Inboard, Outboard & PWC: Testing & Manufacturing

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NGK is the world’s largest OE supplier and manufacturer of spark plugs.

Known for durability and performance, NGK manufactures OE spark plugs for inboard engines,
over 90% of outboard engines and almost 100% of personal water crafts. Specifically designed
to reduce quenching; NGK spark plugs provide better ignitability and quicker starts.
For reliable performance on the water, trust the brand that OEMs ask for by name.

High-grade alumina silicate ceramic Cold-rolled threads 98% pure copper core
Creates a stronger insulator to reduce Prevents cross-threading and Increased heat dissipation for
dielectric punch-through (caused by spark damage to cylinder heads reliable starts, prevents spark plug
exiting through side of ceramic) overheating (see Illustration A)

Marine-specific resistor Trivalent plating

Prevents RFI interference Resists corrosion (especially
with electronics in saltwater environments);
no anti-seize required


All NGK spark plugs must pass extensive testing procedures and quality
checks to ensure fit and performance.

• JIH H 8502 salt spray resistance test for trivalent plating

• Mechanical vibration testing
• Thermal shock testing to -40°F to prevent water splash damage
• Tightest resistor manufacturing process in the industry
• Manufactured in our ISO 11565 certified manufacturing facility
• Gap measured with laser precision throughout production process
Tech Support: (877) 473-6767 ext. 2

99-0808171_Marine 08/09/2017 Draft 1

Champion Champion NGK NGK Champion Champion NGK NGK
Part # Stock # Part # Stock # Part # Stock # Part # Stock #
L6VC 885M BUZ8H 7447 QL78YC 938M BPZ8H-N-10 4495

L76V 827M BUHW 2622 QL78YC 938M BPZ8HS-10 3133

L77JC4 821M B7HS-10 2129 QL82C 931M BR6HS 3922

L78C 807M B7HS 5110 QL82YC 932M BPR7HS 6422

L78V 833M BUHW-2 5626 QL86C 933M BR6HS 3922

L78YC 936M BP7HS 5111 QL87YC 934M BPR6HS 7022

L82C 811M B8HS 5510 RP10HC 959M DR6HS 4823

QC10PEP 958 PZFR6H 7696 UL77V 831M BUHXW-1 5526

QC10PEPB 7919 IZFR6N-E 4757 XC12PEPB 955M PZFR6F-11 3271

QC12PEP 956M IZFR6N-E 4757

QC12PEPA 952M PZFR6H 7696
Part # Part # Stock #
QC12PEPB 7953 IZFR6N-E 4757
41-932 PZTR5A-15 7862
QL16V 876M BUHXW-1 5526
41-983 PTR4B-15 5146
QL76V 898M BUZHW 2147
41-985 IZTR5B11 1465
QL77CC 941M BR8HS 4322
QL77JC4 828M BZ7HS-10 3579
MR43LTS TR5 2238
QL78C 883M BR9HS-10 4551
MR43T BR6FS 4323
QL78V 838M BUZHW-2 2173
MR44T YR5 7052

Note: This cross chart is for reference only. Please check specific vehicle application
and owner’s manual. Due to differences in design and material, plugs in cross reference
section are not exactly alike.


Illustration A

The combination of NGK’s high-grade pure

alumina ceramic and 98% pure copper core
enables the spark plug to quickly dissipate large
amounts of heat. This ultra-wide heat range
Illustration B
prevents spark plug overheating while providing ground
reliable starts. The quenching effect is where
the cooler center and ground
electrodes drain the energy of
heat dissipation in
a spark plug
the flame core by way of heat
transfer. If quenching is severe, the
flame core can be extinguished,
causing ignition to fail. Spark wider flame
plugs are designed to reduce core / reduced
98% quenching
the quenching effect resulting in
core better ignition performance.

Tech Support: (877) 473-6767 ext. 2

99-0808171_Marine 08/15/2017 Draft 2

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