Combat Advantage #08 - The Celestial Champion

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Hello, everyone. I am an avid

gamer like many of you and
Celestial Champion
have been playing roleplaying Paragon Path
games since I was twelve. I “I am the god’s chosen champion to protect the faithful and fight evil where
started with the old Dungeons
& Dragons™ blue box and ever it may be found!”
then migrated to first edition
when I could. When I saw the Prerequisite: Paladin class, lawful good alignment, must worship
paladin class I was amazed. A
class that hearkened back to a lawful good deity
the days of legend and chivalry
where lone heroes like St. A paladin who has shown unusual piety above and beyond his peers,
George, the Paladin Roland
who served Charlemagne, demonstrating self sacrifice and devotion for his belief in protecting
Galahad, and Sir Lancelot took innocents from harm without compromise, is chosen by his god to be
on quests of great importance his glimmering sword: a celestial champion.
and battled dragons to save
and protect people from A celestial champion is chosen to be a front line soldier and
monsters, all while serving a combatant against sickness and disease, serving as a spiritual guide
a higher power. The paladin when a cleric is absent. A celestial champion, much like other paladins,
quickly became my favorite
class. can serve as a priest in times of need but is better trained to tend to
Through each edition of their spiritual needs going so far as to perform the rites of the church.
the game, though the rules In ancient times, paladins were scarce but those who did exist
may have changed slightly
or significantly, a paladin’s were celestial champions. With the modern proliferation of holy
focus and abilities have been warriors, a celestial champion must prove himself worthy above all
a constant up until now. The others to become an elite member of a holy brigade. The training,
paladin’s unique feel had been
lost and his importance been rites of investment, and the vigil all remain the same as they had since
lessened somewhat with this the beginning but now only begin after the paladin has been chosen.
new incarnation, I felt. The
class was incomplete and
required a lift in the right
Celestial Champion Path Features
direction. What you have in Celestial Ward (11th level): Your defenses are bolstered by the
your hands now is the result of
that lift. Please read, play, and
grace of your god, granting a divine bonus of +1 to Fortitude and Will
enjoy the celestial champion. defenses. Once per encounter by spending an action point, you may
Let us all know at Emerald confer any of these bonuses to any ally within 5 squares until the end
Press how we did and I hope to
see more celestial champions
of the encounter. If the ally should die or become incapacitated, these
among adventurers. bonuses immediately return to you for the remainder of the encounter.
At 21st level, the bonuses increase to +2 Fortitude and Will.
Shawn O’Leary

Divine Caster (11th level): You are invested with an understanding

of any Religion-based rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.
You must still be trained in Religion to properly comprehend rituals
and cast them properly but the ability to do so is granted by this
power. You must still acquire rituals through the standard means
with the exception of the Celestial Companion ritual (see below).
Celestial Health (16th level): You receive a +2 bonus to saves
against ongoing poison or necrotic damage. You are also granted
immunity to diseases.

Celestial Champion Prayers

In the Nick of Time Celestial Champion Attack 11
An ally is in dire need of help or he’ll die. Rushing to his aid with an
extreme effort bolstered by a prayer, you interrupt the killing blow and
save your friend.
Daily • Divine, Radiant, Weapon
Immediate Interrupt Melee weapon
Trigger: Any ally within 2 squares is reduced to 0 hp by a
single attack.
Effect: Shift up to 2 squares and push the ally 1 square. The
ally receives no damage from the initial attack.
Target: The creature who attacked your ally.
Attack: Charisma vs AC
Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier radiant damage

Detect Evil Celestial Champion Utility 12

You trace your god‘s symbol in the air and, wielding your holy symbol,
utter a prayer that reveals the presence of the wicked.
Encounter • Divine, Implement, Zone
Standard Action Close burst 10
Target: All creatures within the burst.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that reveals the presence of
any creatures of evil and chaotic evil alignments (seen in a
purple aura and blood red aura respectfully). These auras do
not radiate any light and are only visible when you have a
clear view of the target. The zone moves with you for as long
as it is sustained.
Sustain: Special. When a minor action is spent to sustain
the power, you discern if creatures within the zone are
extraplanar (reflected as a deep, intensely colored aura).
If you spend a move action to sustain, you can detect the
exact location and number of detected creatures present
even if hiding or obscured by any illusion such as invisibility.
By spending a standard action to sustain, you know the
name, type and keyword of the creatures detected as if you
successfully made the appropriate knowledge check.
Turn Back the Dead Celestial Champion Attack 20
You sear undead foes, push them back, and root them in place.

Daily • Divine, Implement, Radiant

Standard Action Close burst 4
Target: Each undead creature in burst.
Attack: Charisma vs Will
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and you push
the targets a number of squares equal to 2 + your Charisma
modifier. The target is immobilized until the end of your
next turn.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is not pushed or

New Feats
The lost traditions of the celestial champion have made some of their
lessons difficult to track down. Some lessons have not reached every
mentor or require quests sent down by the gods to attain. In either
case, these are special uses of the Channel Divinity class feature long
sought out by many champions before them.
Cure Disease Divinity
Prerequisite: Channel Divinity class feature, must worship a lawful
good deity
Benefit: You can invoke the power of your deity to use the cure
disease feat power.

Channel Divinity: Cure Disease Feat Power

Your god protects your friend from disease.
Daily • Divine
Standard Action Melee touch
Target: One creature
Effect: Spend two healing surges but you do not gain any hit points.
The creature touched is cured of any one diseased condition. This
utility power functions identically to the Cure Disease ritual in the
Player’s Handbook.
Ward Against Evil Divinity
Prerequisite: Channel Divinity class feature, must worship a lawful
good deity
Benefit: You can invoke the power of your god to use Channel
Divinity: Ward Against Evil feat power.

Channel Divinity: Ward Against Evil Feat Power

Your god protects you and your allies against evil.
Daily • Divine, Zone
Standard Action Close burst 2
Target: All creatures in the burst.
Effect: This creates a zone centered on you and moves with you until
the end your next turn. Evil creatures, regardless of planar origin,
suffer -2 to attacks for as long as they remain in the zone and are
immediately freed from its effects after using a move action to leave
the zone.
Attack: Charisma vs Fortitude
Secondary Effect: Any creatures with an evil alignment and the
immortal or shadow origins in zone are pushed to an adjacent square
outside the zone until the end of your next turn.

New Ritual: Celestial Companion

All the legends depict the ancient celestial champion atop a noble
steed, bathed in the glow of the heavens. This is no coincidence and
this ritual is the cause of such imagery.

Celestial Companion
Level: 12 Component Cost: 1,000 gp
Category: Exploration Market Price: 3,000 gp
Time: 15 min Key Skill: Religion
Duration: 24 Hours

The ritual summons forth a celestial charger trained for war from a
plane or realm of lawful good alignment to serve as mount, ally,
and friend. The horse remains on the mortal plane for 24 hours
at which point he fades away in a golden mist.
When first summoned, a divine connection ensues between
the celestial champion and his new ally. The horse is able to mentally
communicate it’s name and recite an ancient oath of service upon
meeting the ritual caster. Afterward, the two must communicate
by other methods but the celestial companion understands Common
to a higher degree than most horses. It can respond to simple
commands associated with riding, direction, and destinations.
Special: There are special benefits available only to celestial
champions. The celestial companion grows in power as the celestial
champion does. For every two levels the champion attains, his
companion gains one level to a maximum of +5 at 22nd level.
Since the companion is in effect a soldier it will rise in levels as such.
The celestial champion and his summoned companion share
actions in combat rather than making two separate turns.

At the GM’s discretion, a celestial charge may be replaced by a

celestial version of a normal or other fantastic beast such as a camel,
riding lizard, gryphon, etc with the following template:
Celestial Scion Elite Soldier
Large immortal beast (mount) XP Elite
Senses low-light vision
Defenses +2 AC; Fortitude +4; Will +2
Resist radiant 5
Saving Throws +2 vs fear and poison
Hit Points +8/level + Constitution score
M Radiant Strike (standard; at-will) • Radiant
Level +2 vs AC; 2d8 + 6 radiant damage
Zephir Footing (free; encounter)
Ignore difficult terrain; traverse any liquid or solid surface.
Heal the Faithful (minor; encounter)
Grant a healing surge that may be used immediately 1/day per 7 levels.

Shawn has grown up fighting dragons and delving in dungeons since he was
twelve growing up as a navy dependent and then later in the navy himself. These
days he lives in the Florida Panhandle working as a medical assistant in a local
correction facility. During his free time when not out with friends, he reads
science fiction and fantasy, writing his own stories of heroism and figuring out
new ways to make the world’s most famous roleplaying game even better.

CA is now available in a subscription on all OneBookShelf

sites and it costs as much as every other edition - nothing!
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Check out your prefered site for details.

A Letter of Apology from the Head Honcho
Last month, there were numerous flaws discovered in products released by
Emerald Press PDF Publishing. They were mechanical and technical errors due
Work is boring. D&D™ is fun. to poor editing and I would like to immediately apologize to all of you for these
Work should be more like errors. They are grossly amateur and completely my fault and responsibility.
D&D™. I have been too quick to rush products out the door to meet self-imposed
Not Suitable For Work is deadlines or out of sheer excitement of having an idea ready to move – I can see
a new addition to CA. Every
month will have a theme to now (unfortunately after reading publicly posted reviews and a well-detailed blog)
which any number of design the consequences of those decisions. But I need to do more than just say I’m sorry.
exercises will be made. Each I have to prove my commitment to providing the best material possible bearing
week, we will post a new the EP mark.
thread for 4e material utilizing
that theme and everyone is
Over the next couple of weeks, I will revise all Combat Advantages to
open to submit their concepts date as well as the Quick Kill and Dark Classes: Assassin products. These
on EN World. The trick to this will correct grammatical and mechanical errors based on feedback in these
game is that you must rely on aforementioned reviews and blogs. Perhaps by cleaning them up and making
your memory of the game and
them accurate in their use of grammar and 4e rules, they will become more useful
cannot use any supplements
or core rulebooks - simply use and helpful to your characters. Once the revisions for Quick Kill and Assassin
your innate knowledge of the have been made, I will offer a full refund to any customer having purchased it prior
game to create new material to these revisions – if you were one of the first customers to purchase either of
on the fly.
NSFW is not a contest these products before the revisions and still find the products inferior, I will
and is designed solely as a provide a complete refund for the entire cover price.
recreational design exercise As for Combat Advantage, I can only ask that you judge for yourself.
for those of you stuck at work,
school, or anywhere else on
Plans have already begun for a bigger vision with #8 (which is on your screen) and
your lunch breaks with nothing I have already started development for an increased presence in the 4e community.
to do. Waiting for that report to My hope and dream is to have CA become a recognized source for free and
come back from management? professional 4e material available to as many players and GMs as possible. I have
Check out the theme and post started to receive submissions from freelancers, contests have been set in place
your ideas for this week’s
exercise. There’s no voting, no
to begin with the next CA, and we have even placed an open call for free ads
deadlines, or bad ideas. It’s all supporting additional 4e products. For all this, I can only hope that what happens
about having a little bit of fun now can make up for what has failed before.
while the boss isn’t looking. To those of you who cannot find this enough, I understand and apologize
Enough talk! Let’s get down once more for the poor effort put forth. To those who may continue to give
to this month’s theme and
get cracking. While spring is
Emerald Press PDF Publishing and myself another shot, I shall do my best not to
in the air and the sun shines let you down.
higher in the sky, creatures of
the deep caverns crawl further
underground and cower from Sincerely,
the light. DARKVISION is the
theme for May and we’re going
to look at new ways to make Todd Crapper
use of it in your campaign. Emerald Press Head Honcho
Check out the official EP [email protected]
site for links to threads on
EN World for this month’s
exercises and remember to just
have fun with it.
Combat Advantage is a series of free supplemental material for the
Dungeon & Dragons 4E Roleplaying Game™ courtesy of


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VAULT are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries and are
used with permission. Certain materials, including 4E References in this publication,
D&D core rules mechanics, and all D&D characters and their distinctive likenesses, are
property of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with permission under the Dungeons &
Dragons 4th Edition Game System License. All 4E References are listed in the 4E System
Reference Document, available at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4th Edition PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, written by Rob

Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt; DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, written by
James Wyatt; and MONSTER MANUAL, written by Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert and
James Wyatt; PLAYER’S HANDBOOK 2, written by Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls,
and James Wyatt; MONSTER MANUAL 2, written by Rob Heinsoo, and Chris Sims;
Adventurer’s Vault, written by Logan Bonner, Eytan Bernstein, and Chris Sims. © 2008,
2009 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.

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