Confidence Cheat Sheet: Matt Artisan
Confidence Cheat Sheet: Matt Artisan
Confidence Cheat Sheet: Matt Artisan
Whether you want to approach a beautiful woman, make new friends, start a business
or just try something new, if you lack confidence then fear can prevent you from
achieving the things you really want in life.
Confidence is crucial for all areas of your life. From earning more money, to dating
hotter women; as your confidence increases your quality of life increases.
The following is a quick reference guide of practical things you can do to increase your
confidence, feel better about yourself, and make fear your bitch!
And before we begin make sure to check out Balls Of Steel, a 10 day plan to explode
your confidence, eliminate fear, and always stay calm under pressure.
Recent scientific studies show that certain mindfulness exercises help control our fear
center of the brain (the amygdala).
Have you noticed how Buddhists monks are always so calm and carefree? That’s
because they have the mental strength to not let anything faze them.
Here’s an example of how to strengthen your mind:
Sit back, relax, and close your eyes. Focus only on your breathing and count to 100
breaths. Every time you lose track or another thought enters your mind, start over.
Doing this as a daily meditation will give you supreme mental strength.
Here are some other techniques you can use to develop mindfulness:
◦ Box breathing: Breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4
seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and repeat.
◦ Freediving breathing for relaxed, slower heart rate: deep inhale through
diaphragm pause for 2 seconds, then exhale for 10 seconds (Use this whenever you
experience anxiety)
◦ TV exercise - Place a coin or small object on top of your TV. Turn on your
favorite show. Focus on the coin for 5 minutes without glancing down at the show.
This will also help strengthen concentration and willpower.
◦ Yoga - This ancient discipline is not just about physical poses. It was
developed to also enhance your mind. While practicing yoga, you should be also
engaged in mindfulness. Good instructors will remind you to stay in the present
moment, and focus on your breath. Practice yoga several times per week for a better
mind and body.
◦ Read or listen to “Practicing The Power of Now” every day for 15 minutes for
90-days. In the beginning, the hardest part is just remembering to be present. This
habit will remind you to be present throughout your day.
Do any of the following on it’s own or perform all 4 simultaneously to snap back into
the present moment:
◦ Take 3 deep deep breaths with 6 second exhales. Let all of your aware-
ness and focus be on your breathing. This will calm your nervous quickly. Remember
to have a long exhale.
◦ Feel your body and notice any sensations in your body. Do a quick body
scan and notice what is going on internally. Don’t fight your emotions or feelings, em-
brace them. Fighting them only makes them stronger.
◦ Scan the vicinity and notice the details in your environment. Often
times we live in a hazy realty unaware of what’s going on around us. This brings your
awareness to the present environment and present moment.
◦ Say, “I’m back,” using this as a trigger word to jolt you back to the present
moment. Stop thinking about something else and focus on what is going on in that
Cold showers can help improve emotional resilience training your mind and body to
be calm and relaxed during adverse situations.
Scientists have found that cold showers can reset your nervous system and increase
your heart rate variability. The higher your HRV the less prone we are fear and the
easier we can stay calm under pressure.
One minute of cold shower therapy can feel like one hour of meditation. The water
should be between 35 - 45 degrees fahrenheit.
Each day simply take a freezing cold shower and allow yourself to stay calm, and
ultimately enjoy the discomfort. This trains your body to become relaxed and present
during uncomfortable situation.
Other potential benefits of cold showers include weight loss, increased blood
circulation, and willpower training.
At some point, YOU HAVE TO JUST DO IT! Real transformation happens when you
push out of your comfort zone.
Every time you do something that scares you, your comfort zone expands and what
once was difficult, becomes easy, thus cultivating courage and confidence.
Make a list of everything you’re afraid of and rank the list from easiest to scariest.
Start with the easiest until it becomes second nature and then work your way up to
the hardest.
For example, if you were terrified of spiders you would conquer your fear in the
following order:
1. View a picture of a spider
2. Stand in a room with a spider in a cage that is far from you
3. Stand closer to the spider in the cage
4. Stand in front of the spider in the cage
5. Hold the cage containing the spider in your hand
6. Hold the spider in your hand free of the cage
When it comes to approaching women for example, start with easy approaches like
asking for directions. Then build up to bolder approaches like telling a girl she is
When you do something that scares the living daylights out of you, you are essentially
facing your fear head on.
People often are afraid to take action because they fear a worst case scenario. So
instead of gradually desensitizing yourself, just go to the extreme and purposely put
yourself in the worst possible scenario.
So if you had a fear of spiders, you might have someone cover you with spiders.
Your brain would initially be terrified. But after you calmed down you would realize
rationalize that you survived the situation and is therefor not so bad.
If you get really nervous approaching women due to a fear of embarrassment, then try
putting on a woman’s dress and approaching 10 women while wearing the dress.
This will probably scare the crap out of you and be highly embarrassing. But, once you
have completed the exercise, approaching women in your normal clothes will seem
easy and the fear of embarrassment will be gone.
One of the biggest fears that hold people back is the fear of failure. So instead of
worrying about failure, you can embrace it, learn from it and enjoy it. Rejection
Therapy will show you how rejection can be an exciting and positive experience thus
eliminating the fear of rejection.
Rejection therapy helps you become more aware of how irrational social fears control
and restrict us. It also helps you not be attached to outcomes and permits yourself to
You should not try to get fired from your job or do anything that could cause a long
term negative effect. That would be idiotic.
• Approach women and try to get rejected. You can use an opener like, “my
girlfriend is in the bathroom right now, want to make-out?”
• Ask for a ride from a stranger even if you don’t need one
Word champion athletes (and most successful people) use this technique to achieve
their goals faster and become the type of athlete they want to become.
This is a secret weapon for sports psychologists because sometimes you have to see it
inside your mind before you can do it in real life.
Studies show that the same neurons are activated in the brain when one visualizes an
activity as opposed to actually doing the activity.
Are you afraid of approaching beautiful women? Take a few minutes every day to see
yourself CONFIDENTLY approaching and flirting with women.
Make sure to see every detail to make the visualization seem as real as possible.
1. See another person do it. Find a youtube video of someone successfully performing
the activity that you want to be more confident at.
2 . Visual them doing it. Close your eyes and see the youtube video replay in your
3. Put yourself in their shoes and visualize it from external point of view. Replace the
person in the video with yourself and see yourself performing the act.
4. Finally, visualize yourself from a first person point of view performing the act. See
yourself from your own eyes.
Simply pick a belief about yourself, for example, “I am bad with women and so they
always reject me,” and give it an opposite meaning, such as, “I am amazing with
women and they love me.”
Repeat it out loud at least 5 times. But, the key is to say it with emotion and
I love to say my affirmation statements in front of a mirror. Make sure you smile and
really get into it.
Studies show that if you tell yourself an “untruth” long enough, eventually you will
believe it.
Examples of affirmations:
“I have a body like a greek god and women get turned on by my sexy body”
“I am fearless and bold at bars and clubs and fun exciting people gravitate towards
First of all, testosterone is released when you lift heavy weights. And with more
testosterone flowing through your system, you’ll have more drive to push through
Secondly, the stronger you are – the more confident you’ll feel. As men we tend to
correlate strength with status. Our brains are constantly comparing and sizing up the
other men around.
By the way...
This is probably a good time to tell you about our 10 day plan for eliminating fear and
skyrocketing confidence.
I know it sounds unbelievable, but check out this special offer I have for you for
getting Balls Of Steel.
Don’t you feel like a stud every time you put on well fitted suit?
That’s because whenever you step into a high-class outfit, you get a shot of Seratonin
which is a happy chemical associated with status.
In other words, you can trick your body into feeling high status just by looking the
part. So dress like you are super successful and you’ll feel powerful.
If you are constantly listening to songs that put girls on a pedestal, then you too will
put girls “above” you.
So pay attention to what music you listen to. Are the lyrics talking about “girls
cheating”, “not having money”, or “women being out of your league”? If so, change it.
Create a playlist filled with songs that pump up your confidence. Choose songs that
talk about abundance of women, money and power.
Something like, “Sexy and I Know It” by LMFAO, but choose songs that you enjoy.
Specifically listen to your pump playlist while you’re working out and right when you
wake up. That’s because your unconscious mind is more receptive during these times
and so it’s easier to change limiting beliefs.
Try this for the next month and see how you feel.
You’ll notice that it improves your mood immediately, and it’s also improving your
confidence and beliefs long term.
Imagine you had the ability to satisfy any girl in bed. You’d hardly fear approaching
women because you know you’d rock her world in bed.
You’d walk into the room thinking, “I wonder what lucky woman is going to be lucky
enough to have mind blowing sex with me tonight?”
So arm yourself with techniques for amazing sex. Learn how to blow a woman’s mind
sexually and strive to be the best lover she’s ever had.
Here is a program I highly recommend. Warning: This is not safe for work
For example, stand up tall with your head up and your shoulders back, and notice how
you feel. After a couple minutes of being in this pose, you’ll feel more confident.
People that are timid tend to make themselves smaller. They hunch over, cross their
arms, look down, and keep their feet together. Don’t do this.
Confident and powerful people have an open body, head up, eyes straight ahead, and a
straight back.
Studies show that lifting your arms high above your head with your fists closed, as if
you just won a race, increases testosterone and decreases stress hormones in your
Try this out for 2 minutes a day a notice how you feel after.
Guys that lack confidence tend to dwell on past failures. They hardly ever dwell on
their past successes.
From this point on, reframe all past failures as learning experiences and focus on all of
your successes.
If the girl of your dreams is a “10” but you see yourself as a “7”, then you have to
change that way of thinking and start to see yourself as a “10”..
What is stopping you from having “10” level confidence? What are you ashamed of?
Is it a lack of sexual experience? Is it a lack of money? Is it the way you look? Is it your
Whatever it is, conquer it.
If you feel your height is preventing you from getting the girl, find evidence of short
men dating beautiful women.
If you are ashamed of the way you look – get in shape, buy better clothes, groom
yourself and most importantly, realize that looks are only a small fraction of
Here’s what you should do: Write down all of your insecurities. Then, write one action
step next to each of the insecurity. Each action step should be one small step in the
direction of eliminate that insecurity.
So for example, if you are insecure about being overweight, your action step might be
joining a gym or starting a diet.
Here’s the deal, women don’t sleep with cowards. Women sleep with men that make
them feel safe.
Their unconscious sex drive revolves around safety and they prefer the man best able
to protect them from danger. If a woman knows you can fight, she’ll naturally feel
much more attracted to you.
Plus, knowing you can defend yourself will skyrocket your confidence because people
will no longer intimidate you.
When you know you can effectively protect yourself in certain situations who will have
less to fear.
Ever heard the expression “monkey see, monkey do?” As social mammals, we humans
are influenced and easily motivated by what we see others accomplish.
For example, runners once thought that completing a mile in four minutes was
impossible. However, after Roger Bannister crossed the "four-minute barrier" it has
since been broken by many athletes, and is now the standard of all male professional
middle distance runners.
Once we see that something can be accomplishable, we become more confident in our
own ability to achieve a similar result.
So, when it comes to approaching women, watch videos on YouTube and in our other
programs to show yourself proof that it can be done and is easy.
And be sure to monitor your thoughts. If you think, “well he makes it look easy but I
could never do that?” then your thoughts will sabotage your success. Instead think, “if
he can do it then I can do it too!”
There you have it man, the supreme list of techniques to conquer fear and boost your
Pick a few of the techniques and put them into practice right now.
Then, go back to this list every few days and test out another technique.
You’ll be amazed at how powerful these tools really are.
And now that you have 18 different ways to boost your confidence you might be
wondering, “what do I do next?”, “where do I begin?” and “how the heck do I get
started with all of this?”
Well image if in just 10 days from now you had a new sense of personal power.
What if you could walk tall with your head held high and feel confident and
charismatic in any social situation, even if it was totally unfamiliar to you?
What if you saw that beautiful woman walking down the street and you had zero fear
to walk up to her and get her number?
Well if you want a step-by-step simple yet effective plan to dramatically increase
your confidence and eliminate fear in just 10 days, that is 100% backed by
science and proven to work....
Click Here Now To Get Balls Of Steel
Or visit