Ancient History Timeline
Ancient History Timeline
Ancient History Timeline
12,000 Mesolithic
Timeline 2
Nineteenth century
Twentieth century
200-100 BCE Indo-Greek rule in the northwest; Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas in south India;
Satavahanas in the Deccan.
100 BCE-200 CE Shaka (peoples from Central Asia) rulers in the northwest; Roman trade;
gold coinage.
100-200 CE Earliest inscriptional evidence of land grants by Satavahana and Shaka rulers
335-375 CE Samudragupta.
500-600 CE Rise of the Chalukyas in Karnataka and of the Pallavas in Tamil Nadu.
606-647 CE Harshavardhana king of Kanauj; Chinese pilgrim Xuan Zang comes in search
of Buddhist texts.
----------------------------Timeline 4----------------------------------------------------------
Nineteenth century
1810s Colin Mackenzie collects over 8,000 inscriptions in Sanskrit and Dravidian languages
1965-66 D.C. Sircar publishes Indian Epigraphy and Indian Epigraphical Glossary
Timeline 5
c. 500-100 BCE Early Buddhist texts including the Tripitaka (in Pali)
c. 200 BCE-200 CE Manusmriti (in Sanskrit); composition and compilation of Tamil Sangam
c. 400-500 CE Sanskrit plays including the works of Kalidasa; works on astronomy and
mathematics by Aryabhata and Varahamihira (in Sanskrit); compilation of
Jaina works (in Prakrit)
Timeline 6
Twentieth century
1973 J.A.B. van Buitenen begins English translation of the Critical Edition; remains
incomplete after his death in 1978
Timeline 7
Major Religious Developments
Timeline 8
Landmarks in the Discovery and Preservation of Early Monuments and
Nineteenth century
1854 Alexander Cunningham publishes Bhilsa Topes, one of the earliest works on
1878 Rajendra Lala Mitra publishes Buddha Gaya: The Heritage of Sakya Muni
1888 Passing of the Treasure Trove Act, giving the government the right to
acquire all objects of archaeological interest
Twentieth century
1914 John Marshall and Alfred Foucher publish The Monuments of Sanchi
1955 Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru lays the foundation stone of the National
Museum, New Delhi
1610 1670
1620 1680
1630 1700