Adenovirus, Influenza, RSV, CMV, Parainfluenza, EBV: Most Common
Adenovirus, Influenza, RSV, CMV, Parainfluenza, EBV: Most Common
Adenovirus, Influenza, RSV, CMV, Parainfluenza, EBV: Most Common
RETROPHARYNGEAL AvuSCESS = Infection of tonsils forms into an abscess (lymph nodes most
common at age 3 but otherwise rare)
Staphylococcus aureus, Acute onset of high fever Emergency referral to ENT –
Group A strep Severe throat pain will need to be admitted
Usually proceeded by Drooling/difficulty swallowing to ICU if severe airway
URI, pharyngitis, Stridor obstruction→Will
sinusitis Neck hyperextension receive I&D and
Common at age 3 Noisy respirations IV antibiotics