2020 School Improvement Plan Website

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AREA A: MISSION AND PURPOSE incorporating the Characteristics of

1. The School Improvement Agenda, 2. Catholic Identity & 3. School-Parent-
Church-Community Partnerships

Core Leadership
Focus Goal Strategies Considerations
The School To reflect upon the Strategic Pre-verification meeting- June 22 ☐Faith
Improvement Directions of the College 2017-2021 Verification meeting- 19-20 Oct
Agenda Validation preparation for 2021
Review and update College policies Utilise the monthly Board meetings to review Utilise DEC policies to check for ☐Faith
as needed and College Mission each of our current published policies. updates.
Ensure strong links between the PLP template to include 3 goals ☐Faith
Professional Learning Plan process 1. ATSIL Standards
and School Improvement Agenda 2. Learning and teaching priority
3. SCCC ASIP ☐Staff
Template also to include a section for buddy for ☐Organisation
collegial observation ☐Community
Catholic Re-forming the Enhancing Catholic Review the membership of the School ECSI Team. 2020 survey window- 17 Feb- 3 April. ☐Faith
Identity School Identity Team Review the recommendation from the last ECSI March Board and P&F meeting ☐Education
Plan to enact 2 recommendations during 2020. ☐Staff
Review recommendations from 2020 report. ☐Organisation
Trialling a change to Leadership Ruth- P-12 APRE Approval sort through Ross and Mary- ☐Faith
roles to bring more focused Mardi- APP Yr 7-12 Ellen. ☐Education
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attention to the Catholic Identity and Ross to speak to SLT. ☐Staff
Religious Education space. Approved for 2020 ☐Organisation
Increasing the amount and meaning Looking for opportunities for utilising ☐Faith
of religious iconography within our recontextualised iconography within our
campus. College, especially around the Hall and Library.
College spirituality focus “To Love” 3 year spirituality program designed to allow Link scripture to each of the themes- ☐Faith
our College motto to be shared with all in our Corinthians. ☐Education
community. Infuse through staff formation,
2020- To Love ☐Staff
student formation, College events
2021- To Serve ☐Organisation
2022- To Shine and publicity.
School – Engaging in the Diocesan Pilot Form a College Team School team- Ruth, Bree Dennis, ☐Faith
Parents – “Parish-School Buddies” program Link with Parish Team Emalie Emanuel, Millie Fuchs, Lauren ☐Education
Church – Work with Fr Joshy and Helen to engage students Dee
Community in the program. ☐Staff
Parish team- Danielle Fulton, Olivia
Partnership ☐Organisation
Adcock, ?
Indigenous Education Forming an Indigenous Parents Advisory Group Plan to create an IPAG expressed to ☐Faith
parents at the last Indigenous Parent ☐Education
Completing Reconciliation Action Plan by the end BBQ of 2019.
of Semester 1, 2020. ☐Staff
EOI provided to parents at the
Continuing to build the Emerging Leaders beginning of 2020- 5 returned
Incentive Scheme to promote attendance, responses.
engagement and achievement in the secondary
Increasing the engagement of Refocus on Class Community Contact (CCC). ☐Faith
parents in the primary classroom ☐Education
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“On the Couch” and “Off the Couch” Ben Penna to continue momentum with Ben not timetabled on homeroom to ☐Faith
to continue and be refined. Facebook productions allow time for filming and production. ☐Education

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AREA B: CLIMATE CONDUCIVE TO LEARNING incorporating the Characteristics of

4. A Learning Culture; 5. Strategic Resourcing; & 6. A Data Informed Practice
Focus Goal Strategies Considerations Leadership
A Learning To develop strategies to engage boys Engage in the Research Partner Schools Program ☐Faith
Culture in junior secondary with the with The University of Queensland Science and
curriculum Learning Centre and Evidence for Learning Group
to design and enact a research project regarding ☐Staff
boy’s engagement in education in junior ☐Organisation
secondary. ☐Community
Continuing the Positive Education Focus on the 24 Character Strengths. Staff PD at beginning of year and through ☐Faith
focus Positive Education staff meetings ☐Education
Student PD through Tuesday morning HR ☐Staff
(Sec) and classrooms (Pri).

Strategic Building and resourcing the Inclusive Additional Inclusive Education Teacher employed ☐Faith
Resourcing Education Department to start 2020 (Carleen Bird)
Reallocation of current personnel- P-Yr 2 (Anne ☐Staff
Mitchell); Yr 3-6 (Sonia Wintour); Yr 7-9 (Carleen ☐Organisation
Bird); Yr 10-12 (Virginia Snee). ☐Community
Focus on providing PD and support for teachers
to learn new skills and develop a repertoire of
differentiation and modification strategies that
will positively impact learning in the classroom.

Additional focus is on data collection and tracking

to facilitate a more robust approach to NCCD for

Marian Room to be developed and resourced

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Instrumental Music and Year 4 Every student in Year 4 will play a stringed This program, if successful in 2020 will ☐Faith
Instrumental Program instrument and band instrument for a semester continue into 2021, where Year 5 students
each and participate in an ensemble as part of will continue with the study of one chosen
the year 4 Instrumental Music Curriculum. instrument for the entire year and will allow ☐Staff
the school to have a full orchestra in the ☐Organisation
New design of the coordination structure that future. ☐Community
includes a designated teacher in a school- ☐Strategic
program liaison Middle Leadership position
(Tamara Korn), and additional preparation,
planning and correspondence time for tutors to
complete administration tasks (5:1).

A Data Engaging teachers in specific and The continuation of purposeful groupings for ☐Faith
Informed targeted Literacy and Numeracy foci Years 2-6 and the additional stream of classes for
Practice for particular year levels based on Year 7-9 Maths and English.
NAPLAN performance data.
P- Initial Lit program and comprehension ☐Organisation
activities- Teacher’s to read students a story. ☐Community
Write one question on the board (Sem 1) and ask ☐Strategic
kids to think about it during the reading/ story
and verbally answer. Sem 2- Two questions-
write one answer and verbally respond to the
second question.
Yr 1- Comprehension activities- A passage of
writing/ novel to be read by the teacher. Three
questions, to be written on the board or on a
worksheet, with 2-3 minutes to answer (written),
3 times per week.
Yr 2- Comprehension activities- Student’s to read
a passage of text. Four questions, to be written
on the board or on a handout, with 3-4 minutes
to answer (written), 3 times per week.
Yr 3- Reading comprehension- Student’s to read
a passage/s of text. 1 reading and 1 question in 8
mins, three times per week, for two
weeks. Then, 2 readings with 1 comprehension
question in 16 mins, three times per week, for
two weeks. Then 3 readings and 3
comprehension questions in 24 mins, three times
per week, for two weeks.
Yr 4- Reading comprehension- Student’s to read
an extended piece of text. 3 comprehension

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questions with extended responses in 24 mins,
three times per week.

Yr 5-9 focus- Writing

Write that Essay focus in English, Religion and

Humanities; plus- before morning tea in all KLAs,
from the beginning of the year until NAPLAN-
reflection on learning intention- 5 minutes of
writing. Teachers checking grammar and
punctuation while students are writing.

Primary school Teaching Sprints

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AREA C: EMPHASIS ON LEARNING incorporating the Characteristics of

7. Effective Pedagogy; 8. Teaching & Learning; 9. A Coherent Curriculum 10.
Professional Teaching Community
Focus Goal Strategies Considerations Leadership
Effective The Reflective Teacher; Evidence Based Building the capacity and understanding of GRR Implementation plan ☐Faith
Pedagogy Pedagogy teachers regarding The Learning and Teaching
and Cycle and The Gradual Release of Responsibility
Professiona Model ☐Staff
l Learning ● Utilising appropriate classroom learning ☐Organisation
Community data to inform short-term planning and ☐Community
teaching ☐Strategic
● Developing repertoire for effectively
gathering appropriate learning data
● Developing understanding of specific
teaching methods associated with GRR

Modelled Instruction (Explicit teaching, worked

examples, modelling, utilising prior knowledge)

Guided Instruction (questioning, scaffolding,

differentiated instruction, multiple spaced

Collaborative Learning (peer tutoring, reciprocal


Independent Learning (metacognitive strategies)

Learning & Collegial Observation and Classroom Profiling Teachers engaging in collegial observation 2020 PLP template ☐Faith
Teaching focused on GRR Model and Learning and Term 1 observation sheet ☐Education
and Teaching Cycle as part of their 2020 PLP
Professiona ☐Staff
l Learning Teachers engaging in Classroom Profiling sweeps ☐Organisation
Community ☐Community

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A Coherent Continued focus on the transition to the new External exam preparation ☐Faith
Curriculum Senior Schooling System IA2 and IA3
Confirmer training
ATAR predictions ☐Staff
Year 12 RE Program ☐Organisation

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