Ndore Nstitute of AW: B.A.LL.B. (HONS)
Ndore Nstitute of AW: B.A.LL.B. (HONS)
Ndore Nstitute of AW: B.A.LL.B. (HONS)
Submitted to :
Submitted by:
Asst. Prof. Ms. Anandita Naidu Dhruv
Semester: V
Marks Obtain_________
TITLED " Robbery and Dacoity: A Brief Introduction (Section 390 to 402)" IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF
DATE ....................
Table of content
1-Robbery …………………………………………………………………………………………6
Robbery means to deprive a person of his or her property. The chief distinguishing element in
robbery, theft and extortion is the presence of imminent fear of violence.
There is either theft or extortion in all of the robberies. The essence of robbery is that the
offender voluntarily causes or attempts to cause death, hurt or wrongful restriction for
committing theft or attempting to carry the looted property.
Section 390: Robbery
In all of the robberies, there is either theft or extortion.
When theft is robbery - Theft is “robbery” if, in order to the committing of the theft, or
in committing the theft, or in carrying away or attempting to carry away property
obtained by the theft, the offender, for that end, voluntarily causes or attempts to cause to
any person death or hurt or wrongful restraint, or fear of instant death or of instant hurt,
or of instant wrongful restraint.
a) X holds Z down and fraudulently takes Z’s money and jewels from Z’s Jewels without
Z’s consent. Here X has committed theft, and in order to the committing of that theft, has
voluntarily caused wrongful restraint to Z. A has therefore committed robbery.
Section 392: Punishment for robbery
Whoever commits robbery shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may
extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine; and, if the robbery be committed on the
highway between sunset and sunrise, the imprisonment may be extended to fourteen years.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, Dacoity means an act of violent robbery committed by an
armed gang. There is no difference between robbery and dacoity except in the number of
offenders. Robbery is dacoity, if the persons committing robbery are five or more in number. In
Malaysia and Singapore dacoity is termed as ‘gang robbery‘. The offence of dacoity consists in
the cooperation of five or more persons to commit or attempt to commit robbery. It is necessary
that all the persons should share the common intention of committing robbery.
On a plain reading of Section 391, IPC it would appear that in order that a dacoity can be said to
have been committed, it is necessary that five or more persons conjointly commit a robbery or
attempt to commit robbery. If a robbery was committed, the dacoits would have the booty with
them, but if the matter rested only with an attempt to commit a robbery there would be no
question of the dacoits having any booty with them. There are three ingredients in Dacoity:
Persons committing or attempting to commit robbery and persons present and aiding
must not be less than five;
The word conjointly refers to united or concerted action of five or more persons participating in
the act of committing the offence. In other words, five or more persons should be concerned in
the commission of the offence and they should commit or attempt to commit robbery
Legal Framework
Section 391: Dacoity
When five or more persons conjointly commit or attempt to commit a robbery, or where the
whole number of persons conjointly committing or attempting to commit a robbery, and persons
present and aiding such commission or attempt, amount to five or more, every person so
committing, attempting or aiding, is said to commit” dacoity”. Section 395. Punishment for
dacoity. Whoever commits dacoity shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with rigorous
imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.
Section 397: Robbery or dacoity, with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt
If, at the time of committing robbery or dacoity, the offender uses any deadly weapon, or causes
grievous hurt to any person, so attempts to cause death or grievous hurt to any person, the
imprisonment with which such offender shall be punished shall not be less than seven years.
Section 398: Attempt to commit robbery or dacoity when armed with deadly weapon
If at the time of attempting to commit robbery or dacoity, the offender is armed with any deadly
weapon, the imprisonment with which such offender shall be punished shall not be less than
seven years.
Section 400: Punishment for belonging to gang of dacoits.
Whoever, at any time after the passing of this Act, shall belong to a gang of persons
associated for the purpose of habitually committing dacoity, shall be punished with
1[imprisonment for life], or with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten
years, and shall also be liable to fine.
Case Laws
Facts: The appellant had been charged inter alia with having committed an offence under
Section 396, Indian Penal Code, along with other persons committed dacoity in the house
of Mendai and that in the commission of such dacoity, murder was committed by one of
the members. The learned Sessions Judge found that the appellant, and others, had
entered the house of Mendai with intent to commit a robbery but were foiled in the
attempt owing to Mendai and Ganga having raised a hue and cry. The residents of Banni
Purwa and the adjoining “Abadi” of village Banni arrived on the scene and the appellant
and his companions, without collecting any booty, ran away from the house of Mendai.
They were chased by Mendai and Ganga and when they were crossing the ditch of Pipra
Farm, Mendai caught hold of one dacoit. Another dacoit who was identified by several
witnesses as the appellant thereupon fired a pistol shot which hit Mendai and Mendai fell
to the ground and was removed to the hospital where he died. The appellant shot and
killed Mendai to secure the release of one of his companions and also to ensure their safe
The appeal of the appellants was dismissed by the High Court and the death sentence
passed by the Learned Sessions Judge was confirmed upon them.
Facts: The four accused as well as one Kurda Singh five in all, armed with deadly
weapons such as a rifle and a pistol committed a dacoity at the house of Gharsiram in the
course of which they caused injuries to Gharsiram Jugalkishore, Basantilal and Sandal.
They also relieved Santlal of a wrist watch and a shawl which he was carrying on his
person but since there was a hue and cry which had attracted the attention of the villagers
who collected at the spot the dacoits were not able to take away any booty with them
However, when the dacoits were retreating, they were given a hot chase by the villagers
and in order to have a safe retreat, one of the dacoits is alleged to have fired a shot as a
result of which Dharma died. But the brave villagers also succeeded in capturing one of
the dacoits.
They were charged under Section 395 of the Indian Penal Code.
3. Abul Mian & Ors. vs. State of Jharkhand:
Facts: Hatim Ansari (deceased) was sleeping in his house along with his wife. He woke
up by the sound of jumping of somebody in his house by scaling boundary wall. The
person who trespassed opened the door from inside. The appellants and others entered
into the house and demanded keys of the box that contained money. When the key was
not given to them, they threw a bomb in front of the appellant which hit him right in the
stomach above waist resulting in injuries. Therefore the wife handed over the keys. They
assaulted the appellant and his wife with lathis and were asking about old money and
ornaments. The informant died during treatment after 7 days of the incident.
Section 396 of the Indian Penal Code was applicable as it was a dacoity with murder.
Facts: The complainant Gagabhai Lakhabhai Chauhan resided at village Ghodasar, Near
Mahi Canal, with his family. Near his house, three more houses of his brothers were also
situated. His three brothers were convicted for riot cases. They were thus in Vadodara
jail. Late at night at about 10 clock, he heard a scorching sound of a car outside his house.
He woke up and went out to answer the nature‘s call at which time, about 10 people came
out from the said car. They first asked for water. After 3 or 4 of them had water, they
accused the complainant of being involved in dealing in Drugs and demanded to search
his house. They took away cash and valuables, such as ornaments from his house as also
his television set. They thereafter, went to the houses of the brothers of the complainant
and similarly took away valuable articles. The accused were not immediately arrested. On
2.6.2009, five of them, that is, barring accused No.5 were found loitering in suspicious
circumstances. They were detained for questioning. They were arrested on the suspicion
of being involved in several offences, including the present one. Test identification
parades were carried out. They were identified by several witnesses.
No. Robbery Dacoity
1. Definition : Definition :
Section 390 of the Indian Penal Code defines Section 391 of the Indian Penal Code
Robbery — defines Dacoity —
In all robbery there is either theft or extortion. “When five or more persons conjointly
commit or attempt to commit a robbery, or
When theft is robbery – where the whole number of persons
conjointly committing or attempting to
Theft is "robbery" if, in order to the commit a robbery, and persons present and
committing of the theft, or in committing the aiding such commission or attempt, amount
theft, or in carrying away or attempting to carry to five or more, every person so committing,
away property obtained by the theft, the attempting or aiding, is said to commit
offender, for that end, voluntarily causes or "dacoity".
attempts to cause to any person death or hurt or
wrongful restraint, or fear of instant death or of
instant hurt, or of instant wrongful restraint.
2. Robbery can be committed by even one In Dacoity there must be five or more
accused. persons.
4. Punishment – Punishment –
Section 392 of the Indian Penal Code Section 395 of the Indian Penal Code
prescribes the punishment for robbery – prescribes the Punishment for dacoity –
Whoever commits robbery shall be punished Whoever commits dacoity shall be punished
with rigorous imprisonment for a term which with imprisonment for life, or with rigorous
may extend to ten years, and shall also be imprisonment for a term which may extend
liable to fine; and, if the robbery be committed to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.
on the highway between sunset and sunrise, the
imprisonment may be extended to fourteen