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Technical Reference

Version 1.7
Copyright © 2020
About This Guide
This document provides introduction to the interfaces integrated on ESP8266. Functional
overview, parameter configuration, function description, application demos and other
information is included.
The document is structured as below.

Chapter Title Subject

Chapter 1 Overview Overall introduction to the interfaces.

Description of GPIO functions, registers and parameter

Chapter 2 GPIO

SPI Compatibility Mode Description of functions, DEMO solution, ESP8266 software

Chapter 3
User Guide instruction and STM32 software solution.

SPI Communication User Description of SPI functions, master/slave protocol format and API
Chapter 4
Guide functions.

SPI Overlap & Display Description of SPI functions, hardware connection of SPI overlap
Chapter 5
Application Guide mode, API description and display screen console program demo.

SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 1- Description of SPI functions, SPI slave protocol format, slave status
Chapter 6
Interrupt Mode and line breakage and API functions.

SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 2- Description of SPI functions, SPI slave protocol format, data flow
Chapter 7
Interrupt Mode control line and API functions.

HSPI Host Multi-device Description of HSPI functions, hardware connection and API
Chapter 8
API functions.

Chapter 9 I2C User Guide Description of I2C functions, master interface and demo.

Description of I2S functions, system configuration and API

Chapter 10 I2S Module Description

Description of UART functions, hardware resources, parameter

Chapter 11 UART Introduction configuration, interrupt configuration, example of interrupt handler
process and abandon serial output during booting.

Description of PWM functions PWM, detailed on pwm.h, and

Chapter 12 PWM Interface
custom channels.

IR Remote Control User Introduction on infrared transmission, parameter configuration and

Chapter 13
Guide functions of sample codes.

Introduction on Sniffer, application scenarios, phone App and IOT-

Chapter 14 Sniffer Introduction
device firmware.

Appendix Appendix GPIO registers, SPI registers, UART registers, Timer registers.

Release Notes
Date Version Release notes

2016.05 V1.0 First release.

Date Version Release notes

2016.06 V1.1 Added Section 4.5 Interface Description.

2016.08 V1.2 Updated Section 14.1 Sniffer Introduction.

2017.05 V1.3 Updated Section 4.1.2 SPI Features.

Updated Section 1.1 General Purpose Input/Output Interface

2019.08 V1.4

• Updated Section 1.3 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI/

2020.07 V1.5 HSPI);
• Added documentation feedback links.

• Updated Section 3.3.2 Instructions on The Read/Write

2020.08 V1.6 Buffer and The Registration Linked List;
• Updated Section 10.2.2 Link List Configuration.

• Deleted the ESP8266 Pin List in Section 2.1;

2020.10 V1.7
• Deleted the SPI description note in Section 4.5.2.
Table of Contents
1. Overview .................................................................................................................................1

1.1. General Purpose Input/Output Interface (GPIO) ........................................................................1

1.2. Secure Digital Input/Output Interface (SDIO) .............................................................................1

1.3. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI/HSPI) ........................................................................................1

1.3.1. General SPI (Master/Slave) ...........................................................................................2

1.3.2. HSPI (Master/Slave) ......................................................................................................2

1.4. I2C Interface ...............................................................................................................................2

1.5. I2S Interface ...............................................................................................................................3

1.6. Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) .............................................................. 3

1.7. Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) .................................................................................................4

1.8. IR Remote Control ......................................................................................................................4

1.9. Sniffer .........................................................................................................................................5

2. GPIO .......................................................................................................................................6

2.1. Functional Overview ...................................................................................................................6

2.2. Instruction on GPIO Registers ...................................................................................................7

2.2.1. GPIO Function Selection Register ................................................................................ 7

2.2.2. GPIO Output Registers ................................................................................................. 7

2.2.3. GPIO Input Register ......................................................................................................8

2.2.4. GPIO Interrupt Registers ..............................................................................................8

2.2.5. GPIO16 Related APIs ...................................................................................................9

2.3. Parameter onfiguration ...............................................................................................................9

2.3.1. Parameter Configuration for Scene 1 ...........................................................................9

2.3.2. Parameter Configuration for Scene 2 .........................................................................10

2.3.3. Parameter Configuration for Scene 3 .........................................................................11

2.3.4. Interrupt Function Processing Procedures .................................................................11

2.3.5. Example of The Interrupt Function Processing Procedures .......................................12

3. SPI Compatibility Mode User Guide ..................................................................................... 13

3.1. Functional Overview .................................................................................................................13

3.2. DEMO Solution ........................................................................................................................13

3.2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 13

3.2.2. ESP8266 Software Compiling and Downloading .......................................................13

3.2.3. ESP8266 FLASH Software Downloading ...................................................................14

3.2.4. ESP8266 FLASH Software Downloading ...................................................................14

3.3. ESP8266 Software Instruction .................................................................................................15

3.3.1. Protocol Principle: SDIO Line Breakage and SDIO Status Register ...........................15

3.3.2. Instructions on The Read/Write Buffer and The Registration Linked List ...................16

3.3.3. API Functions in The ESP8266 DEMO .......................................................................17

3.4. STM32 Software Instruction ....................................................................................................18

3.4.1. Important functions .....................................................................................................18

4. SPI Communication User Guide ........................................................................................... 21

4.1. Overview ..................................................................................................................................21

4.1.1. Functional Overview ...................................................................................................21

4.1.2. SPI Features ............................................................................................................... 21

4.2. ESP8266 SPI Master Protocol Format .....................................................................................21

4.2.1. Communication Format Supported by Master SPI ....................................................21

4.2.2. Master SPI Communication Format Supported by Current API .................................22

4.3. ESP8266 SPI Slave Protocol Format .......................................................................................22

4.3.1. SPI Slave Clock Polarity Configuration Requirement .................................................22

4.3.2. Communication Format Supported by Slave SPI .......................................................22

4.3.3. Command Definition Supported by Slave SPI ............................................................ 22

4.3.4. Slave SPI Communication Format Supported by Current API ...................................23

4.4. API Function Description of SPI Module ..................................................................................23

4.4.1. API Function Description of Master SPI .....................................................................23

4.4.2. Master SPI API Function Description .........................................................................25

4.5. SPI Interface Description .........................................................................................................27

4.5.1. Data Structure .............................................................................................................27

4.5.2. API Description ...........................................................................................................30

4.5.3. SPI_Test Demo ...........................................................................................................35

5. SPI Overlap & Display Application Guide .............................................................................46

5.1. Functional Overview .................................................................................................................46

5.2. Hardware Connection of SPI Overlap Mode ............................................................................47

5.3. API Description of SPI Overlap Mode ......................................................................................47

5.4. Display Screen Console Program DEMO .................................................................................48

5.4.1. Connection Description .............................................................................................. 48

5.4.2. API Function Description ............................................................................................48

5.4.3. Pre-compiled Macro Setting .......................................................................................50

6. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 1-Interrupt Mode .............................................................................51

6.1. Functional Overview .................................................................................................................51

6.2. ESP8266 SPI Slave Protocol Format .......................................................................................51

6.2.1. SPI Slave Clock Polarity Configuration ......................................................................51

6.2.2. Communication Format Supported by The SPI Slave ................................................51

6.3. Slave Status Definition and Line Breakage ..............................................................................52

6.3.1. Status Definition .........................................................................................................52

6.3.2. GPIO0 Line Breakage .................................................................................................52

6.4. ESP8266 SPI Slave API Functions ...........................................................................................52

7. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 2-Interrupt Mode .............................................................................58

7.1. Functional Overview .................................................................................................................58

7.2. ESP8266 SPI Slave Protocol Format .......................................................................................58

7.2.1. SPI Slave Clock Polarity Configuration ......................................................................58

7.2.2. Communication Format Supported by The SPI Slave ................................................58

7.3. Instruction on The Data Flow Control Line ...............................................................................59

7.3.1. GPIO0 MOSI Buffer Status .........................................................................................59

7.3.2. GPIO2 Master Receives The Slave Send Buffer Status .............................................59

7.3.3. Master Communication Logic Implementation ........................................................... 59

7.4. ESP8266 SPI Slave API Functions ...........................................................................................61

8. HSPI Host Multi-device API ..................................................................................................64

8.1. Functional Overview .................................................................................................................64

8.2. Hardware Connection ..............................................................................................................64

8.3. API Description ........................................................................................................................65

9. I2C User Guide ..................................................................................................................... 67

9.1. Functional Overview .................................................................................................................67

9.2. I2C master Interface .................................................................................................................67

9.2.1. Initialization ................................................................................................................. 67

9.2.2. Start I2C ......................................................................................................................67

9.2.3. Stop I2C ......................................................................................................................68

9.2.4. I2C Master Responds ACK .........................................................................................68

9.2.5. I2C Master Responds NACK ......................................................................................68

9.2.6. Check I2C Slave Response ........................................................................................69

9.2.7. Write Data on I2C Bus ................................................................................................69

9.2.8. Read Data from I2C Bus .............................................................................................69

9.3. Demo ........................................................................................................................................69

10.I2S Module Description ........................................................................................................71

10.1. Functional Overview .................................................................................................................71

10.2. System Configuration ............................................................................................................... 71

10.2.1. I2S Module Configuration ...........................................................................................71

10.2.2. Link List Configuration ................................................................................................74

10.2.3. SLC Module Configuration .........................................................................................75

10.3. API Function Description .........................................................................................................75

10.3.1. Void Function ..............................................................................................................76

10.3.2. CONF Function ...........................................................................................................76

10.3.3. START Function ..........................................................................................................77

11.UART Introduction ................................................................................................................ 78

11.1. Functional Overview .................................................................................................................78

11.2. Hardware Resources ................................................................................................................79

11.3. Parameter Configuration ..........................................................................................................79

11.3.1. The Baud Rate ............................................................................................................79

11.3.2. Parity Bit .....................................................................................................................80

11.3.3. Data Bit .......................................................................................................................80

11.3.4. Stop Bit .......................................................................................................................80

11.3.5. Inverting ......................................................................................................................80

11.3.6. Switch Output Port of Print Function ..........................................................................81

11.3.7. Read The Remaining Number of Bytes in tx / rx Queue .............................................81

11.3.8. Loopback Operation (loop-back) ................................................................................81

11.3.9. Line Stop Signal ..........................................................................................................81

11.3.10.Flow Control ............................................................................................................... 81

11.3.11.Other Interfaces ..........................................................................................................82

11.4. Configure Interrupt ...................................................................................................................82

11.4.1. Interrupt register .........................................................................................................82

11.4.2. Interface ......................................................................................................................83

11.4.3. Interrupt Type ..............................................................................................................83

11.5. Example of Interrupt Handler Process .....................................................................................87

11.6. Abandon Serial Output During Booting ...................................................................................87

12.PWM Interface ...................................................................................................................... 89

12.1. Functional Overview .................................................................................................................89

12.1.1. Features ......................................................................................................................89

12.1.2. Implementation ...........................................................................................................89

12.1.3. Configuration ..............................................................................................................90

12.1.4. Parameter Specification .............................................................................................90

12.2. Details on pwm.h .....................................................................................................................90

12.2.1. Sample Codes ............................................................................................................90

12.2.2. Interface Specifications .............................................................................................. 91

12.3. Custom Channels .....................................................................................................................93

13.IR Remote Control User Guide .............................................................................................95

13.1. Introduction to Infrared Transmission ......................................................................................95

13.1.1. Transmitting ................................................................................................................ 95

13.1.2. Receiving ....................................................................................................................95

13.2. Parameters Configuration ........................................................................................................96

13.3. Functions of Infrared Sample Codes .......................................................................................97

14.Sniffer Introduction ...............................................................................................................98

14.1. Sniffer Introduction ...................................................................................................................98

14.2. Sniffer Application Scenarios .................................................................................................101

14.3. Phone APP .............................................................................................................................103

14.4. IOT-device Firmware ..............................................................................................................103

Appendix .................................................................................................................................104
1. Overview

1. Overview
1.1. General Purpose Input/Output Interface (GPIO)
ESP8266EX has 17 GPIO pins which can be assigned to various functions by programming
the appropriate registers.
Each GPIO can be configured with internal pull-up or pull-down, or set to high impedance,
and when configured as an input, the data are stored in software registers; the input can
also be set to edge-trigger or level trigger CPU interrupts. In short, the IO pads are bi-
directional, non-inverting and tristate, which includes input and output buffer with tristate
control inputs.
These pins can be multiplexed with other functions such as I2C, I2S, UART, PWM, IR
Remote Control, etc.

1.2. Secure Digital Input/Output Interface (SDIO)

ESP8266EX has one Slave SDIO, the definitions of which are described below. 4-bit 25
MHz SDIO v1.1 and 4-bit 50 MHz SDIO v2.0 are supported.

Table 1-1: Pin Definitions of SDIOs

Pin Name Pin Num IO Function Name







1.3. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI/HSPI)

ESP8266EX has 3 SPIs.
One general Slave/Master SPI
One Slave SDIO/SPI
One general Slave/Master HSPI
Functions of all these pins can be implemented via hardware. The pin definitions are
described as below.

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1. Overview

1.3.1. General SPI (Master/Slave)

Table 1-2. Pin Definitions of SPIs

Pin Name Pin Num IO Function Name








📖 Note:
SPI mode can be implemented via software programming. The clock frequency is 80 MHz at maximum.

1.3.2. HSPI (Master/Slave)

Table 1-3. Pin Definitions of HSPI

Pin Name Pin Num IO Function Name





1.4. I2C Interface

ESP8266EX has one I2C used to connect with micro-controller and other peripheral
equipments such as sensors. The pin definition of I2C is as below.

Table 1-4. Pin Definitions of I2C

Pin Name Pin Num IO Function Name



Both I2C Master and I2C Slave are supported. I2C interface functionality can be realized via
software programming, the clock frequency reaches 100 kHz at a maximum. It should be
noted that I2C clock frequency should be higher than the slowest clock frequency of the
slave device.

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1. Overview

1.5. I2S Interface

ESP8266EX has one I2S data input interface and one I2S data output interface. I2S
interfaces are mainly used in applications such as data collection, processing, and
transmission of audio data, as well as the input and output of serial data. For example, LED
lights (WS2812 series) are supported. The pin definition of I2S is as below. I2S functionality
can be enabled via software programming by using multiplexed GPIOs, and linked list DMA
is supported.

Table 1-5. Pin Definitions of I2S

I2S Data Input

Pin Name Pin Num IO Function Name







1.6. Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

ESP8266EX has two UART interfaces UART0 and UART, the definitions are as below.

Table 1-6. Pin Definitions of UART

Pin Type Pin Name Pin Num IO Function Name






SD_D1 23 IO8 U1RXD

Data transfers to/from UART interfaces can be implemented via hardware. The data
transmission speed via UART interfaces reaches 115200 x 40 (4.5 Mbps).
UART0 can be used for communication. It supports fluid control. Since UART1 features
only data transmit signal (Tx), it is usually used for printing log.

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1. Overview

📖 Note:
By default, UART0 outputs some printed information when the device is powered on and booting up. The
baud rate of the printed information is relevant to the frequency of the external crystal oscillator. If the
frequency of the crystal oscillator is 40 MHz, then the baud rate for printing is 115200; if the frequency of the
crystal oscillator is 26 MHz, then the baud rate for printing is 74880. If the printed information exerts any
influence on the functionality of the device, it is suggested to block the printing during the power-on period by
changing (U0TXD,U0RXD) to (MTDO,MTCK).

1.7. Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM)

ESP8266EX has four PWM output interfaces. They can be extended by users themselves.
The pin definitions of the PWM interfaces are defined as below.

Table 1-7. Pin Definitions of PWM

Pin Name Pin Num IO Function Name



The functionality of PWM interfaces can be implemented via software programming. For
example, in the LED smart light demo, the function of PWM is realized by interruption of the
timer, the minimum resolution reaches as much as 44 ns. PWM frequency range is
adjustable from 1000 μs to 10000 μs, i.e., between 100Hz and 1 kHz. When the PWM
frequency is 1 kHz, the duty ratio will be 1/22727, and over 14 bit resolution will be
achieved at 1 kHz refresh rate.

1.8. IR Remote Control

One Infrared remote control interface is defined as below.

Table 1-8. Pin Definitions of IR Remote Control

Pin Name Pin Num IO Function Name

GPIO5 24 IO5 IR Rx

The functionality of Infrared remote control interface can be implemented via software
programming. NEC coding, modulation, and demodulation are used by this interface. The
frequency of modulated carrier signal is 38 kHz, while the duty ratio of the square wave is
1/3. The transmission range is around 1m which is determined by two factors: one is the
maximum value of rated current, the other is internal current-limiting resistance value in the
infrared receiver. The larger the resistance value, the lower the current, so is the power, and
vice versa. The transmission angle is between 15° and 30° which is determined by the
radiation direction of the infrared receiver.

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1. Overview

1.9. Sniffer
ESP8266 can enter promiscuous mode (sniffer). ESP8266 can capture complete IEEE
802.11 packets in the air or it can obtain the length of the packets.

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2.1. Functional Overview
The ESP8266 has 16 general IOs. Their pin numbers and names are shown in the table

Table 2-1. GPIO Pin Definition

GPIO NO. Pin NO. Pin name

GPIO0 pin15 GPIO0_U

GPIO1 pin26 U0TXD_U

GPIO2 pin14 GPIO2_U

GPIO3 pin25 U0RXD_U

GPIO4 pin16 GPIO4_U

GPIO5 pin24 GPIO5_U

GPIO6 pin21 SD_CLK_U

GPIO7 pin22 SD_DATA0_U

GPIO8 pin23 SD_DATA1_U

GPIO9 pin18 SD_DATA2_U

GPIO10 pin19 SD_DATA3_U

GPIO11 pin20 SD_CMD_U

GPIO12 pin10 MTDI_U

GPIO13 pin12 MTCK_U

GPIO14 pin9 MTMS_U

GPIO15 pin13 MTDO_U

In the QUAD mode flash, 6 IO interfaces are used for flash communication.
In the DUAL mode flash, 4 IO interfaces are used for flash communication.

📖 Note:
Users may find the following documents helpful:

• Appendix 1 - GPIO Registers.

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2.2. Instruction on GPIO Registers

2.2.1. GPIO Function Selection Register
The ESP8266 MTDI is used to demonstrate the GPIO function selection.
Function selection register PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U (this register differs for different

Configurations differ for different pins.

⚠ Notice:
If you want to configure it to be FUNCTION X, write X -1 into the bit in the register. For example, if you want
to configure it to be FUNCTION 3, write 2 into the bit in the register.

2.2.2. GPIO Output Registers

• Output enable register: GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS
bit[15:0] the output enable bit (readable and writable):
If the related bit is set to be 1, the IO output is enabled. Bit[15:0] contains 16 GPIO output
enable bits.
• Output disable register: GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC

bit[15:0] the output disable bit (readable and writable):

If the related bit is set to be 1, the IO output is disabled. Bit[15:0] contains 16 GPIO output
disable bits.
• Output enable status register: GPIO_ENABLE

bit[15:0] the output enable status bit (readable and writable):

Value of bit[15:0] of this register shows the related pin output enable status.
By writing data into bit[15:0] of GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS and bit[15:0] of
GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC, users can control bit[15:0] of GPIO_ENABLE. For example, when
bit[0] of GPIO_ENABLE_W1T is set to be 1, then bit[0] of GPIO_ENABLE =1; when bit[1] of
GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC is set to be 1, then bit[1] of GPIO_ENABLE = 0.
• Output low level register GPIO_OUT_W1TC
bit[15:0] output low level bit (write only register):
If the related bit is set to be 1, the IO output is low level (at the same time, users should
enable the output). Bit[15:0] contains 16 GPIO output statuses.

📖 Note:
If users need to set the pin to high level, they need to configure the GPIO_OUT_W1T register.

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• Output high level register GPIO_OUT_W1TS

bit[15:0] output high level bit (write only register):
If the related bit is set to be 1, it means the IO output is high level (at the same time, users
should enable the output). Bit[15:0] contains 16 GPIO output statuses.

📖 Note:
If users need to set the pin to low level, they need to configure the GPIO_OUT_W1TC register.

• Output status register GPIO_OUT

bit[15:0] output status bit (read/write register):
Value of bit[15:0] of this register shows the related pin output status.
Bit[15:0] of GPIO_OUT is decided by bit[15:0] of GPIO_OUT_W1TS and bit[15:0] of
GPIO_OUT_W1TC. For example, when bit[1] of GPIO_OUT_W1TS =1, then GPIO_OUT[1]
=1; when bit[2] of GPIO_OUT_W1TC = 1, then GPIO_OUT[2]=0.

2.2.3. GPIO Input Register

bit[15:0] the input status bit (readable and writable):
If the related bit is set to be 1, the IO pin status is high level. If the related bit is set to be 0,
the IO pin status is low level. Bit[15:0] contains 16 GPIO input status bits.

📖 Note:
The GPIO input detection function is enabled by default.

2.2.4. GPIO Interrupt Registers

• Interrupt type register GPIO_PIN12 (this register differs for different GPIOs)
bit[9:7] (readable and writable):
0: the GPIO interrupt is disabled
1: rising edge triggered interrupt
2: falling edge triggered interrupt
3: double-edge triggered interrupt
4: low level
5: high level
• Interrupt status register GPIO_STATUS

Bit[15:0] (readable and writable):

If the related bit is set to be 1, the IO interrupts. Bit[15:0] contains 16 GPIOs.
• Interrupt clearing register GPIO_STATUS_W1TC
Bit[15:0] (readable and writable):

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Write 1 into the related bit, the related GPIO interrupt status will be cleared.

2.2.5. GPIO16 Related APIs

Different from other IO interfaces, GPIO16(XPD_DCDC) belongs to the RTC module instead
of the general GPIO module. It can be used to wake up the chip during deep-sleep; it can
be configured to input or output mode; but it cannot trigger the IO interrupt. the APIs are
shown below.
• gpio16_output_conf(void)
Set the GPIO16 to the output mode.
• gpio16_output_set(uint8 value)
Output high/low level from GPIO16. Configure GPIO16 to the output mode first.
• gpio16_input_conf(void)
Set the GPIO16 to the input mode.
• gpio16_input_get(void)
Read the GPIO16 input level status. Configure GPIO16 to the input mode first.

2.3. Parameter onfiguration

Three scenes are given as examples for parameter configuration:
• Configure the MTDI output high level, and enable the pull up.
• Configure the MTDI to the input mode, and get its level status.
• Configure the MTDI to falling edge triggers interrupt.

2.3.1. Parameter Configuration for Scene 1

1. Configure the MTDI to GPIO mode.


This sentence writes 1 into bits 4-5 of PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U register. When bits 4-5
of PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U are set to be 1, the MTDI is configured to the GPIO mode.
For details of PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U register, refer to Section 2.2, Instruction on
GPIO Register.
2. Configure the MTDI output high level.


This sentence has two functions:

• Write 1 into bit 12 of GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS register. It enables the MTDI output
• Write 1 into bit 12 of GPIO_OUT_W1TS register. It sets MTDI output to high level.

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📖 Note:
To set MTDI output to low level, set the second parameter of this function to be 0.


This sentence has two functions:

• Write 1 into bit 12 of GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS register. It enables the MTDI output
• Write 1 into bit 12 of GPIO_OUT_W1TC register. It sets MTDI output to low level.
3. Enable the MTDI pull up.


It writes 1 into bit 7 of PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U. It enables the MTDI pull up.

📖 Note:
To disable the MTDI pull up, use the following sentence:


2.3.2. Parameter Configuration for Scene 2

1. Configure the MTDI to GPIO mode.


This sentence writes 1 into bits 4-5 of PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U register. When bits 4-5
of PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U are set to be 1, the MTDI is configured to the GPIO mode.
2. Configure the MTDI to the input mode.


3. Get the MTDI pin level status.

Uint8 level=0;


GPIO_INPUT_GET(GPIO_ID_PIN(12)) gets the status of bit 12 of GPIO_IN register. The

value of this register shows the input level of related pin. (Enable the input function of the
related pin first to get effective register status)

📖 Note:
• If MTDI is at high level, then the return value of GPIO_INPUT_GET is 1, level = 1;

• If MTDI is at low level, then the return value of GPIO_INPUT_GET is 0, level = 0.

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2.3.3. Parameter Configuration for Scene 3

typedef enum {


This structure is used to configure the GPIO interrupt trigger manner. It is declared in
1. Configure the MTDI to GPIO mode.


This sentence writes 1 into bits 4-5 of PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U register. When bits 4-5
of PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U are set to be 1, the MTDI is configured to the GPIO mode.
2. Configure the MTDI to the input mode.


3. Disable all IO interrupts.


4. Set the interrupt handler function.


5. Configure MTDI to falling edge triggers interrupt.


This sentence writes 0x02 into bit[9:7] of GPIO_PIN12 register. It sets MTDI to falling edge
triggers interrupt.

📖 Note:
If users want to disable the MTDI interrupt function, write 0x02 into bit[9:7] of GPIO_PIN12 register.

For other interrupt triggering mode configuration, refer to 2.2 Instruction on GPIO Registers.

6. Enable the GPIO interrupt.


2.3.4. Interrupt Function Processing Procedures

1. Clear the interrupt.

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Uint16 gpio_status=0;

For instructions on GPIO_STATUS and GPIO_STATUS_W1TC, refer to Section 2.2

Instruction on GPIO Registers.
2. check which IO triggered the interrupt (when multiple IOs are configured to be in
interrupt mode)


3. If it is double-edge triggered interrupt, check whether this interrupt is triggered by

rising or falling edge.

if(!GPIO_INPUT_GET(GPIO_ID_PIN(12))) //if this MTDI interrupt is

triggered by falling edge.

2.3.5. Example of The Interrupt Function Processing Procedures

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3. SPI Compatibility Mode User Guide

3. SPI Compatibility Mode User

3.1. Functional Overview
This protocol uses the SDIO mode of the ESP8266 to communicate with other processor's
SPI hosts. The electrical interface is connected through signal line No.4, including the
SCLK, MOSI, MISO and interrupt signal No.1 in the SPI protocol (note: no CS signal).
Downloading the ESP8266 SDIO can be different from downloading other programs.
When the ESP8266 starts, the system reads the pin shared by the SPI interface and the
SDIO interface by default. Therefore, the SDIO module communication protocol should be
used. The ESP8266 should start in the SDIO mode, and then, the host will start the chip in
the ESP8266 RAM through the SDIO downloaded programs. The majority of the programs
that directly use CPU CACHE to call FLASH can be burnt to the FLASH chip connected to
the HSPI interface beforehand.
Data received or sent by the ESP8266 SDIO is processed directly by the DMA module that
supports linked list index.
The ESP8266 can receive and send the SDIO packets efficiently without using the CPU. It
does so through the address of the memory map linked list.

3.2. DEMO Solution

3.2.1. Introduction
The host is the Red Dragon demo board with STM32F103ZET6 as its core.The software is
the FreeRTOS system developed by the IAR platform. The slave is the ESP_IOT reference
board, which is based on the v0.9.3 SDK development.

3.2.2. ESP8266 Software Compiling and Downloading

• In the SDIO communication demo \esp_iot_sdk_v0.9.3_sdio_demo\ap, use the
compiler to compile and generate the bin documents for downloading in order to
complete the ESP8266 DEMO work.
• ibmain.a in SDIO communication demo \esp_iot_sdk_v0.9.3_sdio_demo\lib is
different from the version released in v0.9.3. When you use the released version of
the SDK, use libmain.a in the DEMO to replace the original one. The new libmain.a
will start the chip, and exchange the SPI module that reads FLASH and the HSPI
mapping pin. Then, you can use DEMO to compile and generate.
• Copy in SDIO communication demo
\esp_iot_sdk_v0.9.3_sdio_demo\bin to SDIO communication demoboard

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3. SPI Compatibility Mode User Guide

\XTCOM_UTIL. is all the functions of FLASH chip read

directly through the SPI by CPU CACHE in the ESP8266 program.
• Run BinToArray.exe in SDIO communication demo\. Transfer in SDIO communication demo
\esp_iot_sdk_v0.9.3_sdio_demo\ bin to ANSI C format array. The new array will be
saved in D:\. The target route of BinToArray.exe must be D:\. If there is not a D:\, you
can (1) use a virtual machine with a D:\; (2) connect the device to a U disk named D:\;
or (3) search online for a tool that can transfer bin to array.
• If there is a D:\, name hexarray.c in D:\ as eagle_fw.h, and define the array name as
const unsigned char eagle_fw[] =....... Replace eagle_fw.h in SDIO communication
demo\STM32\ Eagle_Wifi_Driver\ egl_drv_simulation\ (you can copy the array
name and document name in the old eagle_fw.h, rename the hexarray.c and use it
to replace the old eagle_fw.h.). Before starting the chip, write
into the ESP8266 memory. should be transferred to array,
and be written into the ESP8266 through STM32.
• Use the IAR platform to open EglWB.ewp.eww in SDIO communication
demo\STM32\IAR\ to compile the programs.

3.2.3. ESP8266 FLASH Software Downloading

1. Use the serial line to connect the ESP_IOT reference board and the computer, and
connect them with a 5V power supply. Connect J67 to the 2 pins on the right (enable
the FLASH chip in the HSPI interface), and J66 to the 2 pins on the left (disable the
FLASH chip in the SPI interface). Set MTD0, GPIO0 and GPIO2 to the UART mode 0,
0,1 (up, up, down).
2. Double-click XTCOM_UTIL.exe in SDIO communication demo\XTCOM_UTIL. Click
Tools -> Config Device, and choose Com interface. Baud Rate: 115200. Click Open,
and you will see open Success. Click Connect, and push the H Flash board power,
you will see the connection is completed.
3. Click API TEST(A)->(5) HSpiFlash Image Download, and choose in SDIO communication demo\XTCOM_UTIL. Offset:
0x40000. Click Download, and the downloading will be completed.

3.2.4. ESP8266 FLASH Software Downloading

Use the pin header to connect the ESP_IOT reference board and the Red Dragon demo
board. The details are shown below:
In the Red Dragon demo board JP1:
J62 pin headers in the ESP_IOT reference board (bottom-up)

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3. SPI Compatibility Mode User Guide


The ESP_IOT reference board: change the jumper MTD0 to 1 (short the 2 pins below),
GPIO0, GPIO2 random (1, x, x is the SDIO starting mode), CHIP_PD:ON (flip the switch
downward). Keep jumper J66 connected to the 2 pins on the left, and jumper J67
connected to the 2 pins on the right.
Connect the 5V power adapter to the ESP_IOT reference board and the Red Dragon demo
board. Turn on the demoboard power, download the compiled programs mentioned in
Section 2.2 to STM32 in the IAR environment. Start the STM32 program, and turn on the
ESP_IOT reference board power. the STM32 will write the starting program into the
ESP8266, and after several seconds, it will automatically run the SDIO to return to the
testing program.

3.3. ESP8266 Software Instruction

3.3.1. Protocol Principle: SDIO Line Breakage and SDIO Status Register
In the SDIO SPI compatibility mode, pin SD_DATA1 of the ESP8266 is used as the interrupt
line to send signals to the SPI host, and the signals are active low. When the ESP8266
SDIO status register is upgraded by software, the interrupt line will change from active high
to active low. The host should write in data to resume the active high through SDIO. (to be
specific, the host should write 1 into register with the address 0x30 through CMD53 or
CMD52 command in order to resume the active high of the interrupt line.)
the SDIO status register is 32 bits, it is revised by ESP8266 software, and it can be read by
the host through CMD53 or CMD52 command. The address is 0x20-0x23. The data
structure is shown as below:
struct sdio_slave_status_element
u32 wr_busy:1;

u32 rd_empty :1;

u32 comm_cnt :3;
u32 intr_no :3;
u32 rx_length:16;
u32 res:8;


To be specific:
• wr_busy, bit 0: 1, write buffer of the slave is full, and the ESP8266 is processing data
from the host; 0, write buffer is empty, users can write data into the buffer.

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• rd_empty, bit 1: 1, read buffer of the slave is empty, no data has been updated; 0,
there is new data in the buffer for the host to read.
• comm_cnt, bit 2-4: count the read/write communication. Each time the ESP8266
SDIO module finishes an effective packet-reading/packet-writing, the count will
increase by 1. Therefore, the host can judge whether a read/write communication has
been effectively responded by the ESP8266.
• intr_no, bit 5-7: the protocol does not use this variable; reserved.

• rx_length, bit 8-23: actual length of the packets prepared in the read buffer.

• res, bit 24-31: reserved.

The communication procedures of the host are shown as below:

• upon receiving the interrupt request, the host reads the SDIO status register, and
then clears the interuption, and reads/writes the packets according to the status
• it checks the SDIO status register regularly, and reads/writes the packets according
to the status register.

3.3.2. Instructions on The Read/Write Buffer and The Registration Linked List
DMA will directly send packets received and sent by the ESP8266 SDIO to corresponding
memories. The ESP8266 software will define the linked list registration structure (or array),
and buffer(s). In this example, only one buffer is used, and there is only one element in the
linked list. Write the first address of the buffer into the linked list registration structure, and
write in other information. When you write the first address of the linked list structure into
the corresponding hardware register in the ESP8266, the DMA can automatically process
the SDIO and the buffer.
The linked list registration structure is shown as below:

Word 0 sub_sof

Word 1 buf_ptr [31:0]

Word 2 next_link_ptr [31:0]

• owner: 1'b0: operator of the current link buffer is SW; operator of the current link
buffer. MAC does not use this bit. 1'b1: operator of the current link buffer is HW.
• eof: flag of the end of the frame (for the end of AMPDU sub-frames, this flag is not
needed). When the MAC sends the frames, it is used to mark the end of the frames.
For links in eof, buffer_length[11:0] must be equal to the length of the remaining part
of the frame. Otherwise, the MAC will report an error. When the MAC receives frames,

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3. SPI Compatibility Mode User Guide

it is used to indicate that the reception has been completed, and the value is set by
• sub_sof: the flag of the start of the sub-frame. It is used to distinguish different
AMPDU sub-frames. It is only used when the MAC is sending packets.
• length[11:0]: actual size of the buffer.
• size[11:0]: total size of the buffer.
• buf_ptr[31:0]: starting address of the buffer.
• next_link_ptr[31:0]: starting address of the next discripter. When the MAC is receiving
frames, the value is 0, indicating that there is no empty buffer to receive the frames.

3.3.3. API Functions in The ESP8266 DEMO

1. void sdio_slave_init(void)
Function: Initialise the SDIO module, including initialising the status register, initialising the
Rx and Tx registration linked list, configuring the communication interrupt line mode,
configuring packet-sending/receiving interruption, and registering the interrupt service
routine, etc.
2. void sdio_slave_isr(void *para)
Function and trigger condition: The SDIO interrupt processing function; this function will be
triggered when the SDIO successfully receives or sends a packet. in DEMO, all the
ESP8266 testing procedures are completed in the interrupt processing function. All the
processing procedures of the registration linked lists, status registers and data during the
communication process can be found in this function.
3. void rx_buff_load_done(uint16 rx_len)
Function: When rx_buffer receives new packets, this function should be called to change
the status of the new packets to "to be read". This function contains related operations of
the software/hardware of the registration linked list, and the status register. In DEMO, this
function will be called in the interrupt service routine.
Parameter: rx_len: actual length of the new packet (unit: byte).
4. void tx_buff_handle_done(void)
Function: When data in tx_buffer has been processed, this function should be called to
change the SDIO status to "sent" in order to receive the next packet. This function
contains related operations of the software/hardware of the registration linked list, and the
status register. In DEMO, this function will be called in the interrupt service routine.
5. void rx_buff_read_done(void)
Function: When data in rx_buffe has been read, this function should be called to change
the SDIO status to "non-readable". This function contains related operations of the status
register, and should be called at the beginning of the RX_EOF interrupt service.

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6. void tx_buff_write_done(void)
Function: When tx_buffer receives new packets, this function should be called to change
the SDIO status to "non-writable". This function contains related operations of the status
register, and should be called at the beginning of the TX_EOF interrupt service.

Function: Macro, pull low the communication interrupt line, inform the host.
8. Other functions
Other functions are used for tests.

3.4. STM32 Software Instruction

3.4.1. Important functions
1. void SdioRW(void *pvParameters)
SDIO testing thread, it contains all the read/write procedures.
egl_thread.c. Registered by SPITest() of the same file in egl_thread.c.
2. int esp_sdio_probe(void)
Enable related programs in the ESP8266.
esp_main_sim.c. Called by SPITest() in egl_thread.c.
3. int sif_spi_write_bytes(u32 addr, u8*src,u16 count,u8 func)
Write the SDIO byte mode into the API; encapsulate the write-in function of the CMD53
byte mode. It can process the register and the packets. According to the SDIO protocol,
the maximum data length is 512 Bytes.
port_spi.c. Called by SdioRW in egl_thread.c.

src: starting address of the packet to be sent.
count: length of the packet to be sent, (unit: Byte).
func: function number. It is 0 for communication of block_size in the block mode used to
revise the SDIO CMD53, and 1 for all other communications.

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addr: starting address of the data to be written in. If you want to process the register, input
the corresponding address, for example, 0x30, interrupt line clearance register, 0x110,
revise block_size (func=0). If you want to process the packets, input a value that equals to
0x1f800 - tx_length, and 0x1f800 - tx_length should equal to count. If count > tx_lengt, the
SPI host will send packets of count length. But data between tx_length + 1 and count will
be discarded by the ESP8266 SDIO module. Therefore, when sending packets, addr is
related to the actual length of the effective data.
4. int sif_spi_read_bytes(u32 addr,u8* dst,u16 count,u8 func)
The SDIO byte mode reads the API; encapsulate the read function of the CMD53 byte
mode. It can process the register or the packets. According to the SDIO protocol, the
maximum data length is 512 Bytes.
port_spi.c. Called by SdioRW in egl_thread.c.

dst: starting address of the receiving buffer
count: length of the packet to be received (unit: Byte)
func: function number. It is 0 for communication of block_size in the block mode used to
read the SDIO CMD53, and 1 for all other communications.
addr: starting address of the data to be read. If you want to operate the register, input the
corresponding address. For example, 0x20, the SDIO status register. If you want to operate
the packets, input a value that equals 0x1f800 - tx_length, and 0x1f800 - tx_length
equals count. If count > tx_length, the SPI host will send packets of count length. But
data between tx_length + 1 and count will be discarded by the ESP8266 SDIO
module. Therefore, when sending packets, addr is related to the actual length of the
effective data.
5. int sif_spi_write_blocks(u32 addr, u8 * src, u16 count,u16
Write the SDIO block mode into the API; encapsulate the write-in function of the CMD53
byte mode. It can only transport the packets, According to the SDIO protocol, the
maximum data length is 512 blocks.
port_spi.c. Called by dioRW in egl_thread.c and sif_io_sync used by the
program downloader in esp_main_sim.c.

src: starting address of the packet to be sent.
count: length of the packet to be sent (unit: block)

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block_size: the number of bytes in 1 block. It should be equal to the 16 bit value whose
func=0, and whose addr=0x110-111. In general, when initialising the SDIO, block_size of
the ESP8266 SDIO should be configured. The starting value of DEMO is 512. During the
operation, it is configured to be 1024. block_size should be an integer multiple of 4.
addr: starting address of the data to be written in. Input a value that equals 0x1f800 -
tx_length (the same as the byte mode), and the tx_length should equal to count.
6. int sif_spi_read_blocks(u32 addr, u8 *dst, u16 count,u16
Write the SDIO block mode into the API; encapsulate the write-in function of the CMD53
byte mode. It can only transport the packets, According to the SDIO protocol, the
maximum data length is 512 blocks.
port_spi.c. Called by dioRW in egl_thread.c and sif_io_sync used by the
program downloader in esp_main_sim.c.

src: starting address of the receiving buffer
count: length of the packet to be received (unit: block)
block_size: the number of bytes in 1 block. It should be equal to the 16 bit value whose
func = 0, and whose addr=0x110-111. In general, when initialising the SDIO,
block_size of the ESP8266 SDIO should be configured. The starting value of DEMO is
512. During the operation, it is configured to be 1024. block_size should be an integer
multiple of 4.
addr: starting address of the data to be read. Input a value that equals 0x1f800 -
tx_length (the same as the byte mode), and the tx_length should equal to count.
7. void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void)
The communication interrupt processing function offers enable signal for
egl_arch_sem_wait (& BusIrqReadSem,1000) in thread function SdioRW, so that
SdioRW thread can exit the wait state, and read the SDIO status register.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

4. SPI Communication User

4.1. Overview
4.1.1. Functional Overview
ESP8266 SPI module is used for communication with devices supporting SPI protocols. It
supports the SPI protocol standard of 4 line communication(CS, SCLK, MOSI, MISO) in
the electrical interface. ESP8266 SPI module has special support for FLASH memory in
the SPI interface. Therefore, master and slave SPI module have its corresponding hardware
protocol to match with the SPI communication device.

4.1.2. SPI Features

• Supports standard master and slave modes;
• Supports length-programmable hardware commands and addresses, up to 16 bits
and 64 bits;
• Word-aligned data buffer, up to 64 bytes;
• Programmable read/write status register in slave mode;
• Selection of 3 CS pins;
• Clock frequency up to 80 MHz in master mode and 20 MHz in slave mode;
• Programmable clock polarity;
• MSB or LSB first;
• Selection of byte order in SPI buffer transmission;
• Selection of multiple interrupt sources, including transmit end, read/write data and
read/write status.

4.2. ESP8266 SPI Master Protocol Format

4.2.1. Communication Format Supported by Master SPI

Master ESP8266SPI communication format is command+address+read/write data, which

• Command: a must; length: 1 ~ 16 bits; master output and slave input (MOSI).

• Address: optional; length: 0 ~ 32 bits;master output and slave input (MOSI).

• Read/write data: optional; length: 0 ~ 512 bits (64 Bytes); master output and slave
input (MOSI) or master input and slave output (MISO).

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

4.2.2. Master SPI Communication Format Supported by Current API

The API function of ESP8266 SPI has two master initialization modes: one supports most
of the general signals and the other is designed for driving a colored LCD screen. The
device needs non-standard 9 bits SPI communication format. Please refer to Section 4.4.1
for detailed information.

4.3. ESP8266 SPI Slave Protocol Format

4.3.1. SPI Slave Clock Polarity Configuration Requirement
The master device clock polarity configuration of ESP8266 SPI slave communication
should be set with idle low power , rising edge sampling and falling edge data
transformation. Please make sure to keep low power for CS in a 16’s reading/writing
process. If the CS power is raised to high level while sending, the internal state of slave will
be reset.

4.3.2. Communication Format Supported by Slave SPI

Slave ESP8266SPI communication format is almost the same as that of the master mode,
i.e. command+address+read/write data, but the slave read/write operation has its
hardware command and undeletable address, which is,
• Command: a must; length: 3 ~ 16 bits; master output and slave input (MOSI).

• Address: a must; length: 1 ~ 32 bits;master output and slave input (MOSI).

• Read/write data: optional; length: 0 ~ 512 bits (64 Bytes); master output and slave
input (MOSI) or master input and slave output (MISO).

4.3.3. Command Definition Supported by Slave SPI

The length of slave receiving command should at least be 3 bits. For low 3 bits, there are
hardware reading and writing operation, which is,
• 010 (slave receiving) : Write the data sent by master into the register of slave data
caching via MOSI, i.e. SPI_FLASH_C0 to SPI_FLASH_C15.
• 011 (slave sending): Send the data in the register of slave data caching (from
SPI_FLASH_C0 to SPI_FLASH_C15) to master via MOSI.
• 110 (slave receiving and sending): Send slave data caching to MISO and write the
master data in MOSI into data caching SPI_FLASH_C0 to SPI_FLASH_C15.

⚠ Notice:
Other vales are used to read and write the status register of slave SPI, SPI_FLASH_STATUS. Please do not
use it because the difference between communication format and data caching reading/writing might lead to
slave read/write error.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

4.3.4. Slave SPI Communication Format Supported by Current API

The API function of ESP8266 SPI has a slave initialization mode which is compatible with
most of the devices in bytes. Set the slave communication format of 7 bits command+8
bits read/write data so that other master SPI devices could read and write bytes of slave
SPI via the 16 bits communication (or two times 8 bits with low lever CS). Please refer to
Section 4.4.2 for detailed information.

4.4. API Function Description of SPI Module

4.4.1. API Function Description of Master SPI
1. void spi_lcd_mode_init(uint8 spi_no)
Provide master SPI initialization program for driving the chromatic LCD TM035PDZV36.

Parameter Description

The number of SPI module. Only input SPI(0) and

uint8 spi_no
HSPI(1). Any other inputs are invalid.

2. void spi_lcd_9bit_write(uint8 spi_no,uint8 high_bit,uint8

Provide master SPI transmitting program for driving the chromatic LCD TM035PDZV36.
The LCD module needs a 9 bits transmitting.

Parameter Description

The number of SPI module. Only input SPI(0) and

uint8 spi_no
HSPI(1). Any other inputs are invalid.

he 9’s data. 0 represents the 9’s 0 and other data

uint8 high_bit
represents the 9’s 1.

uint8 low_8bit Low 8 bit data.

3. void spi_master_init(uint8 spi_no)

Normal master SPI initialization function. Baud rate is the 1/4 frequency of CPU clock. All
the master functions except spi_lcd_9bit_write can be used after initialization.

Parameter Description

The number of SPI module. Only input SPI(0) and

uint8 spi_no
HSPI(1). Any other inputs are invalid.

4. void spi_mast_byte_write(uint8 spi_no,uint8 data)

Master data sending of one byte.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

Parameter Description

The number of SPI module. Only input SPI(0) and

uint8 spi_no
HSPI(1). Any other inputs are invalid.

uint8 data 8 bit data sending.

5. void spi_byte_write_espslave(uint8 spi_no,uint8 data)

Write a Byte data for slave SPI.
As the slave is set at 7bits command+1bit address+8bits data, data sending requires 16
bits transmission and the first byte is 0b0000010+0(refer to 3.3 ), i.e. 0x04. The second
byte is data sending. The actual transmitting waveform is illustrated in Figure 4-1.

Parameter Description

The number of SPI module. Only input SPI(0) and

uint8 spi_no
HSPI(1). Any other inputs are invalid.

uint8 data 8 bit data sending.

Figure 4-1. The waveform of spi_byte_write_espslave written into slave ESP8266

📖 Note:
Yellow line: CS, blue line: CLK, red line: MOSI, green line: MISO.

6. void spi_byte_read_espslave(uint8 spi_no,uint8 *data)

Read one byte data from slave SPI and read other SPI slave devices. As the slave device is
set at 7bits command+1bit address+8bits data, data sending requires 16 bits transmission
and the first byte is 0b0000011+0 (refer to Section 4.3.3), i.e. 0x06. The second Byte is
data sending. The actual operating waveform is illustrated in Figure 4-2.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

For other full duplex slave devices, 16 bits slave communication should be set. The
effective data should be put to the second byte of slave sending caching which will be
received by master ESP8266.

Parameter Description

The number of SPI module. Only input SPI(0) and

uint8 spi_no
HSPI(1). Any other inputs are invalid.

uint8 data 8 bit memory address data receiving.

Figure 4-2. The slave waveform of spi_byte_read_espslave read from ESP8266

📖 Note:
Yellow line: CS, blue line: CLK, red line: MOSI, green line: MISO.

4.4.2. Master SPI API Function Description

1. void spi_slave_init(uint8 spi_no)
Initialization of slave SPI mode. Configure IO interface to SPI mode, enable SPI
transmission interruption and register the function spi_slave_isr_handler.
Communication format is set at 7bits command +1bit address+8bits read/write data.
Command and address combines to be high 8 bits and the address must be 0. According
to descriptions in 3.3, it supports the three master commands, i.e. 0x04 master write and
slave read, 0x06master write and slave read, 0x0c master and slave read/write. The
communication waveform is illustrated in Figure 4-1, 4-2.

Parameter Description

The number of SPI module. ESP8266 processor has two SPI

spi_no modules with the same function, i.e. SPI and HSPI.
Optional values: SPI or HSPI.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

2. spi_slave_isr_handler(void *para)
Function and trigger condition:
SPI interrupt processing function. Interruption will be triggered if the master operates the
correct transmission operation(read/write slave).
//0x3ff00020 is isr flag register, bit4 is for spi isr,

//following 3 lines is to close spi isr enable

//os_printf("SPI ISR is trigged\n"); //debug code

}else if(READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT7){ //bit7 is for hspi

//following 3 lines is to clear hspi isr signal

//when master command is write slave 0x04,
//recieved data will be occur in register SPI_FLASH_C0's low 8
//also if master command is read slave 0x06,

//the low 8bit data in register SPI_FLASH_C0 will transmit to

//so prepare the transmit data in SPI_FLASH_C0' low 8bit,
//if a slave transmission needs

/*put user code here*/

// os_printf("recv data is %08x\n", recv_data);//debug code
}else if(READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT9){ //bit9 is for i2s

Code description: As SPI store the FLASH chip by the read/write program, HSPI is used for
communication. For ESP8266 processor, there are multiple devices that share the
interruption function, including SPI module, HSPI module, I2S module, the 4’s, 7’s and 9’s
0x3ff00020 in the register.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

As SPI module triggers transmission interruption frequently, 5 interruption source enabled

should be closed. The corresponding codes are as follows:

If HSPI is triggered, software that resets the 5 interruption source is needed, in order to
avoid the repeated interruption function. The corresponding codes are as follows:


Data receiving and transmitting data share one register, SPI_FLASH_C0. The
corresponding codes of readout register are as follows:

recv_data is a global variable. Processing program defined by users can be inserted to

the tail of the sentence.

⚠ Notice:
Interruption program is unfit for time-consuming processing code because long-time interruption program will
cause watchdog timer unable to realize normal reset and will also lead to unexpected restart of processor.

4.5. SPI Interface Description

⚠ Notice:
The contents of this chapter are applicable only for Non-OS SDK V1.5.3 and above.

4.5.1. Data Structure Enumerated Values

Value Description

SpiMode_Master Master mode

SpiMode_Slave Slave mode


Value Description

SpiSubMode_0 SPI_CPOL(0) SPI_CPHA(0)

SpiSubMode_1 SPI_CPOL(0) SPI_CPHA(1)

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

Value Description

SpiSubMode_2 SPI_CPOL(1) SPI_CPHA(0)

SpiSubMode_3 SPI_CPOL(1) SPI_CPHA(1)


Value Description

SpiSpeed_0_5MHz SPI speed at 0.5 MHz

SpiSpeed_1MHz SPI speed at 1 MHz

SpiSpeed_2MHz SPI speed at 2 MHz

SpiSpeed_5MHz SPI speed at 5 MHz

SpiSpeed_8MHz SPI speed at 8 MHz

SpiSpeed_10MHz SPI speed at 10 MHz


Value Description

SpiBitOrder_MSBFirst MSB first

SpiBitOrder_LSBFirst LSB first


Value Description

SpiIntSrc_TransDone Transmit complete interrupt

SpiIntSrc_WrStaDone Write status register interrupt

SpiIntSrc_RdStaDone Read status register interrupt

SpiIntSrc_WrBufDone Write data register interrupt

SpiIntSrc_RdBufDone Read data register interrupt


Value Description

SpiPinCS_0 CS0 pin

SpiPinCS_1 CS1 pin

SpiPinCS_2 CS2 pin Structure
SPI parameters configuration
typedef struct

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

SpiMode mode; ///< Master or slave mode

SpiSubMode subMode; ///< SPI SPI_CPOL SPI_CPHA mode
SpiSpeed speed; ///< SPI Clock

SpiBitOrder bitOrder; ///< SPI bit order

} SpiAttr;

Data structure of SPI transmission
typedef struct
uint16_t cmd; ///< Command value
uint8_t cmdLen; ///< Command byte length

uint32_t *addr; ///< Point to address value

uint8_t addrLen; ///< Address byte length
uint32_t *data; ///< Point to data buffer
uint8_t dataLen; ///< Data byte length.
} SpiData;

Information structure of SPI interrupt configuration
typedef struct

SpiIntSrc src; ///< Interrupt source
void *isrFunc; ///< SPI interrupt callback function.
} SpiIntInfo; Constants
ESP8266 Commands

Name Value Description

MASTER_WRITE_DATA_TO_SLAVE_CMD 2 Write data command in ESP8266 slave mode.

MASTER_READ_DATA_FROM_SLAVE_CMD 3 Read data command in ESP8266 slave mode.

Write status register command in ESP8266 slave


Read status register command in ESP8266 slave


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4. SPI Communication User Guide

4.5.2. API Description SPIInit
SPI module initialization.
void SPIInit(SpiNum spiNum, SpiAttr* pAttr);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

pAttr [in] a pointer to SpiAttr structure.

Return value

📖 Notes:
• In slave mode, the default CMD length is 8 bits, ADDR length 8 bits, DATA length 32 bytes.

• No support currently for transmission with only DATA.

• The maximum DATA length is 64 bytes in a single transmission. SPIMasterCfgAddr
Configure address register.
void SPIMasterCfgAddr(SpiNum spiNum, uint32_t addr);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

addr [in] address to set.

Return value

📖 Notes:
• If the address length is over 32 bits, the user needs to configure the SPI_WR_STATUS register.

• Address transmission is in high-byte order. SPIMasterCfgCmd
Configure SPI command register.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

Void SPIMasterCfgCmd(SpiNum spiNum, uint32_t cmd);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

cmd [in] command value to set.

Return value

📖 Note:
CMD length is up to 16 bits and the transmission is in low-byte order. SPIMasterSendData
Master sends data according to the pInData buffer.
int SPIMasterSendData(SpiNum spiNum, SpiData* pInData);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

[in] a pointer to SpiData structure. The command,

address, data buffer and length should be specified.

Return value
• 0: Success

• Others: Failure

📖 Note:
DATA transmission is in low-byte order. SPIMasterRecvData
Master receives data.
int SPIMasterRecvData(SpiNum spiNum, SpiData* pOutData);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

[in] a pointer to SpiData structure. The command, address, data buffer

and length should be specified.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

Return value
• 0: Success

• Others: Failure SPISlaveSendData
Upload data to SPI W8 ~ W15.
int SPISlaveSendData(SpiNum spiNum, uint32_t *pInData, uint8_t

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

pInData [in] a pointer to buffer.

inLen [in] buffer length.

Return value
• 0: Success

• Others: Failure

📖 Notes:
• This function is only used to upload the data to SPI W8 ~ W15. Upon receiving
MASTER_READ_DATA_FROM_SLAVE_CMD, ESP8266 will automatically transmit data.

• The default value is 32 bytes, with 64 bytes the maximum. SPISlaveRecvData
Slave receives data.
int SPISlaveRecvData(SpiNum spiNum);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

Return value
• 0: Success

• Others: Failure SPIMasterSendStatus
Master writes data to slave’s status register.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

void SPIMasterSendStatus(SpiNum spiNum, uint8_t data);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

data [in] data to write into status register.

Return value
Null SPIMasterRecvStatus
Master reads data from slave’s status register.
int SPIMasterRecvStatus(SpiNum spiNum);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

Return value
• 0: Success

• Others: Failure

📖 Note:
The status register value of the slave is stored in SPI buffer W0.
Select CS pin.
void SPICsPinSelect(SpiNum spiNum, SpiPinCS pinCs);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

pinCs [in] pin to select.

Return value

📖 Note:
CS Pin can only be changed after transmission ends.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide
Set interrupt source and terminal callback function.
void SPIIntCfg(SpiNum spiNum, SpiIntInfo *pIntInfo)

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

pIntInfo [in] a pointer to SpiIntInfo with interrupt source and interrupt callback function.

Return value
Set the available interrupt source.
void SPIIntEnable(SpiNum spiNum, SpiIntSrc intSrc);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

intSrc [in] interrupt to set, please refer to Section SpiIntSrc.

Return value
Set disable interrupt source.
void SPIIntDisable(SpiNum spiNum, SpiIntSrc intSrc);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

intSrc [in] interrupt to set, please refer to Section SpiIntSrc.

Return value

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4. SPI Communication User Guide
Clear all interrupt sources.
void SPIIntClear(SpiNum spiNum);

Parameter Description

spiNum [in] choose SPI and HSPI.

Return value

4.5.3. SPI_Test Demo

The communication format is CMD + ADDR + Data when ESP8266 is in slave mode. The
transmission only with DATA is not supported currently. As the slave, ESP8266 can
respond to different commands. The CMD default values are as follows:
• CMD = 2, write data to the ESP8266 data register W0 ~ W15;

• CMD = 3, read data from the ESP8266 data register;

• CMD = 1, write data to the ESP8266 status register;

• CMD = 4, read data from the ESP8266 status register.

Spi_test demo is based on the SPI communication between two ESP8266. The
communication test followed the steps below.
1. Master sends 32-byte data to slave.
2. Master receive data from slave.
3. Master read data from the status register of the slave.
4. Master writes data to the status register of the slave.
The slave will receive interrupts in order from SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE,

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4. SPI Communication User Guide
! Hardware Connection

ESP8266 Master ESP8266 Slave


Figure 4-3. Test Demo Hardware Connection

Figure 4-3 shows the test demo hardware connection. The master and the slave are
connected via HSPI. MTCK pin is SPI. MOSI, MTDI pin is SPI MISO, MTMS pin is SPI Clock
and MTMO pin is SPI CS pin. Program Introduction
Master uses SPI buffer starting from W0.
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR spi_master_test()
SpiAttr hSpiAttr;
hSpiAttr.bitOrder = SpiBitOrder_MSBFirst;
hSpiAttr.speed = SpiSpeed_10MHz;

hSpiAttr.mode = SpiMode_Master;
hSpiAttr.subMode = SpiSubMode_0;



PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U, 2);//configure io to spi

PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTCK_U, 2);//configure io to spi
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTMS_U, 2);//configure io to spi
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDO_U, 2);//configure io to spi

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

SPIInit(SpiNum_HSPI, &hSpiAttr);
uint32_t value = 0xD3D4D5D6;

uint32_t sendData[8] ={ 0 };
SpiData spiData;

os_printf("\r\n ============= spi init master =============


// Test 8266 slave.Communication format: 1byte command + 1bytes

address + x bytes Data.
os_printf("\r\n Master send 32 bytes data to slave(8266)\r\n");
os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData));

sendData[0] = 0x55565758;
sendData[1] = 0x595a5b5c;
sendData[2] = 0x5d5e5f60;
sendData[3] = 0x61626364;
sendData[4] = 0x65666768;

sendData[5] = 0x696a6b6c;
sendData[6] = 0x6d6e6f70;
sendData[7] = 0x71727374;
spiData.cmdLen = 1;

spiData.addr = &value;
spiData.addrLen = 4; = sendData;
spiData.dataLen = 32;
SPIMasterSendData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData);

os_printf("\r\n Master receive 24 bytes data from


spiData.cmdLen = 1;
spiData.addr = &value;

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

spiData.addrLen = 4; = sendData;
spiData.dataLen = 24;

os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData));
SPIMasterRecvData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data0[0x%08x]\r\n", sendData[0]);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data1[0x%08x]\r\n", sendData[1]);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data2[0x%08x]\r\n", sendData[2]);

os_printf(" Recv Slave data3[0x%08x]\r\n", sendData[3]);

os_printf(" Recv Slave data4[0x%08x]\r\n", sendData[4]);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data5[0x%08x]\r\n", sendData[5]);

// read the value of slave status register

value = SPIMasterRecvStatus(SpiNum_HSPI);
os_printf("\r\n Master read slave(8266) status[0x%02x]\r\n",
// write 0x99 into the slave status register
SPIMasterSendStatus(SpiNum_HSPI, 0x99);

os_printf("\r\n Master write status[0x99] to slavue(8266).\r\n");


// Test others slave.Communication format:0bytes command + 0 bytes

address + x bytes Data
#if 0
os_printf("\r\n Master send 4 bytes data to slave\r\n");
os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData));
sendData[0] = 0x2D3E4F50;

spiData.cmdLen = 0;
spiData.addr = &addr;
spiData.addrLen = 0; = sendData;

spiData.dataLen = 4;
SPIMasterSendData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData);

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

os_printf("\r\n Master receive 4 bytes data from slaver\n");


spiData.cmdLen = 0;
spiData.addr = &addr;
spiData.addrLen = 0; = sendData;
spiData.dataLen = 4;

os_memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData));
SPIMasterRecvData(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiData);
os_printf(" Recv Slave data[0x%08x]\r\n", sendData[0]);

The SPI buffer used by the slave starts from W8. The program configures SPI mode first
and initializes GPIO. Then it receives the data from the master and uploads the data to SPI
buffer, waiting for the master to read. Finally, the program will modify the value of the status
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR spi_slave_test()

// SPI initialization configuration, speed = 0 in slave mode
SpiAttr hSpiAttr;
hSpiAttr.bitOrder = SpiBitOrder_MSBFirst;
hSpiAttr.speed = 0;

hSpiAttr.mode = SpiMode_Slave;
hSpiAttr.subMode = SpiSubMode_0;



PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U, 2);//configure io to spi

PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTCK_U, 2);//configure io to spi
PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTMS_U, 2);//configure io to spi

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDO_U, 2);//configure io to spi


os_printf("\r\n ============= spi init slave =============\r\n");

SPIInit(SpiNum_HSPI, &hSpiAttr);

// Set spi interrupt information.

SpiIntInfo spiInt;

spiInt.src = (SpiIntSrc_TransDone
| SpiIntSrc_WrStaDone

spiInt.isrFunc = spi_slave_isr_sta;
SPIIntCfg(SpiNum_HSPI, &spiInt);


uint32_t sndData[8] = { 0 };
sndData[0] = 0x35343332;
sndData[1] = 0x39383736;
sndData[2] = 0x3d3c3b3a;
sndData[3] = 0x11103f3e;

sndData[4] = 0x15141312;
sndData[5] = 0x19181716;
sndData[6] = 0x1d1c1b1a;
sndData[7] = 0x21201f1e;
// write 8 word (32 byte) data to SPI buffer W8~W15

SPISlaveSendData(SpiNum_HSPI, sndData, 8);

// set the value of status register

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

// SPI interrupt callback function.
void spi_slave_isr_sta(void *para)

uint32 regvalue;
uint32 statusW, statusR, counter;
if (READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT4) {
//following 3 lines is to clear isr signal

} else if (READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT7) { //bit7 is for hspi

os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta SPI_SLAVE[0x%08x]\n\r",


SPIIntEnable(SpiNum_HSPI, SpiIntSrc_WrStaDone

| SpiIntSrc_RdStaDone
| SpiIntSrc_WrBufDone
| SpiIntSrc_RdBufDone);

if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE) {

// User can get data from the W0~W7

os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE\n\r");
} else if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE) {
// TO DO
os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE\n\r");

if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_RD_STA_DONE) {
os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta :
SPI_SLV_RD_STA_DONE[R=0x%08x,W=0x%08x]\n\r", statusR,

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4. SPI Communication User Guide


if (regvalue & SPI_SLV_WR_STA_DONE) {

os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta :
SPI_SLV_WR_STA_DONE[R=0x%08x,W=0x%08x]\n\r", statusR, tatusW);

if ((regvalue & SPI_TRANS_DONE) && ((regvalue & 0xf) == 0)) {
os_printf("spi_slave_isr_sta : SPI_TRANS_DONE\n\r");

} Running Log and Waveform Graphs

ESP8266 Master
Master log is as shown in Figure 4-4.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

Figure 4-4. Master Log

In Figure 4-5, the yellow area is the command 0x02 which means the master writes data to
the slave, the red area is the address register 0x00, and the green area is the data written,
with the low byte being transmitted first.

Figure 4-5. Waveform Graph 1

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

In Figure 4-6, the yellow area is the command 0x03 which means the master reads data
from the slave, the red area is the address register 0x00, and the green MISO area is the
data in SPI buffer.

Figure 4-6. Waveform Graph 2

In Figure 4-7, the yellow area is the command 0x04 which means the master reads data
from the slave, the red area is the address register 0x00, and the green MISO area is the
value of the slave's status register.

Figure 4-7. Waveform Graph 3

In Figure 4-8, the yellow area is the command 0x01 which means the master writes to the
slave's status register, the purple area is the value written to the slave's status register.

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4. SPI Communication User Guide

Figure 4-8. Waveform Graph 4

ESP8266 Slave
Slave log is as shown in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9. Slave Log

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5. SPI Overlap & Display Application Guide

5. SPI Overlap & Display

Application Guide
5.1. Functional Overview
The Overlap mode of ESP8266 Host SPI allows for two SPI modes (SPI and HSPI) to reuse
the same IO interface (such as SCLK, MOSI and MISO) for the operation of multiple slave
SPI devices. The hardware supports 3 line chip selection. If there are additional 3 slave
devices, GPIO can be adopted as CS signal for the communication of multiple slave device.
Generally speaking, in order to ensure that the CPU can be running at high efficiency, SPI
module is used to read the running program from external Flash to CPU CACHE, while
HSPI module is used to operate slave devices of other users. Under Overlap mode, the
hardware will automatically arbitrate the control of two SPI modules to the current pin signal
for time-sharing application. If the software starts HSPI communication, the arbitration
signal will delay the start of HSPI block communication via the working of SPI. The
arbitration signal is then allowed to start the communication of HSPI IO interface after SPI
finishes reading the program codes for communication. This is illustrated in Figure 1. For
user software, only a switch of the corresponding CS signal before the start of
communicator is needed. Other operations are of no difference to the use of single HSPI

Figure 5-1. SPI Overlap Block Diagram

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5. SPI Overlap & Display Application Guide

Please refer to Chapter 4 EPS8266 SPI Communication User Guide for more
information about the application method of Host SPI Module. The configuration method of
Overlap mode is discussed in detail below.

5.2. Hardware Connection of SPI Overlap Mode

Pins including SD_CLK, SD_DATA0, and SD_DATA1 correspond to pins SCLK, MISO and
MOSI in two SPI modes, while pins SD_CMD, U0TXD, and GPIO0 correspond to chip
selection (CS) signals CS0, CS1, and CS2 respectively. Generally, SD_CMD connects to
the CS signal of an external Flash, while U0TXD and GPIO0 can be connect with the CS
signals of two slave devices. It can connect to the CS signal of two salve devices. Besides,
HSPI can read and write Flash data through enabled CS0, independent of SPI (e.g. Read
some pre-stored user data).
If more SPI devices are needed, device can be selected via other GPIOs, while CS0, CS1,
and CS2 are blocked by the configuration register.

5.3. API Description of SPI Overlap Mode

1. void hapi_overlap_init(void)
After SPI Overlap mode has been initialized, and SPI and HSPI interfaces are invoked,
interfaces including CLK, MOSI, and MISO can be shared with SPI and HSPI interfaces to
communicate with different devices. By default, CS2 is the CS signal of HSPI interface.
Please be careful when switching CS signals during communication.
\app\user\user_main.c in the DEMO.
Switch the CS pin of HSPI and OLED in DEMO connects to CS2. TFTLCD connects to
CS1. Before the start of HSPI communication, macro needs to be called. The macro
definition is as follows:

Therefore, users can change the macro definition. For example, the following macro can be
defined if HSPI is used to the operate Flash:

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5. SPI Overlap & Display Application Guide


If normal GPIO is used for CS, the following is needed:

#define DISABLE_CS()\

\app\include\user_lcd.h in the DEMO.
Please refer to Chapter 4 EPS8266 SPI Communication User Guide for more
information about other host SPI communication.

5.4. Display Screen Console Program DEMO

The DEMO is used to print simple strings on display screens, including LCD for parameter
display and debug printing. DEMO driver supports two screens currently, i.e. 3.5-inch
TM035PDZV36 480*320 TFT colored LCD and Zhong JY. Tech 1.3-inch 128*64OLED. The
driver programs can communicate with the display screen via ESP8266 HSPI interface
under Overlap mode.
Under SPI Overlap mode, the two screens and 8266 external program flash chip share
SCLK, MOSI and MISO signals on the SPI bus. Different CS signals are used in different

5.4.1. Connection Description

Zhong JY. Tech 1.3-inch OLED Connection
The signals in OLED, i.e. SCLK, MOSI, CS, DC, RESET connects to the pins in 8266, i.e.
SD_CLK, SD_DATA1, GPIO0, MTCK, GPIO5 respectively. The VCC in OLED and GND
connects to 3.3V network and GND on DEMO board.
Tian Ma 3.5-inch TFT LCD
The signals in TFT, i.e. SCLK, MOSI, CS, RESET connects to the pins in 8266, i.e.
SD_CLK, SD_DATA1, U0TXD, GPIO5 respectively. The VCC in OLED and GND connects
to 3.3V network and GND on DEMO board.

5.4.2. API Function Description

1. void screen_init(void)
Display screen initialization program. Call the function after it is enabled.
\app\user\user_lcd.c and \app\include\user_lcd.h

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5. SPI Overlap & Display Application Guide

2. void scr_param_config(uint8 bkg_color,uint8 ft_color,uint8

ft_size, uint8 scr_size_clr_row, uint8 scr_size_x,uint8
Display parameter for the global variable configuration string of the scr_font_param

Parameter Description

Background color of TFT can change between BLACK_8COLOR and

uint8 bkg_color
WHITE_8COLOR. Do not use OLED display screen.

Font color of TFT can change between BLACK_8COLOR and

uint8 ft_color
WHITE_8COLOR. Do not use OLED display screen.

Font size with 12*6 ASCII character. The parameter is the multiple of pixels
uint8 ft_size under the character.
For example, if ft_size is 2, the actual font size is 24*12. Input non-zero value.

uint8 scr_size_clr_row Rows should be removed after the screen is refreshed.Input non-zero value.

Each line shows the character number.Please note that it should not exceed
uint8 scr_size_x
the pixel range of the screen.

This parameter shows the character lines. Please note that it should not
uint8 scr_size_y
exceed the pixel range of the screen.

\app\user\user_lcd.c and \app\include\user_lcd.h, call in the function screen_init.
3. void scr_printf(const char* fmt, ...)
used for standard printing of functions displayed on the screen, similar to the using method
of printf in C programming language.
• const char* fmt—— shows the character string.
• ...—— variable parameters that needs to be displayed in the corresponding string.

\app\user\user_lcd.c and \app\include\user_lcd.h
4. void at_lcd_print(uint8* str)
shows the assigned character string displayed on the screen order.
uint8* str—— the starting address of string array.

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5. SPI Overlap & Display Application Guide

5.4.3. Pre-compiled Macro Setting

#define OLED_SCR 1
#define TFT_SCR 1
#define OVERLAP_TEST 0

OLED_SCR and TFT_SCR can control the debugging characters displayed on the
corresponding screen. The program supports the same character shown in two screens.
Overlap_TEST is used for SPI Overlap test when TFT is used to display image. TFT should
be set at 0 as it conflicts with the displayed characters.

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6. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 1-Interrupt Mode

6. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 1-

Interrupt Mode
6.1. Functional Overview
This protocol uses the ESP8266 slave mode to communicate with other processor's SPI
master. Signal line No.5 is used to implement this protocol. Apart from signal line No.4
needed for standard SPI, signal line No.1 is also needed to inform the master of the update
of the slave status register.

6.2. ESP8266 SPI Slave Protocol Format

6.2.1. SPI Slave Clock Polarity Configuration
Clock polarity of the master clock which communicates with the ESP8266 SPI slave should
be set to be low in the idle state, sampling for rising edge, and changing data for falling
edge. When it reads/writes 34 bytes at a time, or when it reads 2 bytes at a time to get
information of the slave status register, selection signal CS must be kept at low level. If CS
is pulled high when data is being sent, the slave interior status will be reset.

6.2.2. Communication Format Supported by The SPI Slave

The ESP8266 SPI slave communication format should be command+address+read/write
data or command+slave status value. To be specific:
• Command: length, 8 bits; master output slave input (MOSI).

0x02 is the data sent by the master and received by the slave. The master writes 32 bytes
of data through MOSI into SPI_W7 in corresponding register SPI_W0 of the slave data
0x03 is the data received by the master and sent by the slave. 32 bytes of data from
corresponding register of the slave buffer between SPI_FLASH_C8 and SPI_FLASH_C15
are sent to the master through MISO.
0x04 and 0x05 can read the lower 8 bits of SPI_FLASH_STATUS in the slave status

⚠ Notice:
Other values are used to read/write the SPI slave status register SPI_FLASH_STATUS. Their communication
formats are different from those of the read/write buffer, using them will cause read/write errors for the slave.
So users should not use these values.

• address: length, 8 bits; master output slave input (MOSI). The address content must
be 0.

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6. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 1-Interrupt Mode

• read/write data: length, 256 bits (32 Bytes). Master output slave input (MOSI) the
0x02 command, or master input slave output (MISO) the 0x03 command.
• slave status: length, 8 bits; master input slave output (MISO), use 0x04 or 0x05 to
read the slave communication status.

6.3. Slave Status Definition and Line Breakage

6.3.1. Status Definition
The slave status contains 8 bits:
• wr_busy, bit0: 1, slave write buffer is full, and is processing the data received; 0,
slave write buffer is empty, new data can be written in.
• rd_empty, bit1: 1, slave read buffer is empty, no data has been updated; 0, there is
new data in the buffer for the master to read.
• comm_cnt, bit2-4: count value of the read/write communication. Each time when
the slave SPI read/write buffer is interrupted, this 3-bit count value will increase by 1.
Therefore, the master can judge whether the readwrite communication has been
recognised by the slave, and whether the communication is completed.

⚠ Notice:
When the master completed a read/write communication, if it wants to conduct the next read operation,
rd_empty must be 0, and comm_cnt value must be the previous value +1; if it wants to conduct the next
write operation, wr_busy must be 0, and comm_cnt value must be the previous value +1.

6.3.2. GPIO0 Line Breakage

When there are changes in the slave status register, interrupt line GPIO0 will be set to be 1;
when the master uses 0x04, 0x05 to read the slave status register, interrupt line GPIO0 will
be set 0.

6.4. ESP8266 SPI Slave API Functions

⚠ Notice:
Configure in spi.h if SPI status register single-threaded passthrough protocol is used.

//SPI protocol selection


The interrupt response function will use spi_slave_isr_sta(void *para).

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6. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 1-Interrupt Mode

1. void spi_slave_init(uint8 spi_no)

Initialise the SPI slave mode, set the IO interface to SPI mode, start the SPI transmission
interrupt, and register spi_slave_isr_handler. The communication format is set to be 8 bits
command + 8 bits address + 256 bits (32 Bytes) read/write data.
spi_no: number of the SPI module. The ESP8266 processor has two SPI modules (SPI
and HSPI) with the same functions.
Value to be selected: SPI or HSPI.
2. spi_slave_isr_sta(void *para)
Function and trigger condition:
It's the SPI interrupt handler function. When the master successfully reads data from or
writes data into the slave, the interrupt will be triggered. Users can revise the interrupt
service routine in order to attain the communication functions they need. The code is
shown as below:
struct spi_slave_status_element
uint8 wr_busy:1;
uint8 rd_empty :1;
uint8 comm_cnt :3;

uint8 res :3;


union spi_slave_status

struct spi_slave_status_element elm_value;

uint8 byte_value;
void spi_slave_isr_sta(void *para)

uint32 regvalue,calvalue;
uint32 recv_data,send_data;
union spi_slave_status spi_sta;


//following 3 lines is to clear isr signal

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6. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 1-Interrupt Mode

}else if(READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT7){ //bit7 is for hspi

// record the interrupt status

//***********interrupt handler flag, end this











/****************master writes interrupt

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6. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 1-Interrupt Mode

//*****complete the write operation, wr_busy set to be
1, communication count increases by 1****//

//*******move the data received by the register
into the memory******//

//os_printf("rcv data : 0x%x

spi_data[idx<<2] = recv_data&0xff;
spi_data[(idx<<2)+1] =
spi_data[(idx<<2)+2] =

spi_data[(idx<<2)+3] =

//************data transmission completed, wr_busy

set to be 0*************//


/***testing part, it can be revised. This part of
the program is used to copy the data read to the read buffer**/

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6. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 1-Interrupt Mode



/***testing part, it can be revised. rd_empty is

set to be 0, the slave can read**/


GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(0, 1); // interrupt line set to be
1, inform the master to read the slave status

/****************master reads the interrupt

}else if(regvalue&SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE){
//*****complete the read operation, rd_empty set to
be 1, communication count increases by 1****//


GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(0, 1); // interrupt line set to be

1, inform the master to read the slave status

/****************master reads status interrupt

GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(0,0); // interrupt line set to be
0, the master has read the status

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6. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 1-Interrupt Mode

}else if(READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT9){ //bit7 is for i2s isr,


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7. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 2-Interrupt Mode

7. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 2-

Interrupt Mode
7.1. Functional Overview
This protocol uses the ESP8266 slave mode to communicate with other processor's SPI
masters. Signal line No.6 is used to implement this protocol. Apart from signal line No.4
needed for standard SPI, signal line No.2 is also needed to inform the master of information
of the slave receive and send buffer status, so as to control the data flow.

7.2. ESP8266 SPI Slave Protocol Format

7.2.1. SPI Slave Clock Polarity Configuration
Clock polarity of the master clock which communicates with the ESP8266 SPI slave should
be set to be low in the idle state, sampling for rising edge, and changing data for falling
edge. When it reads/writes 34 Bytes at a time, selection signal CS must be kept at low
level. If CS is pulled high when data is being sent, the slave interior status will be reset.

7.2.2. Communication Format Supported by The SPI Slave

The ESP8266 SPI slave communication format is similar to that of the master, it should be
command + address+ read/write data. To be specific:
• command: length, 8 bits; master output slave input (MOSI).

0x02 is the data sent by the master and received by the slave. The host writes 32 Bytes of
data through MOSI into SPI_W0 to SPI_W7 in the corresponding register of the slave data
0x03 is the data received by the master and sent by the slave. 32 Bytes of data from
corresponding register of the slave buffer between SPI_W8 and SPI_W15 are sent to the
master through MISO.

⚠ Note:
other values are used to read/write the SPI slave status register SPI_STATUS. Their communication formats
are different from those of the read/write buffer, using them will cause read/write errors for the slave. So users
should not use these values.

• address: length, 8 bits; master output slave input (MOSI). The address content must
be 0.
• read/write data: length, 256 bits (32 Bytes). Master output slave input (MOSI) the
0x02 command, or master input slave output (MISO) the 0x03 command.

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7. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 2-Interrupt Mode

7.3. Instruction on The Data Flow Control Line

The ESP8266 uses 2 GPIOs to output the slave receive buffer status and send buffer

7.3.1. GPIO0 MOSI Buffer Status

When GPIO0 enters the slave receive interrupt, the interrupt program will resume the SPI
slave to communicable status in order to prepare for the next communication. Then, GPIO0
will be written to be low level, data received will be processed, and GPIO0 will be written to
be high level to exit the interrupt program. Therefore:
• Between the master enables an SPI write communication to GPIO0 generates a
falling edge, if users enable any other SPIs, communication errors will occur.
• When GPIO0 is at low level, if the master enables any SPI to write (0x02 command),
SPI_W0 to SPI_W7 in the slave receive register will be covered. But if there is
effective data in the slave send register (refer to GPIO2 instructions), when GPIO0 is
at low level, master can be started to read (0x03 command) data between SPI_W8 to
SPI_W15 in the slave send register.
• If GPIO0 shifts from low level to high level, it means the slave has processed data
from SPI_W0 to SPI_W7 in the receive register, and the master can start another
write operation (0x02 command).

7.3.2. GPIO2 Master Receives The Slave Send Buffer Status

GPIO2 activities are slightly different from those of GPIO0. In the slave send interrupt, the
interrupt program will resume the SPI slave to communicable status in order to prepare for
the next communication. Then, GPIO0 will be written to be low level, and quit the interrupt
program. After that, if data is sent to the ESP8266 through WiFi and is required to be
forwarded by SPI, ESP8266 software will be written into SPI_W8 to SPI_W15, and GPIO2
will be set to be high level. Therefore:
• Between the master enables an SPI read communication to GPIO2 generates a
falling edge, if users enable any other SPIs, communication errors will occur.
• When GPIO2 is at low level, if the master enables any SPI to read (0x03 command), it
can only read data the same as the previous data, or incomplete data. But if data in
the slave receive register has been processed (refer to GPIO2 instructions), when
GPIO2 is at low level, master can be started to write (0x02 command).
• If GPIO2 shifts from low level to high level, it means the slave has updated data from
SPI_W8 to SPI_W15 in the send register, and the master can start the another read
operation (0x03 command).

7.3.3. Master Communication Logic Implementation

Incomplete C code is used to briefly introduce the communication logic:

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7. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 2-Interrupt Mode

//wr_rdy: ready to conduct the next SPI write operation

//rd_rdy: ready to conduct the next SPI read operation
unsigned char wr_rdy=1,rd_rdy=0;

void spi_read_func(....)
// before starting the read operation, check if there is new
data for the slave to read (rd_rdy is non-0);
// also, check if the previous write operation is completed;
write operationcompleted and processing data (signal GPIO0 is
0), or new data can be written into the slave (wr_rdy is non-0)
if(rd_rdy&&((GPIO0= =0)||wr_rdy)){
rd_rdy=0; //rd_rdy set to be 0
spi_transmit(0x03,0,*read_buff);// start the SPI transmission,
command 3 + address 0 + 32 bytes of data
void spi_write_func(...)

// before starting the write operation, check if there is new
data for the slave to receive (rd_rdy is non-0);
// also, check if the previous read operation is completed;
completed, no new data to be read (signal GPIO2 is 0), or new
data to be read (rd_rdy is non-0)
if(wr_rdy&&((GPIO2= =0)||rd_rdy)){
wr_rdy=0; //wr_rdy set to be 0
spi_transmit(0x02,0,*write_buff);// start the SPI transmission,
command 2 + address 0 + 32 bytes of data


GPIO0_Raising_Edge_ISR() // rising edge interrupt program connected

to the ESP8266 GPIO0
wr_rdy=1; // data sent by the master has been processed,
ready for the next write operation

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7. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 2-Interrupt Mode

GPIO2_Raising_Edge_ISR() // rising edge interrupt program connected

to the ESP8266 GPIO2
rd_rdy=1; // the slave updates the send buffer, the master is
ready to read

7.4. ESP8266 SPI Slave API Functions

1. void spi_slave_init(uint8 spi_no)
Initialise the SPI slave mode, set the IO interface to SPI mode, start the SPI transmission
interrupt, and register spi_slave_isr_handler. The communication format is set to be 8 bits
command + 8 bits address + 256 bits (32 Bytes) read/write data.
spi_no: number of the SPI module. The ESP8266 processor has two SPI modules (SPI
and HSPI) with the same functions.
value to be selected: SPI or HSPI.
2. spi_slave_isr_handler(void *para)
Function and trigger condition:
It is the SPI interrupt handler function. When the master successfully reads data from or
writes data into the slave, the interrupt will be triggered. Users can revise the interrupt
service routine in order to complete the communication. The code is shown below.
uint32 regvalue;
static uint32 t1 =0;
static uint32 t2 =0;

if(READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT4){ //bit4: SPI interrupt

}else if(READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT7){ //bit7: HSPI
regvalue=READ_PERI_REG(SPI_SLAVE(HSPI)); // record the
interrupt type
// turn off the SPI interrupt enable

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7. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 2-Interrupt Mode


// resume the SPI slave to communicable status, in order
to prepare for the next communication

// clear the interrupt flag

// turn on the SPI interrupt enable


//MISO processing program

GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(0, 0); //GPIO0 set to be 0
//read the data received

//os_printf("rcv data : 0x%x \n\r",recv_data);
spi_data[4*idx+0] = recv_data&0xff;
spi_data[4*idx+1] = (recv_data>>8)&0xff;

spi_data[4*idx+2] = (recv_data>>16)&0xff;
spi_data[4*idx+3] = (recv_data>>24)&0xff;

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7. SPI Wi-Fi Passthrough 2-Interrupt Mode

system_os_post(USER_TASK_PRIO_1,MOSI,0);// send the
reception completed message
set to be 1

//master reads, slave sends the processing program

GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(2, 0); //GPIO2 set to be 0
}else if(READ_PERI_REG(0x3ff00020)&BIT9){ //bit7: I2S interrupt

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8. HSPI Host Multi-device API

8. HSPI Host Multi-device API

8.1. Functional Overview
ESP8266 encapsulates two SPI (Serial Peripheral Interfaces) bus segments, shortly named
SPI and HSPI. SPI bus is especially used to read CPU programming code from the external
Flash, while HSPI bus is used for SPI device communication.
When ESP8266 is working as a host, HSPI bus can operate with three user devices,
besides, it also supports one external Flash writing operation. User devices are supported
through selection with CS lines. To be more specific,

Mode Device Name

HSPI Default IO User device 1

SPI OVERLAP and CS1 User device 2

SPI OVERLAP and CS2 User device 3


In the above-mentioned ways of connection, SPI bus shares the same external Flash with
HSPI bus. Apart from the memory occupied by programs and related configurations, the
rest Flash memory can all be used for reading and writing of user programs.

⚠ Notice:
• Operation with devices via HSPI host implemented by software programming is not supported in the
API functions.

• When downloading user programs, the clock frequency of SPI bus used for reading Flash data should
be set at 80 MHz. SPI clock frequency should be specified as 80 MHz at SPI OVERLAP and CS1
mode or SPI OVERLAP and CS2 mode.

8.2. Hardware Connection

Generally speaking, SPI slave devices specify four logic signals: SCLK, MOSI, MISO, and
HSPI bus can operate with three different user devices, the ways of connection are
explained below:

Mode Pin Name of Host ESP8266 SPI bus Signal Line


HSPI Default IO

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8. HSPI Host Multi-device API

Mode Pin Name of Host ESP8266 SPI bus Signal Line

HSPI Default IO








📖 Note:
The pins used when HSPI operates with the Flash in OVERLAP mode is completely the same with that of SPI

8.3. API Description

Names of the connection modes supported by the system are defined by macro definitions
in \app\include \driver\spi_overlap.h.
• HSPI_CS_DEV (HSPI default IO)

Operation with the Flash is defined as SPI_CS0_FLASH. If HSPI operates with two user
devices, the API function is shown as below:
void hspi_master_dev_init(uint8 dev_no,uint8 clk_polar,uint8 clk_div)

This function is used to initialize connection of HSPI host. Altogether four user devices can be
Function operated. If multi devices communicate with the host using SPI communication mode, the
function should be called each time when that certain device is operated.

Defined in directory \app\include\driver\spi_overlap.h, implemented in directory \app\driver


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8. HSPI Host Multi-device API

• uint8 dev_no: only HSPI_CS_DEV, SPI_CS1_DEV, SPI_CS2_DEV, and SPI_CS0_FLASH

are supported, the corresponding values of these four parameters are 0, 1, 2, and 3
respectively. If the parameter should be other values, ERROR will be printed and the
function will be returned.
• uint8 clk_polar: clock polarity.
- If the clock polarity is 0, data are captured on the clock’s rising edge, and are
propagated on a falling edge.
- If the clock polarity is 1, data are captured on the clock’s falling edge, and are
propagated on a rising edge.
- If the clock polarity should be other values, ERROR will be printed and the function will
be returned.
• uint8 clk_div: clock frequency division. 40 MHz is reference frequency, the number of
division is clk_div+1. To be more specific, 0 stands for reference frequency, 1 stands for 20
MHz, while 2 stands for 40/3 MHz, and so forth.

⚠ Notice:
ONLY when the clock frequency of SPI bus used for reading Flash data is set at 80 MHz. If the device is
defined by SPI_CS1_DEV and SPI_CS2_DEV via SPI OVERLAP, the clock frequency of host SPI is
unadjustable, and should be 80 MHz.

void hspi_dev_sel(uint8 dev_no)

Function Convert and select host communication devices.

Defined in directory \app\include\driver\spi_overlap.h, implemented in directory


uint8 dev_no: only HSPI_CS_DEV, SPI_CS1_DEV, SPI_CS2_DEV, and SPI_CS0_FLASH

are supported, the corresponding values of these four parameters are 0, 1, 2, and 3
Parameters respectively. If the device has not been initialized, ERROR will be printed and the function will
be returned. If it the parameter should be other values, ERROR will be printed and the
function will be returned.

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9. I2C User Guide

9. I2C User Guide

9.1. Functional Overview
ESP8266EX now has interfaces for I2C master devices, and allows control and reading and
writing over other I2C slave devices (e.g. most digital sensors).
All GPIO pins can be configured with open-drain mode, thus easily enabling GPIO interface
for I2C data or clock functionalities.
Besides that, the chip has pull-up resistance inside which can help save the pull-up
resistance outside.
As an I2C master, ESP8266EX has its waveforms of the SDA and SCL lines simulated from
SPIO, where SDA access is behind the positive edge of SCL. SCL high and low levels will
maintain 5us and thus I2C clock pulse will be around 100KHz.

9.2. I2C master Interface

9.2.1. Initialization
i2c_master_gpio_init: GPIO hardware initialization.
Steps are as follows:
1. Select pin functionality and set as GPIO
2. Set the GPIO into open-drain mode
3. Initialize SDA and SCL as high levels
4. Disconnect GPIO and reset slave state

i2c_master_init(void): Reset slave state

9.2.2. Start I2C

i2c_master_start(void): master generates I2C start conditions.

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9. I2C User Guide

9.2.3. Stop I2C

i2c_master_stop(void): master generates I2C stop conditions.

9.2.4. I2C Master Responds ACK

i2c_master_send_ack(void): sets I2C master to respond ACK.

9.2.5. I2C Master Responds NACK

I2C_master_send_nack(void): sets I2C master to respond NACK.

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9. I2C User Guide

9.2.6. Check I2C Slave Response

bool i2c_master_checkAck(void): check slave response state.
Return value:
• TRUE: "acknowledge" from slave
• FALSE: "not acknowledge" from slave

Details shown below:

9.2.7. Write Data on I2C Bus

i2c_master_writeByte(uint8 wrdata): write data on I2C bus
1 Byte of data

📖 Note:
Data at the highest place will be sent first and that at the lowest place sent last.

Either slave address or data can be sent.

9.2.8. Read Data from I2C Bus

i2c_master_readByte (void): read a byte from SPI slave.
Return value:
Read 1 Byte of data.

9.3. Demo
Please refer to IOT_Demo provided by esp_iot_sdk, for example:

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9. I2C User Guide

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10. I2S Module Description

10. I2S Module Description

10.1. Functional Overview
The I2S module of the ESP8266 contains a Tx (transport) unit and a Rx (receive) unit. Both
the Tx and the Rx unit have a three-wire interface that includes:
• Clock line;
• Data line;
• Channel selection line (the line for selecting the left or the right channel).

📖 Note:
The clock and data output will stop when 0 is written into the data line.

The transmission direction of the I2S module is shown in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1. Transmission Direction of The I2S Module

Tx unit Rx unit

Clock line output/input output/input

Data line output input

Channel selection line output input

📖 Note:
Both the Tx and Rx unit have a separate FIFO, which has a depth of 128 and a width of 32 bits, and can be
visited by software directly. You can also make an automatic DMA operation to FIFO by the SLC module.

10.2. System Configuration

10.2.1. I2S Module Configuration Module Reset
Bits 0 ~ 3 in the I2SCONF register provide the software reset feature to the I2S. Write 1 and
then 0 to complete the reset operation. Different bits are used for:
• Bit 0: I2S_TX_RESET
• Bit 1: I2S_RX_RESET

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10. I2S Module Description
! Module Start

Provide a running clock
To start the I2S module to transport or receive data, firstly you need to provide a running
clock for the I2S by invoking the system function below:
i2c_writeReg_ Mask_def (i2c_bbpll, i2c_bbpll_en_audio_clock_out, 1)

Start the Tx module

Bit 8 in the I2SCONF register is used to start the Tx module.
• In the master Tx mode, when bit 8 is 1,the Tx mode will output the clock signal, the
left and right channel signals and data. The first frame data is 0, and then the FIFO
data will be shifted out.
- If no data is written into the the FIFO, the data line will remain 0.
- If the FIFO has transported all the written data and no new data is written in the
FIFO, the data line will loop the last data in the FIFO.
• In the slave passive Tx mode, the Tx module will be started when it receives a clock
signal from the Rx module.
Start the Rx module
Bit 9 in the I2SCONF register is used to start the Rx module. In the master receive mode:
• When bit 9 is 1,the Rx mode will output the clock signal, and sample the data line
and the channel selection line.
• When bit 9 is 0, it will stop the clock signal transport.
• In the slave receive mode, it is prepared to receive any data from the master. FIFO Mode

FIFO access mode
Bit 12 of I2S_FIFO_CONF defines the access mode of the FIFO.
• When bit 12 is 1, the SLC will make a DMA operation to the FIFO. Direct access to
the FIFO will be invalid.
• When bit 12 is 0, the FIFO can be accessed directly by software.
• The default value of bit12 is 1.

Tx FIFO mode
Bits 13 ~ 15 of I2S_FIFO_CONF are used to control the transport data format for

Value Description

16bits_per_channel full data (dual channel, FIFO data organisation, 16 bits data in the left
channel,16 bits data in the right channel, and 16 bits data in the left channel)

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10. I2S Module Description

Value Description

16bits_per_channel half data (single channel, FIFO data organisation, 16 bits data, 16 bits
invalid , 16 bits data)

24bits_per_channel full data discontinue (dual channel, FIFO data organisation, 24 bits data in
the left channel, 8 bits invalid, 24 bits data in the right channel, 8 bits empty)

24bits_per_channel half data discontinue (single channel, FIFO data organisation, 24 bits data,
8 bits invalid, 24 bits data, 8 bits empty)

24bits_per_channel full data continue (left and right channels, FIFO data organisation, 24 bits
data in the left channel, 24 bits data in the right channel)

24bits_per_channel half data continue (single channel, FIFO data organisation, 24 bits data, 24
bits data)

6~7 Invalid

RX FIFO mode
Bits 16~18 of I2S_FIFO_CONF is used to control the receive data format for

Value Description

0 16bits_per_channel full data

1 16bits_per_channel half data

2 24bits_per_channel full data discontinue

3 24bits_per_channel half data discontinue

4~7 Invalid Mode
Tx channel mode
Bits 0 ~ 2 in the I2SCONF_CHAN are used for the Tx channel mode (tx_chan_mod).

Value Description

0 Dual-channel

1 Right channel (left and right audio channels are used to put the data of the right channel)

2 Left channel (left and right audio channels are used to put the data of the left channel)

3 Right channel (put a constant from regfile in the left channel)

4 Left channel (put a constant from regfile in the right channel)

Rx channel mode
Bits 3~4 in the I2SCONF_CHAN are used for the Rx channel mode (rx_chan_mod).

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10. I2S Module Description

Value Description

0 Dual-channel

1 Right channel

2 Left channel Mode
in the I2SCONF:
• Bits16 ~ 21 are the prescaler of the input clock (I2S_CLKM_DIV_NUM).
• Bits 22 ~ 27 are the frequency divider of the communication clock signal
(I2S_BCK_DIV_NUM). Configurations
Register I2SRXEOF_NUM sets the number of data to be received when the Rx FIFO
triggers the SLC transport (unit: 4 bytes).
See the definitions of i2s_reg.h in DEMO. Other instructions will be updated.

10.2.2. Link List Configuration

In the ESP8266, the DMA transfers the receive and transport packets in the SDIO to the
corresponding memory. The software will define the structure (or group) of the registration
list and cache space(s).
As shown in Figure 10-1, there is only one cache space and one registration list. Write the
first address of the cache and other information to the registration list, and then write the
first address of the registration list to the hardware register of the ESP8266. Therefore, the
DMA will automatically operate the SDIO and the cache space.

Word 0 sub_sof

Word 1 buf_ptr [31:0]

Word 2 next_link_ptr [31:0]

Figure 10-1. Registration List

Field name Description

1’b0 Software operates the buffer of the current link. The MAC shouldn't use this bit.
1’b1 Hardware operates the buffer of the current link.

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10. I2S Module Description

Field name Description

Flag of frame end(for the end of AMPDU sub-frame,the mark isn't needed).
When the MAC transports the frames, it's used in the end of the frame. For
eof the link in the position of eof,the buffer_length[11:0] should be equal to the
length of the remaining frame; otherwise, the mac will report an error.
When the MAC receives the frames, it's used to indicate that the frame has
been received completely and the value is set by hardware.

Flag of sub-frame start. It’s used to differentiate different sub-frames in the

AMPDU. It’s only for MAC transport.

length[11:0] The actual size of the buffer.

size[11:0] The total size of the buffer.

buf_ptr[31:0] The start address of the buffer.

The start address of the next descripter. When the MAC is receiving the flame, the
value is “0”, indicating that there is no empty buffer to receive any flames.

10.2.3. SLC Module Configuration Configuration
The SLC module provides the ESP8266 with DMA service of several modules.
Follow the instructions below so that the SLC module is used for the FIFO transmission of
• Set Bits 12~13 (SLC_MODE) of the SLC_CONF0 to 01.
the SLC_RX_DSCR_CONF to 01. The First Address

Bits 0~19 of SLC_RX_LINK (SLC_TX_LINK) register are the first 20 bits of the Rx (Tx)
registration list address. The first address of the registration list should be written to be the
register before the SLC hardware is started. The SLC Transmission
Bit 29 of SLC_RX_LINK (SLC_TX_LINK) register is the control bit for starting the SLC
transmission. In the cache space, register a link list and write the first 20 bits of the link
table address to the hardware, and then set bit 29 to 1 to start the SLC transmission.

10.3. API Function Description

The following functions can be found in:
/app/driver/i2s.c and /app/include/driver/i2s.h

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10. I2S Module Description

10.3.1. Void Function

void i2s_test

Function void i2s_test(void)

I2S Programs for read and write testing of the module. It is the core function of the DEMO, which can be
used to test the transporting and receiving communications of the I2S.

Parameter null

void i2s_init

Function void i2s_init(uint8 slc_en)

Feature Configure the related registers of the I2S.

slc_en: Enable the SLC module access. When it's 0, the software will operate the FIFO,For other
values for the SLC module directly access FIFO,refer to 2.1.3. Tx/Rx FIFO mode.

void creat_one_link

void creat_one_link (uint8 own, uint8 eof,uint8 sub_sof, uint16 size, uint16 length, uint32* buf_ptr,
uint32* nxt_ptr, struct sdio_queue* i2s_queue)

Feature Set up a link register structure.

struct sdio_queue* i2s_queue: The first address to be configured structure space.

For details of other parameters, refer to Section 10.2.2. Link list Configuration.

void slc_init

Function void slc_init (uint8 trans_dev)

Basic configuration of the SLC module. For configuration instructions, refer to Section 10.2.3. SLC
module configuration.

Parameter uint8 trans_dev: SLCModule access device, 1 is I2S,0 is SDIO,other input values are not valid.

10.3.2. CONF Function


Function CONF_RXLINK_ADDR(addr)

Configure the Rx link list address to the register. For configuration instructions, refer to Section 10.2.3.
SLC module configuration.

Parameter addr: link list address


Function CONF_TXLINK_ADDR(addr)

Configure the TX link list address to the register. For configuration instructions, refer to Section 10.2.3.
SLC module configuration.

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10. I2S Module Description

Parameter addr: link list address

10.3.3. START Function



Start the Rx transmission of the SLC module. For configuration instructions, refer to Section 10.2.3. SLC
module configuration.

Parameter null



Start the Tx transmission of the SLC module. For configuration instructions, refer to Section 10.2.3. SLC
module configuration.

Parameter null

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11. UART Introduction

11. UART Introduction

11.1. Functional Overview
There are two group ESP8266 UART interfaces, respectively:
• UART0:
- U0TXD: pin26 (U0TXD)
- U0RXD: pin25 (U0RXD)
- U0CTS: pin12 (MTCK)
- U0RTS: pin13 (MTDO)
• UART1:
- U1TXD: pin14 (GPIO2)

The basic working process of transmission FIFO:

As long as there has data filling into transmission FIFO, it will immediately start sending
process.Since transmission itself is a relatively slow process,other data can be sent to the
transmission FIFO simultaneously. Data sending should be paused when the transmission
FIFO is full ,or it will cause data loss.Transmission FIFO will sent out one by one in
accordance with the order of the data filling in,until the transmission FIFO is completely
empty.Data has been sent will be automatically cleared, at the same time transmission FIFO
will be more of a vacancy.
The basic working process of receiver FIFO:
When the hardware logic receives the data, it will fill them into receiver FIFO. Program
should withdraw the data timely ,the data-dequeue is also a process of deleting data from
FIFO automatically,thus, there will be one more vacancy in receiver FIFO. If the data in the
receiver FIFO can not be removed in time, the receiver FIFO will be full which makes data
UART0 works as data communication interface and UART1 woks as debug port.

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11. UART Introduction

UART0 will default output some print while booting ,the baud rate of this period print
contents is relate with external crystal frequency.When using the 40M crystal,this section
print baud rate is 115200.When use the 26M crystal,this section print baud rate is 74880.
If this print affect application function, you can abandon print output indirectly while power-
on period in the fourth quarter method.

11.2. Hardware Resources

Both UART0 and UART1 have a length of 128 Byte hardware, read and write FIFO
operations are at the same address.
The hardware registers of two UART module are the same, and distinguished by macro
definitions of UART0 / UART1.

11.3. Parameter Configuration

UART attribute parameters are all in UART_CONF0 register, can be found in the
Uart_register.h. You can configure UART properties through modifying the different bit of
the register.

11.3.1. The Baud Rate

The serial of ESP8266 can support the baud rate range from 300 to 115200 * 40.

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11. UART Introduction

Interface: void UART_SetBaudrate (uint8 uart_no,uint32 baud_rate);

11.3.2. Parity Bit

#define UART_PARITY_EN (BIT(1)) Enable check: 1: enable; 0: disable
#define UART_PARITY (BIT(0)) Check type setting 1: Odd parity; 0: Even parity
Interface: void UART_SetParity(uint8 uart_no, UartParityMode

11.3.3. Data Bit

#define UART_BIT_NUM 0x00000003 //Length of data bit occupies two bit:
Setting these two bit can configure data length 0: 5bit ; 1: 6bit ; 2: 7bit ; 3: 8bit
#define UART_BIT_NUM_S 2 //Offset register is 2 (2 bit start)
Interface: void UART_SetWordLength(uint8 uart_no, UartBitsNum4Char

11.3.4. Stop Bit

#define UART_STOP_BIT_NUM 0x00000003 //The length of data bit occupies two bit:
Configure the length of stop bits through setting these two bit can 1 : 1 bit ; 2 : 1.5 bit ; 3
: 2 bit
#define UART_STOP_BIT_NUM_S 4 //Register offset is 4 (start from 4th bit)
Interface: void UART_SetStopBits(uint8 uart_no, UartStopBitsNum

11.3.5. Inverting
Each input and output UART signals can reverse configuration internal.
#define UART_DTR_INV (BIT(24))
#define UART_RTS_INV (BIT(23))
#define UART_TXD_INV (BIT(22))
#define UART_DSR_INV (BIT(21))
#define UART_CTS_INV (BIT(20))
#define UART_RXD_INV (BIT(19))
Set the corresponding register,you can reverse the corresponding signal line input / output.
Interface: void UART_SetLineInverse
(uint8 uart_no, UART_LineLevelInverse inverse_mask);

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11. UART Introduction

11.3.6. Switch Output Port of Print Function

By default, the system os_printf function print output from UART0,you can set to print from
UART0 or UART1 port through the following interfaces.
void UART_SetPrintPort(uint8 uart_no);

11.3.7. Read The Remaining Number of Bytes in tx / rx Queue

Tx fifo length:

Interface: TX_FIFO_LEN(uart_no)
Rx fifo length:
Interface: RF_FIFO_LEN(uart_no)

11.3.8. Loopback Operation (loop-back)

Once configured in UART_CONF0 register, uart tx / rx shorted internally.
#define UART_LOOPBACK (BIT(14)) // loopback enable bit,1: enable;0: disable
Interface: ENABLE_LOOP_BACK(uart_no)
Interface: DISABLE_LOOP_BACK(uart_no)

11.3.9. Line Stop Signal

To produce the line stop signal,you can set UART_TXD_BRK 1,then after UART
transmission queue complete sending it, it will output a break signal (tx output low), set it 0
if you need to stop the output.
#define UART_TXD_BRK (BIT(8)) //Line stop signal, 1:enable ; 0: disable

11.3.10.Flow Control
Configuration process:
• Configure pin12, pin13 of UART0 pin as U0CTS and U0RTS functions.

#define FUNC_U0RTS 4
#define FUNC_U0CTS 4

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11. UART Introduction

• Hardware flow control in the receive direction can configure thresholds,when the
length of rx fifo is greater than the set threshold,U0RTS feet will be pulled to prevent
the other party sending.
Configured the thresholds of receiving flow control:
The threshold related configurations are generally defined in UART_CONF1 register.
#define UART_RX_FLOW_EN (BIT(23)) The 23rd bit enabled to receive flow control: 0:
disable; 1: enable
#define UART_RX_FLOW_THRHD 0x0000007F //Threshold, occupied 7bit, range 0 ~ 127
#define UART_RX_FLOW_THRHD_S 16 //Register offset is 16 (start from 16th bit)
• Once configure enable of the flow control of sending direction configuration,the
register in UART_CONF0:

#define UART_TX_FLOW_EN (BIT(15)) Enable transmission flow control: 0: disable ; 1:

• Interface:

Void UART_SetFlowCtrl(uint8 uart_no,UART_HwFlowCtrl flow_ctrl,uint8 rx_thresh);

e)demo hardware board connections:
Need to connect the J68 (U0CTS) and J63 (U0RTS) jumper .

11.3.11.Other Interfaces
TX_FIFO_LEN(uart_no) //Macro definition, the current length of the transmit queue
RF_FIFO_LEN(uart_no) //Macro definition, the current length of the receiving queue

11.4. Configure Interrupt

Since all interrupt events will be conducted together in the "OR" operation before being
sent to the interrupt controller,UART can only generate an interrupt request each time.By
polling the interrupt state function UART_INT_ST (uart_no),software can deal with multiple
interrupt events in one interrupt service function(multiple if parallel statement).

11.4.1. Interrupt register

Interruption registers in UART:
UART_INT_RAW Interrupt the original status register
UART_INT_ENA Interrupt enable register: Indicates interrupt the current enable UART
UART_INT_ST Interrupt Status Register: Indicates the currently active interrupt status
UART_INT_CLR Clear Interrupt register:set the corresponding bit to clear the interrupt
status register

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11. UART Introduction

11.4.2. Interface
Open interrupt enable: UART_ENABLE_INTR_MASK(uart_no,ena_mask);
Close interrupt enable:
UART_DISABLE_INTR_MASK (uart_no,disable_mask);
Clear interrupt enable:

Get interrupt status:UART_GET_INTR_STATUS(uart_no);

11.4.3. Interrupt Type

Receive full interrupt
Interrupt status bits:UART_RXFIFO_FULL_INT_ST
Definition: When configure threshold and enable interrupts, triggered will interrupt when rx
fifo data length is greater than the threshold.
Application:more applied in receiving UART data ,cooperating with flow control,dealing with
directly or posting messages or turn into buffer.For example,when the configuration of the
threshold is 100 and the enable full is interruption, the full will interrupt once the serial port
receive 100 Bytes.
Configure threshold value:
Full interrupt threshold
In the UART_CONF1 register
#define UART_RXFIFO_FULL_THRHD 0x0000007F //The threshold mask, 7bit long and
range 0 ~ 127
#define UART_RXFIFO_FULL_THRHD_S 0 //Shift register is 0 (start from 0bit)
Set enable to interrupt:
In UART_INT_ENA register
#define UART_RXFIFO_FULL_INT_ENA (BIT(0)) //full interrupt enable bit, 1: enable;0:
clear interrupt status:

As for special full interrupts,you need first to read all fifo received data empty, then write
the clear interruption status register.Otherwise, the interrupt status bit will be set again after
Please see details in examples of interrupt handling.
Receive overflow interrupt
Interrupt status bits:UART_RXFIFO_OVF_INT_ST

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11. UART Introduction

Definition: When enable receive overflow to interrupt and the length of the receive queue is
greater than the total length of the queue (128 Bytes), it will trigger the interrupt signal.
Trigger scene: Generally, it’s only under the case of unset flow control,because there will not
occur overflow when has flow control.Different from the full interrupt is artificially set the
threshold and the data will not lose,overflow interrupt triggering will usually has data loss.
Can be used for debugging and error checking.
Set enable to interrupt:
In UART_INT_ENA register
#define UART_RXFIFO_OVF_INT_ENA (BIT(4)) //Overflow interrupt enable bit: 1: enable; 0:
Clear interrupt status:
Read queue value to make the queue length less than 128, then set the clear interrupt
status register.
Receive timeout interrupt
Interrupt status bit: UART_RXFIFO_TOUT_INT_ST
Definition:When configure threshold value of tout,enable interrupts and UART begin to
receive data, it will triggered tout interrupt once stop transmission time exceeds the set
Applications: more applied in handling serial commands or data, process the data directly,
or post a message, or turn into deposited buffer.
Configure threshold and function enable:
Tout interrupt threshold (or threshold) in UART_CONF1 register.
Tout unit threshold is about 8 data bits uart time (approximately one byte).
#define UART_RX_TOUT_EN (BIT(31)) //Timeout function enable bit: 1: enable;0: disable
#define UART_RX_TOUT_THRHD 0x0000007F //Timeout threshold configuration bits, a
total of seven and range 0 ~ 127
#define UART_RX_TOUT_THRHD_S 24 //Register offset is 24 (start from 24th bit)
Set enable to interrupt:
In UART_INT_ENA register
#define UART_RXFIFO_TOUT_INT_ENA (BIT(8)) tout // Interrupt enable bit:1: enable;0:
Clear interrupt status:
Like full interrupts,tout interrupt also need to firstly read out all received fifo data,then clear
interrupt status register.Otherwise, interrupt status bit will still be set after exiting.
Please see details in examples of interrupt handling.

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11. UART Introduction

Send empty fifo interrupt

Interrupt status bit: UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT_ST
Definition: After configure empty threshold value and enable interrupts ,it will trigger this
empty interrupt when the data length of the data-send queue is less than the set threshold.
Application: Can be used in forwarding the buffer data into UART automatically with the
cooperation of interrupt handler function.For example,set the empty threshold to 5, then
when the tx fifo length be less than 5 bytes,trigger the empty interrupt,in the empty
interrupt handler ,take the data from the buffer to fill the tx fifo full(operating speed is much
higher than tx fifo fifo transmission speed ). Continue the cycle until the buffer data has
totally been sent out, then close the empty interrupt.
Configure threshold:
Empty interrupt threshold (or threshold) in UART_CONF1 register
#define UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_THRHD 0x0000007F //Send queue empty interrupt
threshold configuration bits, seven bits and range 0 ~ 127
#define UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_THRHD_S 8 //Register Offset is 8 (start from 8th)
To enable interrupt:
In UART_INT_ENA register
#define UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT_ENA (BIT(1)) //empty interrupt enable bit, 1: enable;0:
Clear interrupt status:
Fill the sending queue above the threshold,and clear the corresponding interrupt status
bit.If there is no data need to send, close the interrupt enable bits.
Please see details in examples of interrupt handling.
Error detection interrupt
Interrupt status bit:

Parity Error Interrupt:UART_PARITY_ERR_INT_ST

Termination line error interrupt(line-break):UART_BRK_DET_INT_ST

Received frame error interrupt: UART_FRM_ERR_INT_ST

Parity error interrupt (parity_err): received byte exists parity error.
Termination line error interrupt(BRK_DET):receive break signal,or receive error initial
conditions (rx line always stays low)
Receive frame error interrupt (frm_err):stop bit is not 1.
Generally used for error detection.

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11. UART Introduction

To enable interrupt:
In UART_INT_ENA register,
#define UART_PARITY_ERR_INT_ENA (BIT(2)) //Parity error enable interrupt bit, 1:enable;
#define UART_BRK_DET_INT_ENA (BIT(7)) //Terminal line error enable interrupt bit
1: enable;0: disable
#define UART_FRM_ERR_INT_ENA (BIT(3)) //Received frame error to enable interrupt bit
1: enable;0: disable
Clear interrupt status:
Clear the interrupt status bit after dealing with corresponding error.
Flow control status interrupt
Interruption status bit:
When the CTS, DSR pin-line level changes, trigger this interrupt.
Generally use with flow control, when the trigger the interrupt, check the corresponding
flow control line status,if it’s high, stop writing to tx queue.
#define UART_CTS_CHG_INT_ST (BIT(6))
#define UART_DSR_CHG_INT_ST (BIT(5))
Set enable interrupt:
In UART_INT_ENA register,
#define UART_CTS_CHG_INT_ENA (BIT(6)) CTS //Line status enable interrupt bit,
#define UART_DSR_CHG_INT_ENA (BIT(5)) DSR //Line status enable interrupt bit,
Clear interrupt status:
After dealing with the corresponding error,clear the interrupt status bit.

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11. UART Introduction

11.5. Example of Interrupt Handler Process

11.6. Abandon Serial Output During Booting

When ESP8266 is booting, UART0 will default print out some information,if this should be
un-acceptable,we can abandon these print output via setting UART internal switching pin
functions,exchange U0TXD, U0RXD with U0RTS, U0CTS during initialization.
Calling interface: void system_uart_swap(void);
Before initialization:
U0TXD: pin26(u0txd)
U0RXD: pin25(u0rxd)
U0CTS: pin12(mtck)
U0RTS: pin13(mtdo)
After the initialization pin-swap,
U0TXD: pin13(mtdo)
U0RXD: pin12(mtck)
U0CTS: pin25(u0rxd)

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11. UART Introduction

U0RTS: pin26(u0txd)
As the transceiver feet of UART0,hardware pin13 and pin12 won’t print out duing
booting,but be attention to ensure pin13 (mtdo) can not be pulled up by external in
ESP8266 is booting.

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12. PWM Interface

12. PWM Interface

12.1. Functional Overview
12.1.1. Features
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) can be implemented on Frame Rate Control 1 (FRC1) via
software programming, achieving multi-channelled PWM with the same frequency but
different duty ratio. It can be used to control devices such as color lights, buzzer, and
electric machines, etc.

📖 Note:
FRC1 is a 23-bit hardware timer.

Features of PWM are listed below:

• Apply NMI (Non Maskable Interrupt) to interrupt, more precise.
• Can be extended to 8 channels of PWM signal.
• Resolution ratio higher than 14 bit, the minimum resolution can reach 45 ns.
• Configuration can be completed by call interface functions, without set the register.

⚠ Notice:
• PWM can not be used when APIs in hw_timer.c are in use, because they all use the same hardware

• Do not set the system to be Light Sleep mode (Do not call
wifi_set_sleep_type(LIGT_SLEEP);, because that Light Sleep will stop the CPU, it can not
be interrupted by NMI during light sleep.

• To enter Deep Sleep mode, PWM needs to be stopped first.

12.1.2. Implementation
An optimized software algorithm provided by ESP8266 system enable the transmission of
multi-channel PWM signals via GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) interface by way of
mounting NMI on FRC1 timer.
The clock of PWM is provided by high-speed system clock, the frequency speed of which
can reach as high as 80MHz. Through pre-frequency divider, the clock source can be
divided into 16 separated frequencies, the input clock frequency of which is 5MHz. PWM
can issue coarse tuning timing via FRC1, which combined with fine tuning issued by the
high-speed system clock, can improve the resolution to as much as 45 ns.

📖 Note:
The highest priority level of interrupt owned by NMI ensures the precision of PWM output waveform.

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12. PWM Interface

12.1.3. Configuration
• In timing interrupt, to exist the program as soon as possible, timing parameters of the
next period of PWM waveform can be loaded when PWM period started.
• After the duty ratios of every channel have been configured, the system will call
function pwm_start() to calculate timing cycle. Before that, parameters of all current
channels will be stored and protected by the system, calculation completion bits will
be cleared, too. When PWM period comes, parameters stored by the system will be
• When PWM period is discontinued new parameters will be applied, and flags should
be set when the calculation of timing cycle is completed, so that cycles between
different colour shade with each new frame and simulate an intermediate shade,
achieving higher quality colour. The control of RGB colour lights is an good example
of PWM control.
• The specific GPIO used can be configured in user_light.h. In our demo SDK, 5
channels of PWM is applied, however, it can be extended to 16 channels. Details on
how to extend the channels of PWM is explained in Chapter 3. The minimum
resolution can reach 45 ns at 1KHz refresh rate, while the minimum duty ratio can
reach 1/22222.

12.1.4. Parameter Specification

• Minimum resolution: 45 ns (approximately speaking, the PWM input clock frequency
is 22.72 MHz): >14 bit PWM @ 1 kHz
• PWM period: 1000 μs (1 KHz) ~ 10000 μs (100 Hz)

12.2. Details on pwm.h

12.2.1. Sample Codes
#ifndef __PWM_H__
#define __PWM_H__
#define PWM_CHANNEL_NUM_MAX 8 //8 channels PWM at most
struct pwm_single_param { //define the structure of a
single PWM parameter
uint16 gpio_set; //GPIO needs to be set
uint16 gpio_clear; //GPIO needs to be cleared
uint32 h_time; //time needs to be written
into FRC1_LOAD

struct pwm_param { //define the structure of
PWM parameter

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12. PWM Interface

Uint32 period; //PWM period

Uint32 freq; //PWM frequency
uint32 duty[PWM_CHANNEL_NUM_MAX]; //PWM duty ratio

void pwm_init(uint32 period, uint32 *duty,uint32
pwm_channel_num,uint32 (*pin_info_list)[3]);
void pwm_start(void);
void pwm_set_duty(uint32 duty, uint8 channel);

uint32 pwm_get_duty(uint8 channel);

void pwm_set_freq(uint32 period);
uint32 pwm_get_freq(void);

12.2.2. Interface Specifications

1. pwm_init

Function Name pwm_init

Definition PWM initialization.

pwm_init (uint32 freq, uint32 *duty, uint32

Sample code pwm_channel_num,uint32 (*pin_info_list)[3]);

Description PWM GPIO, initializing parameters and timer.

• uint32 freq: PWM period.

• uint32 *duty: duty ratio of each PWM channel.
• uint32 pwm_channel_num: the number of PWM channels.
• uint32 (*pin_info_list)[3]: This parameter, which is made up of a n x 3 array pointer,
defines the GPIO hardware parameter of each PWM channel. Registers of GPIO, pin
multiplexing of IO, and the serial number of each GPIO are defined in the array. Take the
Parameters initialization of a 3-channel PWM for example:
uint32 io_info[][3] =

Call the function when the system is been initialized. Currently the function can be called
only once.

Returned Value Null

2. pwm_set_period

Function Name pwm_set_period

Definition Set PWM period.

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12. PWM Interface

Sample code pwm_set_period (uint32 period)

Set PWM period, unit: μs.

For example, PWM period at 1KHz is1000 μs.

Parameters uint32 period: PWM period.

Call Call pwm_start() after the parameters has been set.

Returned Value Null

3. pwm_set_duty

Function Name pwm_set_duty

Definition Set the duty ratio of PWM signal at a certain channel

Sample code pwm_set_duty (uint32 duty, uint8 channel)

Set PWM duty ratio. Set the time period of PWM signal when the voltage is high. The value
of duty ratio change with PWM period.
PWM duty ratio can reach period*1000/45 at most. For example, the range of duty ratio is
between 0 and 22222 at 1kHz refresh rate.

• uint32 duty: set the time parameter when the voltage is high. Duty ratio is (duty*45)/
• uint8 channel: PWM channel that needs to be set at present. This parameter is defined

Call Call pwm_start() after the parameters has been set.

Returned Value Null

4. pwm_get_period

Function Name pwm_get_period

Description Get the current PWM period.

Sample code pwm_get_period (void)

Description None.

Returned Value PWM period, unit: μs.

5. pwm_get_duty

Function Name pwm_get_duty

Description Get the duty ratio of current PWM signal at a certain channel.

Sample code pwm_get_duty (uint8 channel)

Parameter uint8 channel: get the current PWM channel. This parameter is defined in PWM_CHANNEL.

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12. PWM Interface

Call Call pwm_start() after the parameters has been set.

Returned Value Duty ratio of a certain PWM channel, the value returned is (duty*45)/ (period*1000).

6. pwm_start

Function Name pwm_start

Description Update PWM parameters.

Sample code pwm_start (void)

Parameter None.

Call Call pwm_start() when PWM related parameters have been set.

Returned Value Null.

12.3. Custom Channels

Users can customize PWM channels. Below is a detailed instruction on how to set GPIO4
as the forth channel for PWM signal output.
1. Modify initialization parameters.
uint32 io_info[][3]={



pwm_init(light_param.pwm_period, light_param.pwm_duty,

2. Modify user_light.h.
#define PWM_0_OUT_IO_NUM 12


#define PWM_1_OUT_IO_NUM 15
#define PWM_2_OUT_IO_NUM 13

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12. PWM Interface


#define PWM_3_OUT_IO_NUM 4


#define PWM_4_OUT_IO_NUM 5
#define PWM_CHANNEL 5

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13. IR Remote Control User Guide

13. IR Remote Control User Guide

13.1. Introduction to Infrared Transmission
Users can request the sample codes of infrared transmission by sending an e-mail to
[email protected].
This document introduces how to implement transmitting or receiving remote control codes
using the 32-bit NEC IR transmission protocol as an example.

13.1.1. Transmitting
Users can use the following methods to transmit carrier wave:
• BCK of I2S
• 38KHz carrier frequency generated by WS pin
• Carrier wave generated by any GPIO via sigma-delta function. However, the duty ratio
of carrier wave generated by sigma-delta is around 20%, thus MTMS pin (GPIO14) is
suggested, for this pin can generate standard square wave at a carrier frequency of
38KHz and a duty ratio of 50% exactly.
In the sample codes, data transmission queue is generated via the DSR TIMER interface of
system FRC2, while a state machine driving the transmission of infrared data is also
Considering that the timing precision of transmitting NEC infrared code should reach a level
of µs, when initiating IR TX, system_timer_reinit should be invoked to improve the timing
precision of FRC2. In user_config.h, enable the definition of USE_US_TIMER, then interface
function os_timer_arm_us can be invoked to implement precise timing at the level of µs.

13.1.2. Receiving
The receiving of remote control codes is implemented via edge-triggered interrupt. When
one system is substracted from one another, the result is the duration time of the wave.
This can be processed by software state machine ir_intr_handler.

⚠ Notice:
• Receiving of infrared remote control codes is implemented via GPIO interrupt. However, the system
can only register only one IO interrupt handler program at the same time. If other IOs also need
interrupts, please handle these interrupts in the same processing program by determine the source of
interrupt and deal with them accordingly.

• In non-OS version of SDK, functions with ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR properties, including print function
os_printf defined in IROM section of the Flash, should NOT be invoked in the whole process of
interrupt handling process such as GPIO, UART, FRC, etc.

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13. IR Remote Control User Guide

13.2. Parameters Configuration

All kinds of parameters related to transmitting and receiving of infrared remote control
codes can be configured in ir_tx_rx.h.
Config Parameters for Transmitting:
// Config the mode of carrier
// 1: IIS clock signal generates carrier wave for transmission
// 0: generate carrier wave for transmission under GPIO sigma-delta

// Suggest using MTMS pin to implement infrared transmitting


// Config the register function and

multiplexing function of infrared pins


#define IR_GPIO_OUT_NUM 5

Config Parameters for Receiving:

// Config the buffer size via infrared receiving
#define RX_RCV_LEN 128

// Config the GPIO register function and

multiplexing function of infrared pins
#define IR_GPIO_IN_NUM 14

Other parameters:
#define USE_US_TIMER can be defined in user_config.h.
Modes of Transmitting Carrier Waveform:
Mode 1: IIS Clock Mode
MTMS pin, or GPIO14 is used to transmit carrier waveform under IIS clock mode. Please
refer to Figure 1 below.
#define IR_GPIO_OUT_NUM 14

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13. IR Remote Control User Guide


Mode 2: Sigma-delta Mode
#define IR_GPIO_OUT_NUM 5

13.3. Functions of Infrared Sample Codes

The below functions can be implemented using infrared sample codes provided by
Espressif Systems:
• Functions of infrared transmitting and receiving can be invoked in the initialization
process, and a 4s loop timer can be configured to transmit infrared remote control
• Check the ring buffer of infrared remote control codes simultaneously. If there is any
data in the queue, it will be printed out.
• If any carrier waveform in comply with NEC infrared remote control protocol is
received by the state machine of infrared receiver, the instruction fields will be stored
in the ring buffer of infrared receiving codes.

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14. Sniffer Introduction

14. Sniffer Introduction

14.1. Sniffer Introduction
ESP8266 can enter promiscuous mode (sniffer) and capture IEEE 802.11 packets in the air.
The following HT20 packets are support:
• 802.11b
• 802.11g
• 802.11n (from MCS0 to MCS7)
• AMPDU types of packets

The following are not supported:

• HT40


Although ESP8266 can not completely decipher these kinds of IEEE80211 packets
completely, it can still obtain the length of these special packets.
In summary, while in sniffer mode, ESP8266 can either capture completely the packets or
obtain the length of the packet:
• Packets that ESP8266 can decipher completely; ESP8266 returns with the
- MAC address of the both side of communication and encryption type and
- the length of entire packet.
• Packets that ESP8266 can only partial decipher; ESP8266 returns with
- the length of packet.

Structure RxControl and sniffer_buf are used to represent these two kinds of packets.
Structure sniffer_buf contains structure RxControl.
struct RxControl {
signed rssi:8; // signal intensity of packet
unsigned rate:4;

unsigned is_group:1;
unsigned sig_mode:2; // 0:is not 11n packet; non-0:is 11n
unsigned legacy_length:12; // if not 11n packet, shows length of
unsigned damatch0:1;
unsigned damatch1:1;

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14. Sniffer Introduction

unsigned bssidmatch0:1;
unsigned bssidmatch1:1;
unsigned MCS:7; // if is 11n packet, shows the
// and code used (range from 0 to 76)
unsigned CWB:1; // if is 11n packet, shows if is HT40 packet or
unsigned HT_length:16;// if is 11n packet, shows length of
unsigned Smoothing:1;
unsigned Not_Sounding:1;
unsigned Aggregation:1;

unsigned STBC:2;
unsigned FEC_CODING:1; // if is 11n packet, shows if is LDPC
packet or not.
unsigned SGI:1;
unsigned rxend_state:8;

unsigned ampdu_cnt:8;
unsigned channel:4; //which channel this packet in.

struct LenSeq{
u16 len; // length of packet
u16 seq; // serial number of packet, the high 12bits are serial
// low 14 bits are Fragment number (usually be 0)

u8 addr3[6]; // the third address in packet


struct sniffer_buf{
struct RxControl rx_ctrl;

u8 buf[36]; // head of ieee80211 packet

u16 cnt; // number count of packet
struct LenSeq lenseq[1]; //length of packet

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14. Sniffer Introduction


struct sniffer_buf2{

struct RxControl rx_ctrl;

u8 buf[112]; //may be 240, please refer to the real source code
u16 cnt;
u16 len; //length of packet

Callback wifi_promiscuous_rx has two parameters (buf and len). len means the
length of buf, it can be: len = sizeof(struct sniffer_buf2), len = X * 10, len = sizeof(struct
Case of LEN == sizeof (struct sniffer_buf2)
• buf contains structure sniffer_buf2: it is the management packet, it has 112
Bytes data.
• sniffer_buf2.cnt is 1.
• sniffer_buf2.len is the length of packet.

Case of LEN == X * 10
• buf contains structure sniffer_buf: this structure is reliable, data packets
represented by it has been verified by CRC.
• sniffer_buf.cnt means the count of packets in buf. The value of len depends
on sniffer_buf.cnt.
- sniffer_buf.cnt==0, invalid buf; otherwise, len = 50 + cnt * 10
• sniffer_buf.buf contains the first 36 Bytes of IEEE80211 packet. Starting from
sniffer_buf.lenseq[0], each structure lenseq represent a length information of
packet. lenseq[0] represents the length of first packet. If there are two packets
where (sniffer_buf.cnt == 2), lenseq[1] represents the length of second
• If sniffer_buf.cnt > 1, it is a AMPDU packet, head of each MPDU packets are
similar, so we only provide the length of each packet (from head of MAC packet to
• This structure contains: length of packet, MAC address of both sides of
communication, length of the head of packet.
Case of LEN == sizeof(struct RxControl)
• buf contains structure RxControl; but this structure is not reliable, we can not get
neither MAC address of both sides of communication nor length of the head of
• For AMPDU packet, we can not get the count of packets or the length of packet.

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14. Sniffer Introduction

• This structure contains: length of packet, rssi and FEC_CODING.

• RSSI and FEC_CODING are used to guess if the packets are sent from same device.

📖 Note:
For the case of LEN == sizeof(struct RxControl), the methods to calculate the length of packet are as below:

• If sig_mode == 0, the length of packet is the legacy_length.

• Otherwise, the length of packet is in struct sniffer_buf and sniffer_buf2, and it is more reliable.

We should not take too long to process the packets. Otherwise, other packets may be lost.
The diagram below shows the format of a IEEE80211 packet:

• The first 24 Bytes of MAC Header of data packet are needed:
- Address 4 field depends on FromDS and ToDS which is in Frame Control;
- QoS Control field depends on Subtype which is in Frame Control;
- HT Control field depends on Order Field which is in Frame Control;
- More details are found in IEEE Std 80211-2012.
• For WEP packets, MAC Header is followed by 4 Bytes IV and before FCS there are 4
bytes ICV.
• For TKIP packet, MAC Header is followed by 4 Bytes IV and 4 bytes EIV, and before
FCS there are 8 bytes MIC and 4 bytes ICV.
• For CCMP packet, MAC Header is followed by 8 Bytes CCMP header, and before
FCS there are 8 bytes MIC.

14.2. Sniffer Application Scenarios

Because some APs won’t transmit UDP broadcast packets to WLAN, so only the UDP
packets from mobile phone can be listened. These UDP packets are from mobile phone to
AP, and are encrypted.
Scenario 1: IOT_device can get all packets from mobile phone
This scenario requires:

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14. Sniffer Introduction

• The connection between mobile phone and AP is working in 802.11b, or 802.11g,

or 802.11n HT20 mode.
• The distance between mobile phone and AP is longer than the distance between
mobile phone and IOT_device.
IOT-device firmware can set filter of MAC address or MAC-header (include MAC-cryption-
header), it can also set a filter for retransmission.
Meanwhile, for 802.11n AMPDU packets, IOT_device can also get the length of packet and
MAC-header (include MAC-cryption-header)
Scenario 2: IOT_device can not get all packets from mobile phone, signal is strong,
but packet format is not supported.
Case 1:
The distance between mobile phone and AP is much longer than the distance between
mobile phone and IOT_device. Then the high-frequency packets from mobile phone can be
got by AP, but can not be got by IOT_device.
For example, mobile phone sent MCS7 packets which can be got correctly by AP, but
IOT_device can only parse its packet header of physical layer (HT-SIG), because packet
header of physical layer is encoded on low-speed (6 Mbps).
Case 2:
Format of packets that mobile phone sent to AP is not supported by IOT_device, such as:
• HT40;


• 11n MCS8 and later version, such as MIMO 2x2.

IOT_device can not get the whole packet, but can parse its packet header of physical layer
In both case 1 and case 2, IOT_device can get HT-SIG which include the length of packet
in physical layer. Please pay attention on following items when using it:
• When it isn’t AMPDU packet or only one sub-frame in AMPDU packet, the length of
UDP packet can be speculated. If the time interval of UDP packets which sent from
phone APP is long ( 20ms ~ 50ms ) , each UDP packet will in different packets in
physical layer, may be a AMPDU packet which only has one sub-frame.
• Firmware of IOT_device can filter packets from other devices according to RSSI.
• Packet of retransmission need to be filter according to the packets sequence, it
means that length of packets which sent consecutively need to be different. For
- Two useful packets can be separated by a specific packet. The specific packet
works like separative sign.
- Length of packet in odd number to be 0 ~ 511, length of packet in even number
to be 512 ~1023。

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14. Sniffer Introduction

14.3. Phone APP

For Scenario 2, phone APP should notice:
• Time interval of each UDP packet to be longer than 20ms
• Two data packets can be separated by a specific packet. The specific packet works
like separative sign.
• Packet with redundant data so that packet can verify each other.
• Set flag-packet at the beginning of sequence. Then phone APP can be cyclic
sending the whole sequence.
• Only need to send the lowest 2 Bytes of AP’s BSSID ( MAC address ), IOT-device can
still get it. If AP will broadcast its SSID, then phone APP need not to send AP’s SSID
either. So AP beacon need to be analyzed to check if the AP will broadcast its SSID.
• Length of UDP packet need to be multiply by 4. Because when phone APP sent a
AMPDU packet which only has one sub-frame, packet length will be filled to be a
multiple of 4.
For Scenario 1, phone APP can send packets as fast as possible.
Phone APP won’t know it is Scenario 1 or Scenario 2 for IOT_device.

14.4. IOT-device Firmware

For Scenario 2, IOT-device should notice:
• Search the channel which has strongest signal first, according to RSSI.
• Filter useless packets according to RSSI. Considering 10 ~ 15db fluctuations in the
air, some packets may be decline 10db or more. We could search the strongest
signal at first, then extend the range since find the target sequence.
• Check the Aggregation bit of HT-SIG to distinguish AMPDU packet.
• AMPDU packet can only be encrypt by CCMP(AES).
• To design the length of packet that works as separative sign, different QoS, different
encryption algorithm and AMPDU packet will be a multiple of 4, all of these should be
taken into consideration.
• Use relative value to transmit information, for example, the value that the length of
data packet minus the length of packet that works as separative sign.

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📖 Note:
For GPIO registers, SPI registers, UART registers and Timer registers, please refer to the following

Chapter Title Subject

Appendix 1 GPIO Registers Information on GPIO register names, addresses and description.

Appendix 2 SPI Registers Information on SPI register names, addresses and description.

Appendix 3 UART Registers Information on UART register names, addresses and description.

Appendix 4 Timer Registers Information on Timer register names, addresses and description.

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Appendix 1 GPIO Registers
GPIO Base Address

OFFSET RegAddr RegName Signal BitPos SW(R/W) Description
0 0x0000 0x60000300 GPIO_OUT GPIO_BT_SEL [31:16] R/W BT-Coexist Selection register
GPIO_OUT_DATA [15:0] R/W The output value when the GPIO pin is set as output.
1 0x0001 0x60000304 GPIO_OUT_W1TS [31:16]
GPIO_OUT_DATA_W1TS [15:0] WO Writing 1 into a bit in this register will set the related bit in GPIO_OUT_DATA
2 0x0002 0x60000308 GPIO_OUT_W1TC [31:16]
GPIO_OUT_DATA_W1TC [15:0] WO Writing 1 into a bit in this register will clear the related bit in GPIO_OUT_DATA
3 0x0003 0x6000030C GPIO_ENABLE [31:22]
GPIO_SDIO_SEL [21:16] R/W SDIO-dis selection register
GPIO_ENABLE_DATA [15:0] R/W The output enable register.
4 0x0004 0x60000310 GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS [31:16]
GPIO_ENABLE_DATA_W1TS [15:0] WO Writing 1 into a bit in this register will set the related bit in GPIO_ENABLE_DATA
5 0x0005 0x60000314 GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC [31:16]
GPIO_ENABLE_DATA_W1TC [15:0] WO Writing 1 into a bit in this register will clear the related bit in GPIO_ENABLE_DATA
6 0x0006 0x60000318 GPIO_IN GPIO_STRAPPING [31:16] The values of the strapping pins.
GPIO_IN_DATA [15:0] The values of the GPIO pins when the GPIO pin is set as input.
7 0x0007 0x6000031C GPIO_STATUS [31:16]
GPIO_STATUS_INTERRUPT [15:0] R/W Interrupt enable register.
8 0x0008 0x60000320 GPIO_STATUS_W1TS [31:16]
GPIO_STATUS_INTERRUPT_W1TS [15:0] WO Writing 1 into a bit in this register will set the related bit in GPIO_STATUS_INTERRUPT
9 0x0009 0x60000324 GPIO_STATUS_W1TC [31:16]
GPIO_STATUS_INTERRUPT_W1TC [15:0] WO Writing 1 into a bit in this register will clear the related bit in GPIO_STATUS_INTERRUPT
10 0x000a 0x60000328 GPIO_PIN0 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN0_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN0_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN0_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
11 0x000b 0x6000032C GPIO_PIN1 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN1_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN1_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN1_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
12 0x000c 0x60000330 GPIO_PIN2 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN2_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN2_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN2_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
13 0x000d 0x60000334 GPIO_PIN3 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN3_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN3_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN3_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
14 0x000e 0x60000338 GPIO_PIN4 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN4_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN4_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN4_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
15 0x000f 0x6000033C GPIO_PIN5 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN5_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN5_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN5_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
16 0x0010 0x60000340 GPIO_PIN6 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN6_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN6_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN6_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
17 0x0011 0x60000344 GPIO_PIN7 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN7_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN7_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN7_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
18 0x0012 0x60000348 GPIO_PIN8 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN8_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN8_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN8_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
19 0x0013 0x6000034C GPIO_PIN9 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN9_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN9_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN9_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
20 0x0014 0x60000350 GPIO_PIN10 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN10_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN10_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN10_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
21 0x0015 0x60000354 GPIO_PIN11 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN11_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN11_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN11_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
22 0x0016 0x60000358 GPIO_PIN12 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN12_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN12_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN12_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
23 0x0017 0x6000035C GPIO_PIN13 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN13_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN13_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN13_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
24 0x0018 0x60000360 GPIO_PIN14 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN14_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN14_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN14_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
25 0x0019 0x60000364 GPIO_PIN15 [31:11]
GPIO_PIN15_WAKEUP_ENABLE [10] R/W 0: disable; 1: enable GPIO wakeup CPU, only when GPIO_PIN0_INT_TYPE is 0x4 or 0x5
0: disable; 1: positive edge; 2: negative edge; 3: both types of edge; 4: low-level; 5: high-
GPIO_PIN15_DRIVER [2] R/W 1: open drain; 0: normal
GPIO_PIN15_SOURCE [0] R/W 1: sigma-delta; 0: GPIO_DATA
26 0x001a 0x60000368 GPIO_SIGMA_DELTA [31:17]
SIGMA_DELTA_ENABLE [16] R/W 1: enable sigma-delta; 0: disable
SIGMA_DELTA_PRESCALAR [15:8] R/W Clock pre-divider for sigma-delta.
SIGMA_DELTA_TARGET [7:0] R/W target level of the sigma-delta. It is a signed byte.
27 0x001b 0x6000036C GPIO_RTC_CALIB_SYNC RTC_CALIB_START [31] R/W Positvie edge of this bit will trigger the RTC-clock-calibration process.
RTC_PERIOD_NUM [9:0] R/W The cycle number of RTC-clock during RTC-clock-calibration
28 0x001c 0x60000370 GPIO_RTC_CALIB_VALUE RTC_CALIB_RDY [31] 0: during RTC-clock-calibration; 1: RTC-clock-calibration is done
RTC_CALIB_RDY_REAL [30] 0: during RTC-clock-calibration; 1: RTC-clock-calibration is done
The cycle number of clk_xtal (crystal clock) for the RTC_PERIOD_NUM cycles of RTC-
Appendix 2 SPI Registers
Address RegName Signal BitPos Default SW(R/W) Description
0x0 SPI_CMD spi_usr [18] 1'b0 R/W In the master mode, it is the start bit of a single operation. Self-clear by hardware
0x4 SPI_ADDR iodata_start_addr [31:0] 32'h0 R/W In the master mode, it is the value of address in "address" phase.
0x8 SPI_CTRL [31:27] 5'h0 RO
spi_wr_bit_order [26] 1'b0 R/W In "command", "address", "write-data" (MOSI) phases, 1: LSB first; 0: MSB first
spi_rd_bit_order [25] 1'b0 R/W In "read-data" (MISO) phase, 1: LSB first; 0: MSB first
spi_qio_mode [24] 1'b0 R/W In the read operations, "address" phase and "read-data" phase apply 4 signals
spi_dio_mode [23] 1'b0 R/W In the read operations, "address" phase and "read-data" phase apply 2 signals
spi_qout_mode [20] 1'b0 R/W In the read operations, "read-data" phase apply 4 signals
spi_dout_mode [14] 1'b0 R/W In the read operations, "read-data" phase apply 2 signals
spi_fastrd_mode [13] 1'b1 R/W this bit enable the bits: spi_qio_mode, spi_dio_mode, spi_qout_mode and spi_dout_mode
0x10 SPI_RD_STATUS slv_rd_status [31:0] 32'h00 R/W In the slave mode, this register are the status register for the master to read out.
0x14 SPI_CTRL2 spi_cs_delay_num [31:28] 4'h0 R/W spi_cs signal is delayed by 80MHz clock cycles
spi_cs_delay_mode [27:26] 2'h0 R/W spi_cs signal is delayed by spi_clk. 0: zero; 1: half cycle; 2: one cycle
spi_mosi_delay_num [25:23] 3'h0 R/W MOSI signals are delayed by 80MHz clock cycles
spi_mosi_delay_mode [22:21] 2'h0 R/W MOSI signals are delayed by spi_clk. 0: zero; 1: half cycle; 2: one cycle
spi_miso_delay_num [20:18] 3'h0 R/W MISO signals are delayed by 80MHz clock cycles
spi_miso_delay_mode [17:16] 2'h0 R/W MISO signals are delayed by spi_clk. 0: zero; 1: half cycle; 2: one cycle
0x18 SPI_CLOCK spi_clk_equ_sysclk [31] 1'b1 R/W In the master mode, 1: spi_clk is eqaul to 80MHz, 0: spi_clk is divided from 80 MHz clock.
spi_clkdiv_pre [30:18] 13'b0 R/W In the master mode, it is pre-divider of spi_clk.
In the master mode, it is the divider of spi_clk. So spi_clk frequency is 80MHz/(spi_clkdiv_pre+1)/
spi_clkcnt_N [17:12] 6'h3 R/W
spi_clkcnt_H [11:6] 6'h1 R/W In the master mode, it must be floor((spi_clkcnt_N+1)/2-1). In the slave mode, it must be 0.
spi_clkcnt_L [5:0] 6'h3 R/W In the master mode, it must be eqaul to spi_clkcnt_N. In the slave mode, it must be 0.
0x1C SPI_USER spi_usr_command [31] 1'b1 R/W This bit enable the "command" phase of an operation.
spi_usr_addr [30] 1'b0 R/W This bit enable the "address" phase of an operation.
spi_usr_dummy [29] 1'b0 R/W This bit enable the "dummy" phase of an operation.
spi_usr_miso [28] 1'b0 R/W This bit enable the "read-data" phase of an operation.
spi_usr_mosi [27] 1'b0 R/W This bit enable the "write-data" phase of an operation.
reg_usr_mosi_highpart [25] 1'b0 R/W 1: "write-data" phase only access to high-part of the buffer spi_w8~spi_w15
reg_usr_miso_highpart [24] 1'b0 R/W 1: "read-data" phase only access to high-part of the buffer spi_w8~spi_w15
spi_sio [16] 1'b0 R/W 1: mosi and miso signals share the same pin
spi_fwrite_qio [15] 1'b0 R/W In the write operations, "address" phase and "read-data" phase apply 4 signals
spi_fwrite_dio [14] 1'b0 R/W In the write operations, "address" phase and "read-data" phase apply 2 signals
spi_fwrite_quad [13] 1'b0 R/W In the write operations, "read-data" phase apply 4 signals
spi_fwrite_dual [12] 1'b0 R/W In the write operations, "read-data" phase apply 2 signals
spi_wr_byte_order [11] 1'b0 R/W In "command", "address", "write-data" (MOSI) phases, 1: little-endian; 0: big_endian
spi_rd_byte_order [10] 1'b0 R/W In "read-data" (MISO) phase, 1: little-endian; 0: big_endian
spi_ck_i_edge [6] 1'b1 R/W In the slave mode, 1: rising-edge; 0: falling-edge
0x20 SPI_USER1 reg_usr_addr_bitlen [31:26] 6'd23 R/W The length in bits of "address" phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1)
reg_usr_mosi_bitlen [25:17] 9'h0 R/W The length in bits of "write-data" phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1)
reg_usr_miso_bitlen [16:8] 9'h0 R/W The length in bits of "read-data" phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1)
reg_usr_dummy_cyclelen [7:0] 8'h0 R/W The length in spi_clk cycles of "dummy" phase. The register value shall be (cycle_num-1)
0x24 SPI_USER2 reg_usr_command_bitlen [31:28] 4'd7 R/W The length in bits of "command" phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1)
reg_usr_command_value [15:0] 16'b0 R/W The value of "command" phase
0x28 SPI_WR_STATUS slv_wr_status [31:0] 32'b0 R/W In the slave mode, this register are the status register for the master to write into.
0x2C SPI_PIN spi_cs2_dis [2] 1'b1 R/W 1: disable CS2; 0: spi_cs signal is from/to CS2 pin
spi_cs1_dis [1] 1'b1 R/W 1: disable CS1; 0: spi_cs signal is from/to CS1 pin
spi_cs0_dis [0] 1'b0 R/W 1: disable CS0; 0: spi_cs signal is from/to CS0 pin
0x30 SPI_SLAVE spi_sync_reset [31] 1'b0 R/W It is the synchronous reset signal of the module. This bit is self-cleared by hardware.
spi_slave_mode [30] 1'b0 R/W 1: slave mode, 0: master mode.
1: slave mode commands are defined in SPI_SLAVE3. 0: slave mode commands are fixed as 1: "write-
slv_cmd_define [27] 1'b0 R/W
status"; 4: "read-status"; 2: "write-buffer" and 3: "read-buffer".
spi_trans_cnt [26:23] 4'b0 RO The operations counter in both the master mode and the slave mode.
spi_int_en [9:5] R/W Interrupt enable bits for the below 5 sources
spi_trans_done [4] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt raw bit for the completement of any operation in both the master mode and the slave mode.
slv_wr_sta_done [3] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt raw bit for the completement of "write-status" operation in the slave mode.
slv_rd_sta_done [2] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt raw bit for the completement of "read-status" operation in the slave mode.
slv_wr_buf_done [1] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt raw bit for the completement of "write-buffer" operation in the slave mode.
slv_rd_buf_done [0] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt raw bit for the completement of "read-buffer" operation in the slave mode.
In the slave mode, it is the length in bits for "write-status" and "read-status" operations. The register value
0x34 SPI_SLAVE1 slv_status_bitlen [31:27] 5'b0 R/W
shall be (bit_num-1)
In the slave mode, it is the length in bits for "write-buffer" and "read-buffer" operations. The register value shall
slv_buf_bitlen [24:16] 9'b0 R/W
be (bit_num-1)
In the slave mode, it is the address length in bits for "read-buffer" operation. The register value shall be
slv_rd_addr_bitlen [15:10] 6'b0 R/W
In the slave mode, it is the address length in bits for "write-buffer" operation. The register value shall be
slv_wr_addr_bitlen [9:4] 6'b0 R/W
slv_wrsta_dummy_en [3] 1'b0 R/W In the slave mode, it is the enable bit of "dummy" phase for "write-status" operations.
slv_rdsta_dummy_en [2] 1'b0 R/W In the slave mode, it is the enable bit of "dummy" phase for "read-status" operations.
slv_wrbuf_dummy_en [1] 1'b0 R/W In the slave mode, it is the enable bit of "dummy" phase for "write-buffer" operations.
slv_rdbuf_dummy_en [0] 1'b0 R/W In the slave mode, it is the enable bit of "dummy" phase for "read-buffer" operations.
slv_wrbuf_dummy_cyclele In the slave mode, it is the length in spi_clk cycles "dummy" phase for "write-buffer" operations. The register
0x38 SPI_SLAVE2 [31:24] 8'b0 R/W
n value shall be (cycle_num-1)
In the slave mode, it is the length in spi_clk cycles of "dummy" phase for "read-buffer" operations. The register
slv_rdbuf_dummy_cyclelen [23:16] 8'b0 R/W
value shall be (cycle_num-1)
slv_wrsta_dummy_cyclele In the slave mode, it is the length in spi_clk cycles of "dummy" phase for "write-status" operations. The
[15:8] 8'b0 R/W
n register value shall be (cycle_num-1)
In the slave mode, it is the length in spi_clk cycles of "dummy" phase for "read-status" operations. The
slv_rdsta_dummy_cyclelen [7:0] 8'b0 R/W
register value shall be (cycle_num-1)
0x3C SPI_SLAVE3 slv_wrsta_cmd_value [31:24] 8'b0 R/W In slave mode, it is the value of "write-status" command
slv_rdsta_cmd_value [23:16] 8'b0 R/W In slave mode, it is the value of "read-status" command
slv_wrbuf_cmd_value [15:8] 8'b0 R/W In slave mode, it is the value of "write-buffer" command
slv_rdbuf_cmd_value [7:0] 8'b0 R/W In slave mode, it is the value of "read-buffer" command
the data buffer inside SPI module. There are 64byte, i.e., 16 words. Note that only 32bit accessing are
0x40~0x7C SPI_W0~SPI_W15 spi_w0~spi_w15 [31:0] 32'h0 R/W
0xFC SPI_EXT3 reg_int_hold_ena [1:0] 2'b0 R/W This register is for two SPI masters to share the same cs, clock and data signals.
Appendix 3 UART Registers
Address RegName Signal BitPos Default SW(R/W) Description
0x0 UART_FIFO [31:8] 24'h0 RO UART FIFO,length 128
rxfifo_rd_byte [7:0] 8'b0 RO R/W share the same address
The interrupt raw bit for Rx time-out interrupt(depands on the
rxfifo_tout_int_raw [8] 1'b0 RO
brk_det_int_raw [7] 1'b0 RO The interrupt raw bit for Rx byte start error
cts_chg_int_raw [6] 1'b0 RO The interrupt raw bit for CTS changing level
dsr_chg_int_raw [5] 1'b0 RO The interrupt raw bit for DSR changing level
rxfifo_ovf_int_raw [4] 1'b0 RO The interrupt raw bit for rx fifo overflow
frm_err_int_raw [3] 1'b0 RO The interrupt raw bit for other rx error
parity_err_int_raw [2] 1'b0 RO The interrupt raw bit for parity check error
The interrupt raw bit for tx fifo empty interrupt(depands on
txfifo_empty_int_raw [1] 1'b0 RO
The interrupt raw bit for rx fifo full interrupt(depands on
rxfifo_full_int_raw [0] 1'b0 RO
rxfifo_tout_int_st [8] 1'b0 RO The interrupt state bit for Rx time-out event
brk_det_int_st [7] 1'b0 RO The interrupt state bit for rx byte start error
cts_chg_int_st [6] 1'b0 RO The interrupt state bit for CTS changing level
dsr_chg_int_st [5] 1'b0 RO The interrupt state bit for DSR changing level
rxfifo_ovf_int_st [4] 1'b0 RO The interrupt state bit for RX fifo overflow
frm_err_int_st [3] 1'b0 RO The interrupt state for other rx error
parity_err_int_st [2] 1'b0 RO The interrupt state bit for rx parity error
txfifo_empty_int_st [1] 1'b0 RO The interrupt state bit for TX fifo empty
rxfifo_full_int_st [0] 1'b0 RO The interrupt state bit for RX fifo full event
rxfifo_tout_int_ena [8] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt enable bit for rx time-out interrupt
brk_det_int_ena [7] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt enable bit for rx byte start error
cts_chg_int_ena [6] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt enable bit for CTS changing level
dsr_chg_int_ena [5] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt enable bit for DSR changing level
rxfifo_ovf_int_ena [4] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt enable bit for rx fifo overflow
frm_err_int_ena [3] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt enable bit for other rx error
parity_err_int_ena [2] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt enable bit for parity error
txfifo_empty_int_ena [1] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt enable bit for tx fifo empty event
rxfifo_full_int_ena [0] 1'b0 R/W The interrupt enable bit for rx fifo full event
rxfifo_tout_int_clr [8] 1'b0 WO Set this bit to clear the rx time-out interrupt
brk_det_int_clr [7] 1'b0 WO Set this bit to clear the rx byte start interrupt
cts_chg_int_clr [6] 1'b0 WO Set this bit to clear the CTS changing interrupt
dsr_chg_int_clr [5] 1'b0 WO Set this bit to clear the DSR changing interrupt
rxfifo_ovf_int_clr [4] 1'b0 WO Set this bit to clear the rx fifo over-flow interrupt
frm_err_int_clr [3] 1'b0 WO Set this bit to clear other rx error interrupt
parity_err_int_clr [2] 1'b0 WO Set this bit to clear the parity error interrupt
txfifo_empty_int_clr [1] 1'b0 WO Set this bit to clear the tx fifo empty interrupt
rxfifo_full_int_clr [0] 1'b0 WO Set this bit to clear the rx fifo full interrupt
uart_clkdiv [19:0] 20'h2B6 R/W BAUDRATE = UART_CLK_FREQ / UART_CLKDIV
glitch_filt [15:8] 8'h10 R/W
[7:1] 7'h0 RO
autobaud_en [0] 1'b0 R/W Set this bit to enable baudrate detect


txd [31] 8'h0 RO The level of the uart txd pin
rtsn [30] 1'b0 RO The level of uart rts pin
dtrn [29] 1'b0 RO The level of uart dtr pin
[28:14] 5'b0 RO
txfifo_cnt [23:16] 8'b0 RO Number of data in UART TX fifo
rxd [15] 1'b0 RO The level of uart rxd pin
ctsn [14] 1'b0 RO The level of uart cts pin
dsrn [13] 1'b0 RO The level of uart dsr pin
[12:8] 5'b0 RO
rxfifo_cnt [7:0] 8'b0 RO Number of data in uart rx fifo
uart_dtr_inv [24] 1'h0 R/W Set this bit to inverse uart dtr level
uart_rts_inv [23] 1'h0 R/W Set this bit to inverse uart rts level
uart_txd_inv [22] 1'h0 R/W Set this bit to inverse uart txd level
uart_dsr_inv [21] 1'h0 R/W Set this bit to inverse uart dsr level
uart_cts_inv [20] 1'h0 R/W Set this bit to inverse uart cts level
uart_rxd_inv [19] 1'h0 R/W Set this bit to inverse uart rxd level
txfifo_rst [18] 1'h0 R/W Set this bit to reset uart tx fifo
rxfifo_rst [17] 1'h0 R/W Set this bit to reset uart rx fifo
tx_flow_en [15] 1'b0 R/W Set this bit to enable uart tx hardware flow control
uart_loopback [14] 1'b0 R/W Set this bit to enable uart loopback test mode
sw_dtr [7] 1'b0 R/W sw dtr
sw_rts [6] 1'b0 R/W sw rts
stop_bit_num [5:4] 2'd1 R/W Set stop bit: 1:1bit 2:1.5bits 3:2bits
bit_num [3:2] 2'd3 R/W Set bit num: 0:5bits 1:6bits 2:7bits 3:8bits
parity_en [1] 1'b0 R/W Set this bit to enable uart parity check
parity [0] 1'b0 R/W Set parity check: 0:even 1:odd
0x24 UART_CONF1 rx_tout_en [31] 1'b0 R/W Set this bit to enable rx time-out function
rx_tout_thrhd [30:24] 7'b0 R/W Config bits for rx time-out threshold,uint: byte,0-127
rx_flow_en [23] 1'b0 R/W Set this bit to enable rx hardware flow control
rx_flow_thrhd [22:16] 7'h0 R/W The config bits for rx flow control threshold,0-127
[15] 1'b0 RO
txfifo_empty_thrhd [14:8] 7'h60 R/W The config bits for tx fifo empty threshold,0-127
[7] 1'b0 RO
rxfifo_full_thrhd [6:0] 7'h60 R/W The config bits for rx fifo full threshold,0-127

lowpulse_min_cnt [19:0] 20'hFFFF RO used in baudrate detect


highpulse_min_cnt [19:0] 20'hFFFF RO used in baudrate detect

rxd_edge_cnt [9:0] 10'h0 RO used in baudrate detect

0x78 UART_DATE uart_date [31:0] 32'h0620 R/W UART HW INFO

0x7C UART_ID uart_id [31:0] 32'h0500 R/W
Appendix 4 Timer Registers
Address RegName Signal BitPos Default SW(R/W) Description
0x0 FRC1_LOAD_ADDRESS frc1_load_value [22:0] 23'b0 R/W the load value into the counter
the current value of the counter. It is a decreasing
0x4 FRC1_COUNT_ADDRESS frc1_count [22:0] 23'h7fffff RO
0x8 FRC1_CTRL_ADDRESS [31:9] 23'b0 RO
the status of the interrupt, when the count is
frc1_int [8] 1'b0 RO
dereased to zero
frc1_ctrl [7:0] 8'b0 R/W bit[7]: timer enable
bit[6]: automatically reload, when the counter is
equal to zero
bit[3:2]: prescale-divider, 0: divided by 1, 1: divided
by 16, 2 or 3: divided by 256
bit[0]: interrupt type, 0:edge, 1:level
0xC FRC1_INT_ADDRESS [31:1] 30'b0 RO
write to clear the status of the interrupt, if the
frc1_int_clr_mask [0] 1'b0 R/W
interrupt type is "level"

0x20 FRC2_LOAD_ADDRESS frc2_load_value [31:0] 32'b0 R/W the load value into the counter
the current value of the counter. It is a increasing
0x24 FRC2_COUNT_ADDRESS frc2_count [31:0] 32'b1 RO
0x28 FRC2_CTRL_ADDRESS [31:9] 23'b0 RO
the status of the interrupt, when the count is equal to
frc2_int [8] 1'b0 RO
the alarm value
frc2_ctrl [7:0] 8'b0 R/W bit[7]: timer enable
bit[6]: automatically reload, when the counter is
equal to zero
bit[3:2]: prescale-divider, 0: divided by 1, 1: divided
by 16, 2 or 3: divided by 256
bit[0]: interrupt type, 0:edge, 1:level
0x2C FRC2_INT_ADDRESS [31:1] 30'b0 RO
write to clear the status of the interrupt, if the
frc2_int_clr_mask [0] 1'b0 R/W
interrupt type is "level"
0x30 FRC2_ALARM_ADDRESS frc2_alarm [31:0] 32'b0 R/W the alarm value for the counter
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