions?
other leg. Hamstrings are so named because butchers
use these tendons to hang up hams.
Quadriceps—large muscles on the anterior part of
the thigh that originate on the coxal bone and insert e. What common activities involve contraction of the
on the tibia. The quadriceps extends the knee and gastrocnemius?
enables you to stand from a squatting position. Also
provides much of the power for kicking a ball.
Gastrocnemius—the calf muscle; originates on the
femur and inserts (by the Achilles tendon) on the heel
bone (a tarsal). The gastrocnemius enables you to
stand on tiptoes and extend your foot. Procedure 43.4  Can any tendons be manipu-
lated manually?
Toe flexors and extensors—several muscles in
the lower leg that curl or extend the toes. Tendons Your Achilles tendon connects your heel to muscles of your
from the extensors are visible atop your foot when lower calf. This tendon, the largest tendon in the human
you raise your toes. body, can withstand forces exceeding 1000 lb.
Grab your ankle with your thumb on the Achilles ten-
don and squeeze hard. What happens? Explain your answer.
Procedure 43.3  What muscles flex and extend
the lower leg and foot? Hip
1. Feel the muscles of your or your partner’s thigh as he/ Gluteus—large, powerful muscle in the posterior pel-
she flexes and extends the lower leg against an exter- vic region. Inserts on the femur and originates from
nally applied force. the coxal bone. The gluteus supports the pelvis and
Question 5 trunk on the femur (you can show this by standing
a. What muscle extends the lower leg? on one leg and feeling the muscle). Used in climb-
ing, cycling, jumping, and regaining an erect position
after bending forward.
Abdominals—set of muscles below the chest that flat-
b. What are its origins? Its insertions?
ten and compress the abdomen. Abdominals bend the
body forward and from side to side; also used in uri-
nation and defecation.
c. What muscle flexes the lower leg?

Do not do the following exercises if you have heart

or lung problems. Stop immediately if you feel faint.
d. What are its origins? Its insertions?

502 EXERCISE 43 43–6

Procedure 43.5  How fast do muscles fatigue? 40

Number of contractions per 15-second interval

Work with two lab partners as you do this procedure.
1. Squeeze a tennis ball as rapidly as possible with your
hand. While you squeeze, a partner will call out “time”
every 15 sec for 3 min. Your other lab partner will
count and record your number of contractions during
each 15-sec period.
0–15 sec contractions
15–30 sec contractions
30–45 sec contractions
45–60 sec contractions
60–75 sec contractions
75–90 sec contractions 0
90–105 sec contractions 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180
105–120 sec contractions Time (seconds)
120–135 sec contractions Figure 43.5  Decline in the number of contractions as a muscle
135–150 sec contractions fatigues.
150–165 sec contractions
165–180 sec contractions
2. Wait 1 min and repeat the experiment. Record your 4. On figure 43.5, graph the number of contractions ver-
results: sus time for each trial. Connect the data points with a
0–15 sec contractions straight line for each trial.
15–30 sec contractions
30–45 sec contractions
Question 7
45–60 sec contractions a. Did you produce the same number of contractions in
60–75 sec contractions each of the three trials?
75–90 sec contractions
90–105 sec contractions
105–120 sec contractions
b. Why or why not?
120–135 sec contractions
135–150 sec contractions
150–165 sec contractions
165–180 sec contractions Question 8
a. Does the number of contractions increase or decrease
3. Wait another minute and repeat the experiment. Record during the experiment? Explain your answer.
your results:
0–15 sec contractions
15–30 sec contractions
30–45 sec contractions
45–60 sec contractions b. Is the slope of the line constant in the experiments?
60–75 sec contractions What do you conclude from this?
75–90 sec contractions
90–105 sec contractions
105–120 sec contractions
120–135 sec contractions c. What causes muscle fatigue?
135–150 sec contractions
150–165 sec contractions
165–180 sec contractions

43–7 Human Biology 503

Determine Minimum Recovery Time from Muscle Fatigue

Observation: If given enough rest, muscles recover from c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
fatigue. record it.
Question: What is the minimum recovery time from muscle d. How do you measure recovery time? Outline on Work-
fatigue? sheet 43 your experimental design and supplies needed
to test your hypothesis. Ask your instructor to review
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation your proposed investigation.
Worksheet 43 from your instructor. e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
b. Discuss with your group a well-defined question rele- question, and make relevant comments.
vant to the preceding observation and question. Record f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your questions,
it on Worksheet 43. hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. What would happen if both muscles of an antagonistic pair contracted simultaneously?

2. What is a “pulled” muscle?

3. What other types of muscles besides skeletal muscles are there?

4. What is an example of a muscle that is not part of an antagonistic pair?

5. Many people take dietary supplements to improve their strength and endurance. Do these supplements “work”? What is
the evidence?

​6. Review the information presented in Exercise 42. How do muscles and bones work together?

7. Do invertebrates without bones have something rigid for their muscles to pull against? How so?


What is muscle fatigue? How could you delay the
fatigue of a muscle?

504 EXERCISE 43 43–8

Human Biology
BIOLOGY Exercise 4 4

seems, because lung tissue lacks skeletal muscle. To expand

Learning Objectives our lungs and create the negative pressure needed to inhale,
we use our diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Describe the mechanics of breathing. ∙ The diaphragm is a sheetlike muscle separating the abdo-
2. Measure or compute your vital capacity, tidal vol- men from the chest cavity. It is the primary muscle used
ume, ­inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory in breathing; when the diaphragm contracts, it flattens and
reserve volume, and understand how these volumes expands the chest cavity. This expansion of our chest cre-
relate to one another. ates a negative pressure (i.e., a partial vacuum), thereby
3. Measure how exercise and hyperventilation affect pulling air into our nostrils, mouth, and lungs.
your breathing.
∙ Intercostal muscles are located between ribs (fig. 44.3).
When these muscles contract, they expand the chest
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online cavity and suck air into our lungs. When other people
resources tailored to this lab.
rub your intercostal muscles, you probably squirm
and giggle.

I n Exercise 12 you studied how cells oxidize sugars to

­release energy for their activities. This process is called
­cellular respiration, and in humans and most other organ-
Contracting your diaphragm and intercostal muscles
expands your chest cavity. This decreases the pressure in
the chest cavity and, because your lungs adhere to the lin-
isms it requires oxygen (fig. 44.1). To get this oxygen for ing of your chest cavity, your lungs expand. This expansion
respiration (and to get rid of respiratory waste products decreases the pressure in the lungs, causing air to move into
such as carbon dioxide), humans have a pulmonary respira- the lungs. Relaxing the diaphragm and intercostal muscles
tory system in which ventilation and gas exchange occur in shrinks the chest cavity, thereby increasing the pressure in
specialized organs called lungs. We promote gas exchange the lungs. This forces air out of the lungs because pressure
by forcing air into and out of our lungs as we breathe. The there exceeds that in the atmosphere.
importance of breathing can’t be overestimated—every day
we breathe about 25,000 times. If our rate of breathing slows
too much, we either faint or suffocate.
Air moves in response to pressure gradients produced
by a complex anatomy (fig. 44.2). This is true for large
masses of air, such as cold and warm fronts that sweep into
town, and for relatively small masses of air that move into
and out of our lungs. Air always moves from areas of high
pressure to areas of lower pressure. For example, when we
prick a balloon, air quickly moves from inside the balloon,
where pressure is high, to the outside of the balloon, where
pressure is lower. Air moving into and out of our bodies as
we breathe also moves in response to pressure gradients. As
you’ll learn in this exercise, we expend much energy to cre-
ate pressure gradients that help us breathe.
Our lungs are in our thoracic (chest) cavity. We inhale © Rex Brown/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images
by expanding our lungs, which creates a negative pressure Figure 44.1  We humans promote gas exchange by forcing air
(i.e., suction) in our lungs. This suction pulls air into our into and out of our lungs as we breathe. In cold weather, we see
lungs. Expanding our lungs is more complicated than it ­condensed water vapor in air exhaled from our lungs.

44–1 Human Biology 505

Nasal cavity

Mouth Pharynx
Larynx Connective

Left lung
Right lung lumen
Left movement
bronchus bronchus


Diaphragm cell

(a) Human respiratory system (b) Tracheal lining


Blood flow

Branch of
pulmonary End of one
Bronchiole bronchiole

Smooth Alveolar
Branch of muscle air
pulmonary Alveolus

Alveoli Interstitium
Capillaries tissue)
type I cell
type II cell
Plasma in
Red blood cell
(c) Structure of a bronchiole and alveoli (d) Cross section of an alveolar cluster, with enlarged region

Figure 44.2  The mammalian respiratory system. (a) In this overview, the ribs have been removed in front, and the major airways have been
drawn in the lungs. The thoracic cavity is bounded by the ribs and intercostal muscles and the muscular diaphragm. For simplicity, external and
internal intercostal muscles are not indicated separately. (b) Ciliated epithelial cells and mucus-producing goblet cells line the trachea. The mucus
traps inhaled particles and the cilia help move the mucus toward the mouth, where it can be swallowed. (c) The bronchioles deliver air to the
clusters of alveoli. Note the smooth muscle cells around the bronchioles, which can cause the bronchioles to constrict or dilate. Capillaries surround
the alveoli. Red represents oxygenated blood; blue represents partly deoxygenated blood. (d) Cross section through a cluster of alveoli. Note the
single cell layer of alveoli cells and their close proximity to adjacent capillaries.

506 EXERCISE 44 44–2


muscles contract Air
(for forced inhalation)


Diaphragm Lungs





Abdominal muscles
contract (for forced


Figure 44.3  How a human breathes. (a) Inhalation. The diaphragm contracts and the walls of the chest cavity expand, increasing the volume
of the chest cavity and the lungs. As a result of the larger volume, air is drawn into the lungs. (b) Exhalation. The diaphragm and chest walls return
to their normal positions as a result of elastic recoil, reducing the volume of the chest cavity and forcing air out of the lungs through the trachea.
Note that inhalation can be forced by contracting accessory respiratory muscles (such as the sternocleidomastoid), and exhalation can be forced by
contracting the abdominal muscles.

44–3 Human Biology 507


Inhalation Exhalation



(a) (b) (c)

Figure 44.4  A simple experiment that shows how we breathe. In the jar is a balloon (a). When the diaphragm is pulled down, as shown in (b),
the balloon expands; when it is relaxed (c), the balloon contracts. In the same way, air is taken into the lungs when the diaphragm moves down,
expanding the volume of the lung cavity. When the diaphragm pushes back, the volume decreases and air is expelled.

To better understand breathing movements, use your b. What would happen if the seal at the base of the jar
fingertips to feel the difference in your body movements as was broken?
you breathe while using only the diaphragm, then when using
only intercostal muscles, and then both. Next, examine the
lung model, a simple device that helps demonstrate the princi-
ples underlying inhalation and exhalation. The model consists
of a glass tube, balloons, enclosed space, and a rubber sheet
c. What causes a collapsed lung?
(fig. 44.4). The glass tube of the model represents air pas-
sages, the balloons represent the lungs, the space represents
the thoracic cavity, and the rubber sheet at the base of the
model represents the diaphragm. Rhythmically pull and
push the diaphragm to simulate breathing. d. Is a collapsed lung functional? Why or why not?
Question 1
a. What happens to the lungs? Why?

Don’t do the following exercises if you have heart

or lung problems. Work with a partner in each of the
following procedures, and stop immediately if you
feel faint.

508 EXERCISE 44 44–4

Procedure 44.1  Measure differences in chest Question 4
diameter during breathing Can you take a deep breath without expanding both your
chest and abdomen? Why or why not?
1. Wrap a tape measure around your chest. Record your
chest diameter: cm
2. Now take a deep breath, hold it, and measure your
chest diameter: cm
6. Exhalation occurs by relaxing your diaphragm and
Question 2
intercostal muscles. To force more air from your lungs
a. How much did your chest enlarge?
you must use your abdominal muscles. Place your
hand near your belly button and force as much air out
of your lungs as possible.

Question 5
b. What caused your chest to enlarge? a. What happened to your abdominal muscles when you

c. What is the significance of this change?

b. What happened to your intercostal muscles when you

3 . Place your hand at the bottom of your sternum (chest

bone) and take a deep breath.
Question 3
a. What direction did your hand move when you inhaled? Your lungs hold several liters of air. This volume of air has
several subvolumes (fig. 44.5).

b. When you exhaled?

4. Place your hands on your abdomen and take five

deep breaths. Describe what you feel.

5. Repeat this with your hands on your chest. Residual volume

Describe what you feel.

lung Expiratory reserve
capacity volume

Tidal volume capacity

reserve volume

Figure 44.5  Pulmonary volumes and capacities.

44–5 Human Biology 509

∙ Tidal volume (TV) is the volume of air inhaled or
exhaled during a single breath and is the amount of air
necessary to maintain the oxygen supply to your tis-
sues. A typical tidal volume is about 500 mL.
∙ Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) is the amount of
air that can be exhaled after a normal, quiet exhalation.
Typical expiratory reserve volumes range from 800 to
1300 mL.
∙ Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) is the amount of
air that can be inhaled after a person takes a normal
breath. Typical inspiratory residual volumes range
from 2500 to 3500 mL.
∙ Residual volume (RV) is the air that cannot be
exhaled from the lungs. A typical residual volume is
about 1200 mL.
∙ The total of tidal volume plus inspiratory and expiratory
reserve volumes is the lung’s vital capacity, the maxi-
mum amount of air that can be inhaled after maximum
exhalation. Vital capacity is sometimes used to indicate
pulmonary function. A significant decrease in vital
capacity is often associated with emphysema, pneumo-
nia, and other lung diseases.

Measuring Lung Capacity © Carolina Biological Supply Company, Used by permission

In this exercise you’ll use a spirometer to measure several Figure 44.6  A ​spirometer is used to measure lung capacity.
features of your breathing (fig. 44.6). In the following pro-
cedures, record all of your results in table 44.1.

Procedure 44.2  Measure your tidal 3. Observe the dial reading. Divide the reading by five to
volume (TV) determine your tidal volume for one breath.
1. Set the dial of the spirometer at zero. Place a sterile 4. Record this volume as the first of three tidal volume
mouthpiece over the stem of the spirometer. Insert the measurements in table 44.1.
mouthpiece into your mouth with the spirometer’s dial 5. Repeat steps 2–3 twice and record these values in table
facing upward. 44.1.
2. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your 6. Calculate the average of the resulting three values and
mouth for five normal breathing cycles. record this average value in table 44.1.

The Relative Contributions of the Diaphragm and Intercostal Muscles to Breathing
Observation: Breathing involves the combined action of the c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
diaphragm and intercostal muscles. record it.
Question: What are the relative contributions of the diaphragm d. Outline on Worksheet 44 your experimental design and
and intercostal muscles to breathing? supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
tor to review your proposed investigation.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
Worksheet 44 from your instructor. question, and make relevant comments.
b. Discuss with your group a well-defined question relevant f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
to the preceding observation and question, and relate it tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
to your inspiratory reserve volume and/or tidal volume. needed.
Record it on Worksheet 44.

510 EXERCISE 44 44–6

Procedure 44.3  Measure your expiratory
reserve volume (ERV) Breathing by the Numbers
1. Reset the dial of the spirometer to zero.
The interior surface of human lungs covers 90 m2. For
2. Place your mouth on the tube. Inhale normally through comparison, the lungs of horses have an interior surface of
your nose, then exhale maximally into the mouth- 500 m2, whereas that of a rabbit is only 5.9 m2. A parking
piece. Observe the reading for this maximal exhalation space for a car is 10 m2. Our lungs have an inner surface
volume. equal to 9 parking spaces!
3. From this maximal exhalation volume subtract your In each breath, we inhale/exhale about 500 mL. For
average tidal volume (determined in procedure 44.2). ­comparison, a horse exhales 7,500 mL, and an orca exhales
4. Record this value in table 44.1 as the first of three ERV 46,200 mL.
5. Repeat steps 2–4 twice and record these ERV values in
table 44.1.
6. Calculate your average ERV and record it in Procedure 44.6  Measure the effect of exercise
table 44.1. on your tidal volume
1. Exercise vigorously for 3 min by stepping onto and
Procedure 44.4  Measure your vital capacity (VC) off of a small stool. Then measure your tidal volume
1. Reset the dial of the spirometer to zero. according to procedure 44.2.
2. Take several deep breaths and exhale completely after Tidal volume = mL
each. Then take as deep a breath as possible and exhale
slowly and evenly through the spirometer. Question 6
3. Record this value in table 44.1 as the first of three VC a. How do these values compare with your “at rest” val-
values. ues (table 44.1)?
4. Repeat steps 2–3 twice, being sure to reset the dial after
each exhalation. Record these volumes in table 44.1.
5. Calculate your average VC and record it in table 44.1.

Procedure 44.5  Compute your inspiratory b. How do you explain this difference?
reserve volume (IRV)
Your instrument is not set up to measure your inspiratory
reserve volume directly. However, you can compute it by
using the following formula:
Inspiratory expiratory 2. Stop exercising and continue to measure your tidal
vital − tidal − reserve =  
reserve =
capacity volume
mL volume every 30 sec for 10 min. Graph your results
volume (mL) volume (fig. 44.7).

People’s vital capacity varies with their age, sex, and height.
However, a typical vital capacity for men is about 5200 mL,
whereas that for women is about 4000 mL. Tidal volume is
affected strongly by exercise.

TABLE 44.1
(TV) (ERV) (VC) (IRV)

1st 1st 1st

2nd 2nd 2nd

3rd 3rd 3rd

Average Average Average Calculated value =

44–7 Human Biology 511

What is your recovery time?
Your rate of breathing is controlled by many factors, the
most important of which is the concentration of carbon
dioxide in your blood. Slowing your breathing rate slows the
release of carbon dioxide into the lungs, thereby increasing
3. When you’ve finished the experiment, place the dis- the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood.
posable mouthpiece in the collecting bag. Humans breathe about 12 times per minute, com-
pared to an elephant’s 10 breaths per minute. Interestingly,
a giraffe takes 20 or more breaths per minute. This rapid
BODY SIZE AND VITAL CAPACITY rate of breathing likely compensates for the large volume of
dead space (2.5 L) in the trachea of their long neck.
A person’s vital capacity usually varies with the size of his
or her body. To show this, use a meterstick to measure your
height: cm
Procedure 44.7  Measure your breathing rate
Write your height, gender, and vital capacity on the 1. Determine your breathing rate at rest.
chalkboard in the lab. Graph all of the data for your class on 2. Breathe deeply and rapidly for 12 breaths (i.e.,
figure 44.8. Your instructor may ask you to graph the data hyperventilate).
for males separately from that of females.
Question 9
Question 8 Does deep breathing get easier or harder as time goes
a. What do you conclude about the relationship of height by? Why?
and vital capacity?

3. After hyperventilating, hold your breath for as long

b. Is this what you would have predicted? Why or as you can. Record how long you held your breath:
why not? sec
4. Exhale, take a breath, and hold your breath again as
long as you can. Again record how long you held your
breath: sec
5. Repeat this exercise three more times.



2600 6.0
Vital capacity (liters)

Tidal volume (mL)

1800 5.0


1000 4.0


200 3.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210
Time (minutes) Height (cm)

Figure 44.7  Change in tidal volume during recovery from Figure 44.8  The relationship between lung vital capacity and a
exercise. person’s height.

512 EXERCISE 44 44–8


Alveoli fill with thick
fluid, making gas
exchange difficult.

Pulmonary Fibrosis
Fibrous connective tissue
builds up in lungs, reducing
their elasticity.


Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Tubercles encapsulate bacteria,
and elasticity of lungs is reduced.

Emphysema Bronchitis
Alveoli burst and fuse into Airways are inflamed due
enlarged air spaces. Surface area Asthma to infection (acute) or due to
for gas exchange is reduced. Airways are inflamed due an irritant (chronic). Coughing
to irritation, and bronchioles brings up mucus and pus.
constrict due to muscle spasms.

Figure 44.9  Common bronchial and pulmonary diseases. Exposure to infectious pathogens and/or polluted air, including tobacco smoke,
causes the diseases and disorders shown here.

Question 10 b. How do you explain these data? That is, how is this
a. What pattern do you see in the results? response adaptive under these conditions?

44–9 Human Biology 513

6. Rest until your respiratory rate returns to normal. b. What do you think causes the breathing rate to
Then run vigorously in place for 3 min. Stop and hold increase: the increase of CO2 in the blood or the deple-
your breath for as long as possible. Record your time: tion of O2? How could you test your answer?

Question 11
a. How does this time compare with others you recorded?
Explain your results.

c. A large surface area is critical for efficient breathing.

Review figure 44.9. Which diseases would most affect
alveolar surface area?

Questions for Further Thought and Study

1. What is the clinical significance of vital capacity?

2. How does smoking affect the various aspects of lung capacity?

3. How would you measure the effects of exercise on vital capacity?


Who do you think would have a shorter recovery
time after exercising, a well-conditioned athlete or an
out-of-shape professor? Explain your answer.

514 EXERCISE 44 44–10

Human Biology
Exercise 45
Circulation and Blood Pressure

Study the path of blood flow through the mammalian

Learning Objectives heart (see fig. 45.1; also fig. 49.9).
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: ∙ Oxygen-poor and CO2-rich blood from the superior vena
1. Describe the path of blood flow in a four- cava and inferior vena cava enter the right atrium.
chambered heart.
∙ The right atrium pumps blood through the right atrioven-
2. Describe what causes the sounds made by a ­beating
tricular (tricuspid) valve to the right ventricle.
3. Describe the structure and function of red blood ∙ The right ventricle then pumps blood through the pulmo-
cells, white blood cells, capillaries, veins, and nary semilunar valve into the pulmonary trunk and the
­arteries. two pulmonary arteries to the lungs.
4. Describe how exercise affects blood pressure and
∙ Oxygen-rich blood from the lungs travels in four pulmo-
pulse rate.
nary veins to the left atrium.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online ∙ The left atrium pumps blood through the left atrioven-
resources tailored to this lab. tricular (bicuspid or mitral) valve to the left ventricle.
∙ The left ventricle pumps blood through the semilunar
valve into the aorta to the body.
T he cells of multicellular organisms are linked by an
elaborate circulatory system. In humans, this circulatory
system is based on a fast-flowing river of blood that delivers
Examine a heart from a cow. Use your fingers to trace
the path of blood flow.
materials, food, and oxygen to cells (see fig. 49.7). Our cir-
culatory system also removes waste products such as carbon Question 1
dioxide from cells. The circulatory system in humans and a. Which chamber has the thickest wall?
other vertebrates is a closed system, meaning that blood is
enclosed at all times within vessels and does not fill body
cavities. The circulatory system in humans consists of a
pumping heart, blood, and blood vessels.
In this exercise, you’ll examine the structure and func- b. How does this relate to the function of that chamber?
tion of your circulatory system. You’ll also make some
diagnostic measurements of your circulatory system, includ-
ing your pulse rate and blood pressure.

Circulation and Blood Pressure by the Numbers
Your heart is a muscular organ that weighs 200–400 g
(7–15 ounces) and is slightly larger than your fist. Every Our heart beats approximately 100,000 times per day, dur-
day, a person’s heart beats about 100,000 times and pumps ing which it pumps more than 7500 liters of blood through-
about 7570 liters (2000 gallons) of blood. out our bodies. This means that during an average lifetime,
A human heart has four chambers: a left and right our heart pumps about 48 million gallons of blood, which
atrium, and a left and right ventricle. These chambers are would fill more than 70 Olympic-size swimming pools.
separated by one-way valves that help control blood flow. The human heart weighs about 300 g; that’s compara-
The left and right sides of the heart are separated by an inner ble to the weight of an empty stomach, but is only one-fifth
wall called the septum.

45–1 Human Biology 515

Each beat of the heart produces a characteristic sound. The
that of our liver. For comparison, the heart of a lion weighs
first sound is a low-pitched “lub” made by the left atrioven-
about 750 g, while that of a sparrow weighs only 0.4 g.
tricular (also called the bicuspid or mitral) and right atrio-
If all of the veins, arteries, and capillaries in a human
ventricular (tricuspid) valves closing when the ventricles
body were stretched end-to-end, they would span more than
start to contract. Soon thereafter you hear a “dub” made by
60,000 miles and would circle Earth more than 2.5 times.
the pulmonary semilunar valve and aortic semilunar valve
Our bodies produce more than 100 billion red blood
closing after the ventricles have contracted. In both cases,
cells per day; each of these cells lives about 120 days. For
blood falling back on the cuplike valves snaps these valves
comparison, cells lining our stomach and small intestine
closed, much like wind snaps open a parachute. If any of the
live an average of only 2 days, and cells in our liver survive
valves do not close completely, there is a turbulence in the
about 15 days.
heart that can be heard as a heart murmur. Heart murmurs
Our pulmonary artery, which takes blood from our
often sound like sloshing liquid.
heart to our lungs, has a diameter of 2.4 cm. For compari-
Obtain a stethoscope. To best hear the “dub” sound
son, our capillaries have a diameter of about 8 μm.
of your heart, press the stethoscope against the fifth or sixth
Typical blood pressure in humans is 120/80 mm Hg,
rib, slightly left of center. To hear the “lub” sound, press the
which is similar to that in rabbits (110/80) and chimps
stethoscope against the second rib.
(135/80). Frogs have a lower blood pressure (32/20), while
giraffes have a higher blood pressure (340/230).

Figure 45.1  External anatomy of the human

Left subclavian artery heart. The human heart is located near the center
of our chest. It is about the size of a large fist, has a
Left common carotid artery
mass of 200–400 g, and is enclosed in a protective
Brachiocephalic artery sac called the pericardium. The aorta and pulmonary
veins attach to the left side of the heart, and the
Superior vena cava venae cavae and pulmonary trunk attach to the right
side of the heart. Blood vessels are colored blue if
Aortic arch
they carry O2-poor blood, and colored red if they
Aorta carry O2-rich blood.
Left pulmonary artery
Pulmonary trunk
Left pulmonary veins

Right pulmonary artery

Right pulmonary veins

Left atrium

Left cardiac vein

Right atrium
Right coronary artery

Left ventricle

Right ventricle

Inferior vena cava


516 EXERCISE 45 45–2

Question 2 g. What are some diseases of blood? What are the symp-
a. About how fast is your heart beating? toms of these diseases?

b. Why can’t you hear these sounds when you press the h. Red blood cells lack nuclei. How might this improve
stethoscope against your neck or leg? their ability to function?

Blood Vessels
Recall from Exercise 41 that blood is a type of connective Blood vessels include arteries, capillaries, and veins
tissue (see fig. 41.14). About 55% of blood is a yellowish (fig. 45.2). Arteries carry blood away from the heart. Arter-
fluid called plasma. Suspended in plasma are cells, the most ies consist of four concentric layers: an outer layer of con-
abundant of which are red blood cells, or erythrocytes. nective tissue, a middle layer of smooth muscle, an elastic
There are about 250,000 erythrocytes in a drop of blood. layer, and an inner layer of epithelial cells. Examine a pre-
Use the low, then high, magnification lenses of your pared slide of an artery.
microscope to examine a prepared slide of human blood. The
pink cells lacking nuclei are red blood cells. The larger cells Question 4
stained bluish-purple are white blood cells, or leukocytes. a. Which of the layers is thickest?

Question 3
a. What’s in plasma?

b. What does this tell you about the function of the

b. What is the function of plasma?

c. Plaque is a buildup of cholesterol, white blood cells,

c. What is the shape of each kind of blood cell? How is calcium, and other substances in the walls of arteries.
this shape important to the function of the cells? How would the deposition of plaque in an artery affect
the function of the artery?

d. What is the function of each kind of blood cell?

Veins carry blood to the heart. Veins have the same three
layers that arteries have. Examine a prepared slide of a vein.

Question 5
a. Which of the layers is thickest?
e. What part of each cell is stained most intensely?

b. How is this different from an artery?

f. What is the approximate ratio of red blood cells to
white blood cells in human blood?

45–3 Human Biology 517

Large vein Large artery
Few layers of smooth muscle Many layers of smooth muscle
and connective tissue and connective tissue
Few elastic
layers Several

Inferior Aorta
Endothelium vena cava Endothelium
Wide Lumen
Venule Arteriole

4.3 mm
Smooth muscle
Endothelium fibers © Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images
Connective Endothelium
Endothelial cells
Fenestrated Continuous
capillary Capillary pores capillary

Figure 45.2  Comparative features of blood vessels. Sizes are not drawn to scale. Inset: Light micrograph (12×) of a medium-size artery near
a vein. Note the difference between the artery and vein in wall thickness and lumen diameter.

c. What does this tell you about the functioning of veins? c. Which has the thinnest wall?

d. What does this tell you about where gas exchange

Capillaries connect arteries and veins and have a diameter occurs?
slightly larger than that of a single red blood cell. Collec-
tively, capillaries form an elaborate lattice of narrow, thin-
walled tubes. Humans have about 97,000 km of capillaries
with a total surface area of 800–1000 m2 (an area greater
than three tennis courts). All cells in our body are within e. What does the absence of muscle tissue in capillaries
100 μm of a capillary. Examine a prepared slide of an artery, suggest about the function of this part of the
vein, and capillary. circulatory system?

Question 6
a. Which has the largest diameter?

Blood Circulation in Goldfish

b. Which has the smallest diameter? Use a net to catch a goldfish from the aquarium in the lab.
Gently wrap the goldfish in cotton soaked in water from the
aquarium. Let the tail protrude from the cotton. Place the
fish in a petri dish and examine the tail with a dissecting
microscope. Note the moving blood. Gently return the gold-
fish to the aquarium. Act quickly and decisively to minimize
stress on the goldfish.

518 EXERCISE 45 45–4

Question 7
a. Is the blood moving at a steady rate and in the same Superficial
direction? temporal
Facial artery

b. What does this tell you?

Axillary artery

Brachial artery

c. Are you looking at an artery, vein, or capillary? Radial


Femoral artery

d. How do you know?

Popliteal artery
(behind knee)


Do not do the following exercises if you have heart

or lung problems. Stop immediately if you feel faint.
Dorsalis pedis

During an average lifetime, the human heart beats approxi- Figure 45.3  Many arteries in our bodies are well positioned for
mately 2.5 billion times. With each beat, the heart forces measuring a pulse.
blood into arteries. This surge of blood stretches the artery
coming from the heart. Surge after surge of blood from your
beating heart produces waves of blood that pulse through 4. Measure your pulse at your common carotid artery.
your arteries. These pressure waves of blood are known as Question 8
pulses. The pulse rate indicates the number of heart contrac- How does this pulse rate compare with that measured at
tions per minute. Typical pulse rates usually range from 65 your wrist?
to 80 contractions per minute, but well-conditioned athletes
may have rates as low as 40 contractions per minute.
Many arteries are well positioned for measuring your
pulse (fig. 45.3).
5. Hold your breath for 15 sec. Then measure your pulse
Procedure 45.1  Measure the effect of exercise for another 15 sec while still holding your breath.
on pulse rate
1. Find your pulse by placing your second and third Question 9
fingers on the thumb side of your inner wrist (this is a. How does holding your breath affect your pulse rate?
where the radial artery passes into the hand). Press
down slightly. Count your pulse for 15 sec:
beats in 15 sec
2. Multiply this number by 4 to convert this to beats b. How do you explain this?
per minute:
Beats in 15 sec × 4 = beats per min
3. Repeat this measurement three times and average
your results. Record your average resting pulse rate:
beats per minute

45–5 Human Biology 519

through the cardiovascular system. This pressure when the
Do not do the following exercises if you have heart
heart relaxes is the diastolic pressure.
or lung problems. Stop immediately if you feel faint.
Question 11
a. Is blood pressure the same throughout the circulatory
6. Run vigorously in place for 5 min. Then sit down and system?
immediately measure your pulse rate.

Question 10
a. How does exercising affect your pulse rate?
b. How do you know?

b. How do you explain this?

Blood pressure, like barometric pressure, is measured in
units called millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). This unit
is based on a measuring device called a manometer, an
inverted tube of liquid mercury. Pressure against the mer-
Blood Pressure cury reservoir at the base of the tube raises the column of
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the surface of ­mercury—the more pressure, the higher the column. Thus,
blood vessels by blood. This pressure circulates blood the greater the number of millimeters of mercury, the greater
through arteries, veins, and capillaries. The increased pres- the pressure. For example, a pressure of 100 mm Hg would
sure that results from blood leaving the heart is the systolic raise a column of mercury 100 mm, whereas a pressure of
pressure. When the heart relaxes, the arteries return to their 160 mm Hg would raise a column of mercury 160 mm.
original diameter and, in the process, squeeze blood forward Blood pressure is usually measured in the brachial
artery just above the elbow (fig. 45.3, also see fig. 45.5).
Systolic pressure there typically ranges from 100 to 140 mm
INVESTIGATION Hg, with the average being near 120. Diastolic pressure typi-
cally ranges from 70 to 85 mm Hg, with an average of about
Variation in Pulse Rate and Sensitivity to 80. Blood pressure is reported as systolic pressure/diastolic
Minor Movement pressure. Thus, a typical blood pressure is “120 over 80”
(expressed as 120/80).
Observation: Pulse rate changes quickly and is highly sensi-
The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
tive to minor movements and exercise.
is pulse pressure—this is what you feel in arteries when
Question: Do minor movements such as sitting and stand- you touch your skin (fig. 45.4). Blood pressure is affected
ing affect pulse rate? How long does it take for pulse rate to by many factors, including a person’s intake of salt, the vol-
recover from these changes in position? ume of blood, age, and the elasticity of blood vessels.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation Blood pressure is measured with a stethoscope and
Worksheet 45 from your instructor. a sphygmomanometer, which is a hollow, inflatable cuff
b. Discuss with your group and instructor a specific ques- attached to a pressure gauge. The principle is simple:
tion relevant to the preceding observation and ques- You first tighten the cuff until blood flow through the
tion. When posing your question, consider magnitude artery stops. When this occurs, the pressure exerted by the
of change in pulse rate as well as recovery time. Record inflated cuff exceeds the pressure in the artery. Then you
your question on Worksheet 45. slowly deflate (i.e., loosen) the cuff and use a stethoscope
c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and to determine when blood flow resumes through the artery
record it. (fig. 45.5).
d. Outline on Worksheet 45 your experimental design
and supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your Procedure 45.2  Measure the effect of exer-
instructor to review your proposed investigation. cise on blood pressure
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
1. Do all of the following experiments in pairs, alter-
question, and make relevant comments.
nately serving as subject and experimenter. Have your
f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
lab partner lie down and relax for 2 min. Attach the
tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
cuff around his/her arm above the elbow. Tuck the flap
of the bag under the fold.

520 EXERCISE 45 45–6


Systolic pressure
Mean blood
Pulse pressure
pressure 100


(mm Hg)
60 pressure



Aorta Arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules,

Parts of circulatory pathway

Figure 45.4  The changing pressures associated with the pulse wave in the human circulatory system.

2. Inflate the cuff to about 200 mm Hg. Because this

Column of mercury indicating pressure in mm Hg pressure exceeds the subject’s systolic pressure, the
brachial artery in the arm collapses, thus stopping
290 blood flow through the artery. You’ll feel no pulse
Starting with
a high pressure in your partner’s wrist when pressure in the cuff is
NO SOUND 200 mm Hg.
210 3. Place the bell of the stethoscope under the cuff and
120 mm Hg
over the brachial artery just above the elbow. Again
150 Sound first heard inflate the cuff to a pressure of about 200 mm Hg.
80 mm Hg 130 Korotkoff sounds Slowly release pressure in the cuff. When the pressure
110 Sound disappears
falls below the systolic pressure, blood spurts through
70 the artery. This flow of blood occurs quickly and pro-
50 duces vibrations and turbulence that can be heard with
a stethoscope as loud, tapping sounds. The pressure at
0 which you hear these so-called Korotkoff sounds is the
systolic pressure.
Stethoscope 4. Continue to slowly release pressure from the cuff.
As the pressure drops, the sounds become louder and
more distinct as more blood flows through the artery.
Pressure cuff
At this point, the flow of blood is continuous but still
turbulent. When the cuff pressure reaches the diastolic
pressure, blood flow is normal (i.e., nonturbulent) and
the sounds disappear. The pressure at which the sound
disappears is the diastolic pressure.
Elbow 5. Repeat this pressure until you obtain consistent mea-
Air valve surements. However, do not keep the cuff inflated
around your partner’s arm for more than a minute or so
Squeezable bulb at a time.
Figure 45.5  Measurement of blood pressure with a 6. Record the average blood pressure: mm Hg
sphygmomanometer. Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers 7. When you stand up, gravity causes arterial pressure to
separated by a slash; the first number is the systolic pressure, and the decrease in the upper parts of your body and increase
second number is the diastolic pressure. For a healthy 20-year-old
college student at rest, a typical blood pressure is 120/80.

45–7 Human Biology 521

TABLE 45.1


Standing (10 sec after rising)

Standing (5 min after rising)

Standing (7 min after rising)

Standing (9 min after rising)

in the lower parts of your body. Indeed, standing up 240

from a prone position has an effect on brachial artery 220
blood pressure equivalent to losing about 500 mL of

Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)

blood. Measure your partner’s pulse and blood pres- 200
sure while he or she is reclined.
8. Have your partner stand up. Measure his or her pulse 180
rate and blood pressure immediately and 5, 7, and 160
9 min after rising. Record your results in table 45.1.
Question 12
How did your partner’s blood pressure change? Why? 120


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (minutes)
9. Have your partner do bench-step exercises for 3 min at
a rate of 60 steps per min. Have your partner lie down Figure 45.6  Graph of systolic blood pressure on the y-axis and
time on the x-axis. The data you plot on this graph will describe the
again and continue to measure your partner’s blood
recovery of systolic blood pressure after exercise.
pressure at 2-min intervals until it returns to normal.
Plot these blood pressures on figure 45.6.

Question 13 d. What was your partner’s recovery time? That is, how
a. How does exercise affect blood pressure? long did it take for your partner’s blood pressure to
return to normal?

b. Which is affected most, systolic pressure or diastolic

pressure? e. What other physiological changes occurred as your
partner recovered?

c. How do you explain this?

10. Temperature also affects blood pressure. To show this,
have your partner put his or her hand in cold (5°C)
water for 1–2 minutes. Then remeasure the blood

522 EXERCISE 45 45–8

Question 14 b. Why would you expect such a difference?
a. How does cold affect blood pressure?

b. Are systolic and diastolic pressures affected similarly?

Procedure 45.4  Locate valves in veins
1. Compress the vessels near your right elbow until the
veins stand out.
c. Compare your data with those of your classmates.
2. Lay the index finger of your left hand on a vein near
What is the average blood pressure for your class?
your wrist.
3. Move your thumb along and on top of the vein toward
your elbow (i.e., toward your heart).
4. Lift your thumb and note what happens to blood in
the vein. If blood refills all of the vein, repeat the
experiment by placing your finger where the thumb
Venous Blood Pressure reached. Continue until you reach a point at which
the blood does not return toward the finger when the
Blood moves slowly and at low pressure through capillar- thumb is lifted.
ies. After exiting the capillaries, there is no mechanism (e.g.,
heart) to pump and increase the blood pressure so it remains Question 17
low, and blood continues to move slowly through the veins. What blocks the backflow of blood in veins?
One-way valves prevent the blood under such low pressure
from flowing backward.

Procedure 45.3  Blood flow in veins

1. Hang your hands down at your side. Note the veins on
the back sides of your hands.
2. Raise your hands above your head.
Blood Pressure and Your Health
Question 15 Your blood pressure is relatively constant when you are sit-
What happens to the veins? Why? ting down and resting. Optimal blood pressure occurs when
systolic pressures are less than 120 mm Hg and diastolic
pressures are less than 80 mm Hg. 118/75 is an example of
an optimal blood pressure. Prehypertension occurs when
systolic pressures are between 120 and 139 mm Hg, and/
or when diastolic pressures are between 80 and 89 mm Hg.
3. Have your partner hold his or her hand out to heart People with prehypertension will probably develop hyper-
level and next to a meterstick taped to the wall. Slowly tension if they do nothing to lower their blood pressure.
raise your partner’s hand; the height where the veins Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when sys-
disappear is the venous pressure measured in centime- tolic pressures exceed 140 mm Hg and/or when diastolic
ters (cm) of water. Convert this measurement to mm pressures exceed 90 mm Hg. A blood pressure of 145/96 is
Hg using the following formula: an example of hypertension.
mm Hg = cm water × 0.73 = The American Heart Association estimates that
approximately 50 million Americans have hypertension,
Question 16 and at least 30% of them do not know it. If left untreated,
a. How does blood pressure in veins compare with that in hypertension increases the risk of health problems such
the brachial artery? as stroke, heart attack, kidney damage, and heart failure.
Smoking, obesity, stress, and a poor diet can contrib-
ute to hypertension, and regular exercise can help lower
blood pressure (fig. 45.7). Although hypertension has no
symptoms, it kills more than 50,000 people per year in the
United States.

45–9 Human Biology 523

The Unhealthy Circulatory System

Anemia is a decrease in the oxygen-carrying capacity of An arrhythmia is an abnormal heartbeat. Some arrhythmias
blood. Anemia can result from red blood cells that are too originate in the atria, causing transient flutters or racing that
small, contain too little hemoglobin, are manufactured too lasts only a few seconds. An electronic pacemaker implanted
slowly, or die too quickly. Iron deficiency is the most com- under the skin is a common treatment. In ventricular fibril-
mon cause of anemia; sickle cell disease is a type of inher- lation, the ventricles contract wildly, causing sudden cardiac
ited anemia. arrest. Death may occur within minutes.

Fatty deposits inside coronary arteries reduce flow to the Atherosclerosis can so weaken the wall of an artery that a
heart muscle. This “hardening of the arteries” is called ath- region of the vessel forms a pulsating, enlarging sac called
erosclerosis (athero is from the Greek word for “paste,” and an aneurysm. If it bursts, blood loss may be great.
sclerosis meaning “hardness”).
Blocked blood flow in a coronary artery kills part of the Smoking is the most common preventable cause of death.
myocardium, the heart muscle. This is a heart attack (myo- Cigarette smoke damages the lungs, impairing their ability
cardial infarction), and it may come on suddenly. A com- to deliver O2 to the heart (and increasing the chance of lung
mon treatment for a blocked coronary artery is a bypass cancer). Nicotine stimulates the secretion of epinephrine and
operation. A surgeon creates a bridge around the blockage norepinephrine, increasing both heart rate and blood pres-
by sewing pieces of blood vessel taken from the patient’s sure. Nicotine also damages blood vessels and stimulates
chest or leg onto the blocked artery. the formation of blood clots, increasing the risk of stroke.

© BSIP/Getty Images
Wall of artery

and fat deposits


524 EXERCISE 45 45–10

Organizations such as the American Heart Association
provide much useful information about health and blood
pressure. If your blood pressure is high, or if you’d like to
learn more about how blood pressure affects your health
and well-being, study their Web sites (e.g., http://www
.americanheart.org) and visit your physician.


A number of factors are suspected or proven to influence
your risk of developing heart disease. Factors such as exer-
cise, diet, persistent emotional stress, race, salt intake,
obesity, age, family history, and smoking are clearly asso-
ciated with the probability of suffering from cardiovascular
disease later in life, even though no single factor is a guar-
anteed predictor. To assess your risk, complete the follow-
ing questionnaire provided by the Arizona Heart Institute.
To complete the questionnaire, simply record the number
of points assigned to each level of each risk factor. Com-
pare your total points with the ranges associated with high,
medium, and low risk. Although this is not a definitive test,
it will heighten your self-awareness of the consequences of
your lifestyle.

Arizona Heart Institute and Hospital’s

Cardiovascular Risk Factor Analysis for Men1

∙ 51 and over. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
∙ 35–50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
© Gary He, photographer/The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc ∙ 34 and under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Figure 45.7  Regular exercise can help you lower your blood
Family History
If you have parents, brothers, or sisters who have had a heart
attack, stroke, or heart bypass surgery at:
Question 18
∙ Age 55 or before . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
a. Hypertension is the most important modifiable risk
factor for stroke, the #3 killer, and a leading cause of ∙ Age 56 or after. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
severe, long-term disability in the United States. How ∙ None or don’t know. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
could hypertension affect someone’s health?
Personal History
Have you had:
∙ A heart attack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
∙ Angina, heart bypass surgery,
b. Why is hypertension called a “silent killer”? angioplasty, stroke or blood
vessel surgery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
∙ None of the above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

©Arizona Heart Institute/VAS Communications. Reprinted by permission.

45–11 Human Biology 525

Smoking Blood Fats
Current smoker: How many cigarettes per day? If you have had your cholesterol and blood fat levels checked
∙ 5 or more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 in the last year, score your risk here:
∙ 4 or fewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ∙ Over 240 mg/dL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
∙ 200–240 mg/dL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
or ∙ Cholesterol under 200 mg/dL . . . . . . . . . . 0
Previous smoker who quit less than 2 years ago: How many
∙ If your HDLs are lower
cigarettes did you smoke per day?
than 35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . add 1
∙ 5 or more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
∙ 4 or fewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 or
If you know your cholesterol to HDL ratio, use this section
or to score your risk:
Never smoked or quit ∙ 7.1 and above. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
more than 2 years ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
∙ 3.6–7.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Blood Pressure ∙ 3.5 or below. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
If you have had your blood pressure taken in the last year,
was it: or
∙ Elevated or high (either or both If you do not know your blood fat levels, use this section to
readings above 160/95 mm Hg). . . . . . . . . 6 score your risk: Which of the following best describes your
eating pattern?
∙ Borderline (between 140/90 and
160/95 mm Hg). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ∙ High fat: red meat, “fast” foods, and/or
fried foods daily; more than 7 eggs
∙ Normal (below 140/90 mm Hg) per week; regular consumption of
or don’t know. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 butter, whole milk, and cheese. . . . . . . . . . 6
Exercise ∙ Moderate fat: red meat, “fast” foods,
Do you engage in any aerobic activity, such as brisk walk- and/or fried foods 4–6 times per week;
ing, jogging, bicycling, or swimming for more than 20 4–7 eggs weekly; regular use of
minutes: margarine, vegetable oils, and/or
low-fat dairy products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
∙ Less than once a week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
∙ Low fat: poultry, fish, and little or
∙ 1 or 2 times a week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 no red meat, “fast” foods, fried foods,
∙ 3 or more times a week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 or saturated fats; fewer than 3 eggs
per week; minimal margarine and
Diabetes vegetable oils; primarily nonfat
If you have diabetes (blood sugar level above 140 mg/dL), dairy products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
your age when you found out: Use a score from only one section above.
∙ 40 or before. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
∙ 41 or older. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Stress
Are you easily angered and frustrated:
∙ Do not have diabetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
∙ Most of the time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Body Mass ∙ Some of the time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Calculate your body mass index with the following formula: ∙ Rarely. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
105 pounds for the first five feet of height. Six pounds for
every additional inch over five feet. Brain Attack
If you have experienced any of these symptoms, you may be
(Example: A man 5 feet 8 inches should weigh 153 pounds, at increased risk for a stroke.
i.e., 105 pounds plus six times eight or 48 pounds.)
∙ Transient blindness or blackout
∙ If your weight is above this weight in one eye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
for your height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
∙ Sudden difficulty with speech. . . . . . . . . . 2
∙ If it is at or below this weight
∙ Intermittent loss of sensation
calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
or motion in the hand or leg. . . . . . . . . . . . 2

526 EXERCISE 45 45–12

Aneurysm Rupture Family History
Aneurysms, ballooning of an artery, may expand creating If you have parents, brothers, or sisters who have had a heart
a potential for rupture. If you have a known aneurysm, rate attack, stroke, or heart bypass surgery at:
your risk by size: ∙ Age 55 or before . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
∙ Over 6.5 cm diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ∙ Age 56 or after. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
∙ Over 5 cm diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ∙ None or don’t know. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
∙ Under 4 cm diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Personal History
Claudication Have you had:
Leg pain when walking or exercising: ∙ A heart attack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
∙ Pain without exercise (normal ∙ Angina, heart bypass
circulation). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 surgery, angioplasty, stroke,
∙ Pain with only mild exercise or blood vessel surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
(1/2–1 block). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ∙ None of the above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
∙ Pain only with aggressive exercise . . . . . . 1
Total Score Current smoker: How many cigarettes per day?
∙ 5 or more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
∙ 4 or fewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
What Your Risk Factor Score Means
If you are a smoker currently taking oral contraceptives
15 Points or Below: Low Risk and are:
Congratulations! Maintain your heart-healthy status by
watching your weight, blood pressure, and blood fat (cho- ∙ Under 35 years old. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . add 2
lesterol and HDL) levels; get regular checkups and don’t ∙ 35 years old and over. . . . . . . . . . . . . . add 5
smoke. Retake this test every year to monitor your heart-
health risk profile. or
Previous smoker who quit less than 2 years ago: How many
16–32 Points: Medium Risk cigarettes did you smoke per day?
Our experience indicates that your medium risk level war- ∙ 5 or more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
rants attention. Personal factors or lifestyle habits may be ∙ 4 or fewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
increasing your vulnerability to heart disease. We strongly
recommend you schedule an appointment with your doctor or
for an evaluation, and take this test with you to get advice on Never smoked or quit
how you can improve your heart-health status. more than 2 years ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
33 Points or Above: High Risk
Your potential for experiencing a heart attack or stroke Blood Pressure
If you have had your blood pressure taken in the last year,
is significant. You must take action NOW. If you are not
was it:
already being treated for heart disease, we urgently advise
that you see your doctor immediately and take this test with ∙ Elevated or high (either
you. You must seek ways to reduce your risk! or both readings above
160/95 mm Hg). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
∙ Borderline (between 140/90
Arizona Heart Institute and Hospital’s Cardiovascu- and 160/95 mm Hg). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
lar Risk Factor Analysis for Women2
∙ Normal (below 140/90
mm Hg) or don’t know. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
∙ 51 and over. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hormone Status
∙ 35–50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 If you have undergone natural menopause, your age at its
∙ 34 and under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 start:
∙ 41 or older. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
©Arizona Heart Institute/VAS Communications. Reprinted by permission. ∙ 40 or younger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

45–13 Human Biology 527

If you have had a total hysterectomy, your age when it was Claudication
done: Leg pain when walking or exercising:
∙ 41 or older. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ∙ Pain without exercise
∙ 40 or younger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (normal circulation). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
∙ Pain with only mild exercise
If you take an oral estrogen
(1/2–1 block). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
supplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . subtract 2
If you are still menstruating . . . . . . . . subtract 1 ∙ Pain only with aggressive exercise . . . . . . 1

Exercise Blood Fats

Do you engage in any aerobic activity, such as brisk If you have had your cholesterol and blood fat levels checked
walking, jogging, bicycling, or swimming for more than in the last year, score your risk here:
20 minutes: ∙ Over 240 mg/dL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
∙ Less than once a week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ∙ 200–240 mg/dL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
∙ 1 or 2 times a week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ∙ Cholesterol under 200 mg/dL . . . . . . . . . . 0
∙ 3 or more times a week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ∙ If your HDLs are
lower than 45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . add 3
If you have diabetes (blood sugar level above 140 mg/dL), or
your age when you found out: If you know your cholesterol to HDL ratio, use this section
∙ 40 or before. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 to score your risk:
∙ 41 or older. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ∙ 7.1 and above. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
∙ Do not have diabetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ∙ 3.6–7.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
∙ 3.5 or below. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Body Mass
Calculate your body mass index with the following formula:
100 pounds for the first five feet of height. Five pounds for If you do not know your blood fat levels, use this section to
every additional inch over five feet. score your risk: Which of the following best describes your
eating pattern?
(Example: A woman 5 feet 5 inches should weigh 125 pounds,
i.e., 100 pounds plus five times five or 25 pounds.) ∙ High fat: red meat, “fast” foods, and/or
fried foods daily; more than 7 eggs
∙ If your weight is above this weight
per week; regular consumption
for your height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
of butter, whole milk, and cheese . . . . . . . 6
∙ If your weight is below this weight
∙ Moderate fat: red meat, “fast” foods,
calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
and/or fried foods 4–6 times per week;
4–7 eggs weekly; regular use of
Brain Attack margarine, vegetable oils,
If you have experienced any of these symptoms, you may be and/or low-fat dairy products. . . . . . . . . . . 3
at increased risk for a stroke.
∙ Low fat: poultry, fish, and little or no
∙ Transient blindness or blackout red meat, “fast” foods, fried foods, or
in one eye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 saturated fats; fewer than 3 eggs per
∙ Sudden difficulty with speech. . . . . . . . . . 2 week; minimal margarine and
∙ Intermittent loss of sensation vegetable oils; primarily nonfat
or motion in the hand or leg. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 dairy products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Use a score from only one section above.
Aneurysm Rupture
Aneurysms, ballooning of an artery, may expand creating Stress
a potential for rupture. If you have a known aneurysm, rate Are you easily angered and frustrated:
your risk by size: ∙ Most of the time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
∙ Over 6.5 cm diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ∙ Some of the time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
∙ Over 5 cm diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ∙ Rarely. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
∙ Under 4 cm diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Total Score

528 EXERCISE 45 45–14

What Your Risk Factor Score Means recommend you schedule an appointment with your doctor
for an evaluation, and take this test with you to get advice on
15 Points or Below: Low Risk how you can improve your heart-health status.
Congratulations! Maintain your heart-healthy status by
watching your weight, blood pressure, and blood fat (cho- 33 Points or Above: High Risk
lesterol and HDL) levels; get regular checkups and don’t Your potential for experiencing a heart attack or stroke
smoke. Retake this test every year to monitor your heart- is significant. You must take action NOW. If you are not
health risk profile. already being treated for heart disease, we urgently advise
that you see your doctor immediately and take this test with
16–32 Points: Medium Risk you. You must seek ways to reduce your risk!
Our experience indicates that your medium risk level war-
rants attention. Personal factors or lifestyle habits may be
increasing your vulnerability to heart disease. We strongly

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. What is the value of increased blood pressure and pulse rate during exercise?

​2. A well-conditioned athlete shows fewer changes in his or her circulation and breathing in response to exercise than does
someone in poor condition. Why?

​3. How would “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis) affect blood pressure? Why?

​4. What is congestive heart failure?

​5. Why is high blood pressure dangerous?

45–15 Human Biology 529

6. Vertebrates have a closed circulatory system, meaning that the blood is always enclosed within vessels and does not fill
body cavities. Mollusks (Exercise 38) and arthropods (Exercise 39) have open circulatory systems, meaning that blood is
pumped by a heart into body cavities, where tissues are surrounded by the blood. What are the advantages and disadvan-
tages of each type of circulatory system?

7. Giraffes have blood pressures that often exceed 340/230, whereas salamanders have blood pressures as low as 22/12.
How would you explain these differences?

8. Do all arteries carry O2-rich blood? Explain.

9. Although red blood cells in humans have a lifespan of only about 4 months, we don’t run out of them. Why?


How do you think that smoking affects blood
pressure? Why?

530 EXERCISE 45 45–16

Human Biology
Exercise 46
Sensory Perception

region lacks photoreceptors and is therefore a “blind spot” of

Learning Objectives the retina. We usually don’t notice the blind spot because our
brain fills in the blank area for us. However, it’s still there.
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Identify the location and basis for your blind spot.
2. Describe afterimages, the distribution of your touch
Procedure 46.1  Discover your blind spot
and taste receptors, your type of eye dominance, 1. Cover your left eye. Hold figure 46.3 about 50 cm
adaptation to stimuli, and the effect of stimulus (20 in) from your face and directly in front of your
intensity on perception. right eye.
3. Measure your visual acuity, near point, ­astigmatism, 2. Stare at the cross in figure 46.3. You can also see the
and peripheral vision. circle.
4. Distinguish between nerve deafness and ­conduction 3. Continue to stare at the cross as you slowly bring the
deafness. figure closer to your eye.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab. Sclera
ligament Retina
Optic nerve

L ike most animals, you have a complex nervous system

that informs your brain of your body’s condition and
provides your brain with detailed information about the

environment. The nervous system also coordinates move-
ments and perceives, translates, and responds to environ- Cornea Vein
mental stimuli such as light, touch, and temperature. A
deficiency in any part of your sensory systems would be Iris
dangerous because you could no longer respond to your
ever-changing external and internal environment. Ciliary muscle Fovea
The purpose of this exercise is to increase your aware-
ness of the senses that you use daily. Do all of these experi-
ments with a partner; alternate with him or her as subject
and experimenter. Ciliary muscle


The retina is a layer of photoreceptors on the back inner

surface of the eye (fig. 46.1). Most of this surface is cov-
ered by photoreceptor cells called rods and cones, which are Suspensory
modified epithelial cells (fig. 46.2). The central fovea of the ligament under iris
retina is the region used for color vision and the region giv-
ing greatest visual acuity (sharpness of image). Other parts Figure 46.1  Structure of the human eye. The transparent
of the retina are important for peripheral vision, but images cornea and lens focus light onto the retina at the back of the eye,
which contains the rods and cones. The center of each eye’s visual
focused there are not in sharp focus. field is focused on the fovea. Focusing is accomplished by contraction
The optic disc is the region of the retina where blood and relaxation of the ciliary muscle, which adjusts the curvature of
vessels and the optic nerves enter or leave the retina. This the lens.

46–1 Human Biology 531

Horizontal The fovea is sometimes invaded by blood vessels. When
cell this occurs, the fovea also becomes a blind spot. This con-
Axons to dition characterizes a disease called macular degeneration,
optic nerve the most common cause of legal blindness in people older
than 65.


We’re all familiar with preferences for using a particular
hand for jobs such as writing and throwing. Our eyes also
exhibit right-left dominance.
Ganglion Bipolar Rod Cone Choroid
cell cell
Procedure 46.2  Determine eye dominance
Figure 46.2  Structure of the retina. Note that the rods and cones 1. With both eyes open, carefully focus on an object a
are at the rear of the retina, not the front. Light passes through several few feet away.
layers of ganglion and bipolar cells before it reaches the rods and 2. Close one eye, then reopen it.
cones. Arrows show the direction of nerve impulses.
3. Close the other eye, then reopen it.

4. At one point the circle will seem to disappear because Which eye seems more directly in line with the object? If it’s
its image has fallen on your blind spot. Have your part- the right eye, you are right-eye dominant; if it’s the left eye,
ner record that distance. you are left-eye dominant. If the object is in the middle of
both eyes, you are central-eye dominant.
5. Continue to move the figure closer to your face.
Question 3
Question 1
a. Do you have right, left, or central dominance?
a. Does the circle reappear?

b. What does this mean?

b. When you look at a distant object, why would you
move your head and eyes to an off-center position
when one eye is dominant?

6. Test your other eye in a similar manner, but focus on

the circle and watch for the cross to disappear.

Question 2
a. Are the blind spots of your right and left eyes at the Eye dominance is important for how we see and react to our
same distance? world. For example, right-handed hitters in baseball have
their right hand in the upper control position when they
hit. Similarly, 65% of baseball players are right-eye and
right-hand dominant. Only about 17% are crossed dominant
b. What is the anatomical cause of the blind spot in (right hand–left eye or left hand–right eye), whereas another
your eye? 18% have no eye dominance. These players see the world
from a point halfway between both eyes. Interestingly, the
best hitters (as judged by batting average) either are crossed
dominant or lack dominance. The best pitchers (judged by
their earned-run averages) have central-eye dominance.

Figure 46.3  Images for detecting a blind spot.

532 EXERCISE 46 46–2

Question 4 TABLE 46.1
How could eye dominance affect one’s ability to hit a

10 9
Binocular vision refers to vision through two eyes. Each 20 10
eye views an object at a different angle. The brain blends 30 13
this information from each eye and produces a stereoscopic, 40 18
three-dimensional image. 50 53
60 83
Procedure 46.3  Binocular vision 70 100
1. Obtain a test tube and pencil.
2. With one hand hold a test tube vertically.
3. In the other hand hold a dull-pointed pencil. AFTERIMAGES
4. Close one eye, fully extend both arms, and lower the
pencil into the test tube. Images sensed by your eyes do not disappear immediately
after you close your eyes or shift your glance. Rather, an
5. Based on your success, devise a simple experiment to
image lingers as an afterimage.
test the value of binocular vision.
Procedure 46.5  Demonstrate afterimage
1. Place a large sheet of white paper and another sheet of
black paper on your laboratory bench a short distance
2. Place a bright blue index card on the black paper.
Stare at the card intently for 30 sec.
6. Ask your instructor to review your experimental design 3. Quickly shift your gaze to the white paper. Record
and data. your observations.
4. Repeat this procedure with a yellow card and record
NEAR POINT your observations.
5. Repeat the experiment, this time placing the card
The shortest distance at which an object is in sharp focus initially on the white paper and shifting your stare to
is called the near point: the closer the distance, the greater the black paper. In the following space, record and
your eye’s ability to accommodate for changes in distance. provide an explanation for your results.
This distance gradually increases as we get older. By
age 60, this distance is very large, a condition called presby-
opia (table 46.1).

Procedure 46.4  Determine your near point

Here’s how to determine your near point. If you wear glasses
or contacts, keep them on.
1. Hold this page in front of you at arm’s length. Close
one eye and focus on a word on this page.
2. Slowly move the page toward your face until the image
of the word is blurred. Then move the page away until
the image is sharp. Have your partner record the dis- VISUAL ACUITY
tance between your eye and the page. That distance is
your near point. Visual acuity is the sharpness of a visual image and is usually
measured with a Snellen eye chart. The sizes of letters on the
Question 5 chart are such that you should be able to read the first line
How does our near point affect what we do and see? (i.e., the letter E) of the chart from 200 ft away. Conversely,
line 8 of the chart is tall enough so that it should be read from
20 ft away. Thus, if a person can read line 8 from 20 ft away,
his or her visual acuity is designated as 20/20, or 1. If you

46–3 Human Biology 533

Normal Distant Vision Nearsighted Farsighted



Normal Near Vision Nearsighted, Corrected Farsighted, Corrected

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 46.4  Focusing the human eye. (a) In people having normal vision, the image remains focused on the retina in both near and far vision
because of changes produced in the curvature of the lens. When a person with normal vision stands 20 ft or more from an object, the lens is in its
least convex form and the image is focused on the retina. (b) In nearsighted people, the image comes to a focus in front of the retina and the image
thus appears blurred. (c) In farsighted people, the focus of the image would be behind the retina because the distance from the lens to the retina is
too short.

can see line 8 from 10 feet away but not farther, your acuity Question 6
is 20/40, or 1/2 of normal. Snellen charts typically have let- What is your visual acuity?
ter sizes for assessing acuity of 20/15, which is better than
normal acuity, to 20/200, which is poor acuity.
The eyes of farsighted people focus the image behind
their retina. These people are referred to as farsighted Right eye: Left eye:
because they see distant objects clearer than close objects.
Conversely, the eyes of nearsighted people focus the image
in front of the retina; these people see close objects better ASTIGMATISM
than they do distant objects. Both conditions can be cor-
rected with glasses or contact lenses provided that the fovea Astigmatism usually results from abnormal curvature of
remains functional (fig. 46.4). the cornea. Test for astigmatism by facing an astigmatism
test chart 10 ft (3 m) away. Cover one eye and stare at the
Procedure 46.6  Determine visual acuity
Sensory Perception by the Numbers
1. Locate the Snelling eye chart in lab. Stand 20 ft
(6.1 m) from the chart, facing it.
Humans can detect more than 45,000 scents and see more
2. Cover one eye and read the letters that your partner than 7 million colors. Displaying this many colors would
points to on the chart. Begin at the top of the chart and require a paint chart more than 21 miles long.
work your way down. The human brain weighs about 1.4 kg, of which more
3. Note the lowest row of letters that you can read than 1 kg is water. For comparison, an elephant’s brain
accurately. Record the number printed next to that weighs 4.7 kg, a dolphin’s brain weighs 700 g, a cat’s brain
row: . This number is the farthest dis- weighs 31 g, and a mouse’s brain weighs 0.4 g.
tance (measured in ft) that a person with normal vision When we touch something, the touch-signal travels to
can read the letters in that row. For example, if the our brain at 200 km h−1 (124 mph). For comparison, reflex
number is 40, then the person has 20/40 vision, mean- signals travel at 400 km h−1 (250 mph), thought signals at
ing that the person can see at 20 ft what a person with 110 km h−1 (70 mph), and pain signals at 5 km h−1 (3 mph).
normal vision can see at 40 ft. On average, blood moves at a speed of approximately
4. Test both eyes. If you wear glasses or contacts, test 5.6 km h−1 (3.5 mph), and food moves through our esopha-
your eyes with and without your lenses. gus at about 0.07 km h−1 (0.75 inch per second).

534 EXERCISE 46 46–4

circle in the center of the chart. Test both eyes; if you wear
glasses or contact lenses, do the test with and without your
glasses or contact lenses. If all lines radi­ating from the circle
are straight, no astigmatism is present. If the lines appear
crooked or wavy, you probably have ­astigmatism.

Dim light is best perceived by rods, whereas bright light and
colors are best perceived by cones. Most cones are in an area
called the central fovea, a small part of the retina we use
when we focus directly on an object and look at its color
and detail. In this area of the retina, almost all of the recep-
tors are cones. Rods dominate the periphery of the visual
field. This demonstration will show the monochrome nature
of peripheral vision.

Procedure 46.7  Test peripheral vision

1. Have your lab partner stare forward.
© Steve Allen/Getty Images
2. Slowly bring a piece of colored paper into your part- Figure 46.5  Color-blindness test. A person with normal color
ner’s visual field from behind his or her head. vision should see the number 74 here. (This is only an example and is
3. Stop when your partner tells you that the paper has just not meant for diagnosis.)
entered his or her visual field.
4. Ask what color the paper is. If you did the test properly reaching the inner ear. Conduction deafness is usually cor-
and if your partner didn’t cheat, he or she will probably rectable by surgery or hearing aids.
be unable to determine the color of the paper. Why? You can use a tuning fork to distinguish between
nerve and conduction deafness.

COLOR BLINDNESS Procedure 46.8  Testing for hearing loss

1. Have your lab partner sit down and plug one ear with
Color blindness is a color vision deficiency that usually is
inherited (see Exercise 17). The most common type of color
blindness is red-green color blindness that results from a 2. Strike the tuning fork against the heel of your hand (do
deficiency of red- and green-sensitive cones. People with not strike the fork against a hard object).
this deficiency have difficulty distinguishing shades of red 3. Hold the fork about 25 cm (10 in) away from your part-
and green. A totally color-blind person sees everything as a ner’s ear, with the edge of the fork pointing toward the
shade of gray. ear (fig. 46.7). If your partner can hear the fork, he or
Test for color blindness with the Ishihara Color Test she has normal hearing or only minimal hearing loss.
Book available in the lab. Hold the plates about 60 cm from 4. As the sound fades, have your partner tell you when he
your partner’s face in bright, natural light. Give your partner or she can no longer hear the fork. Then place the base
about 5 sec to view each plate. Without touching the figure, of the fork against the temporal bone behind the ear.
ask your partner to name the number in each mosaic. If a slight hearing loss exists and the sound reappears,
If the Ishihara Color Test Book is not available, exam- some conduction deafness is present. You may want to
ine the image in figure 46.5 in bright light. simulate a conduction impairment by having your part-
ner wear an earplug.


How does an earplug interrupt sound?
There are two kinds of hearing loss: nerve deafness and con-
duction deafness. Nerve deafness results from damage to
the sound receptors or neurons that transmit impulses to the
brain (fig. 46.6). Such damage is usually caused by exposure
to loud sound and is not correctable. Conduction deafness
results from damage that prevents sound vibrations from

46–5 Human Biology 535

Outer ear Middle ear Inner ear Skull bone
Vestibular system


Ossicles Incus
Eustachian Stapes Cochlea

Tympanic membrane
Oval window
(under the stapes)

Round window Eustachian tube

Figure 46.6  Structure of the human ear. Sound waves passing through the ear canal produce vibrations of the tympanic membrane, which
cause movement of the middle ear ossicles (the malleus, incus, and stapes) against an inner membrane called the oval window. Vibration of the
oval window sets up pressure waves that travel through the canals of the cochlea.

Figure 46.7  Using a tuning fork to test for hearing loss.

Someone with severe hearing loss will not hear the vibrating Procedure 46.9  Test for distribution of touch
fork (or will hear it only briefly). That person suffers con- receptors
duction deafness if the sound reappears when the end of the
1. Have your lab partner close his or her eyes.
fork is placed against his or her temporal bone. If the sound
does not reappear, the person is nerve deaf. 2. Touch his or her skin with one or two points of a scis-
sors spread far apart. Ask your partner to report the
sensation as “one” or “two.” Randomly alternate the
DISTRIBUTION OF TOUCH RECEPTORS two-point touches with one-point touches to keep your
partner honest.
Touch receptors are varied and distributed unevenly in the skin 3. Decrease the distance between the two points until
(fig. 46.8). To perceive two stimuli as separate sensations, the your partner reports a one-point stimulus about 75% of
stimuli must be far enough apart to stimulate two touch recep- the time. Measure this distance as the minimum dis-
tors. Thus, the distribution of touch receptors affects our abil- tance evoking a two-point sensation.
ity to distinguish among differing numbers of stimuli.

536 EXERCISE 46 46–6

Meissner’s corpuscle SENSING TASTE
Light touch Hairs
Taste is a poorly understood sense because our final per-
Free neuronal ception of flavor arises from a combination of other sensory
endings Pain, itch, inputs. The texture, smell, and appearance of foods strongly
hot, and cold
influence our sense of taste. Strictly speaking, the sense of
taste refers to sensations originating from taste cells in the
mouth and has traditionally been described as a combina-
tion of sensations of salty, bitter, sour, sweet, and possibly
other sensations. To cause a taste sensation, food dissolves
Ruffini corpuscle in saliva, moves through taste pores in taste buds (fig. 46.9),
Deep pressure and
skin distortion

Papillae Taste pore


Hair follicle endings

Light touch and

Pacinian corpuscle Taste

Deep pressure or vibration buds

Figure 46.8  Examples of sensory receptors in the skin of


Supporting cell
4. Repeat this procedure on the following parts of your
partner’s body: (a) inside the forearm, (b) back of the Neurons Taste pore
neck, (c) palm of the hand, and (d) tip of the index finger.
Sensory receptor
Question 8 cell with microvilli
a. Which parts of your body are most sensitive to touch?

b. Which parts are least sensitive?

c. What is the significance of these differences in


d. How would someone’s sensitivity to touch by their fin-

gertips affect their ability to read Braille?
© Ed Reschke
Figure 46.9  Taste. (a) Structures involved in the sense of taste.
This sense occurs in taste buds, which contain the sensory receptor cells
that respond to dissolved food molecules. (b) Individual taste buds are
bulb-shaped collections of chemical receptor cells that open into the
mouth through a pore (200×).

46–7 Human Biology 537

and interacts with neural receptor cells. When food interacts INTENSITY OF SENSATIONS
with receptor proteins or with ion channel proteins on the
surface of these cells, an electrical impulse is generated and The intensity of a sensation is usually proportional to the
sent to the brain. intensity of the stimulus.
Biologists once thought that each of the four areas of
the tongue were exclusively responsible for a particular sen- Procedure 46.11  Investigate intensity of
sation (sweet, sour, salty, bitter). However, research shows sensations
that neurons in all areas of the tongue are widely respon-
1. Fill large pans with ice water, warm water, and water
sive to a variety of tastes. The final perception of taste is an
at room temperature.
integration of signals from receptors and is more complex
than was first thought. An integration of impulses from taste 2. Sequentially place your index finger in the water in
receptors combined with other senses (vision, touch, and each pan. Can you sense the changes in temperature?
smell) all combine to produce flavor. 3. Repeat the experiment with pans containing water hav-
ing only slight differences in temperature.
Procedure 46.10  Test for taste sensitivity Question 10
1. Cut two identical small pieces of a raw onion, raw Would you expect your toes to detect narrower ranges of
apple, and raw potato. Have your partner close his or her temperature than your fingers would detect? Why?
eyes, clamp the nostrils shut, and open his or her mouth.
2. Put a piece of onion, apple, or potato on your part-
ner’s tongue. Ask your partner to identify it without
3. Repeat the procedure with the other food. 4. Place your left hand in the ice water and your right
4. Record results and then repeat the procedure with the hand in the warm water (be sure that the warm water
nostrils open. has not cooled). Leave your hands in these pans until
you “get used to” the temperatures.
Question 9
For enjoyment of which foods is aroma particularly impor- Question 11
tant? For which foods is it less important? a. Does the sensation change with time? Why or why not?

The Nervous System’s Adaptation to Stimuli
Observation: Your nervous system can “tune out” stimuli so c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
that you are not constantly bombarded with trivial sensations record it. Consider hypotheses about temperature, pres-
such as clothing, wristbands, and background noise. Imagine sure, texture, or composition (metal, wood, paper, etc.) of
your world without that adaptation! the stimulus.
Question: Does the time needed for your skin to adapt to stim- d. Outline on Worksheet 46 your experimental design and
uli depend on the nature of the stimulus? supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your instruc-
tor to review your proposed investigation.
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
Worksheet 46 from your instructor. question, and make relevant comments.
b. Discuss with your group a well-defined question relevant f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
to the preceding observation and question. Review pro- tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
cedure 46.10 as a starting point for your investigation. needed.
Record your question on Worksheet 46.

538 EXERCISE 46 46–8

b. Would air at the same temperature feel the same? Why OPTICAL ILLUSION
or why not?
An optical illusion is an experience of seeming to see some-
thing that does not exist or that is different than it appears.
The optical illusion presented here “confuses” certain neu-
rons in your brain that sense both the orientation and direc-
tion of movement of visual curves and lines.
c. In terms of receptors, what does it mean to “get used
to” a sensation? Procedure 46.12  Optical Illusion
1. Focus on the dot in the center of figure 46.10.
2. Slowly move your head toward, and then away from,
the image.
d. Would your perceptions have changed if the cold water
was 0°C and the warm water was 80°C? Question 12
What happened? What did you see?

e. Why would it be important to be able to perceive the

difference between 45°C and 80°C?

f. After at least 1 minute, place both hands in the pan of

water at room temperature. Note the sensation. Does it
change with time? Why or why not?

g. What do temperature receptors really respond to?

h. Were your receptors giving you useful information in

both situations even though the information they gave
you changed?

Figure 46.10  An optical illusion.

46–9 Human Biology 539

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. Are you aware of all activity within your nervous system? Why is this advantageous?

​2. How could you show whether there are specific receptors in your skin that respond to heat and cold?

​3. Are all regions of your body equally sensitive to touch and temperature?

​4. All animals do not perceive their environment in the same way. List some examples.

​5. What extra receptors would help humans survive in today’s world?

​6. How is our sense of balance related to vision?

7. Review in Exercise 17 how color blindness is inherited. Would you expect color blindness to be more common in males
or females? Why?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of
receptor adaptation to an organism?

540 EXERCISE 46 46–10

Vertebrate Anatomy
Exercise 47
External Features and Skeletal System of the Rat

Before you begin handling your specimen, review the

Learning Objectives safety information presented on pages x–xi. Chemically pre-
served specimens must always be treated with care. Protect
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
your eyes, and be aware of allergic reactions.
1. Define the terms used to describe the general
Before you begin dissection, familiarize yourself with
planes, surfaces, and anatomy of a vertebrate.
the ­following terms. They describe the location of structures
2. Identify the external mammalian features of the
and their relationship to other structures (fig. 47.1).
male and female rat.
3. Identify the bones of a rat skeleton. Dorsal—toward the upper surface (back)
4. Compare the skeletal system of a rat with the skel-
Ventral—toward the lower surface (belly)
etal system of a human.
5. Discuss the relationship of structure and function Anterior—toward the head
for the external features and skeletal system of a rat.
Posterior—toward the tail
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online Cranial—toward the head
resources tailored to this lab.
Caudal—toward the tail
Medial—toward the midline of the body

S tudying anatomy involves much more than just memo-

rizing and recognizing parts of an organism. It requires
understanding the relationship of the function of an anatom-
Proximal—toward the end of the appendage nearest
the body
ical feature to the structure and location of that feature. As Lateral—away from the midline of the body; toward
you study rat anatomy, remember that your objective is not the side
just to memorize parts of the rat but to understand the over-
all design of the rat’s anatomy and how this structure relates Distal—toward the end of an appendage farthest
to function. We have chosen a rat (Rattus norvegicus) for dis- away from the body
section because it is a small and familiar vertebrate. Frontal plane—divides the body into dorsal and
Question 1 ventral halves; two-dimensional plane parallel to
What features of rats make them a good experimental model the anterior-posterior axis and perpendicular to the
to learn about factors that affect humans? dorsal-ventral axis
Transverse plane—a cross section; two-dimensional
plane perpendicular to the anterior-posterior axis of
the body
Sagittal plane—divides the body into left and
right halves; two-dimensional plane parallel to the
­anterior-posterior axis and parallel to the dorsal-­
ventral axis

Rinse your rat with cold water to remove excess preserva-
tive. Then lay it in a small dissecting pan and observe its
general characteristics.

47–1 Vertebrate Anatomy 541

Figure 47.1  Surfaces and planes of section of a rat.

The rat’s body is divided into six anatomical regions: cells. The testes may be withdrawn into the abdomen dur-
the cranial region or head, the cervical region or neck, the ing nonreproductive periods. Just anterior to the scrotal sacs
pectoral region or the area where forelegs attach, the tho- is the prepuce, a bulge of skin surrounding the penis. The
rax or chest region, the abdomen or belly, and the pelvic penis can be extended from the prepuce through the prepu-
region or area where hind legs attach. The terms right or left tial orifice. The end of the penis has a urogenital orifice
refer to the organism’s right or left side. Notice in fig. 47.1 where both urine and sperm cells exit the body. Be sure to
that the left side of the rat is in full view. examine rats of both sexes.
Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print The rat is quadruped (four legs) with four digits and
in the following descriptions. A hairy coat called the pel- a vestigial thumb on each foot. Both the sole and heel of a
age covers most of the rat’s body (fig. 47.2). The tactilely rat’s foot contact the ground as indicated by the lack of hair
(relating to touch) sensitive “whiskers” on the face are called from the toes to the heel. This stance is plantigrade. Some
vi­brissae. The nares (nostrils) are at the anterior end of the other animals are digitigrade and walk on their toes.
head. The subterminal mouth has a cleft in the upper lip
that exposes large front teeth called incisors. The eyes bulge Question 2
from the head and enable the rat to see in almost all directions a. What external features of rats are common to all mam-
at once. Eyes equipped with large pupils are one of many mals? As you continue to study the rat refer to these
adaptations to nocturnal life. The nictitating membrane is mammalian features and make additions and deletions.
located at the inside corner of the eye. This translucent mem-
brane may be drawn across the eyeball for protection. Locate
the eyelids—they are similar to those found in humans. Ears
are located posteriorly on the head and composed of a pinna
(external ear) and an auditory meatus (ear canal). b. Mammals are very diverse. For example, do all mam-
On the ventral surface of the rat and just lateral to the mals have four legs? Do you recall any mammals with
midline are six pairs of nipples or teats. The tail is located more or fewer than two eyes?
posteriorly (caudally) and is covered with hair and scales.
Ventral to the base of the tail is the anus. Just caudal to the
last pair of teats of a female is a small protuberance, the
clitoris, from which the urinary aperture opens. Just cau-
dal to the clitoris is the vaginal orifice in a small depression
called the vulva.
In males, a pair of large scrotal sacs lie on each side
of the anus and contain the testes, which produce sperm

542 EXERCISE 47 47–2

Figure 47.2  External anatomy of male and female rats.

c. Which areas of the rat’s body are not covered d. Why do these parts of the body have no hair?
with hair?

47–3 Vertebrate Anatomy 543

e. What are some additional functions of pelage? o. What digitigrade animals do you recall?

f. Can you suggest a function for vibrissae? p. Are humans plantigrade or digitigrade?

g. How long are the vibrissae in relation to the head and

in relation to the width of the body? THE SKELETAL SYSTEM
Examine a cleaned and articulated rat skeleton and com-
pare its parts with those labeled in figure 47.3. Then com-
pare a rat skeleton with a human skeleton if one is available.
h. How do the upper incisors mesh with the lower Record your observations in table 47.1. In the margin of this
incisors? page list a few words describing some general differences
between these skeletal systems.
Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print
in the following descriptions. Prominent features of the
skull include the mandible (lower jaw), maxilla (upper
i. Are any teeth other than incisors present? jaw), the zygomatic arch, and the cranium (braincase). The
mandible has a broad, flat surface for muscle attachment,
and some of the jaw muscles pass under the zygomatic arch
and attach to the lateral surface of the cranium. The skull
and vertebral column form the axial skeleton.
j. Why is the mouth referred to as subterminal? Examine the vertebral column. It is divided into
five groups of vertebrae. From anterior to posterior these
groups are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and
caudal vertebrae. Count the number of vertebrae in each
group. The shapes of the anterior two cervical vertebrae, the
k. How does the position of eyes on a rat’s head differ atlas and axis, differ from the other cervical vertebrae. The
from that on a human’s head? How would the position atlas and axis form a versatile joint and allow for a variety
of a rat’s eye be adaptive? of head movements. Extending from the thoracic vertebrae
are ribs that form an enclosure, the rib cage. The caudal
vertebrae form a long tail.
Compare the vertebral columns and rib cages of rats
and humans. List your observations in table 47.2.
l. What is the function of a large pinna? Bones of the anterior appendages (forelegs) attach to
the pectoral girdle, and bones of the posterior appendages
(hind legs) attach to the pelvic girdle. These bones compose
the appendicular skeleton. Compare the variation between
rat and human bones of the pectoral girdle with the anterior
m. Are teats exclusively mammalian structures? Why do appendages and the pelvic girdle with the posterior append-
you think so? ages. You will find many similarities between rat and human

Question 3
a. How does contraction of muscles passing under the
zygomatic arch move the mandible?
n. What term similar to quadruped describes animals
such as humans with two legs?

544 EXERCISE 47 47–4

Zygomatic arch

Figure 47.3  The skeleton of a rat.

TABLE 47.1 TABLE 47.2

Number of bones
Number of vertebrae
in each group
Arrangement of bones

Number of ribs
Presence of unique bones

General shape of vertebrae

Orientation of bones

Prominence of spines

b. What are the relative sizes of braincases in humans and Degree of fusion of caudal
and sacral vertebrae

Attachment of vertebrae
to other bones

c. Approximately how many vertebrae are in a rat’s tail?

d. Does a human have a tail?

47–5 Vertebrate Anatomy 545

e. What does the similarity between the skeletal systems 11. Work toward the dorsal surface. Thin sheets of mus-
of rats and humans suggest about the ancestry of these cles attach to the skin. These muscles are the cutane-
two mammals? ous trunci, which arise near the ventral base of the
foreleg and spread to the lateral and dorsal surfaces of
the chest and abdomen.
12. When you have detached the skin to the dorsal mid-
line, begin to peel the skin anteriorly toward the base
of the skull. You may notice a deposit of fat between
SAFETY FIRST Before coming to lab, you were the shoulder blades. This is brown fat and is special-
asked to read this exercise so you would know what ized for heat production if the animal is stressed by
to do and be aware of safety issues. In the space low temperatures.
below, briefly list the safety issues associated with 13. Do not remove the skin from the face unless instructed
today’s procedures. If you have questions about these to do so by your instructor.
issues, contact your laboratory assistant before start- 14. Leave the skin attached at the base of the skull and use
ing work. it as a protective cape to wrap your specimen when you
are not studying it.
15. If available, spray the rat with preservative, then wrap
Procedure 47.1  Skin your rat the skin around its body. Place the rat in a plastic bag,
1. Lay your rat on its dorsal surface with the tail toward seal the bag tightly, and label the bag.
you. You will need scissors, a scalpel, and patience
to remove the skin without damaging the underlying
muscles and organs. An incision was already made in INVESTIGATION
the throat to inject colored latex into the circulatory
system. Skeletal Modification for Bipedal Locomotion
2. Snip anteriorly from this incision toward the lower lip Observation: Efficient bipedal locomotion likely requires an
(fig. 47.4). Do not cut deeply. Cut only through the adapted skeleton.
integument (skin). Question: Which features in the skeletal system are associ-
3. Hold the skin up with forceps to prevent cutting mus- ated with bipedal locomotion?
cles or internal organs. Next, snip posteriorly along the
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation
ventral midline to the genitals (external sex organs).
Worksheet 47 from your instructor.
4. Cut through the skin in a circle around the genitals and b. Discuss with your group and instructor characteristics
continue the midventral incision to the tail. likely associated with walking on two legs, and record
5. Cut a circle around the base of the tail. them on Worksheet 47.
6. Make four more incisions on the ventral surface from c. How will you provide evidence to support your
the midline to the two ankles of the hind legs and the ­predictions of likely characteristics? Design an approach
two wrists of the forelegs. to study of the skeletal system to document morphol-
7. Then cut through the skin in a circle around the wrists ogy associated with walking on two legs. Record the
and ankles. design of your investigation and needed supplies on
8. To separate the skin from the body, grasp the flap of Worksheet 47.
skin extending from the chest under a forelimb and d. Ask your instructor to review your proposed
force the tip of a blunt probe between the skin and the investigation.
connective tissue holding the skin to the body. This e. Conduct your procedures, record your findings, answer
connective tissue is called fascia and is tough yet your questions, and make relevant comments on Work-
flexible. sheet 47.
f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
9. Work slowly and gently peel the skin from the body.
tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
10. Remove the skin until you expose the ventral surface needed.
of the chest and abdomen.

546 EXERCISE 47 47–6

Figure 47.4  Ventral surface of a rat, indicating lines of incision
for dissection.

47–7 Vertebrate Anatomy 547

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. What modifications of the skeletal system would be adaptive for a bipedal vertebrate?

​2. What area of the axial skeletal system of a human is weakest? Why?

​3. What is the value of a tail to a rat? To a monkey? To a deer?

​4. Of what adaptive significance is a ball-and-socket joint at the hip of mammals rather than a hinge joint such as
the knee?

​5. Why is the rat a good model system for studying human anatomy and physiology?


What features of the skeletal system diversify
movement in humans as compared to movement
of a rat?

548 EXERCISE 47 47–8

Vertebrate Anatomy
Exercise 48
Muscles and Internal Organs of the Rat

Question 1
Learning Objectives a. Where on a human skeleton is a likely origin and inser-
tion for a muscle that lifts your knee?
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Identify the major muscles of a rat.
2. Define terms describing the location, structure, and
movement of muscles.
3. Describe the origin, insertion, and action of ­selected
muscles of a rat. b. Could a muscle have both its origin and insertion on
4. Identify and state the function of major organs of the same bone? Why or why not?
the thorax and abdomen.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.
The following terms describe muscles that move the
body in a particular fashion. Familiarize yourself with these
D issection of muscles and internal organs requires
patient concentration. Use a blunt probe rather than a
scalpel or a needle to separate muscles and to move inter-
terms and demonstrate each of these terms with movements
of your own body and the body of a rat. Also be sure to
review the descriptive anatomical terms presented in the
nal organs. Keep your specimen moist with dilute preserva-
introduction of the previous exercise on vertebrate anatomy.
tive so tissue won’t be damaged as you move muscles and
organs to reveal hidden structures. Extensors—increase the angle of a joint
Flexors—decrease the angle of a joint
MUSCULAR SYSTEM Abductors—move an appendage away from the
midline of the body
Muscles are usually arranged on the skeleton in antagonistic Adductors—move an appendage toward the mid-
(opposing) pairs. Contracting one member of the antago- line of the body
nistic pair moves the body, whereas contracting the other
muscle restores the body and first muscle to their original Retractors—move an appendage backward
positions. For example, after you contract a muscle to bend Protractors—move an appendage forward
your arm at the elbow you must contract an opposing mus- Supinators—rotate the palm or bottom of foot
cle to straighten your arm and stretch the first muscle. upward
When muscles contract, they use bones as levers for Pronators—rotate the palm or bottom of foot
resistance and motion. As you examine the muscles of a rat downward
you should refer often to a rat skeleton and locate the bones
where each muscle ­attaches.
Procedure 48.1  Examine and identify muscles
Muscles are attached to bones by connective tissue
called tendons that adhere to spines, knobs, ridges, and 1. Begin examining and identifying the muscles on your
depressions on bones. The end attached to the bone that does skinned rat by picking the stringy fascia away from the
not move during contraction is called the origin. The end of the surface of the body. The more connective fascia that
muscle attached to the bone that moves during a contraction you remove, the more clearly you will see the muscles.
is called the insertion. Movement caused by the contrac- 2. Use a blunt probe to gently separate the various
tion of a muscle is the muscle’s action (see figure 43.2). muscles. Work cautiously until you develop a sense of
Examine preserved rat and human skeletons and find likely where two muscles overlap. Notice the direction of the
surfaces for attachment of tendons. fibers within each muscle.

48–1 Vertebrate Anatomy 549

3. Refer to the figures frequently as you separate each
4. Answer the questions that will guide your observation
as you separate muscles in each region of the body.
Figures 48.1, 48.2, and 48.3 illustrate the muscles of a rat
in dorsal, lateral, and ventral views. Not all of the muscles
of a rat are shown here, but you can easily understand the
muscular system by studying those illustrated.
When separating and dissecting the muscular system
(as well as organ systems) avoid needlessly cutting away
muscle tissue. Remember, you are dissecting the rat, not
disassembling it. The best dissection will bring all struc-
tures into view without removing any of them. Never cut or
remove a structure just to “get it out of the way.”

Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle

and Appendages

Question 2
a. Which of the muscles on the dorsal surface are shaped
like a trapezoid?

b. What bones along the dorsal midline are points of

attachment for the acromiotrapezius, spinotrapezius,
and latissimus dorsi?

c. Are the bones named in your previous answer sites of

the origin or insertion of these muscles?

Figure 48.1  Dorsal view of musculature of a rat.

d. Which muscle is antagonistic to the biceps brachii?
h. Do the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor produce
different movements?

e. Is the biceps brachii an extensor or a flexor?

i. Are the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor

f. Is the latissimus dorsi a retractor or a protractor?

j. What are the origins for the muscles that pull the head
g. Which dorsal muscle is antagonistic to the pectoralis down toward the chest?

550 EXERCISE 48 48–2

Figure 48.2  Lateral view of musculature of a rat. Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle and Appendages

Question 3
a. Which of the large lateral muscles are used in power
movements of the hind legs?

b. Which of the large lateral muscles extends the knee

joint and pulls the leg forward?

c. Which muscle flexes the knee joint and retracts the leg?

d. How is the gastrocnemius used by a running rat?

Origins, Insertions, and Actions of Muscles

The following is a list of a few selected muscles that illus-
trate origins, insertions, actions, and their associations with
the skeletal system. Locate the following muscles on your
specimen. Then locate their origins and insertions on a rat
skeleton and visualize the action of each muscle. If possible,
move the bone on your preserved rat or on yourself to show
its action.
Biceps brachii—This muscle is located on the ante-
rior surface of the humerus.
Figure 48.3  Ventral view of musculature of a rat.­­­ Origin: scapula
Insertion: radius
Action: flexes the lower arm

48–3 Vertebrate Anatomy 551

Triceps brachii—This muscle is located on the
sides and back of the upper arm. INVESTIGATION
Origin: humerus and scapula Muscular System Modification for Bipedal
Insertion: elbow (olecranon) Locomotion
Action: extends the lower arm Observation: Efficient bipedal locomotion likely requires an
Spinotrapezius—This muscle lays across the dor- adapted muscular system.
sal thoracic region of the rat. Question: Which modifications in the muscular system are
Origin: thoracic vertebrae associated with bipedal locomotion?
Insertion: spine of the scapula
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation
Action: moves the scapula upward and
Worksheet 48 from your instructor.
b. Discuss with your group and instructor characteristics
Acromiotrapezius—This is the central muscle of
likely associated with walking on two legs, and record
the trapezius group.
them on Worksheet 48.
Origin: cervical vertebrae c. How will you provide evidence to support your predic-
Insertion: scapula tions of likely characteristics? Design an approach to
Action: moves the scapula dorsally study of the muscular system to document morphology
Latissimus dorsi—This muscle is posterior to and associated with walking on two legs. Record the design of
partially covered by the spinotrapezius. your investigation and needed supplies on Worksheet 48.
d. Ask your instructor to review your proposed
Origin: thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: medial side of the humerus
e. Conduct your procedures, record your findings, answer
Action: moves the humerus dorsocaudad your questions, and make relevant comments on
External oblique—This muscle covers the sides of Worksheet 48.
the abdominal cavity from the hip to the rib cage. f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
Its fibers are arranged at right angles to the fibers tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
of the latissimus dorsi. needed.
Origin: lumbodorsal fascia and posterior ribs
Insertion: linea alba and pelvis
Action: compresses and retains the viscera and
acts with the rectus abdominis to form a flex-
ible ventral and lateral body wall INTERNAL ANATOMY
Cutaneous trunci—This muscle attaches to the
Organs of the Head and Neck
skin on the lateral and dorsal sides of the body.
Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in
Origin: under the upper front leg
the following descriptions. To locate the salivary glands
Insertion: skin (sublingual, parotid, and submaxillary glands) first locate
Action: moves the skin the medial sternohyoid muscle. The salivary glands lie to
Biceps femoris—This large muscle is in two bun- the side of the anterior part of this muscle. Salivary glands
dles; it is easily located on the side of the thigh. are rather soft, spongy tissue. They secrete saliva that lubri-
Origin: ischium cates food and contains amylase that degrades starch to
maltose. Do not mistake lymph glands for salivary glands;
Insertion: distal portion of femur and proximal the lymph glands are darker, more compact, circular glands
portion of tibia that lie anterior to the salivary glands and are pressed
Action: abducts the thigh and flexes the shank against the powerful jaw muscles. The submaxillary glands
Gastrocnemius—This muscle is easy to locate are large, roughly oval, and elongate. The sublingual glands
because it forms the bulk of the calf muscle in touch the submaxillary glands on their anterolateral surface.
the lower leg. Parotid glands are best seen in lateral view. Parotid glands
Origin: distal end of femur extend toward and behind the ear; they are beneath the ear
and between the jaw and points of the shoulders. Infected
Insertion: heel (calcaneus) by means of the ten- parotid glands in humans produce swellings commonly
don of Achilles associated with mumps.
Action: extends the foot

552 EXERCISE 48 48–4

Procedure 48.2  Examine organs of the head
and neck
1. After you have located the submaxillary salivary glands,
remove them to see structures deeper in the neck.
2. The thyroid gland is a gray or brown swelling on
either side of the trachea. A thin band (isthmus)
transverses the trachea. To locate the thyroid gland,
expose the trachea by cutting through the sternohyoid
muscles that cover the ventral surface of the throat.
1st incision
The two lobes of the thyroid gland lie on each side of the
trachea just ventral to the larynx. The major secretion of
the thyroid gland, thyroxin, regulates the metabolic rate
of the body. The two lobes are connected by a narrow band of
tissue known as the isthmus of the thyroid.
The larynx is a rigid, cartilaginous chamber contain-
ing the vocal cords. Just caudal to the larynx is the trachea,
which conducts air to and from the lungs. The rigid trachea 2nd incision
is composed of a series of incomplete rings of cartilage
forming a tube.

Question 4
Why is the trachea reinforced with cartilage?

Procedure 48.3  Open the body cavity

1. Make a small incision with your scalpel just caudal to Figure 48.4  Lines of incision to open thoracic and abdominal
the posterior end of the sternum. Cut no more than cavities.
4–5 mm into the body cavity.
8. After you have opened the animal, take it to the sink
2. With your scissors, snip posteriorly for about 1–2 cm and rinse the two body cavities. Be sure that a colander
through the abdominal wall (toward the pelvis) until covers the sink drain. After you have rinsed your rat,
you encounter the transversely attached diaphragm remove and discard all waste material from the sink.
(fig. 48.4). Try to preserve the attachment of the dia-
phragm as you follow the next few steps.
3. Do not cut through the diaphragm. Instead, cut later- The Thoracic Organs
ally in both directions (fig. 48.4) slightly anterior to
the diaphragm and along the line of attachment of the Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in
diaphragm to the body wall. the following descriptions. The diaphragm, a thin layer of
muscle, separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal
4. To open the thoracic cavity, use scissors to cut the ribs
cavity. The heart is centrally located in the thoracic cav-
one at a time from the posterior to anterior. This will
ity (fig. 48.5). The two dark-colored chambers at the top
eventually open the chest cavity.
of the heart are the atria (sing., atrium) that receive blood
5. To begin opening the abdominal cavity, make a second from veins. The light brown muscular areas below the atria
abdominal, midline incision just posterior are the ventricles, which are the pumping chambers of the
to the diaphragm. Cut laterally in both directions heart. The heart is covered by a thin membrane known as the
(fig. 48.4) slightly posterior to the diaphragm, and along pericardium. Section the heart to see its chambers.
its attachment in a similar manner to step 3. The thymus gland lies directly over the upper part of
6. From the second incision, cut posteriorly slightly to the the heart. The thymus functions in the developing immune
right of the white linea alba on the midventral surface system and is larger in young rats than in old rats. Compare
of the abdomen until you reach the genitals. your rat with other specimens.
7. Cut from the genitals laterally to the junction of each Air enters the lungs from the bronchial tubes branch-
hind limb with the body. ing from the trachea, which terminate into thin-walled air

48–5 Vertebrate Anatomy 553

c. The lungs surround the heart on both sides. Are the
lungs the same size? Are they both lobed?

d. Observe the texture of the lungs. Are they muscular?

e. If the lungs are not muscular, how is air brought into

the lungs?

f. Is the diaphragm a flat sheet of muscle or does it


g. How does the diaphragm function in breathing?

h. Which chambers of the heart have the heaviest

Figure 48.5  Internal organs of the rat. Move the intestines to the
right or left to see the dispersed pancreas tissue. Muscles cover the
esophagus, thyroid, and larynx.

sacs, the alveoli (sing., alveolus), where gas exchange The Abdominal Organs
occurs. The bronchial tubes and alveoli are embedded in
the lung tissue and are not visible (see figure 44.2). Alve- Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in the
oli are very small; this is important because the smaller following descriptions. The coelom is the body cavity within
the individual alveoli, the larger the overall surface area which the viscera (internal organs) are suspended. The
for gas exchange. Posterior to the lungs and heart lies the abdominal cavity and viscera are covered by a membranous
diaphragm. Cramps of the muscular diaphragm sometimes tissue called the peritoneum, formed from mesoderm. Recall
occur when you run; these cramps can cause a sharp pain in that the coelomic cavity of evolutionarily advanced inverte-
your side when you try to breathe rapidly. The diaphragm brates and vertebrates is always lined by mesodermal tissue.
can also develop a twitch, which may occur every 10 or The peritoneum is extensive and occurs in four regions:
20 sec and be rather embarrassing. Normal rhythmic con- ∙ Parietal peritoneum covers the walls of the abdominal
tractions of the diaphragm help you breathe. cavity.
Question 5 ∙ Visceral peritoneum covers the internal organs.
a. What is the name of this common condition of a
twitching diaphragm? ∙ Mesenteries are thin membranes continuous between
the parietal and viscera peritoneums. They attach the
internal organs to the dorsal body wall.
∙ Omentia (sing., omentum) are thin membranes extending
from the visceral peritoneums and connect organ to organ.
b. Is your rat young or old? How can you tell?
Note the continuous nature of the peritoneum as you exam-
ine the abdominal organs. Locate the liver, the dark-colored
organ suspended just under the diaphragm. The many func-
tions of the liver include producing bile to help digest fat,

554 EXERCISE 48 48–6

storing glycogen (a high-energy molecule), transforming
nitrogenous wastes into less harmful substances, and trans-
forming digested nutrients into various molecules needed by
the body. Rats do not have a gallbladder. For these func-
tions, the liver is strategically located near the digestive
system to receive a rich supply of blood directly from the
intestinal tract. The liver has four parts: Small intestine Pancreas

∙ Median or cystic lobe is located atop the organ. There is

a cleft in its central part.
∙ Left lateral lobe is large and partially covered by the
Pancreatic duct
∙ Right lateral lobe is partially divided into an anterior (carries exocrine
and posterior lobule, is smaller than the left lateral secretions to
small intestine)
lobe, and is hidden from view by the median lobe.
∙ Caudate lobe is small, folds around the esophagus and
stomach, and appears to be in two small sections seen
most easily when the liver is raised.

The esophagus pierces the diaphragm and conducts food

from the mouth to a muscular enlargement of the digestive
tract called the stomach. Locate the stomach on the left
side just under the diaphragm. The functions of the stomach
include food storage, physical breakdown of food, and initial
enzymatic digestion of protein. The entrance of the esoph-
agus to the stomach is guarded by the cardiac (or lower Pancreatic Pancreatic
esophageal) sphincter. Sphincters are circular muscles that exocrine islets of
cells Langerhans
control the flow of enclosed fluids by contracting and closing Alpha cells Beta cells
the opening between cavities. The outer margin of the curved produce produce
stomach is known as the greater curvature; the inner mar- glucagon insulin
gin is the lesser curvature. Slit open the stomach and notice
ridges, called rugae, which line the stomach. The stomach is Figure 48.6  Location, appearance, and internal structure of
attached to the intestine via the pyloric sphincter. the mammalian pancreas. Within the pancreas are scattered islets of
The spleen is similar in color to the liver and is Langerhans, which are endocrine tissue. Only the exocrine products
(e.g., digestive enzymes) are secreted into the intestine; the hormones
attached to the greater curvature of the stomach. It is associ- from the islets of Langerhans are secreted into the blood (not shown).
ated with the circulatory system and functions in the forma-
tion, storage, and destruction of blood cells.
The duodenum has small, fingerlike folds of intestinal wall
The pancreas is the brownish, flattened gland sus-
called villi, and the exposed surface of each cell has cyto-
pended in membranous tissue near the junction of the stom-
plasm extensions called microvilli.
ach and small intestine (fig. 48.6). This gland has exocrine
and endocrine functions. Review these terms in your text-
Procedure 48.4  Location and function of inter-
book. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes conducted
nal organs
to the intestinal tract through small ducts. The pancreas
also secretes and releases insulin into the bloodstream to 1. Design a three-column organizational table.
regulate glucose metabolism. The greater omentum is the 2. Complete the table with Organ Name in column 1,
membranous curtain of tissue that hangs from the stomach Organ Location in column 2, and Organ Function in
and contains lymph nodes, blood vessels, and fat. column 3.
The small intestine is the slender coiled tube that
receives partially digested food from the stomach. The small Question 6
intestine continues digestion and nutrient absorption. It a. Is the membrane attaching the spleen to the stomach a
consists of three sections: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. mesentery or omentum?
These sections are distinguishable histologically but may be
hard to differentiate anatomically. The duodenum receives
enzymes from the digestive glands; it begins at the pyloric
sphincter of the stomach and continues under the stomach.

48–7 Vertebrate Anatomy 555

b. What is the function of villi? ∙ Cecum is a large, flattened sac in the lower third of the
abdominal cavity. It is a blind-ending pouch located
caudal the junction of the ileum and is often green. The
cecum is homologous to the appendix in humans and is
especially rich in microorganisms that aid in digestion.
Procedure 48.5  Examine abdominal organs ∙ Ascending colon leads toward the right lateral lobe of
1. Locate the liver. the liver on the right side of the body cavity.
2. Locate the stomach, slit it open, and notice the rough ∙ Transverse colon crosses the body cavity under the
folds called rugae. liver and stomach.
3. Slit open the duodenum and examine the villi. ∙ Descending colon descends the left side of the body
Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in the cavity. You may need to move the small intestine aside
following descriptions. The jejunum is the central portion of to see it clearly.
the small intestine. The ileum is the posterior portion of the ∙ Rectum is the short, terminal section of the colon
small intestine that empties into the colon (large intestine). between the descending colon and the anus. The rectum
The ileocecal valve controls flow of food into the colon. temporarily stores feces before they are evacuated from
The colon is the large greenish tube extending from the body.
the small intestine to the anus. The colon is where the final
stages of digestion and water absorption occur. It contains Review the internal organs by listing all of the structures
a rich flora of bacteria that help digestion. The colon also and areas of the digestive system through which food
secretes a lubricant of mucus for the feces. The colon con- passes. Refer to your textbook and add a phrase describing
sists of five continuous sections identified by their appear- the nature of digestion occurring in each area.
ance and location.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. Which muscles of a quadruped are most modified to achieve an upright, bipedal stance?

​2. Where on the human body are muscles attached to the skin most developed? What is the function of the movement of
these muscles?

​3. Why might a human need a gallbladder, but a rat does not?

​4. Why is the cecum larger in rats than it is in humans?


On your body, test what factors limit motion
of the vertebrate body. Explain your findings.

556 EXERCISE 48 48–8

Vertebrate Anatomy
Exercise 49
Urogenital and Circulatory Systems
of the Rat
Procedure 49.1  Observe the excretory and
Learning Objectives reproductive organs of a rat
By the end of this exercise you should be able to: 1. Locate and observe the organs as described.
1. Describe the structural relationship of the ­excretory 2. Do not remove organs; just move them to see other
and reproductive systems of a rat. structures.
2. Identify the major features of the male and female
reproductive systems. Excretory Organs
3. Identify the major arteries and veins of a rat. Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in the
4. Trace the flow of blood through the heart, ­arteries, following descriptions. The primary organs of the excretory
and veins. system are the kidneys. Examine a model or demonstra-
5. Describe and list the parts of the “pulmonary cir- tion dissection of a vertebrate kidney available in the lab
cuit” and “systemic circuit.” (fig.  49.4). Kidneys of a human will process 423 gallons
6. Describe the function and structure of the hepatic (1601 L) of blood per day and produce about 1.5 quarts
portal system. (1.42 L) of urine. A sagittal section through the kidney
7. Trace the pathway of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor reveals the renal artery, which transports blood to the kid-
blood through the blood vessels of the respiratory ney for filtering, and a renal vein, which transports filtered
­system. blood away from the kidney. The ureter is a tube that con-
ducts urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder. The
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online base of the ureter is expanded on the kidney to form a small
resources tailored to this lab. chamber called the renal pelvis, which collects urine pro-
duced by the many tubules of the kidney. The outer area of
the kidney is the cortex and the inner area is the medulla.
A ll systems of vertebrates are dynamic. The excretory sys-
tem filters nitrogenous waste from blood and removes it
from the body. The reproductive system produces gametes,
Review in your textbook the fine structure and function of
the tubules that form the bulk of the kidney. If you pull the
intestines to either side, you can see a pair of kidneys on the
brings them into contact for fertilization and nurtures the
dorsal abdominal wall (figs. 49.5, 49.6). Locate the delicate
resulting embryo. The circulatory system distributes fluids,
ureters by wiggling the kidneys and watching for movement
dissolved gases, hormones, and nutrients so that they come
on the body wall posterior to the kidneys. Remove one kid-
into close contact with each cell of the body. As you examine
ney and make a longitudinal section. Observe its internal
the various structures of these systems, note the sequence of
structure; compare it to the model (fig. 49.4).
the vessels that cells and fluids pass through as they exit or
The urethra carries urine from the bladder to the
move through the body.
urethral orifice where urine is expelled. The small, yellow-
ish glands embedded in fat atop the kidneys are the adrenal

The excretory and reproductive systems of vertebrates are Question 1

closely integrated and are usually studied together as the uro- What hormone do the adrenal glands produce? Why have
genital system. However, they have different functions. The two kidneys?
excretory system removes toxic wastes. The reproductive
system produces gametes, an environment for the developing
embryo, and hormones associated with sexual development.
Before you begin dissecting the rat, review ­figures 49.1,
49.2, 49.3, and 49.4, which show various ­ aspects of the
human urogenital systems. As you study the rat’s urogenital
system compare its anatomy with that of a human.

49–1 Vertebrate Anatomy 557

Side view Front view
(Urinary bladder)

(Urinary bladder)
from kidney)

Vas deferens Penis
Seminal vesicle
Ejaculatory duct Seminal vesicle
Prostate gland Prostate gland
Bulbourethral gland
Epididymis gland
Testis Vas deferens
tissue Testis (contains
of penis seminiferous

Erectile tissue
of penis
Figure 49.1  Male reproductive structures in humans (nonreproductive structures are identified in parentheses for orientation purposes).

Side view Front view

Fimbria Ovary
(fallopian tube) Endometrium
Blastocyst Oviduct Secondary

Cervix bladder)
(Urethra) Ovary
Ovary (cross
Vagina Clitoris Cervix section)
Opening (Opening Labium
of vagina of urethra) majora

Figure 49.2  Female reproductive structure and function in humans. Side and front views of the female reproductive system (nonreproductive
s­ tructures are identified in parentheses for orientation purposes). An oocyte moves from the ovary into the oviduct (also called the fallopian tube), where it
may be fertilized and develop into a blastocyst. Subsequently, the blastocyst enters the uterus, where it may implant in the endometrium, the inner lining of
the uterus.

558 EXERCISE 49 49–2

Adrenal gland

Renal artery
Renal vein

vena cava Aorta


bladder Urinary

Urethra Vagina

Male Female
(a) (b)

Figure 49.3  (a) Male and (b) female urinary systems shown in relation to the pelvis.

Outer Inner
Cortex medulla medulla

Tissue osmotic




Kidney depth





Figure 49.4  Structure of the human kidney. By varying the
Ureter concentration of solutes around capillaries in different regions, the
kidney extracts fluid from the blood. As dilute filtrate derived from
blood circulates through tubules looping through the medulla, water is
reabsorbed in response to the surrounding osmotic concentrations, and
waste products are routed (as urine) to the renal pelvis and ureter.

49–3 Vertebrate Anatomy 559

Figure 49.5  Urogenital system of a male rat.

Figure 49.6  Urogenital system of a female rat.

560 EXERCISE 49 49–4

Reproductive Organs of the Male Rat the blood vessels notice that the arterial system, especially
near the heart, is distinctly asymmetrical. In future courses
Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in the on comparative anatomy you will learn the derivation of
following descriptions. The major reproductive organs of this asymmetry. Also remember, the word “right” or “left”
the male are the testes, in the scrotal sac (fig. 49.5). Cut before a structure’s name refers to the right or left side of the
through the sac to expose a testis. On the surface of the testis rat (or human) specimen’s body—not yours.
is a coiled tube, the epididymis, which collects and stores
maturing sperm cells produced within the testis. The tubu-
lar vas deferens conducts sperm from the epididymis to the
urethra, which carries sperm through the penis and out of
the body. Review gamete production in Exercise 15.

Question 2 Carotid artery

Where in the body do sperm and urine share the same pas-
Superior Jugular vein
sages? What male structures serve only for excretion, which
vena cava
only for reproduction, and which for both? Aorta
Brachial Pulmonary
artery artery

portal Inferior
The lumpy, brown glands located to the right and left system vena cava
of the urinary bladder are the seminal vesicles. The white
gland below the bladder is the prostate gland. The seminal Aorta
vesicles and prostate gland secrete materials forming much artery
of the seminal fluid (semen) that activates and transports
sperm cells. Femoral
and vein

Reproductive Organs of the Female Rat

Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in
the following descriptions. The short gray tube lying dorsal
to the urinary bladder is the vagina (fig. 49.6). The vagina
divides into two uterine horns extending toward the kid-
Femoral Femoral
neys against the dorsal body wall. This duplex uterus (two artery vein
uterine horns) is common in some groups of nonprimate Great
mammals. It will accommodate more than one offspring saphenous
(a litter) during a reproductive cycle. In contrast, a simplex vein
uterus common in primates such as humans has a single,
medial chamber for development of an embryo. At the tips
of the uterine horns are small, lumpy glands called ovaries.
The tiny tubes between the ovaries and the uterine horns are
the oviducts. Oviducts capture eggs produced by the ovaries
and conduct the eggs to the uterine horns. You may need a
dissecting microscope to help locate the oviducts.

Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in the Figure 49.7  Human circulatory system. A muscular heart pumps
following descriptions. The general structure of the circula- blood through arteries, veins, and capillaries. Arteries carry blood
tory system of the rat is almost identical to that of humans. away from the heart to all parts of the body and veins carry blood to
Blood circulates in two general systems. Pulmonary the heart. Blood passes from arteries into small, thin-walled capillaries
where nutrients, oxygen, and wastes can diffuse into and out of
cir­culation carries blood through the lungs for oxygenation tissues. Capillaries coalesce to form veins, which route blood to the
and back to the heart. Systemic circulation moves blood liver and kidney for filtration and back to the heart. The circulatory
through the body after it has left the heart. As you examine systems of all vertebrates are similar.

49–5 Vertebrate Anatomy 561

Head and neck Circulation of Blood through the Heart
and Pulmonary System
You have already located the heart in an earlier lab. Exam-
Lungs ine it again; also examine the vertebrate heart shown in fig-
ures 49.9 and 49.10.
Pulmonary Blood from the posterior portion of the body enters
arteries the right atrium of the heart through the inferior vena cava.
The terms superior and inferior are often used to describe the
Left pulmonary
vena cavae in humans, who are bipeds (i.e., we have two legs)
Carotid artery
with a vertically oriented body axis. The terms cranial and
Right pulmonary (also subclavian caudal are sometimes used for other mammals, especially
vein artery to arms) quadrupeds whose bodies are oriented horizontally. Blood
Superior vena
Aorta from the anterior portion of the body enters through the right
Heart and left superior venae cavae. Blood flows from the right
Inferior vena
cava atrium, through the tricuspid valve to the right ventricle. It
Hepatic vein is then pumped through the pulmonary semilunar valve and
into the pulmonary trunk. The pulmonary trunk divides
dorsally into the right and left pulmonary arteries; these are
the only arteries in the body that carry deoxygenated blood.
Blood then flows through the pulmonary arteries to the
Liver artery lungs where it is oxygenated. Blood returns from the lungs
Hepatic to the left atrium of the heart via four pulmonary veins
portal vein and flows through the bicuspid (or mitral) valve to the left
Intestine Renal
Renal ventricle. The pulmonary veins are best traced by beginning
vein artery
at the left atrium and proceeding to the lungs.
Iliac vein Iliac artery

Kidney Circulation through the Heart

and Systemic Arteries
Trunk and legs Blood leaves the left ventricle of the heart through the
aortic semilunar valve and flows into the aorta (fig. 49.9).
The aorta has four general areas. Label the first three of these
­areas in figure 49.9. The (1) ascending aorta begins at the
Figure 49.8  Ventral view of the pulmonary and systemic semi­lunar valve of the left ventricle and passes outside and
­circulation—the journey of blood. over the left and right atria. The aorta then bends to the left
and passes dorsally to the heart. This bend is the (2) aortic
arch. The aorta continues as the (3) descending aorta and
passes along the middorsal wall from the thorax through
the diaphragm to the abdomen. Caudal to the diaphragm
the aorta continues as the (4) abdominal aorta. You must
Review the procedures in Exercise 45 and figures
move the stomach, liver, and intestines to the side to see
45.1, 45.2, 49.7, 49.8, 49.9, and 49.10, which show aspects
the abdominal aorta as it passes along the vertebral column
of the human circulatory system. As you study the rat’s cir-
(fig. 49.11).
culatory system, compare its anatomy with that of a human.
Question 3
Procedure 49.2  Observe the circulatory system a. How do the thicknesses of the atrial and ventricular
of a rat walls differ? How does wall thickness relate to function?
1. Locate organs of circulation.
2. Follow the path of circulation as described.
Begin your study of the circulatory system at the heart. The
arteries and veins have been injected with colored latex so
that you can see them more clearly. Do not cut through any
arteries or veins as you dissect muscle tissue from around
these vessels.

562 EXERCISE 49 49–6



Aorta Right lung Left lung

Superior Pulmonary
artery Respiratory
vena cava capillaries

Pulmonary Pulmonary Pulmonary

veins artery vein
Left atrium
semilunar valve Bicuspid
Right atrium valve Vena Aorta
Tricuspid valve
Right ventricle Body

vena cava


(a) (b)

Figure 49.9  Path of blood through the human heart. (a) The mammalian heart is divided into four chambers. Blood enters the right atrium
from the superior vena cava and passes into the right ventricle through a valve that prevents backflow of blood. From the right ventricle, blood
moves through the pulmonary artery and the lungs. Oxygenated blood from the lungs returns to the heart via the pulmonary veins. This blood enters
the left atrium and then the left ventricle, from which it enters (b) the general circulatory system of the body through the aorta.

Left atrium

Right atrium


Right ventricle

© Morris Huberland/Science Source

Figure 49.10  The human heart.

49–7 Vertebrate Anatomy 563


Figure 49.11  Arterial system of a rat.

b. Which structures compose the pulmonary circulation?

INVESTIGATION Which compose the systemic circulation?
Vertebrate Heart Mass versus
Total Body Mass
Observations: Vertebrate hearts are similar in structure, but
their hosts vary widely in size. The required output of a ver-
tebrate heart likely varies with the total size of the animal.
Question: Is the percentage of total animal mass occupied by
the heart consistent among different vertebrates? Branches of the Aortic Arch
and Descending Aorta
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation
Worksheet 49 from your instructor. Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in the
b. Discuss with your group and instructor well-defined ques- following descriptions. Coronary arteries serve the heart
tions relevant to the preceding observations and question. muscle but are not easily seen because they branch from
Choose the best of your questions and record it. the aorta within the heart. The first visible artery branching
c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and from the aorta is the ­brachiocephalic artery (fig. 49.11),
record it. which originates from the aortic arch. The brachiocephalic
d. Outline on Worksheet 49 your experimental design artery is short and divides into the right common carotid
and supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your artery, which supplies the right side of the neck, and the
instructor to review your proposed investigation. right subclavian artery, which supplies the right shoulder
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your and arm. At the most ­anterior part of the bend in the aor-
question, and make relevant comments. tic arch you should find the left common carotid artery,
f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your q­uestions, which conducts blood up the left side of the neck. Imme-
hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed. diately to the left of the left common carotid artery is the
left subclavian artery. This artery supplies blood to the left
shoulder and arm.

564 EXERCISE 49 49–8

Branches of the Abdominal Aorta carotid arteries. The left subclavian artery branches from
the aortic arch and divides to form the arterial branches
Push the abdominal viscera to the left to locate the abdominal similar to those on the right side.
arteries. The first arterial branch from the abdominal aorta
below the diaphragm is the celiac artery. This artery delivers
blood toward the stomach, liver, spleen, and pancreas. Secondary Branches
The second artery arising from the abdominal artery is of the Abdominal Arteries
the superior mesenteric artery, which is larger than the
celiac artery. The superior mesenteric artery delivers blood The celiac artery gives rise to (1) the hepatic artery, which
directly to the small intestine and intestinal mesenteries. The supplies blood to the liver; (2) the gastric artery, which
renal arteries are short and lead directly to the kidneys. Just leads to the stomach; and (3) the splenic artery, which leads
posterior to the renal arteries are the genital arteries leading to the spleen and pancreas. Carefully trace the celiac artery
to the testes of a male and the ovaries of a female. Farther from the abdominal aorta until you find these branches. If
along the posterior end of the abdominal aorta you will find the arteries were cut during dissection, you will not be able
a pair of iliolumbar arteries leading to the dorsal muscles to positively identify these branches. The iliac arteries give
of the back. Next, the inferior mesenteric artery leads to rise to many branches and continue on the inner thighs as
intestinal mesenteries. The abdominal aorta also gives rise the left and right femoral arteries.
to the caudal artery, which passes into the dorsal body wall
and supplies blood to the tail. Gently pull the posterior end
of the abdominal aorta slightly to the side to see the caudal The Systemic Veins
artery. The abdominal aorta finally divides posteriorly to
form the iliac arteries, which deliver blood to the pelvic Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in the
area and hind extremities. following descriptions. The left and right superior venae
cavae conduct blood from the upper part of the body into
Question 4 the right atrium (fig. 49.12). Trace these veins from the
a. Which abdominal arteries are paired? Which are atrium. As you follow a superior vena cava anteriorly, it
singular? produces a small internal jugular vein and continues as the
subclavian vein. The subclavian vein then divides anteri-
orly into the external jugular vein and an axillary vein.
The jugular veins drain blood from the head, and the axillary
veins bring blood from the shoulders and arms.
The inferior vena cava carries blood from the lower
body to the right atrium. The hepatic vein drains the liver
b. Which artery is a significantly different length in
and enters the inferior vena cava near the diaphragm. Renal
mature males and females? Why?
veins drain the kidneys. Genital veins lead from the gonads
either to the inferior vena cava or to the renal veins. The
­iliac and femoral veins drain the legs, and the caudal vein
drains the tail.

Question 5
a. Which veins are paired? Which are singular?
Secondary Branches
of the Thoracic Arteries
Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in
the following descriptions. The right subclavian artery
branches from the brachiocephalic artery. The right
b. What is the adaptive significance of arteries in
subclavian artery is short, passes under the clavicle, and
appendages being buried deeper than veins?
branches into the right internal mammary artery (look
along the inside of the ventral chest wall) and the right
axillary artery leading toward the armpit. The right
common carotid passes anteriorly along the neck after
branching from the brachiocephalic artery and gives rise to
the right external carotid artery, servicing the face, and
the right internal carotid artery, servicing the inner areas The Hepatic Portal System
of the head. The left common carotid artery arises from Locate and examine the structures noted in bold print in the
the aortic arch and carries blood along the left side of the following descriptions. A portal system is a system of veins
neck. This artery gives rise to the left external and internal that carries blood from one bed of capillaries to another bed

49–9 Vertebrate Anatomy 565

Right external jugular

Left internal jugular

Right axillary Left superior

vena cava

Right subclavian
Inferior vena cava
Left renal

Hepatic portal


Right genital Left iliolumbar

Right iliac

Right femoral

Figure 49.12  Venous system of a rat.

of capillaries (fig. 49.13). The hepatic portal system carries system and unite to form the hepatic portal vein, which
blood from capillaries in the mesenteries, small intestine, carries blood to the liver. In the small intestine, digestive
spleen, stomach, and pancreas to the liver. Specifically, the enzymes break down food, and the products pass across
gastric, splenic, and mesenteric veins drain the digestive the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Thus, the liver is

566 EXERCISE 49 49–10



Liver Gastrosplenic

Hepatic portal


Mesenteric veins


Figure 49.13  Hepatic portal system.

strategically located to receive blood after nutrients have ultimately coalesces to form the hepatic vein leading to
been absorbed in the intestinal tract. The liver cells can the inferior vena cava. In some preserved rats, the hepatic
easily modify these nutrients and secrete materials into portal system has been injected with yellow latex. Ask your
the circulatory system. In the liver, blood from the hepatic instructor to help you locate the portal system if your rat was
portal vein passes through a­ nother capillary system, which not injected.

49–11 Vertebrate Anatomy 567

After you have located all of the arteries and veins Question 6
on your specimen, test your knowledge by tracing the flow Does the hepatic portal vein carry oxygenated or
of blood from the kidney to the liver. Name all of the ves- deoxygenated blood? Why should blood pass through the
sels and organs through which a blood cell might pass. You liver after leaving the digestive system and before entering
will be surprised at the number of vessels and structures you the other organs?

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. Trace the path of a blood cell as it moves from the capillaries of the brain to the small intestine.

​2. Do you recall any vertebrates with external reproductive organs on their dorsal surface? What advantages or
disadvantages would this provide?

​3. Body fluids include urine, blood, food, and reproductive fluids. Trace the path of each as it moves through the body.


How does the circulatory system serve as a com-
munication system as well as just a delivery

568 EXERCISE 49 49–12

Exercise 50
Comparative Morphologies and Strategies
of Development
Early stages of embryology are similar in advanced
Learning Objectives invertebrates and vertebrates and include formation of body
cavities, membranes, and multiple cell layers. During these
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
stages, all embryos must overcome similar fundamental
1. Describe the early stages of embryological
problems. For example, development always requires energy
­development common to advanced invertebrates
(i.e., food) and protection, as well as waste disposal. Although
and vertebrates.
the specific evolutionary adaptations and strategies for
2. Understand the formation of a three-layered ­embryo
successful development may vary among groups of animals,
with ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm, and a pre-
all developing organisms must cope with the same problems
sumptive digestive cavity.
(fig. 50.1).
3. Relate the major structures of early embryos to the
During this exercise you will compare features and
environment in which they develop.
­developmental strategies of the early stages of develop-
ment of the sea star, frog, and chick. These developmental
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online
stages are:
resources tailored to this lab.
∙ Fertilization—Male and female gametes fuse to form a
A ll sexually reproducing multicellular organisms begin
life as single-celled zygotes and progress through
stages of growth, differentiation, and morphogenesis.
∙ Cleavage—Zygote divides into a larger and larger
number of smaller and smaller cells that eventually
Growth is the irreversible increase in size of an organism. form a hollow sphere of many cells. Cleavage ends
Differentiation is the structural and functional specializa- when groups of cells begin to differentiate.
tion of groups of cells. Morphogenesis is the development of ∙ Gastrulation—Cells of the sphere formed during
pattern, shape, and form. Embryology is the study of these cleavage continue to divide and move inward to form
processes in the early development of an organism. three cellular layers.

Sea Urchin Frog Chicken

Animal pole
Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Nucleus Shell
Air membrane
bubble Albumen
Vegetal pole Yolk

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 50.1  Distribution of yolk in three kinds of eggs. (a) In an echinoderm egg, the cytoplasm contains a small amount of evenly distributed
yolk and a centrally located nucleus. (b) In a frog egg, there is much more yolk, and the nucleus is displaced toward one pole. (c) Bird eggs are
complex, with the nucleus contained in a small disc of cytoplasm that sits on top of a large, central yolk mass.

50–1 Embryology 569
© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 50.2  Early stages in sea star embryology. (a) Zygote (100×). (b) Early cleavage (100×). (c) Blastula (100×).

SEA STAR DEVELOPMENT is termed holoblastic, meaning that only a small amount of
yolk is present and easily divides evenly. Continued cleav-
Examine either a preserved or living Asterias on display age forms a ball of 16–32 cells called a morula and later
and review in your textbook the general characteristics of forms a hollow sphere of many cells called a blastula. The
echinoderms. Asterias is a common sea star belonging to the fluid-filled cavity within the blastula is the blastocoel, and
invertebrate phylum Echinodermata (see Exercise 40). the cells are called blastomeres.

Question 2
Fertilization a. Are the cells of the two-celled stage of a sea star
similar in size?
If models are available in addition to living and prepared
material, use them to examine sea star development. Exam-
ine a prepared slide of an unfertilized sea star egg and com-
pare it with a slide of a zygote (fig. 50.2a). Eggs and sperm
of a sea star are extruded from the body into seawater, and
fertilization occurs externally. If living organisms are avail- b. How does the size of an embryo during early cleavage
able, your instructor will prepare the organisms and stimu- compare with that of the zygote? Is the sea star embryo
late them to shed eggs and sperm. These small eggs have growing during cleavage?
only a small amount of yolk distributed evenly in the cyto-
plasm. Sea star eggs are isolecithal, meaning that their yolk
is distributed evenly. This is important because the amount
and distribution of yolk in an organism’s egg strongly affect
its pattern of development.
c. How many distinct layers of cells do developing sea
Question 1 stars have at the blastula stage?
Are both the egg and zygote of a sea star the same size?

d. The blastomeres of a mature blastula eventually develop

cilia and the entire blastula can rotate and move. How is
movement important to a developing sea star?
Examine prepared slides of the two- or four-celled cleavage
stage (fig. 50.2b) and of the blastula of a sea star (fig. 50.2c).
Approximately 1 h after fertilization, the zygote cleaves
(divides) to form two cells. Cleavage of the entire zygote

570 EXERCISE 50 50–2

© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 50.3  Developmental

stages of a sea star. (a) Early
gastrula (70×). (b) Late gastrula
(70×). (c) Bipinnaria larva (50×).
(d) Brachiolaria larva (50×).
(e) Juvenile sea star (35×).

© BiologyImaging.com © BiologyImaging.com
(d) (e)

Gastrulation the formation of the motile and feeding larval stage, the
­bipinnaria larva (fig. 50.3c). This stage is followed by
Examine prepared slides of gastrulation stages and early the  brachiolaria larva (fig. 50.3d). These larvae attach
feeding stages of sea star development (fig. 50.3). Gastru- to the substrate and undergo considerable metamorphosis.
lation occurs after the blastula has matured and consists of Soon thereafter, sea star arms grow from the body with no
many cells. During early gastrulation, cells invaginate into relation to the original bilateral symmetry. Eventually, the
the blastocoel and form a gastrula and a new cavity, the maturing organism detaches from the substrate as a mobile,
archenteron (fig. 50.3a, b). After invagination the gastrula juvenile sea star (fig. 50.3e).
has two germ layers of cells, the endoderm and ectoderm.
The blastocoel soon disappears, and the archenteron (some- Question 3
times called the gastrocoel) becomes the presumptive diges- Why are the ectoderm and endoderm called “germ” (from
tive tract. the word germinate) layers?
The outer layer of gastrula cells is the ectoderm and
will form the skin and nervous system of the mature organism.
The inner layer is the endoderm and will form the digestive
tract. Refer to your textbook for a list of other organs formed
by these two germinal layers. The third and final germ layer FROG DEVELOPMENT
is the mesoderm that forms between the ectoderm and endo-
derm. The mesoderm forms from cells that disassociate from Review in your textbook the general characteristics of chor-
the endoderm. The mesoderm produces muscular tissue and dates, vertebrates, and amphibians. Frogs are vertebrates in
parts of the reproductive and circulatory systems. class Amphibia of phylum Chordata (Exercise 40). Although
The development of organs is called organogenesis. frogs often live on land, they require freshwater to lay eggs
In sea stars, gastrulation is followed by organogenesis and and reproduce.

50–3 Embryology 571
© UK City Images/Alamy

Figure 50.4  External fertilization. When frogs mate, as these

two are doing, the clasp of the male induces the female to release a © BiologyImaging.com
large, gelatinous mass of mature eggs, over which the male discharges
his sperm. Figure 50.5  Frog zygote (25×). A large diploid cell rich with
nutritious cytoplasm and nucleic acids (mRNA) is ready to guide
rapid protein production and development.
Examine prepared slides of a frog egg and zygote. If models
are available, use them to examine frog development.
Fertilization is external for frogs, but it coincides with
contact between a male and female frog during amplexus
(fig. 50.4). In this process a male clasps a female between
his front legs and applies pressure to stimulate her to release
eggs. The male then releases sperm cells into the water
immediately surrounding the eggs. Fertilization occurs
Penetration of an egg by a sperm cell stimulates the
cytoplasm to become specialized in certain regions. A darkly
pigmented hemisphere, the animal pole, and a lighter hemi-
sphere, the vegetal pole, appear opposite each other. The
vegetal pole contains a significant amount of yolk; thus, frog
eggs are telolecithal (fig. 50.5).

Question 4
a. How large is a frog zygote compared to that of a © BiologyImaging.com
sea star?
Figure 50.6  Frog late cleavage, cross ​section (25×). The
cytoplasm of the zygote is compartmentalized into 20–50 smaller cells.

divide, a morula develops. Fluid then collects in the center

b. Are any areas of the frog zygote more darkly of the morula and the hollow mass of cells forms a blastula.
pigmented than other areas? Vegetal pole cells of the blastula are laden with yolk and
divide more slowly than do the animal pole cells. This
produces an asymmetrical blastula.

Question 5
Cleavage a. Which are larger, animal pole cells or vegetal pole cells?
Examine slides of early and late cleavage of a developing
frog embryo (fig. 50.6) and a slide of a cross section of a
frog blastula (fig. 50.7).
Cleavage of frog zygotes is holoblastic, but the
resulting cells are not equal in size. As they continue to

572 EXERCISE 50 50–4

Figure 50.7  Frog blastula, cross section (25×). The first embryonic
cavity forms among progressively more numerous but smaller cells. The
cavity in the center is the blastocoel.

© BiologyImaging.com

Animal pole Ectoderm

Ectoderm Mesoderm
Archenteron Endoderm

Yolk plug
Mesoderm Dorsal lip of
Vegetal pole

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 50.8  Frog gastrulation. (a) A layer of cells from the animal pole folds down over the yolk cells, forming the dorsal lip. (b) The dorsal
lip zone then invaginates into the hollow interior, or blastocoel, eventually pressing against the far wall. The three principal tissues (ectoderm,
endoderm, and mesoderm) become distinguished here. (c) The inward movement of the dorsal lip creates a new internal cavity, the archenteron,
which opens to the outside through the yolk plug remaining at the point of invagination. The gastrula is a three-layered system with a cavity
destined to become the digestive tract. In phyla such as protostomes, the blastopore will give rise to the mouth; in other phyla (deuterostomes), it
gives rise to the anus. Humans and frogs (phylum Chordata) are deuterostomes.

b. Is the developing blastocoel visible in late cleavage? blastula are larger than cells of the animal pole, the layer
of blastomeres does not simply bend inward and invagi-
nate as it does in sea stars. Instead, the layer of animal-pole
cells moves, grows down over the vegetal cells, and moves
inward at a depression called the blastopore. This growth
and movement is called involution.
c. How does orientation of the blastocoel within the blas- The yolk cells are enveloped during gastrulation.
tula compare with that of a sea star? However, some of them protrude as a yolk plug through
the blastopore (fig. 50.9). The mesodermal layer develops
between the endoderm and ectoderm from cells proliferating
within the dorsal lip of the blastopore.
Gastrulation in vertebrates is followed by formation
Gastrulation of the neural tube (neurulation) and other organs (organo-
genesis), thereby producing a functional larva.
Examine a cross section of a frog gastrula (fig. 50.8).
Because yolk-laden cells of the vegetal pole of a frog

50–5 Embryology 573
Review in your textbook the characteristics of bird eggs.
Birds are vertebrates and have developmental structures and
strategies adapted for a totally terrestrial existence. Specifi-
Endoderm cally, birds (and reptiles) have eggs with protective shells, a
large amount of yolk, and an intricate membrane system for
Archenteron various functions.

Crack open and examine an unfertilized chicken egg. If
models are available in addition to living and prepared
© BiologyImaging.com
material, use them to examine chick development.
Figure 50.9  Frog gastrula, cross section (40×). Involution Fertilization occurs internally before a hard shell is
produces the first two germ layers (ectoderm and endoderm) and the produced. The egg cell is a large yellow mass of yolk with
primitive gut cavity (archenteron).
a small area of cytoplasm on its surface called a germinal
disc, which contains the egg nucleus. Cells formed from the
Question 6
germinal disc later form the embryo. Surrounding the egg cell
a. Is the degenerating blastocoel visible in the frog
is clear, watery albumen that supplies the embryo with water
and food in addition to the yolk. Albumen is surrounded by
two shell membranes and a hard shell porous to gases.

Question 7
a. Is all of the albumen of a chicken egg the same
b. What is the relative size of the frog gastrula compared consistency?
to the blastula and zygote?

b. If you pull a probe through the albumen it seems to

c. How much yolk protrudes through the blastopore of a cling to the probe and to itself. What macromolecules
frog gastrula? are abundant in albumen and make it viscous?

d. What is the major function of the larval stage in the

c. Why must an eggshell be porous?
overall life history of an organism?

e. Are all of the organ systems fully developed in a free- d. What functions does the shell have?
swimming larva? Which organ systems are unlikely to
be fully developed?

f. How has the developing frog embryo dissipated its
metabolic wastes? Yolk is so abundant in bird eggs that the entire zygote can-
not divide; instead, cleavage is confined to the germinal disc.
Such partial cleavage is termed meroblastic and produces a
flat blastodisc (blastoderm) of developing cells lying atop
the bulky yolk. As the blastodisc develops, it separates from
the underlying yolk and then forms two layers: the epiblast

574 EXERCISE 50 50–6

and hypoblast separated by a blastocoel (fig. 50.10a, b).
Blastodisc The ­epiblast will become the ectoderm.

(a) As in the sea star and frog, gastrulation involves movement
Epiblast of cells into the hollow blastula to establish a multilayered
system. However, the opening of the blastodisc is not a round
blastopore; rather, it is a linear furrow called the primitive
streak (fig. 50.10c). Cells migrate across the surface of the
blastodisc and into the primitive streak. Most of the migrating
cells become the mesoderm, some of whose cells merge with
the hypoblast to form the endoderm. The primitive streak
Ectoderm becomes the midline of the developing chick.
Surrounding the embryo are networks of arteries and
veins leading to extraembryonic membranes. These mem-
Endoderm Primitive
streak branes in eggs developing in a terrestrial environment are
Mesoderm important because they assume functions performed by the
aquatic environment for other organisms such as frogs and
sea stars (fig. 50.11). Notice that this homologous mem-
Figure 50.10  Gastrulation of the chick blastodisc. (a) The two brane system persists in mammalian development.
sides of the chick blastodisc are not separated by yolk. (b) The upper The amnion surrounds the embryo, the yolk sac sur-
layer of the blastodisc differentiates into ectoderm, the lower layer into rounds the yolk, and the allantois forms a waste disposal
endoderm. (c) Among the cells that migrate into the interior through
sac. The chorion surrounds the entire embryo and yolk.
the dorsal primitive streak are future mesodermal cells.
Review in your textbook the function of each of these mem-
branes and complete table 50.1.

Chick Embryo Mammal Embryo


Chorion Amnion

Yolk sac

Yolk sac blood vessels

Egg shell

Chorionic villi

Maternal blood

(a) (b)

Figure 50.11  The amniotic egg and its membrane system are perhaps the most important features that allow vertebrates to live in a variety of
terrestrial habitats. (a) An egg shell protects the chick embryo from drying out, nourishes it, and enables it to develop outside of water. An amniotic
egg contains a large nourishing yolk and abundant albumen with nutrients and water. Nitrogenous wastes are excreted into the saclike allantois for
storage. The amnion surrounds the developing embryo, and the chorion helps control diffusion of substances into and out of the embryo. The shell
offers protection but is porous for diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide. (b) A mammalian embryo has the same membrane system. The allantois
contributes blood vessels to the developing umbilical cord.

50–7 Embryology 575
Procedure 50.1  Examine chick embryos Question 8
a. Has organogenesis begun for 33- and 72-h chick
1. Observe the demonstration specimens of living 33- and
72-h chick embryos.
2. Examine plastic mounts of 24-, 33-, and 72-h chick
embryos, and follow the formation of the brain, heart,
and eye.
3. Compare the living and mounted specimens with b. Is the heart beating in 33- and 72-h chick embryos?
figures 50.12 and 50.13.
After 33 h of development the blastodisc is about 20 mm
in diameter. The newly developed heart can be seen on the
right side. Two veins bring blood to the heart, and a single c. Sea star and frog embryos do not have membranes
ventral aorta drains blood from the heart. The developing similar to those of a chick embryo. How do sea star
brain continues as a neural tube the length of the body. After and frog embryos accomplish the functions of these
72 h of development the anterior part of the embryo lies on membranes?
its left side. The central nervous system and eye have devel-
oped considerably.

d. Chickens lack a larval stage. How do they compensate

for this?

Permeability of Egg Shells
Observations: The success of land animals requires eggs that
© Carolina Biological Supply Company/Phototake can withstand desiccation while exchanging gases with the
Figure 50.12  Chick embryo at 33 hours, whole mount (25×). environment. Egg shells must be optimally permeable.
Question: How permeable are egg shells?
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation
Worksheet 50 from your instructor.
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant
to the preceding observations and question. Choose the
best of your questions and record it.
c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
record it.
d. Outline on Worksheet 50 your experimental design and
supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Consider the
effects of temperature, pH, and molecular size on the rate
of movement through an egg shell. Ask your instructor to
review your proposed investigation.
e. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
question, and make relevant comments.
f. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your questions,
© Carolina Biological Supply Company/Phototake hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as needed.
Figure 50.13  Chick embryo at 72 hours, whole mount (10×).

576 EXERCISE 50 50–8

To review the comparative features of early development of DEVELOPING CHICK
the sea star, frog, and chick, complete tables 50.2 and 50.3 MEMBRANE FUNCTION
with appropriate descriptions and associated structures.



Yolk sac

TABLE 50.2

Relative egg size

Amount of yolk

Distribution of yolk



Larval stage

50–9 Embryology 577
TABLE 50.3

Environment of development


Mechanism of waste disposal

Physical protection

Parental care

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. Where does a sea star embryo get its nutrition during prelarval stages of development?

​2. More recently evolved organisms have modified the stages of embryological development. Would you expect early or
late stages to be modified the most? Why?

​3. The basic stages of embryological development are remarkably similar for a wide range of organisms. How would you
explain such consistency?

​4. As cells invaginate and move about, do they “know” where they are? If not, how is movement controlled? If so, how do
they perceive their position?


Is parental care of a species a factor that affects
embryological development? If so, how?

578 EXERCISE 50 50–10

Animal Behavior
Exercise 51
Taxis, Kinesis, and Agonistic Behavior

Learning Objectives
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Test how various stimuli influence the behavior of
brine shrimp and pillbugs.
2. Classify a behavior as an example of an agonistic
behavior, kinesis, or taxis.
3. Discuss the adaptive significance of kinesis, agonistic
behavior, and taxis in the organisms you study.

Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online

resources tailored to this lab.

© BiologyImaging.com

B iologists explain animal behavior by observing animals

and by studying the physiology of behavior. Explana-
tions of animal behavior are often complex. To minimize this
Figure 51.1  Pillbugs are terrestrial crustaceans whose behavior is
strongly influenced by moisture.

complexity, biologists often study animals that have a lim-

ited range of behaviors. Complex behaviors are best under- KINESIS IN PILLBUGS
stood after understanding simple and isolated behaviors. Pillbugs (also called sow bugs and rolypolies) are terrestrial
Orientations are behaviors that position an animal in crustaceans that spend much of their time avoiding dry envi-
its most favorable environment. There are two types of ori- ronments (fig. 51.1). Pillbugs are easily collected in warm
entations: taxis and kinesis. A taxis is a movement toward weather under logs, under flower pots, and in leaf litter. As
or away from a stimulus. Prefixes such as photo- and chemo- their name suggests, rolypolies often respond to mechanical
are usually added to describe the nature of the stimulus. stimuli by rolling into a ball.
For example, a fruit fly that flies toward light is positively
phototactic. A kinesis is a random movement not oriented Question 1
to the direction of the stimulus; that is, the stimulus initiates How do you think that pillbugs will respond when they’re
but does not necessarily orient the movement. The speed of placed in an environment whose surface is moist? In one
the kinesis is determined by the intensity of the stimulus. that is dry?
Some animals also exhibit agonistic behaviors.
These behaviors usually occur when the animal is in a con-
frontation in which there may be an attack or withdrawal.
An agonistic behavior that results in retreat or avoidance is
a submission, whereas one that produces a more forceful
response is an aggression. Agonistic behaviors seldom lead
to death; rather, they usually help an animal maintain its ter-
ritory. In many animals, agonistic behaviors make the ani-
mal look larger or more threatening.
In this exercise, you’ll study three examples of ani- Procedure 51.1  Study kinesis in pillbugs
mal behavior: agonistic behavior in Siamese fighting fish, 1. Place five pillbugs in each of two large petri dishes,
kinesis in pillbugs, and taxis in brine shrimp. You’ll also one containing wet filter paper and the other
design and do your own experiments to better understand containing dry filter paper. Place the dishes in a
these behaviors. dark drawer.

51–1 Animal Behavior 579

TABLE 51.1



2. After 5 min, observe the pillbugs in the dishes. Before Dorsal fin
you open the drawer, assign each of the following tasks
to a member of your group:
∙ Count the number of pillbugs moving in Caudal fin Pectoral fin
each dish. Operculum

∙ Count the number of turns (changes in direction)

per minute for a single pillbug in each dish.
∙ Choose a moving pillbug in each dish. Determine
its rate of movement by counting the number of
times that the animal circles the dish. Branchiostegal
3. Record your observation in table 51.1.

Question 2
a. What other stimuli might affect the behavior of Anal fin Pelvic fin
Figure 51.2  Male Siamese fighting fish.

usually erects its gill covers (opercula); the branchiostegal

membranes, under the gill covers, may protrude during the
display. The fish may also perform other agonistic behav-
b. What is the adaptive significance of a kinesis?
iors, such as darkening its skin, slightly arching its back,
raising its dorsal fin, lowering its head, darting, or biting ​and
nipping an opponent.
In this exercise, you will determine (1) what stimu-
lus initiates agonistic behavior in Betta and (2) what parts
of the stimulus are most important to trigger the response.
Before you do this exercise, familiarize yourself with the
AGONISTIC BEHAVIOR IN SIAMESE anatomy of a Siamese fighting fish; be sure you can identify
FIGHTING FISH the dorsal fin, pectoral fin, anal fin, gill cover (operculum),
and caudal fin (fig. 51.2). Also know how to recognize the
In male Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens), the sight
agonistic behaviors of these fish. Figures 51.3a and b show
of another male triggers an innate, intraspecific, ritualized
Betta in nonaggressive poses, whereas figures 51.3c and d
series of responses toward the intruder (figs. 51.2, 51.3).
show Betta in aggressive poses.
These agonistic behaviors include broadside movements and
facing movements. During broadside movements, the Betta
Procedure 51.2  Understand agonistic behavior
turns its side toward the opponent. Typical aspects of broad-
in Siamese fighting fish
side movements include tail flashing (closing and reopening
the caudal fin), tail beating (sudden movement with its cau- 1. Review with your instructor the proper considerations
dal fin toward an opponent), and pelvic fin flickering (mov- for the ethical and humane treatment of animals.
ing its pelvic fin vertically opposite an opponent). 2. The Betta you will study have been kept in separate
After these broadside movements, a fish may perform aquaria such that the fish cannot see each other or their
a facing movement, at a right angle to the head of its oppo- own reflections. Agonistic behaviors occur most fre-
nent, while holding its fins erect. Simultaneously, the fish quently when the water temperature is 28°C.

580 EXERCISE 51 51–2

Nonaggressive postures Aggressive postures

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Figure 51.3  Male Siamese fighting fish in (a, b) nonaggressive postures and (c, d) aggressive postures.

3. Because some fish are more aggressive than oth- In your experimental design, use photocopies of
ers, you’ll have to do a preliminary test to determine figure 51.2 to discover what parts of the stimulus are suf-
which fish are most likely to respond to the stimuli. ficient to trigger agonistic behavior. For example, if your
Do this by holding a small mirror against the side of group decides to test whether color causes the agonistic
each aquarium so that each fish can see its reflection. response, color each of the images of the same shape a dif-
Observe the fish’s reaction. ferent color. Then attach each image to a stick or straw and
4. Select the four or five most aggressive males for your present the images to the fish one at a time.
experiment. Assign an identification number to 7. While doing your experiment, do not present the image
each fish. to a fish for longer than 5 min. Also, be sure that you
5. Decide which stimulus you will test (e.g., color of the study only one variable at a time. For example, do not
opposing fish). color the fish with different colors; if you do, you’ll
6. Form a hypothesis about the result you expect. Your not be able to isolate which variable (i.e., shape or
instructor will advise you about how to write a testable color) causes the response.
hypothesis. Write your hypothesis here. 8. Count and record in table 51.2 the number of times
each display occurs during a test.
Question 3
a. Are the displays “all or none”? That is, do fish ever
exhibit partial responses?

51–3 Animal Behavior 581

TABLE 51.2

Pelvic fin flickering

Tail flickering

Broadside movements

Tail beating

Facing movements

Dorsal fin erect

Gill cover erect

Back arching

Head lowered

Skin darkening

Biting and nipping

b. What is the simplest stimulus that initiates a response? f. Will a female Betta trigger agonistic behavior in a
male? If so, how does the response compare with that
elicited by a male?

c. Which factor is more important for triggering agonistic


g. What is the adaptive significance of agonistic


d. After repeated identical stimuli, does a fish become

“conditioned”? That is, does the duration of the behav-
ior change or stop?


e. Will another species of fish trigger the behavior?
Brine shrimp (Artemia) are small crustaceans that sense
many stimuli with two large compound eyes and two pairs
of antennae (fig. 51.4). Artemia live in salt lakes and can be
bought at most pet stores. In this exercise, you will study
how various stimuli affect behavior of these shrimp.

582 EXERCISE 51 51–4

Procedure 51.3  Understand taxis in brine shrimp
1. Place brine shrimp in a test tube of salt water provided
by your instructor. Then place the tubes against a black
background to see the shrimp. Do not feed or disturb
the shrimp.
2. Note their behavior in this relatively stimulus-free

Question 4
a. Are the shrimp near the top or bottom of the tube? Are
they moving? Are they in groups or are they solitary?

© Anthony Mercieca / Science Source

Figure 51.4  A young brine shrimp. This crustacean has

segmented appendages for swimming and pigmented eyespots for
b. What stimuli (e.g., light, food, acids) might initiate detecting light (40×).
taxis in Artemia?

4. Do your experiment. What do you conclude? Do your

data support your hypothesis?

c. How do you predict the shrimp will respond to each of

these stimuli?

Procedure 51.4  Test how stimuli influence

behavior of brine shrimp
1. Choose one of the stimuli listed in your answer to
Question 4.
2. Form a hypothesis to determine how this stimulus Question 5
might influence the behavior of the brine shrimp. Write a. What is the adaptive significance of each response
your hypothesis here. listed in Question 4?

3. Decide how you will test your hypothesis. Describe

your experimental design here.

b. Did the responses of the shrimp match your predicted


51–5 Animal Behavior 583

Variation in Flight Initiation Distance
Observations: Fleeing from danger is a highly adaptive c. Translate your question into a testable hypothesis and
response for animals in the wild. The distance at which an record it.
animal senses danger and initiates flight would depend on d. Design an experiment to quantify FID in response to a
many factors such as the current environment and the nature chosen stimulus.
of the threat. e. Outline on Worksheet 51 your experimental design
Question: What variables influence the flight initiation dis- and supplies needed to test your hypothesis. Ask your
tance (FID) of squirrels sensing danger? instructor to review your proposed investigation.
f. Conduct your procedures, record your data, answer your
a. Establish a working lab group and obtain Investigation question, and make relevant comments.
Worksheet 51 from your instructor. g. Discuss with your instructor any revisions to your ques-
b. Discuss with your group well-defined questions relevant tions, hypotheses, or procedures. Repeat your work as
to the preceding observations and question. Choose the needed.
best of your questions and record it.

Questions for Further Thought and Study

​1. Killdeer are ground-nesting birds common throughout North America. When a predator approaches, they often feign
broken wings. What is the selective advantage of this type of innate behavior?

​2. Mating (reproductive behavior) often involves a complex sequence of events that helps an animal find, court, and mate
with a member of the same species. What are some examples of these behaviors? Do humans exhibit mating behaviors?
If so, what are they?

​3. What are the adaptive advantages of agonistic behaviors not followed by damaging fights? What animals have strong
displays not followed by a damaging fight? What animals do engage in damaging fights?

​4. How could each of the behaviors that you studied today have arisen by natural selection?


Mating behaviors are species-specific. Why is
that important?

584 EXERCISE 51 51–6

Dissection of a Fetal Pig
Appendix I
gloves when you handle your specimen. Avoid injury with
Learning Objectives dissection tools and dispose of your specimen as instructed.
By the end of this exercise you should be able to:
1. Perform a whole-body dissection of a vertebrate
Procedure A.1  Examine the external character-
istics of your specimen
2. Identify the major anatomical features of the
­vertebrate body in a dissected specimen. 1. Determine the anatomical orientation of the specimen.
Which direction is anterior? Posterior? Which direction
Please visit connect.mheducation.com to review online
is ventral? Dorsal? Identify sagittal, transverse, and
resources tailored to this lab. frontal planes in your specimen.
2. Identify these externally visible features:
pinna (auricle)

F etal pig anatomy provides an excellent model of gen-

eral mammalian anatomy. Although there are some
significant differences, the body plan is the same, and the
external nares (nostrils)
umbilicus (umbilical cord)
functional relationships within and between the anatomical forelimbs
systems model that of humans as well as other commonly hind limbs
studied mammals. thoracic region
abdominal region
∙ Preserved (plain or double-injected) fetal pig
∙ Dissection tools and trays 3. Determine the sex of your specimen by examining the
∙ Mounted fetal pig skeleton (optional) external genitals:
Female—Immediately anterior to the anus, on the
∙ Storage container (if specimen is to be reused) ventral surface, is the vulva with an opening to the
vagina and the urethra. The vulva is also called the
Read the directions and safety tips for this exercise
urogenital opening.
carefully before starting any procedure. In a short
course, a well-preserved specimen can be used Male—In the male fetal pig, there is a rather loose
from time to time throughout your studies. If you will area of skin immediately posterior to the anus, per-
be looking at your dissected specimen from time to haps even hiding the anus from view. Around the
time during the next several months, make sure that time of birth, each testis will descend from its posi-
it is kept in the appropriate container under condi- tion inside the body into the space under this skin.
tions suggested by your instructor. The skin will pouch out to form the outer wall of the
scrotum. Just posterior to the umbilical cord is the
distal end of the penis with its prepuce, or skin-
THE EXTERNAL ANATOMY fold covering. Locate the opening of the urethra in
the penis.
Observe the usual precautions when working with a pre-
served or fresh specimen. Heed the safety advice accompa-
nying preservatives used with your specimen. Use protective

I–1 Dissection of a Fetal Pig 585

SKIN, BONES, AND MUSCLES Observe the fetal pig’s musculature. Some of the
external muscles of the torso can be separated from each
Procedure A.2  Remove the skin from the other for easier viewing. Slide a probe into the loose connec-
specimen tive tissue joining adjacent muscles and run the probe along
1. Place the animal in a tray; make sure the animal’s ven- their margins. Using figure A.2 as a guide, try to identify the
tral surface is facing you. major skeletal muscles of the fetal pig’s body. Because the
2. Pull up on the skin over the neck and puncture it with animal was not yet active when the specimen was prepared,
the tip of a scissors. Slide the bottom tip of the scissors the muscles appear underdeveloped and make muscle iden-
into the subcutaneous area under the skin. tification difficult.
3. Begin cutting along the lines indicated in figure A.1a.
The posterior cuts are different for male and female CARDIOVASCULAR STRUCTURES
4. Be careful not to cut into the skeletal muscles under the Procedure A.3  Examine cardiovascular
skin or through the base of the umbilical cord. structures
5. With your forceps, pull the two flaps of skin over the 1. Cut flaps in the neck, abdomen, and groin areas as
neck away from the animal’s body. Notice the areolar you did with the skin. Be careful not to damage any
tissue under the skin that is pulled apart as you remove visceral organs with your scissors as you cut. Likewise,
the skin. Sometimes it helps if you scrape at the loose avoid injuring the internal structures associated with
connective tissue under the skin with your scalpel as the umbilicus. Fold back the flaps and anchor them
you peel the skin away. The skinning process is diffi- with pins or remove them.
cult unless you have patience and proceed slowly. Pull 2. Open the ventral body cavity by cutting into its muscu-
the flaps of skin over the abdomen and over the groin lar wall in a manner similar to your earlier cut into the
area away in a similar fashion. If you have a male pig, skin over the abdomen.
leave the skin posterior to the umbilical cord in place
3. Locate the heart near the middle of the thoracic cav-
for now.
ity, in the mediastinum. Can you identify the four
6. Pin the flaps of skin to the floor of the dissection tray chambers? After identifying the major vessels (see
or cut them away from the body entirely. If you plan to steps 4 and 5), you may want to remove the heart and
study the musculature of the dorsum, you must simi- dissect it.
larly remove the skin from the animal’s back.
4. Locate the aorta, which is the large artery leaving the
7. Now examine the skin, identifying these features of the heart and arching posteriorly. If you have a double-
integument: injected preserved specimen, the systemic arteries are
∙ Dermis—the thick inner layer of the skin filled with red latex and the systemic veins are filled
with blue latex. If not, the arteries usually can be
∙ Epidermis—the thinner outer layer of the skin distinguished from veins because they are stiffer and
∙ Hypodermis—the subcutaneous tissue under the lighter in color than veins. Trace the major branches
skin proper, made of areolar and adipose tissue of the aorta, naming them if you can. Use figure A.3 if
you need help.
Explore the shape of the skinned fetal pig body. How many
5. Locate the anterior vena cava and note where it drains
bones of the fetal pig’s skeleton can you see or feel? If
into the heart. It is sometimes called the precava and is
you have a mounted fetal pig skeleton available, identify
analogous to the superior vena cava in a human. Fol-
as many of the bones of the skeleton as you can. If you
low its tributary veins and identify them with the help
become stumped, refer to figure A.1a, b. Notice the similar-
of figure A.3. Locate the posterior vena cava (post-
ity between the fetal pig’s skeletal plan and that of a human.
cava) and trace its tributaries. Once you have cut into
One difference easy to see is in the vertebral column: The
the ventral body cavity, you may be tempted to cut and
pig has a different number of each type of vertebral bone
remove organs. It is important that you keep everything
compared with a human and has numerous caudal vertebrae
as intact as possible. You may pull organs to the side to
instead of a single coccyx. Also, because the fetal pig’s skel-
view deeper structures, but avoid making cuts.
eton is just beginning its development, many of the bones
are cartilaginous rather than bony.


External nares


Forelimb Thoracic


Integument Abdominal Penis with

region urethral opening


Hind limb Anus

Anus Vulva

Female Male

Spine of
Scapula scapula

Lumbar vertebrae Cervical



Incisive bone
Tarsals Humerus Mandible
Phalanges Phalanx


Figure A.1  (a) External aspect of a female (above left) and male (above right) pig. (b) Fetal pig skeleton.

I–3 Dissection of a Fetal Pig 587

Latissimus Internal oblique
Trapezius Transversus abdominis
Supraspinatus Tensor fasciae latae

Masseter Triceps External

brachii oblique



Sterno(cleido)mastoid Masseter

Brachiocephalic Anterior deep pectoral

Posterior deep pectoral
Superficial pectoral
Teres major

Triceps brachii
Latissimus dorsi
Serratus anterior Biceps brachii
Triceps brachii
External oblique

Tensor fasciae latae

Rectus abdominis
Rectus femoris
Vastus medialis Iliopsoas

Adductor longus

Gracilis Semitendinosus

Figure A.2  (a) Lateral view of fetal pig musculature. (b) Ventral view of fetal pig


External jugular
Right subclavian
Left subclavian
Brachiocephalic Axillary Subclavian
trunk Anterior
vena cava Axillary

Aortic arch

Pulmonary Posterior
trunk Descending aorta vena cava Brachiocephalic

(a) (b)

Hepatic portal vein

Celiac artery
Renal veins Anterior mesenteric artery
mesenteric vein Renal artery
Posterior Aorta
vena cava
Gonadal vein Left gonadal artery
(testicular or ovarian)
arteries Posterior mesenteric
External iliac vein Common iliac artery
External iliac artery
Femoral vein
Figure A.3  (a) Arteries Femoral artery
and (b) veins of the anterior
Internal iliac Internal iliac artery
body. (c) Major vessels of the vein
posterior body. (c)

The viscera, or major internal organs, can be seen within the 3. Locate these lymphatic organs:
ventral body cavity. Use figures A.4 and A.5 to guide you in spleen
locating the following: thymus
1. Locate some of these features of the lower respiratory 4. Locate these features of the urinary system:
system: kidney
larynx renal cortex
trachea renal pyramid
primary bronchi renal pelvis
lungs (Can you distinguish the parietal and visceral renal calyx
pleurae?) ureter
diaphragm urinary bladder
2. Locate these structures of the digestive system: urethra
esophagus 5. Try to locate these endocrine glands in your
stomach specimen:
liver (four separate lobes) thyroid gland
gallbladder thymus gland
pancreas pancreas
small intestine adrenal glands
mesentery testes
large intestine (spiral colon) ovaries

I–5 Dissection of a Fetal Pig 589

6. Identify these structures associated with the male 7. Find these female reproductive system structures:
reproductive system: ovaries
testes oviducts (fallopian tubes)
epididymis uterus (The fetal pig uterus has a Y shape, with
ductus deferens right and left uterine horns.)
seminal vesicle vagina
penis 8. Carefully examine the umbilical cord, noting these
umbilical vein
umbilical arteries

Larynx Trachea

Thymus gland
Thyroid gland

Heart Lung



Small intestine



Large intestine
(spiral colon)

Figure A.4  Major visceral organs of a fetal pig.


9. In the space to the right, sketch a cross section of the
umbilical cord and label all identifiable structures.
Unless your lab group has both a male and a female
specimen, you may want to temporarily trade speci-
mens with a group that has a pig of the opposite gender
from yours. By doing so, you will be able to find the
features of both reproductive systems.

Ovarian vein
Ovarian artery
Renal vein Ovary
Renal artery



Umbilical vein
Urinary bladder

Umbilical Anus

Posterior vena cava Aorta

Renal cortex
Adrenal gland

Renal pelvis

Renal pyramid Rectum

Renal calyx Ureter

Inguinal canal Testicular vein

Urinary bladder Testicular artery

Umbilical arteries Ductus deferens

Head of epididymis
Umbilical vein
Opening of penis symphysis
Anus Tail of epididymis
Base of penis

Figure A.5  Urinary and reproductive organs of (a) a female and (b) a male fetal pig.

I–7 Dissection of a Fetal Pig 591

Appendix II
Conversion of Metric Units to English Units

Units of Length
The meter (m) is the basic unit of length.
1 m = 39.4 inches (in)
= 1.1 yards (yd) 1 in = 2.54 cm
= 3.28 feet (ft)
1 km = 1000 m = 103 m 1 ft = 30.5 cm
= 0.62 mile (mi) = 0.305 m
1 cm = 0.01 m = 10 m−2

= 0.39 in = 10 mm 1 yd = 0.91 m
1 nm = 10−9 m = 10−6 mm
= 10 angstroms (Å) 1 mi = 1.61 km
Units of area are squared (two-dimensional) units of length.
1 m2 = 1.20 yd2 = 1550 in2 = 1.550 × 103 in2
1 hectare = 10,000 square meters (m2) = 2.47 acres
Measurements of area and volume can use the same units.
1 m3 = 35.314 ft3 = 1.31 yd3
1 cm3 (cc) = 0.000001 m3 = 0.061 in3
Units of Mass
The kilogram (kg) is the basic unit of mass.
1 kg = 1000 g = 103 g = 2.2 lb
1 g = mass of 1 cm3 of water at 4˚C = 0.035 oz
Units of Volume
The liter (L) is the basic unit of volume. Units of volume are cubed (three-dimensional) units of length.
1 liter = 1000 cm3
1 liter = 2.1 pints = 1.06 qt 1 cup = 240 mL
1 liter = 0.26 gal = 1 dm3
1 mL = 0.034 fl oz
Units of Temperature
5 × degrees Fahrenheit = (9 × degrees Celsius) + 160
For example:
40˚C = 104˚F (a hot summer day)
75˚C = 167˚F (hot coffee)
−5˚C = 23˚F (coldest area of freezer)
37˚C = 98.6˚F (human body temperature)


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