009.1c Risk Scoring Matrix 250713

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Appendix C


(extract NHS Mid Essex Risk Management Strategy)

Likelihood of Risk Consequence/severity

Insignificant Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic

(1) (5)

Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5

Unlikely (2) 2 4 6 8 10

Possible (3) 3 6 9 12 15

Likely (4) 4 8 12 16 20

Almost Certain (5) 5 10 15 20 25

When the following Likelihood and Consequence are multiplied together, the scores give a risk rating of between 1 and 25 on matrix.


Likelihood Rating Description

Rare 1 May occur only in exceptional circumstances
Unlikely 2 Event Unlikely to occur
Possible 3 Reasonable chance of occurring
Likely 4 Will occur in most circumstances
Almost Certain 5 Most likely to occur, than not
CONSEQUENCE SCORING - Injury / Death chart
Consequence Rating Description
Insignificant 1 Minor impact injury which did not affect the person /
Reduced Organisational performance for <1 week
Minor 2 Minor Injury, first aid required / Reduced Organisational
performance, between 1 week and 1 month
Moderate 3 Semi-permanent injury/damage lasting up to 1 year. An
over 3-day staff injury reportable under RIDDOR. Litigation
cost of £50,000 to £500,000. / Reduced performance up to
one month
Major 4 Significant or permanent injury (loss of/use of limb) Major
injury, reportable under RIDDOR, fractured neck of femur /
High environmental implication / Litigation cost of £500,000
to £1million. / Temporary service closure. / low key national
media coverage
Catastrophic 5 Unexpected death of a patient or member of staff.
Significant national adverse publicity/severe loss of
confidence in the organisation. Extended service closure.
Litigation cost greater than £100k / adverse high profile
national media coverage

Risk Level Rating Actions Required Responsibility

Managed through normal local Local Actions –Managed by Line Manager / Team
LOW control measures. leader
1 -3
(Green) Entered onto Service Risk

Review control measures Head of Service (or equivalent) for senor

through formal risk Management Action – responsible for controlling and
4 -6 assessment. reducing risk as soon as reasonably practicable.
Entered on Corporate Risk Risk Assessment supplied to Assistant Director and
Register Risk Management

As per Moderate plus - Assistant Director level Action - responsible for

Treatment plans to be controlling risk and reducing risk as soon a
HIGH developed, implemented and practicable.
8 -12 monitored
(Amber) Risk Assessment required and supplied to the
Entered onto Corporate Risk Executive Director and Risk Management Team

As per High plus - Immediate Executive Director level action - required to

Actions Required to reduce instigate immediate actions to reduce risk.
15 - 25
(Red) Entered onto Corporate Risk Action Plan required and supplied to the Director of
Register Quality & Governance and Head of Risk

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