Defect Identification Reference For Steel Sheet Metals PDF
Defect Identification Reference For Steel Sheet Metals PDF
Defect Identification Reference For Steel Sheet Metals PDF
Oxide Flakes C11
Dross (Galvanized) C12
Partial Galvanneal C13
Die Clean-Out Mark C14
Die Clean-Out Mark C14A
Build Up C15
Staples (Galvanized Defect) C16
Zinc Dust C17
Wash Pattern C18
Sags in Coating C19
Wet Temper Stain C20
Coil Set F7
Coil Set F7A
Center Ridge F8
Oscillated Wraps F9
Dropped Coil F10
Edge Ridges F11
Defect White surface inclusion
Defect Description Tear drop shape defect elongated in the rolling direction. Usually
slivered out after cold rolling or appears as a crater in this shape
after pickling of hot roll.
Other Detect Names Mold powder spots, mold powder inclusions, white spots
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill This defect is a calcium aluminate that was solid while casting.
Calcium aluminates are typically liquid at steel making temperatures
unless too much oxygen or calcium is present. Oxidizing the steel
such as at start up of a sequence or adding too much calcium at the
LMF can result in this defect. Usually accompanied by clogging
around the tundish stopper rod.
Defect Caster Fold
Defect Description Thin, jagged crack parallel to rolling direction
Other Detect Names Longitudinal crack, longitudinal face crack
Uneven heat removal from the steel shell as it is solidifying in the
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
Defect Edge Lamination
Coil’s mill edge(s) looks like a continuous or semi- continuous line
Defect Description
of slivers.
Other Detect Names Knife slits, edge cracks, laminated edge.
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Over cooling of slab edges off of continuous caster.
Defect Transverse Cracks
Coil’s mill edge looks like a periodic, transverse-to- rolling direction
Defect Description open sliver, approximately one to two inches wide, that usually
repeats in four to ten inch intervals.
Other Detect Names Edge cracks, laminated edge
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Over cooling of slab edges oft of continuous caster.
Defect Edge / Corner Cracks
Defect Description Coil’s extreme mill edge is cracked.
Other Detect Names Blowouts, missing edge, edge bites.
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Over cooling of slab edges off of continuous caster.
Defect Slivers
Random, pulled up areas of steel, sometimes in the same line
Defect Description
throughout the coil.
Other Detect Names Pull slivers, lamination
Locked up segment roll at the continuous caster that creates a
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill random gouge in the slab. The defect is the rolled-out remnant of
the gouge.
Defect Rolled in Material (Defect here was galvanized over)
Appearance of debris thrown in on the coil’s mill edge and pressed
Defect Description
into the surface.
Other Detect Names Rolled-in-metal, laminated edge.
Buildup of galled steel on the side guides of a hot mill stand or hot
mill down coiler. This galled up steel can spall off during cooling that
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
occurs between the coiling of each coil or the buildup can be
abraded off by the next coil rolled.
Defect Rolled in Material (Hot Rolled - Pickled)
Appearance of debris thrown in on the coil's mill edge and pressed
Defect Description
into the surface.
Other Detect Names Rolled-in-metal, laminated edge.
Buildup of galled steel on the side guides of a hot mill stand or hot
mill down coiler. This galled up steel can spall off during cooling that
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
occurs between the coiling of each coil or the buildup can be
abraded off by the next coil rolled.
Defect Rolled in Scale
Elongated and fractured streaks on the surface of the sheet with
embedded iron oxide (scale) leftover from hot rolling or pickled
Defect Description
clean. Typically, from 0.5 inches - 3 feet long. Randomly located
throughout the sheet
Other Detect Names Pits, blemishes
Descale pump failure, excessive soak time of slab inside the tunnel
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
Defect Firecrack
Hot roll defect. Wavy surface under the scale layer. Usually found by
Defect Description using a brite boy to remove the scale layer and highlighting the
Other Detect Names Roll pattern, wavy line texture on surface
A failure point on a finishing mill stand work roll usually due to
excessive heat (cobble in mill stands stays in contact with the roll
Typical Root Cause(s) at during clean up) or excessive wear (roll near the end of its cycle and
Mill needs reground in the roll shop). The pattern that develops in the
failure point is imprinted on the hot coil surface during rolling and
repeats in a pattern like a roll mark.
Defect Hole
Defect Description Hot roll defect.
Other Detect Names N/A
Buildup in caster grid which creates a groove in the slab. A lack of
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
slab thickness in those areas results in holes in the rolled hot band.
Defect Rinse Stain (At pickling line)
Defect Description Yellow or orange color, repeat pattern in some cases.
Other Detect Names N/A
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Poor wringer rolls at rinse section or line stop
Defect Rinse Stain
Pickle Line Defect. Typically, a dark red, brown or yellow stain. This
Defect Description
example is linear but the stains can also appear in patches.
Other Detect Names Rust, Red Rust, Pickle Stain
Worn wringer rolls or wringer roll malfunction in rinse sections of
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill pickle line. Problems in the drying section of the pickle line or line
stop can also cause rinse stain.
Defect Rinse Stain
Pickle Line Defect. Typically, a dark red, brown or yellow stain. This
Defect Description
example is more patchier.
Other Detect Names Rust, Red Rust, Pickle Stain
Worn wringer rolls or wringer roll malfunction in rinse sections of
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill pickle line. Problems in the drying section of the pickle line or line
stop can also cause rinse stain.
Defect Scale Breaker Mark
Defect Description Continuous wavy line on top and bottom surface.
Other Detect Names Snake mark
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Work roll wear in scale breaker at pickle line.
Defect Crease (Hot Mill Origin)
Defect Description Folded over area running diagonal to the rolling direction
Other Detect Names Pinchers, Pinch Marks
Material, usually very light gauge <.070", can form loops on the
runout table where the coiler mandrel cannot turn fast enough to
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
pull the loops out. The loops are then pulled through the pinch rolls
and create the crease.
Defect Rust, Red — Drip Type (HRP&O)
Defect Description Drips of rust usually oval shaped
Other Detect Names Red Rust, Rinse Stain
Leak in rinse tank that is above the pickle line’s accumulator. When
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill steel fills the accumulator, the car passes under the dripping tank
and drips rinse solution onto the sheet.
Defect Rolled in Side Guide Material (Hot Mill Origin)
Defect Description Thin strips of excess steel rolled into top surface of coil
Other Detect Names Rolled in Material, Rolled in Wires
Material from the coil ends can become abraded off and rolled into
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill the top surface of the coil due to the coil rubbing the side guides in
the mill during the hot rolling process.
Defect Roll Peel Scale
Open Surface Defects That Appear To Be Short, Rolled In Scale
Defect Description
Streaks That Are Pickled Clean
Other Detect Names Pits, Scale Streaks
The Hot Mill work rolls, usually F2, F3 or F4 are worn to the point
that the oxide layer from the work rolls is actually rolled into the
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
strip. Large gauge jumps, down to lighter gauges, can cause the
oxide layer to peel off
Defect Flaking
Defect Description Galvanize coating peels after forming, poor adhesion
Other Detect Names Adherence failure, peeling galvanize
Overheating of the zinc in the galvanizing pot, high strip
temperature entering the galvanizing pot, low aluminum content of
galvanizing bath. Each of these root causes accelerate the formation
of the zinc /iron alloy layer between the steel and the molten zinc.
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill This layer is brittle and causes flaking when the layer is too thick.
Heating furnace atmosphere problems before the galvanizing pot
can also result in flaking by forming an oxidized layer on the steel
and retarding or preventing the formation of the zinc / iron alloy
Defect Bare Spots
Galvanize or galvanneal defect. Uncoated spots on galvanized or
Defect Description
galvannealed coils.
Other Detect Names Pits, blemishes
Coil surface contamination, line furnace atmosphere problems,
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
excessive temperature of sheet entering the galvanizing bath.
Defect Free Zinc
Galvanneal defect. Shiny, unalloyed areas on galvannealed product.
Defect Description The shiny appearance can be across the sheet but it is usually near
coil edges.
Other Detect Names Poor galvanneal, shiny spots
The shiny areas are “galvanized” and have not been fully
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill annealed by the galvannealing furnace. Possibility of electrical
problems with the galvannealing furnace, excessive line speed.
Defect Chem Treat Stain
Galvanize defect. Colored stain on galvanized surfaces that is usually
Defect Description in streaks. The stain’s color varies by chemical treatment vendor.
The stain has historically been yellow, gold, green, red or brown.
Other Detect Names Stain, streaks
Mechanical failure at a chemical treatment’s wiping section
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
(plugged blow off lines or cut squeegee rolls).
Defect Chem Treat Stain (Galvanize Defect-Longitudinal Type)
Defect Description Linear stain that is uniform throughout a coil
Other Detect Names N/A
Mechanical failure at a chemical treatment’s wiping section.
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Squeegee roll failure or insufficient roll pressure that enables drag-
thru of the chemical treatment solution.
Defect White Rust
Galvanize defect. White, chalky stain-like appearance on a
galvanized surface. This white appearance is a by-product of an
Defect Description untreated zinc surface (little or no chem treat) that comes into
contact with moisture and carbon dioxide from the air. The white
compound formed is called zinc carbonate.
Other Detect Names Condensation rust, white stain.
Failure to completely dry the chem treat or temper rolling solution.
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Also, can be caused by inadequate protection during transportation
of coils.
Defect White Rust (Line problem)
Defect Description Galvanize defect
Other Detect Names Condensation rust, white stain
Failure to completely dry the chem treat or temper rolling solution.
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Linear defect can also happen if there is a mechanical root cause
(i.e. plugged nozzle).
Defect White Rust (Transit Problem)
Zinc Surface Defect. This defect is not linear, but comes and goes
Defect Description randomly throughout the coil. The defect always has a mirror finish
and is close to the mill edge
Other Detect Names Condensation Rust, White Stain
This coil got wet in transit. The mirror finish of the defect confirms
moisture intrusion from the sidewall. The lower portion of the coil
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
as shipped is typically worse in severity since moisture collects at
the bottom.
Defect Black Rust (Transit Problem)
Galvanneal Defect. Similar to white rust on galvanized material. The
rust is black due to the iron content in the galvanneal coating, which
Defect Description is absent in a galvanized coating. This defect is not continuous, but
random throughout the coil. The defect has a mirror finish and is
close to the mill edge.
Other Detect Names Condensation Rust, Black Stain
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill This coil got wet in transit. See Defect C5B.
Defect Rust, Black Galvanneal (Transit Problem)
Defect Description Discoloration to the coating
Other Detect Names N/A
Moisture becomes trapped during transit of material either by
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
precipitation or condensation.
Defect Sink Roll Marks
Galvanize defect. Lines of coating that show up as dots in the rolling
Defect Description
direction of the steel.
Other Detect Names Rough surface, beaded surface.
Grooves designed into the galvanizing pot sink rolls n the rig) can
build up with zinc and deposit the zinc or impart the buildup
impression onto the partially solidified zinc layer. The lines are
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
typically one inch to one- and one-half inches apart and are usually
segregated towards the middle portion of the coil width. Can also
appear as pimpled areas.
Defect Spooling
Defect Description Zinc build up on coil edge. Coil edge is higher than the coil center.
Other Detect Names Edge build up, wavy edge, spaceships
Excessive galvanize layer on edge causes the edge to stretch as
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
consecutive laps build up.
Defect Pinch Marks
Defect Description -
Other Detect Names Pinchers, Stretchmarks
Strip wrinkles entering the in-line temper mill on the galvanizing
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
lines. Poor shape out of galvanize pot can result in wrinkles.
Defect Black marks
Present on chem treated, dry galvanized coils. Friction marks
Defect Description present up to 1” of the O.D. material repeating at distances that
match up to the circumference of the coil.
Other Detect Names Friction marks, Rub marks
Galvanized surfaces are locally compressed during shipment (heavy
pressure to one isolated spot). Cyclic rubbing occurs in the pressure
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill point between the two zinc coated surfaces creating a black friction
mark on the top and bottom surfaces. The mark has a mirror finish,
top and bottom.
Defect Flow Lines
Galvanneal defect. Coating has sagging appearance across the full
Defect Description
width of the coil.
Other Detect Names Sag Lines
Aluminum content of galvanizing pot too high. Coating material
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill becomes less viscous (too fluid) and flows on the coil surface before
solidification. The surface has a sagged appearance.
Defect Flow Lines
Defect Description Galvanize defect. Zinc has run prior to solidification.
Other Detect Names Sag Lines
Difference between strip temperature and zinc bath is too great
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
resulting in delayed solidification of zinc on surface of steel.
Defect Oxide Flakes (Coated Products)
Defect Description Flakes of zinc oxide impregnated into zinc coating
Other Detect Names Dross, Bare Spots
Non-metallic particles blown into partially solidified, zinc surface. If
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill particles are loose, they can be blown off again resulting in bare
Defect Dross (Galvanized)
Defect Description Coated over or smeared non-metallic particles on surface.
Other Detect Names Cleaning Section Debris
Cleaning section failure on galvanizing line, splashing/turbulence in
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
galvanizing pot causing pot dross to blow up onto strip.
Defect Partial Galvanneal
Zinc surface is streaky and brighter than adjacent, normal, battle
Defect Description
ship gray, galvannealed areas.
Other Detect Names Streaky Surface, Free Zinc Streaks
Speed of galvanizing line too high whereas the zinc coating has
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill insufficient time to fully form a 100% zinc-iron alloyed coating while
inside the galvannealing furnace.
Defect Die Clean Out Mark
Defect Description Galvanize Defect.
Other Detect Names Galvanize Snakes, Air Knife Cleanout
Operators manually insert a cleaning tool across the air knife
located above the galvanizing bath to dislodge debris caught in
the slit. The movement of the tool in and out of the slit creates the
half-moon look of the defect. The defect is usually isolated in the
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
coil and near a coil end. Plugged air knives create coating lines in the
zinc surface that are unsuitable for painting. Plugged air knives can
also cause poor shape due to excessive zinc in the coating lines. See
Picture C15.
Defect Die Clean-Out Mark
A diagonal line 1” to 4” wide across the width of galvanized coil. The
Defect Description defect can also be in a zig-zag pattern depending on the severity of
air knife slit clogging.
Other Detect Names Knife swipe
There are air knives in the galvanizing line for the purpose of
controlling zinc coating thickness. On occasion, liquid zinc will
become entrapped in the knives resulting in spooling or build-up.
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
The operators must clear the knives by passing a shim through the
knife gap. The shim interferes with air flow as it passes through,
resulting in this defect.
Defect Build Up
Thick bands of zinc lines or a single mottled band along a coil edge.
Defect Description This defect can also look like lines of zinc in the center width of the
Other Detect Names Spooled Edge, Lines in Zinc, Heavy Zinc, Build Up
This defect can occur across the width of the coil if the air knife,
above the zinc bath, becomes extremely plugged by debris lodged
in the air knife slit. The zinc does not blow off evenly across the
surface which gives the fathered, “icing on the cake” appearance.
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
The defect is usually worse on a coil edge and leads to spooling and
wavy edges. This defect is what galvanizing line pot operators try to
correct when they make a die clean out mark or air knife cleanout
mark. See picture C14.
Defect Staples (Galvanized Defect)
Defect Description Areas of Thickened Zinc
Other Detect Names None
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Thickened alloy layer associated with pot aluminum management.
Defect Zinc Dust (Scratch brighten to highlight defect)
Accumulated zinc oxide falls into zinc coating bath or onto strip.
Defect appears as bare spots or coated over rough spots. May be
Defect Description
spotty or in clusters. Appearance may be similar to uncoated
Other Detect Names Pits, blemishes, rough surface/spots
Low snout, or hot bridle temperature, allowing zinc vapor to
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill condense and later fall off into zinc bath or onto strip. Air leaks in
snout or hot bridle.
Defect Wash Pattern
Ripple like appearance to the coating transverse to the rolling
Defect Description
Other Detect Names Coating sags, mottled surface
Turbulent flow of air from air knives due to pressure being too high
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
or strip to knife distance being too great.
Defect Sags in Coating
Defect Description Coating forms a sag in a confined area of the strip
Other Detect Names Sags
Temperature control of the strip or pot temperature. Borderline cold
or excessive temperature can create this condition of coating flow
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
over the complete surface of the strip. The sag develops due to a
disruption of coating flow during processing.
Defect Wet Temper Stain
White discoloration on the surface. Usually associated with a strait
Defect Description
line and may or may not be located on the edge.
Other Detect Names White Rust
Material coiled up with trapped moisture after a wet temper
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
Defect Roll Mark
A mark (depression) on the sheet that repeats at the same interval
Defect Description
throughout a coil
Other Detect Names Mill mark, repeater
Metal or another hard foreign object stuck to a roll somewhere late
in the coil’s processing that transfers the geometry of the object to
the sheet. Note, it is important for mill claim information to state
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
the distance in between the marks so that the diameter of the roll
can be defined and the problem properly investigated by mill
Defect Red Rust
Hot roll pickle or cold roll defect. Red rust patches on a bare steel
Defect Description
Other Detect Names Rust, stain
Inadequate oiling or contaminated oil on pickled hot- rolled or cold-
rolled coils. This defect can also be caused by condensation that
results from removing paper wrap on the coils too soon after arrival
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
at a customer’s plant especially when shipping from north to south
in the spring and fall months or when major weather fronts result in
coils going from cold to warm in short periods of time.
Defect Scratches
Defect Description Perfectly straight line cut parallel to the rolling direction of the steel
Other Detect Names N/A
A foreign object is in the pass line of a rolling mill, pickle line, etc.
and comes in contact with the coil surface resulting in a scratch.
Note, a scratch on a hot-rolled band is characterized under the
microscope as having excessive steel grain growth under the scratch
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
since it was caused when the coil was over 1200° F. If grain growth
is absent, the defect occurred later in cold processing of the coil.
The root causes of scratches on cold roll-based product is more
difficult to determine and usually requires mill investigation.
Defect Ridges
Line type defect that is highlighted in the coated surface and typically
Defect Description runs the length of the coil. This highlighted area may also be a light
crease in the steel.
Other Detect Names Heat ridge, longitudinal crease
Overheating of sheet before entering galvanizing pot, uneven
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill temper rolling, ridge from cold reduction due to uneven hot mill
profile, overheated area of a work roll.
Defect Pits (after Pickling)
Defect Description Pitted Surface
Other Detect Names Scale pits, pock marks
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Worn hot mill rolls, high hot mill coiling temperatures.
Defect Pits (Larger morphology)
Defect Description Hot roll defect
Other Detect Names Scale pits, pock marks
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Worn hot mill rolls, high hot mill coiling temperatures.
Defect Coil Breaks / Edge Breaks
Crease type defect aligned in the transverse-to- rolling direction.
Defect Description The defect can be confined to the edges or across the width of the
Edge Breaks can be called edge strain. Coil Breaks can be called coil
Other Detect Names
breaks, luder lines, fluting.
Uneven deformation during processing which results in stretching
the steel past the yield point.
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Note: It is important for the mill to know the location of the defect
on the coil. If on the coil edge, use edge break name. If it is across
the width of the coil, use the coil break name.
Defect Reel Kink
Defect Description Surface defect
Other Detect Names Mandrel Crease, Crease, Kink
Transfer mark on steel from take up reel. Transverse to rolling
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
direction crease.
Defect Reel Kink
Defect Description Surface defect
Other Detect Names Mandrel Crease, Crease, Kink
Transfer mark on steel from take up reel. Transverse to rolling
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
Defect Roll mark defect from the hot strip mill
If the defect is raised, it is classified as a roll mark. If the defect can
be seen but not felt and/or does not show through an applied layer
Defect Description
of black, glossy paint (paint test) then the defect is a roll bruise and
should be okay for the intended end use.
Other Detect Names Hot Mill Tail End Whip Marks, Dents, Pits
If the tail end of the previous coil has variable shape through the last
hot mill finishing stand, the sheet can whip/hit into the roll surface
and mark it. The next coil produced through the hot strip mill will
have these bruises on the head end. If the marks on the work rolls
are light, the defect only bruises the next coils surface and
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
eventually wears off the rolls due to friction while rolling that coil. If
the mark on the work rolls is heavy, the defect can be felt and may
affect the next coil rolled for most of the length. The defect may be
difficult to see as hot-rolled but becomes more apparent atter
leveling, temper rolling and/or pickling.
Defect Friction Gouge (Longitudinal direction)
Cold roll defect. Appearance of material gouged out and rolled into
Defect Description
surface of coil. Typically, from 1/4” to 2" in length.
Other Detect Names Laminations, Scratches, Pits
Defect is caused by coil head or tail ends striking something while
coil is being charged or discharged on the reversing mill, gouging out
a portion of the surface. The tail following the gouge is associated
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
with the gouged material being pulled along the surface. Defect is
confined to coil ends and occurs more frequently on the bottom of
the coil.
Defect Fluting
Small “breaks” or lines in the steel surface (perpendicular to rolling
Defect Description
direction of forming) after forming or bending.
Other Detect Names Coil breaks, Cross breaks, Luder lines, Yield Point Elongation
Material is temper passed to reduce / minimize the effect of fluting
in the material. A tendency for Eluting can return in the material even
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill after temper rolling over a matter of time (process of age
hardening). Material stored at higher temperatures will “harden”
faster and could be affected with fluting when formed.
Defect Emulsion Stain
Defect Description Cold roll defect. Dark, brownish / blackish stain on cold-rolled steel.
Other Detect Names Black stain, carbon stain
Leftover cold reduction mill solution baked into the surface by the
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill batch anneal. This leftover solution results from mechanical failure
of the wiping system.
Defect Emulsion Stain
Defect Description Cold roll defect. Dark brownish, blackish stain on cold-rolled sheet.
Other Detect Names Black stain, carbon stain
Leftover temper mill solution. This leftover solution results from
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
mechanical failure of the wiping system.
Defect Emulsion Stain
Defect Description Cold roll defect. Dark, brownish / blackish stain on cold-rolled steel.
Other Detect Names Black stain, carbon stain
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Uneven application of rust prevention oil at temper mill.
Defect Tears
Defect Description Few holes along with drag mark in rolling direction
Other Detect Names Holes, Pin Holes
High hardness spot can create pinholes by the cold rolling process.
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill High hardness spot can be gouges or deep scratches, rolled in debris
on pickled band or from rolling process.
Defect Sawtooth Edge (Cold —Reduced Products Only)
Defect Description Serrated edges on coil edges-can be continuous or spotty.
Other Detect Names Cracked Edges, Edge Cracks
Coil edges can get slightly damaged from handling and become work
hardened prior to final temper rolling. The temper rolling process
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
results in brittle edges that can crack open and result in a serrated
knife type appearance on the coil side wall.
Defect Stickers
Defect Description Cold Roll Defect
Other Detect Names N/A
Contaminated emulsion from cold rolling along with excessive
pressure during the annealing cycle can cause the wraps of the strip
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
to stick together. The transverse lines occur when the wraps are
peeled apart upon uncoiling.
Defect Centerbuckle
Defect Description Buckled Surface
Other Detect Names Full Center, buckles, ripples
Wedge profile from a caster, hot mill, or worn rolls in a rolling mill or
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
Defect Edge Wave
Defect Description Rippled Edge
Other Detect Names N/A
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill Wedge profile from hot mill or worn rolls in a rolling mill or leveler.
Defect Collapsed coil
Defect Description Coil has smashed appearance
Other Detect Names Smashed coil, sagging coil
Loss of tension while coiling. The loose wrapping is associated with
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill a decrease in the structural integrity of the coil. Stacking another coil
on top of a coil can also result in this appearance.
Defect Telescoped coil
Defect Description Telescoped inner diameter wraps.
Other Detect Names Oscillated coil, Oscillated I.D.
Bad start on mandrel which results in initial windings that are not
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
Defect Damaged edge
Edge of coil damaged. Damage can be confined to inner diameter or
Defect Description
occur throughout the coil's edge.
Other Detect Names Side-wall damage, Damaged I.D.
Damage to edge of coil. Damage can be caused by Overhead crane
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill damage (C-hook striking coil edge or coil striking something while in
transit) or tractor damage.
Defect Damaged Edges
Defect Description Side wall damage mechanical in nature
Other Detect Names N/A
This defect only occurs due to poor and/or rough handling by a crane
or tow motor operator at the steel mill prior to shipment or at the
OP or customer after receipt. Incoming inspection is critical for
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
defining root cause during a claim investigation. As in the third
photo, damage can more easily result if a “bad start” is encountered
at recoiling and creates a telescoped condition.
Defect Crane damage
Defect Description Dented coil surface
Other Detect Names Dents, C-hook damage
Crane damage caused by C-hook hitting top of coil, denting the
surface. Dent will be transferred to subsequent wraps. Defect
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
removed by cropping back material until gone, typically up to 1/2”
of outer diameter material.
Defect Coil Set
Defect Description Sheet in cut-to-length form is curved as if it was still wound up.
Other Detect Names Full Center, Bowed Shape
This is not a mill related defect. This condition is normal from a coil
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
unless inadequate leveling is performed by a processor.
Defect Coil Set
“Turn-up”, “Turn-down” or Curling of the Ends of a Cut-to- Length
Defect Description
Sheet of Steel.
Other Detect Names Bowing, Curling.
Caused by inadequate working of material through a tension leveler
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill or another leveling device. This defect is also caused by uneven
working of the sheet through the strip.
Defect Center Ridge
Defect Description Longitudinal crease orhump
Other Detect Names Ridge, hump, knuckle
Plugged spray nozzles on rolling mill rolls. The crease is created due
to non-uniform deformation. The defect can be created in the hot
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
mill finishing stands or in a cold reduction unit like a reversing mill,
tandem mill or Z-mill.
Defect Oscillated Wraps
Coil wraps not tracked/wound up like the balance of the coil
Defect Description
Other Detect Names N/A
Loss of tension during processing can result in poor tracking and
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
short-term sheet misalignment with the recoiling mandrel.
Defect Dropped Coil
Defect Description Bent area on side of coil where impact occurred.
Other Detect Names Smashed Coil, Damaged ID
Coil was dropped or lowered to the floor too quickly. Typically, the
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill deformed area is one-sided. This is usually noticeable at incoming
Defect Edge Ridges
Defect Description Wavy Edges That Appear Crinkled Up. Other
Other Detect Names Pie Crust Edge, Ridge, Edge BuildUp
Very slight increase in coil thickness on edge and high number of
Typical Root Cause(s) at Mill
wraps leads to localized stretching of material.
nsp-e Engineering is an independent organization delivering a multiple range of highly professional
specialized Quality Services.
Since our establishment on 2012, the company has its head quarter in Eskisehir / Turkey with sister
companies and partner offices in Turkey, Romania and Egypt.
nsp-e Engineering has a wide range experience as result of our long-term collaboration with major
contractors and/or with multinational companies in sectors of industrial manufactures, installation
system and processes.
The company’s milestone is to identify inside the clients requests the real expectations and needs,
expressed in an unequivocal way to such requests can match a measurable requirement. With
unwavering customer passion and unmatched industry expertise built on a rich heritage of growth,
innovation and market leadership, nsp-e Engineering is focused on creating customer value and
making businesses more efficient, sustainable and profitable.
Our unique solutions empower its clients to achieve more by optimizing costs, increasing revenue and
reducing time to value so they can always deliver on their customer promises.
The company operates within the following industries: Energy Transmission Lines, Sub Stations,
Poles, Steel Contractions, Fasteners Industry, Automotive Industry, Rail Industry, Military Industry,
Power & Utilities, Chemicals, Buildings & Infrastructure, Marine.