B. Arch. Sem-Ix Rar-902 Constructi0N & Materials-Viii

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Subject Teachers: Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar / Jitendra Diwakar

Draw the applications of Prefabrication Construction Techniques, to understand the joint details
in prefabricated buildings, (select any building from your previous semester design exercises)
on a full size cartridge sheet showing the following:
 Precast RCC Frames: Beams and Column Frames, Wall Frames
 Different types of slabs resting on Beam & Column frames and Wall frames.
 Connections between various components.
Standard precast beam and girder shapes
Sketches are provided for ready reference. Manual/AutoCAD drafting permitted.
Date of Lecture 01.07.21
Date of Introduction 01.07.21
Date of Submission 08.07.21

 Principle & Practices of Heavy Construction: Smith & Andres
 Building Construction: Barry
 Fundamentals of Building Construction Materials & Methods: Edward Allen

Bolted column-to-column connection

Double-tee slab elements supported on a perimeter of precast concrete loadbearing wall panels
and an interior structure of precast columns and inverted tee beams.

Double tee slab elements supported on a perimeter of precast concrete loadbearing

wall panels and an interior structure of precast columns and inverted tee beams.
Four major types of precast concrete slab elements. Solid flat slab: Widths vary; Hollow core slab-
610, 1220, 2440 mm (400 & 1000 also); Double tee and Single tee slabs- 2440, 3050 mm.
A beam-column connection

Beams resting on corbels

Topped double-tee floor slabs supported by inverted tee beams

Precast concrete structural frames

Load-bearing tilt-up panel with continuous ledger Load-bearing tilt-up panel with weld plates for roofbeams
Column-to-column connections

Column-to-Base Connections

Slab-to-beam connections

Slab-to-wall connections

Beam-to-Column Connections

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